SoulMates in CyberSpace [ M/l M/M A/I teen] 3-11-08 COMPLETE

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Re: SoulMates in CyberSpace ch11 p45 M/l M/M A/I teen feb 14

Post by ken_r »

Science Girl
It was bound to happen. Isabel gave me heads up. Isabel was feeling really badly, but it was probably inevitable. Except for sex, Tess and I really didn’t have anything in common. Tess has been angry with me lately because I can’t go to as many school functions as she wants to. She is angry because I study too much. I guess we also come from deferent backgrounds. It probably wouldn’t work any more than your affair with Jamie. I will remember Tess and I am not mad at her. Surprisingly!

I do not even feel too badly about it. Sex is all we had. You can’t build a relationship on only that. When I do go to a game and I see some bare bottom bouncing up and down in the back seat of a car in the parking lot, I will probably feel badly. Otherwise I feel a bit relieved. If we kept going like we were, we would be bound to make a mistake. I think a pregnant Tess and a marriage because of that, would definitely be a mistake for sure.

I talk to Isabel, but never like this. I would never tell one of the guys what I feel. I worry about telling you all my sordid affairs, but I thank you for being someone I can write to. I really need to get my mind straight.

I will start my college list soon. I am picking out the ones that have what I want to study. I guess the rules are still in effect about giving away any thing which would identify us to each other. I know that if I lost you I do not know what I would do.


I agree. I would be lost with out you, too. Do not feel bad about what you tell me. I try to understand. I agree that affairs of the heart, sometimes need more than just physical expression to last.

I do not know what Maria will do. She is preparing for college. She is a singer. It would be fun if we went to the same college because Maria has been my friend for years. We could room together. At least then, I would know what to expect.

I am also looking at colleges. It is a big choice. I have been preparing for this most of my life. It must be a very big world out there. Just think, this time next year we will be college students, over 18 and making our own choices, choices that will affect us the rest of our lives.

I am putting off what I really want to say because I do not know how to say it. I am so sorry that your relationship with Tess didn’t work out. I think you were a lot more intense than I was with Jamie. At least, Isabel is on your side. She did try to let you know that something was wrong. I am just happy that I am here to read what you feel. Keeping things bottled up inside is never good.

I hope you won’t let this stop you from seeing other girls. Not all girls are like Tess. Look at me. I would understand that your studies are important. I am sure there are other girls like me. You just have to keep looking.

Whenever you need an ear or rather an eye, hahaha LOL, to bend with your life, feel free to write.

Science Girl
I love you in an oh so special way.

Thank you. I really needed your letter. You know that if I think about it, I am not really sad that Tess moved on. Sure, I miss the companionship of her warm body near mine. My parents were starting to worry about me getting too close. I guess if they really knew, they would have had a fit.

Now thinking about it, Maria at college and at a distance, I bet would be fun. She would sure keep things stirred up! Hahaha LOL

I sent five applications. Of course, I won’t tell you to what colleges. We shall just wait and see what happens.

My father used to tell me when I was too young to know what he was talking about that, “Men did not kiss and tell.” That surely doesn’t apply to girls. Since Tess left me, I have been hit on by several girls. I do not know what Tess said, but I have no lack to ladies to be with if I so desire. I have a date with a cheerleader this weekend. I will let you know how it goes.

Isabel is still steady with Alex. There have been some questions for them by the principal. Isabel just tells them that as long as she and Alex do not cause trouble, what else they do is none of their business. I think my parents know that she is serious. Mom had a long talk with her the other night. I saw Isabel go back to her bedroom kind of mad. I, also, saw Mom going back to the living room to talk to dad and she looked kind of worried.

And I think I have a sort of special love for you too.

You filled out five applications. You wimp. My father made me fill out ten. That is ten essays, ten times answering stupid questions that vary only enough that you can’t just Xerox the answers and send them to each college. Ten autobiographies. Each college is looking for something different. I think that after all that work, they just put the applications in a bowl and have a bikini-clad sophomore draw a selection out of the bowl like a raffle. Don’t you wish? A suave man like you could seduce the bikini girl into drawing their name out at will.

Don’t get mad. I meant that in a good way.

If Maria doesn’t go to school with me, I hope she ends up at your school. That would really give me letters to write. I said that I didn’t really want Maria to meet you. That was unfair. If you two were to ever meet and hit it off, my two best friends together would be something.

Maybe, Tess also realized that you were not good for each other. Maybe in her way she was trying to leave you a present for the good times you both had. By telling what she knew of you to the other girls to make them flock around you, she wouldn’t feel so guilty about dumping you.

Be sure to let me know how the date goes.

I haven’t had much social life. My school has some really stiff competition and I so far am in place to be the valedictorian, that is, the first in my class. The boy behind me is only a few tenths of a point behind me. One slip of a grade and it will be gone. I have worked so hard for so many years.

Kyle stopped by the other day. He asked if I would go with him to the winter ball. I told him yes, but that was all I was promising. I was really too busy to have a strong relationship. I will let you know how that works out.

Hahaha I just had another thought of you and Maria together. That might bring the end of the world.

Science Girl
Love for my special friend.

Science Girl
I am still shuddering. Maria and me together, me thinks your friends are way too wild for me.

Now seducing the bikini girl who is drawing names out of the bowl, that is something I can live with. All you have to do is send to me where you want to go and I will make sure she draws out your name, also.

My dad might have tried to make me send more applications in, but I just refused. I had way too much trouble writing those essays. Besides, if five prominent colleges don’t want me, I will stay at home and draw the lottery scholarship.

I messed up an English grade in my sophomore year so I am far from the top competition. I should graduate in the top ten, but other than that, I just don’t care.

You really think that Tess would care about me even if she broke up with me? That is something to think about. I figured she just hated me and wanted me out of her life. I guess I do not really understand what we had. Maybe, there was more to it than I thought.

Anyway, I went with the cheerleader. Her name is Sharon Mills. We went to a movie and then for a coke afterward. When we got to her house, she put her arms around me and whispered, “My folks will be gone next weekend. Would you like to go out again and, then maybe, come back to my house for desert?”

I thought that was forward, but with your thinking, maybe she knew what she was saying. Anyway, I said yes. Don’t think badly of me. Maybe, I am weak. Maybe, I am just getting in shape to take on that bikini girl who draws the applications out of the bowl.

I have to work extra hard to make sure I catch up my homework before next weekend.

With my special love,

I hope your next weekend with Sharon goes well. Keep in mind that, sometimes, girls have to do things that the guys won’t. By that, I mean if Tess saw that your relationship was just going to keep going until one of you made a mistake, she could have decided that she didn’t want to be pregnant in a marriage that wouldn’t work either. She might still have tender feelings towards you and it is just that she decided it was she who had to be strong.

Or I may just be full of shit, as you might say, and not know what I am talking about. I think sometimes I try to find nice things to say about everyone no matter what.

I want the valedictorian place so badly. But, I can see the relief at messing up a long time ago. That would be freeing.

I would never think badly of you. I wish you all the luck in your social, sex and academic life.

The bikini girl was a metaphor. Don’t get too carried away with it.

My date with Kyle was very nice. We went to the Winter Ball. It was a nice dance. He treated me like a lady and didn’t pressure me. He asked if we could go out again. I told him yes, but I had to always watch my studies.

Science Girl
Your oh so special friend.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: SoulMates in CyberSpace ch14 p45 M/l M/M A/I teen feb 16

Post by ken_r »

Science Girl.
Maybe, Kyle has grown up. You know it does happen. See, I can say nice things about people, also.

You are probably right, even if you are wrong. I mean that thinking nice things about my ex-girlfriend is better than hating her. We all see things we can’t face. Sharon may be a peace offering. We will see.

I do wish you good in getting the valedictorian position in your graduating class.

Well I went out with Sharon. As promised, we came back to her house. She was nothing like I saw when she was at school. She was unsure and almost fearful as we made love. She seemed to look up to me and I didn’t know why. I wish I knew what Tess told her. I think we will probably go out again, but I do not want a long lasting relationship.

Like you, I have to work hard at my studies. It will be months before we hear from the applications.

Don’t burst my bubble about the bikini girl. I find that more comforting than the vision that several old men are sitting around a table and saying I don’t like that one and I don’t like this one.

Don’t ever quit being yourself, Science Girl
Your dearest friend.

It looks like you are becoming the love machine of your school. If so, remember you have a responsibility to not hurt people.

It was nice going with Kyle. If he had been like that the first time, we would never have broken up. I imagine we will eventually go further if he stays this nice. He is a strong person to be around and he can make me feel secure. I was just so afraid of him before. I think I must have grown up also. I don’t fear his advances anymore. In fact, I sort of look forward to them.

Maybe to not be sexist, you should allow me to envision it a male body builder in a jock strap walking around the bowl and picking out letters saying this one is the one I love, this one is the one you must admit. Let us be fair.

It doesn’t make any difference the way we envision it. The choices of colleges will be made and our futures defined. There is not much either of us can do about it now.

Alien be kind to Sharon. She seems to be a person with strong feelings. Do not trample them.

Science Girl
Your closest friend.

Science Girl
Yes, it was nice to have girls falling all over me, but that is not me. I will be nice to Sharon. We might even go out some more. School still comes first. Advanced Calculus and Advanced Physics are both killing me. I know that they are really two different ways at looking at the same thing. Calculus is the math that explains the physics. There is just so much to remember. I am working until midnight almost every night. Sometimes Sharon comes over. She isn’t like most cheerleaders. When she is just with me she is quiet and will sit beside me and read. Sometimes, when I seem to be having more trouble than normal, she will rub my shoulders.

I have explained that I can’t have a strong relationship and she says she understands. It seems that when she is with me, she isn’t pressured by other boys about going out and as she puts it, “just screwing.” I am not used to that kind of plain of talk except from you. I almost told her about you, but I remembered what Isabel said. “Some things are just better kept secret.”

We have a dance at the end of the semester. I am thinking of asking Sharon. I don’t know. We are not as intense as I was with Tess. We do make love, occasionally, but not every time we are together.

I am glad things are good with Kyle and you.

So, now, we have a man in a jock strap and a girl in a string bikini drawing for our college applications. That is some vision, isn’t it? I know there is still a long time before we find out, but I am getting anxious.

How is Maria? You haven’t mentioned her recently.

Your eternal friend

I do not know how to say this. My parents were out of town so I invited Kyle over. He spent the night. At first, I told him that I could not promise, any long term relationship. At first, I think he didn’t take me serious. But, after we had made love, he kept asking me to go steady with him. Finally, I told him that if he kept asking, I was going to have to not go with him any more. I do not think Kyle had seen that I was growing up also.

Maria is doing fine. Her sometimes boyfriend and sometimes lover, Mickey, is back in town. He is the bad boy of our city. He has done time in juvenile hall just like her cousin. He has an apartment and when they are not fighting, they are making out at his place. When he gets mad and goes out of town, Maria goes with different guys all the time. She says she is trying to find herself.

It sounds like you are getting serious with Sharon. Are you making any long-range plans? Does she know where she is going to college? Is this going to affect your choice of schools?

I am not trying to interfere. I just want to know if you are considering everything. Again, I do not want to tell you how to run your life, but I agree with Isabel. I enjoy the fact that we have a secret arrangement. We never interfere with each other’s love lives, but we are always there to support each other. If someone else knew about this, it might affect it.

Your best friend
Science Girl

Science Girl
What would we do if parents never went out of town and trusted us to not get into trouble. You say that now you even look forward to Kyle’s advances. Maybe, he is the one. You are smart to be clear that your school is first.

We went to the last dance of the semester. It was really neat. The band was good and Sharon was beautiful in her dress. It is accepted that we are a couple now. We do not date every week, but we are together a lot.

Now hold off any laughs or raspberries. I rented a room at the motel and after the dance, we went there. I did talk to Sharon before hand. She was cool about this. I had some sparkling cider. I wasn’t about to do anything that would get me in trouble when I am this close to graduation. So, no alcohol for us. Sharon was cool with that, also. I may be falling in love with her. I keep telling her that we have to get through school first. She is going to a state college and I applied to out of state ones. Unless I change my plans, this is going to be a problem.

Wouldn’t it be neat if you and Kyle could go with Sharon and me. Doubling with you might be real fun.

As close as the computer your friend

I wish I could tell you why, but I do not think that I would enjoy a double date with you. Maybe, I am just selfish and want you all to myself. Oh well, it is just rhetorical, anyway. We never intend to see each other.

It does look as if you were considerate of Sharon by talking to her. You asked once about my dream guy. One of the things that I really want is consideration. If you and your date talk it over and then if your decide to sleep with each other is just your business, that is, if you use protection. I hope that the promise Tess made you make, about the condom in your wallet, is still kept.

When I went with Kyle, I had two condoms in my purse. Kyle had his own, but a girl has to take care of herself.

LOL Yes, we would be in bad shape if parents didn’t occasionally leave us at home. Kyle is still a little insistent. I guess if he keeps it up I will have to break up like did before. I was hoping that Kyle would take me to the prom.

Until later, special love
Science Girl
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: SoulMates in CyberSpace ch22 p6 M/l M/M A/I teen feb 20

Post by ken_r »

Author's note: I am posting 5 chapters today. I want this story to be finished near the end of February A chapter is two emails.


Science Girl
Maybe, you are right double dating is something that might be troublesome. Anyway, I do not want to upset our relationship. I like things just like they are.

A girl, after my own heart, you carry condoms in your purse.

We are getting ready for Christmas. Sharon and I will be going to Christmas services. You might say that, in a way, we are more serious than I was with Tess. I have been talking with Sharon about the fact that I hope to attend a college out of state. She says that we will have to enjoy what we have and, when the time comes, we will at least have wonderful memories.

I am working on my physics right now. It is still very difficult.

Have you ever thought what would happen if we were to ever meet? Remember, I have a picture of you, but you have no idea what I look like. I can take out your picture and think about waltzing through the night together. How would we act? We know the truth about each other lives. There would be few secrets to discover

I have to stop that. I have Sharon and you have Kyle. Then, we both have a secret we share with almost no one.

For Christmas, Science Girl, I have a special love for you.

Be careful. You are coming close to breaking the rules. But, I sometimes think of things like that too. It is unfair that you have a picture and I don’t. But, that may not be that great. I was fixed up that night, I do not think you could recognize me normally. I do not look that good in daily life. Hahahah LOL

It sounds like you and Sharon are getting serious. Kyle and I had our first fight since we have been going back together again. He wants me to promise to go to a state college. He is getting a sports scholarship in our state. He says that I could get just as good an education and I could be with him. I want to go to the prom with Kyle, but I am afraid the same problem is coming up again. It wasn’t that I wouldn’t sleep with Kyle the first time, it was the fact that he wanted to tell me what to do all the time.

I have a secret question. Does Sharon carry a condom in her purse? Hahaha just kidding.

Merry Christmas my love in letters
Science Girl.

Science Girl
What are you going to do about Kyle? If you really love him, then staying in state would make sense. But, if you have doubts, then it might not be wise to base your college career on what he wants.

I do not know what Sharon and I mean to each other. Our life together is great. Right now, I am still going to attend whatever college I gain admittance to. I guess if things got really intense, I could change back to a state college. I just do not know.

I could recognize you anywhere. It is your eyes that I would see. Your eyes are what I see sometimes at night.

Don’t accuse me of breaking the rules. I guy needs a fantasy and next to the bikini girl and the admittance committee, your eyes are what I dream about. Just think we have been friends for three years now and we have never had a fight. Also we have never kissed or held each other. ‘Cuse me I need to take a cold shower.

For now until I see your email,
Bye, your long time friend,

It happened. Kyle got demanding last night. I told him to leave and not come back. I think I see a side of him I no longer like. I explained that my college was the most important thing in my life right now. He really got angry. He said some pretty bad things. He accused me of abusing his affection. I thought we were sharing affection. I cried most of the night. Not about loosing Kyle, that was inevitable. I cried because I let my life get complicated.

He has called twice this morning. I am not answering the phone and my father has asked him not to call back.

Do you make demands on Sharon? Do you try to make her feel that if she doesn’t please you, she is being selfish? I hope not. I want to believe there are still some guys in the world who are nice to their girls. I am thinking of Jamie. We could never go together, but we tried so hard to not ever hurt each other.

Tonight, I really broke the rules. I imagined you. I imagined you coming for me in a white convertible. (I just couldn’t dream up a white horse.) I imagined that I recognized you instantly. We, of course, rode off into the sunset, together.

Be kind to Sharon. I want to still believe in you.

From your special friend,
Science Girl

Science Girl
Words can’t express how badly I feel for you. Kyle must be incredibly selfish, incredibly stupid or both. I just hope this doesn’t mess up your grades worrying!

I try to always treat Sharon as kindly as I can. I do worry about what will happen when summer is over. As much as I like Sharon, I do not think, at this time that I want to sacrifice everything just to stay here. That worries me. Am I being selfish also? I have talked with her several times about when I leave. I asked her if she wanted to try a long distance relationship and she just smiled. “You know how badly those work. Let us just enjoy what we have and let the future take care of itself,” were her comments.

Have you gotten any college letters? I am impatiently waiting. If they all five are accepted, then, I will have to toss a coin. If they are all five rejections, I do not know what I will do.

Sometime, if they make selections just by lottery, why do we work so hard? Yeah, I know, we don’t even get to play the lotto, if our grades aren’t up. Then, there are those who get chosen for diversity. What is diversity? Are they saying that they do not want all straight “A” students? The want some average students, there also Oh, I just do not understand. The system is clearly beyond me.

Your closest friend in cyberspace.

Quickly take deep breaths. You are obsessing. We will get college acceptances. Now keep saying that so I can take a turn at screaming. It is the waiting. Maybe, being a waitress for the next 30 years isn’t so bad, hahaha LOL. Seriously, we will get there. I agree the wait is what is bad.

Kyle is now gone. I have no idea what is going to happen this spring. I guess the thing that better happen is that I not loose my first place in graduation. Actually, the Advanced Placement classes seem easier. I don’t know. Maybe, I am just getting better at doing College level work. I am scared, though, because at a study session there are some students, and they are really good students, who say that they are having a harder time.

I am thinking what it will be like in college next year. I hear that some of those colleges have 30 or 40 thousand people on campus. That is more people than there is in a small city.

Dad and mom are starting to worry about me being gone on my own. They are starting to give me lectures about how to handle money or how to be careful of the people I meet. I may just go anywhere to get out of here. I know they love me and they mean for my best, it is just that many of the things they are talking about, they should have thought of two years ago. I have learned to be responsible on my own and I think I will do fine when I get to college.

When you get to college, are you going Greek or anything like that? I hear the sorority and fraternity system gives students a foundation and a family when they are in those big institutions. I do not know.

Oh, if we live long enough, your almost college cyber girlfriend,
Science Girl

Science Girl
Sharon caries two condoms, in her purse. Don’t you girls trust us guys? Hahahaha

I am just kidding. I understand that you have to protect yourselves.

Thirty or forty thousand, that is big. I can really get lost in a system like that.

I do not think I would want to join a fraternity. They are good for some people, but I am going to have to work hard. I do not think I would have time for them.

My parents haven’t started talking to me about being on my own, yet. They will probably wait until the last minute and make me late for my plane when I go to that big college which is going to insist I attend.

I hope you are over Kyle. I think all time about what you say. I really try not to be insistent to Sharon. I may fail, but I try to make things we do the decision from both of us. You probably make me a better boyfriend. I always have your letters in my head.

I guess, I am still one of those, who hasn’t reached the place you are at. I am finding my college level classes very hard. I am so lucky that Sharon doesn’t insist on me taking too many breaks from studying.

Things may start to happen soon. One of the guys in Physics class got his first acceptance letter. He is going to wait and see if he gets any other letters, but he says that now, at least, he knows someone will accept him.

I have been helping Sharon with her math. She is taking Algebra 2. She really isn’t a very good math student but when we work one on one, she usually understands.

She had dinner at my parents home the other night. Mom and Dad were questioning her, but they seemed to like her, over all. Isabel was even nice to her.

Until we both get acceptance letters, your friend

I didn’t want to say anything before, but I finally got two acceptance letters. Of course, I will wait until the rest of the letters come in before making my decision. I hope you will start getting your letters in soon. Just think, you may get five acceptance letters. Then you will have to worry and obsess over which one to choose. Just kidding! Hahahaha

My grade point is still there. I checked with the counselor at school and I am still ahead.

Maria’s cousin, Sean, came back into town. Sean is another bad boy of our town. I think he just got out of the Juvenile home. We went out on a date. We were making out and he asked, “P….” whoh, I almost let it get away. Anyway, he asked if I put out on the first date. I thought that sort of forward, so I told him he would have to work at it to ever find an answer to that one. I do not think I want to go on another date even if he is the cousin of my best friend.

There is a boy named Grant. He asked me to a movie and I accepted. He seems to be a nice guy. When were standing at my door, he asked if he could ask me out again. I explained that my grades came first, but if he could respect that, I was okay with another date.

There is something I do not understand. One of Kyle’s old buddies asked me out. I said no. I do not really know him very well. I just wonder why he asked me.

Your friend in anxiously waiting for acceptance,
Science Girl

Science Girl
I received three letters this week. The first two were rejection letters and the last was an acceptance letter. Looks like my world is going to be more closely defined than is yours.

Science Girl going with a boy who was in juvie. That just doesn’t sound right. I hear a lot of girls talking about their bad boy, boyfriends. You want to be careful. Bad boys might bite.

This Grant sounds like a nice guy. If he accepts that your grades right now come first, he might even take you to the prom. That is some time away, I know.

That guy who is one of Kyle’s buddies. I would hope that even if he is mad at you, he wouldn’t do any thing to hurt you. Be careful, Science Girl.

Sharon and I are getting ready for spring break. We are talking about going on a road trip, just the two of us, during spring break. I told mom and dad. Surprisingly, they didn’t say much. I guess, they understand that I am almost of age and they are trusting me to not get into trouble, or to take care of it if I do. We haven’t decided where we are going yet, but I will tell you our final plans, if I can without breaking the rules my next letter.

Your cyber friend

Things are really bad here. I am having trouble studying. It seems that Kyle has been telling his friends how easy I put out. I wouldn’t ever have thought he could be so cruel. Grant already got into trouble. He beat up one of Kyle friends. He went to he principal’s office. I am having trouble concentrating. This may end my valedictorian place.

I got two more acceptance letters, but what do they matter? If I get lower grades, they might even take away the invitation. It is all depending on the final grade I make.

I am sorry, but I just can’t get my mind straight. There are rumors running all around school. When I am in the girl’s locker room, I feel that they are all laughing at me.

I am so sorry, but I do wish you and Sharon to have a good road trip. I wish I could go somewhere just to get away from school and what people are saying. I never thought of myself as easy. I always made love because I liked the person I was with. I never made love just to make love. Sex always meant something to me.

I am glad I have you to write to. This is the worst time in my life.

Please write me soon and tell me something happy. That is it; tell me happy thoughts. Tell me how much fun you and Sharon have. Tell me how much you love her.

Tell me how important I am to you. Oh, I wish we didn’t have the rules. I so much, need to see someone in person.
I am sorry, Alien. I have been crying for an hour. I am back now. No, do not do anything to mess up our relationship. I will do something here to straighten things out. I think we will need each other’s letters next year in college. I guess every day is a learning experience

Your friend
Science Girl
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Obsessed Roswellian
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Re: SoulMates in CyberSpace ch22 p6 M/l M/M A/I teen feb 20

Post by ken_r »

Author's note Yes this is a pressure in dating. In many situations unless you date it is difficult to attend functions. Some guys have intense guy relationships, being one of the team but many times this also makes pressure. To be one of the guys it is necessary to be dating, to be the stud. My own life I just stayed at home. I did very little in my school years. Do I envy these kids? Yes of course I do, but I then see young people locked in bad teen marriages or involved in adult problems before they are able to handle them. So I guess we just enjoy the freedom of the story where only goods things eventually happen.

Science Girl.
There is nothing that I can say to tell you how sorry I am. There is no excuse for what Kyle did. What went on between you was yours to keep and not blab. You might say that Tess did the same thing to me but the girls who talked to me didn’t seem to think ill of me.

I guess that is what you call sexist. Tess tells the girls something and they want to go with me. That is considered good. Kyle tells his buddies something to hurt you. That is bad. Why can’t we all look at the fact that both you and I tried to be passionate and not judge. Neither of us were bad. We both tried to experience love and gentle emotions.

Sharon and I will leave tomorrow. I will be completely out of touch until next week.

Please remember, you have my love. I would never think evil of you. I would also be willing to go to the office to defend you. Grant must be a nice guy.

When I get back, we need to talk about acceptance letters. I hope they are all in by that time.

Try not to let this mess up your grades. I know that sounds trite, but if you allow it to get to you, then Kyle wins. That would not be good. I will be thinking of you every minute.

Always with you

I waited almost to the end of the week. I want you to see this as soon as you get back.

Things are much better. Grant was given a three day suspension. He was ordered to keep up his homework. I pick up his assignments and I tutored him in what he missed. His teachers seemed to think that he was a hero. They all told me they were so sorry that stories about me were being spread around.

The stories are not being spread anymore. Maria had a meeting with some of the girls that go with Kyle and his friends. She explained that if Kyle did this to me, what he might do to them. Kyle and his friends might find it a cold spring. Many of the girls have made it known that they do not want to go with guys like them.

I was so broken up that I was going to fail a biology test coming up. Jeremy Lujan is the boy that is just behind me grade wise. He came over and brought his notes in biology. He explained that he had given me a good run for the position number one, but he didn’t want to win that way. In fact, he had conceded that I should be valedictorian.

I thought I was smart, but in biology Jeremy would always give me a run for my money. His notes are so much better than mine and he really understands what is going on. A lot of the things which I just memorize. We worked until late that night. When I got an “A” grade, I couldn’t help it I kissed Jeremy right in the middle of class. Mr Heines, the biology teacher, knew what Jeremy was going to do because Jeremy told him. Mr. Heines just smiled.

I feel a lot better. I think that I might find a friend in Jeremy Lujan. He was very sweet wanting to help me. Kyle passed me in the hall the other day and he turned away. I think his bitterness has poisoned his thinking.

Okay. I now have five acceptance letters and the rest are rejections. That gives me at least a choice to pick from. It is still early, but Grant asked me to go to the prom with him. I said I would.

Grant intends to enter the army as soon as he graduates. He, also, told me that he didn’t have any long term relationships in mind, either.

I have a semi boyfriend who is considerate. I have a new friend in Jeremy and I know that several people will stand up for me.

Things are definitely looking up.
Your friend Science Girl

Science Girl
I am so happy that things are better. I worried a lot about you. If you have friends to support you no matter what others do or say, the others don’t make any difference.

Yes, it seems like Grant is definitely a keeper. He stood up for you and he understands you need to keep your grades up.

Jeremy seems to be a real gentlemen from the old school. He was competitive, but he didn’t want to take unfair advantage.

I have good and bad news. First, the good news. We took a trip to a national park. I can’t tell you which one because it would tell you too much about where we live. We took a cottage for a week and played in the snow. We made wonderful love and, also, talked a lot about our future.

Sharon tried to explain our relationship. She felt harassed, being a cheerleader, by the boys. She said they seemed to only want sex. She wanted so much more than that. When she was talking to Tess, Tess told her about what a nice guy I was. Imagine that, my ex-girlfriend telling another girl that I was such a nice guy. Well, when we went out that first time, she said she could really care for me. I had told her that I was going out of state to college and she thought that wasn’t a problem. She wasn’t looking to get married. She just wanted someone who was tender and fun to be with. I didn’t make demands on her. When we made love we did it because we both felt passionate.

I wish I could have told her that she owed all that to you. You, Science Girl who is my professor in relationships. I asked her if it wouldn’t hurt to break up at the end of summer. She looked at me and said, “Of course, it will hurt. But, we would have had so many wonderful memories.” She hoped we would live through it.

I wonder what I will say about Sharon when I finally find the perfect one that I want to live with forever.

Isabel isn’t helping. She, again, said that it wasn’t lying to just not mention everything. She has no problem. She intends to marry Alex. They are going to the same school and she has already told me they intend to move in together after their first year.

It must be convenient to know your life that well. Now, speaking about decisions in life. I only got one acceptance letter. The rest of them were all rejections. At first, I felt badly about it. The school would probably have been my first choice, but it might have been nice to have that choice.

Isabel reminds me of how hard it is for me to make choices. She says that fate did this for me.

Sharon and I will try to have a careful summer. Then, we will each go our separate ways. Well, we will see what the New Year brings. Yes, soon we will both be 18 and alone in college.

Your rejected friend

I am so sorry that you only got accepted to one college. I just do not know which one I am going to accept. I do not say this to be mean. I will, in the next few weeks, pick one and then all will be settled.

Yes, it is really good to have friends. I no longer even feel hatred toward Kyle. In fact I feel pity for him. He tried to hurt me and ended up hurting himself.

Jeremy is so sweet. If I had met him sooner I think we might have had something together. As it is, we will remain friends.

Grant is so nice. We made love for the first time the other night. I hoped that he wouldn’t think badly of me afterward. He told me that he couldn’t imagine some one wanting to hurt me. He said he thought I was a passionate and loving person and Kyle was just so wrong.

Alien, we do not have much snow. I hope that is not giving too much away. It seems that like Grant, Sharon is considerate and understands that things will be different next year. I am glad she told you so much about how she thought of you. It really paid off to be kind, didn’t it?

I just couldn’t imagine what would have happened if I told my parents I was going on a road trip with a guy. It seems that both sets of your parents realize that you are growing up and they are accepting it.

Alien, it is going to hurt when you break up. You have too much emotion invested to not be hurt. I understand Sharon wanting someone safe to be with. I understand both of you being passionate, but I know that when you come to the end of the relationship, both of you are going to be hurt, someway. I hope you both are understanding of each other.

I worry about you now that I can quit worrying about myself

Be careful
Your close as your computer friend
Science Girl

Science Girl
I sent in my final letter to the one college who likes me. Hahaha LOL. If I just think about it, that is the college I would have picked. So, I guess I should just quit feeling sorry for myself. Izzy says that I would have probably picked the wrong one if I had been forced to look at several choices. Anyway, that is that.

What is happening with you and Grant? What branch of the service is he joining? Has he said anything to you about waiting for him to get back?

He sounds nice and I hope he is kind to you. I hope nothing interferes with you going to the prom.

That would have been something if you had had a thing with Jeremy. Imagine the two smartest kids in school going together.

Now Sharon. That is a question. I imagine it is going to be a little like getting a divorce, except that we never intended for the relationship to last forever. When I broke off with Tess, or rather she broke up with me, I could see that we were not going anywhere. She was getting bitter that I couldn’t spend enough time with her.

Sharon, now, I really can’t see marrying. We might have a great feeling for each other and we might even say it is love, but if we did stay together, eventually, we would fall apart. Maybe, we shouldn’t have gotten in that situation? We are there now, so we must deal with it. I look back to think what would we have had if we hadn’t had our friendship. Sharon was being hounded by the jocks. For some reason, they thought that since she was a cheerleader, she was theirs to paw. She didn’t want to pick one of them and go steady with him. Going with me, I tried to treat her well.

If I hadn’t have had Sharon, I probably wouldn’t have gone out much. Tess set several girls on me, but I think I was fortunate to choose Sharon. So many of the others would have been like you and Kyle.

I will try to be as kind as I can and we shall see what happens.

Worried friend from the computer

You do have a problem with Sharon. I can’t help you.

Grant is going into the Marines. He is intending to go career. That means that if I followed him, I would have to give up all I have worked for. He hasn’t asked me to do this and I do not think he wants me to. He says it takes a special type of woman to be a service wife. I think he understands that I am not that special type.

Jeremy is so nice. He knows Grant. He calls Grant my ‘knight in shinning armor.’ He doesn’t know that that name is reserved for you, Alien. He can’t see you in a shinning white convertible, like I can.

For once, Maria agrees with me about Grant. She says she wouldn’t want to be a military wife. I think Grant is right I just do not have that ‘right stuff.’

Forgive me. I need to get personal for a minute. When you make love with Sharon, what are you seeking? You do not do this to solidify an intended marriage. Of course, you are not trying to make a baby. What are you looking for?

I need to understand this, because I need to better understand myself. What Kyle said about me has been forgotten by most of the school, except for me. I do not know if I can tell you what I seek. Maybe, if you tell me about yourself first, I can better understand my self.

Very confused cyber girlfriend
Science Girl

Science Girl
Don’t let anything that Kyle said bother you. From your letters, I can see that you are very sensitive and loving. Let me think. I have been reading up on this recently. Maybe, I am asking the same questions to myself. Of course, there is just the physical stuff. We all know that sex stimulates things in our brains that gives us pleasure, just like drugs. It is more than this. Sharon and I are together a lot. In another world, we might want to get married. She wants a little house with picket fence, where hubby comes home to wife and children. This is where we just wouldn’t work out here.

I want so much more. I want someone who will be equal with me in education. Maybe, I want someone who wants to be in research or some professional field, as much as I do. I want someone who would understand the some of the things that will be important in my life.

When we are together though, the talking to each other, the touching and then the kissing, which leads up to, petting. That is what triggers the desire to have intimacies. Maybe, it triggers the trust we have for each other. I didn’t have this trust with Tess. We just had Sex! The trust that I will take precautions, as much as possible, or the trust that I won’t do anything that she doesn’t want me to. I have to, in my mind, separate the normal horny teen feeling, because that is not what we want. When we are through, we do not want to feel dirty, but rather we want to feel that we have given of ourselves to each other.

When we each go home, I want to feel that some mystery has passed between us. Not a mystery of birth, which someday I hope I experience, but a mystery of being together.

Now, we both have to look at this. We are going to lose this. We are going to have to lose this feeling with each other. Can we get beyond the sadness of breaking up and move on to establish the same feeling with someone else? Hopefully, someone who will have the other things about their life that we each need. That is the question. Yes, it will be hard. Would I trade the experiences for something else? No.

You have the same problem that I do with Sharon. Grant wants, eventually a military wife. That takes a woman who will have experience from a military family or one who is willing to learn these experiences. Right now, you might be the best thing that can happen to him. You are a passionate woman who can’t have a long time relationship and that is what he needs. He will be looking for a wife when he is with military personnel.

This brings a question about Kyle. You would have expected Kyle to glory in a girl who made no permanent demands on him. Kyle wanted something else. I think Kyle wanted to dominate you and this would have, eventually, led to abuse.

I have been reading up on all of this. I hope that what I have learned will help you.

Science Girl, have you made up your mind about what college you will attend?

For the first time in our lives, I think Isabel has been messing with my computer. I always keep my sent messages carefully numbered. There are several missing numbers. I checked in the trash file, but it was clean. The reason I accuse Isabel is because I found her make up bag lying on the computer table. When I gave it to her, she just smiled and said, “I had an email to send and my computer was busy printing. I hope you don’t mind me using yours for a minute.”

Science Girl, I hope she wouldn’t do something to make you mad.

Until we meet in cyberspace

Wow, you really have been reading up on human sexuality! Your know more than any of my teachers about the subject. I think you are right. What you and Sharon have is so different than what I have experienced. Yes, I agree. I think Kyle was more into domination than anything else. The first time we broke up, I laid it to the fact that I wouldn’t sleep with him. I felt that I was much too young then. Now, I think I know more about myself and, also, the boys I date. Sleeping with him wasn’t what Kyle wanted. He wanted his demands met. It had nothing to do with sex. It was so much more. I am glad that I know how to recognize that now.

You are probably right about Grant. He can’t handle a strong relationship anymore than I can. Maybe, I am a God send.

If you are telling me everything, hahaha LOL, you have had only two affairs in high school. I have had three. What did we learn from these relationships that will help us as we enter adulthood? That is a good question. I am sorry. Even with your help I can’t yet put my feelings about sex and love in as good of prose as you did. Maybe, I should read up on more things.

I made my choice of college. It wasn’t very hard and I had a guardian angel who sat on my shoulder and explained which college I should choose. We both have to get through the next few months of high school and, then, the summer. I am trying to think about whether I want to do something special this summer. Of course, I do not have someone special like you do, to do this with. I am almost afraid to ask Maria to go somewhere with me. Hahahaha, LOL. Could I survive being with her on another vacation?

What are your plans about Sharon, if you do not mind me asking? Are you going to go with each other through the summer or are you going to break up sometime before the end of summer? Don’t bother me, I am just curious how this is going to work.

Grant and I are going to go to the prom at the end of the year. I already told him to reserve the motel room. He will ship out two weeks after school is out. We talked about this and we both feel that it will be hard. I watch the other students who break up and hook up with so much less stress than I have ever been able to do. I do not know whether to envy them the freedom they seem to use, or to pity them that they do not know the joy of strong relationships, even though the relationships only last for a short time.

Let me know what is going on in your life. Don’t ask me how I know, but I think your sister really loves you. She really wants the best for you in life. You will have to trust me in this.

Bye for now
Science Girl
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: SoulMates in CyberSpace ch26 p7 M/l M/M A/I teen feb 22

Post by ken_r »

Science Girl
What you said about Isabel has me perplexed, but I can just add that to all the rest of life that I find confusing.

Sharon and I intend to go to the prom. I will rent a motel room and I will try to make the night special. Sharon will leave for a trip to Europe in July. That will only give us a short time to end our relationship. She has said she wants another road trip. It won’t be as elaborate as the last one. I do not know where we will go, yet.

Sharon says that she will have the European trip to get over our affair and I will be on my own. I will have left for college by the time she gets back from Europe.

Isabel and Alex are still an item. I do not think they have had a single significant fight with each other. They will be at their college and in their second year, they intend to get an apartment together. Isabel was telling me that many girls do just like Sharon did with me. In college for protection, the girls look for a strong nice guy and move in with him with the understanding that if they do not develop too strong of feelings and that they will eventually break up at the end of college. Of course, many of those relationships do mature into marriage later.

I guess, I will make a sign to put on an information board. “House stud available. Experienced.”

How does that sound? Have you been thinking about what you will do?

What about Maria? Where is she going? Let me know so I will know what to expect.

Thank you for what you said about Isabel. I remember you always like to say nice things about people. I will just choose to believe that what she told me was true and she would never interfere in my life.

I have to go now. Calculus is giving me fits and I usually am good at this subject. Only a few more weeks.

Your friend and confidant in cyberspace

I hope you and Sharon can get through your lives without hurting each other too much. Yes, Grant and I will have graduation. Then he will be with family before he ships out. We figure graduation night will be our last time together.

Just like before, your road trip sounds incredibly romantic.

Imagine going on a trip to Europe. Just think, it takes a whole continent to make her forget you. hahahaha LOL

Well, our next stop in life, after we settle our affairs at high school, will be the big “C” for college. Think about that. Have you thought about your classes? Let me know what your schedule is as soon as you know. You know, so I can sit in Calculus class and think Alien is across the country sitting in his math class also.

I am going to work for my dad to make some spending money. I am so excited. This is what all the last 12 years have been about. We will have to work hard, but I was told during a college campus visit, that once we get settled, we will find we have more time to work than we had in high school. That is, if we don’t start doing too much social life.

I will tell my friends to watch out for a sign that reads, “House stud.” I will tell them if they see that sign, how really nice your are. Maybe, I will be your advertising manager. Yeah, don’t say it. Don’t dare say the “P” word. You say “pimp,” and I will get even if it takes me years. I would always have your best interest at heart. I will write after the prom.

Oh where will we go in the next four years?
Science Girl

Science Girl.
The prom was last night. It was the best evening of my life. I am not much of a dancer, as you might know from the many dances I have told you about me attending. I had a tux and, also, I took a bag of sports clothes. We went to all the functions of the prom, the pictures, the prom queen, who was Isabel. The prom king was Danny Watts so he only got one dance and, also, his boast to sleep with the prom queen was so not going to happen. Alex allowed the one dance, but after that he was right there. He firmly removed Danny’s hand from Isabel’s shoulder, thanked Danny for escorting Isabel as queen, and then, made it clear that Danny was now without a queen. It was really funny.

Guess what? When we went to the motel right down from our room, Alex and Isabel had a room. Isabel hugged Sharon and, then, Isabel kissed me on the cheek. She said something cryptic. “----, I am doing something really great for you and I hope someday you thank me.” See, I didn’t violate our rules by giving my name. I just wish I could figure out what Isabel meant. I asked Alex about it once and he said that he had been going with Isabel now for four years. He had no idea of what she meant most of the time.

I do not know what to say about that night, except to say that was the deepest experience I have ever had. Sharon and I talked a bit after we got up the next morning. She explained, again, that I had saved her from several years of multiple partners. I had given her an anchor and she hoped she had returned in kind. I am not sure what that meant, either.

I will have my Advanced Placement finals next week. For once, I think I am ready for them. The letters are coming back from the college of my only choice. I am signing up for room assignments. They gave me a test to help match me for a roommate. I was told, by a graduate student, that it didn’t matter what I put down, they would match me with what they had and I just had to be satisfied with it.

Getting ready for graduation has so many fees tied to it. They made me work the whole four years and, now, they want me to pay for the privilege of getting out. There were cap and gown fittings. We use the paper gowns that we do not have to return. According to what my grades are next week, there may be more fees for academic honors ribbons, etc.

Sharon and I will not see each other much that night. We both have tons of relatives to placate. We decided to wait two days after graduation and then, leave for five days. We don’t care where. We shall just wander for those days. Sharon has a job for the next three weeks of June to get a little spending money for Europe, so we will only have a couple more dates after the road trip. I am not going to let Sharon think I am sad at what happens to us. I am going to conceal my true feelings. I think that will make it easier for her.

I will work most of the summer at the UFO museum. I will leave for college about the second week of August.

I am still waiting for the explanation you promised about what sex and love meant to you. I bared my soul before you. Now, it is your turn to give a little glimpse of your self.

Write me about your prom.
Hear from you when I hear the email call.

My prom was nice, but doesn’t sound as wonderful as yours. Do you realize how descriptive you make your letters? Sometimes, I think I am standing right beside you when I read them.

Grant gave me a wonderful corsage. We attended the prom. We saw Kyle from a distance. I heard he had a hard time getting a date for the prom. He took a freshman. I hope someone warned her about him. Maria was there with her long time boyfriend, Mickey. No one knows what Mickey will do next year. Maria is determined to go to the same college that I go to. I do not know how she did it, but she registered late and still managed to get in. I really think she slept with the body builder. Maybe, she was the bikini girl who picked out her own name. Nothing, Maria does, surprises me any more.

Back to the prom. The king and queen were people that I hardly knew. We got pictures both singly and together. I asked Grant why? His response was that these would be pictures for us to remember our night together and also to show others later what we looked like that night. I was a little unclear about what he meant by that.

When we went to the motel, he carried me in the door. Once inside, he had several wonderful bouquets of roses and lilies. The fragrance was beautiful. We had a wonderful night, except I kept thinking how I could answer your question about what loving Grant meant to me. I couldn’t come up with an answer. I, later, sat down and thought what would things have been like if I hadn’t had my relationship with Grant? Then, I thought what would it have been like if I had stayed with Kyle. That was enough to make me hug Grant harder.

It looks like I will make my valedictorian mark. My grades did not slip. Jeremy was a doll. He shook my hand and said I had given him a challenge to follow. If it hadn’t been for me he said, his grades wouldn’t have been nearly as good.

I wish I could be better at explaining my feelings, but right now I just can’t.

Graduation next week
Until then
All the love in the cyber world
Science Girl

Science Girl
This will be brief. We graduated last night. I was in the top ten, but just barely. The speech was good, but I bet it wasn’t as good as yours. I wish I could have heard your speech. I, many times wish I could meet you in person. I am about to say, hang the rules then I think of the trials in college and the need to have a friend with no complications to listen to my complaints.

Today and tomorrow, and then, Sharon and I take off. I will write you when I get back. Isabel and Alex are also going on a road trip. Mom and dad are having a real tough time thinking that their kids are now grown.

I am starting to worry if I will be able to cut it in college. There will be so many more people who are smarter than I am. Will I be able to find a place among them? I am thinking of taking writing along with my biology major. You know, I think this is the first time I have ever told you what my major was to be. Hope you won’t mind. It isn’t, really, bending the rules. After Sharon and I get back, it is going to be strange.

Write me about your speech and about your graduation.

I will write soon.
Alien giving all my love in cyberspace

Graduation was okay. I worked for a long time on my speech. I based some of it on our letters. I built a little story about two people who were never to see each other and how they always helped and aided each other. They grew up and their lives were both made richer because of their friendship. It tells how they taught each other, made their respective families stronger, because of things they had discovered in each other through their correspondence. I cheated here. I said that, eventually, they grew old and, one time, they finally found each other long after their other families had died. They brought life back to each other and lived many more years.

It was a different speech. After the audience thought about it for a few minutes, I had a standing ovation. My English teacher came by after graduation and asked for a copy of my speech. That was the first time she ever really complemented me on what I had done.

Jeremy came forward and presented me with a bouquet of roses. He kissed me and, again, thanked me for giving him a challenge.

Grant briefly kissed me. Then, he had to go with his parents. He came by the next day and we went for a drive. We didn’t make love, but we kissed as we parked and talked about our lives together and how it would affect our lives apart. He asked me what part did I have in my story? I told him about our relationship. He hugged me and asked me to thank you for making the world a better place. That is the first time I have told anyone outside of Maria.

He is gone. I don’t guess I will see him again, except for a short while, sometimes. when he in home on leave and I am home on vacation.

Let me know how you are. Remember that when you get sad, Science Girl is always ready to sit and read your writing.

Love always
Science Girl

Science Girl
Well, it is over. I waited a bit before writing you. I wanted to see how hard it was going to hit me. Sharon left on her trip. She asked me not to come to the plane. She said we should end our relationship like we started it, just the two of us. She cried a little and I do not know what she did after I left. I am just working as hard as I can.

I asked for as many hours as they could give me. The boss is using me as much as he can. He knows that I will only be here for two more months, so I am getting displays out and cleaning them up. I need to keep busy to not think of Sharon. I am doing research on the computer and writing up scripts and, also, handouts for tourists. The boss is giving me the hours I need and I am working as hard as I can for him in appreciation.

Isabel hugged me the other day and promised me a present, sometimes this fall. She hoped I liked it. I have no idea what she is talking about.

Since I am clear of all my romantic relationships, I took your picture out and I keep it in my wallet. I take it out when I take a lunch break. We talk, or rather I talk and your picture just listens.

I am getting my stuff ready to leave. I will ship most of my things airfreight to get there two days after I do. I should be able to have my dorm ready and can unpack my things for the next four years.

Isabel and Alex are ready to leave. They packed all their stuff and will also have it shipped to them after they are there. We will all leave in three days. Hope your college trip is as good as I hope mine will be.

Alien, your friend looking at your picture

I will leave in three days, also. I am keeping my account paid up so we can have our email. I hope you do the same. Most of my stuff is already shipped. It will be delivered when I call them. I will be in a mixed dorm. That is both men and women will live in different rooms. (At least I hope most of the time the rooms are different. With Maria, who knows? hahahah LOL) It is a study dorm so I hope I will be able to get a lot done.

I have so little to say. Maria will be my roommate and that is all I know at the time.

Your longest friend
Science Girl
Author's note:
Please look at the lower right hand corner of the banner. Could you recognize the Liz associated with college from this picture. realize that the picture is almost worn out. the dress she was wearing was torn off long ago.

Stories by Ken
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: SoulMates in CyberSpace ch30 p7 M/l M/M A/I teen feb 24

Post by ken_r »

Max was driven to the airport, by his parents. He had connections to the town where he was going to live, at least some of the time, for the next four years. Max had traveled a little by plane. As he was getting his bags out of the car, his mom reached up and pulled him down. As she kissed him she whispered, “Max, always be a man we can be proud of.”

As she embarrassed him fully, he thought, “Right mom, make me feel guilty for anything I can’t do.” But, then, he felt better. Both of his parents were having trouble letting go.

Isabel was more demonstrative. She threw her arms around him and as she kissed him on the cheek, she whispered in his ear, “If you find my present and like it, call me.”

“Izzy, I have no idea about what your present even is. How will I find it?” Max replied.

“Oh, Max, you will know it! It is something you have wanted for almost four years.” With that, Isabel returned to the car. Max was, now, an adult. He was alone and he was on his own except for tuition payments and a few other things that would tie him to his parents for a few more years.

Max got checked in. He was thinking about what he would write Science Girl. His flight would pass through Dallas. He wouldn’t get off, but they would pick up passengers and then continue to the town closest to his college. There must have been a dozen students getting on at Dallas. There was one couple, a slight brunette and a dizzy blonde. The stewardess ushered them to their seat. Max was thinking that the darker girl had the most magificant eyes. He was dreaming of her when the stewardess touched him on his shoulder.

“Excuse me, sir. This lady is seated on the window side.”

Max quickly woke up. It was the dizzy blonde. “I am sorry, I guess I was dreaming,” he said as he moved into the aisle to let her pass. She pressed up against Max. He felt her soft breasts brush against his chest, Max was sure she did it on purpose. She smiled, gazing into his eyes.

Ria was going to college to study music. Getting to know her and having a conversation with her was no problem. Getting your turn to talk was. “My oldest friend, up there sitting by that old man, and I are going to college. We are rooming together so we will know what to expect in roommates. Where are you going? Are you also going to college? Do you know your roommate, yet? Of course not, you wouldn’t know until you get there. What is your major? Where are you from? I am from Dallas. Liz and “me” have lived there all our lives. I never have been away from home for this long a time. It will be a totally new experience. Have you ever been away from home for several months before? What is that in the case?”

She slowed down. Max hadn’t been able to answer any of her questions but just being there and listening to her seemed to be enough for the little blonde. Thinking, Max decided that she was scared to death. Her constant talking was her security.

After looking at the computer case, Ria started up again. “Oh duh, dumb me it is a computer. My friend has her computer with her. She is composing a letter to her friend. She is always writing him.”

Ria slowed down for a moment. “Does she miss her boyfriend?” Max asked. Max tried to not let disappointment show in what he said.

“No, she writes him all the time. So, I don’t see how she could miss him,” Ria continued.

Max smiled, “what about you? Do you have a boy friend?”

Ria looked up at him and batted her eyes at him. Looking into her face, Max could see that she had the most inviting lips he could remember. As she sat there batting her eyes, Max just leaned over and kissed her lips.

Ria jerked back. Her face was angry now. “What was that for?” she demanded.

Max smiled. He would never have done something like that a few years ago. “Excuse me, your lips are just so inviting that I had to steal a kiss. I am so sorry to have offended you.”

Ria glared at him for a minute. “Well, I guess it is okay. As long as all you are doing is just stealing a kiss. I guess it is all right.” Then she surprised him she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him firmly on his lips. “There, now you can say that you really stole a kiss!”

Max leaned back laughing. The brunette, hearing Ria’s tinkling laughter and Max hearty laugh, turned to look back at them. Leave it to Maria. The plane hadn’t finished taxing off the runway and Ria had already made a friend. He was a good looking friend, also.

Max enjoyed talking to Ria. She was not that smart, but she was full of almost inconsequential trivia. The trouble was, she wouldn’t stop talking. Max had always thought that Texans were a slow-drawling people. Ria had a twang that screamed Texas, but she talked faster than a Yankee auctioneer.

By the time they got to the town where they would all get off, Max had heard all about Ria, Liz her friend, their boyfriends and their life in Dallas. All of this was so mixed up, that Max couldn’t piece any of it together.

They collected their luggage. Ria, calling for Liz, grabbed Max by the arm and was dragging him to the street. “ Come on, Max we can share a cab. We are all going to admissions, so lets go.” When they got to the street, Ria stepped out almost into traffic. Showing a fair amount of perfectly developed leg, she made a whistle that would have found ships in a fog. A cab crossed four lanes of traffic to stop before the terminal for the three. They placed their luggage in the trunk and the three of them piled into the ample rear seat. Leaning forward, Ria said, “Listen buddy I better not see anything twice! Take us straight to the college or I will slap a knot on your head that will hurt for a week!

Max was sure the cabbie didn’t speak that good of English, but Max bet Ria’s meaning got across.

The cabbie must have understood since they got to the college in almost record time. They got out and Ria fussed for a minute figuring every one’s share of the fair. Max offered to pay the whole thing because he would have had to pay if he had just gotten a cab alone. Ria insisted on her way of dividing the cost. Finally, with tip and fare balanced, she collected and handed it to the driver. He managed as much of a smile as he could. Max got the impression that the driver was definitely scared of Ria.

They all had maps as to where they were to go. Of course, Ria and Liz were going in the same direction, but Max had several blocks further on to find his dorm. As they prepared to leave, Ria threw her arms around Max and wetly kissed him with those Oh so luscious lips. Max could feel her tongue pressing against his lips. He was blushing and he could see that Liz was laughing. Ria stepped back. “That was just to make sure you’all give us a call.” And she tucked into his pocket a card with her cell phone number on it.

As Max walked down the street he kept wondering what he had gotten into.

“Maria, we haven’t even checked into our dorms and you already have a fellow set up. Are you insatiable?” Liz asked.

Maria just smiled. “If I find someone else, then you can have him. He is cute and he can sure kiss.”

Maria, I told you I am looking for someone.” Liz stated.

Yes, I know, that super man from the Internet. If you were so secret, how did you find that he is going here? And why didn’t you find out anything else about him?” Maria queried.

The source was a secret source and they didn’t volunteer any more information, Liz informed her.

As soon as the girls were checked, in Liz connected to the Internet line in their room. It took about 30 minutes to check in and set up her account. Then Liz had to log on and find her email server.

Well, we are now at college. I do not know how I am going to survive Maria. She already has set up a fellow. I asked her how she could set up a stranger so fast. She replied. “He knows all about both of us. He knows everything that happened at our high school. He is cute and he is an excellent kisser. What more is there to know?”

I asked her what makes her think he isn’t a serial killer, or a pervert who preys on women at colleges. She replied, “A pervert or a serial killer couldn’t kiss like that and he wouldn’t have such beautiful eyes.” According to Maria, she can tell anything important about a guy by just one kiss. She says she should work for the police department. She could kiss a guy and, immediately, tell if they were guilty.

He was a cute guy and I am sure he was completely scared away. He probably went immediately to change colleges. Hahaha LOL

Well I am set up in school just waiting for my things to arrive from the shipping company.

I’ll let you know how things go if Maria doesn’t get us into trouble.

Your friend embarking on a long journey
Science Girl.

Science Girl
I met a beautiful girl, today. She was introduced to me by a friend. She makes me think of all the girls I have known. I want so much to see her again. I do not have much else to say.

your friend
"Oh, Maria, he has already met a girl. How can a guy work so fast? I know how you do, but I always thought that Alien was kind of shy.” Liz was very distraught. She had chosen this college on the advice of Isabel. It had been a surprise when she received an email from Alien, but right after his address, the name Isabel appeared.

The letter was brief. "If you want to meet my brother, pick this college if you can." Liz had five colleges to choose from and the college in the letter was one of those where she had been accepted. Liz worried a long time. Did she want to meet Alien? They had been writing for years. She had told him everything about herself. Could she take that close of scrutiny in real life? Liz, again, wondered the reason for Isabel writing her. Isabel had used Alien’s computer and that was what Alien had been worried about. The second letter was a request for Science Girl to write , if she had any questions. They had been corresponding for some time. Isabel told Liz, who she now knew at as, , that she thought Alien wanted someone who would understand him. And who best understood Alien than the girl to whom he had confessed every part of his life?

It was some time before Liz felt that she could write a letter and let it show what the two of them had always meant to each other, that they always rejoiced in the good things that happened to each other. If Alien found a girl, she would not spoil his moment.

I am so happy that you have met an interesting girl. I must say that you are a lot less shy than you used to be. Let me know all about her. I hope she really works out.

Science Girl
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 861
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Location: New Mexico

Re: SoulMates in CyberSpace ch31 p7 M/l M/M A/I teen feb 26

Post by ken_r »

Every one look at the Banner at the first of the story. Look at the lower right hand corner. The picture Max has is cracked and worn. It is also of a girl who is still in high school. Looking at the picture of Liz in college even if the picture was perfect it might be hard to recognize the grown woman. The speech, “I could recognize you anywhere,” is male bravado. You need to decide how Maria affected Max. Personally I feel she scared the hell out of him. I do admit that something about Liz attracted Max. He just hasn’t figured it out yet. It doesn’t yet fit Y chromosome logic.


Maria walked in before Liz sent the letter off. “Why didn’t you tell him that meeting some one this quick would leave himself open to perverts or something. Don’t be so kind!” Maria definitely believed in fighting for someone if you wanted them and she didn’t care how you fought.

The next day many, of the students had UPS and other companies bringing their things that couldn’t be carried on the airplane.

Max had already received his things and he had packed them away in his room. He was walking down the street when he saw a Fedex truck and a large box being unloaded under the guidance of two women. One box was already on the ground before the dorm. As Max passed by, one of the women called out. “Hey, Max.” It was Ria. Max walked over to the women he smiled at the smaller one. Now, what was her name? Oh yes, it was Liz. She was the girl he had noticed. Ria was so outgoing that she eclipsed every one around her.

Ria was supervising the men who were carrying the box inside. “Ria is pretty organized, isn’t she,” Max said just to make conversation. He wished he could really get to know this little brunette.

Liz smiled, a feeling that belied how she really felt. “Yes, Ria always knows how to get things done.” Then she looked at Max, “How did you and Ria get so tight so quickly?”

Max laughed, “I don’t know that we are so tight. She was flirting with me, so I just took her dare. I kissed her before she knew what I was up to. You know Ria! Once she got the ball, she just ran with it. Next thing I knew she kissed me back really soundly.”

Liz was looking down. She was plainly distraught about something. Max looked at her and asked, “Do you have some special someone, yet?”

Liz looked at him. This was a little forward, at least for her. “Well, I was supposed to meet someone, but he may have already met someone else. I just didn’t think he would be so fast.”

Max looked at her. This didn’t make a lot of sense. “Well, if you haven’t met him, yet, how about you and Ria having a cup of coffee or something with me, as soon as the movers get the stuff into your room?” Max asked.

Liz looked at Max, “Why don’t you and Ria go? I would feel like a third wheel.”

“Because, it is you that I want to learn more about,” Max answered.

Liz looked at him, “Oh, but I thought that you and Ria had something going for each other.”

Max laughed again, “No, I am afraid that Ria would eat me a live if I got too close to her. It is you who I wanted to talk to.”

Liz smiled, “My friend once said something like that. You do not want to be too close to me. I would leave you if I ever made contact with my friend.”

“My, he must be a powerful person to make you have those feelings for him. Now, what if he has found another girl? What then?” Max inquired.

Liz again lowered her head, “I just do not know. I was so counting on at least talking to him. If he already has someone else, maybe, I am not supposed to see him at all.”

Well then how’s about I become a detective? I can organize you, Ria and myself. We will seek out this mystery man. If he won’t talk to you, then, we will properly deal with him,” Max said as he wildly swung his arms in mimic of Shakespearian swordplay.

Liz couldn’t help it, she had to laugh. In her mind, she couldn’t help, but wonder what Max would mean by properly deal with things.

When Maria had finished the supervision, she was quite willing to take a break. And Max, with a girl on each arm led them to the nearby coffee shop on campus.

Max started talking about Liz’s friend. Maria started to say something, but the frown from Liz silenced her quickly. Liz explained that she was supposed to meet a man who she had known sometime ago. Max was confused because when she talked of that man, her eyes gleamed. The rich brown had even more depth. When they finished their drinks, the girls advised Max that they still had a lot of unpacking to do. Max had several things to do, also. He located the library and some other prominent buildings. He, finally, found the Biology building. He went inside and he gave his name to the girl at the desk who was acting receptionist. She gave him a card that had the name of his advisor.

Dr. Reeding was a relatively young man. He was liked by the students because he usually understood their problems. He was also enthusiastic about students majoring in biology. The young man standing before him was one of the reasons he enjoyed teaching.

“Mr. Evans, I welcome you to our department,” he said.

“I just wanted to see about what I should do in the next few days,” Max stated.

Mr. Evans, it seems that your freshman year of Biology is completed by your Advanced Placement grades. That is very good. You can start, at least in biology, with the second year curriculum. I will give you a list of other departments you need to check on to see how they want to use your other Advanced Placement grades. It is very good to see students have so many AP grades coming into our school.” Doctor Reeding handed Max a list of departments he had to visit in the next two days.

Max left. That was pretty good. Now, he could start to plan what his schedule would look like.

That night, Max got out his laptop.
Science Girl
I talked to the girl I met the other day. She has some mysterious boy friend. She wouldn’t tell me much, but it looks like I will just have to be friends for the moment.

How are you doing?

I visited my advisor in biology, Dr. Reeding. I clepped out, is that the word? (College-Level Examination Program. Slang used for getting credit by taking an exam instead of taking the class) I got credit for both semesters of biology. I have to visit my other departments to see how they accept my AP grades. I will do that tomorrow.

I do not have much to say. A whole day at college and I have met two girls and a professor. The girls do not seem to be anxious to be more than friends. Maybe, I need Tess. I do not think I am going to be a “house stud” at the moment.

Write me as soon as you have something to talk about.

Your friend and that is what I need, a friend

If Max seems a little dense at this point, remember he is away from home for the first time and completely believes that Science Girl is at another college. He also believes that she would be at a college that he would have no chance of gaining admittance. Max was a little hurt that he only got one acceptance letter. He just doesn’t make the connection that Maria is the friend of his cyber girlfriend.

Hey Maria,” Liz cried. The girl Alien met has some sort of boy friend. He says she is only interested in being friends. He also says that his advisor is Doctor Reeding. That is mine, also. Maybe, we can arrange to meet somewhere by accident.

I am sorry that the girl you just met isn’t free for you to get closer to. I am glad that your grades were accepted. I will have to go tomorrow to see about mine. I will let you know.

I sort of went out with a guy. He took us out for a cup of coffee. He only stayed a little while because he had other things to do. I thought he was interested in my roommate, but he said that he wanted to talk to me. I am being careful in who I meet at least at first . Who knows what kind of people some of these guys can be?

I will write you when something happens. Who could have thought that college could be so boring.

Your friend and I wish I had you near.
Science Girl

Max had met his roommate. Every one in this dorm had to have a high grade point average. This was a study dorm. If you wanted to party you went across the park to the dorm where the jocks and cheerleaders lived. There was a party going on there at all times. Michael Guerin was a physics major. He was an out-going person contrasting with Max shyness.

“Hey, Max, who was that blonde you were with yesterday?” he asked.

Max shrugged his shoulders, “Her name is Ria. I don’t know the last one. She and her roommate were the first people I met on the plane coming here.”

“Does she mean anything to you?” Michael inquired.

“Well, she is a friend and I wouldn’t want her hurt, but I have no romantic attachment to her.” Max responded.

“Then do you think you could introduce me? I am a pretty cool guy, but that blonde is really hot stuff!” Michael stated.

Max called the number on the card. Maria answered, “Hey, my roommate wants to go out for a cup of coffee. Do you think you and Liz would like to accompany us?” Max asked.

The perpetual ready-for-a-party Ria laughed and put the phone down for a few minutes. When she came back, “Yes, Liz, is in kind’a of a funk, so she needs to get out. When will you be by for us?”

It was that easy, Max and Michael picked up Ria and Liz. They proceeded to the coffee shop. No mention was made of who was supposed to be going with whom.

The shop stayed open until eleven o’clock that night. At first, it was just Max, Michael and Ria talking and joking. Soon, though Liz joined in. It was evident that Ria and Michael were hitting it off. About thirty minutes before the place closed, Michael leaned over to Max saying, “Look, Ria and I want to go for a walk. Are you cool with that?”

Max smiled, “Of Course, I will walk Liz home in a few minutes.”

When they had left, Liz said, “So you bring someone and they take off with Ria, are you cool with that?”

Max laughed, “Of course, I told you that it was you I wanted to talk to. Ria gives me a headache. She is just too fast for me.”

Liz frowned. “My friend used to say that. He thought that Ria was just too fast for him. I used to tease him about going with Ria. Then I would have both of my best friends together. Of course, after thinking about that, I decided I wanted him to myself and I didn’t want to share him with Ria.”

Now, it was Max’s turn to frown. “Tell me more about this friend.”

Liz leaned back as she began thinking. “He is someone who I trusted always. If I told him something I had done, he never judged me. He would tell me what he had done and I felt the same way. He was kind and he tried to never hurt anyone, if he could help it. You ever have someone like that?”

Max was drawing designs with his coffee spoon. “Yeah, I have someone like that, but lately, she seems preoccupied.”

Liz looked at him, “So, that is why you hit on coeds, because she is preoccupied.”

Max was confused. “Was I hitting on you? I would only do that if that was what you wanted and I was free to do it.”

Liz smiled. “Maybe, I was asking for that, I don’t know. If things don’t work out with my friend and your friend finds other things to occupy her mind, then we can see. Maybe, then, I will ask you to hit on me.”
Max paid for his bill and then extending his hand, he took Liz’s and they walked out of the shop.

“You leave someone back home, Max? Someone who hopes you will come back?” Liz asked.

“No, we broke off mutually when it was time for me to leave. She wants something out of life different than what I want. We each saw that we could no longer fulfill each other’s needs,” Max explained.

“Yeah, my last boyfriend and I saw that also. It was good while we were in school, but there was no eternity and heavenly bells ringing every time we made love,” Liz stated.

Max sighed, “Yes, but while it lasted, it was so good. It was better than going from one person to another. And, now, we do have wonderful memories.”

Liz giggled and snuggled close to Max. They walked in silence for awhile. As they walked up to the dorm, Liz stated. “Max, I would almost ask you in, but I am still looking for my friend. Maybe, sometime, if things don’t work out.”

Max held her close. He kissed her forehead. “Liz, if they don’t work out, I would like to come in and, maybe, never leave. Just for now let us enjoy the walk we had tonight and see what happens down the road.”

Science Girl
I talked to the girl I told you about. We had about as intense a feeling as you can without sex. She has some reason that she can’t go with anyone but I don’t care. Just being with her I find very wonderful. I wish you could meet her.

My roommate was with us and he went off with another girl, leaving us alone. I guess she has someone so I should look for someone who is free. We can just be friends. Look at us. How many years have we been just friends?

Confused again and again

Maria came in with a smile on her face. “Now, that is what I call a man!”

Did you hit it off, Maria?” Liz asked. It was obvious that something went right.

“Oh, Yeah. We are just going to find a place. I think he might really do something for me,” Maria responded.

“Well, are you going to throw Max out of his room?” Liz ask Maria.

Well, do you think Max would behave if we put him up on the couch a few times? Until we learn more about this town, our rooms are all we have,” Maria stated.

Liz shrugged. “I imagine Max would be a gentleman. I think I would be safe with him here.”

Maria looked at Liz with a twinkle in her eye, “I think that Max could have a real thing for you if you would let him. Max is real. He is not cyber space. Maybe, he isn’t like Alien, but he might be better. Who knows? That is why it is called dating.”

Liz sat there, “Yes I know. But, I knew Alien for so long that if there is a chance to meet him, I do not want to miss it.”

I, so , need you to tell me more about yourself. I mean about who you really are. What do you eat in the morning when you get up? Do you jump right up when the alarm rings or do you slap the thing silly and try to get another wink of sleep? I know how you treat girls. There is nothing that I wouldn’t like more than to be one of your girls.

What kind of music do you listen to? What kind of car do you want when you graduate? Do you ever dream of Sharon? What would you say to me if we were to meet?

If it were possible, would you want to talk to me? Would you hold me in your arms and tell me everything was going to be all right? Would you introduce me to your sister, Isabel?

Alien, I am bending the rules and I, almost, am willing to break all of them.

I am in very bad shape tonight. Maria has a boyfriend and she wants to use a room so someone is going to have to move out.

I met a man recently. I would like him ,except he isn’t you. I know that if it is impossible for us to ever meet, then I should go with a second choice. Alien, you have ruined me for any other guy. I want someone with your sensitivity.

I am sorry alien. I just had to whine and cry. I know our relationship is special. I, also, know that we might meet someday and we will never even know each other.

I better quit before I get into trouble
Your friend, Science Girl
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 861
Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:34 pm
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Re: SoulMates in CyberSpace ch31 p7 M/l M/M A/I teen feb 26

Post by ken_r »

Every one look at the Banner at the first of the story. Look at the lower right hand corner. The picture Max has is cracked and worn. It is also of a girl who is still in high school. Looking at the picture of Liz in college even if the picture was perfect it might be hard to recognize the grown woman. The speech, “I could recognize you anywhere,” is male bravado. You need to decide how Maria affected Max. Personally I feel she scared the hell out of him. I do admit that something about Liz attracted Max. He just hasn’t figured it out yet. It doesn’t yet fit Y chromosome logic.


Maria walked in before Liz sent the letter off. “Why didn’t you tell him that meeting some one this quick would leave himself open to perverts or something. Don’t be so kind!” Maria definitely believed in fighting for someone if you wanted them and she didn’t care how you fought.

The next day many, of the students had UPS and other companies bringing their things that couldn’t be carried on the airplane.

Max had already received his things and he had packed them away in his room. He was walking down the street when he saw a Fedex truck and a large box being unloaded under the guidance of two women. One box was already on the ground before the dorm. As Max passed by, one of the women called out. “Hey, Max.” It was Ria. Max walked over to the women he smiled at the smaller one. Now, what was her name? Oh yes, it was Liz. She was the girl he had noticed. Ria was so outgoing that she eclipsed every one around her.

Ria was supervising the men who were carrying the box inside. “Ria is pretty organized, isn’t she,” Max said just to make conversation. He wished he could really get to know this little brunette.

Liz smiled, a feeling that belied how she really felt. “Yes, Ria always knows how to get things done.” Then she looked at Max, “How did you and Ria get so tight so quickly?”

Max laughed, “I don’t know that we are so tight. She was flirting with me, so I just took her dare. I kissed her before she knew what I was up to. You know Ria! Once she got the ball, she just ran with it. Next thing I knew she kissed me back really soundly.”

Liz was looking down. She was plainly distraught about something. Max looked at her and asked, “Do you have some special someone, yet?”

Liz looked at him. This was a little forward, at least for her. “Well, I was supposed to meet someone, but he may have already met someone else. I just didn’t think he would be so fast.”

Max looked at her. This didn’t make a lot of sense. “Well, if you haven’t met him, yet, how about you and Ria having a cup of coffee or something with me, as soon as the movers get the stuff into your room?” Max asked.

Liz looked at Max, “Why don’t you and Ria go? I would feel like a third wheel.”

“Because, it is you that I want to learn more about,” Max answered.

Liz looked at him, “Oh, but I thought that you and Ria had something going for each other.”

Max laughed again, “No, I am afraid that Ria would eat me a live if I got too close to her. It is you who I wanted to talk to.”

Liz smiled, “My friend once said something like that. You do not want to be too close to me. I would leave you if I ever made contact with my friend.”

“My, he must be a powerful person to make you have those feelings for him. Now, what if he has found another girl? What then?” Max inquired.

Liz again lowered her head, “I just do not know. I was so counting on at least talking to him. If he already has someone else, maybe, I am not supposed to see him at all.”

Well then how’s about I become a detective? I can organize you, Ria and myself. We will seek out this mystery man. If he won’t talk to you, then, we will properly deal with him,” Max said as he wildly swung his arms in mimic of Shakespearian swordplay.

Liz couldn’t help it, she had to laugh. In her mind, she couldn’t help, but wonder what Max would mean by properly deal with things.

When Maria had finished the supervision, she was quite willing to take a break. And Max, with a girl on each arm led them to the nearby coffee shop on campus.

Max started talking about Liz’s friend. Maria started to say something, but the frown from Liz silenced her quickly. Liz explained that she was supposed to meet a man who she had known sometime ago. Max was confused because when she talked of that man, her eyes gleamed. The rich brown had even more depth. When they finished their drinks, the girls advised Max that they still had a lot of unpacking to do. Max had several things to do, also. He located the library and some other prominent buildings. He, finally, found the Biology building. He went inside and he gave his name to the girl at the desk who was acting receptionist. She gave him a card that had the name of his advisor.

Dr. Reeding was a relatively young man. He was liked by the students because he usually understood their problems. He was also enthusiastic about students majoring in biology. The young man standing before him was one of the reasons he enjoyed teaching.

“Mr. Evans, I welcome you to our department,” he said.

“I just wanted to see about what I should do in the next few days,” Max stated.

Mr. Evans, it seems that your freshman year of Biology is completed by your Advanced Placement grades. That is very good. You can start, at least in biology, with the second year curriculum. I will give you a list of other departments you need to check on to see how they want to use your other Advanced Placement grades. It is very good to see students have so many AP grades coming into our school.” Doctor Reeding handed Max a list of departments he had to visit in the next two days.

Max left. That was pretty good. Now, he could start to plan what his schedule would look like.

That night, Max got out his laptop.
Science Girl
I talked to the girl I met the other day. She has some mysterious boy friend. She wouldn’t tell me much, but it looks like I will just have to be friends for the moment.

How are you doing?

I visited my advisor in biology, Dr. Reeding. I clepped out, is that the word? (College-Level Examination Program. Slang used for getting credit by taking an exam instead of taking the class) I got credit for both semesters of biology. I have to visit my other departments to see how they accept my AP grades. I will do that tomorrow.

I do not have much to say. A whole day at college and I have met two girls and a professor. The girls do not seem to be anxious to be more than friends. Maybe, I need Tess. I do not think I am going to be a “house stud” at the moment.

Write me as soon as you have something to talk about.

Your friend and that is what I need, a friend

If Max seems a little dense at this point, remember he is away from home for the first time and completely believes that Science Girl is at another college. He also believes that she would be at a college that he would have no chance of gaining admittance. Max was a little hurt that he only got one acceptance letter. He just doesn’t make the connection that Maria is the friend of his cyber girlfriend.

Hey Maria,” Liz cried. The girl Alien met has some sort of boy friend. He says she is only interested in being friends. He also says that his advisor is Doctor Reeding. That is mine, also. Maybe, we can arrange to meet somewhere by accident.

I am sorry that the girl you just met isn’t free for you to get closer to. I am glad that your grades were accepted. I will have to go tomorrow to see about mine. I will let you know.

I sort of went out with a guy. He took us out for a cup of coffee. He only stayed a little while because he had other things to do. I thought he was interested in my roommate, but he said that he wanted to talk to me. I am being careful in who I meet at least at first . Who knows what kind of people some of these guys can be?

I will write you when something happens. Who could have thought that college could be so boring.

Your friend and I wish I had you near.
Science Girl

Max had met his roommate. Every one in this dorm had to have a high grade point average. This was a study dorm. If you wanted to party you went across the park to the dorm where the jocks and cheerleaders lived. There was a party going on there at all times. Michael Guerin was a physics major. He was an out-going person contrasting with Max shyness.

“Hey, Max, who was that blonde you were with yesterday?” he asked.

Max shrugged his shoulders, “Her name is Ria. I don’t know the last one. She and her roommate were the first people I met on the plane coming here.”

“Does she mean anything to you?” Michael inquired.

“Well, she is a friend and I wouldn’t want her hurt, but I have no romantic attachment to her.” Max responded.

“Then do you think you could introduce me? I am a pretty cool guy, but that blonde is really hot stuff!” Michael stated.

Max called the number on the card. Maria answered, “Hey, my roommate wants to go out for a cup of coffee. Do you think you and Liz would like to accompany us?” Max asked.

The perpetual ready-for-a-party Ria laughed and put the phone down for a few minutes. When she came back, “Yes, Liz, is in kind’a of a funk, so she needs to get out. When will you be by for us?”

It was that easy, Max and Michael picked up Ria and Liz. They proceeded to the coffee shop. No mention was made of who was supposed to be going with whom.

The shop stayed open until eleven o’clock that night. At first, it was just Max, Michael and Ria talking and joking. Soon, though Liz joined in. It was evident that Ria and Michael were hitting it off. About thirty minutes before the place closed, Michael leaned over to Max saying, “Look, Ria and I want to go for a walk. Are you cool with that?”

Max smiled, “Of Course, I will walk Liz home in a few minutes.”

When they had left, Liz said, “So you bring someone and they take off with Ria, are you cool with that?”

Max laughed, “Of course, I told you that it was you I wanted to talk to. Ria gives me a headache. She is just too fast for me.”

Liz frowned. “My friend used to say that. He thought that Ria was just too fast for him. I used to tease him about going with Ria. Then I would have both of my best friends together. Of course, after thinking about that, I decided I wanted him to myself and I didn’t want to share him with Ria.”

Now, it was Max’s turn to frown. “Tell me more about this friend.”

Liz leaned back as she began thinking. “He is someone who I trusted always. If I told him something I had done, he never judged me. He would tell me what he had done and I felt the same way. He was kind and he tried to never hurt anyone, if he could help it. You ever have someone like that?”

Max was drawing designs with his coffee spoon. “Yeah, I have someone like that, but lately, she seems preoccupied.”

Liz looked at him, “So, that is why you hit on coeds, because she is preoccupied.”

Max was confused. “Was I hitting on you? I would only do that if that was what you wanted and I was free to do it.”

Liz smiled. “Maybe, I was asking for that, I don’t know. If things don’t work out with my friend and your friend finds other things to occupy her mind, then we can see. Maybe, then, I will ask you to hit on me.”
Max paid for his bill and then extending his hand, he took Liz’s and they walked out of the shop.

“You leave someone back home, Max? Someone who hopes you will come back?” Liz asked.

“No, we broke off mutually when it was time for me to leave. She wants something out of life different than what I want. We each saw that we could no longer fulfill each other’s needs,” Max explained.

“Yeah, my last boyfriend and I saw that also. It was good while we were in school, but there was no eternity and heavenly bells ringing every time we made love,” Liz stated.

Max sighed, “Yes, but while it lasted, it was so good. It was better than going from one person to another. And, now, we do have wonderful memories.”

Liz giggled and snuggled close to Max. They walked in silence for awhile. As they walked up to the dorm, Liz stated. “Max, I would almost ask you in, but I am still looking for my friend. Maybe, sometime, if things don’t work out.”

Max held her close. He kissed her forehead. “Liz, if they don’t work out, I would like to come in and, maybe, never leave. Just for now let us enjoy the walk we had tonight and see what happens down the road.”

Science Girl
I talked to the girl I told you about. We had about as intense a feeling as you can without sex. She has some reason that she can’t go with anyone but I don’t care. Just being with her I find very wonderful. I wish you could meet her.

My roommate was with us and he went off with another girl, leaving us alone. I guess she has someone so I should look for someone who is free. We can just be friends. Look at us. How many years have we been just friends?

Confused again and again

Maria came in with a smile on her face. “Now, that is what I call a man!”

Did you hit it off, Maria?” Liz asked. It was obvious that something went right.

“Oh, Yeah. We are just going to find a place. I think he might really do something for me,” Maria responded.

“Well, are you going to throw Max out of his room?” Liz ask Maria.

Well, do you think Max would behave if we put him up on the couch a few times? Until we learn more about this town, our rooms are all we have,” Maria stated.

Liz shrugged. “I imagine Max would be a gentleman. I think I would be safe with him here.”

Maria looked at Liz with a twinkle in her eye, “I think that Max could have a real thing for you if you would let him. Max is real. He is not cyber space. Maybe, he isn’t like Alien, but he might be better. Who knows? That is why it is called dating.”

Liz sat there, “Yes I know. But, I knew Alien for so long that if there is a chance to meet him, I do not want to miss it.”

I, so , need you to tell me more about yourself. I mean about who you really are. What do you eat in the morning when you get up? Do you jump right up when the alarm rings or do you slap the thing silly and try to get another wink of sleep? I know how you treat girls. There is nothing that I wouldn’t like more than to be one of your girls.

What kind of music do you listen to? What kind of car do you want when you graduate? Do you ever dream of Sharon? What would you say to me if we were to meet?

If it were possible, would you want to talk to me? Would you hold me in your arms and tell me everything was going to be all right? Would you introduce me to your sister, Isabel?

Alien, I am bending the rules and I, almost, am willing to break all of them.

I am in very bad shape tonight. Maria has a boyfriend and she wants to use a room so someone is going to have to move out.

I met a man recently. I would like him ,except he isn’t you. I know that if it is impossible for us to ever meet, then I should go with a second choice. Alien, you have ruined me for any other guy. I want someone with your sensitivity.

I am sorry alien. I just had to whine and cry. I know our relationship is special. I, also, know that we might meet someday and we will never even know each other.

I better quit before I get into trouble
Your friend, Science Girl
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: SoulMates in CyberSpace ch33 p9 M/l M/M A/I teen feb 29

Post by ken_r »

Max was worried. It sounded like Science Girl was in deep trouble. If he was one-half as good as she claimed, it was only because of her. Knowing Science Girl had given Max the insight into how girls reacted and thought. He had tried to return the favor, but Max knew that his feelings and actions were greatly tempered by what Science Girl had taught him. Max took out the picture. It was almost worn through. The photograph had long since worn to just be a picture of her face, and that was cracked and faded so badly only his memory kept it alive. She said that he wouldn’t recognize her from the picture. She was right. He wouldn’t recognizer her because there was very little chance they would ever see each other.

Max began to think. Science Girl had had half of her applications come back for acceptance. Max had only one. Even if they had thrown away the rules, there was very little chance that they could have gone to the same colleges.

She said she thought of him as her knight in shinning armor. Max couldn’t ever afford a white convertible. There was no way he could ever be Science Girl’s dream. For the first time in four , Max didn’t answer the email almost immediately.

The next day, Michael came in. Max should have known that he wanted something. Nobody is that jovial unless they want something.

“Max, ole buddy, ole pal. Could you spend the night on the couch at Ria and Liz’s next Friday? Ria and I want to have a little time and this is the only place we know to have it. We think you could go to their house better than we could ask Liz to spend the night on our couch.” Michael was in a separate heaven. Max couldn’t help but relent.

That Friday afternoon Liz received a call. By this time, Max had their dorm phone number. “Look, if I have to spend a night on your couch, at least let us go have dinner together.”

Liz laughed, “That is fine, but you know the rules. Michael and Ria are on the hot date, not us. We are just sharing the this room as a convenience for our friends.”

Max picked her up. He was dressed in a sports coat and slacks. That was considerably a cut above the way he usually dressed. Max noticed that Liz was wearing a really nice dress. He only knew that she was very beautiful in the dress. For a moment, his heart stopped. She was almost as pretty as the faded picture he carried around in his wallet.

They went to a small Italian restaurant. They ordered small helpings of pastas and salads. They spent the night laughing and joking with the waiters and staff. They tasted several wines and when she stood to go to the ladies room, Liz definitely felt a woozy feeling. Liz was a small woman and the wine had affected her much more than it would a man of Max’s size.

Not being Ria and having sexy legs, Max called a cab with his cell phone. He, tenderly, helped Liz into the vehicle. When they got home, the wine had gone completely to her head. Max carried her into the dorm room. He was glad that it was an open dorm and not one of the ‘women’s only’ ones.

Max took Liz to her room. He sat her on her bed and, carefully, removed her shoes. Max unfastened her dress and by coaxing her to stand, he managed to get her out of the garment. She was wearing hose, so he carefully rolled them down and placed them on the dresser. Max soon had her down to her bra and panties. He laid her back down and carefully searched her dresser drawers. He found a gown and carefully slipped the gown over her underwear. Picking her up he placed her in her bed and covered her up.

Max went into the living room kitchen. In the refrigerator he found a non-caffeine coke and drank it sitting at the table.

Max took off all of his clothes, down to his boxers and tee shirt. He went into Ria’s room and took one of her blankets. The room was warm, so one blanket was enough. There was a picture on her dresser. Max picked it up. It had the inscription, “Mickey and Maria for ever.” This meant some thing to Max, but he just couldn’t remember it.

He heard stirring and moans from Liz’s room. The sun was coming in the windows, so Max looked at his watch. It was after seven. Max reached for his slacks. He pulled them on and put on his shoes. He felt of his face. He badly needed a shave. He put his shirt on, but didn’t bother tucking it in. Max went into the kitchen. He found some eggs and scrambled three of them. He found some soda crackers, and got them out. He could hear Liz moving about so Max knocked on her door. She opened the door and for several seconds was almost astonished to see him. “Maria,” Liz called.

Maria that was it. Where had Max heard the name Maria? That was what Ria was short for. Liz went to the bathroom and tried to repair her hair. She had a robe on, but Max could tell that she had removed at least her bra. He imagined that it would have been uncomfortable to sleep in.

As soon as she had washed her face and brushed her teeth to get the sour taste out of her mouth, Liz came into the kitchen.

She was scowling at Max. “What happened last night?” she asked.

We were tasting the wine at the restaurant and, I guess, you got a little too much,” Max explained.

Did you take advantage of me while I was drunk?” she asked.

“Liz, you were having fun. You had a little too much to drink. I would never take advantage of a woman. That isn’t my style,” Max answered.

“Who put me to bed last night?” she inquired.

“I did, Liz, and I was very careful to not take any advantages of you.” Max offered.

“Did you check me out while you were undressing me?” Liz was so sure that some one would take advantage of, someway, that Max felt that someone, at one time, had badly hurt her.

Max took both of her hands in his. “Liz, you are the second most beautiful woman I have known. Someday, I might like to check you out, but it would only be with your full permission and cooperation.”

“I would never do anything that I didn’t talk to a woman about and make sure she was okay with it. That is just me. I have been fortunate to have had two wonderful lovers and a wonderful friend. I would never hurt a woman. It would be like breaking the rules or the code.” Max had continued.

Finally, Liz shook her head. “You must really think I am a klutz, going out to a nice dinner and getting drunk. Maybe, my friend wouldn’t even want to talk to me, even if we could find him,” she said.

Liz went into her room. She took a hot shower, got some aspirin and put on clean clothes. While she was cleaning up, Max was thinking he hadn’t been paying attention to how much of the wine, Liz had consumed. If they went again, he would watch her more carefully. There was something very familiar about Liz. Max just couldn’t put his finger on it.

It was after Nine o’clock when Michael and Ria came back to the house. They were laughing and, clearly, they had had a good evening. Max wondered how Mickey fit into this picture. He, also, wondered what Maria and Mickey meant when they were put together.

Maria looked from Liz to Max. “Is there something I should know?” she asked.

Liz shook her head. Max just remained stoic. Michael was trying to see what Ria meant.

Finally, Liz sat down, and with effort, she downed some of the eggs and several soda crackers.

Michael and Max left to go home. As they were going out the door, Liz asked, “Max what is your last name?”

Max turned to her, “Evans, Why?”

Liz didn’t answer.

Maria wasn’t about to let Liz get away. She knew that there was a mystery and she wanted the answer. “Now that the men are gone, tell me what happened.”

“Nothing Maria, but I think I wanted something to happen,” Liz answered.

What do you mean? How do you know that Max didn’t take advantage of you if you were drunk?” Maria asked.

“Max wouldn’t do that,” Liz said.

“How do you know?” Maria inquired.

Maria, I think Max is Alien,” Liz announced.

“What do you mean alien? You mean he is an illegal from some other country or do you mean he is from outer space?” Maria demanded.

“Oh, he may be from space, Maria, Cyber space! I think that Max is Alien, the man I have been emailing for so many years,” Liz stated.

When Michael and Max got back to their dorm, Max expected to find a mess. There were some dishes in the sink, but Michael started on those immediately as Max went into the bathroom to get his shower. When he came out, shaved and dressed Michael was watching him. “What did you and the little brunette do last night?” Michael asked.

“Not much, I took her to dinner and then, we returned and she went to bed. That is all,” Max informed him.

“I could swear there was something between you last night. I imagined that you had her in the sack and were banging her full time,” Michael said with a laugh.

“No, Michael, that wouldn’t be my style. I would have to know a girl pretty well. Then, I would only sleep with her if we decided that was what both of us wanted. Michael, I have been fortunate to have a few really wonderful affairs and I never just do anything without talking it out,” Max explained.

Max was thinking there was something about Liz that he just couldn’t put his finger on.

Michael looked at Max, “You don’t get much nookie, do you?”

Max looked back, “No, Michael, but I have had some of the deepest experiences possible.”

Michael frowned, “Deep experiences sounds like permanent relationships leading to that “M” word, marriage.”

Max just shrugged as was his custom, “Yes, that is probably what I want.”

Michael shook his head. He was just 18 and he couldn’t see why anyone would want to settle down at this age.

After a time, Michael brightened up. He had been all night with Maria and he wanted someone to tell this to. “Max, that blonde is unstoppable. I thought I could go all night, but she ran me ragged. She tried every thing I could have thought of and it was all her idea. Are you sure you are cool with me taking her away from you?”

Max laughed, “Yeah, I am a pretty laid back guy and she would probably eat me alive. She is much too fast for me to keep up with.”

Michael laughed now as he took a bottle of vitamins. “She is too much for me. I am going to start working out and taking all sorts of vitamins.” Michael poured out a handful of the pills and swallowed them as if taking massive doses would prepare him for future Maria.

Maria, Maria, where had Max last heard of that name? The Ria was now gone. According to Michael, she used this when she was traveling. Her name was Maria DeLuca. She was a music major and she was unstoppable.

“Max, I will tell you,” Michael said shaking his head, “this little girl might get me thrown out of college and I don’t care. It would be worth it. You just do not know what you gave up.”

Max tried to picture the time he kissed the little blonde. He just couldn’t. The vision of Liz, as he kissed her forehead the other night when he walked her home, was just too bright. Where had he heard the name Maria?

Science Girl.
I have so much to tell you. Classes started today. There are 300 people in my sophomore lecture class. They say that the freshmen classes are worse. They may have up to a thousand in the lecture hall. The Freshmen classes have TV screens all through the audience. I heard that you can even get the classes on line and do not have to attend except for tests. I was late and I am was so far away that the teacher could hardly be seen. I crowded like so many others around the TV screen.

I haven’t told you about my AP grades. I did say that I got credit for the first year of biology. I got credit for the first semester of calculus and Physics. For English they told me they thought I ought to see if I could do better. I guess that isn’t too bad.

I went to dinner with the girl I told you about. She is very charming. It wasn’t really a date. Maria and Michael, our room mates wanted to use my room so they sent me to the couch in Maria’s dorm. Question, are all Marias so fast? (That is where Max had heard the name Maria. I must be a coincidence.) I told you that your Maria would be too fast for me. Well, this one is too. She is from Dallas, but she moves like a she was a Hollywood starlet. I met her on the plane and I tried to flirt with her just to kill the time on the flight. She swallowed me whole. Next thing I knew, I was with her and her friend sharing a cab to the college. I never even knew what hit me.

Her friend is the one I like. She is beautiful and so quiet. Course with Maria, she has probably not been allowed the chance to say much. Hahahaha LOL. I listened to Maria, but talked to her very little. Anyway the roommate’s name is Liz. I do not know what that is short for yet. She is the one who has a ‘maybe’ friend. She says that until she finds out about the friend, she can’t promise anything. So for right now friends it is.

While our roommates were trashing my dorm room (hahaha, actually when I got back I found the room in almost perfect condition so I have no idea of what they did or where) we went to dinner at a restaurant. I had a very good time. We got to kidding around, with the waiters and they let us sample several salads and pastas and, then, several samples of the house wine. I guess they didn’t have many people there that night and they were bored. When we got home, of course, I had to sleep on the couch, but that was worth it. She is the girl I want to be with if I can’t ever have you.

Your friend from so many years ago,
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-
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Re: SoulMates in CyberSpace ch34 p9 M/l M/M A/I teen mar 2

Post by ken_r »

Liz had just finished reading the email as Maria came in. “I saw Alien, or Max, as we should now call him. He was late for biology and had to sit in the top row. The class is almost as big as our whole high school. I couldn’t catch him after class, but now, we know that he shared the same class as I do. He mentioned, in his email, the girl that he is interested in. It is me. He told about us going out to dinner, but he didn’t say anything about me getting dead drunk. I wonder why. I though he told me or rather Science Girl everything. Now, I have to decide to get him to like me for myself and not the image he has built up over the last four years.” Liz told Maria everything she knew.

“Liz, I thought the idea of finding this Alien was that he did know everything about you. The idea was he was that already in love with the image,” Maria stated.

Liz started chewing on her bottom lip as she always did when she was nervous. “Maybe, I am getting a little jealous of Science Girl. Maybe, I now want Alien, as Max, to like me. I want Max to like me like he did the girls he wrote about. I wonder why he didn’t tell Science Girl about me being drunk.”

Maria looked at her friend. “, Liz you said that twice. Maybe, Max cares so much about you that he didn’t even want to say something that would be embarrassing about you, even to Science Girl.”

The next day Liz was in sophomore English. She knew that Alien/Max had to take freshmen English, so she knew he wouldn’t be in that class. In the afternoon, Liz had a history class. It was another mega class. Try as hard as she could she could not see Max anywhere. Well, there were four more freshmen history classes so that was no surprise.

Late that afternoon, Liz had biology lab and small discussion. She had just taken a seat when she felt a presence , looking up she saw Alien/Max looking down at her.

“Is this seat taken?” he asked.

Liz could hardly answer because her heart was so in her throat. This was the first time they had actually talked to each other since she discovered who Max was. Of course, Max still had no idea of her secret identity.

The class went well. Max managed to get Liz as his lab partner and that would give him time to be with her. He just wanted to be close when she either found the mysterious friend or when she decided to give up the quest and find a closer friend.

After class, they walked to the coffee shop and sat talking for a while. “Max, you once said you had a girl that was preoccupied at the moment. Tell me more about her,” Liz asked.

“Oh, I don’t know. The last few letters she is either very brief or almost in a break down. You see, I have no idea where she goes to college. It is complicated. We email each other all the time. I think she needs me, but she is real smart. She could go to almost any college she wanted. I was only accepted by this one. I guess she is sort of a cyber fantasy. I used to have a picture of her, but I wore it out. You can’t tell much about what she looks like, now.” Max was musing thinking of Science Girl. He had just broken one of the rules. Well she broke it herself when she told Grant about him.

Liz just sat. “Max, what would you do if you ever found Science Girl?”

“Gee, Liz, I don’t know. For so long, it has always been my thought that it would be impossible to ever find her I just don’t know.” Max trailed off as he thought.

“Max, would you like to ask me out on a date sometime?” Liz asked fearfully.

Max straightened up almost immediately, “Yes, Liz, but I thought you were looking for that mysterious friend.”

Liz was playing with the stands of her hair. ‘Maybe, we could go out while I am still looking. I am not promising anything long term, mind you. It just might be nice to be with someone while I keep searching,” she stated.

“Do you think Mr. Mystery would get mad if he saw us together?” Max asked.

Liz smiled. “Maybe, he would have to be understanding or he wouldn’t ever become Mr. Wonderful and remain Mr. Mystery.”

For a minute, Max thought that he was back with Isabel. Liz wasn’t making any batter sense. Then, Max shrugged. He was using Y chromosome logic not X chromosome thinking. Isabel would have told him that it was perfectly obvious.

Max and Liz made a date to go out Friday Night. They still had the rest of the week. They found themselves together in one more class. It was a general orientation class that most freshmen thought was terrible. It was designed as a master’s project and most students thought the paper should have been declined. The faculty embraced it and it was implemented. There was no pass or fail. There was just attendance. If you didn’t attend 80% of the classes, you had to take it over. Max and Liz sat in the class and they made a game of it. They were seeing who first could find something worthwhile in it.

Friday night. They went to a movie festival at the students Union Hall. The movies were all old classics. There was a romance, a western and a drama, which in this case, was a mystery.

Max and Liz were in the Union Hall at the cafeteria. It was late and most of the students were couples quietly talking to each other. “Max, my mind is still woozy from our wine tasting, but I remember you saying things that you wouldn’t do to a woman. I think you said it wasn’t your style. What will you do with a women?”

Max looked at her, “That is dangerous ground, Liz. Well, I will talk with a woman concerning how we feel about each other. I will always ask a woman before I do anything to her. I will never hold anything about her past against her. I will not judge period, but I will consider just what we do in the future.”

Liz looked at Max, “Max, that is awfully touchy-feely for a big man like you, isn’t it?”

Max leaned back. Liz I have a friend. That is one thing, that you would have to understand, if our relationship went forward, I won’t do anything to lose that friend. I sort of know what she looks like from a very old and worn out picture. We have emailed each other since my sophomore year in high school. She taught me more about how I should treat women than I could learn if I dated a hundred years.”

Max had mentioned a little about Science Girl to Liz. Now, he found himself telling Liz more. He was really breaking the rules.

“This girl is known as Science Girl. That and the faded picture is about all I know about her, but the things we talked about taught me a lot about people. Both of us were hurt during our years growing up and both of us always supported each other. There is no one else like her. I had two intense relationships in high School. I couldn’t have kept them up or released them when it was time without her.” Max retold this to Liz.

Liz looked at him. “What did you do for her?”

Max sat across from Liz thinking. “I listened to her. I tried to never judge her. I tried to explain to her how I felt about love. Come to think of it, she promised to tell me how she felt and never got around to it. We both saw the beginning and the end of several relationships we each had.”

They walked back to their dorms. The climate was colder than either student was used to at their homes. Liz shivered under her jacket and Max pulled her close. It made walking more , but Liz felt more secure. When they got to Liz’s dorm, she quickly checked to see if anyone was home. The apartment was empty.

“Max, do you want to come in for a minute? I do not know when Maria and Michael are going to get back. I can offer you herb tea or coffee.

Max smiled, “I guess I might try some herb tea, if you don’t mind.”

Max sat down in the chair in front of Liz’s desk. Liz had an Apple Macintosh on her desk. Max was fooling around with the key board and suddenly the chime that the Mac makes when it starts up was heard. Liz came running in from the kitchen. She hit the F1 button which dims and turns off the screen.

Liz apologized over and over. “Max, I am so sorry, but there is some very personal data on my screen right now. Please don’t get mad, but if you saw it, you might not come back.”

Max stood and held Liz’s shoulders, “Don’t worry Liz. It was my fault for playing with something that I didn’t know anything about. Don’t worry. I can’t think of anything that would make me not want to come back to see you.” Max looked at his watch. “Liz, I am going to have to take a rain check on that tea. Maybe next time. Don’t worry it is just that I have to do something before I go to bed tonight.” Max kissed Liz as he hurried out the door.

Science Girl.
You owe me an email.

I went on a date with that girl I told you about. She is really nice, but I think I upset her. I was playing with her computer. It was a Macintosh. You know, those apple ones that the advertisements are all about. Anyway, I was waiting as she brewed some herb tea and somehow the computer got turned on.

When she heard the chime, she came running back into the living room and turned off the monitor. She claimed that the screen had sensitive personal items that if I saw, I might me not come back. I tried to tell her that I was understanding and there was very little that would make me mad and not return. I think I upset her. Anyway, I wanted to get home in time to write you.

Come on Science Girl, tell me about your first week in college.
Waiting for your letter.

Love you

After Max had left, Liz went to her computer. She was sipping her herb tea and reading Alien’s latest emails. Yes, she hadn’t answered his last letter. Liz was worried about what she should say. Max could continue writing as he had always done, but Liz always had the knowledge that Alien was the guy she was seeing, at least she hoped she would be seeing.

I am sorry that I didn’t answer immediately but things have gotten more complicated. I am seeing a man. Don’t ask me why, but right now, I can’t tell you much about him. Alien, I am sorry. Don’t let this break our trust. Someday you will understand. I am glad you met the girl, Liz. I hope she is the girl you are looking for.

Don’t waste too much of your time worrying about me. I am doing all right. College has several challenges that I didn’t completely expect. The classes are going to be hard, but I hope the overall life is better. That sounds kind’a funny. I guess I mean that growing up will bring better things. That isn’t what I mean either.

Alien, just don’t quit being you. When I get this worked out, I will tell you all about it. Did you tell Liz about me? What did she say?

I haven’t told anyone since Grant about you. I just do not feel ready to share this yet. I am glad that you did feel free to tell someone else. I hope the two of you can make a place for me in your lives.

Love always
Science Girl

This was the third attempt for Liz to write this email. Before, it had always been so easy to write to Alien. She had deleted the other attempts. They just didn’t say what she wanted. This one didn’t either but since it was getting late she was afraid that if she put it off she wouldn’t write at all. That is what had happened after the other email. They had always kept up the regularity of their writing.
"Liz come Back," will start sometime today. It is Canon and occurs after "Graduation." Liz is captured and held for a year in the "white room." When she gets free. she believes that everyone she held dear has been killed, so she has little care about her future. it may be hard to read but if you can it is a story of strength and coming back. Liz Come back
Last edited by ken_r on Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Good teachers are born that way, not made. No! Good human beings, are born that way. Some of them become teachers.

Of course, life is not fair. You shouldn't expect it to be fair, but you should expect it to be ironic.
JKR 1981-2001
History is made of wars, recovering from wars and preparing for the next war.
JJR 1975-