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Re: What makes a good Adult fic?

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 11:34 pm
by girl afraid
I actually prefer using penis/erection/cock because I can't stand flowery, corny smut. No 'apex of desire' for me. It's sex, I'd rather describe the act for what it is, rather than make it into a mush-fest. If you're careful about how you use them, it won't sound pornographic and hopefully will sound realistic and hot. My preferred pairing probably influences my perspective though, since I see Michael/Maria being more primal and raw in sex than say, Max/Liz or Alex/Isabel. That said, there are some words I won't use in a sex scene; cunt, pussy, prick and moist are a few that come to mind. There is raw/primal, and then there is crude and gagworthy.

What annoys me regarding sex in fic is when a girl has sex for the first time. The hymen often gets described as 'the barrier of innocence' or some variation. I hate it because hymens break during a lot of random activities like horseback riding or something as mundane as inserting a tampon. The hymen is not the be all and end all of virginity.

Re: What makes a good Adult fic?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:47 am
by Coccy
a great making love scene is really hard to write. even professional writers aren't always able to do it into a good way.
you can't just make a detailed description like a geographic map, if you want that the reader will *feel* your scene.
sometimes a writer can be able to make you *see* *everything* without actually giving you too many details. But you understand everything and the scene can be so intense that you feel like a voyeur who is invading the couple's privacy :lol: (a recent example from the fanfictions i'm reading right now is "snapshot" and the fiction is labeled as mature. My God those Max&Liz are pure fire with no need to give you so many details. It's the way the author describes their reaction and feelings that is very hot)
this is when an adult fanfiction is a really good one for me.

I can't read just pure smut and slash. it's like porn vs erotism and i believe that there's a difference between these two words.

For me, the key is to not make it too cheesy. The problem is that Max and Liz were totally cheesy on the show (and I'm a Dreamer, but come on, the "glowing" scene?). So you have to balance whether to stay true to the canon, which included a lot of cheesiness, or to make it a little bit easier to get through without getting diabetes than the show sometimes was.
it's funny because for me they weren't cheesy. they were sweet, that's different. some phrases could be cheesy but not the couple itself, they were balanced.
Even the glowing scene was one of the sexiest thing i ever saw (not the glowing thing itself but the whole scene. my room got kinda hot and they kissed only in the end! xD )
and i'm one of those people who hate cheesy
but to me there's a difference between sweetness and cheesy. it's not that every sweet word is cheesy for me.
cheesy means "fake" for me. something that is not spontaneous, something that is in poor taste
and this isn't Max&Liz's case. ever. (especially since they weren't always together and happy with everything easy. so i can see how they took advantage of the moments where they could be happy because they knew how it felt to be separated. making twelve days into twelve lifetimes)

Re: What makes a good Adult fic?

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:06 am
by ken_r
Take it from an old man. What makes an adult flic is not a gynecological review of the sex act, but rather conjuring up a picture of the beauty of two bodies holding each other. One reader who is male and nearly my age said the most sexy thing to him was writing the vision of two bodies only partially clothed as they prepare to make love. Maybe because i am still from the victorian age the vision of two people in love who marvel in the vision of their two naked bodies is the most sensual thing i could express.

I have experimented with more technical details of their love making but i have never been as satisfied as i am when i can describe their longing to just hold each other.

Maybe, partially, the expression of my friend the reader mentioned above, comes into play but a sensual description of the two people removing their clothes, bit by bit revealing themselves to each other, i find satisfying. I succeeded once in my story Second Chance for Antar the last part of chapter 8 i even received allocades from some who had always been critical of my writing. the description was first Maria revealing herself to Michael and then he returning the favor.

An adult story should put the reader in the place of the character and the more the reader feels aroused the more perfect the writer has done in their creation. This is why it is called adult because it is hard for youth, who have not yet experienced the joys of intimacy. What is that now below 13? That was a cheap shot and i appologize. Even inexperienced youth should see that intimacy is involved and never look at it as a simple act.

That is what makes a good adult story for me, but then i am an old man and have to have my oxygen handy when i read many stories. No criticism intended. Oxygen is good. thank you

ken r

Re: What makes a good Adult fic?

Posted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 10:44 am
by Kachie
vilandragirl wrote:I completely agree with April on this one. Thanks for all the great points.

For me, the key is to not make it too cheesy. The problem is that Max and Liz were totally cheesy on the show (and I'm a Dreamer, but come on, the "glowing" scene?). So you have to balance whether to stay true to the canon, which included a lot of cheesiness, or to make it a little bit easier to get through without getting diabetes than the show sometimes was.
Heh. . cheesy as it was, I wouldn't mind having a guy that looked as good as him tell me that I make him glow all over. 8)

What can kill a sexy scene for me is when the author suddenly throws in "cock" or "ass" . . I mean, it just seems to startle me out of whatever mood they're trying to create. This does not mean that I'm in favor of cliche romance novel terms for the male and female anatomy. . . those knock the mood out of there as well. . albeit in a more cringing than frowning way.

Re: What makes a good Adult fic?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:00 pm
by Raychelxluscious
girl afraid wrote:I actually prefer using penis/erection/cock because I can't stand flowery, corny smut. No 'apex of desire' for me. It's sex, I'd rather describe the act for what it is, rather than make it into a mush-fest.

So no "throbbing love muscle" for you, huh? lol!

While I don't particularly like the overuse of the term "cock", neither do I like the overly flowery terminology, either.

Also, as seems to be common, I can read it more comfortably than I can write it. I mean, there are still authors who make me blush, but that's not exactly a difficult feat. And the sex scenes have to be important to the story. I don't particularly enjoy PWP; I would read it, probably because I was a little shy of 18 and it was taboo. Now, I'm like...Uh, can I have a little more plot/conflict/etc and a little less hanky-panky, please?

Re: What makes a good Adult fic?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:06 pm
by vilandragirl
Kachie wrote: Heh. . cheesy as it was, I wouldn't mind having a guy that looked as good as him tell me that I make him glow all over. 8)
:lol: Yeah, he can pretty much get away with saying anything he wants. :oops:

Re: What makes a good Adult fic?

Posted: Sat Aug 01, 2009 2:46 pm
by killjoy
Michelle17 wrote:But I need to know what makes a good Adult fic?
When Tess is in it,but....*shrugs*....that could be just me :lol: :mrgreen: