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Re: Sweet Surrender (AU,M/L,Adult) chpt 11 1/8/09 ~Completed~

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:06 pm
by jake17
Begonia9508: Eve! I know there are clumsy and very confused but I think in the end they will find their way. thank you so so much for reading this and all of your amazing fb! :D
Janetfl: Jan what can I say? Your encouragement and insanely sweet words have meant so much to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything. I just love you to death! and don't worry Liz will find her way out of this. :wink: :D
KeepSmiling7: OMG what to say to you sweetie, you have been my biggest motivator for writing this story! You bumps and wonderful fbs have kept me going, I owe so much to you!! seriously thank you so much!! I really hope you like my ending! :D
sarammlover: Sara! I agree Liz was a "Dumbass" :lol: hopefully she makes up for it here! I just love your fb sweetie, you are just fantastic! thank you so much! :D
mary mary: iM so happy you found this story! I hope I fixed it fast enough, I loved your fb!! :lol: thank youi so much! :D
Lena: You are right Liz needs to find a clue! Really Lena to have someone as good a writer as you read my little stories is just such an honor! You just have no idea! thank you for being there for me sweetie, i so hope you like this! :D
darkmoon: :lol: they are idiots aren't they d! Well you,, you are just the light of my life sweetie and Seki is my night light :wink: :lol: I think you are just beyond awesome and I am so proud to call you my friend! thank you for leaving fb to my corny dreamer story :wink: I love you sweetie! :D
destinyc: my sweet destiny you've been with me for so long, leaving me the greatest fb! how can I thank you? I hope you know how much I appreciate you! :D
angelina: my sweet sweet angelina! I just adore you!! My friend that is so far away but feels so close. My friend who's been with me since my first story Coming for you and every story since then... I think you are just the greatest! thank you for all of your incredible support and love. big big hugs and kisses to you!!! :D
paper: thank you for thinking this was hot! I was afraid I was loosing my touch in that department! :roll: You hands down leave the best fb ever! So smart and funny, I just love it!! Thank you so much! Oh and I love your story on the Abyss! :D
IheartMax: oh my seashell what can I say? if not for you I don't think I would still be writing or dreaming of Jason :wink: ... somehow with your unbelievably awesome personality and insanely huge heart you have kept me going. My real life angel who I owe so much to. Thank you so much, you are truly one of the best things that has ever happen to me...besides my daughter and of course Jason. :wink: :D I just love you!!

This story is dedicated to my amazing friend dreamer19, (Kristin) I just love you sweetie! The banner you made me for this story is just too perfect for words but then again so are you! :wink:
OH and I know I'm a day late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :wink:

Chapter 11.

Suddenly every kind sweet moment that he had bestowed upon her clicked in her brain. Realizing that he had always treated her with the utmost respect she shook her head thinking the impossible.

‘Oh my god could Maria have been right all along?’

Grabbing her keys and her cell she went towards the door running as fast as she could praying that she could catch him.

As she drove through the dark night she realized that she had it wrong the whole time. That it was normal to feel such passion and desire for someone that you love. That it didn’t mean that it wasn't deep, wasn't meaningful. That it was just the opposite, that when you love someone your suppose to want them all the time.

Thinking of the incredible sex they just had it dawned on her, she wanted him just as much as he wanted her and there was no doubt what she felt was love. Over the moon, crazy movie love.

As she clutched the steering wheel and sped to his house she was determined to prove to him that she had it all wrong that somewhere down the line she was taught that giving yourself to a man sexually was wrong that being uninhibited and needing to make love day and night to him was dirty and empty, void of real emotion.

Truth was she felt more alive in his arms then all of her boring stiff dates that she endured throughout the years; with men she thought were the type she should be with.

Conservative men that she has sex with only with the lights off in the bedroom in the missionary position. Thinking of how he took her up against her wall, in the baseball field and most recently on her kitchen table she thought what fool wouldn’t want a lifetime of that kind of spontaneous passion?

She had to convince him that she was wrong that he was everything she wanted and she wanted him forever.

Driving up to his apartment her heart sank as she searched unsuccessfully for his jeep.

‘Think Liz where would he be.’


“Max there are other fish in the sea my friend.”

Max stared heart broken at the empty bleachers where he first noticed her.

He remembered the first time he touch her hand and heard her sweet voice speak to him.

“Yeah but I love that fish Carl.”

Carl frowned and offered him a paper bag with a bottle of rum in it.

“Here take a sip it will take the sting away.”

“Nothing will help this Carl. She was my last chance at happiness and now she’s gone.”

“Don’t you think you’re being a little too dramatic about this? It’s not like you’re never going to meet another woman again. Look how many broads have graced my bed sheets. What you need is to learn some of Carl special techniques for makin the chicks scream. You see if you let them be on top it’s easier for them to have the big O as they like to call it.”

“Carl I’m begging you not to continue-

“Hey you need to hear this, I might be heading towards the golden arches-


“Heaven genius!”

“Oh see heaven wasn’t even on my mind for you Carl, I think god has some things he’d like you to apologize for before letting you through the golden arches. Oh and just so you know it’s the pearly gates not the golden arches unless your idea of eternity is being surrounded by Big Macs.”

“Oh whatever what I was saying is that once you have them on top and they are going to town all you have to do is reach around and take your little pinky and gently –

Carl! Oh my god if you finish that sentence I’m going to freakin off myself right now!”

“Fine but don’t blame me if your not satisfying the ladies.”

“That wasn’t our problem for your information Carl. I was able to make her have the big O as you like to call it, just fine.”

“So what was it?”

“Look at me! She is some big time professional writer. She has published work; they sell her stuff in bookstores. She's sophisticated and classy and she wants someone who’s more like her not some blue collar yahoo you hangs out at baseball fields and thinks a romantic night is eating food on the ground on paper plates. God what an asshole I am for thinking that I was even in her league.”


“Maria I’ve been driving around looking for him but I can’t find him anywhere. Please tell me what to do! where would he go?!”

“What’s going on? What is she bitching about now Ria?”

“Michael she realized that she loves him, they had a fight and she out there looking for him.”

“Who is looking for who?”

Suddenly Michael looked up to find his daughter Kristin over his shoulder.

After explaining Kristin rolled her eyes and sighed.

“What is wrong with adults?” Kristin raised her hands in the air in frustration. “Auntie Liz did you look at the baseball field?”

Liz slapped her forehead realizing how stupid she was.

“Oh course! Oh my god that’s it!

Just then, Maria, Michael and Kristin chimed in.

“Do you want us to meet you there for moral support?”

Liz widened her eyes and furiously shook her head back and forth.

NO! I-I mean that’s very generous but I can take it from here.”

“Oh yeah cause you’ve done a bang up job up to this point Liz.”

“Michael even though you annoy the hell out of me I have to say I love you, you too Maria and Kristin! I love you guys!”

They all laughed and yelled it back at the phone. Maria jumped up and down knowing that for once Liz was not going to be alone…she was going to be loved.


“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay buddy?”

Max picked a baseball out of a full bucket and tossed it into the air crushing it with all his might with his metal bat. Standing back he watched as it soared high over the outfield.

“No I’ll live Carl, it’s just at the moment I can’t stand to imagine my life without her.”

“I can’t imagine my life without you too Max.”

Carl and Max whipped around to find Liz standing in her skimpy dress shivering from the cool summer night breeze.

Carl dropped his rum on the grass eyeing Liz’s sexy body and leaned into Max wiggling his little finger.

“Remember the pinky move Max, works every time.”

Max was stunned and speechless; he never thought he would ever see her again.

Carl looked back and forth at Liz and Max waving his hand in front of their faces getting of course no response.

“Okay, I think I’ll be heading home now. There’s a good episode of Matlock on the tube. Max if you can hear me in there call me tomorrow.”

Pulling out a cigar Carl moved it skillfully between his fingers. “ Yeah I always knew those kids would end up together.”

Hearing Carl’s old truck drive away snapped them out of their daze as Max walked slowly towards her.

“What are you doing here Liz?”

Taking a deep breath Liz knew that the next words she spoke was going to be more important then anything she had ever written.

“Max I was wrong, so wrong-


“No please hear me out, I…I… I was always really bad at ….well passion, making love, I-I for some reason always believed that I was better off with someone who cared more about my brain then my body. I thought it had to be serious full of meaningful discussions about common interests, that relationship had to me hard and complicated.”


“No please let me get this out. When you came along everything was so...easy, effortless. We could talk for hours about nothing and I was so happy, and well the fact that you wanted to have sex so much, I don’t know I guess, I began to think that you didn’t like me for my mind for …me. That all you were interested in was getting me into bed and I was so…

“So what Liz?”

I am so in love with you Max… I guess I thought eventually you would get tired of me and leave me and I just couldn’t handle that so …

“So you left me first.”

“Yes, well I guess that’s it. I understand if you don’t want to see me anymore I just had to tell you why I did what I did. I’ll never forget you Max, and I’ll always love you.”

Liz turned and began to walk away as tears streamed down her face.

Max smiled the biggest smile in the world and ran up to her lifting her off the ground cradling her in his strong arms.

Liz looked up at him with confused watery eyes.

“Liz, that is the craziest thing I have ever heard of in my entire life and the truth is, I’m madly deeply head over heels in love with you. I love everything about you, it’s true I can’t keep my hands off of you. But only because you’re the most beautiful sexiest woman I have ever met, one of the things I love the most about you is that insane smart as hell brain of yours. Please... be my girl? I just can’t stand one more moment without you. Just say you’ll be my girl Liz.”

Her eyes lit up as she nodded. Immediately he crashed his lips down on her giving her the most passionate loving kiss they had ever shared. He spun her around on the green grass holding her tight swearing he would never let her go again.

Just then they heard a roar of applause and turned to find Carl, Maria Michael and little Kristin screaming and clapping away.

Sitting on top of Michael’s shoulders Kristin smiled brightly.

“And to think if it wasn’t for me none of this would’ve ever have happened.”

Max and Liz smiled looking back at their friends as they continued to clap with great enthusiasm, except for Carl who proudly wiggled his little finger high in the air.

~The End~