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Re: Moon's Slaves (SPN XO, UC, Adult) Ch. 11 3/29

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:14 am
by Pempees
pandas2001: Thanks for reading :)
Twilighteyes: Thanks for reading and here's the next chapter!
AvalonRose: I'm glad I was able to surprise you! Thanks for reading. :)

Here is the next chapter!

Chapter 11

An oddly happy and distracted feeling inside his head. A little tickling feeling in his sole and toes. Relaxation on every single one of his muscles. Bright colors of the motel room, like he could see everything for the first time. Messy hair and a goofy smile. Hands around someone, determined not to ever let go. Her head felt good and right on his chest and her body against his felt like it was made to be there.

Oh yeah, it was clear that he had got some amazing sex, but all the funny feelings weren't because of that.

Every single one of his still working brain cells, which were aware of the ironic situation on hand, screamed that the girl must be eliminated. That she was a vampire in human's arms and it was wrong. It was unnatural and simply intolerable. But those voices were losing; the voices of madness were winning as they started to scream objections.

Dean Winchester was definitely losing his sanity, and he knew it. Worst part was that he liked it.

The exhaustion of the day was coming to him, and he shut his eyes slowly. He felt so good that he could sleep. Nice long nap with Liz by his side; that sounded good. He was half sleeping already with a goofy smile on his face, when he gently stroked Liz's hair, enjoying the softness of it. His tired mind started to wander around and Dean just let it.

The sex had been amazing; Dean wasn't sure when the last time he had such mind blowing sex was. One thing he didn't let himself think, even in his sleepy state; was it so good because of Liz or because she was a vampire?

Liz's hands answered to his movements with drawing small circles to Dean's chest. Neither of them said a word. The peaceful silence around them was all they needed; the moment was perfect. It was just.. Everything was there; trust, understanding, friendship...

It wasn't like anything Dean had experienced before. With Cassie there had been the amazing trust between them as well as some kind of love that made him feel so good in with her. But Liz couldn't even be compared to Cassie – with Liz everything was just a little bit better, a little bit more. She felt so right to him.

Suddenly Dean opened his eyes to study the woman next to him. He didn't have the best position to do that, but he saw enough. Pain stabbed him to a chest, when he looked everything he could saw of her; this was most likely the only time he’d ever get to feel Liz besides him. The only time they ever had anything together. That thought made Dean pull Liz as close to him as he could. He didn't want to miss anything.

“Don't choke me, honey,” Liz said in a sweet voice, but didn't move further away from Dean. She felt good right there, but she had broken the silence with her words. Still the magic of the moment didn't go anywhere; it came directly from Liz and Dean.

“Don't complain, princess. It can't even hurt you,” Dean said and laughed a bit. They fell into the silence again, and silently in his mind, he admitted that he wouldn't let this be the only moment. He would do everything in his power to make Liz stay with him.

After a moment Dean spoke again.

“You never gave me my jacket back.”

“I didn't? I thought I did but then again, I didn't actually worry about that since... since you left,” Liz said smiling, avoiding mentions of her torture. It made Dean smile slightly. Liz didn't want to hurt him anymore and he couldn't have hoped for more. Not in his situations, anyway.

“Or maybe you just are little thief who planned the whole thing from the beginning,” Dean wondered and laughed when Liz smacked his chest.

“You don't want to tease me – I just might eat you,” Liz said looking into Dean's eyes and Dean grinned to her.

“I know you want to, babe. Everyone does,” Dean answered. He felt so natural to joke about Liz's not so natural status and apparently Liz felt so too. It was a good sign for their relationship, right?

“You are too smug for your own good,” Liz notified. Dean kissed her hair with a big, fat smile on his face. When the sun's first beams hit his face this morning he could never have believed that something like this was going to happen.

“If that gives you comfort then just think like that, princess,” Dean murmured against Liz's hair and Liz laughed. It was sweetest sound in the whole wide world, if you asked Dean.

“I was thinking... Did you really think that I wrote that note?” Liz asked out of the blue. Dean had to think about moment, because he wasn't sure what she meant.

“The note. On the wall,” Liz refreshed Dean's memory.

“Oh yeah. That note. Well, actually I did... So you really didn't do it?”

“No I didn't! Why in the Earth I would wrote you a note 'Cross my path, and I will kill you'?” Liz questioned. She had raised her head from Dean's chest and was facing him now. Her face was serious and she stared right into Dean's eyes. Dean looked back and sighed.

“You were actually the only one who could have done it. I mean the werewolves probably didn't even know we were here and why would they leave a note instead of killing us? We were in front of the room whole night,” Dean wondered moving his eyes away from Liz and to the ceiling. He rested his head on the pillow while his thoughts moved around the mysterious note. He hadn't actually thought about it since breakfast, but now it really started to bug him.

“I can see that you blamed me, especially since you didn't recognize me... And you are right that it would have been just a stupid move from the werewolves. Are you sure it happened during the time you were outside? Is it possible it happened while you were at Dana's house?” Liz asked and made Dean think. Liz was right. Nothing had told them that it had happened during their watch outside. They didn't come inside after they got back from the coroner's house.

“I guess it could have been while we were gone. Still--,” Dean left his sentence unfinished, when someone kicked the door open. Dean didn't stop to think; he just grabbed Liz and rolled with her out of the bed.

They laid low between the beds and Dean started to fumble for his gun. Soon he realized that he was naked so, the gun was probably on the other side of the bed as a result of the stripping.

“You slimy son of a bitch, I know you are here,” a rough male voice said as footsteps came closer to the bed. Dean didn't recognize the voice, but it was clear that whoever it was knew about him and probably wanted to kill him. One look to Liz made Dean's urge to protect her grow. He maybe didn't know about her yet, so Dean could protect her.

So he stood up.

Dean faced a little bit shorter man than himself, but the height didn't make him any less scary. He had a black messy hair hanging on his face and he had pair of eyes filled with anger staring at Dean. His clothes were dirty and there were visible holes in them. And he was holding a shotgun – he was aiming directly to Dean.

That face looked remotely familiar to Dean, but the dark stubble made identification hard. Still Dean was sure about one thing; he wasn't afraid to use that big gun of his.

“Be careful with that gun there. You might hurt someone,” Dean said. He didn't feel weird standing in front of that scary man balls hanging on loose. Only thing he cared about was the girl lying next to his feet – naked as well, only sheet covering her body – and he was scared that she would get bullet under her skin. It didn't come to him that bullet would do nothing to her. Dean didn't even glance down at her, because he didn't want to give her up.

“You think I'm here to chat?” the man asked staring at Dean viciously. He barely even blinked.

“You might as well be. I have no idea who you are or what are you doing here,” Dean answered keeping his eyes on the gun. The man looked like he was on a edge and might flip any moment now.

“I'm not surprised that you don't remember me. You will before I will end your miserable life,” his eyes wandered along Dean's face examining his features.

“Ookay.. Why don't you start by telling me your name and where did we meet,” Dean recommended trying to keep him talking rather than shooting.

“2000, Roswell, New Mexico,” the man told and Dean's jaw dropped.

“Max Evans – the king of scumbags,” Dean shut his mouth and all the memories of Max came to him at once making him really angry. Even though it was seven years ago he still had made Liz's life a living hell and Dean would never forgive something like that.

“Look who's talking.”

“I didn't bang some whore making her pregnant and then left Liz alone searching for her friend's killer,” Dean said and felt a little pinch on his instep. He didn't have to look down to know that Liz tried to shut him up. It wasn't going to work – she could pinch all she wanted, but Dean wasn't going to stop mocking that bastard in front of him.

“I did what I did, but after that everything could still be repaired,” Dean opened his mouth to argue, but Max continued before he could, “But after what you did, there was no more Liz to repair anything with.”

“Could you enlighten me a little bit? Since I can't recall what I did,” Dean kept his voice light. There was hesitation in Max's answer.

“I.. She.. After you had left Roswell, no one ever saw Liz again. Coincidence? I do not believe in it,” Max replied.

Dean stared at Max. He didn't know what had happened to Liz, but he had assumed that Dean had something to do with it, so now he was there to kill Dean. Dean couldn't make up his mind, was Max's action heroic or stupid.

Dean felt a little movement next to his legs and suddenly Liz was standing next to him. She had wrapped the sheet around her, so her naked body was covered. She pushed her hair out of her face and met Max's amazed gaze.

“What the Hell you are doing, Max?” Liz asked in a firm voice. Max opened his mouth like a fish in the ground, looking both Dean and Liz trying to understand what has happened there. Liz and Dean were both still, letting Max take in the scene.

“You are sleeping with him?” Max finally whispered. Liz sighed and wiped her face with her right hand.

“That is all you care about? If I'm sleeping with Dean? We meet for the first time in seven years and you want to know about my sex life?” Dean glanced at Liz and she looked like she was ready to explode to Max's face. Maybe the reunion was something Liz never wanted to experience.

“So you are...,” Max turned his eyes from Liz to Dean. Dean didn't have a lot of time to react, when he understood that Max was raising his gun. In a second Dean grabbed Liz and pulled her with him to the ground. Shots flew right over their heads.

“Son of a bitch,” Dean mumbled. He let his hand lay on Liz's shoulder a little longer, telling her that way that she shouldn't get up. Then he jumped up, attacking Max who was standing on the other side of the bed. He knocked him down and kicked the shotgun away from Max's hand.

Dean managed to surprise Max so he woke up to fight back when Dean was sitting on him and punching him to the face. Max tried to push him off, but Dean barely moved. He kept hitting, blinded by his own anger. Without Dean's quick reflexes Max's shot could have hit Liz. Without any warning Dean suddenly flew away from Max to the wall.

Thoughts ran in Dean's mind, but he couldn't figure out what had just happened. He tried to stand up, but Max was on him before he could get to his own two feet. He got three hits on Dean's face before Liz joined the fight.

“Max, leave him alone now!” Liz yelled and grabbed the back of Max's jacket. She pulled with all her powers causing Max to fall on the floor. She placed herself between the two fighting men eyes on Max, who was up before he actually even touched the ground. Liz was still wearing only the white sheet around her body, but it didn't make her any less intimidating.

Max balanced himself quickly, but didn't make any attack attempts. Liz made him back down just blocking his way to Dean.

For seconds they just stared into each other’s eyes; Liz angry and Max little lost. Dean behind Liz finally got up, sweeping a blood from the corner of his mouth to the back of his hand. He intended to take few steps closer to Max; he was no loser and the fight was nowhere near over. But Dean's plan was prevented by simple hand-raising by Liz. She was still staring at Max, and Dean glanced at her. She looked seriously pissed. Dean couldn't help his grin when he looked at Max. He was going to taste some girl power.

So Dean took few steps back just to enjoy the show. He leaned against the wall still ready to protect Liz if things got too tough.

“What happened to you, Max?” Liz asked in a gentle voice, which took Dean totally by surprise. He had waited for screaming, name calling, maybe even hitting, but not gentleness or worry.

“He is what happened to me,” Max pointed Dean, who rolled his eyes to response.

“Leave him out of this, and take a look at yourself. You look like a psycho killer and the Max I knew could never be something like that,” Liz said. Dean listened to her voice thinking about how many times that woman could still surprise him. Her actions were something she would have done seven years back, and not for Max even then.

“The Liz I knew would never have slept with jerk like that,” Max spoke between his teeth. Dean pulled himself off from the wall.

“Hey, don't go calling names on me before you know me,” Dean said. Before Max could reply Liz looked at Dean.

“Dean, honey, you are naked. Nobody can take you seriously while you’re naked.”

“Hey, that's not a nice thing to say!” Dean protested.

“Just back off. I got this,” Liz recommended and turned away from Dean. Behind Liz's back, Dean pointed first to his own eyes and then he pointed Max; I'll be watching you.

“You're wrong, Max. The Liz you thought you knew, was a fantasy girl,” Liz finally answered to Max, “Now you answer me. What happened to you?”

“I told you. He is what happened to me,” Max turned to look at Dean and addressed his words to him, “and in that second when you stop hiding behind woman's back, I will show you just how much your existence has cost me.”

Dean didn't like the way Max's eyes glistened towards him and then towards Liz. Slowly Dean reached Liz and pulled her gently against his naked body. He felt Liz stiffen a little bit, but she didn't pull away. With a big owner's smile he stroked Liz's arms.

“Sorry to let you down, Max -boy, but I don't swing that way,” Dean told him still keeping Liz as close as possible. Max's face twisted a bit and he took one step towards the couple.

“Hey!” yell came from the door. Dean didn't have to look to recognize the voice – Sam was back. Max looked startled, but so would have most people since Sam was aiming a gun to his head.

“Who are you and what the Hell are you doing in here?” Sam asked taking few steps closer. His eyes quickly visited Dean and Liz, and the eye rolling made it clear what he thought about the naked couple. Dean just grinned; partly to Sam's reaction to them, partly to Max's reaction to Sam. That pleasure didn't last long, when Max got over the gun, Sam and the first startle. He scowled at Sam and then looked back to Dean.

“You. Keep your eyes open. When you least expect it, I will get to you and that smirk of yours will disappear,” Max said keeping an eye contact to Dean. He would never admit it, but Max's words made him feel uncomfortable. Dean wasn't easy to scare like normal people, but none of the people who had threatened him before were actual people from his past who had tracked him down.

“I'm not as easy as they say,” Dean said and gave Max the best smirk he had.

Max threw one last look to Liz and left the room shoving Sam on his way out. He left deep silence after him. Sam wasn't sure which question he should ask first. Maybe he should he just recommend clothes to the other two. Dean wasn't sure what he should say to Liz. This surprise meeting with Max wasn't something Liz had ever wanted to do. Also he didn't know for sure, that would Liz stay in his arms if he broke the silence by saying something. Liz just stood there leaning on Dean's chest staring out of the window.

“I see that you two really talked things through,” Sam finally said looking everywhere but at Dean and Liz. Dean didn't feel uneasy there with Sam and Liz, and he showed it with a wide grin and a kiss placed to Liz's hair.

“I’ll go out now. For a minute. Please dress while I'm gone,” Sam got a little too uncomfortable in the room, so he turned without looking at his brother or Liz and left the motel room closing the door behind him. Dean laughed out loud, but Liz wasn't as amused.

She turned to face Dean and she looked into his eyes with serious expression on her face. It made Dean serious too when he answered to Liz's gaze.

“Dean, I need you to take Max's threat seriously. I know you think you can handle him and that he isn't real danger to you, but he possesses ways to harm you that you can't even imagine,” Liz's voice was even a little scared.


“Promise me to be careful, okay? I have never seen him like that so you can expect anything from him. Just promise me,” Liz begged. Her voice, her face expression and even the way she clung to Dean's neck, gave out the worry and fear Liz felt for him because of Max. The fact that Liz was worried about what Max might do to him, made Dean a little worried too. She hadn't exactly been wary of anything that day, so when she felt fear, it got Dean too.

Dean pulled Liz to tight hug.

“I promise,” Dean whispered holding her close. She relaxed a little bit and again a weird feeling crawled into his abdomen; she cared for him and she didn't want anything bad to happen to him. Maybe she felt more towards him than she let him know.


Comments are love <3

Re: Moon's Slaves (SPN XO, UC, Adult) Ch. 12 5/5

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 10:52 am
by Pempees
cupcake_55: Thank you for reading! Really means a lot to me. And I can tell you, just between you and me that yeah, there will be more Max in the future chapters ;)
pandas2001: Everything will be answered :D Thank you for reading!
AvalonRose: I think Max as a person who will go even in craziness to protect who he loves and he does not care what happens to him, and to that I have based Max's actions in this fanfiction. Your questions will be answered in the future chapters ;)

So here is Chapter 12! Sorry for the long wait, it should not take this long to update with a finished story, but I am easily distracted :roll: And for the next chapter - I am not sure when I can get that up. My original beta hasn't got back to me in a long time, and with my english, this can not be published without proof reading :D So I am looking for someone to do that for the rest of the story, and just after that I will be able to get you the next chapter - so in another words, if you know anyone who might be up for the job or if you are, please contact :lol:

But okay, finally here is the next chapter.

Chapter 12

Eventually both of them got clothes on and Sam came in. Dean and Liz sat on the bed, close to each other but not touching. Liz looked like she was in some other world when she stared in front of her seeing nothing. She didn't even react when the boys started to talk.

Dean tried to concentrate on Sam and what he had to say, but his attention was constantly drawn to Liz. Between her eyes was a little wrinkle, which made clear that she was worried. In Dean's line of work, he had learned to read people – he noticed little changes in them quickly and he had learned to spot people with something on their chest; liars, cheaters and troubled people. At the moment Liz clearly belonged in the last group.

“Are either of you listening to me?” Sam suddenly said in a louder voice. Dean tore his eyes away from Liz and looked at Sam. He was right; Dean really hadn't listened to him.

“Not really,” Dean admitted looking Sam sheepishly. Sam let out long, annoyed sigh.

“Focus people! People need to be saved, werewolves need to be killed – ring any bells?” Dean didn't blame his brother for getting frustrated with them – with him. At the moment he probably was the worst hunting partner ever. Damn Liz, who made his concentration fly out of the window!

“Sorry, Sam. It's my fault. Max got to me more than he should have. I will try to be better from now on, okay?” Liz sighed and turned her face to Sam. She smiled a little bit and Sam couldn't help but smile back. When Liz wanted she could be the sweetest person on the planet Earth – like she was all the time back in Roswell.

At least she didn't hate the idea since she didn't pull away.

“Don't worry, princess. He won't get to you,” Dean tried to sound comforting, but got an annoyed looked from Liz.

“It's not me who I'm worried about. He isn't here to get back to me. He is after you Dean, I hope that you have realized that already,” Liz said staring at Dean seriously. Of course Dean had got that already; he wasn't stupid – no matter what some people may say.

“Well, yeah, but...”

“Don't say that you are worried about me! I know Max Evans; he tracked you down because he thought that you are responsible of my death. Now that he saw me too, and understood that instead of killing me you stole me from him. That is making him really angry. And to him, I am the perfect Liz Parker, who needs to be saved and who doesn't know what's best for her. Probably his new plan is to eliminate you and take me home. He would never hurt me. So don't you dare say that you are worried about me!” Liz talked in a frustrated manner, which made her get away from Dean and walk around the room.

“Fine! I'm not worried about you. Not at all,” Dean did what Liz asked; he didn't say that he was worried about her, but she knew he was. Liz sighed and came back to sit next to Dean. She looked at Sam.

“We can't do anything about this Max problem now. So please Sam, could you start from the beginning?” Liz asked, and Sam just nodded. Dean saw right through Sam and knew that he was starting to like his girl. But there would still be one hell of a fight because of Liz's supernatural status. Damn, it was going to be awkward.

“Yeah sure. Now just pay attention please?” Sam agreed, but kept glaring at both of them until they nodded. He wasn't going to tell this story a third time, “Yeah, so Dana was already on the board. So most likely Liz is right; they are going to turn her right after they change and make her a new member of their werewolf army.

But as I said before, I have no idea how we can stop it from happening. We blew the attack to the barn and they probably aren't going to use it anymore. Plus there is Mina Cage, who they are going to pick up today.”

“Mina Cage?” Liz asked.

“She is one of the army member's sisters. We visited her earlier today and Evelyn was there. Mina told me that they are going there tonight. We can't let them have her or anyone else.”

“You said that they probably won't use the barn anymore, but I disagree. That is a big bunch of werewolves, where they would hide? And they are always gathered to one place for the change. I think they are going to use the barn tonight – they probably think they scared us off last time. Well at least its worth checking,” Liz pondered.

“Even if they were in the barn tonight, what could we do? We need snipers to get them all down,” Dean asked. This was weird. The three of them hunting together. Dean and Sammy rarely hunted with other people and actually never with women. Once with Jo and that didn't go so well either; Jo had ended up getting herself caught and boys had to save the day.

But Liz was different. She knew what she was doing, also the fact that she didn't die really easy made it easier. She wasn't that kind of girl with her vampire status who had to be worried all the time. Though, Dean would still worry.

“We burn the barn. When they are changing – we burn the whole shit down and all the bastards with it,” Liz suggested. Dean and Sam exchanged looks, and then both turned to look Liz.

“What? It's the only way to kill them all at once. One of us goes to this Mina's house for her protection, if someone escapes from the barn or isn't there. Then the other two will put some gas around the barn, light matches and poof, no more werewolf problem,” Liz explained watching the boys reactions.

“I like that plan,” Dean approved and looked at Sam, who didn't looks so approving.

“Okay, yeah, it might work, but how are you going to do it so that they can't escape from the burning barn?”

“Gas everywhere.”

“What about Dana, how are you going to get her out before..”

“I’ll go get her when the flames start to rise – she might get few burns, but at least she's alive.” Sam and Liz stared at each other. Maybe Sam felt himself intimated when he wasn't no longer the only brainiac of the gang. Dean didn't take part of their conversation. He liked the plan; it was simple and effective.

“The two who are at the barn will still have guns and they will shoot every werewolf that gets out,” Liz reasoned to Sam, and started to win him over. Sammy would have preferred to do it in a cleaner way, but there wasn't a clean way with these meat eaters.

“Okay, but I will be the one on the barn,” Sam said. Dean lifted his head and looked at Sam.

“Wrong. You are going to be the one over at Mina's. She trusts you and she told you that they are coming tonight. You go there,” Dean said. He knew he was right; he barely even remembered what Mina looked like, so much he had been out of the situation. Sam had done all the talking and he had won that poor girl's trust.

“But I..,” Sam tried to argue, but Dean raised his hand.

“You want to keep this girl safe or not?”

“Yeah, but...”

“It's a deal then. You go to there and Liz and I will take care of the barn,” Sam wasn't pleased, but he understood where Dean was coming. Mina really trusted him.

“What do you say, if I go and try to find Evelyn? If we could take the bitch down before night there would be a chance that when the barn is burning no one will realize to run without orders?” Liz asked, and again Dean thought it was a good plan. She really was a smart girl.

So it was settled; when the day started to turn into a night, Dean would take Sam to Mina's house and then he and Liz would go to the Shade's barn to wait. But before any of that happened Liz left the motel room to search for Evelyn and the boys headed out to get supplies. You don't burn a barn with just a lighter.

As usual Dean was driving and the music was blasting. Dean felt good even though they had accomplished yet nothing here in Mooncroft. Dean had managed to get some accomplishments of his own. He and Liz had found... something. Probably they had the best thing hunter could have with a vampire. Many people would have thought that that sentence was a joke, but Dean knew better – and he knew the irony and immorality of it.

“Things went good with Liz?” Sam asked after he had just watched Dean smile for nothing. Dean never really smiled. He always grinned or smirked, but real smile was rare on his lips. Sam had connected the smile and Liz together, and he was sure that he was right.

“Straight to the happy ending,” Dean gave a look to Sam, who just shook his head.

“Yeah, that much I guessed,” Sam admitted, “So what was Liz's deal?”

Dean became quiet. He didn't look at Sam and just stared at the road. He would not tell Sam. Not yet. He wasn't sure how he would react.

“She was just pissed about something I did years ago,” Dean answered, still not looking at Sammy. Sam noticed the change in Dean. His smile has disappeared and suddenly he found the road very interesting.

“She mentioned earlier something about not saving her,” Sam pointed out wanting the truth from Dean. Instead of speaking Dean just nodded.

“So what did you do?” Sam pushed a little further. They arrived at the gas station; plan was to buy some gas and matches. Dean didn't answer to Sam, when he stopped the car near the gas tanks. He sat there just few second thinking should or should he not say it. But he had to say it sooner or later.

“She's a vampire,” Dean spilled it out and got out of the car leaving a surprised Sam behind. He walked to the trunk to get the tanks he was going to fill with the gas. He heard the shotgun's door creak and slam shut. Sam came out and was next to Dean few seconds later. He stared him demanding.

“I think I misheard you back there,” Sam said. Dean didn't look at him – he just took the tanks and slammed the trunk shut.

“Probably not,” Dean walked to the pump, Sam following right behind him. Calmly Dean placed one tank to the ground and opened the other one.

“Vampire, Dean? Are you serious?” Sam asked, and when Dean reached for the pump, Sam hit his hand, “Stop it Dean and explain this to me. Now. We are hunting with her so I'm not going there without knowing can I trust her!” Sam moved in front of Dean, preventing his attempts to get the gas.

“You can trust her, alright! Now get the Hell out of my way,“ Sam started to annoy Dean and his voice was hard. Dean could recall many times when Sam had fought for his monsters.

“No, I'm not moving until you explain me,” Sam demanded. Dean threw the empty tank to the ground getting his hands free. For a moment he thought about shoving Sam out of his way, but Sam hadn't yet done anything to deserve it.

“I already told you; you can trust her. Never doubt that,” Dean calmed himself down a few degrees. Sam deserved to know with who he was hunting, but Dean hoped he wouldn't make him repeat everything Liz had told him. That would make Dean's concentration slip and soon the moments of truth were there. Soon the barn was burning.

“How do you know?”

“Well, I cut myself and she didn't eat me,” Dean told him and leaned on Impala. He still didn't want to look at his brother. Dean knew Sam had no right to judge him: there had been Madison, and those vampires in Red Lodge.

“You did what?” Sam didn't believe his ears.

“Sam, save that crap! You have no right to judge me in this one. You remember those vampires in Red Lodge? You protected them and Liz is like them,” Dean finally looked at him and tried to keep his temper under control, but the look on Sam's face was too much. Like everything was changed because of that little detail. There was no doubt of it; Sam had liked Liz. This should not matter.

“That is completely different thing! I wasn't sleeping with them! Or offering myself as a snack,” Dean noticed Sam's voice changing too. He was getting angry – or becoming over worried.

“You were sleeping with Madison!” Dean didn't want to bring Madison up – it was sore spot to Sam, and Dean knew it. But he wasn't sparing Dean's feelings in this, so Dean wasn't sparing his. At least Liz had some kind of control over herself.

Dean words hit Sam hard. He wiped his face with his hands and then pulled his hair away from his face.

“And you know what, Dean? I did what I had to do with Madison. I killed her, because I had to,” Sam's voice trembled a little as he spoke. He stared right into Dean's eyes.

“If Liz ever lost control over herself, I would do the same. I would kill her myself and I will, if she can't keep it together anymore,” Dean said grinding her teeth. And he would. If Liz lost control, Dean would want to be the one who take the life away from her. It was just something what he had to do.

“I just don't want you to go through it. You can't stay with her,” Sam said in a slight voice. His eyes had become sad. Dean looked away from him and pushed himself away from the Impala.

“Then we just hope she can keep it together,” Dean said in a joking voice. The silence between them lasted only a while, but long enough for to Dean really realize Sam's point. Liz could never be his girl. She wasn't that kind of girl anymore with who you could grow old. She was barely a girl anymore.

“What are you going to do?” Sam asked taking a step closer to his brother. He wanted to do something to comfort him, but he knew Dean didn't like to be comforted.

“I don't know, Sammy. I really don't,” Dean whispered. He really didn't – well, he had a plan like a half an hour ago, but it all had poured to the hard asphalt. Dean had wanted to take Liz with them. Not letting her get away anymore. Change the two hunting brothers to two hunting brothers and one hunting girl. Maybe date her, make her his girlfriend.

A girlfriend? Winchester, what doesn't sound right in that? Dean thought he was so stupid. How could he think about something like that, even after he had known the truth?

“Can I ask one more thing?” Sammy's voice brought Dean back to that painful moment. Dean wanted to say no, but instead he nodded.

“How?” Sam didn't need to say more to make Dean understand what he wanted.

“Long ago, I failed. I didn't know about vampires and they caught her,” Dean explained. Sam would not get even one detail. He didn't need to know them; he didn't need to know that his big brother was a bad hunter and worse tracker. That he was a failure.

Sam raised his hand and gently touched Dean's shoulder. Automatically Dean slapped it away.

“Go get the matches inside and I’ll get the gas from here,” Dean said shaking off all the traces about the talk they just had. He acted like everything was okay, and like he hadn't just realized something that made his future seem even darker. Sam didn't get the sadness away from his face so easily, but he went along with his brother’s wish.

“Yeah, okay,” he said and started walk towards the gas station. Dean looked after him and let the mask fall off from his face. He stared at his brother's back, feeling empty. Sam was all he got and for a moment he had thought that he got someone else to take care too.

With a sigh Dean turned to the tanks and the gas pump. Then he felt someone touching the back of his head, and after that... Nothing.

Comments are love <3

Re: Moon's Slaves (SPN XO, UC, Adult) Ch. 12 5/5

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 4:49 am
by Pempees
I'm finally here with a brand new chapter!! :) Here you go!

Chapter 13

Sam walked back from the store. He had filled his pockets with matches and lighters: better beprepared so nothing could go wrong with their plan. Sam assumed that Dean had already got the gas, or at least he should have, since it had taken forever to buy a few matches. The queue had been unbelievably long.

When Sam reached the impala, he saw no one. The tanks were still lying empty on the ground, same place they had been when Sam had left. The impala was also empty: there was no trace of Dean anywhere. Sam looked around him and then quickly started to run around the yard.

“Dean! Dean, where are you!?” he yelled, but the only response he received was odd looks from strangers. Despite the looks, Sam kept calling his name and continued to walk around trying to find him. Finally he had to return to the car. One thing he knew for sure, Dean would never bail on him and the hunt. Maybe he went to see Liz? Maybe it was because of their talk earlier.

Quickly, Sam took his phone from his jeans' pocket. All three – Sam, Dean and Liz – had exchanged their phone numbers before they had split up in the motel, just in case something went wrong. Sam chose Liz's number from the list on his screen and pressed the phone against his ear.

“What?” Liz's voice was strict.

“Sorry for interrupting your stake out, but Dean is missing,” Sam said quickly before Liz could start scolding him about the interruption.

“What?” her voice turned worried in less than a second.

“I just thought that he might have come to you.”

“Why would he have come to me in the middle of the hunt? Oh, never mind. Meet me back in the motel in ten,” and then she was no longer on the other end. So Dean really was missing. Someone had gotten him.

Liz sounded worried, so Sam didn't waste any time. Quickly he filled up the tanks with gas, threw them into the trunk and drove back to the motel.

Dean slowly came back to consciousness. He started to open his eyes carefully, because he knew already that the light was going to hurt his eyes. He had been in this situation too many times before. Though there was one big difference this time though, he had no idea how he had ended up to where-ever-he-now-was. Also he hadn't seen the attacker. He hadn't even felt the attacker.

Also, he wasn't sore at all. Usually his head hurt quite a lot when he was hit hard enough to knock him out. His wrists hurt a little, and that was because someone had pulled the ropes around him too tight. Once his eyes were completely open, he faced a big surprise. He was at his own motel room. Everything was precisely like in his and Sammy's room. Expect... This one was clean and not at all messy.

That meant that who ever had caught him, took him back to the same motel he currently lived in. But he was in the room alone at the moment. He had no idea how long he had been out, but he hoped that it had not been too long. Especially since he had a job to do before the sun goes down. Dean started to yank his hands which were tied to the chair as well as his feet.

“I see I underestimated you. You came out of it on your own and pretty quickly too.” A man said when he walked presumably out of the bathroom. Dean looked at the man – Max. What the Hell is going on? Not in a million years could this crazy kid beat Dean in a fight. Yet here they were, Dean tied to a chair and Max with a homicidal look in his eye.

“I didn't expect anything else from you,” Dean said in a mocking voice, when in reality he wanted to ask where he had come from. Maybe Max had drugged him and then dragged him back here? Oh, son of a bitch. He should at least have made it a fair fight. Coward.

“Well, at least I warned you,” Max said.

“Warned me?” Dean laughed and studied Max's face a bit before he understood, “Oh, you must be kidding me! You were in our room, and left that stupid note? Really brave move – and besides I didn't cross your path. You kidnapped me you childish son of a bitch!”

“If I were you, I would play nice now,” Max said walking to sit on one of the beds. Dean followed him with his gaze. Max didn't look so good, even though Dean didn't saw any signs of their fight from before, all the cuts and bruises he had left on Max were gone now. Still though, Max looked like a big mess.

“And what were you looking for? Or did you just get you kicks throwing people's stuff around?” Dean asked hotly.

“Try to behave. This isn't helping your situation,” Max said as anger flashed in his eyes.

“Is there something that would help?” Dean knew there wasn't. Max had seen Dean naked together with almost naked Liz, and Dean knew that was enough to put a man like Max over the edge. Hell, it would be enough to make Dean out for blood, too. Max looked up and studied Dean closely. His eyes were dark and his hair was hanging in his face. His stare made Dean uneasy.

“You said you would kill her,” Max didn't reply to Dean's question, and he didn't ask him anything. He just said it. First Dean didn't understand what Max was talking about. Well, it was obviously about Liz, but...


He had heard Dean and Sam's conversation. But if he had heard that part he should have heard the other parts as well. So he should know Dean would never kill Liz unless he had to. Dean didn't know this Max guy – only what Liz had told him long time ago.

“I would if the situation needed it. But I need to make it clear that you don't know everything about this situation, so you won't understand when I say that if a time like that came she would want me to do it,” Dean knew he was playing with his life there. He had just admitted that he he would kill Liz if need be. Max stood up and walked to Dean.

“I know more about her than you ever will,” Max hissed between his teeth bending closer to Dean. His face was just few inches away from Dean's and Dean couldn’t help but smirk.

“You have a little nice fantasy world inside you head. You haven't met the girl in seven years. You thought she was dead. You don't know anything.” Dean kept a little smirk on his lips. Quickly Max backed out a little and then he hit Dean in the face.

A right fist straight to Dean's left cheek. Dean stretched his face a little and looked at Max.

“That's really all you got?” Dean asked. It hadn't hurt that much – Dean knew a lot about pain and Max wasn't really good at causing it.

“No, that is not all I got. I just thought I would start light,” Max said, and his lips turned into a disgusting grin. Dean didn't like about the feeling it gave to him.

“I forgot that you are expert of causing mental pain. Like what you did to Liz when you banged that whore, got her pregnant and then left with her.” It wasn’t a lie either, that was what Dean really thought about Max. He didn't respect him at all. He might be sneaky enough to catch Dean, but he did that with drugs so it was low. Dean hated people who hurt their loved ones, and in his book Max had hurt Liz more anyone could. Although, Dean wasn't really far behind.

Max's fist met his cheek once more. This one hurt a bit more.

“Don't speak about things you know nothing about,” Max's tone was a warning.

“Look whose talking. No offense, man, but you are master of interfering with things you know nothing about,” Dean kept constantly turning his wrists, trying to loosen the ropes, but they stayed the intact. Max maybe wasn't a good fighter, but he knew how to tie a real bitch knot.

“I know that you left your jacket in Liz's bedroom, when you got her. I know that you talked about killing her. I know that you are one evil bastard who leaves behind him a big pile of bodies,” Max watched Dean closely as he spoke. Maybe he thought that he would see the impact of his words better. He didn't need to stare so intently to notice the amusement that spread across Dean's face. From Max's words, it was clear that either he had been studying him or following him. Big pile of bodies? Sounds like a cop.

“One out of three right. That isn't good numbers, boy,” Dean said, thinking about how small things had led them to this situation. Max saw him once, and then he found his jacket, and now here they were – Max desperately wanting to kill Dean. Life is funny.

“The numbers don’t matter. I know that you have hurt her,” Max wasn't looking at Dean anymore. His eyes were misty, like he was remembering something.

“You are one crazy jerk. Did Liz ask for your help? Do you really think she wants you to kill me?” Dean wasn't sure what Max thought he was doing. Was this his revenge or did he think that he was doing something what Liz wanted?

Max placed his hands on Dean's shoulders – Dean glanced to both hands and then he looked back to Max's face. He had that mysterious thing going on in his face again, which made Dean feel a little unsure about what to say next. He didn't know what Max was capable of doing, but it didn't help him to keep his mouth shut either.

“I think I have told you already once today, that I don't swing that way,” Dean grinned up at Max, but his words made no impact on him. He just kept staring at Dean.

“Don't speak like you know her. Like you know what she wants,” Max whispered between his teeth and then he slightly squeezed Dean's left shoulder. Pain filled Dean's mind completely. He felt something burning his shoulder, and it worked it's way through his clothes, skin, flesh everything. Dean pressed his eyes shut and snarled through the pain. He pressed his teeth hard together to keep all the noises inside: he wasn't going to give Max the pleasure of hearing him scream.

“Get your hands of him!” a voice yelled from the front door. Dean fought through the pain, trying to connect the voice with name and face. But the burning was so painful and it was already so deep. Dean was sure that when it finally ended he wouldn't have a shoulder at all.
Liz. The voice belonged to Liz.

After Dean had made the connection everything happened so fast. Liz attacked Max, running at him and jumping onto his back. When she was in the middle of her jump, Max pulled his hand away from Dean's shoulder, the burning stopped and Liz and Sam flew against the walls. Then the door slammed shut, and the lock melted, assuring they wouldn’t escape.

Sam was held against the wall right next to the door and Liz was caught between the beds. Max's back was against Dean as he held his hand up and he kept looking from Liz to Sam and back again. The pain in Dean’s shoulder did leave as quickly as the burning had stopped. But once he saw his little brother and the love of his life, being squeezed against the walls with nothing visible keeping them there, Dean felt the pain inside him changing to anger.

“You son of a bitch, if you hurt them I swear to God that I will hunt you down and kill you,” Dean swore and tried to get away from the ropes as hard as he could. But the ropes didn't loosen up even the slightest bit. Max turned to glance at Dean.

“It's really hard to hunt when you are dead,” Max said silently. His voice was a bit sad, but Dean couldn't care less, he just wanted to get free and kill that son of a bitch.

“What are you?” Sam asked after a few attempts to move. Max turned to look at him, but Liz didn't let him answer.

“Max, let us go! We haven't done anything to you!” Liz caught Max's eyes and stared into them with her big eyes. Everyone was quiet for a moment as Liz tried to convince Max with just her eyes. Dean didn't see it as impossible trick; Max seemed to do anything for Liz, and it helped that Liz's eyes were incredible.

“Max... You are not someone who does this. I know you – the real you – and I know you have a good heart. So please, let us go,” Liz's voice was soft and quiet.

“Liz, I never wanted to hurt you. That's why I am here, doing this. For you,” Max explained. With every word he spoke, he walked closer to Liz. Dean didn't really like it, but there wasn't much he could do about it. The knots were impossible to get open, and it was most likely part of Liz's plan. She knew that she had an affect on Max, and she tried to use it. Dean didn't want to watch the scene going on right in front of him: Max looked like an addict who has just found his drug again. Instead of watching the puppy-Max, he turned to look at his brother, who was still fighting to get himself away from the wall. He was able to move his right hand already – probably because Liz had been successful in distracting Max, who obviously possessed some kind of superpowers.

Possess... Liz knew about them. Liz had warned him.

“If you didn't want to hurt me, then you would let me, Dean, and Sam walk away without a scratch,” Liz's voice forced Dean to turn his head back to them. Without a scratch – Dean had a hole in his shoulder, but he guessed that didn't count as a scratch, right? Liz's words made Max back down and tightening his supernatural grip from Sam and Liz.

Max looked worse with every word Liz said: he held his head and constantly brushed his hair. He had confused look on his eyes and he couldn't focus his gaze anywhere.

“No, Liz.. You don't understand. I need to do this. For you. For... He said-- He said he would kill you!” Max's words trembled a little, and his hand shook as he pointed at Dean. Dean supressed an urge to roll his eyes, of course that killing part had to be the only part he heard and he threw it in his face – and apparently to everyone else's too – at every turn. But Max's words reached Liz: she turned to look at Dean looking a bit surprised. Max noticed it and threw in more.

“Yeah, he said that if you couldn't keep it together anymore, he would kill you,” Max said, but Liz didn't even look at him. She looked at Dean, and slowly Dean nodded confirming Max's words to be true. The short moment when Dean and Liz looked into each others eyes, was like a forever to Dean. He held his breath, until Liz finally replied to him with a nod.

She had understood it. She knew why Dean had said something like that and with that nod she made it clear that she wouldn't expect any less from him. Dean felt a little lighter. Max's words might have meant something horrible to his and Liz's... relationship?

“That is exactly what I'm expecting from him. If the time comes, it has to be him – no one else,” Liz spoke looking at Max, but she quickly glanced at Dean. She was talking to him too, and those were big words from her. They had come a long way in just a couple hours, and it got Dean thinking how all this was possible. Liz should still hate him.

“What? No one will ever kill you!” Max refused immediately. He gave Dean a few hostile looks, which made him look comical, since he tried to look sweet when he looked at Liz.

“Not many can,” Liz mumbled. It made Dean grin. She was right; she was one kick ass vampire girl, no ordinary hunter would get her dead.

“I love you,” Max sighed as a final statement, and Dean couldn't help but roll his eyes.

“You think you are only one who loves her?” Dean asked. Then he felt three pair of eyes on him. Everyone wanting to know what he meant.

“You love her?” Max took a step closer to his chair.

“Buddy, take it easy. I'm just saying that you don't have any kind of privilege to her. She's not yours just because you love her. Neither does that mean that no one else could love her,” Dean had barely got the words out of his mouth when Max was already on him.

“You love her,” it was no longer question, and the look in Max's eyes made Dean fear that he would die in this chair in this stupid motel room.

“Just wait...,” Dean tried, but Max didn't wait. He pressed his right hand back to the shoulder where it was before Sam and Liz had burst in. And the burning continued. It was more painful than last time: Max put more anger and hate in it and Dean could feel it in his every bone.

The pain slithered to every cell he had in his body. He could no longer keep the screams away, and the whole world around him was blurry.

“DEAN! Get off him, you son of a bitch!” Sam yelled.

“Max! Max, stop it! This is not the way you want your secret to be revealed. Not after everything,” Liz screamed hopelessly trying to keep her voice even a little calm. Max seemed to hear nothing. Dean yelled so loud and felt so much pain to realize what was going on around him. All he could think was that he wanted it to stop.

“Now you done it, Max. There is something you don't know about me, that no one knows...,” Liz mumbled between her teeth. Then she shut her mouth and stared at Max without really seeing him. After a while sweat dripped down her temples and she pushed herself away from the wall. Sam was still locked against it, but Liz had broke herself free.

Liz took four big steps and stood behind Max. Max didn't even have time to react when Liz raised her hand to the back of Max's head and he dropped to the ground like a rag doll. Before Max even hit the ground Sam could move again and Dean stopped his screaming.

Dean's vision was bit blurry, but he saw Liz in front of him and Sam appearing next to him too. He started to work on loosening Dean's ropes, and Liz placed her hand over the hole Max had managed to rip into Dean's shoulder. First Dean thought that Liz just wanted to torture him herself, but when Liz looked deep into his eyes, he didn't feel pain. He felt... he felt love.

Then these images, scenes – flashes – started to flow in his mind. Most of them were just blurry scenes with a weak echo of emotions atatched to them. But then one came to him as clear as day: seventeen-years-old. Liz hugging some guy in a motel room’s open door way. But it wasn't just a some guy: it was Dean. The feelings belonged Liz, and he understood, he had never seen himself in such way. Liz thought he was her safe haven, her protector – someone who had come to the town when she needed a friend the most. And she had gotten a friend who didn't ask anything she didn't want to tell.

Silently it faded away and changed into another flash; Dean recognized some places and some faces, but nothing clear or specific. Dean had no idea what was happening, but he knew that these were Liz's memories and thoughts. How was he seeing and feeling them? Suddenly all the thoughts were erased from his mind when one of the flashes was again clearer than the others. Liz was in a stonewall room, running around, screaming Dean's name. Quickly the scene changed too, the room didn't. Dean saw a vampire walking towards Liz, starting to rip her clothes off...

Liz pulled her hand away from Dean, and the flashed ended. Dean's right hand was free already, but Sam didn't make it to the other one, because he had just stared at the couple when they had sank into some kind of trance. Now when they came out of it, Dean looked stunned and Liz had tears in her eyes. But still she smiled when she placed her hand to the ropes on Dean's right hand and they dropped to the ground.

“So... you said you would kill me, huh?”

Re: Moon's Slaves (SPN XO, UC, Adult) Ch. 14 21/11

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 10:15 pm
by Pempees
Chapter 14
Dean just stared at her as she bent down to free his legs too. She barely even touched the ropes and they dropped to the ground. Dean was confused and lost. The things he saw... were they real? Was that really how Liz had felt in those situations or was it just something that Dean's mind had made up cause of Liz's story? Sam was next to Dean as well staring at Liz, a million questions running through his head.

“What are you?” Sam was the first one of the brothers to talk.

“Can I get back to you on that one? I need to...” Liz motioned towards Max. She turned to him without waiting for an answer from Sam. She sat on the floor next to the unconscious man. Gently she stroked his face, with the brothers staring at her.

“Oh, Max,” Liz whispered, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. Dean and Sam stayed completely still, confused when Liz's body stiffened, her hand resting on Max's forehead. They were like that several minutes, and neither Dean nor Sam had enough courage to break the silence in the room fearing it might disturb whatever Liz was doing.

Finally she took her hand off from Max's face and opened her eyes. She looked sad as she watched Max's now peaceful features. Dean was anxious to ask what the Hell happened in here, but something in Liz’s eyes made him keep his mouth shut. She was having a hard time, it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

“He kind of lost it on his journey here. First he left Roswell just to find me: he was pretty sure that Dean had took me with him – kidnapped, or something. But when the years passed by he never went back to Roswell, and when he didn't find me, he finally started to believe I was dead. It drove him insane, and this is what he became. I tried to clear his mind a little, but I don't know if it will do him any good,” Liz explained.

“How do you know all this? What do you mean by clearing his mind?” Sam asked looking at Liz suspiciously.

“Why you are telling us this?” Dean asked right after Sam. Liz smiled a little at Dean.

“Because you deserve to know. And after everything here today...” Liz voice faded away and stood up from the floor. Still she ignored Sam's questions.

“You feeling okay, Dean?” Liz asked. Automatically Dean looked at his shoulder and saw that the hole was gone. Slowly he raised his hand and touched the place where it was just a moment before. Only thing still reminding him of it was a huge hole in his shirt, and something silver on his skin. Dean grabbed his neckline and stretched it so he could see his whole shoulder: there was two silver hand prints on top of each other. The bigger one was already a little faded, but the smaller one was still visible and Dean knew that Liz’s hand would fit perfectly into the smaller one.

“Yeah, but how?” Dean let go of his shirt and concentrated on Liz. Liz turned her face away from Dean and back to Max.

“You think you could lift him to a bed?” Dean and Sam exchanged confused looks, but both of them got up. Together they grabbed Max, maybe not so nicely, but they got him into one of the beds. Liz had walked to the window, both curtains were closed. Carefully she peeked behind them.

“Sun is already going down. So I will tell you the short version of my story,” Liz turned back to the boys who were really anxious to here it, “So... Max is an alien. You might not believe me, but we have to hurry, so just hear me out and lets debate afterwards, okay?”, Liz walked to sit to the empty bed, “So Max and three others landed here in the 1947 crash--”

“That was real?” Dean asked. He had sank to sit back to the chair where he had been tied up just a little earlier. Sam muted him with a slap to a arm.

“Yeah, it was. Max and the others, were in these pods for like 40 years and then they hatched,” Dean opened his mouth to comment but Liz spoke faster so he couldn't do it without speaking over her, “They got adopted and they grew up like everyone else. Except that they had these powers. I learned about them back in 1999 when I got shot and Max healed me. After that they were almost exposed to the FBI, and around the same time we met the fourth alien who landed in the crash. A year later we had another species of aliens on our tail. Then we learned that they were royal four: the leaders of some war-torn far-far-away planet.

But like I said, I can only tell you the short version. After I was turned into,” Liz motions to her own body, ”this, I realized that the healing had left something in me. I inherited some of their powers. Like healing – that is what I did to Dean. Don't worry though, I don’t think you are not going to develop any alien powers,” Liz added when Dean opened his mouth.

“Aliens are real?” Sam asked looking skeptical and glancing at the dark man lying in the bed near them.

“That's what I just said. How else could you explain our powers?”

“You are right. But still – it's weird that no hunter has ever heard of them,” Sam said. Liz looked at him raising her eyebrows.

“It was a secret we all agreed to keep. No one knew.” Liz sound a bit annoyed. Dean glanced at her and then to Sam. Well, he couldn't blame her – from what he had gathered Liz had spent a good part of her life in that mess, protecting their secret and probably sometimes the aliens too. And they didn't want to believe her, because they never been hunted.

“You think that those powers have something to do with the fact that you were able to kill your whole vampire family?” Dean finally opened his mouth. Sam glanced at Dean – that wasn't something he had known, but Dean just brushed off his questioning eyes with a wave of hand. He would fill him in later.

The first doubts had erased from Dean's mind during Liz's story. His first reaction to aliens was: 'bullshit'. He believed her now, but it was still a big bite to swallow. Aliens.. If he had to take a guess as to what Liz's hidden secret was aliens wouldn't have been anywhere on the list. But Dean had seen too much today, and Liz's story explained all of it.

Liz looked thoughtful. She was silent and she looked through the closed curtains with absent eyes. Dean waited for Liz to answer. He knew that she didn't want to think about her time with the vampires and no one could blame her because of that. But Dean wanted to know, he had never heard a vampire to kill it's whole family, not at least when they all were free and able to fight.

“I.. I haven't thought about it. But that is possible,” Liz finally answered moving her eyes slowly to meet Dean's. They both knew that Dean had a lot more questions to ask from her, but he wouldn't do it with his brother right there listening. It was too personal to talk when Sammy was right there.

“What can you do?” Sam asked. He looked interested – in a scientific sense. Liz tore her eyes away from Dean and to look at Sam. Dean glanced at his brother and Liz. It was weird for him to notice the same glisten in both of their eyes. Sam walked to sit on the bed where Max was lying so he could face Liz.

“Well, I'm not sure.. I don't use them much – I have pretty conflicted feelings about them. But obviously I can heal, though it's not that simple. It's not like I can put my hand on the wound and it's gone,” Sam leaned forward towards Liz as she continued, “I have to connect with the person I'm healing if the wound is not just a flesh wound. The connection I have to form gives me an ability to change the person's body. Like I did to Dean – I forced the flesh and skin to heal faster. But it's not only healing.

“What Max did to Dean works the same way. He has just so much more practice that he can do that without a real deep connection. And as what I did to Max works the same way. I just pinched the right places from his brain which causes unconsciousness,” Liz explained. Dean saw the college-boy celebrating in his brother: he loved to learn something new and Liz was like a Christmas gift. Liz wasn't any better. She looked like she was enjoying explaining things to Sam, because he was so eager and he understood.

“So you basically become a part of the one you are connected with? Can you use it any other way? Like could the one in the connections other end do it to you?” Sam asked. Dean leaned back in his chair. He couldn't deny that this wasn't interesting, because it was, but Sam and Liz had gotten so lost in the conversation that neither of them noticed Dean, or tried to bring him in to it. So Dean just listened.

“I actually don't know. I have only healed a couple of times and usually people don't try to hurt me when I do it. But I guess it's possible. The connection actually shows in everything. I mean we share all thoughts, all feelings, all memories – everything,” Liz couldn't help but glance at Dean and his reaction to what Liz had just said.

So everything Dean had seen was Liz's memories and thoughts? Well, he had figured that one out without this conversation, but this brought something else to his mind: what had Liz saw from him? Had she witnessed his weak moments, when he was falling apart? The thought of that made him really uncomfortable and he shifted a little in his chair. The tears in Liz's eyes when she had broken the connection... Dean wasn't sure what to think about them, but maybe it had something to do with what she had seen.
Sam's excited voice brought Dean back to their conversation.

“... try it? You and me, I mean,” Sam looked excited and a little cautious. Liz bit her bottom lip, glanced again to Dean and then back to Sam.

“Sam...after that there is no secrets between us. Your deepest fears, desires, all your fantasies..I will know them all. You will get a lot more information about me than you could ever possibly want to know. If we do it, and the connection is precisely formed because of it, there isn't even a chance that something might get unnoticed by me. You will probably miss something about me though, since you haven't done this before,” Liz sounded worried.

“What are you going to do?” Dean asked and didn't sound pleased.

“I form the connection between me and Sam, and then we try and see if Sam can hurt me from inside the connection,” Liz explained. Dean pushed himself out of the chair.

“No. No one forms any connections, or does any experiments,” Dean was not amused at all. He was dead serious about this. Sam wasn't going to hurt Liz from inside anywhere and Liz wasn't going to dig around in Sam's mind. Now way in Hell.

“Dean, think about it for a second...,” Sam started to defend his desire to do the experiment.

“I said no. Besides we have work to do,” with that Dean walked to the door. He placed his hand on the knob and tried to open it. Then his eyes found the melted lock. He sighed and turned back to Liz.

“Your buddy there put some of his mojo to this lock. So would you help me out here and give it some of yours too?” Dean asked. Sam looked like he was a kid who had just heard that Christmas was canceled, but Dean didn't care. Sam may not understand it, but Dean was only protecting him. All the things Liz would have seen and felt inside of Sammy's mind.. If Sammy just had thought about it for a second he would realize that he didn't Liz to know any of that. Dean didn't feel good to know that Liz had dug his memories, but he also realized that he couldn't blame Liz for it. He probably would have died from his wounds if it wasn’t for her.

“Yes, sir,” Liz laughed a bit and stood up from the bed. Before she went to Dean, she picked her hat up from the floor. The sun was still too high for it not to hurt her. She placed it on her head and walked over to Dean. She looked at him smiling, and then placed her hand to the lock and for a moment a light shone outward from underneath her fingers.

“There you go,” Liz took a step back, so Dean could open the door and leave the room. Dean pulled the door open.

“Umm.. thanks,” Dean said awkwardly and then turned to Sam, “C'mon. Let's go save a few girls.” Then he was out of the door. Liz waited for Sam and they walked out of the door together.

“What about Max?” Sam asked, when Liz shut the door behind her. She touched the surface of it sadly, and sighed.

“He will come out of it in five hours or so. I tried to erase the bad memories of his journey to here and then I tried to plant a desire to go home,” Liz explained and started to walk to the impala. Sam fit his footsteps to Liz's pace. Sam hardly even thought that he had doubted Liz's reliability. After what she just had shared with them, she had to be.

“You think it'll work?”

“I have no idea. Max...he was a complete mess, and like I said I haven't used my abilities enough to be sure I did it right.” Sam answered with a nod. He hoped that Max would get better, for Liz's sake.

Dean was already standing next to the impala, and when Liz and Sam were close enough he opened the drivers door and sank down behind the wheel. He had been watching the sun that had came down since he last saw it. Now was the perfect time to move; they had just enough time to spread the gas around the barn and then hide until all the wolves were in.

But this job wasn't really the thing that bothered him, or what he had been thinking about when he watched the sun turning red. It was Liz, and it was Sam. It tore at Dean to see how well Liz and Sam started getting along. If the things were different they could have made one hell of a pact. From the conversation inside Dean saw that Sam was comfortable with Liz. They had so much in common that it was surprising to find Liz interested in Dean instead of Sam. Maybe it was just luck that she had seen Dean first.

Two doors opened, and two doors closed. Liz went to the back seat and Sam took his usual seat as a shotgun.

“We are all set?” Dean asked looking at his brother.

“Yeah, we are ready,” he answered. Dean glanced to the rearview mirror and met Liz's eyes through it. Liz smiled at him, and Dean started the engine.

“We will drop you off at Mina's house and then we head to the barn,” Dean said when he drove away from the motel.

“Okay,” Sam just nodded and the rest of the ride was quiet. Liz was leaning between Sam and Dean pushing into the back of the front seats. She held her chin on her arms looking out over the road before them. Every now and then she glanced to Dean trying to be unobtrusive. Dean also threw a secret glance or two her way. Sam noticed all of them.

When they reached the Cage's resident, Sam didn't get out of the car immediately. He hesitated a moment and then he looked to Dean and Liz.

“You sure you won't need me at the barn?” he made sure.

“Someone needs to be here,” Liz said, and Sam nodded in agreement.

“Yeah. Just watch each others backs, and be careful,” Sam opened the door.

“You too,” Dean said and Sam slammed the door shut behind him. When the shotgun's seat was available, Liz crawled to sit in it from the back seat. She did it surprisingly gracefully in comparison to the space between the seat's back and the roof.

“Hey, watch the draping,” Dean said. Liz just smiled at Dean.

“Not a scratch,” she assured, and Dean turned his glance to the road so he wouldn't kill anyone when he started to drive again. Silence fell between them in the car. Even the radio was off.

Dean had so many things he wanted to ask Liz before they got to the barn, but he couldn't form even one sentence.

Liz looked a bit uneasy too. She threw odd glances towards Dean, before she finally had enough of the silence. Quickly she pushed a few buttons on the radio, and Dean's usual classic rock music changed into a completely different tune. were a part of my life, early december. Think I remember? Sentiment cuts like a knife. The seasons are changing – life's rearranging.

When the first notes of the song drifted threw the car, Dean couldn't help but smile. He would never forget that night. The night Dean had found the romantic in him, which he hadn’t known existed. It hadn't show up many times after the dance they shared, but he had it. Liz gave him a little shy smile, which was so cute. There was nothing to remind him of the hostile lady from this morning morning.

“So...” Dean started. Maybe it was the song, or maybe it was something else, which gave him the courage to start speaking, “What did you saw?”

“I didn't really focus them that much, but few things stood out from the others. Things I could not help to see,” Liz became serious all the sudden. Dean looked at her and smiled. He realized that Liz knew him well enough to know that he didn't like that she saw him. So Liz tried to tell that she didn't saw anything because she didn't want to Dean feel insecure and Dean tried to ease Liz's feelings.

“What those things then were?” Dean tried to keep his voice light. He needed to know what Liz had seen. What she knew now and how it effected what she thought about him. Liz didn't answer in a moment; she just listened the song. When she finally started to speak, Dean was about to repeat his question.

“Well, I saw you carrying Sam out of a fire. I saw you burning your father with Sam. And I saw you sitting next to Sam's body, and...,” Liz started to hesitate should she tell anything else. Dean's face muscels had become tensed and he kept his eyes strictly on the road. Liz looked at him and then she looked out of the window, “I saw you, and me. I saw it all – what you thought about me, what you thought about Max. But especially your pain, when you felt you failed me,” Liz's voice was barely a whisper. Few tears ran down her cheek, when she thought the most horrible moments of Dean's life.

So she had seen everything that was wrong in his life. She had seen the most horrible moments of his life. The moments in his life when he had lost everyone he cared about. The song slowly changed into another, making the atmosphere in the room little lighter. In that song was no attachment to their past. It was a little faster, but the words hit hard. Dean tried not to listen it, not to hear the words that the woman was singing.

Maybe we are the damaged ones. Endless need, like a burning sun. Burns like you, my damaged one.

“I'm so sorry, Dean,” Liz said after a moment of silence. Her voice was still weak, but she was looking straightly to Dean. Dean could not be without answering the glance and he quickly looked away from the road.

“For what?” Dean asked.

On my knees in a faceless crowd. We go blind when the stakes are high. I'm on my knees can you see me now? Whatever you do, don't leave me tonight.

“I was so deep in my own sorrow, that I didn't even stop to think about the chance that you might be hurting too,” Liz said. Dean looked at her again, and saw the pain in her eyes. No, she wasn't suppose to feel pain, because she had blamed him. She was suppose to blame him. He had failed. End of the story.

“Look...,” Dean started with a firm voice.

“Just let me speak, Dean. I need to get it out,” Liz waited a second so Dean could argue if he wanted to, but he didn't, so Liz continued, “I... I didn't even think that you had tried to find me. I just assumed that you ditched me the moment they got me. I needed you and you didn't come, and I just wanted to blame you for it. I shouldn't have. I...” Liz stopped speaking and swallowed the stubborn tears which tried to surface.

“Liz, stop it. You have every right to hate me, and blame me. Hell, you should. I am the only reason you are what you are right now,” Dean tried to keep himself in one piece, but Liz made him vulnerable. It was easy for him to talk to her, and he didn't like it.

“I did hate you. It didn't help. I'm still a monster. But it was never your fault,” Liz's voice sounded delicate, and it only made Dean feel so much worse. Even after everything – after all the changes Liz had to go through, and all the hating she had done... She forgave him within a hour.

“I didn't tell you that I'm hunter. I should have. Those things were probably there because of me,” Dean finally let out all those thoughts that had ran in his mind months after he had met Liz. All the pain he had felt.. All the things he thought was his fault. Everything that he had blamed himself for.

“You have thought like that all these years? I'm so sorry, Dean, but nothing could have saved me,” Liz sounded a bit surprised. Dean looked at her, confusion in his eyes.

“What do you mean?”

“Dean, they had planned to take me weeks before you showed up. I told you that they kept themselves as a 'new age vampire group'. They searched for the best people in the world: the most intelligent, strongest, fastest.. They wanted to have a perfect family. So that they got me, it had nothing to do with you,” Liz explained and Dean almost drove off from the road.

After all this time..the only thing Dean had done wrong was that he wasn't able to save Liz. Not that it wasn't bad enough, but even without Dean she would be what she is now.. It didn't make him feel better, but it helped him understand.

It's you or none, my damaged one.

Dean didn't answer her, he just kept driving.