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Chapter 11 Exchange Student

Posted: Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:42 pm
by maxandlizforever
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AN: I'm sorry this chapter is short agian, it is just that i wanted to update. My computer was on the fritz for a little while, plus i moved, so i didn't have time to write a new chapter. This will be a cliff hanger chapter and I won't update the followin chapter until it is nice and long, but i'm currently writing like 3 stories right now and some of them are on So I need to update those before i even get started on the next chapter of this, so don't expect the next chapter for a little while, but don't worry, i will be finishing this story!!! Hopefully the next chapter will be up in a couple weeks, if i have enough inspiration to write the next chapter of my other stories. If i don't, i know what is going to happen in the next chapter of this story so i will update this one sooner.

Chapter 11 Exchange Student part 1

Liz walked into Sunnydale High School on the arm of Max. She had a black skirt on that barely reached her fingertips with a cream sleeveless turtleneck sweater. She wore her hair up in a French twist. Max was wearing the green sweater he wore when he saved her life.

Maria and Michael were behind them with Isabel and Alex pulling up the end.

Liz had gone car hunting with them over the weekend.

She had gotten a silver Mustang Convertible.

Isabel had gotten a red Ferrari.

Maria had gotten a more recent blue Jetta.

Liz had gone and picked up Max this morning. Buffy had not been ready when she was so Aunt Joyce said she would take her.

Max kissed her on the cheek, "Did I tell you how beautiful you look this morning?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't mind if you told me again."

Max grinned and they kept walking.

Liz took them to th office to pick up their schedules.

As they left, Max showed Liz his schedule.

"Well, what do you know? We have the same schedule."

Maria looked over Max's schedule and said, "I guess i will see you in Biology II, French II, and European History."

Maria walked away with Michael, Isabel, and Alex.

"We need to go to the library. I need to see my watcher."

"What is a watcher?"

"A Watcher is the person who trains the slayer. Giles is Buffy's Watcher. John Tweeter is my Watcher."

"Isn't he young to be your watcher?"

"I should have found out i was a slayer a year ago. So, no, I don't think he is to young."

Max nodded and put a possessive arm around Liz's waist.

"Why do you need to go see your Watcher?"

"He likes me to check in before class everyday."

They walked into the library to find John and Giles conversing about the next Apocalypse.

"Hey, John, Giles!"

They looked up when Liz spoke.

"Where is Buffy?"

"I was ready before her so Aunt Joyce said I could go. We have a foreign exchange student coming. Aunt Joyce forgot about it until this morning. She invited me, Isabel, and Maria to stay with her and just remembered the exchange student. His name is Ampata Gutierrez. We are going to have to figure out what to do. I was thinking the girls and I would stay in a hotel for a while until this is over."

"I'm sure the council will allow it after they hear about it. I will call them now," John told her and walked into Giles' office.

"What council?" Max asked.

"Watcher's Council," Liz answered before informing Max, "We have a field trip today. I guess you guys can't go since you just transferred in."

"Where are you going?"

"Sunnydale Museum of History."

"Oh, sounds fun" Max retorted sarcastically."

"Yeah, well I got out of school."

"Are there any eraser rooms at Sunnydale High?" Max whispered into her ear.

"There are the Library Stacks."


Max and the other Roswellians were given passes to the library during their European History class." (AN: This is the class for the field trip.)

Max was getting comfortable and spreading out his homework when Giles walked out of his office.

"I need to find my sister!"

Re: Liz the Vampire Slayer (BTVS, XO, CC, Teen) AN 4/13

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:09 pm
by Bixie