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Re: Innocent Bliss (AU, M/L, Adult) 11/4/08 chpt 12 p. 9

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:57 am
by Hunter


Hope you enjoy the next part!

PS: Ping, I hope you're happy I updated for you. Now I'm off to sleep. lol. :mrgreen:


Chpt 12


"So I was thinking, maybe I could buy molten chocolate and a pair of furry shackles and a kinky thong saying M and M on it." Maria laughed as she flipped through the pages of Kinky Secrets.

Liz sat there, bored, staring out of the window as she wondered about her next step and wasn't paying attention to Maria's funny babbling.

"Wouldn't that be a good idea? Chaining up ma man while licking the chocolate sauce of him?". Maria pondered to herself and then laughed. "Maybe I should get one of those dildo's they sell in the girl's bathroom. You know ones in the machine thingy." Maria rambled on and Liz was taking deep breaths, trying to hold back the threatening bile that rose up her throat.

"Urghh.." Liz moaned, holding her stomach.

Maria noticed how pale Liz looked and these days, Liz hadn't had her usual healthy glow on her complexion. "What the hell's wrong wit chu?". Maria asked quickly, Liz looked like she was about to gag.

"Nothing." Liz said, taking a sip of water. Water was the only thing she could drink these days, anything concentrated like orange juice or fizzy like cola made her sick. Maria also noticed the change in Liz's diet. Liz usually drank Tropicana or cola instead of bottled water which was her new drink lately.

"'re not doing that crash slim diet are you?". Maria asked, worrying her best friend might be turning into an anorexic.

"No no." Liz rolled her eyes trying to stop herself from laughing. Maria was a little paranoid. "I'm not bulimic either." Liz confirmed before Maria went into panic mode stressing over her.

"Oh!". Maria put a hand to her chest. "Thank god. It's just you look so pale these days like a ghost."

"I do?". Liz said straightening up. "Oh, I'm not wearing makeup as usual. I just am very tired these days." She lied, knowing that she was sick these days during her unexpected pregnancy.

"Did Max say anything? You guys got into a fight or something? Did he call you fat?". Maria fired more questions.

"No Maria, Max and I didn't get into a fight." Liz shook her head, yawning. "We's nothing."

"You sure?". Maria asked, she wanted to know what was up with her best friend. She had changed over the last few weeks. Her appearance and her attitude. Liz was the happy go lucky bubbly girl anymore, she was quite rather withdrawn and kept mostly to herself. Maria found herself making the effort alone to visit her and talked the most in their conversations. Even Max and Liz seemed a little standoffish together, they hadn't been out in over two weeks.

"Max and I are fine." Liz snapped all of a sudden. "Will you just drop it Maria." Liz hissed, surprised how angry she was already.

"Liz...if the sex is becoming boring then try some sex toys". Maria attempted to hand her the magazine she was reading and this was the final straw for Liz.

Liz shot up and then raised her voice. "I'm pregnant Maria!". She said, finally giving in and letting Maria know her secret. "Me and Max are going to have a baby." Her voice softened as tears glistened in her eyes.

The magazine fell out of Maria's hands and her jaw dropped. Liz decided to continue. "And Max hasn't been normal with me since." She broke into sobs. "This pregnancy wasn't planned and I don't think Max wants’ the baby or to be with me anymore."

"What the..." Maria gasped and stood up. "So that was why you've been so distant...because you're gunna be a mom?". Maria asked quietly and frowned. She looked at Liz and opened her arms. "Aww come here sweetie." She said, pulling a forlorn Liz into her arms. "Everything's going to be okay." Maria said, running her hands through her best friend's hair as she sobbed.

"Everything's going to be okay." She repeated, shocked as hell on receiving this piece of news.



The hippy waitress placed the drinks on the round table Maria and Liz were sat at. "Thank's". Maria smiled, as she pushed the hug glass of ice and exotic liquid to Liz.

Liz smiled and took her glass and handed the lady an extra five dollars as she was feeling generous today.

"Gracias senoritas." The waitress bowed her head down and left

"Feeling happy today are we Liz?". Maria teased, sipping her drink.

"I love this place!". Liz admitted, enjoying the smooth waves of salsa music mixed with vibrant tunes of the trumpet and the piano and not to mention the crowds of swirling bright colors, like a pack of colorful butterflies. Liz felt like joining in the music. "I feel like dancing in a bit."

"Don't worry. I'll grab a couple of Mexican dancing partners who'll show you the ropes sweetie." Maria said as she picked up her phone to read her husband's text. "Aww missing you too Mike." Maria said, texting her husband back.

Liz looked around trying to hide pang of jealously and then met the glance of a stranger who was looking back at her. He was at the bar, looking at her intensely with passion. Liz shook it off, trying not to feel a little intimidated and moved her eyes away. The man got up and started to walk toward them.

He was wearing a dark blue satin shirt and had black jeans on she noticed as she took sideward’s glances at him. "Hi." He said when he finally approached her and she looked at him.

"Umm hi?". She said uneasily at the raven haired man. "Do I know you?". She was sure she had never seen this man before.

"Kieran Donnors." He said, extending his hand. "Liz Parker right?".

Liz slowly paused to recall the name Kieran and wondered how he knew her name.

"Class of 2006? well you left two years ago before graduation." Kieran shrugged.

"Oh Kieran, is that you?". Maria said, after finishing texting Michael. "Damn you grew up." She teased looking at the tall body builder of a guy. The last time she had seen him, he was quite short and lean but now he had meat on him. Maria took his hand and shook it. "In case you forgotten, I'm Maria Deluca."

"No I haven't forgotten you." He smiled as he shook her hand. "Mind if I take a seat?". he asked politely.

"Oh, just here.." Maria indicated across the table from them.

Kieran went and sat down. "Wow's been years." He looked at her again.

"I know." Liz forced a smile. Kieran had changed a lot, he wasn't the geeky boy they used to make fun of anymore..he was very manly and intimidating, it was shocking. "How have you been?".

"I've been doing great, I actually own a modelling company called Lockdown."

"Oh my god! That's you!". Maria squealed.

"Yep, the owner in the flesh." Kieran nodded with pride.

"That's weird because I'd always thought you'd turn out to be a scientist working for the government or something." Maria chuckled.

"Well you never know what the future holds." He said smoothly and winked at Liz. "I thought I'd never see you again." He told Liz.

Liz forced a smile again. "Nice to see you again to Kieran."

She remembered the times Max would make fun of Kieran and tried not to laugh, Kieran looked so different now. She couldn't wait to tell Max about the change in Kieran.

"So what have you been up to these years Liz? since you left school so suddenly."

Liz smiled. "Well..I've been living with my cousin and his parents since and got homeschooled and now I work in a bank." Liz said.

"She's married to Max and they have two children." Maria added while she was sipping on her drink. "Twins, can you believe they got so lucky? And they're together. The happy couple."

Kieran pressed his lips together and almost grimaced when he heard Max's name. The guy would always tease him of his size back in high school. He was very surprised Liz ended up with a guy like Max and even had kids with him. "You're married to Max Evans?". He chocked out.

"Yeah, Max and I are married." Liz nodded.

"Wow.." Kieran said. "And you have kids." He gasped. "Yet you're smoking hot!".

When Liz and Maria gave him funny looks, he coughed. "Well you did have twins but your figure is perfect."

"That's what I've been telling her!". Maria agreed, smiling. "See Liz, it's just not me either."

"Yeah.." Kieran said. "In fact.." He pulled out a card. "I would like you to come and try out to be a model for my company." He handed her the card.

Liz took the card. "Are you serious?".

"You look beautiful Liz, anyone would ask the same question." Kieran winked.

Liz smiled. Being a model was going to boost up her self confidence. This career would be more exciting then a boring old desk job in the bank. "Sure. Of course."

The awkwardness had soon dissolved and the two were talking away like old pals.

Kieran said. "Want to dance?". He asked Liz.

Liz looked at Maria who nodded. "I'll be fine, just go ahead."

"Okay." Liz said as she slowly got out of her seat and followed Kieran to the dance floor.


Liz cradled her crying son in her arms, trying to hush the infant. Her aunt rushed into the room with the formula milk. "Here, sweetie..this is the right temp."

Liz thanked her aunt as she took the bottle from her and placed it gently in her son's mouth. Hungrily her son started to suck, making sounds as he did so.

Aunt Patricia watched Liz feed her son curiously. "Liz?".

"Aha?". Liz said, watching her little boy as she was feeding him.

"I don't mean to pry but haven't you tried..breastfeeding?".

"I have...a few times...why?". Liz asked, avoiding the gaze of her aunt.

"It's just breastfeeding is a much better option then formula milk, the baby can digest it more." Patricia explained. Liz blushed remembering the last time she had tried to breast feed both her babies.

"Um I'm just not comfortable with it Aunt Patricia." Liz admitted. "It's very awkward."

"Maybe getting a breast pump will help." Patricia suggested. "I just want you to take care of your babies. They're dependant on you Liz and on Max."

Max walked in with a sleeping Jasmine in his arms. "She's gone to sleep." He quietly whispered as he put his daughter to sleep in the cradle and then looked at Liz. "He's still up?".

"Yeah." Liz nodded. "I've been trying to get him to sleep but he keeps getting thirsty." Liz smiled.

Max placed the blanket over his daughter's small body and then went to check up on Liz and their son. Sitting next to Liz, he used his palm and gently caressed his son's soft head and began singing.

Twinkle twinkle little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high.
Like a diamond in the sky

The little baby flicked his dark brown orbs at his father and a small smile broke out before he resumed sucking the bottle eagerly and relaxed in his mother's arms, easing away the tension.

"He seems to like that." Patricia smiled at Max.

"Yeah..he does." Max smiled proudly at his son before continuing with the rhyme.

Liz watched in fascination as her son relaxed as Max sung to him. But deep down, she felt a little foolish. Why hadn't she thought of that before?

Re: Innocent Bliss (AU, M/L, Adult) 11/6/08 chpt 13 p. 9

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:20 am
by Hunter
A/N: I'm going to change my style of writing. My mind get's all jumbled up lol when jumping between different times. So please bear with me.



Chpt 13


"We have to tell our parents." Liz told him. "Sooner or later they will find out."

"Why now?". Max sighed as he paced up and down the room. "I'm not ready to admit how stupid I was and.." Before he could continue, Liz cut him off.

"Stupid?". Liz snapped. "So you don't want the baby anymore is that it?". She bit her lip in anger. Why would he want to have a child at this age anyway? He had so many things to do in his life, so many women to sleep with yet...

"No that's not what I said Liz, I just...can't.....I am not ready yet. My parents..they think I'm a saint...when I tell them that their saint of a son got someone pregnant...they won't be happy will they? and I suppose you parents won't exactly be over the moon would they?".

For Max, this was a situation he never dreamt of. Sure, he had feelings for Liz and wanted her as his girlfriend but he wasn't ready to have a baby yet. Obviously he was bound to react this way. He hadn't want to abandon Liz but at the same time he wanted to run away and wake up to this nightmare. He had almost ran away but something made him stay, the thought of Liz going alone through the pregnancy of their baby would haunt him and he didn't want his child to grow up hating him without knowing him.

And he was scared of his parent's reaction, especially his mother who gave him the 'talk' about this kind of stuff. How disappointed she would be when she learned that he had done exactly what she warned him against.

"Yeah, you're right I suppose." Liz nodded. "Dad won't approve, mom will be fucked off as hell but right now I care about the baby." She argued. "I couldn't care less what people thought, I'm having this baby and I'll be damned if I let anyone talk me out of it." She stood up. "Even if you were going to leave me, I would never consider an abortion or adoption."

Max looked at Liz with tears brimming in his eyes. "You would go through all that..for our baby?". He whispered incredulously.

"Yes. I would." Liz nodded. "I won't get rid of this baby."

Max looked at her astonished. He had expected her to freak out, to shout and yell at him and then demand an abortion. But she never considered getting rid of their child. She was going to spend nine months of her time devoting her life to their baby. It was unbelievable.

"Thank you." He mouthed when she was looking away.

"What?". Liz thought she heard something and looked at Max.

"I am shocked that you would do would not..." Max couldn't bring the words to say it.

"Kill the baby?". Liz suggested. "You don't need to be shocked." Liz said softly. "I've learnt some things Max, and I believe things happen for a reason. I think I was meant to have your baby." She blushed. "Because it sorta changed my perspective on life." She blushed again, hoping she wouldn't bore Max to death with her philosophy.

Max reached out and pulled Liz into a hug to which Liz was surprised. "Then I'll support you every step of the way." He promised while he hugged her.

Liz slowly raised her hands and placed them on Max's back, rubbing his back. "Thanks’ Max."

"It's our baby. So both of us are responsible." He murmured inhaling her strawberry scent from her chocolate hair.

And from the other side of the door, Dianne heard every word spoken between the two and her jaw dropped...



When Liz eventually got back home after a wild evening spent with Maria and Kieran, she unlocked the door and stepped into her quiet house. she was greeted with an uncomfortable eerie silence. The lights were dimmed and she could hear nothing but the sound of her own tired breath. She walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water before drinking it all. All that alcoholic beverage had gotten to her head.

She couldn't beleive she was asked to try out as a model. It had been her dream since she was in high school to model and having babies at such a young age had made her too busy, too wrapped up in her life becoming the best mom instead of focusing her dreams. She hadn't regretted having Jasmine and Ricardo, they meant the world to her. And to have this rare opportunity to focus on her dreams was something she would not take for granted. She was worried about what Max would think because if she consented to being a model, she would have to travel and that would mean leave the kids behind.

The talk would have to wait, she was tired as her heavy eyelids threatened to zip shut. Washing the glass, she placed it upside down on the metal surface and then grabbed her purse. Clicking her heels, she strolled towards the light switch and switched off the lights before taking off her shoes.

"Damn these high heel shoes." She muttered, opening the shoe closet situated underneath the stairs and put them on her shoe shelf. She thought if she ever did manage to become a model, the ordinary sandals would be replaced by a luxury designer jimmy choos. She loved her heels. Shoes was something she loved to buy.

After a night of being thrown across the room by a wild Kieran and dancing to "Hey Pachuco" by Royal crown revue, her poor feet stood no chance of being sore after the whole salsa dance sequence.

She hopped upstairs, decided to take her jewellery off and refresh herself in the bathroom where she washed off her makeup. Her eyeliner faded underneath her bottom lashes leaving a sultry smoky effect. She brushed her teeth and then stripped off her dress. Putting her dress away, she removed her bra and put on a silk nightdress to comfort her aching body. Unable to stand up anymore, she crawled onto the bed after putting the light off and putting on the lamp.

Max was already asleep, lying on his back and much to Liz's torture, he had no shirt on.

She had a full view of his bronzed muscular chest and boy did she want to lick him tonight. But she knew she didn't have a right too invade his personal space.

A lock of raven hair beckoned her to touch it. She and Max never touched since she was pregnant and they never got intimate. All the dynamic had disappeared and Liz was sad, wondering where it had all gone. Seven years of living together but they had never lived really lived together. They both were distant. And she was too afraid to show him how much she cared about him still.

Reaching out, she lightly grazed her fingertips over his forehead and touched his hair. She blushed remembering the amount of times she had run her fingers through his hair while they made love wildly.

She missed that terribly.

And the last time they kissed, she couldn't even recall the moment. She leaned in closer and kissed his lips in one go. "I miss you." She said softly and kissed his cheek. "And I never stopped loving you."

She pressed a kiss to his forehead and then her heart raced when she felt a slight movement, his arm lifted and took hold of her smaller body against his, pulling them closer.

"Lizzzzz." He hissed, meeting her shocked lips.

Did he hear her?

Liz was moved by his strength and agility when he attacked her lips hungrily and used his other hand to explore other regions of her body.

"Ahhh". Liz let out a moan which came out as a soft hiss when her husband's hungry hand met her soft breast instantly making her nipples hard and turgid.

His lips left hers and wondered down her sweet scented neck and sucked, causing her to moan as he performed these sweet torturous moves on her, heat pooled between her legs. It had been so long since he loved her..

Her body was practically screaming and begging for his touches and suddenly she had never felt so alive or awake in her entire life. "Max.." She breathed heavily into his head while he licked her collar bone.

Without warning, he pulled her on top of him and she felt his rock hard erection. Liz gasped and her eyes widened as she felt how much he wanted her. She spread her legs and kissed him back as his hands glided effortlessly across her back and on her rounded bottom where he cupped her, pressing her closer to him, unconsciously rubbing the aches between them.

His hardness was piercing her. How she needed his length to be embedded within her so badly. He didn't seem to be saying anything, his eyes were closed and his mouth was kissing her skin.

She rubbed herself against him and then moved upwards to meet his eyes. "Max?". She asked again but he kept pushing against her, moaning her name in his sleep like a musical mantra.

He was sleeping and dreaming about making love to her. She didn't know whether to be disappointed or joyed with this fact. He had no clue what they had just done.

Defeated, she tried rolling off him and moving away from his throbbing hardness knowing she wouldn't have him tonight. But his hands locked her in place, refusing to let her roll of him even though he had no clue of what he was doing to his poor wife.

Liz froze in shock, thinking this was going to be a long night..


Re: Innocent Bliss (AU, M/L, Adult) 11/22/08 chpt 14 p. 10

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:15 pm
by Hunter
A/N: I am not great at explicit scenes or writing hot stuff :oops: forgive me at my poor attempt to set up a very hot scene. My mind was kind of elsewhere when writing this. I guess by looking at my new siggie, you could tell how easily I was distracted. :lol:

thanks for the fb


Hope you enjoy the next part. :D

Chpt 14


Max's eyes fluttered and he found his wife flushed up against him, his raging manhood swelling up between her legs. His hands twisted in her silk hair, bringing her mouth closer to his in a ardent heated kiss. Her lips parted allowing him to slip his tongue in, drinking the essence from his wife's mouth. He could taste a faint hint of exotic alcohol mingled with her own distinct taste which seemed to awaken his spirits.

He left hand cupped her ass, making sure there lower anatomies were pressed intimately close together. Liz moaned into her husband mouth as she rubbed herself against him, desperately trying to quench her desire's thirst.

Unable to take this teasing, he rolled them over so he was on top and his wife's body was trapped beneath his one. He attacked her neck and sucked so hard that it would leave a hickey on her skin. She ran her hands to the waistband of his boxers, with an attempt to yank them off.

His hands lifted up the small night gown she wore upto her hips and he tore off her thin underwear, revealing herself completely to him. Liz shuddered as the cool air hit her down below and groaned when two fingers brushed against her clit.

"Fuck!". She muttered under her breath as her husband's fingers slid in deep in her over soaked folds, fingers completely engorged with her nectar.

"Fuck, you're so wet." She heard him groan as he pumped his fingers slowly in and out of her. Her hips bucked in rhythm to his fingers, tempting him to quicken up his pace.

Liz gasped at the incredible sensations. How much had she missed? All these years of lonesome pain and no one to love her..

When she could take no more of his teasing, she had thrusted her hips forward and cried out. "Fuck me Max, Fuck me so good and hard that I won't be able to walk for a month."

She heard a low growl from his lips before he tore off his boxers and entered her in a swift motion, plunging deep inside her heat. "Fuck!". He growled, feeling his length being devoured by her hungry womanhood. "I'll fuck you so hard angel." He whispered huskily, supporting himself with his elbows as he settled in between her legs, taking a moment to feel how good it felt to be inside her. How much he missed the tight warmth of her. "You're so tight." He rasped as he withdrew only to ram back in her much harder then he entered her.

"So wet and hot." He panted, pumping deeper and harder in her. "That I'm gunna fuck you all night."

"Yess.." Liz hissed, as he grabbed her hips to move her up and down on his huge shaft. She tightened even more around him as with each powerful thrust caused her to produce more juice.

In no time, he was slick with her essence, slipping easily into her he could see himself in the moonlight, pushing in and out of her with her tight folds sucking on him hungrily. The headboard of the bed colliding with the wall over and over in a vigorous force as their bodies slapped together.

"Oh yes, harder Max!." Liz screamed in delight, holding onto his hard shoulders as he pounded into her.

Her legs withered around him as he forcefully rammed into her, she wasn't sure if she could hold on any longer until her walls contracts around him, a mind blowing orgasm ripping through her.

He muffled her cry of pleasure with a passionate kiss and thrusted into her, spewing hotly inside her wetness as he came.

As they both cooled down, he let go of her lips and kissed the side of her face, in short pants, breathing on her skin. "I've missed you." He confessed in a whisper to her ear.

"Me too." She said, a tear slipping from the corner of her eye.

He had missed her so much. This had been the first time he'd made love to his wife ever. Seven years after they had gotten married. She kissed his face back. "I'm so sorry for everything." She whispered. "I haven't been the ideal wife but I never stopped loving you for one single moment." She said.

"Neither have I." He murmured into her neck. "Shit." He cursed.

"What's wrong?".

"I forgot to use a condom." He admitted in guilt.

"It's okay." Liz chuckled. "I'm on the pill."

"You are?". He asked innocently.

"Mmm-hmm." Liz smiled, thinking how long it had been since they had been this intimate with each other and how much she missed their funny chats.

"That's amazing because now you're gunna get fucked all night along angel." He said and she gasped as she felt him grow hard inside her again, ready for another round or more...


She poured the hot water into the mug and placed the kettle back before picking up the spoon and stirring the contents of the instant cappuccino. Hearing Max enter the kitchen behind her, she stiffened. The events of last night replayed in her mind and a hot flush covered her neck, collarbone and the top of her chest as soon as she knew he was here.

"Morning daddy!". Jasmine greeted her father enthusiastically.

"Morning cupcake!". He smiled at his daughter and went to place a morning kiss on her cheek like usual and then went to hug his son.

"Are we gunna go to the park today?". Ricardo asked hopefully.

"Yes we are." Max smiled back.

Liz stopped stirring the cappuccino and removed the spoon, washing it and then handing Max the cappuccino. "Morning." She choked instead of whispering. If she held onto that hot mug any longer, she would have exploded.

Max slowly took the mug and carefully eyed his wife. She was very hasty today and very avoidant. He knew something was up. "Morning Liz." He said softly and drank from the mug.

She simply nodded and then pushed a plate of pancakes towards her husband without another word and sat down at the table with them helping herself to her own pancakes with lime juice and sprinkled sugar.

"Mommy, it's gunna be fun." Jasmine said. "We're all gunna be playing in the park together." She gasped with excitement.

"" Liz mumbled biting into her pancake.

After breakfast, the children had ran upstairs to get ready and Max was clearing up. Liz waited behind, wanting to tell him about the modelling offer. But as he was washing up, she had a good view of his behind. How sculptured it was and last night, there was no mistaking that his upper body was a work of perfection. Why hadn't she noticed the change before? How he became a man from a boy?

Some wife was she huh?

"Max?". She called him.

"Yeah?". He hadn't turned around.

"There's something I need to tell you." She began. "Something important." She said in a tight voice.

And then he stopped. Oh my god, she was going to ask for a divorce wasn't she? Today was the day he'd be freed from the only life he had ever known...but it worried him. He didn't want to leave..

"What is it?". He croaked. Refusing to look at her.

"Last night..." She said and already he had his doubts. Did she regret their long night of lovemaking? Was she having second thoughts already?

He squeezed his eyes shut. Oh god, here comes the inevitable he thought.

"He offered me a job...well it's a modelling job and I was wondering if you would be okay with that?". Liz asked. "I know I'll be very busy and that but I needed to hear your opinion first."

Max opened his eyes. That was it? And he felt foolish for being so suspecting of her. He turned around. "Liz..that's amazing wow." He answered, surprised but a little envious because other men would see her body displayed in the media. But if Liz was happy with it then he was happy for her. He also remembered how she always wanted to be a model back in high school and he didn't want to hold her back from her dreams.

"You think so?". Came her surprised smile. Now this was happening.

"Yeah. I mean.. follow your dreams right?" He took a step forward. "I hope this doesn't change anything between us since last night." He murmured, cupping her face and touching her forehead with his own.

"" She breathed heavily as she felt him gaze intently at her.

"Because I.." He began but the excited cheers from their children woke them up again and they reluctantly pulled apart.

"Mommy and Daddy, there's a man at the door."


Re: Innocent Bliss (AU, M/L, Adult) 12/11/08 chpt 15 p. 11

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:12 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb


Chpt 15

Present day

"Hi...Kieran..." Liz smiled as she opened the door. But her smile faded when she was trying to contemplate why and how Kieran ended up on their doorstep.

"Mind if I come in?". He smiles, god she was beautiful he thought. His eyes fell on her breasts which was protected by a polo neck she was wearing. He'd love to...

The chatters and laughter of her children broke him out of his thoughts. Max approached his wife from behind and noticed Kieran standing there.

"Kieran?". Max asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Max...been a long time." Kieran said and Liz stepped out of the way to allow the two men to shake hands.

"Yeah, I've been busy taking care of my wife and our kids." He wrapped an arm around his wife Liz to make sure Kieran got the message. Max didn't like the way his eyes were lingering at his wife's cleavage department.

Liz smiled as Max put an arm around her. She was liking the body contact. "Erm, come in Kieran." She politely said.

"I'd sure love to." Kieran licked his lips, with another meaning of her words in mind. Max tried not to growl as he understood perfectly what was on his mind.

Max shut the door. "Let's go in the lounge." He said, taking his arm off Liz and holding her hand leading her to the lounge as Kieran followed.

Jasmine and Ricardo ran out of the lounge. "We didn't make any mess mommy and daddy!". They both giggled and left the room.

"Adorable kids." Kieran put on a smile. He was still surprised that Liz had twins and managed to keep her shape. And that Max Evans was lucky to have her and have kids with her.

"Yeah." Max smiled, deciding to rub it in Kieran's face. "When you have a beautiful wife and you're handsome yourself, you get beautiful adorable kids."

Liz inhaled sharply at Max's words and tried to hide her smile.

"Take a seat Kieran."

Max wondered why Kieran was hear. He sure didn't like him invading his home. "I just wanted to say.." Kieran looked at Liz as he sat down. "I came by to tell you of this deal we're having at Panama city."

"Max, Kieran’s the guy who offered me the modelling job last night ." Liz explained after they sat down together on their creamy beige loveseat.

"Wow. Impressing." Max nodded. "I always thought you'd end up as a nerdy scientist." Max couldn't help himself but tease Kieran. He knew Kieran always had a thing for Liz back in high school and his doubts were confirmed when he was checking his wife out at the door.

"Max." Liz chuckled as Max was laughing a little.

"Ahem." Kieran said and gripped his sleeve on his right arm, annoyed. "Life is full of surprises huh?".

And you'd be surprised you bastard, when I get in between your wife's pretty legs and fuck her senseless.

"Yeah, I suppose so." Liz agreed, shifting closer to her husband. Last night was amazing and she was surprised that Max did feel the same about her after all these years. She couldn't wait to be with him again..

Max smiled as his wife moved closer to him. "Yes." Max turned around and kissed his wife opening in front of Kieran on the lips. "Liz, I mean life is definitely full of surprises." He moaned, parting his shocked wife's lips and teasing her with the tip of his tongue.

When Max pulled away, Liz blushed and masked the shock with amusement. " what's this thing about the Panama deal?". She put both her hands on her lap, rubbing it on her beige skirt as her husband wrapped an arm around her and began nuzzling her neck, ear lobe and cheek. Liz's whole body was humming and she wanted nothing more to do then kick Kieran out, take herself with her husband in their bedroom where they'd get up to all sorts of erotic antics.

The thought made her slick with desire.

Kieran eyed Max caressing Liz with his mouth. He felt a pang of jealously and shifted slightly in his seated position. He imagined it was him touching Liz and soon his hardness began to grow. Kieran put a leg on his left leg to hide the growing bulge.

"We have a calendar shoot in Panama city and we're looking for the perfect brunette." Kieran coughed.

Max smiled before pressing a light kiss to the corner of Liz's lips. "Why not hire a blonde?".

"Brunettes are in and blondes are out." Kieran answered. "We need more...we're sick of having the same dish."

Max grimaced and turned his eyes on Kieran. "Dish?".

"Yeah." Kieran nodded. "Models..are like dishes. Each model is situated under a type of cuisine. Since we have the same brand, I was hoping to get a taste of another dish." He emphasized "dishhhh" when he looked at Liz.

"My wife isn't a dish." Max could feel anger bubble up beneath the surface.

"No harm intended." Kieren apologized. "I'm just saying your wife's perfect for the job."

"How long is it?". Liz asked.

"Well, it's going to last two weeks but everything is paid for. Your transport in one of the grand private jet planes, you get a whole deluxe hotel room with an en suite to yourself..."

Although I'd join you and fuck you all over the place...

"Dresses, food, makeup..everything is free of charge for you." Kieran smiled at Liz.

"Are you sure about that?". Max raised an eyebrow.

"Yep. The only thing your wife will pay is just posing at certain locations in front of the camera." Kieran said and couldn't help but think of the positions he'd like to take Liz.

"Wow.." Liz gasped. "Sounds amazing." She was totally unaware of the dirty thoughts of her playing in Kieran’s mind.

Max was not sure if he should let his wife actually go judging by the blatant evidence that Kieran was trying to hide with his legs.

"Liz..we need to talk." Max said in a low tone and then looked at Kieran. "We'll get back to you." Max stood up. "We need to talk this over."

"Max.." Liz protested but Max had beat her to it. Kieran had stood up. Max had practically took him and shoved him out of the room.

"Nice talking to you." He said to a shocked Kieran, wheeling him towards their front door. "Sorry but if you excuse me and my wife, we have errands to run." Max opened the door and pushed Kieran out.

"Call me Liz!". Kieran hollered but Max shut the door in his face and locked it.

"Jesus." Max huffed. Who the hell did Kieran think he was, showing up at their house and having a hard on in disrespect to his wife?

" practically shoved him out of the house." Liz snapped. "I barely got time to answer him and it was kind of rude not to offer him anything to drink."

Max shuddered and was worried that the only thing Kieran wanted to drink was his wife...

Max shook his head. "I don't want you seeing him again Liz." He said and pushed past her and back into the kitchen.

Liz let out a puff of air out of frustration. "Well..why not?". She wondered how did Max get all possessive all of a sudden.

Max spun around in disbelief. Didn't his wife get it? The man wanted in her pants. Something that didn't belong to him and something that he knew Liz wouldn't give to anyone else but her husband.

"Because it doesn't feel right..." Max wanted to cup her cheeks and say this softly but anger got the better of him. "The way he was staring at you..I felt like punching his face in."

"Max..I think you're mistaken..Kieran’s harmless." Liz objected, remembering their high school days where Kieran was actually harmless.

Max closed his eyes and turned his face slightly away from his wife, his fist pounded on the counter. "Liz.." He said through gritted teeth. "Kieran’s bad news."

"Max..please..this isn't about Kieran. This is about the job." Liz folded her arms. "I need this job. I need to better the wages."

Max's eyes shot open. "Even if that means being someone's escort?". He gasped, looking at her.

Liz's mouth dropped open in shock. "Oh my god...I can't believe you said that." Her arms unfolded and dropped to her sides.

"He's gunna want more then masturbating by looking at your photos.." Max spat in disgust, the thought of it made him very very angry. "He's not going to want to sleep in an empty bed...and the pussy he wants will be yours." Max came closer to Liz.

Liz was so shocked and hurt that she could think of nothing better to do then slap Max across the face. "How could you think that?".

Max looked back at Liz, hurt that she slapped him. Tears were forming in her eyes. Guilt filled him. He had hurt her again.

"I want to protect you." He croaked, reaching for her cheek and cupping it in his large hand.

Liz shivered. "Sorry...” She said, finally understand his point of view. She would do the same if she felt threatened she realised. “I just want your support Max.” Liz pleaded with him. “You know I could never set out to hurt you.”

“I know that.” Max said softly.

“I could never hide anything from you.” Liz shook her head, battling the tears away.

Max gulped and pulled his wife into a hug. “I know.” He rubbed her back and held her as she let the warm tears slip down her cheeks and fall on his shirt. He didn’t mind her tears were soaking his shirt. He loved her.

“But I have something to tell you Liz.” He was going to confess since her words started to sink in.


Re: Innocent Bliss (AU, M/L, Adult) 12/19/08 chpt 16 p. 12

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:04 am
by Hunter
A/N: Be prepared lol, this is going to be a selfish Liz in this next update. Thanks for the fb!



Chpt 16

4 years ago

Liz put the phone down, excited about the fact that she had been offered another job. She was currently working two jobs. One at a local cafe and the other as an intern for the congresswoman Whittaker. Being a young mom, she didn't want to end up in a council house wearing tracksuits and looking like she crawled out from the trash like she read in the magazines about most teen mothers. She shuddered to think that would ever happen to her.

Although she was lucky to have been taken in by the Whitman’s who was extremely rich, she wanted to stand on her own two feet and not depend on anyone else anymore. She had been the one who was depended on now. Her two beautiful children. She was doing this for them. Three years they lived in the Whitman household. With enough money she could get a place of her own.

Until that is...Max walked through the bedroom door.

"Liz, I have something to tell you."

" can wait." Liz smiled, getting up. "I have something to tell you. I've been offered another job!".

Max groaned. He should have guessed Liz would jump at the opportunity to grab a job offer as soon as it came her way. She barely spent time with them anymore. After their babies had grown a few of their first teeth, Liz began hunting for jobs and then found two to commit herself to. Last year, she also got accepted to a local university after applying. So most of the times, she was barely at home. The children missed their mother so much and he was left to fend for them.

He didn't mind being a stay at home dad but the children also needed their mother and she had seemed to forget that. It hurt so bad. He was mad at her for neglecting him but even angrier that she also had been neglecting the children.

"Liz..listen..please." Max said through gritted teeth. "I don't think you working all the time is a good idea."

Liz's smile disappeared and was quickly replaced by a frown. "What?".

"You spend so much time away from home that the children...I might be afraid...they don't know you anymore."

Liz's eyes widened. "Excuse me?.." She blinked. "Are you telling me that my own kids think I'm a stranger?".

Max simply nodded.

Liz laughed. "Huh whatever." She rolled her eyes. "There's no way they'll forget their mom, the one who gave birth to them and catering to their needs.".

"You barely spend time with them." He folded his arms.

"I work for them. I pay for their stuff." Liz spat back. "What are you doing Max? Huh? I don't see you working at all. I don't see you bringing home the bacon whatsoever."

"That's because you spend overtime working and there's no one to take care of our kids." Max shot back.

"What about Aunt Patricia? Uncle Charles? Alex?". Liz threw back at him.

"Liz, they're not babysitters. They have lives of their own you know. And they have done so much for us." Max tried to control his anger.

This Liz was nothing like he knew before. The sweet shy Liz who he was besotted by in High school changed to some selfish confused woman who took everything for granted. Even him and their children and her own folks as well.

"Wow." Liz gasped. "You seem to know everything about them."

"Liz..." Max warned. "They have done so much for us already, they've even offered to give us a house of our own because of you!".

Liz's eyes shone in surprise. "What?! They've gifted us a house?".

Max jaw dropped. Clearly she was going to act the way he feared she'd act. "Liz..we shouldn't take anymore from them."

"Max...if they're giving us a gift, why should we reject it?". Liz asked. "Besides, it's a good start to live in a house of our own."

"You need to spend some time with them that means." Max pointed out.

"I'll hire a nanny." Liz tossed her hair back. "It's not my fault you don't want to be a father." She simply said. "And you don't tell me what to do with my life. Just because I mothered two of your kids it doesn't me you have a right over me." She pointed at him.

"I never wanted any rights on you." Max shook his head, fighting the tears that threatened to fall. "I just wanted our kids to be happy and have both of us in their lives."

"Of course they do." Liz thought she saw the tears glimmer in his eyes and bit her bottom lip. Shit. Did she hurt his feelings. "Sorry Max. I have to do this." She quickly apologised before leaving him standing in the room, hurt by her ice cold words.


Present day.

Liz shuddered at she remembered that moment back four years ago in the Whitman household. How selfish and cruel did she seem back them, she only just realised. All this time, she was so blinded by money that she neglected her own family. The only family she ever felt like she had. Her own parents pushed her towards insanity. Money is the sole survival in families. Her parents drilled that into her brain and made her believe it for so long.

But she was to blame because she was the one who acted it all out. She hurt her Max, her own kids and even probably her Aunt and Uncle who sheltered them.

Standing outside the Whitman's house with her arm rested on the roof of her car as she leant against her Cadillac, she remembered what Max told her back in the kitchen. About his 'lowly' job of working in a DVD store for the past three years. And it was all her fault. He hadn't said that but she knew it was her fault. She hadn't even given him the chance to follow his own dreams.

He had graduated but committed himself to caring for their kids while she was working overtime. Liz shook her head. Now she would be travelling around the world to become a model which meant she'd earn so much and her family would be swimming in money...but it also meant she would see less of her kids or barely see them at all.

She needed time to think. Did she want this?

"Liz!". Serena Whitman squealed noticing the petite brunette standing outside her house. "Nice seeing you here." Fifteen year old Serena winked.

Liz turned around and was met by a dark haired green eyed girl. "Hey Serena." Liz smiled at her cousin, Alex's younger sister.

Serena was dressed in a mini skirt and a tank top and her boyfriend who was standing next to her began nuzzling her neck and putting a hand on her ass.


"Oh this is my boyfriend Liam." Serena said, introducing them. "Liam this is my cousin Liz."

Liam took his lips of Serena's skin to smile at Liz. "Hi."

"Hello." Liz said uneasily. Liam seemed to busy in devouring her cousin.

"Laters babe." Liam pressed his lips on Serena's ones. "Love ya."

"Yeah." Serena nodded and waved to her boyfriend who left.

" and Liam?".

"Yep. He's so good. Especially in bed." When Serena had realised she had a Freudian slip, she clasped her hand on her mouth. "Oops."

Liz was shocked. "You're sleeping with him?". A sense of déjà vu washed over her.

"Yeah." Serena dropped her hand. "What's the big deal. Everyone's sleeping around these days." She shrugged.

Liz knew that one. People had used the very same excuse back in high school. "Listen Serena...I'm not going to boss you around but if you're sleeping with your boyfriend...use protection." Liz warned her. "It's important that you do. You don't know the risk of unprotected sex." Liz cringed, did she sound like some nurse now?

"Huh." Serena scoffed. "Yeah like Std's and shit?".

"Yeah and especially unplanned pregnancy." Liz told her. Liz never regretted her pregnancy but she did regret how it changed her and restrained her relationship with Max. They were so young and naive. They weren't prepared an early entrance into adulthood and she would give this piece of advice to any young person out there.

"Actions have consequences." Liz continued. "Just know that."

Serena laughed. "Yeah, like I'll end up knocked up like that chic in that movie." Serena scoffed. "Don't worry Liz. Old women are more likely to get pregnant then young girls. and If I do.. I'll just have an abortion." Serena shrugged. "Kathy did it four times."

Liz shook her head in disbelief. "You can't do that...." She couldn't believe these days, some teens treated abortions as a form of contraception.

"Yeh I can." Serena said, not listening to Liz. "It's called the modern day. I don't think back in your days not many people had the guts to do it." Serena spat back acidly and then ran into her house.

Leaving a shocked Liz to stand there. She thanked god, she hadn't been like that in the past.


Re: Innocent Bliss (AU, M/L, Adult) 12/22/08 chpt 17 p. 12

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:01 am
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb!


A/N: I might be posting this regularly now because I want to finish this story to make room for my other stories. Hope you enjoy this next chapter.

Chpt 17


After a lot of thought, Liz dialled the number and waited. When Kieran picked up, she almost felt guilty on hearing his enthusiastic voice.


"Hi Kieran it's me, Liz." Liz bit her lip.

"Oh, hi Liz. How are you?".

"I'm good thanks and you?".

"Never better now that you called. I assume you're up for the offer?".

"Yeah..umm about that....I called to thank you but..." .

"But?". Liz winced when she could sense the disappointment creeping up in his tone.

"I can't accept it." She released the breath she had been holding for too long. "As much as I appreciate you offering me this job, my family comes first and I already have a job that pays good."

"That's a shame." Kieran responded in a low tone. "You would have enjoyed it."

"Yeah, I would have." Liz sighed. "But I would terribly miss my family." Liz brushed a hand through her hair. "Thanks so much and good luck with whatever you do."

"I'm sorry to hear that Liz."

"Bye Kieran."

Liz put the phone down before Kieren's voice could haunt her more. She didn't feel sad one bit that she had turned down this offer. She could live without the fame and glory. She just wanted to spend the time with her family she had been neglecting for so long.

She couldn't wait to be with her husband again, to make up for the lost time. The kids were at school so they had a free house. Liz called her work and pulled a sickie and then dialled Max's number.

She felt like a seventeen year old again, trying to hide her mischief. She kept grinning as she decided whether to press the dial button on her phone.

Gathering herself, she pressed the dial button and put her cell phone near her ear, waiting for him to pick up.

Today was the day things would change for the better.


Liz tried not to shudder when she heard his deep masculine voice at the other end of the line. She hoped this wasn't a stupid idea.

"Maaaax". She breathed out, parting her legs slowly.


"You're needed." She kept her voice soft and firm at the same time, she wasn't used to seducing people and had no idea how to do this. She performed her little play the way she saw it on TV.

"Is everything okay? The kids and.."

"I need you." She cut him off. "I'm feeling so alone in the house...well alone and damn horny." She blushed at her own words. What the hell was she playing at she thought?

She could hear his erratic breathing on the other end and smiled. Well, it was working. She sighed and decided to continue. "When I close my eyes and think about the other hard you fucked me....I realise I need more of that hard cock in my tight pussy, pumping in and out of me over and over again."

Liz's hand roamed down her right breast which was tender and soft, she brushed her hands past her hard nipple and down her flat stomach and down the junction of her thighs, teasing herself a little before bringing it back up again and dipping her hand underneath her skirt she she toyed with her lace panties.

"I'm so wet for you now baby, you could easily slip inside me and feel how much I'm ready for you". She rubbed her fingers over her lace clad clit, sighing at the sensation as she touched herself.

"Liz." Max's voice croaked.

"You must be hard behind those jeans and boxers right now, thinking now's a good time to put your cock to some good use. Maybe shoving it up your wife's wet folds...." Liz bit her lip. She felt like a naughty girl saying cheeky things.

Max hissed in frustration.

"Say you're coming for me."

"I'm coming for you Liz. I'm coming home to take you." And with that he put the phone down, vowing himself he would give it to his wife good and hard.

As soon as he entered the bedroom, she threw herself at him, wrapping her legs around his hard waist and kissing him senseless.

"Oh Max!". She shamelessly, clasped her hands around his neck as she grinded herself on him. Staining his jeans with her sweetness.

He could smell her which intoxicated his senses and made his erection even more painful. He hungrily kissed her back, pushing his tongue in her mouth and letting her suck on him in a desperate bid to satiate herself. But it wasn't enough. No. She tugged his shirt, ripping the buttons off to reveal his sculptured beauty . They both could hear the buttons scattering on the wooden floor as Max's shirt was torn to pieces by his sex hungry wife.

Cupping her rounded ass, Max pressed her closer against him, giving her more of him. "You like that baby?" He rasped, rubbing her frequently against him.

"More." She moaned, sucking on his neck leaving a hickey.

Max lead them both towards the bed and laid his wife down. She looked so innocent watching him with doe eyes, waiting for him to finally take her as he could read the passion, lust and want from her beautiful eyes. It made his heart beat faster that she only expected it from him to give her what she needed, what she craved and desired the most.

He leaned forward and placed open mouth kisses under her jawline, collarbone and the top of her breasts that was exposed to him. his fingers curled underneath her tank top and he pushed it up to kiss her stomach. Liz arched up as her skin met Max's mouth as he gentle caused sensational vibrations up her stomach. Max pushed her top up further to reveal her naked breasts.

"Someone's not wearing a bra." He teased.

"I didn't think it was necessary for today." She breathed heavily. "Besides, I don't need to wear one when your mouth is enough."

He shuddered and then closed his mouth over a turgid nipple. Liz almost screamed when she felt his hot mouth around her hard nipple and gasped when he began to suck her. "Oh Max." She could feel her chest swell and his hand massaging the other one so that he could not neglect it while feasting on one breast.

"Yes baby, just like that...scream my name." He gasped while moving onto the other breast, leaving a trail of silver in it's wake as he dragged his tongue across the valley of her breasts, not wanting to take his tongue off her just yet. While he was busy sucking her sensless, Liz spread her legs and let him bump and grind himself closer to her sweet core. Her skirt was settled on her hips, fully revealing her lace panties.

Max's other hand reached down and he pushed his digits into her tight channel while using his thumb to flick her clit. Liz's hips bucked and she frowned at the loss of having his mouth on her tits when he moved down, kissing her stomach as he went down south. Taking his fingers out from her he pulled the skirt down, removing it completely. Liz removed her tank top the same time he got rid of the offensive material.

He slid down her panties to reveal her naked glory to him. Bending down, he took a sniff of the lingering aroma before sticking his tongue inside. Liz clutched the sheets as she felt his tongue stab her, his tongue collecting the moisture pouring from his wife's core. She whimpered as he drank from her, taking in his fill of her sweet nectar.

His greedy tongue lapping up whatever juices were leaking and circling around her clit. Liz's breathing became erratic, her torso heaving up and down with each of the movement of Max's tongue on her most intimate area.

She rested her thighs on his shoulder, pushing herself against his mouth. Riding his tongue to oblivion.

Max gleefully took the sweet offering, gulping it down like holy water to a discliple. She was his temple, his place of worship. She was god's gift to him and he wanted her to know that.

When Liz finally came down from her orgasmic high, hunger filled her eyes. Max finally removed his head from between her thighs and stood up to unbuckle his belt. Now he would give her himself, what she craved the most.

She heard the sound of his zipper and got up slightly, supporting herself with her elbows. He pushed his jeans down and she had already stood up and dipped her fingers into the waistband of his boxers. "Allow me." She purred and pulled down his boxers. When his erection sprang free, she almost gasped.

He's so big, she thought and remembered the first time she had seen his manhood years ago. It looked even slightly bigger. Excitement filled her eyes as they zoomed in on his jutting organ. She licked her lips. A few years ago, she could not even think about doing to this to him what she was about to do now. But now, she wanted to give him every pleasure she could think of.

When he kicked his boxers off, she pounced on him by opening her mouth and engulfing him whole. "Liz." Max hissed, clutching her hair softly as she moved upwards on his hard rod.

"Mmmm." He could hear his wife's moan of delight as she continued to devour him. Moving her mouth up and down the base of his shaft. His nerves shooting pleasure all over his body.

His thrusting his hips towards her mouth, everything was so erotic. Liz moved her lips down at the tip of his cock and sucked harder. Max was about to cum until she pressed his cock and removed her mouth off it. "You're coming in me." She told him slowly as she rose up. "Don't wanna end the moment before it begins." And captured his lips with her own. They could both taste each other. Her juices mixed with his essence. It was a perfect combination for the both of them.

Max lifted his wife up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. He brought them to the bed again and she rolled them over so she was on top. He held her hips as she impaled herself on him, moaning out his name as he filled her.

"Yesss.." They both hissed.

"You're so wet, tight..and hot for me." He groaned at the way she fitted him like a glove.

She rose up and down on him, loving the way he filled her up again when she pushed down. Her bundle of nerves unable to take the sweet torture as she struggled to move up and down on him.

"Your cock feels so good inside of me." She wanted to talk dirty with him, it turned her own. "Fuck Max, I want your cock all the fucking time."

Max growled at Liz's words, how she was teasing him with his crude words. He thrusted himself further up her, wanting to be fully sheathed in her tightness.

"Oh yes.." Max panted, guiding Liz on himself, meeting her thrust for thrust.

He was so turned on by her C cup breasts bouncing up and down as they made love, showing the powerful pumping of their lovemaking.

He was so fucking horny he couldn't take it no more that his fingers dug into her skin the same time her nails dug into his shoulders as she fucked him good and hard. "I'ma fuck your brains out." She screamed, pushing them both over the edge as she slammed her hips down , his cock kissing her g-spot and causing her to come again as he shot his seeds into her walls, leaking her pussy and dripping out down from her walls and his shaft, mingling with her cum.

Liz slowed down and their bodies were covered with a sheen of perspiration. "That was..." She breathed.

"I know."

"Fuck." Liz cursed, unable to move from the position she was in. "Fucking wild."

Max smirked at his wife's crude words. "I love it when you talk dirty."

Liz smirked back. "Comes with fucking you honey."

He laced his fingers with hers. "I loved this Liz. I could get used to it everyday and never get bored."

"I missed you."

"I missed you even more."


"I'm so sorry Max. For being a bitch for seven fucking years. I realise how selfish I was, I was blinded by money. I thought money would save us when all it did was drove us apart."

"It's not your fault Liz. I have myself to blame too. It takes two to tango and I did get you pregnant."

"That's both of our faults. We didn't use protection back then."

"But it brought us together." Max reminded her. "I'm glad it was you who got pregnant with my children and it was you who I married. I don't think I can life a live without you and our children."

Liz smiled. "Me either."


"I didn't accept the job Max." Liz said. "I turned Kieran's offer down."

"You what?". Max's eyes widened. "Why?".

"My life is here with you and the children. I don't want to be across the world, living without my family. I'd rather be who I am now. A wife and a mother who has a good job and a beautiful house. I want nothing else because I have everything I need."

Max smiled. "I never wanted to hold you back. But I am happy that nothing can separate us again".

Liz smiled too and then blushed when she realised they just had this conversation while he was still fully embedded inside her.

"Oh god, you're still in me." She blushed.

The thought of still being inside her made him hard again. "Time for another round." He growled before flipping them over.


Re: Innocent Bliss (AU, M/L, Adult) 12/31/08 chpt 18 p. 13

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:30 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone!


Chpt 18

Liz rubbed her temples as she finally woke up. The soreness between her legs gave her the reminder of what she and Max had done hours earlier and she could feel herself grow more aroused remembering how he'd took her up against the wall, door, floor and tried a variety of sexual positions. She clutched the sheets closer to her naked body and noticed she was in their bed alone.

He must have gone to pick the kids up from school Liz thought. Turning towards the nightstand, she noticed a hand written note from Max.

Hey my angel,

When you wake up, I may not be there but I will come back to you.

I've gone to pick our kids up from school.

I love you

Your Max.


Liz smiled. She remembered the times where they would slip notes to each other in high school. She felt like the same seventeen year old who was blissfully in love.

Slipping out of the bed, she made her way to the shower.

Once she was done, she got dressed quickly and ran downstairs to throw the towel in the washing machine. No one was home yet and it was five. Liz was a bit worried. She assumed by now, Max would return home with their kids.

She went and checked the phone and was surprised to see it wasn't working. When she went to plug it back in, the wires were cut.

Panic filled her immediately. Who could have cut the phone wires? She never allowed the children to touch sharp objects and always was careful to put them away somewhere safe where Jasmine and Ricardo couldn't reach them.

So she went to get her cell phone. Once she was back upstairs with her phone in her hand about to call her husband back, something smashed the window. Liz shrieked as she heard a thud and looked back where the glass had smashed. There on the floor was a brick with a note attached to it in a rubber band.

Shivering in fear, Liz's hand trembled as she went to retrieve the note. She felt like she was in one of those movies, the thriller movies like Scream.

Taking the note off the brick, she unfolded it and read the note which said in big bold red letters "YOU'RE MINE".

The note fell from her hand as her phone rang. The number was unknown and she picked it up. "Hello?".

And from the other line she could hear the sounds of her children whimpering. "Mommy! Mommy save us!".

"Oh my god no!". Liz screamed, hearing the cries of her children. "Jas! Ric! Where are you!". Liz clasped a hand over her mouth.

"The bad man take us someplace under ground!". Ric shouted down the phone.

"Oh my god, don't let him hurt you! We're coming to save you! Mommy and Daddy are coming to save you!". Liz promised, unable to hear her children crying.

"Mommy he-"

"Hello Liz." The kidnapper said. "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

"What? Who are you?". Liz demanded, wanting to know which sadistic bastard had the nerve to kidnap her innocent children.

But before she could hear his response, someone had thrown a bag over her head and tied it to suffocate her.


Waking up, she felt so worn out. Her eyes tried to make sense of the area around her. She was still at home...thank god.

"Liz? Liz? Are you okay?". Max asked, as soon as his wife gained consciousness, he was relived. He thanked god that he managed to get in home in time to beat that bastard to a pulp who tried to suffocate his wife.

Liz gasped for air and then remembered everything, the cut phone wires, the brick smashing through the window, the note, the phone call, her children's screams of terror and then darkness...

"Max! Our children!". Her eyes shot with terror.

"I know..I know." He said, his face etched with pain.

When he had gone to pick their children up, he was only a few minutes late and he had not found their children anywhere. He asked the teachers who had no clue and he lost his temper and called up the sheriff to report his missing children after a failed attempt on searching for them for one hour. He had called home a few times but wasn't able to get through and phoned Liz but the line was engaged.

After calling the sheriff, Max headed home to see a window that was damaged. Someone had broken into their house and his first thoughts were of saving his wife.

And it all made sense.

"Someone's hurting them!". Liz sobbed, clutching onto Max. "Someone's hurting our poor little babies." She couldn't bear to think about the pain the little ones were going through. She didn't understand why this was even happening.

Jim Valenti walked into the room after calling one of his men. "Lucky for you they found something."

Max looked at the sheriff. "What did they find?".

"The kidnapper was the one who was last seen around the school leaving with your kids. We have a witness."

"Who is she?".

"Tess. Tess Harding."


Re: Innocent Bliss (AU, M/L, Adult) 1/9/09 chpt 19 p. 14

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:08 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb


A/N: Just to warn you guys that this might be a very depressing and emotion evoking part. It was hard for me to even sit down and write it.

Chpt 19

"Tess Harding?". Liz whispered the name.

Her old kind of friend back in high school. The one who was obsessed with Max. Liz's first thought was, did she have something to do with their children's kidnap.

"Yes, she had seen a man forcing a little girl and boy into his car just outisde the school gates while passing by. We've contacted her and she had been briefed. We also got an artist and..." Jim pulled out the portrait to show Liz and Max. "The man appears somewhat like this."

Horrified, Liz and Max's eyes were wide. "That's...That's Kieran." Liz stuttered.

Max's blood was bubbling with anger. "I'm gunna kill that bastard!" He growled. He should have known. The man was after his beautiful wife and now had stolen their innocent children. He had enough.

"We will arrest him." Jim corrected Max.

Liz's phone started to ring and she answered it after passing a look of uncertainty to her husband. "Hello?".

"Listen Liz, I don't have enough time. The two little brats are getting on my nerves that I had to use an extra dose of chloroform-"

On hearing this Liz shrieked, "Nooo!" and brought a trembling hand to her lips. Max rushed to her. "What's wrong?".

"It's him." Liz managed to say in a shaky breath. "The kidnapper."

Max snatched the phone off Liz in anger and pressed the phone to his ear. "Listen punk, when I find you I will rip your guts open with my bare hands you bastard!".

"Nice choice Max, I think I have a package waiting outside your house. Care to take a look?". The calm voice sent chills down his spine.

"Max..what is it?". Liz whispered.

Instead of saying anything, Max walked to the front door where a blonde stood holding a box in her hands.

"What is this?".

"The witness.." The kidnapper sneered into the phone. "She has a certain gift for you. Let her step in the house Max."

Max obeyed and the woman stepped into the house trembling as she held the box.

"Just don't hurt my children." Max pleaded, a hint of anger evident in his voice. "You're disgustingly sick Kieran. How could you murder people in cold blood?". He shut the door.

"I don't give a damn." He simply said. "All I care about is getting my hands on your sexy wife and having her to myself. I bet she's a good lay."

"Don't you talk about my wife like that!". Max snapped, almost crushing the phone in his powerful hand. "I'll kill you sick fuck!".

"Ah!...I wouldn't say that if I were you Max Evans. My man is just directing his gun at you and if you get shot, maybe you'll die leaving Liz a widow and then no one can protect her. Tut tut tut. You want to risk your life for nothing?".

Max pointed at the box. "What's in the box?".

Liz watched him walk inside with a blonde. "Tess?". Liz immediately recognised the blonde.

"Liz?". Tess squeaked, watching Max and then Liz back on forth, trying to work out how the two ended up together.

"What are you doing here?". Liz asked.

"I came to deliver the box."

Tess handed the box to Liz who began to open it. Max suspected it was a bomb at first but knew Kieran would never kill Liz before getting what he wanted from her which made Max's blood boil with anger.

Peeling off the wrapper, Liz opened the box and reached in. She slowly took out a piece of rag...coated in blood. Liz froze in shock watching the blood stained rag.

As soon as Max saw the blood on the rag, he shouted in utter rage. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!".

Liz's own screams of horror were heard down the phone as she dropped the rag and the box which Jim caught in time and backed against the wall.

"Relax...relax.." Kieran smiled. "I haven't killed them yet. Your offspring is safe with me. That's just lamb blood. But...I can easily coat the blood of your children Evans after torturing them and killing them."

"You dare-"

"If you continue to talk to me like that again, I will slit your daughter's throat and make your son watch it before slitting his throat." He hissed down the phone.

"What do you want!". Max sobbed now, the tears falling wildly down his cheeks. He couldn't bear it if his poor children were getting hurt.

"I want you to give the phone to Liz now or I hurt the kids." Kieran warned. "But first, take the box, you'll find there's a gun in it with one bullet. I want you to aim and fire at the witness."

"That's murder." Max snapped. "I'm not a murderer like you!".

"Do as I say or the kids will die Evans. My men are planted all around your house, it won't take two seconds to shoot the blonde bitch and you and that bastard cop in there with you."

Max shook in fear and looked at the box Jim was holding now. "Give me the box." Max ordered but after a moment's hesitation, Max pulled in his hand and took out a gun. Liz's eyes widened in fear and Jim cursed.

Max sighed and looked at his terrified wife who was shaking.

Their kid's life was at stake so he cocked the gun and pointed it at Tess.


Re: Innocent Bliss (AU, M/L, Adult) 1/10/09 chpt 20 p. 15

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:00 pm
by Hunter
Thanks for the fb everyone! :D


A/N: The next chapter is dedicated to my amazing funny friend Jan (Janetfl).
Just one more chapter to go and an epilogue. Once again, Thanks so much for the feedback. :D

Chpt 20

"Max...put the gun down.." Jim tried to calm Max down, using his calm voice.

"Don't patronise me!". Max shouted, fingers grazing the trigger. "I will shoot."

"" Liz panicked, the horror on her face just made him angry. She was in turmoil inside and it killed him to know that she was in the middle of all this mess. Some mad man was after her and he was helpless.

"Don't shoot me." Tess sobbed, scared that Max Evans may pull the trigger and end her life. She began to back up on the steps, trying to dodge Max's line of fire. "Please don't kill me." She mumbled, tears pooling in her eyes. She didn't want to get caught up in this mess.

Max followed her with the gun. "I have.."

Liz couldn't believe what was happening and what game Kieran had begun playing and had forced them to join in his sick and twisted game.

Tess was hysterically sobbing as Max aimed the gun at her, not letting her escape the line of fire.

"Max no!". Jim shouted.

But it was too late. The sound of a gunshot made them freeze...


"Oh Michael, you wouldn't believe who I met at the grocery store today." Maria said, as she patted her rounded stomach.

Michael stuffed a handful of popcorn into his mouth and joined his wife on the sofa. "Who did ya meet?". He asked, munching on the popcorn and handed his wife some.

"Halle and Freda." Maria beamed. "They're models now, working for that Kieran guy Liz told me about."

"Oh right." Michael put the tv on using the remote, totally uninterested in the topic his wife was discussing.

"Michael...Halle and Freda, my old pals from school?". Maria said, trying to grab his attention.

"Oh right." Michael said, stuffing another handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"Okay, forget about them because you guys didn't talk much....remember Kieran? That geeky guy from high school?". Maria asked.


"Well he is the company owner of lockdown. He owns these glam models and he offered Liz a job."

"You kidding me?". Michael said. "That lanky guy from school? Owner of lockdown? Fuck I read the damn porn magazine..." Michael stopped when he realised he had a Freudian slip. "Fuck."

Now it was Maria's turn to be shocked. "You read porn?".

"Well, it's a guy's pastime.." Michael rolled his eyes as if he was saying something normal.

"You fucking read porn and you can't be bothered to listen to me? Your pregnant wife?!" Maria slapped his head.

"Hey, I bet you use dildos.." Michael tried to defend himself but ended up getting another smack in the mouth.

"After I give birth to this baby, I'm gunna smack the crap out of you." Maria warned. "And put the fucking volume down, the baby will start kicking!". Maria snapped.

"Alright...alright.." Michael obeyed, putting the volume of the tv down. The phone began to ring and he stood up and walked towards the phone.

"Hello?....FUCKING HELLL!". Michael's voice almost scared the shit out of Maria. "Oh crap, don't worry man, I'll drop Maria off with mom and I'll go to help you! Oh my god.." A worried Michael clicked the phone off.

Maria struggled to get up from the sofa. "What happened?".

"It's Max. You know that Kieran guy you was talking about earlier?".


"He kidnapped Jas and Ric...and now he has Liz.."


Liz trembled as she stood in front of the Italian restaurant El Paso's which stood by the river's side. The woman playing the accordion didn't help to calm her nerves whatsoever and the chatters of people passing by along with the chilly wind. He told her to arrive her and wait for a man in a white suit to approach her.

Then he did. Without saying another word, he nodded and she followed him into the hummer truck which set off to the final destination.

Dropping her off at harbor works, an abandoned factory. The hummer drove off and Liz was made to follow another man into the building.

The rattling of the metal doors opened and she was let in. Kieran's men stood all over the placed, armed with deadly guns, ready to pounce.

Liz was lead through many doorways that she lost count and then shoved forcefully into a elevator that lead her deep underground, Kieran's workplace where her children were being torment. She shuddered at that thought and then when the elevators opened she stumbled out.

"Welcome Liz." His voice sounded louder on the intercom around the room. "If you make your way to room number 12 I shall be proud."

Liz looked around to find the room and entered it to come face to face with Kieran. She shut the door behind her.

"I'm here now..let them go.." She demanded, taking a step forward.

" as I say." He smirked and licked his lips when they focused on her covered breasts. How he'd like to fuck those tits and give her a pearl necklace.

Liz gritted her teeth. There was no way she would bear his disgusting hands on her precious body only meant for Max. "What is that..." She challenged, wanting to see how far this mad man would go.

"Take off your blouse." He ordered. "And the bra underneath it."

"What if I say no?". Liz confidentially threw back, standing her ground. "What if I don't want sex with you?".

"Which makes it more interesting because I've always thought of having you against your will." He laughed. "I'd love to see the look of horror as I pump my cock into your sweet pussy while you helplessly watch me fuck you knowing that I'm ruining you, making you polluted then your beloved Max would never want you back..your love will be doomed. Your kids will grow you hating you because you fucked another man other then their daddy." By the time he was finished he was an inch away from her face.

"You sick bastard-" Liz went to slap him but he caught her hand.

"No..I think this hand has other uses.." He gleefully smiled, putting her hand on his erection and rubbing it.

Liz yelled and tried to pull her hand away as he pushed it closer to his trouser clad harness. He bucked his hips, thrusting himself into her hand. "Ahhhh....that's it..."

"LET ME GO!". Liz ripped her from his grip and delivered a fully blown punch to his face for insulting her like that. "You sicko!".

Kieran staggered back, holding his chin as Liz pushed him back, but he grabbed her and pulled her with him with his free hand. Liz toppled over him and he rolled them over so he was on top.

"Get off me or you will really regret it." Liz warned, struggling against his strong hold on her as he pinned her wrists down and lowered his lips on hers. Liz shut her eyes and forced her lips shut as he kissed her and almost used his tongue when she parted her lips and bit down hard on his bottom lip, drawing blood.

Kieran screamed and Liz pushed him off her and staggered back up. She used her sleeve to wipe his touch off her lips. "You freak." Grabbing the chair, she raised it and threw it on him.

Kieran broke the chair in half and shot up, anger burning on his face. "You're gunna get fucked without mercy bitch!".

Liz dodged him a couple of times before he triumphed and threw himself on her, smacking her head against the wall. Dazed, Liz slumped to the floor as she felt his hands snake under her skirt. No she thought, tears streaming down her face.

No no no!

Kieran lay her down on the ground and spread her legs before unzipping his jeans, ready to rape her right then. With his cock in his hand, He used his other hand to try and take her panties off. Liz groaned in pain and lifted her feet to kick his face but he pushed it again.

"Ready to get laid bitch?". He said. nearing between her legs.

With the pain ringing in her head, Liz could only think of one thing..

Her poor children...


Re: Innocent Bliss (AU, M/L, Adult) 1/12/09 chpt 21 p. 16

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 2:55 am
by Hunter
A/N: I don't want to elaborate on Tess too much so I haven't written much about her down. Thanks for the fb everyone!

Jan- You’re still going hunt me down with pitchforks woman??! Lol! I finished this fic! Yaay!

Chpt 21

"Liz? Liz?". His voice was deep and soothing.

The vision before her eyes blurred away to reveal a window looking out to the city. "Huh...where are we..." She breathed deeply, trying to sit up.

Max eased his wife up in the hospital bed. "Easy angel." He relaxed.

"What happened?".

"You're safe now and so are the children." Max said, handing her kool aid. "Tonight is the court hearing and Tess will be testify as a witness after she recovers from the shot."

Liz remembered the event where Max had lowered his gun unable to shoot Tess and then out of nowhere, they heard glass smash as a bullet from nowhere was fired and hit Tess on her left side, just about her kidney. She felt sorry for the blonde who had to get caught up in this.

"Ah thanks." Liz took the kool aid from him and began drinking. "I hope Tess is okay and the children aren't injured ?".

"He didn't dare to even scratch them." Max growled.

Liz nodded silently and then tried to recall the order of events. When she remembered meeting Kieran and him at the verge of taking what she shared with Max, she almost choked on her kool aid. Had she been raped?

"Max...did Kieran...I mean...he was about to you me...did he?". Liz's lip trembled as she fought back the tears because if she had been raped, she was nothing but damaged goods in her eyes and Max would never love her the way he did before. Enough they had problems and now if this was the last straw, she'd die.

"No.." Max's own eyes shone with tears. "We got there as soon as we good before he could you know and I knocked the shit out of him so much that he almost died on the spot."

Liz sighed in relief. "So I wasn't raped?". She said more bravely.

Max shook his head no. "But Liz, I would never think differently off you. I always loved you and always will." Max vowed.

Liz smiled weakly. "I love you too." She reached out for him, the married couple holding each other's hands.

"I have a surprise for you." Max smiled before looking towards the door, signalling Michael to bring the children in.

Liz looked up and her heart raced with joy as she saw her two babies hand in hand standing at the door. "Oh...come here...sweeties." She put her kool aid back in Max hands as she beckoned her two children to run to her.

"Mommy." They said in unison, running towards her. Liz stretched her arms out and hugged both her babies in her arms. "Oh how I missed you so much."

"We missed you too mommy." Jasmine answered her mother. "We were so scared."

"But daddy beat the bad man up". Ricardo added. "Daddy's a superhero!".

Liz smiled.

"Max is superman." Michael laughed, joining in.

"Thanks Michael" Liz said, knowing that Michael had helped them find the children. "You supported us in times of need."

"Hey, I'm your brother aren't I?". Michael said, "I was looking out for my family."

Liz hugged both her children again as relief washed over her that they were perfectly fine.


"Yes Jasmine?".

"Now that you're back in hospital, when will you have another baby?". Jasmine curiously asked.

All of them laughed and the children were curious to why the adults were laughing.

"Because you know, me and Ric would like to have a little sister or brother." Jasmine shyly added.

Liz smiled and looked at Max for a moment.

"You don't worry, your aunt Maria's going to have a baby soon." Michael laughed.

Then all of them laughed together, just like the good old times.



"She's in labour." Liz told Max as they held each other's hand while waiting outside in the hall.

They almost jumped up out of their seats again as they heard Maria yell out curses at Michael and the doctor. Liz bit her lip trying not to giggle.

"Hey you were just as bad." Max teased.

"Yeah well-"

"FUCKING ASSHOLES! IT'S BURNS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!". they hurt Maria shout as loud as her lungs would let her.

"How long is this going to take?". Max pondered. "With you, you had the twins quite quickly. Just this one baby is-"


The curses continued for over an hour almost until there was a short period of silence followed by a baby's cries. "Wow.." Liz smiled. "She's finally done it!".

Liz stood up and Max followed her. "I can't wait to see the baby!". Liz squealed in an excited voice.

"Mini Michael." Max rolled his eyes, smirking.

When the doctor emerged, he looked physically drained. "She's all yours." He told the couple before they rushed in to see a sweaty Maria lying on the bed and Michael standing right next to her cradling their baby in his arms.

Liz and Max gasped in awe as they remembered the scene in their own lives after Liz had given birth. Tears were swimming in both of their eyes.

"Oh Maria." Liz approached Maria.

"Oh Liz." Maria said. "How exhausting was that." She breathed out. "Now I know what you mean by having kids, how much hard work it is." Maria panted.

"You'll love it." Liz assured her. "Although there will be ups and downs, but it's worth it."

"I hope so." Michael intervened. "Bad enough having a baby cry all night, don't want Maria shouting all night too." He teased.

"Shut it." Maria laughed weakly.

Max walked towards Michael. "So, boy or girl?".

"Definitely a he." Michael smiled. "But I wouldn't mind what gender our baby was as long as they're healthy."

"Can I hold him?". Liz offered, walking up to Michael. Michael nodded and handed Liz the baby.

"Oh...he's so cute." Liz cooed over the baby. "Thought of any names?".

"Erm...Lucas?". Maria shrugged. "I'm no good with baby names seriously, don't ask me Liz." Maria snorted.

"I think we still need to work on a name." Michael laughed.

"What about the pink baby clothes you brought?". Max playfully punched Michael.

"Well, I did think we were having a daughter." Michael admitted.

"You what?". Maria asked.

"You kept peeing all the time and your feet swelled up." Michael protested.

"Michael..." Maria moved up to get a better look at him. "Michael...that happens when you're expecting a boy. Old wives tale!".

Liz and Max rolled their eyes as the couple started their usual bickering again. "Were we this bad?". Liz asked Max under her breath.

"At least we made it out okay." Max smiled. "This brought us closer."

Liz smiled at the baby and then at her husband. "So suppose if I were to tell you that there would be a new guest arriving at the house?".

"Who?". Max asked.

Liz flashed her eyes at the baby and then Max understood. "Oh-you're -preg.." He couldn't barely finish the sentence because of the joy that surrounded his heart.

"I think so...I mean I think I am." Liz smiled. "I've been noticing the signs lately."

Max smirked. "Must be the time where we had ten rounds of hot steamy rough sex." Max winked, making Liz remember the time where she called him from work and had never been so horny in her life before.

Liz blushed. "Well, you know....the way things have been going...I think I learned a lesson."

"Hmm." Max rested his forehead on Liz's. "What's that?".

"That no matter how much mistakes we make like this, we have always got our innocent bliss."

"That, my love. Is true." Max agreed before capturing his wife's lips with his own.

They had been through so much together but had never left each other. And now they would make most of what they had left.

Of what they would make of their Innocent Bliss.

~*~The End~*~

Thanks for reading guys! :D :D
