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Re: HEART INSIDE A STONE M/L mature (part12 10.sept.2008) pg8

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 8:38 pm
by pijeechinadoll
hey people ^^
i thought i'd give you the chapter listing as it acts as a rough timeline as well.
Cause i was writing the next chapters and i was getting a tad confused myself.
But im not confused anymore LOL :D

02 TWO MONTHS LATER (Elena and Zan are being split up)
03 LATER THAT EVENING (Elena leaves)
05 2 MONTHS EARLIER FROM THE PRESENT DAY(flashback chapter_They have found Elena)
12 THE YEAR 2004 (flashback chapter)
*ONE MONTH AFTER ELENA’S DEPARTURE* [scene where Ava asks Zan to dance]
*NINE DAYS LATER* [Ava telling Zan he will marry her]
*THREE MONTHS LATER* [Ava storms into Zan's room and hurts Alix in rage]
*FOUR YEARS LATER* [Zan has an accident]
*39 DAYS LATER* [Zan dreams of Elena/Ava attempts to rape Zan?]
*THE WEEK AFTER* [Ava stabs Zan]
(so the end of all those flashes will make the year 2008)

there you go ^^


Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 9:36 pm
by pijeechinadoll


Flashes after flashes pounded her mind. She got glimpses of what had happened to Max in the last six years they had parted. They were flashes, memories mostly of him trying to avoid Ava. Of him trying cope without her.

But the one that stood compressed to her mind. Ava trying to seduce him, her trying to…

“Oh my god!” cried Liz as she was finally pulled out of the flashes.

“She tried to…” Liz couldn’t comprehend it, she couldn’t finish her sentence. “She tried to take what didn’t belong to her…”

Zan sat there in shock himself. How was it possible that she could see the flashbacks?
How was it possible for this to be happening? He didn’t have his powers. She didn’t powers… or did she? Unless…

He shook his head in confusion.

“Zan! Zan! Did she? Did she rape?” Liz whispered in distress.

“What?!” cried Zan in shock. He hugged her tightly to try and stop her whimpering.

“No! No!” said Zan trying to calm her down.

Liz looked up at him with curious sad eyes.

“Rath and Vilandra came in just in time. Vilandra blasted her!”

Liz slumped against him in relief.

She smiled up at Zan a little tearful.

“I thought she…”

Zan shook his furiously in agreement.

“…oh god …thank god…” she pressed her hand to her heart to stop it pounding.

Zan nodded with smiled.

This was the first time he actually allowed himself to drop his barrier and breathe. He been walking around he admitted; nervous and scared. Nervous because he didn’t know what Ava planned on doing. Scared because he didn’t know how long it would take before she actually got what she wanted. He hadn’t wanted at all to give in to her at any time, but she got so close sometimes to taking him, he was powerless without his powers. Without his powers; he allowed Ava to use her powers to manipulate and undermine him.

She nearly took the one thing from himself that was so dear to his heart that he only wanted to share with Elena. Ava would have striped him of every dignity and he knew he would have felt dirty. How would he have ever faced Elena if Ava had got her way? It made him sick to the bone at the thought, cause he knew in his heart if Ava had gotten her way; Zan could say goodbye to Elena and his powers; he could kiss bye bye to his crown, kingdom and marriage. The shame would have eaten away at him… he knew he would have walked away from Elena; he would have left her on earth; he would have let her live her life without her remembering him. Yes it would have killed him to do it. Thank god he hadn’t needed to.

Ava was power hungry, simple as that.

She enjoyed watching people hurt, she enjoyed inflicting pain. She loved having the power of owning someone, of being in charge of someone’s destiny.

He didn’t want to think of Ava at this moment in time, he just wanted to enjoy having Elena in his arms.

For the first time of feeling relief, he also felt a sense of calm wash over him. He felt safe. Safe in knowledge that he had a future and he wasn’t going to give up! He was going to fight for it. He also felt self being Elena.

Not just emotional and mentally, but physically as well. He couldn’t explain it but he knew Elena would protect him. Did she really have access to his powers somehow? It’s the only way he could explain it.

Liz was asking her own questions in her head whilst caressing the scar left by Ava. How could that bitch still get away with it? How did Zan survive a stab wound to the heart? It was impossible, unheard of on earth.

“Zan how did you survive the stab wound?” she had to ask.

“I nearly didn’t. I died.” stated Zan, as a matter of fact.

“What?” Liz was shocked and confused.

“I died. Lonnie, Alix and Rath were all there, they couldn’t feel my pulse I was dead. They left me in the medical chamber to go and get the coroner to certify the death before they went to our parents. They were gone at least 30minutes before they came back. The coroner checked me over he got the shock of his life. He had checked for a pulse but there wasn’t one then suddenly he checked my heart. He didn’t hear anything for a few seconds, but then he heard something… but it was really faint.

For some miraculous reason my heart was still beating. It was really faint but still alive. Apparently I was still alive, when I should be dead. I mean Ava technically stabbed me. I mean she cut me deeply enough for me to bleed all over the floor to dead. It was meant to be a slow painful death. I SHOULD HAVE BEEN DEAD ELLE! But they watched in shock and fascination my heart mend itself up and my skin stitch itself back together.

I don’t have a clue what happened I mean I was dead but now alive; I mean I didn’t wake up or anything. Vilandra told me that even though I wasn’t dead I was comatose. I was asleep, in a coma apparently. She sent my body into hiding. She told everyone even my parents that I was on another planet finding myself and that I didn’t want to be disturbed…”


Zan nodded.

Liz looked on vexed and angry.

Zan smiled.

“Anyway I was in a coma for over a year and a half!” Zan said finishing his story.

Liz still looked confused.

“How did you survive then?”

Zan shrugged his shoulder in defeat.

“I don’t have a clue. No one knew. Vilandra, Alix and Rath keep it a secret. The coroner was told not to tell anyone. Alix tried to do some digging up about my condition but there was nothing apparently my case was the one of the kind. I should have been dead not sleeping alive. My condition was totally unheard of…”

“Wait Zan wasn't it cause of your powers? …wait Zan your powers! I remember you have powers!
You did didn’t you… wait if you did why didn’t use them to protect yourself?”

Zan sighed.

“Elle there is something else… you remember when I was little I had powers”

Liz nodded

“Well I couldn’t use them to defend myself because I gave them to you Elle. Well technically I did…”

Max pointed to her necklace.

Liz looked downwards in uneasiness. Her eyes widen in shock.

“Yep!” replied Zan.

Liz then fainted again…

TBC? LOL ^^ next chapter max evans wakes up
EH OH :shock: :lol: :twisted: I HEAR THE TELETUBBIES SAY ^^
another cliffhanger yep yep

HEART INSIDE A STONE M/L mature part14

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 8:13 pm
by pijeechinadoll
hey ya people ^^ sorry this is late.




Maria was inside Liz’s bedroom hiding to the side of the window so they wouldn’t see her.

What on earth were they talking about?

Why was Max Evan’s standing on Liz’s balcony? Why on earth were they talking about aliens? Why was Max Evans calling her friend Liz Elle? WHO THE HELL WAS ELLE? AND WHY WAS LIZ CALLING MAX ZAN? What the hell was Antar?

Questions were swimming around her brain, but the one thing that was going through her was ‘They were no such thing as aliens…’

She started to mutter it to herself repeatedly as she stiff her cedar oil.

She then watched in shock as Liz keeled over.

She was going to storm out of the window when somebody grabbed her from behind and held a hand over her mouth…


Max Evan’s shook the sleep from his eyes as he sat up. He shoulders and back ached. He looked downwards to see that he hadn’t been asleep in his bed. Hell he wasn’t even in his bedroom. He sat up in a sleeping bag that he had been in.

Where the hell was he?

He looked around to see as well that he wasn’t in his bedroom either.

He was in some cave of some sort, it was quite bare. In the corner was a large stack of food. How long had he been out of it; how long was he asleep?

He got up and grabbed something to eat as he looked around; there was another room where there was a large natural pool; water stream. Heck there was even a toilet. He walked back into the main room with wild panic setting in, there was no door.

Where the hell was he? Thought Max.

Then it hit him…

Oh god he remembered seeing another him. Another person who looked like him, he didn’t even explain himself. All he said to himself was that he was so sorry that he had to do this and that he loved Elle. He watched him with shock as he kept repeating he was sorry. Then he heard someone call the guy Zan, and that he had to get on with it. And that if he didn’t do it he would.

Zan had shook his head in denial.

The next thing Max felt was someone hitting him from behind...

…He was knocked out cold. Next thing he knew he was waking up here.

Who the hell was Elle? Who the hell was Zan? Why the hell did he look like him? AND the biggest question of all was where on earth was he?

Did this guy and his mate kidnap him? Why would he do this? He was so remorseful. He seemed generally nice, so why would he lock him up in this cave.

Man he was so confused. He reached behind his head. He remembered as started to pass out unconsciously, his head was bleeding. He expected a cut at the back of his or a bandage but there wasn’t.

Maybe this was all a dream?

Or maybe it wasn’t.

He pinched himself to make sure. OUCH! That definitely hurt. This was a dream.

So where the hell was he?

Suddenly a door appeared, Max Stood back to defend himself.

A tall leggy blonde stood before him.

“Nice to see you awake!” she grinned.

“Who the hell are you? And why am I here?” Max simply replied frowning at the stunning girl.

“I’m Vilandra. Lonnie to my Family! Welcome to Antar!”

TBC? LOL ^^ would you like more? :lol: :D


Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 6:54 pm
by pijeechinadoll

Maria kicked and tried to scream as her assailant held his hand over her mouth and dragged her away from the window.

He dragged her into the bathroom and locked the door. He pocketed the key then let her, which he immediately regretted because she started shrieking.

He waved his hand around the room making it soundproof. The last he wanted was to disturb Zan and Elle; and to bring her parents running in.

“Michael Guerin I should have known!"

“Why the hell did you drag me in? Actually what the hell are you doing here? Here in Lizzie’s house? In her bedroom not doubt. You so have some explaining! What the hell are you and Max Evans doing with Lizzie? Are you on drugs? Have you hooked Liz on drugs? Is that why she’s that? Is that why she’s talking about aliens? I mean I know we live in the capital of aliens but this taken the biscuit! There’s no such thing as aliens! There’s no…”


Maria jaw dropped.

“OH NO YOU DIDN’T please tell me you just didn’t just tell me to shut up!”

Rath smirked.

“You damn right I did woman!”

Maria eyes blazed with anger she was speechless, no one had ever spoken to her like that.

“How dare you!”

Rath grinned.

“I did. What are you going to do about it?”

Maria reached up to slap him. Rath grabbed her arm to stop her.

“Hey no hitting! Man I remember you being fiery as a kid but now you’re older you should know better!”

“I can hit you if I want to! I locked in here out of my own free will! You won’t let me out! You and Max Evan’s have drugged Lizzie!”

“HELP! HELP! HELP!” she shrieked.

She then stopped and spun round.

Her eyes squinted in annoyance as she thought about what he said.

“Wait a minute I didn’t know you when I was little!” cried Maria.

“I beg to differ!” retorted Michael with a grin as he leaned back against the sink and folded his arms across his arms.

Maria thought back to Liz and Max’s conversation.

“There’s no such thing as aliens!” she muttered as she sniffed more of her cedar oil.

Michael stood there and laughed.

“Hi Max do you want to sit down. This might take some explaining!” Vilandra said as she gestured to some seat that appeared.

Max looked at her in shock.

“But… how…?”

Vilandra grinned happily.

“I know everything about you. I know who are, I know where you live…”

Max frowned.

“And I know nothing about you. where am I?”

Vilandra looked at Max closely.

“You know you looking so much like my brother…”

“Where are we? I’ve never heard of Antar” Questioned Max in curiosity.

“Max you’re on a planet called Antar, far far away from Earth.

“Millions and millions miles away…

“…You know your planet is earth, well you know your people have always thought aliens exist. Well it kinda half true. We are not aliens but we are a different race. Not completely different from humans. We have different blood, we are more intellectual. More advanced in technology, we have powers.”

“How…” whispered Max in complete shock.

Vilandra continued.

“We have always been on earth. We even have had earthlings on this planet for many years.”

Max eyes widen in shocked.

“How many on Antar?” asked Max.

“Millions.” replied Vilandra with a grin.

Max dreaded asking the next question.

“How many on earth?”

Vilandra giggled.

“More than a million… I know what you’re thinking. How is it that earthlings don’t know? Anyone earthlings that come to Antar and goes back to earth have to take a special oath. They’re not allowed to say anything. Many Earthlings happily comes and goes between the two planets.”

Max felt a little confused over the information.

“Okay… I think… But what I want to know is why I am here? Why was taken against my own free will. Why was a knocked out? Why was there a guy called Zan who looked like me? I don’t understand…”

Vilandra smiled sadly.

“I’m sorry about that, that was Rath. He was always a bit rebellious and a bit eager. Zan asked to tell you that he’s sorry…”

“Yeah I vaguely remember him saying that. Why would he apologise? What is he doing on earth?”

“Max before I explain this last bit. I would like to say sorry in advance.”

Vilandra placed her hand over his.

“Max Liz Parker isn’t who you think she is. She, her name is Elena. Elena to all of us, but Elle to Zan. She is Zan’s first love. My brother.”

Max looked at her in shock, his heart broke.

“But I love her as well!” whispered Max.

Vilandra smiled sadly.

“I know and that’s why this hurts me to tell you this. You’re like the brother I never met.”

“Brother?” Max asked in confusion, he didn’t understand what she was saying.

But Vilandra knew she was going to have to explain.

TBC? opsy ^^ LOL another chiffhanger i should really stop doing that but i can't help it ^^


Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:57 pm
by pijeechinadoll

“Liz! Liz! Let me out! Can you hear me?”

Maria screamed as she banged and kicked her fists against the door.




Maria continued to scream at the door, she then heard laughing behind her back. She turned and looked at Michael Guerin staring at her.

He was still smirking at her.

“Stop laughing you big ooff! You little shit! Give me the bloody key!” cried Maria, as she slipped to the floor.

“There’s no such thing as aliens! I don’t know you!” She whispered.

“Are you ready to talk?” replied Rath keeling down in front of her.

“I’m not going to let you probe me if that what you want!” cried Maria as she swung at him.

Michael moaned as he grabbed his nose.

“OH god damn woman. I think you broke my nose…”

“Good!” retorted Maria.

Michael stumbled backwards onto his bum sitting down on the floor in front of her. Thank god it wasn’t bleeding, but it was very sore.

“Wish I had my powers…” he pouted.

Maria eyes widen in shock; she made a grab for cedar oil and inhaled heavily.

“No such thing as aliens… no such thing as aliens…. No such thing as aliens…”

“God woman I’m not an alien! I’m an Antarian!”


Michael tried to get her attention by waving his hand in front of her. She didn’t stir; she continued to mutter to herself. Michael grinned to himself as he pinched her. He half expected her to jump up and scream, but still she didn’t move.

Michael eyebrows frowned with slight annoyance. He then remembered something from when he was little. He sniggered with glee… and reached for Maria’s face and kissed her.

She shrieked and pushed him away. “Oh my god RATH get you dirty mouth off me!”

(o ^_^ o)

Liz had finally woken up again.

“Liz are you okay?”

Liz nodded with a small smile. “Why do I keep on fainting?”

Zan frowned.

“I don’t know. I did mention it might be stress or overload?”

Liz laughed.

“It was rhetorical Zan.”

Zan smiled back shyly.

“And Zan its Elle. I prefer Elle…”

Zan nodded eagerly.

“Now do you want explain to me about this necklace?” Elena asked as she held the heart pendent in her hand.

Zan gulped.

“Zan!” prompted Elena.

“Yeah…” replied Zan meekly.

Elena tapped her foot impatiently.

“Sorry…” smiled Zan.

Elena grinned back.

“I think I’ve always missed this Zan…”

Zan grinned even more.

“…But that doesn’t mean I’ve let you off from explaining. So explain…”

“Elle remember the day you left; when I gave you this necklace. I kinda binded my heart to this necklace so I wouldn’t fall in love with anyone else, my heart would always be yours. And I thought why not go one step further… if I put my powers in that heart as well. I knew my parents would have to give you back to me…”

Elena looked slightly confused.

“So you’re telling me you gave me your powers, that you had no powers to protect yourself from that bitch!”

Zan nodded meekly as Elena slapped his arm.


“Why give them to me knowing you would be lost without them!”

“Cause it was you!”

Elena nodded.

“Okay I get that… I think… you can explain that later… first things first… I want to give you back your powers… okay!”

Zan nodded with his lips pursed together.

“There’s only one slight problem about that…”

Elena was almost afraid to ask.

“What is it?”

“For the transfer of powers back to me… if you give me back my powers… I mean you don’t have to… marry me… then… then…”

Zan gulped.


He said it really quickly as his cheeks went really blush red.

“Make love!”

Max’s head felt like it was going to explode. Vilandra was starting to explain why she

“So you’re telling me that I’m not really human. That I’m half Antarian… that I was made so you could study me on earth… That I’m a clone of your brother… Is my family really mine?

Have I been living a lie? All this time…” cried Max.

“I’m so sorry Max!”

“Tell me one thing is my Parents…” he couldn’t say it.

“You parents are yours. You have their human DNA but you also have Zan’s Antarian DNA. It’s the only way we could track you, study you and watch you interact. We’re sorry Max.”

Max gulped back his tears.

“What about Liz? Is she like me? Was she a subject like me?”

“God no Max... we so sorry... we never meant for you to find out at all let alone find out like this. You would have lived your life in blissful ignorance without knowing. Except we didn’t know Elena would be sent to Roswell. We didn’t know that you would fall for Elena. Elena is a fully human but she has been to Antar before, she lived her for a long time. Her parents were unique humans that knew about Antar and were invited to live on Antar.”

“Wait so did Liz know? I mean she didn’t act like she knew about Antar…”

“No she didn’t.” Vilandra didn’t expand on why.

“What about her parents?”

“Her parents have always known… so what do you want to do now?” asked Vilandra.

“I want to fight for Liz. She deserves to choose!” Max stated with conviction.

TBC? moore? :lol:


Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:40 pm
by pijeechinadoll

And so… this is the recap so it irons out the confusion from the last chapters.

Zan has finally admitted to Liz (who is Elena) that he gave to her his heart and his powers in the pendant - necklace. That is why he couldn’t defend himself from Ava. Ava tried to force him to sleep with her by using her own powers. She didn’t get her own way so she stabs him intending to kill him. But for some unknown reason, he didn’t die in fact his heart just mended back together. But it did put him into a deep sleep, thus allowing his body to heal. Anyway to cut the chapter short for Zan to get his powers back Elena has to marry and make love to Zan on their wedding night. Of course this choice is up Elena. Zan wouldn’t force Elle into marriage; he just wants to love her. The reason he gave her his powers was to kinda get back his parents.

Rath is Michael. He came to earth first to find Elena for Zan, so he posed as a new kid call Michael Guerin. He had currently locked Maria in Liz’s bathroom to stop her disturbing Zan and Elena. Maria had over heard they conversation and thought they were on drugs. Cause they were talking about Aliens. She watched Liz faint and was going to storm out there, so Rath had grabbed her. She was locked in the bathroom with her cedar oil muttering that there were no such things as aliens. So Rath did the one thing he thought might shut her up. He kissed her. Of course this shocked Maria into waking up her old memories. When they were younger they had a love and hate relationship. She would never have let Rath kiss her, which is why she said “Oh my god RATH get you dirty mouth of me!”

Max Evans wakes up on Antar. Rath is the one who knocked him out. There he meets Vilandra Zan’s sister. She tells him about why he is on Antar and where he originates from. He is the dupe of Zan, made so they could study him on earth. He is technically half human and half Antarian. He finds out also that Liz Parker was Elena, the soulmate of Zan. But he is also in love with Liz. And so he wants to fight her.


Elena giggled.

Zan blushed even more. He began to shutter.

“I… mean… you don’t… have to marry… me… hell we don’t even… even you… know…”

Elena looked at him closely and glared slightly.

“I would… never force you… to marry me…”

Elena pulled a face.

“Do you not want to marry me Zan?”

Zan sighed.

“Of course I do. But I don’t want you to feel like you have to pick me. I want you to have a choice. I don’t want you to have to feel like ought to do this just so I could get my powers back. This isn’t what this was about…

“I want you to love me not out of obligation. I want to get to know me again and fall in love with me again. I want you to…”

Elena leant forward and kissed him on the lips. Zan was shocked at first to respond, Elena deepened the kiss. Zan kissed her back with ravenousness.

Elena moaned as she pulled away.

“Zan what would happen if I don’t come back with you.”

Zan looked down with sadness. Had she already decided?

“Be honest with me Zan?” asked Elena. She had a feeling that she already knew.

Zan looked away and sighed.

“Does it matter?”

“To me yes. I know Zan but I want you to say it.”

Zan pouted a little.

“Do you want to hear me say that I’d lose my powers forever? Do you want to hear that I lose my crown, my throne, my title? I don’t want to tell you that Elle.”

“Do you love me Zan?”

Zan sighed even more.

“You know I do Elle!”

“Do you know that I love you?”

Zan looked around at her shock.

“Let me come…” replied Elena.

“She’s not going anywhere.”

Zan and Elena turned round to the voice behind them.

TBC? more? :D


Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:45 pm
by pijeechinadoll
hey people i'm back again ^^
anyway on with the story



They both turned to see Ava standing there holding a gun to Mrs Parker’s head. Zan immediately pushed Amelia behind himself. He knew how lethal Ava could be and he didn’t want Amelia getting hurt.

“Ava how did you get to earth?” asked Zan angrily.

Ava smirked. “The same way as you did. How else? I mean you didn’t really expect me to let you marry her did you? I mean come on Zan if you’re going to marry anyone it’ll be me.”

“I would never marry you!” Spat Zan in disgust.

“Where my father?” cried Elena noticing that he wasn’t in the room.

“I knocked him out as a matter of fact actually his probably dead” Stated Ava, with a grin as she waved a palm of electricity in front of them.

Elena recoiled in shocked at the evilness of her.

“Anyway you wouldn’t want them after I tell you want they did. In fact I can guarantee that you’ll want to kill them yourself.”

Elena frowned in confusion at her.

Ava laughed back at her.

“RATH!” shouted Zan.

Ava laughed evilly.

“Him… That dimwit won’t be able to help you, he locked himself in the bathroom with that Prima Donna and I just finished the job and sealed them in permanently. And you know what else I did I cut of the air supply to that room. In approximately…” She looked at her watch in glee.

“… About 1 hour, 15 minutes and 47 seconds. They’re going to die.”

“What do you want Ava?” asked Zan.

Ava smirked.

“Well I did want you but then I realised what a pruney little wimp you are. You’re so not worth it. I want power! I want the throne! I want something that I know I can’t get from you! …And at the same time I want to enjoy destroying you and that bitch of yours! And I’m going to enjoy it because I know something that you didn’t tell the world. You don’t have any powers Zan! You can’t defend yourself or that bitch!”

Elena stood rooted scared and in shock. She couldn’t believe this was happening. And this situation looked like it wasn’t going to get any better.

She gripped Zan’s arm petrified at the thought of losing him.

“First things first!” Ava laughed.

Ava pushed Mrs Parker forward.

“GO on tell her. Or shall I have the pleasure.”

Mrs Parker looked absolutely scared. Elena looked scared. Immediately Zan knew what Ava was trying to do. She was trying to crush Elena’s whole world, she was trying to crush her whole. But destroying the one thing Elena always trusted and believed in.

“I’m so sorry Elena… I’m sorry Zan…” whimpered Nancy Parker.

Elena saw Zan’s face.

“Zan what’s she talking about…” whispered Elena in tears.

Ava laughed loudly.

“I’ll tell you alright!” Ava Smirked.

“They know! Your parents have always they known. Hell they let you go through the cleansing; they let you have your memory wiped without your knowing. They let the king wipe your memory knowing that you a human bitch would never been good enough for the throne. You didn’t have any Antarian blood inside you. Hell you don’t even have any powers! Your own parents didn’t even fight for you because they knew you weren’t worth it…”

Nancy Parker just stood there shaking her head.

“And you know what as well?” Ava smirked.

“They’ve been living with you on earth knowing everything. They didn’t have the cleansing. They let you live a lie, they let you live without your beloved prince Zan. They…”

“Enough!” shouted Zan, as he held a broken hearted Elena in his arms.

Ava eyes squinted in malice.

“Oh I haven’t even started! Do you know something else Zan?”

Zan didn’t answer.

“I’m the one who mind warped and manipulated that guy into shooting that bitch dead. She should have been dead. I mean Elena didn’t you think it was weird that the man was robbing the place but didn’t wait to see if you’d hand over the money and point blank shot you. It wasn’t meant to be a robbery, I wanted you dead!” Screamed Ava.

“I don’t know how you did it without powers to heal her; frankly I don’t give a damn! Because both of you are going to die! Die right Now!” Ava pointed the gun at Zan and a palm of electricity at Elena.

Ava laughed with glee and let the gun go off first.

“NO!” cried Elena

TBC? feedback pretty please.


Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:36 pm
by pijeechinadoll
Hunter wrote::shock: omg! No!!! How can you leave it here...return soon!!

Don't worry ping, it's not your story, it's probably becuz ppl are busy with stuff. I love your story. Very unique and it has my interests. I'm not blind. :roll: Your stories are very can't please everyone though because everyone is different. I enjoy cute stories like these because they capture the innocence. I'll be reading if I get time, don't worry. I'm honestly enjoying this.

Carry on!! You better or I'll hunt YOU down lol. :lol: :D
LOL i thought i better continue wouldn't want HUNTER TO HUNT ME DOWN. :D
this chapter is dedicated to hunter.


Elena cried out. Suddenly a green barrier appeared in front of Max and Liz. Max looked shocked at Elena. She herself looked shocked. Ava looked damn right pissed off. There was a purple ball around her.

Ava shrieked.


Elena felt like she was going to faint.

“Zan…” she said in panicking.

“…What happened?” she whispered as she sat down.

Zan grinned happily but saw Elena confused face. He cupped her face.

“Sweetheart you just saved us.”


“I don’t how it happened but my powers inside the necklace I gave you have somehow transferred to you… They were meant to stay passive inside there; they weren’t meant to be active. But for some reason they have. They…”

“Take it off!” cried Elena in tears.

“Elle you don’t understand. The necklace won’t come off till our wedding. Don’t you want these powers…?”

“Don’t know…” whispered Elena.

“Elle I think there was a reason why I survived the stabbing… the powers being active inside the heart must kept me alive. If they weren’t active I would have died. It’s you Elle. You saved me.”


Zan smiled.

“Is that a good thing or bad thing that I survived?”

Elena recoiled in shock.

“What? How could you think that?”

Zan laughed.

“I know I was joking.”

Elena smiled. Actually she didn’t care about the powers as long as she Zan she was happy.

“I love you Zan!”

“I know! I love you too Elle, I’ve only ever loved one person my whole life and that’s you!”

“OH THROW MY A SICK BUCKET!” shrieked Ava.

“FUCKING LET ME OUT OF HERE!” she screamed.

Elena and Zan giggled. The heard something drop to the floor, there turn to see Mrs Parker faint in shock. They couldn’t help but laugh even more.

“Shit Rath and Marianne…”

Elena eyes widen in shock.

“Oh my god Marie is Marianne. She’s going to kill me!”

Zan laughed.

“She’ll have to get through me! Plus you have powers don’t you…”


“She’ll forgive you. I agree she’s kick off… but she’ll forgive you!”

They climbed through the window and went over to the bathroom door.

“Okay concentrate… All you have to do it think and then wave you hand over the door.”

The door suddenly disappeared.

“Ops…” said Elena as Rath and Marianne fell through the door. “I don’t think the door was meant to disappear.”

“Get off me you ogre!”

“Hey you’re the one that jumped me cause you couldn’t breathe!”


Everyone turned to see Queen Salina standing there holding her staff with Vilandra and Max Evans.

TBC? please continue reading there's only a few chapters left 3 or 4 :cry: :shock: :cry:

HEART INSIDE A STONE part20, 21+ 22

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2008 3:52 am
by pijeechinadoll
sorry to keep you readers waiting (especially hunter ^^ i know you've been waiting for donkeys ^^)

wow you people are lucky 3 chapters in one go ^^ LOL not really they're just short. breaking up the chapter making it more easier to read ^^ :D



“Mother” exclaimed Zan and Rath at the same time.

The Queen looked at both her sons, Rath on the floor with Marianne pinned underneath him and Zan staring at his double. Queen Salina looked at his eldest son who clutched a female’s hand in his own.

“Hello Elena it’s nice to see you again. I take you remember who I am.”

Elena nodded with a sad smile.

“I hope you can forgive me Elena.”

A tear slipped down Elena’s cheek as she looked up at Zan and than back at Queen Salina.

“I’m so sorry…” The queen said as she stepped forward and held Elena’s hand.

“I hope one day you’ll understand that what I did had to be done. Time is a great healer and your time hadn’t come yet. But now it is… I hope you will forgive me maybe not now but in the future…”

Zan stood listening whilst watching Max watch Elena. He couldn’t help but feel apprehensive.

“How dare you?!” cried Marianne. “You ripped our…”

Rath placed his hand over Marianne mouth.

“Sorry Mother!” said Rath meekly as he set his activation and disappeared with Marianne screaming blue murder.

Queen Salina shook her head in slight annoyance and amusement.

“Well Mother at least it saves us a trip.” Replied Vilandra, as she stepped over to Zan to give him a hug.

“She’s beautiful Zan.” She whispered.

Zan smiled back at her.

“I’ve got to go back to Antar….” Vilandra handed Zan an activator.

“Bring Mother back either way okay, whatever happens.”

Zan nodded as he gripped Elena’s hand more tightly.

Vilandra looked disappeared having used her own activator.

“Come Zan… come with me downstairs so we can speak.” said Salina.

Zan pulled Elena with him, knowing he didn’t want to leave her with Max Evans.

“Zan leave Elena here. Max won’t hurt her. She needs to talk to him.”

“Mother!” protested Zan very fearful.

“It’s okay Zan. Go I’ll still be here!” whispered Elena.

And So Zan left the room with Elena with Max. He closed the door behind him taking one last glance of Elena.


Zan decided he didn’t want too far so they didn’t go downstairs instead they ended up in a bedroom next door to Liz’s.

“So?” said Queen Salina.

Zan didn’t reply. What was he to say?


“What do you want me to say?”

“Are you ever going to forgive me Zan?” asked Salina.

“Mother do you even understand that you broke my heart! Do you know what it was like to lose her? Do you even understand what I’ve been through since I lost her? I felt so lost without her… I felt…”

Zan collapsed and broke down and cried. Tears fell thick and fast.

“I can’t… lose her… I can’t lose her again… I love her…”

Salina kneeled down to hold her son.

“Zan there’s some things that I need to tell you and there’s some things that you need to tell me. But there are a lot of things that I do know.”

“Zan I’m so sorry my sweet darling.”

And So Queen Salina explained to Zan her visit to the Priestess when he was two years old. About the prediction, about how she knew how Zan and Elena would fall in love. A great love. But only time and age could complete them.

Two lives are intertwined,
One heart past through a heart
The power to change a love
The power to heal
The power to love
But times of parting must become the price,
For the Two hearts becomes one

She also told Zan about how she knew Elena would be special.

What she didn’t say was how she was special. Either way Zan had so many emotions running through him, he felt like he was going to explode. He felt joy, sadness, anxiety, fear… he felt… tears fell from his eyes.

What was his Elle saying to Max Evans? Was this the moment that Elena realised that he worthy of her and that there was a better offer? Was this the moment that he would lose Elena?

Zan cried into his mother’s shoulder.


Elena shivered a little under Max’s gaze.

“Hi!” whispered Max.

“Hi!” replied Elena her voice squeaked.

“I heard that you’re not Liz Parker but actually a girl called Elena…”


“I have a twin… well technically I have…”

“Uh hum...”

“Can you believe that there are aliens in this world?”

“Antarians. They’re called Antarians.”

Max smiled.

“Yeah that’s what Vilandra said.”

Elena looked closely at Max. He was stunning. He was the exact replica to Zan. She watched him watching her. She saw an admiration and love that shone in his eyes. She knew if she stayed on earth she would love him. She had always been crazy about him, even though he had been so painfully shy. She remembered watching around school, he was so shy but so polite. They always had a good working partnership in biology.



They both say at the same time.

“You go first!”

“You go first!”

“Not you first!”

“Not you first!”

They smiled at one another. Elena knew what she had to say, but let Max go first.

“No Max you go first…”

Max nodded his head in agreement.

“Okay… here I go… Elena… I know you think that I’m this shy guy who hasn’t noticed you, that’s not true. I have. I’ve always noticed you. I never dated anyone because I was always waiting for you. You’ll always be Liz Parker to me, my science partner. I love you Liz Parker. BUT I LOVE YOU ELENA AS WELL. Cause you are Liz Parker, you are Elena, you are Liz. The two sides that make a whole, they make you…”

Elena heart melted…

But at the same time broke. Because she had to choose…

And she had already chosen. Whether or not Zan had decided to give her a choice, or give her a way out. She would always pick her one true love.

“I’m so sorry Max…” tears slipped down her face.

Max’s heart broke. She didn’t pick him. He gave her his heart and his words and it just wasn’t enough. She had the choice…

But she would love Zan forever…

:cry: TBC?????????????? ^^ feedback preety please.


Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 11:46 pm
by pijeechinadoll

Zan stormed back into the bedroom after feeling his heart break. Elena was sitting on the floor next to her bed crying her heart out. Max Evan’s was leaning against the wall in shock.

“What did you do to her?” cried Zan, grabbing Max by the shirt.

Max shook his head in denial.

“Why is she crying then?” replied Zan.

Max shook his head in a trance.

“He didn’t do anything! He wouldn’t hurt her…” replied Nancy Parker, who was sitting in the corner of the room. She was rubbing her head.

“I think I must have fainted.” She said to nobody but herself.

Zan let go of Max and wondered back over to Elena. Max Evans slipped to the floor. He looked like he was in shock; a trance. The shock of Elena not picking him had broke his heart, but of course Zan didn’t know that.

“Elle?” he whispered, he brought her face to look at him.

Her face was tear stained from her crying.

Queen Salina came into the room.

“Zan is she okay?”

Zan nodded and then shook his head.

“I don’t know…”

Nancy Parker stood me and bowed before the queen. She couldn’t believe she was seeing her again. For a long time she hated herself for what she did to her daughter, but she also hated herself. And all this time that she knew, the guilt ate at her and her husband.

“Oh my god Jeffery!”

Elena snapped out of it.

“Daddy! Where’s daddy?”

They all apart from Max; ran out the room to the kitchen. There lay on the floor was the char-grilled burnt body of Mr Parker. Zan placed his fingers against the neck of Elena’s father. He couldn’t feel a beat. He rubbed his fore finger under his nose, he had stopped breathing.

Elena let out a small sob.

“Mother can you do anything?” Zan asked Queen Salina.

Salina shook her head sadly. Nancy let out a cry and flung herself at the body.

“No… No… he can’t be dead!” cried Elena as she placed a hand against her father’s cheek. Suddenly there was a big flash of light.

There stood a woman in front of them who they had never ever seen before, tall and statuesque with white willowy long hair. She had an owl perched on her shoulder. She looked wise and full of wisdom and knowledge.

The queen suddenly kneeled down before her.

“High Priestess!” she cried.

“Queen Salina….” She replied in acknowledgement.

The High Priestess turned to Elena and Zan, but addressed only Elena.

‘Love has not easy for you child, you may feel that you were robbed of many things. Your memories, you love fro Zan, your father. But child you are special. These things happened for a reason. You were always to marry Zan and be his equal, but you could never have been without having gone through some changes. One day you will be Queen of Antar. It was always you destiny. Yes child I know what you are thinking, how is it possible. Zan always subconsciously knew what he had to do with his powers, whether or not he knew. It was always going to happen this way… They were always meant pass through you. How else were you to become Antarian? When you make love on the night of your wedding? You will give Zan his powers, but a small part will always be part of you…

“I’m confused…” replied Elena.

“My child all will become clearer… I shall leave you now with a present. Cherish and take care of one another…”

A light burst from Elena’s necklace and surrounded Jeff, then disappeared.

“What happened?” he said, trying to get up.

They sat him up and explain to him about how Zan had come to earth for Elena. And how she now had powers. It was all very confusing. But as long as they were alive it didn’t matter.

“Zan my son…”

“I know mother. I will be coming home. Just let me sort this out with Elle…”

The parents left the room.

“Why were you crying?” asked Zan. “I felt your heart break…”

“Zan its okay…”

Elena had watched and felt the fear wash over Zan.

“I love you… I picked you… But it broke my heart… telling Max… I think I broke his heart... as well…”

“Are you going…?”

Elena nodded.

“Antar was always was my home…”

Zan let a sigh of happiness.

“Thank you… thank you for loving me…”

“Zan we have to deal with Tess and Max…”

TBC? ^^ :twisted: i know it's short.
BUT guess what ^^ the next chapter is the last one :? :(