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Re: Relentless Obsession (AU,L/M,Adult) chpt 11 10/21/08

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:18 pm
by jake17
darkmoon: :lol: omg d. I love how you hinted that I should move this to the UC board and bring Zan in! :lol: You are just the best sweetie! :lol: thank you so much for being here!
garcia88: kris thank you so much for your incredible fb! I really appreciate all the wonderful things you always say about my stories! Thank you for being so supportive! :D thanks for the bump too! :wink:
dreamer19: Wow Getting a complement from you means so much to me K. thank you so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to tell me how you feel! :D
Natalie36: I'm happy that you feel for him too. Thanks so much Natalie! :D
destinyc: sorry destiny :oops: I'm afraid Im going to leave you in suspense again!Thanks so much for you sweet fb! :D
maxandlizforever: I know!! :shock: :wink: thank you for being here!! :D
Flamehair: thanks for the fb sweetie.. Im so happy Leo is doing well!! :D
Hunter: Hey sweetie! Thanks for the fb so so happy you like this! :D
begonia9508: Eve! Your right there is always a choice! and I think Victoria is used to getting her way no matter how it happens.. thank you so much!! :D
keepsmiling7: don't worry! I'm forever a dreamer! thats part of my problem in life! :roll: thanks so much for sticking with this!! :D
angelina: yes IM afraid it is Victoria ... thank you so much for being here!! :D
ShatteredDreamer: thanks for wanting more! :D

Chapter 11.

As Max materialized back into the cave the consequences of his decision sank into him as bile rose up from his stomach.

Pain wrenched his heart twisting and ripping his insides until he felt as though he could take no more.

Life without Liz was unimaginable, each moment that went by felt like an eternity.

Aimlessly he wandered through the vast thick forest reliving her words, her excruciating rejection.

As if loosing the only girl he would - could ever love wasn't enough he still had Victoria to deal with.

He was beyond emotionally drained. He stumbled falling over rocks and fallen tree limbs as he somehow made his way out into a clearing.

He stared at his car for several moments trying to decide where to go. He wondered by now if she had gone to his parent’s home.

He imagined her at this very moment handing down the fate of his family that he loved so dearly.

How would he be able to look into his mother’s eyes knowing that he had cost them everything.

How could he face his sister knowing that she will never live the life of a normal woman. That she will spend the rest of her days alone without the joy of becoming a mother and wife. Without an education and the chance to use the brilliant mind he had always admired her for.

His thoughts then drifted to his father. He remembered how his dad talked to him of sacrifice and honor. How the true test of a man meant his willingness to do whatever it took to protect his family. Even if it meant giving up his own life, he couldn’t imagine what his father must be thinking of him now.

As he clung onto the steering wheel he hung his head low and sighed as the very real truth surrounded him like a dense blinding fog choking the life out of him. There was nowhere for him to go... love had cost him everything.

Anger swelled inside his bleeding torn heart as he cursed such a wasteful destructive emotion.

The once beautiful notion of that word that filled him with wonder and unimaginable happiness was just a lie.

He pounded the dashboard until his knuckles bled. Still he felt nothing. He wanted to feel the pain from his cuts. Anything would be better than the agonizing relentless carving of his insides churning from the loss of his love.

He glared at his hands watching as the blood trickled down his arms. He laughed as he fell against the leather seat remembering how fascinated he was by it all.

How he stared at her for hours on end before they even spoke. How just the sight of her would cause his heart to race and his stomach to rumble with such force.

He wondered if she had some sort of power over him.

In a way she did. She made him see everything differently. Food tasted better. The colors of the flowers that he had never paid attention to before looked more vibriant. The moon that he had gazed upon in passing time and time again suddently caught his attention as a wondrous site.

Music held a much deeper meaning, as he finally understood the words and how they spoke of undying devotion and unrelenting love.

She made life exciting and inviting in a way he had never imagined it could be.

With her in his arms nothing else mattered. He understood the many books of poems that he memorized. How the authors spoke verses of love and passion.

But it was all a lie. No one warned him of what was left of a heart that love had abandoned.

No song he ever heard or story he ever read described the agonizing hole that was dug out of you as you are left with nothing but memories that will forever torture your very soul and tear at your heart.

He closed his eyes as he grazed his fingers over his lips remembering her soft fiery kisses.

He winced in agony as he recalled her innocent wide eyes and her expression of excitement every time she would look at him.

Those first meetings, the meadow the ocean. How could he survive such a loss. How could he loose her forever.

Max wrenched over in pain as he felt her soft silky skin move beneath him, inviting him in. He could clearly see her staring at him with complete blind faith, trusting in every word he spoke to her.

He felt deep within his achy stiff bones that this thing called love had destroyed him. That the power it held to create such indescribable happiness could also cause unspeakable wretched torturous suffering and despair.

As Liz’s image mercilessly appeared again and again beneath his tired eyes he heard someone approaching.

“Sir? Sir, are you ok?”

It was one of Victoria’s butlers walking swiftly towards him. She wasn’t at his parent’s house at all. No of course not he thought to himself she was waiting for his return.

Wearily he motioned to the uniformed clad servant who eyes widened after seeing the blood coming from his hands.

“Master Evans, what happened to you? Did you have an accident? Do you need the assistance of a physician?”

Max chuckled as he waved William’s concern off.

“I’m perfectly fine. No need to worry about me my good man.”

Max padded him on the shoulder as he slid out of his car and placed his feet shakily on the loose gravel.

He stared hopelessly up at the enormous pretentious mansion as he nodded and began to walk to his inevitable fate.

The confused butler stood at attention with his hands to his side trying to keep up with Max urging him to listen to him.

“Master Evan’s please stop. I have to speak to you about something of great importance.”

As Max began to climb the marble steps leading to the solid gold double doors of his sealed personal hell he was stunned to find William grasping his shoulder.

“Master Evan’s I insist you stop immediately and listen to what I have to say!”

Servants were forbidden to speak in such a way not that any of the ridiculous rules mattered to Max…but it certainly got his attention.

William took Max by the face with his stark white gloves forcing him to look into his eyes.

With a harsh intense whisper he made sure he annunciated every single word as he gritted his teeth and glared into Max’s eyes.

“There isn’t much time Max. Victoria has gone to find Liz. Do you understand Max? Victoria at this very moment is on Earth and has your true love in her grip.”

Max instantly fell to his knees as his body shook violently with shock and horror.

William grabbed Max by the arms and lifted him up.

“There is no time for fear or regret now Max. You must go and save the woman you love! Fight for her! While there’s still a chance!”

Within seconds Max's eyes closed as he raised his head up to the heavens and disappeared.

Victoria had no idea how her treatment of the people around her left her with no loyalty and even less respect.

As William looked up at the rest of the servants a hopeful smile appeared on all of their faces.

They all silently nodded as they continued their work hoping that Max would get there in time.

That true love could and would prevail.

Re: Relentless Obsession (AU,L/M,Adult) chpt 12 11/13/08

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:27 pm
by jake17
garcia88 2x
Destiny Dreamer

Thank you all so much for your wonderful feedback!!!!!! :D :D :D

Chapter 12.

Max materialized onto Liz’s floor shaking and breathless. Choosing to skip the necessary steps in his haste to save his love, the journey took a toll of his body leaving him weak and disoriented.

With blurred vision he quickly scanned around her room searching for her. His heart pounded wildly when he saw her motionless body lying defenseless and pale on her bed.

His voice cracked with agonizing pain as he ran over to her and lifted her in his arms.

“Liz! Liz are you ok!?”

His heart sank when she fell limp in his arms. He held her close as and rocked her back and forth afraid to feel for her pulse.

With tears filling his eyes and guilt swelling in his broken heart he raised his shaky fingers to her neck and collapsed against her cheek in relief.

Her pulse was extremely weak but it was there.

“My god what did she do to you?”

She just wanted to talk, it seems you picked a real fighter to fuck around with Max.”

Max whipped his head around to find Victoria standing defiantly in the corner with her arms crossed.

He pulled Liz’s unconscious body behind him protectively and held his hand out ready to strike.

“Don’t come any closer!”

Victoria smirked and chuckled in her own very patronizing way.

“Oh Max honey I’m afraid the damage is done. She’ll be sleeping for a very long time. Poor dear. From the little time I have spent her I could see she had much potential for a prosperous life, that is until you came along.”

Max lowered his head knowing that in a way she was right. Liz had her whole life ahead of her, a normal life where she could’ve had everything and because of him her life now hung in the balance.

“What did you do to her?”

Victoria moved closer shaking her head while grazing her long red fingernails along the bedspread.

“Wow now there is the passion that I’ve been searching for inside that beautiful body of yours.”

Victoria turned her head to the side and smiled wickedly at him through her long violet eyelashes.

“Hmm such a waste.”

“Again I ask you! What did you do to her!”

She sighed as if she was getting bored with the situation and rolled her eyes.

“Honestly Max I came here just to find out what was so appealing about the little human. I mean to give up a lifetime of wealth and prosperity, to sacrifice your family’s future. To risk everything the way you did. I have to say the curiosity was killing me. Or should I say killing her.”

Victoria giggled carelessly making Max rush her up against the wall curling his fingers around her neck.

Her once casual expression darkened as a stern warning to him.

“Remove your hands at once Max, that is if you wish to keep them.”

Staring into her emerald green eyes Max began to feel a burning sensation throughout his body. He struggled helplessly but she was just too powerful for him.

Max fell to his knees and released his hand from her neck as the unimaginable pain shot through his fingers and up his arm.

Resting his head on the floor his shaky voice begged for mercy as he looked over at Liz lying helplessly on the bed.

“I will do anything you want, anything… just please release her. She is innocent in all of this. She knows nothing of our world. She is no threat to you. Please I’ll come back with you, marry you. I’ll do anything just let her go.”

“Oh dear, see Max I’m afraid it’s too late for that. You have disgraced my honor, left me in a very vulnerable position. For that I cannot forgive.”

Victoria lifted her flowing red gown and knelt close to Max as he still lay writhing in pain on the floor.

Softy she whispered in his ear as she brushed his sweaty hair gently away from his frightened eyes.

“Did you really think that you could lay with me, that you could take something as precious as my body and walk away like I am some worthless whore that turned your stomach?”

Sweetly she caressed his cheek and calmly smiled as she gritted her teeth.

“You see there are consequences for every choice we make in life Max. A price I guess you could call it, and yours …yours is your little human.”

She stood back up and walked over to Liz lifting her chin up in the air and looking down at her in disgust.

With her hands planted firmly on her hips she described her encounter with Liz.

“I just had to come Max. I thought she deserved to know the truth.”

Crawling across the floor Max struggled to speak against the pain that was continually pulsating through him.


Furrowing her eyebrows with impatience she held her hand in the air making him fall once again to the ground.

“I was very surprised that you told her Max. To tell you the truth I didn’t think you had it in you to be a martyr. Did you really think that she would stay with you knowing that you and I made love? Surely you knew you lose her, but still you told her the truth...interesting.”

Lifting his head in agonizing pain his hoarse voice barked at her with venomous hatred.

“You and I never made love, I could never love you!”

Releasing a long sigh Victoria shook her head.

“Amazing, that’s exactly what she said.”


“Shocked? I was too. She actually defended you. Went on and on about how much she loved you and how she would not be giving you up without a fight.”

“Please just tell me what you did to her.”

Victoria turned to face Max with a very resolved look on her face.

“Well Max it’s up to you now.”

“What do you mean?”

“She is in a deep sleep, painless of course. I’m really not the monster you believe me to be.”

Smoothing her long ball gown out she release Max from her grip so he could fully understand his fate.

“Only someone with a pure true love for her can awaken her.”

Max’s eyes lit with hope knowing that he loved her like no other could possibly.

“Oh really Max did you really think I’d make it that easy? She is lost, quite lost actually, deep inside a dream. To find her will be near impossible. You see she has no idea that its a dream. I put her somewhere that is very pleasant for her. She believes it's very real and she will not be persuaded to leave that easily Max. That's if you can even find her. You see this is her dream. The place where she will want to be more than any other."

"I don't understand!"

"There is only one way, and that is for you to discover. If you happen to succeed I will release you from our commitment and your family as well.”

Slowly Victoria began to dissipate leaving Max panicking as he looked down at his love.


“Oh and Max you only have forty eight hours. It you fail everything you love will be lost forever.”

Tears rolled down his face as he lifted Liz into his arms.

His lips brushed against her soft mouth as he climbed on the bed and held her tight against is beating heart.

“I will find you Liz.”

“I will find you.”

Re: Relentless Obsession (AU,L/M,Adult) chpt 12 11/13/08

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:10 am
by jake17

Thank you all so much for your awesome fb!!!! I love that you hate Victoria so much!!! I hope so much that you like this part!! I so appreciate you all here!
Carrie :D

Chapter 13.

As Max held Liz protectively to his chest he watched in horror as Victoria gave him a sarcastic smirk and winked at him.

“Poor Max you look so lost, so helpless. You really don’t even know where to start, how to get her back. I almost feel sorry for you…almost.”

Victoria fixed her scarlet hair as she gazed at herself in Liz’s mirror.

“Well I must be going there is much to do you see. I have to notify the male suitors that have been pursuing me that I am a free woman now. Plus I have to plan the exile of your family. You see Max I am a very busy woman.”

Catching his reflection in the mirror she gave him a wicked smile as she began to slowly fluctuate between this world and the next.

When she was finally gone Max closed his eyes with relief as he held Liz tight.

He was beyond exhausted. Victoria left him drained and in pain, he still felt the affects of her powers burning through his body.

He ran his hand through his hair remembering her words.

‘You only have forty-eight hours. She’s lost in a dream, where she wants to be.’

‘Where she’s wants to be?’

Max gently rested her sleeping small body onto her pillow and began to frantically pace her room searching for answers.

He looked on her shelves, through her desk anywhere he could think of for a clue as to where she might be.

Papers and books flew all around him as he hastily rummaged through anything he could find. He needed some kind of indication as to where to find her, but he found nothing.

“Damn it!”

Slowly he slid down her wall in defeat breathless and heartbroken. Unable to concentrate he looked around at her room that was now littered with all of her belongings. He sat nervously hearing the seconds tick away on her clock on the wall.

Devastated he lowered his head in his hands and stared at the ground watching as his tears fell one by one onto an open notebook on the floor.

He gazed thoughtlessly at the pages below him watching as his tears soaked through them making the previous page come clearer into view.

His eyes widened as he tore out the top page relieving the one below it.

It had no words like all of her other notebooks only sketches.

Two sketches to be exact.

A beautiful meadow with tall oak trees that hung over the edges of a clearing filled with lilacs and a beach where the dark ocean waves crashed gently onto the soft brown sands lining rolling dunes under the stars.

He stood up quickly holding the papers in his shaky hands

They were pictures of the dreams that he created for her when they first met.

Max knew at that moment where to find her, he knew instantly that she would be in one of these dreams waiting for him. His heart pounded widely feeling that it was really possible to save her.

He quietly sat on her chair at her desk and smoothed the crinkled paper out in front of him.

He carefully placed his hand over the black and white drawings and closed his eyes.

Slowly he began to hear the music of the crickets and the owls they echoed into the night sky. He smiled as he felt the cool grass between his toes and the gentle breeze playing with the opening of his white shirt.

His eyes opened to the moonlit meadow covered in thousands of delicate purple lilacs.

The overwhelming scent brought him right back to where they first spoke, where he first kissed her lips and touched her soft skin.

Eagerly he began to search for her. He quickly ran to the border of the field where the impressive ancient Oak tress hung almost protectively down over the pasture.

Suddenly out of the corner of his eye he saw a white flash sprint between the trees. He whipped his head around in the direction of his vision and was startled by the soft humming of a young girls voice.

Enthusiastically but cautiously he stepped closer to the sound and was rewarded by another revelation of the source of the beautiful singing voice.

Only for a moment he caught a glimpse of her as she danced along the shadows of the low hanging branches and bright green leaves.

It was enough time for him to see that it was her.

His heart pounded as her raven hair flowed behind her and her white sundress rose high above her bouncing knees.

Faster he began to walk towards her desperate to hold her in his arms and tell her everything was going to be alright.

His smile lit up his tired amber eyes as he reached his hand out to touch her. As his fingertips grazed the soft cotton of her dress he heard a loud gasp and suddenly she was gone.

Shyly she hid behind the strong-knotted trunk. Liz held on to the moss covered bark only revealing her soft brown eyes that looked at him curiously.

Only inches from her he halted his movements totally bewildered.

In the softest whisper he called out to her.


Her eyes widened as she pulled back to be completely hidden in the darkness of the thick woods behind her.

Confusion filled his worried mind as he called out to her again.


After several agonizing seconds he heard her whispered reply.

“Who are you?”

Re: Relentless Obsession (AU,L/M,Adult) chpt 14 1/8/09

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:42 pm
by jake17

Thank you for all your extemely sweet fb!!!!! You are all so nice to me!!
I really appreciate it!
Carrie :D Hope so much you like this!

Chapter 14

With a gentle soothing whisper Max approached her carefully lifting his hand out towards her.

“You don’t know who I am?”

Liz’s eyes lit up at the dark haired handsome stranger, her face blushed sweetly.

“No, do you live here in the woods?”

His heart sank realizing that Victoria had put a wicked spell on her.

“No, I’m just visiting. What about you? Do you live here?”

Liz walked tentatively past him gazing up and down at his beautiful features. Never had her heart fell such a strong attraction before. She smiled widely and walked backwards lifting her dress over her knees.

“Yes! Isn’t it lovely!”

Max raised one side of his soft mouth into a small grin marveling at how incredibly exquisite she was. She was so pure, so innocent. She didn’t deserve to be under the powers of such an evil monster. He had to fix this; he had to find out exactly what Victoria was up to.

“What is your name? If I may be so bold to ask.”

Liz twirled around and giggled as the grass tickled her bare feet and the butterflies kissed her golden shoulders.

“You may, I’m Beth. And you are?”


Liz gazed up at the night sky and danced with her hands reaching up to the stars.

“Max I’m so happy you’re here, I have only the animals to keep me company. Don’t get me wrong I do love them, but it can get so lonely.”

She winked at a white kitten that was rubbing against her ankle.

“Tell me are you planning on staying long?”

Max tried to still his pounding heart.

“I-I’m not sure. Beth I am hungry though, do you know where there are some berry’s perhaps?”

As her eyes wandered past the sensual curve of his lips to his glowing amber eyes, she couldn’t help but feel mesmerized by him.

She held her hand over her heart feeling it beat faster and faster. Her skin was flushed from just the nearness of him.

She was lost at the intense feelings that were crashing over her. She never wanted anything more and she didn’t even know him.

“If you turn and go straight into the woods you will find another small clearing there are raspberry bushes on the edge near the tall elm tree.”

Max nodded melting under her passionate curious stare.

“Will you be here when I get back, I won’t be long.”

Liz smoothed her dress out caressing her tiny waste and hips as strange emotions drove through her.

“I will be here, t-this is where I sleep.”

With naïve intention Liz touched her lips wondering what it would be like to kiss this handsome boy that wandered into her home.

“I will be back then.”

Max tore his eyes away from her and began to quickly make his way through the thick brushes and trees past the meadow.

When he felt he was out of her earshot he turned to look up at the sky.

“Victoria!! I know you can hear me! I want to speak to you now! Show yourself god damn it!”

At first he heard the soft sarcastic chuckle before her image crystallized in front of his face.

“Oh Max that was priceless! The look on your face, did you really think I would make it that easy for you?”

Max tremble with rage as he charged her clenching his fists.

“What did you do to her!”

Victoria held out her nails and titled her head sighing at a small chip of her red polish.

“Damn I just did these.”


Stretching her neck in boredom she nodded.

“Ok Max I’m going to give you one chance to redeem yourself.”

“Redeem myself for what?”

“For cheating on me, for ruining her life, for basically being a selfish bastard who only thinks of his own needs. Am I confusing you here?”

“Go on.”

”You have a decision to make Max. One I would consider carefully. You can run back there to your fair little maiden and lift the spell with a kiss…

Max turned and started to make his way back to the clearing.

“Wait one second I wasn’t finished Max.”

He stopped leaving his back to her.


“Well you can do this and she will remember everything, her love for you, and all that comes with that, but there is a catch. If you choose to do this you will be forever running from my army, and me. You will have to live in hiding, always living in fear, always knowing I am one step behind you. That is if I can’t find you, which I will and when I do you will both suffer a painful torturous death, but you will have a chance. Of course that means really no life for her. No college no family, nothing I would want for someone I loved but that just me.”

“What is my other choice.”

Victoria slowly walked around to face his tearful eyes and smiled widely at him.

“She goes back to her world remembering nothing of you. Her life remains the same as it was before she met you. Friends, school everything the same, of course no knowledge of you or the…time you’ve shared. She will have a normal life, the one she was meant to have before you came and ruined everything. Of course you will be banished from our world forced to live elsewhere.”

“And my family?”

“Free, I would take no real pleasure in punishing them for your betrayal. It is you that I want to see suffer Max.”

Max lowered his head already knowing what he was going to do. The pain was immeasurable, his heart crushed beyond repair.

“One condition.”

“Condition? I’m sparing the bitches life and you dare to ask me for conditions?”


“What is it that you desire my love.”

“Give my this one night with her. Take her back in the morning but leave me this one night.”

Victoria looked him over with her hands perched on her hips.

“Well, Ok but make it memorable Max because after this it’s over.”

“For this night please, let her… remember.”

“Now how generous a fool do you take me as Max?”

“Please, you’re taking everything away from me. This is the last thing I will ever ask.”

“One night, as soon as dawn breaks so does any evidence that you ever existed. Understood.”

Max closed his eyes and sighed a quiet reply.

“Thank you.”

Re: Relentless Obsession (AU,L/M,Adult)chpt 15 1/9/09 ~Complete~

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 3:56 pm
by jake17
keepsmiling (Carolyn)

Thank you for all of your very sweet fb!! I really hope you like my ending!

Chapter 15

As Max appeared out of the clearing he found Liz lying on her back in the grass.

Approaching her he couldn’t help but be reminded of the fantasy books he read as a child that his father brought back from Earth. Isabel in particular loved these fairytales. He couldn’t help but feel that his life was very similar to this over dramatic tragic fables.

One stood out in his mind as he knelt down and gazed at her elegant face as she slumbered peacefully surrounded by the violets that glowed against her raven wavy long hair.

Reaching over her bracing himself with one hand on either side of her face he lowered his lips to her whispering softly melting into her graceful form.

“It’s time to awaken my Sleeping Beauty.”

Gently he placed a tender kiss on her peach colored lips sighing deeply as the scent of vanilla surrounded him making it hard to pull away.

With great anticipation he watched closely as she began to flutter her dark curled eyes lashes against the pink hue of her high cheekbones. He truly had never seen such a exquisite site in his life.

She took a deep breath taking him off guard causing him to move slightly away and that’s when he felt it.

He looked down to see her tiny hand curled around his arm pulling him with great need towards her.

Sleepily Liz smiled as she looked all around her.

“Max I don’t understand? Why did you bring me here? Is everything ok?”

Reassuring her he nodded cupping her face in his hands.

“Everything’s fine. Victoria is gone, gone forever. I brought you here so we could be alone. I feel terrible for everything I put you through and I had to tell you how I feel.”

A look of pure joy lit up in her eyes as she sat up and threw her arms around him.

Swallowing hard he wondered if this was such a good idea, how could he leave her again, how could his heart take such pain.

Holding her close he whispered in her ear making her grasp onto him tighter.

“I’m so sorry can you ever forgive me, I was such a fool. I would rather die than hurt you.”

Pulling her away and holding her shoulders he pleaded to her needing her forgiveness that would have to last a lifetime.

“I love you Liz.”

He moved his hands up to face cradling her gently.

“I love you, always and forever.”

He head titled to the side as she gazed down at his lips. Her expression turned serious as her heart pumped fiercely causing the material on her dress to pulsate with every rapid beat.

Moving slightly away from him she sat straight up and closed her eyes. With shaky hands she took a deep breath and slowly raised the white cotton dress over her head revealing her young untouched virgin body to his darkened eyes.

Bashfully she lowered her head causing her dark locks to slightly cover her breasts.

Her voice was barely but a whisper as she reached up to pull a stray hair from her full parted lips.


He forced his voice from his trembling lips trying desperately to restrain himself from throwing her to the ground and driving into her.

“Everything that is beautiful in this world and beyond pales in comparison to the luminous splendor that flows through you and all around you. I am now and forever in awe of your beauty.”

Slowly she raised her eyes keeping her head down looking at him through her black eye lashes she took his hand and put it to her heart.

“Can you feel it beating for you Max? This heart is yours; I am giving it to you. It is yours to keep forever. I could never love another.”

Unable to hold his emotions any longer Max pulled her in close crashing his mouth hard against her. She cried out as he lifted her and wrapped her legs around him. Pushing her hard against his arousal.

“Oh yes Max please, I’ve waited so long for you to take me.”

With one hand cupping her bottom and the other laced through her hair on the back of her neck he lowered his head and took her trembling nipple inside his hot warm mouth.

“Oh god!”

He sucked and pulled hungrily at her hardened peak moaning helplessly as she arched her back and whimpered softly.

She let go of his shoulders and lifted his shirt over his head marveling at the pure perfection of his sculpted toned body.

Quickly feeling as if their desire would rip them apart inside she struggled to free him from his pants.

He stared possessively at her as he ran his fingers down to her lower lips. With great care he caressed her wet folds while flicking her sensitive clit with his thumb.

Her eyes widened as her breathing was reduced to short harsh gasps. He pulled her in close resting his fore head against her determined to bring her to the brink of ecstasy and beyond.

She clutched his shoulders tightly as her eyes slammed shut and her head fell back.


Reaching his tongue out in front of him he latched onto her breast and sucked her roughly as she came hard screaming his name.

Before she could come down from the waves of intense pleasure that was ripping through her he raised her up and lowered her down onto his hard cock causing her to gasp sharply biting her bottom lip.

“Are you ok?”

Losing himself for the moment he widened his eyes in fear that he had hurt her.

Shivering uncontrollably she arched her back sinking down on him further and moaned her simple request.


Groaning he grasped her small hips and plunged into her again and again filling her grazing her sensitive spot inside her with each thrust.

Sweat glistened off them as the moonlight shone on their naked bodies that were intertwined in a pleasure they had never known.

She laced her fingers through his dark hair watching him swirl his tongue quickly around her nipple as her breasts bounced as they sped closer and closer to completion.

Slowing her down he took her face in his hands and mouthed the words he didn’t have the strength to say.

“I love you.”

Lowering her to the ground he began again to make love to her, this time it was slow and tender as he passionately kissed her trying to get everything he could out of this moment. He stared at her working to memorize every curve of her body every loving expression of her face as she looked up at him in wonder.

Soon he could no longer withstand the intense pleasure of her warm tight walls that surrounded him as he moved agonizingly slow inside her.

He began to breathe very hard as he brushed his lips over her increasing his speed driving into her as fast as he could. His love for her overflowed as his tender heart spilled into every fiber of his being.

“Oh god Liz!”


Buried inside her still he held onto her for dear life as and endless flow of tears spilled from his golden eyes.

Feeling his excruciating pain she helpless held his face in her hands confused by his turn of emotions.

“I-I’m so sorry for everything. I love you! I love you! I love –

Max closed his eyes as the bight orange sun pierced over the horizon leaving him empty and alone…forever.


“Isabel will you please get the door!”

“I’m coming!”


“Mom Dad its Max! Come quick!”

Max stood lifeless and emotionally drained.

His mother snapped her fingers alerting the cook to begin dinner at once.

“My son where have you been? Are you all right? We’ve been so worried!”

Exhausted Max slumped down onto the white stiff couch and waved his family to come close to him.

“I have something to tell you all, and I don’t have much time.”

Looking sadly at his parents he smiled softly thanking them for raising him with such love and care.

Turning towards Isabel he took comfort in the fact the she would have every advantage in this life. That she would have the freedom to go after dreams.

“Max what is this all about?”

“Victoria, she let Liz go and she is doing the same with you, but I must leave never to return again.”


His mother held him tight showing rare emotions that were seldom seen. Within seconds all of them were clutching each other crying.

Reluctantly Max stood and gave a good look at each of them trying hard to burn their imagines into his mind.

“I’m so sorry for all the pain and shame I have brought to this family. Please know that I love you all and I always will.”

Isabel stood and held him tight as she whispered in his ear.

“There is no shame in loving someone Max. It’s the greatest gift this world has to offer. You taught us that. The shame lies in not trying, giving up, which you never did.”

“Isabel is right, we were wrong my son. We are proud of you. We always will be proud of you.”

His father put his arm around his mother helping her to stand as she watched her son walk out the door and out of their lives forever.


Victoria stood outside her luscious garden and gazed at her image in the sparkling pink water of the fountain that trickled cool water all around her.

She closed her eyes and lifted her face up to the sun soaking up the mid day rays.

“Oh what a beautiful day to be Queen. I swear I just get more stunning as the days go by.”

“Too bad today will be the last one you’ll ever get to enjoy your highness.”

Suddenly she gasped for air as a thin wire curled around her neck slicing into her soft pale skin like butter.

Bright crimson blood spilled from her body as she fought with no avail.

The pink water turned dark red as she leaned over the fountain looking at her and the reflection of Max. Grunting he tightened the wire using all the strength he possessed until the metal cut right through her spine. He watched emotionless as her head slipped off her body and into the water below.

“Now I can go in peace my Queen.”


Knowing that Victoria’s murder would mean certain death if he ever set foot on his planet again he returned to Earth and tried to pick up the pieces of his life.

After five years of traveling the world aimless attempting to fill the void left in his broken heart, he settled in a small town outside of Philadelphia.

He purposely chose a place that would not remind him of the brown desert where he lost her forever.

After bouncing from one job to another Max finally settled down. He ended up working along side an up in coming architect. The work seemed to help him fill his days. His nights remained sleepless as he dreamed continuously of the girl he left behind, the only girl he would ever love.

After being pushed out of the office on a dark stormy night Max decided to take his boss up on his offer to go to his cabin that was located far out in the woods on a farm in Pennsylvania.

Traveling down the dark road the rain pounded hard against his windshield leaving him practically blind.

As he took a very sharp curve he heard his tire blow. Quickly loosing control of the car Max slammed into a large oak tree. With a big gash on his head and a broken cell phone he decided to walk through the thick woods in search of a house.

As the rain came down in sheets he was struck by just how familiar the area seemed. It was almost like he had been there before.

Just then he stumbled into a clearing, the ground was covered with hundreds of lilacs and tall oak trees that lined the outside of the meadow.

Max shook his head feeling as if he was loosing his mine. It looked exactly like the dream, the dream he created for her.

Suddenly he spotted smoke rising up through the air off in the thick woods.

Pushing his way through the wet branches he saw a tiny little cabin surround by thick raspberry bushes.

Walking tentatively up to the door Max knocked twice and stepped back having no idea what to expect.

Slowly the door opened revealing a small petite brunette with shoulder length wavy soft hair.

She was whipping her hands on a flowered apron that was wrapped around her tiny waste. She was covered in flour and laughing.

“Angie sweetie, hold on one second.”

Looking up at him with bright happy eyes she smiled widely.

“Can I help you sir?”

Max stood motionless frozen in a state of shock as he stared at the girl he dreamed about endlessly for the past five years.

“Sir? Are you okay?”

“I-I umm yes, I had an accident on the dirt road back there and my cell is broken. I was just wondering if maybe I could use your phone.”

His eyes were locked on her as his heart pounded out of his chest.

“Well I’m afraid the storm has knocked out our power but you are welcome to come in and dry off. You are miles away from another house and I wouldn’t recommend walking in these woods, it’s very easy to get lost.”

“Well if you’re sure it’s not an inconvenience.”

“Oh not at all. My daughter and I were just making a raspberry pie. Here sit and I’ll get you a towel and some hot coffee, you must be freezing.”

Max marveled at the fact that she had not changed at all. She was the same beautiful girl he remembered so long ago. Only now she was turned into a stunning woman.

Sitting at the table Max looked over at the little girl who was busy playing with the raspberries.

He smiled at the her watvhing as she brushed her hair out of her eyes and smiled back.

He held his breath when he looked into her golden amber eyes that were exactly like his.

No... it couldn’t be.

“My name is Angie.”

Her voice was like music as she shyly played with a spoon on the table.

“My name is Max.”

“I like that name, Max.”

“Well I think yours is very nice too.”

He couldn’t get over how beautiful she was, a spitting image of her mother. Except for her eyes.

Suddenly the spoon jumped out of her hands and landed on the floor by his feet.

“I’ll get it for you.”

Angie giggled.

“No it’s ok mommy’s not here so I can use my magic.”

Max sat back in his chair and held his breath as the little girl raised her hand in the air and caught the spoon that flew right into her hands.

His heart melted as he smiled widely at his daughter.

Their daughter.

Just then Liz walked into the room with a piping hot mug of coffee.

“I’m sorry I didn’t even get your name?”

“I’m Max, Max Evans.”

“Well Max I’m Liz and this little angel is Angie.”

“It’s nice to meet you both.”

“So Max where were you headed?”

Max ran his fingers through his wet hair and sighed feeling a surge of happiness.

“Home, I guess I was headed... home.”

~The End~