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Small Town to Red Carpet (AU/UC/CC, Adult) Ch 9 2008.12.07

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:11 pm
by Kitten88
Natalie36 - Thank you!
keepsmiling7 - I really really wish I could own one like that :) But I guess I'll just have to keep on dreaming :wink:
Cocogurl - The white dress was obviously a big hit :D Glad you liked it!
begonia9508 - Glad that I finally got to settle your curiosity ;-) I hope you'll like the next couple of parts as well.
pandas2001 - Here's a clubscene for you! Hope you'll like it!
spacecowboy - Max knows what the others said to her so there's no confusion about why she left.
crazedearthgirl - Glad to have you here :wink: :D

The song used in this chapter is “I Don’t Care” by Milk Inc and Silvy from Sylver.
By clicking on following link or the photo, you’ll see the official videoclip that goes with the song:
I don’t own anything!

AN: I know the next part is short, but I'm writing Chapter 10 as we speak.
AN2: The next couple of parts are going to be flashbacks as well. I hope it will give you some more insight in the relationship between Liz and Lucas before moving on.

Chapter 9



We could already hear the music blaring as we got out of the cab in front of ‘Faith’ and as always it gave me this excited feeling in the pit of my stomach. I loved working here. The music, the atmosphere, my co-workers and my boss were all reasons why I loved it here so much.

I've Got Something On My Mind, See
Everytime I Look Around Me
Seems Like Every Scrub I See
Is Trying To Get It On With Me

“I love this song!” Kendra is now practically dancing her way into the club. “We’ve got time for one little dance before we have to start our shift, right?” She looks up at me hopefully, like my answer is either going to make or break her day.

“Sure,” I laugh at her. “One dance!”

“Yesss!!” she squeals as she pulls me on the dance floor.

They Think It Impresses Me
The Way They Act So Foolishly
Do They Really Think They've Got It Made?
I Can See Right Through Their Masquerade

We dance closely together while singing along with the lyrics. When dancing to this song, we always make a show of addressing several guys that try to approach us. It’s really hilarious to see their reactions sometimes!

When We Say Nothing
They Call Us Hard To Get
When We Say No
They Call Us Names Instead
They Haven't Got A Clue
Let Us Spell It Out For You:

As I look up I see that we have gathered a small crowd around us. I grin at Kendra as soon as I notice a couple of guys making their way over to us. The smile that appears on her face tells me she’s thinking the same thing. We both turn around to face the guys at the same time as we mouth the next part of the song to them.

I Don't Care
I Never Liked You Anyway
I Don't Care
Don't You Hear Me When I Say
I Don't Care
Cause You're a Total Waste Of Time
And You'll Never Ever Ever Be Mine

The look on their faces is priceless as they turn around to leave us alone. I look back at Kendra to see her laughing as well and that’s when I notice him.

Gotta Get This Of My Chest, See
These Guys Really Start To Stress Me
They should Know It Doesn't Impress Me
They've Got 50cent On Mp3

He’s tall and lean. The clothes he’s wearing do nothing but accentuate his broad chest that is muscled, but not too much to make it seem unnatural. His hair was shaven close to his head. Because of the lights I can’t be sure about the colour, but he seemed to have brown hair.

When We Say Nothing
They Call Us Hard To Get
When We Say No
They Call Us Names Instead
They Haven't Got A Clue
Let Us Spell It Out For You:

When I move my eyes to travel over his face his gaze meets mine and our eyes lock. I feel my breath hitch and I feel myself getting lost in the look he’s giving me. He slowly starts making his way towards me…

I Don't Care
I Never Liked You Anyway
I Don't Care
Don't You Hear Me When I Say
I Don't Care
Cause You're a Total Waste Of Time
And You'll Never Ever Ever Be Mine

I see him as he starts to move across the dance floor, never once do his eyes leave mine. Until Kendra bumps into me and starts dragging me across the floor towards the bar, shouting something about Nick and being late for our shift. Looking up at the clock I curse under my breath and realise the time. Turns out that we didn’t have time for that dance after all…

Re: Small Town to Red Carpet (AU/UC/CC, Adult) 2009.01.08 AN

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:04 am
by Kitten88

Once again... THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT! I'm sooooo sorry that I made you wait so long. I started writing again as soon as exams were over but the passing of my friend threw me off again. About a week after my final exam, she decided she couldn't take the pain anymore and took matters in her own hands. After that I just couldn't bring myself to continue writing. But I guess you could say I'm getting back in the game. Again, I apologize for making you wait so long!

CHAPTER 10: The VIP Room



Kendra and I tried to put on our best puppy dog eyes when facing Nick, who – as expected – was pretty pissed about us being late. But after one look at our eyes he just sighed and motioned for us to start working.

Putting in my earplug that connects me to the bar and to security, I make my way over to the VIP Room. The party was already in full swing and Caitlin was very happy to see me.

“Thank God you’re here, Elli! I have been running around, alone, for these people for over an hour now!”

“I’m so sorry. Had I known I would have tried to get here sooner!”

“I know I know… Anyway, I think they’re almost settled in now so it should calm down for a while. Mind if I take a break?”

“Of course not. Go ahead.”

She runs off towards the back to take her, obviously much needed, break while I make my way over to the group of VIP’s sitting in the couches. Putting on my friendliest smile I turned towards the brunette who motioned me over.

“Hello. My name is Eliza, what can I get for you?”

“Hi, I’m Taylor. Could you bring us another round of drinks? We’ll all take the same as before.”

“Ooooh… And a bottle of champagne, if that’s possible?”

I looked over at the girl who addressed me to ask her if she had a preference about the kind of champagne she wanted to drink, when somebody answered the question.

“We’ll take the best champagne you have.”

I turned around and was met with a familiar sight. It was the guy I noticed earlier on the dance floor, but I didn’t get a proper look before because the lights were turned down. Now, however, it didn’t take me long to recognize the man standing in front of me. Lucas McDowell. He was even more handsome in real life than he was in any of his movies.

Realising I was staring at him I quickly turned away and communicated their order to the bar. As I left to bring up their drinks, I risked another glance backwards and immediately his eyes connected with mine. Blushing averted my eyes and went downstairs.


Making my way into the club, I tried to keep my head low the best I could, hoping to avoid a bunch of screaming fans. Don’t get me wrong! I absolutely adore my fans and I’m grateful for all the support they’ve showed me, but every now and then I like to enjoy a night out with my friends without being followed around and having to sign autographs.

I couldn’t help but notice her though. She was in the middle of the dance floor, wearing a brilliant white dress. My eyes travelled all the way up her legs, to her breasts and finally came to a rest at her face. Never had I seen such a beautiful creature before.

Her hair moved from side to side, along with her body making it look as a waterfall of chocolate, soft as silk. I felt my hands itch, from wanting to run my hands through her hair. With the lights down, I wasn’t able to make out the colour of her eyes but when she locked eyes with me, I could see them sparkling from happiness and exhilaration from here.

My feet seemed to have a mind of their own when they started to make their way over to her. We kept our eyes locked on each other and she stopped moving altogether, watching me approach her slowly. That was, until her friend dragged her away. I fully intended to follow her, until I was dragged away by my own friends to the VIP Room.

I realised some of my friends had already started the party without me, when I noticed they were being served their first round of drinks by a redheaded waitress. And that’s when I saw her. She walked into the room, fastening her nametag and microphone to her dress. After exchanging a quick word with the other waitress, she made her way over to my friends Taylor and Sarah. They asked her for a bottle of champagne and when I saw my angel turning towards Sarah to ask her which she preferred, I decided to make my presence known.

“We’ll take the best champagne you have.”

Upon hearing my voice, she quickly turned towards me and once again, we locked eyes. I saw recognition dawn on her and she turned away just as quickly as she had turned towards me. I couldn’t help but to follow her every movement as she made her way downstairs to pick up our drinks. The way she swayed her hips caused an immediate reaction and I had to adjust my position, to ensure it wouldn’t be noticeable to the others.