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Re: top 5 michael jackson songs [TRIBUTE]

Posted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 9:58 pm
by Sundae
LOL I can't do top five since there are too many for too many reasons...

1)Thriller - I love that it transcendence so many different genre's of music and cultures. You could walk the streets of Japan and someone could be rocking out to this.
2)Billie Jean - Phenomenal song...
3)They don't care about us - makes me want to cry every time I hear it
4)Beat it
5)Black or White
6)Man in the Mirror
7)Smooth Criminal - lol my dad use to sing this to me when I was little and he use to replace Annie with my name and for the longest time, I actually believed that MJ was really using my name in the song. :oops:
8 )Dirty Diana - OH God, I always want to blush when I hear this song.
9)Wanna be starting something - LOL just an awesome fighting dance song. You just can help but dance with attitude with this song. I loved this song when they were doing rehearsals for "this is it," the dancers were AMAZING!
10)This is it - Have been in love with song ever since I saw the movie. Even his final song had to be amazing huh?

Man...I have such a weird connection with all these songs. Literally opportunity after opportunity opened up last year when I participated in the first annual Thrill the World event here in FL (in my area). But have you ever had those moments or days where you just KNOW you are in the right place at the right time. That what ever you're doing in that moment is meant for you? I remember when i first heard about it, it was after a late night class, I got home around eleven pm, I was exhausted...tired and sad for whatever reason. I switched on the news and they were talking about this event...and i don't know what it was...but I just a feeling that I should sign up. I tried to shrug it off...but it kept pulling at me, so I did. I was one of the first 200 hundred that signed up and got first pick.

I danced in front of 600 people, which ended up getting me on you-tube, featured on a bodies and faces exhibit (we were dressed as zombies), magazines, and newspapers. then several businesses and corporations approached us to see if we could dance for them for several Halloween events. I ended up making $1500 in one weekend just for dancing. We ended up raising over $200,000 for charity and I can officially say that I have helped to break a world record. I'm official certificate holder! It's not even that big of a deal...but to know that I danced with people around the world at exactly the same time, in that same moment. The feeling was so surreal.

Sorry, I'm just excited and I've been listening to Thriller non stop for a couple days since I'm getting ready for the next thrill the world event and trying re-learn all the dance moves for next month.