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Re: The truth behind lies (M/L,ADULT) Part 11 - 2/23/09

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:12 pm
by reinla
You guys never cease to amaze me with your wonderful reviews.
Monica: I aim to please :D
Jan: I wish I knew what they were going to consist of as well :P
Natalie36: So do I. Khivar needs his behind kicked
Eve: Tess will prove herself and reveal more about what really happened on Antar
Kris: Thanks! I hope they get home soon as well
cjsl8ne: I am back!

Here is the next chapter. I hope to explain a few things here. If anyone wishes to offer suggestions or ideas for any parts feel free to pm me or post in your review comments. *Giant Huggles*

Part Eleven

Michael simply nodded at Zan as he picked Max up off the floor, carrying his brother inside. Depositing the body on the bed, Michael shut the door and headed to the living room. He still did not trust the dupes especially since Zan was supposed to be dead along with Rath.

Gathered in the living room of their newest hideout, Michael, Maria, Isabel, Alex and Kyle were standing around staring at the two newest arrivals with awe and trepidation. Rath and Zan were every bit the same as the group remembered from their last encounter, except that Zan had been missing then. Both sets of teens stared each other down as they contemplated what to say.

"You said that there were things we needed to discuss. Talk."

Zan looked hard at Rath's dupe and smirked slightly. He had heard about the Rossies from the rest of his crew. Being more alien they remembered more about what happened to them while back on Antar than the second group who were more human. Flopping himself down on the couch Zan kicked his feet up on the coffee table as he waved for each of them to take a seat. "It's a rather long story. I suggest you get comfortable"

Isabel glared a moment as she looked over at the room where her brother was laying unconscious. "Is he going to be ok? I can't loose him"

Rath studied Vilondra's dupe, realizing that she was nothing like his Lonnie but so much more like the real Vilondra. "He won't wake up until she is returned. Each of you needs to relax a moment and let Zan explain the situation. The sooner you all understand what is going on the sooner we can get Maxie to wake up."

Michael took a seat on the opposite couch pulling Maria into his lap as he prepared to listen to what they were about to say. The more information that they could uncover the faster they could bring Liz home and the sooner they could get on with their lives. Kyle took a seat to the left of Michael and Isabel and Alex shared the over sized chair to the right.

Zan took a breath a moment as he studied the ragtag mix of humans and aliens that greeted him. Memories flooded his brain of times back on Antar with the ragtag group of friends he had. A small smile tugged at his lips as he realized that even though this group had Max to be their leader he would not abandon them either. He hated having to talk in like some freak from New York so he was just going to talk and allow them to understand what they could.

"Everything started just after the summit. All of us knew that Nicholas would not be to happy if I showed up to the summit. He wanted Max and his Roswell crew to show up where he planned to try to have you all killed. So Rath and I concocted a plan to fake my death. We succeeded and I went into hiding until the business with the summit was over. We all laid low after that trying to figure out Nicholas' plans in hopes that we could take him out. We figured if we took out Nicholas at least we would all be safer until we found out how to get off this rock."

As Zan had been talking Maria's stomach started to rumble. None of them bothered to eat breakfast or had anything to fill their empty stomachs. Placing a small kiss on Maria's head Michael sat her to the side so he could stand up. "Can we continue this in a little while? None of us have eaten yet." As he spoke he headed towards the kitchen and started pulling out items. The whole group followed him and started placing their orders for breakfast. Flashing everyone a smile Michael set about his work as Rath and Zan watched in awe.

"Yous can cook man? I keep trying to get Rath here to learn with me but he won't budge. I tend to burn things."

Michael laughed as he started dishing out bacon, eggs, sausage and toast. Maria was handed her plate first before he handed everyone else their food. When everyone was served he dug into his own plate as he spoke. "I sort of had to learn. Hank wasn't exactly the best father figure and if I didn't cook myself dinner I would have starved." Everyone sat in quiet for a bit as they finished their meals. When the plates were stacked in the sinks Zan ran his hand over the dishes watching them clean before ushering everyone into the living room again.

When everyone was settled again Zan continued with his story. "The last time we were all together Rath and Lonnie told that one set of us was more alien while the other was more human. What we didn't know at the time was that that there was in fact nine of us. After the Summit we tracked Nicholas back here to Roswell. He was working with someone else here who called himself Nesado trying to find the ninth alien."

There were outraged shouts coming from everyone but Michael who's gaze was at the doorway where Max was still out. He was remembering the conversation between the two of them as Zan and Rath. "She has been with us this whole time hasn't she? It's how she knew that the granilith could be dangerous in the wrong hands. It's how she knew she could trust us from the beginning. I always knew there was something special about her. I mean of all the girls in the world why did he fight so hard to keep her in his life even though he was technically married to Tess in a past life."

Silence filled the room as everyone processed what was said before Rath spoke. "I realized it the first time we showed up here in Roshell. Lonnie and I were digging through Max's sock drawer where we discovered Liz's photo. I won't go into the details of that conversation but it led me to the high school. I was hoping to get information from Liz so I sorta just kissed her. It was then that I discovered who she really was even though she had no idea."

Before Rath could finish speaking a fist had connected with his jaw. Standing above him was a raging Michael that Zan and Kyle were trying to hold back. Black eyes gazed down at the man who was currently rubbing his jaw. "Touch my little sister again and I will kill you." The alien side of Michael, the side that made him Rath was beyond pissed off that someone other than the king, other than Zan would dare to touch his sister.

Zan squeezed Michael's shoulder gently sending a small wave of energy through him. "Rath calm down. It will do you no good to harm someone who can help us get your sister back. There are two people counting on you right now and you need to calm down and keep your head."

The words mixed with the energy had the desired effect as the alien side of Michael retreated and his eyes took on their usual brown shade. Energy and tension charged the air around the teens as they resumed their spots on the couch again. Rath looked over at Michael with a frown knowing he felt the same way about it himself. "I had no idea who she was. I just wanted to see if she was someone that could be trusted. After it happened I felt so horrible when I figured out exactly who she was."

Zan decided that now was the time to finish the story and bring everyone up to speed.

"Needless to say we followed Nicholas and Nasedo here to this place as they worked out their plans for taking out Liz. It seemed that they had figured that with the human out of the way Max would be more willing to give over the location of the granilith. The more they tried to get to her the more their plans were foiled by Tess' own machinations under the instructions of Nasedo. While we were down here we were also able to uncover the truth about what happened to us on Antar." His gaze swept to Isabel for a moment as his eyes softened. "Even being more alien the only one of us that remembers everything is myself. I guess that comes from being the last one murdered.

To get on with the story, neither of Nicholas nor Nesado had any idea who Liz truly was they simply wanted her out of the way. So while all of you were busy dealing with Tess, Rath and I were here trying to keep them from succeeding. If we had known exactly what Tess was planning we might have been able to save Liz from this whole thing. See while we were tracking the skins Ava and Lonnie were back in New York trying to dig up dirt on the granilith.

We found out plenty just before you guys showed up. Three days ago there was a major disturbance in the area around the crash site. We could feel the shift so we abandoned our quest for a day and traveled to the area that housed the crash. It was like a beacon showing us the way. Rath and I were able to sneak inside after Liz and the others where we saw the whole event. We knew that something big was about to happen, Rath had always been able to predict things. He called them gut feelings but really they were more premonitions.

A part of Max, the part of Zan that is buried inside of him is coming awake. We were born more in touch with the part inside of us that gives us our special abilities and because of it we also remember more of who we used to be. Michael, you and Isabel have already gone through the awakening. Isabel yours started when the skins first attacked and you had to save Tess but it wasn't finalized until Alex went into a coma. Michael you were the first awakened, yours happening after the incident with Hank. It takes a event of great emotional toll to bring forth our alien side. "

Zan took a moment to allow each of them to contemplate what he has told them. While it doesn't yet explain why they are really there, it was enough to give them something to think about. Standing up for a moment Zan headed into the kitchen grabbing sodas for everyone and coming back.

"There are some things we need to tell you, to explain to you. After you hear this then what is going to happen to Max will make more sense." Rath spoke softly as he waited for Zan's return.

Zan and Rath spent the next few hours explaining the history of who they were and the significance of Liz in their life. There were many questions but all were answered except for the parts about Ava. None of them seemed to understand why she would betray them. "Lonnie and Aves are going to stay in New York until they can close up the loose ends. We all want to be here when Liz returns." It was easy enough for Zan and Rath to not dislike their Ava she was kinder than they remembered.

As the others are spending hours learning their history Max is trapped deep within his mind reliving all of his past life mistakes. From the first time he met Lyssaria to their deaths he realized that he never stopped loving her even when he was married to Tess.

Sweat poured of his body as it kept its place a foot above the bed. Green sparks of lighting coursed through his veins as he felt the pull to his alien side. He was becoming Zan and less of Max knowing that nothing would stand in his way to getting Liz back. His body was getting in tune with itself and with the part of him that belonged to Lyssaria, to Liz, his soul mate.

Pain ran through his body as he started shaking and screaming out in pain. Everyone that had occupied the living room was currently standing in the bedroom as Zan tried to heal Max somewhat to ease the pain. "His connection with her is stronger than I ever imagined. The reason our Ava is different is because she is part Lyssaria and part Ava but Max here has had to face the two as separate entities."

"Is he going to be ok?" Isabel queried in a soft whisper.

"For now he will be. His alien side is fighting to get out, to go after his wife, his love, his Liz. He wants to hurt everyone that stands in his way but the human side of him is trying to calm it down and simply reach out to her. He will be in pain until she is returned." Rath sighed as he tried to give Zan energy to keep healing Max.

"His body is awaking to not only his alien side but his king side. There are things that he will be driven to do because of a biological urge implanted in all kings. He will not be the same, there will be times when he will choose her over you but keep in mind, he is king. He has a duty to protect not only the queen but his people, he is solely responsible for keeping the royal line going. The weight of both planets will rest on his shoulders and each of you will need to help him. Liz is his rock and there will be times that only she will be able to reach him. This is one of those times. Now come let us all leave him to rest." Zan spoke as he watched Max's body filter back down to the bed though the green lighting was still racing across his skin.

Re: The truth behind lies (M/L,ADULT) Part 12 - 2/28/09

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 6:17 pm
by reinla
Thanks everyone for the wonderful feedback.
Jan: I love you! You are such a wonderful source of encouragement and reviews.
Natalie36: I can't either!
Eve: I am glad someone likes it. I never know what I want to do until I start to write and even then it changes four times.
Kris: Max will wake up soon.
Destiny: It should be a blast.
Timelord31: Glad to have you read it :D
Monica: Here is your next part

Chapter Twelve

Both Tess and Liz rubbed their eyes in sleep as they yawned. Forgetting for the moment that they weren't alone both girls changed into sleep clothes before crawling into their beds.

"Good night Liz."

"Good night Tess. See you for breakfast."

Gently closing her eyes, Liz allowed sleep to claim her slowly. Her entire body was surging with green energy and pain as she felt herself changing again. Arching off the bed Liz tried hard not to moan in pain as energy surged throughout her entire body. Images raced through her mind as she started to remember who she used to be.

Darkness surrounded the child as she ran through the forests behind the palace. Sweat and blood poured down her face and arms as she forced her way back home. Lyssaria was scared, afraid that she would never find anyone willing to help her.

Being half human was hard on Antar, never knowing exactly who she could trust. Living with her mother in a small house on the outskirts of the city, Lyssaria spent the first six years of her life on this planet hearing nothing but stories about her older half brother. Her mother was proud of the fact that Rath had made friends with the kings son and would be the next in line to run the military.

This day had started out like every other, Lyssaria had awoke to the smell of bacon, eggs, sausage and toast but there was a new smell wafting through the air as well. Climbing out of her bed slowly, she pulled on a soft pink summer dress and headed down stairs towards the kitchen. The soft patter of her feet was the only thing that could be heard through the halls.

Smoke filled the air as flames leapt around downstairs. Lyssaria ran as fast as she could downstairs and towards the kitchen. The sound of a piercing scream echoed through the silence as she saw her mother laying in the kitchen in a pool of blood, fire leaping around the body and trailing towards to her. Obvious signs of a struggle were evident throughout the house but the blast marks were sure to show that someone wanted them dead.

Turning Lyssaria ran from the house and towards the one place she knew where her only other family was. Bursting through the front door Lyssaria was running as fast as her six year old legs would carry her. She was so focused on getting away from the house that she never noticed the large hands that grabbed her until her mouth was covered. She dragged kicking to a black vehicle with no windows as her head was slammed hard against the metal.

She had been out for hours only to wake up with one chance to escape. Nicholas had stopped long enough to get more fuel and she had taken off out of the back of the van. Bruises marred her left arm where the broken bone jutted from the skin and her face was bleeding heavily. She ran as far and as fast as she could, falling and sliding in the dirt. Pain coursed through her veins as green lightning sparked from the ends of her fingertips.

She could see the palace in the distance, see the young forms of three children playing in the gardens as she approach. Staggering and falling, Lyssaria alerted the guards to her presence as she tried to approach Zan, Rath and Vilondra.

The sound of the guards shouting and her body hitting the floor caused the three children to stop playing and stare. Rath and Zan raced over to her as they held the guards away. Looking up into the brown eyes of Rath, Lyssaria whispered "Rath brother." before the inky blackness of unconsciousness took hold of her.

Liz was being shown the first time she had met Rath, her older brother and Zan the person who would capture her heart. The images switched faster and faster as she saw the meeting with Zan's parents as she explained who she was and what happened. Images of her moving into the palace and being included with the royal family, being considered one of the royal four, Zan, Rath, Vilondra and Lyssaria.

Arching harder off the bed, Liz let out a piercing scream as she felt pain rip through her body. She was still asleep, trapped in the dreamworld that only her awakening could bring.

Hearing the scream, Tess sat up in bed and looked over at the girl with concern. The green energy and the power radiating around Liz was enough to have her panicking. Climbing out of bed Tess called out for a servant to go fetch Serena. Pacing with worry as she waited for her friend to show up Tess stepped closer to thrashing body of Liz. Something was going on and she hoped it wouldn't end in one of their deaths.

Serena barged through the door without knocking prepared to fight off whoever had Tess panicked. "Ava you called and I am here. What is wrong?" She spoke in a fast pace as she cast her gaze over to the other occupant in the room. Gasping out loud, Serena rushed over to Liz and placed a hand on her gently. "Ava give me your hand."

Tess reach out and took Serena's hand as she watched the other alien try to lend some strength to Liz. "What is going on Serena? What is happening to Liz?" Panic tinged her voice as it came out fast.

"She is being awakened. Liz is becoming who she was, Lyssaria. For her entire life on earth she thought she was human, that is until she was saved by he king. When he healed the wound his powers awoke a small part of her allowing her to accept him again. Her body is preparing to become the queen she should have been and if my hunch is correct Max is going through the same thing. His will last longer than hers but she will be like this for another three days."

Liz continued to thrash as images of herself and Zan sprang up again. Her heart and soul were connecting with Max as he shared the same images that were racing through her mind.

Fifteen years old and loving her life, Lyssaria was preparing for her date with Zan. Rath was being his typical self, grumbling about her being attached to the newly crowned king. Since that day nine years ago, she had been assimilated into the group with no questions asked. Her role in the group was still questionable at times, being the youngest sister of Rath meant that she always had a chaperone wherever she went.

Standing in front of the mirror, Lys brushed out her long brown locks as she gave herself one final look. She had chosen to wear her hair down because Zan always said he loved to run his fingers through it. She had chosen a soft green dress for the evenings events. The empire style of the dress added more elegance than she was feeling. The soft silk caressed her shoulders as it flared off with capped sleeves. Dark green sequins formed the waist as it cinched just under her breasts blocking the skirt of the fabric from the top. The skirt draped across the ground as she walked flowing in waves of silk.

A soft knock broke her out of her reverie as the door opened. Spinning around her breath escaped in a small gasp as she took in Zan. His soft brown hair was slightly spiked at the end giving him a rugged look. Warm amber eyes drifted across the room to gaze at her. He was wearing a black shirt that was halfway open revealing his well toned chest, tucked deep into the black slacks that fig snug against his toned legs.

She could feel heat crawl up her body as Zan devoured her with his eyes before holding out his hand. Lyssaria nearly flew into his arms as she kissed his cheek. "Are you ready Zan?" She spoke softly as she bowed her head in respect.

Pulling her flush against his body, Zan kissed Liz hard on the lips as he let his hands roam across her back. "Come on dear the car awaits." Pulling Lys with him he walked out of the palace and climbed into the car.

The ride to their destination was short and Zan helped Lys out of the vehicle. Their escort to their destination was a young man with scruffy brown hair. "Your highness. Follow me to your destination." Zan and Lyssaria followed the young man as he showed them to their room at the hotel.

Opening the door, Zan smiled as he tipped the bellhop and escorted Lys inside the room. The table was set for a romantic candlelight dinner and the lights were down low. Smiling at her, Zan kissed her lips gently as he pulled Lys closer to him. "Dinner is ready baby why don't you take a seat." Pulling out her seat, Zan waited for her to sit down and pushed her chair back in.

Lyssaria smiled at Zan as she sat and waited. She knew this was a special evening, it was their anniversary. There were things that only Rath, Lonnie, Zan and herself knew and one of those was that she was the queen. Everyone thought Zan was single, waiting to find the person that was to be his queen. No public wedding or announcement had been made, instead they met in secret until they could finalize their plans. So here they were celebrating their three month wedding anniversary.

Taking his seat Zan smiled as he poured the wine into their glasses before offering the toast. They sat and ate their dinner in companionable silence, casting furtive glances at each other. When the meal was over Zan stood and escorted Lyssaria to the bedroom. "I have a present for you my darling." Setting her down on the bed he leaned in and kissed her before pulling away. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a small black box and handed it to her. Opening it slowly Lys gasped in joy as she stared at the small pendant that laying in the velvet.

"It is beautiful, Zan."

"It is a pendant of protection. The symbol as you know means protection but the charm it carries will keep you safe as long as you wear it." Turning he took the pendant and fastened it around her neck as he trailed kisses up and down the flesh.

Moaning softly Lys started to relax in Zan's hands as she allowed him free reign. Zan used his hands to slowly undo the halter of her dress as he kissed across the back of her neck. As his hands roamed across to cup her breasts he followed the golden trail of light with his lips. Lyssaria started moaning louder and thrashing slightly as she sought to assuage the ache between her legs.

Stepping back for a moment, Zan stripped off his clothes, leaving himself gloriously naked as he looked down at Lys spread out on the bed. She was laying there, her dress covering her lower half, breasts gloriously revealed waiting for his attention.

Crawling on the bed Zan started to trail hot wet kisses across Lyssaria's chest as he pulled at the edges of her dress slowly pulling it down over her hips and down her creamy thighs. Tossing the dress off the bed Zan took hold of Lys' right foot massaging it gently as he started kissing up her thigh bypassing the place he knew she wanted him the most and switching to kiss down the opposing leg.

As Zan kissed her legs Lys had a hard time not giggling. The inside of her thighs had always been a ticklish zone for her. Reaching out with her hands she stroked her fingers through his spiky hair trying to pull him closer to her.

Smiling wolfishly, Zan kissed up to her hip laving the skin just around the string with his tongue as he pulled it gently watching the knot unravel and the garment to fall away from her skin. He was always amazed by the softness of her skin as he trailed his lips closer. Finally he would give her what he knew she wanted as he leaned in and trailed one long lick up her slit.

Lyssaria let out a constant stream of moans as she thrashed across the bed. Heat and fire raced through her veins as she lost herself to the sensations that Zan was creating. When he licked her she nearly screamed out his name as she arched down onto his mouth.

Zan continued to lick her, smiling slightly to himself at her reactions to his ministrations. Wanting to push her over the edge he slid two fingers into her, pumping them in fast and hard. He could feel her walls clenching around his fingers sooner than he would have liked, so he slowed down his movements. Zan loved to draw out her pleasure, especially when it meant he got to taste her sweet nectar. Flattening his tongue Zan, flicked her clit three times in rapid succession watching as her back arched off the bed coming with a scream of his name.

Lys laid there in bliss as stars danced behind her eyes. She was on the most incredible high she had experienced so far with Zan and hoped to never come down. Soft sighs escaped her mouth as she felt his lips trailing kisses up her chest, alternating squeezing and suckling on her breasts. While she was distracted with his drugging kisses, Zan slid himself home deep inside of Lyssaria.

Both sighed in joy at the sensations of being full and home. Leaning down Zan started to kiss her as he pumped in and out of her slowly at first before speeding up his rhythm. Every single time was magical and both were loosing it rapidly. Feeling her clench around his member, Zan pounded as hard as he could spilling his seed deep inside of Lyssaria as he watched her come apart in his arms.

The shared memories of their joining drove Liz to completion. Arching hard off the bed she came with a scream as a soft green shield formed around her. Her powers subsided back into their normal state as her body started to wake up. Opening her eyes she looked around the room at the two other women. "Tess? Serena? What's going on?"Her head was pounding as she fought to remember that in this life she was Liz Parker, and not Lyssaria, Queen of Antar.

"You started screaming out in pain so I brought Serena in here to help." Tess whispered.

Serena smiled at the young woman as she placed a hand on her head to soothe away the pain. "You went through the awakening. You had to know who you used to be so you can help your Zan once again regain his throne. He is going through the same thing that you did. You must remember who you are to prepare yourself. Rest now little one and we will prepare for the trials when you awaken"

Watching as Liz drifted off into sleep, Serena turned towards Tess with a strange expression on her face. "There are things that even they didn't know. I hate to say this Ava but you were not the true queen."

Tess smiled softly at her two friends. "I know Rena. When we touched the granilith earlier I got flashes of just who Liz really was. They were going to tell the world but her father betrayed her, set her up to Kivar and allowed him to create me and bring me in. Why don't we go somewhere else and talk so that Liz can sleep."

Both girls pulled themselves away from the bedroom, deciding to get some food from the kitchens as they talked.

Re: The truth behind lies (M/L,ADULT) Part 13 - 3/11/09

Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2009 10:10 pm
by reinla
Thank you guys once again for the lovely reviews:
Carrie: It means a lot. I honestly did not think I did Zan justice
Jan: Like Carrie and Monica you have been my inspiration for continuing this.
Monica: I am psychic :P
Natalie36: Thank you!
Destiny: Here is the next part.
Timelord31: I am glad you read it.

AN: The lyrics for Mayberry belong to Rascal Flatts and the lyrics to Caledonia belong to Celtic Woman. No infringement is intended.

Part Thirteen

Hours of conversation over the four aliens sat quietly on the couch processing everything that had been said. It was hard to believe that what they had been told the year before was all a lie. When they had discovered how to activate the orbs and learned of their 'destiny' they had a purpose, a goal to fight for. Everything that Zan and Rath had told them seemed to counter act that.

Isabel sat in silence with her eyes closed lost in her own thoughts. The past year had been hell on them all forcing them in directions that none of them wanted to go. She could still remember how heartbroken she had been when she had heard the story of why they were on earth. She had been so happy to know that she had been a princess on her planet, someone of importance. Her dream had always been to be a princess but she had never expected it to be true. It was a hard thing to swallow that she had been betrothed to Michael in her other life. Shaking her head to rid itself of the thoughts Isabel stood and exited the living room.

She needed time to think, a place where she could simply go to sort out her worries and fears. Pushing open the door to her bedroom, she laid herself down on top of the covers. Sighing for a moment she used her powers to turn on her radio as she filtered through several stations before landing on one that would do. While she was not an outright fan of country music, Isabel often felt that sometimes the music spoke the words she couldn't get out.

Sometimes it feels like this world is spinning faster
Than it did in the old days
So naturally we have more natural disasters
From the strain of a fast pace

Closing her eyes softly, Isabel took deep breaths trying to calm herself down. The first strains of the song wafted to her ears and she could not help but be drawn in. There was something so poignant about the starting words of the song. She could feel her world spinning faster and faster out of control and she was lost on ways to stop it.

Sunday was the day of rest
Now its one more day for progress
And we can't slow down
Cause more is best
It's all an endless process

Sighing Isabel rolled over on the bed as she lost herself within the lyrics. The soft caress of the music was slowly taking over Isabel's soul as she kept her eyes closed. So lost within the strains of the music Isabel never heard the door open slowly.

Alex entered softly as he stood in the doorway watching Isabel. She was upset but he would not pressure her. If she wanted to talk she would come to him like always. Alex knew he had been away for quite a while but it was not enough to feel like an outsider.

Slowly Alex walked to the bed laying down next to Isabel. Turning so that her back was to his chest he wrapped his arms around her gently. There were no words needed at the moment so he would be content to hold her.

Well I miss Mayberry
Sitting on the porch drinking ice cold Cherry --- Coke
Where everything is black & white
Picking on a Six String
Where people pass by and you call them by their first name
Watching the clouds roll by
bye bye

Tears leaked out from behind her closed eyes as she felt the words touch her heart. Things had been simpler when she was young, heck even a year ago before that fateful day in September things had been simpler. She could walk down the hall and know exactly what kind of reaction everyone would give her. Her shallow friends were her security blanket and she never truly had to let anyone see the real her. She could spend time with Max and Michael and no one questioned because they were considered brother and sister. Her life had been simple then but it was empty.

It broke Alex' heart to see the tears in his girls eye and he vowed silently to stop her pain by any means available. He may not be an alien but he knew a few ways to cheer up his girl.

Sometimes I can hear this old earth shouting
Through the trees as the wind blows
Thats when I climb up here on this mountain
To look through God's window

Now I can't fly
But I've got two feet
To get me high up here
Above the noise and city streets
My worries disappear

Opening her eyes Isabel turned over and locked her eyes with Alex's. "I just feel so lost right now. For so long Max, Michael and I have sought to find out who we really are and why we are here. I was so happy that day in the cave when we learned who we were but now we find out that everything is a lie."

Alex pulled Isabel close and kissed the top of her head. "Life is full of change Isabel. Do you wish things would go back to the way they were? Do you want to go back to hanging out with those shallow sappy girls and never getting to know three humans who love you dearly?" His words were soft spoken with a hint of underlying fear.

Several long minutes passed before she spoke again having made a decision within herself to simply be more free-spirited. She would allow the pressures of life to simply cause her less stress. "I would never give up what I have now. I have a true family for the first time Alex. Giving that up would be giving you up and I won't do it"

Alex kissed the top of her head again as he reached over to turn the station but decided against it allowing the last strains of the song to filter their world. "Sleep some baby. Tomorrow is a new day and we can start out fresh. Rest, let your dreams carry you to the stars and back."

Well I miss Mayberry
Sitting on the porch drinking ice cold Cherry --- Coke
Where everything is black & white
Picking on a Six String
Where people pass by and you call them by their first name
Watching the clouds roll by
bye bye

Sometimes I dream I'm driving down an old dirt road
Not even listed on the map
I pass a dad and son carrying a fishing pole
But I always wake up everytime I try to turn back

Well I miss Mayberry
Sitting on the porch drinking ice cold Cherry Coke
Where everything is black & white
Picking on a Six String
Where people pass by and you call them by their first name
Watching the clouds roll by
bye bye

Leaning her head up, Isabel placed a gentle kiss on Alex's cheek before closing her eyes. She was soon fast asleep lost in her dream world as Alex watched her with love. It had been too long since he had simply held her while she slept. Though the times were rough right now, Alex knew that his day was coming. They day when the two of them were more than just friends. A small part of him wanted to rush to process but what good would it do him.

After Isabel left the living room emptied out fast each person traveling to their respective bedrooms. Things were tense and quiet as Maria followed Michael into their bedroom. The soft lilt of a distinctly feminine voice wafted through the air as she realized that they had left the radio on.

Upon entering the room Michael veered off towards the dresser. He was tense and scared and trying so hard to hide his true emotions. As the words of the song hit his ears he stilled as he listened.

I don't know if you can see
The changes that have come over me
In these last few days I've been afraid
That I might drift away
I've been telling old stories, singing songs
That make me think about where I've come from
That's the reason why I seem
So far away today

Secrets had been the foundation of his life, always hiding things that he was too afraid to let someone see. These last few days had been so hard, knowing that he could go home and never see earth again had brought about a serious change within himself. His decision to tell Maria had been the hardest in his life. He wanted so badly to keep her safe and never hurt her but it was impossible for him.

Memories of him standing there in the granilith chambers moments away from leaving still haunted him. In that moment he chose to follow his heart for the first time; realizing that his home was here with Maria. His choices had always been about him yet for the first time he chose to think about someone else. These changes were scary to him making him feel vulnerable.

Let me tell you that I love you
That I think about you all the time
Caledonia, you're calling me, now I'm going home
But if I should become a stranger
Know that it would make me more than sad
Caledonia's been everything I've ever had

"Maria I love you so much. I don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to you. I am not as strong as Max is Maria. A part of me died when Liz was taken and now I understand why. She is my little sister and I couldn't even sense it. I was so lost within myself and my thoughts never went past myself and my goals. You changed me Maria and I love you even more for it." keeping his back to her Michael took two short breaths praying for control over his emotions.

Now I have moved and I've kept on moving
Proved the points that I needed proving
Lost the friends that I needed losing
Found others on the way
I have kissed the fellas and left them crying
Stolen dreams, yes, there's no denying
I have traveled hard, sometimes with conscience flying
Somewhere with the wind

The nickname of Hurricane DeLuca was not a small feat to earn. There were things about Maria that she was not proud of but had shaped her into the woman she was becoming. Having a hippie for a mother had led her to certain beliefs and dreams. Since this whole encounter with the aliens Maria had realized just how flighty her life had been. While she might not have slept around with boys she did date and dump them. Maria had always been happy and secure in her wacky world with Liz and Alex by her side.

Let me tell you that I love you
That I think about you all the time
Caledonia, you're calling me, now I'm going home
But if I should become a stranger
Know that it would make me more than sad
Caledonia's been everything I've ever had

"I love you with my soul Michael. I still remember that day you kidnapped me. It was the first day that you opened up to anyone other than Max and Isabel. That day will be with me forever."

Walking slowly towards Michael her thoughts were confusing. She loved him deeply but her heart could not take being broken again. When he told her he was leaving a small part of her died that day. She was hopeless without him, so in love with him that she would never admit it. Reaching out, Maria wrapped her arms around Michael's waste as she hugged him from behind.

Now I'm sitting here before the fire
The empty room, the forest choir
The flames have cooled, don't get any higher
They've withered, now they've gone
But I'm steady thinking, my way is clear
And I know what I will do tomorrow
When hands have shaken, the kisses float
Then I will disappear

Sighing both Michael and Maria lost themselves in the feel of each other for a moment. Rubbing circles into Michael's back Maria sighed as she kissed his shoulder. "Why don't you go take a shower and relax baby. I love you so much but perhaps we should save this conversation for another time."

Michael reluctantly pulled himself out her grasp to head towards the shower. Closing the bathroom door behind him, Michael took a steadying breath. Maria's touch set a fire deep within himself and ever since they made love a few days ago he had the hardest time resisting the urge to take her again. Turning on the water as hot as he could get it, Michael stepped under the spray. Images of seeing Maria naked and spread out before him like a feast was driving him wild.

Too soon the water was getting cold and Michael pulled himself out of the shower. Using his powers to dry himself off, he threw on a pair of pajama pants and headed back into the bedroom. Sprawled out on the bed, asleep in one of his Metalllica tee shirts. Quietly he made his way to the bed and pulled the covers up around Maria as he slid in behind her. Wrapping his arms around her Michael drifted off into sleep hoping that tomorrow would bring a better day.

Re: The truth behind lies (M/L,ADULT) Part 14 - 4/13/09

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:31 pm
by reinla
You guys are so amazing for the feedback:
Jan: Always love your feedback.
Monica: Here you go!
Kris: Thanks so much!

Sorry this is so late things are a bit hectic and I have been fighting a bit of depression and a lack of muse. Hope you enjoy this update.

Part Fourteen

Time drifted by slowly as inky blackness and pain drifted through Liz's body for the last time. While this was a necessary process it was a very painful one but would turn out to help them immensely. Shocks wracked her body twice more as Liz was slowly brought awake with a new understanding of everything. Her role in the past life had been cut short due to the actions of Rath's father. Her true purpose had been hidden from even her but now nothing would stop her from her true goal.

During the brief time that Zan was king of Antar he had tried to make several controversial changes to the government. One thing the Antarians were proud of was their ability to learn and assimilate Earth characteristics to their planet. There was one thing that he thought the should try, it was a parliamentary monarchy. He wanted to remain king but not be the one with total control. Zan loved his people and only wanted what was best for them but he never truly got to implement many changes. His wedding and the coronation of his queen was supposed to be the pivotal point since Ava had influence over those that wanted to reject his plans. With the murder he never got to do any of it.

Lyssaria's part in all of this was supposed to be by Zan's side. The true four-square, power unimaginable that would keep Antar safe from their enemies. By turning Lyssaria away from her path each of the powers of the royal four were weakened significantly.

As realization dawned on Liz she knew that she needed to get back to them as quickly as she could. Pushing the covers away she tried to stand but was still shaky from being asleep for so long. Keeping her hands on the bed Liz concentrated on breathing and steadying herself. When she felt strong enough she pushed away from the bed and headed towards the bathroom. Time was precious and Liz hoped they would be prepared for the three trials they were about to face.

Turning on the shower as hot as she could, Liz stood under the spray hoping that her muscles would relax and Tess would be back by the time she was finished. Closing her eyes, Liz allowed herself to relax but as she reached out for the shampoo she gasped as she had a flash of images. These were not like the flashes she received when she kissed Max, this was much more subjective and felt like it was going to happen rather than it had.

Finishing her shower quickly, Liz tried to dress as fast as she could. Entering the bedroom from the bathroom she noticed that both Tess and Serena were back. They had precious little time to come up with a plan, especially if what she was actually true. "Good you both are here. I fear that we have even less time than we planned. Something happened that you both need to know about."

Both girls turned to Liz to give her their full attention. While they had been gone Serena talked to Tess about the trials that they were going to face. There was not much known since it was rarely enacted. They had cut their walk short when Serena suddenly felt drawn to back to the room. She had a duty to protect the queen and felt compelled to do so. So now here they were about to learn what had Lyssaria on edge.

"Your Highness are you sure you wish to talk to us about this here? The longer you stay here the more danger you are in. We must get you and Ava back to Earth as soon as possible."

"I appreciate your concern Serena but I merely wanted to talk about the trials. I believe I know what they are and how we can win. I was in the shower just moments ago and I touched the shampoo bottle. I had a flash, almost like a vision of what was to come. We only have on hour to go over this before they come for us." Liz said as she started outlining the plan that would grant them their freedom but ensure that they made it home with the full protection of the granolith.

The loud knock on the door made the room fall silent as one of the guards pushed the door open and escorted all three women out of the room. They were led down a long hallway that had no windows or doors for ten minutes. Finally stopping just outside a set of double wooden doors the guard spoke brusquely. "Step inside. You will find a set of robes that are traditional for these events. Once you are dressed you will wait until further instructions are given."

Both girls looked hesitant for a moment but they skittered through he door to find the robes laying there. Dressing quickly, Liz in green and Tess in blue both girls were surprised at how well they fit. This was going to be tough because the first two challenges were individual challenges, trying to force them to fail by presenting them with something they were not good at.

Minutes ticked by as they waited for the next set of instructions to come to them. Kivar watched both girls from afar, unimpressed with the fact they seemed to be confident about what they were about to face. He had specifically chosen these tasks to watch them fail. Smirking slightly he spoke to give them their next commands. As King he had the right to set this challenge up any way he wished and he would make sure it was in his favor. "The first event is a mental challenge. The first contestant is Liz Parker."

Things were looking good since this would be easy for Liz. She was the one with the knack for mental challenges so she stepped forward and waited for the task to be handed down to her. While she knew that things could be dangerous she was not going to overlook the fact that Kivar did not know enough about her. If he was trying to see them fail then he should have chosen Tess.

"Your task is simple enough. You will be presented with a series of questions about Antarian government and history. There will be a total of 30 questions and you have the ability to skip only two. To pass this trial you must successfully answer at least 28 questions correctly. You may begin" Kivar hissed out as he sat back to watch the girl fail.

Liz confidently stood her ground and hoped that Kivar did not realize she had the granolith on her side. When her awakening had been completed Liz had been given all the knowledge that Lyssaria knew as well as the knowledge passed down to the kings and queens of antar by the granolith. Suddenly a flash of white light surrounded her and Liz was frozen in her spot as she was greeted by images of the Elders of the kingdom. They introduced themselves and explained what was about to happen. The questions began and she tried hard to remember everything that she had been shown. Answering to the best of her ability Liz waited for the verdict of her task.

"Lyssaria it is truly an honor to see you again. You have shown a true mastery of the history of your planet and the knowledge that only the true queen of Antar has. We are honored to inform you that you have passed this trail"

The white light surrounding her disappeared and Liz waited to see what Kivar would do next. His frown had her frightened but Tess was smiling at her giving her a thumbs up. They had come to win, not to back down to some tyrant.

"The second task is one of powers. Tess is to demonstrate the strength of her powers against an opponent of my choosing. If she can successfully use her powers to deflect or distract the opponent then she shall win. " Kivar spoke again.

Tess stepped forward to face the guard that was waiting for her. A soft wind picked up blowing her robes around her making them flutter. Tess was prepared, she knew her powers were stronger here on Antar than the were on Earth. Starting out slowly, Tess eased into a mind-warp. She wanted to make the man see angry bunnies hopping around his feet. If she broke her concentration on her task to see if it worked she would lose so she kept her eyes closed and focused. Building the scene was the hardest part since she had to scare him. Hearing giggling coming from her right, Tess broke the mind warp in time to see the guard running around in circles screaming about rabid rabbits. The task was easily accomplished and both girls stood waiting for the next task.

"So you managed to get past the first two trials but lets see how you do on the third. If I had my way you would be forced to fight each other but since you entered into this as a team you are allowed to work together. The third trial is a battle of powers, your powers versus ours. You will face two teams of four guards. IF you manage to get past all of them our bargain will stand. You will be free to take a ship back to earth. You will be given time to try to teach the others what you learned here before I seek out Zan."

With these last few words spoken, Kivar waved his hand and the bunker they were in transformed into rocky terrain. Tess and Liz looked around wondering just how they were going to get out of this. Liz had an offensive power while Tess' was primarily defensive. They had no time to plan as the first set of guards came out and took their positions. Blasts started firing off but Liz simply smirked as she reached out and took Tess' hand.

Tess trust me on this. I have the protection of the granolith and as long as you do not let go it extends to you as well. We can do this, this is sort of like the four square. Each of us can pull power from the other. I can grant you some of my lightening and you can lend me some of your mind abilities. We have to get through this. Liz spoke in the other girls mind.

Now was not the time to freeze up so both girls held onto each other tightly as they threw blast after blast, some laced with green lightning towards the guards. When the first group fell the second took their place. A blast from the side shook Liz as she crumpled over struggling to breathe. She refused to let go of Tess but this was the distraction that she needed. Concentrating hard, Tess managed to mind-warp each of the guards and simultaneously set them on fire. Her task done and the challenge won, she dropped down next to Liz.

The wound did not look good but this was not the place to examine it. Placing her hand on the wound she tried to manipulate it slightly to heal it some. Only the king was granted the power to heal but Liz was a friend. Looking around she spotted Kivar fleeing before they could turn on him.

Serena came running into the room, stopping short as she saw her queen in a heap on the ground. Picking up Liz, she turned to Tess, "Ava we have to go now. I have a ship ready. There is a medical bay onboard that we can place her in a stasis. All we can do is dress the wound and try to stop the bleeding until we can reunite her with her king."

Tess did not even question as she followed quickly with Serena. With everything that had happened she wanted to go back to her home. The trip to the ship was quicker than she had expected and she helped Serena place Liz within the stasis chamber. The pod sealed shut keeping Liz breathing and alive but protected so the ship would not jostle her too much. "Serena are you going with us?"

"I cannot leave our queen alone. She needs to get to the king and quickly if she is to survive. The part of the granolith that brought you here was on autopilot the only other person that can fly the ship is in stasis." Smiling at her friend, Rena took hold of the controls and prepared the ship for take off.

Before she could speak again, Tess felt a rumbling as they blasted off into space. The trip would take a few hours so she decided it was time to get some sleep. Things were going to be dangerous for her if she could not get Liz healed and awake before the others attacked her. Saying her goodnights, Tess headed to one of the cabins. Her bags were already packed and waiting for her as she shoved them on the ground and simply fell asleep in her robes on the bed.

Five hours passed quickly the trip back to earth was not quite as quick as the trip from earth to Antar. They landed quietly just minutes from the old crash site. The ship was set up with a cloaking device that would help it blend in and being night time it was less likely they were seen than if they had arrived during the day.

Upon landing Serena went and woke Tess. They needed to figure out how they were going to get Liz to Max since they had no idea if any of them were still in town. Through quick discussions it was decided that Tess would scout out the town and try to figure out what was going on. She would report back to Serena but until they could make contact Liz would stay in stasis.

Re: The truth behind lies (M/L,ADULT) Part 15 6/29/09

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:10 pm
by reinla
Thank you guys so much for the feedback!
And jan thanks for the bump.

I am soooo sorry for the delay. I have been museless these past few months. Seriously though if anyone knows how to get someone that is by nature over stressed to be less stressed I'd love it. Now without further ado here is the next part

Part Fifteen

Pink and orange rays danced in the scattered dust that graced the now empty bed. Silence filled a room where once there were screams of pain. Delicious smells of eggs, sausage and bacon wafted through the cabin as one lone person stood at the stove. It had been days since anyone had seen him, let alone since he had moved. Everything seemed as if all was in place but the images and thoughts raced through his mind. Max had, for the most part, been subjected to all the pain and anguish bestowed upon his people by Kivar.

His awakening was intended to reveal the secrets of the granolith, to prepare him to be the rightful king. What he had received were images, flashes with sounds attached showing him who he used to be and the truth to why he was so drawn to Liz. Everything he had thought, known deep in his heart was counteracting what he already knew.

When he had awoken, Max had almost screamed in pain. Liz was hurt somewhere on a foreign planet and he was stuck. Relentlessly the thoughts and images continued to collide within his brain, making it harder for him to process. He had spent twenty minutes allowing his brain and body to return to normal. Afterwards he decided to make breakfast for the group in an effort to get some answers.

Slowly doors opened as each person slowly walked towards the smell. Maria was curious, wondering who was cooking since Michael was right behind her. Yawning, each person got to the kitchen only to stop dead in their tracks causing bodies to crash into each other. Six pairs of eyes stared in complete shock at the figure cooking.

Hearing the shuffling of footsteps, Max turned to look at the group. A small tentative smile graced his features as he spoke "You guys hungry? I made sausage, eggs, bacon and toast. I know I'm not as good a cook as Michael but I can still cook" He was nervous, wondering what the others thought about him.

Maria could sense the nervousness of Max and approached him slowly. Throwing her arms around him in a big hug. "Max I am so glad your awake. We were all starting to get scared. I..I know I was. I mean what was I going to tell Liz if you never woke up." Releasing him quickly she stepped back and grabbed a plate.

Michael was shocked to see his brother awake but it quickly wore off as he approached Max. Pulling the other man into a deep hug Michael embraced his brother and king. "Maxwell I am glad to see you are awake. I hope this doesn't mean you will take over my job as the cook." His joke was meant to ease some of the tension.

The other occupants of the room merely shrugged and grabbed plates. The food was good but not as good as when Michael cooked but no one wanted to say anything.

As everyone sat around the table eating Max spoke once again. "Zan, Rath. Thank you both for coming out here and helping us with Nicholas and Nasedo." He was sincere in his words, but there was still something else bothering him. He would speak with Zan about it later.

When breakfast was over everyone gathered in the living room to watch movies. Everyone seemed to be relaxing and having a good time. While everyone else got settled Max pulled Zan to the side.

"We need to talk, away from the others. Follow me." Max silently commanded.

Zan nodded his head and followed Max. When he had first arrived he had been the more alien of the two but there was no doubt here who was the rightful king. When both men were safely within the confines of the master bedroom they looked at each other simply regarding each with the calm of a king.

"I feel Liz. It's like this pulse I cannot place and it really is driving me crazy. The only thing is its getting weaker. I don't think I am strong enough to find her before the signal fades." He sounded sad, distraught as he looked at his dupe.

Zan was surprised with what he heard. He could feel the pulsing as well. It was part of the alien DNA that made them who they were. It was a way for the king to keep tabs on the queen. "I thought Liz was on Antar. The connection does not travel that far Max. If she was on Antar you would not be able to feel it. The connection doesn't work that way. It means she is here on earth somewhere. Why don't we go meet with the others and put our heads together. We need to find her."

Max was surprised to hear the conviction in the other man's voice. Liz was his everything and if he had to die to save her he would but Zan wasn't a part of the group. He had his girl already, Ava so why the fierceness to finding Liz. Turning on his heels, Max headed out into the living room. Coughing to get everyones attention, "We need to talk." He spoke as he took a seat and started to discuss what was going on.

Deep within the status pod on the return ship from Antar Liz was resting peacefully. Her wounds weren't healing, much more frozen in time until Max could get to her.

Tess was growing concerned about the idea of bringing the group to them. She only hoped that they would allow her the chance to explain. Things were so different than when they left a few days ago but her fear was enough to keep her from being the one to seek out the pod squad.

Serena knew that the time had come to try to find the king and the rest of the group. Tess had shown her a picture of what the true king looked like and she was fairly confident that she would be able to remember. There was also the fact that every alien gave off a sort of pulse beacon to others of their species. They could sense others long before they arrived.

Casting her gaze at her queen, Serena bowed slightly before exiting the shelter of their cave. She was hoping to be as inconspicuous as possible but she knew she would stand out in a crowd. She was not overly tall but she did exude a certain air that made others want to get to know her. She had a few stops to make before she could begin her search.

Her first stop would be to acquire a vehicle, something that would not stick out too much but would also be practical in the New Mexico heat. There were a few places that she could go that were actually on her way into town. It was amazing how much she knew about the small town of Roswell simply due to her connection to the queen.

Being alien allowed her the ability to will herself where she wanted to be. It was a power she hoped to teach them all soon enough. Approaching the junk yard she hoped her stop here would be quick and it was. There was not much of a selection to choose from but the small SUV would be perfect if they actually had to move the stasis pod. Using her powers she changed some blank papers into cash and paid for the car. Paying in cash was the easiest way to stay anonymous.

The next three stops were relatively quick. She picked up some clothes that would help her blend in better with her surroundings. She also grabbed a few books and some food that she take back. Tess had suggested to her that she try to get some food at a place called the Crashdown Cafe, it was owned by Liz's parents and the podsters usually hung out there.

It was worth the effort though she despised the town for the way they laughed at her kind. She wondered how they could be so callous, they didn't even know they had a king and queen within their midsts.

It did not take her long to find the building and she almost wanted to sneer at the building. Pushing back her hostility, Serena walked steadily through the doors and found herself a seat at a booth near the back of the cafe. She could feel eyes on her but she managed to shrug them all off. She could care less what the others thought of her she was here on a mission and nothing would get in her way.

Soon enough all eyes but one set went back to their own tasks. One lonely set of eyes remained focused on the woman that had just walked through the door. The man could almost bet that she was an alien, she acted so foreign like someone that was used to being around royalty instead of normal people. He only hoped she was one of the good guys and if she was it would mean that Liz was back. Deciding he was going to find out the man made his way over to the booth and sat himself down.

"Welcome to Roswell miss. We have things to discuss."

Re: The truth behind lies (M/L,ADULT) Part 16 11/13/09 [WIP]

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:58 pm
by reinla
Part Sixteen

"Welcome to Roswell miss. We need to talk."

The sound of the familiar voice was enough to make Serena see red. Of all the times for him to show up he chose now to be here. His one mission had been to protect and watch over the royal five. He was their protector not that idiot Nasedo and worst of all he was her father.

Purple eyes darted around the establishment as she fought the urge to use her powers. Secrecy was vastly important to the mission she was undertaking and it would not be her that failed them all. "You don't have a right to talk to me. You lost that right a long time ago." Anger seethed from her every word as she spat them across the space.

Pulling herself from the booth, Serena flung her hair behind her back and stormed out of the diner. She needed time to think, to figure out why he was here. He wasn't supposed to be a part of the plan but it seemed that he had changed things. How he managed to sneak his way up here she might never know.

The man wasn't going to be deterred. He needed information, needed to find out why she was here on Earth. He knew that he had failed his duty but he was going to make it up to them. For so long had he been silent, trying so hard to blend in and fit within the culture he was trying to adapt to.

Serena was angry, pissed off beyond belief that someone like him would even attempt to show their face now. Oh everyone knew what had happened with the protectors of the royal four. After all Kivar made it his business to know as much as he could to prepare for attack. The fact that he didn't know where they were was always a plus. After all who would suspect that they lived in a town like Roswell.

She was on a mission, needing to find anyone that could help her locate where Max was. The alley behind the Crashdown would not keep her hidden for long and she did not have time to sit and idly wonder what to do next.

Walking swiftly to a black dodge ram truck, Serena used her powers to unlock the door and slide in. Oh the irony that the queen would live above an alien themed restaurant was enough to make Serena roll her eyes. She hated that the world thought the way they did but then again ignorance always made people do strange things.

Pushing open the door to the apartment above the restaurant, Serena quickly dashed through the place. She was looking for clues and gathering items that would help Liz feel more at home while she was in the stasis chamber. Forthright had not exactly been the way she was when she had left Tess in charge of the girl. It was true that the stasis chamber kept them suspended in a specific period of time where they could not die but they were fully conscious. If Liz so wished she could communicate and function like a normal person as long as she didn't leave the chamber. There hadn't been enough time to fill the other girl in on the workings of the device, she had needed to get home first.

The clues were easy to find. Max had managed to find his way in and leave a note for Liz should she ever return, though he had poorly hid it in her biology text book. Serena knew that being full blooded allowed her to see things that weren't quite right.

Pulling the note out she looked it over as she read aloud.
My Dearest Liz,

If this note finds you before I do know that I have always and will always love you. Things are not ok with the world right now and we have had to seek refuge. Last we saw you, Tess was taking you with her to Antar and I don't know how long you will be gone. If you manage to return without our aid know that we are all safe. Kyle, Maria and Alex are with us. I'll tell you about Alex if I ever see you, there just isn't enough time in this letter.

We are all staying at the place in the desert that the Valenti's own. If you need us we will be there. I hope to see you soon my love.


Sighing she wanted to take a moment to enjoy the strangeness that was her king but she was running out of time. Serena tucked the note in her back pocket, grabbed a few items and flew back out the door. She was going to find the boys before her counterpart did or they were all in for a world of hurt.

Tess was afraid, all alone in the pod with Liz. She knew that they had worked out their differences but what would stop her from turning on her now that they weren't on Antar. She knew she was being ridiculous but she couldn't help the fear.

A soft beeping came from her bag and she pulled herself up from the chair to go look. Her cell phone, having been dead while on Antar was beeping alerting her to a message. She quickly read the text and sent a response back. It seemed as if Kal had somehow managed to get her number. He was in town, searching for the gang just like Serena was only she had no idea his motives.

Her blue eyes traveled once again to the form in the stasis chamber and she was mildly surprised to see Liz sitting up and smiling. "Liz. You're awake finally. Rena went to see if she can find the boys. I would have gone but I didn't want to leave you all alone."

"It is alright Ava. Do not fear, they will not harm you in my presence. You are family, a part of us whether they like it or not. It was meant from day one that you would be with us, as would the humans. Please if you would, see if you can contact Serena. Only I will be able to reach Zan. If she shows up she will be killed, please she needs to get back here." Lyssaria spoke as she watched her sister.

Comprehension dawned on Tess as she quickly closed her eyes and tried to use her powers to reach out to Serena. She could feel the pulsing beacon that was Liz as she tried to make contact. The other alien was not allowing her in, didn't want to head the message. Serena had always been headstrong but willful was something new.

"I can't get through Liz. She won't let me in. I don't know what to do now." Tess was trying hard not to panic. If Serena was killed there was no one to help her get Liz to safety, to find the rest of the group.

"Do not panic. I will summon my love to me and all will be well. Even now I fell the other Zan reaching out to seek me out, he is stronger for now, but I know my Zan will find me." Liz said as she closed her eyes and focused on Max and sending him her location.

Re: The truth behind lies (CC,M/L,ADULT) Part 17 09/22/2010

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:02 pm
by reinla
Part Seventeen

” "Do not panic. I will summon my love to me and all will be well. Even now I feel the other Zan reaching out to seek me out, he is stronger for now, but I know my Zan will find me." Liz said as she closed her eyes and focused on Max and sending him her location.

Perhaps it was too much hope that Liz knew Max as well as she thought she did. They had this connection between them, something that was tangible and real and so very hard to describe. Never had she thought that in the two years that she had truly started to get to know the quiet boy that anything like this would be revealed to her. Liz, Lyssaria, whomever she was destined to be was someone with whom the world would come to love. In her heart she knew that their life on earth was just starting and they had not even begun their life on Antar. Dark brown eyes stayed closed behind eyelids that were starting to moisten from the exertion Liz was putting them through.

The group that had gathered in the outskirts of town watched with fear in their eyes as Max and Zan both stopped talking and stood very still. Max could feel the whisper of Liz reaching out to him through their connection, calling to his soul. The simple knowledge that he was so connected to his Liz made him crack a smile. In his voice he could hear her talking to him.

“Max. Max I need to tell you something and I need you to listen ok. This is going to sound strange, well not as strange as me returning to Earth from a trip to Antar.” Her voice was breathless as she tried to run through everything that needed to be said.

Zan stood off to the side, using his powers to try to help locate the queen. Something, or someone was blocking him and he had an idea who it was. The energy was familiar to him, someone he hadn’t seen in so long but someone whom he wouldn’t mind seeing again. Her presence was close as if she was seeking them out. Knowing that Max was in a jumpy stage and so were the others, the addition of an unknown alien would only make things worse.

All of the aliens could feel this presence near them and it was making them all a bit on edge. Anger and frustration seemed to radiate off the being without any clear direction. Michael and Rath both stood up from their seats and headed towards the back door. From there they could watch anyone sneak up on them from behind. Being the protectors they were more than happy to fall back into that role without anyone asking them to do so. Maria was nervous and instead of choosing to pace she went and joined Michael by the window, offering a second set of eyes.

“Everyone relax and calm. Our visitor is not out to harm us, she is a friend one we have long since forgotten since our arrival here. Serena means us know harm, she’s just frustrated because she had such a hard time finding us. If you will grant me a moment I will know more as Liz tells me.” Max’s voice rang out strong and proud as he sought to quell the fear and nervousness he was seeing in his friends.

“I am not strong enough to reach out to everyone. The longer this takes the weaker I get. Listen, someone named Serena is headed your way. She is a friend, an ally and the only one that can lead you to where I am. You see, I was injured on Antar and Tess and Serena saved me and brought me back here to you. I can’t tell you more than that, I fear the stasis chamber is making me weak, the longer I am in here the less chance I have of getting out becomes. Trust in Serena when she arrives. Listen to her and head her words.” Liz’s voice faded in and out of Max’s mind as she tried to relay her message. She hoped that he would understand and could get the others to do the same.


The note that was left wasn’t that hard to find and neither was the house that Max had mentioned, though Serena wondered if he understood that. For a human, his words would be cryptic and hard to decipher but for an alien the trail was easy enough to pick up on. All she had to do was use her powers to follow his trail. Serena was racing as fast as she could to the place where her king was, the place where she would find the person that would save the queen and their world. How was she to tell Max that Liz was dying, that if she died so did their chance of saving home?

The motorcycle that she had stolen was roaring along the road, dust flying behind it. In her view she could see the house and knew that there was no turning back. She only hoped that no one followed her. It was dangerous to lead their enemies to the king especially at a time when everyone was vulnerable to attack. Purple eyes glazed over as she slowed the motorcycle down and parked it next to the house. Using her powers was like breathing air for the humans, something that was so natural that not to do so would be a crime.

Max had been waiting for their visitor to arrive and was at the door almost before Serena was. Everyone was on pins and needles watching his reactions. Words weren’t spoken they didn’t have to be. Amber eyes met purple as Max stepped aside from the door and ushered the woman in. Max was something that was strange to everyone, calm. “Serena it has been to long my friend. Come in.”

Stepping across the threshold Serena could feel the power of two kings staring at her. Zan and Max together each bearing qualities so like the old Zan of Antar. Max had the looks, and from what she had gleaned the Zan of earth had the attitude. There was no doubt that Max was the true king, if there had been the granolith would have killed Liz and him both. “My king. I am afraid that this isn’t a social call. Liz needs you and she needs you now.”

Michael and Maria headed into the living room, followed by Rath. Alex and Isabel were still there and Zan and Max stood guard as they waited for Serena to continue.

“I don’t know how much about the situation each of you knows. I will try to be brief yet concise in explaining the situation. Liz was taken by Tess to Antar and while there both girls were awakened by the granolith. Tess discovered the truth about who she was, that she was created by Khivar to betray the king, and on Antar she had no real control over her thoughts and actions at that time. Liz is the queen and Khivar challenged both girls. They fought and Ava risked her life to save Liz and bring her back. She is dying, painfully and slowly. Her wounds aren’t progressing because we have her in a stasis chamber but the power for that won’t last much longer. I assume that the king has been awakened as well? For if he hasn’t and he tries to heal the queen he will die. We need to go because Liz has precious moments to spare.” Serena was heading for the door almost before she finished speaking. A part of her doubted if anyone would follow her. Of course she probably didn’t have to worry, even in the past her king loved her queen to the point of death.

The roar of the motorcycle engine filled the quiet of the desert air as she started to race away. The Jeep and other cars followed behind, not too far but just enough that it wouldn’t look too suspicious. That might be why they missed the fourth vehicle that joined them. The one containing a mysterious man who was trying to get his way in this world. If he was friend or foe, well that is to be determined but he would follow the group of teens and see where they went.

Re: The truth behind lies (CC,M/L,ADULT) Part 18 06/12/2011

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:29 pm
by reinla
Part Eighteen

The roar of the motorcycle engine filled the quiet of the desert air as she started to race away. The Jeep and other cars followed behind, not too far but just enough that it wouldn’t look too suspicious. That might be why they missed the fourth vehicle that joined them. The one, containing a mysterious man, who was trying to get his way in this world. If he was friend or foe, well that is to be determined but he would follow the group of teens and see where they went.

Everything happened for a reason and Liz understood that. The power it had taken to reach out to the Max’s, especially her Max had used everything she had. With a weak smile she looked at Tess before closing her eyes. Rest would be the thing she needed to heal, to be better. Inside her body things were changing, still, even with the help of the granolith. To the world she had been born Elizabeth Claudia Parker, or Liz as she preferred to be called but that was a lie. She was Lyssaria, baby sister to Rath and the one true queen of Antar. Images still swirled into her head about their lives all those centuries ago on a planet long thought dead. True the recent trip to Antar was proof enough that the planet was alive, but it wasn’t the same. Since Khivar’s rule Antar had disappeared from the radar, hiding in the shadows away from the other planets in their system. Unlike when Zan was ruling, there was no peace, no prosperity and no trade between the planets.

Blue eyes held fear in them as Liz’s body crumpled inside the protective barrier she was in. Tess was at a loss on what to do. Even Ava was at a loss for words as Tess finally allowed that side of her to merge. Being awakened was only the first step, it opened up the channel between the body and the granolith and allowed the memories to seep in and the essence of the alien to awaken. However, the next step was to accept that alien part of you. They had to allow it to merge with them, to give up the humanity that they were fond of to become something more than human. Allowing Ava to take control Tess merged with her alien and it worried her that her queen would do so while unconscious. She cared not about how people would react to her, about the type of welcome she would receive from Max and Zan when they found her.

Noises outside their haven brought the petite blonde’s eyes open. It was now time to face the inevitable standing guard outside of Liz’s location Ava watched as Max, Zan and the rest of the group rushed in. Everyone seemed to stop upon seeing her and she could see the hands raise, preparing to attack her. She had promised herself that she would accept whatever punishment they deemed of her, even death. True Liz has promised to tell them that she wasn’t at fault here but with her being unconscious it would be hard to do. Standing tall and proud the true Antarian in her sneered at those that came in, knowing that only two of them were equal to her. There was no doubt in her mind that, while she was staring at Max and Zan, only one of them was the true Zan king of Antar.


Max had no idea where he was going to end up but he knew how to find his Liz. She was growing weak, but not in the way that her pulse was fading but that her power was slipping. He was trying to reach out to her, to let her know that everything would be ok. So many things had happened in the days since she had been gone, since he had awoken. Everything was spinning out of control and for once he just wished he knew what to do. Something was whispering in his mind, telling him that he needed to get to Liz soon. She was going through a change, one that would allow her to bear the heir to the king, something his queen had never managed to do before they were all murdered. Dark amber eyes scanned the horizon of the desert as they noticed the trail of cars behind him. He could spot the Jetta that Maria was driving, with several people tucked inside. Kyle’s mustang was just behind that. They had left Tess’s van back at their secret hideout, thinking it might be too conspicuous in the desert. Michael had grumbled about not having his bike, especially after seeing Zan’s.

There was a fourth car that seemed to be following them, one that Max had seen around town. He wasn’t sure what to do but right now he needed to get to his Liz before something else happened to them. Whoever it was that was following them would face their wrath soon enough, if he was a threat. Max could feel the pulsing beacon of his queen, and he slammed on the gas before veering right sharply. Stopping the jeep roughly near an outcropping of rocks, he climbed out and scoured the area. He could feel her pulsing around him, and pushed through the illusion of the rocks. Bursting through, he skidded to a stop with everyone on his heels as he saw Tess standing there. He couldn’t fight the need to raise his arm, to use his power to blast her into oblivion. He wasn’t expecting to her words to the contrary.

“Zan don’t please. This isn’t the same Tess that took Liz; she’s Ava now just as you are Zan. The only one of the three that hasn’t finished the process is Liz. If you kill Ava you will destroy the thing that is keeping your queen alive. It was all we could do to stop the wound from seeping after Khivar hurt her, she needs you and only you. Tend to the queen now or watch Antar fall for good.”

The voice wasn’t one that was familiar to any of the group except for Serena and she growled under her breath. Now was not the time for Cal to show up, he had given up his rights as a protector when he abandoned them and now he shows up out of the blue. Serena wanted to hurt him but the older man was right. Max needed to tend to Liz before she got worse.

Tess wasn’t sure what to do. It was taboo not to bow to her king but now was not the time. There was still one final step for him be that powerful. Keeping her head lowered, Tess bowed slightly as she moved out of the way allowing Max to approach the area where Liz was.

Amber eyes saw his love laying there, her breathing even in sleep as he tried to gather his thoughts. He had no trouble passing through the barrier that kept everyone out. Kneeling down next to Liz he tapped into his powers and healed her once again. The wound, as strange as it sounds, was in the same place as the bullet all that time ago. He could feel her change finish with him, she was letting Lyssaria have control and it was for the best. He needed his true queen by his side, the person that balanced him out and kept the darker side of him from coming out.

Opening her eyes, Liz smiled up at the person near her. “Max. My Max it’s good to see you. We have much to discuss. Can we get out of here?” Trying to sit up she sighed when she realized that she couldn’t because Max wasn’t going to let her out of his site.

“If I may, I can get us and our cars back to a safe location quickly. There is much that all of us must discuss.” Cal spoke.

Max/Zan didn’t trust the man but talking here wasn’t the best idea. Nodding his head he turned his attention back to Liz, so glad to have her in his arms once again. They would talk later, about things in her journal and things between the two of them. It was three seconds later that he realized they were back at the house the group had left from. All of their cars were parked outside and the group was sitting on the couches. Liz was yawning in his arms and he knew she had to be tired. They weren’t the official king and queen yet, true he was by blood but they had yet to consummate their relationship which would grant her the status she needed to rule.


Taking a moment to catch her breath, Liz started to speak.

“What I have to say is going to take some time to explain. I need everyone to have patience and understanding while I try to explain. Save your questions until the end and I will do my best along with Serena to address them all.” Casting her eyes from one member of her small family to the next, Liz knew she had their attention even the dupes and she hadn’t expected them to stick around.

Everyone was going to be vital to the final battle. Each had a role to play and she couldn’t tell them what it was because it might jeopardize their roles more than they like. She understood everyone’s feelings; perhaps that was her new gift now that she was more alien than before. Letting out the breath she had been holding Liz started the talk.

“Everything that we learned came straight from the granolith. We all know already that Max was the king, and he was called Zan. We know that Michael was the second in command named Rath, and the betrothed of the princess Vilandra who is Isabel. We were misinformed however, about the identity of the queen. Tess can attest to this, as she was the one hurt the most in this situation.

See everyone was under the deluded illusion that Khivar placed upon the planet. His power is strong, the only one stronger was Zan. See Khivar created Ava, she was a mix of his DNA and a humans. The idea was that she would be the most aesthetically pleasing to Zan, that she would be the perfect girl and would become the queen. By doing so, he would have an inside person in the castle who could let him in for the assassination. He couldn’t trust Vilandra to truly love him, and honestly I don’t blame her for not. Every single person on the planet was under the impression that Zan was set to marry Ava, and even during the ceremony it was Ava that appeared to the populace even thought it was really Lyssaria who was marrying the king.

Khivar, like Ava, has the power to manipulate the mind and allow people to see what he wants. He used this power to distract everyone so he could get into the castle and murder everyone. The order of death wasn’t important but Ava was murdered first, and Zan was forced to watch as Lyssaria was murdered before he was killed himself. His mother, along with a family friend, Larek, managed to gather enough essence from all of us that they could make three sets of aliens to send to Earth. The first set didn’t make it off of Antar, Khivar discovered it and destroyed them while they were still being incubated. He didn’t expect your mother to try again.”

Taking a moment to wipe away the tears from her eyes Liz looked into the amber eyes of her lover and sighed. Oh how glad she was to see Max again, to know that what she was telling people would change their lives forever.

“The second set; well there was only enough essence of Lyssaria to make one attempt at her. The second set was more alien than human and they were destined for New York City, you guys know the rest of that one, the third set well they ended up in Roswell New Mexico, more human than alien. Each group was supposed to have a protector, someone that was there when they awoke to show them the ways of Antar and to prepare them for going back and fighting Khivar. You see… The essence of Lyssaria was never supposed to end up being reborn, I was never supposed to exist.

I am the baby sister of Rath, the only daughter born into a family of male warriors. Rath’s father put his foot down, demanding that only Rath be reborn and not his daughter. I was an outcast, only loved by my brother and his best friend. Ava was instead reborn in my place and the memories of the true identity of the queen were altered and everyone was supposed to believe it was Ava. It was easier that way, after all.”

Resting her head on Max’s shoulder Liz hiccupped a moment as her tears fell. She couldn’t talk more about it, it was too painful. Looking over at the group each person had their attentions pointed on her.

Serena knew that her queen wasn’t ready to talk more, so she would take over instead. “Allow me to pick up where our queen left off. There was little time for them to make sure that everything went according to plan. The elders had to launch the pods and simply hope that they survived. So they did but one of the guardians was on Khivar’s side. You see only Cal was a true guardian but once he came to earth he realized that he much rather enjoyed being human than having to protect the race to which he belonged. I can’t fault him for that after all everyone assumed that the true king was dead, with the crash and everything.

Lyssaria’s essence was mixed with the DNA of two humans, Claudia Parker and Nancy Parker and she was placed in the human directly. Only myself and a few others knew that the true queen was going to be reborn. Max, Zan, whatever name he goes by on this planet knew who she was from the moment he saw her. They are linked, by a love so pure it’s a part of their essence.

You know the stories of the rest, about how Tess grew up. When Tess fulfilled her promise to her father, her guardian and Khivar’s brother and brought Liz to Antar, she was actually allowing herself to break the control that had been over her for a long time. It was on Antar that Liz met myself, and a friend who would show her and Tess the true way of things. If Liz was not truly Lyssaria then the granolith would have killed her and she would not have managed to temporarily defeat Khivar and his schemes. Do not punish Tess for her actions, they were ingrained in her by something she couldn’t control.”

As Serena spoke she used her powers to show everyone the events that had happened on Antar, to let the others know that they needed to be awakened and to merge with their alien sides or they would never survive Khivar’s plans. “Antar needs you”


It was strange for everyone to sit there and listen to the story but to be shown the truth of both their pasts and their present was even more strange. There was more to the story, as they were told. While Zan and Lyssaria would forever be linked as husband and wife, as king and queen the others were free to choose their own mates. Only the King of Antar was forced to submit to the actual betrothal. Everyone sat there in stunned silence as they wondered just what to do. It was Liz’s yawn that forced Max into action.

“How about we all call it a night and we discuss our plans in the morning.”

With nods of agreement everyone got up slowly and headed off to their designated bedrooms. Well everyone but Serena and Tess. Neither woman knew where they were supposed to sleep, especially Tess, she couldn’t understand why they hadn’t killed her yet.

When a hand ended up in front of Tess she looked up shocked. It was Kyle, she had expected him to never speak to her again. “What.. Kyle?”

“There are things that happened to each of us that are out of our control, we cannot hold you responsible for actions that were programmed into you. Come on, let’s get some sleep.”

Unable to argue with Kyle, Tess simply took his hand and allowed her to be lead to the room. She would work things out with Kyle later; right now she was worried about her queen.

With everyone in their assigned rooms, Max and Liz wondered what was going to happen now. Both had been through their awakenings, had allowed part of the alien inside of them control but they knew that something else was driving them.


Looking into each other’s eyes, Liz and Max knew what was about to happen and it was going to change everyone’s lives forever. Neither one was going to pretend that their friends were oblivious, it was obvious how much they loved each other.

“God Liz I thought I was going to die when you were taken but somehow I was able to connect with you. It was so strange, the feelings I went through, the dreams we shared while we waited for you to return.” Max was at a loss for words and he refused to allow Liz to leave his arms.

“Max I love you, I always have, always will. We are the only ones who can defeat Khivar and to do that we have to take the next steps. Do you know how many of those dreams that I had during our awakening I was afraid would never have in reality.”

Her words were cut off by Max’s lips crashing down on hers. Neither was in the mood for slowness that could be done later when they weren’t pressed for time. Tearing at clothes, both were stripped down quicker than they were expecting. Max wanted Liz’s love knew that once they took this step there would be no going back. The whole world would know that she belonged to him and not just because she would bear the tattoo of their galaxy.

Hands moved up and down bodies, lips kissed patches of skin that was barred to them as they could. Looking into Liz’s eyes, Max needed to know that she was ok with this. “Liz.. I have to take you now. We have to do this but.. I love you too much to hurt you.”

“My Max your too kind, relax. I love you and nothing will ever change that. Make the world know that I belong to you.” Liz spoke on a sigh as his lips found a spot that was most sensitive just behind her ear.

No more talking was done, both simply giving themselves over to the feeling of being in each other’s arms. Positioning himself at just the right spot, Max swiftly entered Liz gasping almost immediately at the sensation of being inside of his one true love. Pain ripped through Liz but only for a moment as she felt the warm tingling of Max’s healing powers rush through her, something he was doing almost unconsciously.

As they moved against each other power shot out all around them. It started with their bodies glowing gold and expanded outwards. Their power encompassed everyone in the tiny house, letting them feel the love of their king and queen. It was obvious what was happening, the need to be accepted and loved thick in the air. No one was going to interrupt them, but they knew that tomorrow things would change.

For two hours Max and Liz moved with each other, allowed their love to pour into each other as much as they gave. At the height of their passion they could feel themselves merge into the other, feel their bond sealing. Being able to read each other’s minds was the result as they broke apart and reformed.

Laying there, in each other’s arms, Max and Liz simply basked in the pleasure of each other. Liz rested her head on Max’s chest and let herself fall asleep. Max would stay awake a bit longer making sure that nothing was going to hurt them as they rested. He had seen the flashes of what happened to Liz during her time on Antar and it bothered him. They needed to take care of Khivar, to show their people that they weren’t gone for good. As long as Liz was by his side Max knew that he be anywhere and happy.


The morning came too quickly for everyone and the smell of pancakes and waffles drifted to the nose of the still sleeping occupants. As each person awoke slowly, they dressed and headed into the kitchen were Rath and Michael was making breakfast. Both had come to an agreement and they knew that things were only going to get more interesting.

Each member of the group sat there eating wondering just what was going to happen. They weren’t ready to face Khivar, not yet at least. That battle is for another time and another story instead they were still trying to understand everything that had been told to them. The granolith was calling each of the aliens in a way, wanting them to bring the humans along for the ride.

Everyone one knows the truth behind the lies but the future was still up in the air.

Re: The truth behind lies (CC,M/L,ADULT) COMPLETED

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:17 pm
by reinla
I'm planning a sequel with the confrontation with Khivar and their return to Antar but I'm finally glad I could finish this one.