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Re: The Elders (All CC, ADULT) - Chapter 8 - 3 Oct

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:18 am
by Tharos
Chapter 9

With Peirce in his office, Valenti looked into the man’s eyes. Now he’d find out just how good he was if he could get through this without slipping what he knew. Given how intimately involved his son was, he hoped he was damned good.

“Hanson is a Fed? What the hell are you doing assigning an undercover agent in my station?” Valenti said.

“It’s a matter of national security, Sheriff. I can’t discuss it. Right now my agent is missing,” Peirce said.

“Yes, right, of course. Hanson stopped by my place last night. Wanted to talk about an old case, a closed one. He looked like he was coming down with a cold and he called in sick this morning,” Valenti said.

“He did? What time?” Peirce asked.

Valenti pressed the button on his intercom and called in Deputy Blackwood into his office. “Owen what time did Hanson call the station today?” he asked.

“06:30. Sounded like one hell of a cold, couldn’t stop sneezing,” Blackwood said.

“Thanks, that will be all,” Valenti said.

He waited for Blackwood to leave before he turned to Hanson. “I want to know what this case is. If it’s happening in my backyard I need to know. If Hanson found something...” Valenti said.

“Hanson’s assignment was strict observation. If he found something he was to call in immediately. My agents are well trained, they wouldn’t deviate from protocol,” Peirce said.

“And if they were caught in the middle of whatever he was looking for?” Valenti asked.

“Then secure the situation then call in,” Peirce said.

“What was he looking for?” Valenti asked.

Peirce smiled and turned away before leaving out of the door. “I’ll be around for a while, Sheriff. See you around,” he said.

Seconds later he was gone. Valenti quickly picked up the phone and speed-dialled the mayor. “Mr Mayor, it’s the Sheriff. I’ve just had a visit from the FBI. They wouldn’t talk but they’re investigating something in town and they’ve been doing it quietly. I’ll let you know when I learn more,” he said.

From there, using a secure network for communications, the population descended from the ancient city was informed they had unwanted guests in town.

In the Evans’ backyard, at the edge of the swimming pool, Isabel lay face-down on a towel under the baking sun of the desert town. She wore a tight one-piece swimsuit, blue that glistened like fish scales from the sunlight. There was no back, her skin was completely bare and allowed Alex, in a pair of green swimshorts, to massage her.

His hands roamed over her skin in firm strokes. The coconut butter scented sun lotion was melting into her. She didn’t need the lotion, her alien body was more than protected against the harmful rays from the sun since she bought her first incredibly skimpy bikini. She used her powers to make sure she was safe. However, right now she had Alex’s hands on her and she could never get enough of that.

She sighed constantly. Each caress of his hands had her thighs rubbing together. As Alex moved his hands higher over her shoulders and she moaned but he was getting frustrated. Of all the costumes he knew Isabel had, he couldn’t figure out why she wore the only one that covered so much skin. Neither were modest, neither were bashful about their bodies. Hell, they’d gladly strip down and make love in front of the entire town. Still, his fingers danced along the edges and shoulder straps of the Lycra but didn’t go as far as he would have liked.

It didn’t do anything for the tent in his shorts that was quickly becoming uncomfortable.

“You are too good at this,” Isabel said.

“Maybe I’ll open a massage parlour one day,” Alex said.

“The hell you will. I am your one and only client,” Isabel said.

“Hmm...not the sharing type I see. So my dear alien princess, why don’t you tell me why you’ve covered up so much of this beautiful body of yours,” Alex said.

Isabel smiled and rolled over. Her nipples strained through the thin fabric as it clung to her body. “Sometimes being naked isn’t alluring. Even a hint of being concealed can get the most restrained of guys hard.” Isabel let her hand roam over her body, across her belly to her thigh. “Don’t you like this? Don’t you want to take it off?” she asked.

Alex smirked as he looked over her. “You are evil. You are an evil alien using my poor little human weakness to conquer the world,” he said.

Isabel pulled herself up and moved into Alex’s embrace. “Alex, if I wanted to conquer the world, I wouldn’t use sex to do it. Even though it would be fun,” she said.

“What would you use?” Alex asked.

“To conquer the world? Hell, I’d just use my powers and blow some of it up,” Isabel said. “But I'm not that kind of girl.”

Isabel stood up and walked to the pool edge. She leapt off and dived in before she swam the length of it. She turned back and half way along she broke the surface. She looked at Alex with the water lapping against her body. Alex couldn’t help himself and jumped in himself.

Together they did a couple of laps before they came to stop in the middle of the pool. When Isabel broke the surface, she ran her hands over her hair and squeezed out some of the water. Tiny beads of moisture ran down her face and throat, and disappeared between her breasts. Alex glanced over her body as he swam in closer and together they wrapped their arms around each other.

As they kissed, the water lapped at their bodies. Isabel slid a hand down Alex’s back to the waistband of his shorts and pushed them off him. Soon they drifted through the water down to the tiled bottom. Alex broke their kiss and slid his hands up her arms to the straps of her costume. Slowly he pealed them off her shoulders and pulled them down. Her breasts were bared and Alex smiled when he sank beneath the surface to watch as her naked body came into view.

Once he started pulling them down her legs, he started to have some fun. He held his breath and moved in closer. Isabel started to breathe heavier as Alex planted kisses around her bellybutton before he pressed his head in between her legs. Isabel sighed with pure pleasure as Alex lapped at her moist, pink folds. He loved licking her pussy, making sure every quivering inch thrilled to the touch of his tongue. Isabel’s moans continued to escalate as she pressed his head deeper with her right hand. Her left hand wandered up the length of her trembling body until she slid her fingers through her wet blonde tresses. He concentrated his tongue on her swollen, throbbing clit he could feel her muscles tensing up delightfully. Her moans ascended into keening cries as she tossed her head back and forth fitfully.

He couldn’t stay down for long. Eventually the need to breathe hit him and Alex pushed himself. Then he found what little oxygen he had left being sucked from his lungs when Isabel latched her lips to his.

“There is no way I'm the first girl you’ve done that to. You’ve had practice,” Isabel said.

“Swear to god, you’re the only one,” Alex said.

“Well then, love of my life, if you aren’t inside me and making me cum soon I’ll just explode. And not in the good way,” Isabel said.

“We don’t want that do we,” Alex said.

Isabel pushed off and swam to the edge of the pool. Alex swam up behind her and started kissing her back before Isabel pushed her hair over one shoulder to expose her neck. He kissed her and sent shivers of pleasure all the way down her spine. With one hand, Isabel reached behind her and grabbed Alex’s hip. She pulled him in tight against her and lifted one leg to rest her foot against the wall.

Alex reached down between them and slightly angled his dick. He brushed the bulbous head of his dick against her slit and the moment Isabel felt him there she pushed back. He slipped inside her and both groaned. Isabel tilted her head back and the two kissed, his hands glided down the sides of her body to her hips and held her.

He pulled himself slowly back, almost leaving her before he gently eased back in when he felt her thrusting hips seeking him. Alex started to pump in and out, praying that the long, slow strokes would help him last and with each stroke Isabel gasped louder. Isabel was writhing against him; their bodies were so close that they were almost one.

Alex’s warm, filling cock slid outward again and then back in. Each time was a torment to Isabel who was desperate for more but Alex smiled as he watched her body writhe against him. Each thrust was accompanied with a gentle moan of utter contentment.

“Ugn…Alex…” Isabel sighed.

Alex leaned closer, if that were possible, and pressed their bodies together as their mouths joined. They kissed passionately, never stopping the primal movements of their bodies and moaning into each other. When the mounting heat within her began to burn, Alex felt it run through her. He sensed the explosion building inside him and his beloved mate, Alex knew he couldn’t last much longer and picked up the pace.

Isabel matched him thrust for thrust, circling her pelvis as the hard length filled her and then withdrew. Alex’s pubic bone started to bump again Isabel’s clit, she nearly shrieked at the electrical fire that raced through her core and instinctually she shifted to feel it again.



Alex realized they were hitting her spot and did his best to keep up with her as she went wild. The fierce grip of her spasming tunnel and Isabel’s cries of ecstasy as she moved on his pole were more than he could withstand.

“UGGHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!” They cried out together again and again.

“Yes…ughhnnnn…ughnnnnn…oh yessss,” she growled.

She reached for his face and pulled him to her in a savage kiss. Isabel’s hips began meeting his as he drove his cock deeper into her eager slit. She finally broke off the kiss as her cresting orgasm had her gasping incoherently in ecstatic joy.

Alex’s dick thrust her cunt again and again with power that echoed his love for her. Her eyes beamed up at him with gratitude and bliss, he kept going and going. The moans of the two lovers echoed everywhere; they moved together, instinctively knowing what to do for each other and themselves. Suddenly, Isabel’s body arched against him and she snapped forward wildly and clutched the edge of the pool as her orgasm hit with explosive force.


She was overwhelmed by the molten pleasure surging through her veins.

“Ughnnn…ughnnnn…ughnnnnn…OH yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” he groaned.

He drove home with one final drilling thrust and filled her with his hot seed, coming at the same moment she did. Even after the last of the orgasmic spasms subsided, the two continued to rock together. It was as if Isabel didn’t want to let him go, and Alex didn’t want to let her go.

“That was amazing,” Isabel said.

“You’re telling me,” Alex said.

He leaned down and kissed her shoulder before he pulled out of her pussy. Isabel turned around and the two of them held onto each other as they leaned against the pool wall. Gently they caressed each other until Isabel’s hand soon wrapped around his softening dick.

“Alex,” Isabel whispered.


“When we make love, what do you like best about it, about me?” Isabel asked.

He smiled. “I like it when your lip curls up. How you gently sigh,” he said.

“I thought you liked it when I'm loud?” Isabel asked.

“Oh believe me I do. But it’s like you know it’s coming, you love it happening but you always try to contain yourself. Eventually you just melt and let it go,” Alex said.

“What else?”

“I like it when you wrap your legs around me. How every time I see how much you love me in your eyes,” Alex said.

Isabel then smiled wickedly.

“What?” he asked.

Isabel pulled Alex against her just as she spread he legs wide for him. She pulled him in and locked her ankles behind his butt before pushing his dick back into her. The two of them looked into each other’s eyes as instinct took over and Alex started hammering into Isabel. She welcomed him joyously and met him thrust for thrust. The water around them was splashed up onto the slabs around the pool. They were insatiable.

Peirce toured the city. He’d been in Roswell before, as part of his orientation when he was inducted into the Special Unit, but he’d never been since. Some of it changed, most of it hadn’t. Soon he arrived at the Crashdown and stepped inside. He looked around, all of the patrons were enjoying their lunches, Maria was serving them and Michael was in the kitchen.

Maria welcomed him and guided him to a chair. She knew who he was, as did Michael when he felt her heart-rate sky rocket.

“So what can I get you?” Maria asked.

“Coffee, black,” Peirce said.

“Okay. 2 minutes,” Maria said.

She walked to the counter and fiddled with the coffee machine. Meanwhile, Peirce looked around the cafe. He was a trained observer; still it took him a moment to notice the atmosphere here. In every booth, at every table there were couples and all were amorous. The longing looks they gave each other, the touches and pretty soon the kisses were all filled with passion and genuine love.

He continued to subtly looked at each of the people around him. Either it was Valentine ’s Day again or this place was a seriously good couples retreat. What he didn’t know was that Maria was leaving traces of her little love-pheromone on everyone’s plates. It was spreading quickly among the people of Roswell, after all everyone came here. Less than a day had passed since she discovered it and already there were over an eighth of the non-Kantins in town affected. Had these people been less inhibited, they’d be stripping off right now.

Maria came back over with the man’s coffee and placed it gently in front of him.

“You have a minute, miss?” Peirce asked.

“Uh, no. Besides, me – highschool girl. You – too old,” Maria said.

Peirce reached into his pocket and pulled out his badge. “Have time now?” he asked.

“You think a fed’s badge is gonna get you this?” Maria asked. “Perv.”

She was about to walk away when Peirce grabbed her wrist. “Actually I was just going to ask you about Deputy Hanson. Does he come in here a lot?” he asked.

“Let me go or I scream,” Maria said.

Peirce released her and pulled his hands back. “Sorry,” he said.

“You have some issues and no, Deputy Hanson doesn’t come in here a lot. The occasional coffee and sandwich. That’s it. I barely new him except for the occasional hi. Now, I have work to do. Leave or I call the boss and he’ll call the Sheriff. Consider the coffee on the house to our law enforcement boys,” Maria said.

Peirce stood up and straightened his suit. He leaned in close, “Like you said, I'm in law enforcement. I don’t break the law...much. But if I wanted you, I’d have you. What I will do is give you a phone call when you’re 18,” he said.

“You come near her and I’ll rip your balls off like a band-aid. And it’ll hurt more. I’ll see to that,” Michael said from behind him.

Peirce looked him over and turned back to Maria. “Boyfriend? You must like it a little rough,” he said.

“Actually he’s a teddy bear. Me? They’ll just be pain. A lot,” Maria said.

Peirce smiled as he walked away. Only when the door closed did Michael turn to his girlfriend. “A teddy bear?” Michael asked.

“What? They’re cute,” Maria said.

“But the weird intimating FBI bad-guy. Descriptions need to be gruff, burly. You know...all man,” Michael said.

Maria inched closer to him until she pressed up against him. “I’ll make you feel ‘all man’ later. You’ll definitely know it,” she said seductively.

“You could just stand at the counter and I’ll stand behind you. With this crowd, I doubt they’d notice,” Michael said.

“True. But I have special plans for you in your apartment, and I need to stop by the book store before it,” Maria said.

“Why?” Michael asked.

“Just something I need. Now, back to the kitchen with you,” Maria said.

“Yes Ma’am. Really later?” Michael asked.

“Oh hell yes. It’s bad enough I'm not taking you up on your offer right now,” Maria said.

Michael whistled on his way back to the kitchen while the door opened again and Maria went back into waitress mode.

On the sofa of her parent’s living room, Max and Liz sat back with their mothers on chairs facing them and their fathers pacing behind them. Resting on the coffee table in the middle was a home-pregnancy test and every few seconds or so, the elder men would stop, look at their watches, look at each other and sigh before they started pacing again.

“I think we’re handling this better than them,” Liz said.

“I’ll say. Dad, sit down,” Max said.

“There is no way you two should be so calm about this,” Philip said.

“Calm? Odds are I'm going to be a teenage mother who is supposed to resurrect a dead culture. I'm not calm, I'm floored. But then I know Max is going to be with me with all of you. Besides, I want this,” Liz said.

Max slipped his hand into hers and smiled at her. Suddenly every watch in the house started beep and everyone quickly looked over to the test.

“Well...” Max said.

“Wow,” Liz finished for him.

“We’re going to be grandparents,” Jeff said, seconds before falling back unconscious.

Max quickly pulled Liz into his lap and kissed her passionately while she quickly went to work on the buttons of his shirt. She wanted to feel the skin of his hard chest but as she did, suddenly both froze. Their lips parted and they looked into each other’s eyes. Suddenly their eyes flickered rapidly and a bright glow flashed from the edges of Liz’s bedroom door.

Just as suddenly as it started, it stopped.

“What was that?” Philip asked.

“Oh my god,” Liz whispered.

“I remember everything,” Max said.

“Me’s all back,” Liz said.

“Everything?” Diane asked.

“Literally everything. I remember being Elizaka. Ever since she...I was a little girl. I have it all,” Liz said.

She gently caresses the side of Max’s face.

“Oh...double wow. I know what my thing is,” Liz said.

“Yes, you’re a genius,” Max said.

“The reason why the Kantis expanded so far technologically. Well, me and my family. It’s odd, Maria spreads sex like a virus. I spread IQ points,” Liz said.

“You did more than that. You inspired, you crafted ideas and turned them into the thoughts of gods,” Max said.

“Maria found the perfect couples, I improved the minds, Kyle actually improved their biology and physical fitness and Alex used his gravity thing to spread it over the entire city. Our families were put in charge because we did make everything better,” Liz said.

“Maybe you can again,” Max said.

Liz grasped the side of Max’s face and latched her lips onto his. Max ran his hands along Liz’s legs and up under her dress.

“Okay, that’s enough you two. You both have things to do and not each other,” Nancy said.

“God, I hate that museum,” Max said.

“That’s because you’d rather spend the next few hours in bed than behind the information stall,” Liz said.

“True,” Max said.

“In the meantime, I do have a shift downstairs and an ancient city to figure out how to restore to its former glory,” Liz said.

“Something tells me your brain is up to it,” Max said.

“Then let’s go,” Liz said.

“I’ll see you later,” Max said.

Liz headed to her bedroom and changed into her uniform while Max left with his parents. When she was ready, Liz went downstairs and relieved Maria. She and Michael couldn’t have left faster than they did.

Back at the Evans house, Alex had come back inside with Isabel and they dressed after showering. Before long, he lay down on the carpet with Isabel straddling his waist and gently rocked and circled her hips back and forth. When the front door opened they didn’t even consider separating.

“Hi you two. Having fun?” Philip asked.

“Tons,” Isabel said.

“Shouldn’t you be in the bedroom? You know, in case others stop by and see. Or at the very least, close the curtains,” Diane asked.

“No. We may be wearing clothes again but this is in our home and it’s private. Beyond that, no one should be looking in the windows and if they do then they’re just plain bad,” Isabel said.

“Couldn’t agree more,” Alex said.

“So how did things go?” Isabel asked.

“You’re going to be an aunt,” Philip said.

Isabel suddenly looked around with a big smile on her face. “Really? Where’s Max and Liz?” she asked.

“Working,” Diane said.

“Well...that blows. We need to have a party or something,” Isabel said.

“Oh no, honey, no. No Christmas Nazi with the new extended family,” Alex said.

“What did you call me?” Isabel asked. With that, she clenched her muscles tightly around Alex’s dick and he winced.

“My angel, my goddess, my alien princess,” Alex said.

“Oh, that’s just a no,” Philip said.

“Quickly learning that Mr Evans. Thank you,” Alex wheezed out.

To make it up to Alex, Isabel lifted herself up and sank back down to give him another wave of bliss through his body. Second later she leaned back down and kissed her boyfriend before her parents went to the kitchen.

Michael climbed the stairwell of his apartment block with his arms laden with plastic bags. Following close behind, Maria carried only two but all the bags were packed and straining with the weight. She’d damned near maxed out her credit card buying it all but she had her reasons. Each step up, Michael grumbled. It wasn’t exactly what he thought would happen when she said she’d make him feel like a man back in the Crashdown.

Once they reached their floor, they walked down the hall to his apartment to the sounds of banging and thumping against walls. Grunts and groans, moans and sighs all filled the halls from various doors throughout the hall. A few of the doors seemed to shake in a rhythm that was very familiar to the pair. Neither said anything as Michael pulled out his key and unlocked his door.

“You know, ever since that thing of yours kicked in, I don’t think people around here have slept,” Michael said.

“What can I say? I love my job,” Maria said.

“Yeah well, I’ve seen a few break ups in the last day. People have been swapping apartments like crazy,” Michael said.

“My little love potion guides people to their one true partner. Just be thankful I'm not breaking up families. Things are complicated enough around here,” Maria said.

Michael gave a heavy grunt as he lifted the bags and dropped them onto the sofa.

“Okay, are you going to tell me what the hell you bought?” Michael asked.

“Oh nothing much. Just every version of the Joy of Sex, the Kama Sutra and every sex guide every written or made into a DVD,” Maria said.

Michael raised an eyebrow.

“Don’t look at me like that. If I'm going to be the embodiment of sex and love then I'm going to need to know every little fun detail I can find,” Maria said.

“Maria, you’re not the embodiment. You’re not an actual goddess. You give off a sex drug,” Michael said.

Maria sighed, “Ruin a girl’s delusions why don’t you,” she said. “Still, it helps to be inspired. Maybe I can pass on a few tricks as well and I just know I'm going to have to practice what’s in these books. I'm going to have to practice it a lot.”

Michael suddenly perked up and quickly melted away the plastic bags until only their contents remained. He started to separate all the books to see what Maria had to work with. Maria smiled and shook her head at her boyfriend as she reached up to her sweater. She pulled it off and started to undress.

“I might start thinking you’re only interested in my body,” Maria said.

He looked over, dropped the books in his hands and walked over to Maria. Michael cupped her cheek in his hand before he pulled her in for a gentle kiss, still it left her gasping for air.

“Your body is certainly on the list but I'm interested in a whole lot more than that,” Michael said.

“Turning into Romeo are we?” Maria asked.

Both of them started to laugh before Michael flicked open a book. What they saw in the page had them tilting their heads to the side.

“Okay, that’s just not possible,” Maria said.

“Wanna try it?” Michael asked.

Both quickly worked to get rid of their clothes but just before Michael was about to drop his pants, he paused. He felt something crawl over his skin but nothing was there. In his head he felt something approach and it caused his to shiver as if affected by cold. Suddenly he clutched at his head, he fell to his knees and groaned in sharp pain. Maria was quickly at his side.

At the Valenti house, Kyle was paying basketball in the driveway with his new girlfriend and the porch-light providing some illumination. While he was shirtless, Tess took the opportunity to wear a tight tank-top that showed off her mid-riff and a pair of shorts that showed off her legs. Still, despite the attempted distraction, Kyle wasn’t going to throw the game. Besides, he knew Tess would win the more meaningful game she was playing.

“You know I can’t let you win,” Kyle said.

“I know. But there’s only one skill I need to beat you,” Tess said.

“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Kyle asked.

“The skill to make sure you’re not in any condition to play,” Tess said.

With that, she bounced the ball off the ground and span around. Kyle instantly moved in to cover her and make sure she couldn’t score. Tess smiled as she pressed back against him and ground her ass against his groin. Kyle quickly learned what she meant when his dick started to swell in his underwear, uncomfortably.

Kyle need to adjust himself but Tess took the chance and moved. She threw the ball straight into the net.

“That’s cheating,” Kyle said.

“That’s...biology,” Tess countered but stumbled a little.

“You okay?” Kyle asked.

Tess fell with her hand covering her head. Pain seared through her body.

While trying to do their math homework, Max and Liz’s feet kept brushing up against each other. Continually they looked at each other and more than a few times did Liz’s hand brush over her abdomen. When Max felt the burn, he was intensely grateful that he was already sitting down. The pain was unbelievable and rippled across his brain cells.

“Max?” Liz asked quickly.

Alex and Isabel had successfully separated their hips, eventually, and spent the rest of their day walking slowly around the block. When the sun set, they turned back to the house but shortly after Isabel collapsed, Alex immediately pulled her beneath a nearby tree.

At the outer rim of the solar system, a flash of light signified the arrival of Larek’s crystalline pod that began to streak through the system toward Earth. It slowed significantly but it still only took minutes for the ship to reach the moon. When the vessel hit the atmosphere, it burned like a meteor and before long it was through and crashed into the ground.

The door retracted and Larek pulled himself out of the pod. His vision was blurred, there seemed to be five of everything. He clutched the dirt between his fingers before his stomach churned and forced the contents up his throat. Larek heaved and threw up onto the ground before he collapsed from exhaustion.

His ship quickly pulled back and shrank into its basic crystals before fusing with Larek’s hexagonal device. After a few minutes, Larek woke up to see the alien night sky. Above him shined the Orion constellation.

“Why are you backwards?” Larek asked. He sighed, “Because I'm on Earth on the other side of the thing.”

He shook his head and he stood up. Quickly Larek used his device to get his bearings and ran toward Roswell, 15 miles away.

Outside the Alien Museum, Milton was locking the doors when a flash caught his and everyone else’s attention. They all looked up to see a flaming ball streak over the sky and leave a smoking trail in its wake. Milton’s eyes shined like two blazing suns.

“I knew it,” he said. “THEY’RE HERE!”

He ran to his car and took off in the same direction. There were more than a few cars that headed out from Roswell at that point.

There was only one other place on the planet that was having a similar reaction to the aliens in Roswell. Groom Lake, Nevada A.K.A Area 51 had every alarm blazing. Deep within the underground bunker, screens tracked a disruption in local space followed by a heat plume inside their own atmosphere.

“Track that signal, where is it going?” the commander asked.

“Sir...we’re putting impact...close to Roswell, New Mexico,” a soldier said.

“What the hell is it with that town? Alright, let him know,” the commander said.

The soldier pressed a button on his consol and a phone was speed-dialled.

Peirce and his agents were looking around Hanson’s home. There was nothing out of place but certainly there was no sign of their missing agent. All his hiding places were checked, his notes on the town people were found and reviewed but didn’t reveal anything.

His phone rang and he answered it. “Peirce,” he said.

“Agent Peirce, this is Heaven’s Gate. We have a Fallen Angel in your vicinity, co-ordinates will follow on secure channel. Follow Protocol 92 Beta. We will be using the meteorite cover story, press will be informed in two minutes.”

The phone line went dead and Peirce put his phone away. “Pack everything up. I don’t want any of our materials left for someone to find,” he said.

“Sir, what’s going on?”

Peirce walked outside and looked up at the sky. The smoke trail was still there and when his agents saw it, they went back inside and packed up all of Hanson’s work and belongings.

“Finally,” Peirce said.

After so many years, he had his first shot at catching an alien.

To Be Continued...

Re: The Elders (All CC, ADULT) - Chapter 9 - 23 Oct

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 4:22 am
by Tharos
Chapter 10

Not too far outside of town an army of vehicles headed to a burning trench carved into the desert floor. Many of them were from the army. A division attached to the Special-Unit, they were sent to secure the area for Agent Peirce but the twenty odd cars were driving flat out to the site and all with the intent on not letting the military doing another cover-up.

Or they wanted a chunk of space rock.

A few cars managed to win the race to the crash-site before the army showed up. They ran from their cars toward the flames. Their hearts raced within their chests as they approached the ridge and all were beyond excited. Then they looked into the flames and saw nothing. Their hearts sank.

The army pulled up soon after and swarmed the area. As they looked around, they found nothing save for the quickly dying flames in the trench. Still, it didn’t matter that they didn’t see anything. Soldiers in bio-hazard masks over their heads pulled the civilians from the edge while others taped off the area.

Soon two black Sedans pulled up and Peirce with his men stepped out. Milton immediately saw them.

“Men in Black,” he whispered.

Peirce walked up to the colonel in charge and flashed his ID before putting it back in his pocket. Together the two men walked passed the tapeline and looked over the crash.

“Nothing in the crater?” Peirce asked.

“No. It’s almost like ’46. Back then we found that orb thing, here there’s nothing,” the colonel said.

“Then we could have one of them out there,” Peirce said.

“I’ve ordered intense satellite surveillance. We’ll find it,” the colonel said.

“We’re still looking for the survivors of the other crash,” Peirce said.

“We did have the technology we do back then. Right now this entire state is being watched,” the colonel said.

“It’ll go to Roswell. Things aren’t right there. I can smell it,” Peirce said.

“Your missing agent?” the colonel asked.

“It’ll have to wait. The meteor story isn’t going to hold here. Too many people have seen the crater,” Peirce said.

“Space junk story?” the colonel said.


Meanwhile, a mile along the road, Larek was walking along the roadside. He watched cars drive nearby and saw their clothing. Using his hexagonal device, he made himself a suitable hologram to cover his body while giving himself some hair and removing his alien black eyes. In moments of pressing a few buttons, he looked like a native.

Only then did he come out from behind the rocks and start his trek to down. He followed a blip on his device, it drew him to the non-human lifesigns in a nearby town. Larek tried not to draw attention, he simply walked calmly along the dusty trail and avoided any contact.

Soon one car drove along the road and spotted him. The driver pulled over and honked his horn.

“Hey, need a lift. I'm headed into Roswell,” Brody said.

Larek looked at the familiar human and for a moment was curious about the coincidence of Brody being the one to pass him. “No. Thank you I'm fine,” Larek said.

“You sure? It’s quite a walk and this road isn’t travelled much. I doubt you’d get a second chance,” Brody said.

Larek looked around and thought for a moment before he thanked Brody. He entered the alien vehicle and they drove off toward town.

“Hi, I'm Brody,” he said.

“Larek,” the alien responded.

“Interesting name. What is that? Polish? Dutch?” Brody asked.

“Dutch, yes,” Larek said.

“It’s lucky I was passing. You could have been out there for a while. I'm on my way to seal a deal. Buying out the owner of the Alien Museum in Roswell,” Brody said.

“Alien museum?” Larek asked.

“Yeah, it’s a tourist trap. All the little things gathered and uncovered since the military cover-up of the crash 60 years ago,” Brody said.

Larek then looked behind him when he heard a rustle. He saw a young girl open her eyes and sit up.

“Hello,” she said innocently.

“That’s my daughter, Sydney,” Brody said.

“Hello Sydney. How are you?” Larek asked.

“Sleepy,” Sydney said. “Are you going to find the aliens as well?”

“Aliens?” Larek asked.

“Oh we heard on the radio a little while back. Something crashed near here. Government is saying meteor but this is Roswell. We do not believe it, do we Sweetie?” Brody said.

“No,” Sydney said with a smile.

“So Roswell? Tourist or passing through,” Brody asked.

“Passing through on my way back home. But I have friends there, I'm meeting them and we’ll all go back together,” Larek said.

“Yeah? Well, I'm hoping one of them has a car or you’ll hall be hitching a lift,” Brody said.

“They have vehicle. It just needs a new part that I'm taking to them to make it fully operational again,” Larek said.

Suddenly Sydney closed her eyes for a moment and stumbled.

“Sydney, lie down, take another nap,” Brody said.

“Okay daddy,” Sydney said.

Larek looked over her young body. “Is she alright?” he asked.

“No, no she’s not. Cancer, it’s aggressive,” Brody said.

Larek didn’t know what the ailment Brody told him but his eyes glanced over Sydney and saw the problem. He saw the cells inside her growing out of control and forming tumours. He saw a blanket bunched around Sydney’s feet and reached over. Larek pulled the blanket over the girl but as he did so, he placed his hand on her back. There was a soft glow before he turned back to sit in his seat but Brody only saw the blanket.

“Thanks for that,” Brody said.

“Anytime,” Larek said.

Beneath Sydney’s dress, on her shoulder-blade, a silver handprint formed on her skin. Brody drove them along the highway toward town.

Liz’s panicked cries called out to her parents. When Max collapsed at their dinner table while doing homework with Liz, she’d been out of her mind with worry. His eyes remained open, motionless like he was dead but if it hadn’t been for the fact that he was still breathing she would have thought he was gone.

When her parents came in, they helped her put Max on the sofa before Nancy called Diane and Philip. When she put the phone down, Max blinked. Moments later he sat up quickly and grabbed at his head.

“Max?” Liz asked.

“Oh man, that hurt,” Max said.

“Are you okay? What happened?” Liz asked.

“Sorry. was transmitting a signal,” Max said.

“What the hell kind of signal can do that to you?” Jeff asked.

“An Antarian one,” Max said.

“Here?” Liz asked.

“A ship was broadcasting a very strong signal. It was announcing its presence. It’s landed outside of town,” Max said.

“There was a news report on the radio. They were saying a meteor crashed but now they’ve revised it to say a satellite fell out of orbit,” Nancy said.

“Someone’s here,” Liz said.

He nodded, “They’ll look for us. Of all the places to land, they’ll come right here,” Max said.

“If you were affected like the others,” Liz said.

Max pulled out his phone and texted everyone.

Inside the Sheriff’s home, Valenti carried Tess through the halls toward his son’s bedroom. After she collapsed on the driveway, Kyle carried her through as far as he could before his dad helped. On route she woke up but that didn’t stop the sheriff putting her down on the bed.

It was only then that he saw a pair of his old handcuffs locked around a bar of the bed’s headboard. He’d lost the key years ago but figured Tess’s abilities took care of that problem.

“Uh...yeah, about that,” Kyle said.

“Don’t want to know,” Jim said. “Tess are you okay?”

“World of no,” Tess said.

She quickly swung her legs off the bed and climbed off.

“I'm actually getting out of bed while you’re here...odd,” Tess said.

“Tess,” Jim warned. “Something’s I really do not want to know.”

Suddenly their phones buzzed and rang and they answered them. “Yeah, could have seen that coming,” Tess said.

“What’s going on?” Jim asked.

“Well there are two options. One: there isn’t a problem. Two: two have seen Independence Day,” Tess said.

Their eyes went wide.

“I’ll be at the station. You two, if any of you, needs anything call me. Don’t try and do it alone,” Jim said.

Kyle nodded and Jim left to find his car keys. Kyle and Tess stripped off their clothes and put on something more comfortable for dealing with things that could take them anywhere.

The Roswell aliens weren’t the only ones on the planet affected by Larek’s signal. In Copper Summit, for just under one minute, the entire population stopped what they were doing and looked to the skies. Unlike Max and the others, they were experiences with the sensations of the signals. They’d felt them their entire lives and were adapted to it. Max and the others felt the raw impact.

Conveniently it happened just after Nacedo arrived in town. As the town came out of it and looked around at each other, Nacedo approached the thirteen year old body of the town’s leader.

“Were you expecting someone?” Nacedo asked.

“No. Kivar would have sent word. What are you doing here? Our agreement was specific. You were to guide the Ava from the path they followed before. Actually it was all four of them but the other three escaped you. It was the only condition we’d allow them to live,” Nicholas said.

“They are our rulers. No matter what Kivar thinks, he will never have the necessary influence over our people’s baser instincts,” Nacedo said.

“We’ll see. But you failed your mission,” Nicholas said.

“They’re drawn to their humans. I couldn’t stop it,” Nacedo said.

“Still, this new arrival changes things,” Nicholas said.

He turned to his people.

“Time to start packing. We have an old war to finish,” Nicholas said.

“You can’t,” Nacedo said.

“Oh you don’t remember the last condition of the agreement?” Nicholas asked.

Nacedo looked around at the Antarianss and took step back. Instantly, several of them raised their hands and Nacedo became encased within an energy field. Only his head remained exposed. Each of them channelled energy against Nacedo, forcing him onto his knees. As Nicholas approached, he put his hand onto Nacedo’s forehead and smiled.

“Kivar does not accept failure,” Nicholas said.

Nicholas hand glowed and Nacedo’s eyes whitened. Blood poured from his ears and in minutes his head fell limp. The Antarians released their field and Nacedo fell to the floor.

“Clean this mess up. And destroy everything. I don’t want anything left for the humans to find,” Nicholas said.

Everyone went around the town and sterilised their presence from streets before they dragged Nacedo’s body into one of the buildings. Soon, they all disappeared into the buildings. The ground began to shake, the buildings cracked and the glass windows shattered.

Weak spots on the buildings swelled before they split and the facade of the town crumbled into dust. From deep within, crystal shards speared up from the ground and formed the ships Kivar’s people arrived in. They darted up, high into space where they took up positions around the planet. It was just beyond the range of Earth’s satellites that they waited.

Everyone arrived at the Parker’s and with a look they all knew that the aliens all passed out due to the signal. As Jeff showed everyone and their parents into the living room, they all sat down and tried to talk about the fact that there are more aliens on the planet. The simple fact was that there was nothing they could do. They could only watch and wait.

“What do you mean, we wait?” Michael asked.

“So you know their faces? You can sense them?” Max asked.

“Max...for all we know there is an alien across the street with a sniper rifle just waiting for us to step outside. Hell it could hide in the auditorium and wait. We’re in there damned near every day,” Isabel said.

“Exactly. If we go outside, we’d be spending her time looking around at everyone, everywhere. We’d be paranoid beyond belief and we have some big secrets to keep,” Max said.

“Which means we’re stuck inside,” Liz said.

“Fortunately our favourite hangout is just downstairs,” Maria said.

“That’s not going to work for long. If this alien is hostile, he could wait to grab one of us just to see if it’ll lead to you,” Valenti said.

“Now I'm depressed,” Isabel said.

“Well what else is there? It’s not exactly going to knock on the door,” Max said.

Then there was a knock on the door and everyone looked up before looking at each other.

“No, no way. Our life is not becoming one big cliché,” Isabel said.

Valenti immediately removed his sidearm from its holster on his belt while the aliens moved around the room with their hands raised. Max stood between the door and everyone else. He nodded to Michael who opened the door.

On the other side stood Larek whose hexagonal device bleeped with rapid pulses. Immediately he fell to knees.

“My king, Zan,” Larek said.

Michael looked around at his friends, “This is new,” he said.

Larek looked at Michael, “You do not remember? Of course the imprints take time to be absorbed. Rath, Vilandra, Ava. It’s good to see you all again,” Larek said.

“You’re Larek,” Max said.

“Yes my king. You do remember?” Larek asked.

Max turned to Liz and smiled at her, “Just recently,” he said.

“Max. Introductions would be good,” Isabel said.

“He’s Lord Larek, one of the Council of Nobles and an old friend,” Max said.

Larek stood up, “I still am hopefully. It’s good to see you all alive. I'm glad Rasha’s plan worked,” he said.

“So, he’s okay?” Valenti asked.

“Yes,” Max said.

Valenti put his gun down as did all the others with their hands. They let Larek into the room and closed the door behind him.

“What are you doing here?” Michael asked.

“My king...Kivar is alive. His people saved him at the end of the war much like your mother saved you. Once you were reunited here with your companions, time once again started to pass on Antar. He’s quickly conquered our homeworld. He’s trying to gain support from the nobles but he can’t maintain power over our people. Only your bloodline has been strong enough for that,” Larek said.

“What are you talking about?” Isabel said.

“Antarians aren’t naturally sentient. Their primal, animalistic. But there are a few who are different. They could calm the people and elevate their intelligence. Our family is one of them...really the only one that could affect the entire planet. It’s why we’re in charge,” Max said.

“Kivar has claimed he can get the Granolith and use it to replace you as king,” Larek said.

“The Granolith is on Earth?” Max asked.

“Rasha hid it here before she left this planet,” Larek said.

“So what do you want us to do? We’re here, he’s there and we’re in no condition to fight a war,” Tess said.

“I’ve come to take you back. To reclaim your positions. With you there, Kivar’s support among the people with vanish,” Larek said.

“Like hell,” the aliens and their human lover’s all said together.

“I'm not leaving my family Larek. None of us are,” Max said.

“And they can’t come with us, we know humans can’t survive with Antar’s little time difference,” Michael said.

“I'm bonded with Liz and she’s pregnant,” Max said. “You know what that means.”

Larek looked at Liz with wide eyes as he looked her over.

“What? What does it mean?” Maria asked.

“An old story out there. When Max and the other first crashed at Atrula Kantis, we called them The Elders. Problem is, we thought it was because they were coming back. And in part they did,” Liz said.

“That whole genetic glue for the other species out there...” Alex said.

“The Elders were a race that seeded thousands of planets. Their hope was that they’d learn about different aspects of themselves before finding us and we’d unite them all. We’re the race to make the whole jigsaw fit together,” Liz said.

“It makes no difference. Antar must be saved,” Larek said.

“Kivar won't care about this?” Michael asked.

“Oh he’ll care. He already viewed your relationship with a human as deviance. Producing an heir of two worlds...he’ll kill you all,” Larek said.

“He’s already tried. It’s why we’re all here today instead of 19,000 years ago and why this world is a mess,” Liz said.

“If you do not return, our people will turned upon each other and savage our world. If Kivar gains the Granolith we will all turn again the galaxy and eventually this world will fall. None of you will be safe,” Larek said.

“We don’t even know where the Granolith is so it’s safe for now,” Max said.

“It may be shielded but eventually it will be found. It will always be found,” Larek said.

“Look, I don’t care you say is going to happen,” Michael said and took Maria’s hand. “I'm not going anywhere.”

“Then you leave me no choice,” Larek said.

He pulled out his hexagonal device and a blinding flash was released. When it faded, Larek looked to see everyone still standing.

“Uh...” Larek said.

He looked at his device and pressed a few buttons.

“You should all be unconscious now,” he said.

“That would be me. I'm keeping them conscious. Apparently my little inspiration power thing gives me full access to everyone’s least if it’s a small group on that level,” Liz said.

“So you were going to kidnap us?” Isabel asked.

“I have no choice. My priority is my people,” Larek said.

“And I want to help, we all do but we can’t leave,” Max said.

“Which is a good thing because I have a plan,” Liz said.

Everyone looked at her.

“You do?” Max asked.

“I do,” Liz said. “Tess, Isabel...I’m going to need your help in my bedroom. Everyone else, please wait downstairs.”

The three girls disappeared into Liz’s bedroom while everyone else shrugged their shoulders and headed down to the Crashdown.

Downstairs everyone waited. They sat in stools and waited for Liz, Isabel and Tess to join them and wondered what she had planned. With the FBI Special Unit in town and an army division setting up camp just outside of town, it was hardly the time to draw attention to themselves.

Valenti was supposed to be at the station by now. He knew the Special Unit would go to him if they needed support from the local officers so staying away, as unusual as it was, would raise an eyebrow among his deputies. If they mentioned it, even just in passing, the Unit would be suspicious.

Larek was growing impatient. There was little time to return to Antar before Kivar moved his plans forward. Yes, he needed the Granolith but the damage done in the meantime could and probably would be irreparable.

“This is insanity. You are entrusting our future to a exceptional as she is,” Larek said.

“I would entrust her to carry a speck of stardust from one end of the universe to the other. If it was Liz, I can guarantee she’d find a way to do it,” Max said.

“That may be so but these people are primitives,” Larek said.

“Hey! Whose race is it that’s currently tearing themselves to shreds because Max isn’t there to do his mojo?” Maria said.

“Babe, technically...both,” Michael said.

“Okay, I admit, humans generally, as a species, we suck. Mainly because this planet’s version of Max was killed 19,000 years ago by his lordship’s people. If that didn’t happen and we were all left alone back then, then we’d all be a lot mellower,” Maria said.

“Is it just me or is she...” Kyle said.

“No, something’s definitely mucked up her Qi,” Alex said.

“Excuse me?” Maria asked.

“Your flow, Asian belief of what’s inside us,” Alex said.

“I know what it is,” Maria snapped.

Alex quickly stepped back with wide eyes. He’d never seen her like this. “Have you not had sex today or something?” he asked.

“No. Spaceboy here passed out because his lordiness showed up before we could,” Maria said. She turned to Michael and pointed at him. “When this is sorted, expect to have me ride you until I break your back and I don’t want complaints.”

“Never. I would never think of complaining,” Michael said.

“That would be a first,” Alex said.

“Well, we have time. We could always take care of that problem now,” Michael said.

“Oh don’t be so cocky. Right now I'm so horny I’d be on you so fast your dick will be limp for a month,” Maria said.

“Bring it,” Michael said.

“Honey, language please. There’s no need to be so...crass with it,” Amy said.

“Crass, since when do you use that word?” Maria asked.

“Just...calm it,” Amy said.

“Hey, if Maria’s up for it, I'm game. Let’s see if she can put her money where her mouth is,” Michael said.

“Are they always like this?” Larek asked Max.

“Usually. Except usually they’re free to deal with their needs in the store room or bathroom...or going upstairs,” Max said.

“Or right here, right now on one of these tables,” Maria said.

She hopped up onto one of tables and slid back.

“Maria, not now. Liz will be down at any moment. I hope,” Max said.

“Speak of the devil and the devil appears,” Liz said.

She stepped into the room with Isabel and Tess right behind her.

“What’s going on?” Tess asked.

“Michael and Maria,” Kyle answered.

“Enough said,” Isabel said.

“So what’s the plan?” Max asked.

“If there are aliens on the planet or are coming here that’s going to cause problems, we need something that can fight back. There’s only one thing on the planet that can do that,” Liz said.

“The defence systems in Atrula Kantis,” Alex said.

“But we don’t know where that is,” Maria said.

“I do. And I know how to activate them,” Liz said.

“So your plan is to wait and see if Kivar comes?” Larek asked.

“Oh he’ll come. We have bait,” Liz said.

“What bait?” Kyle asked.

“Me,” Max said.

“And the Granolith,” Liz said.

“You know where the Granolith is?” Larek asked.

“Kind of. Where do you think your mother would have hidden it, Max?” Liz asked.

“Somewhere where Kivar couldn’t find it,” Max said. “Somewhere that was supposed to be destroyed, abandoned and as far away from us as she could possibly get.”

“How do we get there?” Kyle asked.

Liz reached into her bag and pulled out the orb.

“That ship has limited power. It’s reserves are low,” Larek said.

“That’s why we’re tying your ship into ours,” Max said.

Max reached out with his hand and joined Liz’s hand on the device. It activated at their touch and the ship formed inside the Crashdown. As the shards of crystal appeared and connected, soon they were melding together as they grew into the vessel that brought Max and the others to Earth.

“Uh...we may have wanted to be outside,” Maria said.

Then in an instant they vanished as the crystal overtook them and they were taken inside.

Once more they were inside the vessel and felt the vibrations as the ship tried to launch. Larek immediately formed his own ship inside Max’s and the crystals connected. The Casta fed power into the older ship and only then did the lights come on. They took off from the ground. When the vibrations stopped, they knew the ship was smoothly flying through their air.

“Did we just destroy the Crash?” Alex asked.

“No, the ship is connected to you. As such it will sense your attachment and desire to keep the structure standing. It’ll pass through the walls,” Larek said.

Together they all headed through the halls to the command deck and in that chamber, Max approached a slab of crystal that levitated up from the floor. Liz placed her hand over Max’s and he connected her mind to the ship.

The vessel changed course and in moments it was flying over the Texas shoreline. Seawater flew up in its wake. The ship flew so low it was almost touching the water.

“It’ll take some time to get there. Travel through the atmosphere slows the ship a lot so I think in about an hour we’ll arrive,” Max said.

“Good. Then you and I have one more personal matter to take care of,” Liz said.

“What’s that,” Max asked.

Once more Liz reached into her bag and pull out a long length of gold rope. Max instantly recognised the old Kantin custom. Liz reached out and tied one end around Max’s wrist. Together they walked out of the room and started running down the halls.

“Where are they going?” Maria asked.

“To get married,” Jeff said.

“Excuse me? Michael and I can’t get it on but they can disappear for a while to get married?” Maria asked.

“No, you couldn’t get it on. In the Crash we were about to leave. We’ve now left,” Alex said.

“If it makes you feel better, I don’t think Max will be enjoying it too much for now,” Nancy said.

“Why?” Isabel asked.

“Because, since Liz is the Kantin and as such the one who tied to rope to his wrist, Max must accept her by not coming,” Nancy said.

“Excuse me?” Michael, Tess and Isabel asked.

“He’s not allowed to cum until Liz allows him. He must prove his love for her by resisting as long as he can until he asks him and since she’s already pregnant...Liz can keep him from finishing indefinitely,” Amy said.

“It’s like someone going against their nature to prove it. Like a champion basketball star deliberately missing the net because his lady asked him to,” Philip said.

All the teenagers looked at each other and started to laugh at Max’s predicament. Soon though they stopped when they realised that sooner or later they’d be in the same situation. All of sudden, Isabel and Tess weren’t looking forward to their wedding nights, not if Alex and Kyle as the Kantins would be allowed to cum as often as they wanted but Isabel and Tess couldn’t until their lovers told them they could. Maria on the other hand looked at Michael with a gleam in her eyes. She wondered just how long her boy could last.

Long ago they toured the full extent of the ship and marked out rooms for themselves, there were plenty chambers for it. Together, Max and Liz found his room and stepped inside. They didn’t even bother to close the door. They simply went inside and Liz pulled Max’s shirt off before he removed hers.

One piece of clothing at a time, the young pair of lovers undressed each other with smiles on their faces. With Liz’s skirt falling down her legs, she was completely bared to his hungry gaze along with the warmth generated by him and the crystal walls around them. Right behind them, a six-foot length of crystal floated from the floor and provided them with a bed...of sorts.

Only the gold rope tied around Max’s wrist remained as the only fabric on their naked bodies. It dangled from him and Liz picked it up again. She looked over the glimmering length and up into Max’s eyes.

“Do you remember this?” Liz asked.

“Yes. But you never explained it the last time,” Max said.

“Oh well then, I guess we should cover that then. When Antarians have sex they put a piece of their energy into their lovers. It connects them, binds them. Humans can’t do that. They use rings today and handfasting is an offshoot of this but the rope is symbolic. We wrap it around ourselves, binding ourselves together but it’s not some weird bondage thing. It’s supposed to symbolise how we’re tied together, wrapped up in each other,” Liz said.

Liz took the rope and wrapped it once around her waist and then once around Max’s. Following how she once guided him their first time around, Max took the rope and fed around his left thigh before looping it around Liz’s leg.

“Remember to leave it loose there. We need the room to manoeuvre,” Liz said.

Max slackened it a little and teasingly let his fingers dance over the skin of her inner thigh. Once, then twice, Liz circled the rope around the base of Max’s dick before he took the rope again. He fed it up between their tightly pressed together bodies, he pulled it up between her breasts and let it fall over her shoulder before she lifted her unbound leg to his hip.

In years gone by a couple would have had attendants to tie the rope to them but Max’s powers made that unnecessary. Once her leg was up, Max’s telekinetic powers allowed the rope to slither down her ass and around to her leg where it wrapped around both their legs. It fed back up and with what remained of the long rope, it tied around Liz’s wrist.

Together, as a knot of entwined limbs, Max and Liz fell to their bed laughing. They could barely move but there was enough freedom to allow their hands to caress. The rope itself was like silk against the skin, there wasn’t even the slightest hint of chafing.

Liz was already open to Max, his dick was pulsing against her pussy and as they looked into each other’s eyes she nodded. Max slid back a little and thrust his hips forward. He speared his dick inside her and she gasped in delight. It was electrifying and her eyes flew open with unadulterated bliss. She screamed out her pleasure, arching her spine and her upper body against her lover’s hard chest as the fire that had sparked in her body started to rage out of control. They needed each other so bad, the raw, primal fire in them was out of control from their desire to be one again. The erotic heat that surged from her quivering tunnel was overwhelming, engulfing both their senses in with utter bliss.

Max held still, buried to the hilt of his cock inside her as she rode out the intense pleasure she felt from the initial penetration. Max silently gave thanks for managing not to lose it himself and shooting inside her so quickly. He remembered the ritual, what Kantin customs demanded of him for this and hoped he could follow through.

He smiled as he looked down at her, her eyes closed and face flushed, panting for breath as she came down from the euphoric high; he marveled at the sight of Liz enjoying the carnal delights of their bodies. He slid his hands sensually over her skin that the rope would allow and caressed her breasts. Max leaned down and kissed her shoulder as her eyes opened. He slipped himself slowly back, almost pulling out before he gently eased back in when he felt her thrusting hips seeking him.

Max started to pump in and out, praying that the long, slow strokes would help him last and with each stroke Liz grasped tighter onto him. Liz was writhing against him; their bodies were so close that they were almost one. Max’s hand side down to the thigh that was wrapped around him and they kissed.

Max’s warm, filling cock slid outward again and then back in. Each time was too slow for Liz but Max smiled as he watched her slender body writhe under him. Each thrust was accompanied with a gentle moan of utter contentment.

“Ugn…Max…” Liz sighed.

She ran her hands over Max’s bulging biceps. Max leaned down, both pressing their bodies together as their mouths joined. They kissed passionately, never stopping the primal movements of their bodies and moaning into each other. When the mounting heat within her began to burn, Max felt it run through her. He sensed the explosion building inside him and his mate, Max knew he couldn’t last much longer but he forced himself. He demanded it of himself.

Liz matched him thrust for thrust, raising and lowering her pelvis as the hard length filled her and then withdrew. The platform held them securely, with all their rutting it barely moved in the air. Max’s pubic bone started to bump again Liz’s clit, she nearly shrieked at the electric fire that raced through her core and instinctually she shifted under him to feel it again.



Max realized they were hitting her spot and did his best to keep up with her as she went wild beneath him. The fierce grip of her spasming tunnel and Liz’s cries of ecstasy as she moved on his pole were more than he could withstand, Liz scrapped her fingernails along his back.


Liz froze but her muscles seized and shivered against Max. Her breaths were rapid, desperate pants. The sweat that covered them gleamed in the light but already Max was prepared. He forced his seed to stay in his body as he started to pump again. Liz ran her hands over his chest as they rocked together. Max looked down and watched as his dick disappeared and reappeared from her body.

Liz arched her back and moaned loudly as Max lurched up. He captured a pebbled nipple between his lips. The rosy knot of tissue was hard as stone and ached fiercely for more contact. She thrust her breasts upwards into closer contact with Max’s mouth. He bit into the small protrusion, no pain, just pleasure.

“Ughnnn…oh god Max…” Liz groaned.

“Ohhh maaaaannnn…” he groaned slowly in sheer ecstasy as Liz’s tight folds kept enveloping his prick. Her eyes had fluttered shut in absolute bliss.


“I want it Max...oh god I want it. Just hold on...a little more,” Liz begged.





Liz cried out once more as another orgasm wracked her body. She shook and trembled but Max couldn’t stop. His body, her body, both begged for more and Max continued to thrust. He provided more friction to the depths of her body and the more he did the longer her orgasm kept going.

She was lost in the pleasure. She kept coming again and again. All the while Max prayed. He desperately wanted to last but as Liz looked up into his eyes she saw the torture. She couldn’t do that to him and smiled.

“Cum inside me,” Liz said.

In that moment, Max thrust his dick deep into his bride, his new wife by Kantin custom. He was so deep; he felt the tip of his dick against her cervix and exploded inside her with a joyful grunt that filled the ship’s halls. They held each other tightly, not that they had a choice due to the rope but they held each other and caressed their bodies. All the while they looked up and into each other’s eyes.

“I love you.” They both said together and smiled.

To Be Continued...

Re: The Elders (All CC, ADULT) - Chapter 10 - 8 Nov

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:51 am
by Tharos
Chapter 11

Newlywed Max and Liz remained tied up together on their floating bed. The basked together in the afterglow but soon they had to get moving. Max tapped the rope that bound their naked bodies together and it unwrapped itself from around them. Soon they were free to separate but still hesitated as they looked into each other’s eyes. Together they slipped of the bed and dressed slowly. When they were done, Liz took hold of the golden rope and wrapped it up into a coil that she rested on the bed.

“Are we keeping that?” Max asked.

“Hell yes,” Liz said.

Quickly she blushed when she realised how fast she said ‘yes’ but Max took her hand and they walked out of their room. Max rested his hand against the wall and a glow surrounded his palm.

“What are you doing?” Liz asked.

“Getting an update from the ship’s computer,” Max said.

He stopped smiling.

“We need to get to the command deck,” Max said.

Together they took off down the hall. “Max’s what’s wrong?” Liz called out after him.

In their own room, Michael stood behind Maria with their bodies rubbing against each other. Her head was tilted back and they kissed passionately while his hands roamed. Michael found the bottom of her top and slid his hand up under. He caressed her skin until he took a handful of her breast.

They writhed together, Maria reached back and found Michael’s groin. With sharp movement, they heard Michael zip open and Maria reached inside his jeans. When she found his dick she immediately started to stroke his length. Michael pressed himself up against Maria and let his other hand slid down her leg before hiking her skirt up.

“I'm going to explode if you’re not inside me soon,” Maria whispered huskily.

“Consider it done,” Michael said.

Michael bent Maria forward and she grabbed onto their floating crystal bed. He lifted her skirt up and exposed her ass. Michael took a moment to gently caress her skin and then reached into his jeans to fish out his dick. He aimed his solid length at her slit and rubbed the tip of his dick up and down her moist slit.

Maria pressed her hips back in an attempt to get him inside her. Michael smiled and pulled back to deny her. Maria knew want he did and groaned in frustration, she promised herself she’d make him pay for making her wait.

“God, Michael, please,” she sighed.

Michael thrust his hips forward but suddenly there was a fist bashing against the crystalline frame forming the door. He turned away quickly from Maria to see Max and Liz standing there. Liz had her arms crossed and smiled at the vulnerable position of her best friend.

“There’s a situation. We need to get to command,” Max said.

He left with Liz.

Maria immediately pulled herself up and brushed down her skirt. Her face looked like a storm cloud, a mixture of anger, annoyance and pure frustration.

“I swear it’s like the gods are trying to stop us from getting laid lately,” Maria said.

“Well, you’re the sex goddess. Maybe you can have a chat and ask for a little alone time,” Michael said.

“That’s not funny. I need you, I want you...if you aren’t rutting against me like a wild animal then I'm going to go insane,” Maria said.

Michael glared at her, staring into her soul before he picked her up. He placed her on the bed and Maria spread her legs.

“Michael now!” Max called out.

Maria growled and hopped off the table. Michael put himself back inside his pants and with desperation, they walked out into the hall and headed away.

Everyone had gathered in command and watched Max tap several crystals. A screen formed in front of them, at first it showed the ocean but then flicked onto a hijacked television feed.

“The ship picked this up a few minutes ago,” Max said.

Max tapped another crystal and the recording played.

“This is Sandra Lynas from Roswell, New Mexico. Unusual events are hardly new for this town but this afternoon things were taken to a new level. This stunning footage is one of many recorded on a camera phone,” the reporter said.

The screen changed to show a shaky camera image. It was of the front of the Crashdown, several teenage girls were messing around, playing with and teasing their boyfriends until on screamed. The camera angled up to show several translucent shards of crystal pass through the walls of the Crashdown. The camera continued to follow the massive hulk of a ship as it solidified outside the cafe. Moments later it flew away leaving a stunned population.

“As of yet the government has no comment on the incident. Local sheriff James Valenti has been reported missing as have the owners of the Crashdown Cafe, their daughter and several locals who frequented the establishment. We’ll have more at eleven,” Sandra said.

Max pressed the crystal and the screen vanished.

“Well, this will make things interesting for a while,” Michael said.

“It’s Roswell, everyone is going to assume aliens. Whatever we do from here on out it’s going to be aliens,” Max said.

“What’s the problem? You are aliens,” Kyle said.

“The problem is that why we’re going is because of problems back on Antar. Anything you four do from here on out, it’s not going to be the actions of the resurrected Kantin empire, it’ll be...” Max said.

“It’ll be alien agenda and conspiracies,” Liz said.

“Invasions and hordes of people asking us to bring Elvis back,” Isabel said.

“Mass suicide cults and god knows what else,” Maria said.

“What if we hide it?” Kyle asked.

“What do you mean?” Liz asked.

“Kantis had some seriously advanced tech. If we get asked, we don’t mention aliens, we talk about the Kantins and nothing more,” Kyle said.

“Yeah. That’ll work, at least for now,” Max said.

“How long before we arrive?” Alex asked.

“Ten minutes,” Liz said.

“Hmmm, more than enough time,” Isabel said.

Everyone smiled and separated to their rooms.

In Roswell, half the town was sealed off into sectors. People could barely leave their own streets without being stopped by a military checkpoint with the FBI looking over their shoulders. Sniffer dogs were out in force with their handlers, reporters found their camera seized, the recordings confiscated and a bullet put through the lens.

Files on the eight unaccounted for teenagers were taken from the school when several FBI agents walked in with US Army escort and forced their way into the office and practically ripped the drawers open from the filing cabinet. Anyone and everything connected to the Crashdown and Sheriff Valenti came under investigation.

Within a few hours, civilian law enforcement was suspended and martial law declared. While the majority of the population knew the truth, they put on a good show of panic and fear at the sight of a large crystal flying over their town. It was not the time for tourists, but since many were in town or already close, hotels were put at their disposal to wait in prior to being shipped out.

At the roadblock at the town’s border, a single bus pulled off the road and the doors opened to let everyone out. Several soldiers came over and once they raised their guns, they suddenly lowered them.

Nicholas walked out of the bus and looked out over the town.

“Okay. This might be a problem. Analysis,” Nicholas said.

Another of his people used his hexagonal device and ran a scan of the town.

“They’ve sealed off the town. They’ve divided the town and placed a significant focus on a single building. According to the information from Nacedo, it’s the home of Zan’s human female. There is residual energy in the atmosphere consistent with wake of the Royal Cruiser,” she said.

“Show me,” Nicholas said.

A beam of light swept out of the device and showed images of what was happening in town. It showed the Crashdown, the street taped off and agents entering the building.

“I need to see inside that building,” Nicholas said.

“Those humans won't be a problem, not if we focus together. It will have to be all of us. You won't have escort,” she said.

“I don’t need an escort. Get me into that town,” Nicholas said. “Oh and take control of one of those humans. Make sure they follow their usual protocols and maintain their communications. Let’s not make their superiors aware we’re here.”

Nicholas’s people all came out of the bus and sat in a circle. As he started off along the road to town, they closed their eyes and focused their power together and blanketed the town with it. It was slow, it crept up on the townspeople and the forces inside so that nobody noticed it. When it hit, they froze in place. Nicholas walked passed them like they weren’t even there.

Just outside the command deck, while everyone else had desired privacy, Isabel simply pushed Alex up against the wall and went to her knees. In moments she had his dick inside her mouth and bathed it with her tongue. She bobbed her head, she wrapped her fingers around him and stroked him but all for naught. Alex wasn’t rising to the occasion.

It was a first. No matter what Isabel did, nothing worked and he remained limp. He couldn’t feel any sensations. Her magical tongue wasn’t able to do anything and eventually she released him.

“Alex, you still like what we do...don’t you?” Isabel asked.

“Of course I do. I can’t get enough. I love you,” Alex said.

“Well, I don’t know...maybe we broke it last night. That was pretty wild,” Isabel said.

“Then I need to fix it quick,” Alex said. “At least there’s something I can do for you.”

Alex took hold of her hands and lifted her to her feet. He then changed their positions, this time he placed her against the wall and went to his knees. Isabel smiled at her lover as he softly caressed her leg. He started at her ankle and worked all the way up. His fingers danced over her flesh and lightly tickled over her pussy.

Isabel lifted her foot and rested it on his shoulder. Alex was able to move in and drew his tongue over her slit before he pressed two of his fingers in.

“Ouch!” Isabel said.

Quickly pulled her foot away and both looked at each other.

“Okay, there’s something wrong with us,” Alex said.

“You can’t get hard and I get pain from just a little pressure like that...I would say so,” Isabel said.

Down the hall, Kyle lay naked on the floor with Tess curled up alongside. Her body moulded to his but she gently poked at his penis. She lifted it and let it drop, she flicked it and kissed it.

“Hello. Hot, horny girl here needing you to wake up,” Tess said.

“It ain’t happening,” Kyle said.

“I suppose it had to happen to you at sometime. I figured it would be in your 40s not your teens,” Tess said.

“Hey! It is not that. I'm just a little tired, that’s all,” Kyle said.

A soft tone rang out throughout the ship and they looked up.

“What’s that?” Kyle asked.

“Alert from the ships computer. It’s telling us we’re nearing the programmed destination,” Tess said.

“Well, so much for ten minutes being enough time,” Kyle said.

Both stood and headed out. In the hall they saw Michael and Maria grumbling as they left their room.

“I swear there’s something out to get us,” Maria said.

She turned back to Michael.

“You couldn’t wait could you? Just ten teeny, tiny minutes and you have to go...aghhh,” Maria said.

“What happened?” Tess asked.

“Instead of relieving some simmering, hot pressure like everyone else gets to do. My boyfriend had to go check this ship’s weapons systems,” Maria said.

“Bad aliens...on route. I didn’t want to get caught short. Besides I was only there for five minutes,” Michael said.

“Yes, leaving us five minutes which, again, was cut short by other stuff,” Maria said.

“Look, when this is over, I promise you. I’ll take you to bed and lock us in the room for an entire weekend,” Michael said.

“Promises, promises,” Maria said.

Soon they stepped into Command. The screen was once again activated and showed the ship had stopped moving. The vista they could see didn’t budge so much as an inch.

“Okay, we’re here...where’s the city?” Maria asked.

“Right there. I can’t believe the shield lasted this long,” Liz said.

“Rasha probably installed one of our power cores just to be safe,” Max said.

“Uh guys, there’s nothing out there,” Isabel said.

Max pressed a crystal and the ship moved forward slowly. Before them there was a ripple as the ship made contact with the shield and passed through it. The great towers of the city came into view and on the outside the ship vanished.

“Holy...” Kyle said.

“That is some city,” Isabel said.

“Why haven’t people found this before now?” Maria asked.

“The shield has a temporal component. It keeps everything just a fraction of a second from the rest of the planet. Human boats and ships would just pass through the area without even realising their probably under the island’s mass,” Liz said.

“This is odd,” Max said.

“What?” Liz asked.

“You remember that one of Kivar’s ships did a kamikaze run on the city with it’s engines on overload right?” Max asked.

“Yes. The shield protected the city from the physical effects of the blast but couldn’t stop the radiation,” Liz said.

“According to these readings...radiation levels are normal,” Max said.

“It was 19,000 years ago,” Isabel said.

“No, a blast like that should leave this a no go area for at least another 5,000 years,” Max said.

“Unless someone cleaned it up. Rasha knew we’d be coming back,” Liz said.

“Let’s get down there,” Max said.

Max pressed on the controls and the ship flew down to the water. It slowed on its descent and kissed the water, it sent up a spray before it stopped and latched onto one of the many docks on the coast outside the city’s wall.

Nicholas made it through town without being challenged. Everyone stood like statues and as much as he wanted to rip these people to shreds, stealth was the better option here. He made it to the Crashdown and walked inside. He looked over everything with a look of disgust on his face, he couldn’t believe how these people lived. He almost wanted to throw up when he opened to stock room and looked inside the freezer where all the meat was.

Eventually he made his way upstairs and walked past the humans dotted around the Parker’s apartment. Items were being packed up into boxes, Nicholas turned to one of the humans and rested his hand on the back of the agent’s head.

“Give me your secrets,” Nicholas whispered into his ear.

His hand glowed and Nicholas closed his eyes. His mind became awash with images and words, then one word hit him and he opened his eyes wide.

“Show me,” Nicholas said.

The agent started to move and with Nicholas’s hand on his head he moved slowly with limp limbs. They went into Liz’s bedroom and although Nicholas didn’t know it, he was looking at Liz’s, Isabel’s and Tess’s handiwork. On one wall was a large map of the world. It and the neighbouring walls were covered with sticky-notes, each with a piece of string leading to a spot on the map.

Everything was a reported alien encounter fake or otherwise, crop circles, archaeological digs, believed locations of mythological events and places like Area 51. Liz had made it look like she’d spent massive amounts of time tracking something, and there on one not was the word ‘Granolith’ while on another was ‘Atrula Kantis’. There were lengths of coloured string leading from both notes and pointed to the same place on the map.

“Well, well, well. How did you do this, you little human whore?” Nicholas asked himself. “Atrula Kantis, I should have known.”

Nicholas released the agent’s head and left the room, then the apartment. Before long he was sneaking out of town and soon everyone in town blinked and resumed what they were doing.

He returned to the bus, he and his people boarded it again where they left the checkpoint guards with no memory. They drove away and on the other side of a nearby ridge their crystalline ship took off and headed toward the Atlantic. On their way, they signalled Kivar and the rest of their people.


Re: The Elders (All CC, ADULT) - Chapter 10 - 8 Nov

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:53 am
by Tharos

Walking the streets of the ancient city was odd yet the freakiest case of déjà vu they’d ever had. Everything they saw and touched wasn’t just familiar, it felt like they were inside their own homes back in Roswell. The gleaming towers rose high above them and stone pillars lined the streets with foreign lettering running in a single line from top to bottom. Alex suddenly stopped in front of one and touched it.

“Alex?” Isabel asked.

“I was born in this house. My least the first time around, they died in here,” Alex said.

“I don’t get it. This city is pristine. It’s like nothing has been touched,” Isabel said.

“Nothing did. The shield preserved the city. We build this place to last,” Liz said.

“Guys, can I have a few minutes?” Alex asked.

“Sure,” Max said.

Alex pressed his hand to the door and it slid open, for a moment he turned to Isabel and extended his hand. Isabel took it and they stepped into the house. The door sealed behind them and together they walked further inside to look around. On a table, Isabel found a small red gem and touched it.

An image appeared above it of Alex, in his past life, along with his parents as they played when he was newborn. Another touch and it shifted on a few months. The two of them continued to watch as Alex was found to have one of the four powers and named to the ruling council.

“I'm remembering things,” Alex said. A single tear fell down his cheek before he leaned over and kissed Isabel. “I can remember everything.”

Isabel smiled, as they kissed the memories sparked within her before they parted. “Show me your bedroom,” Isabel said.

Alex smiled and took her hand. He lead her through several openings, there weren’t any doors to seal off the rooms. Outside of the main living area, there was a small circle on the floor and they stepped inside it. It lifted from the floor and carried the pair up to the next floor and then the floor above that. There they found his bedroom and they looked out over the window.

“Yes, this is definitely your room. You’re the same person no matter what life you’re living in,” Isabel said.

“Was there ever any doubt?” Alex asked.

Isabel walked up to the bed. It was nothing more than a hard platform but when Isabel touched the surface it softened. It felt like a mass of gel and she lay down on it, it held her perfectly before adjusting to her body temperature.

“ it possible to miss something you can’t remember? Cause I missed these bed of yours,” Isabel said.

“You always did enjoy them. You called them ‘perfect for enjoying ourselves’,” Alex said.

“Then, let’s see if I was right,” Isabel said.

Alex grinned brightly and walked over to his old bed. When he climbed onto it, he leaned over Isabel and they kissed each other. His hand glided up the length of her body and cupped her breast. She reached down unzipped his pants. Isabel reached inside and stroked up.

She opened her eyes, then he opened his before they stopped kissing.

“Okay, there is something going on with us,” Alex said.

Isabel pulled her hand away from his lifeless dick and both sat up on the bed.

“Maybe we should talk to the others. Maybe it’s just...I don’t know. I mean, it isn’t just you. It is me as well,” Isabel said.

“Do you really thing we should? I mean, I can’t...and you can’t. The guys would never let me live it down,” Alex said.

“Hey. We’re family and we have a problem. For all we know this could be something that Kantins go through once in a while,” Isabel said.

“Something tells me we’ll regret this but okay,” Alex said.

Together they left the room and headed out.

Once they were outside, Alex and Isabel hesitantly brought up the subject. Then Max and Liz confessed that after their little marriage tryst that they had problems followed by Kyle and Tess. Michael and Maria hadn’t noticed anything but all their parents looked at each other with knowing glances.

“What?” Max asked.

“Maria when was the last time you and Michael had sex?” Amy asked.

“Eh...a while. Why?” Maria asked. “Wait? No way. I haven’t had sex so they can’t?”

“Your condition is uniquely intricate. Your body needs sex, for you it isn’t just about pleasure or children. You already know about the pheromone you produce. If you touch someone with it they are drawn to the one person they are truly meant to be with. While you have sex, you basically create a cloud of it,” Amy said.

“Which is why everyone in the Crash, in Michael’s apartment building, school, my street and basically everywhere I go has turned into horny, love-struck nymphos,” Maria said.

“Exactly. The problem comes when you haven’t had sex in a while. The pheromone goes from its usual job to inhibiting sex. Not the desire, just the physical capability,” Amy said.

“What???” Everyone asked.

“Are you saying I'm Anti-Sex?” Maria asked.

“Yes,” her mother replied.

“Oh really?” Maria asked with a smile.

Everyone turned to look at her.

“The fun I could have with that. Just imagine,” Maria said.

“Uh, Maria, in order for you to enjoy messing with us means you can’t enjoy Michael,” Liz said.

“Damn it,” Maria said.

“Oh no, not damn it...bang it. Michael, you do your job and take this girl around a corner. Fix this problem,” Kyle said.

“Hey, you can’t make me make love with him at the drop of a hat,” Maria said.

“Maria, I'm only going to say this once. Spread your legs enough to put them into two different zip-codes or I’ll tie you two to a bed,” Liz said.

“Don’t say that, those two would probably like it,” Alex said.

“Stop it. I'm not...” Maria said.

“Honey, shut up. We both know we’re going nuts because we haven’t been able to do it lately,” Michael said.

With that, Michael took hold of Maria’s hand and dragged her around a corner. The others simply decided to take a break on their walk to the Central Tower. They all went back inside the house while Michael and Maria dealt with their problem.

Michael pulled Maria around the corner and behind the homes in the street. Extending out for several metres was a lawn, just a length of grass with eight marble benches in the middle forming a circle. In the middle of them was an inch deep pond of crystal clear water. Without any hesitation, Maria kicked off her shoes and stepped into the pool.

The cool water barely covered her feet but she splashed around in it for a moment before she turned to look at Michael. She looked at him through fire-filled eyes and he smiled at her. With a flick of her angle, Maria’s toes sent a small wave of water over Michael’s face.

Michael opened his eyes after being splashed, turned his head to the side and spat out a little of the water before he turned back.

“Why’d you do that?” Michael asked.

“You looked hot,” Maria said.

“Not as hot as you,” Michael said.

He waved his hand; the water of the pond expanded and shot up from the ground to completely engulf Maria. When it came back down, Maria was soaked. Her wet clothes clung to her body and showed every enticing curve.

“That’s cheating,” Maria said.

“Not really. Now you don’t have an excuse to keep those clothes on,” Michael said.

Maria smiled and immediately pulled off her top and laid it upon one of the marble benches so it can dry in the baking sun. She followed with her skirt before she turned back around and let Michael see her body.

As water ran across her skin and dripped off, Michael licked his lips. He started to undress himself and with each step closer to Maria he lost a piece of clothing. At the edge of the water, he pushed down his underwear down and freed his dick.

Maria purred contentedly, “Damned hot,” she said.

“I’ll say,” Michael said.

“Sit,” Maria said.

Michael looked at one of the benches and sat down on the cold marble. Maria walked through the water and back up onto the grass. He reached out and softly, lovingly held her hips before he started to caress her. He leaned forward and kissed her stomach right below her bellybutton. Maria’s eyes rolled back as she sighed.

Without any hesitation, Maria dropped to her knees in front of her lover and looked over his dick with a hungry stare. She just hoped that the physical effects of her current condition didn’t extend to the one person who could cure it. Maria crawled in closer, nudging Michael’s legs apart until they could feel each other’s body heat.

Maria’s eyes flashed with a predatory glint as she prowled about his cock. She was very hungry for him and needed to feel him. The look on her face as she licked her lips in anticipation made Michael moan in supplication. He loved it when Maria he could see the utter look of fiery passion on her face. She teased him mercilessly, a brief touch of her lips here and a flick of her tongue there. All in an effort to make him desire her even more. It worked and soon his dick grew hard under her teasing touch.

She kept it going until his hips snapped towards her of their own volition, his dick straining to be devoured by her warm mouth. Michael waited in almost agony as he felt Maria’s hot breath explode across his engorged cock, her strong fingers curling about his sack and her nails grazing the sensitive flesh ever so lightly.

“Maria, please ... suck it. Suck my cock,” he begged.

Maria pounced, she savagely swallowed him deep into her throat.

“Grnnnnnnn…” he grunted.

He leaned back, securing his place by gripping onto the edges of the bench. She never broke contact with his length. Her tongue laved his head and shaft, eagerly spiralling about his twitching dick with rough, broad strokes. Then she held the head of his cock lightly in her teeth and drilling his tiny slit with the hardened, pointed tip of her tongue. She continued the sweet torture until he began rotating his hips in an effort to both escape the mind-blowing sensations and keep them going. He was utterly torn in two directions.

Michael was squirming in absolute bliss as Maria began fucking him with her mouth. He held still as much as possible, letting her go down on him with relentless ferocity. Michael felt the semen boiling in his balls as they drew tight in her delicate grip. His cock surged and pulsed towards a thunderous climax. Michael wanted desperately for her to stop, to let him pull away and to bury himself in her pussy, he knew the explosion would be like a nova. Maria was having none of that and resisted his efforts to tear her away. She wanted his come, and she wanted it now. She wanted to taste it and she wanted it deep in her pussy.

A moment later, her finger trailed around the underside of his dick and he was helpless to do anything but give her what she wanted. Maria knew what to do so well.

“Uuggghhnnn!” he groaned between clenched teeth.

He tossed his head back as his hips jerked forward and his cock pumped semen down her throat. Maria never backed off, she latched onto him and held herself there until the last tremor in his rapturously filled body stopped. However, his passion was not quelled. His body was tuned to her and she needed more, she needed him to restore her body to its normal, sex-inducing state.

He grabbed Maria by her shoulders and pulled her to him, meeting her mouth in a fierce kiss, his tongue delving deep, engaging hers in a primal duel. He tasted himself on her and held her body close.

As they devoured each other’s mouth, Michael lifted Maria from her knees and sat her on his lap. He ran his hands over her, he cupped her breasts and played with her nipples. Maria felt his hard dick press against her pussy and she squirmed against his body. Soon though, he stood up and gently placed her where he sat. Slowly, he eased her to the side and lay her down along the length of the bench.

She gazed at him with nothing but pure heat as he opened her legs. She licked her lips invitingly as her hands glided across her hot body in a sensuous caress, her hands massaging her breasts, pinching her nipples and teasing them to into hardness. Her whole body was already on fire but Michael wanted more of her heat. He wanted her to burst into flames, in a good way. Those sweet swells with their pebble-hard tips were just begging to be sucked and she arched her back, offering herself to him.

“Oh!” she yelped.

Michael darted forward, latching onto a breast and biting just hard enough to excite. A throaty purr rumbled up from her depths as he feasted hungrily on her ripe mounds. She braced her hands on the edges of the marble as she writhed wantonly against the bench. He loved the way her turgid peaks expanded in his mouth as his tongue bathed them each in turn.

“Eat me,” Maria snarled.

Her need was too great. Michael moved to the foot of the bench and knelt between her legs, he wanted to taste her and completely devour her just as much as she wanted him to do it. He pressed his fingers deep into the flesh of her trembling, creamy butt cheeks he slid her hips closer, his mouth meeting her lower one and he lapped greedily at her thick honey.

Maria moaned gutturally, her body arching up off the stone in frenzied undulations that would never stop so long as Michael didn’t. Her legs tightened about Michael’s head and she urged him forward with her heels until she could catch a handful of hair and force him deeper into her folds.

Michael’s tongue tried to draw out each exquisite surge of pleasure wracking through her but Maria had no patience, she was insane with lust and absolute need. When his tongue didn’t do what she wanted she began working herself against his face and was soon grinding herself with his chin.

“Yeeeessss!” she cried out passionately.

Her muscles tensed. Michael thought once again of pulling away to prolong the sweet agony but Maria’s hold on him was too strong. She was not going to let him go until her body was utterly overcome.

His tongue savaged her clit while he thrust two fingers into her searing cunt. It set Maria off; her screams of pure pleasure spilled out and filled the streets. She ground herself against him as her fiery climax ravaged her and her sweet syrup filled Michael’s mouth. He didn’t move, not until he had all of what she had given him just as she had taken his into her belly.

Then, without hesitation or resistance, Michael mounted Maria. He slid over her and stabbed his erection into her waiting body in a single, desperate thrust that caused them both to cry out in bliss.

Her mouth opened slightly and smiled up at him, her eyes shinned with lust and love. Michael was engulfed within her tight sheath and he paused to kiss her for just a moment before he grinded against her a little. He moved his hips in small circles against her as he lay above her. Slowly Michael began to move inside her. Maria groaned at the feel of his hot body above and the cold marble below. Their bodies moved together, pressing one into the other and eliciting moans from each other.

Michael soon increased his pace slightly, pushing her deeper into oblivion. She wrapped her legs around his hips and helped to push him as deeper into her pussy. He sensed she wanted him to thrust harder and that is what he did. Michael rammed deep into her cunt, plunging into her depths over and over again as the blonde lifted her legs and waved them in the air. He leaned down as he thrust into her, he licked her lips softly and then kissed her deeply as her hands stroked over his body. Michael’s hips were soon slamming down into Maria, her moans becoming louder and deeper yet she could never get enough of this. Her hips were rocking up to meet his every move and Michael’s cock ploughed into her pussy with hard, strong strokes.


Soon she reached her peak and screamed into another kiss she shared with Michael. He released her mouth and she screamed into the ancient city for their family to hear as her pussy gripped his shaft tightly.

It only took a few more strokes and Michael grunted like a wild animal. His cock pumped his cum deep inside of Maria, spewing his seed into her depths as the two writhed together for a few moments more. As they eased, Maria’s legs fell and locked around Michael, keeping him where he was but she was far from done. She craved more and Michael was more than willing to give her what she needed.

She pushed Michael onto the grass, putting him onto his back before she slowly put her legs on either side of Michaels, pressing her body firmly against his skin. Michael lifted her body up as she reached down to wrap her hand around his dick. The head of it pressed up into her pussy lips and she groaned as it dipped inside her a little. Michael smiled at her. He placed his hand on the tops of her thighs and gently pressed her down onto his cock. She sank onto him and Maria whimpered as he penetrated deep into her, and that soon became loud howl as she began to move on top of him.

Maria’s tight, hot pussy gripped his cock and her warm body slid against his; Michael was in heaven as his head leaned back with his eyes tightly closed. His hands knowingly glided over her body, caressing his skin and then back up to her breasts. Soon Maria was fully impaled on his hard length and was firmly sitting down on his lap.

“Ah…ahhh…ahhhh…” she gasped.

She leaned forward. Michael started moving his hands again and moved them down then around to her butt. Michael lifted her up slightly; just enough to create friction before he let her slide back down and create even more. He did this a few times but Maria stopped him and took over. She used her own legs to help lift her body up and down on his dick. It took only a handful of strokes for them both to be moaning and writhing against each other. Maria’s breasts swung to and fro and Michael loved watching it, especially when her hair started to wave wildly about.

Maria’s body began to quiver and tremble as several small orgasms started to spark in her but the more that built within the closer she came to achieving her climax. Michael began to thrust up into her, Maria was immediately crying out in pleasure as her body flung backwards but Michael was able to grab her hands and prevent her from falling off him. Her hair hung down but his cock was able to go much deeper from her current position. Their bodies moved faster and faster and Maria’s screams rose in pitch as Michael grunted again and again with each thrust.

“AGHHHHH…UGHNNNNN…YESSS…UAGGHHH…” Maria constantly moaned and screamed.


Michael knew he was about to cum and didn’t hold it back in the slightest, he gave a last deep thrust and pushed himself all the way into Maria, Maria felt it coming and immediately pulled herself up and leaned down over him, she let go of his hands and held the side of his head all in rapid movements. She pressed him fully into her breasts just as his load shot up into her. The second Maria felt his seed spill into her, her own body was overcome with her own orgasm. Her body bucked violently against her lover as her pussy gripped his cock. She screamed loudly in passion until her body fell limp and collapsed on top of Michael.

Michael caught his beautiful lover and held her. As Maria basked in the delights of her body, something deep inside called out to her. She didn’t know how, it was an explosion of instinct, but she knew. She was the embodiment of sex, it was her ability and sex in its most basic had only one true function. She opened her eyes and kissed Michael. She pushed that new instinct deep inside her and let it pass. After a moment, they stood and dressed.

In the house, the effects of Maria’s new relaxed state was suddenly felt when each of the young men suddenly felt their pants swell tightly. The young women suddenly pressed their thighs together. Each of them wanted to rip their clothes off there and then but when Michael and Maria came back in with contented smiles on their faces they knew they had to start moving.

Nothing was said, they all stood up and walked to the Central Tower. The doors responded to their presence before they even tried to open them. They parted for the four rulers and welcomed them back home. The first floor was a great open space with a single circle in the middle. Around the edges were statues of the four last rulers, Alex, Liz, Kyle and Maria all recognised their faces.

“So where’s the Granolith?” Tess asked.

“I never said it was here. I just said it would be logical for Rasha to hide it here. She has an entire planet to hide one item on. It could be anywhere,” Liz said.

“The goal was just to get Kivar’s forces to come here,” Max said.

“Speaking of which, where are the weapons?” Michael asked.

“This way,” Liz said.

She lead them all onto the circle and it carried them to the highest reaches of the tower. Through halls and corridors, Liz took them to the heart of the city’s defensive grid and stood before the black cylinder before she touched it. The system hummed to life and started to rotate rapidly. In moments the walls shimmered and showed positions over the Atlantic. It showed Nicholas’s fleet on route.

“Well. Time to get ready,” Max said.

In the Smoky Mountains, a black unmarked van drove up to a small shack in the middle of the national park. Moments later, the back doors opened and a man whose head was shrouded with a dark hood. His bag was put into his hand before he was guided up to the door. His escort punched in a code on the numerical keypad by the door and it opened. The man’s hood was removed and he was pushed inside, seconds before the door slammed shut and the floor beneath him lowered quickly deep into the mountain.

It went on and on, like a bottomless pit but soon it stopped and the doors slid open. He stepped out into a large cave, arches formed of diamond supported the walls and in the middle stood a great tower. It was one of the Kantis weapon relay stations.

Long ago it was discovered, just before the start of World War 1 and research station had been set up then and there under the jurisdiction of the Special Unit. The man stepped out and stared at the tower before a woman approached him.

“Dr Vargas, welcome to Site Alpha. I'm Alice Korr. I apologise for the travel arrangement but we had to take every precaution,” she said.

“I understand completely. This is...this is unbelievable,” Vargas said.

“You’ve been briefed?” Alice asked.

“Yes, yes. You’ve had no progress in nearly a hundred years?” Vargas asked.

“Limited, very limited. The technology is ahead of us in every way but you’re research has shown new thinking that might be useful,” Alice said.

“I hope I can help,” Vargas said.

“We have quarters set up for you in the barracks cave to the north side. A kitchen area to the east and more private facilities to the south. Western caves are limited to Special Unit personnel only. Do not go there. There’s a work station over here for you,” Alice said.

“Thank you. Now, I should get to work,” Vargas said.

“This way,” Alice said.

She showed him to his new desk at the foot of the machine. She arranged for his bag to be taken to his quarters and Vargas immediately went to work on the ancient device. He looked around, just for a moment to get his bearings on the vast chamber before he tapped his ring. There was a single pulse of red light from the ruby set there. It was barely noticeable but with it things started to take place deep beneath his feet.

The reactor used to power the machine switched on and, although unknown to anyone in the cave, the system activated. It only took moments for the power levels to build and a shield formed around the machine, yet within its perimeter were all the research stations. The diamond arches gave off a green light and the tower started to turn.

The entire team was surprised and soldiers surrounded it. Nobody knew what was happening. When they opened fire, their bullets were disintegrated when they made contact with the energy.

Four beams curved out from the arches and formed an image. Before the team, was Liz.

“This place isn’t meant for you. It’s too dangerous. You will leave now,” she said.

“And if we don’t?” Alice asked.

“Then we won't be responsible for what happens to you next. Atrula Kantis is rising again,” Liz said.

To Be Continued...

Re: The Elders (All CC, ADULT) - Chapter 11 - 23 Nov

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:47 am
by Tharos
Chapter 12

In the cavern beneath the Smoky Mountains, the guards and agents of the FBI Special Unit opened fire on the active tower again and again but they couldn’t breach its shielding. Even when they evacuated the chamber of personnel and set off a chain of C4 explosives around the area didn’t have an effect.

Inside the shield, Dr Vargas, a loyal descendant of the ancient empire, scanned over the surface of the tower and looked at the symbols cut into the metal. It took nearly a full circle of the tower to find the mark he needed. It was three circles, each inside the others with a vertical line travelling through them. When he found it, Vargas balled his fist and held it high.

His ring made contact and the tower started to spin. It grinded its way into life and an opening appeared. From deep within the tower, a chair on an extendable arm came out and rested on the floor. The rotation of the tower was slow enough for Vargas to sit in it. Once he did the tower lit up with a thousand lights. The tower started to spin faster and the chair was pulled back into the opening.

“What are you doing?” Alice called out.

“My duty to the Kantins. And I thought I’d help save the world while I'm at it,” Vargas said.

“The Kantins were...”

“The Kantins were never your enemy. We just protected ourselves. It was virtually every other nation that tried to steal our secrets. Those were your ancestors. If you continue on their path, we’ll stop you,” Vargas said.

The tower closed the opening and Vargas found himself inside the machine as lines reached out and connected to him. While inside, he wouldn’t age, he wouldn’t fall sick and he’d be protected against everything. He was a willing part of the machine and together he and the machine connected to all the other towers and to Atrula Kantis.

The entire chamber began to shake and the diamond arches turned bright yellow. High above, four shafts of light beamed down as the mountain top opened. The room filled with daylight and the tower started to rise from its shelter, along with many others around the globe.

Liz pressed a few buttons on the central obelisk of the weapon and cancelled her transmission to the towers. One by one, dots over an image of the globe appeared. Towers were activating, but not all. Over the centuries, the occasional earthquake and volcanic eruption took its toll. However, there were more than a few that popped up out of ancient monuments that humans had built over the sites. They were ruins before, now they were flattened.

“Well, we’re in it now,” Liz said.

“What will it take for the government...well any government to take down those towers?” Michael asked.

“They can’t. Short of detonating a nuke right at the shield perimeter,” Alex said.

Kyle looked at the images around the room and saw Nicholas’s fleet speeding over the ocean. “Guys, we have about 2 minutes,” he said.

“Alex do you have enough of your memories back?” Liz asked quickly.

“Let’s find out,” Alex said.

He ran to a section of wall and held his hand over one of the holograms and a slab of crystal appeared from behind the image. Alex worked fast, he pressed button after button and a hum started.

“It’s charging,” Alex said.

“All four of us need to touch it. It’s encoded so that all four of us need to agree to use it,” Liz said.

“I seem to remember that we hate using it,” Maria said.

“Yeah, but not much choice,” Kyle said.

He reached out his hand and pressed it into the obelisk. Liz, Alex and Maria followed and slowly the device started to spin.

“This isn’t happening fast enough,” Alex said.

“The power systems can’t draw enough power from the core to go any faster,” Liz said.

“It could. If we turn off another drain on its energy,” Alex said.

“Is he meaning what I think he’s meaning?” Tess asked.

“We turn off the shield,” Liz said.

Without another thought, Liz commanded the city to shut down its defences. The shield collapsed and for the first time since the Fall, Atrula Kantis was exposed to the world. Only this time, the entire world had the capability to see it. Especially since this was so close to Europe.

For a very large land mass to suddenly appear off the coast caused just a little chaos on the beaches.

But as it happened the full power of the city was channelled into the weapon and it was ready to fire. The obelisk span so fast it was nothing but a blur. The command was given and the energy was sent out. Given the size of the fleet and their defences, a single pulse couldn’t do the job. The city sent beams over the globe and each bounced off the towers.

Each tower was angled just right, beam after beam hit all of the towers repeatedly and created a lattice over the planet before all the towers returned to their chambers. Without them to reinforce the beams, they began to collapse in on the planet and the focus was over the Atlantic.

Nearing in on the city, Nicholas sat in his command chair reading a report on the movements of varying powers throughout the galaxy since their own empire was stuck in time. One of his crew, scanning the local area, suddenly had bulging eyes before he turned to Nicholas.

“Commander!” he said.

He fed his readouts to the main screen and Nicholas looked up to see a massive shockwave washing over the ocean and straight toward their fleet.

“Get us out of here, now!” Nicholas ordered.

The ships had nowhere to go but up. The wave was everywhere and the ships manoeuvred around each other to dart back into space. As the wave hit from all sides, Nicholas looked at his viewer and sighed with relief.

For all of one second.

He saw the moment of contact from the waves and a great plume of energy rise from the ocean surface and reach the upper atmosphere. The fleet was completely engulfed. When the energy dissipated, tiny sand grand sized shards of crystal drifted down and landed on the water before it sank to the bottom.

Watching on, Larek looked at the event and the destruction of Kivar’s forces on Earth. He bowed his head and breathed.

“Well done. This buys time but does not change the main problem. Our people still need you to return home. They will destroy themselves without you,” Larek said.

“That happy moment didn’t last long,” Isabel said.

“We’re not going anywhere Larek,” Max said.

“No you’re not,” Liz said. “And we’re not done here.”

“Like you said, we have time now. Time enough to have a good long look around this place,” Maria said.

“Yes, go. Have fun. Max and I have work to do. Larek, by all means have a look around,” Liz said.

Everyone disappeared from the room. Alex started to head down the hall but suddenly was jerked backward as Isabel grabbed his top and pushed against a wall.

“Did I do something wrong?” Alex asked.

“No. I just want to see if Michael and Maria did something right,” Isabel said.

Isabel pressed herself against him and planted a kiss on his lips that made the lights nearby flicker. Alex couldn’t help but kiss her back, not that he ever resisted but as her hands roamed over his body his own hands caressed her back. He moved his hands up to her head and brushed his fingers through her silken blonde hair.

She kissed her way around to his ear. “I want you inside me,” she whispered.

Alex groaned and felt Isabel unzip his pants. Her hand disappeared into the opened and rubbed her palm against his dick. All the while she breathed heavily into Alex’s ear before she started to drop to her knees. She kissed her way down before she was staring at the bulge in his pants.

Isabel yanked on his pants and fully opened them. They dropped to the floor and clumped by Alex’s ankles, followed by his underwear. She braced her hands against the fronts of his thighs as her open mouth came forward to claim his swelling member. Alex was silenced as she rapidly swallowed his twitching penis. Alex’s hands went to her silken hair as he watched his dick disappear into Isabel’s warm, wet mouth.

“Oohh,” he groaned.

He started moving his hips, fucking her face and groaning her name like he worshipped a goddess. Alex kept his eyes open and watched Isabel suck his cock. She sucked hard and long, taking him all the way to the back of her throat. Her lips stretched tight around his thick member and her cheeks caved in with every suck. Her fist squeezed and pumped his swollen tool hard with practiced motions that she knew would get Alex off.

She pressed her broad tongue against the underside of Alex’s shaft every time it left her mouth. She licked and slurped and met his thrusts eagerly. Alex could see her nipples, they strained behind the confines of her bra and very tight top. They ached to be free, to enjoy the touch of her lover’s hands. Alex wanted nothing more than to comply but the bliss searing through his veins couldn’t let him focus on anything else.

Alex felt his balls tighten with the need to cum and knew it would not be long. He let out a moan and braced his legs in preparation. As his dick tensed up, Isabel suddenly slammed her face against him. She reached around and grabbed his butt with both hands. She pulled him against her and held him there. Her breasts pressed against his legs as Alex shook and shot his seed down her throat.

Once his last shot was swallowed, she released him and, still on her knees, leaned away from him. She looked up at his flushed face and smiled. Alex reached down and gently caressed her face with a silent thank you. Still, there was a more practical way of doing that. Just looking into her eyes, he could see that her body felt the fire and he needed to relieve it.

Alex was still hard, it was like Isabel’s desires fed his own and no matter how much he came, he’d never lose his erection until she was completely sated. He pulled her up, almost roughly, to her feet and crushed her against him. He kissed her passionately, savagely and let her know what she had just done to him.

Quickly he pulled off his shirt and kicked away his pants before he frantically stripped Isabel of her top and skirt. She stood there in black silk lingerie. Her hard breathing had her breasts heaving and slowly Alex walked around her. She felt his eyes devouring her and she stood there, enjoying the fact that Alex loved her body. Besides, she liked showing it off for him.

When Alex stood behind her, she felt his hot breath on her neck before he kissed her shoulders and pushed her bra-straps just a little off before his hands glided to her back. He undid the clasp of her bra and let it fall away from her breasts. He wrapped his arms around her and lovingly caressed her breasts until she purred his name while pressing back against his naked body. He continued to kiss her throat and neck and Isabel felt her pussy burn hotter, she didn’t think that had been possible right now.

One hand drifted down, moving over her belly and into her panties. He stroked her softly, teasing her just enough to start her hips grinding against his hand. With a forceful grunt of his name, Alex wasted no more time and yanked her panties down her legs.

Isabel needed to prop herself up, she felt her knees buckle with overwhelming need to have her lover inside her that she wanted to get onto her back there and then. So she reached out and firmly planted her hands onto the corridor wall.

“Oh god, Isabel, I want to fuck you,” he groaned.

With her hair tossed over one shoulder, Isabel turned her head and they locked their mouths together. Alex thrust his tortured, purple cock against her hot, completely bare pussy.

Alex practically mauled her breasts. He ran his fingertips over her firm tits and nipples. Isabel moaned as her hard, erect nipples sparked fire through her body under his skilful ministrations. His strong fingers kneaded the breast not in his mouth lavished her neck, throat, shoulders...anywhere his lips could reach.

Isabel was already very close to an orgasm. She was moaning deeply. The heat in her cunt had become a furnace. Alex backed off, just a little, and looked over her lean body. Her sexy legs gleamed in the light as she slowly ground her hips against the air in desperate attempt to feel Alex. He couldn’t deny her and knelt on the floor behind Isabel’s legs before gently dragged his tongue over her slightly parted slit.

He spread her open with his thumbs and gently ran his tongue over her clit, causing it to swell even harder. He kissed and licked it and gently drew it into his mouth, circling his tongue around it, sending pangs of pleasure rippling throughout Isabel’s body. As he shoved two fingers into her amazingly tight cunt, she cried out in pleasure.

“Oh, Alex! I can’t take it! Fuck me please!” she pleaded, grinding onto his fingers.

Alex stood back up and pressed his groin against Isabel. He reached down and grabbed his dick. With one powerful thrust, he plunged his aching cock into her dripping wet pussy as far as it would go, making her grunt from the impact.

“Oh, yessssss!” Isabel hissed.

He pulled out then rammed into her again. His tight balls slapped against her as he repeatedly buried his meat all the way to the hilt. Isabel cried out in rapture. Alex started fast and kept getting faster. On every thrust, his hips met hers with an audible smacking sound. He looked down between their joined bodies to watch his ecstatic cock fucking into Isabel’s exposed, widespread pussy. It was all Isabel could do to hold onto the wall to keep her body up.

The sounds of his exertion excited Isabel more than she could believe. It wasn’t long before she was on the brink of a monster orgasm. Electric fire raced from her groin, fuelled by the feeling of Alex’s torso rubbing against her back. As much as she loved having her legs spread wide open, she loved hearing Alex enjoy himself much more. Alex’s dick was penetrating so deeply into her, she could feel the head press against the mouth of her cervix and each thrust brought a joyful cry from him.

“Oh god...ughhhhnnn...oh god! Alex. Cum inside of me!” she moaned between grunts.

With a shout, Alex buried his prick in her hot, tight channel, sending jet after jet of his warm juice into Isabel’s welcoming womb. Isabel let out a soul-ripping scream as she came, bucking and writhing against him.

Covered with a fine sheen of sweat and puffing like a bellows, Alex locked his arms around Isabel and gently eased them both to the floor. Grinning and panting, they shifted themselves into a sitting position and embraced each other. She draped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hot kiss.

“We needed that,” Isabel said.

“You can say that again,” Alex said.

“Do you love me?” Isabel asked.

Alex smiled and kissed her forehead. “Until the end of time,” he whispered.

Max and Liz worked their way through the city until they found a single building off by itself. Its walls were plain, completely unadorned with any carvings and undecorated stone bricks forming a cylinder. Liz walked up to the building and pressed her hand against a single brick.

As it slid back, the grinding noise was joined by the sound of great gears and locks deep beneath their feet. The bricks before them started to separate down the middle of the bricks and reveal a winding staircase leading down.

Liz took Max by the hand and led him down into the catacombs beneath the city. There wasn’t any light, so Max used his own hand and created enough light to see with. He held his hand forward but he still moved cautiously.

“What’s with you?” Liz asked.

“This is usually when the big monster comes out and eats the hapless pair of teen lovers when they wonder into dark scary cave,” Max said.

He and Liz looked at each other for a moment.

“I'm being paranoid, okay. I don’t want anything to happen to you,” Max said.

“Max, it’s safe down here. There hasn’t been anything alive on this island for a long time. And nothing was ever allowed down here,” Liz said.

“Why? What’s down here?” Max asked.

“It’s just through here,” Liz said.

Liz turned a corner and Max found no reason for his hand to keep glowing. On top of a plinth rested a bright glowing crystal the size of a fist with sharp barbs protruding from various angles. It filled the entire room with light.

“Power source?” Max asked.

“No,” Liz said.

Liz reached out and carefully positioned her fingers between the barbs so that she could pick it up. When she did the light died down into a dull glow.

“This is the heart of the city. Everything we ever achieved is in here. This built the city to what it was. Now...where was our bedroom,” Liz said.

“Liz...oh hang on,” Max said.

“Something up?” Liz asked.

“Isabel, she needs to see us,” Max said.

Together they ran back through the tunnels and up to the surface. It took a while on foot but they were able to return to the central tower’s upper most floor where, in the old days, Liz and the others ruled the city. Liz gently placed the crystal down on the table that rested between their chairs.

Everyone else was already there, most were pacing.

“What’s going on?” Max asked.

“The computer system here said it’s picking up a signal. A video transmission from the White House,” Isabel said.

“Oh,” Liz said.

“Should know...hang up?” Alex asked.

“On the President?” Max asked.

“Well, it’s not exactly like he’s had an objective briefing on us,” Alex said.

“How long before the shield can be put back on?” Tess asked.

“An hour, at least,” Alex said.

“Oh hell let’s just talk to the guy,” Max said.

“Receive transmission,” Liz commanded.

The signal was put through. In front of the group an image appeared of the President sitting behind his desk.

“Hello,” Liz said.

“This is President Winters of the United States of America,” he said.

“Yes we know. My parents voted for you,” Liz said.

“What?” Winters asked.

“We were raised in the US,” Max said.

“That may be, but I have received a full briefing on the history of your people and we will not allow your tyranny or your plans to pollute our race with alien blood to rise again,” Winters said.

“Excuse me? Number one, we weren’t the bad guys. We had knowledge people wanted, that they still want. Everything you think you know has been based on rumours, myths and legends. Believe me, not one thing you’ve been briefed on is accurate. Secondly, who we spend our time with is not your concern,” Alex said.

“If anything, we should be dealing with you the way we just dealt with a real threat to this planet. The Special Unit answers to you...and they owe us for what they did to us,” Liz said.

“You have one chance. Surrender yourselves and your city into our custody. I have spoken with my fellow heads of state and most are moving their navy fleets into position. My own fleet stationed in the North Atlantic are also on approach and are prepared to launch missiles against you,” Winters said.

“I don’t believe this. I know we’ve not been our most convincing but you’re actually going to believe 19,000 years of superstitious belief over us,” Maria said.

“I am going with the evidence I have at hand. All of which tells me you are a threat to be dealt with now before you reach the height of your power,” Winters said.

They all looked at each other. The technology here may have been beyond what the other nations could understand, but it wouldn’t always be that way. Besides, they’d be willing, if not eager, to use the weapon systems. They all knew that if people were coming, there couldn’t be anything left and they all nodded to Max and Liz.

“Try to take this city and there won't be a bunker deep enough to protect you,” Max said.

“Call off the navy now,” Liz said.

“That isn’t going to happen,” Winters said.

“Then you’ve left us no choice,” Liz said.

With that the President ended the call and his image disappeared. Within seconds, 90 cruise missiles were picked up by the city.

“Can’t we just shoot them down?” Michael asked.

“We could. But we don’t have the full defences and we certainly don’t have an army. Just one hit could distract us enough to let them land here,” Liz said.

“If they want this city, they can have it. It just won't be anything they can use,” Max said.

“Let’s get out of here,” Kyle said.

In moments they were all on a flat run. For a moment Liz stopped and ran back for the crystal but soon she joined the others. They ran until their leg muscles ached and headed for the docks. Looking up, they could see a glimmer in the sky as sunlight reflected off the missiles. On the horizon they could see the fleets and aircraft wouldn’t be too far away.

Each boarded the alien ship that brought them here. As the missiles were seconds from their targets, the ship launched and the city became a blazing inferno. From the ship, they looked on as the city burned.

“That city survived for thousands of years,” Maria said.

“It’s people will survive. In more ways than one. Let’s make sure there is nothing left for them to use,” Liz said.

Max nodded and commanded his ship to fire every weapon it had onto the city and the explosion blasted out brighter than the sun. Every last inch was levelled and turned to dust.

What none knew, what they were too distracted to see was the arrival of three thousand ships in orbit. At the vanguard of it all, Kivar. He looked down on the planet below and saw the last threat to his forces being destroyed.

“It’s time to begin,” Kivar said.

To Be Continued...

Re: The Elders (All CC, ADULT) - Chapter 12 - 18 Dec

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:01 am
by Tharos
Chapter 13

As the group’s ship approached the coast of the U.S. again, their scanners already showed them Roswell on the screen. Civilian law enforcement was out, as was Federal. Right now an entire battalion of the army was rolling in on the small town and had it surrounded. Everything was buttoned up tight, they didn’t know who were Kantins and who weren’t but it didn’t matter. They were ready to obliterate Roswell.

“This could be a problem,” Isabel said.

“Not as much as this,” Max said.

He looked at another screen that showed three thousand alien ships around the planet and closing in fast. Within moments they stopped and saw lines sweep over the depiction of Earth.

“What are they doing?” Kyle asked.

“Scanning. They’re looking for the Granolith,” Max said.

“Can they find it?” Liz asked.

“No, we designed a chamber to hide it in. So long as the chamber is sealed while they are scanning, they won’t pick it up,” Larek said.

“That’s still a lot of ships,” Maria said.

“This ship, even with the power of my own running through it, cannot fight off that many vessels. It would take...” Larek said.

“The defensive systems of Atrula Kantis?” Liz asked.

“Yes,” Larek said.

“And we’ve just lost the city,” Alex said.

“Well, that’ll make another conversation with the President more fun,” Maria said.

“What are you thinking?” Max asked Liz.

“We tried reasoning with them before. It won’t work next time,” Liz said.

“Tell me about it. As far as they’re concerned, we’re the bad guys. 19,000 years of myth tells them one thing and they don’t want to listen to the people who actually lived it,” Maria said.

“Not until they are made to listen,” Liz said.

“You have a plan. I know that look,” Maria said.

“I have an idea but we’ll need everyone in Roswell to agree to it,” Liz said.

“Liz, you are one of the ruling four of the Kantins. Tell them and they’ll agree to it,” Tess said.

“I’m not talking about the Kantins, I’m talking everyone,” Liz said.

“Well, if we’re going to need their co-operation we’ll need to tell them everything. The second we land the army is going to either fire everything they have or storm the town,” Alex said.

“I’ll take care of that,” Max said.

He walked up to the consol before them and rested the palms of his hands down on it. The system lit up and the ship picked up speed. It manoeuvred over the land and rushed over the perimeter of tanks, rocket launchers and soldiers without disturbing a single grain of sand. The troops didn’t even know they were approaching until they were already passed by.

The ship flew over the town and once over the town it stopped half a mile above it. For a moment everyone head a sound, a pitch that echoed in their heads and grew higher before if faded.

Seconds later, the army received authorisation. Every gun and turret they had was aimed at the ship and they opened fire. The shells hurled through the air, the rockets screamed but all exploded in mid-air leaving a rippling blue distortion spread out from those spot without so much as leaving a scratch on the ship. However, more importantly, as the intelligence officers on sight looked over the area, they noticed that the distortions appeared on the outside of the town. Roswell was entirely contained.

“Max,” Isabel said.

“Yeah?” Max asked.

Isabel started to whack his arm repeatedly, “Next time tell me we have shields,” she said with each hit.

“Ouch...ouch! Stop hitting me,” Max said.

Isabel looked back at the others and regained her composure before she walked over to a chair and sat down. Max rubbed his shoulder and arm before he pressed a few buttons on the consol. Instantly a blue light surrounded every non-local inside Roswell and they vanished only to reappear on the outside with the army.

The locals surrounded the Crashdown when they saw the ship once more. It descended from the sky and landed on the roof. When Max, Liz and their family came walking out of the building, everyone looked at them. They didn’t say anything, they simply walked through the crowded streets as the people made an open for them.

Liz and Max led the way to the Mayor’s home. He quickly welcomed them inside where they spoke briefly. Less than two minutes later they came back out and walked to the town hall. Together, the young lovers stood on the stage and took position behind the podium.

“Ladies and gentlemen...this is going to get a little complicated so I hope you can all bare with us. We have a lot to tell you and not much time. First off, if any of you at the end of this wants to leave, we wont stop you. We’ll even help you relocate to anywhere you want. Most of you know me, I’m Liz Parker and this is Max...what some of you don’t know is exactly who we are...”

Liz told them the story. She told them how 19,000 years ago four fell from the sky and fell in love, she told them how the ancient city stood tall and proud for countless generations before falling to a massive radioactive blast. She told them how they came to live and find each other again.

Then Max told them everything that happened on Antar and then everything from over the last few days and what now loomed in orbit over them. With the destruction of the city, there was nothing the world’s governments could do but they could protect Roswell.

While the regular humans in the town talked it over among their families, as expected, the Kantins bowed their heads to their rulers and accepted their judgement. Still, on board the ship, Larek transmitted the speech everywhere. There wasn’t a television, radio, telephone or announcement system in a fast food restaurant that didn’t pick it up.

“When you’ve made your decision, return here. It’ll be far safer. If there’s anything valuable to you, you should go home and get those items. Nothing should be damaged but I can’t make any guarantees. We’ll be at our own homes,” Liz said.

Uniformed officers rushed in and out of the Oval Office. The fleet in orbit had been detected and leaders from nations with the ability to detect them were all calling. The Secret Service were demanding the President relocate to the emergency bunker but he refused, for now. The Joint Chiefs were online with their branches of the military and the DefCon alerts were closing in on ‘one’.

“How long would it take for our missiles to hit?” the President asked.

“Less than 15 minutes sir, but the sheer number of them. Even if all nations with ballistic missiles were to launch we could never take them all out.”

“And we have no intel on their defensive capabilities.”

“Then I suggest you get some. I don’t care what it takes, get into Roswell and capture that ship. Get any of those things and get the information out of them,” the President said. “Why are they just sitting up there?”

“Our tactical analysis teams think that when we took out their allies base of operations on this planet they decided to rethink their strategy.”

“The idea was to weaken the city. Not destroy it. We’ve just lost out on a lot of catch up learning. Hell, we could have probably used that place to defend the planet,” the President said.

All of a sudden the power in the room shut down. The power across the city, across the planet was gone. All but the power in Roswell coming from the ship. Yet televisions in the offices of the world-leaders all remained active. It just displayed static at first, then it cleared. As everyone in the room gathered around the screen, a shadow began to move closer until Kivar’s face could be seen.

“I send this message to all leaders of your pathetic planet. You have destroyed your only hope of defending yourselves. I thank you for that. You have made it so much easier. You will surrender now. Deliver Zan, Vilandra, Rath and Ava to me. The renegades who sought to save your world will be mine. Give them to me with the Kantins. They can no longer protect you without their city...give them to me and I will allow you to continue your lives as they are. Deny me, try to help them, and I will raise your cities to the ground,” Kivar said.

The screen shut down. Everyone turned to the President.

“What the hell? Why would he want us to turn over his allies?” the President asked.

“He talked about them like they were enemies.”

“Get me the Special Unit. If they’ve had this nation hunting for the wrong enemies all this time I’ll skin their hides,” the president said.

Just like everyone else in town, Kyle and Tess returned home to pack up anything they wanted to keep. Kyle was about to reach under his bed when Tess took hold of his hand and shook her head.

“You’re not going to need those,” Tess said.

“You’re not taking anything?” Kyle asked.

“The only thing I need is you and I have you, so...” Tess said.

“You know it’s weird. Sixteen years of stuff and I can’t see a thing I want to keep,” Kyle said.

“So we have absolutely nothing to do?” Tess asked.

“Well there is one thing,” Kyle said.

Both smiled.

“I guess you’ll just have to start tearing my clothes off,” Tess said.

Kyle rushed toward her and pinned Tess against the wall. He kissed her, his lips ravished hers as their tongues probed into each other’s mouths. Their hands roamed everywhere over their bodies and Tess lifted her leg to Kyle’s hip to pull him in closer. His hand grabbed onto her thigh to hold her there.

Tess started to kiss along his jaw until Kyle could feel her breath into his ear.

“I wasn’t kidding about tearing off my clothes,” Tess whispered.

Kyle practically growled. His hand ran up her back until he felt the shoulder-line of her dress. He grabbed hold of the thin fabric and yanked hard. The cloth ripped, the shoulder straps snapped and Kyle pulled the dress off her body before letting it drop to the floor. He looked over her bare body, protected only by a tiny pair of panties. When he caught her eyes, she smiled and nodded.

He took hold of the silk underwear and tore them from her. Tess breathed had, her chest heaved with heated breathes and her lusts her furiously surging within her. Kyle took a step back to fully appreciate the sight of his girlfriend but she stepped up to him. Tess took hold of his shirt and ripped it open. One button flew so fast it cracked a mirror on the wall. Both looked at it, shrugged their shoulders and turned back to each other.

Tess started to kiss over his bare chest while she pushed his shirt off him before her hands slipped down over his torso. While her tongue bathed him and circled his nipples, she opened his pants and plunged her hand inside. She cupped him, her fingers teased over his balls as she rubbed her palm over his hardening dick.

She pressed her body against his, pressed her breasts against his chests while she moved her hand over his dick. She planted a light kiss on his lips before kissing him with furious need. Kyle moved his hands down to her ass and held her before slipping one hand around to finger her slit. His fingers softly probed at first, just enough to tease her before she started to grind her hips against his hand. Once she did that, Kyle started to thrust his fingers in and out of her just as hard as she moved her hand against him.

“Get inside me now,” Tess said.

Kyle was more than happy to oblige. He pushed his jeans down his legs and kicked them off with his underwear before he turned Tess around. She ended up looking out of the door and grabbed hold of the doorframe. Kyle stepped up behind her and pulled her hips back toward him. She looked over her shoulder and watched as Kyle took hold of his dick and aimed it. With a single thrust he pushed himself completely inside Tess and caused her to gasp.

Her pussy held him tightly and they stayed still to revel in that initial sensation. Both loved and marvelled at it each and every time, the only thing they liked better was keeping that first spark alive and the only thing the like better than that was making each other cum.

Kyle pulled out and thrust back in hard enough to shake her body. Tess bit her lip and smiled as he eyes rolled into the back of her head. He did it again and earned a purr from her. Soon he was slamming in, hard and deep. His hips slapped against her ass and Tess’s fingernails dug into wooden frame. She left scratch marks and damned near shredded her nails but she didn’t care so long as Kyle didn’t stop moving. Besides she could repair any damage later.

Each time Kyle thrust in, her breasts shook and her skin flushed. He was relentless and soon both were covered with sweat. She thrust her hips back, she fucked him as hard as he fucked her. She moaned from so deep inside herself that it echoed throughout their room.

“Fuck me, Kyle. God, fuck me,” Tess moaned.

Kyle thrust harder for a few more minutes before he pulled completely out of her. Tess was surprised at being left so empty and looked around. Kyle grabbed her and span her around. He picked her up and Tess quickly adapted by wrapping her legs around him. Kyle put her on his desk and slipped back inside her.

He wanted to look into her eyes and he did when he started to thrust in and out of her again. Tess’s body writhed against his own, her ankles were locked behind his back but Kyle ran his hands along her legs and opened them wider. It forced her ankles to loosen and he lifted them up to rest on his shoulders.

They held each other as they rutted against each other in a soul-sharing sweat. They kissed and caressed, all the while they loved each other with each thrust. She clenched her pussy tight around his dick and both felt the burn of delight.

“I’m gonna cum, Tess. So close,” Kyle groaned.

“Me too. Cum inside me. I want it,” Tess said through heated breathes.

Kyle gave a few last, deep but sharp thrusts and held himself inside her. Her body quivered and trembled as he released his seed into her. In moments they both collapsed, laughing to the floor where they held each other. Within Tess’s body, Kyle’s sperm swam.

Within the ship on top of the Crashdown, Max and Liz were relaxing in a bath. The hot, soothing waters caressed their bodies along with each other’s hands. They were pressed up against each other and kissed softly but passionately. Max’s hand cupped her breast, his thumb brushed her nipple.

Maria walked in and distracted them from their kiss but their hands continued to roam.

“Sorry to interrupt, but did you guys hear?” Maria asked.

“Hear what?” Max asked.

“Pam Troy got married while we were gone,” Maria said.

“What?” both asked, stunned.

“We were gone for a day and a half,” Liz said.

“What can I say, I have the touch,” Maria said.

“Yeah, yeah, the sex goddess,” Max said.

“So, I’ll go back downstairs and let you two continue enjoying yourselves. Oh and the mayor showed up. He said a decision has been made,” Maria said.

“Maria!” Liz said.

She and Max instantly parted. Together, naked without a hint of bashfulness or modesty, they stepped out of the bath. The pool of water vanished while Max and Liz headed out of the ship with Maria.

“That is kind of the think you should mention to begin with,” Max said.

“What? You two looked cosy,” Maria said.

They made it to Liz’s room and were about to head out to talk to their family before Liz stopped them. A quick look into Max’s eyes and he nodded. Both walked over to the dresser and pulled out some clothes to put on. They didn’t know when they’d get another minute to dress and if they were going to be dealing with a lot of people them perhaps a layer or two would be called for.

Out of the ship and back into the home, the families of the eight had gathered. They were ready to go out and meet the people of Roswell, to have their decision and act on it. Max, Liz and Maria stepped into the living room but as they did, the first thing Maria saw was Tess and she stared at her.

Within her very soul, twitching in the recesses of her mind she felt something.

Maria looked at Isabel and Liz, she felt the same. It was the same sensation she felt after making love with Michael but it was when she looked at Liz that realisation hit upon her.

“Oh god...oh wow,” Maria said.

“What?” Liz asked.

“We’re pregnant. I can feel it. We’re all...pregnant,” Maria said with stunned and wide eyes.

“Come again?” Michael asked.

“Preg...pregnant?” Tess asked.

“Are you sure?” Isabel asked.

“Very...sure,” Maria asked.

“What is it?” Michael said.

As Maria looked over the girls and gulped before looking down at her own belly.

“Why are we all pregnant with twins? A boy and a girl, all of us. Why?” Maria asked.

“To ensure the continuation of the royal lines. The odds of survival increase with both male and female heirs to carry on the line. The Royal Four were genetically altered to make sure they impregnated, or were impregnated with, twins,” Larek said.

“Good to know. Would have been better to know before now,” Tess said.

She immediately slumped down into the sofa and looked at Kyle who took hold of her hand. It took a minute, well five to be exact, for the news to sink in but when it did the young lovers all held each other with bright smiles.

With a knock at the door, the all separated in surprise. Nancy answered the door, the Mayor was on the other side. It was time to go and deal with the people of Roswell who were born outside of the Kantin bloodlines.

In the White House, learning to do the job without power was a challenge to say the least. They had to break out the old fashioned methods of communication, radios were useless and so the skies were filled with carrier pigeons. Taken from enthusiasts throughout the city and elsewhere, the pigeons had small cylinders attached to their legs to carry notes. Anything to keep the lines of communication open.

“Sir, we still have no explanation. As far as we can tell, every power station and generator is operating at 100%. The energy just isn’t reaching us.”

“I want the power back on now. The last thing I need is my daughter storming in here because her cell phone isn’t working. Not even the Secret Service can deal with that storm,” the president said.

All of a sudden everything began to shake. It was a tremor, coursing over every square inch of the planet and then the power came back. Just as before, a single television activated in the rooms of the world leaders. The images showed Kivar’s fleet in positions around the planet, each one sending a massive pulse of light down toward the Earth and burrowing holes in the surface.

Those places where the beams struck water, massive plumes of steam rose high and could be seen for miles around. From over the oceans, the steam formed clouds that grew in density and number that the sun began to dim. The clouds spread out, they crashed and thundered and eventually lighting scarred the skies.

“Mr links with the military bases has reactivated. Sir, we’re getting reports...our missiles are activating.”

“What? I didn’t give that order,” the president said.

“It’s confirmed sir. All missiles nuclear armaments have begun launch preparations. They are armed.”

“We’re getting reports similar from our submarines. Their missile are armed in the silos and are prepared to fire. No instructions have been entered into the system to begin the process since the hostiles showed up.”

“Mr President, we’ve just gotten word. The international lines have just reopened. Moscow, Beijing, all nations with missiles capable of leaving the atmosphere have reported similar activity.”

“Is it the Kantins?” the president asked.

“No sir. We’ve been watching sign of activity there since the ship landed.”

“SIR! Missiles are launching,”

The screens changed and showed the launch of the missiles. Each one left their silos and the screens followed them up into space. Everyone watched on as the missile aimed straight and true for the alien fleet where they hit. Even with all the clouds, the blinding explosion of all the planets nuclear weapons could be seen lighting up the dark sky. Two minutes later, everything shut back down but the tremors continued.

“What happened? What’s the status on the ships?” the president asked.

“It’s confirmed sir. All missiles closed in and detonated as they were designed to do. All hostile ships are still in evident damage.”

“That’s impossible.”

“They did it deliberately. Took control of our weapons, launched them against themselves and took the hit just to show they could do it and that our strongest warheads wouldn’t work against them,” the President said.

“Mr this time I recommend immediate relocation to the bunker.”

“That wont work. Mr President, while the power was online we were able to study the tremors. The alien ships are targeting locations on the planet...their weapons are cutting through the crust of the planet. If they continue in the pattern that we’ve seen, they’ll fracture the planet into chunks. It’ll kill us all.”

The president bowed his head and walked behind his desk where he sat down.

“I don’t care what it takes...get a call through to Roswell,” the president said.

The jubilation was short lived. Most of the people of Roswell had chosen to stay, a handful of families wanted to get out of Dodge and they were transported out to the army perimeter. When the shaking started, Larek accessed the ship’s scanners through his hexagonal device and the entire town watched what happened.

“What do we do?” Maria asked.

“The only weapons capable of dealing with that fleet were in Atrula Kantis,” Alex said.

“Damn fools have killed us all,” Isabel said.

“It isn’t the only place with weapons,” Liz said.

Everyone looked at her and Liz removed the Kantin crystal from her pocket.

“That can’t work...can it?” Kyle asked.

“It was designed to protect our people and the knowledge of the city,” Liz said.

“But it’ll just put us back to square one. They’ll still come after that knowledge,” Alex said.

“We’ll keep the shields up until we don’t need them,” Liz said.

“Okay, what are you four talking about?” Max asked.

“Taking action I hoped wouldn’t be for a while. Max, my four are the only ones who can do this. Just like your four are the only ones who can deal with the problems on Antar,” Liz said.

“No. We’re not leaving any of you,” Max said.

“Got that right,” Michael said.

“You have to. At least for now. You need the Granolith, your mother would have made sure you could find it, you have to find it,” Liz said.

Max nodded before he turned to the other Antarians. “We’re leaving town. Right now,” he said.

“You’re not going anywhere. Not yet,” Alex said.

“Alex...” Liz said.

“He’s right,” Maria said.

Without any hesitation or doubt, Alex, Maria and Kyle each pulled the golden ropes from their pockets. They walked up to their lovers and tied one end around the wrists of Isabel, Michael and Tess. They didn’t resist.

Alex gazed into Isabel’s eyes and gently caressed her cheek. “You aren’t going anywhere without us being married first,” he said.

Neither Max nor Liz protested despite their lack of time. They watched as the three couples disappeared around a corner.

To Be Continued...

Re: The Elders (All CC, ADULT) - Chapter 13 - 14 Jan

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2010 6:16 am
by Tharos
Chapter 14

With golden rope tied around the wrists of their lovers, Alex, Maria and Kyle led them behind nearby corners. Once out of sight of the rest of Roswell, not that they cared if they were seen right now, they looked into the eyes of their partners and without reluctance or embarrassment, they started to undress.

Isabel pulled off her top and dropped it to the ground. Gently, slowly she ran her finger up the strap of her black bra. She turned around, she faced away from Alex, an invitation for him to be the one to remove it. He leaned down and kissed her shoulders, switching between them as his fingers worked at the clasp. When it was undone, Alex’s hands glided up over her back and down her arms to push the bra from her breasts.

Tess found herself being pushed against the wall of the building, Kyle’s lips caressed her own and his tongue probed deep. Her nipples hardened and strained against the thin but tight fabric of her tank top. Tess pressed her chest against Kyle but moments later she pushed him away. Her eyes locked onto his and she crossed her arms while reaching up to her shoulders. She pulled the straps down her arms and pushed the top down to her waist.

Maria pounced. There was no other way to put it. She leapt from where she stood, wrapped her arms and legs around Michael and started to suck the very air from his lungs. Michael held her up by grabbing her ass but he didn’t need to, she was so much wrapped around him that he could have danced a jig and she wouldn’t have fallen. Maria suddenly pressed down on her thighs and pushed herself up. Her belly was in line with Michael’s face and he leaned in to kiss her mid-riff. He looked up into her eyes and grabbed the hem of her top in his teeth. As she lowered herself back down, he pulled her top up until her breasts were bared. He released the cloth and latched onto a nipple while Maria pulled it off.

When Isabel turned back around, she used one hand to push Alex back against the wall and let him watch as she unzipped her skirt. With a playful smile and sway of her hips, Isabel lowered herself a little as she pushed her skirt down her legs. She stood in a thong that put a glint in Alex’s eyes but she didn’t stay for long before the scrap of black lace joined the rest of her clothes. Then, in less time that it took for Isabel to strip, she pulled off Alex’s clothes.

Tess enjoyed the feel of Kyle’s hands roam over the front of her body and watched as he fell to his knees. Kyle unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. Then, while holding onto the top bunched around her waist, he pulled her clothes down her slender legs, including the green silk shorts that she wore beneath. He only returned to his feet by kissing his way up her body. Tess then span them around and pushed him against the wall. He held a finger against the neckline of his t-shirt and ran down the length of his body. She left a sizzling trail but with a snap of her fingers, his clothes fell away from him.

Maria ground herself against Michael while he sucked on her breasts. Her head was cast back and her hair fell down while she gasped in each breath. Michael walked over to a stack of old boxes in the alley and sat Maria down it them. Still, it was a fight to break the tight grip of her legs from his waist. When he did, Michael ran his hands over her legs and Maria pushed herself to lift her ass from the boxes. Michael gripped her skirt and yanked it off her before he gently pulled her panties down her legs. Maria’s foot pressed against Michael’s crotch and with a heated look into her eyes he was compelled to rid himself of his clothes.

When all were naked, they approached their lovers and pressed up against them. With their returned memories, they all knew what to do next as they did it long ago. The three humans picked up the other end of the golden ropes again and nodded to their alien lovers. The Antarians used their powers to manipulate the ropes and they snaked their way around each other just as Max and Liz had done.

The legs of the girls were wrapped around the boys, their backs were pressed against the building next to them. Bound together, Alex, Kyle and Michael slipped inside the girls and each purred with delight.

“You remember the rules?” Alex whispered in Isabel’s ear.

She nodded. She hated this little Kantin custom but she’d do it. She, and Tess, both hoped that their soon-to-be husbands would relent and let them cum soon. Michael just knew he’d be in the fight for his life if Maria didn’t relent before the pressure overcame his willpower.

Soon their hips were thrusting, their dicks sawing in and out of Isabel, Tess and Maria. It was slow at first, they simply pushed in deeply and earned passionate gasps of delight. Their hands gently caressed, the soft flesh of breasts were pressed firmly against chests. Their nipples dug into the flesh of the young men and scrapped along their skin with each thrust.

Muscles tensed and tightened, the long legs of the women gripped around their lovers while their back rubbed against the brickwork. Not the most comfortable but what was happening deep within them was far more intense. Their blood boiled and their bodies sweated to relieve the heat but only served to fuel their passion.

Michael strained not to cum, as did his alien sisters. While Alex came first, the energy from Isabel feeding into him kept him going strong. His hard dick didn’t relent and he kept thrusting much to Isabel’s delight and torment. His eyes showed no sign of wanting to stop. Normally this was a good thing but it also meant he wasn’t going to allow her to release herself anytime soon.

Kyle soon followed Alex and gave several sharp thrusts deep inside Tess as he spurted. He paused for a moment, breathed heavily into her each but Tess’s hips humped against his and soon they started again. She wasn’t going to let him stop or wait, not until their custom was fulfilled and Kyle whispered his permission to cum.

Maria on the other hand was in a state of bliss that was an orgasm followed by tiny little ones again and again. Michael didn’t relent in his assault on her body. Her nipples strained between his thumb and forefinger.

The three humans could see it in the eyes of their alien lovers, they could see the strain as well as the determination to continue, to hold back and complete the custom. Alex, Michael and Kyle grunted each time they thrust into the girls and they whimpered in bliss with trembling lower lips.

Alex smiled at Isabel, he held her head against his and kissed her before granting his permission. Kyle joined him and despite delighting in tormenting Michael, Maria figured why not. They had time constraints to worry about anyway.

Neither Tess nor Isabel felt any need to hold back and their whimpers became moans of passion. All their bodies rutted against their lovers and soon everyone came, almost at the exact same moment. The smiles were bright and sated. The kisses were soul-deep and thankful but also intensely happy.

Max and Liz held each other and smiled warmly at the rest of their family. They had watched nearly all of it and as the others untangled themselves, they kissed and caressed before finally untying the ropes from the Antarian wrists. Soon they hunted for their clothes, repaired any damage and dressed. Max hugged his sister and congratulated her before shaking the hand of his new brother before congratulating the others.

As much as they wanted to spend more time together, they knew they couldn’t. They were in the grip of Kivar’s attack and their time was short. They were married now, bound by Kantin custom and Antarian energy so that even distance wasn’t being on opposite sides of the planet couldn’t separate them. Still, the idea of it pained them greatly.

They all embraced, they said their goodbyes and kissed.

For the first time in many months, the eight split down the middle and ran through the town. Both had their own paths to follow, all of them hoped the paths would bring them back together. Max and his four boarded the ship and used it to beam them outside of town in a nice quiet spot.

Before Liz’s group could do anything, they had some work to do. They sat at the Crashdown’s counter, Maria made them all milkshakes and the crystal from Atrula Kantis rested in front of them. Liz trailed the point of her fingernail over the smooth surface slowly. Then she stopped.

“Here,” Liz said.

Alex held his hand over the spot and used his powers to pull a shard from the mass. It floated out and Kyle took hold of it. He placed in on a napkin carefully before Liz started to run her fingernail over the crystal again. In total, six lengths of crystal were extracted.

“You can do this next bit, right?” Alex asked.

“Yes, it’s just a bit of problem solving. I just need to use this brain of mine to figure out where to put these back in. You on the other hand have a job to do,” Liz said.

“Are you really sure about this?” Alex asked.

“We need to speak to people in charge and that won’t happen unless they have power out there. We can’t use the ship, god knows what would happen if they figured out a way to hack into it,” Liz said.

“Yeah, well, okay. Hard to argue with that. I just don’t like the idea of me doing what I’m going to be doing,” Alex said.

“It’ll last less than a second. There wont be any lasting effects except for a charge they can use to make contact,” Liz said.

“Need company?” Maria asked.

“Sure,” Alex said.

Both took off for the door and headed outside. Kyle stayed with Liz and helped her place the shards into the crystal. Each of the six rods were slotted into different holes and soon the crystal was whole. Once the last piece was pushed inside, the crystal glowed bright yellow and hummed.

“Well, we’re in it now,” Liz said.

“It can’t be shut back down. If they fire at us while this is active...” Kyle said.

“Then if Kivar leaves survivors, they’ll wish they were dead or turned into his slaves rather than be on Earth,” Liz said.

Alex and Maria walked up to the edge of the shield. As they did, they were spotted and soon the barrel of every weapon was aimed at their heads. They hadn’t heard from the government, they didn’t know the president was trying to contact Roswell.

“The shield is solid...right?” Maria asked.

“That’s what Larek said,” Alex said.

Alex stretched out his hand and aimed for the ground on the army side of the shield. He closed his eyes and focused. His target was a single tiny little point and as a single tiny bead of sweat rolled from his forehead, it worked.

There was an explosive shockwave, everyone was knocked backward but was they did they were suddenly pulled toward the spot Alex focused on. A microscopic black-hole had formed and was sucking everything in but just as quickly as it appeared, it vanished. The energy released charged the vehicles and radios. Still, anyone with a gun started to fire at the shield but they couldn’t get a shot through. Only when they stopped did Alex yell at them.

“You have power now. It’s limited but enough. Tell whoever is in charge, we want to talk,” Alex said.

The pair started to walk away and once they were back in town they ran toward the Crash.

High above, Kivar’s ship looked down on Roswell and alarms started to blaze as the screens focussed on the town. They showed an expanding shockwave emanating from one side of the shield before it disappeared.

“What’s happening?” Kivar asked.

“My lord, we’ve detected a massive pulse of energy from just outside the area where Zan stays. It was a microscopic singularity but it lasted only a moment.”

“What are you doing down there?” Kivar asked quietly.

Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess had crossed the desert and ranches around Roswell. On foot, they couldn’t go very fast but they still covered a good distance in a short amount of time. Thanks to Tess’s mindwarps, nobody noticed them. Eventually, they reached the highway and soon they were on a dirt road.

“We’re here,” Max said.

“We’re where?” Michael asked.

“You don’t recognise this place?” Max asked.

All three looked around before Isabel’s eyes went wide. “Hey, this is where mom and dad found us,” she said.

“Exactly. Two miles north is where Liz and I found the orb, and six miles that way, that’s where the crash happened,” Max said.

“Your mother would have made the Granolith difficult to find,” Tess said.

“For our enemies, yes. For us...?” Max asked.

“We do have a problem with symbols in our heads...and other visions,” Isabel said.

“Don’t remind me,” Michael said.

“Larek did say we’d been programmed a little. Like for us to be pregnant with twins. So what else?” Isabel asked.

“I think it’s time we found out. This is as good a place as any,” Max said.

He stepped closer to the others and held up his hands. The others moved in, together all formed the four-square and held the palms of their hands inches from each other. When they closed their eyes, the ground in front of them started to glow before energy arched between them to etch the symbol onto the ground.

In their minds, they saw each other but the terrain around them seemed surreal. It was the same location they were physically at but the colouring was alien, almost hazy. Carved into the rocks were the symbols they’d seen over the last year. High above, two suns shined down.

“This is new,” Tess said.

They all looked around from where they stood, only to find Liz, Alex, Maria and Kyle right behind their respective partners. They stood with blank expressions on their faces, almost like mannequins.

“Very new,” Max said.

Michael waved his hand over Maria’s eyes and smiled. “I’ve never seen her so quiet,” he said.

“I’m telling her you said that,” Tess said.

“Okay. What the hell is going on?” Isabel asked.

“Your links to the others have been dulled.”

Everyone turned to look at the centre of their group only to see Rasha. Max and Isabel’s biological mother stood and smiled at her children before turning to the others.

“You’ve done well to come this far. The power of the Granolith is for you and your heirs. It is not yet for the humans and so only you must know where it lies,” Rasha said.

“Where is it? Can it help us stop Kivar?” Max asked.

“It can. For someone like Kivar, the Granolith can grant him the power to govern the primal natures of our people as though he was you. For you...the power will allow your thoughts to touch the edge of the universe,” Rasha said.

“So where is it?” Isabel asked.

“Follow the path,” Rasha said.

“What path?” Michael asked.

Rasha held out her hand to the east and a golden trail of light appeared, leading up to the hills. With that, she vanished and they snapped out of their vision. Max and the others all blinked and rubbed their eyes. When they looked at the ground, they had to rub their eyes again.

Under their feet and heading up to the hills was the same golden trail Rasha showed them. Max simply walked along it and the others followed. A mile along the path, they climbed over a ridge to find a rock formation shining with the light.

“I know this place,” Max said.

“We all do. Nacedo showed me this once before. This is where we were hidden. It’s where we were born,” Tess said.

The message was sent and an answer was received, for now not one soldier was to even point a gun at Roswell. Then came the problem of actually opening up a dialogue, the power Alex created was limited at best and was rapidly fading leading to constant static. Eventually, after the fifteenth spike of inaudible speech, Liz tossed her cell phone away.

“Bad conversation?” Maria asked.

She, Alex and Kyle were a little worried.

“No. Couldn’t understand what he was saying. We need to have a personal talk,” Liz said.

“Well, how do we do that?” Kyle asked.

“You guys head out to the shield. I have an idea,” Liz said.

“Is this a good idea?” Maria asked.

“Oh definitely not. In fact it’ll probably cause a little bit of panic,” Liz said.

“There’s an alien fleet in orbit, they’re cutting this planet up and we’re almost completely defenceless. I think they wont notice a little more panic,” Alex said.

With that, the three left Liz alone while she went upstairs into the ship. She was thankful Max gave her a quick rundown on the ship’s functions when she stared at the mass of controls. Quickly she pressed a series of buttons that lit up. Immediately the screen showed the Whitehouse and Liz worked the system so that the images went straight through the walls.

Liz scanned the building, wandering through the halls until she found the President sitting in a bunker beneath the building. She worked the controls again and she vanished in a haze of blue light.

She reappeared next to her friends who stared at her. For a moment she held her stomach, in desperate attempt to keep the contents of her stomach where they where and not over the ground.

“I’m never doing that again,” Liz mumbled.

“Liz?” Maria asked.

“Wait for it,” Liz said.

“For what?” Kyle asked.

On the other side of the shield there was another blue light and the President appeared. Instantly he looked around, stunned at his new location before he bent over and lost his lunch. Liz smiled, she was the one with the added disadvantage of being pregnant but she could keep it down.

“Mr President,” Liz greeted.

“What did you do to me?” he asked.

“In Star Trek terms, I beamed you. We needed to talk and the phone wasn’t going as well as we would have liked,” Liz said.

“Well...what will it take? Why haven’t you dealt with those aliens?” the president asked.

“We haven’t done it because you blew up the last place that could. We can’t do it without ensuring you wont turn into ravenous dogs clambering over each other for our technology when we’re done. We want to be left alone,” Liz said.

“So you wont even save yourselves from this?” the president asked.

“Oh we can save ourselves thanks to the ship over there but we want to save everyone. We can’t if five minutes later we’ll be at war with the rest of the planet. Leave us alone,” Liz said.

“Just do what you need to do,” the president said.

“Not without your guarantee. And this is being recorded,” Liz said.

“I agree. You will be left alone,” the president said.

“You know, Atrula Kantis literally meant City of the Kantins. Welcome to Atrula Roswell,” Liz said.

Liz pulled out the crystal and slammed it into the ground. There was a flash of light before the crystal started to burrow into the ground. It dug deep and the ground began to quake even more.

Max lead the way up the rock and stopped in front of a particular slab of rock were the light twinkled. He touched the surface of the stone before he waved his hand over it to reveal a silver handprint. One touch and the rock slid open. They looked at each other before they stepped inside. There they found one wall taken up with four green, gooey pods held by a metal frame.

“We were born...from those?” Isabel asked.

“What? You thought you just popped into existence?” Tess asked.

“No but they’re just so...icky,” Isabel said.

Michael walked over to his pod and ran his fingers over the rim. “I remember this,” he said. Less than one second later he kicked the pod hard, and then did it again to break through fully to the other side before he crawled through.

The others looked at him as if he were insane.

“Hey guys. Check this out,” he called back.

They followed and together they stood in front of a great black wall that soon opened. They walked into the chamber beyond and found the Granolith, right before the entire cavern was rocked by a massive earthquake.

“What the hell?” Isabel asked.

They ran back outside and in the distance, toward Roswell, great columns of light rose from the ground.

“Is that Kivar?” Michael asked.

“No, that’s Liz and the others,” Max said.

For the next few minutes, all they could do was watch.

Roswell was overcome. Beneath the ground, the fist-sized crystal grew with tendrils spreading out in all directions. It was like the roots of a vast plant and it was only growing larger and deeper. The shield protecting the town rippled and distorted, the energy could be seen and it strained with the constant expansion to the sphere.

When the root went deep enough to tap into the energy of the molten mantle of the Earth, the crystal truly sprouted. The tendrils at the surface connected to the asphalt road and converted the material into tracks of metal, while it wasn’t gold it did look it. Pathways became silver-like and vehicles were changed where they were park. In minutes the internal combustion engines were gone and power came from the energy passed through the metal roads from the crystal conduits to the core.

Then came the buildings. The crystals consumed the internal girders of the larger buildings; it absorbed the iron, steel, concrete and wood while moment’s later granite took their place. With the crystal reinforcing it, the stone was only a millimetre thick and could withstand earthquakes and assaults.

In residential areas, the rooms and any furniture remained untouched. All those little things that were added on to make a house a home were left but the outward structure changed. Vast towers rose high with the new central tower being grown out of the Crashdown. Before long, an exact replication of the ancient Kantin city stood. Its great wall rose up and by the time the ship’s shields failed, Roswell had its own.

Once complete, a great column of light shot up high into the sky and vaporised one of Kivar’s ships. The beam continued onward to Mars where it hit a particular mountain range that the government of the US said looked nothing like a human face. It bounced back and carried thirty shining red lights.

They hit the shield and spread along it’s perimeter in even spaces. When their light died down, large metal cylinders were there and each opened. From each one, thirty large, tall and naked men and women stepped forth carrying swords, hammers and scythes. 900 warriors, who wouldn’t have looked out of place in a pantheon of gods, stood circling the city

“Liz?” Alex asked.

“It can’t be,” Liz said.

“I didn’t think that was in the crystal,” Liz said.

“Are they...?” Maria asked.

“The Elders. The really real Elders,” Kyle said.

“And not what our people thought Zan, Vilandra, Ava and Rath were the first time around,” Liz said.

From the small army, one warrior stepped forth and faced the US Army. “We honour the call of our descendants this day. Where is the enemy?”

Every single soldier there pointed straight up to the sky. Even the president raised a single shaky finger.

To Be Continued...

Re: The Elders (All CC, ADULT) - Chapter 14 - 1 Feb

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:46 am
by Tharos
Chapter 15

Roswell had been remade in the image of the ancient Kantin city, although some buildings remained untouched. Its light spread over the desert around it and lush plant life began to grow in the ground. Still, the army and leaders of the US military were humbled. Not by the city but by the nine hundred people who emerged from pods.

They heard the call of their descendants, Liz, Alex, Maria and Kyle when they started building the new city. Now they were ready to fight and the American military pointed straight up when the Elders asked where the enemy was located.

“Actually, they’re also in front of you,” Maria called out.

“They destroyed Atrula Kantis. We have an agreement for them to leave us alone but we’re not sure if we can trust them to live with it,” Liz said.

“Then before this day is done, you will be sure,” the lead Elder said. “But first...”

He knelt on the ground and felt the tremors coursing all through the planet. He felt that the Earth was being sliced and diced from high orbit and right now he needed to fix that problem. He looked at his weapon, a duel-edged sword and pressed a series of buttons along its silver hilt. The Elder raised the sword high above his head and stabbed it into the ground.

A shockwave of light spread out from the sword and covered the entire planet. When it hit the multitude of beams firing on the planet, the energy travelled up the beams and short-circuited the ships. It blew them out of orbit.

Kivar’s fleet flew far, despite the constant press of buttons, the crews couldn’t get control back. It wasn’t until they hit Mars’ track around the sun that they were able to stop. Alarms blazed away as the crews worked to check on all the damage.

“What happened?” Kivar boomed.

“We were hit by an energy pulse...type, unknown. The magnitude was off the scale.”

“Get us back to Earth orbit,” Kivar said.

“Sir, primary weapon system is fused. All we have are medium range blasters.”

“Then we’ll fly over their cities and take them out one at a time,” Kivar said.

Quickly, the lights dulled and an image appeared standing in the middle of Kivar’s command deck. The lead Elder looked over the Antarians.

“What are you?” Kivar asked.

“Those children among the stars that we did sire call us many names. The humans who carry our legacy call us Elders. You call us the Ad’maraan. As we declared in eons passed, this world is protected. No one with hostile intent may come to any world around this star. Surrender now and leave,” the Elder said.

“I will never surrender, not until Zan is dead and the granolith is mine,” Kivar said.

“Then so be it,” the Elder said.

He vanished.

“Get us back to Earth now,” Kivar yelled.

The Elder opened his eyes and nodded to another of his race. The other Elder raised a great hammed high and smashed it against a nearby rock. A second pulse was sent forth and the chasms created by the Antarians weapons started to collapse in on themselves. They sealed up just enough to bridge the gaps and soon, like flesh healing, rock masses pushed out to fully close the openings.

Once it was done, the Elders looked to Liz and the others before they bowed their heads.

“You have carried our legacy well,” the Elder said.

“We’ve already lost one city,” Liz said.

“And another stands in its place. The city we made for you was only to keep our inheritors safe. It is the inheritors we care for, not the city,” the elder said.

“Inheritors, you mean us?” Maria asked.

“Since time began in this part of the universe, we stood as the only sentient race. We grew, we advanced but always we remained alone. We walked between the stars and learned to seed our blood on distant worlds. Then our world fell to meteors. We foresaw our end and planned. A world existed within our own solar system, young and capable of life. In its oceans we recreated ourselves and you were born. Here in this world you came to being, the four that replicated us perfectly and placed them in a city to rule over all and help their people advance. It was our hope that all races would find their way here and join with you to form our people once again. The last of our kind went to sleep deep beneath our own lands. Now they stand for all time, dry and red,” the Elder said.

“You made all life?” Alex asked.

“Most of it,” the Elder said. He turned to the humans who stood outside the shield of Roswell. “You have dishonoured them and us by your actions and beliefs. It is time to grow. If you do not, we shall begin again and allow only this once city to stand and return life to this world.”

“Ancient leaders were executed by their weapons. Their technology kept them in power and the rest of the world primitive. Now they try to breed with aliens,” the president said.

“You guys just don’t listen do you?” Liz said.

“Your leaders, tried to steal what we had. They tried to build armies and invade so we stopped them. We used the technology to protect ourselves from them. We didn’t keep you down, you did that yourselves so stop blaming us. And didn’t you just hear the big Elder guy? It’s what they wanted. And who we choose to be with is none of your business,” Alex said.

“An agreement exists. You will leave these people and their city alone. You will stand by this for yourself and all those who carry your title until the sun grows cold and dark,” the Elder said.

“If we don’t?” the president asked.

The Elder raised his weapon along with all the other Elders. Each weapon glowed slightly before the light died down.

“What did they just do?” Kyle asked.

“We introduced a genetic virus. Should the agreement be broken, the population of those outside of this city will be sterilised. They will produce no more children to carry on their bloodlines,” the Elder said.

But high above, Kivar’s fleet reassembled in orbit of Mars. It took mere minutes for them to regroup and form into a new formation, one that would sweep all ships over the planet again and again until every city was burning rubble. When ready, they went back to Earth.

On the ground, the Elders looked up and felt the approach. Once again they raised their weapons high but Liz stepped out from behind the shield and placed her hand on the lead Elder’s shoulder. He looked around at her and she shook her head.

“Wait. Max is ready. He needs to do this part,” Liz said.

The Elder nodded his head and lowered his sword.

Max and the others stood around the Granolith with their hands outreached toward the device. With their eyes closed, the device hummed while lights flashed over the black surface. Around them, the walls of the chamber changed colour and cycled through the colours of the rainbow before it stopped on blue.

“It’s done,” Max said.

“Max, are you sure about this?” Isabel asked.

“It’s the way out people work. With us they’re peaceful and intelligent, without they’re little more than savage cutthroats. Besides, there’s that little fleet we need to take care of,” Max said.

He pressed his hand against the Granolith and the system activated.

One by one, Kivar’s ships stopped their approach. When Kivar noticed it, he left his chair and looked over the various screens as more and more ceased activity. He looked around his command deck and noticed some of his crew stared blankly into space.

“My lord, we’re picking up a signal. It’s Granolith Wave frequencies.”

“He’s found it. Track the signal, find the source,” Kivar commanded.

His aide didn’t respond. He too now stared at nothing. The entire fleet stopped in space just outside of Earth’s atmosphere and appeared dead. Kivar himself remained unaffected and started to push buttons on the various panels.

Still, Max’s thoughts continued to traverse the expanse between the stars. Carried by the Granolith, his mind reached out toward the ships, the colonies, to Antar and beyond. Anywhere there was an Antarian, Max reached into their minds.

On Antar, where the fighting among the people had reached the point that they were tearing each other apart, the cities were burning. Just minutes after Max put his hand onto the Granolith, Antar was hit and everyone stopped.

Max’s ordering thoughts seeped into his people. The chaos natural to the Antarians was suddenly expunged as the king reclaimed his place. Every ounce of compassion and caring that was within Max found a place in the Antarians to put an end to the fighting.

After one minute of staring, the people looked around and with shame of what they had done, used every resource available to them to put out the flames. Although it would take longer to rebuild, it was over.

In the Granolith chamber, Max smiled.

“I can feel them...all of them,” Max said.

“Yeah, and we can feel you,” Isabel said.

Max released his hand from the machine and took a deep breath.

“You don’t need to keep your hand on you?” Michael asked.

“No. I’m programmed into it. The granolith will keep transmitting a link between me and every Antarian so long as I’m alive,” Max said.

“Every Antarian?” Michael asked.

“Well, no. You guys can feel me because we’re so close but any Antarian like us that can influence others won’t be affected,” Max said.

“Like us? Like Kivar?” Tess asked.

“Yes but the Granolith can overpower his influence. His entire crew is under my control,” Max said.

“Then why do I have a bad feeling?” Michael asked.

“Because these readings are showing Kivar’s fleet starting to move,” Tess said.

Liz smiled when she felt Max’s success and passed the news onto everyone else. However, a cheer of victory because quiet when they saw a look of panic on her face.

Kivar’s commands into his ship quickly came to action as he locked his crew out of the controls while protecting himself behind a shield to prevent Max taking action against him through them. His ship formed a link to all the others in his fleet. Beams of light flashed and connected the vessels.

The crews, now with Max, couldn’t do anything but look on as they lost control. The fleet moved closer and shot off. With a wake of fire behind them, the ships entered the atmosphere on a direct course toward Roswell.

To Be Continued...

Re: The Elders (All CC, ADULT) - Chapter 15 - 25 Feb

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 4:44 am
by Tharos
Chapter 16

With a boom that spread over the US and in a fireball the likes of which had never been seen, Kivar’s fleet breeched the atmosphere of Earth. The sky burned red as far as the eye could see and flocks of birds flew, herds of animals ran, from the area as fast as they could. The heat, despite being miles high above them, was felt on the ground. The shockwave shattered windows as far away as Los Angeles.

Kivar’s fleet suddenly shot out smaller crystalline ships. Three thousand main ships, now escorted by two dozen fighters each, flew over the Roswell. Their weapons fired with electric blue blasts but they were absorbed by the newly remade city’s shield. The Elders raised their weapons to strike back but they were beaten to it by the launch of rockets, missiles and shells from tanks from the military.

The noise was deafening, they already knew their strongest nuclear weapons wouldn’t work, but still they fired relentlessly. As they expected, the ships they hit showed no signs of damage. It may have dashed their hopes but they didn’t stop.

When the Elders were about to open fire, Liz put her hand on the biceps of the leader to stop him.

“Wait. They’re not turning back,” Liz said.

“If this place is not their target, then what is?” the Elder asked.

“Max,” Liz said with a gasp and eyes filled with fear.

They watched as the fleet disappeared over the horizon in the direction of the mountain where Max and the other hatched. Kivar fired on the rock, blasted it again and again before he commanded nearly half of his small fighters to crash into the mountain. From where they were at Roswell, Liz, Alex, Maria and Kyle with the military and Elders watched as a pillar of nuclear fire rose from the mountain.

The leader of the Elders looked one of his people and nodded. That Elder, a girl not even 12 by the look of her, carried a hammer that was half her size yet she carried it like it was a feather. She put the hammer onto the ground with the handle pointing up and the top of the shaped lump of metal flat on the ground. She turned it clockwise, ninety degrees, and a pulse shot forth. In response, great slabs of rock burst forth from the ground from all around the area where the mountain once stood and came together to form a new, larger mountain. A hollow mountain that could contain the radiation for all time if need be.

Still, while the army cheered and hollered at being spared from massive radiation poisoning, four teenagers stood by the shield with moist eyes and broken hearts. All they could do was look at the mountain.

Suddenly the ground shook and a bright flash of light caught their attention. Max appeared with the others, standing around the Granolith with their eyes tightly closed. Max opened one eye and glanced about.

“Okay, that worked,” Max said.

Then he opened his other eye, along with the other Antarians and sighed a breath of relief.

“I think I need to throw up,” Tess mumbled.

“I think I did somewhere during that trip,” Michael said, holding him stomach.

They didn’t have much time to say anything else before their human lovers each pounced and wrapped their arms around them.

“Don’t you ever, ever do that to us again,” Liz said.

“I’ll try not to,” Max whispered into her ear.

Then they heard the sound of the alien engines. Kivar’s fleet was turning back toward Roswell with several of the smaller ships breaking off to target other towns and cities nearby. Max wanted the Granolith safe and out of Kivar’s reach forever. He rested his hand on the black surface and the Granolith hovered away. It passed through the shield and wondered the streets until it ended up taking refuge inside what was the Crashdown.

“Okay, so how do we deal with this?” Kyle asked.

“The Elders?” Michael asked.

“No. This is our mess to clean up. They’ll protect the city but they shouldn’t deal with Kivar,” Liz said.

“So then what?” Isabel asked.

“We do it the old fashioned way,” Max said.

Max quickly ran into the city, passing through the shield and back onto the streets. Given that everything was brand new and reconfigured to be identical to Atrula Kantis, it took Max and minute to get his bearings and find his way.

“Where’s he going?” Alex asked.

“Oh...bad,” Liz said.

Quickly, Liz took off after her husband.

“What the hell? Where’s she going? Why is everyone running off?” Alex asked.

“The question is, why aren’t we following?” Isabel said.

And with that they did follow.

Max found his way to the Parker’s, now the central tower of the city. Eventually he made it to Liz’s bedroom, which was now a palace in its own right. Her room, their room, was a suite with a floor space big enough to build four of his own house on. He had to admit, he was caught in a few fantasies when he saw the large bed.

At any rate, he pulled himself out of it and Max continued up to the top of the tower where his ship waited. Max boarded and found his way into the bridge and activated everything. As the ship powered up, a chair formed of crystal behind him and he sat down while he linked himself into every system.

Liz walked in soon after. “I thought I’d find you here,” she said.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Max asked.

“I’m coming with you,” Liz said.

“Oh no you’re not,” Max said.

“Am too,” Liz said.

Just then everyone else walked in.

“Oh no. No way. No, no, no and just to be! This is my job. You all get off right now,” Max said.

“We’re staying,” Isabel said defiantly.

Max sighed. Looked at each of his friends in turned and sat back in his chair. He connected to his ship and formed a chair for each of them.

“These chairs are connected to escape pods, you do not get out of them for any reason at any time. If we take a critical hit, you’ll all be safe,” Max said.

“You mean, we’ll all be safe,” Liz said.

“Three thousand ships, not including the fighters...” Max trailed off.

He didn’t continue his sentence and pressed his hand onto the control panel. The ship hovered off the ground and took off. It passed through the shield and went straight for Kivar’s fleet.

Kivar wanted to take out as much of this planet as he could, but more importantly he wanted his enemies to watch. He knew he couldn’t breach the shield around the city anyway so he figured why not slaughter the human race one city at a time. Granted keeping his fleet together would mean that it would take time but all those tiny little cities would be burnt and ash in minutes.

Nearest target was Albuquerque and the fleet flew toward it in a flying wedge. The mass of ships could stretch the length of the city. Old sirens from the cold war sounded, originally they were to sound the threat of nuclear they were sounding something worse.

The people ran, they screamed and tried to get out of the way as the skies flooded with flashes of light and explosions on the ground. Buildings burst into flames and people that weren’t fast enough were incinerated. The heat was so bad that even the tarmac of the roads started to melt away.

With fire, Kivar washed away the city and moved onto the next, and the next and the next along with every town in between. He had swept across the county leaving a black scar greater than the Grand Canyon. The second Kivar saw a city as densely populated as New York, he stopped everything and went there.

He approached from the south and the fleet drew the attention of damn near every television camera in the city.

Then, just as the first volley burst from the ships, Max’s ship flew in from the side and fired on the fleet. The blasts impacted a few times over each ship before they flew on away. Max pressed his hand and sent a message on every frequency. He wanted to be sure Kivar heard him.

“Kivar, it’s me. Kill me if you can,” Max said, taunting him.

Like a flock of birds, the fleet moved as one. They abandoned their course for New York and gave chase. Every ship fired at once. Max’s flew to the side, up and down, and avoided as many of the hits as possible but still the shield was hit a lot.

Max did fire back. He dropped shard after shard of crystal from his ship that acted like mines and took out twenty of Kivar’s three thousand ships. Barely a scratch to Kivar given the sheer power just one of his ships had. Over the oceans, Max lead Kivar on a chase over the entire globe. From the water they came to the land of flew over city after city. On that day, it appeared that the entire planet was covered with lighting storms from the weapons fired.

“I hope this works,” Michael said.

“It’ll work. Are the Elders ready?” Max asked.

“They’re ready,” Liz said.

“Then let’s do this,” Max said.

Max hit a control and the ship flew directly up toward space. Kivar followed, as if he wouldn’t. In seconds they were on the verge of crossing out of the atmosphere and in that moment of friction where their image was disrupted on Kivar’s screens, Max fired into the atmosphere and saturated it with harmless radiation.

For a moment, Kivar lost sight of his enemy. He continued onward on the same course and chased relentlessly. As he appeared in space, he found Max was gone.

What he hadn’t seen, thanks to the disruption was Max immediately coming to a full stop and moving around the planet slightly. Once in position, Kivar’s fleet left the planet and flew right passed them. In the same moment, the Elders fired upon the fleet from Earth while Max let loose with every weapon he had onboard at Kivar’s flagship.

The shields absorbed the energy, but only to a point. Soon they began to fail and by the time they knew what was happening, they had sustained too much damage to fire back. Their ships began to explode in blinding light. Max didn’t stop firing, not until he could see Kivar’s ship in chunks.

With Kivar’s fleet falling to the ground all over the planet, and the power being back on, word quickly spread over the news wires. The lone ship that brought down the three thousand was big news and there wasn’t a media outlet in a major city that didn’t have footage of the battle over their little spot on the globe.

By the time the ship returned to Roswell and landed in the park the citizens had started a party, a huge party. There wasn’t anyone in town that hadn’t turned out. They all made a space in the park when the ship hovered above and slowly descended to the ground. The door opened and the crowd cheered.

With each leaving the ship, the teenagers were accosted by a thousand handshakes and pats on the back. Half the food in town was brought out, cooked and feasted upon. Max, Liz and the others were given seats of honour on a table brought specifically from the Mayor’s house for them and their families.

As Maria looked out over the crowd, she remembered fully the ways of Atrula Kantis that this new city now carried as its legacy.

“Liz, you do realise we’ve effectively made the world’s biggest nudist colony?” Maria asked.

Liz just smiled before she kissed Max and let her hand roam over his pants. Maria shook her head and smiled, nudist was a little bit of a stretch anyway. It was clothing-optional. Liz couldn’t care less; of course she knew it would take time before their influence would spread over the entire city, but to return to the old ways was something her body yearned for. Besides there was a part of herself that was glad for the delay because that would be an awkward day when they returned to school without it.

Day turned to night and as the moon rose over the mountain that the Elders raised to contain the radiation, they watched as a marine helicopter flew over the town and carried the President back to Washington. The shield remained on, at least for now until things settled down. However, with the president’s departure, Larek emerged.

Kivar had been beaten, his corpse lay burning in his ship in the heart of Yellowstone and his influence was gone. No Antarian would ever be controlled and his bloodline was gone. Max’s thoughts permeated his race and from now on they were bonded through the Granolith. Their baser, violent, instincts were ordered.

“Majesty,” Larek said with a bow.

“I’m not going back to Antar, Larek,” Max said.

“But Majesty...”

“Larek, this is my home. I’m not leaving my family and Liz can’t leave here,” Max said.

“No, she has her own people to rule. As do you,” Larek said.

“The difference is I can be in two places at once. I’m always with our people and they’re always with me. The Granolith is a permanent link between us. I know you can feel it,” Max said.

“Yes, I can,” Larek said.

“Through the Granolith I’ll always be in contact with the Council and everyone else. We won’t be apart,” Max said.

“Very well. Then I will return to Antar and await your word,” Larek said.

Larek walked away, he separated his ship from Max’s and returned home but the blast shook the ground. The people grew concerned when Larek was out of range but the ground continued to shake. For a moment they thought someone was cutting into the crust of the planet again.

Max and Liz ran to the shield where they found the Elders standing around the shield bubble and smashing their weapons into the ground with ship force that the land quaked. The leader walked around the city, touching each of his people on the forehead before he went full circle and turned to the start.

“What are you all doing?” Isabel asked.

“Combining our knowledge, creating our final legacy,” the leader said.

He held up his hand and four beams of light shot out into the foreheads of Liz, Maria, Alex and Kyle. From them the beams passed to their families and from them out to the descendants of Atrula Kantis who passed it to the other residents of Atrula Roswell. Their ancient knowledge spread throughout their population where, in time, it would be harness and focussed by their four young leaders.

The Elder smiled at them before he turned to face the horizon with his people and together they began to change into stone.

“What the?” Michael asked.

“Elders have power but that power is as much them as it is theirs to use. If they expend too much they can’t live,” Liz said.

“The last time too much was used to seed the other worlds. Those few that remained went into stasis if they were ever needed and now they’ve used the last of their power. They knew this would happen the moment they arrived,” Alex said.

In moments, they were statues. The Elders stood in a perfect circle around the city as monuments to their race as their legacy continued to become one with the Roswellians. No one in town would ever forget their people, not with their remains standing for all time.

It took nearly three months for the panic and fear on the streets to die down. All the while, Roswell’s shield remained active just in case but after a while Liz decided that a show of good faith was needed and shut it down. Even then, the smart people kept their distance. Only the occasional stunt from college student trying to scale the statues outside the town happened – a situation that was met with severe punishment given what the statues were.

By the fourth month, construction was well underway to repair the damage done by Kivar’s fleet but every nation wanted a piece of the city. They felt it was their right, after all it was the Roswellians and their situation that brought Kivar here. The teenagers didn’t stand for that and made sure that but were diplomatic in their approach. They called for a meeting at the U.N between the ambassadors and themselves.

Max convinced Liz not to send everyone so it was only the two of them who went. No other security force could be trusted, so a small contingent of Antarians arrived to join with the descendants of Atrula Kantis to provide protection. They took Max’s ship and parked it on top of the U.N building itself. They used that as their place to stay between negotiation sessions.

The days were long and arduous. More than a few times they imagined themselves punching their fists through the walls. They had only one goal, the protection of their people and everything they had. They had a pretty good bargaining position, they had infinite power reserves and a shield to keep everyone else out. They could isolate themselves from the rest of the world and let them deal with their own problems whether they were from among humanity or from the stars.

Max and Liz took great delight in reminding them of that little fact when the ambassadors became too stubborn for their own good.

Everything came to a head when an agent from North Korea came to Roswell. He walked in the back alleys, staying out of sight and attempted to get into the computes of the city. Maria knew he was there long before he even crossed the line of statues and kept an eye on him. She successfully distracted him by using her mojo on him and putting the agent into a permanent state of horniness so long as he was in town. The man couldn’t do anything, his mind couldn’t focus and he couldn’t do anything to relive the tension in his pants. It was that way he was found by Sheriff Valenti who carted him off and tossed him out of town.

Before he was evicted, everything was taken from his mind. Isabel and Tess learned everything about him and passed the information on to Max and Liz. The resulting demonstration of power took out North Korea’s government, military commanders and all their equipment. Only the people were left to clean up the mess.

It resulted in a quick resolution. Roswell became an independent state, a country all by itself with a perimeter around it where no military units or equipment was allowed. Any FBI, New Mexico State Police or anyone official who wanted to enter the city, needed to hold their position at the border of the city and wait for permission. Max and Liz decided to forgo the need for passports. They were to be left alone.

In exchange, Roswell would protect Earth from any power from above and act as truly neutral mediators for disputes between nations. Any unprovoked attack was to be put down. Above all though, the world wanted to learn what the people of Roswell knew. They certainly weren’t just going to hand it over just like that. So the young rulers told them about the unique abilities of Liz, Maria, Alex and Kyle. They told them that their knowledge came from a stimulation of genes and mental ability through sex and Alex’s little gravity manipulation.

It could be used on the rest of the world, thanks to the Granolith’s enhancements, but they’d really have to want it. Given the myriad of beliefs of their own sense of morality, doctrine and laws, Max and Liz knew it would take a long time for them to finally decide on that one.

Eventually though, a treaty was signed and sent to all capitals including Roswell.

The teens bred like rabbits. Over the past six years the girls were almost constantly pregnant thanks to their enhanced sex drives. After the last batch of twins, they swore they’d take a break for a few years and to that end Isabel and Tess worked their magic on the inside of themselves and the other girls just inhibit their fertility for a while. The guys did the same, just to be safe.

Max and Liz’s eldest daughter, Cassie, tossed and turned in her bed. Three nights constant she felt her skin crawl. Her abilities kicked in when she was five and she knew there was something wrong and tonight it was coming. She looked out of her window and saw a shimmering light descend from the clouds and land on the large mountain not too far from her city. Within minutes she felt it again. She turned quickly as a shadow passed over her bedroom wall.

A noise scratched at the walls, a rapid clicking sound tapped on the floor and all around her the shadow swept until it slid under her bed. Quickly the little girl grabbed her Roswell-Grey doll, jumped from her bed and ran down the hall, passed her brothers and sisters rooms to their parents.

She walked up to their bed. Max and Liz lay in bed, both pressed up against each other under the sheets as the stars glimmered against their skin.

“Hi Cassie, what’s wrong?” Max asked.

“Daddy, there’s a monster under my bed,” she said.

Both mother and father opened their eyes wide as they remembered Max’s dream from all those years ago. “I’d almost forgotten,” Max said.

“Do you want me to...” Liz asked.

“We’ll both go,” Max said.

Together both climbed out of bed and grabbed their robes. Normally they wouldn’t have but there was a particular chill in the night air this evening. They went with their daughter into her room and looked around. Liz walked up to a small panel by the door and rested her hand on it. A small circle surrounded them and a massive electrical pulse shot through the walls, ceiling and floor. Everywhere in the room was affected except within the circle.

The wailing screech of the grey alien manta ray cried out and Liz removed her hand from the panel. The alien crawled out from under the bed with small amounts of steam rising from its body.

“Slan of the Kurs,” Max said.

Slan’s eye looked up at Max and moved to Liz before looking back at the king. “Antar emperor you know Slan?” it asked.

“Because my little girl can see through time and sent me a warning about this,” Max said.

“Now,” Liz said. She knelt down on one knee by Slan and grabbed hold of the long stalk that held its eye. “What the hell are you doing in my daughter’s room?”

“Word that humans are Elders heirs reached us. Antar king taken human mate, claimed humans. Forbidden. We will mate humans too,” Slan said.

“No one has claimed anyone. I’m married to Max, that’s it,” Liz said.

“And if you even think about trying to take my daughter...” Max said.

“Slan will take child. She will grow among us, take Kurs as mate. Kurs will get human power and Antar power,” Slan said.

Liz quickly clenched down on the eye-stalk and dug her fingernails in. The creature screamed before she released it. “Really bad idea,” she said.

Liz walked up to the comm. link in the room and sent a message. Two minutes later there was an explosion on the mountain. Slan’s eye moved to the window and saw the blast coming from where his ship was parked.

“You aren’t going anywhere. But don’t worry, we’ve taken off one of your life-pods. You’ll get into that and we’ll have Max’s people drop you off. If you’re lucky it might just be in your pod’s range of your homeworld,” Liz said.

“Who any of my daughters marry will be their choice...after I do a complete background check on him...but anyway, it wont be with someone who sneaks into their bedroom to try and abduct her,” Max said.

“As of now this planet if off limits to your people. You come back, we’ll deal with it,” Liz said.

“Oh Slan will return. Will come back when she is of age. Slan will take her then,” it said.

“No. You’ll go boom,” Cassie said.

“Couldn’t have said it better myself,” Liz said.

Slan shook its tale like a rattlesnake. It curled back and leapt through the air. Max thrust out his hand and his power tossed the other alien back against the wall so hard that several of its bones cracked. Max kept pushing and pushing until Liz put her hand on his shoulder. It calmed him.

Slan fell to the floor in a clump. Max grabbed its tail and dragged it from the room leaving Liz alone to put their daughter back to bed. He allowed the alien to have some medical attention, he wasn’t going to heal it himself, before he had his people take the alien to its pod. As they promised, the alien was dumped into space where it was eventually picked up by its people.

Now sixteen years old, Cassie pushed open her bedroom door and slammed it behind her. She marched over to her window and looked out before taking a deep breath. Seconds later Jack, Michael and Maria’s eldest son, damn near shattered her door when he pushed it open.

“What the hell is your problem?” Jack asked.

“Me? You make it a habit of walking into girl’s rooms uninvited?” Cassie asked.

Jack looked around, “You’ve never had problems with that before,” he said.

“Things have changed since then,” Cassie said.

“Since yesterday?” Jack asked.

“Yes, since last night,” Cassie said.

“Oh. Oh! I thought you liked it. I know I did,” Jack said.

“I loved it,” Cassie said.

“Then what the hell has been with you today? This morning you woke up...I thought you’d have that smile all day. It barely lasted an hour,” Jack asked.

“So did I. That was one hell of a birthday present,” Cassie said.

“Cassie, you know how I feel about you. That hasn’t changed. Just talk to me,” Jack said.

“I had a vision,” Cassie said.

“You always have visions,” Jack said.

“This one...we were...we were making love...and you died,” Cassie said.

“Say what now?” Jack asked.

“Your throat was slit. It was one of the Kurs, I think it was that Slan thing,” Cassie said.

He moved up behind her and gently stroked her arms before wrapping his own around her securely. “That little slug? He’s tried to get you for years. He’s not going to kill me and he’s not getting you,” Jack said.

Jack leaned down and started to kiss her neck and Cassie gasped. She turned around and the two kissed while they started to undress each other. Soon they were on her bed. Cassie straddled Jack and was slowly raising and lowering herself on his hard dick. Together they caressed and stroked each other. Jack’s hands roamed over her young breasts and tweaked her nipples between his fingers.

Cassie’s hands ran over his arms and up to his hands. He released her breasts and they pressed their palms together before interlocking their fingers. Her hips rocked and Jack thrust up gently. Each breath was a gasp and grunt of pleasure.

Just then, Max walked into the room.

“Hi you two. How’s things?” Max asked.

“Getting...very better,” Cassie said.

Neither of the young lovers even considered stopping. Things had changed quite a bit in the last sixteen years and damned near everyone were much more open.

“I’ll say,” Jack said.

“Something up?” Cassie asked.

“Just checking on something. The city detected something and we’re checking it out,” Max said.

With that, Max walked over to the bed. Jack and Cassie looked at each other with a questioning glance and paused their gyrations while her dad reached under the bed. There was a screech and Max dragged a Kurs out from under the bed by its eyestalk.

“What the...?” Cassie asked.

“We picked up their fleet a minute or so ago. We’ll day with this, you two don’t worry and go back to do what you were doing,” Max said.

Max continued to drag the alien. The teenagers smiled at each other and in seconds, Jack rolled Cassie onto her back. She wrapped her legs around him and he began to push into her.

In the hall, their moans continued to echo around and Max picked up the alien and pushed it into the wall.

“I told you once. Hiding under my daughter’s bed...not a good thing,” Max said.

“We will have girl.” Slan said.

“She’s made her choice and one day so will my other kids. You just don’t want to learn. So, we’ve made a demonstration ready to go,” Max said.

Max tossed the alien toward the hallway window. They watched as bright beams of light bounced off each building before streaming up into space.

High in orbit, the Antarian fleet arrived and kept position in the same orbit of the moon. They stayed just close enough to watch and prevent the Kurs fleet from fleeing. From Roswell, sweeping beams ran over hostile ships and sliced them open. Dozens of pods from each ship was ejected and scooped up by the Antarians.

As for Slan, his second chance was up. By the time Jack was cumming inside his girlfriend, he was locked in a cell deep beneath the city. A cell that emitted energy that kept him completely immobile. He couldn’t move so much as to blink his eyelid. There he was left and forgotten about for many years.

Max returned to his wife. Liz sat at the council room wearing very little as usual like the others. He kissed her and took her hand before walking her down the hall for their own enjoyment.

“I have some news for you,” Liz whispered in his ear while he kissed all over her.

“Oh yeah? Naughty or nice?” Max asked.

“Just good news and a little interesting as well,” Liz said.

“I’m listening,” Max said.

“Well one: You’re going to be a father again,” Liz said.

Max looked into her eyes with a smile. “Really?”

Liz nodded.

“And two. According to Maria, Jack has inherited her little sex trick gift, and he doesn’t even know it. In fact, Maria felt him using it just now. He’s with the girl he truly belongs with. We’re going to be grandparents sooner than we thought,” Liz said.

The End.