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Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:50 pm
by pijeechinadoll
sorry it's short ^^


An hour or so later, Amelia woke up to find her body entwined in and around Zan. She took seconds to rouse her consciousness and reasoning when she found Zan looking at her. She looked around the surrounding to find they were still in Zan’s room. The only difference was she and Zan were lying next to another under the sheets. She shifted as she felt Zan’s arms close around her. “Zan!” murmured Amelia. “Oh dear god!”
Amelia scrambled from under the blanket, to find to her relief that she still had clothes on, as did Zan. Zan grinned and yanked her back to lie down. He cupped her cheek and kissed her, “Did you think I had my wicked way with you!” whispered Zan.
Amelia blushed and then laughed; “Actually I should have known better, you’re too honest to attempt to deflower me without my knowledge!”
“Bugger I was close enough!” muttered Zan.
“Ouch!” he then replied as Amelia poked him.
“Zan” murmured Amelia.
“Yes Darling!”
“Tell me you love me again!”
“I love you my sweet Amelia!”
Amelia grinned and then frowned. “What are we to do about your parents?”
“I don’t know Amelia they want me to marry Ava, but you know I can’t because I want you… gosh Amelia you’re so beautiful and lovely, you’re caring and warm, without you I’m lost, I never knew I had a missing part of me till I saw you that day. You’re my other half! We’re…!”
Zan didn’t have to say word. She knew what he was thinking. “Soulmates!” interrupted Amelia.
“Yes the soulmate principle. “Murmured Zan. “I’m yours and you’re mine!”
“Mmm…“ was the only sound that slipped past Amelia’s lips as she scooted closer and rested her head against Zan’s shoulder.
“We connected as well. I saw things you wouldn’t believe! I can read you mind as you can read mine. And I can heal me, Do you realise that I’ve activated you’re powers? You have the same healing powers as me…” Zan Continued.
“Zan show me!”
“Are you sure it’ll get very emotional!”
Amelia nodded in excitement. “Show me Zan please!”
“Okay you asked for it!” murmured Zan. He pulled Amelia in for a kiss, immediately Amelia felt a change that began to occur in her body. Her body felt like it was floating. Zan kissed her harder, rolling her so she was under his body. Her body then started to ache; small tremors racked her body. It felt like she had been zapped.
“Zan oh gosh!”
“Shush darling its okay.” as he deepened the kiss.
Amelia then felt their minds, bodies and souls merging together. She started getting flashes of Zan’s past. Some of them were happy, some of them were sad. The connection that was open between them was feeding on their love for one another.
# Amelia are you okay! #

# Amelia can you hear me #

# Amelia … #

# Hey Amelia are you with me? #

# Zan… #

# Zan is that you, it’s like you’re inside me #

# Yeah kind of… #

# Wow! #

# Zan I can hear you, it’s like an echo in my head. This feels like bliss. I can hear your every thought, I can read your mind loud and clear #

# It’s cause I’m in your head and you’re in mine. It’s our connection #

# Wow! And those flashes, did you have them as well #

# Yeah darling I saw them; I also saw them when I healed you. Do you remember? #

# Yeah I do… vaguely… mmm… this is bliss… heaven… #

# I think you’re enjoying this a bit too much #

# Am not…well yeah I suppose so… aren’t you? #

# Of course I am! #

# Mmm… #

# Amelia I can’t wait to make love to you #

# It’s going to get worse isn’t it… I mean not in a bad way but I feel dizzy not at all here… I’m floating. I feel so whole with you I don’t want to be part from you! # cried Amelia clinging to Zan.

# It’s okay # Zan started to pull away

Amelia felt tears pouring uncontrollably down her face. “Oh Amelia! My darling you weren’t ready for this!” Zan muttered as he tried to wipe away the tears.
“Zan it felt like we were ripped apart. My heart feels… oh Zan I can’t bear it. I don’t think I could go through that every time.” Amelia cried in Zan’s arms.
“Amelia look at me!”
Amelia looked at Zan he had tears as well. “It’s like that the first time, I told you it would be emotional. But it will get better. Here let me make it better!”
Zan kissed her again; the connection flew right open, but this time when Zan pulled away. She didn’t feel the torturous pain of being spilt from him. She felt her body float down to a calm state of being. Peace with in herself. Zan still felt nearby which was good as well.
“How do you feel this time?”
“Mmm… much better, it’s like you’re still with me!”
“We can communicate to one another where ever we are from now on!”
“That’s nice!”
“It’s more than nice!” murmured Zan rolling of Amelia. “I didn’t squash you did I?”
“Ha no!” laughed Amelia. “If I can’t put up with you now, when I get married to you and we make love, how would I cope…?”
Amelia blushed before she finished her sentence.
Zan laughed and cupped her cheek in his palm of his hand. “I know exactly what you’re thinking and feeling!”
# You could always go on top dear Amelia # Amelia heard Zan’s voice pop in her head #
# I love you Amelia lena Ann Marie. Be mine. Be my wife # Amelia nodded a yes. Totally blissful Amelia snuggled closer to Zan as he pulled her back into his arms.



Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:52 pm
by pijeechinadoll

Vilandra and Nathaniel found themselves transported back in Zan’s Bathroom. Vilandra sneaked over to the door. “Can you hear anything?”
“No!” muttered Vilandra.
“Use your powers!”
“No! Do you want Zan to cut my head off?”
Nathaniel laughed. “Your brother wouldn’t do that. No he wouldn’t dare!”
“He might if we interrupt him whilst he’s with Amelia!”
“You don’t think they’ve done the physical reunion!” gasped Nathaniel.
“Oh Nathaniel don’t be so ancient. What you mean is have they made love? Wow I wonder if they have, I must be nice to connect physically and emotionally with the one they love. It sounds so sensual.”
“They haven’t have they!”
“Jeezs even if Zan wanted to, Amelia wouldn’t. All girls wanna wait till her marriage. She’s the type of girl who would wait for her wedding night. And Zan would honour that!”
“Phew!” grinned Nathaniel. “We’re in time!”
“Zip it Nath!”
“But they both betrothed!”
“No they not!”

Vilandra pushed the door and peeked inside and was shocked to see Zan and Amelia next to one another, asleep under the sheets of Zan’s bed. “Bloody hell Zan!” cursed Vilandra.
Zan woke up with a start. Vilandra was next to the bed shouting at him. “Bloody hell Zan!”
“Vilandra stop screaming! You’ll wake Amelia, she’s tired!”
“I can’t believe you made love to her!”
“Hush will you! Look!” Zan proceeded to pull the cover of them. “Look she’s got her clothes on as do I, I would not do that to her…”
Amelia started shifting, in her sleep. “Mm… Zan… I’m cold… give me back my… cover!” Amelia murmured as she crawled the sheets back over her body and snuggled back against Zan.
Vilandra laughed. “Ops sorry!”
She then sobered up, by turning serious. “Zan we’ve got to get her home…”
Zan frowned as he looked at his chosen fiancée. “Look at her she looks so peaceful. She’s so tired, we opened a connection…”
“What?” Nathaniel asked in shock.
“Nath you’re jaw has seemed to have dropped.” Laughed Vilandra.
“But he just said!” muttered Nathaniel.

Zan coughed, both Vilandra and Nathaniel turned. “Nathaniel as much as you protest, I know you have my best interest at heart. But there is nothing you can do, Amelia is mine and I’m her. Our connection cannot be broken. She is my chosen one, my chosen partner!”
Vilandra jumped in. “Oh my gosh she’s you’re soulmate.”
“Yes she’s my soulmate!”
It was Nathaniel to jump in. “Soulmate? I’ve never heard of that terminology.”
It was Vilandra who answered. “Didn’t you parents ever tell you stories of the old ways?” Nathaniel shook his head. “Oh!” murmured Vilandra. “So you don’t know the story of the immortal Rena.”
“Vilandra Nathaniel wouldn’t have heard the stories because all the memoirs were lost in the great fire, a thousand years ago. Most people have forgotten the old ways, but our parents used to tell us the stories just to get us to sleep.”
“Will someone explain to me what you’re talking about?” muttered Nathaniel.
It was like Vilandra then suddenly went into her own world. She started talking and talking about the story of Rena, Kiran and Jacs.

“Once upon a time, when the old ways were still in existence, the Governor and the Governess of a planet way past our time ruled the country with praise and loved. Their people loved them and they especially loved their daughters, Florna, Estelle, Rena. The daughters known as the three divinities, Were beautiful, clever and honourable with delightful personality. Everyone wanted to marry them. But everyone knew that the sisters were waiting for their true loves, their soulmates. They would not have anything less. It was said that a spell could be cast to draw in your soulmate. That is how the parents had found one another.
“Most people on the planets believed in soulmates and went through the process; however there were some who rebelled against it. They believed in getting whoever they wanted. The leader of that group was Jacs. He wanted Rena with a vengeance and he would do anything to get her.
“Kiran was a Soldier protector who served for the Governor. He admired Rena and loved her like a sister, but when he realised Jacs had kidnapped her it made him confront his feelings. Rena had always known of course as she had cast the spell a few years before.
“Kiran rescued Rena and declared his love for her and they married and lived a happy life. Their souls apparently still roam the Antar.”

(Hmm ^^ wonder where they’re souls are now?)


Amelia woke up and stretched, she looked around expecting to see Zan with her. Where was he?
Hell where was she. She certainly wasn’t in Zan’s room anymore. This room was more distinctively female.
There was a giggle. “I see you’re awake.”
Amelia turned to look at Vilandra sitting by the window.
“Your highness!”
Vilandra giggled even more.
“Call me Lonnie please, even princess, but not your highness. God it’s so stuffy!”
“How about Vilandra?” asked Amelia a little bit in awe and slightly embarrassed. “Um where am I?”
“My bedroom where else?” smiled Vilandra sitting down on the corner of her bed.
“Oh unless you were hoping to wake up in Zan’s room!”
Amelia blushed deeply, Vilandra laughed even more.
“You’re so like my brother. You’re so cute. Anyway times flies when you’re having fun, we meaning Zan and me are going to present you at the ball tonight and then you’re going to become my companion. And then you’re going to become friend’s with my mother; win her heart. Which in turn win my father. And BAM you’re married to Zan.”

Little did they know it was going to be a lot more complicated than that…

TBC>? :D
would you like more. next chapter. coming out party. + khivar :twisted:


Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:46 pm
by pijeechinadoll
Just finished writing this one: :D


Amelia giggled as she was pampered by the ladies in waiting. She was currently getting her hair and makeup done. Not that she needed much makeup.
There was a tap at the door.
“Excuse me ladies, could you leave us for a minute?”
The ladies in waiting blushed as the curtsey and fluttered out the room.
Amelia turned to see Zan leaning against the door with his arms crossed against his chest. He had such an arrogance pose about him.
Amelia pouted a little.
“You’re going to get into trouble if Lonnie finds you in here.”
Zan grinned.
“I DON’T CARE! I just had to come and see you. I haven’t seen you in for hours…”
Amelia pouted.
“And whose fault is that? I was asleep; you’re the one who left me without waking me up. I woke up in someone else’s room.
Zan laughed at Amelia pouting as he stepped up towards her.
Amelia stepped back.
“Zan what are you doing?” Amelia blushed.
“Trying to seduce you, why else would I be here?”
Amelia slapped his arm.
“You promised you’ll wait.”
Zan sighed and kissed Amelia’s forehead.
“I will Amelia I’ll wait for you forever.”

The door opened and Vilandra entered with Marianne and Carli. “Zan what are you doing in here Amelia needs to get dressed. Get out of here before mother and father sees you. Or Rath and Ava. Get out!”
Zan pouted.
“Okay… okay I’m going.”
He kissed Amelia hand and took a bow.
“Goodbye my darling I shall see you at the bottom of the stair case.”
Both Marianne and Carli swooned at the sight of Zan leaving the room.
Carli giggled.
“He’s so handsome Amelia! You’re so lucky!”
Amelia smiled timidly with a glow to her cheeks.
“Come! Come! Amelia you need to get into your dress…” replied Vilandra.
Amelia glanced at the door that Zan had left through and felt a pounding in her heart. She was exciting and nervous, but also she had a sense of dread. But she shook it off, she went and got dressed. She didn’t want to keep the party and Zan waiting.


Zan stood there talking to an ambassador of one of the neighbouring planets. He tried to look like he was interested but he couldn’t help but listen out for Amelia.
“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE PRESENT TO YOU Miss Amelia Ann Marie, daughter of Sir Gretham and Lady Annadette- rulers of Southern Oëtone…”
Everybody turned to the top of the stairs where Amelia stood. She looked very nervous. She turned round to see Vilandra, Marianne and Carli shooing her down the stairs. Go they kept whispering, but Amelia stood rooted to the spot she was standing.
Zan smiled quietly. She looked stunning; she had her hair half pinned up and was wearing a strapless purple and silver dress. Zan wanted to run up there and help her down. He wanted to stand by her side. But he knew that raise a lot of eye brows and so he had to wait.
Amelia looked down to the sea of people and felt petrified. She looked around to see if she could see Zan. She saw him standing by the balcony windows in the dance hall.
“My lady may I have the honour of escorting you down…”
Amelia jumped at the voice behind her, but saw that it was Nathaniel.
She smiled gladly.
“Thank you.”
Nathaniel smiled in response and held out his arm. Amelia looped her arm through and walked down…


Even though Amelia had been enjoying herself she hadn’t seen Zan that much. Vilandra and Nathaniel had been by her side all the time escorting her around the dance introducing her to the many people. Zan apparently had been doing his duties by doing his rounds himself. She still hadn’t gotten to dance with him.
“Come Amelia I must introduce you to my brother and mother.” said Vilandra.
Amelia heart sang at her word. She wanted to run over to him.
They walked over to where Zan was talking to his mother. “Mother I would like to introduce to you personally to Amelia Ann Marie. My new companion.”
Amelia curtseys and smiled gently at the Queen.
“Your majesty it’s an honour to meet you.”
The Queen smiled back at the beautiful dark haired girl.
“Thank you, I see you have become really good friends with my daughter. I did not realise she was getting a new companion. Have you settled into the palace okay?”
Amelia nodded.
“You have a beautiful house… and the garden’s I have not seen them all but the view from my bedroom is stunning.”
“You flatter me my child.”
Amelia smiled.
“Have you met my son Zan? Zan introduce yourself? Zan?”
Vilandra, Nathaniel and the Queen all turned to see Zan gawping at Amelia.
Amelia blushed as Vilandra elbowed her brother.
“Zan!” hinted Vilandra.
“Hi… I’m Prince Zan of Antar!”
Amelia giggled quietly to herself.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you your highness!”
The Queen not noticing the glancing between them, told Zan to take her on the dance floor because she had yet to dance.


They had dance four dances together. Zan had danced with many other females. Elena had danced with Nathaniel and the king and her father. She and Zan had been dancing at a respectable distance… but Zan kept whining about wanting to dance with her closer; which caused Elena to blush and giggle.
“God Amelia this has been the best dance ever. No turn up from Ava either. Thank God… and I get to dance with you. I wish I could dance every dance with you.”
They stood to the side as they watched the musical orchestra as the played an interlude, before the next dance.
She looked around to see if anyone was watching them but it seemed everyone was chatting.
“Zan should we be standing so close?”
Zan raised an eyebrow in defiance.
“Let them try say anything. My mother and father haven’t said anything, so why should anyone else… And if anyone says anything I’ll just tell them that I’m doing my duty as Vilandra’s brother to keep her companion company and away from unwanted attention…”
Amelia smiled gladly at Zan’s at his words.
“Zan come dance with you mother.” The queen came up to them.
Zan looked around to see if Nathaniel or Vilandra was around. But he couldn’t see them. He frowned slightly; he didn’t want to leave Amelia by himself. Guaranteed she hadn’t had any unwanted attention but he didn’t want to risk it, but then again he couldn’t turn his mother down.
“Go…” Whispered Amelia quietly, she would be okay.
Zan subtly brushed his fingers gently against her so no one could see. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes promised that he would be back soon.

She watched as Zan dance with his mother. She swayed lightly against the music.
“I don’t think we have met yet…”
Amelia shivered in anxiety. She didn’t like the sound of the voice. She turned and saw a tall dark blond man.
“No I don’t think we have… I don’t think I know your name.”
“No you don’t but I know yours Amelia. I know more about you that you’re Prince Zan. In fact I know all about you. And trust me when I say I’m going to enjoy getting to know you even more.”
He ran a hand down her arm and stalked away.
Amelia felt a fear wash over her. Who the hell was he?”

TBC? more?


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:44 pm
by pijeechinadoll
hey people i'm back again ^^
anyway on with the story



Three and a half weeks later Amelia was sitting in the garden. She had been having such an enjoyable time learning about the ways of the palace, she had been spending time with the queen and Lonnie. She also had been spending time with Zan, with Vilandra accompanying them so they wouldn’t be frown upon. Today was no different. Vilandra was sitting a few metres away leaning against the tree with Nathaniel to give them some space.
Amelia sat next to Zan, staring at the sunset. It was so beautiful. She smiled contentedly forgetting all the worries of the world.
She turned round to look at Zan staring down at her. She sighed.
“Yes your majesty!”
She heard Zan mumble.
She giggled.
Zan tiled her face so he could see her eyes more clearly.
“My mother has agreed me to allow us to marry. You have won her heart as she has seen that I have won your heart. She sees what a beautiful relationship we have, such warmth and honesty. Such love and friendship and beauty, she sees the connection we have. She knows that I am your soulmate and you are mine.
She wants me to have a relationship and love like she did with my father…”
“Wait what about Ava? Are you not betrothed to her?”
“Ava is a silly girl who constantly wants her own way. She has been sent back to her father.”
“But…” cried Amelia her voice hitched in her throat.
“Amelia I love you. You have to mine… please say that you’ll be mine.”
“But what about my mother and father, have you had their permission?”

Zan sighed, not wanted to tell her about her very own betrothal to Khivar.
“Your father has some inconveniences to deal with firsthand but he has not outright said no. I mean after all who would not want their daughter to marry a prince.” Grinned Zan.
Amelia slapped him on the arm.
“Do you really mean it? Do you really think we can marry?”
Amelia was amazed at the quickness of Zan’s handiwork. She had not admitted to him about her illness. She did try the once, but Zan’s response was along as she was okay now; he didn’t care.
Amelia sighed again blissfully towards the sun. Her heart felt so heavy but joyful.
“You know what Amelia?”
Amelia nodded.
“I wish to kiss you right now. I want to shout to the world that I love you. But I promised my mother that I honour your virtue. I honour your purity. I must weight it out till our wedding day, our wedding night. Hell I am not even allowed to KISS YOU! AND I WANT TO KISS YOU!” said Zan with remorse.
“So you must not in terms torture or tempt me.”
Amelia blushed.
“I do no such thing Zan. It is you who is always trying to tempt me.”
“Amelia I cannot help it if you look the way you look, the even the smallest glance from you give me palpitations. You set my heart alive!”
Amelia slapped him again on the arm as she heard Vilandra and Nathaniel giggle in the distance at them.

Zan might himself be disappointed at himself at not having to be able to kiss her, but she herself was saddened at the thought. She loved the care and attention that Zan gave her. She loved the tenderness that he showered the kisses on her. She loved Zan whole heartily and openly. She couldn’t wait to marry him.
“How soon can we marry Zan?”
Zan grinned happily.
“You can’t wait either?”
Amelia shook her head in denial and slapped him again.
“Ow how you love abusing you husband to be?”
“Zan!” cried Amelia.
“Yes Amelia?”
“You tease me.”
“Yes I do!”
“When can we marry?”
“If I had my way next week…”
Amelia’s eyes widened in shock, she clutched a hand to her heart to stop the pounding.
“That’s not possible… we wouldn’t be… we cannot… it takes forever to organise a wedding…”
Amelia shook her head clueless.
“Whether you want a big wedding or small wedding, an outside wedding, inside wedding, a wedding by a lake or a wedding in a palace; I can give you it whenever. You just tell me yes! And I will do it!”
Amelia nodded tear brimming from her eyes.
Zan whopped loudly enough for the palace to hear, even the king came to the balcony with the queen.
“Just this once mother!” Zan shouted.
The Queen nodded in consent…
Amelia was shocked as Zan grabbed her and kissed her fully on the lips, but she smiled happily in her heart…

TBC? feedback pretty please.


Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:20 pm
by pijeechinadoll
HEY people here's the part you're waiting for...


It was the day before the wedding; everyone was running round like headless chickens. Amelia was loving all the excitement. She was going to marry Zan tomorrow and she couldn’t wait. Vilandra had been a godsend, if she wasn’t here whipping everyone into shape; Amelia was sure that they wouldn’t have made it in time for a weeks time.
There was a pagoda style archway erected in the garden of the palace garden, as she walked around it. She was more aware everyone was watching her. She was going to be one day future Queen and so she had to conduct herself in an honest, pleasant manner. She smiled gently to the servants. She couldn’t believe this. It was a dream. She glided around the pagoda where fabric lay strung from the top. Ribbons and strimmers dangled left right and centre. She looked upwards to Fennell wrapping vine wrapped roses along the top.

She felt someone grab her front behind. She recoiled in shocked and skidded backwards.
She was still jittery about the man who had come up to her at the coming out party. She had made enquires but no one knew who he was or either that no one was saying anything. But then again she had only asked a few people. She hadn’t wanted Zan to find out and worry…
“Shit Amelia. I’m sorry.” Zan reached out to stop his fiancée from stumbling.
“Zan!” she smiled.
“I thought you were away at the suit fitting.”
“Yep but I missed you!”
Zan pulled her closer.
“Zan you promised you mother…” Amelia replied chewing her lip.
“Can I do that?”
“What?” whispered Amelia confused at what Zan was asking.
Zan grinned.
“Can I bite your lip?”
Amelia mouth opened in shock.
“Amelia I can’t wait… I want to kiss you right now…” Zan pouted in reply.
“We can’t Zan! …we have to wait ‘til tomorrow morning.”
Zan grinned.
“You’re not needed here right?”
Amelia shook her in denial.
“I’m needed here…”
“No you’re not!” retorted Zan. “And I’m stealing you away!”


Amelia found herself by the lake by herself. Where had Zan gone?
“Zan? Where are you?”
Zan snuck up behind his fiancée and put his hands over her eyes and kissed her beneath her neck.
“Zan… mmm… we can’t… Lonnie will be looking for me…”
“I told Fennell to tell everyone to tell anyone else asking that you’ve gone to visit your sister for the day.”
“Come my princess I want to show my surprise… close your eyes”
Amelia closed her eyes as she felt Zan remove his hands. She felt him tie a scarf over her eyes. HE took her hand and glided her over to an area where she could here the waterfall.

He removed the scarf; there lay erected was a very large silk white fabric tent. There covered on the floor were lots of cushions. There was a table of food.
“I know you want to wait Amelia ‘til tomorrow and this is to persuade you. This is because I want to spend the day and evening with you with no one around. Just me and you alone. Just me and you in this world. Please give me this. I beg of you…”
Amelia heart pounded in fear but it also melted at Zan’s honesty and words. She loved Zan, yes she was a little scared at the thought of the joining but at the same time she couldn’t describe it… She blushed at the thought of their bodies together. Dreams of them together had plagued her thoughts.
Zan watched the different expressions that crossed Amelia’s face; including a blush that tinted her cheeks. He didn’t care about the world. He loved Amelia. He loved her.
“You know Amelia…”
Amelia looked up.
“This is the first time I saw you. This is the first time I knew love… that’s why I brought you back here. I love you.”
“I know. I know my beautiful, you love me too.”
Amelia nodded eagerly.
“Will you come swim with me?”
Amelia nodded slightly.

Zan removed his shirt…
Zan cupped her face in one hand and as the other hand drew down the straps of her dress.
Amelia let out a little gasp as the dress dropped to the floor revealing her perk breasts. Zan Amelia immediately grabbed Zan shirt to cover herself. She gripped the fabric to her chest. She blushed deeply as she was left with very her short under skirt garment.
“Zan please… no…”
Zan grinned as he kneeled down in front of her all inched the under skirt down her legs. He let that pool to the floor as well. He gripped the shirt she had in her hands and removed it. God she was a goddess.
Amelia stood still under Zan hot glance.
Zan pushed her trousers down and brought Amelia towards him. Their bodies brushed one another in hotness.
Zan stepped Amelia backwards towards the water edge. And went in. He brought her legs flush against his so she could wrap them around his legs. Amelia panted as she felt him hot and hard pulsating against her centre. He made her have an ache like never before… She wanted…

Zan dunked them under the water as he caressed her back and hair. He was so hard for her. But unless Amelia consented he wouldn’t take her even though he wanted to. For now he was content at having their bodies together.

He swam them around a while and then brought themselves under the water fall. They stopped by the rocks. He hitched her up slightly, but still had her wrapped around his body. He had her just right where he wanted her. Zan kissed her with a voracity that had Amelia silently begging and wanted more. Zan senses a change and eagerness coming from her. Max stroked his hand down the front of her body and brought his lips to her chest. He brought the nipple to his mouth and suckled gently making Amelia weep with desire. Amelia moved her lower body in a squirm, which actually made Zan grow bigger and harder. “Zan…””
Zan moved his hand downwards and slipped his finger between their bodies. He touched Amelia with excitement. Even though they were in the water, he could still tell the difference between the wetness of essence and the wetness of the water.

She was so hot and wet as he caressed a finger in and out of her. Her essence dripped over her finger. Amelia writhered in pleasure. Zan pushed more fingers inside her. “Zan…”
She was so close, but Zan knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to taste her… he wanted to… He pushed her upwards and settled his mouth on her, he pushed his tongue inside her and licked and drank like a man who hadn’t had a drink in ages. Amelia cried out as her body gave way. Zan continued to drink as Amelia whole body came down from its high.


After sobbing her heart out under the waterfall, she tried to explain to Zan why she cried. As much as wanted to be with Zan, she wanted to have pure wedding night. Zan turned a little away from her feeling devastated that she felt like that. Did she not enjoy what they just shared? But he then realised that he had done her wrong. Feeling angry with himself, he mentally hit himself. Amelia knew she had hurt Zan, as they had swum back to the shore. How would she make up for this? This was mean to be a happy evening…

They eat quietly as they sat as Amelia sat in Zan’s shirt and Zan sat with a towel around him. Zan tried to engage Amelia in a conversation in response to try to make it up to her. She realised as he talked that actually she didn’t regret. Amelia said sorry. Zan apologise as well, but stated he didn’t regret one moment because he would cherish its memory. It was getting dark. They should go home…

Suddenly Amelia, had an uneasiness past through her as Zan packed the remaining food and drink away. Like she knew something would happen if they went back to the palace. She knew what she had to do…
He turned round to look at his beautiful fiancée.
“Can we stay her the night?”
Zan mouth opened in a gasp.
“No Amelia… we don’t have to do this… we will have tomorrow…”
Amelia was scared she knew something would happen and she wanted to have tonight so she would never forget.
Amelia sat down on the blanket and removed the shirt. She lay out stretched on her back, she reached her hand outwards to Zan to come to her. Zan gulped, he couldn’t refuse her. He kneeled down and removed his towel. He inched her legs open so he could rest between her body.
“It this okay?” he whispered.
Amelia nodded silently.
Zan kissed her on the lips with a full on kiss. He pressed himself to her and inched inside her. She was warm and wet and he was hard and hot. In he inched in deeper, sinking inside her. Amelia gripped his waist not sure if to stop or start him. Max reached down and wrapped her legs around his so he could move in deeper and deeper, inch by inch he sank into her body. He moved one hand to grip hers; he brought them above his body, whilst the other hand moved around her waist. He pushed further, Amelia moaned in anticipation, but wept when Zan hit her barrier…
“My Amelia. Mine… My darling sweetheart.”

He gripped her waist as he gave a final push. Her womanhood gave way as he was fully sunk inside her. He was finally with his future wife. He was finally with the one love of his life. He waited so Amelia could adjust to his size. Amelia had never felt like this before, Zan was inside her. God she felt so full so loved. She felt the pain ease up, she moved her hips gently. Zan had sunk so deep that he so he had no where to go but out. He pulled outwards till only his tip was inside her, and then pushed back in. The movement were slow and merry but minutes later Zan could feel his body give way. But he knew he wouldn’t let go without her. So the merry dance continued as a speed of light. Movement and pace changed to suit the purpose…Two people intertwined; cries were heard as they finally gave into one another.

TBC? next chapter the return of the familiar face. EEK ><


Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:50 am
by pijeechinadoll
sorry to keep you readers waiting (especially hunter ^^ i know you've been waiting for donkeys ^^)


Amelia woke up in to find herself back in her bedroom. Zan had snuck her back in at the dawn of the day. He lingered in her bedroom professing his love to her. He kept on pledging how much in awe he was of her, how honoured and privileged he was that she was going to marry him. He promised to cherish and love her. He couldn’t wait to marry her. He couldn’t deny the love that bloomed inside his heart. Amelia had to literally push him out him out the door. Zan couldn’t help pepper kisses of her face and lips.
“Where were you last night?” retorted Carli, stomping into the room.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about?” replied Amelia with a giggle bubbling through her throat.
“I know where you were!”
“Then why are you asking?”
“I’m telling mummy!”
“Go on then…” laughed Amelia.
“I need to start getting ready so go away, send the ladies in waiting.”
“NO NEED!” said Vilandra flouncing in.
“I shall be helping you. Carli your mummy is looking for you. GO find her…”
Carli scooted out the room with a little bounce.

“Now!” Vilandra said turning round.
Amelia pursed her lips together to stop her giggling.
“Yes Miss Vilandra…”
Vilandra scowled slightly with an indignant pout.
“Don’t laugh Amelia I know where you were yesterday or should I say who with?”
Amelia bit her lip.
“Zan whisked you away didn’t he? I should know I’m the one who had to lie for the both of you… now… where was we? Ahh yes… I can tell from the healthy glow that you are cemented…”
Amelia blushed.
“Um I…”
“Nope Amelia I don’t want any details. Please spare a thought to my poor brain. I am very happy for you but please I don’t want hear about my brother’s love life.”
Amelia giggled.
“I am very happy Lonnie!”
“I know sweetie, let’s get you married…”


Amelia stood alone waiting in her bedroom, waiting for the 30minutes to tick by. She had finished getting ready.

Her dress was simply stunning. It was strapless, long and flowed outwards with flowers down the front of the bodice and layers of lace at the skirt that had flower trimmed edges. Pure white. Exquisite. She couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of wearing white. She wasn’t pure anymore but then again at the same time she didn’t feel tainted; she felt the love from Zan wash over her. There was no need to feel tainted because what they shared last night was born out of love. She knew she should have felt guilty but at the same time she couldn’t understand why she had given into her desires to being with Zan. Maybe it had been the uneasiness of something unknown that was going to happen, but that feeling had left her as soon as she joined with Zan. But at this moment in time she’s didn’t care to think of the uneasiness. She wanted to enjoy her wedding day, so all thoughts of that left subject left her mind.

She couldn’t help but smiled. She looked out the window to see the sun shiny high.
“Amelia.” said a voice.
Amelia turned around to see the queen in front of her. Amelia immediately curtsied and kneeled down in front of the queen.
“Come my child, come sit by me.”
Amelia stood up and walked over to where the queen sat. She tucked the dress beneath herself before she sat down next to the queen.
“My sweet child, how you have won son’s heart, you are a beautiful individual. I know Zan couldn’t resist being with you…”
“Your highness!” Amelia had the decency to blush.
Queen Sofia laughed which was very rare for the queen who was so regal. Usually she would just give a smile. It was usually King Belhur who was the one big on laughing and since he was so happy to be having such a nice and beautiful new future daughter in law he couldn’t stop laughing. Since then as well his and Zan’s relationship had grown a lot closer and it was all thanks to Amelia.

“I know Amelia… I’m not blind nor am I stupid, I know my son loves you and could not resist you… I know you were with him yesterday… yes you and Zan should have waited… but at the same time… oh well it doesn’t matter. I’m here to tell you that I’m honoured to have you as a daughter. You shall make my son a happy man. Welcome to the family.”
Amelia couldn’t help but tear up a little.
“Thank you Your Highness!”
“Mother, you shall call me mother!” replied the queen.
“Hammond please enter!”
Her head guard entered the room with a large box.
He placed it on Amelia’s lap.
Amelia looked up shocked.
The queen nodded.
Amelia opened the box to find a small tiara. It was so beautiful. The queen lifted the tiara and placed it above Amelia’s head.
“This was my first princess crown and so I pass it on to you. Princess Amelia, future Queen of Antar. Take pride in whatever you do. Always be honest and generous of you heart and the country will love you.”
Amelia nodded with a teary happy smile.
The queen patted her on the hand.
“I’ll will see you in the outside.”


Amelia couldn’t wait to marry Zan. She went over to the window again and stared down to the large erected marquee. The pagoda was behind it, that was where she and Zan would become husband and wife.
“My! My! My! Princess Amelia, don’t you look stunning!”
Khivar reached for her around the waist and grabbed held a hand over her mouth and yanked her away from the window.
“Try and scream and I’ll slash your throat! I may want you but I will not let you marry him. I’ll tell you once and once only. You will be mine!”
“Amelia!” squealed Carli running into the room.
Khivar threw Carli against the wall. She could hear a sickening snap of Carli body.
Amelia tried to fight her way out of his grip to get to Carli and get away from Khivar. But the last she was to remember was being struck across the head and blackness.

^^ it was going to happen sooner or later. And it has. ^^ Khivar has Amelia EH OH :D
LOl don't kill me just yet....


Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:45 pm
by pijeechinadoll

Amelia woke up to find her arms behind her back and her legs bound. Her Hair had been de-shrivelled. She definitely wasn’t at the palace anymore. In fact was she even in central Antar anymore?

She looked up to see Khivar grinning at her.
“Now didn’t I tell you; that you would be mine!
“Did I mention im your actual fiancé?”
“That’s no possible!”
“Wanna bet…”
Khivar threw a scroll at her. There in black and white was her father’s signature and the date.
“He broke the betrothal when he found out you was going to marry an heir to the throne.”
A tear slipped down her cheek.
What had her father done?”


At the same time at the palace. Vilandra found Carli collapsed to the floor. Something was seriously wrong. Elena was no where to be seen. She lifted Carli on to the bed. There lay a letter on the floor. Apart from that the room looked spotless. Untouched in fact; like someone had cleaned up.
Two guards came storming into the room.
“Where is Princess Amelia?”
They both looked confused. One of the spoke up.
“IS she not her in the room?”
Vilandra Sighed.
“DOES IT LOOK LIKE SHE’S IN HERE?” she said sarcastically.
“Get Zan and Nathaniel up here at once!”
“But the prince is not allowed to see the bride!”
The two guards looked utterly shocked. How could the princess disappear? They had been standing right outside. She didn’t come out. And anyone who came in was authorised. They had all been body screened. They quickly ran down to find the prince. Fuck the prince was going to be devastated. And they didn’t want to be the one to give him the news.


Zan knew as soon as the guards came running towards him that something was wrong. He had uneasiness that consumed him for the last few minutes. He had been pacing backwards and forwards because he felt anxious. But no one would let him go up to see Amelia. He had wanted to see if she was okay, but everyone kept telling him it was bad luck. So he sent Vilandra back up.

It was weird he couldn’t feel Amelia anymore…


Vilandra finished reading the letter as Carli stirred up from her sleep. Tears slipped down her face, Lonnie wouldn’t believe it. Amelia wouldn’t have run away. How could she of? It’s like she disappeared without a bang.
Zan stormed into the room.
Vilandra flinched.
“She’s gone Zan… Read the letter…”
Zan read the letter and re-read it. He didn’t believe one word.

Dearest Zan,
I’m sorry to be writing you this letter but I’ve decided that I can’t go through with the wedding. I realise that after last night we just aren’t right for one another. Last night was the biggest mistake I ever made and I did not want to make another one. I am not worthy of you or you love. In fact I’ve been lying to you… I had an accident a few years ago (Linaita can confirm this!), I broke my back and had to have an operation, the only way to fix me was to have a DNA tissue operation. To have my damaged tissue removed, but they found out my tissue was unique. They couldn’t find anyone matching me. They were going to let me die, but then they found a match. I became no longer Antarian. In fact I’m half human. My DNA was taken from an earthling. See I’m not that special after all. I knew you would hate me for lying, and I couldn’t live a lie anymore. You should marry Ava. She is better suited. DO not try to find me, I don’t want you to!
From Amelia.

“This is crap!”
Carli woke up with a start at a shout.
Zan grab her arm.
Carli recoiled in pain at Zan grabbing her arm.
“ZAN!” shouted Vilandra.
“Let her go!”
“What’s going on?” cried Carli as Linaita stepped into the room.
“Amelia has gone!”
Carli and Lina were both shocked.
“Yeah apparently she left a letter!” snapped Zan.
“Carli you were the last to see her!”
“I don’t know!”
Carli tried to remember but couldn’t remember anything.
“…I don’t know ….I don’t remember seeing her…”
Carli cried and flung herself into Lina arms.

Zan didn’t believe for one moment she ran away. She was looking forward to this wedding. They were looking forward to being married. AND LAST NITE HAD BEEN SPECIAL.
“Guards I want everyone to search for her! She will be found!”
The guards stepped out and began rounding the troops soon the whole planet knew that Amelia was missing…


At the same time Amelia had been backed against the wall.
“He’s no going to come for you!”
“He thinks you left him. I left him a letter."
“The bedroom was a mess. He’ll know that I was taken!”
“I have magic. One click of my fingers and it was tidy! He won’t realise you’re kidnapped until it’s too late!”
“Carli will tell him!”
“That little brat was screaming blue murder. I shut her up!”
Amelia recoiled in sickness.
“You killed her?!” cried Amelia.
Khivar laughed.
“Could have but didn’t! I just mind raped her memories of the last hour!”
Khivar laughed even more.
“See I had it all planned out! You will marry me Amelia! YOU WILL BE MINE!"

TBC>?? :shock: :? :cry:


Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:10 pm
by pijeechinadoll

Zan was sick with worry. Four days later, Amelia still hadn’t been found. The morning after she had gone missing it dawned on Max that Amelia was really really was gone. He broke down and cried. No one could console him, not even his parents or Vilandra. He pushed everyone away and went and cried himself to sleep in his room.

Carli was inconsolable as well. She couldn’t understand why her sister would run away from the man she loved. She couldn’t understand why she couldn’t remember seeing her.

Hell she couldn’t even remember how she even ended up in the room. She ended up crying and going mad with wonder. She was taken to the doctors but no one could diagnosis what was wrong with her and why she couldn’t remember.

Vilandra was distraught as well; she was upset that her brother was hurting emotional and mentally. She watched him physically fall apart. In a way a very very small part of her hated Amelia, she couldn’t understand why she would up and left Zan on their wedding day. It wasn’t like Amelia had been nervous or anything heck they had spent the night together. And if she was having second thoughts she should have told someone. It was so unlike Amelia to run. Yes Lina had said it was true about the human DNA but that would have made Zan love her any less.

Hell even the queen and king said they didn’t care. They just wanted her back as well; the warmth that she brought to the family had disappeared. At the same time of hating her, she missed her like crazy. Amelia had become her friend; she missed her friend. A tear slipped down her face as it slipped down her face. Zan was a walking zombie…


Amelia woke up again. Khivar had been verbally taunted her for the last few days. She was so tired and felt so sick. Khivar was feeding her food but nothing was staying down. He was keeping her a prisoner; even if she were to say she’d marry him, she knew that he would never let her go.
He never let her out of his sight. Even if she went to the toilet, even when she slept; she flinched every time he touched her. She felt sick to the core of him.
“Good morning my darling.” He sneered.
Amelia scooted away from him.
“Please let me go Khivar I won’t tell anyone…”
“I don’t want to let you go. You were betrothed to me so you will become my wife!”
“I won’t marry you!”
Khivar laughed.
“You will… and you will today…”


Khivar forced her to get dressed into a wedding dress by holding a knife against her. It was cheap and tacky the material felt nothing like her original wedding dress.
“My Beautiful Amelia you look stunning…”
Amelia cringed at his words.
He caressed her cheek.
Amelia flinched away from his touch.
“I can’t wait for my… our… wedding night!”
“I had my wedding night with Zan!” Amelia gloated not caring anymore.
Khivar backhanded her.
Amelia fell to the bed.
Khivar yanked her hair.
“I will not hear another word about that royal piece of shit.”
Tears slipped down Amelia’s face.

A door appeared out of nowhere and a priest stepped forward and an old looking woman. She had a scar down her face.
“I won’t marry you…” whispered Amelia.
The woman stepped forward and grabbed her stomach.
“She is with child”

Anger ripped through Khivar he stepped forward and slapped her again.
The woman cackled.
The priest tried to escape he wanted no part of this.
Khivar slapped her again.
Amelia felt to the floor.
Khivar kicked her in the stomach. He wanted the baby dead….
Suddenly there was a blaze of light. Fire burned through out the room.


Amelia woke up in the same room, blood soaked her dress. Burns blistered her whole body. She touched her face in shame and sickness; she knew her face was scarred to the point that she was unrecognisable. The whole place was burnt. Khivar was gone as well as the woman. Suddenly the pain in her stomach ripped through her… she cried out as the pain hit her… blackness hit her…

TBC? sorry it's short but this part of the story needed to end on a cliffhanger. ^^ :D


Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:19 pm
by pijeechinadoll
hey people sorry about the late update. I number of things: work, headaches and computer crashes ^^ :D
on with you show...



“Hi I see that you finally woke up.”
The young girl sat up, her whole body ached. She stared at the woman before her who was sitting at the table. She looked around the small simplistic home, which didn’t look familiar to her. In fact the woman didn’t look familiar either. It should have scared her, this unfamiliar woman but it didn’t. In fact she felt safe….
“How long have I been asleep?”
“Long enough... Do you remember what happened to yourself?”
The young girl thought about it and shook her head.
“Do you remember anything?”
The girl thought about it and then shook her head again. Panic set inside her.
“I can’t remember. HELP! I can’t even remember my name.”

The young girl was upset but when she found out her face was scared beyond recognition she was inconsolable. She didn’t know who she was, how were people meant to recognise her now? Now she just wanted to hide away.
“Gran-mama is she okay?” A little girl whispered who popped out of nowhere.
The Older young girl tried to scoot away from her and hide her face. But the little girl who was probably aged 7 years old looked undeterred.
“Lilly come away! Leave them in peace.”
Everyone turned to see a young dark haired man standing in the doorway.
“But papa I want to talk to her!”
Lilly pushed her lips in a pout.
“But I wanted to ask her about what happened to her? I wanna ask her…”
“No Lilly go upstairs to sleep. It’s your bedtime!”

The Young girl who was probably actually a young woman stared at the man from the corner of her eye in fascination of the man walking up the stairs. He looked back at her with a small smile. She quickly looked away and with a blush to her cheeks and a beating of her heart. He was very handsome, but a sad feeling washed over her. Something she didn’t understand. Maybe it was she thought the feeling that he would like her because she had all the scars. A tear slipped down her face. She didn’t know who she was? Who was her family? Where she was?

“Where am I?” She asked as the woman placed a cloth over her arm.
She sighed as it soothed her scars.
“We are in West Paletto… Do you know where this is?”
She shook her head.
She shook her head.
The older woman sighed.
“Well my name is Demia. You can call me that or Gran-mama or Gran or even Demmi, what ever you like basically. Just don’t call me old woman.”
The young girl nodded.
“Now what to call you? Anything? Is there anything you can think of?”
The young girl frowned and looked around.
She spotted a plague. A name and a date… Elisebeth…

Demia nodded smiling sadly.
“She was my daughter but she died.”
“I’m sorry. Shall I pick something else?”
Demia shook her in refusal and patted her hand.
“No dear child, you can be her legacy. I would be honoured for you to have her name.”
Elise Nodded in agreement.
“Thank you Gran-mama...”


Three days later. Elise was sitting by the outer forest near the house picking at the wild flowers and watching the sunrise.
“Good morning…”
Elise turned to see Kennex standing near her.
Kennex had been watching her for the last few minutes. Even though she had lots of scars down her face, she had a beautiful persona and aura. She had a physical figure that would have the most honest religious man weep.
She smiled shyly.
“Good morning.”
Kennex knelt down and sat next to her.
“Lily will be up soon asking you lots of questions again. I’m sorry!”
Elise smiled.
“I don’t mind…”

Kennex reached out to touch her but then stopped himself.
“I know you’re scared that you’ll never remember. I’m sorry that there is not one around here in West Paletto to ask for you. I’m sorry that we are so out of touch from the whole world. I know that… I know that… you’re probably got someone out there looking for you…
But I can’t help myself… I just lost Elisebeth two years ago. I have raised my daughter and mother in law in west Paletto because I was in exile by a man Khivar, son of Sir Thittus ruler of Northern Zerta. But of course you wouldn’t know him or remember him.”

Kennex didn’t know of course and Elise didn’t remember. So the mentions of the man from her past, slipped by just like a passing comment…
“Anyway… I like you Elise. You have got my heart beating when I thought it never would…”
A tear of sadness and happiness slipped down Elise’s cheek.
“If you could give me a chance Elise…
“My daughter and Mother in law loves you already…
“I love you…
“Just give me a chance!”

Kennex reached out and caressed her hand. Suddenly a glow emitted from Elise hand. It shocked her so much. That she didn’t see a glow from her stomach, but Kennex did.
“Elise did you know you’re pregnant!”
Elise eyes widen in shock.
There she looked down to herself to see a glow beneath her top. Small hands glows.
Elise screamed.
“I can’t be pregnant. I’ve never been with a man before!”
Kennex looked shocked himself.
“Are you sure?”
Elise nodded.
“I’m a virgin!”

LOL ^^ :D TBC??


Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:29 pm
by pijeechinadoll
hey readers thanks for the feedback. HEY LURKERS WHO ARE READING ^^ :D :D come and say hello ^^
mwah. thank you.
ping x



The very next morning Kennex watched as Elise was sick again. She was definitely pregnant. Ever since the fingerprints had appeared at her belly; Elise had be constantly sick. Wasn’t morning sickness meant to stay in the morning not all day sickness? But for Elise it was more like constant sickness…


Zan felt so tired. They had been still searching day and night. All over Antar, nobody had seen her. If someone had kidnapped her no one had come forward. No one came forward to claim the reward. It was like she had disappeared from the world. The guards had checked everywhere. In his heart he knew that Amelia wouldn’t run away. Amelia loved him just as much as he did. He stumbled as walked into his father’s office.
King Belhur grabbed him to stop him falling and pulled him over to a seat.
“Zan are you okay?”
He was really worried about his son; ever since Amelia had gone missing Zan had been walking around like a zombie. He had splitting headaches and a fever that should have had Zan in bed but his son was a determined man.

“You look like you want to be physically sick!”
Zan groaned.
“I’m okay.”
“Zan you running yourself ragged!”
Zan sighed.
“I know father. But I have to find her!”
“What if she doesn’t want to be found?”
“I can’t believe that father. I have to believe that…”
“What if she’s dead?”
Zan recoiled in shock.
“She’s not dead… I would know if she was dead… I have to believe she didn’t run away and she isn’t dead. I have to hope father. If there’s not hope… there’s nothing…”
Zan broke down. His Father did the one thing he hadn’t done before Amelia had come; he hugged his son.
“I’m sorry Zan!”


Kennex and gran-mama Demmi put Elise back into bed.
“Sweetie you need to rest!” coaxed Demmi.
Elise sighed as Kennex rested his hand over hers.
“I can’t be pregnant Kennex… I can’t be… I don’t remember being with anyone… I don’t remember being pregnant. HOW CAN I NOT REMEMBER THAT? Is anyone even looking for me? How could anyone have loved me looking like this?”
Elise cried.
“I don’t understand… who am I?”
Kennex wiped the tears away.
“If someone loves me why haven’t they found me? Why haven’t my family found me? I’m so ugly! NOBODY WANTS ME!”
Elise cried and cried.

Lilly wondered over to see the commotion was and saw Elise crying. She climbed on to the bed next to her.
“Elise… we lurve u. we b ur family.” whispered Lilly as she hugged Elise.
“Daddy luvs you. Gran-mama luvs you. Me luv u! We be ur family! We luv you. Ur pretty here.”
Lilly pointed to her own heart.
Kennex smiled at his daughter.
“She’s right you know… Elise if you could give me a chance. I’ll take care of you…”
Elise heart went into a slight flutter.
“I love you Elise… I know it’s a short while since I met you, I know you have memory lost… I know your pregnant… I know a lot of things don’t feel right, but if you can give me a chance…”
Something inside Elise felt amiss but she couldn’t pinpoint it. Instead she pushed it aside.
Elise wiped her tears away.

Maybe it was a good thing she didn’t remember; after all she might not even have anyone to love her. Maybe she should content herself with Kennex. She could learn to love him. Right?


Zan watched the sunset fall. He was feeling a bit better as the night set in. He sighed as he put the last of her things in the trunk. He couldn’t bear seeing them out any more. He wished so much he could find his soul mate.
“Zan are you okay?”
He turned to see Larek standing there.
Zan sighed with a huff.
“Sorry you’re probably sick of that question.”
“She out there Larek, I know she is…”
“I’m going to continue looking for her!”
“What if?”
Zan knew what his friend was saying.
“Then I’ll wait forever. I’ll wait till I’m dying days. I’ll wait till I’m old and grey. I’ll wait!! She’s gonna be back one day. I don’t know when and why? But I’ll be waiting.”
“Zan this isn’t healthy…”
“I know…”
Zan sighed.
“…But I can’t help it. If I can’t be with her, I will rather be half living… Larek it like my other of my soul….”

Zan watched the last bit of sun disappeared over the horizon.
“One day Larek… one day…”