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Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 1:10 pm
by killjoy
I had this idea where a young Amy fresh out of jail due to her protest is waiting outside the police station for her ride to get there.Jim a young policeman is watching her and nervously steps out to try and talk to her in hopes of getting a date.But Amy's anger mixed with Jim shyness makes this a whole train wreck.But they do come to a middle ground and have slight connection.But sadly it's broken when Amy's protesting friends pull up in their car bathing them in headlights and killing the mood.

The idea was that when Amy rides off Jim is watching her go and she looks over her shoulder to see him standing there.Both are kind of like.....'oh well it would have never worked out anyway.'.....not knowing what the future would hold years later.

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:41 am
by RosDude
Yeah this one has been sitting in my Coming Soon closet since the end of 06. :roll:

Man (Title may change since I think it's a little silly)

Not a huge plot right now. Takes place after How the Other half Lives. The gist of the story would be centred on Max. You know that part in Disturbing Behaviour where Max falls asleep and wakes up and that crystal stuff is on his hand. Well my story is centred on the idea that at that point the gandarium or whatever wasn’t trying to infect Max, instead it was opening up the “Zan” part of him. Max begins to hear Zan’s voice speaking inside of him. But since Max got the stuff off it only awakened Zan’s voice, not his memories or anything like that. So basically it’s like Max is two different people inside one body. Max, and Zan. Hence the name of the fic, Man.

Zan is a kinda anti Max. He urges Max to follow his destiny and wants the two of them to merge as one. Problem is, if this happens neither of them know what personality will overtake Max. So the two of them kind of have this struggle for dominance over one another.

I imagine this awesome scene where Max (being controlled by his Zan side) comes to school one day looking different and acting all badass. And everyone is like wtf? He flirts with Tess, tells Michael to piss off, calls Isabel a spoiled princess, and tells Liz he thinks she annoying and to stay the hell away from him. Meanwhile Max is trapped inside himself and can’t do anything about it.

Reasons for not writing fic
No real reason.

I got the idea for this story while playing the video game Prince of Persia, the Two Thrones. In the game the main character (the prince) has a major case of split personality, and it’s very comedic. I thought this would be perfect of a Max/Zan fic. I really loved the idea and the few people that I have shared it with seemed to love it too. This would also be my very first Cannon fic. But I just have not gotten around to writing it extensively. I’ve written the first three chapters so far, but that’s about it. And right now I just can’t see myself taking the story very far without getting board with it. I don’t want to force myself to try because I believe it’s a really great idea, and when I get a little direction for it, it can be a really great story. So basically I’m just waiting for my muse to kick in.

I always thought it was a pretty cool concept that Zan was a completely different person on Antar then Max is on Earth. I think it would be cool to have those contrasting personalities exist in one person. I even have a bit of comedy thrown into the story. I hope I can eventually get around to writing this. Maybe after I finally finish writing Malign. But nobody hold their breath on that one.

If you want, you can check out the first two chapters of Man exclusively at Roswellian Chronicles in the Sneak Peeks section. PM Itzstacie or FSU/MSW-94 for access to Sneak Peeks forum. Here is the link: Man

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:38 pm
by nibbles2
and tells Liz he thinks she annoying and to stay the hell away from him.
Wait, you mean Zan doesn't fall madly in love with Liz just by looking at her?!? :lol:

Sounds like a really interesting fic.

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:06 pm
by killjoy
An idea I had was that instead of the aliens letting the humans in on their secret Alex,Maria,Liz and later Kyle think there is something strange about Max,Michael,Isabel and Tess(who came out of the pods with the other three) they start snooping around on them,tailing after them and trying to find out what is going on with the four strange kids.

Ok most of it was Liz doing this but she was some how able to plead,beg or blackmail Maria,Alex and Kyle into helping her out.

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 4:40 pm
by nibbles2
Killjoy, let me introduce you to the awesome Inquiring minds by kj4ever.

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:07 pm
by killjoy
nibbles2 wrote:Killjoy, let me introduce you to the awesome Inquiring minds by kj4ever.
Well damn it :roll: I was thinking I came up with something new......I guess that's what I get for thinking :lol:

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 3:36 am
by tequathisy
They do say there are no new ideas.

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:33 pm
by killjoy
tequathisy wrote:They do say there are no new ideas.
So true :mrgreen:

Jack O'niell from Star Gate is Liz's uncle from her mom's side.She's never told anyone about her uncle in the Air Force because she knows how the hybrids....mostly Michael and Tess....would react to that news.But when The Special Unit steps up their attacks on the group Liz,as a last restort. secretly contacts him to see if she could get 'offical' help from him.

And as we all know Jack will do he comes in guns a blazing and totaly crushes the Special Unit.Of course both sides try to keep their alien secrets to themselves only for them to come to light.Both Jack's side and Liz's side are shocked to learn that the other deals with alien crap everyday :lol:

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 11:21 pm
by cardinalgirl
I have a whole Livejournal full of Unwritten Fics. :roll:

Re: Unwritten Fics

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:49 am
by pijeechinadoll
the one story that i have started but havent even thought of finishing is watching you
and im not sure if i will finish it. :?

Setting: Probably 2- 3 months after the episode departure.
Summary: Max and Liz are having an on and off relationship, there is introductions to new characters. Josh a human: a old friend who used to live in roswell but now has returned. And Zilla an female alien who is trapped elsewhere, but she is josh's girlfriend who has gone missing. There is a stalker is is obssessed with LIz. The stalker's identity won't be revealed till the end.
#Note: Alex is in my story as is Tess!!