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Double Date (AU/CC/Adult) - Part 11 - 08/23/09

Posted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 12:23 am
by Double Trouble
destinyc: Umm… well… yeah… not yet. How ‘bout a naked Max and Liz instead?

tequathisy That’s one possibility… just not high on the list of probabilities.

kismet: Feel free to give it a shot. They can use some outside interference.

Ya just never know!

begonia9508 Similar, yup. Hope your imagination painted a good picture!

*BLONDIE*: Nah, Max is gonna see a break in his luck in this next part. It is a total role reversal, but it was fun to play with.

mary mary: Yes, we’ve heard that same thing from guys. Sometimes it must really suck to be a guy!

Alien_Friend: We’re glad you like Michael and Maria here! It is a difficult situation Maria’s in, and she’s definitely doing her best to make sure he makes the first move!

We’re biased, but Danny’s a cool little guy! We think you’ll love him!

Yup, Part 11… and, oh, look – it’s here!

Part 11

Max watched Liz as she ran out towards the edge of the bank, grabbing a rope that hung from a sturdy branch overhead and swinging out over the water before letting go and landing in the lake. She had been quick to strip her clothes off, laughing at his slight hesitation when he couldn’t keep his eyes off of her.

He smiled at her when she surfaced and shot a teasing grin at him. “I’m comin’,” he said as he hurried to unzip his jeans and kick free of them, adding them to the pile of clothes on the bench behind him.

He followed her example, running towards the edge and grabbing the rope, swinging out and letting it go to drop down in the cool water. “Holy fuck,” he shouted as he surfaced. “You didn’t tell me the water was gonna be cold!”

“It’s not that cold, it’s refreshing.”

Not that cold? he thought, hoping the blood flow would shift south sometime soon. “My dick isn’t impressed with the... refreshing temperature of the water.”

She laughed and swam towards him, wrapping her arms around him. “I can help him to get over it,” she whispered in a teasing tone and kissed him.

Max smiled against her lips. He enjoyed how playful she was and her ability to draw him out of his shell was something that amazed him. His ex had always complained that he was too withdrawn and lacked any fun qualities, but he was beginning to suspect that it wasn’t true. She just hadn’t brought that part of his personality out.

“What’re you thinkin’ about?” Liz asked when he didn’t kiss her back.

“Just that I’ve been missin’ out on life and I think I finally know why.” His right hand came up to lift her chin so that he could stare into her eyes. “I’m so ready to kick this summer into overdrive.”

She grinned and wrapped her legs around him under the water. “Glad to hear that, Mr. Evans.”

Max grinned back at her. “You still gonna be glad when I tell you the condoms are in my pocket?”

“Which pocket?”

“The back pocket... of my jeans... that’re on the bank with the rest of our clothes.” His dark eyes sparkled in the moonlight as he waited for her response.

“Not too far away then,” she rasped.

“Easy for you to say,” he groaned when she shifted and lined their lower bodies up perfectly.

She reached between them to brush his length. “Why don’t we start things out in the water and then go back to that bench?”

“You’re just full of good ideas.” He lowered his head to nip at her flesh where her neck and shoulder met.

“You have a very talented mouth, Max.” She leaned her head to one side to give him better access.

He let his lips trail down along her throat until his chin hit the water and he shifted her higher so that he could give her breasts the same attention before his mouth settled over her nipple. The sounds she made encouraged him and made him even harder and he immediately found himself getting with her program and thinking that maybe foreplay was just a little overrated.

“Maybe we should move directly to that bench,” Liz suggested. She wasn’t sure if she could hold back any longer. They had been interrupted so many times and she needed some relief soon.

Max nodded, no longer surprised by her ability to get right to the point. “I completely agree,” he said, kissing her once more before releasing her so they could swim back to shore.

Liz climbed out of the water first and ran to the bench where they had put their clothes earlier. She turned to watched Max as he followed her, aroused all over again just from looking at his well-toned body.

“Hurry, sexy man,” she teased him.

He couldn’t stop the stupid grin that crossed his features as he caught up with her and he pulled her into his arms, groaning when he felt her naked body plastered against him. “You good with doin’ this out here?” He nodded at the woods around them, hoping she wouldn’t change her mind. “We’ve got a sleepin’ bag waitin’ for us back at camp if you’d rather...”

She pressed her finger to his lips. “Thought you were the one with the no sex in public places rule?”

He nipped at her finger and shrugged. “Rules were made to be broken, right?”

She grinned. “No problems with that.”

“I hope not; I’m followin’ your lead on this.”

“I won’t disappoint you,” she promised, leaning in to take his mouth in a hot kiss.

Like that was possible, Max thought.

She took his hand to guide him in front of the bench, pressing him down to sit on it. After glancing at him for several seconds, she smiled and sat down in his lap facing him.

Max looked up at her, his eyes tracing over her body and loving the way the moonlight played over her glistening skin.

She reached out to get the condom out of his pants pocket. “Extra large, huh?” she asked and wiggled her eyebrows.

He lowered his gaze to his erection and gestured to it with one eyebrow raised. “Hey, it’s what I’ve got to work with.”

“Uh-huh, I love it.” She took the tiny foil package in her teeth and ripped it open with one quick move.

“Fuck,” he hissed when she rolled the condom over his length. He was relieved when he didn’t lose it at that moment because damn, he was close!

She leaned her forehead against his. “How long has it been since you’ve had sex?”

He grimaced. “The night my girlfriend dumped me...” He mentally counted back to that night and he winced. “Month and a half.”

Liz sensed that his breakup wasn’t a good topic to talk about. “Well, I’m glad she did; I wouldn’t have met you otherwise.”

“Maybe we could move on from that humiliating topic before we no longer need that extra large condom,” he muttered.

“Alright,” she let her fingers trailer over his chest as her lips moved down his neck to his shoulders. “Touch me,” she breathed.

His hands moved over her sides, his touch whisper-soft against her skin as he let her distract him from the more bothersome thoughts about his past relationship. “You’re the definition of perfection,” he said, his voice hushed.

She almost blushed at his comment. Did he really mean it? No man had ever said anything like that to her. “I wouldn’t call it perfection, but I’m pretty much satisfied with that what I have.”

He laughed quietly as his hands came up to cup her breasts. “You call it what you want and I’ll call it like I see it.”

“I’m very glad that Michael convinced you to come to Roswell,” she said, shifting her position so that her lower body brushed against his erection.

“Um-hmm, and let’s not talk about that condom thief either,” he growled, letting his right hand drift down, moving between her legs to tease her slick folds.

She moaned from his touch and threw her head back. “Max,” she breathed and let her hand run through his soft dark hair.

His hands shifted to settle on her hips and he tugged her closer as he captured her mouth once again.

“I can’t wait much longer, baby,” she whispered because his hands on her body were driving her crazy.

“Don’t hold out on my account.”

She raised her hips and shifted even closer to him so that his cock was softly rubbing against her wet folds. “You’re ready?” she asked, glancing down at him with a soft smile on her lips.

“Past ready,” he said, hoping she wouldn’t prolong the sweet torture.

She nodded, the movement hardly noticeable, and lowered herself slowly. A deep groan escaped her mouth, when she felt him inside her.

Max bit his bottom lip, focusing on the tiny bit of pain to keep him from losing it just from feeling her body surrounding him so tightly. “You feel so fuckin’ good,” he whispered just before his lips crashed into hers again.

Liz waited a while to get used to the feeling of him inside her before she started to move her lower body against him.

Max’s hands roamed over her body, distracting him just enough to let her set the pace and control it.

“I’ve been waiting for this so long,” she mumbled against his lips.

He grunted in response. He had been thinking the same thing, but he wasn’t just thinking about sex; he felt a connection with Liz that he hadn’t expected to feel since this was just intended to be a summer thing.

Her moves started to get faster as the need to come became stronger than the desire to take things slow.

Max felt her movements becoming more insistent and his hands moved to settle on her hips to help keep her steady. “You are so fuckin’ hot,” he whispered as his hips lifted to meet hers.

“No, you’re the one who’s hot,” she said, smiling.

“So hot that I’m ready to blow.”

“I’m right with you,” she breathed, feeling the first waves of her orgasm washing over her.

“Just let it go,” he growled as he deepened the kiss. He took his own advice and pounded into her as he shouted his release into her mouth.

She collapsed against him and wrapped her arms around him tightly. Their bodies were still shaking from the excitement and it took them both a few minutes to calm down. Liz leaned back a little and nudged his lips with her nose playfully. “That was amazing.”

His smile was genuine as he met her gaze, easily responding to her playful mood. “Definitely worth the wait.”

A shiver ran down her spine when the cool breeze hit her slightly wet skin.

Max ran his hands over her bare skin in an attempt to warm her up. “We should get back to camp before you catch a cold.” He grinned at her. “And I know just how to warm you up.”

She laughed and started to stand up. “I can already hear the complaining from the other tent.”

“Well, if the two of them would just get over themselves and have sex they’d have no reason to complain.”

“Well, we are smarter then them.”

He smiled and nodded. “Smarter and satisfied.”

“Oh, yeah.”

“I’m actually a little hungry, too.” He glanced at her as he pulled his jeans on. “What about you?”

“Starving, hopefully they left some food for us.”

Max snickered. “I don’t know... it’s not like they had anything else to do.”

“Yeah, they’re just flirting and teasing. But when it gets serious, they just drag it out into something funny.” Liz rolled her eyes. “It makes me sick.”

“Yeah, I think they could make it work if they’d just go for it.”

“Maybe we should try to force them into some stupid game like ‘spin the bottle’.”

Max laughed at that and shook his head. “Michael hates games and I don’t like the idea that the game could end up with him kissin’ you anyway.”

“Oh, no, that’s no option.”

“Uh-huh, so that limits the game to Michael and Maria, and well... probably not gonna happen.”

They started to walk back to their tent again and Liz smiled when Max automatically took her hand in his. “Well, then I guess we just leave them to their own devices and hope that they’ll see the truth someday.”

“We can hope,” he agreed. He glanced around when they walked into camp and there was no sign of the others. “Looks like they’ve already bunked down for the night.”

“If we’re lucky they’re already sleep,” Liz said, grinning.

“If we’re lucky?” He laughed and tugged her closer to kiss her again. “If they’re lucky they’re already asleep. Otherwise they’re gonna be awake for a while.”

“So, you’ve got plans for the night?”

“Oh, I hope so.”


“So how’s Max in bed?” Maria asked as soon as Liz closed the door of the Jetta and they started driving back to civilization.

“I wouldn’t know... haven’t had him in a bed yet.” Liz tossed a teasing look at her best friend. “You’ve had Michael in a bed... how’s he?”

Maria rolled her eyes. “Don’t start with this again, please.”

“You’re only denying yourself,” she muttered, shrugging. “But, fine, I’ll let it drop because I’d much rather talk about the fact that Max Evans has got to be the most talented lover I’ve ever had.”

“Uh-huh. You guys did it in the lake?”

“Well, we started out in the lake... did it on the bench next to the water – y’know, the one by the rope where you can swing out over the water? Mm-hmm, we did it there, did it several times in the tent, and then this mornin’ we went down to the lake to watch the sunrise and ended up doin’ it in the lake... totally missed the sunrise, but it was worth it.”

“You tellin’ me you did it like four times in one night?”

“I’m tellin’ you the girl who dumped him was a fool!” Liz sighed and shook her head. “I’ll hate to see the summer come to an end.”

“You really think you’ll go your separate ways after this summer and you won’t look back?”

“Well, I don’t see how we could stay together after summer’s over; we go to college in completely different states and I already know from past experience that long distance relationships don’t work.” She shrugged one shoulder. “I’ll just enjoy him while I’ve got him.”

“Uh-huh, I can already hear you crying on the phone girl.”

“Okay, moving on to the next topic...” Liz said, determined not to think about the end of summer.

“Which would be?”

“You and Michael.”

Maria groaned.

“Was that an ‘I wanna throw him down and fuck him’ groan?” Liz asked, grinning impishly.

“Why does everyone think that we wanna fuck each other? We’re friends, Liz.”

“Please! You’ve already admitted that you’d have sex with him if you could!”

“I would if he was just some random guy.”

“What makes you think the two of you couldn’t have a real relationship if you tried?”

“I’ve known Michael for over a year now. I’ve seen how he treats women after he’s gotten them in bed.”

“I didn’t ask you about other women, I asked about the two of you.”

“And? What if he treated me the same way after we did it?”

Liz sighed. She couldn’t deny that it was a risk and she knew how much Maria valued and relied on Michael’s friendship. “I admit I’ve never seen him with other girls, but I’ve watched him with you and I don’t think you’d be just another roll in the sheets for him.”

“Yeah, maybe, but what if he’s weird afterwards? What if we’re such good friends because we’ve always have this flirting and teasing between us but we’ve never really given in to the temptation?”

“And what if you’re missin’ out on that one great relationship because you’re afraid of what could happen?”

“And what if the opposite happened and we act totally awkward afterwards and just go our separate ways?”

“Are you worried that he’d walk away or that you would?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m just worried that I would lose him, and I don’t wanna lose him.”

“I think you two are eventually gonna have to deal with this, Maria.” She shook her head. “After watching him around you, I think he’s interested in more than just friendship. At the very least, I think he’d be open to more.”

“I just don’t know how to bring it up.”

“Has he said anything?”

“Um... I don’t know. We tease each other all the time ya know? It’s hard to say if some of the things he says are meant to be serious or not.”

“Really? I’m surprised. I would’ve thought he’d have made a move or given you a hint or somethin’ by now.”

“I don’t know. He touches me a lot, but I’m not sure if he’s even aware of it.”

“I’ll bet he’s aware of it.”

Maria turned the car onto the highway back to Roswell and glanced in the back mirror. Michael and Max were following them with their bikes. “That’s still not enough for me to risk it. I don’t know what to do.”

“I guess you can always wait for him to make the first move then.”

“If,” Maria stated emphatically.

“If what? If he makes the first move?”


“Have you dropped any hints?”

“Just the normal teasing, I guess.”

“Well, you can either wait it out or you can make the first move. I know it’s scary, but sometimes making that first move is totally worth it.” She glanced in the side mirror, smiling when she caught sight of Max’s carefree expression as he laughed at something Michael had just said. She shook her head as the guys continued their conversation, practically screaming at each other to be heard over the sound of the motorcycles’ engines.

Maria sighed. “Maybe I’ll just wait and see how the summer goes... ya know?”

“Okay,” Liz said, sighing, “but you’re wasting perfectly good summer days.”

“Well, I’ll take that risk. Better than wasting three more years in college without him.”

“Alright, but you’ll have to just forgive me and try to contain your jealousy while I take every available opportunity to have sex with Max.”

“Uh-huh, at least there’ll be more then a tent between me and you guys now.”

“Yeah, how’re we gonna work that out? Max is gonna be sleepin’ on your couch...”

“Yeah, any problems with that?”

“Nope, just wonderin’ about it since I fully intend to have sex with Max.”

“Just try to leave the couch clean, okay?”

“Eww, Maria, of course!”

They both laughed. “Just wanna make sure.”

Double Date (AU/CC/Adult) - Part 12 - 08/25/09

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2009 11:24 pm
by Double Trouble
Alien_Friend: Yep, there’s some denial on the Dreamer front as well. Both couples face a risk by pursuing relationships, but they have to decide if the reward is worth the risk.

Unpredictably is one of those things that can be very good… or very bad.

Maria and Michael are getting closer… just a few updates away! And, no worries, they’re eventually gonna take that risk!

begonia9508 Yup, they definitely didn’t expect to develop real feelings for each other.

keepsmiling7 Nope, our boy Max wasn’t expecting that, but we think he’s pretty happy.

And we agree…

destinyc: Agreed!

Hmm… there’s always hope.

Crank it up, huh? Well, let’s see what we can do.

Natalie36 Liz certainly seemed pleased, lol!

They’re gonna get there – soon.

Think they’ll figure out a way to stay together?

Eva Thanks!

So close and yet so far…

True, it’s a risk and one they’re gonna take… soon.

BehrObsession Thanks! There’s more to come!

*BLONDIE* They certainly did heat it up!

Maybe they’ll step it up… let’s see…

mary mary It’s gonna happen, fairly soon.

The end of summer may bring a surprise or two.

April Well, well, well… look who finally came back from summer vacation! Welcome back! We know how you love a good fic with an Adult rating!


Part 1 – Maria’s his sexy girl and Michael calls ‘em like he sees ‘em!

Part 2 – We’re glad that made ya laugh!

Well, he is Michael… definitely a total guy!

Part 3 – Sexting and flexting, lol! Well, these two are definitely good at it!

We wanted to write Liz completely opposite of her character in DT, so we’re glad you like her here.

Part 4 – LOL, well, he’s Michael… obviously the girls would need to meet him and not the other way around.


Did ya think the blond was Tess?

Part 5 – Hmm… the secret’s out, we’re both OTH fans, lol!

Part 6 – Self-confidence rocks, huh?

They do have a balance to their personalities.

Part 7 – We’re gonna have to go with the M&M from DT being more frustrating… because at least M&M here will have their issues resolved fairly soon.

Part 8 – Seriously, who would turn down a massage by Michael Guerin?! Yes, Liz has no reservations here, lol!

Yes, chaps indeed…

Part 9 – Even Mr. Macho has a little bit of a scared-y-cat lurking inside.

Part 10 – Well, given the chance… most of us probably would.

Part 11 – Denial is such an ugly word…. True… but, very ugly.

Thanks for the feedback on all the parts – you rock! We update on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays!

POM Glad you enjoyed that part! Yup, we think you’re right!

kismet: We agree that it’s possible, but it takes the right people and a willingness and determination to make it work. They’re totally right for each other!

Good point – always easier to see the truth when you’re outside looking in.

sarammlover: At least one couple had a good night camping out! Yup, they’re gonna figure it out… not too much longer!

Part 12

Michael parked next to Maria’s car and swung his leg over the seat so he could stand up and stretch. He waited for her to join him before he walked up to the door and pulled it open, letting her enter ahead of him. He stepped inside and let the door close before Max and Liz could catch up with them and he followed Maria over to one of the booths in the back.

“I need a coffee after last night,” Maria said as they sat down.

“Yeah, tell me about it,” he mumbled in agreement. He fully intended to have a serious discussion with Max just as soon as he could get him alone.

“Can you believe that they had sex like four times last night?” Maria hissed when she saw the other couple entering the cafe.

“I think they were makin’ that shit up.” He opened the menu and glanced over the breakfast items.

“Whatever,” she muttered and glanced around the room for a waitress. “Liz, the service here is bad when we’re not working,” Maria told her friend.

Max slid into the booth after Liz and he quickly buried his nose in the menu when he saw her father wave the waitress off as he walked towards them.

“Nice to see you with your pants on, Mr. Evans,” Jeff Parker said as he came to stand next to their table.

Max glanced up and wondered if anyone could see the blush on his face. “Good mornin’, Mr. Parker.”

Jeff lifted one eyebrow as he stared at the young man he had caught in a compromising position with his only daughter just a couple of days before. “I understand the two of you are looking for work.”

Michael rolled his eyes when Max suddenly became mute. “Yeah, we’re lookin’ for somethin’ for the summer, but we haven’t really found much.”

“Well, count yourself lucky then. I’ve got something for both of you.”

Michael’s head shot up at the man’s offer and he set his menu down. “Whatcha got?”

Maria tried to get Michael’s attention to stop him from going into detail, but he was totally ignoring her.

“We’re looking for some summer workers in our cheese factory.”

“The cheese factory,” he said slowly. “Um, doin’ what, exactly?”

“You wouldn’t happen to have any forklift experience, would you?”

“I drove one last summer when I worked in my dad’s factory,” Michael said, while Max just shook his head no.

“Dad, maybe they don’t want to work in the cheese factory,” Liz tried.

“And maybe I didn’t want to see the two of you in that position the other morning in the back of my restaurant,” Jeff replied, giving her a stern look before turning back to Max. “So, no forklift experience for you, Max? Well, that’s too bad.” He smiled slowly. “But, not to worry, because there’s plenty for you to do.”

“What would that be?” Max asked quietly.

“Every manager needs a good gopher… I mean, assistant.”

Great, Max thought, now he was spending the summer being Mr. Parker’s little servant.

“I see you’ve already figured out that I’m the manager for the shift you’ll be working.”

“Dad,” Liz complained.

“No,” Michael interrupted her, “that’s cool. We don’t have to look around for a job anymore, right, Max?” He grinned at his friend, enjoying the payback for a night without sleep out in the middle of nowhere.

“Well, I was kinda hopin’ for somethin’ else.” The look of desperation on Max’s face went completely ignored by Michael. “But, I guess if that’s what it’s gotta be...”

Jeff nodded. “Good. Why don’t the two of you head on over to the factory after breakfast, talk to Jenny in Human Resources, tell her I sent you over and she’ll get you all set up.”

Michael had hoped to go back to Maria’s place and get some sleep, but that had to wait. “Will do.”

“I’ll send Mary back over to take your orders. Eat hearty, boys.”

Max kicked Michael under the table as soon as Jeff was out of earshot, using every ounce of force that he could muster to inflict the maximum amount of pain. “Fuckin’ asshole,” he snarled.

“That’s what you get for keeping me and Maria awake all night,” Michael said and then relaxed in his seat.

“You’re mean, Michael,” Maria said and made sure Mr. Parker was far enough away that he wouldn’t overhear their conversation. “Liz’s dad is a hell of a boss.”

“Yeah, you’ll be drivin’ a forklift and I’ll be getting every shitty job he can come up with,” Max grumbled.

“You have no idea what you just did,” Liz complained. “My dad’s shift is the opposite of what we work here at the Crashdown. That means you guys will be working the 2pm to 10:30pm shift.”

“Yeah, we’ll just have a few hours together each day now,” Maria said when she realized that Liz was right.

“At least I’ll be too tired to stay awake and I won’t have to listen to the two of you fuckin’ in the next room.” He turned his head to wink at Maria. “Hell, at least we’ll still get to sleep together, Sexy.”

She rolled her eyes. “Cool, we can’t do anything during the day, we can’t even have a meal together, but at least we can sleep together. Soothing.”

“You can always bring dinner out and we can eat together before I’ve gotta go back to work.”

“Pff, if you think Liz’s Dad’s gonna allow that, then you’re wrong.”

“Maybe we’ll get lucky and I’ll end up on the early shift; I’m not the one his daughter was blowin’ in the break room.”

Maria glanced at Liz and mouthed a silent, ‘I’m sorry’. “Sometimes you can be such a dick, Michael.”

“What? How did this get turned around on me? I was just statin’ a fact... a FACT, do you hear me?”

“Well, sometimes you should just shut up.” She knew she was acting pissy, but right now she really was pissed. He had just agreed to a job where chances were good that they wouldn’t see each other most of the day, she also hadn’t slept well the night before, and the talk with Liz in the car was still stuck in her head.

Michael wondered what had put her in such a bad mood and he finally decided that it had to be something Liz had said while the girls were in the car because Maria had been fine when they had left camp. Better to cover all the bases though. “Okay, I’m sorry for whatever I said to fuck up the mornin’.”

“Yeah, whatever. I think I’m gonna head home. I’m tired and I wanna say goodbye to my mom before she leaves, so I guess I’ll see you this evening.” She got up from her seat and grabbed her bag from under the table.

“No, wait...” Michael shot a glare at Max and Liz as he hurried to get to his feet and follow Maria. “Hey,” he said when he caught up to her at her car, “talk to me, Sexy, tell me what’s goin’ on.”

“Nothing, I’m just tired and I wanna get some sleep.” And I’m mad at you ‘cause it’s your fault that we probably won’t see each other most of the time, she added silently.

He nodded, accepting her answer even if he didn’t believe her.

“I’ll see you later. Have fun at the cheese factory.”

He watched her drive away and frowned. It was unusual for her to leave without giving him a hug and it bothered him that she hadn’t. This was all Max’s fault, he decided. “Max and Liz,” he muttered.


“I’m sorry, Max.” Liz leaned her head against his shoulder after Michael left. “Sometimes my father is... bad.”

“I’m sure I can survive workin’ for your dad. I’m more concerned about findin’ time to spend with you.”

“Don’t worry about that too much. The cheese factory is closed on the weekend and the good thing about being the daughter of the owner of the café is that I can rearrange the shift plans for the Crashdown during the summer. So I think I’ll try to make some changes there.”

Max chuckled. “I like the way your mind works.”

She grinned. “And I like the way you kiss.”

“Yeah? Like the way I do anything else?” he asked with a playful growl.

“Uh-huh, and I hope you’ll do it again tonight.”

“Then I’d better eat because I think I’m gonna need all my strength.”


Michael unlocked the front door to Maria’s house and he and Max stepped inside. He could hear the girls in the kitchen and he followed the sound of their voices, leaning in the doorway and smiling when he saw Maria and Liz debating over the best way to arrange the food on the plates.

“Slap it on the plate and call it dinner and we’ll be happy,” he said, drawing their attention.

Maria looked up and smiled. “Look who’s back. Our cheesies!”

“Perfect ending to a perfectly crazy day,” he muttered affectionately. He glanced back over his shoulder before looking at Liz. “Max is a little the worse for wear though; your father really worked his ass today.”

“Yeah, I knew he would do that,” Liz said and walked in Max’s direction to check on him. “Hey, baby, you okay?” She wrapped her arms around him and stared up into his eyes.

“These are the hands of a future doctor,” he said, holding his hands out for a moment before sliding his arms around her. “But I spent the whole day loading and unloading pallets manually for no reason.”

“Really?” She wrinkled her nose, “You smell like you took a bath in cheese. Maybe you wanna take a shower and let us girls get dinner ready?”

“Great, there’s a real mood killer,” he complained. “Yeah, a shower sounds like a great idea.”

“Too bad you can’t have the shower first,” Michael said before hurrying down the hall.

Maria rolled her eyes and looked at Max. “I’m sorry. But ya know there is another small bathroom upstairs with a tub in it. If you wanna use it.”

Max nodded gratefully. “No need to apologize,” he said, waving tiredly. “Michael’s been like this his whole life and I doubt he’ll ever change.”

“Okay Liz, let’s get dinner ready while the boys try to get rid of their new scent of eau de cheese.”

“I can’t believe my dad!” Liz exclaimed as soon as Max was on his way upstairs.

“Maybe it’ll get better after a while.”

“Yeah, by the end of summer. I didn’t know he was studying to be a doctor, Maria; what if he gets hurt or something?”

“Your dad won’t give him any work that would hurt him. He’s not that cruel, Lizzie. Don’t worry.”

“I’m gonna have to talk to him.” She shook her head. “This is unacceptable.”

“This day’s been exhausting enough, so why don’t we just enjoy dinner and then get some rest?

Liz sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. I guess we’re not gonna get anything resolved tonight. Alright, what d’you need me to do?”

“Get some drinks outta the refrigerator. I’m gonna put the food on the plates. Finally.”


Michael padded barefoot back along the hall, following the scent of food cooking. He felt much more human and less like an old block of cheese after showering. He had forgotten that he needed to stop by the store and buy soap so he’d had to use Maria’s soap and now he smelled like some kinda fruit, but it was better than cheese.

“Need me to do anything?” he asked as he walked up behind Maria.

“No, it’s all done now.”

He wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her shoulder. “You’re not still mad at me are you?” he mumbled against her neck.

“I wasn’t mad at you,” she denied.

“You sure? ‘Cause you didn’t seem like you were too happy with me.”

“Fine. I was a little mad at you.”

“But you’re not now, right?” he clarified.

“No.” She had been a second before, but with his arms around her.... her heart was melting.

“You sure?” he teased. “’Cause if you are I might have to resort to desperate measures to make you not mad at me again... might have to give you a monkey bite,” he growled and pretended to nip at her neck.

Why was he doing this again? It was driving her crazy. “I’m sure,” she said, wanting him to stop playing games with her.

“Alright then.” He released her and stepped back, reaching over her shoulder to grab one of the drinks.


Michael walked into the living room and glanced around just as Max entered the room behind him.

“Don’t even think about takin’ the couch,” Max warned him. “You got to sit on your ass all day so the least you can do is not fight me over the couch.”

“You’re such a girl, Evans,” Michael muttered as he started taking the small pillows off of the loveseat.

“Y’know, I wouldn’t be stuck in this position if it wasn’t for you.”

“Boys, boys, boys,” Maria chastised as she came into the room with a couple of plates. “Take your food and sit down and eat like good little boys... there will be no fighting or bloodshed in my mother’s living room.”

Michael scowled at her tone but he did as he was told, shaking his head at his friend when he just smiled and sat down on the couch. “I don’t know what you’re grinnin’ about; you didn’t win anything.”

Max glanced over his shoulder to make sure Maria had left the room. “It’s enough just to watch you get ordered around and the best thing? You do anything and everything she tells you to do.”

“Yeah, like you have any room to talk.”

Max’s recent discovery of his self-confidence asserted itself and he just grinned. “Yeah, but my girl’s tellin’ me to do things that get her hot... yours is just tellin’ you to do things like...” he laughed, “behave yourself and don’t fight in her mom’s livin’ room.”

Michael was about to throw his food at Max, but he controlled the urge. “The difference is that Maria is my friend, not my lover.” His own words hurt him more than he thought they would.

“That sounds like a personal problem,” Max said.

“What’s a personal problem?” Liz asked, catching the last of Max’s comment.

“Oh, um...” He nodded when Michael shot a warning glare at him. “Michael’s been havin’ this problem with this rash... some sort of burning and itching... I was just tellin’ him that he doesn’t need to share stuff like that just because I’m studyin’ to be a doctor.”

Michael frowned when Liz just looked at him and frowned. He could have easily committed murder at that moment. “Okay, that was a lie,” he insisted.

“Uh-huh. And the truth?”

“The... what?”

“Your personal problem...”

Michael scrambled for an answer that wouldn’t totally throw his ass in the fire as he vowed to make sure Max suffered for this the next day. “I don’t have a personal problem,” he growled. His eyes settled on a nearby shelf where Maria’s mom had all of her movies alphabetized. “I was just sayin’ that we could watch a movie that you girls might like and that I didn’t think that...” He winced as he looked over the titles on display. Could Amy have any worse taste in movies? he wondered. “Okay, fine, I don’t think that we’ll have a problem findin’ somethin’ to watch that we can all agree on since Amy’s got a pretty cool collection.”

Maria rolled her eyes when she came into the room. She didn’t know what Michael was trying to get out of, but there was no way he had any interest in any of her mother’s movies – it was like the ultimate chick flick collection! “Just shut up, Michael. You’re just makin’ it worse, whatever it is,” she said, grinning at him.

“Did you make dessert, too?” he asked, grateful for the reprieve.

“Ice cream for dessert.”

He nodded and went back to his dinner. He loved ice cream and he knew if she had planned to have ice cream, she had one of his favorite flavors. “So, what movie are we watchin’?”

“What about The Dark Knight? I loved Heath Ledger.”

Michael’s gaze shot back to the movie shelf and he quickly scanned it... nope, it wasn’t there. “I don’t see that one.”

“It’s in my room, Michael.”

No need to let the opportunity pass him by. “I vote for that one.”

“What about you two?” Maria asked, glancing at Max and Liz on the couch.

“Who cares what they think?” Michael asked. “They’re not gonna be payin’ any attention to it anyway.”

Maria placed her hands on her hips. “I swear if you don’t stop behaving like a total ass today you can sleep in a tent in front of the house.”

He slouched down in his seat, feeling like he was about five years old. He had been acting like an ass all day and he couldn’t seem to stop it. He knew a lot of it was jealousy; watching Max and Liz live it up and be together while he was forced to settle for less was beginning to grate on his nerves in a big way.

He looked up when Maria didn’t sit down next to him and he realized that she looked like she was trying to decide between sitting next to him or sitting in the armchair across the room. Since when did she sit somewhere else when he was around? he wondered.

Maria was unsure where to sit. She wanted to be close to Michael but she was still a little mad at him because he was being so rude to their friends and there was still the little fact that she was starting to feel really weird when they were close.

Why was she acting so out of character? It was like she didn’t want to sit with him but she didn’t want to hurt his feelings either. Michael sighed and set his empty plate on the coffee table, saving her from having to make the decision as he turned and stretched out, resting his head against the pillows at one end and propping his feet up on the opposite arm.

Maria rolled her eyes inwardly. Of course he would do that. Come on, he’ll wonder why you’re acting so weird, so get your ass over there and sit down next to him. She pulled herself together and took a seat next to him.

“I don’t know why you’re sittin’ over here,” Michael grumbled, shifting back when she nearly sat on him. He mentally kicked himself when she turned to look at him and he read the indecision in her eyes. “I just meant you forgot the movie,” he said, motioning to her empty hands.

“Yeah, right,” she said confused as she stood up again. “I’ll get it.” She hurried out of the room and upstairs to her room, taking a deep breath there before she looked around for the movie. Why was he acting like a jerk today? She found the DVD under her bed and went back to the living room.

Michael had used the time that Maria had been gone to take his plate to the kitchen and get him a bowl of ice cream. He was just settling back down on the loveseat when she came in and fussed with the DVD player and then searched around for the remote.

When she turned around he saw that look of indecision again and it bothered him. Had his behavior really been so bad that she was having second thoughts about sitting with him for a stupid movie? He motioned for her to come over to him and after turning the lights out she crossed the room to stand beside him. He set his bowl down and reached for her hand, pulling her down to sit between his legs with her back against his chest.

“I’m sorry for bein’ such a dick today,” he mumbled against her ear as he leaned to the side to retrieve his ice cream.

She nodded slightly and leaned back against his chest to get more comfortable.

Michael scooped up a spoonful of the pistachio ice cream and held it up in front of her. “Wanna bite?” He nearly groaned when her lips wrapped around the spoon to take the frozen treat. Why did he do this to himself?

She shivered when she swallowed down the ice cream and she looked around until she spotted a blanket next to them on the couch. She took it before the other couple could take it and she spread it out over her.

Michael finished off the ice cream and set the bowl aside, wrapping his arms around her and rubbing his hands briskly over her arms. He wasn’t paying any attention to the movie; he was more interested in watching Maria’s profile as different expressions played across her features.

Maria had a hard time concentrating on the movie; his hands, his touches, his whole body were distracting her too much.

“Hey, you warm enough?” he asked quietly.

“Still a little cold, but it’s getting better.” Liar!!! All she wanted was his arms around her.

Michael tucked the blanket closer to her and shifted around so that she was pressed against even more of him. He glanced over at the other couple, not surprised to see that they weren’t watching the movie either.

This feels so good, she thought, why the hell couldn’t she have all of him?

He glanced down when she nudged him and he kept one arm around her as he followed her silent direction and slouched further down so she could shift around and snuggle against his chest. Okay, that was more like it, he thought as she settled down and sighed in contentment.

“You’re warm,” she mumbled while trying to watch the movie.

He muttered a response as his right hand slid up under her hair to cup the back of her neck, his fingers automatically seeking out tension knots and massaging them away. He knew she would fall asleep before the movie was anywhere close to being over, she always did.

“What time d’you have to leave tomorrow?”

“Probably around 1:30pm since the factory isn’t that far away. What about you?”

“Around 9am.”

“I’m sorry ‘bout this, Maria,” he apologized quietly. “I know the plan was for us to spend time together and I fucked it up.”

“You don’t have to work on the weekends though, right?”

“Huh-uh, factory’s closed.”

“Okay.” She let one hand trail under his shirt to feel his bare skin under her fingertips. Hopefully he wouldn’t say anything about it, she thought.

Michael felt her fingers moving over his stomach and he wondered if she was aware of what she was doing.

She felt the muscles in his belly tighten. Was it because he liked it or because he was uncomfortable with it?

He realized he was tensing up when she paused and he forced himself to relax so she wouldn’t stop. He let his left hand ease under her shirt and he let his palm rest against her skin as he waited to see if she would react to it.

A shiver ran down her spine when he did the same thing and placed his hand on her skin. That made her more confident and she continued to caress his stomach.

Michael had no idea why Maria was touching him or if she even knew what she was doing and he was beyond caring. He curled his fingers and gently rasped his nails against her side, feeling the shudder that ran through her body in response.

She loved the scent of his body; it always made her feel comfortable and so at home no matter where she was. She let her fingers trail further up to his strong chest. Oh man, where the hell did he get all those muscles from?

He was having a difficult time keeping his breathing even because her touch was driving him to distraction. It was the first time that she had gotten so bold with her touches and as her fingers traced over his muscles he brought his other hand into play and he let both hands slowly stroke over her skin.

She closed her eyes, not even pretending to be interested in the movie anymore and shifted around slightly to place her head higher on his chest.

Michael knew she was going to be able to feel and hear his pounding heart and he realized he didn’t care. He wanted her to know how she affected him, wanted her to know what she meant to him and that he wanted so badly to move their relationship into new territory.

She wondered if it was his heartbeat she heard in her ear or if it was her own. She took her hand away from his chest to place it against his neck. His heartbeat was definitely as fast as hers, she confirmed, satisfied.

His left eyebrow lifted when her hand shifted to his neck and he felt her press her fingers under his jaw. Was she checking his pulse? Weird, but that was exactly what it felt like she was doing.

Her hand started to wander down again, over his chest, along his side and down to his waistband.

Okay, now she was really playing with fire, Michael thought. He held his breath unconsciously, waiting to see what she would do when her fingers hesitated at his waistband.

She playfully tugged on his waistband, but decided that maybe it was a little too bold and started to move her hand under his shirt again.

Michael tried to hold back a groan and instead it came out as a squeak and he hoped she hadn’t heard it.

She smiled when she heard the weird sound he made.

He shifted under her, doing his best to keep her from realizing that he was hard and he jumped when she grazed one of his nipples. God, was she trying to kill him?!

She bit her lip when he started to shift around and accidently brushed her belly with his... erection. Michael froze, knowing that there was no way she could mistake what she had just felt and he cursed himself for letting his feelings get so close to the surface.

She didn’t say or do anything because she didn’t really know what he was feeling. Please Michael, give me just a single sign to let me know what direction you want this to go, she thought.

“Maria, I need to – “ He was on the verge of revealing his feelings when the doorbell suddenly rang.

Max and Liz scrambled to sit up and only managed to end up upsetting their precarious positions and they landed on the floor.

What the hell was wrong with this world, Maia wondered. He needed to what? Damn it. She sat up and straightened her clothes. “I should probably answer the door.”

“Fuck!” Michael muttered, snatching up one of the throw pillows and holding it in front of his body as he hurried out of the room. Sometimes there was just no way to hold onto your last shred of dignity, he thought. The only saving grace was the fact that the lights were still out and hopefully no one noticed his rather expedited exit.

Double Date (AU/CC/Adult) - Part 13 - 08/27/09

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:06 pm
by Double Trouble
begonia9508: It’s true, Michael definitely has his juvenile moments, lol!

Yup, he’s not gonna make life easy for Max, but chances are good that Max can handle it.

kismet: Yeah, not a fun situation.

No, it wasn’t Liz’ dad!

POM: He really didn’t help himself there at all, did he? That plan sort of backfired on him.

Don’t you just hate interruptions?

mary mary: LOL, will it help if we tell ya there’s some Candy-lovin’ in the near future?

Natalie36 LOL, we’ll tell Jeff to chill out… although, he wasn’t at the door.

sarammlover: Well, we were just about to get to something good… but, never fear, it’s not far away!

Well, someone’s gotta enjoy the summer, and Max and Liz seem to be doing just that!

keepsmiling7: You probably love it more than Max does, lol!

Alien_Friend: Michael tries to behave, but sometimes that little devil just gets the best of him!

Good luck, Max!

destinyc: Hmm… no one appreciated that interruption… wonder why?

Not exactly the position Max intended to find himself in for the summer!

April: Well, we agree that cheese makes everything else tastier… however… um… yeah, that might be a little bit weird, lol!!! But, it’s all good because life would be pretty boring if we were all alike!

Great song!

No worries… you’ve got some pretty long parts to read to catch up on DT!

Eva: Glad that chapter made ya laugh!

We’ll just see what happens now…

*BLONDIE*: Ah, he’s Max – he’s a survivor!

So, so, close!

Part 13

Michael walked along the corridor of the third floor of the nicest hotel in Roswell, glad that his family hadn’t chosen to stay at the one he and Max had been kicked out of. They had called the night before to let him know they were passing through on their vacation and they would be stopping over for a short visit. He stopped next to room number 324 and leaned against the wall, knocking on the door and smiling when he heard his little brother shouting that he could get the door. He set the box in his right hand on the floor and looked down, anticipating the enthusiastic greeting he would get from the four-year-old.

Danny tried to pull the door open several times before Michael reached out and pushed it in, knowing that it was too heavy for the little guy to open on his own. The kid looked a lot like he had at that age, but he was smaller due to his premature birth. He had the same sandy blond hair that stood up in every possible direction, the dark eyes, and the constant mischievous expression. “Hi, Mike!” he shouted, squeezing out between the door and the frame so he could get to his big brother.

“Hey, little man,” Michael greeted as he picked Danny up, ready for the windpipe-crushing hug the kid would give him.

Danny’s little arms locked around Michael’s neck and squeezed as hard as he could. “When’re you gonna come home?”

“You’re not at home either,” he reminded the little boy when he leaned back in his arms.

“No, ‘cause we had to come find you.” His fingers hooked in the pocket on Michael’s tee shirt and he tugged at it unconsciously. “How come you’re not at home, Mike?”

“Maria was lonely here all by herself so I came out here to hang with her over the summer.”

“Ria’s here, too?” Danny asked, his young voice excited.

“Yeah, she’s here. If you guys haven’t had breakfast yet I’ll take you to the place where she works and we’ll get somethin’ to eat.”

“Yay! I’m real hungry.”

“I’ll bet you are. You must be if you overlooked that box down there.”

Danny’s eyes automatically sought out the present and he squirmed around to be let down, snatching it up and running inside when Michael held the door open for him. “Mama, Daddy, look, I got a present!”

Michael followed his little brother into the room, quickly realizing that they had rented a two-bedroom suite for their stay over the weekend. He sat down on the couch in the living area and watched Danny tear into the package. He shook his head at the little boy’s enthusiasm, knowing that he was going to love what was inside.

He glanced up when their parents entered the room and he stood to greet them, hugging his stepmother before being pulled into a bear hug by his father. Michael Guerin Sr. was a big man, barrel-chested, easy-mannered, loved a good time, and he was very family-oriented. His boys got their looks from him and he considered himself lucky that they were both such good kids.

Kate was tall, but she looked much slighter when she stood next to her husband. She was dark-haired, blue-eyed, she had a great sense of humor, and the woman’s patience was limitless. It had taken her a long time to get through to her stepson, to make him understand that she wasn’t trying to replace his birth mother in any way, and once they had made peace with each other their relationship had become strong.

They all turned when they heard Danny’s gasp of surprise and Michael grinned when the little boy’s small hands lifted the tiny leather jacket out of the box. “It’s just like yours, Mike.”

“Yup, thought you could wear it this mornin’ and I’ll give you a ride over to the café.”

“On the motorcycle?” Danny asked, his voice rising along with his excitement.

“Makes the girls crazy,” he promised as he took the jacket and held it up for Danny to slide his arms inside. “Bad to the bone, little man.”

Danny laughed and slapped his palm against Michael’s when his brother held his hand up. “Look at me, Mama!”

Kate just shook her head and smiled. There was no getting around it; her baby boy was going to follow in his big brother’s footsteps. The Guerin genes were too strong to get around and her husband had them in spades. “So, the two of you will be riding the motorcycle?”

“I’ll be careful,” Michael promised.

“I know.” She patted his cheek, the gesture both motherly and affectionate. “I’ll be ready in just a few more minutes and then we’ll follow you over to the restaurant.”

“How’re things goin’ with you an’ Maria?” Big Mike asked, watching his oldest son.

“She’s my best friend, Dad.”

“Um-hmm, don’t let her get away, boy – “

“Mike, why don’t you give me a hand,” Kate smoothly interjected when she saw the look on her stepson’s face. She knew how he felt about the girl who had become his best friend and her husband was aware of it as well, but he wasn’t subtle in the least.


The bell over the door jingled merrily when Michael held it open and Danny walked in ahead of him. He glanced up when Liz crossed over to join them and he grinned when the kid behaved in perfect Guerin fashion.

“What can I get for you guys?” Liz asked with a smile at the little boy.

“Where’s Ria?” He tipped his head back to look up at his brother. “You said Ria’d be here, Mike.”

“Did I just hear my favorite Guerin boy askin’ about me?” Maria asked as she walked out of the kitchen and into the dining area. She smiled when Michael’s little brother turned to shove the helmet he was holding into Michael’s hands and she winced when he just barely caught it before it connected with his groin.

“Ria!” Danny ran across the room to throw himself in her arms when she leaned down to scoop him up. “Lookit what Mike got for me,” he said, leaning back in her arms and holding his arms out at his sides. “It’s just like his and we got to ride his motorcycle over here!”

“Oh, I’ll bet Kate just loved that,” Maria said, shooting a quick smile over at Michael. “So, since you’re in town for a couple days are you takin’ me out for dinner tonight?”

“Uh-huh, me an’ Mike are gonna take you out for pizza!” He leaned in closer to whisper. “Mama an’ Daddy are gonna go have a date.”

“A date, huh?” She set him down when his parents entered the café behind Michael. “Tell ya what, you go pick out a seat while I go talk to your parents and your big brother.” She watched him, knowing he’d go up to the counter so he could climb up on one of the barstools.


Michael was lounging back on the couch watching a movie when his parents came into their hotel suite later that night. Danny was asleep on the couch next to him, curled up against his side, clutching the ragged stuffed toy that he carried everywhere.

Danny had been asleep for more than an hour so he knew the kid was well past the point where talking in a normal tone would disturb him. “You guys have a good time?” he asked, stretching.

“Very good,” Kate said, “your father can be a perfect gentleman when he wants to be.”

Big Mike gave her a grin and he winked at her as he leaned over the back of the couch to scoop up his youngest son. He let his right hand rest on Michael’s shoulder long enough to draw the younger man’s gaze and he nodded, letting the boy know he appreciated him watching Danny while he and Kate went out for the evening.

Michael smiled and nodded at his father, knowing that the big man wasn’t always the best when it came to being verbal about things.

Kate watched her husband walking in the direction of the little boy’s room. “He was really excited to see you, Michael; he couldn’t wait to get here and surprise you. How long will you be staying here in Roswell?”

“Yeah, it’s good to see him, too. I’m plannin’ to hang around for the summer.” He shrugged one shoulder. “Even picked up a summer job.”

His stepmother nodded. “Are you staying at Maria’s place?” She took off her shoes and walked over to the armchair.

“Uh, yeah, it kinda worked out that way.”

“You two are getting along pretty well. And you’re still just friends?”

He sighed and dropped his head back to rest against the couch. “Yeah... just friends.”

“You don’t seem very happy about it.”

“I’m happy we’re friends, Kate, and I don’t wanna jeopardize that relationship, but... I want more.” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “Sometimes I think she wants more, too, but there’s always just enough doubt to make me back off.”

“Sometimes you have to take a risk to get what you want, Michael. Besides that, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

“What if I make a move, put myself out there like that, and I just end up fuckin’ it...” He winced. “Sorry. Screwin’ it up?”

She thought about it for several seconds before answering. “I agree that there is a little risk in it. But on the other hand, what could happen anyway? You might be able to hide your feelings right now, but not forever. So, she may not feel anything but friendship for you... but if she does, you two won’t end up happy if you don’t give that other relationship a try, right?”

“Yeah, I guess. It’s just a big risk and I’m a little bit scared of takin’ it. I kinda figured I’d wait to see if she seems interested in takin’ it further and if not I’ll just settle for friendship, but... it sounds like you don’t think that’ll work.”

She shook her head. “Do you honestly want to push your feelings away forever?”

“No.” He sighed. “No, I don’t, and to be honest it’s getting next to impossible to not tell her how I feel.”

“I watched you today, Michael. The way you both treat each other is special, don’t let that chance slip through your hands. You never know, maybe you won’t find someone like Maria ever again. Even if you’re young and you’ve got plenty of time.”

“Oh, hell, I don’t expect to ever find anyone else like her.” He grinned despite the blush he could feel heating his face. “Maria... she’s once in a lifetime, Kate.”

His stepmother nodded. “We all like her, Michael. She’s good for you and we really want to see you both happy.”

His right hand came up so he could scratch his eyebrow in a gesture that was unconsciously identical to his father’s nervous habit. “You’ve watched both of us, you know Maria... you think she’d be interested in more?”

Kate nodded. “Yeah, I think so.”

“Would you risk it?”

“I took a risk when I started the relationship with your father. And it was more than worth it.” She smiled at him.

“Yeah, but, Big Mike was ready for you to pursue him... what if she’s not ready for me in that capacity?”

“Have you ever given her any hints about how you feel?”

“Yeah... at least I think I have. Maybe I just totally suck at droppin’ hints... either that or she’s deliberately ignoring them.”

“Go and talk to her, Michael. It’s the only way to find out.”

“What if I tell her and I end up with a broken heart and I lose my best friend?”

“Well, what if you don’t tell her and you still end up with a broken heard and the question of ‘what if I’d told her...?’” Kate shook her head. “You won’t lose her, Michael.”

Michael nodded and felt a little more confident after talking to his stepmother. “I hope not. She’s become so important to me, y’know?”

“Yeah, that’s kinda obvious,” she said with a smile.

“Okay, so, I’ll talk to her... soon.”

Kate nodded. “Maybe you two can arrange it so you can come home for a while before college starts up again. Danny would love to spend some time with you.”

“I’d like that,” he admitted. “I miss bein’ home and spendin’ time with you guys.”

“We miss you, too, Michael. Your father misses you very much, even if he doesn’t say it.”

“Well, y’know how Dad is,” Michael said with a grin. “Danny doesn’t have that reservation; the kid’s so open. He obviously gets that from you.”

“Well at least there’s that,” she joked, “his looks are totally from the Guerin side of the family.”

“Can’t deny that,” he said proudly.

“You guys have the looks the women are attracted too.”

“Just interested in one though.”

Kate looked at him intently. “Time to use that Guerin charm on the right woman then, huh?”

“Wish me luck. Maria DeLuca can be one stubborn woman when she puts her mind to it.”

“I’m sure you’re gonna make it though,” she stood when he did and hugged him. “Don’t worry about her reaction.”

“I’ll let you know how it goes.”

“I’d appreciate that.”

“You guys stayin’ over the weekend?”

“That’s what we had originally planned, but now we’re leaving tomorrow afternoon. We wanted to visit my sister and thought we were gonna miss her because of her vacation plans, but she pushed them back a day so we could see each other.”

“Oh, I kinda thought you guys were gonna be here for a couple of days.” He smiled to hide his disappointment.

“That’s why you have to come back to California soon, okay?”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

She nodded. “Okay, first get things settled with Maria.” She placed one hand on his shoulder. “You know you can always call us, right?”

He nodded. “Well, keep your phone close because I’ll be callin’ you one way or the other soon.”


Michael followed Maria and the others to one of the seating areas set up along Main Street, dropping down in one of the chairs next to her as they waited for the parade to start. He had no idea how he had let her talk him into wandering around outside on one of the hottest days of the year wearing a rubber alien mask.

Thankfully his work schedule had prevented him from having to be outfitted in a full body costume because everything that fell into the acceptable category in Maria’s opinion had been gone by the time they’d been able to make it to the shop. The downside to that was that she had discovered the old ALF mask while she was browsing the aisles and she had insisted that it would do just fine as a costume.

He supposed he had fared better than Max, he thought as he glanced at his friend. The poor guy was dressed up like... well, actually, he didn’t know what the guy was supposed to be.

“So, Max... what’re you supposed to be, exactly?” He tipped his head to one side as he studied the costume. There was a lot of leather... Liz seemed to have some sort of leather fetish where Max was concerned – and wouldn’t the medical community just love to know about that? “Sex slave?” he joked.

Max just looked at Michael with an expression that probably would’ve made anyone else gather their common sense and run in the opposite direction.

Liz rolled her eyes at Michael’s taunting. “No, it’s not a sex slave costume, you oversized idiot.” She wasn’t exactly sure what the costume was supposed to be either, but Max just looked so hot in it! “Which you would know if you remembered what sex is.” She made a sound of surprise. “Oh, but that’s right, you’re not havin’ sex, are you?”

“Y’know what, Parker? You’re right, I’m not currently havin’ sex, but y’know what else?” He shook his head at them. “I’ve never gotten busted by any girl’s dad because I was stupid enough to ask for a blowjob in the back of her old man’s business.”

“Michael,” Maria growled when she noticed that he was acting like an ass again, “what the hell is wrong with you? You’ve been actin’ like this for the last couple of weeks.” She shook her head and glanced at Max and Liz. “Ignore him.”

Two weeks of sleeping in the same bed with Maria while Max and Liz were goin’ at it in the living room was just about to kill him. How was she managing to ignore the fact that their friends were fuckin’ like bunnies several rooms away practically every damn night?

“Why don’t you get me a hotdog?” she asked and grinned at him.

“Seriously?” he growled. “What is that? A Freudian slip of the tongue?”

She rolled her eyes. “Just get me something to eat. I’m starvin’.”

“Let’s go, Maxwell,” he muttered as he stood and checked his back pocket to make sure he had his wallet.

Maria sighed when the boys left and glanced at Liz. “Let’s enjoy the silence for a second.”

“I’m tellin’ you, Maria, that man is just waitin’ for you to give him a sign,” Liz said, dragging her eyes away from Max when he and Michael weaved through the crowd.

“I’ve given him signs, Liz. A lot of them lately. God, I’m so jealous of you.”

“Don’t be jealous of me, Maria. What Max and I have is just a summer thing... you want more than that and it’ll be worth the wait.”

“You still sure this is just a temporary thing with Max?”

“I don’t really see any other way around it and he hasn’t suggested that we try to make it work past the end of summer.”

“Maybe he thinks you still want it that way.”

“I don’t think the long distance thing would work... not even with Max.” Not even if I want it to, she thought sadly.

“Look at us,” Maria said ironically, “we’re hopeless.”

“Nah, at least you’ve got a chance to get your guy and keep him.” She shrugged and looked down at her hands. “Besides, Max is goin’ to school to be a doctor and what respectable doctor would want to get involved in anything long-term with someone like me? I’m outspoken, I have no shame when it comes to going after what I want, and I practically jumped him the moment I first saw him... a guy with his ambitions isn’t gonna want that in his life permanently.”

Maria couldn’t believe what she had just heard. She grabbed Liz’s arm. “Girl, what are you talking about? You’re a beautiful, loveable and clever girl. Any guy would be proud of you.”

“You think a guy in a respectable profession would risk his reputation with a woman like me?”

“Come on, you’re not always like that, and even if you were, so what? You know what ya want; what’s wrong with that?”

“Well, nothin’, just...” She sighed in exasperation. “I’m not sure I’d even fit into that world, Maria!”

“Well, you don’t really know his world, do you?”

“He’s gonna be a doctor, what more is there to know?”

“Not every doctor is a boring, serious person.”

“No, I know... I’m just rationalizing because I really don’t want it to end and I know it’s going to.”

The guys were making their way back and the girls simply glanced at each other, deciding to delay the conversation.

Double Date (AU/CC/Adult) - Part 14 - 08/30/09

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:14 pm
by Double Trouble
POM: Thanks! Well, our secret is to get a lot written before we start posting, lol! In the case of Double Date – it’s already complete, so we’re ahead of the game!

Alien_Friend: Aww, we’re glad you loved Danny and the Guerin parents!

It won’t be too much longer.

LOL, yeah, we threw a little monkey wrench in the works, huh? Well, it’s easier for Liz to be so sure of herself when she’s basically in control of a situation.

keepsmiling7: Danny’s a cutie!

Hmm… good question… can’t really think of anyone.

sarammlover: We’re glad you like Danny. We wanted Michael to have a completely different relationship with his parents than the one he has in DT.

Eva: You’re so right.

Well, actually, it wasn’t his family at the door, so you can still not like the doorbell.

Kate’s advice will be taken very soon.

Michael can be very romantic when he wants to be.

April: Then we won’t comment on it either.

Well, we definitely wanted to give him a great family here!

mary mary: Danny is adorable, just no way ‘round that! Soon… very soon.

Um, well, that’s because they didn’t tell us who was at the door either. But, no, it wasn’t Michael’s parents – they called to let him know they were stopping in town.

RiceKrispy Well, we’re sorry to hear you’re as bored as you are at school, but we’re happy you checked out DD! It’s by far much shorter than DT!

LOL, well… Double Trouble might fall into that “521” category…

destinyc: Ah, they’ll work it out… we both like happy endings!

Maybe he will… and soon.

kismet: We’re glad you liked Danny!

He will… soon.

Well, she’s still positive that it’s only a summer fling, so, chances are that she’s not gonna bring it up.

begonia9508: Definitely wants to be like Mike!

nibbles2 He will… soon.

Part 14

Michael glanced between the two girls, wondering if they had been talking about him. He gave a silent snort. Paranoid much, Michael? he asked himself.

“Yummy,” Maria mumbled as she took the food from him.

“Y’know I had to fight several different aliens to get that, right?”

“Uh-huh, thanks.” She looked at him and smiled around a mouthful of food.

Michael tried to look stern but ended up laughing. “You look like a little chipmunk,” he teased, leaning forward to brush a smudge of mustard from the corner of her mouth.

She swallowed her food. “I’m not a chipmunk and look who’s talking, ALF,” she teased, taking another bite.

Michael suddenly remembered he was wearing the stupid mask and he reached up to pull it off, leaving his hair standing up crazily. He played with the mask, tugging at the tufts of hair as he glanced at her with a teasing smile. “You make a cute chipmunk, Sexy.”

“Want a bite?” she offered.

“Why not,” he muttered. Since she’d already eaten more than half of it his lips brushed her fingertips when he leaned in to take a bite.

“Hey, I didn’t say you could eat all of it,” she complained.

Michael laughed and shook his head at her offended tone and expression. “It’s not like I can’t go get you another one.”

She glanced down at her own very tight costume. “Well, people would probably think I’m pregnant if I eat another one.”

His eyes dropped to follow her gaze and he felt the strangest sense of protectiveness wash through him at her off-handed comment. “Like you give a damn what anyone else thinks anyway.”

She grinned. “And I’m sure you would be the father in those rumors because we hang out together.”

Michael shrugged and glanced at the strangely-dressed people in the parade. “Wouldn’t be the worst thing I’d ever been accused of.”

“Well, thank God I’m not. I wanna finish college before that.” She chuckled when Max and Liz tried to kiss, but his costume kept getting in the way again and again.

“I don’t know what the hell she dressed him up as,” Michael growled, “but I’ve gotta say I love the way it’s just fuckin’ things up for them.”

“You’re mean, Michael. You wanted Max to be in a better mood; now he is and it’s not right either.”

Well, he’d just backed himself into yet another corner, he thought with a sigh. “I did want him to be in a better mood... I mean, I do want that for him, it’d just be nice if they weren’t quite so... enthusiastic about it... every fuckin’ night!”

She rolled her eyes. “Remember when we were on Spring break? You did it ALL fuckin’ night, too.”

“Yeah, well... that was different,” he disagreed.

“That was even worse, ‘cause it was a different woman each night”

Michael was intrigued by her choice of words, but he didn’t question it. Yet. He shrugged one shoulder as he glanced at her. “Variety is the spice of life, and Spring break provided quite the variety to sample.” He bumped his shoulder against hers. “And as I recall you weren’t exactly a wallflower yourself.” Besides, he rationalized, it hadn’t been long after that week in Palm Springs that he had realized just how he felt about Maria and he hadn’t hooked up in a couple of months now. Oh, she thought he had and he had let her think that, but ever since he had opened his eyes and really seen her he hadn’t been interested in anyone else. And wasn’t that just the damnedest thing?

She grimaced. “Bad hook ups. Don’t wanna remember”

“Which one? The guy with the micro dick or the guy who couldn’t keep it up?” He laughed at her annoyed expression. She had bitched about both guys for weeks after Spring break had ended.

“Shut up.” She pressed her finger against his lips.

“You wearin’ that little bikini for the pool party later?”

“I was thinkin’ about the white one.”

“Yeah? I like the white one.” He looked at her and his eyes slid over her skin. “It’ll show off that tan.”

“Yeah, I’m gonna look sexy.” She winked at him.

“You always do.” He cleared his throat and nodded at the parade. “So, how long’s this thing last?”

She shrugged. “Hey chica, how long will the parade last?” she asked Liz

Liz glanced at her watch. “Probably another half hour before the parade ends.”

“And then I’m gonna die,” Max complained.

“What’s that, leather king?” Michael asked.

“We’re invited over to Liz’s parents place for dinner”

“Uh-huh... hope you’re not gonna wear that getup.”

“If you ever wanna start talking normal to me, then let me know, Guerin.” Max turned away to watch the parade again.

“Are you gonna make it to Tess’s party?” Maria asked.

“Of course,” Liz nodded. “The sooner the better.”

“Not lookin’ forward to dinner with the parents, huh?”

“Are you kiddin’? No!”

“Your dad’s had a couple of weeks to get used to Max... things aren’t goin’ any better?”

“Well, I don’t know... he wouldn’t have invited him if they weren’t, but...”

“So, that’s gotta be a good sign, right?”

“Uh-huh. It’s still nothin’ I’m lookin’ forward to.”

Michael nudged Max while the girls were yakking. “Hey, just give ‘em the ‘I’m-goin’-to-college-to-be-a-doctor’ speech... parents love that.”

“I don’t think I can impress Liz’s dad with anything I say or do.”

“So, don’t try to impress ‘em. Just be yourself and if they can’t deal with that then screw ‘em.” He shrugged. “You’re a good guy and they’d be stupid not to see that.”

“Well, I don’t have to make any impression anyway, right?” His face turned sad and Michael recognized it.

Michael became serious when he saw the look on his friend’s face. He glanced at the girls, making sure they were still busy talking about... whatever they were talking about. Satisfied that they were otherwise occupied he asked quietly, “You want to?”

“What?” Max asked, puzzled.

“You wanna make a good impression on her parents?”

He shrugged. “Yeah, I guess I do.”

“Things getting serious between you two?”

Max glanced over at Liz who was still occupied. “I have the feeling...maybe.”

“You think it’ll last past the summer?”

He shook his head. “I don’t think so.”

“Well... and I’m not tryin’ to be a dick here, but, how serious can it be if you don’t think it’s gonna last past the next few weeks?”

“I’m not sayin’ that I don’t want it to, but we are at different colleges; we won’t even see each other.”

“Are you gonna talk to her about it?”

He shrugged. “Don’t know yet. I’m not sure how she sees things.”

“Funny how girls like to talk so much and we still get left completely in the dark about things, isn’t it?”

“Yeah,” Max sighed. “So, you gonna make a move on Maria anytime soon?”

“Thinkin’ pretty seriously about it,” Michael admitted.

“What changed?”

If it had been anyone else asking Michael would’ve told him what he could do with his question, but this was Max and they had grown up together and seen each other through too much to just brush him off like that. “I don’t know. Me, maybe... sometimes when I’m around her I feel like I’m gonna explode if I don’t tell her. I thought we could just stay friends and I’d be cool with that, but now I’m startin’ to think that might not work.”

“Uh-huh,” a small smile crossed Max’s' face, “it’s already not really working out very well, huh? The first time you introduced me to her, I knew you had a thing for her.”

“What? Wasn’t that around Christmas?” No, he hadn’t been that obvious... had he?

Max nodded. “Yeah, I think it was.”

“Well... what made you think she was different?”

“I don’t know. You’ve never brought a girl home with you and you don’t actually listen to anyone but her. You gave a damn about her opinion, that was ... well weird for you and I started to wonder.”

Michael glanced over at Maria and he felt that familiar tug in his chest. “Yeah, she’s somethin’ special.” He grinned as he looked back at Max. “We’re startin’ to sound like a couple of chicks... let’s move on to a different topic.”

“Okay, since we have the day off tomorrow I thought maybe we could go for a little ride? There’s a little car rental shop at the end of Main Street; we could rent one of those jeeps – you know just like the one I drove in high school, and take a little trip out into the desert? The girls have to work anyway.”

“What’re we gonna do in the desert?”

“Maybe we can go check out the place where they say the UFO crashed?”

“Excellent... a UFO crash site, scorpions, tarantulas, and the hot summer sun... well, I guess after having dinner with Liz’s parents I can understand why you’d wanna risk your life like that.”

“Come on, we’ll survive.”

“Okay, I’m in. I suppose if I can survive Maria and the white bikini and you can survive Liz’s parents then the desert shouldn’t be any problem at all.”

“Yeah, I think so too.”


Max sat down across from Liz’s parents and his discomfort shot up to a completely new level when they exchanged a look before her mother nodded, obviously signaling her husband to go ahead with something. Damn, he’d take the chaps sans pants over this any day of the week, he thought.

“Why don’t you tell us about your plans, Max.”

He swallowed hard. “My plans?”

“Liz tells us you’re from California,” Jeff said and his tone indicated that it somehow fell short of their expectations.

“Dad, I don’t think – “

He motioned for his daughter to be silent. “What’re you planning for a career?”

“Something that requires clothing hopefully,” Nancy commented under her breath.

Liz reached over to place her hand on Max’s thigh, rubbing it supportively when her parents continued their humiliating attack on him. She glanced at him when he suddenly relaxed and his hand settled over hers, holding it in place.

Max cleared his throat and sat up straighter as he met her parents’ gazes directly. “I know I’ve made a less than stellar impression on the both of you and for that I can only apologize, but as long as Liz is interested in keepin’ me around I’m not goin’ anywhere. I’m 20 years old, I come from a good Californian family, I intend to become a doctor, and while you may not approve of me I can assure you that your daughter will be happy while she’s with me.”

“Um-hmm, and at the end of summer?”

Max shifted and set his fork down. “I suppose what happens at the end of summer is up to Liz.”

“Do you honestly think you can make a relationship work from opposite sides of the country?” Nancy glanced at her daughter with a concerned expression on her face. “That didn’t work so well with Kyle and we don’t want to see you get hurt like that again.”

“I really don’t care to discuss that. Max and I have plans for this evening, so…” She really didn’t want to think about the end of summer much less talk about it.

Nancy observed the young man Liz was falling for and she had to respect him for having the guts to come to their home and face them after getting caught in a compromising position by Jeff. She knew her husband had been doing his best to run the boy off, but so far Max had undertaken every job he had been assigned at the factory and done them to the best of his ability. Despite Jeff’s best intentions to dislike him, Max was slowly gaining ground with her husband. Not that anyone but her would notice, she mused as she hid a smile.

“Everyone knows the best medical schools are on the East Coast,” Jeff grumbled.

“Dad, would you drop it?”

“Jeff, let it go, honey. Liz, why don’t you and Max go and get the dessert from the kitchen.” She laughed quietly when they made a rushed exit. “I think it’s time for you to get off of that boy’s back.”

“Have you already forgotten what I told you about catching them in the back of the café?”

“Have you forgotten that my father caught us on more than one occasion? No, it’s not a position you want to catch your daughter in, but it’s pretty hypocritical of us to judge our children and act as if what they’re doing is so far removed from anything that we ever did or thought about doing, don’t you think?”

Jeff heaved a put-upon sigh and leaned back in his chair. “Even taking all that into consideration she’s just gonna get hurt because they’re not gonna survive a long-distance relationship.”

“Why don’t we let them work it out, Jeff.”

He nodded. “Alright.”

“And let him off the hook at the factory.”

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest, nodding when she looked at him expectantly. “Fine, I’ll back off.”

“Shhh, they’re on their way back.”


Michael stretched before dropping down in the chaise lounge next to the one Maria had claimed and he grinned when she turned her head to look at him, using one finger to pull her sunglasses down.

“Why’re you wearin’ jeans instead of shorts?”

“When have you ever known me to wear shorts?” he countered. “Besides, what would be the point of wearin’ shorts over swim trunks?”

Maria just rolled her eyes at him and shook her head. “I’m just sayin’ it’s hot out here.”

He sat up and pulled his tee shirt over his head, tossing it at her before holding his arms out at his sides, showing off his bronzed skin. “How’s that?”

Way too sexy for me, she thought. She shrugged. “Better.”

Michael frowned at her bored tone. “That’s the best I get?”

She leaned back and shoved her sunglasses up to rest on her head as her gaze roamed over his body. “Not bad,” she said, teasing.

“Not bad yourself,” a new voice said.

Michael tipped his head back, his sunglasses doing little to hide his annoyed expression at the interruption. His gaze raked over the newcomer and it was apparent that the other guy thought he was a smooth operator. “We’re in the middle of a conversation,” he growled in warning. He glanced at Maria. “Who is this guy?”

“Kyle,” Maria said, surprised, “what’re you doin’ here?” She stood up and hugged the boy for a second.

Michael’s fingers drummed out an irritated rhythm on the arm of his lounger. He didn’t care for the way she was so openly hugging the guy – that was supposed to be reserved just for him.

“DeLuca, it’s summertime; of course I’m comin’ home for that.”

He cleared his throat when it became obvious that Maria had forgotten he was sitting there.

She turned around slightly. “Michael, this is Kyle; we went to school together here in Roswell. Kyle, this is my best friend Michael from California.”

“Oh, hey, I’ve heard about you... Tess was tellin’ me earlier that Liz is seein’ your best friend.” He looked down at Maria. “He a good guy? I wouldn’t want my ex hookin’ up with some loser.”

Michael’s eyebrows lifted in interest. “So, you an’ Liz used to be together?”

Kyle nodded. “Yeah, the long-distance thing didn’t really work out and we were headin’ in different directions as far as life was concerned, so it was time to move on. I still care about her though and I don’t want her getting mixed up with some loser.”

“Max isn’t a loser,” Michael said insistently.

“Good, good.” He grinned at Maria. “Of course, I’m gonna have to give her shit over the rumors goin’ around.”

“Rumors?” Maria asked, pretending to be totally clueless.

Kyle snorted. “Yeah, like you don’t know, DeLuca. The rumor that she was caught in a hotel room with some perv wearin’ a pair of leather chaps and nothin’ else? Uh-huh,” he nodded when she just grinned, “you know the one I’m talkin’ about.”

“You’d better not bring that up tonight. Max and Liz had to deal with her parents for dinner before heading over here.”

“So, I get to meet the famous perv tonight, huh? Can’t wait.”

“They should be here soon.”

Kyle grinned and shook his head at the warning look Maria sent him. “I’ll behave myself. I just wanna meet this guy and see if he’s good enough for her.”

“Looks like you’re gonna get your chance,” Michael said, motioning to the couple coming around the back of the house.

“Hey, Parker,” Kyle grinned at her.

Liz released Max’s hand as they neared the others and she launched herself at Kyle, hugging him tightly. They had parted as friends and he would always hold a special place in her heart. “How’s it goin’, Valenti? I didn’t know you were back in town.”

“Well, I didn’t tell anyone,” he said with a grin. “It’s goin’ good. What about you?” He glanced at Max when he approached them.

“Great! I thought it was just gonna be a boring summer hangin’ around here because my dad needed help at the cafe, but then this guy here came into town and livened things up.” She held a hand out to Max and tugged him closer when he took it. “Kyle, this is Max Evans. Max, Kyle Valenti.”

Max shook the guy’s hand and knew without asking that there was more than friendship between them.

“Nice to meet you, Max,” Kyle said, “and just so you don’t hear it from anyone else around here: Yes, I’m Liz’s ex-boyfriend. Yes, we’re still good friends, but that’s all.”

Max was surprised by the guy’s openness. “Well, that’s good since I’d hate to have to fight you for her.” He grinned and shrugged. “And as much as I’d like to deny the rumors that I’m sure you’ve already heard there’s really no point since they’re basically true.”

Kyle laughed and glanced at Liz. “I already like him. Alright, I think I’m gonna check to see if there’s some beer left inside.”

“Need a hand?” Michael offered.


Maria watched the guys take off inside and she motioned for Liz and Max to sit down next to her. “So, how was dinner?”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Don’t even ask, it was horrible,” she hugged Max, “but he did very good.”

Max just shrugged and smiled at her. “I gave it my best shot.”

“I think you impressed my father tonight. He was acting different when we left. So hopefully it’ll last.” She turned to Maria. “What’d you guys do while we were in parent hell?”

“Not much. We haven’t made it into the pool yet...” She rolled her eyes. “Michael’s being difficult.”

“Worried about his hair, huh?” Max asked knowingly.

Tess came out to the backyard, glancing around until she spotted the person she needed to talk to. “Hey, Liz!”

“What’s up, Tess?” Liz asked, hoping it wasn’t going to be something that required her to leave Max’s side.

“Can we talk for a sec?” Tess motioned to the swing slightly away from everyone.

So much for that wish. Liz nodded and leaned in to kiss Max. “I’ll be right back.”

The two girls walked over to the swing and sat down. Tess sighed, turning her gaze at Liz. “There’s somethin’ I wanna ask you. It’s not easy for me since you’ve been my friend my whole life.”

“That sounds ominous,” Liz said, wondering what Tess was getting ready to say.

“Okay, so the thing is I... I really have a bad crush on Kyle.” It was out, Tess thought, horrified as she hurried to continue. “I mean, I’ve always had one but I tried to push it away when you two were together and I accepted it.” She shook her head and looked at the ground. “But you’ve been broken up for over a year now, so I thought... I mean, I wanna ask you if it’s okay with you if I maybe asked him for a date or somethin’.” She looked up to meet Liz’s gaze. “If not, then it’s okay. I would understand if it’s too weird for you.” She knew that normally it was a total no-no to go after a friend’s ex, but she couldn’t help it.

Liz was shocked. This was the last thing she had expected, but she quickly rushed to assure the other girl. “You’re worried about the friends and exes rule, right?” She shook her head. “Don’t worry about that, Tess. If you like Kyle, go for it.”

“Really?” Tess asked, surprised. “You won’t be mad at me?”

“No, not at all. He’s a good guy, Tess, just don’t hurt him.” She shrugged. “That’s all I ask. Well...” She grinned. “Don’t ask or share any details about sex.”

Tess hugged her, relieved.

“Does he know you’re interested in him?”

“Don’t tell anyone, okay? I’m not sure if he wants me, too.”

“So, he doesn’t know you like him?”

“No, not yet.”

“You gonna tell him soon?”

“Well, I think I need another beer first.” Tess smiled nervously.

Liz grinned. “Let’s go get a beer then.”

“Yeah.” Tess was glad it was out. Now she just needed Kyle to cooperate.

Double Date (AU/CC/Adult) - Part 15 - 09/1/09

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 8:29 am
by Double Trouble
mary mary: Liz definitely needed at least one of her parents to give Max a chance.

POM: Nah, never worry… we have yet to use Kyle as a character that comes between Max and Liz. A friend knows better than to go after another friend’s ex without clearing it first – LOL, there are rules ya know! Yeah, these two aren’t gonna part with ease.

Alien_Friend: It would not be easy to face a girl’s parents after the summer they’ve had so far, lol! We enjoy writing the guys like this.

Hang onto your hat – he’s about to spill!

Tess definitely did the right thing! A good friend knows you can’t just go after another friend’s ex.

abbs007: Thanks for reading!

begonia9508: At least her parents have accepted that Max is in their daughter’s life… that alone was a huge step!

Nope, Kyle’s definitely not gonna pursue Liz.

nibbles2 Yeah, left unsaid, something like that has the potential to go all kinds of wrong!

keepsmiling7: There’s some definite interest there! We wish Tess and Kyle luck, too.

sarammlover: It was about time, huh? We like it when the boys get along, too.

AlysLuv: Tess and Kyle will make a good match.

Natalie36: Thanks for reading!

destinyc: Wonder if they’ll give the long-distance thing a shot?

LOL, that would definitely help things right along.

tequathisy: They will, promise.

kismet: Max did well with the parents. They both definitely want more, but will they speak up and say it?

Kyle’s hilarious.

Hmm… will Michael make a move… he might.

Part 15

Maria nodded and waved Liz and Max off when they decided to go inside and get something to drink. She had been left on her own but she knew Michael would be back before long with an apologetic grin and a cold alcoholic beverage.

She glanced up when a shadow fell over her and she forced a smile when she saw Billy standing over her with a look on his face that told her he thought he was being incredibly witty.

“I see you’re here alone,” he said as he sat down in Michael’s seat.

“Just sittin’ here by myself doesn’t mean I’m here alone, Billy.”

“You’re here with someone?” he asked, glancing around.

“I’m here with my friends.”

“But not someone special,” he said, hinting around.

She rolled her eyes. “If you mean Michael, he’s here, too.”

Billy bit back the response that automatically rose to the tip of his tongue. “Well, no, actually I wasn’t referring to him since you two are just friends... right?”

She nodded but it didn’t feel right. “True.”

“So, why don’t you and I hook up after leavin’ here?”

She didn’t know what was different from the beginning of summer, but she couldn’t imagine spending a night with him anymore.

Billy tipped his head to one side when she remained silent. “So, is that a yes?”

“I’m not in the mood for a hook up right now, sorry.”

“Not in the mood?” he parroted in disbelief. “Do you know how many girls would just love to be in your position? I’m a pretty hot item around here – “

“If there are so many girls who would love to be in her position, why don’t you go bother one of them?” Michael growled from behind them.

“Look who’s here,” Billy snarled. “Always her protector, huh?”

“Yeah, that’s right. Always. You might wanna keep that in mind while you shove off.”

Billy stood up in front of Michael and they glared at each other angrily.

“Michael,” Maria called his name to get his attention.

“What?” he muttered, not backing down or looking away from Billy.

“Leave it alone.” She stood up and placed herself between them, facing Billy. “Go and find another girl.” She turned to look at Michael. “And you sit down.” She splayed her hand against his chest to push him slightly.

Michael backed away, nodding in response to her warning look.

Billy waited for several seconds as he considered his options. It was starting to become clear that she wasn’t going to be smart enough to hook up with him; she seemed to be stuck on her friend. He shook his head and took a single step back. “You are sooo not worth this much trouble,” he muttered.

Michael started to move towards the guy but Maria’s hand pressed against his chest again as she turned to look at the other guy. “Wrong, Billy. I’m worth much more than that,” she replied confidently.

“You seemed to be pretty interested at the beginning of summer.”

“Whatever.” She wasn’t in the mood to talk with him anymore and she hoped he would just leave.

Billy waited several more seconds before glaring at her friend once more and then leaving. He didn’t have to put up with this kind of treatment from any chick, he thought.

Maria watched him leave and then walked over to stand at the edge of the pool, staring at it while thinking. “You don’t have to be so protective all the time, Michael. I’m not helpless; I know how to defend myself.”

“I know that,” he insisted, tipping his head to the side as he studied her body language. Yep, she was annoyed with his I’m-the-man-I’ll-handle-this attitude, but she wasn’t pissed at him. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against his chest. “I just didn’t like the way he was actin’ like he had any right to just assume that you were interested in him.”

She chuckled ironically. “I can’t remember you ever liking it when any man acted like that around me.”

Michael bit his bottom lip to prevent himself from telling her the truth. “Not very many guys are worthy of your affections.” None of them in his opinion.

“Just talking to them does not mean I wanna have sex with them,” she said, placing her hands on his arms where they were wrapped around her.

“What makes you think I’m just talkin’ about sex?” he murmured.

“Well, I’m not plannin’ to have a serious relationship with any of those guys anyway.”

Michael was just about to say something when a pair of hands landed on his back and someone gave him a hard shove, knocking him off balance. They were standing too close to the edge of the pool to catch their balance and before he could figure it out he felt himself falling. Maria’s shocked screech nearly split his eardrums and he felt her fingernails dig into his arms as she held on in desperation.

“What’d you do?” Maria squeaked when they came up from under the water again.

“What’d I do?!” Michael exclaimed as he reached up to run his right hand over his hair. Great, that was just fuckin’ great, he thought. He looked up and pointed behind Maria when he saw Kyle’s triumphant smirk. “Blame the real culprit.”

“Kyle.” Maria tried to sound angry, but she couldn’t be really mad at him.

“Hey,” he held his hands up defensively, “they dared me to do it.” He nodded at Liz and Max where they were cuddled up in one of the loungers. “And y’know I can’t resist a dare.”

“Uh-huh, maybe they’ve forgotten that they’ve been sleepin’ at my house for practically the whole summer.”

“Ooooh, revenge.” He grinned like a maniac. “Want some help?”

“Nah, I think we can handle it.” Maria smiled at him when he shrugged and headed back to the house. Maria glanced at Michael. “Hey, at least you took your shirt off earlier.”

“True.” He shot a teasing grin at her. “Wanna do anything to make us even?”

“Anything in mind?”

Oh, he had so many things in mind! “You could lose the shirt.” He held his breath as he waited to see if she would play along. He reached out to hold onto the side of the pool to keep from sinking into the water.

“Wanna get a look at the little white bikini, huh?” she teased.

His heart stuttered in his chest. “Oh, yeah,” he growled deep in his throat.

She nodded. “Okay, but you’re gonna have to help me. My tee shirt’s stickin’ to my skin.”

“No problem, I’ve got it.” He released his grip on the side of the pool and reached out to grasp the wet hem of her shirt. The material was soaking wet and it stubbornly clung to her skin, but he refused to give up until he had managed to peel it off of her.

His heart rate shot into overdrive as his gaze slid over the bikini top, the color a stark contrast to her tanned flesh. God, he had never seen anything more beautiful than her and it was killing him to not tell her how he felt.

“Something wrong?” She glanced down at herself when she had noticed his gaze on her.

“No... no, everything’s just right.”

“I probably won’t get out of my jean shorts now that they’re all wet as well.”

Michael wasn’t sure if he had enough self control to go any further and he shook his head at her. “You’re on your own with that battle.”

Maria shrugged. “Guess I’ll leave ‘em on. You’re in your pants, too.”

Thank God for that, he thought. He wouldn’t have had a prayer of hiding her affect on him if he’d been wearing just the loose-fitting swim trunks.

“So, what’re we gonna do now, Mickey G?” she asked, swimming around him in a circle.

Michael reached out and wrapped his hand around her arm, stilling her movements and meeting her questioning gaze directly. “What d’you wanna do?” he asked thickly.

She swam directly towards him. It’s now or never, she thought. She was sick of just teasing him; she wanted to find out if he was willing to take things further or not.

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Don’t know, but the pool is kinda refreshing.”

Michael’s heart started to hammer in his chest as his arms came around her automatically. Damn, the way she was pressed against him there was no way she could possibly not notice that he was hard. She wasn’t pulling away though... and the way she was looking at him... Was this it? he wondered. Was she telling him she wanted more or did he just want her to feel like that so badly that he was misreading the situation? “Yeah, refreshing,” he said, sounding strangled. His right hand came up to gently cradle her cheek as he stared into her eyes, doing his damnedest to see if he was gonna get slugged if he kissed her.

Maria had a hard time trying to not collapse in his arms. The way he was looking at her was driving her crazy. She lowered her gaze to his lips, wondering what it would feel like to kiss him.

“Maria, we really need to talk,” he said, his voice low.

She nodded slightly, even if she was scared of what he was about to say. What if he told her that he had noticed she was feeling more for him but he didn’t share those feelings?

He couldn’t take much more of this waiting game and while this wasn’t exactly the setting he had imagined for this moment he had to get it out. “I’ve been wantin’ to – “

“So, just best friends, huh?” a sneering voice asked.

They looked up and Michael glared at Billy when he saw the guy standing over them. “Get lost.”

“Why?” He reached behind him to get one of the chairs sitting around the pool and sat down. “What if I just sit here?”

Michael tensed up at the challenging gleam in the other guy’s eyes. “Nobody asked you to come over here and hang out.”

Maria rolled her eyes. Great, Michael was about to tell her something that she thought was important, and stupid Billy had nothing better to do than get between them again. “Let’s get out.”

He turned his head to look at her. “Whatcha wanna do?”

“Maybe we can go home to get into some dry clothes?”

Michael glanced up at the sky; it would be getting dark before long. After showering and changing clothes there wouldn’t be much point in coming back to the party. “Yeah. I could make a snack and we could watch a movie or somethin’,” he suggested.

Maria had already started to swim to the edge of the pool. “Yeah, sounds good.”

He glared at Billy as he climbed out of the pool and when Maria went to let the others know they were leaving he smirked at the other guy. “Enjoy your night,” he said, leaning down to snatch Maria’s shirt up off of the ground as he turned to follow her.

Billy just shook his head. “You won’t get laid anyway.”

Michael had intended to walk away but that comment made his blood boil and he turned back around and stalked over to the little prick. “This is the only time I’m gonna warn you about watchin’ what you say about her. Slip again and I’ll remind you by plantin’ my fist in your face.”

“Michael, are you coming?” Maria called. The last thing she wanted was a fight between the two boys.

He backed away from Billy, glaring at him once more for good measure, and then hurried to join her. “Yup, I’m ready to go.”

Maria started to walk through the house to reach the front door. “Since we’ve both had a few drinks I think it’d be better if we walk, huh? We can get my car tomorrow.”

“Sure, I’m good with that.”

“Okay.” She stepped outside and waited for him. Suddenly it felt so weird to be with him. Was this the day that changed everything?

Michael pulled the door closed after him and he fell into step beside her as they walked down to the sidewalk. He had the strangest feeling that things were about to change between them and now he was feeling nervous about it.

“You know it really sucks to walk in wet, tight jean shorts,” she said picking at them. Maybe that would lift up the mood a bit.

It sucked to walk around with a hard-on, too,
he thought, but decided not to share that bit of information. “You look good in ‘em though,” he said with a smile.

“Of course, I do,” she said and smiled at him.

He laughed out loud at her smug remark and he shook his head at her. “Y’know, I’ll bet I could go the rest of my life and I’d never find another girl like you.”

She glanced at him to check his expression. “That’s good, right?”

Michael hooked his left arm around her shoulders and pulled her up against his side as he dropped a kiss on her head. “You’re somethin’ special, Maria; don’t ever let anyone tell you any different.”

“It’s all good as long as you tell me,” she replied, wrapping her arms around him from the side.


“I can’t believe that the summer is almost over. We’re gonna be goin’ back to college soon.”

“Yeah, summer always goes by too fast. It’s been fun though, right?”

“Yeah, and it was so much more fun with you here.”

“Well, I had to do somethin’ since you deserted me after we got out for the summer.”

“I didn’t desert you,” she denied.

“You left me alone with Max... y’know how he is about museums and crap like that, Maria! I could’ve potentially had my brain turned to sludge from bein’ dragged around on his little fun museum tour over the summer... you would’ve come back and I would’ve been turned into a major nerd, and it would’ve been all your fault.”

She laughed. “Man, you could never be a nerd.”

“Can’t see me wearin’ a pair of thick glasses and a pocket protector? Readin’ somethin’ academic instead of zonin’ on ESPN?”

“Nope, that definitely wouldn’t be you.”

“Would you still love me if it was though?”

“I don’t know... ‘cause I really love the person you are.”

But did she love him? That’s what he wanted and needed to know most of all. He could make jokes and dance around the topic all night but it wasn’t getting him anywhere with her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked when he stayed silent.

He glanced around, looking for potential distractions. “I’ve been needin’ to talk to you about somethin’ for a while now, but it seems like every time I try to bring it up we get interrupted.”

She stopped and looked at him. “I have to admit I’m a little scared about what you’re gonna say,” she admitted.

Michael swallowed hard and reached up to scratch his eyebrow. They were only a couple of blocks away from their destination and he was about to spill his guts in front of some strangers house while he was dripping all over the sidewalk. “The past year has meant a lot to me... your friendship is probably one of the most important things in my life.”

She nodded, still afraid that he would say something she didn’t want to hear. He had said friendship. And nothing else.

“I need you to know how important that is to me, Maria, because I don’t ever wanna do anything to lose it.”

She nodded again, unable to say anything. He was saying that he didn’t want to risk her friendship for anything. And maybe that included a relationship... Suddenly she felt very uncomfortable. “Do you mind if we go home first, before we continue this?” she whispered. If she was going to cry then at least she wanted to be home.

Michael wasn’t sure if he should continue or not when they got back to her place. She seemed sad now. What if she knew he wanted to move their relationship to the next level and she wasn’t comfortable with that?

At her house they walked upstairs to get some dry clothes. “I’ll get some towels from the hall closet.”

“Would you care if I take a quick shower? I wanna get this chlorine off of my skin.”

“No, go ahead. I’ll take the tub then.”

Michael nodded and went to grab a change of clothes before heading for the second bathroom. He needed a few minutes to clear his head. He paused at the mirror in the hall and he frowned at his reflection. His hair looked like shit, he thought as he glared at his wet, flat hair.

Maria went to the little bathroom next to her bedroom and started to let the water run into the tub. She didn’t want to hear that he had noticed her weird behavior lately and that they might need to take a break or something. Maybe she should just step in the tub and get the chlorine off in a hurry. There was no way she would relax now anyway.

Yeah, she nodded to herself and did what she had just thought about. After finishing she wrapped a big towel around herself and walked back to her room to find something to wear.

Michael took his time after getting out of the shower, fussing over his hair as he tried to prolong the inevitable. When there was absolutely nothing else he could do to drag it out he checked himself out in the mirror and nodded to himself. He looked relaxed, casual, and that was exactly the look he was going for. Faded blue jeans, washed out from years of wear, rips in the knees surrounded by frayed edges with a black tee shirt that was stretched from age and hung on his frame comfortably. He glanced down at his bare feet and decided that it was as good as it was gonna get.

He took a deep breath and made his way through the house to Maria’s bedroom, steeling himself for the conversation that he knew had to happen. He had been putting it off for too long and he knew he needed to get it over with.

Maria heard him coming upstairs and hurried to pull a shirt over her head. She hadn’t managed to pull on a pair of shorts, but he had seen her in just a shirt plenty of times.

Michael stepped into her bedroom and he paused just inside, his breath hitching in his throat when he saw what she was wearing. “That another one of my missing tee shirts?” he asked, recognizing it.

“Do you mind?”

“No, of course not.”

“Okay.” She pretended to be busy with arranging her hair, but she was sure he would see right through it.

Her show of nerves somehow caused his own nerves to settle in response and he moved to stand next to her. “It’s already perfect,” he said quietly as he reached out to still her hands.

“Parties in Roswell aren’t as good as the ones in college, huh?”

“Well, no, but who cares? We had fun anyway.” He bit his bottom lip and took the first step. “You remember the night we stayed out in the woods a few weeks back?”

“How could I forget?” she asked, glancing at him through the mirror in front of them.

He took her hand and led her over to the bed, motioning for her to lie down and he stretched out beside her when she did. “You remember that talk we had about almost kissin’ that night at the party? I asked if you ever thought about it and you said you do... sometimes.” He stared at the ceiling, doing his best to keep breathing while he waited for her to speak.

“Yeah,” she whispered.

“We talked about what probably would’ve happened if we had kissed, but... do you ever wonder what it would’ve been like? How it would’ve felt?”

She glanced at him nervously, but he was still staring at the ceiling. “I do, yeah.” She couldn’t lie to him.

He took a deep breath. “Okay, here’s the thing...” He raised himself up on one elbow to look down at her and the forefinger of his left hand traced over her profile. “I’d give just about anything to know what it was like to kiss you, Sexy, but the one thing I wouldn’t give up would be your friendship. So, while I have thought about it... I can’t say I regret that we missed that opportunity.”

He held his breath, waiting to see how she would respond. Her next words would determine whether or not he took the next step to let her know he was still curious to know what it was like to kiss her.

“I wanna know what it’d be like, Michael, but it scares the hell outta me.”

His heart pounded from a combination of fear and anticipation when he heard her response. “It scares the shit outta me, too,” he admitted. “I know how big this is for us; we’re both players and we play the game well, but maybe the reason we do that is because it’s a hell of a lot more terrifying to really get involved with someone who means somethin’ to us. It’s one thing to hook up like we do because we know we don’t have to worry about anyone runnin’ out on us or hurtin’ us... but, for us to get involved with each other...” He cleared his throat and scratched his right eyebrow with his thumb. “We know each other too well now; we wouldn’t be able to just hook up for a night, and I think that’s why it’s so terrifying. We’d be goin’ into a relationship that would make or break us and that’s a huge risk because if it didn’t work out...” He shook his head. “If it didn’t work out, you know we wouldn’t be able to be friends afterwards.”

Michael watched her, easily reading the indecision on her face and he reached out to pull her into his arms before lying down again. “I’m not gonna push for somethin’ you’re not ready for and if you decide that you can’t or won’t take that risk then I’ll totally understand.” He drew in a ragged breath and stepped off of the ledge. “I’m at a place in my life where I’m ready and willin’ to take that risk... with you and for you, so the ball’s in your court now.”

She glanced up at him intently and her heart was pounding wildly in her chest. “I can’t believe you just said that,” she whispered because he had just admitted what she had dreamed about all summer.

Michael swallowed hard and dared to meet her eyes. “Can’t believe it because I just screwed everything up or can’t believe it because it’s somethin’ you’d be willin’ to risk?”

She raised her hand to his cheek, her thumb tracing over his mouth. “Your lips are so soft,” she stated. “You think we can make things work as a real couple?”

His dark eyes softened and he nodded. “I wanna try, Maria.”

She smiled softly. “I knew that somethin’ was different from that first day when you arrived here.” Her hand traveled through his hair. “I’m yours, Michael. It’s what I’ve always wanted.”

His heart pounded as everything he had ever wanted suddenly became possible and he smiled as his eyes traveled over her features. “I’ve waited forever for this, Maria... and I’m so damn glad I don’t have to hide what I’m feelin’ anymore.”

“Uh-huh, how about showing me?” she asked, breathlessly. She was desperate to finally find out what it felt like to kiss him.

He shifted and came up on one elbow to look down at her and he cradled her jaw in his palm as his thumb stroked over her lips. His hand slid down to curl around the back of her neck as he leaned in and pressed his lips to hers in a series of gentle kisses before letting his tongue slip out to tease her lips.

It felt like they had been engaging in foreplay for months and while he wanted to savor every moment he was restless to experience it all... now. He kept a tight rein on his desires, not wanting to rush her or ruin the moment for her.

Maria’s hand slipped down from his hair to the back of his neck. She couldn’t believe how incredible a simple kiss could feel, how intense her feelings became, when he continued to take it slow and gentle. She moaned against his mouth, when she felt his tongue teasing her for the first time and she parted her lips to allow him to deepen the kiss.

Michael growled when she opened up to him and his tongue tangled with hers lazily. He could feel the heat, the underlying fire that was burning just below the surface, waiting for that single spark that would ignite it and send it out of control. His fingertips ghosted over her thigh, bare below the hem of her tee shirt and he wondered if she was wearing anything at all under it.

She felt his touch on her bare skin and tried to ignore the fact that she desperately wanted him to touch her on every part of her body. Was this going too fast? she wondered. Should they go all the way right after they had admitted their feelings for each other?

He felt the slight hint of hesitation and he slowly eased away from the kiss, leaning back to look down at her. “Is this movin’ too fast?” he asked, trying to bring his breathing under control.

She glanced up at him, unsure what to say about it. “I don’t know,” she whispered.

He nodded and bit the inside of his cheek to keep from cursing out loud and venting his frustration. Physically, it was agony, but on that other level he could understand her hesitation and the last thing he wanted to do was rush her and end up with both of them regretting it the next morning. “We can just sleep on it if you want,” he offered. “We don’t have to rush into anything tonight, Maria.”

“What about that snack you offered to make and a movie?” she asked, unwilling to just go to sleep and certain that she wouldn’t be able to sleep now anyway.

“Okay,” he agreed, relieved that she hadn’t jumped on his offer to go to sleep. Definitely a good sign, he thought. It meant she wasn’t trying to ignore what was happening between them. She just needed some time to process it. “Whatcha want? Pizza?”

“Pizza sounds great,” she said and immediately her stomach growled.

“That’s my girl,” Michael teased as he kissed her once more before rolling out of bed and getting to his feet. “No onions though.”

“And no mushrooms either.”

Michael made a face. “Gross, I never eat mushrooms. Thick crust, extra pepperoni and cheese... anything else?”

She rolled to her side to look at him where he was standing in the doorframe. “No, that’s perfect.” You’re perfect, she added in her mind.

It took every ounce of willpower he possessed to stay where he was instead of crawling back into bed with her when she looked at him like that. “Do me a favor, huh? Pick a comedy or somethin’, huh? Don’t put anything in that has sex scenes in it... really don’t need the distraction.” He grinned and waggled his eyebrows playfully before going down to take care of getting their snack.

“Bring something to drink, too,” she called after him and relaxed back on the bed. She still couldn’t believe what had just happened but she loved it. It had felt better than anything she had ever experienced before to kiss him.

Double Date (AU/CC/Adult) - Part 16 - 09/3/09

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:28 am
by Double Trouble
Eva: Feel free to shout it out as loud as you want!

Kyle has no idea what he just did, does he?

sarammlover: We’re glad you’re happy with that last part! As for Billy… well, he probably deserved more, but that would’ve meant longer to get to the Candy and we carefully considered our options and decided to go with Candy.

nibbles2 LOL, well, we kinda thought that one fic with M&M wreaking havoc on the readers was probably enough!

POM: It’s quite possible.

Max and Liz, Max and Liz… pretty sure we’ll be getting back to them in Sunday’s part.

keepsmiling7: Right?!

April: Sleeping on the keyboard is not recommended by the way, lol! Been there, done that!

We promise, we don’t grade feedback!

Sleep-deprivation seems to go hand in hand with school… wonder why that is? Surely sleep deprivation doesn’t make you any smarter? Never helped us, lol.

Part 14

Max did a good job, especially considering his past run-ins with Mr. Parker.

Part 15

LOL, we’re glad you loved that scene!

Thanks, we just found out about the award!

Alien_Friend: Sometimes the reward is sooo worth the risk!

begonia9508: Thanks for reading!

destinyc: A little further, huh?

kismet: No worries, we’ll be providing directions for them, too.

Part 16

Michael hummed to himself as he got everything ready. They had been friends for so long that they knew each other inside and out and that gave them a definite advantage. He slid the pizza in the oven, checked the clock, and went to the refrigerator to debate over drinks. Beer, he decided. What went better with pizza than beer?

Before long he had their drinks and snack ready and he carefully balanced the plates and drinks as he went back upstairs where Maria was waiting for him.

Maria stretched out on the bed after she had put the DVD into the player and pulled on a pair of shorts. She was still unsure how to proceed from here. Would it feel weird to actually get intimate with him? But the kiss hadn’t felt weird. It had been amazing.

He nudged the door open with his foot and walked over to the bed, handing one of the plates to her along with one of the chilled bottles. He hoped he had caught his expression in time so that she couldn’t read the disappointment on his face when he noticed that she had put shorts on.

“What’re we watchin’?” he asked, settling down beside her with his back braced against the headboard. “Somethin’ good? Batman... X-Men... Starship Troopers...” He knew that one would get a rise out of her because she hated it.

“Starship Troopers?” she asked unable to believe that he would ask that. “Sure as hell not.”

“Well, what is it? Transformers? Y’know I liked that one.” He had a feeling that wasn’t it though.

“Wild Hogs.” She opened her beer and pressed the play button on the remote.

“Good choice,” Michael said, nodding in approval.

“Of course, I do have a good taste in movies, clothes and men,” she said, grinning.

“Um-hmm,” he murmured as he took a drink of his beer. “Billy was a real treasure,” he teased.

She laughed. “Uh-huh, just like Courtney.”

“Okay,” he said, hands held up as he conceded her point, “movin’ on...”

She took a large bite of her pizza and moaned. “God, this’s awesome.”

Michael shifted when she made her appreciation known vocally and he knew he wasn’t going to be able to pay any attention to the movie.

“Think you can cook more often for me, when we’re back in school?”

“Yeah, if you want me to.”

“Oh, hey, I forgot to tell ya earlier, but Liz and I got the last two weeks of our vacation off. Liz’s dad said we deserve some free time.”

“Got any plans for it?”

“Nothing but hangin’ out with you,” she said and took a sip of her drink.

“Wanna head back to Cali early?” he asked, thinking of Kate’s suggestion.

“Miss your family, huh?” she asked, knowing that it was the truth. He had a strong connection to his family.

“Yeah,” he admitted.

She nodded. “But I’m not going on your bike; I’m taking the plane.”

“The bike’s a rental; we can turn it in at the airport.”

“Cool, I hate flying alone.”

“You a member of the mile high club?” he asked with a grin.

“Huh-uh, never joined that one.”

Michael smirked and took a bite of his pizza. “We may have to change that.”

She just smiled. “You can help me to move my stuff when we get back. They told me I’ll have to move to a different dorm room after summer. Great, huh?”

“I don’t know why you stay in the dorms,” he muttered.

“Because I can’t afford an apartment like yours.”

“So move in with me.” He shook his head and held his hands up when she gave him a look. “I know you’re probably not ready to like move in and share the same room or anything, but I’ve got that extra room. We could move your stuff in there and you can decide how you wanna play it... y’know, whether you wanna sleep with me or in your own room where it’s cold and lonely.”

She put her plate aside and turned to face him. “You think that would work out?”

“Why not? We spend most of our time together anyway and it’d make things like deciding where to spend the night or whose place to watch a movie at a lot easier.”

She nodded. “I’ll think about it.”

“There’s also the added bonus of no roommate at my place... if you get stuck with another dorm room where you’ve gotta share you’re gonna hate it.”

“No roommate? So you’re gonna move out?” she teased.

He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I’m gonna move out... I’ll just pitch a tent on my patio.”

She took the last bite of her pizza and placed their plates on the floor. “You’re a good cook, Michael. I think that’s a big point in favor of moving in with you.”

“Girl, if my skills in the kitchen are the only thing you need to know to make a decision about movin’ in with me then you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

She laughed and lay down with her head in his lap. “I’m sure you’re gonna show me your other... skills as well.”

Michael snorted. “Whenever you’re ready,” he said, reaching for one of her hands and linking their fingers together.

Right now she felt more than ready, it just scared her to give in.

He glanced down at her when her fingers clenched convulsively around his. “Hey,” he said softly, “you know I won’t push you, right? I don’t want us to rush into this and fuck it up and I’m willin’ to take it as slow as you need to take it.” He lifted her hand up and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “It’s gonna mean a lot of cold showers, but I’ll do that for you.”

She glanced up at him. “How have you turned out to be so perfect lately?”

“I’ve always been perfect,” he teased. “It just took you a while to notice.”

She nodded slowly and slid up a bit so she could rest her head on his stomach.

“Just so you know though... I knew you were perfect a long time ago.”

“I’m not perfect,” she denied.

Michael ran his fingers through her hair. “You’re perfect for me.”

She didn’t know how to respond so she stayed silent and started to ease one hand under his shirt, caressing the bare skin of his stomach.

He let her touch him however she wanted, letting her establish the boundaries and decide what she was comfortable with. He kept his hands still, waiting for her to decide whether or not she wanted to take it any further tonight.

She bit her lip when she felt the tension in his body increase the more she touched him. “I want you to touch me,” she blurted out, but didn’t look up at him.

“Here, sit up.”

She nodded and did what he had asked for.

He tugged on the hand he still held, pulling her over to straddle his thighs. He kept his tone level as he reached out to lift her chin up so he could look into her eyes. “Since when are you shy?” he asked gently.

She smiled slightly. “Since I’m in bed with the one guy who actually means something to me, I guess.”

“It’s definitely a new side of you, but I like it.” He sat up just enough to pull his tee shirt off and toss it aside before leaning back against the headboard again. “I know I joke a lot, but I don’t want you to think that I’m not takin’ this seriously.” He pulled her up against his chest and cupped her face in his hands as he pressed his lips to hers. “You mean everything to me, Sexy.”

She nodded quietly, wanting to say that she felt the same way, but no words escaped her mouth. Her arms came around his neck as she continued the kiss he had started.

Michael’s hands moved down to settle on her hips and without even realizing it they began to ease up under her shirt. His fingers traced over her soft skin, making designs and mapping her body until they brushed against her breasts. That answered the question of what she was wearing under the shirt, he thought absently. He pulled back and looked at her when his right thumb grazed her nipple, judging her reaction to see if she wanted him to continue or not.

“Don’t stop,” she breathed, looking at him with her eyes only half open.

“Can we get rid of the shirt?”


Michael took a deep breath as he caught the edges of her shirt and lifted it, removing it and dropping it on the floor. His imagination hadn’t prepared him for the reality of seeing her like this and his hands actually trembled slightly as he reached out to cup her flushed breasts. “God, you are magnificent,” he whispered hoarsely.

She leaned into his touch and threw her head back as she bit her bottom lip.

Magnificent didn’t even begin to cover it, he thought, amazed by her reaction to his touch.

She pressed her lower body against him, groaning when she made contact with his erection and
Michael’s hands dropped back to her hips as he tightened his grip, holding her still. “Keep that up and it’s gonna be over before it starts,” he growled in warning.

She smirked and took his mouth in another hot kiss. The fact that he was holding her still frustrated her.

He couldn’t help but grin when she defied him and did her best to keep moving against him. She didn’t like to be told no by anyone and that included him.

“Michael,” she mumbled against his lips, letting her fingernails wander over his sides.

“Um-hmm.” He was distracted but he heard her say his name.

She shifted in his lap again when she noticed that his grip on her hips was loosening up.

Michael groaned when she moved and the new position brought their upper bodies into full contact. His hands moved to her back, roaming over her skin and tracing over her spine before he slid one hand under her hair to curve around her neck.

She bit his bottom lip teasingly while she let one of her hands travel along his sides and down to the waistband of his jeans. She lifted herself a few inches over him to reach between them and let her fingertips trail over his erection.

He jumped at the first unexpected touch and settled down after a moment, enjoying the feel of her hand on him. She had no idea what she was doing to him or how long it had been since he had hooked up with anyone.

Time to turn the tables, he thought as his right hand slid down her side and around her waist so he could get to the snap on her shorts. He popped the snap and unzipped them before easing his fingertips inside to tease her skin.

Maria held her breath when she realized what he was doing.

“Well, somebody’s been keepin’ a secret,” he said huskily as he brushed against smooth skin.

“Huh?” She looked at him, puzzled.


“You like?” she asked with a smug grin.

He growled under his breath. “Oh, yeah.” He rubbed his fingers against her a few times before letting one finger dip into her wet folds. “So much easier to reach the goal this way, don’t you agree?” Michael added pressure to his stroking fingers and he smiled when her hips started to rock, seeking the perfect rhythm.

“You’re drivin’ me crazy, baby,” Maria moaned, holding onto him tightly.

He stilled his hand for a moment and looked up at her. “Tell me what you want,” he whispered.

“You,” she answered simply.

That simple word had his heart stopping in his chest for a moment. “You, uh...” He cleared his throat. “You ready to take it all the way?” Please, God, say yes!

She nodded slowly. “I trust you, Michael, in every way.”

“You’re absolutely sure? Because once we do this, there’s no goin’ back.”

She looked at him for several long seconds. “You don’t wanna go back, right?”

“No, but I’ve had a lot longer to get comfortable with the idea of changing our friendship into somethin’ more.”

She shook her head. “You obviously don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this, too.”

“Then I think we should stop talkin’ and get naked.” He grinned at her. “Besides, my jeans have gotten so tight that they’re cuttin’ off the circulation to a very important part of my body.”

“And we don’t want that,” she replied, grinning. She reached out to open his jeans, her movements painfully slow while kissing him deeply.

“S’gonna fall off if you don’t hurry,” he mumbled against her lips.

She didn’t let his words rush her and continued to take it slow. She lowered the zipper on his pants and softly brushed her fingers against him.

Michael rolled his eyes when she refused to be hurried; the woman only rushed when it suited her and this was obviously not one of those times.

She grinned when she reached into his boxers to touch him and he inhaled sharply. She suddenly became aware of her own need to be touched and she shifted restlessly.

“Look at that,” he hissed, “you got to him just in time.” He tugged on the waistband of her shorts. “Get rid of ‘em.”

“Wanna help me with them?” she asked.

Michael growled at her teasing tone and wrapped one arm around her waist as he rolled them over and quickly disposed of her shorts in one quick move. “Pretty impressive, huh?” he asked with a grin.

“Uh-huh.” She nodded, moving her hips up to get more contact from his hand where it rested high on her thigh.

“Need somethin’?” he rasped, keeping her from reaching her goal.

“You’re bein’ mean,” she whimpered, laying her hand over his to move him to the right place.

He inched his hand higher on her thigh. “Never let it be said that Michael Guerin was mean to the woman he loves.” His hand froze and he squeezed his eyes shut. Damn it, he was gonna scare her off! He hadn’t meant to say that so soon.

She looked at him intensely, touched by what he had said, but he seemed to be uncomfortable with it. Her hand wandered up over his chest to his neck.

He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” he muttered. “Not for sayin’ it because it’s true, but the timin’ probably isn’t right...” He finally lifted his head to meet her gaze when she touched him.

She gave him a small smile and pressed her body against him. “It’s okay, baby, I love you, too, and I’m not afraid to say it.”

The smile that graced his features threatened to split his face in two. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled them over again, enjoying the sensation of having her body draped over him.

“I feel like I’ve waited so long for this... all of it... and now, here it is, everything I’ve ever wanted...” He lifted his head to kiss her. “I’m just a little bit scared of what comes next,” he admitted quietly.

She nodded. “You’re not alone with that.”

“I’m ready, just a little bit nervous.” He lifted his hips and nudged his erection against her belly. “Really ready,” he teased.

She groaned at his teasing move and lifted up off of him to finally get rid of the rest of his clothes.

“Want me totally naked for this, huh?” He nodded at his jeans that she was just about to toss aside. “The condoms are in my wallet.”

She reached into the pocket to get his wallet out and handed it to him.

“Gonna make me do all the work?” he growled as he opened his wallet. He glanced down and frowned before flipping over to the next fold. “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill Evans,” he muttered when he realized that his stash was gone.

“Nothing in there?” She glanced at his wallet.

“Nothin’ relevant to the current crisis,” he muttered.

She smiled and took the wallet out of his hand. “I have some in the bathroom, don’t worry.”

“Not worried,” he denied, flopping back against the pillows when she went to get them.

“Here we go,” she threw a whole package next to him on the bed when she came back.

Michael’s right eyebrow lifted as he glanced up at her with his trademark smirk in place. “You must be expectin’ quite a few repeat performances.”

“You never know,” she said with a saucy grin as she climbed on the bed.

He shot one more glance at the package and hoped she was joking. He was good, but damn... even he wasn’t quite that good.

She saw the worried look on his face and reached out to lift up his chin. “Hey, I was just kidding. I wanna take this slow with you.”

Michael released a relieved breath that he hadn’t even realized he was holding. “Damn, Sexy, don’t scare me like that!”

“You scared me too, earlier when you said we needed to talk.”

“I’m not sure sayin’ we need to talk is as scary as thinkin’ you’re expected to get it up that many times in one night.”

“Believe me, it was.” She nodded, remembering the way her heart had started to pound in fear.

“Good news is the potential heart failure at your unfair expectations haven’t put a damper on Mr. Happy’s mood,” he said with a gesture at his erection.

“Uh-huh.” She let herself fall onto the bed right next to him, her eyes staring into his intensely.
“Tell me how you want this.” She trailed her fingertips over his stomach.

Michael’s gaze moved over her and he knew without a doubt that he could spend the rest of his life just looking at her. However, there were more pressing matters that really needed to be taken care of first, so why not get the best of both worlds? “I want you on top,” he muttered gruffly.

“Okay.” She lifted herself up from the bed, straddling him as she leaned down to take his mouth in a passionate kiss. Her left hand moved between them to stroke him.

His hands settled on her hips as she took control and he felt his heart rate shift into high gear when she touched him where he needed it most.

She lowered her body down to his, seeking some measure of relief. Her hips started to rock back and forth when she took her hand away and settled completely over him.

Michael moved his right hand from her hip to slip between her legs, grazing his knuckles against her teasingly. “Don’t forget the condom,” he rasped when he felt her heated flesh so close.

“Help me with it?” she asked quietly.

“Help you?” he teased, kissing her as he removed the little foil packet from her hand and quickly took care of it.

“I can’t believe this is happening,” she admitted

“Me either,” he grated out.

She kissed him slowly, enjoying the fact that she was free to do it.

“You wouldn’t believe how long I’ve been waitin’ for this, Maria.”

“Why didn’t you bring it up earlier?”

“You said you wanted this, too... why didn’t you bring it up?”

She shrugged. “I wasn’t brave enough.”

“Yeah, me either.” His hands moved over her sides as he tugged her down to be closer to her. “We’re gonna make this work, Maria.”

She nodded slightly. “I hope we can.”

He smiled, suddenly feeling very confident. “We will.”

“You’re gonna be the perfect boyfriend, huh?” she teased.

“Didn’t I already tell ya I was perfect?” He kissed the tip of her nose before leaning back to look at her as he lifted his hips to nudge her.

She groaned and closed her eyes. “I’m sure you are,” she whispered as she pressed against him.

His right eyebrow quirked at her breathless agreement. “You gonna be this agreeable all the time?”

She smiled. “Don’t get used to it.”

He chuckled. “Hell, I’d be disappointed if you suddenly became agreeable all the time.” He nudged her again with no subtlety whatsoever. “If you wanna be agreeable about that though... feel free to do so.”

She pressed her finger against his lips to silence him and pressed her lower body against him.

He wasn’t normally this talkative when it came to sex and he didn’t know if it was because he was nervous about being with Maria or if it was because it was Maria, but he couldn’t seem to shut up.

She leaned forward and kissed a path from his chest up to his neck. “I know you said you want me on top, but would you mind if I asked you to switch positions?”

“Whatever you want, baby.”

She nodded and bit her bottom lip as she glanced down at him. “I want you to take control of this.”

He didn’t need any further encouragement. He rolled over, taking her with him and pinning her to the mattress. He rested his weight on his forearms as he brushed her hair back. He met her gaze as he nudged her entrance with the tip of his cock, fascinated by the way her eyes darkened. “Last chance to back out,” he whispered.

She smiled up at him dreamily, knowing that they were doing the right thing. She shook her head. “No backing out.”

He nodded and lowered his head to kiss her as he slowly entered her, drawing it out, taking his time because he wanted her to enjoy every moment of it.

She groaned into his mouth when she felt him inside of her and she let her hands slide over his back.

Michael stilled once he was fully sheathed inside of her, groaning at how right it felt. It was even better than he had imagined and he stayed immobile not only to give her time to adjust but also because he was so close to the edge that it wouldn’t take much to blow... and how embarrassing would that be?

She stared up into his intense, dark eyes. “You’re amazing, Michael.” One of her hands reached out to rest on his cheek.

“Hell, just wait until we really get goin’,” he muttered.

She lifted her hips up lightly to show him that she was ready when he was.

Michael felt the subtle nudge and he stared into her eyes as he started to move, slowly at first as he learned what pleased her and what made her hotter than hell.

She loved how he was holding back for her... to make it as good as possible for her.

Unfortunately they had been dancing around this for so long that he knew he wasn’t going to be able to last for very long.

She closed her eyes when his strokes started to become more intense. Her orgasm wasn’t far away; she could feel it building and she pulled him closer against her.

Michael reached between them to touch her as he kissed her deeply; he wanted to make sure she received every ounce of pleasure he could give her before losing himself in his own.

“Michael,” she groaned into his mouth and her fingernails dug into his back as she reached her peak and the orgasm washed over her.

“Maria...” He whispered her name as soon as he felt her body start to tremble and he moved against her, thrusting deep and hard as he reached for his own release.

She held him tightly against her as they both struggled to catch their breath and calm down.

Michael stared down at her, gently stroking his fingertips over her cheek as he let the moment sink in. “I love you,” he said quietly, sincerely.

Maria had to blink several times to push the tears in her eyes back. Nobody had ever said those three words to her. “I love you, too,” she finally whispered back.

He bit his bottom lip when he saw her eyes well up with unshed tears and he lowered his head to press a soft kiss to her lips. “Don’t cry, Sexy.”

“They’re just happy tears,” she told him with a small smile.

“Never made anybody so happy they cried,” he said, not sure he was comfortable with this new development. He didn’t understand women or why they did things like this.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s a good thing”

“Okay,” he said, knowing he didn’t even sound like he was sure of her answer. He shifted so he could lie next to her, pulling her into his arms and holding her close.

She ran one hand through his hair and watched him. “Ya know, I love it when your hair is messy like this.”

“Does it look different than normal?”

“It’s still a little wet and it’s more flat than usual.”

“Well, I had to work hard to get it like that,” he said with a teasing grin.


“Yeah, really...”

She smiled and leaned in for another kiss.

Michael tried to force back a yawn and he grinned when Maria just rolled her eyes at him. “Yeah, I know... I’m bein’ a total guy. Sorry.”

Double Date (AU/CC/Adult) - Part 17 - 09/6/09

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:43 am
by Double Trouble
begonia9508: Hmm… maybe we should attach warnings, lol!

Alien_Friend: Yay, we’re glad you loved it!

He’s definitely opened up with Maria and we think he’s confident enough in himself and her that he’ll stay that way. At some time or other, we’re probably all jealous of Maria!

Natalie36: Thanks for reading!

Eva: We were very happy with the way that scene turned out – we’re glad you liked it, too!

keepsmiling7: Think she’ll become a member?

sarammlover: LOL, no, we didn’t want to drag it out. We’re glad you loved it!

mary mary: Thanks!

nibbles2 Um, well…

destinyc: Michael was a sweetie. And so open, too, huh?

April: We’re glad you enjoyed this part after your long day!

Um, well, to be honest, that line wasn’t intended to be perverted, but when we were checking it over the final time before posting we had a feeling that someone **cough, cough, April** would give it a perverted slant though, lol!!

Chances are good that Michael’s gonna be pitchin’ plenty of tents and none of them will be related to camping in any form.

Well, we’re sure if Michael has anything to do with it, she’ll become a card carrying member!

tequathisy: Michael appreciates the one-time allowance, lol!

Part 17

“Hey, try to make some real coffee this time, okay?” Maria smiled at Michael. She remembered the last time he made coffee very well. It had tasted like tea… or something. She still felt a little weird since she had woken up that morning. Everything seemed to be... different now. But in an exciting way.

Michael shook his head at her. “I can cook good enough to keep you happy, but you’ve just gotta bring up that coffee thing, don't you?” He kissed her as he walked past her on his way back to the stove. “Keep it up, woman... I won’t cook for you anymore.”

“Don’t be mean,” she pouted.

“Who insulted whose coffee?”

She rolled her eyes and opened the refrigerator to get the food for breakfast. “What ya wanna eat?”

“Pancakes and sausage... or bacon...” He shrugged. “Either one.”

“Bacon then,” she decided and pulled the stuff out to place it on the counter.

“You want anything in the pancakes?” He turned to lean back against the counter and let his eyes wander over her. “Blueberries... chocolate chips, maybe?”

“Hmmm,” she considered it for a moment and then smiled, “blueberries.”

“Blueberries over chocolate, huh? Never thought I’d live to see the day.” He reached for her hand and tugged her up against his body. “Pancakes work just as well for lunch,” he said suggestively.

“Uh-huh, you have somethin’ in mind?”

“I have many things in mind and right now there isn’t a single one of them that has anything to do with breakfast.” He waggled his eyebrows playfully. “They all have one thing in common though.”

“And that would be?” She placed her hands on his shoulders and stared into his eyes, pretending to be clueless.

“We’re both naked and sweaty.”

“Who’s naked?” Liz asked, sounding puzzled as she and Max walked through the back door.

“Nobody now,” Michael growled.

Liz glanced at Maria and Michael, wondering what had happened since she and Max had stayed at Tess’ place overnight.

Max watched the two of them, one eyebrow lifting when he realized how close they were. “Somethin’ goin’ on with you two?”

“With us?” Maria asked innocently.

“Nope, just debating on blueberries versus chocolate chips,” Michael said.

Max and Liz exchanged doubtful glances. “Well, chocolate for me,” Max said, shrugging.

“This is not a restaurant,” he grumbled. “I’m not over here takin’ orders.”

“But you’re the best cook,” Maria said, teasing.

Michael was annoyed by the interruption and he wasn’t ready to let it go. “One or the other,” he insisted, “I’m not makin’ both.”

She leaned in when she noticed that he wasn’t in a good mood anymore. “Relax, baby, we’ve got plenty of time to get sweaty and naked just as soon as we get back to Cali.”

He lowered his gaze to her and a slow grin settled over his features. “Blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes comin’ up,” he said agreeably.

“Great,” Liz said, “I’m gonna go and change into something comfortable and Maria, you come with me.”

As soon as the girls had left the room Michael’s glare slid back into place. “Couldn’t the two of you have just gone to the café for breakfast?”

“Okaaayyyy,” Max jumped up to sit on the counter next to Michael, “what’s goin’ on here?”

“What’re you talkin’ about?” Michael asked as he started mixing the pancake batter.

“You and Maria, there’s a difference.”

Michael shrugged. “We’re together now.” He glanced at Max sharply, expecting a taunt of some sort.

Max lifted his eyebrows in surprise. “Not that I wasn’t expectin’ this or anything, just didn’t think you two would ever go for it.”

He relaxed when his friend simply stated his opinion and he straightened up. “It’s all about timing, Maxwell,” he said knowledgeably. “You can’t rush these things.”

Max nodded slowly, thinking about him and Liz for several seconds. “Well, I’m glad your timing was good; Maria’s perfect for you.” He really meant it, he had never seen his best friend happier then he was when Maria was around.

“So, what about you an’ Liz?”

Max sighed. “I honestly don’t know.”

“Just takin’ it a day at a time for now, huh?”

“Yeah... kinda.”

Michael got the frying pan ready and started to pour the batter for the first batch of pancakes. “You gonna tell her you want more than just the summer?”

Max glanced around, making sure that the girls where still away. “Don’t know. She made herself very clear that this’s just a summer thing for her.”

“Yeah, Maria kinda said the same thing when I asked her about Liz when it became obvious that she was after you.”

Max nodded. “Maybe it’s better this way.”

Michael checked the bacon and turned his head to glance at Max. “Why’s that?”

“Because I’m not really the type for long distance relationships either and that’s what it would be.”

He flipped the pancakes over and shrugged one shoulder. “Sorry, I can see you like her.”

“I do.” He didn’t even try to deny it. “Seems like I’m always choosing the wrong women.”

“Well, at least you’re happy with this one, even if it’s just a summer thing.”

“Yeah.” He stared at the counter for several seconds. “Alright, I think I’m gonna take a quick shower before breakfast.”

Michael watched Max take off before he could say anything else and he had a bad feeling that he would be getting a call from his friend’s older sister when he got back home.

Isabel didn’t like it when her brother wasn’t happy and he was smart enough to take her threats seriously, which was why he had promised he would take care of Max over the summer and make sure he had a good time. If Liz broke the poor guy’s heart Isabel was going to hunt him down and follow up on her threats.


“Okay, girl, what’s going on?” Liz asked as soon as they reached Maria’s bedroom.

“Going on?” she echoed, her tone insinuating that she had no idea what Liz was talking about.

“You and Michael, there’s definitely a difference!”

“Well, things kinda changed last night...”

“Uh-huh.” Liz grinned and dragged her friend down to sit on the bed next to her. “Tell me more about it.”

“He told me he loves me,” she admitted with a smile.

“He told you... uh-huh... that’s a pretty big step.”

Maria bit her bottom lip as she tried to contain her happiness, but after a few moments she couldn’t hold it back any longer and she grabbed Liz’ hands. “I told him I love him, too, and we made love! It was incredible, Liz! I swear it was so much better than anything I’ve ever experienced with any other guy!”

Liz smiled at her best friend. “I knew you guys would give in one of these days.” She hugged Maria tightly. “I’m so happy for you, girl.”

“Me too!” She leaned back to look at her friend. “Okay, what about you?”

“Me? We had sex a couple of times in Tess’ parent’s bed!”

“Oh, gross! No, you did not!”

Liz laughed. “Sorry.”

“I mean, I guess that’s not as bad as if it was your own parents’ bed, but still... Liz!”

She shrugged. “There wasn’t anyplace else that was free.”

Maria shuddered. “Okay, the sex must be good if you can overlook that creepy factor and just go for it.”

“The sex is amazing, chica.”

“Um-hmm... and are you still playin’ dress-up?”


“Huh?” she mocked, rolling her eyes. “Are you still dressing him up in leather?”

Liz rolled her eyes. “No, we just get naked, okay?”

Maria laughed and nodded. “So, what about the other thing? You still think you’re gonna be able to walk away from him at the end of summer?”

Liz grimaced. “It’ll be hard but I know I have to.”

“You’re that sure there’s no other way to work it out?”

“What would that be? A long distance relationship? I don’t want that.”

“You’ve gotten pretty attached to him over the last few weeks, Liz.”

“And? That doesn’t change anything,” she answered sadly.

Maria decided it was time to change the subject when she realized that Liz was starting to look sad. “Let’s go back downstairs. My man should be just about finished with breakfast.” She smiled. My man, she thought. Yeah, she liked the way that sounded.

“Your man, huh?” Liz asked, grinning.

“Yep, mine... all mine.” She was smiling so big it was a wonder her face didn’t hurt.

“You two make a good couple,” Liz decided.

“You think so?”

“Yeah, I bet you’ll get married someday.”

“Well, let’s not rush it,” Maria laughed.

“Uh-huh you never know. First you have sex, then you move in together, and then you get married,” Liz joked.

“He did ask me to move in,” she mused thoughtfully. “What do you think? Is it too fast for that?”

Liz got serious again as she thought about it. “Well, I guess it depends how you feel about it.”

“Part of me wants to jump at the offer, y’know? But, the other part is hesitant because what if it is too soon and we rush it and end up...” She didn’t want to think about that possibility.

“How much time did you spend over at his place in the last year?”

Maria shrugged. “I don’t know... a lot. He said he didn’t wanna rush me, that I could move my stuff into the second bedroom... What would you do?”

“Can you imagine spending every night with him?”

Could she imagine that? Maria wondered. The answer was simple and came to her within moments. “Oh, yeah.”

“Then why do you have any doubts?” Liz asked.

“Well,” Maria hedged, “y’know, it’s just different to actually live with a guy. You don’t have your own space anymore.”

Liz nodded. “Yeah, that’s true. You can’t lock the door behind you and just be alone.”

“Exactly. I mean, I love Michael, I do, Liz, but living together... I’m just not sure if I’m ready for that.”

“You don’t have to rush it. Just tell him and I’m sure he would understand if you stay in the dorm this year.”

Maria made a face at that. Another year in the dorms... sharing space with a virtual stranger. “Yeah... maybe.”

“Wanna go back to the guys?”

“Yeah, breakfast should be ready by now.”

The two girls went down to the kitchen again. “Where’s Max?” Liz asked when she didn’t see him around.

“Shower,” Michael mumbled around a mouthful of pancake.

“Hey, you’re not supposed to eat all the pancakes on your own,” Maria complained with a smile.

“I’m not.” He looked at her with his usual grin in place and shrugged before motioning at the plate piled high with pancakes. “Just one while I was waitin’.”

“I’m starving,” Maria mumbled when she looked at the mountain of pancakes.

Michael waved her towards the table and turned to fix her a plate. He slathered butter on them and then poured hot syrup over them before adding bacon on the side and sliding it on the table in front of her.

“Where’s mine?” Liz asked.

Michael set the platter of pancakes and bacon on the table along with a stack of plates and utensils. “Dig in.”

“Not fair,” she hissed, sitting down and taking one of the plates.

“You’ve got food and a plate to put it on... what’s not fair about it?”

“You fixed her a plate and expect me to do all the work on my own.”

“Did you cook the food? No, and therefore, you didn’t actually do any of the work.”

“She didn’t either,” Liz said, teasing.

Michael smirked, but left that comment unchallenged. “You got a problem with the service, tell your boy Evans to make you somethin’ to eat.”

“What’s wrong?” Max asked from the doorway, his hair still wet from the shower.

“Your girl’s expectin’ some sort of special service and she ain’t getting it from me.”

“How mean,” he answered, pretending to be shocked as he sat down next to Liz.

Michael rolled his eyes and sat down beside Maria. He mumbled some derogatory comment under his breath and reached over to snatch a piece of bacon off of her plate.

“Hey, what’re you doin’?”

“Now I’m gonna get shit from you, too?” he grumbled.

“No, but no bacon either,” she said, getting the piece of food back.

“But... but, Maria...” He put on his best sad face and just looked at her.

“Aww,” she caressed his cheek, “I’m not fallin’ for that.”

“And maybe I won’t cook for you anymore.” Total lie, but if it worked as a bargaining chip... well, it was worth it, he decided.

“Not fallin’ for that either,” she replied with a grin and took another bite of her breakfast.

“Seriously? I give you a night of pleasure that was beyond your wildest dreams and cook for you and this is the thanks I get?” he teased with a grin.

“Can you please not talk about your night while we eat?” Max asked.

“This from a man who got caught more than once over the past few weeks in a compromising position?”

Maria rolled her eyes. “Let’s just eat.”

“I just wanna know why it’s okay for him to put it out there, but I make a single reference to our night together and he’s gonna complain?”

“And I just wanna eat.”

Michael decided that he wasn’t getting any sympathy so he gave up. “You want somethin’ to drink? Milk? Juice?”

“No, I’m good.”

Max watched their interaction and he glanced at Liz, catching a hint of what looked like sadness on her face.

“So, how long are you guys gonna stay in Roswell before heading back to California?” Liz asked, deciding that it was time to face that fact that the end of summer was near.

“We’ll be heading back to Cali at the end of the week,” Maria answered as she reached for another pancake. “Michael’s family will be getting back from their vacation and we’re gonna spend some time together.”

Michael listened to her talking to her friend and he wondered why it had taken so long for him and Maria to get together.

“End of the week? Wow, that’s... soon.” She glanced at Max out of the corner of her eyes.

“What about you, Max?” Michael asked. “You gonna hang around until the end of summer or you headin’ back with us?”

Max looked at Liz. “Depends....when’re you goin’ back to college, Liz?”

“I’m scheduled to fly back in a couple of weeks.” She shrugged and bit the inside of her cheek. It’s just a summer thing, she reminded herself. No strings, Liz, remember? That’s all that you wanted from him, just a few weeks of fun.

He nodded. “Then I think I’m gonna stay here.”

“You wanna take the motorcycles and turn ‘em in at the rental place sometime this week? That way you guys can ride in to the airport together when it’s time to go?”

Max nodded. “Yeah, okay.”

“What’re we doin’ today?” Michael asked, deciding that they needed to change the subject. Max and Liz both looked like they had just lost something important to them and the last thing he wanted to do was spend the day with the two of them moping around.

“Hmm, maybe we could go to the lake in Frasier Woods?” Maria suggested.

Michael’s eyebrows lifted in interest. Going to the lake meant she’d be putting on the itty bitty bikini… and maybe he could convince her to take it off. “I’m in.”

“We can go to the Crashdown first and grab some food to go for lunch,” Liz said.

“You guys do make a great burger over there,” he said and slid Maria’s plate towards him when he noticed that she had finished eating. He reached for her fork and finished off her pancakes.

“Sometimes I really wonder how you can eat so much. You should be really fat.”

“Fast metabolism,” he mumbled. He grinned at her. “Jealous?”


“Don’t be.” He winked at her and smiled lazily. “We’ll come up with somethin’ to help you work off those calories.”

Max and Liz just rolled their eyes at Michael’s comment.


Max watched Liz as their friends boarded the plane and waved their goodbyes. He wondered if she felt their own impending farewell looming over them as much as he did.

Liz walked over to the big window and glanced out where all the planes where standing. In just a few minute her best friend would be hundreds of miles away from her and they probably wouldn’t see each other the whole year again. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed when Max stood up behind her, glancing at her reflection in the window.

He wrapped his arms around her from behind, pulling her back to lean against him. “Maybe you’ll see her for the holidays,” he said.

She nodded, biting the inside of her cheek to force her tears back.

Max had a feeling that her emotions weren’t just for seeing her friend off, but she had made her wishes for their summer fling clear and he had agreed to them.

“Now it’s just you and me for the last week of summer, huh?”

“Last week,” he whispered roughly. “We’d better make the most of it.” He swallowed hard and stared out through the window. God, he didn’t want to let her go at the end of summer. How could he cram a lifetime into a week?

“We should probably go,” Liz whispered.

He nodded. “Want me to drive?”

“Yeah.” She handed him her keys.

Max draped his arm around her shoulders and held her against his side as they walked towards the exit. “We’ve got another week, Liz, let’s just make the most of it.”

She sighed. “Yeah, you’re probably right.” She leaned her head against his shoulder. “Let’s do something fun.”

“Got anything in mind?”

She shrugged. “Not yet.” Right now she wasn’t able to think about anything fun so hopefully he would help out here.

“Hey, you gotta work today or tomorrow?”

“No, I convinced my father to give me the last week of summer off.” She glanced up at him. “The same for you. You don’t have to go back to the cheese factory.”

“How do you feel about camping?”

“Yeah, we could spend a few nights out in Frasier Woods again. Without my annoying parents or anyone else around.”

“Actually, I was thinkin’ about a road trip... ever been to Garden of the Gods up in Colorado?”

She shook her head. “No, not that I can remember.”

“Then you’ve never been there,” he said with a smile. “It’s amazing. So, whatcha think? Wanna go? We could get our stuff together and be there before nightfall.”

She smiled. “Sounds great.”

Double Date (AU/CC/Adult) - Part 18 - 09/8/09

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:46 am
by Double Trouble
keepsmiling7: Only one… think they’ll figure it out?

Eva: The story is winding down… not very many parts left at all.

That’s the question, isn’t it?

nibbles2 We think everyone’s gonna be happy at the end.

We can’t imagine how.

begonia9508: Definitely not an easy thing for either of them. We’ll know soon what they’re gonna do though.

mary mary: Hmm… true, but we think they’ll make the right decisions.

Alien_Friend: Michael rocks – Maria’s a lucky girl!

They’ll get it figured out!

destinyc: We’re pretty sure they’re gonna make the most of their time together… it might take just a bit longer to figure out that pesky long-distance dilemma.

Natalie36: Thanks for reading!!

POM: Hmm… well see. Next chapter will definitely have a Dreamer scene!

April: They’re so agreeable, aren’t they?

Hmm… that’s a very good point. Apparently they haven’t considered that angle.

sarammlover: Gorgeous country, isn’t it? The two of them have gotten very attached to each other… now how will they fix it? Glad you’re lovin’ M&M!

A/N: We´re taking part on the Stacie Author Auction, which starts September, 11th. So come and bid for us :)

Part 18

Michael watched the luggage carousel for their luggage while Maria kept an eye out for his family and he glanced up when she suddenly jumped up and down and started pointing. He realized she was focused on the luggage as she pointed out her bags and he rolled his eyes. “You’re supposed to be watchin’ for my dad and Kate,” he growled.

“Did you already tell them?”

He huffed impatiently. “Why would I tell you to watch for them if I hadn’t already called them to tell them when we were getting in?”

She rolled her eyes. “That’s not what I meant, Michael.”

He held his hands up in confusion when she continued to stare at him. “Then what did you mean?”

She sighed. “That me and you gave up on that platonic shit.”

“I was supposed to tell them?” he asked.

“No,” she shrugged, “you think it’ll be okay with them?”

He heard the nervous tone in her voice and he ignored their luggage as he pulled her into his arms. “Maria, my family loves you and I don’t really think they’re gonna be all that surprised to learn that we’re together now.”

She nodded. “Oh, hey, watch out for my bag, Michael.”

“Damn bag’s not doin’ anything but runnin’ in circles, Maria... I wanna make sure you’re okay first.”

“I’m okay, don’t worry, baby.”

“Then I’ll grab the luggage and you can go back to watchin’ for my parents.”

“Okay.” Maria turned around to look over the crowd of people.

“Mama, Daddy! Ria an’ Mike’s here!”

Kate grabbed Big Mike’s hand and they followed Danny when he ran through the crowd shouting at the top of his lungs.

“I think I found them,” Maria smirked when she saw little Danny running towards them.

Michael was in the process of hauling their bags off of the carousel when he heard his little brother’s voice and he rolled his eyes at Maria’s comment. “Ya think?”

He placed the last bag on the luggage cart just as Danny ran up to Maria and she picked the kid up, hugging him tightly. She was one of the few people that he was so open with and he was glad that she got along so well with his family.

“Hey, little man, how was your vacation?”

“It was fun,” Danny enthused. “We seened a lotta places an’ stuff.” His eyes widened. “We seened the din’saurs, too!”

Maria looked at him, acting surprised. “Really? I hope you took a lot of pics to show me.”

“Uh-huh, Daddy taked them an’ Mama’s gonna put ‘em in a book...” He smiled shyly and unclenched his right fist to show her the small flat rock with an imprint of what looked like a leaf. “I founded it at the din’saur place an’ it’s for you.”

“Aww,” she kissed the little boy on the cheek, “thank you.”

Michael cleared his throat and held his hands up in question. “Hey, what about me?”

Danny squirmed around so he could reach into his pocket and he pulled something out, clutching it in his hand as he held it out to Michael with a grin. “It’s for you.”

Michael held his hand out and looked at the flattened penny with a picture of a dinosaur imprinted into the copper. He took his brother out of Maria’s arms to give him a hug. “Thanks, little bro.”

Danny smiled and laid his head on his brother’s shoulder, his little arms loosely hooked around Michael’s neck.

“Danny, didn’t I tell you to wait for us?” Kate asked sounding a little breathless when they finally caught up with their little boy. She shook her head and then smiled.

“I did waited, Mama.”

“How was your trip?” Big Mike asked.

Michael placed the kid down on the floor again and gave his father a quick hug. “Flight was okay but the food sucked.”

Maria rolled her eyes. “And you ate both yours and mine despite that.”

“I’m a big boy,” he countered. “I need to keep my strength up.”

“Maria, dear, you get prettier every time I see you,” Kate said, hugging her.

Michael couldn’t agree more, but he knew he was completely biased.

“Really? Thanks, but that might change if Michael continues to feed me like he has the last few weeks.”

Kate smiled. “Ah, so he’s finally revealed his little secret, huh?”

“Alright, let’s get outta here,” Big Mike said before Maria had the chance to wonder what Kate had really meant.

Kate watched them as Danny squeezed between them, taking their hands and jumping every couple of steps. She could see the change in them and it was easy to see that they were finally together. They looked like a young couple out with their child and she smiled, happy that they had finally taken that step.

“What’re you thinkin’ about?” Big Mike asked his wife as he grabbed Maria’s luggage and they started to leave.

“Just that it’s about time those two got their act together.” She hooked her arm through his as she fell into step beside him. “Look at them, Mike... look how happy they are.”

“Yeah,” he sighed, relieved. “Looks like Michael finally got some sense and stopped with those casual hook ups.”

“I don’t know what happened to make them finally see what was right in front of them, but whatever it was... I’m glad they’re together. You can see the difference in him; he’s happy.”

He nodded. “Yeah, I’m glad he’s finally happy. I remember a time when he wasn’t.” His face turned serious as he remembered the difficulties he’d had with his son in the past.

“That’s all in the past, Mike. He had a lot to work through to get to where he is now.” She looked up to meet his serious eyes. “He’s grown up to be a young man we can both be proud of.”

“You’re right and maybe we’ll get some grandchildren from him one of these days,” he replied, smirking. He knew Kate was right and he also knew his son’s birth mother would be proud of him as well.

Kate smiled at her husband and shook her head. “Do not put the idea of grandchildren into their heads this early on.”

He laughed. “No, that can wait for a few more years I guess.”

“Hey, isn’t that Serena’s car?” Michael asked when they pulled up in the driveway to his parents’ house.

Kate nodded in response to his question; Serena was her daughter from her first marriage, older than Michael by almost three years. “She wanted to see you guys before she heads back to Austin.”

“She’s your stepsister, right?” Maria asked, because she had never met the girl before.

“Um-hmm, she goes to college in Texas,” he answered as they stepped out of the car. He rolled his eyes. “She’s been down there hopin’ to rope some cowboy into marriage.”

“I heard that, y’know,” a female voice called out with just the slightest hint of annoyance.

“See, ya gotta watch out for her... she’s got freakishly good hearin’.”

“And yet you still continue to talk as if I’m not standin’ right here,” Serena complained with a grin.

“Hey big sister, how’re you doin’?” Michael grinned and pulled her into a hug.

“I’m good,” she said as she returned the hug. “Almost got one of those cowboys roped into a marriage proposal,” she teased as she released him and stood back to glance meaningfully at Maria.

“This’s Maria,” he said, introducing her.

“Maria,” Serena mused, blue eyes sparkling mischievously. “Girl, we have got to talk; I’ve heard so much about you and apparently no one’s warned you about my brother.” She gave Michael a playful shove to let him know she was just kidding and she ducked when he attempted to collar her with his right arm.

Maria laughed. “Well, I doubt that you can tell me anything new after spending the last year with him, but let’s just give it a try and see what happens.”

Michael’s mouth dropped open in horror when both girls left him with luggage piled at his feet so they could hurry up to the house.

“Women,” Big Mike said when he passed his son. “Better get used to it, son.”

“Shit,” he muttered, snatching up several of the bags. There was no telling what kind of things Serena would tell Maria.

“Ummm,” Danny said, drawing the sound out, “you saided a bad word. You gots to put a quarter in the bad word jar now.”

Michael glanced down at his little brother and shook his head. How many times had he filled that damn jar up over the years? he wondered.

Kate got the last bag out of the car and walked up to the house. “Hey, Michael,” she called her oldest son.

He turned his head to look at his stepmother. “Yeah?”

“Can we talk for a sec?” She motioned to the garden behind the house.

“Sure. Hey, Danny, c’mere.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of loose change, handing it to the little boy when he held his hand out expectantly. “Both hands, little man.”

Danny’s eyes widened as he looked at the tiny mountain of shiny coins piled in his cupped hands.

“Put the quarter in the jar and put the rest in your piggy bank.” He smiled as the little guy ran into the house, stopping several times to pick up coins that dropped in his haste, and once Danny was inside he turned to follow Kate around to the back of the house.

They sat down on one of the benches that bordered the garden.

“So, something seems to be different with you and Maria…” she started with a grin.

He didn’t even try to hide the happy smile that surfaced. “Yeah, we’re together now.”

She nodded. “It was obvious that something had changed. How did you tell her?” she asked and then realized that he might not want to tell her. He wasn’t exactly an open book. “Only if you want to tell me, of course.”

“Oh, well, I finally just put it out there.” He reached up to scratch his eyebrow. “It was getting too hard to keep everything bottled up inside and I knew if I didn’t tell her it wasn’t gonna get any better, so... I told her.” He grinned. “Turns out she feels the same way.”

“She’s a good girl, Michael, and I’m really happy for both of you. So, how long will you stay here with us before you go back to your apartment?”

“Uh, hadn’t really thought about it to be honest,” he admitted. “Maria’s really been the only thing on my mind.”

Kate laughed. “Well, I guess that’s understandable. You’re still gonna watch Danny while your father and I are away for our anniversary?”


“That’s good. He really missed you over the summer and he asked about you every day. I doubt that he even slept last night, ‘cause he was so excited that you were coming home.”

“It was kinda weird bein’ away for so long over the summer; I don’t think I’ve spent that much time away from the kid since he was born.”

“I guess it was worth it though, huh? You had to figure things out with Maria.”

“Yeah, and he’s little enough that he’ll forget all about it once we’ve spent some time together.”

Kate glanced around and noticed that Big Mike was already starting to get things together for the barbecue they had planned. “Will Maria go back to living in the dorm this year or have you two made other plans?”

“That’s still up in the air. I asked her to move in with me, but... she’s a little hesitant about it.”

Kate nodded slowly. “It’s a big step to move in together.”

“Hell, we practically live together now; we have for the past year.”

“Yeah, but you’ve both always had the option of going to your own places to be alone if you needed that space.”

“I offered to let her take the second bedroom if she’s not completely comfortable with us livin’ together.” He bit his bottom lip. “I don’t wanna rush her into anything she’s not ready for, but it’s not easy for me to be patient, y’know?”

“Yeah, patience is not really one of the Guerin boys’ best attributes.”

“No, it’s not.” He laughed quietly. “But, for her I’m gonna try to be patient.”

“She won’t make you wait too long.”

“How do you know this stuff?” he asked, completely mystified at her perception.

Kate shrugged. “I can’t explain it; I just have these feelings.”

“Well, I’m countin’ on you to be right... again.” He grinned as he looked up and saw Maria step out onto the deck with his stepsister.

“You’d better join them before she tells her some of your embarrassing stories,” she said with a laugh.

“She’s probably already come up with somethin’ that’ll have Maria lookin’ at me like she has no idea why she got together with me.”

She clapped him on the back. “Don’t worry, I doubt we can tell her anything from your past that would make her run away at this point.” Kate gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and got up. “Let’s make sure your father doesn’t burn the steaks again.”

Michael snorted and walked with her to the deck, breaking away and heading over to Maria and Serena while Kate moved towards Big Mike. “What’re you guys talkin’ about?” he asked warily as he neared the girls. He was slightly concerned when they just looked at each other and giggled.


Max followed Liz into their hotel room and he turned to lock the door when she turned the bedside lamp on. It was their last night together and no matter how much he wanted to ignore it, the ticket for his flight back to California was a constant reminder that he couldn’t avoid. He leaned back against the door and watched her as she moved around the room, fussing with things as she tried to push the inevitable to the back of her mind.

He saw her pause when she reached the dresser and her fingertips traced over the edge of his ticket, the departure time providing a painful reminder that their time together was coming to an end. They had spent five days in Colorado, just enjoying each other and the beauty of the National Park they had chosen to camp out at.

There was a part of him that wanted to demand that she give them a chance, but he also agreed with her that a long distance relationship wasn’t something that either of them wanted. He had gone into their arrangement with his eyes wide open, but he hadn’t expected to develop such strong feelings for her over two short months.

He hadn’t anticipated having to board a plane with the feeling that he was leaving his heart with her and that was made even worse by the fact that he couldn’t tell her the truth. Telling her that he had fallen in love with her would only complicate an already complicated situation and neither of them needed that.

“I’m feeling kinda weird,” Liz admitted while staring out through the window. Weird, she thought. Pfff... that wasn’t the right word. But she couldn’t just say, ‘I’m gonna miss you, ‘cause I fell for you, Max Evans’, could she?

“I know we said we wouldn’t get all emotional or anything tonight, but I’m gonna miss you, Liz Parker.” He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. “This is one summer I won’t forget.”

She nodded. “I wish it wasn’t already ending.”

He bit the inside of his cheek because he was on the verge of violating their agreement and charging ahead blindly. Instead, he glanced at his watch and said, “It doesn't end for another 10 hours... let’s make the most of it.”

10 hours… what were 10 hours compared to the next few months?

He let his forehead rest on her shoulder as he squeezed his eyes shut. “Say somethin’ before I ruin our last night together by suggestin’ we do exactly what we agreed we wouldn’t do, Liz. Because I am so close to getting down on my knees and beggin’ you to change your mind that it’s not even funny.”

Liz turned and looked at him surprised. “I’m not...” She stared at the floor and sighed. “Please don’t think that this’s easy for me, Max.”

“Fuck, I don’t think that, Liz. I just know that we both agreed the long distance thing doesn’t work and I’m tryin’ very hard not to ask you to reconsider.”

She shook her head. “I don’t believe in that kind of relationship ‘cause no matter what some people say they don’t work for long. And I don’t wanna spend the next year all alone and missing my boyfriend.”

Max nodded, knowing that she was right and dragging this thing out over the miles would only end up hurting both of them. He brushed her hair back and shook his head when he saw the moisture gathering in her eyes. “Hey, no tears,” he said gently. “We had an awesome summer together and I don’t regret a second of it.” He paused a moment. “Well, okay, maybe that little scene in the hotel when I got caught and when your dad caught us, but none of the rest of it.”

She laughed and wiped a tear away. “Yeah, that was pretty embarrassing, huh?”

“Just a bit, yeah. I kinda thought I was gonna be too scarred from those incidents to ever get another hard-on.”

“I’m sorry that I got you into those situations.” She made a face when she remembered the look in her father’s eyes when they had gotten caught.

“I could’ve lived without those two particular incidents, but not if it meant us not spendin’ the summer together. I wouldn’t trade this summer for anything, Liz.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Me neither. I always felt special when I was with you. Thank you for that.”

Max swallowed hard. Damn it, he did not want to let her go! He leaned back to look down at her, his eyes tracing over her features for several seconds before he kissed her. “Make love with me one last time, Liz,” he whispered.

She pressed her body against his and groaned into his mouth. How would she survive the next days without this?

His hands came up to cradle her face and he swore that he would make the night memorable for her.

“Take me to bed,” she breathed when she felt her knees go weak.

Max scooped her up into his arms and carried her over to the bed, lowering her to the mattress and following her down. He quickly removed her shirt and bra so he could taste her skin and feel it, so alive and warm beneath his hands.

She let her hand travel through his soft hair, knowing without a doubt that she would miss the feel of it. “You drive me crazy, Max,” she whispered, lifting her body up to him.

“I know,” he said with a confident grin. He kissed his way down her body until he reached the waistband of her mini skirt. He traced his tongue around her belly button, dipping inside to distract her as he deftly eased her skirt down and off. He wasn’t surprised that she wasn’t wearing panties and he loved that she was always ready for him no matter where they were or what they were doing.

“You always know how to touch me,” she mumbled, her hands gripping the blanket tightly. Would there ever be another man who could do that to her? she wondered.

Max smiled against her skin as he moved lower to dip his tongue into the wet folds between her legs. He didn’t want this to end, didn’t want to walk away from her in the morning, but he had no choice. He knew she was it for him, knew instinctively that he would never find anyone else like her and it hurt as much as it made him happy.

His hands gripped her thighs to hold her still while he pleasured her and he heard her panting breaths as she chanted his name over and over, occasionally interspersed with a creative curse word or two. Anytime he brought her to orgasm this way she would curse like a sailor when she reached her peak and he loved reducing her to that level.

“Baby, that was amazing,” she gasped breathlessly and pulled him up against her. She slowly calmed down and her hands caressed his back.

Max teased her with slow kisses, giving her time to calm down and catch her breath.

“You’re makin’ it really hard for me to not just throw my ticket away and lock myself in your luggage.”

He smiled at her admission even though he knew it would never happen. “It’d be a nice surprise when I got home.”

“Yeah.” She lifted her hips to press her lower body against him, showing him that she was ready for more. Liz’ lips crashed into his when she felt another wave of sadness washing over her.

Max could feel the desperation in her kiss and in her hands where they were touching him and he didn’t waste any time as he quickly took care of protection and sheathed himself inside her in one smooth thrust.

“Oh, god,” she moaned as she wrapped her legs around him and her fingernails dug into the flesh of his back.

“That’s good, baby,” he growled through clenched teeth when she bucked up against him and locked her legs around him.

“Don’t stop,” she begged, knowing he wouldn’t.

He grunted and kissed her hard as his hips slammed into hers repeatedly. It wasn’t going to take long because they were both on the edge, emotionally and physically.

Liz could already feel her second orgasm cresting and even though it felt amazing, she also felt desperate because she knew it was the beginning of the end.

Max felt her go wild beneath him as she peaked for the second time and it was only a matter of moments before he felt that intense rush of pleasure wash over him in relentless waves. He rolled over on his back and took her with him as he started to breathe normally again, his hands holding her tightly against him.

His heart was pounding, but it was more than just the exertions from a few minutes before. The closer they got to morning the more he felt like he couldn’t breathe and he knew he wasn’t going to be able to look back on this summer with Liz as nothing more than a meaningless fling.

Liz drew small circles on his chest with her index finger. She knew she would miss him; his touch, his smell... and it would hurt for weeks.

He memorized every touch of her skin against his, every breath she took, and every expression that crossed her features, storing all of it up to get him through the lonely months he knew he was facing without her.


Liz clenched the ticket in her hand as they stood in the airport early the next morning. Only a few minutes until they had to say goodbye and go in different directions to get their flight. How was she supposed to survive this?

Max shifted the shoulder strap of his bag into a better position and checked his jacket pocket once more to make sure his ticket was still there. He lifted his head as the announcement came over the loudspeaker that flights for L.A., Kansas City, Boston, and Denver would all begin boarding in the next half hour.

Liz shook her head. “I can’t believe we have to say goodbye now. I don’t want to.” She wrapped her arms around him tightly, hiding her face in his chest.

Max held her against him, ignoring the fact that his own eyes felt damp, and he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “No regrets, right?” he whispered raggedly.

“No,” she whispered against his tee shirt.

He nodded and leaned back to meet her gaze. “As much as I’d like to prolong this and maybe even change my ticket to get on that flight with you, my parents are gonna kill me if I’m not at the airport when they get there to pick me up.” They needed to end this quickly because he could see how much it was hurting her.

She nodded, knowing that she had to put an end to this now or she was going to burst into tears. “Alright,” she took a deep and shaky breath, “we have to do this now, Max, or I’m gonna go crazy.” She took a step back and then reached up to caress his cheek. “Thank you for everything, Max. I’ll never forget this summer.” She gave him a quick kiss on the lips and then let go of him.

“I won’t either,” he said, forcing his hands to stay at his sides. He watched her hurry off in the opposite direction, waiting until she had disappeared into the crowd before heading for his own gate.

Max dropped down in his seat after boarding the plane and he stared out through the window, his expression dejected. He glanced up when he felt someone sit next to him and it didn’t take but a moment to realize that the couple was obviously newlyweds. Great, he thought, just throw it in my face why don’t you?

Liz practically ran through the airport until she found her gate. “Relax, young lady, you still have enough time,” the officer at the gate said after glancing at her ticket.

She just nodded and walked past him to pick up her bag again after they had scanned it. She glanced around until she saw the doors for the restrooms and hurried inside. As soon as she had locked herself in one of the stalls, her tears began to fall and heavy sobs racked her body.

Liz fumbled around in her bag, avoiding the woman outside of the restroom who was asking her if everything was alright. She didn’t want to talk to a stranger about it, what she really needed was a friend. Her best friend.

She lifted her cell phone to her ear as soon as she had dialed Maria’s number and she waited for her to pick up on the other end.


Michael grumbled irritably when one of the cell phones on the nightstand started to ring loudly and he knew from the ringtone that it wasn’t his. His voice was muffled as he cursed when Maria reached for the phone and in her mostly-asleep state managed to smack him upside the head.

“H’lo?” she mumbled, blinking blearily to see the alarm clock.

“M’ria?” Liz cried into her phone.

Uh-oh, she had been expecting this call. She leaned over to kiss Michael’s cheek when Liz’s voice carried loudly and he grunted again. “Go back to sleep, baby,” she whispered as she got up, snatching his robe off of the footboard and shrugging into it on her way out of the bedroom. “I’m here, Liz.”

Double Date (AU/CC/Adult) - Part 19 - 09/10/09

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:47 pm
by Double Trouble
Eva: It’s great to see them both a part of nice families, huh?

Well… had they talked they might have realized something very important.

mary mary: Why? Because we’re just evil like that, lol!

nibbles2 They’ll figure it out.

Just for a moment, lol!

sarammlover: Nope, they both went into it thinking it was just a summer thing… idiots, lol! The end of their story? No, we wouldn’t do that!

Michael’s got a wonderful family!

Natalie36: We do love a happy ending…

Alien_Friend: Poor girl. No, definitely not a good combination. A little bit of talking might have just allowed them to realize some things though.

We love Kate, too! We’re glad you do, too!

kismet: Real life has a tendency to do that – we totally understand!

Michael and Maria are moving right along!

We’ll fix the Max and Liz problem, promise! And we won’t drag it out.

begonia9508: Nearly impossible for them! But… well, we’re gonna fix that!

keepsmiling7: Aww… well, we’re gonna fix that…

April: Thanks! Hopefully this next part won’t be as sad.

We’ll get Max and Liz all fixed up.

Part 19

Michael carried two armfuls of groceries into his apartment while keeping an eye on Danny to make sure he stayed ahead of him and didn’t wander off between the car and the front door. He had picked his little brother up earlier that afternoon and they had spent the day running around, taking care of a few errands that he had been putting off so he and Maria could spend time together before classes started up again.

She still hadn’t decided whether or not she was moving in with him and it was making him crazy. He didn’t know what the hold up was because she had spent more time at his place than her own since they had come back from New Mexico, but he was trying to be patient and not rush her into a decision.

“Where’s Ria?” Danny demanded as he struggled under the weight of the bag he was carrying. The little boy was as stubborn as his older brother and he had insisted on carrying one of the sacks by himself.

“She’ll be here in a little while, buddy; she’s comin’ by for dinner.”

“We’re gonna make the food, huh?”

“Um-hmm.” Michael shuffled the bags to one arm as he pulled his keys out of his pocket and contorted his body into an uncomfortable position to unlock the door.

“Hot dogs?” Danny asked enthusiastically.

“No hot dogs.”

The little boy frowned. “Grilled cheese?”

“No grilled cheese.”


“Not tonight.”

“Macaroni an’ cheese?”

“No.” Michael shook his head. His little brother wasn’t going to give up on getting one of his four favorite foods unless he found a way to distract him. “You wanna watch cartoons?”

Danny’s face fell as he looked up at his big brother. “You said I could help make the food.” His shoulders slumped and he stuck his bottom lip out, presenting the picture of dejection.

He gestured to the small television sitting at one end of the counter. “We can do both.” He pulled the remote off of the shelf and handed it to Danny. “Here, you find somethin’ to watch while I put the groceries away and then we’ll get started on dinner.”

The front door opened and shut a little while later and as soon as Maria stepped into the kitchen Danny deserted the cartoon he had been engrossed in and ran across the room. “Ria, you came home!” he shouted.

Maria scooped the little boy up and kissed his cheek before hugging him tightly. “What’d you two do today?” she asked, shifting him to her right hip.

“Mama an’ Daddy went away to their anver… anvis…” He turned his head to look at Michael.

“Anniversary, little man.” He leaned back against the counter when he realized that Danny was telling Maria all about how unfair Michael was being. He bit back a smirk at his little brother’s serious tone because the kid knew exactly which strings to pull to get the most sympathy and he knew it was only a matter of time before Maria caved.

“No, Michael wouldn’t make dinner without having one of your favorites.” Maria faked a shocked tone as she shook her head at her boyfriend.

He rolled his eyes at her as she walked over to the pantry and pulled the door open, rummaging around for a minute before she found a box of macaroni and cheese.

“See? It even has the SpongeBob shapes.” Maria shook the box before handing it to Danny and setting him down on the floor.

“You fall for that every time,” Michael laughed, shaking his head as she rested her body against him and reached up to wrap her arms around his shoulders.

“Um-hmm, and you’re the one who has SpongeBob macaroni and cheese in his pantry,” she teased, leaning up to kiss him.

“Mike,” Danny said as he grabbed a handful of his brother’s shirt and tugged on it insistently. He shook the box before holding it up, trying to get Michael’s attention. “Ria said you’d make the macaroni and cheese.”

Maria broke the kiss and grinned at Michael. “Sounds like someone’s really hungry, huh?” She leaned in to whisper in his ear so that Danny couldn’t hear what she was saying. “We can pick up from here later, when the little man’s in bed.”


Maria sighed when her phone started to ring while she was washing the dishes after dinner. Michael was in the second bedroom, putting Danny down for the night, so he wasn’t gonna be able to get the call for her. She wiped her hand on a towel to dry it off and opened her cell phone to put the caller on speaker.

“Hello?” she greeted curiously since she hadn’t recognized the number on the caller id.

“Hi, I’m trying to reach a Maria... DeLuca?” a female voice inquired.

“That’s me. How can I help you?” She placed the plates into the sink slowly so that she could still hear the woman on the phone.

“Oh, hello then. My name’s Gina Marshall and I’m supposed to be moving into your old dorm room next week, but I just found out I’ll actually be getting in a little sooner than expected and I was wondering if you could tell me when it’ll be ready? I got your phone number from your roommate, I hope that’s alright?”

“Oh, yeah, of course. Well, if you’re gonna be there earlier then I can get my stuff tomorrow. It won’t take very long.”

“That’d be great. Do you have someone to help you move your stuff to your new dorm room?”

Michael paused in the doorway, watching Maria as he listened in on her conversation. He held his breath, waiting impatiently for her answer.

“Um, yeah, I think my boyfriend will be there to help me to move the things out of your new dorm room. Have you already seen it? It’s small... just to warn you.” Maria could feel his presence; she knew he was listening to the call, but she didn’t turn around.

“Well, I haven’t seen the room, but I can imagine,” Gina said with a laugh. “Is your new room close to this one?”

Maria took a deep breath, she had thought about it a lot over the last few days, but this morning when she woke up next to Michael she had known that she wanted that every day.

“Luckily, I don’t have to go back into a dorm,” she said as she turned to glance at Michael with a soft smile. “My boyfriend asked me to move in with him.”

Michael smiled at her; it was the answer he had been waiting for and it was the first time she had called him her boyfriend.

“Well, you’re lucky then,” Gina said, “would you call me when you’ve moved your stuff out?”

“Sure, can I reach you at this number?” Maria asked. As soon as the other girl confirmed and said goodbye she hung up the phone.

“So, movin’ in with your boyfriend, huh?” Michael asked as he braced his shoulder against the doorframe.

She nodded. “If you still want me around...”

“So, just to clarify, I would be the boyfriend in this scenario?”

“Of course you are.” She looked at him, puzzled. “I mean, you are, right?”

He bit back a smile and forced his expression to remain serious. “Well, I hope so... just hadn’t heard you admit it before now.”

She rolled her eyes and turned back to the sink. “You never said it either.”

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” he mocked her gently.

“Jerk, you know what I meant.”

“Okay, just to make it official,” he murmured as he walked up behind her and turned her to face him, “you are my girlfriend.”

She smiled. “That sounds incredibly right.”

“I’m glad you’re gonna move in here, Maria. And, I was completely serious when I told you we can move your stuff into the second bedroom if you want to.”

“Yeah, or we can use the other bedroom for your brother’s overnight visits...”

“Yeah? Danny’d like that, havin’ his own room at our place.”

She nodded. “Yeah and I’d prefer to sleep in your arms.”

“I like that.”

“You know what I would like?” she asked teasingly, rubbing her nose over his lips.

Michael growled low in his throat. She was in a playful mood tonight. “What’re you in the mood for?”

She bit her lip as she reached between them to stroke his erection without saying a word.

He kissed her slowly, taking his time and drawing it out as he lifted her up to sit on the counter in front of him. His hands settled on her thighs, stroking his palms over the smooth skin below her shorts.

“You know,” she mumbled against his lips as she slipped her arms around his neck, “it’s gonna be very hard to study with you around all the time.”

“Tell me about it.” He laughed quietly. “We’re gonna have to set ground rules for that.”

Maria rested her forehead against his. “Can you believe that we’re gonna live together now? And that we can spend the whole year with each other?” She took his face in her hands. “I never thought that one person could be both my best friend and my lover.”

“More than just the year if I have anything to say about it.” He pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “Before you... no, I never would’ve thought it was possible either.”

“Uh-huh,” she teased, “you gonna miss all the other chicks and the flirting?”

“Let’s just say that it’d been several months since I’d even hooked up with anyone before I showed up in Roswell... the moment I realized what I felt for you,” he shook his head, “other girls lost their appeal. I’m not gonna lie and say I’ve stopped noticing hot girls, because you’d see right through it and it’d piss you off, but I can promise you that it never goes beyond the appreciation of a pretty girl. I’d never cheat on you, Maria.” His expression turned completely serious. “Don’t ever doubt that.”

She shook her head. “I trust you, Michael.”

He nodded, swallowing hard to force the lump in his throat back down. Her trust in him was unwavering and that nearly brought him to his knees.

“Everything okay?” She glanced at him questioningly.

He cleared his throat and nodded as he smiled at her. “Yeah, everything’s perfect.” Michael leaned back and met her gaze directly. “We should probably take this to the bedroom before we go any farther. Danny has a habit of getting up and lookin’ for me so he can get a glass of water.”

“Wanna carry me?” she asked already wrapping her arms and legs around him tightly.

“Do I have a choice?” he teased.

“Hmmm... no.”

Michael carried her through the apartment, pausing in the doorway to the bedroom where Danny was sleeping, peacefully sprawled out under the covers as he clutched his stuffed toy. He could see his future with Maria right in front of him, could easily see them still together years down the road... still loving each other, still hot as hell for each other, and carrying that legacy into the future by having children of their own.

He looked at the woman he held in his arms and smiled at her. “I love you, Maria.”

She wondered what he was thinking as his attention was finally focused on her once more. “Love you, too,” she whispered, knowing that he would tell her in his own time. For now, they were happy and they were together, and that was all that mattered.


Liz walked along the campus three days after she arrived back on the East Coast. She watched other students as they hurried from one building to the next while a few others had chosen to sit down on nearby benches to study or eat and talk. After glancing at her watch she realized that she had a little more than an hour before her next class started and she debated what to do.

Maybe I should just search for a bench for myself so I can sit down and eat my lunch too, she thought as she glanced around. There was one sitting next to the building her next class was in and it was vacant. As she started to walk towards it her thoughts went back to the summer break in Roswell that had been so much better than expected. It was hard to not think about the man she had spent the last few weeks with. Max Evans. A shiver ran down her spine every time she thought about him.

Suddenly her cell started to ring and she fumbled around in her bag in a hurry to answer it. She rolled her eyes when she saw it was Maria for the second time that day. Who else would it have been? You didn’t even give him your number. They had decided that it would be better if they didn’t exchange telephone numbers at the end of summer – they had both agreed that it would have made things even harder for them.

“Hey, you,” she greeted Maria on the phone. “Again.”

“Hey, over there, how’re you doin’?”

“No better or worse than I was this mornin’, girl. Why’re you callin’ me again?”

“Are you complaining about it?” Maria asked, playfully startled. “I just miss my best friend. The summer was great and it’s not fair that we won’t see each other for a long time again.”

Liz sighed sadly. “Yeah, I miss ya, too.”

“I have the feelin’ there’s someone you miss more than me.”

She rolled her eyes. “Shut up, Maria.”

“What? I’m just sayin’....”

“Uh-huh, don’t. Okay?”

Maria sighed over the phone. “Okay. I need to hurry anyway, so have a nice day. I’ll call you later this evening.”

Liz grinned, knowing that her friend really had the nerve to call her three times a day. “I know you will. Bye.” She sat down on the bench when she reached it, shoving her phone back into her bag before unwrapping her sandwich.

Her gaze travelled over the campus again. How was she going to survive the year with all these boring men around here? And seriously, after being with Max she already knew that no other guy was gonna come close to him. She lifted her head and froze when she noticed a man walking across campus, noting the similarities to the man at the forefront of her thoughts. No, it couldn’t be…


“What the fuck...” Max muttered when several students on roller blades crossed his path and almost bumped into him.

“Hey, dude, it’s not our fault if you don’t watch where you’re goin’,” one of them called when he heard Max complaining.

Max knew that the other guy was probably right, but he didn’t really care. “Shut up.”

He had been in a bad mood since the day he had left Roswell. He remembered all too well how Liz had driven him to the airport and they had said goodbye to each other. He had hoped that she would say something, maybe suggest that they could at least try to be a couple and see how it went, but nothing... she hadn’t said much that whole day. Just something about how it would be better to not exchange phone numbers or addresses to make it easier.

“Pff, yeah,” he mumbled when he started to walk across the campus to his next class. He still had plenty of time, but there was nothing else to do anyway. He had hoped that he would be distracted enough with college stuff when he arrived back on campus, but it wasn’t working very well. He honestly missed Liz and there was nothing he could do about it. What was she doing right now? he wondered. Where was she anyway?

He had thought about asking Maria for Liz’ telephone number, but that would just make him look like he was really desperate, wouldn’t it? And maybe it would just make everything even more complicated.


He stopped when he heard someone call his name and turned to look around for the owner of the voice but didn’t see anyone. Maybe I’m goin’ crazy now, he thought. With a little more fantasizing you could think it was actually HER calling your name.

“Max!” He heard the voice calling again and suddenly his arm was being touched by someone. He whirled around and stared right into the sparkling brown eyes he had missed so often over the last few days. His mouth opened and closed several times, but not a single word escaped his lips.

“Oh my god, it’s you, I can’t believe it,” she gasped. “What... what’re you doin’ here?”

“Liz,” he stuttered out, shocked. “Um... what am I doin’ here?”

She nodded wildly.

He finally pulled himself together again. “This’s where I go to school, baby.”

Her eyes grew wide. “No, you don’t,” she denied, her tone indicating that she didn’t believe him.

He smirked at her comment, still puzzled about why she was there. “Believe me, I do.” He took her hand and pulled her up against him and his other arm wrapped around her waist possessively. They stared into each others eyes for several seconds, slowly realizing that this wasn’t a dream. “And so do you, I guess?”

Liz nodded slowly. “If we’ve been on the same campus for the past year why didn’t we meet before now?”

He shrugged. “I had a girlfriend, we were busy with studying, I don’t know.”

“I still can’t believe it.” She reached up to trail her hand over his cheek. He hadn’t shaved for several days and it made him even more irresistible.

“Maybe this’ll help,” he whispered as he leaned in and started to kiss her slowly.

She returned the kiss, her tongue slipping over his lips softly and he understood her signal to deepen it. “I’ve missed you since we left Roswell,” she mumbled, leaning back slightly to look at him.

It was the first time she had admitted having feelings for him, he realized. “I’ve missed you, too, Parker,” he said teasingly.

She smiled and laid her head against his chest. “You have a class anytime soon?”

“No,” he lied. Fuck class, when I can be with her.

“Me neither.” She paused for several seconds before she started to speak again. “We could get a coffee and hang out in the park together? They said today’s gonna be one of the last sunny summer days here.”

“Yeah,” he whispered, placing a kiss on her hair, “there’s a nice little café only a few minutes from here. I’m sure they’ve got coffee to go as well.”

“Hey, Max,” she didn’t lift her head from his chest as she continued, “um, you think we can start over again?”

“Start over?” he asked, wondering what she really meant.

“Yeah, I mean, I love what we had in Roswell, but... um, I thought we wouldn’t see each other again. Now that I just found out you go to the same college... I was wondering if there might be a chance for something... more?”

He smiled against her hair. “I’d say chances are very good.”

She tightened her arms around him. “That’s good, ‘cause the last few days without you really sucked.”

“You have no idea how many times I almost called Michael to ask him to get your number from Maria.”

Liz shook her head. “I can’t believe that we spent the whole summer together and didn’t realize that we’re going to the same college.”

“Well, somebody made all these rules when we hooked up,” he teased, grinning at her.

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know, but...” she sighed, “I don’t know. I always thought you would study somewhere in or near California.”

He chuckled and his right arm settled over her shoulders, holding her close as they started to walk across campus to the coffee shop. “I guess it didn’t help that when your dad was talkin’ about how California colleges are inferior to the schools on the East Coast I didn’t say anything. Or that the day we were at the airport my flight was goin’ to California.”

She nodded. “And Maria doesn’t even know where you’re goin’ to college, huh?”

“Apparently I’m not a hot topic of conversation back home.” He shook his head. “I could whine about it to my sister and by the time she gets finished with Michael he’ll take out an ad in the local paper to announce where I’m studyin’ just to shut her up.” He smiled to himself. “That’s not a bad idea... maybe when we go home for Christmas.”

Liz laughed, feeling happy for the first time since she had left Roswell. She glanced to the side and noticed the satisfied and content smile on his lips. Maybe this is the beginning of something very exciting, very new... and very long, she thought.

To be continued…?