Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 24/8/11 chpt 21 [WIP]

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Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 5/29/09 Chpt 10 p.10

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone!

Eve- Oh I forgot to answer your question before. Liz's family are just staying for a bit at her and Max's house. Hopefully they will leave.


Chapter 10

From the pit of her stomach, she knew something was wrong. Her fear had fluctuated with time and she helplessly went back and forth on checking her phone and the window. The eerie silence was scaring her and she felt coldness around her.

That feeling of trepidation was growing bigger by the minute.

Her family were hungry and she had made dinner for them with the fear drumming in her heart. They were too busy filling their stomachs to notice but Serena perfectly understood that now Liz would always be restless and miserable so she ate to her heart's content.

"Liz, you should eat." Her mother said, noticing her daughter was just prodding the food with her fork.

"Max isn't here." Liz frowned. Usually Max and her would dine together. It was an innate rule that they both felt, actually it was more of a habit they both gotten used to.

Without one another, it just didn't feel right. Liz's appetite was hidden with her husband's absence. She lowered her eyes to the gleaming sprouts which were under a canopy of thick luscious gravy before sticking her fork in it and lifting it to her hesitant lips.

After consuming the sprout, Liz started to feel guilt. She just didn't enjoy eating without Max. "Sis, you need to eat." Drew urged. "Cuz this food is yummy,"

"Yes Liz." Serena added. "Your cooking is amazing, really."

Liz looked at the food on her plate again. Did she really have to force herself to go through the torment of eating without her husband?

"It's going to get cold." Her mother said. "Eat it."

The doorbell rang and Liz sighed in relief. "I'll go and see who it is." She wiped her mouth with the napkin and left abruptly to answer the door.

"Micheal?" Her family could hear her voice from down the hallway.

A few minutes later, Liz burst into tears and fell into Michael’s arms; the whole family came rushing at them at once to find out what was going on.

Serena slowly trotted into the entrance hall after everyone, trying her best to hide her smirk. "Liz, what happened?" Jeff asked his eldest daughter who was crying her eyes out in another man's arms.

Nancy thought it was rather strange for Liz to be so intimate with another man who happened to be friends with her husband. "Max.." Liz sobbed. "He's in jail." Liz said the last words as she looked directly at her sister.


"I told you he was bad." Jeff said, pacing up and down in the police station. He looked at Liz who was still shaking in Michael’s arms. "Look at what kind of monster you married! He's a fucking rapist! God knows if he touched my little girl when she was under age." Jeff snapped angrily.

"I shall have him done for statuary rape and all the other kinds of rape out there!"

"Jeff, please stop." Nancy begged. It was so hurtful for her to hear that her precious girl was raped, especially by her son in law whom she had trusted.

"Max isn't a rapist." Micheal growled, fed up with these people who thought they knew Max better then Liz and himself.

Liz didn't say anything and just sat there, with Michael’s arm draped around her shoulders as she cried silently. Micheal didn't know what to assume with her silence. No one knew what inner turmoil Liz was going through.

To find out that her little sister had actually claimed to have sexual relations with her own brother in law was mortifying. Her parents believed that she was grieving for her sister who was wronged while Micheal hoped for the opposite.

Jim walked out of the interrogation room with Serena who was pale. "I've taken down Serena's statement." He said to them. "It looks like a serious case of rape. We also need to test Serena with a rape kit and-"

Micheal lost his temper and snapped. "Max isn't a rapist!" He told the sheriff as a matter of fact. "He would never touch this bitch-" Micheal glanced angrily at Serena and resumed his argument. "With a twenty foot pole even with gloves on. So he won't stick himself inside the bitch. He loves Liz too much to betray her."

Liz's parents gasped at Michael’s words. Serena was wide eyed at Micheal. "How dare you-" Jeff wanted to punch Micheal so bad but Liz blocked him from doing so.

"Dad, please." Liz said weakly.

"He will stick up for his best friend sheriff." Nancy said to Jim. "It's pure instinct."

"Oh please." Micheal rolled his eyes. "Like you're not doing it for your medusa of a daughter." He pointed at Serena. "Who is the culprit herself,” Micheal spat, wishing he would able to spit in Serena's ugly face. He hated the sight of her.

"That's enough." Jim said, hoping he didn't have to arrest a guy like Micheal as well.

"She's a whore." Micheal accused Serena "God knows who she slept with but it wasn't Max, not even if Hell freezes over." Micheal laughed. "You wish bitch!"

Liz held Micheal back. "Don't Micheal." She was worried that Jim may arrest Micheal and she couldn't afford to endure another heartbreak.

Micheal understood Liz's feelings and calmed down. "I'm sorry but I will make sure justice happens." He said and looked at Liz. In a softer tone, he asked her. "Are you going to be okay?"

Liz nodded and sniffed. "I think so."

Micheal hugged her. Jeff and Nancy turned their eyes away in disgust. They would need to scold Liz later for being so intimate with another man. Jeff was raged that Liz was behaving like a whore. He blamed Max for being a bad influence on Liz.

"I'll go and get some help." Micheal said, backing away. "Call me if you need me."

Liz nodded. "Thanks."

Nancy turned to Liz. "You possibly can't think about defending Max Evans?"

"He's my husband." Liz said bluntly. "I know him." She added.

"He raped your sister." Jeff scoffed. "He raped Serena under your own roof. How the hell did you know him?"

Liz rolled her eyes and looked at Jim. "Can I see him?"

Jim was perplexed for a moment. Should he let the husband and wife meet? He didn't know who was right but in that room with Serena, everything felt like Max was indeed the bad Serena broke down as she showed him her wounds from the rape.

But on the other hand, Liz...the wife had those eyes which held a lot of pain and Jim was taken aback. He would not come between a husband and wife usually.

"Yes." Jim nodded. "You may."

Liz forced a small smile and Jim handed Serena over to his deputy for proceedings while he lead Liz toward the cells where Max was kept in. On seeing her husband, Liz darted towards the bars he was behind and let the tears flow freely. Max began to shed his own tears when he saw his wife and how much pain she was enduring.

Gripping the gritty bars with her fingers, it looked like that Liz was trying to pry them apart. "No Liz." Max croaked, putting his warm fingers over hers. "I'll be ok."

Liz shook her head. "How can you when you're not with me?"

She was right. Max would not be okay without her. "You dwell in my heart Liz." Max told her. "You're keeping me alive very moment, every second. The thought of you makes me alive."

Liz leaned towards him, placing her forehead against the bars. Their breaths mingled together as they both took harsh breaths. "I don't know what is happening." Liz said. "They say you raped Serena."

She didn't want to admit it; the bitter opinions of everyone against her husband. Yet she didn't want to go against her family and become distant from them. She was torn between her husband and them.

Max was always there for her. They were too, a little. Max gave her love. They gave her hardship.

No, she would not play with the sides. She had to know the truth and fight for justice. When she looked into Max's eyes, she saw his love for her and that made her feel warm.

Closer and closer they both got until their lips met. Max was happy to feel his wife again, touching her, kissing and caressing her even with the restriction of the bars.

Liz opened her mouth and let her husband slide his tongue in her mouth. She slowly sucked on his tongue, easing the pain slowly away.

When the kiss was becoming more heated and sexually fogged, Liz abruptly pulled away leaving them both disappointed. Their lips were red and swollen, a sign usually before they consummated again. "I'm sorry." Liz apologised. "Maybe if you have never met me...if I hadn't walked into that building that day then maybe you would never have suffered in the first place." Liz shook her head and released her grip on the bars.

Max was scared of not seeing her again. "You know the truth Liz. Having you in my life was a blessing from god."

Unable to say goodbye, Liz slowly backed away with longing in her eyes to be reunited with him again. Max sobbed as he watched his wife leave him in the cold.

"I love you." He mouthed to her just before she left.


Kyle lifted the box up and wondered what it kept inside. He had no idea that this box was in his house and he had a hard time opening it. Tess, his wife entered the room and noticed he had just opened the box which she had forgotten to burn before.


Kyle took out some weird looking objects from the box and looked at his wife. “Is this some alien thingy?”

Of course, Tess had told her human husband about her alien status. Surprisingly his love for her didn’t change. Kyle was cool about Tess being a Martian. It somehow brought them closer, to share a deep secret together.

Tess ran to his side and ripped the stuff out of his hands before dropping it back into the box again. “We need to burn this.” She told him. “It causes a lot of trouble.”

“Would you mind telling me what it is?” Kyle asked.

She looked at him for a moment and thought of how to answer him. But their son started to cry and he excused himself to go and pacify their crying baby son. Tess turned her attention back on the box.

Somehow, the stuff inside it beckoned her not to burn it. She had a feeling that it would prove useful someday.
Last edited by Hunter on Fri May 29, 2009 5:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 6/10/09 Chpt 11 p.12

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


Jessah (x2) - Thanks for the bump Jessah! :D

Chapter 11

Maria, who was staying behind at the lab decided to start her secret project. Most of the lab staff had cleared up and left, leaving her the keys to lock up after she finished. Gleefully happy that she was alone in the lab, Maria cut a thin slice of the purple ginger and placed it on a slide before examining it under a

What she saw was purple cells. “Okay..we have the membrane, the nucleus. Cytoplasm, chloroplast and the vacuole.” She murmured to herself. She zoomed in with the microscopic lenses and gasped. “What in the world?”

The cells began to divide, glow and move around. Some cells began to contract and expand or the opposite. It started to hurt Maria’s eyes.

Maria took a step back and was shocked.

There was another microscope with a slide which looked exactly the same from the original one.

“Duplication.” She whispered.


When Liz got home, she fumbled with her keys and it took her several attempts to actually find the right key and unlock the front door. How could she focus when the whole of her sordid family were bickering over the Max and Serena situation? Liz was so mad that she wanted to punch something or someone in particular.

Jeff hadn't shut his mouth up and began to irritate his eldest daughter even when they had gotten in the house. "That Max Evans must be hanged. A rapist can never be trusted, he must have raped so many-"

"Dad will you stop it?" Liz hissed, finally some of her resistance was wearing down.

"Don't tell me you believe me." Her father snarled. "Oh wait, he's your husband. He literally owns you."

"He's mine and I'm his." Liz stood there proud and tall. "That is the relationship of a husband and wife, dad. I thought you knew that but your case you've had all the power and mom was too scared to say anything."

"Now that's not true-" Nancy tried to intervene, scared that Jeff may begin to yell at her in front of her children.

"The hell it is!" Liz snapped.

"You're just mad because you were never the perfect daughter like my Serena." Jeff snorted. "Serena was the golden child and you're the black sheep of the family Liz. You're the one who married a stranger who happened to be a rapist." He pointed out. "You don't just marry some random strangers who you meet one day Liz. And to have gotten married to that rapist on the day of just meeting him was stupid. So you are a stupid idiot and you deserve all the shit in the world." He yelled .

"So I'm the black sheep now?" Liz laughed. "You take money of my husband behind my back and then crash at our house because you felt like it." She yelled back.

Jeff coward. "How did you know?" He told Max not to tell Liz about the money thing.

"My husband never lies to me or keeps secrets until now." Liz heaved. "I didn't know how much danger was coming towards his way."

"He is a rap-"

"Dad please." Serena finally spoke up. "We have to stop repeating ourselves. It's not Liz's fault her husband..."

"Serena..." Jeff said softly and then looked at Liz. "See, Serena loves you so much."

"You have to divorce Max, Liz." Nancy said. "It will not look good if you stay with him."

"Mom, Dad...I will need time to think." Liz said slowly. "But I won't do anything drastic like sign divorce papers."

"Liz you need to get away from him." Serena croaked. "He raped me, he...I need to tell you everything first and then you can make up your mind."

"NO, she's leaving him." Jeff snarled. "I'm going to see to it that she get's rid off that Max."

"He's not good for her."

"I have to tell people how stupid my eldest daughter was to marry a guy like Max."

"Get out." Liz snapped. "Get the fuck out of my house and don't come back!" Liz screamed at her parents and ushered them to the door.

Serena was about to leave with her parents but Liz quickly ordered her to pack their parents things and throw them out. Serena who cursed under her breath, went and packed up her stuff along with her parents things.

"Serena, we need to talk." Liz held Serena back after throwing out her parents stuff.

Jeff swore at Liz and told her she was making a big mistake but Liz locked the door and dragged her sister to the living room. She could still hear her father screaming from outside but she chose to ignore him and put up an invisible force field around the house so no sound was heard and her house was protected.

"Serena.." Liz tried to be patient with her sister.

"He did rape me Liz." Serena said with conviction.

Liz sighed. "Know that I know Max, I know my own husband Serena. He doesn't have the mind of a rapist."

"He didn't do it on purpose." Serena cut in. "We...well we sort of fell in love."

That was a blow to Liz's heart. Serena smirked at the sharp intake of breath from her sister. "You fell in love with my husband?" Liz felt the bile rise to her stomach.

"He courted me behind your back..." Serena gulped. "I know it was wrong but god..I was stupid and naive, I thought he really loved me. I tried so hard Liz, I did try and push him away."

"But you never when you got in bed with him." Liz laughed bitterly. "You had sex with him?"

"I'm sorry but yes. We did make love often." Serena nodded. "He was my first."

Liz sighed sharply and looked away. Serena thought she was going to move away but instead, Liz balled up a fist and gave Serena a good bone blowing punch to the jaw. The next thing she knew that she was lying on the floor from shock after Liz had gave her a very hard punch.

"Ow you bitch!" Serena struggled to get up on the floor as she rubbed her sore jaw. "What was that for?"

"You're breaking my heart." Liz snapped.

"Well it's the truth. I fucked your husband and when I realised my mistake, he FUCKED me!" Serena bellowed enough to get another punch from Liz.

Serena staggered backwards and rolled over the floor. She was so mad she started to take swings at Liz. She hit Liz a couple of times and grabbed her silky hair in a bid to ruin it. She knew Max adored Liz's hair, a physical trait that she longed for as her hair was no where as beautiful as Liz's natural intact hair.

Liz elbowed her sisters stomach and then slapped her face till she was back on the ground. Liz straddled Serena and began to punch her. "You bitch! You live in my house and you play with my heart!" Liz sobbed violently. "Why! WHY! WHY SERENA?!"

Serena managed to push Liz off her and grabbed a vase, smashed it and then pointed it towards Liz. "Don't blame me for your husband's mistake. He wanted me, he got me and now he's paying the price of his sins."

"Maybe you should to." Liz wiped the blood of her lip. "You went behind my back, you're my sister and you...with your own brother in could you?"

"I thought he never loved you. I thought he married you out of pity because you were some deranged lonely Cinderella." Serena spat. "But I was wrong. He married you because he could get me through you. You'd never suspect your little sister and your husband at it." Serena seethed. "But no, you always see his side of the story and never mine, I'm your own sister damn it. Can't you see things through my point of view."

Liz laughed. "I did but guess what? Your point of view is biased. You're selfish that it can't even compare with others. You put yourself first so maybe you should suffer first."

"Liz, he raped me." Serena repeated. "He forced himself on me when I didn't want him to." She cried. "Why can't you believe me!" With that, she threw the broken face at Liz who dodged out of the way so that it hit the wall and smashed to pieces.

Serena broke down in sobs.

Liz stood there stunned. Never had she thought she would have to see this day.

"Get out." She hissed. "I never want to see your face again."

Serena sobbed and walked towards her sister. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." Serena opened her arms to hug her big sister.

Liz flinched but didn't move as Serena wrapped her arms around her and hugged her.

"No." Liz said in a strangled voice as Serena wept against her.

Then the tears came and Liz began to sob.


Isabel knew something was wrong and Liz wasn't telling her anything. She had dropped her little brother Drew at her place and Isabel swore Liz looked like someone ripped her heart out or something.

Drew had kept his silence and never uttered a word to Isabel. He knew something happened with Max but not the exact details. The grown ups always hid things from him and it irked him.

"Listen, I'm going to call your sister Liz and see if you can either stay here all night or go back home." Isabel asked and Drew nodded.


Isabel dialled the number and waited until she reached to the voicemail. As soon as she was about to hang up, Liz picked up and answered in a shaky breath. "Isabel I need you."


Maria drove like a crazy maniac on the road. She couldn't wait to tell Liz this, about her amazing discovery at the lab. It was beyond human terms, The thing was just a noble prize winner; she could see it. If she had any claim to fame, it would be her discovery. But first, Liz had to know. She always shared things with Liz.

A truck got in her way well enough for her to press the horn and stick her head out of the open window. "Get off the road you stupid fool!"

The truck changed lanes and Maria sped up. She cut three red lights but hopefully she would get away with the law like last time since her mother happened to be very good friends with the cops.

Reaching at Liz and Max's place, Maria pull up at the driveway and jumped out of her car as soon as she turned the engine off. Grabbing the bottle of the ginger and the box of the two microscopes, she walked towards the front porch and rang the bell.

Several seconds later, Liz answered it.

"Liz, you have to see this." Maria said as she stepped into the house.

Liz shut the door and turned around to follow Maria into the lounge. Maria walked into the lounge and put the stuff down and looked at Liz. She stopped her usual cheery chat as she noticed Liz's bleeding lip and her tired red puffy eyes.


Maria pulled Liz towards her and Liz began to shake. "What happened Liz?" Maria asked.

Unable to answer, Isabel who was in the room stood up. Maria noticed tears in Isabel's eyes too. "What is the matter?"

"Max...he's arrested for rape." Isabel wept.


He hid behind the tree as he watched from afar. He shouldn't have been spying on them but he was compelled to since Serena's knowledge of the truth had interested him. What had she done about it? What was her next step?

He was vaguely aware of the situation with Liz and her family and about Max being arrested.

Shaking his head, he cursed Serena and himself.

Two innocent people were suffering because of Serena's selfishness and he was partially to blame as he had posed as Max.

He was about to leave until he heard a voice behind him. "What the hell are you doing here?"
Last edited by Hunter on Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 6/16/09 Chpt 12 p.13

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


A/N: This is Serena or how much I've pictured her to look like, I've edited her picture by putting on a pair of brown eyes on it. Click on the link below if you wanna see her. :)


Chapter 12

Max woke up in the early hours of the night, the bleak morning rays filtered through the gaps of the metal bars which were firmly fixed before the tiny window. From down the hall, someone was screaming in pain which pierced his ears.

Max sat up in the bunk and watched the cold lonely room in pain and hunger. He missed her too much. Leaning against the wall, he took deep breaths. He would get through this. This was just for a short period of time. They would know he was innocent, wouldn't they?

His eyes darted back and forth from each nook and cranny of the dark room until they stopped onto a young girl with red hair.

It was her.


"Why are you here?" His voice was firm and angry.

Her dark brown eyes were deceptive and nothing like Liz's pure innocent ones. These eyes were beady and full of sin. "I missed seeing you around." Was her reply.

Max scoffed. "Don't." He warned by looking away from her.

He told himself she wasn't real but just a figment of his imagination; Serena was just a troublemaker even through hallucinations. That's right, he was hallucinating right now.

"You are the one behind bars Max. You can only get yourself out on one condition."

Suddenly she was right in front of his face that he had to look at her.

With his silence, she answered and pressed an index finger between his eyes. "You have to be mine."


Liz dragged herself out of bed first thing in the morning and checked herself in the mirror. She did look awful. Her eyes were droopy and red from all the crying while she looked pale. She was an emotional wreck.

Leaning against the basin, Liz turned on the faucet and threw cold water on her face. After brushing her teeth and taking a shower, she threw on some clothes and met Isabel and Maria in the kitchen.

"Morning Liz."

Maria and Isabel stayed behind for Liz who was eternally grateful for them. Both of them had worked together to make breakfast while Liz plopped lifelessly onto a chair. "Morning." Her voice was low and flat.

However both Isabel and Maria tried to keep the light in their conversations. "I made you ginger tea." Maria smiled and set the mug down before Liz. "It's your favorite."

"And I made a fry up." Isabel grinned while she rolled the sausages over in the fry pan.

Liz smiled a little. "You guys are spoiling me so bad."

"It's what friends do." Maria smiled. "Now go on, drink up."

Liz forced the ginger tea down her throat and felt sick all of a sudden, she held her breath trying to hold it down but it was like a dam ready to burst any second. She shot up from her chair, ran to the ground floor toilet, flipped the seat up and bent down before heaving.

Isabel turned the heat off and removed the pan from the cooker as Maria ran after Liz then she followed them into the toilet. Maria held Liz's hair back while she emptied her stomach.

Tears were stinging Liz's eyes after it was over and Isabel handed her a glass of fresh cold water which Liz was more then happy to gulp down.

"Are you alright Liz?" A worried Maria asked.

Liz shook her head no and handed the glass back to Isabel. "Thanks."

"Looks like the fry up is off the menu then." Isabel said and then decided to go back in the kitchen.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Maria asked Liz softly.

Liz put a hand to her stomach. "I don't know Maria, I don't know."


Serena moaned as she felt his lips pressed against her heaving breasts; his hot breath on her skin was driving her crazy. Her sister was a lucky bitch to have him.

Now she knew how being in Max Evans' arms felt.

Her legs were firmly wrapped around his waist as they grinded into each other. Serena parted her lips and crashed them down onto his lips.

When she reached his zipper, he pushed her away and was dazed. "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?" She crawled up from the floor. "I want to have you inside me."

Now usually those words would turn him on, but if it was from his Liz; from anyone else especially Serena, it made him sick. She was trying to suffocate him with her tits and dry hump him at the same time. She did something to him he guessed which made his movements a little slow then usual.

"Get your own." He snapped. "Isn't that what you did before?"

Micheal was right about Serena, Max just wished he had listened to his friend before and dealt with the problem that was Serena. Now she was annoying him to the extent that he wanted to throttle her.

"Are you calling me a slut?" She perfectly knew what he was talking about.

"That's what you are though aren't you?"

Serena drew her hand back and tried to slap him. She would have slapped him if he hadn't caught her hands on time. "You keep your filthy hands to yourself." He growled.

"Fine, have it your way for now. I will be back Max..." She stepped back. "Oh if you want your wife to be happy, you will do as I say."

"I'd rather not."

"It concerns your wife Max."

Max wanted to yell; can't Serena leave Liz alone he thought? "What did my wife ever do to you that you are being a bitch to her?"

"She has everything that I ever wanted."

Max rolled his eyes. "You're pathetic."

"Max, you only have forty eight hours to decide. Liz is torn with you being in jail. If you agree to be mine, I will drop the charges and set you free," Serena said before disappearing into darkness.


"Don't call again!" Liz screamed down the phone before slamming it down on the receiver.

Her father kept calling to tell her what a rubbish house she shared with Max and how flawed they both were. He even told Liz to come back home to live her old life again but when Liz relented, he started to spew how much shameful she should be and that she would always be the black sheep of the family.

The only good thing he said was that she and Max were a match made in heaven. Liz's heart still beat for Max but she wasn't sure about anything anymore and needed more time to think. Max was her rock. Max was her soul mate. How could he be evil? She was sure Max wasn't.

She also didn't know if she would be able to see him today. She missed him terribly. Sitting in their lounge looking at their TV, Liz just missed him even more.

Liz shifted in her sitting position and her foot touched the box that was sitting in the corner, forgotten. "What's this?" Liz bent down to pick it up.

She hadn't seen this in her house before. Maria helped Liz opened the box and warned Liz not to touch anything inside. "Well I discovered something last night Liz." Maria put on latex gloves and pulled out to microscopes.


"Liz, last night at the lab...I only had one of these." Maria referred to the microscope. "But....putting that weird piece of ginger, it sort of made another one."

Liz's eyes were wide with surprise. "Are you telling me....?"

"Yes." Maria nodded. "It's exactly that."


"Max is innocent isn't he?" Drew whispered as Serena lay down on her bed.

Through her strands of red hair, she looked at Drew. "Yes."

"Why are you lying to the police?" Drew had heard his parents finally talk, that's how he became aware of the situation.

He really despised his sister Serena for being so deceptive and a sinful liar. "Because bitch, I want what I want and if I want, it will happen, do you get it?"

"You need to tell everyone the truth. Max never came onto you. He loves Liz."

Unable to take anymore, Serena jumped of the bed and pinned Drew to the floor. Using her ice powers, she formed the frost and spread it over his mouth to keep his lips sealed.

"You speak like that to me ever again, I will freeze you to death."

Drew's only answer was wide eyes with horror and a struggle to nod slightly in fear.


Kyle parked his car and waited for his little brother to come in. After he got in the car, they both looked at each other. "You still haven't answered my question you know."

"I'm sorry, I just can't." He shrugged

"Why not?!" Kyle demanded. "You were missing and then I find you outside someone's house obviously spying on them. So what are you some sort of stalker?"

"I have my life to live." His younger brother looked away from him.

"By stalking people?"

"I wasn't stalking, I was just...." He stopped and knew his brother was right because he was stalking. He had done that most of his life to achieve the one goal he wanted.

And he had but only to lose it all again. Everyone had suffered and he hated to admit that he was somehow at fault too. "Alright...I was stalking, my life is so fucked up that I've been reduced to stalk."

Kyle gasped. "You, my brother? A stalker? Why?"

"I had to see what I did to them. I helped someone break the most amazing couple ever." He laughed bitterly. "Only because I wasn't him."

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Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 7/4/09 Chpt 13 p.14

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


Carolyn: Serena does have ice powers, I thought those powers would suit her. Lol.
Carrie: Yes lol, a fry up must be a British term :D

Jan: Lol Jan! I thought it was dirty too, Serena's boobs being in Max's face lol :lol:

Chapter 13

Scrubbing the bathtub a little harder, Liz blew the loose strands of her chocolate hair out of her pale face, she sprayed more detergent on and scrubbed it a little harder until her fingers gave out. "Damn it!" Liz cursed and got up to rinse the bath out with water. She put the detergent away and disposed her gloves.

Nothing took her mind of the fact that Max was in jail for a serious crime. It crept back into her mind and she was driving herself insane right now.

If Max got convicted, she would be lost. Her family would never change and she would have no husband to be with. Her faith in people was diminishing at a torturous level.

She left the bathroom and fell onto her bed. The sheets still smelt of him. It had only been two days since she had been without him and her heart hurt like hell. The scent of her husband haunted her, it would never leave her alone. To be honest, she didn't want any trace of him to go. She wanted him here or whatever belonged to him.

She kissed the cotton sheets which she feared she would have to change at one point. It was the sheets they last made love on. Liz wasn't sure whether to listen to her head at the moment or her heart.

Max was a rapist. He raped her sister. He also had an affair with her sister.

It was wrong. Too wrong.

But a little voice in Liz's mind told her Max could not be that wrong. It was out of character for him.

The doorbell rang and compelled Liz to leave the comfort of her bed to answer it. It was the mailman. "Morning Parker." He handed her a bunch of letters.

"It's Mrs Evans." She asserted, he usually called her Mrs Evans.

"Erm, I think you might wanna drop that title since your husband is...."

"He's what? Absent for a few days?" Liz scoffed, alarmed at the shameless mailman.

"He's been branded a rapist Miss Parker, I would strongly advise you to change back to your original name and erase anything to do with him. It would be a shame to be connected to a paedo rapist."

Liz was furious, she saw red. "Listen whatever your name is, don't ever come knocking on my door to insult my husband, yes he might be in jail right now but that does not give you any excuse to taunt me about the unfortunate situation. I have enough shit to deal with! The last thing I need is the damn neighbourhood prying into my personal life!" She yelled at the frightened guy and slammed the door shut in his face.

She braced herself against the door and took a deep breath technique that Maria had taught her to lose stress. "I won't cry." Liz repeated back and forth. "Shit happens to everyone so I'll deal with it."

After a few seconds, she remained calm and ripped the envelope before reading her mother's handwritten letters. Of course her mother would do all the writing, her dad only seemed to do most of the talking.

Liz shredded the letter up to pieces and threw it in the bin. She dropped the other handwritten letters on the counter, unsure of reading them or leaving them.

Opening the fridge, she pulled out a piece of ginger that was sealed securely inside a sandwich bag. Maria had given her a piece and Liz had thought about it.

She had to find out the truth.


Serena paced up and down in her bedroom. "You know Drew, I always knew you were weak just like our big sister Liz."

Drew's tears were frozen with his sister's cold powers. She was making him suffer for no reason and he was afraid to think of what she could do to Liz.

"I should really kill you for being a brat." Serena folded her arms. "But I won't. That would raise suspicion on me and I can't lose my parents. I need them."

"What are you going to do?"

Serena smirked.

"What I have to do."


"You found my gingers?" Tess asked her brother in law.

He knew of her alien status which made him even more curious about her and what she had from her home planet. The teenager was sitting back on the sofa. "I hope you don't mind, I used a few." He yawned.

Tess nodded although she knew she should be scolding him for misusing her stuff. "Just promise me you won't do that again."

"I can't, I think lives depend on it." He said. "Please try and understand Tess."

"Isaac Valenti please!" Tess raised a hand. "I can't risk this alien stuff, not to the human race. You know that."

"Tess, I made a mess that I need to fix." The teenager was adamant.

Tess who was currently unaware of the situation decided to listen. "Fine, tell me about it. I'm all ears."


"Serena is that you because-" Max snapped again but he gasped.

The red haired wore a softer expression and her eyes were red and puffy. Was she crying? He was curious. "Max."

"I hate you for accusing me like this." Max growled. "You're killing my wife. I don't care if you tortured me however, but I can feel my wife's pain, I will avenge you for that Serena."

Her lips trembled as she touched the bars. "Do you really love me Max?"

Max raised an eyebrow. "You? I know I don't love Serena Parker. I can't say I hate her either but I do know is I feel pity for her. For you can only hate those you truly love."

She nodded and the tears slid down her cheeks. "What about our affair? When you slept with me a lot of times?"

"I never slept with you." Max scoffed in disbelief. "You know yourself we never were intimate or had sex. I only love Liz and I only make love to her. No one else came between us."

Max wondered if she hit her head or something, she was acting rather strange. But he continued the conversation anyway. "Listen, I don't know who the hell you slept with during the time but it sure as well wasn't me. I am sorry you are messed up but just please tell everyone the truth that you framed me."

"I framed you." It wasn't a question but a statement.

"I know you have to have me to feel good, I also know that you planned this whole thing so I would give in and make you feel better but if I agreed to the deal and became your lover, you will never have my heart. You won't win anyway so what is the point? Can't you just find someone else to love and leave me and your sister in peace?"

Her breath hitched. "The deal where you go with me and leave Liz alone to her misery?"

"Yes that deal."

"Then I drop all the charges?"

Max nodded.

"What is your answer?"

"Well since my time is now up with the extended period you gave me, I guess it has to be yes."

Her eyes grew wide.

"Serena, I will go with you."
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Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 7/22/09 Chpt 14 p.15

Post by Hunter »

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A/N: I should warn you that we have a suicidal Liz mentioned in this update. :(

Chapter 14

Max grunted as the prison guard pushed him forward as they lead him outside. The prison guards here were mean and vindictive; they had laughed at Max and made his time in here complete hell.

He reserved the strength for something else, letting them off for their cruelty towards him for the moment. He didn't have time to confront them.

"You may be a pretty boy but you're just another rapist." They sneered as they pushed him outside and handed him a rake. "Now get to work!"

Max lifted the rake and walked towards the third row of inmates who were collecting a pile of leaves

An old man looked at Max and had noticed him before. He fixed his cap and ran his hands over his small grey stubble. "They're just looking for control." He told Max while raking some leaves.

"Well it's a great place to look for control." Max replied as he started to work.

"Ignore them. They're harmless."

A few minutes later, the old man spoke again. "So what's your name? Usually they just number you here."


"I'm Tristan." The old man replied.

"What are you here for?" Max asked.

"Armed robbery, harassment and first degree murder."

"Whoa, that's a lot of crimes." Max huffed.

"Well if you were lied, used and framed then I guess it doesn't seem that way." The old man said. "I was wronged, I did wrong but you know life is full of shit."

Max shrugged. "Well if you put it that way, I mean I loved life. I had a wonderful family, a beautiful beloved wife and now I'm here. It's like I'm hanging on a very thin thread."

"I was prosecuted for killing my own wife." The old man said. "She and I....we did love each other." He sniffed. "It's...complicated."

"Hey you!" A prison guard pointed at Max. "Stop talking!"

The old man whispered to Max who glared at the guard. "We'll talk about this later."


Micheal let the wind slap against his face as he drove down the highway, his expression cold and angry yet he was in pain. His life had turned upside down as he tried to save his brother.

Turning left, Micheal didn't see the oncoming truck and almost had a nasty car accident. The loud honk brought him back to his senses and he carefully drove home, breathing in and out with each road.

Parking on his driveway, he turned off the engine and walked into his home only to find Maria sitting on his couch waiting for him. "Maria." He was surprised to find her in his apartment.

Maria stood up with folded arms. "Micheal." She walked over to him and fell into his arms.

"What's wrong?" He murmured against her hair.

"I want to help you prove Max's innocence."

Micheal kissed her on the forehead but Maria stood on her tip toes and pressed her lips to Michael’s.

The couple who had given into their desires into that precise moment, had started to fondle each other and grinded sensually against one another. Micheal lifted Maria up and she wrapped her legs around him while he carried her to the bedroom.

Peeling off her cardigan, Micheal lowered her to the bed and kissed her flat stomach. Maria arched and took the sheets in her fists.

She parted her legs wider so Micheal could settle in between them and she could feel him.

His hand rested on her breast as they made love with their lips. "God you taste good." Micheal breathed against her lips.

Maria smiled and reached for his swelling cock.

Micheal froze and ripped his lips away from Maria before getting up from the bed, he backed away in fear. "No, we can't-" His eyes were shining with regret. He almost took a human! It was against their law.

Maria sat up and quizzed Micheal of his reluctance. "Micheal we're legal, we can screw each other." She laughed.

Micheal shook his head. "I don't love you." He forced. "I believe in making love to someone I love."

It ripped him apart to lie to her, he never was intimate with a human woman before and he didn't want to risk it by going down that road. Not with someone he truly loved. Maria meant the world to him, he couldn't violate her because of his sexual urges.

Then he saw Maria's lips tremble and those green eyes of hers shining with unshed tears. "So you don't love me?" She croaked.

Micheal gasped. "I'm so sorry Maria, I really am but-" Maria rolled off the bed and grabbed her purse.

"You'd think you knew someone for so long, only to realise you didn't know them at all." She scoffed as she pushed past Micheal.

Micheal wanted to run after her and beg her to stay, but he didn't.

Because he was an alien.

And she wasn't.


Tears shimmered in her dark brown eyes as the mirror reflected the scars on her elbow. The ugly four inch scar was tattooed brutally on her skin where her mother had scratched her with her sharp nails a few years ago. Liz looked at her hands and noticed tiny nail marks which were also scars. Over the years, her body had forgotten to heal. She was left with ugly marks on her body as a result of her disobeying her family.

Liz sank on the bed and remembered.

She remembered what it was like to be Liz Parker.


Liz is 18 yrs old

She woke up really late today, her whole body ached as if someone had beaten her up badly in her sleep. She had a shower, brushed her teeth and went to have breakfast. There was no bread in the house so she was sent to finish up the leftover pudding her mother had left forgotten on the table.

Grabbing the bowl with a spoon, Liz sat down on the sofa and reached the remote. But Serena was faster and swept the remote away from under Liz's hand.

Serena darted into the kitchen and Liz ran after her, putting the bowl on the table. "Serena, what the hell are you doing?" Liz made a reach for the remote which Serena held up close towards her mother's nose while she was washing up and away from Liz's hands.

"You can't have it." Serena sneered.

"Why not?"

"Because I want it. It's mine."

"Serena, stop being a spoilsport and please pass the remote to me." Liz said in a calm tone.

"Mom, we're watching a show and Liz can't have the remote." Serena stuck her tongue out at Liz.

"Serena's right Liz. You can't have the remote." Nancy Parker replied.

Angered by her sister's insolence, Liz managed to grab hold of the remote and ran to the lounge. Serena ran after her and before Liz could take that bowl of pudding, Serena grabbed her by the sleeve and pulled her towards the sofa. Liz was baffled by the strength which Serena seemed to show. One minute she was standing, the next, Serena had her pinned down onto the sofa.

"Get off my sleeve!" Liz yelled furiously, trying to protect the pretty top she wore. It was one of her favourites and she'd be damned if Serena ruined it.

Serena grabbed her hair and skin, creating new painful sensations for Liz. The angry red marks on her arms became visible. Liz kicked Serena in the stomach and pushed her away from her out of defence. Serena cried and made another grab at Liz's arm.

Liz turned Serena over with her foot and then became lucid of Drew trying to break the fight up between them. "Stop it." Drew said, putting himself in the middle but no measly eight year old could have stood a chance. Liz felt a little ashamed for Drew seeing her with Serena like this and just that once bit of hesitation earned her another mark on her arm.

Liz punched Serena on the arm and caught her wrists. "Stop it! Leave me alone!"

Nancy walked into the room and grabbed Liz by the hair. Serena smirked as soon as she saw this and sat up to see how her mother was going to handle Liz Parker. The only thing missed was popcorn.

Liz felt the emotion coming from Serena, she could taste Serena's anticipation by simply looking at her. It horrified and disgusted her.

Once her mother was done with her, Liz was left with blood on her skin and fresh painful wounds which caused her to cry in silent as soon as she locked herself in the room.

Opening the drawer, she grabbed a pair of scissors and slashed her wrists, the blood dripped out so fast that her eyes rolled back and she felt dizzy.

She lay bleeding on the floor, a mixture of tears and blood surrounding her.

A bright white light covered the room and Liz slowly opened her eyelids after what seemed like an eternity. "Am I dead yet?"

Claudia's smile faded and her eyes held pain and fear. "I thought I told you to not let them win?"

Liz wasn't lucid of her surroundings; she mistook the white light to be clouds among a brilliant blue sky. She wished death just took her already because the pain was still there. "Please, just let me die already." She moaned, more tears falling from her eyes. "I hate this life. I hate it so much. I wanna die."

Claudia shook her head and touched her beloved granddaughter's forehead. "Don't be stupid, you have your life to live yet. You barely started to live."

Liz sniffed. "Is that you grandma?" Her vision was cleared.

"It is me my darling Liz." Claudia smiled a little.

Liz managed to form a smile. "I was hoping you'd be there when I'd cross over."

"Sweetie, it's not your time yet." Claudia spoke. "You're not meant to die."

"I have to, it's the only way everyone can be happy...if I die."

"Your family have lost such an amazing person." Claudia spoke with grief. "Because after this, you will never love them again."

"You got that right." Liz rasped, letting anger take over again. Wait...were dead people supposed to have emotions?

"I'm sorry but I have to do this. You will grow up to see your twenty first birthday, you will get married and have a family of your own. Heck, you'll have a pension and grow old with your soul mate."

"Sounds like a fairytale."

"Trust me, it's your destiny."

Liz was about to reply again but Claudia closed her eyes and hummed as she touched Liz's wounds. "What are you doing?"

"I'm drawing power from a fair source to heal you my sweet Liz."

Liz gulped and felt the stinging pain disappear, each wound had sealed only to stop the bleeding and eradicate the pain. Some scars were left. "I shall leave some scars which will help you to remember." Claudia spoke. "Because one point of your life, these scars will save the one you love if you remember."

Liz croaked and nodded, believing her beloved grandmother whom she missed so much. "I love you grandma."

"I love you too sweetie." Claudia gave Liz a warm smile. "I'll see you soon my darling."

Claudia disappeared with the white light and Liz woke up in her room, still lying on the floor. She sat up and noticed that the blood was gone with the wounds. Her skin was whole again but left with ugly scars.

She had forgotten what had just took place.


Her grandmother was right, those scars were much needed to make her remember. She had always stopped Max from healing them completely because her curiosity about them never ceased. Max was in jail for an alleged crime, Serena was involved with it. There was only one definite answer to this as Serena's words echoed through Liz's ears again.

"Because I want it. It's mine."

It was Serena.

It has always been Serena.
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Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 8/21/09 Chpt 15 p.8

Post by Hunter »

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Thanks for the bump Kris and Lou. And thank you my lovely readers for the patience!

Ok on with the show...

Chapter 15

"What? Are you kidding me?!" Serena screeched in horror as she bored her eyes at the man sitting before her.

"I'm sorry Miss Parker, there's nothing we can do. This case is just gunna fall flat. Your evidence is a bunch of whack."

The man received a glare from Serena. "Listen, I need to win this case This is my future here. My entire life is gunna be here." Serena argued, fearing that she may lose her temper.

"Please Miss Parker, you should just leave, You just can't-"

The man was suddenly cut off as a slope of ice developed over his hands which glued them to the desk. Terror reflected in his eyes as he shivered with the extreme cold that crept into his body.

"You will make sure that this case is won by me." Serena told him in a clear tone with a look of coldness in her eyes.

He whimpered as the frost spread across his skin. "P-please..." He begged, not knowing what Serena was but he knew that he could easily die in her hands. "Okay, I'll see what I can d-do."

Serena smiled.

Now she had to take care of the rest.


That night, Max lay awake in his cell as it was almost impossible for him to get some sleep. The tension and worry about proving his innocence and most importantly how his wife was. He wondered and dreamt of her. Of her beautiful face and her sweet voice full of promises for the future.

He missed her terribly. It had been a few days already and he hadn't seen her or made love to her. His body craved her the way his soul did. He was incomplete behind these bars. It was true torture.

"Pssst Max!" The old man Tristan hissed. "Here!"

Max sat up and darted his eyes around the area, trying to find Tristan. He spotted Tristan on the right side of the cell facing Max's. Tristan was sat on the floor with his hands gripping the bars.

Max stood by the bars and watched him. "What?"

"They're giving out some beer if you're interested." Tristan said.

Max raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"Tomorrow outside, Danny smuggled some in. He's a prison guard but a dumb one. We can use those bottles to attack the guards with and make our escape."

Max rolled his eyes. "I can't."


"Because then I'd be here forever. I want to see this thing through Tristan. I want to prove that I am innocent. I am not going to run away." Max folded his arms.

Tristan looked defeated; he really was starting to like that Max kid. "It's ok son, don't worry about it." Those were Tristan's last words before he disappeared back into the darkness again.

Max lent against the bars and closed his eyes.

It was just going to be a long night for him.


Giddy with excitement, Liz scanned the shelf and the price tags before selecting a box before taking it to the counter to pay. "Liz?" Tess identified the woman standing next to her and smiled.

"Hey Tess!" Liz put on a smile and greeted Tess.

Tess backed up the pushchair a little and her baby son lifted their baby blue eyes at Liz. "Gaga!" Tess' son smiled at Liz, showing her his two little teeth as he raised his pudgy hand up in the air.

"Oh is that you're son?" Liz smiled at the cute toddler.

"Yep, that's my boy." Tess bent down to give her son a kiss.

"Hey Aaron." Liz cooed, letting the little boy's fingers wrap around her little finger.

"Here's your stuff maam." The woman at the counter put the bag down.

Liz released Aaron and went to grab her things. Tess and Liz walked out of the chemist together and stood by the edge of the parking lot. "So, how are you doing?" Tess brushed her hair away from her face.

"Ummm not so good." Liz admitted. "I've been feeling a bit down but I'm fine."

Tess put a hand on Liz's forehead. "You don't seem to have fever." She chuckled.

"Nope." Smiled Liz.

"Hmm, what's happening then?"

"Just feel a little dizzy and sick. I've been also skipping dinner."

Tess bit her lip and frowned. "Did you miss your period?"

"I think so." Liz admitted.

Tess grinned. "You might be pregnant Liz."

Liz blushed and looked at the bag in her hands. "Well, I'm gunna find out."


At the sound of the intercom in his cell, Max jumped up. "Number 9201! You have visitor!"

A couple of guards walked to his cell and unlocked it, Max was handcuffed and taken out of the cell. Some of the cellmates including Tristan watched as Max was lead out of the cell and taken to another room.

This room was different. It was painted white and seemed so bare. There was a glass in the middle of the room which split the room in two. One side was for the prisoners and the other side was for the outsiders.

Max was pushed onto a chair and had the handcuffs had been removed as a mean buff gaurd stood next to him with a stun gun. "Liz!" Max's eyes widened in utter sadness and bliss as he stared at his wife through the glass.

Liz picked up the phone on her right side and returned the look of longing to her husband. "Max, hi."

Max did the same and listened to his wife's voice. "You know I never meant to hurt you."

"I know, I also know it's not your fault. You got tricked." Liz told him. "I know Serena did this."

Liz noticed the change in her husband; his hair was growing slightly longer. He was sporting signs of a potential five o clock shadow beard and his face looked tired.

Max's eyes softened. "Thank you for trusting me."

"I will get you out of here." Liz promised as she put a hand on the glass.

Max put his own hand on the glass opposite Liz's and they started intently at each other. "I love you." His wife whispered.

"I love you too. More then you can ever know." Max whispered back, silently letting the tears fall.

She believed in him, and that was enough for him to be content.
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Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 10/7/09 Chpt 16 p. 9

Post by Hunter »

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Jan (x2)- Huh ya I do want you to beg me for an update lol! :lol: On your knees woman! hehehehe. Oh Liz has powers, one of them was teleportation which was mentioned in the first chapter I think. And she teleported in jail as Serena.

A/N:I am so sorry it took so long to get this part out, Uni has just started and I'm busy sorting out my timetable at the moment. But I'll try and update this more frequently.

Chapter 16

Sitting in the humid heat of a stuffy office, Michael’s fingers curled on the side of his chair while they tried to dent the wood out of anxiety. The small fan in the corner did no wonders as the heat wave had it's way with Micheal. The smell of paperwork also slightly disturbed him. How could anyone work here?

"If Serena confesses that this was a false allegation then we have a strong case." Spoke Alex Whitman, a lawyer of two years. He hadn't been in the practice for that long but he had never lost a case once.

Micheal had appointed him to fight Max's case and trusted Alex to win it. "Listen, that bitch ain't gunna say shit. We all know she won't so let's just find some hardcore evidence against her and thrust her ass in jail while getting Max free."

"We can actually get her to confess." Alex said slowly, noticing that Micheal was a very impatient man.

"How?" Micheal asked.

"We deceive Serena."


"Are you crazy!?" Isabel hissed. "Serena won't fall for that crap, if she's smart enough to get Max in jail she'll be smart enough to figure out that we're playing her."

Micheal rubbed his forehead out of frustration and sighed. "We have no other choice. We need Serena to say the truth because a rape case is taken very seriously Isabel. She's also like us. An alien. She can just use her powers to convince these stupid humans what she wants them to believe!"

Isabel punched the wall, causing her knuckles to bleed. "That stupid bitch! Why can't we just kill her?!"

"Because that would make us killers." Maria replied stepping into the room. Micheal and Isabel snapped their heads up at her in shock. Micheal shot up from the sofa and Isabel trembled.

They both were speechless.

"I heard everything guys and I know you're not human." Maria said in a calm tone.


"How did you get in?" Micheal asked, feeling his heart swell. Oh god, Maria found out about them! She knew who they were! What was he going to do?!

"Key under the doormat." Maria replied. "You should be more careful. Anyone can just sneak in Micheal." She tossed the key to him.

Micheal guarded the key with his life wondering if he should elaborate on his alien status while Isabel realised it was no use trying to lie to Maria. "You can never tell anyone." Isabel told her in a shaky tone. "Not your mother, not the police, not the-"

Maria raised a hand to make Isabel stop talking. "I know. I won't. Trust me. You're my friends just as you're Liz's friends."

Micheal stood with his nostrils flared, he didn't know how to act around Maria anymore. She always had this weird effect around him and it bothered him. "What's your plan Maria?"

Right now, finding a way to save Max was more important then their alien status he thought. He would talk to Maria later about this.

Maria smiled .

She had the perfect idea.


"This is entirely and pathetically stupid." Micheal frowned, holding a plate of thinly sliced gingers. "I can't eat these and morph into my best friend."

"You need to in order for this plan to work Micheal. If we want to haunt Serena with a duplicate of Max and re enact-"

On hearing the word 're-enact' Micheal staggered back with a disgusted look on his face. "Hell no, I am not going to play lovers with Serena whatsoever. Getting her foot on my crotch was more then bad enough. Do you really think I want to even be around her?" He asked Maria in disbelief.

"No I meant you know meeting her in the same room she always meets the fake Max okay and start to haunt her. Use your powers to appear like a ghost."

Micheal brought the plate up to his nose and sniffed it. "These are kind of strong don't you think?"

"According to my calculation, these will be enough to last you forty eight hours Micheal." Maria told him. "That gives us two days tops."

"Two days of torture." Micheal muttered.

"Well if it's gunna get my brother out of jail." Chimed in Isabel, "Then so be it. That bitch has done nothing but cause us a lot of trouble."

Micheal huffed. "Fine but we need to find out where Serena used to meet the fake Max."

Maria pulled out her cell phone. "Don't worry, I'm on it."


When everyone was sleeping, Liz teleported herself into her sister's bedroom. It was one am in the morning and it was very dark. She heard the loud snores of her father which gave her the all clear to snoop around. Serena was lying in her bed, limbs outstretched while her face was buried into the pillow.

Liz carefully tiptoed to the nightstand and pulled the first drawer. There was her cell phone. And the great thing about it that it was not switched off. Serena never switched her phone off. Ever.

Liz retrieved the inbox messages and scanned them all. The majority of texts was from Max. She felt disgusted when she read them because of how crude they were. For the first time, Liz was actually seeing her sister. Her sister was a freak. A selfish jealous freak.

Then bingo!, She found the address of where Serena met "Max" and imprinted the address into her mind. She then memorized the phone number of the fake Max. After putting the phone back into the drawer and closing it, Liz tiptoed back to the window and looked back at her sleeping sister who began to snore loudly.

She wondered did her sister feel like this when she had been sneaking around, believing she was with her husband. Liz shook her head and wondered about the times when Serena sneaked out of her house to have rendezvous with some guy she thought was her brother in law.

Taking a closer step towards the window, Liz closed her eyes and teleported back home.


The next morning, Micheal, Isabel and Maria were all at Liz's house. "You know about us?" Liz asked Maria, bewildered and surprised.

Maria nodded. "Ya I know chica." She sounded a little hurt at Liz also keeping this secret from her but she guessed it was to protect her.

"She won't say anything though, she's on our side." Micheal told Liz, convinced of Maria's strong loyalty towards them.

"I know she is." Liz shot Maria a warm smile.

"Right, let's get to business." Isabel clapped her hands. "Where does she meet the fake Max Liz?"

"Room 15 at the Westburry motel" Said Liz.

"Urgh.." Michael pulled a face. "How cheap. Anyone could get laid there."

"Yeah.." Maria bit her lip. "It's also a little far from here don't you think?"

"Just near the highway." Isabel shrugged, having never been to the motel herself. "It can't be that far can't it?"

"How the hell do you think she got there?" Micheal asked Liz.

"Probably hailed a cab."

"Hmm." Michal scratched his chin. "She was subtle but needy."

"You should call the fake Max." Maria suddenly told Liz. "He's just the final piece of the puzzle now. We really need him."

"Yeah, so I don't have to play Max." Micheal nodded. "The fake Max can be the fake Max again." He mused.

Liz lifted her cell phone onto the table and dialled the number by heart. "Okay be quiet guys." Liz told her friends as she put the phone near her ear, waiting for a response.

Once the line was picked up, Liz heard a boy's voice on the other side. "Hello?"


Isaac Valenti couldn't believe it. They were after him. They knew. They found out. Now it wouldn't be a matter of time until they found the place where he lived during the school holiday times. So he grabbed his things, shoved them in a back pack and ran for his life.

"Isaac! Where are you going?" Yelled Tess as she tried to soothe her crying baby to sleep.

Ignoring the protests of his sister in law who held her crying baby, he pushed the door open and ran outside, running for his life.

He should have never pretended to be someone he wasn't.

But unfortunately for him, a car followed him into the alleyway as he ran. He jumped over the trash cans and ran as fast as he could but the car was faster.

When he reached the chain link fence which happened to have barbed wire on the top, he decided to surrender and looked back. The car stopped as it neared him and a guy with spiky hair stepped out.

"You're coming with us." Micheal declared.

Two women stepped out of the car who looked just as pissed off as the guy did.

They definitely weren't going to take no for an answer.
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Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 11/6/09 Chpt 17 p. 10

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the fb everyone!

Chapter 17

"How did you know everything about Max?!" Micheal yelled, towering menacingly over a trembling Isaac who was tied to a wooden chair in some basement. The whole scenery of being interrogated was making him nervous, Micheal Guerin looked ready to pop and Isaac didn't want to know what would happen if Micheal actually exploded.

"I don't know anything about Max." Isaac swallowed. "All I know is that Serena is obsessed with him and he's her brother in law. That's all."

It was so hot and sweaty down here, being tied to a chair wasn't helping him either while Micheal threw accusations at him and treated him as if he was a filthy murderer or terrorist.

"How did you find that out?" The blonde with the big bust folded her arms, glaring at him with her piercing eyes.

"I did my research, followed Serena." Isaac admitted.

"Ew, stalker much?" Maria scoffed while sitting on the table by the wall as she observed Isaac, "No wonder you like Serena."

Isaac laughed and shook his head. "I thought I was in love with her but I can't be can I?" This whole situation was a joke, after all this time he had tried to win Serena's heart but she still was obsessed with Max Evans. His selfishness caused a whole lot of destruction in Max and Liz's life and he knew it would be hard to forgive himself for that because he never intended to harm anyone of his little selfish pursuit.

"So you were in on this with Serena?" Micheal frowned, trying to understand what role this boy had in Serena's life.

"No, she didn't know it was me pretending to be Max. Heck, she still doesn't know and I'd like to keep it that way please." Isaac begged with beads of sweat ran down his coarse skin.

Micheal laughed and shook his head. "You're a fucking joker you know that?" He threw the napkin at Isaac. "Wipe yourself you ass, you're sweating." He snapped and then turned around to face Isabel.

"Isabel can you deal with his clown please? I need to step out for some time."

"Sure." Isabel agreed and walked towards Isaac, reading to fire him with more questions.

Micheal abruptly left the basement and went up to the lounge, he needed some time to think. He often got too mad and angry which made him want to kill someone. Isaac made him mad because he was a little selfish brat who didn't seem to care if innocent people got hurt.

I wonder how he'd like it if he was in jail for someone else’s crime, Micheal thought bitterly, grabbing his hair in frustration. Pacing up and down the room, Micheal tried to think fast. He didn't really want to force Isaac to testify because it would mean using extreme measures, Isaac may use his secret to his advantage and then the FBI might come flooding in because they were alien. Micheal sighed as he let go of his hair and clasped his hands together to put against his mouth as a deep sigh left his lips.

"Micheal." Maria said, softly as she placed a hand on his shoulder for comfort. "I know you're worrying about your secret coming out but we can do this, Isaac will have to work with us." Maria said warily, afraid of Micheal misunderstanding her.

"We can't let him know but we have to be very rough on him Maria." Micheal replied, using the same tone as Maria.

"I know, that's why we have to give him no choice. We know he's pretended to be Max by eating those strange gingers that are from your planet but he doesn't know where they come from or if we know about them."

"But if the courts find out then the FBI will know Maria, that's there’s something alien out there." Micheal whispered. "I can't risk our lives like that."

The thought of them getting to Max first terrified him, because he was in jail. Often Micheal had nightmares of the alien hunters coming for them and hanging them or executing them. All his life he had never trusted humans and now because of this predicament his nightmares might come true if they haven't already.

"We don't need Isaac to tell everyone the truth." Liz Parker declared as she walked in Michael’s lounge. "All we need is Serena to drop those charges."

"But how are we going to do that?" Micheal asked, not taking his eyes off Maria yet.

"She wants Max, well we give him Max." Liz replied and their eyes lit up when they realised what Liz was talking about.


"I can't believe I'm actually doing this?" Isaac shivered as he stared at himself in the mirror, from his blonde locks and his blue eyes, he morphed back into the amber eyed Max Evans.

Those long hours of screaming out the truth had gotten him somewhere and this time he was happy to oblige but was uncertain if Serena would buy the act. "You need to really act like my husband." Liz informed him, "But no touching or fondling. Only holding hands and when we you know..." Liz sounded disgusted and drifted off.

"Kiss, no tongue." Isaac nodded and swallowed. "I've faked being Max so many times Liz, I think I can do it again." He laughed, finding it strange that he looked exactly like Max and was standing with Max's wife in the mirror.

Liz on the other hand, tried not to get emotional with Isaac looking like her husband. it felt like so long that she stood in the mirror with her husband and she reminded herself again that this person wasn't her husband. He was just another boy who shape shifted into her husband.

"I'm ready." Isaac ran a hand through his brown hair, Liz was surprised that he even sounded like her husband.

"Wow, that stuff really works." Maria replied, looking at Isaac. "You so look and sound like Max Evans."

"Well, let's just hope Serena thinks I am Max Evans." Isaac answered.


Isaac climbed through the window and into Serena's bedroom. Gliding over to her bed, he bent down and admired her beauty. He believed she was truly beautiful but so malicious inside. Bringing his lips to hers, he remembered what Micheal said and eradicated any romantic emotions for Serena in his heart. She was evil, he wasn't. They could never be together. End of story.

He started to kiss her, slowly and gently at first then it became passionate as Serena moaned and responded. Isaac felt Serena tug at his shirt while she stirred in her sleep then she took his hand and planted it underneath her night dress where her panties was.

"Hmmmmm Max." She moaned, grinding against Isaac's hand.

Isaac swallowed, feeling how hot and wet Serena was underneath those lace panties. "Jesus." He croaked.

Serena's eyes fluttered open and she almost shrieked when she saw Max Evans. "M-M-Max." She spluttered, ripping his hand from her and sitting up with the bed sheet covering her. "What are you doing here?"

How on earth did he get out of jail? Serena wondered,Or was this the fake Max? What on earth was going on?

"I'm Max. The one in jail the imposter." Isaac whispered. "I had to switch the imposter because you had made a mistake Serena."

Serena looked lost and completely confused as she stared at Max's face. He looked exactly like Max and sounded like him too but then again so did the fake Max too. Her eyes couldn't deceive her, not this time. "You're not Max." She denied, unable to believe him. "The Max I know is completely in love with my stupid sister." She rolled her eyes.

"I am Max." Isaac insisted. "I really love you Serena because you're not a liar like Liz. I love you as a person...Liz is just a mistake...."He felt sick on lying because the truth was, he felt that Serena was huge mistake. Liz and Max were just two innocent people who got caught up in his mess.

Isaac neared Serena and cupped her face in his cold palm. "I've come for you. I've had to go into hiding because you put the fake me in jail. The humans will find out about us aliens." He added, he hadn't let anyone know that his sister in law was an alien and the gingers he ate to become Max belonged to an alien world.

Serena couldn't believe it. This was Max! It was him! Throwing her arms around him, she peppered him with kisses. "Oh Max, you came for me!" She almost chocked Isaac with her kisses. "I love you so much! Oh I-" Serena stopped talking as the lights went on.

Looking at the doorway where her parents stood, Serena and Isaac looked horrified.

"So it's true...." Nancy whispered in shock. "You've been cheating on Liz and seducing my other daughter?" She pointed at Isaac. "How could you?!" She threw a blast at Isaac much to the protests of Serena.

"Mom! No!" Serena watched horrified as her precious Max flew across the room and hit the wall. Serena scrambled out of bed and planted herself in front of her lover to protect him. "Don't hurt him!" She demanded, causing her parents to halt.

"You let that dirty man sleep with you?" Her father frowned, wanting to kill Max Evans for playing with both of his daughters. "This man travelled from Liz's bed to you bed and you want to protect him?"

"He loves me." Serena shook her head. "Not Liz."

"Don't be crazy. This man is not capable of loving anyone but himself." Nancy laughed, watching Max struggle to get up after one tiny blast of hers. God, this Max Evans was so weak, she thought.

"He loves me okay?" Serena started to sound angry and felt the ice crawl up her wrist.

"No he doesn't." Jeff hissed. "Now move!" He was about to teleport but Serena shot a load of ice at her father, freezing him on the spot.

Nancy shrieked. "Serena! Unfreeze your father-" Her mouth stopped moving as Serena froze her too.

Isaac who was weakened by the hard hit against the wall managed to stand up but was horrified when he saw two ice sculptures...namely Serena's parents. "What the hell just happened?" For one second he actually forgot he was Max Evans for now.

Serena smiled and turned back. "I froze them, they were going to kill you Max." Serena acted as if she didn't care that she had just froze her parents.

Isaac responded to the name Max Evans and got his act together. "I should go, Liz is waiting."

"Why?" Serena sounded mad at him.

"Serena my love..." Isaac felt the bile rise up his throat and then stumbled against the wall when Serena just teleported in front of him.

"Let's run away together." She told him. "Me and you with none of these bastards around us anymore." She caressed his cheek. Her hand was so ice cold, he felt like she was freezing him.

"I need you to drop the charges against the fake Max first because our lives will be at risk." He explained now thankful that Serena was an alien which would make his job a lot much easier.

"What happens to the fake Max if I do drop the charges?"

"He'll be with Liz while I'll be with you." Isaac answered. "I need Liz to live a lie, she's a liar and she deserves to live a lie. What's the best punishment for her Serena apart from a fake me?"

Serena nodded. "That sounds like an excellent punishment." She agreed. "Let's do this."

Isaac silently thanked God for giving him the strength to go through this as Serena hugged him, watching the ice sculptures of Serena's parents...he had no idea that he would be very shocked tonight.


"My mom...." Liz paused, shaking her head. "She blasted him."

"Oh my he okay?" Isabel seemed worried, forgetting about her cup of tea which lay cold in the mug.

"I put up an invisible shield, saved his ass and kind of protected him most of the time." Liz sighed and looked into Isaac's mind again. "Serena's also frozen my parents." Liz felt scared and upset at the fact that Serena had no mercy on their parents at all.

"Oh my god...are they de-" Isabel drifted off, unsure of how strong this Serena was.

"No." Liz shook her head. "Serena just froze them, she didn't kill them but if she did that to Isaac or a human....they would die straight away."

"She should rot her ass in jail Liz." Isabel remarked. "I hate that bitch. I wish no good on her and want her to suffer so bad." Isabel wondered how anyone could be that evil to hate their own family and focus on their own needs. It was unheard of and so rare.

"Serena's always been interested in her own needs. But it it's our parents fault. They raised her that way." Liz said after peering into Isabel's mind.

"You cheeky woman, you read my mind didn't you?" Isabel chuckled.

"Couldn't resist." Liz shrug, wearing a very small smile of her lips.

"Let's just delve more into Isaac's mind." Isabel sank back into the couch. "I think there's more to him then that meets the eye."

"Yeah, me too."
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Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 1/19/10 Chpt 18 p. 11

Post by Hunter »

Thanks for the feedback everyone. :D


A/N: Wow, I love the responses I've got. I hope you guys will like this chapter. :mrgreen:

Chapter 18

Tess opened the door and found Liz Parker standing on her front porch; she was relieved to see her friend but Liz's expression was grim. "Hey Liz! Come on in." Tess' tone was shaky, with Isaac running away from home, she was nervous as hell and her husband Kyle was still reeling with anger that the storm hadn't died down yet.

But she had a guest and it wasn't polite to bring personal problems to the surface in front of them. "Can we talk?" Liz said as Tess closed the door behind her.

"Sure." Tess finally noticed the tension from Liz and felt anxious.

Liz followed Tess into the lounge.


Isaac stared into her onyx eyes as she touched him. Her hand stroked his member while he lay still on the bed. He hadn't meant for things to get far but it had. Serena had thrown herself at him and they had made love again and again. He was disgusted with himself for not holding back. She was a monster, he had seen what she had done to her own parents.

Swirling her tongue at the tip of his penis, Serena swallowed the pre cum that leaked. "Hmm salty." She licked her own lips before swallowing his entire cock into her expanding mouth.

Isaac shut his eyes and wriggled himself inside her mouth. He wanted to withdraw but the sexual pleasure swallowed up his pride and any morality he had left in him. He liked Serena but he also hated her. He was stuck.

Hours later, Serena and him had showered together; she had worn his old T shirt and sat on his lap. "Ya know..." She purred into his ear. "I have a plan. I don't want Liz to be happy."

"Yeah I know." Isaac heard Max's voice escape from his own lips and felt like an alien to himself. This wasn't his body and he felt like he was a third party between Max and Serena. He just hoped that his eyes wouldn't give it away to Serena because the more time he spent with Serena, the less he felt like Max Evans.

He tried to remember the good moments he had with Serena, like when they had their study dates together and then when they went bowling afterwards. He tried to think about the good memories. But then the image of her freezing her parents kept cropping up in his mind.

"I was thinking I should blackmail her, ya know. Threaten to reveal her identity to the humans and then watch her get thrown in a lab and get experimented on. Then I get Max for real. The fake Max would not have to go to the trouble of pretending to be Liz's husband at all. I get you and we can live happily ever after while she suffers."

Isaac winced.

Liz Parker was an alien too. Of course. If Serena had powers so did Liz, they were biological sister. Sometimes it was hard to believe that Liz and Serena were sisters by blood. Liz and Serena were the exact opposite of each other. He hadn't even known Liz for that long but he knew from what he saw that Liz was a loving and a caring woman; she was a loyal wife and a faithful daughter who had been mistreated by her own family.

All Liz wanted was her husband. She never wanted to harm anyone and here Serena was, competing for everything Liz had earned. It was selfish and completely absurd. Isaac questioned his own feelings for Serena.

Could someone like her be capable of loving? Was it aware of emotions?

"I know the perfect place to start." Serena giggled, her laughter echoing through Isaac's thoughts.


Tess sat there, stunned. She hadn't spoken a single word and Liz was anxiously awaiting her reply. "Tess?" Liz placed a hand on the blonde's shoulder. "Say something?"

"All this've been an alien and so have I..." Tess shook her head, amazed by how she didn't even notice that Liz was an alien.

Liz had been reading Isaac's mind and had learned from him that Tess was an alien too. She had been the estranged fiancé of Kivar and had eloped with a human to prevent her unlikely marriage to Kivar who was now ruling Antar.

"I know, I was surprised but it explains how Isaac was getting those gingers, how he transformed into Max to deceive my sister."

"I cannot believe he was doing this." Tess looked upset about learning the truth about her brother in law. "It's so bad, he will be punished. Just wait till I tell my husband."

"That's not necessary unless he's doing what Serena's doing." Liz coughed.

"What is she doing?"


Isaac drove himself and Serena down the highway and tried to ignore the atrocities she had inflicted. They had stopped at a gas station where she left a silver handprint and exploded the fuel tank. Next they were dumping a gagged man by the side of the road where Serena had iced him to death.

Isaac could not believe his eyes. He just stood still and let her do that.

"Next stop.." Serena dropped Liz's bracelet by the dead man she had just frozen. "The court room."

Isaac started up the engine and watched Serena get in.

He prayed silently that Liz somehow was prepared.


Max felt strange in the court room where he was being questioned. After spending a week in jail, he had grown tired and his hair had grown a little longer; he was left with a short beard and his eyes were sporting his exhaustion for everyone to see.

"He coaxed her with presents and flowers into the Westburry motel, she being an innocent naive girl had been utterly seduced by him and had gave in, allowing him to take her virginity and enjoy her body in secrecy!" Serena's attorney yelled, the judge was listening silently and nodded.

Everyone was there apart from Jeff and Nancy. Liz had sat with Isabel, Michael and Maria. Serena sat by herself but looked more comfortable then Liz had. What Serena wanted, was happening right before their eyes.

There was no way she'd even let Liz have the fake Max. Liz deserved to rot in jail, Serena was silently planning her demise as the lawyers battled it out in the court.

"Objection! Your honor!" Max's lawyer, Alex Whitman stood up. "I believe that my client had no evil intentions and he had been mislead. This man!..." Alex walked up to Max who stood in the witness box. "He is a loving and a devoted husband. Ask anyone, ask his wife Liz Evans. There is no way Max Evans would betray his wife who he loves very much."

Serena's lawyer rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Didn't seem to me that he loved his wife when he was deflowering her younger sister."

"Silence!" Alex pointed at the other man, eyes glazing with anger.

"Order! Order!" The judge grabbed his mallet and hit.

"Sorry your honor." Alex bowed, giving a dirty look to Serena's lawyer. He knew that man was wrong and he despised those who fought for the wrong despite knowing everything. Some people were greedy for money, some were greedy for sex.

He knew about Serena's meetings with her lawyer. He was going to reveal that next, he didn't care she was just an eighteen year old girl. She was in the wrong and deserved to be punished. Just like any other citizen. That was justice.

"As I was saying.." Alex continued. "All of Max's relatives know Max is a faithful husband. He will never cheat. I don't know who Serena slept with but it wasn't Max. And.." Alex looked at the judge. "I'd like to call Mrs Liz Evans to the stand."

The judge allowed Liz to give her testimony and she shared a look of longing and despair with her husband from across the room. "I swear to speak nothing but the truth." Liz said while placing her hand on the bible.

The officer resumed his respective standing position and Alex asked Liz a question. "Your husband, Mrs you think he would ever cheat on you?"

Liz swallowed, the truth was she doubted him at first but then with time, she felt stupid. Max would never cheat on her. "No."

Alex smiled. "What kind of husband is Max Evans, Mrs Evans?"

Liz took a deep breath and watched the audience, Isabel was giving her a reassuring nod while her eyes glittered with tears and then there was Serena who wore a smug smile that Liz was tempted to wipe off. The hatred for her sister was growing more and more. Liz was sure at the end of this whole ordeal; Serena would never ever be able to regain the respect Liz used to have for her.

"He's everything I've ever desired. He's loyal, kind and I love him. He loves me too." Liz stood proud and tall, allowing everyone to see how she felt about Max.

She wasn't ashamed of anything apart from her pathetic sister. Max's tears slid down and he felt so relieved. Liz would always believe him and trust him. He knew he would never cheat on her but he hadn't counted on her believing in him; the evidence against him was so strong.

Too strong for even him to not believe; he had seen the photos of himself in intimate positions with Serena. He knew it wasn't him in those photos but he felt disgusted. He also remembered the deal he made with Serena; he only wanted to get back with his wife. That was the truth, deceive Serena and get her punished so he could reunite with his beloved wife.

"So you think Max was never with your sister?" Serena's lawyer asked him, looking at Liz coyly.

Liz replied. "Never." She looked at her sister with hatred and Serena winced. Liz had never looked at her in that way before. It scared her. "My husband would rather die then even have erotic thoughts about anyone else let alone Serena. I know, he would never cheat on me."

Serena's lawyer nodded and then asked another question. "Well so I assume you believe Serena is at fault then?"

"Completely." Liz answered clearly. Her fiery eyes made Serena lower hers. "My sister is a femme fatale. She will try her best to seduce and entice men although she's very young. She tried to tempt my husband but he turned her down...when she had failed in sleeping with her brother in law, she turned to another guy. And I believe that is you." Liz looked wryly at Serena's lawyer who began to panic.

"And I believe I have very strong evidence for that." Alex stepped in, holding a file in his hands. "Look at these, your honor." He handed the file of photos of the judge who was shocked when he saw them.

In the photos, it showed Serena giving her lawyer a blowjob. "Preposterous!" The judge exclaimed and bored his eyes at Serena's lawyer. "Can you tell me the meaning off this?!" He handed the photo to Serena's lawyer.

"Oh god..." He panicked. The cat was out of the bag. "Your honor I can...ex-"

"No need." The judge smacked down his mallet. "Let's see what the jury have to say."

Alex handed a copy of the photos to the jury who began writing down and forming an opinion. Serena trembled in fear, who had taken photos of her sleeping with her lawyer? She realised she had made a lot of enemies tonight and they would all have to pay.

"What about the photos of Max with Serena? They're real!" Serena's lawyer yelled. "Remember?"

"Actually, they were Photoshop dubbed." Alex said. "I have a witness."

Isaac walked in, this time in his own appearance. Serena was so surprised to see one of her class mates walk in the court room. She wondered what he had to do with this entire situation.

Liz left the stand and joined the others while Isaac stepped into the witness box. After vowing to tell the truth, he realised he had to lie anyway for the sake of the truth. It was so ironic. "I am a close friend of Serena's." He began. "She asked for help and made me erase his face out of the photo." Isaac pointed at Serena's lawyer.

Michael had gone to great lengths to create and manipulate the real evidence only to hide their alien status from the humans. He had to erase the photo developer's memories of Serena meeting him and then had the photos placed on Photoshop where he manipulated them and placed the lawyer of Serena's face underneath Max's.

"Here's the laptop, it's logged in his account; you will find Photoshop on it." Alex handed the small laptop that was sitting on the table of his collected evidence to the Judge.

The judge was convinced and handed the laptop back to Alex. "I hope you have an explanation for this Newton. You look like you have been creeping."

Serena's lawyer cringed and looked troubled. He looked at Serena for help but she ignored him.

"Looks to me that Miss Serena Parker had been planning Max's demise all this time." Alex Whitman announced. "Just as Mrs Evans said, Serena had failed to entice my client into sleeping with her and thus engaged in a frenzied revenge involving her lawyer. I don't know what he sees in a criminal college girl but the evidences clearly prove that this situation was weaved by Serena Parker and her lawyer. The facts all point to that conclusion your honor."

Serena sat in silence and felt like freezing everyone to death. But she wanted Liz to suffer badly first. She promised herself that Liz would beg for death before she killed her sister's friends.

The spokesperson of the jury stood up after they had all reached the same opinion. "Your honor, we find the defendant innocent."

Liz released her tears and gasped. She couldn't believe it.

Max couldn't believe it either.

"I reach a verdict, that Maxwell Evans is indeed innocent."

Liz jumped up and hugged Maria, Isabel and Michael. Serena looked pissed. Max couldn't believe it. He was free. Free at last! Liz turned to her husband, ran to him and threw herself in his arms.

Serena's lawyer rushed to her and apologised but she pushed him back. "You're pathetic now. You have no use for me at all!"

The judge saw this and ordered Serena's lawyer to be thrown in jail, have his name cut off from the law registry while Serena was handcuffed and taken to a woman's jail.

Not once did Liz look at her and say anything. She was too busy groping her husband. Serena casted her evil eyes towards Liz and her friends and promised that she'd get them all.


"Oh my god Max." Liz couldn't stop kissing her husband. "I can’t believe you’re finally free." Liz peppered Max with so much kisses and hugged him so tightly.

Michael, Isabel and Maria cheered him as they walked outside into the sunlight. Today was such a beautiful. Max had finally gotten his family and his freedom back. He kissed his wife back and hugged his sister and friends. "Thanks so much for believing in me." He told all of them.

"Are you kidding?" Michael scoffed. "I know there's no chance you will ever sleep with that Serena or anyone else apart from Liz. I know you and I know my brother is a good alien man." He hugged Max. "We always got your back Max. Always."

"I still can't believe that bitch is arrested." Isabel laughed. "It's about time."

"Yeah, your sister is such a slut." Maria told Liz.

"She's not my sister anymore." Liz said.

There was an awkward silence between them and then Isaac caught up with them. "Guys!"

"He knows." Liz quickly said, reading his thoughts. Isaac knew that she was an alien and guessed they all were.

Isabel and Michael took Isaac to their car where they'd debrief him. Maria excused herself and followed leaving Max standing with Liz.

"So.." Max took a step closer to his wife. "I'm with you at last." He seemed like he hadn't seen her for years. She felt his emotions and felt like crying. Max cupped her face. "Hey.." His tone was gentle and hoarse.

"I've missed you so much Max." Liz quivered. "I am just happy I've got you back." She wrapped her arms around him and they embraced. Neither of them could get enough of each other.

Liz opened her eyes and saw her Grandmother stand underneath a tree from across the road. She was smiling. The innocent shone in white around her and Liz smiled.

"Max..." Liz detached herself from her husband and took his hand. "There's one more thing I need to say.." She guided his hand and placed it over her womb.

Max looked at his hand and then at his wife.

"We're pregnant."
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Re: Treacherous (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/12/10 Chpt 19 p. 13

Post by Hunter »

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L-J-L 76

Chapter 19

Liz waved her hand over her parents, along with Isabel, Michael and Max. Maria stood by the window, holding Drew in her arms who hadn't said a single word. He had stood still and kept his eyes on his frozen parents; never in his life had he seen such evil before. His sister was crazy and he was scared of her. For the first time, he could admit that and it was so hurtful.

Once the aliens were done defrosting Jeff and Nancy, Drew ran towards his parents and hugged them tight. "I thought they killed you." He muffled, he was literally crying because he was convinced that his parents were dead. His own sister had killed them. It was a nightmare.

Nancy and Jeff hugged their sobbing son; they were drenched in cold water and felt so tired. "What happened?" Jeff yawned.

"Max?" Nancy looked happy and then hugged her son in law. "Oh my god, you're free!"

Jeff let go of his son and watched his wife hug their son in law. Max wasn't responsive and did not hug his mother in law back; he did respect her but he was not going to forgive her that easily for siding with Serena from the start; he suspected Liz wouldn't either and would gladly back her up if she didn't.

"Jeff look, he's out of jail now." Nancy let go of Max and turned to her husband.

Max waved his hand over his clothes and dried them. Jeff kept his eyes on Max. "What about Serena? What happened to her?" He was vaguely aware that his second daughter used her powers on him and his wife; he was hurt but nothing could ever change the fact that Serena was his daughter too, his own flesh and blood.

"The bitch is where she should be." Isabel cleared her throat.

"In jail." Maria scoffed. None of them had any sympathy for Serena and it showed; Nancy and Jeff were hurt but it affected Jeff the most.

"That's sad." Nancy swallowed.

"It's right." Liz rolled her eyes, "It's justice. She paid for what she did. She froze you and we unfroze you. You should be thanking us." Her tone was harsh and unforgiving; she should have known her parents would be concerned for Serena first.

"Thank you. All of you." Jeff said and his wife thanked them after him.

"I had no idea she was capable of doing that to us." Nancy whispered, still in disbelief over the whole situation involving her second daughter.

"Well you do know." Liz scoffed.

"She was my baby girl." Jeff whispered sadly. "I'm so angry." He clenched his fists. He lost his Serena and he hated it. He was so angry about what had happened.

"She's no saint and she'll never be able to atone for the sins she's committed, convicted or not. She tried to seduce my husband who is her brother in law, she tried to kill you guys and she tried to get an innocent man convicted of a crime he never committed." Liz took her husband's hand, Max gave her hand a little squeeze. "If anyone has a right to be angry then it's me and Max."

"And me." Isabel nodded.

"And Isabel and Michael." Liz added.

"I'm mad too." Maria joined in. "A bitch like that messing with the lives of my friends, hell I hate her so much." Maria stepped closer to Michael who put his arm around her shoulders.

"Sorry for the swearing Drew." Michael told the teenage boy.

"It's ok. I hear Serena use it a lot." Drew shrugged.

"Ok, I do not wanna hear that name ever again." Liz said, for her Serena was dead. She hated Serena as if she was her own worst enemy and would never forgive her; she was sure of it.

"Me either." Her husband and friends agreed.


After leaving the Parker's residence, Maria and Michael dropped Isabel off who met Alex halfway before dropping Liz and Max off at their own house.

Alex went for a drink with Isabel and they were having a small celebration. He had met Isabel two years ago at law school, she was struggling with some assignments and he had helped her. They became fast friends and then into lovers. Both of them had graduated with honors and that's when he proposed to her. She said she would think about it and since then, they'd been dating.

He was so happy when she approached him to help her out in her brother's case. He had fought in a few cases himself because his daddy was a judge and it gave him some loopholes around the world of law which meant he was more respected in his practice. He was new but most lawyers knew him. He had a good reputation.

He had always wanted to fight in criminal proceedings. It was his dream job. When Isabel asked him to fight in her brother's case, it made him so happy. Not only that she trusted him to win the case, she came to him when she could have contacted other lawyers who were more experienced. When he chose to do criminal proceedings, she chose to become a legal advisor and had taken up most of her time advising her clients about things. It was boring and dull but the pay was big and both of them had a shared common interest; law. It was the reason how they first met. It would always remind him of her.

She had come to him, which meant she obviously trusted him with a huge situation. Maybe a little more persuasion would make her agree to marry him. He was so in love with her and was sure that she felt the same way.

"Two Malibu’s, sea breeze." The bartender returned, handing them their drinks.

"I love me a sea breeze." Isabel said and took the drink. "Cheers Alex." She waited for a second so Alex could lift his drink up and gently collide it with Isabel's bottle.

"Cheers babe."

"Hhmmmm." Isabel moaned, drinking the liquor. "Hmm."

Alex cautiously sipped on his drink and but the bottle down. Isabel followed him and gave him a big smile. "I am so happy Alex, we won that case. I knew you could do it. I so knew it." She smiled. When he chose to do criminal proceedings, she chose to become a legal advisor and had taken up most of her time advising her clients about things. It was boring and dull but the pay was big.

"I'm surprised I won but we really needed all the evidence we could get." Alex said, he was more then surprised when Michael turned up at his table with bouts of evidence against Serena Parker; it was like they knew all along about her and had been ready. In all of his cases, no one was that prepared and sometimes they lost the case. He really felt that this case was a winning case. He would always remember it.

He had also managed to get Serena & Mr Mangold charged on the reason of obstruction of justice. They had lied and god knows how far Serena Parker went with her lies; she slept with Mr Mangold, a formerly respected lawyer who was like an uncle to him. Alex was surprised that some of his fellow lawyers let themselves be bribed. It was so wrong, although he loved Isabel...he would never accept a bribe from anyone, even her.

It was one of the reasons why Isabel fell in love with him. Alex was a man of honesty and justice. He did have it in him to forgive but he could never intentionally obstruct justice.

Alex was left feeling amazed after the end of the case because he felt like he did obstruct justice in a way. He just wasn't sure what.

"Isabel...about the case." He whispered. "One of the evidences....the laptop with the Photoshop on...." He had a nagging feeling that the photos were retouched. "That was really your brother with Serena Parker right?" He had tried to look for himself after the laptop was handed back to him but Michael snatched it off him and Isabel had covered for him. They acted really weird.

Isabel tensed and for months she had been thinking about telling Alex the truth, she had really wanted to let him in on her secret but she was afraid that he'd run away and they'd end up captured by the special unit.

"Alex.....I...." She paused, trying to find the right words.

"I knew it." Alex took a deep breath. He wouldn't break the law for anyone but seeing as Serena was really a criminal that did more then inflict serious damage, he would keep this a secret. But he had to know why they did this. "Please tell me that Max Evans did not sleep with Serena Parker or engage in any sexual activity with her. That's all I need to know Isabel."

"He didn't." Isabel replied and Alex let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god for that then."Alex smiled, picking up the bottle and resuming his drinking.

Isabel looked appalled. How could she ever tell Alex the truth?


Tess and Kyle had a word with Isaac that night. He was eighteen years old and free to do whatever he wanted but as a cop, Kyle warned him about the consequences of breaking the law.

"If you do break the law, then god help me Isaac.....I will bust your ass." Kyle said, lifting his index finger as he warned his little brother. "Brother or not." With his other arm, he balanced his little boy who started to play with his watch.

"And no more touching my stuff without my permission." Tess added. "You know I'm an alien. You can't snoop around with any of my stuff or alien stuff. It's dangerous." She promised herself that she would be more careful, because she was busy all day looking after her son, she hadn't protected her things and Isaac had managed to steal some of her gingers.

"Oh man that sucks." Isaac sulked. "After everything I've been through. Meeting more aliens, finding out the girl I dig is not only a criminal who’s obsessed with her brother in law but she's an alien too. Life sucks. I might as well get arrested."

"Grow up Isaac." Kyle rolled his eyes. "The world is full of shit. You just have to hold on to the good things." Kyle sent a wink to his wife. "And let go of the bad things. Serena Parker is bad. Do not ever go near her again."

"But what if she's after Max again? I need to stop her from trying to sleep with him." Isaac protested, he was worried that she would try and break up a happy home again and then sleep with someone else. He was a guy; he wanted Serena to only be his. It was a twisted obsession he had, she had influenced him but he was not going to let her have the real Max. It was disgusting.

"We'll take care of her." Tess promised. "But please, try and lead a normal life now."

"You know." Isaac stood up. "I should be thanked. I mean I did help save the world. I told you that Serena killed someone and put her sister's bracelet near the dead body." Once that had happened, Isaac made a private text to his brother who understood and reached there before anyone else. He removed Liz's bracelet and covered the case up. Isaac and Kyle had worked together to help keep the existences of aliens a complete secret.

"Thank you." Tess said, smiling. "You did sort of save all of our asses but only because you helped create the mess in the first place."

"But I doubt that Serena would sit in jail and think everything's ok. We all know she's gunna want her revenge." Isaac added. "I know her better then anyone."

Kyle and Tess exchanged glances. They hoped Isaac was wrong.


Max had started cooking dinner once he reached home. He had cooked Liz's favorite, he had missed his home and savoured every inch of it starting with the kitchen.

Liz had expected something else but helped her husband. She was just happy that she got her husband back, that was enough for her.

"Here's your spaghetti and meatballs." Max announced, placing two platefuls of spaghetti Bolognese on the table. "One for me and one for you."

"Thanks." Liz smiled, she was a rubbish cook but Max was such a good cook. She sort of missed his cooking while he was gone.

"Let's dig in." Max took his chef hat off and placed it on the counter. He hurried back and rubbed his hands. The phone started to ring. Max quickly answered it.

"Hey mom."

Liz watched her husband on the phone with his mother. His parents had called a lot after they parted ways in the court. They couldn't stop calling because they loved their son; they had helped too, in gathering the evidences against Serena and creating some false evidences with their powers. They would anything for their son.

Liz felt jealous. Her parents would never do any of that for her. She had no idea why they didn't love her as much as they loved Serena. Was she an illicit child or something? She would never know why.

After Max finished talking to his mother, he joined his wife back on the table and noticed that she wasn't smiling. "What's wrong honey?" Max took his wife's hand and kissed it. If she wasn't smiling, he could make her smile.

"I'm sad because of how things turned out. I really wanted my parents to love me but I guess it's too late." She shrugged and a lone tear slipped out of her eyes. "I really wanted them to love me. So much."

Max carefully leaned over and wiped her tear off. "I better not ruin the food." He laughed, sitting back down on his chair; effortlessly staying out of the spaghetti Bolognese' way.

"Or ruin your clothes." Liz chuckled with him.

"Liz...." Max began. "Your parents do love you. They just have a weird way of showing it. I don't know if they love Serena more but they don't anymore. They know she's in the wrong. I think they're regretting being harsh on you before. It's just up to you if you want to forgive them or not." He placed his hand on hers.

"Thanks." Liz whispered. Her husband always made things better for her which was why she was scared shitless when Serena laid her dirty eyes on him, she had wanted to take him away from her.

God if she lost Max, she would literally die. There would be nothing left; just an empty black void.

"Liz, I know what you're thinking. Don't ever think that because I'm not leaving you." He promised. "I'm never going to cheat on you ever either so you can just stop worrying about that and start worrying for our baby which is growing inside of you."

Liz placed a hand over her womb protectively, she couldn't believe she was pregnant but she was so happy. Max had been ecstatic too, he always wanted children, long before marrying Liz. He had loved the idea of being a father. Liz knew that Max would make a perfect daddy, she just knew it.

Max gave her another one of his heart warming smiles. "Well we better eat before the food gets cold. Neither one of us wants to have a bad stomach, especially our little baby."

Liz grinned. "Yeah, otherwise he's gunna cause me stomach cramps."

"He?" Max grinned. "What if we're having a girl?"

"Hmm, I have a strong feeling we're having a boy." Liz said.

"Maybe I believe we're having a girl." Max wiggled his eyebrows.

"Well we'll see in nine months time won't we?" Liz laughed.


Michael lead Maria to her door, she lived with her mother and her mother was away for the week. Maria hated going back into her lonely house and wished so much that she was with someone she trusted.

She gave Michael an expected look when she unlocked her front door. "Well don't you wanna come in?" She asked Michael.

Michael hesitated. If he went in, he'd probably end up sleeping there. He was tired, he was hungry and he did not want to show Maria his ugly side. After everything's that happened, he just needed a big sleep. This Serena case took a lot of energy out of him. He also had to deal with that Isaac kid and make sure he wasn't going to break.

When he looked at Maria's anticipating eyes, he nodded and walked in.

She shut the door behind him.


Maria led him in the lounge; she turned on the TV and was so embarrassed when a scene of a naked man pounding into a naked woman came on. The sound of a woman ululating in pleasure caught Michael's attention as he was about to sit down. His groin stirred to life. He loved porn but this was the wrong timing; he was in a house, alone with Maria. Now was certainly not the time to watch porn.

"Ooops." Maria looked around for the remote, cringing as the sounds of the woman moaning got louder. The man in the TV, joined in, grunting as he fucked her. "Mom leaves it on the men's channel all the time." Maria scoffed. Her mother had left for a short vacation with her boyfriend and they had been watching the men's channel as usual. Her mother adored action films. It was only at night that the dirty soft porn films came on.

She had not expected to have that on the TV when Michael was here. It was so embarrassing. The damn remote was missing too! She tried looking for it, having her back to the TV as she tried to block out the nudity scenes. It was so humiliating. Now Michael would think she was some serial porn addict.

The moans got louder and she literally heard the bed squeak. Michael had his eyes on the TV the whole time; too stunned to move. He wasn't a pervert but he just really loved erotic movies.

Maria lifted the sofa cushions and ushered Michael to get off and help her. She still didn't find the remote and Michael took her hand.

"It's ok." He cleared his throat. "Let's just turn the TV off." He felt her discomfort and felt a little stupid for just sitting there, getting turned on.

When they both turned around to face the TV, the scene was still there; the actor and actress had just changed positions so she was on top, riding him. Her breasts were exposed and Michael's body was humming. Maria squeezed her thighs together, trying to muster some courage to actually turn off the TV.

It was then she felt Michael rub her hand and then the next thing she knew was his lips were on his, there was moaning in the background while she kissed Michael back; fiercely and full of passion. Michael who was caught up in Maria's kisses lifted her up and allowed her to wrap her legs around his waist.

He never had sex but god he was so turned on right now. Maria felt herself grow wet with each kiss Michael gave her, he started to nip at her neck now and her nipples turned hard. She was so ready for him.

They ended up on the sofa, he was between her legs and she was on top of him, straddling him. She felt his bulge between her legs and it excited her. She kissed him just as hard and needy. He stroked her back and massaged her butt, egging her to continue sucking face with him and grinding her hot sex against his tent.

"Oh." Maria broke the kiss, gasping for air. The kiss was so strong that she needed a lot of oxygen. She guessed it was down to him being an alien that made things intense.

Michael's lips were red and swollen. He had never lost control like that before. The passion was furious and he suddenly didn't feel lethargic anymore. He felt like every cell in his body was bursting to life.

"Maria." He swept her hair back and cupped her face.

He thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen but he believed he could never have her because she was human and he was alien. It was never heard off, his people mixed with their own kind. He had never met an alien who had made love with a human or had sex with a human. It was a taboo but tonight he might actually find out what could happen between a human and alien when they have sex together.

"I'm ready." Michael panted as Maria leaned closer to kiss him again.


Max lay naked next to his wife, spent. They had made love again and again, filling up the lost time; every room was christened again and the tears of joy they shed when they first joined their bodies, their souls. It was like finally reaching a pilgrimage after many years.

He cherished every moment he spent with her. He caressed her face and kissed her.

She snuggled closer to him in her sleep, he held her against him. It was so good to be back in their bed, it was so good to sleep like this again.

But he was worried; His wife was unaware of one thing that had been haunting him since Serena's visit in jail that day.

Liz didn't know.


Serena sat on her bunk bed; she had an annoying room mate who kept fighting with her. She was an older woman, her name was Pauline Richards; the woman who killed her husbands. She was a black widow. While all the other women in the same floor feared her, Serena didn't give two hoots about her. She was only scared of one thing, her Max going back to Liz. That could never happen.

As the woman kept muttering above her while she slept on the top bunk, Serena slipped under the dirty covers and cried herself to sleep. She had been sick earlier; she puked in the toilet that was in the same room she slept in. It was then she realised what was the cause of her sudden sickness.

It wasn't her getting in to jail. It was something good.

But she was unsure of everything. She just lay there and wished bad things would happen to everyone, even her parents.

She would come back even stronger then ever.

Because she was having Max Evans' baby.