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Re: A Best Friend's Love (AU, M/L, Adult) 10/12/09 Chpt 12 UP

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:26 pm
by Dreamer4life

Chapter 12:

I open another suitcase to put the remains of my life or what was my life into a small suitcase, its amazing how 21 years of a lifetime can fit into a few suitcases. Im throwing my jacket into a bag when i hear footsteps behind me i know who its is without even looking, i can smell his aftershave when he comes behind me wrapping him arms around me.

“ Getting rid of some clothes Liz” i pull out of his embrace moving towards the cupboard without even looking i know the confused expression he has on his face.

“ Liz what are you doing?”

“Leaving” i maintain no eye contact directing my eyes to objects without our room, or what was our room for the past 6 months.

“ Leaving as in going away or as in leaving me?”

“ Both” i don’t want to fight so my answers are short.

“ But why? What happened you were fine this morning before you left” his arms pull at my shoulder trying to get me to look at him, as if knowing if my eyes meet his i wont be able to walk away.

“ Tess, You and her in your office kissing and god only knows what else, is that enough reason for my to leave” i finally look up at him trying to read his reaction.

“ Liz, it wasn’t what it looked like, i was planning on tell you about it when i got home. She came into my office, i haven’t seen her since high school Liz i swear and she started talking how she wanted me back and she kissed me, i swear i never kissed her back” his tears start to form in his eyes

“ Even if thats how it happened Max you could of pushed her away and you didn’t. I went through so much pain and heartbreak to have this relationship Max and now i feel like i cant trust you anymore” i can feel the cold tears run down my cheek.

"Goodbye max"

I looked into his eyes which felt like the last time, in my heart I knew this is what I had to do. I had to tell him that I couldn’t continue to lie and hide what I felt and with knowing he would never feel the same I had to cut off all ties. Four years of heartbreak, continuous pain and the sad thing is he never knew until now.
I pick up my bag without looking back and throw them into my car i can hear heels behind me i look up praying that Max hasn’t followed me, to see Tess’s smiling face looking back at me

“ Hello Lizzy”

“ You bitch how could you do this to me, im your sister, do you have no morals at all?” i slap her face as hard and with as much force as i could. I turn to leave

“ He loves me you know, his been seeing me for a few months now” i get into the car slamming the door behind me, i cant hear anymore im not sure my heart can take this.
can feel the tears falling and the phone ringing in the back seat of my car as i drive further, i have no idea where i will be going but it has to be better then here. I feel sick, i raise my hand to my mouth when i feel the taste of vomit rising in my throat, when i hear the screech of tires and the blinding lights of a car when the world goes black.....

Re: A Best Friend's Love (AU, M/L, Adult) 11/12/09 Chpt 13 n 14

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:15 pm
by Dreamer4life

L-J-L 76

Chapter 13:

I can hear people talking in my ear, bright lights coming underneath my eye lids. I struggle to talk as i hear a woman talking.

“Shes waking up, go get the doctor” i open my eye and cover them with my hands the lights are almost blinding as im hit with a image

Blinding headlights, tires screetch and man getting out of his car.
“ oh god i hope shes alive, call the ambulance honey, im so sorry miss” as my vision fades

I turn my head to block out the light.

“ Miss im Doctor Lennard, can you talk?” A tall, lanky man in late 30's with his black glasses stares down at me

“ hmmm.. yes” my voice sounds soft almost a whisper

A woman shoves a glass of water onto my table.

“ what is your name?” is squint at him still blocking the bright light and take a drink of water

“ my name..... its....... i cant quite remember” i feel the name on the tip of my tongue, my i cant quite remember, as a tear falls down my face.

“ Im you nurse Serena “ i smile at her, her bright golden blonde hair and green eyes. she raises to grabs me another glass of water as i am hit with another image

“ Liz, Michael has asked me to prom, isn’t that exciting, i didn’t think bonehad had the ball but he did” her smile is so bright and i am flooded with a feeling of happiness and love.

“ Maria its great. Who is Isabelle going with?” i smile back

“ Ummm i have no idea. Lets go see her i cant wait to tell her. Oh i have already picked out my dress its black and it has this ......” as she continues to walk with my down the school hallway

“Maria” i whisper to myself

“Thats your name, is it,Maria” the doctor leans forward to read my expression as i nod almost timidly, i know that it is not my name, but its the only name that strikes me with a feeling of familiarity.

“ well Maria you have been in a serious accident, you have been in a coma for two weeks but your baby is fine, perfectly healthy and so are you Maria”

“ My baby...” i squeeze my eyes shut trying to remember

“Yes your three months pregnant” Serena says with a smile

5 months later:

“ Maria i have made some breakfast for you its sitting in the oven to keep warm, just message me if you need anything, i will see you at the hospital for lunch” Serena screams from the kitchen i move to get out of bed and im hit with a sudden pain in my stomach i move my hand on my 8 month pregnant stomach.

“ you have to stop moving around so much baby” i laugh to myself as i sit on the chair in the kitchen staring at the closed front door.

I have lived with Serena since the accident, i meet her every day at the hospital from lunch, its kind of a ritual. I haven’t had any memory flashes since the day i woke up. Maria, Isabelle and Michael are the one names i know, i have tried to remember the name of the father of my baby but it never comes to me. I wonder if we were a couple, a one night stand, in love, friends or just strangers.

I keep myself busy flicking through stations as it lands on the documentary channel. Roswell crash of 1947. The voice over becomes a distant blur

“Good bye and congratulation class of 2005 of Roswell High” a man in his late 50’s says into the microphone standing proudly at the podium, as the whole class stands and applauds, throwing their hats into the air.

I grab my keys and wallet and drive to the hospital. I lived in Roswell was the only thing on my mind as i walk through the cafeteria where Serena is sitting waiting with two, over loaded lunch trays. She looks up and smiles at me before her eyes analyse my face.

“ Whats wrong Maria?”

“ I remember Serena”

“ Remember what exactly?

“ I went to Roswell High” i tell her about the vision and the documentary

She jumps up from her seat to hug me, wrapping her arms tight around me.

“ Im so happy for you Maria, now we have location to go off” she goes to take a seat when her eyes suddenly look up.

“Serena i was wondering do you know where my lab sheet are?” i look up to see a man in his early twenties wearing a lab coat, as he runs his hand through his spikey hair looking at Serena for an answer, as if ignoring my presence.

“ Oh ill just go get them? How is your fiancé going Michael?” she smiles like they share a hidden joke as i grab my head.

“Liz i have been looking for you every where. Maria is on my ass about this prom thing and i need your help with her corsage and my tux” his smile wavering as the stress is evident on his face
“ Of course Michael anything i can do to help your like a brother to me” i pat his shoulder in reassurance.

“ Liz...” He looks angry as he glances down to see my protruding stomach

“ Michael...”

I feel the pain in my stomach again as i look into his eyes and see blood tripping on the floor as my vision blurs and my world once again goes dark.

Chapter 14:

“ I told you she was still close” his voice is almost soothing.

“ She doesn’t even remember who she is Max, Did you know she was pregnant Max?” Michael voice gaining volume

“ If i fucking knew don’t you think i would have told you, i haven’t stopped searching for her in five months, her pregnancy is not a detail i would have not told you Michael”

“ Have you seen him? He looks exactly like you Max” Michaels voice soft as the two men glare at each other just outside my door.

“ No they won’t allow me in unless im the father and i cant prove it until she wakes up”

“ What if she still doesn’t remember”

“ Ill stay with her until she does and she can choose what she wants to do then” his hands twisting in his lap. His eyes hold so much pain as his hair falls into his face, his tall and muscular, he seems like someone i should remember, he says his the father of my child and just looking at him makes my heart jump a few beats.

“ Michael” i whisper, trying to pretend i wasn’t listening to their conversation

“ Liz are you ok? Do you need me to get anyone?” the man , Michael previously called Max, leans over my bed pushing my hair from my face.

“ Thats my name right, its Liz?” I raise my eyes to meet his, as i try and move to get out of bed.

“ Your not allow to move yet there was some complications” Michael pushes past max to tell me

“ Complications is everything ok? Is my baby ok?”

“ You fine Liz and you baby is perfectly healthy, i can go get him if you want” Michael heads out of the room as i nod my head.

“ Your the father of my baby right?, your name, its Max right?” his eyes turn to me

“ You still don’t remember do you?” he leans over me rubbing my cheek softly i can feel so much familiarly in his touch.

I shake my head as both our eyes look at the door where Michael is proudly holding my baby and leans down lowering my child into my awaiting arms.

“ Have you picked a name Liz?” Michaels eyes finally reaching mine.

“ I was going to name him Jeremy Michael and well he didn’t have a last name cause i couldn’t even remember mine” i laugh softly running my hand over Jeremy’s face.

“ Its Parker” Max says quietly from the corner.

“ Whats your last name” My eyes meet his directly

“ Evans, im Max Evans”

“ Then ill name him Jeremy Michael Evans, he looks so much like you, even though i cant remember i have no doubt in my mind his your son. Do you want to hold him?” He smiles at me before glancing down at our son. I position my arms to hold Jeremy out before putting him in Max’s embrace.

I glance at him holding our son as i drift into a deep sleep

Re: A Best Friend's Love (AU, M/L, Adult) 23/12/09 Chpt 15 n 16

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:00 pm
by Dreamer4life
Chapter 15:

I look around the apartment that ‘my’ friends and family are standing in, Max says it is our apartment and has been for quite some time, well up until recently. Maria and michael, Isabelle and her partner alex stand all side by side staring at me i haven’t said a word since they picked me up from the hospital and drove me here, Roswell.

“ Its nice” i say looking around as they all stare for any reaction.

“ Michael can i talk to you” Max says from his position in the lounge room, his large form leaning against the kitchen door frame. Michael stand from his seat and walks towards the kitchen following Max in.

“ So you named yourself Maria huh?” Maria smiles softly

“ it was the only name that held so much familiarity” I walk towards the kitchen to lean on the wall so i can hear Max and Michaels conversation. I know i shouldn’t but from the faces of my friends in the room i knew they were all hiding something from me.

“ I should tell her Michael, she broke up with me before the accident , it would be like lying”

“ Max if you tell her the stress could cause problems leave it for a few weeks” i walk into the kitchen, arm crossed feeling anger rise through my body

“ You wanna tell me whats going on, why did i break up with you, why did you lie and why are you helping him lie” i look at them both as they look to the floor.
notice Max’s eyes give so much away by just a small glance at me, Michael’s eyes stay trained on the floor and he walks out of the room.

“ Max i need to know what is going on tell me, tell me everything”

“ Maybe in a few days Liz, you have been through so much, i don’t think its right to stress you out anymore then necessary”

“ Max i really think.....” i stop when i hear Jeremy crying in the room Max not long placed him in.

“ Ill get him..” we both say at the same time. I walk into the room and see a small room, with bright red walls and a large four post bed sitting in the middle as Max stands leaning against the door frame with the others standing not to far from him . I reach down to pick Jeremy only to be hit with a flood of images

A small kiss in a closet with a younger looking max

“ I love you liz”

“ I love you too Max”

“ No liz i don’t think your understanding, , im in love with you, i have been for quiet along time, im the one who told your parents about Tess and your incident in high school, i wasn’t going to allow her to get away with treating you like that”

“ Tess, You and her in your office kissing and god only knows what else, is that enough reason for my to leave” i finally look up at him trying to read his reaction.

“ Liz, it wasn’t what it looked like, i was planning on tell you about it when i got home. She came into my office, i haven’t seen her since high school Liz i swear and she started talking how she wanted me back and she kissed me, i swear i never kissed her back” his tears start to form in his eyes

“ Even if thats how it happened Max you could of pushed her away and you didn’t. I went through so much pain and heartbreak to have this relationship Max and now i feel like i cant trust you anymore” i can feel the cold tears run down my cheek.

"Goodbye max"

Tess’s smiling face looking back at me

“ You bitch how could you do this to me, im your sister, do you have no morals at all?” i slap her face as hard and with as much force as i could. I turn to leave

“ He loves me you know, his been seeing me for a few months now” i get into the car slamming the door behind me, i cant hear anymore im not sure my heart can take this.

The bright lights of a car and tires screeching as i raise my hands to my eyes and the world goes black

I can actually feel the pain, confusion and love as i relive each memory and experience in my head.

I slowly back away from the crib as Jeremy continues to cry loudly beside me.

“ Liz what is wrong” Max walks further into the room as the other follow quietly behind. I look up at him as he grabs my shoulder, with a small concerned smile on his face.

i back away from his embrace, pulling Jeremy out of the crib and walking him into what was once Max’s and my room. I rock him gently before placing him in the centre of the bed.

“ I remember everything”

Chapter 16

All eye stare at me, some filled with concern, anger, love and comfort. My heart is beating widly in my chest, i feel like im suffocating. I keep backing away turning towards the one man that my heart used to beat widly for. His eye search my face for any sort of emotion and i can see his concern.

“ You were going to lie to me, hide the fact that you have been seeing Tess before all this happened. You caused my accident if it wasn’t for you, i wouldn’t have been in that car, i wouldn’t have been so blinded my my own tears and heartbreak that i would have seen that car. I hate you” i close my eyes trying to get these images out of my head, i don’t want to remember anymore.

“ Liz i wasn’t seeing Tess, you never stuck around long enough to hear my side. I swear i would never do that to you. I love you. She turned up at my office, she tried to get me to take her back and she just kissed me i pushed her off, you just didn’t stick around long enough to see that. Im so sorry baby” his arms try to come around me to pull me into his warm embrace.

“ I believe you, i just don’t know if i love you anymore” he pulls away sharply like he has been burned. I can see the tears fall souley down his cheek. He now finally understands heartbreak.....

Re: A Best Friend's Love (AU, M/L, Adult) 28/12/09 Chpt 16

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:17 pm
by Dreamer4life
EARTH2MAMA- thank you , im feeling much better after a few days rest.


All eye stare at me, some filled with concern, anger, love and comfort. My heart is beating wildly in my chest, i feel like im suffocating. I keep backing away turning towards the one man that my heart used to beat wildly for. His eye search my face for any sort of emotion and i can see his concern.

“ You were going to lie to me, hide the fact that you have been seeing Tess before all this happened. You caused my accident if it wasn’t for you, i wouldn’t have been in that car, i wouldn’t have been so blinded my my own tears and heartbreak that i would have seen that car. I hate you” i close my eyes trying to get these images out of my head, i don’t want to remember anymore.

“ Liz i wasn’t seeing Tess, you never stuck around long enough to hear my side. I swear i would never do that to you. I love you. She turned up at my office, she tried to get me to take her back and she just kissed me i pushed her off, you just didn’t stick around long enough to see that. Im so sorry baby” his arms try to come around me to pull me into his warm embrace.

“ I believe you, i just don’t know if i love you anymore” he pulls away sharply like he has been burned. I can see the tears fall souley down his cheek. He now finally understands heartbreak.....

5 YEARS LATER: (2014)

“MUM............ where are my shoes!!.”

“Probably under your bed honey” i sigh before taking a sip of my coffee

I hear the running down the hall before his small face and body come into sight. He places himself at the table where his pancakes sit and starts to eat quietly staring at me while i pretend to read the morning paper.

“ can i help you with something” i smile taking in his face, he shakes his head before looking back down at his pancakes.

He walks into the room, his hair still wet from his shower and i watch as a water drop falls down his cheek. He leans down placing a small kiss on my forehead before leaning into my ear.

“ Where were you i thought you were joining me in the shower” i shake my head before looking back to the paper.

“ well i have to go im running late to work. Cya baby. Come on Jeremy lets get you to school kid” he roughs up Jeremy’s hair softly before kissing me quickly.

“ Ill see you for lunch Max” i smile before raising from my seat and pulling him in for a quick kiss.
Jeremy smiles up at me, placing a kiss on my cheek

“ Cya Mum” before running to get into the car grabbing max’s hand and dragging him quickly out the door.
I watch out the window as they both move in sync towards the car. I wait until the car moves out of sight before picking up the phone.

“ When and Where do you want to meet?” i talk quickly into the receiver.

3 YEARS BEFORE: (2012)

“ I believe you, i just don’t know if i love you anymore”

It had been three years since i uttered those words. Even though i could feel with my heart i wasn’t doing the right thing, my head told me i needed some time. Although im positive at the time i didn’t think three years would pass and me n max were still only civil to each other no romantic connection at all. I lay back thinking what my life would have been like if only i had taken him back that day, if all was forgotten and i continued to trust him with my heart. But i know i cant, i cant take those words back, i couldn’t do that it would be selfish to want him back now, i had to considered Max and i had to consider Jeremy. They meant the world to me and i couldn’t afford to lose either one.

Max dates on and off, a relationship never lasting past a few weeks, nothing ever serious , he only started dating this year i think he lost hope in me. I cant expect him to pine away for me forever, but somewhere i wanted him to. He comes every day to drop Jeremy into day care and brings him home, Jeremy has his dad wrapped around his finger.

I can his voice in the hallway telling Jeremy to be quiet cause he thinks im asleep i gave him a house key over a year and a half ago, as he moved out of ‘our’ apartment and into his own just down the hall so i could live here with Jeremy. I get out of bed, no use avoiding him, its his day off day, he’ll be here all day. I check my appearance before opening the door, to find Max standing in front holding our son in his arms, Max has never looked more attractive as he does now. It seems the older he gets the more attractive he become. He smiles at me, and it still takes my breath away as it did all those years ago.

“ Liz your awake, im sorry if i woke you” his voice smooth like he had just woken up himself.

“ Dont worry i wasn’t asleep” i reassure him as i place my hand on his shoulder. I quickly pull away before he grabs it and places it on his heart. My heart beats quickly and i try to pull away, i look at my son sitting on the floor between us staring with his amber eyes.

“ So.. what are we doing today?” i try and break the tension that has somehow entered the room, his hand drops mine and his eyes look at the ground.

“ i was thinking we could go to the beach, i got Jeremy into his swimmers and i packed the car. We are just waiting on you” his eyes look like they smile when i blush.

“ Ok how about you two go, i might do some cleaning i have to catch up on” i move to turn back into my room.

“ No your coming, we need this kind of day Liz, if not for my or your sake, for Jeremy, he needs some sort of normalcy” his eyes plead with me, i turn quickly into the bedroom and shut the door softly knowing this is going to be a long day.


“ Mum look at me” his little amber eyes pleading as i take my eyes from max’s glistening skin as he swims in the ocean to my son who is attempting to build a sand castle just in front of me. I watch him play for the next half an hour.

I feel droplets of water fall down my shoulder as i glance up, adjusting my sunglasses to see Max’s naked upper body staring down at me. He kneels down in front of me, glancing at the ground then back up at my face, his nervous he always does this when his nervous.

“ how about i drop Jeremy off at mum’s , theres something i need to show you, alone”

“ i don’t think thats a wise idea Max”i try and distract myself from his eyes as i play with the sand beside me and let it run through my fingers. Max grabs my hand quickly and once again, for the second time today pulls it towards his heart as his other hand grabs my chin forcing me to look at him.

“ Please Liz, im begging you”

“ Ok, let go then”

I walk slowly behind him, i watch as his muscles move with every step. I realise im being stupid, he would never hurt me, at least physically anyway. I pick up pase when we stop in from of his bedroom door, he opens the door and gives me a small smile.

“ Max what is so important?” i try and figure, what has him so on edge, when i spot it. A small box sitting on his bed, the very same box that i had seen all those years ago on my bed. The cardboard tatted from all those years and he leans over it, patting the bed beside it as an invitation for me to still i sit timidly as he pulls out a small photo he passes it to me, which i recognise immediately; us posing together for graduation.

“ See Liz this is a lifetime of love, how could i ever betray this. I wouldn’t give this love up for the world” he says before tipping the small box upside down. Photos, tickets for concerts, albums, letter and a small shirt i wore to bed every night falls onto the bed. I feel a cold tear fall down my cheek as he hold a small black box in his hand and kneels in front of me.

“ This isn’t exactly what i had planned. But i have had this ring for over 4 years now. When we first got together i bought it in hope of proposing. I love you liz, i always have and i want us and Jeremy to be a proper family. Will you marry me?” his eyes plead for an answer as i inhale a quick gasp of air...........

Re: A Best Friend's Love (AU, M/L, Adult) 3112/09 A/N & Chpt 17

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:23 am
by Dreamer4life



I can feel my heart skip a beat as he stares at me with those familiar amber eyes, matching our son’s. His eyes have always told the truth, always full of emotion and comfort when i look into them for guidance or just to feel loved. I knew this is what i wanted, this is what i needed, i loved him and i wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

“ Yes Max, ill marry you” i say before wrapping my arms around his waist leaning down for a long kiss, before we both fall back onto his bed together.


I smooth down my red dress as i walk confidently to the overcrowded coffee shop. I smile at familiar people as they walk by on their way to work. My eyes scan the seat and tables for the familiar face until i land on the one i have been looking for. I pull out my chair as I take a seat at the table looking at the face i hadn’t seen in years.

“ Hello Tess” i say with a confident smile.

“ Liz, you came. I honestly thought you wouldn’t” she smiled with her pearly whites, before taking a quick sip of her coffee.

“ What did you want??” i wanted this over and done with. She was my sister, even after everything she had done, i know i have to do this.

“ To talk... I want to apologise” she says quick. Almost too quick for me to understand what she said before brushing the invisible crumbs around the table. She glances up at me, and i can see in her eyes no manipulation like i always have before.

“ Why? And why now?”

“ I have been seeing a psychologist, she says because of my jealousy of you, it is making me this person. And i don’t want to be this person anymore, she told me i need to make amends with you to make progress, this is the 11th step in making me a better person. I have been going for a year now. I’m feeling better than i ever have, i meet a new man, James and he treats me like a queen and that’s all i ever wanted. I wanted what you and max shared and i thought to have that i needed max, i couldn’t make him love me, not like he loves you. That love doesn’t come around for everyone. I’m sorry Liz for the pain i have caused to you and your family. And i realise that you cant forgive me straight away not with....”

“ i forgive you Tess” i cut her off. I finally see the girl i grew up with before she became who she was. A girl full of love and life, this is who i wanted her to be all her life. I see a small tear slowly fall down her face before she smiles softly, brushing the hair out of her face.

We talk about her new man and the new friends she has made like we have been this way forever.

Re: A Best Friend's Love (AU, M/L, Adult) 8/1/2010 Last Chap/A.N

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:00 am
by Dreamer4life

CHAPTER 18 (Marriage)

I could see his family sitting in the front row, forever smiling. Their smiles get even bigger if possible when they spot my parents sitting across the aisle from them.

Max shifts nervous, talking quietly to Michael standing proudly beside him. Michael leans down pick something off the floor and shows it to Max before laughing amongst themselves.

Maria pulls gently on the hem of my dress, before closing the church doors in front of me.

“ You cant risk someone seeing you” she giggles before taking her flowers back from Isabelle.

“You look beautiful Lizzy” they both say before laughing and posing for a picture with the photographer.
Isabelle and Maria walk forward with their partners to the soft music. My dad comes from the side, adjusting his tie, what seems like the hundredth time; i know deep down his trying not to shed a tear. I smile at him before looping my arm through his. I can hear the soft music playing as the double door open wide revealing me to the room full of loved ones.

I walk slowly trying to talk myself into not falling in front of everyone, my thoughts are consuming me until i spot him smiling at me with a wide grin, and it takes my breath away. I can see my son standing beside his father wrapping both arms around his leg. My father stops lifting my veil to reveal my face to max, he kisses me softly on the cheek before taking picking up Jeremy and taking his seat beside my mother, he grabs her hand and places a soft kiss upon it before looking back at me smiling.

The whole thing feels like a whirl wind

“ I do” i look deep into his eyes

“ i do” he says softly before kissing me soft on the palm of my hand.

(6 months after Tess and my lunch) 2014)

I walk quickly to grab the phone adjusting my towel.

"hello” i breath into the phone, trying to catch my breath.

“ hi is this Elizabeth Evans”

“Yes this is she” i say sceptically

“ This is Roswell Hospital, we have your sister Tess here, we were hoping you could come straight away,
shes been involved in an accident". I drop the phone as i hear Max’s footsteps behind me,

“who was that” i turn towards his voice.

“ we need to go to the hospital its Tess there been a n accident”. I say before running up stairs to get changed.

“ Mum, dad what’s going on” Max says to my parents as i feel unable to speak. I know by the looks and tears falling on their face what that are going to say.

“ Tess and her partner were involved in an accident, they both didn’t make it” my mother says before bursting into tears.

I can feel the world spinning around me, the air rushing out of my lungs and the thudding of my heart. Tess and i were just starting to move forward with our relationship, she was going to have alone time with Jeremy next week, she was so excited about it, she had planned this secret big thing she never got around to telling me what it was.

“ Come on Liz, i think you should lie down” Max wraps an around my waist steering me towards the exit.

I don’t remember the drive home, or when max must of picked me up and placed me on the bed or even the next few days for that matter. A week flew by the funeral hard to stay at with everyone’s constant “im sorry for your loss” or ”my condolences” , but i needed to move forward for my family.

( 1 year later)2015)

I can still remember the day max and i first meet, our first kiss, my first heartbreak , our first time , Jeremy’s birth and Tess’s death. Life didn’t turn out the way i always thought it would but i know now that even though life throws some unexpected twists, i’ll always get through it because i have a family who loves me, no matter what.

My fingers glide across the keyboard, as i take another sip of my coffee, looking at the photographs surrounding me. Max leans down to place a small kiss upon my head, before pressing send to the editor of Roswell Publishing.

I smile to myself as i raise myself onto my toes and bring my arms around Max’s neck pulling him down

“ I love you Max” i whisper

“ I love you too” he smiles before leaning down to give me a small kiss.