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Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 11 1/28/10

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:55 pm
by jake17

Thank you for leaving me such amazing fb! My little girl loved the birthday wishes! :D

Chapter 11

“Are they still behind us?”

Glancing in the rear view mirror Alex sighed as he tapped the steering wheel nervously.

“You mean the big black unmarked car with the FBI blinking sign of the roof? Yep still there.”

Crouching down into her seat Isabel grabbed Alex’s leg causing him to jerk and swerve.

“What are you doing? Do you want to give them a reason to pull us over!”

Straightening out the car Alex eyed her hand before concentrating once again on the road.

“Sorry you kind of took me by surprise.”

Ignoring him she moved closer snuggling against his skinny frame as her fear climbed.

“Alex maybe we should go to your house. I could sneak in your window. I just don't want to be alone in the house with Max out there and Michael gone.”

Feeling his heart begin to race he put his arm gently over her and began to stroke her hair.

“Alex what are you doing?”

Lifting his hand in the air as if he touched something hot he cringed hoping he hadn’t offended her.

“Umm… comforting you?”

“Listen if you take the short cut on Bradley Boulevard and cut through the high school we should lose them. I don’t think they are aware that you’re involved in this yet.”

“Ok…my house it is.”


“Must you snore like a friggin freight train?!”

Turning over Michael misjudged his limited space on the couch and fell to the floor in a hard thump.

“Go to sleep Maria!”

“Its just I don’t get how your supposed to be protecting me when your sound asleep. I mean your making so much noise an army could come in here and take me away and you wouldn’t hear a thing!”

Sitting on the couch rubbing his mangled spikes Michael cursed under his breath.

“Well I’m hearing you just fine right now... I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

Feeling her presence standing beside him he looked up at her clenching his jaw in frustration.

“What is it Maria?”

With her hands on her hips she began to pace the room anxiously.

“I just think that I’d be safer with you with me …in the …well…bedroom.”


Grabbing his pillow and the blanket she gave him he stormed in her room and plopped down on the bed.

“Umm …what exactly do you think you’re doing?”

“Sleeping…please shut up.”

“Not on my bed your not!”

Opening one eye Michael lifted the blanket over his shoulder and made himself more comfortable.

“You want me in here?”

“Well … yeah but – “

“I’m not sleeping on the floor so make yourself comfortable or grab some wood, I’m getting some sleep.”

Standing for several seconds with her mouth wide open she huffed her annoyance before laying on top of the covers on the edge of the bed.

“You’re impossible!”

“You’re easy.”

Michael snickered to himself as he dozed off leaving Maria fuming angrily next to him.


“The only thing I do know is that I belong with you. Please tell me I’m not wrong Liz.”

Breathless and shaky he closed his eyes feeling at last that he was home.

“Please Liz… tell me I’m not wrong.”

Wrapping her arms around his back she sighed into his chest as she felt his soft lips brush against her neck.

“You’re not wrong Max.”

Slowly he pulled away from her as his eyes searched for answers from her beautiful face.

“Come inside.”

Taking his hand she led him though her window and onto her bed.

They sat beside each other for several seconds in silence before she took his hand and placed it over her heart.

Shyly he gazed down as his palm felt the increasing rapid heartbeat that pounding away just below the surface of her thin nightgown.

“Do you feel that Max?”

Slowly he nodded as she took her hand and did the same to him.

“Your heart beats the same as mine…your mind …your body …the feelings you have are all very …human.”

“But you said – “

“You are a hybrid…which means that you are human but not just like any human. You are incredibly special. You can do amazing things Max. You saved my life. There is nothing wrong or scary about you …if anything you are … extraordinary.”

Removing his hand from her chest he cupped her cheek as his voice dipped low.

“Extraordinary …to you?”

Moved by the sheer closeness of him she nodded silently as he flickered his gaze from her wide chocolate eyes to her pale pink lips.

Whispering she tried to find words that wouldn’t frighten him.

“Max …because you possess these …unique powers there are people out there that want to …that would like to …

“Study me… lock me away …like on TV.”

Holding his hand in hers she nodded again wishing things were different.

“It’s because of me… because you saved me. You Isabel and Michael were in hiding all these years. No one ever suspected anything. You lived your lives protecting this secret from everyone…your parents, friends. No one knew …that is until you saved me. There were witnesses that saw the gun …heard the shot. Now the sheriff …even the damn FBI are here watching the three of you. All because of me.”

Her voice cracked as she tried to keep the tears from coming to the surface.

Taking her face in his hands he forced her to look at him.

“I must really have cared about you to risk everyone finding out. To risk the lives of my sister and Michael.”

His tone was so deep and quiet …his hands so warm and protective she thought she would melt in his embrace.

Closer he moved in so their lips were but a breath apart as his eyes began to slowly shut.


Taking a deep breath her eyes too fell closed as she felt the soft brush of his mouth on hers.

“Everything is so crazy and I-I don’t understand anything but there is one thing I do know…I would do it again.”

Breathing out forcefully she parted her lips inviting him in for a deeper kiss as he laced his fingers through her hair loving how she trembled in his hands.

He broke their embrace to tell her exactly how he felt at that moment because somewhere deep in his heart he knew it was something she needed to know.

“Liz If being what ever it is that I am means that you are here with me now... then I wouldn’t change a thing.”

“Max - "

Opening his eyes he stared lovingly at her bewildered by the intensity of the moment feeling finally that at least a tiny piece of him was whole again.

“Besides I have a strong feeling in a way on that day …it was you that saved me.”

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 12 3/4/10

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 8:06 pm
by jake17
dreamerfiend x2
Carolyn x2

OMG your support for this story just means the world to me! thanks so much everyone...
I'm sorry for the long wait but I promise I'm very clear on where i intend to go from here so there will be more regular updates... :)

OH I also know that at this point of the story Tess isn't even in the picture, well I'm changing all that...If I'm breaking any rules here please someone let me know...

Chapter 12

Staring at the digital clock on her nightstand Maria clung to the edge of her bed while Michael laid sprawled out almost diagonally beside her.

Tracing the red numbers she did her best to ignore his hand that had wandered over to her waist at some point during the night.

“Three twenty five.” She mumbled sleepily as her heart skipped with each brush of his hand across her rib.

Suddenly her eyes widened as he grumbled incoherently and turned to his side leaving them in an intimate spooning position.

Her body froze as she felt his hot breath tickle the nape of her neck that was exposed by her short pixie haircut.

As he moved closer she suddenly was welcomed with a particular hard object pressing against her bottom.

Gasping she rolled away from him and fell in a twist of covers onto the floor.

Springing quickly to her feet she smacked him on the shoulder.

“Michael wake up!”

Before she could hit him again he raised his hand up and grabbed her wrist.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“I could ask you the same question!”

Tilting her head to the side she pointed her finger downward trying to hide the bright red blush across her cheeks.

Sighing deeply he reluctantly set his feet on the floor and stood yawning loudly before looking downward and back up at her giving her a quick wink.

“Don’t flatter yourself Maria.”

Resting her hands on her hips anger flashed in her eyes as her voice rose to a pitch that drove him insane.

“What is that supposed to mean?”

Rubbing his messy spikes he raised one eyebrow and smiled.

Looking at her bare legs that stuck out from her Roswell High tee shirt his voice grew husky and low.

“Hmm…” tilting his head to the side judgmentally he rubbed his chin visibly assessing her.

“You aren’t bad – “ he whispered as eyes roamed up towards her modest chest “but there is definitely room for improvement.”

Infuriated her jaw dropped “I’ll have you know – “

“Maria! Get down!”

Lying on top of her he pressed his finger to her lips only to have her bite down as hard as she could.

Leaving him no choice he covered her mouth with his hand tightly and directed his wide eyes up towards her window that was above her.

A tall dark shadow slowly rose against her wall stilling her attempt to escape.

Nodding slowly he removed his hand feeling a little awkward as her eyes filled with tears.

Comfort was not one of his strong points but a vulnerability that he had never noticed from her pulled at his heart.

Instantly his brandy colored eyes softened as he raised himself up on his elbows to relieve some of his weight on her.

Mouthing the only words that came to him she nodded slowly and rolled into the corner of the room as they tried to stay out of sight.

I won’t let anything happen to you

With their positions switched with her on top he brushed her bangs away from her forehead.

I promise


As Alex quickly swiped his dirty underwear and his copy of Maxim that Michael had stuffed in his backpack in study hall under his bed Isabel wandered around his room.

“Coldplay, Stain, and James Taylor? Is there any kind of music you don’t like?”

Smiling nervously still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Isabel was in his room he shrugged his shoulders.

“Opera doesn’t really do it for me. Too much tragedy.”

“Alex?! Are you still up? I thought we agreed you’d go to bed early since you’ve been having all those nightmares about the aliens!”

Closing his eyes he whispered before leaving the room for a minute.

“Please don’t listen to her – “ holding his hand to his forehead in pain he couldn’t look back at her. “ be right back.”

Laughing she grabbed his pillow and held it to her chest before going to his window to see if they were followed.

Coming back with two cups of chocolate pudding he placed them down in front of her.

“Please don’t listen to her – “Taking a napkin out of his pocket he spread it out on the bed laying a spoon and a tiny bottle of Tabasco beside it. “I thought you might be hungry.”

Smiling she shook a few drops of sauce on the pudding before slipping it between her lips.

Alex was unconsciously watching every move she made and she didn’t hate that.

“So you’ve been having nightmares?”

Picking up his guitar he hoped to change the subject by playing her a song.

Expecting some alternative “my life sucks kill me now” morbid song she rested her back against his headboard and dug in for more pudding.

Pulling a crinkled piece of paper from between a book of Robert Frost poetry he laid it on the floor out of her sight and began to softly play.

With his eyes closed his fingers worked the strings as if it was something very personal and private.

Finishing he flashes his eyes up at her and down at the bed afraid she would see right through him.

“What did you think?”

Biting back a smile she quickly reached for the sheet music on the floor dying to see who the love song was written for.

“Isabel! No!”

As he began to pace the room he tried to think of an excuse for what she was about to read.

Isabel’s Lullaby



Lying on the lounge chair on her balcony Max gently stroked Liz's hair as she slept nuzzled on his chest.

Sleeping was something that never came easy for him since the accident.

If he were lucky he would get a full two hours somewhere between two and four am.

What was worse was how he woke from these sporadic bouts of unconsciousness.

Usually he would be shaking and sweating trapped in a horrible nightmare where dark faceless men were chasing him.

The ones he dreaded were where he was being held under water unable to breathe.

Secretly he kept pills he once stole from his psychiatrist’s office, hoping they were for anxiety he found they were more useful for staying awake, which was fine with him.

Especially tonight…

Holding her in his arms he felt so at peace.

When they were together it was the only time he felt he didn’t have to pretend to be someone he couldn’t remember.

The pressure was ever present as he would watch their polite but disappointed expression turn from hope to pity.

Kissing the top of her head he wished he could just pack a bag and go somewhere far away where no one knew who they were or even cared.

That's when his real fear surfaced, the one he could never push away no matter how hard he tried.

He wasn't blind, he knew how special she was.

Liz was smart and diven, she had her whole life ahead of her. He wondering just how long it would be before she would get tired of babysitting him.

Whispering his heartfelt plea he felt suddenly very tired.

"Please don't ever leave me Liz."

A strange feeling a relaxation and calmness washed through him as he continued to lace his fingers into her blonde hair.


Shivering he raised his hands away from Tess’ head as he looked down at her completely terrified.

A soft little giggle emerged from her cherry lips as she innocently raised her head from his chest and glimpsed at him batting her eyelashes.

“Oh please don’t stop Max …I love when you get all pathetic and needy.”

Backing up from the chair and almost falling to the ground Max held the sides of his head thinking it was a dream and trying desperately to wake up.

Shaking her head she rolled her eyes as she leisurely stretched her body out crossing her feet at the ankles.

“You were always so uptight Max.”

“Liz! Where’s Liz? What did you –?”

Sighing she pointed behind her head towards the window. “The princess is fine, no need to have an aneurism.”

Running to her bedside Max touched her cheek watching as her chest peacefully rise and fall.

Standing almost appearing to be bored now on the balcony Tess watched calmly as he rushed up to her.

“That’s it! I want answers and I want them now! Who are you?!”

Leaning up against the brick she held the back of her hand out to look over her nails.

“Well that’s an easy one...

"I’m your wife Max.”

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 13 3/14/10

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:14 am
by jake17

Thank you so much for all your fb! Tess appeared in previous chpt just making herself known. For some reason I can't write a Canon fic without her being evil... I have no idea why :wink:

Chapter 13

Alex thought he would surely die of embarrassment or humiliation whatever came first as he watched her read the title of the song he wrote for her.

“Isabel’s Lullaby?”

Looking up at him wide eyed and stunned she searched his blushed red face for answers thinking there had to be an angle.

“Y-you weren’t meant to …I wasn’t going to show you – “

“Why did you write this?”

Her tone was stern and accusatory already sentencing him to some shallow jock head trick that he was using to get her into bed.

But that wasn’t Alex.

It never could be and she knew that deep down but in Isabel’s world everyone is guilty until proven innocent not the other way around.

Taking a deep breath he knew he had to tell her the truth, even if it meant she would laugh or worse get angry and leave.

He couldn’t handle the expression in her eyes that there was some devious motive for his music, the music he created just for her.

Sitting on the bed he concentrated on a chipped piece of paint on his blue walls, there was no way he could look into those eyes and tell her.

“I-I wrote it for you…to help you sleep…because you have so much trouble. I thought it would soothe you.”

A warm uncomfortable feeling spread throughout her chest as she turned nervously and looked threw his blinds.


Whispering he ran his fingers threw his hair as he closed his eyes wishing that he could just disappear.

“I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

Closing her eyes she reached for the strength not to hide herself from him as she did with everyone else.

“You didn’t.”


Pressing her lips to his ear Maria moaned over and over again “We’re going to die! We’re going to die!”

Rolling his eyes Michael lifted her face up so their lips were almost touching.” We will if you don’t shut up!”

Suddenly her body stiffened and her eyes filled with tears as the window slowly opened just above them.

Looking up Michael pushed her face into the crook of his neck as he spread his hand up and out towards the intruder.

Sparks flew everywhere as he backed up against the wall pulling Maria up with him.

“We have to get out of here!”

A bright blinding light blocked his view of the man lying on the floor.

Not willing to find out who it was he grabbed Maria’s hand and ran out of her room and out the front door.

Jumping into her car she held her hands up in the air and began screaming at him.

“I don’t have the keys! What are we going to do! Michael do something! Zap the ignition!”

Staring at the steering column he lifted his hand unsure of what would happen.

With great surprise to him the car started immediately and then burst into flames.

“Oh my god! Michael! Michael! The car is on fire! The car is on fire!!”

Turning towards her as anger flashes in his eyes his temper flared wildly.

“I can see that Maria! Thank you for the news update! If you haven’t noticed I just saved your life in there! Sorry if my powers on auto mechanics aren’t up to your standards!”

Waving her hands at the flickering embers glowing still from the ignition she raised her voice to that piercing tone he was sure made dogs everywhere cringe in pain.

“My standards? Michael the car is on FIRE!”

Sighing heavily he lifted his chin towards the house and pointed towards the woods across the street.

“It’s not safe here. We have to run Maria.”

Outside of the car now she felt her arm jerk as he took her by the hand and ran towards the sheltering trees.

“Run? Exactly where are we running to Michael?!”


“My wife?”

The words fell from his lips as if they were poison, tainting everything that he knew about himself.

Folding her hands confidently behind her head she gazed longingly up at the stars and sighed softly.

“Up there.”

“That means nothing to me.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

Her reply was swift and final.

Resting his hand on the widow pane he watched as Liz peacefully slept completely unaware of what was happening.

It felt wrong and deceitful to even be speaking to Tess.

“I don’t like you and there must be a reason for that. I sure as hell don’t trust you.”

Scoffing at his insignificant drivel she leaned over the balcony tapping her red nails on the metal ladder below.

“You love her.”

Finally feeling as if he had some power over this insane situation he swiftly walked to her and spoke deep and calmly into her ear.

“Yes I do.”

Chuckling softly she lifted her leg over the edge of the wall and began climbing down each rung.

“You forgot that once, imagine how easy it would be to make that happen again.”

Feeling as if he she could strip him of the one thing in the world he was sure of he panicked and grabbed her hand.

Pulling it away quickly as if it was held to a hot stove she glared up at him.

“Don’t…ever do that again.”

The threat was real and he felt it.

It was clear that something had happened between them, there was a history he was sure of that.

He had no physical memory of her it was more emotional.




Watching as she disappeared around the corner he felt and urgency to protect Liz, it wasn’t himself that he was worried about.

No, she needed him.

His instincts told him that.

Liz was …expendable.

Running back to her he gently touched her cheek with the back of his hand.

As if she were sleeping beauty her long dark eyelashes fluttered against her porcelain skin painfully reminding him how fragile she really was.

Kissing her softly on her pink slightly parted lips she slowly stirred as if waking from a deep dream.

“Was I sleeping a long time?”

Shaking his head he eased himself down on the bed smiling as she settled on his chest as if she were always meant to be there.

“I need to tell you something.”

Hesitating for a moment she nodded slowly as a million thoughts ran through her mind.

His voice dipped low becoming raspy as the words lifting out into the night air straight into her heart.

“I love you.”

“Max – “

“You don’t have to say it back…I just wanted you to know. Please no matter what happens don’t ever doubt my feelings for you.”

“Max …what do you mean? You’re scaring me.”

Pulling her in closer he kissed the top of her head “Shh… everything’s fine. Go back to sleep I’m going stay right here I promise.”

Breathing out she felt her heartbeat slowly return to normal as her eyes slowly drifted shut.

Max stared out the window feeling the warning of her icy blue glare still upon him.

He needed to get to Isabel and Michael.

It was time they stopped protecting him.

If he was going to be able to defend himself, them and more important Liz, he was going to have to know everything.

He was tired of being left in the dark.

It was time he became the very thing he was trying to run from this entire time. It all made sense now.

That feeling of responsibity, of everyone depending on him ...this he remembered.

It was the one thing he wanted to forget.

He couldn't deny it any longer.

He was the one that had to protect them all.

Clenching his jaw he felt the nawing knot in his stomach twist and turn.

By any means he would get his memory back.

Her life depended on it.

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 14 3/15/10

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:37 am
by jake17

thank you so much for your fb! :)

Chapter 14.

Locking the door Alex tiptoed around his bed to where Isabel lay peacefully asleep in the very place where he dreamed of her every night.

Dreams where he says all the right things and she dances sweetly and trustingly in his arms…dreams he’d wish he never wake from.

Lying in his sleeping bag on the floor just below her he quietly listened to her breathing as he drifted off to sleep.

For tonight at least they were safe and he was happy.


“Michael, we’ve been walking for hours. Do you even know where we are?”

Exhausted and lagging behind Maria finally let go of his hand and leaned against a tree.

“What are you doing?’


Sighing hard Michael tired himself decided not to argue.

“Michael do you even know where we are?”

Looking threw the same pattern of trees Michael began to pace anxiously knowing that he was completely lost.

“Michael did you hear me?”

Feeling as though he was failing miserably at protecting her he ran his hand threw his spiky hair and remained silent.

Whispering she sat on the dewy moss ground and rubbed her eyes. “That’s what I thought.”

Frustration began to build inside him as he anticipated some snippy remark about him followed by another yelling episode.

Gathering some snappy comebacks in his mind he stilled as heard her start to cry.

Completely taken off guard he listened as he watched some leaves gently fall to the ground from the strong winds that were passing by.

Turning he sat by her hesitatingly putting his arm around her shoulder.

Sniffing she slowly leaned against his shoulder and for once they are calm …taking comfort in each other.


“This was your perfect opportunity to manipulate him, he’s completely vulnerable, a blank page. You could’ve convinced him of anything and all you managed to do is proclaim his love for the human.”

Sighing Tess pressed her nails further into her palm as her patience with Nasado waned.

“I wouldn’t exactly call him a blank page. I believe she had quite an influence over him.” Lowering her voice she murmured “Almost as much as before.”

Remaining stoic and unsettlingly calm he walked to the door.

“Excuses … I just need a little more time, I’m gaining his trust, you have to be patient.”


“Either you can do what’s expected of you or you can’t. Don’t waste my time Tess.”

Turning to argue her point she closed her mouth as the door swung shut.

Tess was not a dumb girl she knew Max even if he didn’t know himself so much right now.

She knew he would eventually find a way to retrieve his memory and that was something that couldn’t happen.

Resting her head in her hands she once again contemplated on how close she came to killing him.

Jealously is a twisted sword sometimes you end up hurting the one person you love the most.

The vision of him seeing her in the rearview mirror haunted her always.

How could she predict that he would actually swerve the car so he would get most of the impact saving …her.

Just the thought of the annoying brunette made her stomach nauseas with hatred.

The relief she felt when he signaled her and he recalled nothing was more than she could’ve hoped for.

And although she’d been lucky her concern grew as each day passed.

What would he do to her if he knew, if that day came back to him?

Even with her mindwarping abilities his powers were far more superior than hers.

Of course he has no idea of this fact at the present moment.

But what if he did?

Up till now the accident had been just that…an accident, even as Nasado was concerned.

She wondered as she squeezed at her temples what he would do if he knew the truth.

No harm would come to her that much she was sure of but their future, Nasado’s plan, that would never happen.

Even as King he was merciful and far too lenient with his sentences but that wasn’t good enough.

It all came back to Liz; she was the common denominator to this problem. With her gone he would be lifeless, trapped in his own guilt and despair.

She would definitely be in a position to pull his strings and get what she wanted.

She had to play this out carefully; Liz’s death in no way could be traced back to her.

Lying down on the couch she closed her tired eyes and relented to some much needed sleep.

Tomorrow was another day.


“I need an answer Agent Topolsky, is the situation under control?”

She floundered for an answer that would not make her look bad as she sat across from her colleague who was being treated for severe burns to his chest.

Unable to give her any facts on how he received these burns she didn’t want to look any more incompetent then she felt.

Knowing that a few kids were able to escape from the expert hands of the FBI was more than she wanted to share with her superior.

“That’s affirmative, agent Tamber was in a small automobile accident he is at home now recovering.”

“Were you able to proceed with the mission at hand?”

Hesitating briefly she tried to sound strong.

“We have a lock on one walking through the woods by Brooks creek. We are honing in on his exact location at the moment.”

“Do you have a handle on this Topolsky, should I be concerned?”

“Absolutely not sir, everything is under control.”

The awkward pause was longer than she liked as she listened to him breathe heavily.

“I’ll be flying in from Washington in few days, you know what you have to do. Please don’t make me regret putting you in charge of this operation Ms.Topolsky. Mistakes don’t sit well with me, in fact they put me in a very unpleasant mood. Do we understand each other?”

“Yes, you will not be disappointed.”


Gasping for air Liz sat up in a cold sweat.” Max?”

Running to her from the bathroom he took her in his arms and slowly rocked her back and forth.

“Are you ok? Was it a dream?”

Nodding she held him tight as tears formed in her eyes. “Yeah, a very bad dream.”

Pulling back from him she tucked her hair behind her ears as she decided to spare him from the details but there was something she had to know now.

“Max what did you mean when you said, no matter what happens don’t ever doubt my feelings for you.”

Every instinct inside him was screaming to lie, to spare her from something that was impossible to understand.

It was his heart that he ended up listening to as he looked up into her trusting eyes that held so much peace for him.

Staring back down at the pattern in her comforter he lowered his voice praying that this wouldn’t cause any distant between them, something he couldn’t handle.

“Someone was …here tonight. I’ve seen her before but not of my own doing. She seems to …appear out of nowhere.”

The more he spoke of her the more unravelled he became. He tried hard to steady his hands but it was no use, something about her struck a cord with him that was very deep.

Covering his hands with hers she nodded slowly. Her voice fell to a whisper as if saying her name too loud would be dangerous.


Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 15 3/26/10

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:26 am
by jake17

Thank you so much for all your very sweet fb!! :D

This update is dedicated to LIlithAnn, Happy Birthday Sweetie! :D

Chapter 15

“I assume he wasn’t pleased with our progress.”

Walking to the entrance of his hospital room Ms. Topolsky scanned the hallways before closing the door.

Sighing she sat in the chair next to his bed and took his hand.

“That’s putting it mildly Mark, but something else has been bothering me.”

Wincing from the pain of his burns Agent Tamber pulled her closer.” Talk to me, I can tell it’s more then guilt for sending me into that kid’s house.”

His barb was meant to lighten the mood but she was unshakable as her concern deepened.

“You know I feel horrible about sending you in there. I still don’t understand what could have caused those burns. You didn’t see anything?”

Looking towards the window and back into her worried eyes he realized she knew nothing.

“Kathleen what exactly did they tell you about these kids?”

Taken aback she stared at him confused.” Mark I know as much as you do. We have orders to detain them for questioning.”

“Did you ever ask yourself why they are so concerned about witnesses? Why we aren’t going straight to the parents or the school? They’re minors Kathleen, with no criminal history, haven’t you wondered what this is all about?”

Releasing his hand she moved closer “Mark what exactly do you know?”

Hesitating he breathed in deep before staring back at her blue apprehensive eyes.

“I’m out of this, I’ll be put on medical leave for sure, but you …you I’m worried for.”


“When I was back in Washington I was able to hack into a secure site, something that’s buried deep within the FBI. At first I thought it was a joke, some firewall that was to throw anybody snooping off, but then I went further. I wasn’t looking to uncover some big secret operation or anything; I almost wish I hadn’t been so stupid. There are things in this world you’re just better off not knowing Kathleen.”

Her voice fell to a whisper as she hung on every last word.

“What did you find?”

A distressed look came over him as he began to tremble. “Those kids we’ve been after…the government believes they are …aliens.”

Laughing she leaned back and rubbed her temples. “Not funny Mark I thought you were going to tell me something serious.”

“This is serious…very serious. Kathleen whether they’re crazy or not they are determined to take those kids, without their parents knowledge or anyone else for that matter. Once we have them …they will never see home again.”


“Come on we’re almost there.”

Narrowing her eyes Maria grabbed Michael by the shirt pulling him backwards. “ Are you telling me this to keep me walking, or are we really almost at Alex’s?”

“No, actually I’m lying so I can hear you complain, lords knows I can never get enough of that.”

Wiping the sweat from her forehead she began to get hysterical.

“Michael, we’re in trouble…like big trouble, and it ‘s not like we can run to Max for help, or our parents or the sheriff for that matter. Whoever is chasing us is going to catch us. Seriously Michael I’m too tired and I don’t think we’re anywhere near Alex’s, I can’t walk anymore and –“

Grabbing her face he stared intensely into her eyes before softening his expression and placing a gentle kiss on her panting mouth.

Melting into his embrace she sighed as she felt his hands smoothed around her jaw and into her hair.

“ Better now?”

Nodding slowly caught up in his unexpected affection she accepted the hand he held out for her and they continued on.


“Kathleen what are you doing?”

Holding her finger to her lips she dialed her cell. “Abort mission, we’ll reconvene tomorrow at noon. I repeat pull back immediately.”

Whispering Agent Tamber widened his eyes. ”Kathleen you can’t go against the orders given to you, you don’t understand what will happen.”

Determined she closed her phone and grabbed for her keys making her way to the door.

“I’m not going any further until I know what exactly they intend to do to these kids Mark.”

Running down the hall she quickly called someone she thought could help, maybe even trust.

“Kathleen! Wait! Please! You have no idea what you’re about to do = “


Alex opened his eyes to see Isabel standing in front of the window.

“It’s almost dawn.”

Walking up behind her he breathed in golden hair that fell softy against her shoulders.

Dizzy from the faint scent of jasmine he wished this night would never end.

“Do you think the others are alright?”

Nodding Alex draped a blanket over her. “I think we would’ve heard otherwise, they’re probably all still asleep. “

Edging his blinds down she pointed to the end of his driveway. “Please tell me that’s your fathers car Alex.”

He moved closer squinting his eyes as he tried to make out the car that was partially hidden by a cluster of trees.

“No, that would be the FBI that’s been chasing us all night.”

Before they were able to react the dark car started and slowly drove away.

Frightened Isabel grabbed his hand and moved closer to him. “Alex where are they going?”

“Umm, to get reinforcements? Honestly Isabel I have no idea but I don’t think we should stick around to find out. Come on we’ll head to Liz’s. We’ve got to tell them what’s going on.”

“Alex wait! Is that Maria and Michael?”


“So you know…about her.”

“Yes, and Max you have to be very careful with her…she’s …she’s – “

“An alien?”

Nodding Liz appeared almost guilty for her tone.

Cupping her cheek he tilted her face up towards him.

“It’s ok Liz, I feel it too… she’s different isn’t she?” stroking her soft skin he tried to bring her comfort seeing how difficult this was for her. “ Different from Michael Isabel and me.”

“Max we don’t know that much about her, but what we do know is very …unsettling.”

Sliding his hand from her cheek into her silky hair he sighed and nodded lowering his voice to try and soothe her.

“I know.”

Clutching his hand she pulled it from her hair making sure she had his attention.

“Max when I say ‘we’ I mean the rest of the group. You and her …well let’s just say you knew how to control her, she would listen to you. Whatever it was about her, whatever she wanted, you felt the need to keep it from us. You said it was for our own protection.”

Ashamed he pressed his lips to her temple and whispered softly. “I’m sorry Liz.”

None of this made sense to him and it certainly wasn’t what Tess was projecting to him, and then it hit him. Whatever control he had over her was lost after the amnesia.

She was telling him exactly what she wanted him to know and he was sure it was far trom the truth.

All his instincts about her were dead on. She was not to be trusted and what was worse he feared he was the only one who knew exactly how dangerous she was and what she was capable of.

Still he couldn’t understand why he would keep secrets from Liz.

“Why would I keep this from you, I wouldn’t do that Liz, it doesn’t make sense.”

Shrugging her shoulders she looked off into the distance as if recalling a painful memory.

“You were different Max, different from who you are now. It was a problem with us. I’m not going to lie. You just told me that I needed to trust you, that I had to have…faith in you.”

“What about Michael and Isabel?”

Knowing that this was a source of many arguments between them she felt it was better if he talked to Isabel and Michael himself.

“I honestly don’t know Max, I think this is something you need to discuss with them.”

Quietly he stood once again doubting just what kind of person he was.

His sincerity was almost heartbreaking. His voice broke as he stared out her window into the orange glow that was beginning to appear over the small town.

“Liz, I-I don’t want to keep secrets from you. You are the reason I’m standing here right now, the reason why I keep going when everything seemed so hopeless. You brought me back.”

With his voice full of resolve his tone deepened becoming stronger and more confident.

“We need to talk Liz, about her, about what she’s told me. I have this strong feeling, this…instinct that we are more powerful together then we are apart. I need you to know everything, even if there are things that might be painful for you to hear.”

Slowly she walked towards him as relief washed over her. Finally he was willing to give up the need to have complete control over every situation. He was at last going to let her in, which was all she ever wanted.

“I know I was this person, this leader, and I know I need to be that again. I have this knowledge…this gut sense that I am responsible for …for you, and Isabel, Michael and the others. It’s just something I know…”

Feeling the weight of what he was saying she rested her head on his back and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“…and I’m ready to be that again, but I can’t do this alone. Maybe I didn’t realize this before, but for some reason I know it now. I can’t protect you if you don’t understand what we’re up against. I trust you with my life Liz, I think I always have and it’s time I proved that.”

Turning towards her he cradled her face in his hands so softly he was barely touching her.

“I love you Liz.”

Closing her eyes she sighed feeling as if she was getting a part of him he never let her have before. “I love you too.”

As he stared into her eyes he felt the connection between them begin again, the heat from his hands warmed her skin, his heart warmed her soul.

“Max- ”

Holding his finger to her lips his raspy deep voice grew sultry and urgent.

“I have to kiss you.”

Capturing her lips they shared a slow deep embrace as soft glowing embers of light flew like fireflies around them…and for a few brief moments the world fell away.


Stepping away from the sidewalk his monotone voice whispered against her ear causing her to flinch as her face twisted with determination.

“Nice work. I can see you’re on top of things. Yes, he seems truly shaken by your threats.”

The anger and jealousy she could handle what really ate at her was the pain she felt.

She could see the love he felt for her, she felt it as she watched him kiss her.

Something deep inside her knew that he could never fully give himself to her that way, that nothing would ever be as they once were, no matter what she did.

Vengence was all she had left.

Turning on her heel she mumbled to herself as she pushed past Nasedo.

"After tonight Liz will no longer be a problem, you can count on that."

Raising his voice he yelled after her.

"Let's hope you're right Tess, for your sake."

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 16 5/2/10

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 3:05 am
by jake17

Thank you so much for you very sweet fb! So sorry this took so long, for some reason I had a serious block with this fic but I'm much better now, it wont be long till the next update, thanks for being so patient! :) I do believe I am messing with the order of things again, just a little. :oops: :wink:

Chapter 16

“If you’d stop pushing maybe I would be able to move faster, did you ever think of that Michael?”

Gripping the side of Liz’s ladder he looked up into her incensed green eyes and sighed.

“I wouldn’t have to push if you didn’t insist on moving at the pace of a paralyzed turtle!”

Glaring down at him she wondered how someone could be so inane.

“If a turtle was paralyzed how would it be able to move Michael? Seriously where were you when they were handing out the extraterrestrial brains, learning how to disable cars I’m guessing?”

Resting his head on the cool rail Alex sighed before mumbling against Isabel’s ear.

“Do you think we could still hitch a ride with the FBI? I mean how bad can it be? A little interrogation, maybe some mild violence…I think we can do it Isabel.”

“Are they really talking about paralyzed turtles?”

“Yes Isabel, yes they are.”


“I have to say I was a little more than surprised when I received your message last night.”

Stepping further out from behind the tree Kathleen stared down the dirt road hoping that she hadn’t been followed.

Tipping his hat up Jim followed her gaze while trying to figure out just what her game was. The kick in the head he sustained in Texas left him more than curious about the newly appointed guidance councilor, who now was quite obvious to Jim, no guidance councilor at all.

“What’s with the cloak and dagger routine Ms. Topolski? I mean we could’ve just met at the high school.”

Kathleen knew she needed help, someone on the inside, someone who knew these families who cared about these kids. She could tell Jim was a good man, the type of man that knew right from wrong, at least that’s what she was about to stake her career and maybe even her life on.

“I’m guessing we’re not here to discuss Kyle’s career path.”

His sarcastic smile drifted away when he saw the seriousness in her eyes.


“Where did you get this?!”

Liz backed up when Isabel abruptly reached for the healing stones from her desk.

Her accusatory tone held more weight now that she could feel Max and Liz had become closer, “You stole these from my room?" Looking at Max Isabel was more than mad, ”so we’re back to this now? You and Liz making decisions that effect all of us?”

“Isabel we have to use them on Max. He needs to get his memory back, all of it.”

“Oh does he Liz? And just what makes you so qualified to know what Max needs?”

Hearing enough Michael decided to take matters into his own hands, he wasn’t about to go back to the way it was before. He was through blindly following orders.

“ Forget it!” Grabbing the stones out of Isabel’s hand Michael seethed at Liz. “It’s too dangerous, we don’t even know what we’re doing. It’s too risky, especially with what’s going on now.”

Isabel shook her head in agreement. “There’s no way, we could make him worse.”

Sheepishly Alex stepped forward feeling for Liz. “Actually, its not a bad idea, we could go back to Riverdog, it worked for Michael – “

Maria nodded “I vote yes – “

Michael leaned against the wall exhausted. “We are not voting, it’s too dangerous right now. We can’t afford anything else happening to him, not with the FBI chasing us.”

Stepping forward Max took the stones from Michael and placed them in Liz’s backpack.

“I’m right here, don’t talk as if I’m not in the room. We’re using the stones, Liz is in danger there isn’t time for a debate.”

Narrowing his eyes Michael stood toe to toe with Max taken back by his seemly new sense of authority.

“Oh I see, here we go again, Liz is in danger so now you want us to go and risk everything again.”

Raising his voice it was clear, even though he didn’t have all this memory back yet, he was in charge. “That’s right Michael! Do you have a problem with that?”

Glimpsing down at his shirt, which was curled in Max’s fist he laughed sardonically as he looked over at Isabel.

Dropping his voice to a whisper as exhaustion took over his weary body, he rubbed his eyes in frustration knowing that no one was going to listen to him, that nothing was ever going to change. ”Is this the brother you missed so much Isabel?"

Staying calm but full of resolve Max kept his commanding stare firmly set on Michael as he addressed the rest of the group.

“Tonight we’re going to the reservation, we’re using the stones, end of discussion.”

Pushing Max away Michael became enraged. “ End of discussion? Let me tell you something! While you were here cuddling with your girlfriend Maria and I barely escaped from the FBI! If I didn’t - ”

Lowering his gaze to the ground Michael realized for the first time that he actually might have killed someone.

“If you didn’t what Michael?”

Max’s voice became urgent realizing Michael had used his powers, possibly in front of the FBI.

Liz walked over to Maria with growing concern. “ Maria are you alright?”

“Michael what did you do?” Max raised his voice causing Michael to finally snap.

Furious Michael shoved him across the room.” What I had to Max, what you couldn’t do! We were attacked I had no choice!”

Isabel grabbed Alex’s arm as he worst fears became real right in front of her eyes. “Was it the FBI? Did they see you use your powers Michael? Do they have proof now?”

Max paced the room rubbing the back of his neck wondering how he was going to deal with this. “Michael do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

Shoving Liz’s books off her desk he growled back “Yeah I saved our lives, if that’s what you can call them now. They’ve been chasing us all night Max, god knows what would’ve happened if I didn’t…I had to do it, you weren’t there, you don’t know.”

Quietly raising her hand in the corner of the room Maria stepped forward. “Max, Michael saved my life, whoever it was had broken in my window, they knew we we’re in there, they would’ve taken us both if he hadn’t...”

The look on her face woke Max up to the fact that this may be worse than he feared.

Grabbing Michael by the shoulders Max tried to calm his tone. “Is he … did you…”

Glaring up at him his voice fell to a whisper “Kill him? I don’t know …we didn’t exactly stick around to find out. I’m not sure what I did.”

Walking beside him Maria smoothed her hand over his shoulder. “You saved us, God knows where’d we be right now.”

For several seconds they all stood silent as the reality of the situation sunk in.

Feeling the fear and uncertainty of everyone Max realized he had no choice. For the first time he felt the full weight of all their lives on his shoulders.

It was time he became whole again.

“Forget tonight, we’re leaving now.”

“For the reservation? No, we have to hide, we have to figure out what our next move is.”

Taking a deep breath Max turned towards everyone making sure he made eye contact with Michael especially.

"Listen, I don't remember how I was before but with what you have told me and the resentment I feel from you I imagine I was ...hard to deal with sometimes, even controlling you could say."

"Yes you could definitely say that."

"Michael the only chance we have of escaping the FBI and surviving this mess is if we work together. "

Surprised Michael widened his eyes "Together?"

"Look you have to give me a chance, I"m not the same person I was before and from what I've been told I don't want to be, but I have to be whole again. I can't walk around like this anymore. It's dangerous and if the wrong people get a hold of me it can be deadly for us all, not just for Liz."

Calmer Michael nodded completely shocked by Max's vulnerable admission.

"But Michael you all have to know this. LIz is very important to me, she like you and Isabel is my family and I will do anything to protect her, just like she has done for me. You have to understand that Liz is a part of me, a part of me I can't live without. It's just the way it is. I hope that you can someday come to terms with that, because we all need each other now, more than ever."

Grabbing Liz's backpack Michael walked towards the window. "Let's go Max, let's get your memory back."

“Thank you Michael... you know I wouldn't do this without you...I don't think I could. I need you," looking at the rest of the group he voice softened, " I need all of you."

Lost as to what to say Michael pointed to the clock on Liz's nightstand. "If we're going to do this we should leave now, it won't be long until everyone will be up. We have to get out of town before anyone sees us."

“And then what Max? What happens after you get your memory back?” Isabel's tone had changed, He could hear it in her voice, she depended on him, more than that, she believed in him.

“Then you and Michael are going to tell me everything you know about Tess ….everything.”

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 17 6/21/10

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 2:27 am
by jake17
LilithAnn :wink:
L-J-L 76

Thank you so much for all your sweet fb, so sorry I for my long absence. Just to catch everyone up the gang was on their way to get Max's memory back with the help of Riverdog and the healing stones, and Ms. Topolski was confiding in Jim in hopes that he would help her protect the kids... oh and Tess REALLY wants Liz dead. again thank you so much for all your support. it's really been a tough year you all have made coming here the perfect escape. :)

Chapter 17

Listening to Eddie and Max argue Michael kicked the side of the crumbling makeshift house.

“What the hell are we going to do now? With Riverdog gone and Eddie refusing to help us we’re screwed!”

As their verbal disagreement became louder Alex noticed a growing crowd of Native American men starting to flock towards them.

Nudging Isabel he discreetly nodded towards the burly group of irritated guys approaching Max from behind.

“Not for nothing but I’m guessing they’re not from the Reservation sunshine welcoming committee. Someone needs to warn Max, I’m thinking someone with a healthy dose of unpredictable yet aggressive Alien powers and a chip the size of California on his shoulder.”

Widening his eyes he smiled at Michael and held his hands up in defense.

“Hey not that said chip isn’t justified I’m just saying a little attitude might come in handy about now.”

Putting her hand across his chest Maria stood in the way of Michael and the six young men making their way to Max.

“Michael you can’t its too dangerous what if someone sees.”

“A better question you might want to ask yourselves is what happens if our fearless leader gets pummeled into the ground.”

Sighing Isabel removed her coat and handed it to Alex.

“No need for violence, I have an idea.”

Watching as she unbuttoned her sweater revealing her lacey white bra Alex opened his mouth to protest.

“Alex shut it, she just might save our ass.”

“Maria you can’t be serious – “

But before he could finish his sentence Isabel had already began flirting with two of the larger more intimidating men of the group.

Glancing at his watch Max pleaded once again with Eddie.

“You have no idea how important it is that we speak to him, it’s a matter of life and death, please!”

Running his hands through his hair he stared at Max for what seemed like minutes before finally giving in.

“Look I have no way of getting hold of him but he’ll be back before dusk, he suffers from night blindness… refuses to drive in the dark. Go to the cave I brought you to a few weeks ago, no one will bother you there. I promise to send him as soon as he arrives. It’s the best I can do.”

Rubbing the back of his neck Max turned in time to catch Isabel inquiring about the history of the reservation to a group of men mesmerized by her cleavage.

“Fine Eddie, but please tell him it’s urgent.”


“Ms. Topolski - “

“Call me Kathleen, if we’re going to be working together you might as well – “

“What? Working together? Listen …Kathleen, what you’re saying is insane, and even if it were true don’t you think I would know if the government was set up in my town secretly spying on a bunch of high school kids who are suspected of being… aliens?”

Feeling her phone vibrate she reached for her badge and handed it to him before walking a safe distance away to answer her cell phone.

Jim felt an uneasy sensation in his gut as he drifted his fingers over the letters FBI.

All his suspicions about Max Evans were in one second confirmed, he wasn’t crazy like his father and now he wasn’t alone.

“What do you mean… deceased?”

Hearing the desperate tone of her voice Jim slowly made his way to her.

“I just left him an hour ago. He was in the burn unit in room 247, his name is Agent Mark Tamber, please… check the records again, there must be some mistake. He was fine, the doctor said - ”

Hearing the confirmation that her coworker and lover was in fact dead Kathleen closed her phone.

Staring lost at the dirt beneath her feet she whispered softly as tears welled in her devastated blue eyes.

“Oh my god, what have I done.”


“What are you going to do mindwarp them all? Do you even have a plan? Or are you just going to blindly walk in and fuck up yet another prime opportunity, don’t get me wrong it seems to be your forte lately. I’m just saying it might not be helpful to the mission at hand.”

With grave determination Tess grabbed her keys off the table and walked towards the door.

“Yeah I have a plan, I’m going to kill Liz Parker.”

Emotionless Nasedo watched as the front door slammed shut shaking the frame surrounding it.

“It’s about time.”


“I’m starving.”

Searching through his pockets Michael pulled out a single piece of gum and discreetly placed it in her hand.

“Here chew on this.”

Flipping it over Maria let her head fall against the damp cool rock and wined softly.

“Gum? What is gum going to do? I need food Michael, it’s been hours.” Glancing over at the others she sighed anxiously. “This is stupid waiting here, we don’t even know if Riverdog is going to show up.”

“He’ll show.”

Everyone looked up except for Maria who was now staring at her sneakers surprised that he had heard her.

“Max I didn’t mean – “

“I understand, it’s getting late we’re all tired and hungry and none of us knows if this is even going to work but we’re here now ….we have to try.”

“I thought I told you we were done here… but still you return.”


Max reached for Liz’s hand as relief washed over him. Feeling the warmth of her skin instantly eased his fears; he knew with her love he could beat this.

Stepping towards Riverdog he began to tell him of the accident and his loss of memory.

“You understand what needs to be done?”

Nodding Max placed the stones in Riverdog’s hands and waited for a response.


Breathing out sharply the blonde brushed back her damp hair from her face as she concentrated harder.

Squeezing her eyes shut she leaned against the hard stone surface of the cave furrowing her eyebrows to keep the complicated mindwarp going.


Walking towards Liz Riverdog held out his shaky wrinkled hand.

“You…he trusts you the most. You must come. It is your love that can heal him but first we have to clear your mind. You must be ready. Prepare yourself, he’ll need all your energy.”

Without hesitation Liz took his hand while gazing lovingly back towards Max.


Tess dug her fingernails into the sweaty palms of her hands as a smile slowly lifted the corners of her ruby red lips.

Vengence was finally in reach.... and it was oh so very sweet.

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 18 8/4/10

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:29 pm
by jake17

Thanks so much for the awesome fb everyone! :)

Chapter 18.

Taking them to a secluded part of the cave Riverdog rested his walking stick on the side of the wall and brushed the sweat from his forehead.

Glancing his old tired eyes down towards Max he sighed. “You understand your mind… what you remember will be shaped by the experiences you’ve been through since the accident. You won’t be the same as you were before.”

Smoothing his hand over hers Max gave Liz a meaningful look. “ I’m counting on that.”

Nodding he directed his attention towards Liz. “You will be his connection with the others …the energy will run through you to him. This will be different then when we healed the boy. The risk is much greater for you this time, the force will pull you in deeper. You must focus not letting any negative thought enter your mind.”

Max apprehensively raised his voice “How much greater will the risk be exactly?”

Preparing the water and markings on the ground he placed Max in the center. “At the very least she will be weak and exhausted for several days, if she gets lost she could remain unconscious for weeks maybe even …”

Max gripped his hand demanding his attention. “Don’t tell me this could be permanent.”

Continuing he broke free. “Worst case… yes.”

Straightening up Max rushed by them both. “Forget it.”

Confused Liz stumbled through the darkness after him. “What? Wait Max …”

The rest of the group parted letting him through.

“Are we leaving? Is it done already?” Alex leaning against wall in relief, “well that was way easier than I thought it would be.”

Shoving the stones back in the backpack Max mumbled seriously. “It didn’t happen and it’s not going to.”

Isabel grabbed the backpack demanding an explanation. “Max you dragged us up here for a reason, why are you stopping now.”

“Its too dangerous. I’ll have to get all the information on Tess from you and Michael and hope its enough.”

Maria began to panic. “But what about Liz? You said Tess was after her … how are you going to protect her when you're all… power challenged.”

“Is that the pollitically correct word these days for alien amnesia? I can never keep up.”

“Be quiet Alex” Liz turned him around to face her. She looked fearless brave…ready.

“Max all our lives may depend on you being whole again …but ultimately we know she is after you.” Her voice softened as her fingers laced with his, “I’m not going to watch you fade away again. I can’t lose you twice. I can do this.”

Max felt a strong hand rest on his shoulder. “We’ll make sure she comes out of it.” For the first time in months Max felt a deep connection between the boy who he always thought of as family. "If you could remember you'd believe me."

Michael and Isabel gave him a look that resonated deep within him. It wasn’t a memory but a feeling…a feeling that he could count on them. "I do believe you."

Staring intensely down at Liz Max cupped her cheeks feeling her silky hair float against his hands.

“You have to promise me if you start to feel - “

Cutting him off she held his hands to her face. “I’ll bow out and leave the rest to them …I promise.”

Knowing her life was the one at stake if this didn’t work he was left with no choice. “Fine, let ‘s do it.”


Watching her tremble in fear Jim felt a strange uneasy feeling up his spine.

Topolski stood with an air of uncertainly fear… panic. She ran every scenario through her mind before coming to the one horrifying conclusion she knew to be true.

“Kathleen?” with great care Jim approached her watchful as she trembled against the tall oak tree, “tell me what’s going on.”

Slowly she closed her phone as she looked up to meet his steel blue eyes.

“We have to find those kids.”

Her voice was grave and serious as her mind grappled with the truth of what was to come.

“Max and his sister?”

Shaking her head slowly her FBI training began to kick into action.

Calming herself she took a few deep breaths.

“Not just them, we’ve been investigating their friend Michael Guerin and three others. Follow me, it’s not safe here. I have to pull in some favors. We need to find them…. before…”

Growing in strength he began to capture the importance of the words she was saying.


Scanning the darkened woods around them she rushed to her car. “Before they do.”


She struggled to keep her movements quiet as she climbed the heavily wooded hill leading to the cave.

He was still unknowingly sending off a beacon as to his location. This was a huge benefit she had been enjoying throughout the time of his splintered memory.

Their connection and his power over her was still a mystery to him and she intended to keep it that way.

Pulling back the thick brush Tess was lost as to why he would be out in the middle of a small Indian Reservation held up in a cave but she knew her time was limited.

With Nasedo loosing faith in her and Max’s growing strength to find himself again her chances to capture Liz were running out.


Maria screamed as Liz fell backwards. "LIz!"

Lying lifeless in his arms Max fell to his knees. Weak himself after the healing it took great effort for him to hold her tiny frame against his chest.

“We’ll take her -“


Breathing heavily he wiped the sweat from his forehead as he looked up at the others.

“No, I’ve got her …she’s my girl…we did this once before we can do it again.”

The group began to back away sensing the intimacy between them.

Gently he pressed his lips to her ear as he held her lovingly to his body.

“Remember Liz? Remember that day in the crashdown…when I laid my hands on you? We can do this …we can do this but you have to help me. Just like before my love. Look at me.”

Tears formed in his eyes as he watched her long dark eyelashes flutter quickly before a sharp gasp left her soft lips.

Laying her carefully on the cave floor he put his hands on either side of her head.

“Please …you have to look at me.” His pleading voice stirred emotion with the others as they held onto each other anxiously.

A glimmer of hope rose in him as she took two very deep breaths and peered up at him.

“That’s it …hold on just hold on baby. I’m going to bring you back.”

An intense painful expression covered his face as he concentrated. Staring deep into her eyes vivid flashes pulsed through his mind.

After several moments he groaned softly and fell towards her gasping for air.

“Max!” Michael rushed to his side holding him up so he wouldn’t crush her.

“There you are.” A small smile crossed his exhausted handsome face as he breathed out in relief.

Maria took off her jacket and bundled it behind Liz’s head as she slept peacefully.

“Is she ok?”

With the help of Michael Max lifted himself off of her and leaned against the cave wall.

She might need me again and she definitely needs rest but she's going to be fine.

Glaring into his eyes Isabel squinted studying his every move looking for any clue that he was himself again.

Laughing slightly Max pulled his sister close for a hug. “I’m back too Izzy.”

Alex rubbed his forehead as he carefully spoke. “Do you mean we actually got through a catastrophe in one piece? Well there’s one for the humans, I knew Liz had it in her.”

“It definitely worked but everything‘s coming in waves. I think it’s going to take a little time before its all clear. In the meantime we have to take care of Liz.”

Drained Max felt physically and emotionally exhausted. He tried to stand but ended up sliding straight to the floor.

“I need a little time. Michael and Alex carry her down to the car. Alex stay with her while Michael gets the rest of us there.”

Moving fast Michael carefully scooped her up in his arms. “I’ll be right back.”


Alone in the car Alex brushed her dark hair away from her eyes. “You had me worried there for a minute.” Whispering softly he wrapped his arms around her, “try not to do that again.”

Completely unaware of the fierce stare coming through the passenger window Alex closed his eyes for just a second.

But a second was all it took.

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult)chpt 19 12/3/10

Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:01 am
by jake17
Carolyn x2
Omega Ram1

So so sorry for taking so long with this update everyone, hopefully this story hasn't been forgotten, You are all so great, your fb so inspires me to write, thank you so so much!! Im probably rusty especially with this story, hopefull its ok. thanks so much for being so patient with my absence, and yes you sweet people my little girl is getting better every day :) thanks so much for continuing to ask. :D

Chapter 19.

Scattered memories that jumbled out of order of time flickered inside Max’s head as he rested against the damp cave wall.

Maria stood with folded arms looking down at him with apprehension not quite convinced that Riverdog had ‘cured’ him.

Breathless from running back up the treacherous mountainside Michael noticed her indifference.

“Maria it’s ok,” Rubbing her shoulder tenderly he leaned in and whispered against the shell of her ear, “I can feel that it worked, he’s different, the connection that the three of us share feels ‘right’ again.”

Looking up at him with confused skeptical eyes Maria stared over at his caressing hand that continued to rise and fall against her arm.

Leaning carefully with her scarf between the wall and her skin for protection from germs bugs and other creepy crawls that she wouldn’t be happy about touching her, Isabel rolled her eyes and sighed.

Michael still trying to catch his breath shrugged his shoulders puzzled by their behavior.

“What? What’s with the staring?”

In an obviously bored impatient tone Isabel pointed to his hand, “Number one you are being incredibly helpful with out an argument or lengthy discussion over who is giving orders and who is following them. Two, you are comforting someone with selfless affection that you know will not be rewarded with some sexual favor. Three you are comforting someone with selfless affection that you know will not be rewarded with some sexual favor. Color me surprised to say the very least Michael.”

Instantly removing his hand Michael stood tall with his arms now folded across his chest that he was trying to push up and out to make him look more muscular.

“I was just trying to suppress Maria’s need to get hysterical the way she does in a crisis, the last thing we need is negative energy surrounding Maxwell right now.”

Raising her eyebrows Isabel cocked her head to the side and chuckled sardonically. “Oh yes and you would be the expert on staying calm and cool in a stressful situation.”

“At least I don’t get all judgy and critical like you! Is it all possible for once in your life to keep one single solitary opinion to yourself? I suppose retaining your crown of Bitch of the Year is still your secret weapon for dealing with out of control dangerous missions.”

“Hey did you just say I’m hysterical?? And this coming from a boy who thinks blaring ‘enter sand man’ is the sure fire cure for just about everything!”

“Quiet children! Your leader is trying to speak, now is not the time for adolescent bickering, your lives are very much at risk. Go home and tend to Max and the girl, they are far from well and need to rest and heal.”

Feeling as if they were just sent to the principals office the three of them became instantly silent as they knelt down to hear Max more clearly.

Reaching out Max grabbed Michael’s arm still very much concerned for Liz.

His voice was weak and trembling as he tried to block the quick moving flashes of memories that shot out of order through his brain like a pinball machine.

“We’re wasting time, you have to get Isabel and Maria down to the car. She could be anywhere and I can’t fight her like this. We have to get somewhere safe.”

Brushing some dirt off her hundred dollar jeans Isabel closed her eyes as something quite important dawned on her. “Max where exactly can we go? The only place without parents is crawling with FBI agents, which maybe dead or alive thanks to our misfiring man with a plan over here.”

Drawing in a deep breath Max tried to steady his rapid heartbeat. “Riverdog has a shack up past the old mill on Bear Head Mountain. We’ll be safe there, at least for now.”

Simultaneously the girls uttered the word ‘shack’ shocked at what that implied.

Maria pulled her arms through her coat as she walked glumly towards the entrance to the cave mumbling to herself about no running water and how she would hold it forever before peeing in a hole in the ground.

Kneeling down once more Isabel suddenly felt bad for her ranting as sweat trickled down the sides of Max’s handsome face.

“Sorry little brother I guess this night is just getting to me, I don’t like not knowing where that bitch is. It’s giving me the willies, I know its impossible but I can’t help feeling as if she’s watching every move we make.”

Shaking as he tried to focus on standing up Max nodding in agreement, “The sooner we get out of here the better, we’re too vulnerable right now. Go with Michael, I’ll be down in a minute.”

Signaling to Maria to just go she sat down next to Max and put her arm around his shoulder supporting his sweaty spinning head.

“Isabel what are you doing? Go with Michael, its not safe here.”

Winking she squeezed his shoulder, “Sorry Max, where you go I go, we don’t separate, remember?” Looking sadly down at their laced fingers Isabel lowered her voice. “I didn’t mean …sorry Max I-I …”

Cutting her off he smiled faintly. “ I do remember, the pact we made as kids. I do remember.”

Her eyes glassed over with uncommon tears feeling as if she got a little piece of her brother back. “I missed you, I was so afraid I had lost you forever.”

Flashing a crooked smile Max’s hoarse voice whispered against the coolness of the cave. “Not a chance.”

They both look up in time to see Michael and Maria turn on their flashlights as they exited the darkened entrance.


Sitting in the large dark blue car Jim shook his foot nervously and tapped his fingers on the dashboard. “Look my son hangs out with these kids, you need to fill me in on what’s going on.”

Distracted by the list of names that she had been looking up in her notes Kathleen mumbled as she intermittently crossed off some and circled others. “ Not recently he hasn’t, we believe he’s safe at the moment. The main focus is on Max, his sister their friend Michael Guerin and three others.”

Twenty minutes had gone by, twenty long minutes of Jim being patient watching her choke back tears and anxiously run her fingers through her hair.

“Look I think I’ve been pretty calm up till now, I understand you’ve gotten some very distressing news and I feel for you, really I do but if those kids are out there in trouble sitting in this car is not exactly going to help them.”

Sighing she held her hand up as she tried once again to pull herself together.

“Ok I’ve got a few leads on where they might have gone, we’ve been following them for quite a while now. First we’ll check their homes, I doubt that their there but at least we can rule it out.”

Taking his cowboy hat off to wipe his brow Jim’s eyes flared with intensity, “And then?”

Tapping the end of her pencil on her yellow legal pad she bit her lip trying hard to concentrate leaving the fact the her lover was just murdered by the very people she worked for and pledged to protect.

“Ok these two are long shots but Max has recently began working at the UFO museum on Main street, his boss is a fanatic about aliens, maybe Max has struck up a friendship with him, maybe he would protect them, hide them out there.”

Nodding Jim still had a hard time grasping the fact that Max wasn’t human, that his father was right all these years, but to what extent and why was Kathleen trying to protect them. He need answers and needed them now.

“And the third?”

Still focused on her notes she wiped away a stray tear and cleared her throat as she bravely looked up at Jim.

“A few weeks ago we witnessed them taking several trips to a local reservation just outside of town. First Liz went alone, after that Max and went with her. That was the night you decide to play traffic cop and bust my identity. We thought we lost them for a moment but a tracer placed in Liz’s backpack told us exactly where they were. There were more excursions to this Indian reservation but the tracer was lost somehow in the woods.”


Shrugging her shoulders she shook her head, we don’t know maybe they found it, maybe it just fell off, regardless it’s a point of interest worth investigating.

Just then a pair of bright high beams popped up over the hill between a couple of trees about a half a mile away.

“Damn they found us”

Looking back at the lights Jim pulled out his piece, “What now?”

Spotting Jim’s bronco just a few feet away she yelled at him to run.

”We have to ditch the car! I’m sure its how they found us!”

Jumping in the car she yelling at him to drive as she quickly turned of the headlights he just turned on.

As they sped down the dirt road Jim took a path he was sure no one would know to follow.

Reaching in her purse Kathleen pulled out her cell phone and threw it out the window making sure it smashed against a tree.

“We need a safe place to go for now until we shake this tail, any ideas?”

Nodding his head Jim tilted up his hat still reeling from the reality of what was happening, still his only thought at the moment was to check on Kyle.

Even though Kathleen was convinced he was safe he had to be sure himself.


Speeding down the twisting curved road they both clung to one another blind from the canvas bags that had been secured over their heads ...they were scared to death.

Shivering and weak Liz snuggled close to Alex for the comfort she knew she could always expect from her best friend.

Her voice cracked as she tried desperately to hold back the sting of her tears.

“I’m so sorry Alex, it’s my fault you’re here. I’m so sorry.”

Equally scared and not afraid to show it his voice trembled just as hard as he nuzzled Liz trying hard to ease her pain.

“Now you listen here little lady, you’re my friend …my best friend in fact. Believe me there’s no one I’d rather be kidnapped with by evil aliens, even if I do end up getting probed with pointy metal objects in places I’d rather never see the light of day.”

Alex’s feeble attempt to lighten the mood was dashed as the Jetta came to a screeching halt.

Several moments went by as they sat in silence with their hands tied behind their backs blinded and unable to move.

Clearing his throat he somehow gathered up the courage to speak to her.

“Listen Tess, it’s true you have Liz, which is clearly what you wanted but there is something you should know.”

She released a soft sigh of indifference as she tapped her nails on the steering wheel waiting for Nasedo to arrive.

Her voice was smooth and silky, sexy in a scary way like a twisted mental patient with the knowledge that she was attractive to the opposite sex and used this sex appeal as a weapon.

“Really Alex, and what exactly would that be?”

Playing on a hunch that she knew more about Max’s powers then perhaps they did he swallowed hard pulling courage from every James Bond movie he had seen. He had to sell this, he had to be confident and cool.

It was no secret none of these qualities were Alex’s strong points but this was Liz’s life that was on the line.

This bluff had to be believable.

“Back in the cave, Riverdog was able to restore Max’s memories…all of his memories Tess. It won’t be long before he finds us, I’m no expert in alien revenge but if I were you I wouldn’t want to face the wrath and power he’ll use against anyone who kidnapped his girl….but of course that’s just me.”

Silence once again filled the tense air until they heard the front door open and slam quickly.

Still blind Liz turned towards Alex, her breathing was shallow, her pulse dangerously slow.

Whispering softly she rested her head on Alex’s shoulder painfully missing her Max.

“That was brilliant Alex…I just hope it spooked her.”

Closing his eyes tight he knew that now Max depended on him to keep Liz safe. How he would do this was lost on him but he would do everything in his power to protect her.


Leaving Maria behind Michael ran as fast as he could back up the rugged hill tripping over jagged rocks and cacti rattled to his very core.

Stumbling into the cave he fell to his knees unable to look Max in the eye.

Immediately Max knew.

“I’m so sorry. She must’ve been here the whole time watching us. I have no idea how she found us. There’s ho possible way, it just doesn’t make any sense!”

Drained and torn with despair Max fell to his knees clutching his head in his hands.

Confused Isabel wrapped her arms around him keeping him from completely falling to the ground.

“What is it? What happened Michael?!”

Breathless he strained to even say the words.

“Liz and Alex…they’re gone. She’s got them. Tess found us.”

Gasping Isabel mouthed his name fearing she would never see him again as Max shook in her arms with a rage he had never felt before.

He knew more than ever that they had to pull together if they were going to get Liz and Alex back.

This time he would not go it alone, he was smarter, calmer more calculating and by sheer will getting stronger by each passing second.

If it was a fight she wanted...this time he would be ready.

Re: Frozen in Time (CC,M/L,Adult) chpt 20 2/1/11

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:14 pm
by jake17
L-J-L 76

thanks so much for all your awesome fb, sorry again that this took so long, but i will definitely be writing more often now. thank you so much for all the nominations, i am sincerely blow away! finally some good news! :wink: I so appreciate the fact that you thought of me, it just made my day! :) thanks again!!

Chapter 20

Standing in his father’s abandoned house Jim offered Kathleen some instant coffee, hoping to give them some energy.

“Sorry, it’s all we’ve got, no one’s lived here for a very long time.”

Walking slowly around the room Jim began turning on a lamp in the living room and an overhead light in the kitchen.

Looking at all the cobwebbed pictures on the wall of the Valenti family she sighed feeling the sadness that still loomed over the house.

“Your mother never did believe your dad about the aliens did she?”

Taking a step back he briefly wondered how she knew this information.

“Wow they really must have a lot to go on if they’re digging into my past.”

Reaching on top of the fridge he found an old bottle of scotch and raised it high, offering it to her. Nodding he pulled out two glassed and quickly washed them.

“No, my mother thought my dad was completely insane, especially at the end of her life.”

Swirling the alcohol around the short fat glass she frowned at his picture, so proud in his uniform.

Your poor dad, to think of all he went through and he was right, he was right all along.

Old memories of painful events began to cloud the sheriff’s mind as he pulled his cell from his pocket.

“Are you all right son?”

Quickly he eyed Kathleen and waved her over.

“Ok that’s fine why don’t you just stay at Justin’s for the night, I’ve got some business to take care of at the office, I’ll be pretty late, you’re better off staying at his parent’s.”

Closing his phone Jim raised his eyebrows, “Well, we can rule out your first two guesses on where they are?”

Coughing from her sip of the strong liquor Kathleen whispered. “And why is that? “

“Well Kyle just made the rounds looking for Liz, he went to everyone’s house, he even went to the UFO museum thinking that Max might be able to find her. No such luck.”

Grabbing her coat Kathleen motioned for Jim to follow. “That leaves one place, let’s just hope we find them at the reservation before the FBI does.”


Alex did he best to concentrate on every turn Tess had made and how far she had driven, playing close attention to the sounds and unusal terrain in the road he tried to calculate where they could possibly be.

He knew that there was a train track that ran across the only way in and out of the Reservation and as far as he could tell they hadn’t crossed it.

He remember an old wooden covered bridge that lead to a cemetery on the west side of the property, it made a very specific sound when you crossed it like you were in a tunnel driving on uneven ground.

Feeling the bumpy road and hearing the echo of a hawk as it flew screeching by them he surmised they were driving through the tunnel.

There was an old historical broken down building that sat just a few yards from this bridge.

It was the only cover he could image around for miles.

The heavily wooden area surrounding the cemetery and the ancient structure would make a great hiding place for the Jetta.

Suddenly the car made a sharp right, he could hear leaves and branches scrapping the sides and roof of the car.

Brushing up against Liz’s leg he tried to hint for her to remain quiet,

With a heavy sigh Tess opened the door an slammed it hard shaking the car.

This was not the sound of happiness concluded Alex as he pretended to sleep.

Listening carefully he could hear a deeper voice talking to her but he couldn’t make out what they were saying.

Tess was definitely arguing with a man.

The sounds began to fade as if they were walking from the car.

Alex thought that maybe they were checking out the museum, at any rate this was his chance to try and help Liz escape.

Worried that Liz’s breathing had become shallow he leaned towards her and whispered close to where he thought her ear would be.

“Hey Liz? How are you feeling?”

Alex began to really worry when he heard how weak and disjointed her speech had become.

Sweating from the burlap sack that was still over her head Liz began to feel light headed.

“I’m not feeling so good Alex, I’m so drained from connecting with Max. I thought it would get better but I’m starting to think I needed to stay close to him. We must be moving farther away from him. I can feel his energy slipping from me, I’m not sure I can recover without him. Alex …I’m scared.”

Trying to sound as positive as he could he rested his head on her shoulder keeping his weight off of her.

“Liz have I ever let you down?”

Letting out a shaky ‘no’ Liz let her head fall back against the seat, almost immediately she whispered a little livelier retracting her last answer.

Well there was that one time that you helped Maria set me up with Walter Krisnky, the boy who was obsessed with collecting stamps and dead insects. Oh and remember when we were in the forth grade and I asked you if that orange dress my mother made me wear made me look stupid and you said it looked beautiful and for the rest of the year everyone called me tangerine dream?"

Taking a much needed breath Liz started again, “Oh and don’t forget – “

“Ok! I believe you’ve made your point but this time is different!”

Lowering his voice even more he calmly whispered. “I have a plan, but you need to listen to me very carefully.”

Hearing a slight groan and a shuddered breath coming from her he knew there wasn’t much time.

“Liz, I’m going to try to get us out of here but I need you to act completely normal, as if nothing is going on.”

Concentrating as hard as he could he tried to make out the muffled words coming from Tess and Nasedo to try to determine just how far away they were.

Taking a deep breath he began to manipulate his shoulders and arms hoping that the one useless skill he possessed might actually free them.

Moving his shoulders outside the normal range of motion for a typical human being he was able to stretch both his arms up from behind his back.

Finding the metal clip that held the seat belt he grasped it with his hands and began to rock it back and forth to dislodge it from the thin lining of the inside of the car.


After a few exhausting minutes he was able to rip it off, immediately he began cutting the rope tied around Liz’s wrists with the sharp metal.

“Alex – how did you – “

“Lets just say Maria would be choking on her constant jokes concerning my gift of double jointed abilities. Come on Liz say it…who is the man?”

Weak and exhausted she laughed forcing the words he wanted to hear, seriously thankful that it was Alex who was with her.

“You are Alex, you are the man.”


With their arms both looped around Max’s shoulders Michael and Maria helped him down the uneven rocky hillside.

Sweat covered his forehead as he struggled with the new information that was funnelling quickly inside his mind.

Limping far behind them Riverdog shook his cane in their direction.

“She wont last too much longer without you Max., but if you rush this process you could seriously damage your mind. You're in a very fragile state right now; the effects could be irreversible if you try to use your powers too soon.”

Slurring his words Max worked on honing in on his connection with Tess, trying hard to remember everything she had said to him while he still had his amnesia.

Over and over she had made references to him ‘calling’ her to him, in the desert specifically. It was as if he had some hind of control over her, like a beaconing power that summoned her to come to him.

Stopping suddenly Max became very alert.

“I think I have the power to force her come to me.”

Furrowing his eyebrows at Maria, Michael then looked back at Isabel wondering if Max was having any ill side affects.

“I don’t get it Max, like a homing device or something?”

Sighing in frustration Max nodded. “It kept happening when I was alone, she would show up saying some crap like I connected with her with my mind, or sent out some kind of signal…that’s it!”

Breaking away from Michael and Maria Max began to run down to the bottom of the mountain.

“Wait! Max! Where are you going?” Isabel screamed as she stumbled through the brush after him almost knocking down Michael and Maria in her path.

Turning back to face them Max leaned his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.

“I’m going to get Liz and Alex back, but I can’t do it by myself. I’m going to need all of you; she’ll be expecting me to go after them alone. It’s what she’s counting on. It's what I've always done.”

“But I thought you were stronger than Tess, way stronger.” Maria said as she tried to catch her breath.

Standing taller he felt his strength returning, smiling he looked over all of them like this is something he should've known all along.

“I am stronger, but that was always my biggest weakness.”

Maria leaned against a rock and rubbed her sore back. “Anyone else here completely lost?”

“I had these powers before the accident, powers I knew only I possessed. Because of this I thought it was my responsibility to protect us all. So I kept her away from all of you, tried to control her myself, I thought it was better …safer if I protect you all from her…from anything dangerous, but now I understand.”

You could see the regret in his eyes as he confessed what he had been doing for so long.

“We are better, smarter, stronger …almost unstoppable together than we ever could be apart.”

Walking towards them Isabel couldn’t help but run into his arms.

“I made this mistake in my last lifetime, I promise not make the same mistake in this one.”

Feeling Michael’s hand on his shoulder he smiled knowing that things would be different now.

“Well this is all very heartwarming I have to admit, but if were going to save your friends we better get a move on.”

Stunned Maria gasped as she pointed to the tan SUV and the man standing in front of it.

“Sheriff Valenti!”