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Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/2/09 Chpt 11 p. 11

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:04 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb :D


A/N: Sorry this is a short part. It's actually snowing outside where I live and MY fingers are literally frozen so I'm trying to get as much typing as I can. Plus the load of homework I have going on. Sorry about the delay. I'll try and update often. Thanks so much for your support.

Chpt 11

Snow began falling in small light flakes from the dark midnight sky as Max trailed the footprints engraved into the soft blanket of snow on his front porch. The lights were dim inside which he suspected everyone had called it a night and gone to bed. Taking the keys out of his back pocket, he trembled as he pushed the key into the lock and twisted it, opening the door and wiping his sneakers on the welcome mat before stepping into his warm house.

Closing the door behind him, he locked it and took his shoes and coat off with a sour face. Dianne had stayed up till her son got back and she lingered down the stairs clutching her soft gown to her body. "Max, hey I left you some steak in the oven."

"Thanks mom." Max sniffed, rubbing his frozen hands together.

"God you look awful." Dianne hurried town the steps and towards her son. "You have a red nose as well."

"I'll be fine mom." Max tried to step away from his fussy mother, once she was fussy there was no stopping her.

Dianne wouldn't relent and brought her son to the kitchen and sat him down. She grabbed a blanket and wrapped Max around in it. "It's so cold out there, you know you can catch the flu if you're not careful."

Taking out a clean plate, Dianne gave it a quick rinse under the faucet and dried it before dishing Max up some hot steak and mash potato. She opened the draw with her silverware and grabbed the fork and knife for Max.

" don't have to do this." Max blushed, feeling like a little baby. He was perfectly capable of taking care of himself but his mother insisted she'd do her duties as the loving mother. Not wanting to offend her, Max just sat back and let his mother do what she wanted.

"Thanks mom." Max gave her a polite smile and began eating. He hadn't realised how hungry he was and in no time was eating away.

Dianne made herself a cup of tea and sat with her son, watching him carefully as he hate. She knew him inside out and that he was trying to hide the pain behind his eyes.

"So...I take it that something must have happened for you to get a little sour faced today?".

Max stopped chewing on the steak and looked at his mother. " was okay." Max blinked a few times, trying not to look at his mother's face.

"What happened?".

"Nothing." Max lied, wanting to evade the matter. Being rejected by a girl wasn't something he wanted to discuss with his mother, especially when the girl was Liz Parker.

"She said no." Dianne concluded.

Max dropped his fork and knife into the plate and wiped his mouth with the napkin. "Yeah."

There was an uncomfortable silence between the two and then Max decided to continue. "I really thought that she would say yes mom." Max sniffed. "But..."

"But what?".

"She's in love with her Secret Santa." Max folded his arms and frowned. "I mean, all this time and it finally worked."

"You're not happy."

"I hate him now." Max pouted. "I feel like when I do turn into him, its different. He's got her attention and I have nothing."

Dianne laughed. "Max you are her secret santa. She loves you."

"I know, I know.." Max sighed and rolled his eyes. "But I want her to love me for me..not because I put up with this secret santa charade, she doesn't know...I sorta feel like Clark Kent when Superman get's all the attention." Max blushed. He couldn't believe he was comparing himself to superman.

"And she's your Lois." Dianne grinned.

"It's not funny mom.." Max pulled the sour face again. "She's probably dreaming of her secret santa and when she finds out it's me, she'll be so upset that I'm no prince charming. I'll feel like Shrek or something."

"Son.." Dianne put her mug down on the table. "I may not know who she is but trust me, she cares for you and you can be assured that all will be well."

"How mom? I...." A confused Max was trying to work out what his mother meant.

"You just carry on being you and him." Dianne patted her son. "Your efforts will bear fruit."

Max scoffed.

Women, he thought. Always have to speak cryptically.


"I can't believe you turned Max Evans down out of all people." Maria exclaimed as they grabbed their lunch from the canteen. "It's just stupid to turn down such a first class offer."

"Maria, I know what I'm doing and besides, Max and I are just friends." Liz said, putting a green apple onto her plate.

"That's sour." Maria gestured towards the green apple. "You're a crazy girl, you've been waiting your whole life for Max Evans and then in one short moment, you blow him out like a burning matchstick. You ruined your love life...I can't believe you."

The girls sat down at the table. Liz tried hard not to laugh at Maria's dramatic act. "I ruined my love life?". Liz raised an eyebrow. "I think it's just starting." She pulled out a wrapped box from her bag and flashed it to Maria.

Maria rolled her eyes. "So your secret Santa stole your heart in the end."

"You could say that." Liz smiled and read the tag. "Everything's perfect in a small world."

"I knew taking you to that secret santa thingy was gunna be bad. Why oh why did I take you there." Maria pondered, looking at Liz's big doe eyes full of excitement as she unwrapped the present.

"He keeps getting sweeter and sweeter." Liz said, taking out the snow globe from the box. "I love this!".

"Liz.." Maria whined. "Max Evans is worth more. Forget your secret Santa. Max is your first love!".

Liz watched the toy couple spin round and round in the snow globe. "Maria, you're getting too emotional right now."

The others joined the table. "What's that?". Jasper pointed at the snow globe that Liz was starting at.

"It's my latest gift from my secret Santa." Liz said putting it away.

"I see someone's in lurrve." Kyle teased, sitting next to Liz.

"How's Ava?". Liz asked Jasper.

"She'll cool. She might be staying for Christmas."

"Oooh, you one lucky dog." Kyle grinned.

"Liz, did you know Ava is Alex's stepsister?". Jasper asked.

"Is she?".

"Uh-huh. Her dad married Alex's mom."

"Whoa, that is so cool." Liz gasped. "Oh my god..I so didn't know that."

"Rumors are, Alex might be joining us for Christmas." Maria pointed out. "This Christmas would have been perfect if Liz let Max Evans into her heart."

"I heard." Kyle mused. "You turned down Max Evans?".

Jasper kicked Kyle on the knee and flashed him a warning look.

"How did you know?". Liz asked in curiosity. Surely Max wasn't sharing the news of his rejection? She could feel herself being back on the guilt trip again.

" went out with him last night and you're not together so..."

Maria watched the eye contact between Jasper and Kyle.

Something was up and she intended to find out what it was.


Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/4/09 Chpt 12 p. 12

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:43 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


A/N: Sorry if there is any mistakes. I have to post and go. Enjoy!

Chapter 12

~*~Four days later~*~

Settling the snowglobe down on her bed, Liz stretched out and lay on her stomach while watching the figure couple twirl together underneath the tiny white fluffs which floated down.

Liz read each of the four gift tags in her hands from the past four days.

You represent each charm which keeps me bound to you

Liz rubbed the silver bracelet with her fingers and touched each charm. "They do, do they?". She smiled.

Others may like these songs but only your voice is music to my ears

Liz looked at the cd of one of her favorite singers of all time. "You're definitely my hero."

The stars are in favour of you tonight

Liz slipped on the bracelet and looked at the two pairs of tickets in her hands. One for the New Moon premiere in Los Angeles and the other. Her secret santa knew her inside and she would miss being surprised everyday.

The boots definitely will fit you my Cinderella

Liz turned her eyes towards the brand new set of skates. "I love you my secret Santa." She said before sitting up in her bed.

There was a knock on the door and Liz answered it. It was her aunt Jan. "Hey sweetie, are you playing Mariah Carey songs on?".

"The greatest hits." Liz smiled.

"Oooh wow..your room is looking all jazzed up tonight." Jan sniffed the fresh aroma wafting from the candles. "Your secret Santa is definitely a keeper.

Liz blushed and lead her aunt to sit down in her room. Jan noticed the gifts lying on Liz's bed. "Gosh, if I were you I'd just tell him that you know already."

Liz sat besides her aunt on the bed. She and her aunt had become very close during this winter season. She had one person to thank for that and alot had changed. She used to hate christmas and not want to go out in the cold. It felt like everything was finally right. And Liz couldn't be more happier than to share her happiness with her beloved aunt Jan who was always there for her every step of the way.

"Like he has his secret, I have mine." Liz's eyes twinkled with a certain glow to them.

"Poor guy is probably hating his secret santa side now." Jan laughed. "I can't wait to hear about his reaction when you do tell him Lizzie."

"I know, I know." Liz gushed, grabbing the stuffed teddy and hugging it closer to her chest. "I just wonder how he'd feel after all this time. I feel really bad for this."

"Well, you took your aunt Jan dress shopping with you so all that tension will be forgotten when he sees you in your beautiful dress." Jan said. "Have you figured out that enigma riddle yet? You know the one with the boxes like Russian dolls or something?".

Liz pulled out her notebook and showed it to aunt Jan. "Yes, I know what the final present is going to be."


An excited Dianne put the phone down and went to check up on Max. This christmas was going to be such a great christmas. Isabel noticed the look on her mothers face as she went past her.

"'re smiling."

"Isabel, where's Max?".

"He's in the back yard." Isabel grabbed a mince pie from the kitchen. "And mom, if you know what's up with bro, do let me know." Isabel disappeared from sight and Dianne put her slippers on before walking out into the back garden.

Max was staring out into the dark starry sky and felt his mother put a hand on his shoulder. "Mom?". Max looked startled.

"What are you doing out in the night, just staring at the sky honey?". Dianne placed her hand on Max's forehead. "You're going to catch a cold."

"Mom, I'm fine really." Max said. "I just was making a wish."

"Shooting star." Dianne remembered. "You still remember that?". Her eyes shone with affection. She had told Max and Isabel the story of a shooting star when they were very young. Max had declared it impossible as soon as he reached his teens and Isabel had still held onto it.

Now Dianne was surprised and happy that Max still believed in miracles and wasn't sceptical as she thought he was. "Yeah, a shooting star." Max gave his mother a small smile.

"What did you wish for?".

"If I tell you, then my wish won't come true." Max grinned.


"You're the one who said that if I correctly remember mom." Smirked Max.

"Cheeky boy." Dianne tried to pinch his cheek but Max dodged out of the way.

"You missed."

"Wait till christmas. That eggnog is on." Dianne teased.

"Oh no eggnog!". Max protested, he hated eggnog.

Isabel stepped out into the back yard holding a phone in her hand. "'s for you."


"I can't believe it. After all this time she doesn't know." Michael groaned to Jasper and Kyle. "I tried dropping her hints like Max did to Liz. Well Max's thing didn't the hell would mine work?". Grabbing a bottle of snapple, Michael hoped it would ease his fears away.

What if Maria thought her secret santa was some other dude just like Liz did? Oh no, he couldn't live with that.

"Man, just sit down and shut up." Kyle retorted. "You sound like a loser. Get over yourself, Maria will be surprised at the end of this. hence secret santa. It's secret for a reason. Duh?".

"I got what I wanted." Jasper wiggled his eyebrows. "I got my Ava."

Kyle snorted. He was jealous of Ava and Jasper who hit it straight away and here he was still hopelessly chasing after Tess Harding who hadn't been around for some days to even notice him.

"If the chicks find out that us men also have sleepovers, it's the end of my love life." Michael muttered "Before it even begins." He scratched his stubble.

"Shut up man, you get feminists these days. Equal rights." Jasper laughed and helped himself to his own bottle of snapple.

"Well we have been keeping the enigma from the girls. We set you and Max up to help woo your soulmates." Kyle said.

"Woo our soulmates?". Michael raised an eyebrow. "What a cliché."

"What do you think Max is upto?".

"Last I checked, he was busy preparing for his last gift."

"Ah, the enigma finally lifts." Michael said before taking another sip. "I still have no idea what to do for the last gift, that Max Evans knows everything how to charm a woman."

"That's Max Evans for ya." Kyle agreed.


Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/5/09 Chpt 13 p. 13

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:08 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the feedback everyone!


A/N: Thanks to Jan who gave this part a quick look and helped me with the next chpt. Love ya :wink:

Chpt 13

"What did she want?". Isabel asked her silent brother who returned back in the house to put the phone down.

"Nothing." Max said and evaded the matter.

He had been talking to Tess for about half an hour which was surprising. He hadn't assumed that Tess was the type of girl who liked to talk. She had called to apologise and to finally let go of what wasn't meant to be. He could sense someone lying a mile away but he felt truth in Tess' words. She really did sound like a changed person.

"Goodnight Isabel." Max said leaving her room and walking away.

It had been a long day and he needed some sleep, especially when tomorrow was the day where Liz would finally see him.

The next morning, Liz woke up, showered and got dressed for her big day. It almost felt like she was getting married since she'd be starting a new chapter in her life. It was chrismas eve and the snow had covered the outside world. Usually she'd hate to step outside and love to stay indoors all day but for her secret santa, it was worth it.

After breakfast, Liz threw on her white woolly jumper and a pair of jeans before finding her big black coat and fixing her hair up. Liz opened the door and was surprised to see a group of people lined up around her house and then began singing. Maria stood at the front with Ava as they sang some christmas songs.

"Aw really don't have to do this.." Liz blushed.

After they stopped singing, Maria and Ava hugged Liz. "Can you believe Christmas is tomorrow?".

"Yeah, but this is a new thing. You singing the christmas carols." Liz observed as the people finally moved onto the next houses to sing. Ava and Maria stood with Liz right before the crashdown.

"It's our new tradition." Maria said. "I told Ava you love christmas now so every year on this day, we're going to sing."

"I sure do love it now." Liz put on her widest smile. "Anyway, mom and dad said it was okay that you guys come over to have dinner at our place. I'm sure your mom is already busy with the dinner preparations along with the rest of the parents."

"Yeah, she hasn't stopped freaking out how many puddings to make yet." Maria laughed.

"So where are you off to now?". Ava asked Liz.

"She's going to meet her secret santa." Maria nudged Ava and winked. "Liz is off to get her final present."

"And what about you?". Liz asked Maria.

"I'm off to drag Michael shopping. I don't want my secret santa. He's a stalker." Maria scoffed.

Liz and Ava giggled. "Okay, I'll catch you guys later. I have a secret santa to meet."

Liz huged the girls goodbye before leaving.

"Please god, don't make Michael Liz's secret Santa."

"I doubt that'll happen." Ava said.

"Yeah but Kyle and Jasper are hiding something." Maria sighed.

"Maria, don't you worry about this." Ava smiled as they walked away. "I know things will be okay."

" you know who my secret santa is?".

A/N: I made up the word Lakekeepers lol, they're just ppl who take care of the lake e.g. keep it clean and heat it up in the winter. :lol: Totally from my mind.

Max rubbed his palms, he was sweating in anticipation. Would she like this? He pictured her reaction and it made him even more nervous. They hadn't spoken much during the last four days and the only interaction between them was wooing her with those well thought presents. He had used his knowledge to get the presents for her and now he was stuck. Could this surprise turn out for the better or worse?

It was cold in the boathouse but he was feeling so hot. Thank god, the lake hadn't been iced that much. The usual lake keepers had warmed the lake up with some equipment which was relief to him that he could use this fantasy of his to gift to Liz.

Meanwhile, Liz had reached the boathouse and stepped inside. She just missed Max and looked down at the row of boats waiting. Roswell had this lake which was one of it's gems, It wasn't a romantic attraction but it held personal sentimental value to residents which made it even more special.

Unsure of what to say, Liz smiled and finally opened her lips. "Thank you, for everything you've done for me." She could feel his presence even if she couldn't see him. "Your gifts not only touched my heart but opened by eyes to see how wonderful life really is." Liz cringed in embarrassment. Could she get anymore cheesier? She bit her lip in hope that he wouldn't laugh at her. "Max, I really really love it that you're my secret Santa because now all my dreams came true...."

A shocked Max stepped out of the darkness and stood behind her. She knew who he was?

Liz felt him behind her although she was a few feet in front of him. "Yes Max.." She slowly turned around, flashing him a special smile. "I knew you were my secret santa all along".


Now Max was at loss for words.."You-You".

"The day when you kissed me...I sort of felt it but then I got a little sidetracked thinking it was someone else but then..." Liz stepped closer towards him. "You started coming closer to me and I just knew, the signals you were giving me..although you weren't aware of it Max."

Max grinned in astonishment. "I was giving you signals?".

"Very subtle ones." Liz stood on her tip toes and daring herself, she licked her lips and pressed them to Max's lips wondering if it would feel like the last time they kissed.

Liz almost lost her breath when she felt him respond and his hand cradling the back of her head, bringing their lips closer in an ethereal dance of a beautiful lip lock. She had a taste of heaven..

When they parted, both their lips were swollen. "Wow..." Max smiled. "I never been kissed like that."

"Neither have I." Liz admitted. Out of all the guys she had been with, none of them had made her feel the tingles in her body.

"So you're happy that I was your secret santa?". Max rested his forehead against Liz's in the newfound comfort he had sought.

"Yes, actually I always wanted you to be mine." Liz kissed his lips again. "I always wanted you Max."

"Well you have me always." Max said, kissing her back, he couldn't believe it. The girl of his dreams actually was in his arms admitting that she wanted him the whole time and felt the same way about him the way he felt about her.

"You know, if you wanted to kiss me..all you had to do was kiss me." Liz teased, remembering the moment where she overhead Max thanking the students from the year below about the mistletoe kiss. How happy she had felt when she heard that even though Max was sneaky.

"Well...since you know, I guess you're okay with the mistletoe kiss." Max chuckled.

Liz wrapped her arms around him. "I waited for this moment just as much as you have Max."

Max kissed her forehead. "Come." He took her hand and lead her to the boat. "I still have to give you my last present starting with the boat."

"Wow.." Liz gasped as Max helped her in the motor boat. "You waste so much money on me that it should be a crime."

"Even if it was a crime, I would still commit it." Max smirked as he joined the boat with Liz and went straight for the controls. "I learned boat riding for a whole year."

Now Liz was shocked. "You spent a year.."

"I was in love with you the moment I saw you."


"Tess." Kyle closed the book and looked up at the blonde. "Nice to see you again...after four days."

"I'm sorry I bailed out on you." Tess apologised and sat with Kyle in the library. "I had to clear my head. Things were horrible for me."

"You said you were my friend Tess." Kyle shook his head. "I even fought dragon wars with Maria for you."

"I'm sorry about everything. I didn't want to cause you grief. You're a sweet guy and all but I was a right bitch. I wanted Max back but I never got him." She shrugged.

"Isn't that a shame?". Kyle spat acidly and stood up. "He's with Liz who loves him. Maybe one day you'll understand the true meaning of love Tess." Kyle slid a book about love and romance towards Tess. "Maybe you can start now."

Tess looked at the book and then looked back at Kyle who was about to go. Tess stood up with him. "Kyle please don't.." Tess followed Kyle down the steps. "Please just hear me out okay?".

Kyle stopped and wondered if this was a good idea. He really had a crush on Tess and he knew that you could sometimes get crushed by crushes but he felt it was right to hear her out at least. He had been hurt when she had lied to him, using him as a phoney boyfriend just to get Max's attention but when that hadn't worked, she ditched him and couldn't see the hurt behind his eyes.

"Ava helped me to see things better. I was some bitch who wanted Max for social status, I was very insecure and i also thought Max was a challenge for me."

"A challenge?". Kyle now turned to face Tess.

"He never slept with me Kyle. Actually I don't think he slept with anyone. He's not the player everyone claims him to be."

"I know that."

"I was obsessed with image. I even became anorexic for a couple of weeks."

"Oh god."

"But Ava really did help me to see sense. I really am willing to start afresh and let go of the past Kyle." Tess said and meant her words. "All I want to start this new life is with your friendship. Only I felt happy when I was with you, truly."

Kyle looked at Tess's light blue eyes which were glassy with unshed tears. He fought it so hard but there was something about Tess that always pulled him in and he knew she was speaking the truth now. "Okay Tess, I'll give it another shot with you."

"Really?". Tess' eyes lit up with the glow making Kyle's insides turn to much. "Thanks!" She wrapped her arms around him and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Thanks so much!".

"Ah, Tess..." Kyle hugged her back. "I really do fancy you, you know?".

"Of course you do." Tess smiled. "I kinda like you too." She admitted. Days after trying to figure out what she felt for Kyle Valenti, she finally found the courage to admit it.


"You know...I think this could be the start of a very beautiful relationship."


"Maria, I think we've been to all the lingerie stores." Michael whined. When could he fork out the time to finally give her the last present. He called Max last minute for SOS who warned him not to disturb him while he was with Liz.

Maria was relentlessly dragging a tired Michael to all the stores, trying hard not to think about her secret santa. She was so confused. Who was her secret santa? Kyle? No. Jasper. No. Max? Hell no. Michael? Maybe...

"Listen, only one more and then we'll hit the food courts." Maria panicked.

Michael sensed the panicked look on Maria face and then cupped her cheeks with his hands. "Maria...darling...ease up." He said in a calm voice. "I know you're tensed but babe...please?".

Maria nodded. "I think I was being a scared cat but my secret santa scares the hell out of me. How he knows what to give's like he knows me or something."

"That's because I'm your secret santa." Michael told her.

"Huh?". Maria took one last look at Michael before fainting.


One they reached the intended destination, Max fixed the boat to the small pier after turning it off and helped a very impressed Liz out of the boat. "I must say, you make a great sailor." Liz flirted with him, her bashfulness already gone.

"Why thank you Miss Parker." Max used the same tone back while holding her hand and leading her into the wooden cabin. With the help of Liz's Aunt Jan and his own mother he had set up dinner in this remote cabin which was now a private lodge with refurbished rooms and the upper floors were definetly worth seeing. He had to thank these two ladies later who contributed to helping him out when he needed it the most.

There were a string of golden lights wrapped around the hard wood and the fresh smell of italien dishes. Liz loved the cuisine. A round table with a crisp clean white cloth sat in the center and a waiter greeted the couple. "If you require service please ring this bell." He hand them a small bell each before leaving.

Liz laughed. "This is just like the movies."

"You like it?".

"Like it?" Liz looked at the place with gleaming eyes. "I LOVE it."

Max wrapped his arms around Liz's small body and pressed his lips to her head. "You make me so happy."

Liz noticed that they still had some time left before the food would get done. "How long till dinner?".

"Well, they only just started.." Max answered.

Liz smiled, this was good news because first she had her own surprise for Max. "I want a tour around this place." Turning around, she winked at him. "Maybe we'll start with upstairs?".


Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/10/09 Chpt 14 p. 14

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:14 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


A/N: I have to post this and go, my life has become so troublesome and busy I lost my muse somewhere down the line and I'm having so many problems in my life so I'm sorry this is a short part. Thanks for your patience while I took the time trying to write this next chapter.

Chapter 14

"Well, here we are.." Max said. "This room is my room although I've never slept in it." Max said.

"I can't believe your grandpa owns this well used to."

"My dad had to save it from being sold. We had a war with another company who tried their best to turn this into a hotel."

"It's better as it is now." Liz touched the artwork around the room. "So pretty, I love the colors. blue, cream and dark brown."

"Glad you like it Liz." Max smiled.

Liz locked the door and then noticed a balcony at the front. "Max...there's a balcony here?".

"Yeah, I suppose so." Max said and lead Liz to the balcony. Liz was in awe as she looked at the scenic view which included the lake and the trees.

"So beautiful." Liz whispered. "You know, I think this room has the best view."

"I know." Max said, gazing at Liz.

Liz blushed a little but she let herself be brave and touched Max's lips with the tips of her fingers. "You haven't seen anything yet."

Max leaned into Liz's caresses. "What do you mean?".

Liz took Max back into the room and closed the doors. Turning around, she slipped off her coat and then went to kiss Max. Max swept Liz up and carried her to the bed. He didn't know what he was thinking but right now, he just wanted to melt into her body.

Clothes were taken off and discarded on the floor leaving them both down to their underwear, wondering how the hell did their clothes leave their bodies?

"Liz..." Max looked at Liz in nothing but her panties and bra. God she was so beautiful...

"Don't stop Max." Liz gasped. "I want to give myself to you. Will you take me?".

Without another word, Max lifted Liz up and cupped her ass while she wrapped her bare legs against his waist. The two began to dart their tongues together in a heated intense dance and Max walked towards the bed with Liz in his arms.

Lowering her on the bed, Max watched breathlessly as she looked at him with her flushed face. Never had he had been so affected in his life before. Unable to stand still, he settled in between her legs and kissed the underside of her breasts and nuzzled her lace covered nipples.

Liz gasped as he fingered the lace over her soft mound and cupped her heat.

She hissed when he traced the contours of her swollen lips through the sheer material. Max marvelled how warm and wet she was through her soaked panties. "'re so ready for me."

Liz felt her face heat up and the swirls of fire churn on her cheeks, her whole body was humming and she shamelessly shoved herself on his fingers. Max smirked and dipped his head down to sniff the aroma of her sex. He pressed the tip of his nose against her and just heavily inhaled in as much as he could.

"You smell so good." He placed open mouth kisses over her. With her help, he took off her panties and buried his tongue into her wet heat, licking the seeping nectar.

Writhing beneath, Liz shook after orgasm after orgasm as Max continued to feast on her hidden treasure. When he removed his tongue, he blushed and licked up the remainder of Liz's essence on his lips. "Um sorry." He apologised, realising he had been lost in the moment. He had always pictured to drink her sweet essence and now living the moment he could not help himself.

"I believe that was your cookies my secret santa."

Max smiled at Liz. "Well if you put it that way.."

"But you need to wash the cookies down with milk." Liz teased and Max felt her hands on his crotch as soon as he raised himself up between her legs.

"God...Liz...who knew you'd be such a tease in bed." Max groaned as she pumped him outside of his boxers.

"You're the one being a tease. I'm so wet inside and you're not letting me ride you".

Max eyes widened and Liz gave him a little squeeze before taking his boxers down, Max helped her to remove his boxers and his erection sprang free.

"Now look whose hot and bothered." Liz blushed, looking at Max's hardness and it made her feel so good that it was her who had evoked this reaction in him.

Max followed Liz's gaze and gulped. This was the first time he was with a woman...first time anyone had seen his penis.

"What's wrong?". Liz noticed Max's look.

"I know this might sound a little silly but...I've never..." Max couldn't bring himself to say it but Liz worked it out.

"You're a virgin like me?". Liz whispered the words, looking at Max with awe. "You saved yourself for me." Now she understood. "Life couldn't get anymore sweeter."

"I always wanted to make love with you. No one else really deserves me like you." Max said removing himself between her legs and searching for his jeans.

"Max where are you going?". Liz wondered why he was leaving her all of a sudden. They barely got started...had she scared him off?

"Getting my condom on." Max said, ripping a foil packet and taking out the latex before putting it on himself.

"Whoa...Max the saint walking around with a condom in his back pocket." Liz teased.

"Yeah." Max said, joining Liz back on the bed and meeting her lips with his own. Liz shuddered when she tasted herself on his lips. It felt good that he wore her scent on his lips and tongue.

"Are you sure Liz?". She heard him say before he peeled off the bra.

"Yes Max.." Liz nodded, spreading her legs for him. "Make love to me."

Max pushed the tip of his cock forward between her folds, penetrating into them. After this, they would no longer be virgins but lovers. He hissed when he sank into her warmth, even through the latex he could feel how hot she was and how slick her walls was.

"Ah yes.." Liz hissed when he pushed through her barrier. It hadn't hurt a bit but she could feel her hymen break, taking away the one thing she could offer any man and she was glad it was Max.

Within minutes, they had moved together in their own rhythm.. Max thrusting her softly as they grinded together, rolling them over so she was on top, she rode him as he cupped the side of her face with one hand and she kissed his palm with love. He pushed his hips upwards to meet her heat, thrust after thurst. Their pants giving the room a sexual heated fog. Both the lovers watched each other with utter love as they satisfied each other's bodies with their own..

When they finally felt their release and came down from their intense high, they rested in each other's arms for a while.

They would wake up, ready to face their new life together.


Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/15/09 Chpt 15 p. 15

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:39 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone!


A/N: Okay guys, I really hope you like this final update because I spent hours writing it :roll: Thanks so much for your support, you all had me going for my first holiday fic! Thanks for all the support. Dedicated to all of you who left feedback for this story. :mrgreen:

Chapter 15

Ava opened the door and almost screamed in delight when she saw her step brother Alex there. "OH ALEX OH ALEX!". She jumped up and down in the air and threw her arms around him.

"Hey sis." Alex smiled, hugging his step sister back.

"Thanks so much for coming!". Ava said and let him go. "Do come in, it's cold out there."

Alex walked in and Ava lead him into the lounge. Ava's mother gave a brief hello and scowled at her husband's stepson before leaving her daughters alone with the lanky guy. "Sorry about her. Tess usually get's her cold vibes off mom." Ava said.

"Nah I'm okay, I just wanted to see you." Alex shrugged the matter off.

"Hey!". Tess turned around after sucking face with Kyle. "Thanks for calling me a cold hearted bitch." She laughed at her twin.

Alex almost jumped back. "Holy mother of Jesus!...Ava...she looks just like you!".

"Yeah, that's what they all say." Ava giggled.

"So you must be Alex." Tess said, giving him a sweet friendly smile and a wave. "Welcome to the family."

"I see we're more then just're with my buddy Kyle." Alex answered and gave Kyle a bear hug.

"Su'p man...long time no see?". Kyle greeted his friend.

"Man, this is like a circle of friends. We all know each other in our own way." Ava pointed out.

"Speaking of friends, shouldn't we be headed to the Crash down?".

Tess lowered her eyes. "You guys go...I'll stay here."

"Oh man...come on." Ava said. "You have to be there too Tess."

"I don't. I've been a right bitch and the last thing Liz needs me to do is fuck her Christmas up...especially when it's her first Christmas with Max."

"It's my first Christmas with you." Kyle took his girl friend's hands.

"Yeah, it's our first Christmas together.." Ava said. "I never had a big Christmas before."

"Please come with us." Alex asked Tess. "I'm not sure what beef you had with Liz but since that's all in the past I assume?".

"Tess has changed." Ava told Alex. "She's ashamed of how she was before."

"See, then you should participate in our happiness too."

"Yeah." Kyle said, wrapping an arm around Tess.

"Okay..if you guys insist.." Tess said uneasily. But before she could have a relaxing christmas she had one more thing to do...


"You haven't said a word." Micheal whispered, as he put down the rest of her shopping bags on her bed.

Maria threw her gloves off and looked at him with her hands on her hips. "You almost gave me a heart attack and you..." She sighed. "I thought you were joking."

"Well I wasn't."

Micheal was scared. Maria didn't seem happy to find out that she knew he was her secret Santa and he kind of regretted telling her.

" of all're the kind of guy that get's a girl a generic kind of shampoo for crying out loud."

Micheal started laughing. "Actually that was Kyle and Jasper playing a trick on you."

"Ah...another thing." Maria sighed. "I knew something was up but I didn't know YOU were a part of it. Kyle and Jasper were obviously hiding something and I suspected Max Evans at one point."

Michael almost chocked.


"Yeah, I mean Liz turned him down for her secret santa which you wouldn't happen to know would you?". Maria folded her arms.

"Well actually..."

"Oh please Guerin." Maria hissed. "Don't tell me you were double doing me and Liz!".

"Hey! No way!". Micheal threw his hands up in the air. "Just you."

Maria sighed in relief. "Then who is Liz's secret santa?".

Micheal decided not to tell her. "It's not my business honey, just go ask her yourself."

"So you guys have this whole enigma business going on." Maria grinned. "I must say, I'm impressed."

"So you're not mad?". Michael asked.

"Mad? Of course I'm long did you actually have feelings for me Guerin?". Maria demanded her guy best friend.

"For a while."

"Me thinks you had a crush on me before christmas and I'm so mad at you for not telling me!". Maria boomed and then pulled Micheal closer. "And I'm even mad at you for being able to pull this enigma thing off better then I ever could." She purred and then kissed him.

Oh god...Maria Deluca was kissing him...

In her bedroom...

Michael never thought that he'd be kissing the girl of his dreams like this ever...

"Hmm, you taste good..." Micheal mumbled against her lips.

"Is that about the peach lipgloss or my breath?". Maria pulled away.

"Urghh...." Michael didn't know how to answer. The taste of peach was delicious..

"Oh well...for the sprit of Christmas who gives a crap?" Maria shrugged. "Just kiss me dammit."

And they resumed back to their kiss.


" ready?". Max asked her as he tied up his laces.

"Yep." Liz said, taking his hand as they both got up together and onto the ice rink. She almost slipped halfway there but Max held onto her.

"Careful...don't wanna get frostbite on our first date." He winked.

Liz blushed. "Well, considering the fact that we had reached the bed on our first date Mr Evans.." She stroked his jaw line. "I don't think there's nothing to be ashamed of."

He pulled her closer to him by her hips. "Is that so Miss Parker?".

"Aha.." Liz grinned with a nod and Max smiled.

"Well...I don't suppose a kiss is out of the question?".

Liz's eyes lit up as she watched him. "Um...a kiss is lethal."

"If that's the case..." He leaned forwards and pressed his lips to hers. "I'll die happy."

The pair held each other's hands and began to skate around the empty ice rink, just together and now one else. Fluffs of snow began to fall from the sky and they laughed when Max picked a small pebble of snow form the tip of Liz's nose.

Twirling around together, they practiced some moves and then melted into each other's embrace to share a warm loving kiss underneath the falling snow.


Re: Enigma (AU, M/L, Adult) 2/15/09 Epilogue p.16*complete*

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:40 pm
by Hunter
A/N: Chapter 15 is on page 15


"Liz, someone left you a present." Maria said, holding the big box and putting it down on the counter. Liz finished helping Aunt Jan, setting the table or tables rather as they put the tables of the crashdown together to form a huge big table for themselves. They had all gotten together, the Parkers, The Evans, The Valenti's, The Whitmans, The Deluca's, Jasper's family and The Hardings.

It was a big Christmas feast and a lot of work needed to be done. Jasper, Kyle and Micheal had taken up the roles to deliver the dishes to the table while Ava and Maria helped Liz's mother and Aunt Jan in the kitchen to make the food.

The rest of the guys promised to do the clearing up so they had been free for now.

Liz asked Maria who the anonymous sender was. Maria flicked the gift tag but nothing was on there. "Beats me...he didn't say."


"Yeah..who else would bother to leave you romantic rich gifts on Christmas apart from your angel?".

Liz shook her head. "He always leaves a message." Liz denied and looked at the gift tag. "That's strange...there's nothing there."

"Hey you girls, you can open the presents us dish out." Liz's father said, carrying a huge turkey in one of those big plates.

"Oh that turkey does look good." Jasper said attending the door so when the guests arrived, he'd collect their coats.

"We have a special guest." Ava announced and the girls watched as Alex stepped inside.

"ALEX!". Liz and Maria pounced on him.

"OMG ALEX!" Maria screamed.

"So nice to see you again." Liz said.

"Hey girls." Alex grinned and hugged his two good friends back. "Missed you like crazy."

"Oh my god." Liz hugged him again. "It's be so so’s England?".

In a British accent, Alex answered. "Bloody cold."

"Gotta love that accent." Maria giggled. "Love me a man with that accent."

Micheal heard and protested. "Hey!".

When everyone had arrived, the food was ready to eat and they all sat down..preferably in pairs. Maria made sure she got to sit next to Micheal while Tess had been chained to Kyle's side as were Jasper and Ava while Max and Liz were hard to separate. Alex had been placed next to Isabel who surprisingly engaged in a conversation about NASA. Isabel hated science but Alex made it sound interesting.

The parents were busy chatting about their christmas moments as they cut slices from the turkey and poured gravy over their mash potatoes vegetables.

"So as I was saying, this year's treat was our beloved secret santa's." Maria said, as she won the most rounds of rock, papers and scissors to claim the right to give the Christmas toast this year. "Without them..we would still be single..." Maria picked up her glass. "And probably miserably single." She muttered and the parents laughed. "So yeah...this year's been pretty tough...but I got Micheal and Liz got Max..Jasper has Ava and Kyle finally got Tess after months of pining."

More laughter erupted from the parents. " secret santa's and your significant other." Maria raised her glass.

Everyone repeated after her and began drinking.

When it was time to clean up, The guys had been loyal to their part of the deal and were washing up. Liz had gone to open the present in the back room alone and Tess seized the chance to walk in.

"Can I come in?". Tess knocked the door.

Liz grimaced. She had not minded when Tess arrived at the dinner because she was with Kyle but that she was still unsure of Tess' feelings regarding Max.

"Yeah." Liz answered and decided she'd open the present after taking to Tess.

"So..I just want to say I'm sorry." Tess fiddled with her hands. "I knew Max was your secret santa and I almost sabotaged everything. I tried to seduce him in that eraser room that day and I pushed him into you making you fall...I'm sorry about everything...I guess I wasn't ready to let him go then..."

"Are you ready to let him go now?".

"He was never mine for me to let him go in the first place." Tess admitted. "The truth is that I wanted Max because he was everything jerks could not be...he was a great guy despite what people say about him. He could truly make a girl happy..but I wasn't his girl..You was. That's when I realised I wasn't meant for Max...and Kyle was there...putting up with my flaws..."

"Kyle loves you." Liz told Tess.

"I know." Tess nodded. "I love him too and I just wanted to clear up any misunderstanding Liz. I am not going to set out to make your life a misery and try to separate you and Max."

"Thanks." Liz said.

"I also wanted to know if we could be friends.." Tess said. "I know I'm the last person you might want to be friends with but.."

"Okay." Liz nodded. "Let's be friends."

"Whoa? really?". Tess said, amazed.

"Yeah..I mean you got to give people a chance to be themselves right? Life is too short to be holding grudges."

Tess couldn't stop smiling and threw her arms around Liz, giving her a hug. "Thank you thank you!". Tess exclaimed. "Oh it's so good to be friends with you!".

"You're kidding right?".

"I always wanted to be your friend Liz.." Tess pulled back. "But I never had the guts to ask you before."

"Really?". Liz's face pulled up in amazement and confusion. Tess Harding always wanted to be her friend?

"Yeah." Tess nodded. "Really." She looked at her watch and then told Liz she had to go. "Thanks for the wonderful christmas Liz." Tess said, waving Liz goodbye.

Aunt Jan hadn't meant to eavesdrop but couldn't help but be proud of her niece. "Aww, that's so sweet." She had to give Liz a hug. "Honey I am so proud of you."

Liz blushed. "You heard that."

"I'm sorry but I just couldn't help myself sweetie." Jan said. "You're the best niece I could ever have...with a heart of gold...I feel so proud to call you my niece." Jan hugged the petite brunette again.

"Gee thanks..Aunt Jan." Liz hugged her back.

"I love you sweetie."

"I love you too."

Liz loved her Aunt Jan so much. Especially after learning that she had helped Max with setting up his final gift for her. The woman was such a sweetheart.

Meanwhile back in the kitchen, the guys were having a conversations among themselves. "So...that's what really happened?". Jasper asked Micheal in shock. "She played you?".

"Maria thinks I pulled it off better then her..when all along I was so scared that she didn't like me being her secret Santa." Micheal said while scrubbing the plates. "Turns out she was acting the whole time and loved it that I was her secret santa."

"And what about you?". Kyle asked Max. "I finally got with Tess but you never said a word about Liz."

Max blushed. "Some things are meant to be kept private." He grinned and the guys knew it.

"Ahhh". They cheered. "You cheeky bastard!".

"Hey...give the man some credit. He's happy with her." Alex said, putting the dishes away. He heard their conversation and knew what was going on.

"You know Alex?". Jasper asked.

"Heck, you guys might keep it an enigma from girls but not from each other." Alex winked. "'re so lucky you got Liz. She makes you happy right?".

"More then anything in the whole world." Max answered sincerely.

"Okay..then what are you still doing here?". Alex said. "Last time I checked..she's free now and waiting for you."

"Hey what about us!". The other guys protested. "We have girls too you know."

"Sorry no can do." Alex teased. "Besides, I can only take over on person's job."

"Are you sure Alex?". Max said.

"GO on!". Alex pushed Max out of the kitchen. "Liz is waiting for you."

Max dried his hands and went to the back room that Liz said she was in. When he walked in, Aunt Jan and Liz were in a hug. "Hey." Liz said, noticing Max at the doorway.

The aunt and niece detached from each other and looked at Max standing shyly at the doorway. "I'll be off sweetie." Jan quickly said and cheered Max quietly before leaving the room.

Max smiled and walked in. He noticed the present was near Liz on the table. "Many things can fulfil desires of Life but my life isn't nothing without you" He said, narrating the unwritten poem on her gift tag.

Liz gasped when she realised that he had given her yet another present. " shouldn't have! I'll be the cause of your overdraft!"

"Like I said, my life is nothing without you." He was already in front of her caressed her face. "Aren't you going to open the present?".

"Open it with me." Liz answered and parted her lips, placing open mouth kisses on his lips. Max returned the favour but before they could get lost in the moment, he lead Liz to face the present.

"Open.Present.Now." Max urged.

"Okay Secret Santa." Liz teased and began opening it but stopped and looked at him. "Not without you." She said.

Max opened the present with her and Liz realised it was like that present he dropped off at her balcony. Layer after layer..

"Gosh..this must have taken you ages."

"It was worth it."

When they reached the heart of the present, Liz pulled out a box and opened it, inside were tiny scrolls with golden messages in it. They were the moments of their lives...including Max's Liz spotting moments..where he would think of her..the box was filled with them and Liz was in awe.


"Yes Liz..this is the physical example of my mind." He grinned. "It's filled with thoughts of you..only you."

She pulled out items that contained every thing from last night, the tickets to go to the ice rink, lots of pictures of them together, his drawings of her right down to drawn love hearts of their initials together..Liz reached in a retreived the last gift.

"Max..." Liz pulled out a tiny box with a key attached to it.

"Go it." Max said.

Liz did as he asked and gasped when a ring was staring right back at her. "Will you marry me Liz?".

"Oh god.." Liz said.

"I know it's too soon but we can postpone the wedding to whichever date you feel like...five months, weeks...even two years from now...I'll wait because the same proposal will be to the same person no matter how long it is." Max said. "I will always want you to be my wife."

Liz looked at the key. "This?".

"That's the key to the lodge." Max said. "I think I'd like you to have it."

"Oh Max." Liz blinked the tears out of her eyes.

"So will you marry me?".

Liz put the box down and took the ring out. "Put it on me."

Max did as she asked and she hugged him. "Merry Christmas Max."

"Merry Christmas Liz." he replied before they engaged in a sweet passionate kiss.

"Under the mistletoe!". Alex cheered and Max and Liz stopped kissed as they realised that others were present in the room. Jasper was sitting on Alex's shoulders holding the mistletoe over Max and Liz's heads as they were kissing. Maria was taking the pictures and laughing.

"Hey!." Max said, "You filming this?". He looked at Micheal who held the camcorder.

Micheal grinned. "Gotta capture those love scenes on film man."

"Merry Christmas or shall I say Marry Christmas!" Ava teased.

And for them, it was a beautiful beginning full of friendship, joy and love...