An Altered Existance(M/L,Adult)[COMPLETE]

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Addicted Roswellian
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Location: In my bedroom surrounded by Jason

Post by Shadowlynxbehr »

Part 9

Maria glanced up when she heard the door open. Smiling, she waved to Liz and motioned for her to join her at the desk. Liz walked into the library and met Maria at the front desk.

“Sorry, there was a huge traffic jam on Main.”

Maria shook her head. “No problem. I’ve just been hanging out a bit.”

Liz nodded. “Am I keeping you from work?”

“Nah, I got off at two, so I’m good.”

“Oh, okay. So, what did you want to show me?”

Maria winked at Liz as she led her through the library until they entered a small room. As Maria shut the door behind them, she held her hands out to encompass the entire area.

“Liz, this is the real archives of the library. Only staff are allowed back here and occasionally, someone important may gain access too.”

Liz’s eyes went wide as she stared at the rows and rows of books lining every inch of the walls from ceiling to floor. But what had her attention were the rows of computers filling up the rest of the room.

As Maria began to walk along one row of computers, she spoke. “Every one of these computers are connected and they are all then connected to a global network. Any kind of public information you want to find, from anywhere in the world, is at your fingertips.”

She turned to look at Liz, seeing the sudden hopeful look on her face. Knowing what Liz was thinking, she nodded. “Yes, if there is anything about Max Evans out there, this is the place you can find it.”

“Oh my God! Maria, you are a genius!” Liz exclaimed as she clapped her hands together in glee. Suddenly a serious look came over her face as she looked at her. “Um, but you won’t get in trouble for letting me in here will you?”

Maria shook her head. “Nah. I’m staff remember? They can’t say anything since I have accompanied you and we really aren’t doing anything illegal. Just looking up public information.”

Liz nodded. “Okay, so where do we start?”

Maria grinned as she sat down in a chair in front of one computer screen and motioned for Liz to sit next to her. “Right here.”


Kyle growled at the screen as he ran into yet another dead end. Tess hadn’t been kidding. Whoever had hired her had hid their tracks well. Still, he refused to give up especially since it was all of their lives that was at stake.

Running his hands over his face, he decided it was time to take a snack break. Then he’d go ask Tess a few more questions and see if anything else dawned on him. Once he’d had his snack, he made his way to the room where the guys bunked at headquarters. Tess had been secured at the back of the room in the cage Alex had rigged up.

There was a small cot and chair for her use in the cage and she got three full meals a day. So far, she’d been a very complacent hostage. Doing exactly what they asked of her and not complaining about their treatment of her. Being a fellow assassin like them, Tess knew they were treating her far better than if she’d truly been captured by real enemies.

Kyle moved a chair closer to the cage before sitting in it. Tess sat up in the cot and looked at him with a sigh.

“I guess this means you haven’t had any luck yet?”

Kyle frowned. “Not yet, but I haven’t given up yet. Just need to ask a few more questions.”

Tess shrugged. “I don’t know what that’s going to do though. I’ve told you everything I know.”

He nodded. “Yeah, well I’m hoping you’ve missed something or maybe some clue will come to me.”

“Okay, then. Shoot.”


Liz frowned at the information she was reading. It was all the same thing she and Maria had come up with for the last two hours they’d been in the archives. Sighing, she turned to look at her friend.

“Anything new?”

Maria shook her head. “Nope. Just the same thing as usual.”

Liz gritted her teeth. “Man, and I thought he was just secretive all by himself! There’s not really anything about him anywhere!”

Maria frowned thoughtfully for a moment before looking at Liz. “Do you think maybe he made sure there wouldn’t be anything for anyone to find? Or maybe the government had something to do with it?”

Liz shrugged. “Who knows. Still, shouldn’t there at least be a birth record somewhere?”

Maria nodded. “Yeah, that’s why I think someone is purposely hiding his information.” She paused for a moment before she spoke again. “But at least we have a place to start.”

Liz looked back at the page on the screen as she mumbled a “yeah.”

Two hours of searching and the page she was looking at was the only thing the two of them had been able to dig up on one Max Evans. Despite the fact that Liz still felt a little disappointed, she knew Maria was right. This was something.

According to an article translated from an Asian language, Max Evans had spent the majority of his life growing up in a monastery in Asia. The foreign article they had found told of how he’d been found by a monk from another monastery. On his way back to the monastery, the monk spied the foreign boy lying half dead in an overgrown field about a days ride from the monastery.

Taking the boy back with him, the monk nursed him back to health with the help of the rest of the monastery. Unfortunately, the boy couldn’t remember a thing about what had happened to him or who he was. The only thing the boy knew was how to defend himself in a fight.

Quickly realizing the boy’s potential, the monks took him to another monastery where he could learn how to channel his fighting abilities for the greater good. It was from this monastery that the then seventeen year old boy went from just another unknown monk to an orphan named Max Evans in the United States.

There was no mention of how he’d gotten from that monastery in Asia to the United States. Plus, there was no mention of anything else after that either. The only reason the article had been published overseas was because the writer had been doing a study on the hospitality and traditions of different monasteries in the area. The writer had pointed out several cases of orphans who were taken in, including the boy who would come to be named Max Evans.

Maria switched off her computer and turned to Liz. “Look, have you ever tried talking to Michael about Max?”

Liz gave her a curious look. “Michael?”

Maria nodded. “Yeah. I mean, from what I gather Michael is the closest one to Max. It was Max who recruited Michael into the team, then Michael recruited Alex and Alex got Kyle. To hear Michael talk, he and Max had been a team for a lot longer than Alex and Kyle had been with the group. So, shouldn’t he know things about Max?”

Liz thought about what Maria said for a few moments. She had to agree. Maria did have a point about Michael knowing Max, but the only way to find out for sure was to go ask Michael himself.

Standing up, she gathered her things. “Maria, any idea where Michael is right now?”

Maria nodded. “Yeah at his house. I’m supposed to meet him in about an hour.”

Liz smiled. “Great. Thanks for your help Maria. I’ll see you later okay?”

“Okay, good luck Liz.”


“Spaniel, I’ve told you everything I know. No matter how many times you ask me that question, my answer is going to be the same.”

Kyle nodded. “I know Tess. Sorry, I just really need to find out who’s out for all of us before the roof caves in, you know?”

She sighed as she sat back down in the chair after pacing for the last five minutes. “Yeah I know.” She gave him a sympathetic look. “I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I know you’re our best chance at finding answers.”

Kyle shook his head. “It’s okay. I know you’re frustrated. We all are.”

Tess returned his nod. “Yeah.”

Kyle watched her for a few moments before he spoke again. “You okay? I mean is there anything I can get for you?”

Tess smiled at him. “No, I’m fine.” When he gave her a skeptical look she chuckled. “Really, Spaniel. I’ve been held in worse conditions than this before.”

He frowned. “Are you serious? You’ve been captured before?”

She nodded. “Yeah. The life of an assassin huh? Not as glamorous as it seems, but I do it well.” She paused as a slow smile spread over her face. “Okay, I do it well when there isn’t any set-ups or underhanded plans to deal with.”

Kyle grinned. “Right. I totally understand.”

They shared a chuckle before Kyle turned serious again. “I’m really sorry about all this Tess.”

She shook her head. “Don’t be. You guys are just doing your jobs. I know that. Why do you think I said I refused to take the hit on all of you once I knew it was you? Akita is just doing things by the book and I agree with him. If I were in his place, I’d be cautious too.”

Kyle nodded. “I understand that, but Tess. You haven’t given us any indication…”

“It doesn’t matter Spaniel. I’m not a cleared member of your team. This is completely necessary until something turns up.”

Kyle sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, well we know your name but you only know us by our codes.”

Tess nodded. “And it’s going to stay that way too.”

As Kyle opened his mouth to respond, she cut him off. “No Spaniel! You and I both know the rules. You cannot tell me without the other members of the team agreeing to it.”

He still looked like he wanted to tell her, but conceded to her words. “Fine. I guess I should be getting back to tracking these people down then.”

She nodded. “Yes. Not to put any more pressure on you, but you know all of our lives depend on this. All of us, Spaniel.”

With another reluctant nod, Kyle said good-bye to Tess and made his way back to his babies to begin yet another search for clues about who wanted them all dead and why.


Liz stalked up to the door and smartly rapped her knuckles on it. She was determined to get some answers and soon. As she stood there waiting for the door to open, she thought about why she was there.

Anyone who knew her, really knew her, could tell you Liz was a very aggressive, blunt, and frank woman who always knew exactly what she wanted. In fact, Liz was certain everyone who currently knew her knew exactly what she wanted. And lately all she really, really wanted was one man by the name of Max Evans. She wanted him so much that even Max knew she wanted him even though he wouldn’t admit it even to himself.

So, in an effort to get what she wanted, she was there for some clue to get her even closer to solving the mystery of Max.

It only took a few moments of her musing before the door was opened to reveal a puzzled looking Michael.

“Liz? What are you doing here?”

She held up her hand with the article Maria had printed out for her. “I was hoping you could solve something for me.”

Michael looked at her hand before nodding. “Okay, come on in.” He stepped back to allow Liz inside then shut the door behind them.

A few minutes later found the two of them on Michael’s couch with Michael shaking his head and looking apologetic. Liz had given him the article which he’d read and immediately knew what Liz wanted.

“I’m sorry Liz, there’s nothing I can tell you about Max.”

Liz frowned. “Oh come on Michael. There must be something you know about him! Maria says you two are the closest.”

Michael sighed. “We’re the closest in terms of being around each other the longest of the four original team members. But when it comes to being friends, we aren’t.”


“No Liz. You don’t understand. I’ve tried, okay. Believe me I’ve tried. I even volunteered stories of my life growing up and still he never shared his past with me. He knows a hell of a lot more about me than I will ever know about him.”

Liz accepted the paper back from Michael with a defeated sigh. “Do you suppose it’s because of what the article says? That he doesn’t remember it at all?”

Michael shrugged. “I know it’s true about him not remembering anything before he was picked up by those monks, but Max hasn’t even told me anything about his life after he was found by them. Nothing.”

She looked down at the article in her hands. “Why do you suppose he doesn’t talk about his past?”

“Your guess is as good as mine,” replied Michael.

Liz shook her head. “Yeah, well silence isn’t the answer. I think it’s time someone made him face his past, otherwise it just may dog his heels for the rest of his life. Who wants that?”

“Apparently he does,” came the mumbled answer.

“That’s just an excuse!” exclaimed Liz as she got up from the couch and made her way to the front door. “Thanks for your help Michael, but I guess I just have to go get it from the horse’s mouth huh?”

Michael sprang from the couch and hastened after her. “Liz wait!”

Having reached the door, Liz turned around to look at him. He made it to her side and placed a warning hand on her shoulder.

“Look, I completely understand why you want Max to open up to you. God knows what I’d do if Maria wasn’t completely honest with me, but Max isn’t like us. Something happened to him Liz and I don’t think it was anything good at all. I mean, if he can’t remember it at all, if his mind blocked it out completely, then it just has to be bad.”

Liz nodded. “I know that, but think about it Michael. What if whatever it was that happened to him comes back to haunt him? Wouldn’t it be better if he had help?”

He gave her a sad smile. “Yes, it would be. To the rest of us it would, but this is Max we’re talking about. And if he’s this secretive about all of his past, don’t you think you’re playing with fire by going and confronting him with this? Think about it Liz. Are you willing to risk his wrath and its consequences by trying to make him fess up his secrets?”

Silence fell between the two of them as Liz looked down at the papers she still held in her hand. After a few moments she slid her gaze back to Michael’s.

“I have to make him talk about it Michael. If I don’t, who will?”


Alex walked into headquarters’ living area whistling a lively tune. Max looked up from the paperwork he was perusing to cock an inquisitive eyebrow at him.

“Where’s Kyle? Isn’t he supposed to be solving something on his computers?”

Alex winked at Max. “He’s grilling the prisoner for more information again.”

Max clenched his jaw as he looked back down at the papers. “He’s spent entirely too much time grilling the prisoner, tell him to get back to work!”

Alex shook his head. “Uh uh. I’m off the clock now buddy. You’re gonna have to do it yourself.”

Max glared at Alex as he picked up his duffel bag and headed towards the door. “See ya later Max,” he paused as an afterthought hit him. “Oh, do you want to come out with me tonight? Looks like you could do with a little something, something from the ladies.”

Max rolled his eyes as he got up and stalked past Alex into the room that held the beds, growling under his breath. “No, I don’t want to go club hopping with you. Or lady hopping for that matter!”

Alex shrugged. “Suit yourself, I’ll catch ya later then. See ya Spaniel!”

He’d yelled the last bit towards the back of the bedroom where Kyle was currently talking to Tess.

“Later Dalmatian!” came Kyle’s reply.

As Alex left headquarters, Max stalked to the area that held Tess’ cage and snapped at Kyle. “Haven’t you already asked her all the questions? What else do you think she hasn’t told you yet?”

Kyle and Tess stopped talking the moment they heard him and now Kyle was on his feet. “Oh, well I’m kind of stuck. So I thought if I just asked her again, something might click this time, you know?”

Max narrowed his eyes at him clearly not believing a word he was saying.

“I asked him the same thing Akita and his answer was the same then. I can’t see how it’s going to help either, but I keep answering the questions anyway. I mean, maybe there will be something there that wasn’t there the last time I said it,” interjected Tess since Max was looking at Kyle suspiciously.

Max shook his head at both of them. “Spaniel, if there wasn’t anything there the last few times, then there isn’t going to be anything there this time! Why don’t you try another route at the computers instead of spending time making her sound like a broken record huh?”

Kyle lifted his chin in defiance. “You know, I’m doing everything I can to solve this! Your life isn’t the only one that’s in danger! Don’t you think I want to find out who’s behind this as much as you do? But I can’t do this without a lead to follow and right now I got squat!”

“Spaniel, maybe you should take a break for a while and wait for Eskimo to return to help you. Maybe all you need is a bit of rest and a clear mind to start again.”

All three of them had turned to look at Liz as she’d addressed Kyle. However, she wasn’t looking at Kyle as she finished speaking. She was looking directly at Max who was now bristling at her intrusion.

“Take a break? You think he should take a break when he’s been spending too much time back her talking to her!”

Liz shrugged, obviously not fazed by Max’s intimidating stance. “He was talking to her hoping something would jump out for him. It’s not working. Sometimes it’s best to take a step back to clear your head before attempting to figure out something this complicated.”

Kyle nodded. “I think Keeshond is right, Akita. I’ve been thinking of this nonstop for a couple of days now. Maybe I should just drop it for the time being and then get back to it in the morning when Eskimo joins me.”

Max clearly wasn’t happy with that, but reluctantly nodded. “Fine then take a break. I’ll take over guarding the prisoner until morning.”

Liz stepped up to him. “Actually, I’d like a few moments to talk to you. Spaniel you wouldn’t mind watching the prisoner for a bit would you?”

“Not at all.”

“Thanks. Akita, come with me.” Liz grabbed Max by the wrist and led him into the living area.

As soon as they were out of hearing distance, Max jerked his wrist back and growled, “So, what is this about?”

Just like she’d done to Michael, she held out the papers for Max to see. “Tell me about this Max.”

Max glared down at the papers. “What is this?”

“Just read it.”

Max sighed, but did as she said. The moment he realized just what he was reading, he also realized what Liz was asking. Crumpling the papers in his hands, he turned away from her.

“That’s in the past.”

“I know it is Max, but what I want to know is how come you never told me about it?”

“What difference does it make?”

Liz grabbed Max’s arm and made him face her. “It makes a hell of a difference if you intend to keep pulling that ‘me man, you female’ crap on me! Don’t you dare tell me that your past doesn’t matter because if you intend to keep seeing me, you have to be honest with me! Here you are saying we can’t trust anyone outside of the group and you can’t even trust me enough to tell me about this!”

“That’s different Liz!”

“How is it different exactly? Trust is trust!”

“This is personal!”

“Oh and what you and I share in my bedroom isn’t?”

“That’s not what I’m saying…”

“Then what are you saying?”

“Damn it woman! Why are you doing this?”

“Because I want to know you Max! We all do!”

“You know me! I haven’t lied about anything that has to do with the job.”

Liz sighed. “That’s just it Max. That’s all we know about. The job, but some of us would like to be your friend and to do that we have to get to know you. The real you, not the assassin.”

Max stared at her for a moment before he whirled away. “Well guess what? The assassin is the real me!”

“No it isn’t!” But Max was already halfway out the door. “Max wait! That’s not true!”

Just before he slammed the door, Liz heard a muttered “It’s all I know!”

Shadowlynxbehr's Fics
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss
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Addicted Roswellian
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Location: In my bedroom surrounded by Jason

Post by Shadowlynxbehr »

Part 10

Max groaned in his sleep, his body jerking and twisting the sheets tighter around his sweaty body. Distorted images flashed through his mind, a fragmented nightmare that wouldn’t let go of him. Even as he saw the bloody bodies, he wondered who they were.

The images were accompanied by sounds. A fire roaring in the background. Fighting. Screams. And then a male’s deep voice yelling, “Zander, run!” The moment those words shrilled in his head, he felt something white hot pierce his chest.

With a strangled gasp, Max woke up and immediately clutched his chest right where it felt like he’d been wounded. Taking deep gulps of air, he looked down at his chest to see that it was perfectly fine. There wasn’t even a scar where the phantom pain had been just to the right of his heart.

Sighing raggedly, Max ran his hands through his sweat soaked hair an instant before he realized his was trembling. With a disgusted groan, he slid out of his lonely bed and donned a pair of cutoff sweatpants and a tight fitting T-shirt.

This is what he did every time something like this happened. When he had the troubling nightmares that wouldn’t let him sleep, he’d get up and go work out until he was exhausted. Luckily he’d set up a makeshift gym in the second bedroom of his house when he’d first moved in.

Of course, that’s not why he’d set up the gym. He’d done it as a means to keep training and to keep fit for the missions he went on. Plus, he didn’t always have those nightmares. In fact, it had been a while since he’d had one.

When he’d first started at his current job, they had been rather frequent. Then, the agency had sent in a psychologist to help rid him of the nightmares since they didn’t want one of their employees doing a poor job due to lack of sleep.

Max had actually been amazed that the therapy had worked. Still there were times when the nightmares returned. When they did, he just did an intense workout, followed by the breathing exercises he’d been taught. That was mostly all it took to be able to go back to bed without any more nightmares.

After Liz had confronted him earlier that day, he’d gone to relieve Kyle from guarding Tess until Michael and Maria had shown up the following morning. It had taken everything in his power not to dwell on the earlier confrontation throughout the entire time. However, he’d thought that by the time Michael had relieved him from guarding Tess, he’d done a good job of putting it out of his mind.

He entered the gym and did a few stretches before he picked a practice sword from the wall and began going through the movements on the mat in the center of the room. He tried to concentrate on his movements and the placement of the sword, clearing his mind of everything else.

With precision, he performed all the exercises of his swordsmanship training. His body moving with poetic grace and efficiency. As his routine came to a close, his concentration was jarred with the sudden flash of red and mumbled voices in his mind.

Frowning, Max shook his head to rid himself of the images and tried to finish his routine. When he did, he set the sword aside and went to the punching bag in the corner of the room. Quickly taping up his hands, he went to work punching and kicking the bag.

Putting everything he had into performing the fighting skills he’d picked up in Asia, Max tried to concentrate on the punching bag. Unfortunately, tonight was going to be a tough one for him as more images and voices flashed through his mind.

Every time one of them did, he just punched or kicked harder. It was as if he thought all he had to do was beat them out of his mind. Still, it wasn’t working. Soon, Max had left the punching bag and was moving around the room doing his workout.

Running from one corner of the room to the next. Flipping off of a bench or a wall. Tumbling across the floor and sweeping his leg out in a kick as he rose to his feet. Throwing punches and making other hand movements that would disable any opponents. Over and over again, he moved through the room until his thighs burned and sweat poured into his eyes.

Gritting his teeth in frustration as another image flashed through his mind, he rushed to the punching bag and began pummeling it with everything he had. Finally, with fire rushing through his overworked muscles, he stumbled away from the bag and leaned back against the wall.

Taking deep breaths, he began to calm his racing heart as he removed the tape from his hands and tossed it aside. Leaning back against the wall, he closed his eyes and began the breathing exercises he’d been taught. As he moved into the third and final set, he heard the voice again.

“Zander, run!”

Max’s eyes flew open as he stared around the room. His breathing increased as he felt the phantom pain in his chest again. Lifting his hand to the spot, he wondered why he was feeling the pain of someone named Zander. Why was he having nightmares of someone else’s terror? And who were those people he kept seeing over and over again?

As exhaustion began to set in, he slid down the wall and drew his knees up. Trying to resume his breathing exercises, he closed his eyes to concentrate. The moment he drew in a deep breath, it caught in his throat causing him to cough and open his eyes. When he did, he realized his vision was blurry.

It took him another second to realize that it was tears that was causing it. His mind couldn’t fathom the idea of him crying, but the rest of his body didn’t listen. Before Max realized what he was doing, he’d bent his head over his arms and knees and began to quietly cry.

His body shaking with sobs, he was unaware of Liz until she reached out to gently touch his arm. After Max had walked off on her, she had decided to give him some space and had gone home. She’d returned to headquarters before she knew Max was getting off and waited outside for him to leave.

Trailing him to his home, she sat outside debating on if she should go and talk to him again or not. Finally deciding to do it, she’d gone up to the door intending to knock on it when an unsettling feeling fell over her. Thinking it was her sixth sense going off, she tried to discern what was wrong.

Her senses led her to Max’s bedroom window where she was able to get a view in a crack in the blinds. There she saw him waking up in a panic and witnessed his confused movements. She’d stayed silent as she watched him dress and leave the room. Then, using her senses, she was able to locate him in the second bedroom of the house.

Knowing she was intruding on his privacy, she still remained where she was and watched as he seemed hell bent on destroying an invisible enemy. However, when he collapsed on the floor and wore a scared little boy expression, she knew she couldn’t just stand back and watch anymore.

Whatever was bothering him was what was setting off her sixth sense and she knew she had to get to the bottom of it. So, she undid the window latch with her tools and climbed in quietly before making her way to his side. Going down to her knees, she prepared herself for Max’s reaction as she reached out to lay a gentle hand on his arm.

Max’s head jerked up the moment he felt her touch. He was so confused that he couldn’t even react like he normally did when someone snuck up on him like that. Instead, he stared at her through red, teary eyes with a lost expression on his face.

“Liz?” came his broken voice.

She nodded. “Yes, it’s me Max.”

He continued to stare at her as if he couldn’t believe she was really there until Liz reached out to wipe the tears from his cheek.

“Max, what’s wrong?”

He blinked in confusion. “I-I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

“No, I… I never cry and I don’t know why…what’s wrong.”

She watched as he seemed to be trying to come up with a better explanation before she finally nodded. “Okay, um why don’t you come with me.”

He turned to look at her again. “What?” he whispered.

“Come with me. Let’s get you cleaned up and comfortable okay?”

His head bobbed uncomfortably. “O…Okay.”

Liz helped him up before she led him out of the room and back to his where she started the shower for him and stepped in to bathe him. Throughout the entire bath, Max seemed to be somewhere else as she turned him this way and that.

When she was finally finished washing his hair and bathing him, she shut the shower off and stepped out to wrap a towel around herself. Then she grabbed another towel and led Max out of the shower before she began to dry him off.

As she did his hair, he looked at her as if he was seeing her for the first time. Liz ignored him for the moment as she finished towel drying his hair before she led him back into the bedroom. She gently pushed him down to sit on the edge of the bed as she finished drying him off before moving to his dresser.

“Where do you keep your underwear and a shirt Max?” she asked as she opened one drawer to look in.

When Max didn’t answer, she turned around to look at him. He was still staring at her as if he were fascinated with her. Frowning at his unusual behavior, she walked back to sit down next to him.

Taking his hand in hers, she tried to get his attention. “Max? What’s going on?”

Lifting a hand to her cheek, he ran his fingers over her skin in the lightest of touches. Still, Liz could feel how much they trembled. She looked into his eyes which now carried a haunted look to them as he seemed to be trying to memorize her features.

As his thumb began to move over her lips, she spoke in a hushed voice. “Max?”

He gave her a ghost of a smile. “You sure are beautiful,” came a barely there response. It was so quiet that Liz almost believed she’d imagined it.

She was about to ask him if he’d spoken when he leaned down and took her lips in his. Liz was stunned at the way he cupped her face while he deepened the kiss. As if he were trying to taste her fully and inhale her at the same time.

His hands moved from her face to her hair where he buried his fingers as deeply as he could in her still damp tresses. Tilting her back onto the bed, he moaned as her tongue slid against his in the way that he had come to enjoy.

Max couldn’t get enough of her mouth, her kisses. And as he continued to get drunk on her taste, he realized that the images seemed to have faded away. Not wanting them to come back, he slid his body over hers and began to remove their towels.

Sighing in contentment when he could feel her soft skin beneath his, he finally left the heady wine of her mouth to trail kisses down her neck to her breasts. Cupping one tenderly in his hand, he suckled the other with his mouth and smiled when he heard the sound he’d been hoping for.

Liz moaned when Max’s mouth closed over her breast and began gently tugging it with his lips and tongue. She buried her hands in his hair, holding him close as he lavished attention one, then the other. Tilting her head up, she pressed a kiss on the top of his head and slid one hand down his back in a caress.

Max became hungry for her mouth again and soon slid up her body until he was kissing her again. As he buried a hand in her hair and slid the other one down her arm, Liz rolled them over until he was beneath her.

A few moments later, he growled in protest when Liz took her mouth from his. But it soon turned into a soft moan as she kissed and nipped her way down to his chest where she laved his nipples with her tongue. Then she began to tease his skin with little nips as she widened her legs to straddle his hips.

The moment her wet heat came into contact with his groin, Max swore he could see stars. Grabbing her head, he pulled her down into another kiss as she slowly sank down to take him into her body.

Liz tried to sit up so she could ride him better, but Max refused to stop kissing her. Finally, as she sat up Max went with her so that he could continue to taste her lips. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders for better leverage as she began a steady, but leisurely rhythm.

Max braced himself on one hand and used the other to caress his way up her arm and shoulder before burying it in her hair once more. Tilting his head back slightly, he had better access to her mouth as he began to lift his hips to meet her movements.

He moaned when he felt her walls beginning to tighten around him. Not wanting it to end so soon, he wrapped both arms around her body to pull her close to him. Chest to chest, they could both feel the movements as they tried to get air into their starved lungs.

Finally understanding what Max was doing, Liz gently pushed him back onto the bed and began to run her hands over his body in a soothing motion. Leaning over him, she took his lips in for a long gentle kiss before she sat up once more and continued soothing his body with her hands.

Max watched her caress him for a few moments before he closed his eyes to better enjoy the way her hands felt on his skin. The more she comforted him, the more his emotions began to overwhelm him again. Emotions he had thought were buried deep came rushing to the surface and pushed him over the edge.

He could have sworn he wasn’t even capable of feeling like that, but he was fast finding he was wrong. For as long as he could remember, he’d buried those feelings thinking he didn’t need them to survive. After all, they’d only get in the way. Now, here they were staring him in the face and he knew the reason why.

That reason was currently moving her lips over his jaw to his chin. The moment her lips covered his, his eyes snapped open. Unable to deal with his conflicting emotions, Max did the only thing he could think of doing.

Needing to get those emotions out of him, he flipped her onto her back and thrust deep into her body. Liz’s response was to moan his name and grip him tighter between her arms and thighs.

That moan only served to make him thrust harder. Gritting his teeth, he buried his face in her neck as he pounded her into the mattress. He grunted with the effort, lowering his hands to grip her hips until he was holding her in the best position to plunder her depths.

Liz threw her head back and dug her nails into Max’s shoulders. She gripped the back of his thighs with her feet and used that as leverage to lift her hips to meet his frenzied thrusts. The harder he pounded into her, the more she responded in kind. Once more she could feel herself nearing the end. She was so caught up in the way he was making her feel that she was vaguely aware of the wetness against her neck.

Max ignored the tears of frustration leaking from his eyes as he continued to pummel her depths. Suddenly Liz took his body in a death grip as she screamed his name in ecstasy. Even as he felt her orgasm rush over him, Max groaned against her neck as his emotions finally found their outlet.

Liz held him close until she felt his orgasm subside. It wasn’t until she realized his trembling hadn’t stopped that she pulled slightly away to see his face. That was when she’d realized the wetness she’d felt against her neck had been tears.

Unable to stop trembling, Max stared at her in disbelief. He had thought the emotions would all be gone once he’d released himself, but to his shock they were still churning around inside of him.

All he could do was let them have their way as he whispered, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Thinking he was apologizing for the way he was feeling, Liz simply wrapped her arms around him and held him close. Running a calming hand through his hair and down his back, she tried to sooth him with soft words.

“It’s okay Max. You’ve had a rough day. It’s okay. Just get some sleep now.”

It would be a long time before Max stopped trembling and repeating “I’m sorry” as exhaustion finally took hold of him and sent him into a deep sleep.


In the early morning hours, Liz slowly came awake to the feel of Max still sleeping soundly in her arms. Opening her eyes, she looked down at his face where his head was resting against her chest. There were dried tears on his cheeks and the skin around his eyes looked red and puffy.

That was the only testament to the rough night he’d had. Other than that, he looked to finally be at peace as he slept with one arm draped over her waist. She lifted a hand to brush the hair from his face before leaning down to place a kiss against the top of his head.

She knew he had to be really exhausted if that simple movement hadn’t woken him up. Still, when she tried to slip out from under him so she could gather her clothes and make her way home, he groaned softly and rubbed his eyes.

“What time is it?” he asked in a groggy voice.

She glanced at the clock. “Eight p.m.”

He sighed as he lowered his head back to her chest and closed his eyes. “It’s too early to be up yet.”

She quirked an eyebrow at that. “I’m not the one who is anal about getting to work on time Max.”

He tightened his arm around her waist. “Where are you going?”

“I thought I’d go home and give you some time to…”

“Stay,” came the soft response that made her stop in mid-sentence. When she didn’t say anything, he looked up at her and added a “Please?”

How could she possibly say no to the way he’d just said that in the most heartbreakingly, dejected voice she’d ever heard. Wrapping her arms around him, she nodded.

“Okay, Max. I’ll stay a little longer. Go back to sleep for now okay?”

He nodded his head against her chest as his eyes closed once more. She was still running her fingers through his hair as his breathing finally evened out again. Chewing on her bottom lip, she wondered just what was troubling him.

Using the clues she had, she knew it had to have stemmed from the nightmare he’d been having when she’d peeked into his bedroom window earlier that morning. And if her hunch was right, she had a feeling whatever he’d been dreaming about had something to do with the past she’d tried to get him to talk about the day before.

Whatever it was, she knew that despite needing her comfort now, he wasn’t going to wake up and finally spill his secrets to her. Still, a woman could continue to hope against the odds, couldn’t she?

Shadowlynxbehr's Fics
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss
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Post by Shadowlynxbehr »

Part 11

Maria glanced over her shoulder at Kyle as he secured Tess into the chair she’d be sitting in for the duration of their mission. Nearly a week had passed and there was still nothing to be found about who was out to get the group. Despite that, they continued to take missions given to them by the agency.

Tess had helped them in any way she could whenever the guys asked her for her advice. Even Max conceded that since Tess may have worked with their enemy for a while, she might have some insight as to what could happen on a mission. During those times, she remained in the cage while Maria and Kyle worked the computers and the others went out on the mission.

Alex became the one to sit in the hidden mobile unit since Kyle remained behind with Maria at headquarters. However, this time all of them were needed on site which was also a good thing for Maria since she was getting more confident with her ability to work with the team. Since no one would be at headquarters to watch her, Tess had to be taken with them.

By this time even Max wasn’t too worried about Tess trying to attack them since she’d been a very compliant prisoner. Still, they weren’t going to simply let her walk around freely. Instead, she had to be locked into a chair in the mobile unit while Kyle and Maria worked on the computers.

As soon as Kyle had her completely secured, he made his way to his chair next to Maria and looked up at the screens.

“So, how’s it look?”

“So far so good. Everything looks clear and the workers are leaving on schedule.”

At Kyle’s nod, Maria glanced back at Tess. “She alright?”

“Yeah, she’s secured,” came his slightly annoyed response.

Maria didn’t respond since she knew why Kyle was a bit upset. He’d been the only one to say that maybe Tess didn’t need to be tied down that way. No one else had agreed with him and of course Max had been the harshest about it.

It hadn’t really helped Kyle that Tess had backed up Max’s view too. Most of the others knew why it was that Kyle was the most vocal about allowing Tess more freedom. Even Maria knew that ever since the petite blonde had become their prisoner she and Kyle had been growing closer.

After all, it wasn’t just clues that the two of them discussed whenever Kyle took a break from searching the computers to talk to Tess again. Despite all their closeness, Tess refused to know what their real names were. She insisted that she didn’t want to know anything like that until the group agreed it was okay to tell her. So, she continued to call them all by their codenames.

Kyle scanned the screens and began to flick a few switches. After a few minutes, he arched an eyebrow at Maria. In turn, she surveyed the screens and checked the time before she nodded.

Kyle grinned and flexed his fingers before putting on his headpiece.

“Ok, Team it is now time to start the mission.”

“It’s clear over here, how’s it look Spaniel?” came Michael’s voice.

“Eskimo and I have it clear on our end, Terrier. How ‘bout the rest of you?”

“Clear on my end,” came Alex’s voice.

“Affirmative, Dalmatian,” replied Kyle.

A few moments of silence passed before Maria and Kyle glanced at each other. Maria adjusted her headpiece before speaking.

“Akita? Keeshond? What’s going on?”

Liz’s voice came back so quietly they almost couldn’t hear it. “Two stragglers talking right outside of Akita’s spot. Waiting for movement.”

Kyle quickly flicked some switches until they could see the area where Max and Liz were supposed to be hiding while waiting to move in. Sure enough, there were two men with briefcases dressed in business suits carrying on a conversation right next to the area where Max was hiding. Liz’s hiding spot was only a few feet further away, but she was being careful not to let her voice carry.

Maria frowned at the screen. “Well now, that puts a crimp in the plans don’t it?”

Kyle nodded as his eyes flicked over the area trying to figure out a way to get the two men out before they lost their time frame, but just as he was getting antsy the two men moved. Kyle breathed a sigh of relief as he and Maria watched the two men say goodbye to each other before getting into their cars and driving off.

As soon as Kyle made another complete sweep of the area, he spoke to the others again. “Okay, everything’s clear. Sound off Team.”

“Still clear,” came Michael’s voice.

“Clear here too,” replied Alex.

“Clear,” echoed Liz.

And finally came Max’s voice. “Clear.”

It was Maria who answered. “Affirmative. You are good to go.”

“Moving in,” replied Max.

Ten seconds later Liz’s voice sounded. “Keeshond moving in now.”

Again there was silence as the clock ticked away the seconds. Right on time came Liz’s voice. “We’re in.”

“Good,” replied Maria. “Dalmatian?”

“Moving into position now.”

Once more they watched the clock until Alex’s voice sounded. “In position.”

“Good, how you holding up Terrier?”

“It’s nice and quiet out here,” came Michael’s response.

“Okay Team, let’s finish this quickly then.”


As soon as Max heard Kyle give them the green light, he signaled to Liz and she began to move down one side of the building as he moved down the other. Alex was waiting for them just inside the exit doors where he was disabling the alarms so that they could make their getaway through there rather than going out through the front doors.

It would be easier to go out the back since by the time they would be finished, the front doors would be locked and guarded by a security man. It was a simple matter for Alex to disable the alarm at the rear door, then allow Kyle to reset it once they were out.

As soon as Liz made it to the door that led down to the basement, she signaled to Max and waited until he joined her. The moment he did, they both took their stances and Liz opened the door.

Letting it open quietly, she waited a beat before leading with the gun she carried. Unlike Max, Liz was much more comfortable carrying a gun in this day and age. Still, she carried her sword in its sheath at her hip and her psychic sword was always there if she needed it.

Quickly looking down the stairs, she deemed it safe and began the descent with Max bringing up the rear. As soon as they were down the stairs, Liz looked around once more with her better eyesight in the dim light until she ascertained where their target was.

The man was curled on his side on a couch in the middle of the room. A glass of whiskey sat on the table next to where he slept. Max nodded when Liz indicated the man before making his way to the man’s side. Lifting his sword, he intended to make it quick until he realized something wasn’t right.

As Liz continued to watch the stairs, Max bent over the man to check his pulse. Frowning, he straightened up and picked up the glass as Liz turned around to glare at him.

“What are you doing?” she hissed.

Max took a whiff of the drink before making a face and setting the glass back down. “It’s poisoned. He’s already dead.”

“What?” Liz asked in amazement as she made her way to his side. Quickly she bent over the man and placed her hand on his head. Immediately she withdrew her hand with a gasp.

“You’re right. Akita, what if it’s a trap?”

Max’s jaw tensed. “Then we need to get out of here now.”

Liz nodded as she moved back to the stairs. They made their way up the stairs as stealthily as they had gone down. Soon they were making their way towards the doors where Alex waited. The moment he saw them, he spoke quietly into the headpiece.

“Spaniel, now.”

“Coming,” replied Kyle.

As Max and Liz reached Alex, Max leaned in close to whisper. “Target was already eliminated.”

Alex’s eyes went wide. “A trap?”

“Could be,” replied Max.

Alex nodded and carefully opened the door. Leading with his gun, he glanced out to see that everything was clear. As soon as he was outside, guarding the area for Max and Liz to follow him, he spoke into his headpiece.

“Team, target was already eliminated. Trap suspected.”

“Well, it’s still clear on my end,” came Michael’s reply.

“I’m almost there,” said Kyle.

“A trap? But Tess is right here with me,” responded Maria.

“That just means they have someone else besides me working to take the team out,” came Tess’ reply.

“She’s right,” agreed Max as Kyle came up to them. He walked right up to the doors and pressed his hands against them. He concentrated for a few minutes until he felt the electricity obeying his commands.

With a smile, he turned to the others. “It’s done.”

“Good,” Max replied. “Terrier, give us ten then follow.”

“Got it.”

Just as the four of them began to make their way through the area, they all heard Maria’s voice over their headpieces.

“Shit! We’ve been had!”

Sounds of a scuffle was heard then Tess’ shouting, “Eskimo, get me loose I can help!”

Max gritted his teeth. “Spread out.” They all began to make their way towards the hidden mobile unit. Regulating themselves to hand signals in case anyone could hear over the headpieces.

“Eskimo, answer me!” came Michael’s alarmed voice over the headpiece amid the sounds of fighting.

“I’m trying to get to the prisoner.”

The sound of a gunshot made everyone freeze in the spot as Michael’s voice roared over the airwaves.


“Terrier, stay where you are!” came Max’s command.

“She’s not like us!” was Michael’s reply.

“Damn it Terrier, stay!” barked Max.

“I’m okay, Terrier. Prisoner is helping me,” came Maria’s voice, albeit a little shaky sounding.

Max nodded and made signals to the others as they continued to make their way back to the mobile unit. Half way there, they were joined by Michael who sent a glare Max’s way but fell in with the rest of them as they commenced on the unit.

Liz was the first to be able to see the entrance to the unit. Just as she looked up, a body came flying out of the door. It hit the tree nearby and landed in a heap at the base, clearly unconscious. Mentally readying her psychic sword, she pulled out her real sword and moved closer to the entrance.

Just as she reached the entrance, Max and Kyle joined her with Michael and Alex taking up the rear. All of them were there to witness the door banging open once more as another body went flying through the air to land near the first one.

“What the hell?” muttered Max as Michael pushed past them in a hurry to get to Maria.

Maria came scrambling out of the door frantically gesturing to them. “Stop, it’s a trap! Run!”

Just as she said that, it seemed as if many fighters materialized out of the air. Surrounded by a motley crew, the team had no choice but to fight. Maria quickly ran behind Michael as the rest of the guys and Liz formed a circle with their backs to each other.

Kyle held his fists out in front of him in a fighting stance and gritted his teeth in frustration. “Where’s Tess?”

Maria chuckled. “What? Didn’t you see the bodies flying out of the door?”

“Yeah,” he replied.

“Well that was her. Protecting me and kicking the shit out of the jerks!”

Kyle suddenly turned a huge grin at Max who simply rolled his eyes.

“Would you just concentrate on what’s in front of you?”

Another body came flying out of the door, prompting Alex to comment.

“Just how many jerks are in there?”

Maria looked at the others lying on the ground before she said, “About two or three more.”

Once again another body came flying through the air.

Kyle snickered. “She’s good.”

“Yeah,” muttered Max begrudgingly. No one missed the underlying admiration in his voice.

Just when one of the enemies surrounding them made a move, the last body came flying out of the door, followed by a disgruntled Tess. She growled as she saw the team surrounded by many more of the men she’d been fighting.

“There’s more of them?”

Maria nodded. “Yeah, didn’t you hear one of them say the others were waiting.”

Michael sighed. “And we didn’t disappoint did we?”

“Nope,” replied Alex.

As the enemies sprang into action, Max shouted. “Well let’s give them what they want then.”

Within moments the team was fighting off several men at a time. Max was now using two swords as he fought off four men. He was balancing his fighting between using his swords and chanting spells at them hoping to slow them down or throw them off.

Liz wasn’t too far from his side where she fought three men with her own sword. She’d already downed the first one with a thrust of her psychic sword, but had to return to the real sword or she’d tire herself out too soon. Still, she was holding her own.

Michael had downed two men immediately with his short range bow and was now taking on five more. Of course, Maria was lending a hand as she remained behind him occasionally using one of the protective movements Liz had taught her. She knew not to use her other powers until it was absolutely necessary since she was still rather new at being in the middle of a battle like that one.

Like Michael, Alex had downed two men immediately with the use of his retractable blades and was currently using a combination of hand to hand and retractable wires to fight off four men. Using his incredible strength, he’d backhand one man into another then use his wires to trip the others or tangle them up somehow. One way or another, he had them all desperately trying to get a hit on him.

Since he was the one with the least amount of battle experience, Kyle was only fighting off two guys without much success. Since he didn’t have anything electric in his hands that he could manipulate, he was relegated to using his body as a weapon.

Luckily for him, Tess made quick work of the two guys she was fighting before she made her way to his side. As her back pressed against his, he grinned at her over his shoulder.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hi,” he replied. “Are you here to rescue me?”

She grinned. “Do you need me to?”

“I want you to!”

She laughed before she launched herself at one of the men. Thinking she was aiming for his head, the guy ducked. Tess suddenly dropped to the ground and swept her leg out, knocking the guy on his back. The moment he was down, she pounced on him and slugged him good, knocking him out.

Kyle laughed, but was cut off when the other guy grabbed him from behind and took him in a chokehold.

As Kyle began to struggle for air, Tess walked up behind the guy and poked his shoulder. The moment the guy turned around, Tess slugged him. He went toppling to the ground, letting Kyle go in the process.

Tess grabbed Kyle before he fell. “You okay?”

Kyle took huge gulps of air as he nodded.

“Good. Come on, let’s get you in the unit where you can do much more damage to these guys.”

She took Kyle’s arm and led him to the unit, pushing him into the door before turning around to make sure no one got in. Kyle made his way to the computers and sat down. Checking all of the monitors to make sure everything was still running smoothly, he finally sat back and closed his eyes for a few moments.

Taking a few deep breaths, he concentrated on building his energy before he reached out and pressed his hands against the monitors. Moments passed before electricity began to crackle in the air around him. As it did, Kyle opened his eyes and stared at the monitors in front of him.

“Tess, tell Eskimo to use her powers to help the electricity spread to the targets.”

“Got it,” she replied before turning back to the others still fighting outside. “Eskimo, Spaniel wants you to use your powers to spread the electricity towards the targets.”

“What electricity?” came Maria’s response just before lines of electricity began to shoot out from the unit. “Oh, got it.”

As Maria began to concentrate on directing the electricity towards the enemy by using wind, Max shouted orders.

“Terrier, Keeshond. Help me cover Eskimo. Dalmatian, get to the unit and help her cover Spaniel.”

Alex ran to the unit where Tess was holding off several men from getting inside. He shoved several of them out of the way until he was next to Tess and grinned down at her. “Looks to me like you’re one lady who doesn’t need a gentleman’s help.”

Tess rolled her eyes. “I’m no lady, but I could certainly use your help.”

Michael, Max, and Liz were currently surrounding Maria, allowing her to concentrate on the electricity Kyle was sending out of the unit. Gritting her teeth, she muttered.

“Hold on to something. This could get ugly.”

Just as the others began to brace themselves, the wind picked up and suddenly the electricity began to arc through the air like bizarre lighting striking horizontally at precise targets. As each man was hit, screams rent the air until one by one they began to retreat.

Still, Maria continued to direct the electrical storm towards the targets until Michael realized it was beginning to take its toll.

“She can’t do this much longer!”

Max glanced back at Maria to see sweat breaking out over her face and her arms trembling from holding on so long. He nodded.

“Okay, break it off. We’ll handle the rest from here. Terrier, get Eskimo into the unit and we’ll follow.”

“I can hold it,” grumbled Maria.

“Eskimo, you need your strength to get yourself out of here on your own two legs,” stated Liz.

Maria suddenly realized if she used up her strength, Michael would probably carry her out of there, which meant he couldn’t fight. She knew as well as any of them that they needed all the fighters they could get. Nodding her head, she slowly let go of the power. The wind began to die down as the electricity began to fade away.

The moment it was gone, Michael wrapped an arm around her waist and ushered her towards the unit. Alex joined the others as they took up the fight and finished off any stragglers left behind. As soon as it seemed clear, they made their way back to the unit to find Tess and Michael hunched over Maria who was sitting in her chair next to a tired looking Kyle.

“She okay?” asked Max.

Tess raised her head and nodded. “She’ll be fine. She’s just a bit winded, but that’s to be expected with the amount of power she used today. We should get them both back to headquarters so they can rest a bit.”

Max nodded. “Terrier, think you can trust Keeshond with your bike while you stay with Eskimo, Spaniel, and Tess? Dalmatian will drive you guys home.”

Michael tossed the keys to his bike to Liz without even looking up at her.

“Okay, Keeshond and I will follow on the bikes. We’ll stay behind a bit to keep a lookout just in case.”

“Understood,” came Alex’s reply as Max and Liz left the unit and made their way to the hidden bikes.


A few hours later, Maria and Kyle were both resting in beds inside of headquarters with the rest of the team spread out around the room. As soon as they had all made it back to headquarters, Alex had done the honors of taking note of the debriefing before sending it to the agency. However, he’d kept a copy for them to look over later when they were ready to see how this connected to who was trying to kill them.

While Alex had been busy doing that; Max, Michael, and Liz were helping Tess take care of Maria and Kyle. It had only taken a few hours for them to regain their strength again, but they were still lounging in the beds as the others sat around them talking.

Alex sauntered into the room with a grin. “Well now that that’s done. Who’s up for a round of drinks?”

There were several groans around the room, making Alex frown.

“What’s that? Dost my ears deceive me? Did I actually hear groans?”

Michael snickered. “Yeah, man. You did. Not to worry though. I think a drink sounds good, but just one drink.”

Maria grinned. “I guess I’ll have one too.”

Max frowned at Maria before looking at Tess. “Do you think that’s wise?”

Tess shrugged. “She’s got most of her strength back. So long as she doesn’t use her powers again, she’s good.”

Max nodded. “Okay then.”

Alex clapped his hands. “Great, that’s two. What about the rest of you?”

Kyle glanced at Tess for a moment before he nodded. “Sure, count me in.”

Tess frowned. “Ok then, I guess that leaves Akita or Keeshond to guard me.”

They all stared at her for a moment before Max stood up and made his way to her side. Holding out his hand to her, he spoke.

“Hello Tess. I’m Max Evans. It’s an honor to meet someone who stuck their neck out to protect two of my team members.”

Tess looked stunned as the others began to smile around her. Slowly she shook Max’s hand before the others began to do the same. “I’m Michael Guerin. And I agree, thanks for taking care of Maria and Kyle.”

Maria shook her hand next. “Maria DeLuca, thanks Tess.”

Liz smiled at her as she shook her hand. “Welcome to the team Tess. I’m Liz Parker.”

“My lady, Alex Whitman at your service.” Tess shook her head with a grin as Alex took her hand and kissed the back of it.

Kyle was the last to go to her. Giving her a huge smile which made his eyes sparkle, he took her hand in his and said, “I’m Kyle Valenti and you are?”

She chuckled. “I’m Tess. Tess Harding.”

As Kyle continued to hold her hand, Alex slid his arm around her shoulders and leaned in closer.

“Well Miss Harding. Would you like to join me in a celebratory drink this evening?”

Kyle’s smile faltered for a moment as Tess sighed. She let go of Kyle’s hand and turned to look at Alex while batting her eyelashes at him.

“Mr. Whitman?”

“Um hm?”

“While I’m sure that charm of yours works wonders on many an unsuspecting damsel in distress, I think you forgot one thing.” She murmured as she trailed one finger down his arm.

“What’s that?” he asked.

She grabbed his arm and flipped him over until he was flat on his back. Leaning over him she gave him a wicked grin. “I’m not a damsel in distress.”

As the others laughed, Kyle let out a whoop before exclaiming. “That’s my girl!”

Tess simply winked at him before helping Alex back to his feet and brushing his shoulders off. As Alex joined the others in laughter, Tess made her way to Kyle’s side.

“Still, I wouldn’t mind joining you all for a drink or two.”

“All right, that’s four. Max? Liz?”

Max shook his head as he turned to look at Liz. “I’m kind of wiped.”

Liz nodded. “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.”

Max turned back to the others. “Liz and I are going to bow out this time. Do you mind if we hang out at your place tonight?”

The other guys gaped as Max asked Liz that last part. Never in a million years did any of them ever expect to hear their fearless leader ask a woman something like that.

Liz simply nodded her head and said, “Sure.”

Max grinned at her as he slung his arm over her shoulder and walked away with her. He looked back to wave at the others. “Later guys.”

The two of them ignored the still shocked looks on everyone’s faces as they disappeared out of the door.

Shadowlynxbehr's Fics
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss
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Post by Shadowlynxbehr »

Part 12

Liz stood at the stove, making scrambled eggs and bacon for a late breakfast to share with Max whom she assumed was still asleep in her bed. At least that’s where he’d been when she had left the bedroom after doing her morning bathroom routine and gone to the kitchen.

So she was surprised when a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her torso and his hands caressed their way up her chest to cup her breasts through her thin shirt. As he began to knead them, she briefly thought how strange it seemed that Max would ever be in a frisky mood as he seemed to be right then. She hadn’t thought he was capable of such a thing before.

“Max,” she moaned as his lips nibbled on her neck and she leaned back into him. “I was going to make you breakfast in bed.”

“Mmm,” he murmured before nipping her earlobe, then whispered in her ear. “That would have been nice, but Alex is on his way over.”

She frowned and turned to look at him. “Alex? Does he know where I live? Why is he coming?”

Max pulled her body flush with his and tipped her head back to lick and nip at her throat. “I gave him directions when he called just now. He’s got some information Kyle insisted I get as soon as possible.”

Liz moaned as his hands dipped under her shirt and cupped her bare breasts once more. His thumbs teased her nipples, making the tips form hard buds. “Um…okay.”

Max lifted Liz up onto the nearby counter and stepped between her legs. Cupping her face in his hands, he took her lips in a heated kiss. As the kiss deepened, Liz wrapped her arms around his shoulders and buried one hand in his hair.

Max slid his hands down to cup her ass, bringing her closer to the edge before pressing his rapidly hardening groin against her cotton covered heat. Liz tilted her head back, allowing him access to her neck and collar bone.

She moaned when he lifted her shirt up to tease her breast with his tongue. “Um, Max. You…you said Alex was on his way.”

“Mm hm. We have time before he gets here.”

She sighed as she slid her hands down his bare chest, enjoying the feel of his hard muscles beneath silky smooth skin. Just as her fingers began to dip beneath his boxers, there was a knock on the front door.

Max straightened up with a growl. “Who the hell is that?”

Trying to get herself back under control she managed to breathe out. “Guess Alex got here faster than you thought.”

He shook his head as he glared in the direction of the hallway. “It’s not Alex. The knock is too light.”

As the knock came again, Liz cocked her head to listen. A smile spread over her face. “It might be my neighbor, Isabel. She comes over often.”

Max sighed as he pressed a kiss against her lips. “Finish making breakfast and I’ll get rid of her.”

“Max!” she cried in mock shock as he turned to head for the door. When he turned back to give her a grin, she couldn’t help but laugh at his antics before jumping off the counter and swatting his behind.

She heard him chuckle as he left the kitchen to answer the door. With a smile, she turned back to finish the breakfast that was luckily not ruined yet.


Isabel was about to knock a third time when the door suddenly opened, nearly making her stumble forward. As it was, she’d managed to catch herself by placing her hand up against something warm and solid. Her eyes widened when she realized it was the bare chest of a man.

“Oh! I’m sorry,” she quickly apologized until she glanced up to see a scowl coupled with a pair of narrowed eyes glaring at her. “Oh.”

He quirked an eyebrow at her as he folded his arms over his chest. The scowl never left his face as he mumbled. “Yes?”

She took a tiny step back to compose herself before speaking. “Um, is Liz home?”

He gave her a quick nod and nothing else.

A few seconds later, Liz peeked around him to grin at Isabel. “Hey Izzy, what’s up?”

Isabel tore her eyes away from the intimidating man still glaring at her and gave her friend a timid smile as she held up an empty cup. “Sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if I could borrow a cup of sugar. I’m making cookies to take to my office party tomorrow.”

“Oh, sure thing. Come on in.” She rolled her eyes when Max continued to stand there looking at Isabel. Shoving him out of the way, she grumbled. “Max, move!”

He stood back and swept his arm out indicating for Isabel to enter. As she followed Liz into the kitchen, Max shut the door and headed for the bedroom.

“I’ll be in the bedroom getting dressed,” he called as he passed the kitchen door.

Liz nodded to him as she filled Isabel’s cup with sugar.

“Here you go.”

“Thanks,” Isabel replied as she gave Liz a look.

Liz chuckled as she put the sugar up. “Don’t let Max get to you. He’s not as mean as he looks.”

“I don’t know Liz. He looked rather angry when he answered the door.”

Liz gave Isabel a wicked smile. “Well, let’s just say he wasn’t too keen on being interrupted.”

Isabel looked around the kitchen. “Was he making breakfast?”

“No I was.”

“Oh, so he was still sleeping.”

Liz grinned as she shook her head. “Nope.”

“Then what did I…” At the look on Liz’s face, Isabel gaped. “Oh!”

“Ew, Liz!” she added with a grimace.

Liz shrugged. “What?”

Isabel sighed. “You never change do you?”

The smile gentled on Liz’s face as she looked at her friend. “Actually, I think I am. Changing, I mean.”


“You remember when you told me that I might want a guy to stick around for more than one night?”

Isabel nodded. “Yeah. You told me it would be nice, but you were gonna have fun until you found the one you wanted to stick around.”

Liz looked in the direction of the bedroom before looking back at her friend.

Isabel’s eyes went wide. “Him? That’s the one?”

Liz leaned in closer and spoke in a softer voice. “I’m really hoping so.”

“Really? How can you tell? You just met him.”

Liz shook her head. “A couple of days after we talked about having someone stick around, I mentioned to you that I met someone who’s kind of like me. A guy who could actually keep me on my toes.”


Liz grinned. “That was Max.”

“Max!” Isabel squeaked as she pointed towards the bedroom. “That’s the guy you’ve been talking about for the last few months!”

“Yeah, that’s him.”

“Oh, but Liz. Are you sure he’s what you want? I mean he seems all scrooge-like.”

Liz laughed. “Nah. It’s just the way he presents himself to strangers. It’s his protection against the world, I guess. But I’ve seen his heart Isabel. He’s got a big heart even though he doesn’t like to show it much.”

Isabel frowned. “Well, I guess you know him. But I still don’t think he’s your type.”

“Don’t worry Isabel, I’m a big girl remember? I can take care of myself.”

Isabel nodded. “Yeah, I know. Thanks for the sugar. I’ll let myself out so you can get back to breakfast.”

Max walked back into the kitchen just as she began to leave. Even though he was dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a light blue stone washed T-shirt, he still managed to look intimidating to Isabel.

“Um, yeah. I’ll just go.”

Liz moved to Max’s side and smiled up at him. “Max, this is my neighbor and my best friend, Isabel Laroche. Isabel, this is Max Evans.”

Max held out his hand to her. “Hello, Isabel.”

She hesitantly took his hand and was pleasantly surprised when it was warm and gentle against hers. “Hi, Max. It’s nice to finally meet you.”

He nodded before looking at Liz with a raised eyebrow.

Liz shrugged. “I told her that I’ve been working with you. She’s always known about my powers and since she’s my best friend, I talk to her about a lot of things.”

Isabel gave a nervous chuckle. “Yeah, she even tells me things I don’t really want to know. You know, like her lifestyle choices.”

Max turned a glare at Liz. “Lifestyle choices?” He growled.

Liz was unfazed as she patted his arm. “She means before you, handsome.”

“And she knows about your powers!”

“Max, she’s my best friend. Izzy doesn’t talk to others about me or you.”

“Who am I going to tell, really? They’d lock me up I’m sure.” Isabel interjected.

Max shook his head. “And does she really know about me?”

Isabel answered for Liz. “She told me about the powers you have. She was really impressed by them because you’re the first man who was able to keep up with her. And she likes the way you keep her on her toes.”

Max was about to comment again when the words Isabel just said penetrated his brain. Suddenly a lopsided grin appeared on his face as he looked at Liz. “I keep you on your toes, huh?”

Liz batted her eyes at him. “Did I say that?”

They continued the staring contest for a few moments before Isabel cleared her throat. “Okay, well. I’ll let myself out now.”

She began to leave the kitchen when there was a knock at the door.

Without breaking eye contact with Liz, Max spoke. “It’s Alex.”

Liz nodded. “Okay, come on Isabel, I’ll see you out while Max greets his friend.”

The three of them walked to the door, which Liz opened to reveal a grinning Alex.

“Hello, Liz. Max.” He paused when he noticed Isabel standing slightly behind Liz. His grin turned into that charming smile Liz knew so well. As the alarms sounded through her head, Alex leaned in and took Isabel’s hand in his.

“And just who is this lovely lady, gracing us with her presence?”

Isabel responded to his smile with one of her own. “Isabel.”

“Ah, Isabel. What a lovely name.” He covered her hand with both of his as he continued. “Alexander Charles Whitman at your service.”

When she simply continued to smile at him, he prompted her. “Might I have the honor of knowing your full name, my lady?”

Liz was about to interject when Isabel stepped closer to Alex. “Isabel Amanda Laroche.”

“Oh! You are French. Oui?”

“Oui.” She replied. “But only on my father’s side. His family is from France even though he was born here.”

Alex nodded. “I see. Well, in any case it is my pleasure to meet such a lovely lady as yourself, Ms. Laroche.”

As he finished that, he bent to kiss the back of her hand making Isabel smile even more. As he released her hand, Isabel agreed with him.

“It is a pleasure to meet you too Mr. Whitman.”

“Oh now, you can call me Alex. All my friends do, right Max?”

Max nodded. “He’s right.”

Isabel cocked her head to the side. “You’re a friend of Max’s?”

Liz rolled her eyes. “He’s on Max’s team.”

Alex gave Liz an inquisitive look as Isabel widened her eyes at Liz too. “You mean…he’s like you and Max?”

Liz nodded. “Yeah. And on that note, let me walk you out so Max and Alex can talk business.”

Before Liz had a chance to usher Isabel out of there, Alex interrupted with a question of his own. “Wait a moment. She knows what we are? What we do?”

Max nodded. “Yep. Apparently Liz shares everything with her best friend.”

Isabel smiled at him. “Don’t worry. I’m not about to tell anyone about all of you. Not only would I lose my best friend, but I’d be locked up because they’d think I was insane. And that’s not something I’d ever want to be.”

Alex chuckled. “Well, I must say. Liz is very lucky to have a friend such as you.”

Isabel locked gazes with him as she murmured a soft. “Thank you, Alex.”

It was a few moments before Liz finally broke their staring contest. “Max would you take Alex inside and check on breakfast while I see Isabel out?”

Max nodded as Liz took Isabel’s arm and ushered her out of the door. Isabel looked at Alex over her shoulder.

“It was nice to meet you, Alex.”

Alex tipped his head and waved to her. “I concur. Stay safe, Isabel.”

She waved as Liz nearly dragged her out of sight. As they reached Isabel’s door, Liz let go of her arm and glanced back at her own door. Alex and Max had already gone inside.

Isabel gave her a puzzled look. “Something wrong Liz?”

Liz put her hands on her hips and looked at Isabel. “Tell me you were just being polite and not really falling for that act.”

“Act? I don’t think that was an act Liz. He seemed like a very nice, honest gentleman. Did you think it was an act?”

Liz gaped at her for a moment before she sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Giving Isabel a sympathetic look, she answered her. “Okay, I hate to tell you this Isabel, but you know how my lifestyle was before I met Max?”

Isabel nodded.

“Well, let’s just say that Alex is the male version of what I was like then.”

Isabel looked skeptical. “Are you saying he had fun like you did?”

Liz nodded. “Yes. What you saw was his brand of charm. That’s how he lures them in. He just turns on that charm and voila, he has them eating out of his hand.”

Isabel still didn’t look convinced. “Liz, I think he was just being nice to me. He certainly didn’t look at me like he wanted to sleep with me.”

“Oh trust me, Alex doesn’t have to look at a woman like he wants to have her for a snack. He just trusts in his natural charm and it does all the work for him.”

Isabel sighed. “Okay, Liz. I get the hint. I do. But you don’t need to worry about me, okay? Really.”

Liz sighed. “I know Izzy. You’re my best friend, so I have to at least let you know the truth about him.”

Isabel smiled and hugged Liz. “Thanks, Liz. Don’t worry about me. Now, you need to get back to that gorgeous man of yours and your breakfast okay?”

Liz chuckled as she waved to Isabel. “Okay, later Izzy.”


Max and Alex were sitting at the kitchen table where they were discussing the papers Kyle had sent over while Max ate a bit of breakfast. Alex had declined Max’s offer of a plate and just sat there waiting for Max to finish looking over the papers when Liz stormed into the kitchen.

Standing next to Alex with her hands on her hips and glaring down at him, she growled. “Alex Whitman, I’m warning you! You stay away from Isabel or you will live to regret it!”

Both men looked up at her in puzzlement.

“Liz? What’s going on?” asked Max.

She turned her glare on him. “Oh don’t you dare stick up for him Max! You know how Alex operates as well as I do! I know exactly what he was doing because I used to do the same thing!”

Max glanced at Alex who simply shrugged and looked up at Liz. “I assure you Liz, I wasn’t trying to operate anything.”

“Uh huh. You can’t fool me Mr. Whitman! I know what you are after when you see a beautiful woman. And since Isabel is one, you’re laying that charm on thick. Well, it’s not going to work. You use my friend like you use all the other women and I’ll break your neck!”

Alex’s eyes went wide. “Liz! I’d never do something like that to someone whom you consider your best friend! The last thing I want is Max on my ass for pissing you off.”

“Max has nothing to do with this Alex! This is between you and me. We both know how to play that game. I was a master at it too. You can chase and lure any woman you want into your bed for the night, except her!”

Max, who had been looking between the two of them trying to figure out what was going on, stiffened at her words. His fork fell from lifeless fingers as he stared at Liz. The sound of it clanging against his nearly empty plate, stopped Alex in mid-sentence.

They both turned to see him staring at Liz. It was a few moments before he finally spoke.

“Are you saying….you go through men the way Alex goes through women? It’s…it’s a game to you?”

Liz inwardly cringed as she realized what she’d just said. Before she could think of anything to say, Alex stood up.

“Liz, I may be a ladies man but I draw the line at ruining friendships.” He turned to nod at Max. “I’ll tell Kyle you’ll get back to him later, Max. Now if you’ll both excuse me, I’ll show myself out.”

The moment the front door closed, Max quickly stood up. The sound of the chair scraping against the floor was loud in the tense room.


He cut her off with a glare. “So, what number am I?”


“The notch in your belt. What number is it?”

She shook her head. “It’s not like that.”

“Isn’t it? You just said you know how Alex operates because you did the same thing. That’s why you were so persistent with me. I was a game you refused to lose!”

“No Max! That was before I met you!”

“Oh, so now I’m cramping your style?”
She gritted her teeth. “Stop putting words in my mouth!”

He whirled away from her. “Whatever. I’m out of here.”

She glared at his back, her hands curling into fists. “Oh no you don’t Max Evans! You will not walk away from me!”

“Gee, where have I heard that one before?”

Her answer was to tackle him. As he landed hard on his side, he berated himself for not seeing that coming. He should have known better than to turn his back on a woman like Liz. As he tried to get to his feet, Liz pushed him onto his back and whipped out her psychic sword, holding it to his forehead as she straddled him.

Max’s eyes went wide at the look on her face. A scowl marred her lips, but he saw the sadness in her eyes. It was that which made him go limp beneath her. She didn’t move an inch, as if waiting to see if he was trying to catch her off guard.

After a few moments, she banished her sword and slid off to sit next to him on the floor. “Just hear me out. Please, Max?”

He sighed before nodding and sitting up. “Okay, I’ll listen.” He got up and offered her his hand. Helping her up, he let go of her hand and went to sit at the kitchen table while she sat down in a chair opposite him.

Liz took a deep breath before deciding to just plunge right in. “As you probably know, I was born with my powers. But they didn’t really start showing until I hit puberty. I mean, I’d always been able to see really good in the dark ever since I can remember. I can remember hearing my parents remark about how I was one of the rare kids who wasn’t afraid of the dark. But the psychic sword didn’t show up until I was about twelve.”

He grimaced. “Did you have witnesses?”

She shook her head. “Not the first time no. I’d just been reprimanded by my dad and he’d sent me to my room. I was angry at the way he was treating my mom and had yelled at him for it. So he yelled at me and sent me to my room. I was still angry after he’d tossed me in my room, so I was throwing things in a fit. It was then that I swung my arm out, about to punch something, when that ray of light just appeared. It freaked me out at first, but I was curious if I could do it again.”

He nodded. “So you tried to manifest it again.”

“Yes. It took several tries until I could do it. I realized that I had to be thinking of fighting someone to get it out. As I got older, I was able to manifest it simply by thinking of it as it really is. A psychic sword.”

“And now you just manifest it by thinking of that image?”

She nodded.

“Did you ever tell your parents?”

“Not at first. I kept it a secret because it was new and I wanted to be good at it before I showed it off, so to speak. Unfortunately, my mom saw it before I was ready to show her.”

“What did she say?”

“She was shocked when she saw it at first. Then she made me promise never to show it to anyone else or tell anyone about it.”

“Not even your dad?”

Liz closed her eyes for a moment before opening them and looking down at her hands she’d clasped together on top of the table. “That’s how mom first saw it. I’d used it on my dad.”

Max didn’t say a word. Instinct told him this wasn’t going to be good.

She continued to stare at her hands. “I was fourteen at the time and had come home from school to hear my dad yelling at my mom again. When I charged into the living room to yell at him to leave her alone, I saw her on the floor and him hunched over her.

Her clothes were ripped and she was bleeding from a cut on her lip. I saw red. Reacting instinctively, I launched myself at my father and started hitting him with my fists. He threw me off at first and my mom pleaded with him to leave me alone. When he ignored her and came after me, I got ready.

By the time he’d reached me, I had managed to manifest my sword and I swung it at him. Needless to say, it didn’t work because I hadn’t realized it only affects the mind. So when he leaned over me and began to hit me, I just kept on swinging at him over and over again until one of my swings went by his head.

His reaction was instantaneous. He started screaming and gripped his head in pain. A few moments later he was convulsing on the ground and a few moments after that, he was dead.”

Max was at a loss for words. “Liz…”

She looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “The funny thing was I didn’t regret what I’d done at all. He was a cruel man to my mother and deserved to die. I’d found out from my mom later that it wasn’t the first time he’d beaten her. She even told me that the only reason my father had married her was because he’d gotten her pregnant and his parents forced him to do the right thing.

He’d been yelling at her that day too. She’d yelled back and he’d hit her. One thing led to another and I was conceived. Not in love, but in hate.”


She shook her head and wiped a stray tear away. “That’s why I don’t ever regret what I did to him. But that was the beginning of the rest of my life.

When my mother got over her shock at seeing what I could do, she warned me never to show it to anyone nor speak of it either. Not even to her. Then she sent me to my room so she could deal with my father’s body.

She called the police and told them her husband had been beating her when he’d suddenly started convulsing and died. The medical examiner claimed he died of an aneurysm and my mother was never charged for his death.

After that, she became distant to me. She was afraid of me and what I could do. I wasn’t her daughter anymore, but a freak.”

Max reached out to cover her hands with his. She didn’t try to move away as she continued her story.

“My father hadn’t been in the ground more than five months when she began bringing other men home. Over the next few years, she’d have a serious guy or two but they always seemed to be abusive like my father had been. It’s like she never thought she could amount to anything better than those kinds of men.

By the time I was eighteen, my mother stopped talking to me altogether. One day, I came home from school and she was gone. Just like that. No note, nothing. She just took all her things and left.”

Liz looked up at Max as tears flowed freely down her cheeks. “That’s what hurt the most. I’d killed my father to save her and she turned her back on me. I never saw her again.”

Max got up and walked around the table to her. He pulled her up and sat down in the chair before settling her into his lap. Holding her close, he leaned his face against her hair.

“So, that led to the way you lived your life?”

She nodded against him. “I only had two months to go before I graduated. As soon as I did, I left town and wandered around the states. I’d shack up with anyone who’d let me, even trading sex for a place to sleep.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that I was good at convincing men to feed me and let me stay with them in exchange for sex. Somewhere along the way, I realized I could actually use my powers to earn money for myself. So I began to search the web looking for people who wanted someone to do a job where my powers would come in handy.”

As she continued to talk, Max ran a soothing hand through her hair.

“At first I wasn’t picky. If someone wanted me to steal something for them, I’d do it. A lot of the people I’d shacked up with along the way were rather shady characters and I managed to pick up some useful skills from some of them.

I could pick locks, fight hand to hand, and defend myself against an attacker. Since it was a psychic sword I could manifest, I decided to learn sword fighting and tried to find someone to teach me that. Eventually, I found a few videos and used that since taking classes was too expensive for me.”

“Well, either those were good videos or you were just born with a knack of picking up those skills. You fight well with a sword.”

She smiled against his chest. “Thanks. I think it was really my determination more than anything. I know I’ll never be as good as you are.”

“You can be as good as you want to be Liz. I could even teach you if you want.”

She pulled away to look up into his eyes. “I’m not going to lie to you Max. At first, I didn’t care what kind of jobs I took. Once I was able to make enough money to live comfortably, I began to get more choosy.

But my habits with men never changed. I think I convinced myself that all men were the same. Only wanting one thing from women and nothing else. So I made myself believe I could be just like them. I made myself believe I didn’t need anything from a man other than instant gratification and nothing else.”

Max frowned. “And now your habits have changed?”

She nodded. “Yes. Because of you. Isabel once asked me if I ever thought about having a guy who would stick around for more than one night. I told her it would be nice, but I was going to have fun until I found the one I wanted to stick around. What I didn’t tell her is that I didn’t believe there was such a guy out there.

I didn’t think there was a guy who wanted to stick around with someone like me. I know there were a few who were a little intimidated by me and that scared them away. But then I met you.

You’re the first man who could keep pace with me Max. In every way that counts. You’re not intimidated by me and you keep me on my toes. I never thought I’d meet someone I’d honestly want to stick around, but I’m really hoping it’s you.”

Max sighed as he closed his eyes and placed his forehead against hers. “When I met you, I never imagined you were the male version of Alex.”

She groaned. “You’re going to hold that against me, aren’t you?”

He was silent for a moment. “I don’t know. Honestly Liz. I don’t know what to think at this point. I’m like that with you. You just confuse the hell out of me and I don’t know how to deal with all these emotions inside of me. You say and do things and I just instantly react without thinking about it.

That’s how you affect me. That’s why I keep telling you it’s hard for me to work by your side. It’s never been in my nature to protect anything. Only to kill. But with you I’m finding all I want to do is protect you.”

Liz sighed as she slid her arms around his waist. “I don’t have a problem with that.”

He smiled. “Yes you do.”

She rolled her eyes. “Okay, when we’re working maybe I do. But when we’re off duty, I don’t mind so much.”

Max just looked at her for a moment before reaching up to wipe the rest of her tears away. “I’m sorry.”

She gave him a grateful smile as she leaned her cheek against his palm. “Thanks for listening, Max.”

He nodded as he leaned in to kiss her forehead. “I can’t promise anything Liz. But I will try not to walk away from you again.”

“That’s all I really want Max. For now, it’ll do.”

“It’ll do,” he repeated.

Shadowlynxbehr's Fics
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss
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Post by Shadowlynxbehr »

Part 13

Liz stuffed another forkful of pasta into her mouth, chewed and swallowed before taking a long drink from her iced tea. As she sat her glass back on the table, she noticed Isabel staring at her with her fork poised halfway to her mouth.

“What? I’m famished.” she said.

Isabel shook her head. “Must have been a long night.”

Liz arched an eyebrow. “I hope that wasn’t a jab at my nocturnal activities.”

Isabel chuckled. “Which nocturnal activities are we talking about? The job or Max?”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Which one were you talking about?”

Isabel smiled. “The job. I noticed you came home alone last night.”

“Spying on me are you?”

“No, I just happened to look out the window and there you were, nearly dragging yourself up to your front door.”

Liz’s eyes narrowed. “You were looking out of your window at four in the morning?”

Isabel sighed. “Yeah, Liz. As weird as that sounds, I was. I had gotten up for a glass of water and peeked out the kitchen window and there you were.”

Liz finally relented with a sigh of her own. “Yeah, it was a long night.”

Isabel nodded. “Figured. But everyone is okay right? No one is hurt?”

Liz had been in the middle of stuffing another forkful into her mouth when she stopped and narrowed her eyes at Isabel. “Everyone is fine.”

“No injuries?”

Liz carefully set her fork down on the plate before looking up at her friend. “Isabel. I don’t know how to tell you this other than to just come out with it, okay?”

She nodded. “Okay.”

“But, I really think you shouldn’t pay any attention to the way Alex was treating you yesterday. I know I told you that’s his MO, that’s how he charms women into his bed. Alex is the male version of how you see me. So, you should just forget about him.”

When Liz stopped talking, Isabel mimicked her previous action. She set her own fork down on her plate before looking up at her.

“Liz, I appreciate that you’re looking out for me and all, but I’m a big girl. As such, I think I can make my own judgments about people okay? I know you said Alex is a playboy, but I’m willing to bet he’s got a heart of gold just like you do. I mean, despite the fact that he laid the charm on thick yesterday, he really seemed like a nice guy. So, it really shouldn’t hurt any of us if all I do for now is just get to know the guy, right?”

“I really don’t think you should get to know him Izzy. You know what line of work he’s in. It’s a dangerous life he lives. He goes to work at a job where he could end up dead in any variety of ways and then he gets off work to go live life in the fast lane.”

“Oh, and you don’t do the same thing? You could end up dead too and then I’d be out of a best friend.”

“That’s different Izzy and you know it. I’m just your best friend, but if you try to get wrapped up in someone like Alex you could end up getting hurt.”

“Liz, are you listening to yourself? I’m not the only one who will be affected by you ending up dead, am I? What about Max?”

“Max can take care of himself.”

Isabel just stared at her for a moment before she shook her head. “Then you really don’t see it do you?”

Liz frowned. “See what?”

Isabel shrugged. “Let’s just say I won’t be the one who will be broken and mourning your death if it comes to that.”

Liz sighed as she sat back in her seat and crossed her arms over her chest. “This isn’t about me anyway. This is about you getting involved with someone who is so not your type!”

“Not my type? You know, after meeting Max yesterday I was going to say the same thing to you. I didn’t think Max was your type either. He’s too broody and scary. All imposing and doom and gloom.”

Liz gaped at Isabel. “He is not!”

“Yes he is! I swear I almost had a heart attack when he answered the door! For a moment there I thought I’d gone into the Twilight Zone and accidentally knocked on The Munsters door. That look he gives you, like he’s seeing right through you. It’s really creepy.”

Liz couldn’t help but laugh at Isabel’s dramatic shudder she gave as she finished describing her first impression of Max.

“It’s not funny, Liz. That guy has some serious mean mojo on him!”

At that point Liz was holding her stomach as her laughter bubbled over. “Mean mojo? Are you sure you met Max?”

Isabel nodded. “Oh yeah, I’m sure. He was standing right next to Alex when I met him too. And Alex was nowhere near as intimidating or scary as Max was.”

Liz wiped the tears from her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself. “Max only seems distant because he’s wary of people he doesn’t know. Trust me, once you get to know him, he’s not that bad.”

Isabel scoffed. “Yeah, I’ll bet he’s as cute and cuddly as a bunny with rabies.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “Oh come on Izzy. He’s not like that.”

Isabel leaned forward, putting her elbows on the table. As she set her chin on her hands, she gave Liz a serious stare. “So, what you’re saying is that you know Alex as well as you know Max and I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, right?”

“Right, I…” Liz paused as she realized Isabel had just called her bluff. Frowning at her friend, she finally relented. “Fine. I don’t know Alex as well as I know Max, but it’s a well known fact that Alex is a playboy. He goes through women the way I went through men.”

Isabel nodded. “And he’s not capable of changing like you are?”

Liz was silent for a few moments as she studied her friend. Finally, she reached out and took Isabel’s hands in hers. “Okay you win this round. All I ask is that you be careful Izzy. Get to know Alex if you want, but please don’t rush into anything. I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

Isabel gave her hands a squeeze. “I know Liz. I promise, I won’t rush into anything. All I want to do is just get to know him, that’s all. Nothing more.”


“Hey Max, what’s up?” asked Alex as he plopped onto the couch next him.

Max didn’t even glance up from flipping through the papers he held in his hands. “The usual mess.”

Alex nodded. “Ah, lots of paperwork that takes pages to say what could have been said in a paragraph.”

“You got it.”

Alex chuckled as he sat up and grinned at Max. “So, I noticed you didn’t leave with Liz last night.”

Max shook his head. “Nope. We were both tired, so I sent her home and stayed the night here since I knew I was going to have to tackle this mess.”

“Oh, that’s a shame. But then, I guess she’s not that lonely what with her best friend living next door, huh?”

This time Max glanced at Alex out of the corner of his eye. “Yeah.”

“You know Isabel well?”

Max shook his head. “I just met her yesterday too.”

“Oh. I see,” replied Alex as he sat back against the cushions and folded his arms behind his head.

Max went back to reading through the papers until Alex spoke up a few minutes later.

“You think they’re about the same age? Although I kind of got the impression from Liz that Isabel is younger. But it could just be that she’s a little naïve, huh?”

Max lowered his hands and turned to face Alex completely. “You want to just come out with whatever it is you’re hedging about now?”

Alex turned wide eyes on Max. “What? Me, hedging?”

Max rolled his eyes. “Oh come off it man. What is it you want to know?”

Alex sat up straight and looked Max in the eyes. “How old is she? Is she single? And when can you set us up?”

Max sighed and shook his head. “She’s Liz’s best friend Alex.”

“I know that. That’s why I want you to find a way to ask Liz to set me up on a date with her.”

Max gaped at him. “Are you insane? You heard Liz yesterday, she’ll kill you if you touch Isabel.”

“Max, I just want to take her out on a date. Nothing more.”

“Yeah, right and I’m engaged to Liz.”

Alex arched an eyebrow. “I know how to go out on a date Max.”

Max simply nodded.

“I do!”

Max shook his head. “I’m not going to ask Liz, Alex. Unlike you, I have no intention of ending up on the wrong end of Liz’s sword.”

“Come on man. What if we went out on a double date then?”

Max gave him a disgusted look. “I don’t do dates.”

“You’re dating Liz.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Well then what would you call it?”

“I’m seeing her.”

“Same difference.”

“Alex!” he growled, clearly getting agitated.

“Max! Just ask her okay?”

Max set the papers down on the coffee table in front of him before turning to look at Alex. “She’ll never agree to it.”

“You won’t know until you ask.”

“Alex, Liz isn’t like you okay? She’s very protective of Isabel, so I know she won’t agree to it.”

“Well then use your charm to convince her.”

Max ran a hand through his hair. “I’m not you Alex.”

“I know, but she does listen to you. Just talk to her okay? Make her see that all I want to do is go out on a date with Isabel and nothing else.”

When Max didn’t say anything he added, “No making out. No plans for future dates. Nothing.”

Max clenched his jaw. “Fine. I’ll ask, but I’m warning you if she reaches for her sword I’m telling her it was your idea!”

Alex grinned as he clapped Max on the shoulder. “Thanks man, I’ll owe you one.”

“And I intend to collect big time!”


Tess smoothed down the rose colored dress she wore as she waited for Kyle to finish paying the cab driver. After that night when she’d helped protect Maria and Kyle, the team had been willing to let her in. She’d proven to all of them that she was on their side during that fiasco. After that, Max had allowed her to keep working at headquarters with Kyle and Maria so that they could try to solve who was trying to kill them all.

Working in close proximity with Kyle was different now that there wasn’t a cage separating them anymore. Now, she could feel the chemistry that was beginning to blossom between them. And the longer she worked with him, the more she began to see just how different they were.

She’d known from the get go that Kyle had to be the youngest of the four. However, she hadn’t realized that it wasn’t just his age that made him young. It was also the way he was. Like a child prodigy, Kyle seemed forever stuck in a rose colored bowl, separated from the real world.

A genius when it came to computers and anything else that ran on electricity, he was completely clueless when it came to everything else. He was especially clueless when it came to real life and relationships.

She noticed right away how he seemed to be tripping over himself trying to impress her once she was allowed to be a part of their team. He went out of his way to talk to her and get her anything she needed.

Granted, she liked his childlike innocence and the way he looked at the world with a smile on his face. Being with him made her feel like things weren’t as bad as they seemed. Still, she was worried that they were so far apart that there just wasn’t anything they’d ever have in common.

She was older than him in more ways than just age. She’d lived in the world and seen its harshness and cruelty. She knew she was jaded and she worried that she was just too experienced, too corrupted for someone as pure and naïve as Kyle.

Despite all that, she’d said yes to him when he had worked up the courage to ask her out on a date. So, here they were two days later on a date that had her feeling like a fish out of water. She just prayed it wouldn’t turn out so bad.

“So, you ready to go in to dinner?” Kyle asked as he offered her his arm.

She smiled up at him as she slid her hand into the crook of his arm. “Yes I am.”

He returned her smile and led her up the walk towards the entrance of the restaurant. Holding the door for her, he allowed her to go in first. Then followed behind with his hand resting lightly against her back.

They approached the hostess’ podium where Kyle said he had a reservation for Kyle Valenti. The hostess found his name, picked up two menus and asked them to follow her. She led them through the restaurant and out to a semi-enclosed patio area which had a great view of the lake behind it.

Kyle helped Tess into her chair before seating himself. Once the hostess handed them their menus and left them alone, he leaned over and whispered to Tess.

“Wow, the view is even better than I thought it would be.”

Tess nodded as she looked out at the lake. Tiny dots of light glittered over the lake from what appeared to be floating candles in small wooden boats. All around the lake more candles glowed from the balconies and patios of the restaurants and other entertainment buildings which surrounded it.

“It is beautiful,” she whispered back.

Kyle seemed satisfied with her answer as he glanced down at the menu. “Any idea what you want?”

Tess nibbled her bottom lip. “Not yet, but I’m sure I’ll find something.”

They were still looking through the menu when their waiter came up to get their drink orders. Kyle ordered a foreign beer and Tess ordered a glass of water for the moment.

Once she figured out what she wanted to eat, she ordered a glass of white wine to go with her dinner. For his part, Kyle continued to drink his beer as he ordered roast beef with two vegetables and rolls.

After dinner, they went for a stroll along the lake where the conversation veered from what a delicious dinner they’d had to their childhood lives. Tess found out how Kyle had gained the powers he’d had through an accident. She was amazed that he’d been human up until that fateful lighting storm that took place when he was eleven.

Before that, he’d already been a computer genius, but afterwards he’d discovered that he could now manipulate any kind of technology with a simple touch or with his mind. That ability to manipulate technology was called technopathy by the government.

“So, you went from being a nerd to a super nerd?” she asked with a grin.

Kyle laughed. “Yeah, you can say that. Alex even jokes that I should have a suit and cape like Superman did. Only it would have a capital ‘s’ and ‘n’ for Super Nerd.”

Tess chuckled. “Well, while that would be a funny thing to see, I’m glad you didn’t.”

Kyle looked at her. “Really? Why’s that?”

She gave him a genuine smile. “I don’t think anyone would really picture you as a nerd. I mean, the way I’d picture a nerd would be someone who wears thick glasses, has greasy hair, bad acne and wears pants that are way too short for him.”

She gave him the once over before she continued. “You are so not that type.”

His eyes widened. “I could be!”

She laughed. “Uh uh. You are too cute to be a nerd. You’re more like a geek. Brainy, but cute.”

Kyle blushed as he grinned down at the ground. When he hadn’t replied, she glanced at him to see him grinning.

“What?” she asked.

It almost sounded like he was giggling as he said. “You think I’m cute.”

Once more Tess found herself smiling at the innocence of him. And as she felt the warmth flooding her, she began to think that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to date someone like Kyle Valenti after all.


Maria unlocked her door and stepped inside. Turning around, she noticed that Michael was still standing on her doorstep looking a bit awkward.


He nervously ran his hand through his hair. “Are you sure this is what you want to do? I mean, we could call it a night if you want.”

She smiled at him as she held out her hand. “Come on in.”

He took her hand and stepped inside. She knew that he wasn’t really nervous about staying the night with her. After all, she knew he had often been Alex’s partner in crime when the two went out on the town.

And it wasn’t that he was nervous about making her feel awkward either. He knew that she wasn’t a virgin either even though she could count her experiences on only one hand. No, neither one was innocent in this and both had already had serious discussions with each other about their past lovers and relationships.

They were both going into this with eyes and ears wide open. After spending so much time together getting to know one another and their idiosyncrasies, they were at that point where they wanted to take their relationship a step further.

So after they’d gone out to dinner and then a drive on Michael’s bike, Maria asked him if he wanted to stay the night with her. They’d been making out on the back of his bike at the park they both liked to hang out in when she’d asked him that.

His response had been to pull away so he could look into her eyes as he asked, “Are you sure?”

She’d nodded. “I want to know you more Michael. I want to love you completely.”

He’d pressed his lips against hers while whispering. “I want to love you too.”

So they had climbed on the bike properly and Michael had driven them to her place where he was still wondering if she was really ready for that next step. He knew he was. He’d been ready ever since he’d nearly lost her during that fiasco that Tess had protected her from.

Maria didn’t show any hesitation whatsoever as she led him to her bedroom. There, she dimmed the lights and made her way to the side of her bed. Turning to look at Michael, who still stood near the closed door, she held out her hands to him.

“Come here,” she said, her voice sounding husky.

Michael slowly made his way to stand in front of her. Tilting her head back, she looked up into his eyes as he cupped her cheek with his hand. He stared into her depths as his thumb caressed her soft skin for a few breaths, then slowly lowered his lips to hers.

Maria closed her eyes as their kiss deepened and his tongue slid into her mouth to dance with hers. Taking their time they enjoyed the way each other tasted before Maria moved onto the bed, bringing Michael with her.

As he lowered his body over hers, he could feel her hands moving over his clothes. Even as each article of clothing was removed from his body, he had the sensation of her hands literally caressing his skin.

Maria enjoyed the feel of every nook and cranny of Michael’s body once she’d gotten him completely undressed. She was still enjoying the feel of his body when he finally began to remove her clothes.

Just as she’d done to him, he removed her clothing then caressed each inch of her skin with his hands. Soon, he was exploring every curve and line on her body with not only his hands, but his lips and teeth too.

When his mouth began to feast on her breasts, she could feel his fingers stroking her folds. She gasped in excitement as he tested her readiness for him.

Michael knew she was ready for him when she moaned softly in response to his stroking fingers. Lifting his head, he took her lips in his for a long, heady kiss as he reached out for his pants.

Never once letting go of her lips, he fumbled around for the condom in his wallet before taking it out and rolling it on. The moment it was done, he lifted himself up to his elbows to look down at Maria.

She saw the question in his eyes. Even now, he was still giving her the chance to say no. But her mind was made up.

She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his. At the same time she wrapped her hand around his arousal and guided him to her waiting heat. Lifting her hips to meet his, she never broke eye contact with him even as she finally felt him sliding into her.

Michael moaned softly as he felt her take him completely into her body for the first time. The way she held him so closely, so tenderly had him literally trembling with need. He prayed that he would last as long as she needed him to.

Maria brushed a lock of his hair away from his face before she lifted her body to his and buried her face in his neck. She began to rotate her hips, letting him know what she wanted.

Michael didn’t hesitate to respond to the movement of her body against his. Allowing her to set the pace, he concentrated on making her feel good. He wanted this first time to be all about her pleasure.

For the both of them, things seemed to go in slow motion as they continued to make love to each other. Sweat began to glisten on their bodies as the soft sounds of moans coupled with skin sliding against skin.

All too soon, Maria could feel the end nearing. Gripping Michael’s shoulders, she tightened her legs around his waist and cried out his name into his chest as she finally let go.

Her orgasm triggered his release as he shuddered against her. Her name was a moan into her hair as he filled the condom with his seed.

Even after their bodies began to come down from the euphoric feeling they’d created in each other, it would be a few more moments before they finally let each other go.

Shadowlynxbehr's Fics
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss
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Post by Shadowlynxbehr »

Part 14

Max glanced at Liz as she continued to glare at the back of Alex’s head from where she was sitting behind him as he drove the four of them to the restaurant. Isabel sat in the passenger seat next to Alex and the two of them were chatting away, completely oblivious to the silent fuming Liz was doing in the back seat next to Max.

Max still wasn’t quite sure how Liz had agreed to go out on a double date with Alex and Isabel, but there they were on their way to the restaurant Alex had chosen. He had a sneaking suspicion Isabel had been the one to convince Liz to go out since she’d nearly taken his head off when he’d tried to quietly hint that Alex was interested in taking Isabel out.

Granted, once she’d ranted and raved and threatened Alex’s manhood she’d worked herself up so much that the only way to let off all that steam was to have hot, sweaty sex with Max. Needless to say, Max had been more than willing to let Liz burn off all that excess energy with him rather than taking his head off like she’d wanted to do earlier. Afterwards, they’d had a quiet down time just lying together in Liz’s bed listening to each other breathing. And not too long after that, they’d finally gotten some much needed sleep.

That had been earlier in the week. Now it was Friday night and they were on their way to that double date after Alex and Max had arrived at Liz’s apartment to pick up the two women. Isabel had agreed to wait at Liz’s place for the two men to pick them up, but while they waited Liz didn’t hesitate to warn her friend once more.

Before Isabel could really get into it with Liz, the men had arrived and Alex had proceeded to act like the perfect gentleman with both women. Max had remained quiet in the background and looked rather uncomfortable. He’d gotten an earful from Alex on what to do on a real date, but that had only left him feeling flustered.

“Remember, as soon as we leave the apartment, you have to open any door she intends to walk through for her.”

“I know, Alex.”

“And it’s always a good thing to offer her your arm when walking.”

Max frowned. “My arm? I think Liz can walk perfectly fine on her own.”

Alex rolled his eyes and turned narrowed eyes on him. “This is a real date Max! And on a real date, you have certain rules of etiquette to follow. Women love these things!”

Max rolled his eyes as Alex continued. “Then when she is going to sit down, help her into the chair.”


“It’s also good to help her up from her seat too, even from out of the car.”

Max gritted his teeth. “Liz is not an invalid Alex! She’s a completely independent woman who really, really doesn’t like it when a man tries to take over her life!”

Alex huffed as he turned a knowing look on Max. “Yeah, but she’s still just a woman. And no matter how independent they are, they all love to be treated like royalty from time to time.”

Max laughed. “Yeah, maybe to you but I’d rather keep my head attached.”

Alex shook his head as Max walked out of the room. “Just do everything I said and follow my moves tonight Max!” He called after him. “I guarantee you’ll have her eating out of your hand!”

Max somehow doubted that anything Alex had told him would work on Liz. Still, he’d taken Liz’s hand in his as they walked to the car then held the door open for her until she’d gotten in. Liz had given him a grateful smile before proceeding to glare at the back of Alex’s head. As they approached the seafood restaurant, Max realized Liz had glared at Alex for the entire ride.

Alex drove the car up to the valet area and slid out of the car. Another valet helped Isabel out before holding the seat back for Max to slide out. As Alex held the seat back and took the ticket from the valet, Liz slid out of that side of the car. She pursed her lips in annoyance as she walked towards the doors where Max and Isabel waited.

Max started to reach out for her hand again, but Liz walked up to the door and ushered Isabel in before her. As Alex joined him, Max raised a questioning eyebrow at him which Alex replied to with a shrug.

The men entered the restaurant to see the two women standing in front of the host’s station. Liz was currently talking to the hostess as Isabel turned to give them an apologetic smile.

“I’m sorry miss, but you must have a reservation to…”

Alex strode up to them with a smile for the hostess. “And we do my dear. A table for four for a Mr. Alexander Whitman.”

The hostess looked down at her list and nodded before looking up at him with a smile. “Yes, we do sir.”

She picked up four menus and napkins before she stepped out from behind the station. “If you’ll follow me.”

Alex held his arm out to Isabel which she took and proceeded to follow the hostess to their seats. Liz glared at his back once more and walked after them. Max was the last to follow as he realized Liz seemed to be more focused on Alex and Isabel rather than on how he was treating her on their date.

“Here we are sir. Table for four with a great view of the gardens.”

Alex winked at her. “This is perfect, my dear.”

She blushed as she handed menus out to Max and Liz while Alex helped Isabel into her seat. Once Alex was seated too, she handed his menu to him and looked around the table. As her gaze traveled back to Alex she asked, “Would you care to see a wine list?”

Isabel leaned in and whispered to Alex. “I’m sorry, but I don’t drink alcohol.”

Alex nodded in understanding before looking up at the hostess. “Thank you, but I think we’ll all just have a bottle of the house’s Sparkling Cider.”

Max spoke up. “Actually, I’d like a Dos Equis, if you have it.”

Liz nodded. “Oh yes, I’d like one of those too.”

The woman nodded. “Of course. I’ll have the drinks sent out to you right away. Your server will be Becky, so please enjoy your dinner.”

Alex gave her another wink. “Oh I’m sure we will.”

She blushed once more as she left them, prompting Liz to scowl at Alex. He seemed completely oblivious to Liz as he turned his smile on Isabel. “Do you mind the cider?”

Isabel shook her head. “Not at all. Thank you for understanding.”

He nodded as he took her hand in his and kissed the back of it. “Who am I to frown upon anyone’s preferences, my lady.”

Isabel chuckled as Alex released her hand. She began to peruse her menu as she asked, “So, what’s good here?”

Alex chuckled. “Well, that depends on what you’re in the mood for. There’s seafood in almost every dish. Although they let you substitute it with chicken if you like. Now you can have seafood and pasta. Seafood and vegetables. Seafood and fried sides. Or seafood and more seafood.”

Isabel laughed. “I think I’ll go with the seafood and vegetables.”

Alex winked at her. “Good choice.” As he leaned over to show her the selections on the menu, Max tried to get Liz’s attention away from them.

“Do you know what you want?”

Without looking away from her friend and Alex, Liz mumbled to him. “Probably the red snapper.”

Max frowned. “Oh okay. Well never mind then.”

The tone of his voice made her finally look at him. “Why?”

He shrugged. “I just thought we could get the shelled dinner for two. I mean, I know how you like oysters so I thought…”

Liz smiled at him. “That sounds like a good idea Max.” She looked at her menu again before nodding her head and looking back at him. “Yes, let’s get the shelled dinner for two.”

Max returned her smile, happy that she seemed to be okay with him on the date.

Soon the waitress came with their drinks. She handed the beer to Max and Liz, then opened the bottle of cider and poured some in Isabel and Alex’s glasses before taking their orders. After she left, Alex and Isabel continued their conversation from earlier.

Max tried his best to keep Liz’s interest from straying over to the other two, but from time to time she had to interject a few words of warning to Alex. Despite Liz’s protectiveness of her friend, Alex seemed to remain calm and relaxed with Isabel. Even Isabel wasn’t affected by Liz and Max’s presence as she and Alex continued their lively conversation.

For his part, Max continued to try to remember what the etiquette was for being out on a date as the waitress returned with their food. Once they had their dinners, Max and Liz began to eat heartily while Alex and Isabel alternated between conversation and eating.

Alex glanced over at Max and gave a slight frown before quickly turning his attention back to Isabel. He’d realized that Max had ordered the shelled dinner for him and Liz which meant it was a messy dinner.

There was a plate of oysters, another plate of lobster halves, hush puppies, coleslaw and dipping sauces. Both Liz and Max were picking up the oysters, cracking open the shells, and slurping them down.

Liz was a little more ruthless with the lobster halves as she attacked them with gusto to get them out of their shells. Max wondered just who it was she was picturing as she tore the lobster shells apart.

Every once in a while Max and Liz would wipe their seafood and sauce covered hands on the napkins they were provided or take a swig of beer since their waitress was good at making sure they always had a bottle handy. That was a contrast to Alex and Isabel who had both ordered food which required the heavy use of utensils and drank the cider from their glasses which Alex refilled often from the bottle they had.

As the waitress began to clear the remains, Alex leaned in to Isabel. “Would you care for some dessert?”

Isabel nodded. “That sounds good, but before I decide what I want to order I’m going to powder my nose.” She gave him a wink before turning to Liz. “Coming Liz?”

Liz finished wiping her hands off on her napkin and nodded. “Sure.”

She got out of her chair as Alex stood and helped Isabel out of hers. When the women were out of ear shot, Alex sat back down in his chair and frowned at Max. Max took a swig of his beer before giving Alex a confused look.


Alex shook his head with a chuckle. “You really have no idea how to act on a date do you?”

Max frowned. “I haven’t heard Liz complaining.”

Alex grinned. “Nevertheless, I think I should tell you that when you go out on a date with a woman you are supposed to act civilized.”


“Meaning no food which is sloppy or greasy or messy should ever be ordered.”

Max glanced down at the table where there were still crumbs and a few stains from the sauces that had dripped off. He looked back at Alex.

“Liz said she wanted it too.”

Alex laughed. “Yeah, I know but that’s still not a proper dinner date, Max. And you were supposed to help her out of her chair just now. Didn’t I tell you to follow my lead?”

Max rolled his eyes. “Well you were a little too slow, Al. Liz was already out of her seat by the time you got around to helping Isabel out of hers.”

Alex shook his head. “Max, Max. What am I going to do with you? You really know how to sweep a girl off her feet don’t you?”

Max narrowed his eyes at Alex. “I don’t need to sweep Liz off her feet. Been there, done that.”

Alex laughed. “Tumbling her into bed doesn’t count.”

Max grinned. “For the record, she tumbled me. Not the other way around.”

Alex laughed harder. “So then, she should be the one opening doors for you and helping you into your seat?”

Max growled in warning. “Alex…don’t go there.”

Alex just winked at him and gave him a wicked smile.


Isabel stood at the mirror checking her makeup when Liz came out of the stall to wash her hands. She waited until Liz dried her hands before speaking up.

“Liz, I need you to do me a really big favor.”

Liz nodded as she tossed the used paper into the trash. “Sure, what’s up Izzy?”

Isabel straightened up and moved to take Liz’s hands in hers. Looking her in the eyes, she gave her a sincere look as she spoke in a soft voice. “I need you to back off and let me handle this date on my own.”

Liz frowned. “Isabel…”

Isabel gently squeezed Liz’s hands. “I know, I know. You are just looking out for me. But Liz, you have already warned me plenty of times of what Alex is like. Believe me, I get it.”

Liz huffed. “Yeah, well did you see how he was flirting with our waitress?”

Isabel rolled her eyes. “He wasn’t flirting, Lizzie. He was just being nice.”

Liz removed her hands from Isabel’s with a shrug. “You say tomato, I say to-mah-to.”

Isabel sighed. “Liz, while I really do appreciate that you look out for me, this is still my life to live. I would appreciate it if you would let me make my own decisions.”

Liz turned to look at her and folded her arms over her chest. “I don’t trust him.”

“I know you don’t. But he’s been good so far.”

“I warned him Izzy! I told him not to…”

“Liz! Would you just stop!”

Liz lifted her chin. “I’m not going to stand by and watch him use you! I won’t let you make a mistake!”

Isabel shook her head. “It’s my mistake to make Liz.”

Liz shook her head. “No.”

There was a moment of silence as they stared at each other. Finally with a sigh, Isabel gave a nod. “Okay, go ahead and be stubborn. But I can be stubborn too. Since it is my life which you don’t own, I can make my own decisions. And the mistakes I make? I will live with them, not you. I believe Alex is a good person even if you don’t. You are just going to have to trust that I know what to expect from him and let me do what I need to do.”

As she walked to the door, she looked over her shoulder at Liz. “Remember, you’re out on a date too.”

Liz watched her friend leave the room before she gritted her teeth and made a strangling motion with her hands. She really wanted to hurt Alex for daring to ask Isabel out. As far as she could see, his charm was blinding her friend to the whole truth of just how much of a leech he was.


Nearly an hour later, both Liz and Max stood on the sidewalk leading to his place with scowls on their faces. They watched as the tail lights of Alex’s car faded into the distance.

Alex had dropped them off there since he and Isabel were on their way to see a movie alone. It was a chick flick which Isabel had chosen since Alex said it was her choice for being his date. Naturally Max didn’t want to see a chick flick and Liz wasn’t into them either.

Liz had tried to persuade Isabel to see another movie that they would all agree on, but they hadn’t even been able to do that. Alex hadn’t helped one bit since he kept saying he’d see anything Isabel wanted to see.

Finally Isabel had asked Alex if he didn’t mind going to the movies with just her while Max and Liz went to see their own movie. So, Alex had dropped them off at Max’s place thinking Max would be taking them on his bike. Needless to say, Liz wasn’t thrilled in the least about her friend being alone in a darkened movie theater with Alex.

Liz growled. “Do you believe the nerve?”

Max responded with his own growl. “I know!”

“All this just to impress her!”

“All that talk about how to act on a date!”

“He dumps us by the side of the road just to get her alone!”

“All that lecturing he gave me about etiquette!”

“If he touches her, I’ll kill him.”

“Tells me I don’t know how to act on a date! I’m going to kill him!”

Liz paused in her ranting to look at Max curiously. “Max? What did you just say?”

He turned to look at her. “I’m going to kill him.”

“No before that.”

He thought about it for a moment. “He told me I don’t know how to act on a date.”

She gaped at him. “He said that?”

Max nodded as he turned to glare in the distance. “Yeah, he gave me this huge lecture on what he considers proper etiquette for a real date. Talked my ears off before we left to pick you two up. He said I don’t know the first thing about sweeping a woman off her feet. He even teased me about it while you two were in the ladies room at the restaurant.”

Liz stood there looking stunned as Max continued. “Then he goes and does this. I may not know how to act on a date, but I’m sure there’s a part in there that says when you invite others out with you, you don’t just dump them when it’s convenient for you.”

Liz smirked at him. Here she was wanting to kill Alex for wanting to date her best friend and Max was wanting to kill Alex for lecturing him on how to date period. She could just picture what it had looked like to see playboy Alex lecturing Max on dating etiquette.

With a soft chuckle, she slid her arm into his and tilted her head back to look up at him with a smile. “For the record. I happen to like you just the way you are, Max. I don’t know what Alex was saying to you, but there’s nothing wrong with the way you act on a date. After all, you and I met in a sort of unconventional way, don’t you agree?”

Max returned her smile as he leaned down, closer to her lips. “True. But he claims I don’t know how to sweep a woman off her feet.”

Liz raised her eyebrows. “What did you say to that?”

He gave her a sheepish look. “I said I didn’t have to since it had already been done. He told me tumbling you into bed doesn’t count.”

Liz arched an eyebrow. “Really?”

He nodded. “And I said you were the one to tumble me.”

Liz laughed. “I was, wasn’t I?”

Max brushed his lips over hers. “Yep, but then he proceeded to tell me that maybe you should have been the one to open all the doors and help me to my seat.”

Liz rolled her eyes, but didn’t move away from him. “Not everyone sees opening doors and holding seats as romantic, Max.”

“Thank God for that,” he whispered against her lips.

“Mm hm,” she replied right before he took her lips in a full kiss.

She slid her hands up his chest and wrapped her arms around his shoulders just as he deepened the kiss. Max slid his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him which lifted her slightly off her feet. She moaned when his tongue slid into her mouth to tease hers.

When air became necessary, she looked up at him with a wicked smile. “Like I said, I like you just the way you are.”

He grinned. “I like you too, baby.”

She wiggled her eyebrows at him. “Take me inside and show me just how much, handsome.”

He chuckled as he swung her up into his arms and walked towards his front door. Liz’s laughter echoed in the night as the door shut behind them.


Liz gasped and arched her back as her fingers tightened in Max’s hair. Her body trembled as she felt his tongue making teasing circles around her clitoris. All the while, he slowly tortured her by sliding two fingers in and out of her.

He’d been slowly pleasuring her since he’d carried her into his place and laid her down on the blanket he’d pulled from the back of his couch to the floor. That had been as far as the two of them had made it inside. Her kisses and teasing tongue and fingers had been too much for Max to make it to the bedroom, but that had been her intention after all.

Still she was amazed that he’d had the foresight to put the blanket on the floor before pulling her down on it. Then, he’d began his slow, torturous sensual assault on her body. He’d started with a kiss which quickly turned heated. Then, he’d slowly removed her clothing while kissing or nibbling on every piece of skin he’d exposed.

Once she was completely bare to him, he’d moved up to her breasts and began to gently suckle them one at a time. Teasing her nipples with his tongue and teeth, he’d nip at them then soften the bite with a swipe of his tongue. Alternating from one to the other and back again until Liz was positive she was going to explode just from the attention he paid to her breasts alone.

As she lay there panting in need, he rose to his knees and proceeded to take his clothes off slowly. She’d watched him with a shuttered gaze, admiring the way his body moved in the moonlight. When his clothes were gone, he moved to lay between her legs and took her lips into another heated kiss.

From there, he’d kissed his way down her body until he reached his destination. That had seemed like an eternity ago. Now, Liz was sure she was going to explode again as the tightening began in her center.

She gasped once more and tightened her hold in his hair. “Max!”

He growled as he looked up at her from where he was still enjoying his tasting of her.

She whimpered. “Please!”

He groaned as he began to move his fingers faster in and out of her body and took her clitoris completely into his mouth. Matching the rhythm of his sucking to the movement of his fingers, he kept his eyes on her as she tossed her head back and began to moan louder.

“Yes! Oh yes, that’s it Max!”

Max pumped his fingers faster as he flicked her bundle of nerves before sucking it back into his mouth with a moan. That action was all it took for Liz to finally explode.

“Oh God!” she cried as Max continued to pleasure her, trying to prolong her release.

Still, that orgasm wasn’t enough for Liz as she rose up on one elbow and tugged at Max’s shoulder with her free hand. “Hurry Max, I need you.”

Max wasn’t one to disappoint as he slid up her body and joined them together as one. Just as he entered her, his lips covered hers in a deep kiss. Their moans mingled with each others just as their tongues did.

Liz wrapped her legs around Max’s hips, pulling him even closer to her. As she lay back on the blanket, Max took her hands in his and held them near the sides of her head.

Lifting himself up slightly, he began a slow rhythm of sliding in and out of her body. Liz tried to get him to hurry by tightening her legs, but Max refused to rush anything.

As Liz arched her body against him and lifted her hips to meet his, he whispered to her. “Look at me baby.”

Liz groaned, but lifted her eyes to meet his. He smiled down at her even as he slightly picked up the pace of his thrusts. “You wanted me to show you how much. This is me….showing you.”

She gave him a tender smile as she whispered, “Oh Max.”

He lowered his body a little closer to hers, but their gazes remained locked to each others. Little by little he picked up his pace and Liz followed the movements with her own body.

Her lips parted as she began to moan softly. The look in her eyes and the small tremors of her body told Max she was getting close. Still, she allowed him to set the pace and when he knew the time was right, he thrust deep and hard into her body sending her tumbling into the abyss.

Her eyes widened as she felt the orgasm beginning. Max let go of her hands to grip her hips, holding her in place to prolong her orgasm. She grabbed his shoulders for an anchor as her body arched off the floor.

With a scream of his name, she came apart. “Maaax!”

The sound of his name issuing from her lips vibrated down his spine, directly to his groin. With one last deep stroke, he followed her over the edge into the abyss.

She felt his orgasm bathe her walls just as he hissed, “Lizzz!”

As her name faded away, she held him close not allowing him to leave her until they had both begun to come down from their high. Even then, all Max did was roll onto his side taking her with him.

They each grabbed an edge of the blanket and pulled it around themselves before settling against each other. As they lay there listening to the beating of each others hearts, Max nuzzled the top of her hair.

Liz sighed. “You showed me, Max. You really did.”

He smiled against her hair. “Good.”

They were silent for a little while before Max spoke up. “Liz?”


“I know you don’t trust him, but I do. I know Alex wouldn’t hurt Isabel. He knows what she means to you. And what you mean to me.”

Even though the last part was said in such a low whisper, Liz still heard it. With a sigh, she conceded his point. “Thanks.”

He pressed a kiss against her temple. “Welcome.”

Shadowlynxbehr's Fics
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss
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Re: An Altered Existance (M/L, Adult)Pt14 (pg2) 12/24

Post by Shadowlynxbehr »


Response to feedback on previous page as well as a bit of an explanation of this part

Part 15
*A few weeks later*

Michael grinned as he watched Maria moving through the obstacle course he’d set up for her in his back yard. Lately she seemed to be more at ease with her powers and skills than she’d ever been before. He could definitely see an improvement in the way she could use her powers even while having to dodge obstacles he’d put in her way.

She used her powers to push a log in front of her so she could run over what was supposed to be a deep hole in the ground. As she ran across it, Michael pressed a lever to release several sand bags that swung around her, trying to throw her off.

Maria dodged the bags, again using her powers to divert a couple of them out of her way as she continued to run across the log to the other side. She landed in a crouch, looking around her for any sign of what Michael was going to spring on her next. As soon as she thought it looked clear, she leaped to her feet and ran for the area that marked the end of the line.

Michael grinned as he watched her take off. Using his unnatural speed, he raced towards the end and whirled around to face her hoisting his crossbow up into her line of sight. Just as he began to press the release trigger, Maria thrust her hands towards him and then to the right.

He felt his body falling in the direction her hands had manipulated him to go even as she dashed to the left and went skidding into the safe area. As he tumbled, his finger finally pressed the trigger enough to emit a loud screech thus letting Maria know just how much time she’d had before her attacker would have squeezed the trigger.

Maria stood at the edge of the yard with her hands on her hips grinning at him. Her chest heaved from the exertion of doing the obstacle course. From where he now sat on the ground where he’d fallen, Michael tossed the crossbow to the side and returned her grin with one of his own.

“Well done honey,” he said, pride evident in his voice.

Maria beamed at him as she made her way to his side. Lowering to her knees, she indicated the crossbow with her head. “Nice toy you got there.”

He chuckled as glanced at it. “Thanks. Designed it myself.”

“Really? How’d you get it to screech like that?”

He picked up the crossbow to show it to her. He’d rigged it up so that when the trigger was pressed it pushed back against what looked like a miniature version of a horn often found on a kid’s bicycle.

Maria laughed. “Wow! You’re crafty.”

He grinned. “Well now, I couldn’t very well use a real crossbow on my girl could I?”

She rolled her eyes. “Maybe not, but I still say I hope I never find myself in a situation such as any of the ones you’ve set up for me.”

Michael nodded. “Yeah, I’m with you there but…”

“It never hurts to be prepared,” she finished for him.

He leaned in to press a kiss against her lips. “Exactly.”

She smiled as he moved away. “So, are we done now?”

He arched an eyebrow. “Why?”

She shrugged. “It’s getting late.”

He laughed. “What is on your mind Maria?”

Laughing she got to her feet. “Hm, lots of water and a nice warm bed.”

“Okay, okay.”

She turned around and began walking inside his house. He watched her go before turning away and shaking his head with a grin.

As he began tidying up the yard, he thought of how well things had seemed to progress between the two of them since they’d become intimate with each other. Despite their closeness now, the two of them still liked going out on dates with each other.

Most of all, he loved how their closeness didn’t seem to distract her from learning more about her powers and using them. He loved that she could work with him without losing concentration. Of the two of them, Maria seemed to be able to focus better on the job at hand while he could often get thrown off if he felt she was in any kind of danger.

Despite how far she’d emerged from her shell, he was glad that she still retained some of that shyness he’d come to love about her. There were still times he could make her blush or stumble over her words. He loved the way her cheeks grew rosy when she seemed embarrassed or shy about something even now.

Even though he could still affect her like that, he had to admit he also liked it when she seemed to be more assertive. It was a real turn on for him since he never knew if he was going to be facing the shy, demure Maria or the budding temptress she was becoming.


Maria made it all the way to the bedroom before she realized Michael wasn’t following her. Frowning, she made her way back towards his backyard and stopped before she walked outside. Looking out of the window on the back door, she watched as he made his way around the yard, cleaning up.

A smile spread over her face as she watched him move across the yard in that laidback fluid way of his. She loved watching him move no matter what he was doing. Whether he was in the middle of an assignment or simply going about his day, he always seemed to move as if he had all the time in the world.

She knew it was actually deceiving, since he was capable of moving faster than even the most talented runners in the world. It still amazed her to see him go from standing still to faster than a speeding bullet in seconds flat. Okay, maybe that was exaggerating just a bit, but it was the best she could think of.

Despite his ability to move quicker than anyone else, she couldn’t help but be thankful that when it came to spending time with her, Michael took his time. With her, he seemed to savor every moment they had together. Nothing was hurried when it was just the two of them.

Her smile widened as she thought of just how true that also was when it came to the time they spent in bed together. Despite the fact that she’d only had one sexual experience in her life before she’d met him, she was amazed at how easy it was to be so intimate with him. Never once did she feel awkward or unsure of herself when Michael made love to her.

He was always so loving and thorough when they were being intimate. So much so that the one and only horrible experience she’d had way back in the past was now nothing more than a distant memory. Now, she was glad she’d grown a pair and taken the initiative to get closer to him.

Ever since that time, he’d never let her regret her decision. And since that time, she’d become more and more confident of herself and what she meant to Michael. Grinning to herself, she watched as he bent over pick up the fake crossbow he’d used in her training.

Arching an eyebrow at the view he gave her of his backside, she opened the door and growled at him. “Michael Guerin, what are you doing?”

He straightened up with the crossbow in his hand and gave her a puzzled look. “Cleaning up.”

She shook her head. “No you’re not. What you’re doing is coming inside to take a shower with me, then we’re going to bed.”

He grinned at her command as he began walking towards her. Tossing the crossbow on the bench just outside the door, he stepped inside and swung her up into his arms.

“Yes, ma’am.”

She laughed as she used her powers to shut and lock the door right before he took off running towards the bathroom. Clearly, Michael was thrilled to see the budding temptress was out in force.


Kyle glanced at Tess who sat quietly besides him as the ending credits of the movie began to appear on the screen. All evening he’d had the impression that something was on her mind since she had been quiet for almost the entire date they’d had.

Before going on his own date with Isabel, Alex had dropped Kyle off at the outside mall where he’d planned to meet Tess for the date. As soon as Tess had arrived, the two of them had gone to eat dinner at the restaurant that was inside of the huge entertainment center called Eat, Play, and Party.

All through dinner she hadn’t talked much except to answer him when he asked her something. Afterwards, she hadn’t seemed that enthusiastic as they played a few arcade games before going to the movie theater that was on the other side of the outside mall.

At first he thought maybe she was regretting going out with him, but then he remembered she’d been the one to suggest that they have their date at Eat, Play, and Party with a movie thrown in for good measure. Now he was back to thinking that maybe she really was regretting having suggested that their date be there after all.

If that was the case, then he didn’t mind if they left and went somewhere else. All he cared about was that they were together. He really liked being with her after all. She was the only one who didn’t seem to treat him like the kid of the bunch.

The guys always harped on him for being the youngest and Liz seemed to have the same mentality as Max did. Even Maria seemed to treat him as if he was her much younger brother and she was a year younger than him!

Besides treating him like an equal, she was also a lot of fun to be around. Turned out she liked playing games as much as he did. Whether they were computer games or arcade games, she was often right there with him playing her heart out and having the time of her life.

Of course, she was the first to admit that those games were the extent of her electronic knowledge. She was nowhere near being as geeky as he was when it came to computers and other electronic gadgets. However, he knew she admired him for his ability to work with those things and often caught her watching him with a look of amazement on her face when she thought he wasn’t aware of it.

Then again, he could now admit that at first he had been attracted to her because of her looks. The moment he’d looked into those clear blue eyes, he’d become infatuated with her. Then he’d taken in the long white blonde hair, full rosy lips, and buxom figure and he’d been a goner.

It was now safe to say his infatuation was clearly turning into something much deeper. He knew that had started the day she’d been welcomed into the team by Max and the others. The way she’d put playboy Alex in his place then immediately returned to his side told him she had made her choice. And Alex wasn’t it.

For the rest of that night and ever since then, he’d felt like he was walking on air. Every time she turned those luminescent eyes on him, he swore he felt lighter and happier than he’d ever been. Oh yeah, he was amazed he was even coherent once she smiled at him.

Even feeling that way, he was always aware of the way she never talked down to him. He loved the way she seemed to relax around him and talk to him as if they’d been friends for a long time. He had to admit, there was something to be said for dating an older woman.



She blinked as the sound of Kyle’s voice broke through her thoughts. “Huh?”

He smiled at her in the brightening lights of the theater. “You want to go back and play some more at Epp’s?”

She nodded. “Sure.”

He smiled wider as he got up from his seat and offered his hand to help her up. Once she took his hand and he’d helped her, he kept her hand in his as he led her out of the theater and back towards the other side of the mall.

She didn’t protest as they walked back hand in hand, but her thoughts turned inwards once more as they had been for most of the movie. Then again, she’d been thinking a lot more over the last few weeks.

There were times when she just stopped second guessing herself and Kyle and just enjoyed spending time with him. Lately though, she couldn’t help herself. She knew things were changing between the two of them. In fact, it had only been a few days ago when she realized that the two of them seemed to be spending almost all of their waking moments together.

Granted, ever since she’d been welcomed into the group she’d spent lots of time in Kyle’s presence, helping him and Maria to try and solve who was after all of them. But it hadn’t hit her until a few days ago that Kyle always seemed to be at her side.

Since she tended to sleep at the team’s headquarters because she lived too far away, he was there from the moment she woke up. Working on the computer, he’d stop and ask if she was hungry before going to make breakfast for the two of them. Kyle didn’t sleep eight hours a night like a normal person, he took naps throughout the day and that was enough to keep him wired.

They’d have breakfast, then she’d shower and change before going to work with him and Maria once more. They’d break in the afternoon and she’d find herself having lunch, then hanging out playing video games or doing something else with him. Later, once everyone else showed up they did whatever was on the agenda for the team until everyone went their separate ways again.

At that point, the two of them would have dinner then they’d do whatever either of them suggested until one of them got too sleepy to go on. She’d go to bed and then wake up the next morning to spend all her waking moments with him again.

Sure, they went on dates when they knew they didn’t have to be at headquarters with the rest of the team and she was beginning to wonder what was the point of going out on dates when they already spent all of their time together.

It was that realization that made her stop and wonder what was going on between the two of them. So far, Kyle hadn’t made any blatant advances towards her besides the usual hand holding and arm around her shoulders kind of thing. He’d even given her a few quick kisses on her lips at the end of a few dates, but that was it.

Now she wondered if she wanted him to do more than that. And if he did, how would she react? Would she let him deepen his kiss? Would she let him touch her more intimately? Did she even want him to?

As she looked down at his hand in hers, she wondered if she was just being too hard on him. After all, he had made it clear that he’d never been intimate with a girl before. He’d never even gone to second base or so he said.

If that was true, she wondered if she really wanted to be the one to take him there or beyond that. She was having a hard time trying to imagine herself taking the lead and trying to show him how to be intimate with a woman. The last thing she’d ever imagined was being the more experienced one in a relationship.

In fact, if someone had told her she would someday date a guy who was still a virgin she would have laughed in their face. Never in a million years would she have thought she’d be interested in a guy who was not only three years younger than her, but a virgin to boot. Then again on top of those things, his naivety only made him seem even more younger than he already was.

The combination of all those things was making her more and more hesitant and wary of dating him any longer. She was beginning to think he was only going to end up disappointing her, or worse that she’d scare him away with her experience.

He gave her hand a squeeze as they approached the entrance doors. She smiled at him when he held the door open for her and they went inside.

“So, what do you want to do first?” he asked as they stood near the front booth and looked up at the list of entertainment the place had to offer.

She shrugged. “I have no idea.”

He chuckled. “Okay, how about you tell me all the things on that list you would enjoy doing and we’ll go from there.”

“Um, let’s see. I like miniature golf, pool tables, dancing, and the arcade games of course.”

He grinned. “Of course. Well, I’m not sure about dancing but I like all the other things. Since we already played a few games, how ‘bout we start with a game of pool before we play a game of miniature golf.”

She arched her brow at him. “You’re not sure if you like dancing?”

He gave her a sheepish look. “Um, no it’s not that.” When she looked at him as if expecting him to go on, he did. “It’s just that I’ve never done that before.”

She gaped at him. “You’ve never danced?”


She grinned at him. “Well then, we’ll just have to do something about that.”

As she took his hand to lead him to the booth, a look of horror appeared on his face. “I don’t think that’s a good idea Tess.”

She stopped and turned to give him a puzzled expression. “Why not?”

He suddenly turned a shade of red. “I might embarrass you or something. You know, by looking like a nerd or…”

Tess couldn’t help the smile that spread as she realized he was thinking of what it could do to her and not to him. Once more, she realized just what it was about him that amazed her the most.

The fact that he was always thinking of her first before he thought of anything else. For the life of her, she couldn’t remember ever knowing anyone else as unselfish as Kyle Valenti seemed to be. That had to be the most refreshing trait she’d ever encountered.

Taking his hand in hers again, she gave it a gentle squeeze. “Kyle, remember what I told you before? There is just no way anyone would look at you and think you were a nerd.”

“Yeah, but…”

She shook her head. “No buts Kyle.” She looked in the direction of the arcade and grinned.

“How about I challenge you to a game of that?”

He looked in the direction she pointed. As a smile began to spread over his face, she continued.

“If I win, we just do the things you already suggested. But if you win, we do the things you suggested AND we go dancing.”

He laughed as he began to lead her towards the arcade game that consisted of a square pad where players battled it out to be the winner of the video dance. “You’re on.”

They both knew that if Kyle beat her at that dancing video game, he had absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about on a real dance floor.


Isabel smiled at Alex as he helped her sit on the bench before he sat down next to her. Their date was now winding down as they sat and watched the colorful fountains in front of them. This was the sixth date they’d been on despite the fact that Liz continued to warn Isabel of Alex’s shady character.

For her part, Isabel decided to continue seeing Alex since he hadn’t given her any reason not to. The night of their first date, after the movie was over she had the chance to talk to Alex without anyone else interfering. By the time he’d driven her home, she had discovered that he was a very nice man.

Not only had he been charming, but he seemed genuinely interested in what she had to say. Isabel had always believed that most men didn’t really listen when a woman talked. But Alex did and he responded in kind.

He was also honest with her. When she told him that Liz warned her about him, he told her that he understood why Liz had done that. He then went on to say that he hadn’t asked her out just to end the night in her bed. Not that the thought wasn’t in his mind, but that he was smart enough to know where to draw the line.

Isabel was amazed that Alex just wanted to go out on real dates and have a good time with a woman without it leading to sex. In fact, he told her that his reputation was much bigger than what he really was like. She’d gotten the hint that just because people seemed to see him with a woman on his arm, it didn’t mean that woman had ended up in his bed.

Still, she hadn’t dwelled on his reputation as a ladies man and instead had concentrated on getting to know the real Alex Whitman. Six dates later, she was glad that she had since it turned out they actually had a lot of the same interests. That and Alex was a great conversationalist who didn’t make a woman feel like she was nothing more than arm candy.

She’d found out that he was more of a gentleman than even Liz seemed to know. He was always holding open doors for her and helping her in and out of seats. He knew exactly how to treat a woman like a lady, always offering her his arm and walking on the street side of the walkway.

Every time he took her somewhere, it was always some place amazing. Some place he knew about where he would keep her entertained with little facts and stories about the places they went. Alex even took her to burger joints and made the place seem almost magical to her.

She liked the fact that she could go someplace as mundane as a fast food restaurant and have Alex turn it into an adventure for her. He had this amazing ability to make her laugh and see things in a completely different way. She liked that about him.

She liked that he continued to be himself even though she knew that he could be a ladies man. Even though she knew about his reputation, he still continued to be the same charming man he had always been towards any woman who crossed his path.

Isabel began to realize that while he was charming to the other women, he never forgot that he was out on a date with her. She could clearly see that Alex was just being himself with everyone he met regardless of their gender. Then again, she could see how some women like Liz would mistake Alex’s demeanor as being that of a womanizer.

As he reached out to touch her arm, she knew she would do her best to always give him the benefit of the doubt.

“You okay?” he asked.

She nodded with a smile. “Yes, thanks again for tonight Alex. I had fun.”

He smiled. “I’m glad.” He paused for a moment before adding, “Are you ready to go home?”

She shook her head before sliding her hand into his. “Not yet. Can we just sit and enjoy the nice breeze for a while longer?”

He nodded. “Of course. Anything for you, milady.”

She smiled once more as she moved closer to him before turning to look at the fountain again.


As Isabel leaned against his side, Alex let go of her hand and settled his arm around the back of the bench they were sitting on. He smiled down at her as she rested her shoulder against his side and watched the colorful lights in the fountain.

He knew Isabel had no clue just how true that statement he’d just uttered was. He’d do anything for her, even if it meant she wanted him to leave and never see her again. Even if it meant he’d be hurt if he never saw her again.

Ever since they had started dating, Alex had been nothing but honest with her although he wasn’t certain that she believed every word he said. He knew she was being cautious with him and he didn’t blame her in the least. He knew he’d be that way too if the shoe was on the other foot.

Still, every time she asked him a question he always made it a point to be honest with her. He wasn’t blunt though and made sure that whatever truth he told her was told in such a way as not to alarm or repulse her. The last thing he wanted to do was have her run screaming from him as if he were some kind of monster.

It was for that reason that he’d been honest with her about his powers and the jobs he did. After all, she knew the truth about Liz and Max, so he didn’t think it was wrong to tell her the truth about him. He could tell she was genuinely interested in what he did and the man that he was.

However, what she or the others didn’t know or even realize was how much knowing her had begun to change him. It had even taken him a couple of dates with her to realize that he hadn’t even gone out with another woman since he’d started dating her. Of course, he had still been a huge flirt, but even that was fading away.

Now, he was beginning to realize that he didn’t even miss the fact that he hadn’t had a woman in his bed in weeks. Of course, that didn’t mean he’d live the rest of his life without ever having a woman in his bed ever again but at least he wasn’t trying to scratch that itch every time a female crossed his path.

He turned to look at Isabel’s profile and tried to imagine what she’d look like in his bed. Quickly looking away, he silently chastised himself for thinking of her that way. No, Isabel wasn’t someone he wanted to take to bed just to satisfy him for the moment. Instead she was a woman he wanted to spend days savoring.

She was someone he imagined not only soothing the savage beast, but soothing the soul too. He could just imagine what it would feel like to not only wake up with her in his arms, but to know she would be there when he came home.

She was a woman who could satisfy a man not only physically, but mentally as well. There was just something about her that seemed calm and wise, despite her youth and innocence. She was like an old soul trapped in a young body. A very beautiful, young body.

Okay, so he wasn’t a saint but then again he had the feeling neither was she.


Max leaned back against the headboard watching Liz as she made her way into her room. She wore one of his shirts unbuttoned, leaving everything open to his view. He smiled as she slid onto the bed next to him with the plate of food she’d gotten from the kitchen.

Handing him the cup of juice, she set the plate between them before picking up one of the small sandwiches she’d made. She offered it to him, so he opened his mouth and allowed her to feed him the tiny sandwich. As she removed her fingers, he licked the tips with his tongue, eliciting a smile from her.

He chuckled as he picked up a sandwich and fed it to her before he took a sip of the juice. Before he even had a chance to swallow it all, Liz leaned over and kissed him. Sliding her tongue into his mouth, she lapped the juice from his tongue and lips.

Max growled as she pulled away.

“What?” she asked, looking all innocent.

“Don’t give me that! You said you were famished!”

She grinned. “I am.”

He arched a disbelieving brow at her. She laughed before popping another sandwich into her mouth. As he reached to get a sandwich, she leaned in close to him and whispered.

“I already had an appetizer. Now this is the main course and then…” she paused to give him a heated once over. “Then I’m going to have dessert.”

He groaned. She was merciless and he loved every minute of it. They were past the point of her following him away from headquarters, tracking him down, and seducing him back to her place. Now, when he left headquarters it was already assumed he was going with her.

Sure he lived in a house, but for some reason he felt more at ease at her place. He simply chalked it up to the fact that it was her place. It smelled like her, it felt like her, it was her. He was just glad she didn’t complain that they never seemed to be at his place.

He was also glad that she wasn’t pressing him for any more information about his past or who he was. Ever since that night she’d found him upset in his house, she seemed to understand that he’d told her all that he could. Since then, she was happy just to be with him just like he was with her.

And he was happy. Sure, the others seemed to think he wasn’t any different than the mysterious, moody guy they’d always known him as but he knew different. He felt it when he was with Liz. That was why he still had problems every time they went out on a mission together.

He knew it was futile to convince her not to go work with him, but he couldn’t stop himself from panicking every time she had a close call. He knew she was a professional and that she’d been hurt before, but she wasn’t like him. Her body didn’t have the special healing abilities his body had which meant she could be wounded a lot easier than he could.

Every time she ended up with a scratch or bruise, he was throwing a fit. It was the only way he knew how to deal with her being injured. Unlike Michael or Kyle who wore worried looks and rushed to protect their women, Max wore a scowl and rushed to drag Liz kicking and screaming away from the fighting. The other guys, cooed and spoke softly to their girls. Max yelled and demanded that Liz do what he said.

Okay, so he wasn’t all warm and fuzzy but he really hated watching Liz fight besides him when all he wanted to do lately was drag her to a protective cage and lock her up until the danger was over. Yeah, so what if it was all caveman-like. That was just who he was.

He had no doubt whatsoever that if something happened to her while she was working with him, he wasn’t going to be responsible for the damage he’d do to whoever got in his way.

No matter how many times the two of them went head to head about her working with his team, Max knew he couldn’t get her to stop. He just hoped she understood why he acted the way he did with her even though he couldn’t just come out and say it.


Liz watched Max as he popped the last sandwich into his mouth and chewed it. She set the plate on the nightstand before turning back to see him drinking some juice. Smiling, she moved to straddle his hips, catching him off guard.

Her movement startled him into pulling the cup away from his mouth, spilling some liquid down his chin. She leaned in and immediately began lapping the juice up with her tongue.

As she sucked the juice from his throat, she felt his moan vibrate against her lips. She continued to clean his skin of all of the juice before she sat up to look at him with a smile.

Reaching out, she took the cup from him and drank from it. When she was finished, she offered him some more juice which he took before giving her the cup back. She gave him a wicked smile before tilting the cup against her lips.

However, instead of taking another drink, she allowed the juice to trickle down her chin until it ran down her throat and over her breasts. Max groaned as he took the cup away from her and set it on the nightstand.

Pulling her closer, he leaned down to suck the juice from her breasts. Liz arched back, offering her body to him. She closed her eyes and slid her hands into his hair as his mouth and tongue worked their way from her breasts up to her throat.

She sighed as he nibbled and licked at her chin before he took her lips in a deep kiss. Wrapping his arms tighter around her, he pulled her up until her heat was poised over his groin.

Slowly, Liz sank down on him taking him inside of her completely. As she began to rock her hips in a steady motion, they both moaned in unison.

Max leaned back against the headboard to look up at her as she rode him. She cupped his face in her hands and smiled at him.

“Mm, so far dessert is delicious,” she breathed.

Max’s eyes darkened as he cupped her behind and lifted his hips thus burying himself deeper inside of her. She gripped his shoulders and tossed her head back.

“Oh yes, very delicious!” she exclaimed.

Max’s answer was a chuckle before he bent his head once more to feast on her breasts. Liz had no doubt that even as she enjoyed her dessert, Max was enjoying his own too.

Shadowlynxbehr's Fics
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss
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Re: An Altered Existance (M/L, Adult)A/N (pg5) 1/17

Post by Shadowlynxbehr »

Part 16

Kyle and Maria sat watching the screens in front of them waiting for the others to make their way to their positions. Just when Kyle had felt he was getting closer to finding out just who was behind trying to kill them all, the agency had sent them this new mission to complete.

This mission required the team to go in and eliminate several targets. Said targets were meeting in a deserted warehouse at the end of the docks that were normally busy during the day. At night, the place was like a ghost town.

Since the targets were meeting at night with only their standard group of bodyguards, the team knew that would be the best time to eliminate them. At that time of night, there wouldn’t be any innocent civilians around to get caught in the crossfire. The only thing the team had to worry about was keeping the targets and their cronies inside the warehouse long enough to eliminate all of them.

So they’d planned to allow Kyle to go in during the busy time of day under the guise of a dock worker during which time he’d set up all the equipment needed for them to run their operation. As he’d worked to set up all the devices, Maria kept him up to date on whether or not the devices were transmitting from her seat at headquarters.

She communicated with him through the in-ear headphones he wore telling him if he needed to readjust a camera or if she wasn’t getting a signal from any device at headquarters. While the two of them worked on setting that up, Michael was perched on top of a building scoping out the area and relaying the information by thought to Alex who was a few streets away in his car.

With the top of his convertible up, Alex wrote down all the info Michael relayed to him then waited until Michael and finally Kyle joined him before they all headed back to headquarters to put the finishing touches on their mission. At headquarters, Liz and Tess had been practicing fighting skills while Max had alternated between helping Maria at the computers and watching the two women spar.

Once the mission was planned out and their gear had been prepared, they were all ready and waiting for the assigned time to arrive. This time, the mission would involve all seven of them. Maria would be inside the mobile unit with Kyle starting out there before joining the others inside.

Michael would be the first on the scene to scope out the area once more and set himself up as a sniper on a nearby rooftop. On his word, Liz would go in with her night vision while Alex followed her. Once Alex had them in position in the rafters, it would be up to Max and Tess to begin silently taking out the guards while making their way towards the center of the warehouse.

It was their plan to take out as many guards as possible before word reached the targets that they were being ambushed. Once the word got out, it would be up to Michael, Kyle, and Maria to make sure no one escaped the warehouse while Max, Tess, Liz, and Alex cleaned up inside.

Simple, but effective. At least that is what they all hoped. Kyle still had a bad feeling that things weren’t that simple. He felt like whoever had been trying to kill them had known the team was getting close to figuring them out. Because of that, they decided to pull their strings at the agency to get the teams focus on something other than them.

Kyle knew without a doubt that he wasn’t the only member of the team who felt like that. Every one of them seemed a bit on edge as they took their places that night.


“In position and all is clear. Proceed Keeshond.”

Maria flicked a button so she and Kyle could see Liz and Alex’s shadows making their way into a side door of the building. As the two of them disappeared inside, another shadow moved in to guard the area until Liz gave her the signal to move in too.

At the front of the building in the shadows only a few feet away from the four guards who were stationed there, Max stood completely still. He was blending in so well with the surrounding darkness that even Kyle and Maria were having a hard time distinguishing between his shadow and the surroundings.

He stayed that way until Liz’s soft voice whispered over the headphones. “In rafters. Begin elimination.”

“In,” whispered Max as he quickly dispatched the four guards with the help of Michael’s sniper skills and began moving silently in through the front of the building.

“In,” repeated Tess as her shadow moved from the darkness and entered the same door Liz and Alex had entered earlier. As Liz and Alex remained silent from their positions in the rafters, Kyle and Maria watched Max and Tess on the monitors.

Max and Tess both managed to get inside much further than all of them had originally thought they would before the alarm was finally raised. Once it was, the rest of the team sprang into action. As Max and Tess continued to make their way inward, they cut down anyone who came at them. Those who made it past them ran into Kyle who was now at the side door and Michael who was at the front door.

As they made sure no one made it out of the warehouse, Maria kept her eye on every one of the team from inside the mobile unit. She was their last chance if anyone happened to get past all of them.

When the alarm had been raised and the targets went wild, Liz had used the wires Alex had rigged up to lower herself into the middle of the group. For his part, Alex let loose with all of his retractable nooses and blades until he too finally dropped down into the middle of the fray to help Liz.

Maria smiled to herself as she watched Tess and Max entering the huge area where Liz and Alex were still holding their own. As the four of them continued to dispatch the last of the targets, Michael and Kyle remained outside waiting in case someone happened to make it out.

As it was, the four inside were doing a good job of not allowing anyone to escape. Just when the end was in sight, Maria heard a soft scrape coming from outside the door. Reacting instinctively, she flicked a switch and stared at the monitor.

Her eyes went wide a moment before she spoke hurriedly into her mike. “Guys, mobile unit is surrounded.”

“What!” hissed Michael’s voice.

“Surrounded, they’re looking for a way in.”

“Terrier, Spaniel. Deal with it. We’ll finish up here,” came Max’s command.

Maria glanced at the monitors to see Michael and Kyle abandoning their positions to help her. Quickly glancing at the other monitors, she flicked more switches to turn on the security systems of the unit. Granted it wasn’t much, but she hoped it would keep them out until help arrived.

She could hear several crackles as if sparks of electricity had just been emitted followed by muffled curses. She grinned as she realized the electric system Kyle had surrounding the unit was keeping them out so far.

Once more she looked up to find out where her help was and frowned at what she saw. Kyle was nearly to the unit, but Michael was in danger.

“Terrier, behind you!” she shrieked.

She held her breath as Michael turned around just in time to duck an oncoming throwing star before aiming his crossbow at the small group of men coming towards him.

Growling under his breath, he knew he was being waylaid from helping Maria. “Occupied. Spaniel, don’t let me down!”

“I’ll do my best,” replied Kyle as he continued to run towards the unit.

Maria let out another shriek as she heard the door being battered from the other side. It was obvious Kyle wasn’t going to get there in time. Bracing herself for the door to open, she gathered as much energy as she could and waited to unleash it.

Inside the warehouse, Tess downed yet another target before glancing up at the others. Knowing the three of them could handle the rest, she sprinted for the front of the building hoping to help out the others outside.

“You guys okay? I’m going to lend a hand outside.”

As he shoved one man back into another and used his sword to block a blow from behind, Max responded. “Go ahead, Keeshond go with her.”

Liz nodded and quickly followed Tess out of the warehouse while Alex and Max finished off the rest. Just as the two women made it outside, they heard the sound of scraping metal right before Maria’s curse sounded through their headphones.

“Shit, they tore the door off its hinges!”

“Where the hell are you Spaniel?” roared Michael who was still battling the group who’d tried to ambush him.

“Thirty seconds!” came Kyle’s reply.

Sure enough, thirty seconds later as wind rushed inside the unit and quickly rushed back out with several bodies tossing around like so many leaves, Kyle reached the end of the unit. Without hesitating, he stretched one hand out towards the unit. As electricity arced from the walls to his hand, he aimed his other hand at the first body he saw.

He had managed to put a few of the enemies out of commission by the time Tess and Liz reached him. Tess made her way towards the unit to protect Maria while Liz motioned for Kyle to stop with his frying before she launched herself at those remaining.

Kyle slumped against the side of the unit to catch his breath and gather some strength before trying to make his way to Tess’ side. She spared him a glance before concentrating on the enemy in front of her.

“I think Eskimo overused her powers, can you see if she’s okay?” she asked between gritted teeth.

Kyle nodded as he stumbled towards the damaged doorway. Just as he reached it, Tess let out a hiss.

“Behind you!”

Acting on instinct, Kyle whirled around and threw his hands out simultaneously. One hand was braced against the wall as electricity shot out of the other to fry the two men behind him. As the electricity arced between the men, something whizzed between Tess and Kyle before imbedding itself in the wall right next to Kyle’s hand.

Kyle turned a puzzled look and gasped as he saw what it was. “Oh shit!”

Before he even had a chance to warn Tess or take his hand away from the wall, the tiny bomb exploded, releasing water in all directions. As the water drenched him, Kyle could feel the electricity surging through him an instant before he was thrown through the air, landing on his back with an ‘oomph’.

He lay there for a moment trying to catch his breath before he rolled onto his side to look for the others. Liz was still fighting off the remaining men and there was no sign of Maria. As he relaxed upon seeing that the mobile unit seemed to be intact, his gaze went to a prone form on the ground. His eyes widened as he realized it was Tess.

Quickly scrambling to his feet, he ran to her side. She had obviously been thrown from the unit just like he had been since she was lying on her side several feet away from where she’d originally been.

“Dingo!” he called, but she didn’t respond. Her back was to him, so he couldn’t really tell what had happened until he got to her.

“Spaniel!” came Maria’s voice from inside the unit. Kyle glanced back to see electricity still crackling where water remained on the walls. Gritting his teeth in frustration, he turned his back on Tess to hold out his hands towards the unit.

It took him several tries before he was able to shut down the security system on the unit to allow the electricity die. As long the system remained on, no one could get in, but Maria would be trapped inside too. Plus, it wouldn’t have taken long before that live electricity messed with the rest of the equipment inside the unit.

While he worked on getting the system to shut off, Liz had been keeping the last of the enemy away from the others. She frowned when suddenly they all turned and ran towards the warehouses. Instead of following them, she ran to Tess’ side as she spoke into her mike.

“Terrier they’ve abandoned our fight and are heading towards you right now. Dingo is down, so I’m going to assist her.”

“Got it!” came Michael’s reply.

Max’s voice came over the headphones. “Dalmatian and I are on our way to help you Terrier.”


Max and Alex had quickly disposed of the last of the men in the warehouse just as Liz had spoken to Michael. Max motioned to Alex to follow him out so they could assist Michael in getting rid of the rest of the enemy.

They arrived just as the rest of the men reached Michael and the men he was already fighting. As Max jumped into the fray, Michael telepathically thanked him since he knew he would have been overwhelmed had they not come to help. As it was, there were too many men for the three of them to fight.

While the three of them continued fighting, Maria was quickly shutting down the rest of the electronic equipment inside the unit with her powers. That was a lot safer than actually touching the devices which could have sent a jolt of harmful electricity through her body rendering her unconscious like the unfortunate Tess.

As she worked inside, Kyle was working outside. Siphoning the live electricity on the walls and trying to force it into the ground where it would dissipate without harming anyone else.

Liz, who had reached Tess’ side, carefully rolled her onto her back and checked her pulse. Despite the fact that Tess’ pulse was still beating strongly, none of them had seen what had happened to her to render her unconscious.

When the water bomb had exploded and caused the electricity to go haywire, some of it arced towards Tess who had been near the unit. Just like it threw Kyle away, so it did her. However, since Kyle was already a conduit of sorts and he handled electricity all the time it hadn’t affected him much.

Tess was human. For her, it was similar to being struck by lighting. The current had been so strong that it had thrown her a few feet away and knocked her unconscious. Even then, the electricity still sizzled over her body like a living, breathing entity. If anyone had looked at it, they would have thought it was trying to soak its way into her skin as it continued to spark and slide over her until it finally seemed to fade away into nothing.

By the time Liz had reached her side, the electricity was completely gone so that Liz had no clue as to what had knocked Tess out. Liz reached inside one of the compartments of her pants and pulled out a tiny vial. Opening it, she ran it under Tess’ nose hoping to wake her up. All Tess did was moan, but she didn’t open her eyes.

Kyle finally finished removing the live electricity from the unit and ran to kneel next to Liz. “How is she?”

“Her pulse is strong, but I can’t wake her up. What happened?”

“I didn’t see. There was a water bomb they threw at the unit. It exploded while I was still working with live electricity and it threw me a few feet away.”

Liz nodded. “She must have had contact with that too since she’s farther away from the unit than she was. We’ll just have to get her to a medical facility to see if there was any internal damage from the electricity and the fall.”

Kyle frowned as he leaned over Tess and patted her cheek gently. “Honey? It’s Kyle, wake up okay? Open your eyes for me hon.”

All he got in response was a soft moan and a slight movement of her head before she was silent again. As worry deepened in his eyes, Liz reached out to give his shoulder a squeeze.

“Let’s just get her into the unit and then we’ll get her to a medical facility.”

Kyle nodded as he reached down to take Tess into his arms. Liz helped Kyle to stand as he held Tess and just as they were heading to the unit, they heard the others over their headphones.

The enemy just didn’t seem to want to leave. Every time Michael, Max, or Alex got rid of one, another took that place. Then suddenly they all seemed to back away, giving the three team members a wide berth. As the three of them stood back to back warily watching those that surrounded them, something hit Max in the shoulder.

He glanced down to see a dart there and pulled it out with a hiss.

“What?” asked Michael.

“Someone’s trying to trank us!”

Michael began looking at the surrounding buildings trying to see if he could find a sniper. He felt Max stumble against him and reached out to steady him with a frown. Max’s body was stronger than all of them put together, which meant he should be impervious to most things that would put any of the others down immediately.

“Akita?” he asked with a hint of worry.

Max growled. “I’m fine.”

Max took a deep breath to steady himself. Just as he straightened up and held his sword out again a bullet struck him in the ribs. Max growled again.

“Stupid fools. Now they think a bullet is going to take me down!”

“Guys, I have a bad feeling about this,” came Alex’s voice as he worriedly looked around at those that surrounded them. They just stood there, waiting. Yeah, something was seriously wrong.

“Just stay alert,” Max replied. “We can handle this.”

He growled as another bullet hit him in the arm. As Michael suddenly realized that only Max seemed to be the one targeted, he was about to tell them that telepathically when suddenly they all heard it.

Something flew through the air towards Max and they all knew it had to be bigger than a bullet or dart if they could hear it. Still, it was too fast for them to see it until it made contact.

And it did, right in the center of Max’s chest. It had sliced his sword in two and imbedded itself in his chest. Looking down, Max had started to laugh as he felt the slight sting and nothing more. As he did, he noticed that it wasn’t another dart like he’d thought.

His eyes went wide as he looked at the two inch metal rod that stuck out of his chest. Right before his eyes, metal arms detached from the sides and began to dig themselves into his chest. He let out a cry of pain as fire seemed to start burning inside his chest.

Michael and Alex turned their heads to see Max falling to his knees besides them. One hand gripped the metal device in his chest as he tried to tug it out.

“What the hell?” exclaimed Michael as Max’s eyes rolled back into his head right before he crumpled to the ground.

Both he and Alex started to go for Max but those that surrounded them chose that exact moment to attack once more. As Alex kept them away from Max’s downed body on one side, Michael took up the other side and bellowed into his mike.

“Akita is down! And we are seriously outnumbered here!”

Liz froze next to Kyle. “What! How is that possible?”

“They hit him with some remote device, it looks hi-tech.”

Liz gritted her teeth as she turned to Kyle. “Get Dingo in the unit and guard it well. I’m going to help them out.”

As Kyle nodded, Maria came out of the unit. “I’ll help.”

Liz frowned. “You sure?”

She nodded. “I can create a diversion.”

Liz grabbed Maria’s hand. “Come on then. Spaniel, get in the unit!”

As Kyle scrambled into the unit, Maria used her powers to shut the door behind him and Tess before running with Liz back towards the warehouse. Kyle gently laid Tess down on the cot in back and tenderly brushed her hair away from her face before moving to the monitors in front.

Quickly, he began working with the equipment bringing them back online and using his powers to make sure they were all working properly again. He just hoped he could get the unit up and running before the others needed his help.

Glancing up at the monitors, he sighed as he realized he was able to see Liz and Maria joining the others in their fighting. As Liz began slinging psychic swords at those in her way, Maria followed behind with her arms out. It was obvious from the sudden wind and swirling debris that was pelting the enemy what her intentions were.

Using the psychic swords to clear a way for her and Maria to reach the center where Michael and Alex were standing over a downed Max, Liz immediately rushed to Max’s side and knelt down next to him. Maria took up a position between Michael and Alex, putting her back to theirs as she continued to manipulate her surroundings to help keep the enemy away from the five of them.

Michael and Alex used their weapons to keep the enemy from reaching Maria, Max, and Liz allowing Maria to concentrate on using her powers and Liz to administer to Max. As the other three fought, Liz leaned over a now unconscious Max and pulled his hands away from the center of his chest.

She gasped at the sight before her. The device was literally burrowing its way into Max’s chest. She could see it moving slightly, its movements slower now that it seemed to be surrounded by skin, tissue, and muscle. No wonder Max had gone down.

This device had been created to keep a wound festering on someone like Max who was impervious to most weapons. Max’s body was strong, but only to things like bullets and other weapons which generally didn’t do much damage. However, a device like this made sure that the wound remained open, bleeding, and as painful as possible.

Gritting her teeth, she gripped the device in both hands and pulled with all her might. It gave a little, but appeared to tighten its grip as if it had a mind of its own. Growling, she pulled harder but the device just continued to keep digging into Max’s chest. With a curse, she rose to her feet and moved to Alex’s side.

Pulling out both her psychic sword and the one she wore at her side, she moved to take his place. “We need your strength to pull the mechanical device out. It only digs deeper when I try since I’m not strong like you.”

Alex nodded before going to kneel next to Max, letting Liz fight off the enemy with her weapons. He made a face as he saw what Liz had been talking about. The device was indeed digging into Max’s chest like a gopher digging a hole in the ground.

Looking up at Liz, he shouted. “He’s got a hole in his chest!”

Liz flung another psychic sword at someone before answering him. “I know that. That thing is doing that! Get it out and the wound will heal.”


“Now Alex! Before it digs all the way through and kills him!”

“Won’t I kill him by pulling it out?”

“It’ll kill him if we leave it there!”

Alex knew she was right. The thing was intent on making a hole in Max’s body. Max would have a better chance of surviving if it was taken out before any more damage was done.

Gripping the end of the device with his hands, Alex said a silent prayer hoping that in pulling it out, he didn’t kill Max. Taking a deep breath, he braced himself and pulled with everything he had. He could feel the device trying to dig deeper, but it couldn’t match Alex’s inhuman strength.

A few moments more and the device came free. It clicked and whirred angrily as if it knew it was no longer inside Max’s chest. However, since Alex held it by the other end, the mechanical legs didn’t have anything to attach itself to.

Kyle’s voice came over the headphones. “Dalmatian toss the thing towards the mobile unit. I can use my powers to short circuit it.”

Alex stood up and faced the direction of the mobile unit. As he flung his hand back and over his head, Maria turned to give him a hand in making sure it reached Kyle. Alex threw the device as hard as he could and Maria gave it a little direction so that it landed just in front of the unit where Kyle was waiting.

The moment it landed, Kyle’s hands shot out towards it. Electricity sparked around the device for a moment before it went completely still. With a frown, Kyle walked to the device and prodded it with his toe.

Giving it one more jolt, he leaned down and picked it up before taking it inside the unit and placing it into a clear container which was meant to hold dangerous objects of any kind. It would stay there until Kyle had a chance to examine it more.

“It’s contained guys. Do you need my help?” asked Kyle.

“No,” replied Michael. “We’ll finish up here and get Akita to the unit. Can you get the motor running?”

“Done,” replied Kyle as he used his powers to start the engine.

As Alex lifted an unconscious Max into his arms, the other three surrounded him. Michael spoke up.

“We need to get out of here.”

“I can use the wind to toss the enemy away and create a hole for us.”

“No,” came Liz’s reply. “I’ll create a hole with my psychic sword. Terrier, can you protect us from the sides and Eskimo you can protect us from behind.”

They all nodded as Liz moved to place herself in front of Alex. Bracing herself, she pooled her energy and began slinging swords at those in front of her. As soon as they began backing away from her, she ran through them with Alex and the others following.

Michael used his crossbows to keep anyone from attacking them from the sides as Maria used her powers to knock back anyone who came too close to their retreating backs. As soon as they were clear of their enemies, Maria gathered more power and flung it at the group effectively knocking the majority of them off their feet.

It was enough to allow the others to get into the mobile unit where Alex laid Max down next to Tess and Michael took the wheel. Kyle kept a lookout until Maria had finally made it into the unit and shut the door.

The moment she had, Michael stepped on the gas and got them out of there. As Kyle continued to watch the enemy on the monitors, Liz and Maria sat on opposite ends of the cot looking down at the two unconscious members of their team.

Maria leaned back against the wall and looked up at Liz who looked just as exhausted as she felt. “What are we going to do?”

Liz sighed as she ran a hand trembling with fatigue through her already disheveled hair. “We have to get them to a medical facility.”

Maria frowned. “How are we going to explain what happened to them?”

Alex came up to them and handed them clean towels before he continued wiping the blood from his own hands. “We’re not taking them to a civilian hospital Maria. There’s a private facility that handles cases like this.”

Maria looked up at him. “Are you serious?”

Alex nodded. “Yes. The government has these private medical facilities set up wherever there is need for them throughout the country.”

“I see. And one of them just happens to be in our city,” she said as she glanced at Liz who didn’t seem fazed by what Alex said.

Liz nodded. “The government has so many covert things going on that they need to keep things like this away from civilians. It is just easier to keep them in the dark, you know.”

Maria grimaced, but nodded her agreement. Yeah, it was much better not to have to explain something like this to an ordinary hospital.

Gee, if this was something the government kept under wraps who knew what else they did or knew about that they managed to keep civilians from knowing about. Suddenly, Maria wondered if there were really aliens and other things that went bump in the night that no civilian knew about. If there were, she was in no hurry to find out.


All of them looked up when they heard footsteps echoing down the hall. The surgeon rounded the corner and looked at all of them with a sigh.

“We’ve operated on Akita and repaired what we could. All we can do now is wait and let his body repair itself.”

Liz stood up from her seat. “Will it affect him in any way?”

The surgeon shrugged. “I don’t think so, but we will have to wait until he heals a bit to determine that. Dr. Elkin, the other surgeon who assisted me thinks the damage to his tissue was severe enough that we may have to do another operation. However, I’m not of the same opinion. Knowing what I do about Akita’s physiology, I think his body will repair itself on its own. But again, we’ll have to wait and see.”

They all nodded at that.

He glanced around at all of them before continuing. “We are cleaning him up a bit and moving him into his own room. As soon as he’s set up, I’ll send someone to let you all know. However, he probably won’t wake up until tomorrow and I don’t want more than one or two people in the room with him, okay?”

Again they all nodded.

“Okay, thank you Dr. Jamison,” replied Liz.

He gave her a nod before he walked back the way he’d come.

As soon as he was gone, they all took their seats once more to wait until they were told that they could go see Max. They were also still waiting for word on what was going on with Tess.

Liz glanced at Kyle who sat next to her. She reached out to take his hand in hers and gave it a reassuring squeeze. He gave her a grateful smile as they continued to sit in silence holding each others hand. Michael and Maria sat not too far from them where Maria leaned into Michael’s side with his arm draped over her shoulders. Alex stood against the wall near the hallway with his hands in his pockets. His head was turned towards the windows behind the others where he stared vacantly at the lightening sky outside.

They remained that way for nearly half an hour before they heard footsteps echoing down the hall once more. As they all looked up, another doctor came into the waiting room.

“We’ve run tests on Dingo to find out if there’s anything internally wrong with her. As far as we can tell, her vitals are great. But we still have no idea why she’s still unconscious.”

Kyle frowned. “What sort of tests?”

The doctor looked at him. “Since she’s unconscious, we think it may be something with her mind, but we won’t know until the test results come back. It’s got to be something internal that isn’t easy for even modern medicine to see since she’s not waking up. However, externally she seems to be fine.

We’ve taken fluid from her brain, blood, and other internal organs to test them and see if we can figure it out. In the meantime, we’ve put her into a room and have her hooked up so that we can monitor her until something comes to light. If you’d like to see her, I suggest you go in one at a time and please don’t mess with the equipment around her. Those things could save her life.”

Liz turned to smile at Kyle. “Why don’t you go and sit with her. You can keep the rest of us up to date as I’ll do with Akita.”

Kyle nodded as he got up to go with the doctor. The two of them were entering the hall just as a nurse walked into the waiting room.

“I’m here to take someone to Akita’s room.”

Liz nodded as she looked at the others. “Who wants to go first?”

Michael stood up with Maria. “You can go in. I’m going to take Eskimo home. She needs to rest. Call me as soon as you know anything?”

Liz nodded as Maria walked forward to hug her. “Will do.” She pulled back from the hug to look at Maria. “You get some rest okay?”

Maria smiled. “You too.”

Liz nodded as they left the room. Alex pushed himself away from the wall and waved to Liz.

“I’m heading out too. You’ll call me?”

“If I hear something. Yes, I will Dalmatian.”

He smiled as he began to walk away.


Alex stopped to look at Liz over his shoulder. She grinned at him.

“Tell my best friend hi for me and make sure she knows we’re okay.”

Alex winked at her. “Will do.”

As Liz followed the nurse down the hall to Max’s room, she knew that Alex had every intention of going to Isabel’s place as soon as he could. After a grueling mission that ended with two of their team members out of commission, all of them needed to go somewhere where they could recuperate and lick their wounds.

Michael and Maria would be doing that together. Kyle was at Tess’ side, just as Liz was going to be at Max’s side. And Alex, he would need Isabel.

Shadowlynxbehr's Fics
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss
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Re: An Altered Existance (M/L, Adult)Pt16(pg6) 2/27

Post by Shadowlynxbehr »

Part 17

Liz came awake with a start and shot to her feet only to realize that Max was still asleep on the bed in front of her. With a sigh, she scrubbed her face with her hands before peering closer at him. Color seemed to be slowly creeping back into his skin, but she could tell he still hadn’t woken up since that device had taken him out the night before.

Still, it was nice to see the color coming back and the steady rise and fall of his chest as he slept. The steady beep of the heart monitor also made her relax because it meant he wasn’t in any immediate danger. She glanced down at his chest where a huge bandage covered a hole that had been the size of a small crater.

However, the last time the doctor had gone into the room to check the wound and change the bandage, the hole had shrunk in size considerably. In fact, the doctor had said with any luck Max’s body would heal itself completely in about forty-eight hours. So, all she was waiting for now was for Max to wake up.


Kyle sighed as he ran his fingers through Tess’ hair. She still hadn’t woken up from her ordeal and from what Michael told him, neither had Max. Kyle had gone to get some breakfast about an hour ago only to find Michael and Maria back in the waiting room.

They’d gone home for the night, as had Alex but the two of them had returned bright and early that morning after a good night’s sleep and some breakfast. Alex had opted to stay at home with Isabel keeping him company since Michael promised to keep him informed on everything that happened.

They’d told Kyle that Liz had already been out and let them know that Max hadn’t woken up, but his wound appeared to be healing well and he’d told them that Tess’ hadn’t woken up yet. They said they’d continue to stay in the waiting room and continue to act as the go betweens for everyone while Kyle went to get some breakfast before returning to Tess’ side.

Now Kyle was back to sitting and waiting, hoping for Tess to wake up so they could find out that nothing was seriously wrong with her after everything that happened. As he sat there, he went over the whole incident in his mind once more, trying to see if he had missed anything at all.

Even though he’d been going over it again and again, he was hoping he’d missed something that could help him figure out what had happened to Tess, but nothing had changed in his mind. Deep down inside, he knew that whatever had happened to her, happened at the same time he’d been thrown a few feet away. He knew it had to be then because that was the only time she hadn’t been in his line of sight.

Lost in his musings, he almost missed the soft moan coming from the bed. He glanced at Tess, wondering if he’d just imagined it until she moaned again a little louder.

“Tess?” he asked as he leaned over her to stroke her hair. “Honey, it’s Kyle. Can you hear me?”

He reached out to stroke her cheek, but when his fingers barely grazed her skin, electricity arced between his fingers and her cheek. Gaping in surprise, he watched as the electricity faded and briefly wondered if maybe his powers were acting up since he was a bit on edge.

Tess slowly opened her eyes and blinked in confusion as she looked around. “Kyle? Where am I?”

Before he had a chance to respond, more electricity cackled along her arms and shoulders. And as Kyle watched the electricity move over her skin and up along the wires that connected her to the machines she was hooked up to, he knew it wasn’t his powers. His eyes widened as the electricity began to short circuit the machines.

“Shit!” He exclaimed as he jumped to his feet and immediately began to use his powers to shut down all the devices connected to her.

She let out a shriek as some of the electricity arced back to her, prompting Kyle to reach a hand out to her again. As he did, the electricity arced to his outstretched hand and he began to channel it so that it would dissipate.

“Tess! I need you to listen to me, okay?”

She let out a soft groan as more electricity sizzled over her body. Still, she listened as Kyle tried to get her to focus on him.

“Come on Tess, if you concentrate and let me guide you, we can get rid of this! It won’t hurt you once you can control it.”

Tess gritted her teeth and turned her head to look at him. “Tell me what to do,” she growled against the pain.

“Okay, first take a deep breath and think of grounding yourself. Then you have to think of your body as a conduit of sorts, got it?”

Tess closed her eyes for a few moments and concentrated. When she opened her eyes, she nodded. “Okay.”

“Good, now picture the electricity in your mind. It’s a living entity to you, but one that you can control. Now, with your mind, tell it to fade away into nothing. Tell it to go to sleep.”

As she began to do as Kyle had instructed her, the door opened to reveal the doctor and several orderlies. They’d been alerted to the machines going haywire and now they could see why as the electricity continued to sizzle over Tess’ body.

“What the…”

Kyle held a hand to stall the doctor. “Don’t come in! She’s got to control this herself!”

The doctor immediately got the hint and quickly ushered the others back out of the room. As soon as they’d left, Kyle went back to watching Tess trying to control the electricity.

Sweat was now breaking out on her forehead, but she was obviously determined to control it as Kyle continued to talk her through it. Even as she worked to get the electricity to disappear, she knew what Kyle knew. The electricity was coming from her. Somehow, some way, she had ended up with powers just like Kyle’s.

It took her a few tries, even with Kyle’s guidance, but eventually she began to get the hang of it. Finally, she managed to get it completely under her control and made it completely dissipate until the room seemed empty again. Even so, Kyle used his own powers just to make sure before he moved back to her side again.

Leaning over her, he looked into her eyes. “You okay?”

She nodded. “Yeah. A bit tired, but otherwise, I’m okay.”

He smiled as he smoothed her hair away from her face. She returned his smile with one of her own.

“So, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that when that jolt threw me during the fight somehow I ended up with powers like yours? Kind of like how you got your powers when you were a boy?”

Kyle chuckled. “Yeah, I think you might be right.”

He paused for a moment before glancing at the door. “I’m going to call the doctor back in. Hopefully he can give you some tests to see if that’s true and to make sure you’re okay.”

She nodded. “Okay.”

Kyle quickly called the doctor back in who asked how Tess was feeling as he checked her vitals. As soon as she seemed to be okay, the three of them discussed what had just happened and the idea that Tess could have just developed powers the way Kyle had once developed his.

From there, the doctor decided to let Tess rest a bit and have something to eat before taking her to do some tests later in the afternoon. Tess thanked him for that and before he left, he asked Kyle to keep an eye on Tess until then just in case the electricity came back.

Since Kyle was the best bet they had for dealing with any mishaps, the doctor also asked Kyle and Tess if it would be okay to have Kyle along when they tested Tess later that afternoon. After all, not only would he be able to take care of mishaps, but he was also the best teacher for Tess if she needed help.

After the doctor left, Kyle filled Tess in on what had happened to Max and the others after she’d been knocked unconscious. He continued to fill her in on everything that had happened and they talked a bit more until her food arrived.

He helped her sit up as the nurse adjusted her bed and the food tray, but as soon as she was eating he left her to go inform Maria and Michael of everything that had just happened. Thankfully the two of them didn’t ask any questions, since they understood Kyle couldn’t leave Tess alone for long just in case she needed help. So, as soon as he’d filled them in, he’d rushed back to her room and sat next to her as she ate her meal.


Max shifted in his sleep as distorted images from his past flashed through his mind. Once more he saw the bloody bodies and wondered who they were. A young boy stumbled through a darkened room as sounds of fighting and screams echoed in the distance.

Firelight flickered beneath a crack in the door as a roaring sound grew louder and louder. Then a man’s deep voice roared, “Zander, run!” And the young boy was stumbling out of a burning house.

Max was gasping for breath as if he could fell the fire of the burning house inside his lungs. Who was that little boy? He could hear the soft sobbing of the boy as he knelt outside the house, his face covered in soot.

Another gasp escaped as he saw the shadow looming over the boy. “No!” He tried to scream, to warn the boy.

“Max!” came a voice from far away, but he ignored it trying to save the boy.

“Run!” he yelled to no avail.

Something whizzed through the air, but instead of going for the boy, Max felt the white hot pain in his chest. “Max, run!”

With a strangled gasp, Max came awake and began to claw at his chest. Hands grabbed his own to keep him from removing the bandage covering his chest. For a moment, he was lost in transition believing he’d been injured from the nightmare.

“Max! Look at me!”

Liz’s face swam into view as she cupped his face in her hands and tried to get him to focus.


“Yes, Max. It’s me.”

He frowned as he looked down at his chest. “What? Where?”

“You’re in the hospital. We brought you here last night after the mission. Do you remember? You were hit.”

He stared at the bandage as it slowly returned to him. He remembered the mechanical device that had tried to embed itself in his chest. The center of his chest, not just to the right of his heart like in the nightmare. He finally nodded as he hesitantly touched the spot where he still felt the phantom pain from the nightmare.

Liz watched his fingers trail over the spot before she looked up at him with a frown. “What’s wrong Max?”

He looked up at her and shook his head. “It’s nothing.”

“Are you sure? You were mumbling in your sleep. It sounded like you were trying to warn someone.”

Max closed his eyes for a moment as the voices whispered in his mind. Images flashed by quickly and the man’s voice echoed in his head. “Run Zander!”

“What was that?” asked Liz.

Max opened his eyes and looked at her. “Zander. I think I was trying to warn someone named Zander.”

“Who’s that?”

Max shook his head. “I…I don’t remember.”

Liz didn’t say anything for a few moments as she watched Max retreat into himself. The look on his face said he was reliving the nightmare all over again. And when his breathing began to sped up again, she reached out cup his face again.

“Okay, Max! Max! Come back to me, okay!”

Max blinked and looked into her eyes as he began to breathe normally again.

Liz nodded. “That’s it. It was just a dream Max. Whatever it was it’s not real.”

Max closed his eyes. “But it was real. I know it was.”

Liz ran her hands over his face and brushed his hair away from his eyes. “Maybe it was, but it’s over now. Right now you’re here with me. Okay, can you focus on being right here Max.”

He took a deep breath to steady himself before nodding. “Okay.”

She smiled. “Okay, good. How are you feeling?”

He gave her a hesitant smile. “My chest hurts.”

She chuckled. “Well, that’s because it’s still healing after that thing tried to dig its way through it. But at least the hole isn’t as huge as it was when we first brought you here. The doctor said you seem to be healing fine and if things keep going well, you should be completely healed in another day or so.”

He nodded as he glanced down at his chest. “How’d they get it out?”

She grinned. “Alex did, although I almost had to threaten him to do it.”


She explained to him what had happened after he’d gone down with the device in his chest and when she was done with that, she told him the news about Tess and what she’d found out a little bit before he’d woken up.

He arched an eyebrow. “Have they tested her yet?”

“No, they should be doing that soon. Michael says that Kyle’s almost positive that she does have his powers.”

Max nodded. “Yeah, sounds like it.”

He leaned back on the bed and sighed as he stared up at the ceiling. Liz let him lay there in silence for a bit before she leaned over to run her hand down his arm.

“Listen, I’m going to go let them know you’re awake.”

Max reached out to stop her before she left him. “Wait.”

She turned around to look at him, but when he didn’t immediately say anything, she returned to his side.

“Max? What is it?”

He was silent for a few more moments before he looked up at her. The nightmare he’d had had been an epiphany for him. This time he felt like he needed to fess up to Liz everything that he knew. This time he needed to tell her what he knew because something told him he might never have the chance to again. That next time, he might just lose everything they had.

“I never know what’s going on in that nightmare I have, but I think it has something to do with my past,” he began.

“Your past?”

He nodded. “Yes. Remember you asked me to tell you about myself? Well, that’s why I can’t. I just don’t remember it. All I know is the fragmented images I dream about.”

Liz sat on the edge of the bed and took his hand into hers. “Are you sure it’s about your past?”

Max closed his eyes for a moment before looking up at her again. “How can it not be? The images may not always be in the same order or look exactly the same, but it’s always the same night.”

Liz didn’t speak again as Max closed his eyes and told her what he could see behind his eyelids.

“The images always come with specific sounds. A roaring fire, screams and shouts. I hear a man yelling ‘Run, Zander’ and the sounds of fighting. There are bodies lying on the ground, but I can’t see details. Sometimes I can see the red of the blood. And every once in a while I’ll see a boy running or stumbling through a house that’s on fire.”

He opened his eyes to look at Liz. “I don’t know who the boy is, but I think he is the one named Zander.”

“Does he look familiar?”

Max shook his head. “I can’t really see his face either because it’s either in shadow or blackened with ashes from the fire.”

Liz nodded. “So you think you’re the one telling the boy to run?”

Max shrugged. “I don’t know. I think so, but the voice doesn’t sound like mine. It’s deeper than mine and kind of scratchy sounding.”

He ran a hand through his hair before looking back at her. “Something happened to him, something bad.”

“Because his house burned down, right?”

“Not just that, but after he stumbles outside, I can hear the man yelling at him to run and then the sound of something flying through the air. Like an arrow or some other weapon.”

“You never see it?”

“No, that’s usually when I wake up and my chest feels like it’s on fire.” He touched the spot she’d seen him touch earlier as he continued. “Right here, just to the right of my heart.”

Liz stared at his chest for a moment before frowning. “There’s no scar.”

Max nodded. “I know, but then I usually don’t scar unless the wound was really, really bad.”

“Like the one you got yesterday?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I think that’s going to scar.”

“I see. Well what do you think happened then?”

“All I can guess is that I was burning from the house fire.”

Liz shook her head. “The pain is too location specific, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, but I can’t figure out…”

“Max, the article I showed you said you were found by some monks.”

He nodded. “That’s true.”

“When they found you, did they ask you what your name was?”

He frowned. “I don’t remember.”

She nodded. “Right. Well, could it be that you were that boy?”

He looked at her. “What?”

“Think about it Max. You said it’s mostly images. So, when you see the fire and the bodies, do you see the boy or do you see him at separate times?”

Max suddenly realized what she was saying as he tried to remember all the images he’d seen before. Liz had a point. By the time he saw the boy, he was outside and the house was consumed by flames. Even the bodies weren’t there when the boy was.

Liz nodded as she saw the recognition in his eyes. “Yes Max, maybe you’re right. It is about your past. The past you lived when you were named Zander.”

Shadowlynxbehr's Fics
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss
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Re: An Altered Existance (M/L, Adult)Pt17(pg7) 3/7

Post by Shadowlynxbehr »

Part 18

Max growled as his chest throbbed in pain. Sitting up in his bed, he brushed his hand over the area of his chest where the mechanical device had tried to make a hole all the way through it.

But that had been nearly a week ago and now there was no outward evidence that there had been a crater in his chest. At least the evidence wasn’t on the surface since his skin had healed completely. It didn’t even leave a scar, but his insides were still rather sore.

It felt like he’d been punched one too many times in his chest and around his ribs by someone as strong as Alex. Every time he wanted to move, his body protested. Even something as simple as sitting up in his bed felt like a marathon for him since by the time he was up, he was sweating from the effort.

Grunting at the injustice of it all, he impatiently waited for a bit before attempting anything else. Tess had been released from the hospital two days after she had woken up since the tests had showed she was in good health and that she had indeed acquired the same kind of powers Kyle had. So of course the doctors had agreed that releasing her into Kyle’s care was the best thing for her.

While she went back to the team’s headquarters where Kyle would care for her and help to train her, Max was still stuck in the hospital with the chest would that should have been completely healed after only a day. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case and it would be a few more days until the doctors allowed Max to leave the hospital. At least by that time, his skin had closed up over the hole.

Kyle and Maria had been trying to figure out more about the mechanical device since Kyle still had it contained at headquarters. So far, they knew it was made of a tough metal like titanium, which made it almost indestructible. They also knew it had an electronic center which allowed someone to control it using some kind of remote device.

As for the reason Max’s body was taking longer than usual to heal, Kyle believed the device had injected Max with some kind of chemical to prevent his normal healing. However, the only clue that had made Kyle think that was the small empty sac with a needle-like part at the end of it which he’d found in one of the arms of the device. However, neither Kyle nor the doctors could find any trace of chemicals in the device or in Max’s chest.

Still, Max was inclined to agree with Kyle’s guess since his body was still trying to heal itself nearly a week later. At least the doctors had allowed Max to return to his home once the skin had closed over the wound a few days after he’d first entered the hospital.

However, Max wasn’t allowed to do much for the first couple of days and he had to remain in bed most of the time. It was a good thing Liz had been staying there at his side to make sure he followed the doctor’s orders. Otherwise he’d probably be too stubborn to listen to the doctors.

Unfortunately for Liz, Max was a poor sport when it came to lying in bed and following the doctor’s orders. Fortunately for Max, Liz was ever patient and tended to ignore Max’s growls and grumblings about how he wasn’t as much of an invalid as they all thought he was and didn’t need anyone’s help. Despite his gruff demeanor, he really didn’t mind having Liz there since it meant he wouldn’t really be alone.

When she was there, they tended to talk about his dream and whether or not it really had anything to do with his past. Liz was sure Max’s name had once been Zander when he was a boy, but Max still didn’t think so. It just didn’t feel right to him. There was also the fact that he still couldn’t remember much else even though Liz had tried to help him by teaching him a few of the exercises she’d learned about memory retrieval.

Max had even suggested that she use her psychic sword powers to go into his mind and unlock his memories somehow, but Liz said her powers didn’t work that way. Usually she could go into a mind to see if a person was being truthful like she’d done with Tess, or to get a clearer picture of what someone was saying.

Then of course, she used her sword to cause the mind convulsions that would eventually lead to a person’s death, but she couldn’t do memory retrieval. At least she’d never done that before and she wasn’t about to test it on Max for fear she’d do more harm than good. Especially since she knew just what kind of damage her psychic sword could do. No matter how much Max has asked, she told him she wasn’t touching his mind with a ten foot pole.

When they weren’t talking about his dream or dealing with his grumpy moods about his healing body, Liz was helping him to do the exercises the doctors had recommended Max do to help strengthen his body again. She also proved to be great at housekeeping despite the fact that her own apartment was a little on the messy side. She wasn’t a total slob, but Max’s house had always been much cleaner than hers.

There were times when she left him alone for a few hours while she ran errands or went to check up on her apartment. Granted, Isabel was looking after her apartment for her while she stayed with Max, but Liz liked to go there for a while to give both her and Max some space.

She also popped in at headquarters to check up on the rest of the team’s progress. Not only did it pay to stay in touch, but it also served to take the information back to Max so he would be up to date on everything that was going on there. Granted, the team could always use the phone or the computers to communicate with Max, but this was a much safer way for them all. This way, no one could intercept the conversations and Max wouldn’t be stressing his body trying to answer phones or work on the computer.

Since Max was still injured, the agency had decided to put the team on hold for a while. Despite those orders, the team wasn’t completely idyll. Kyle and Maria were still hard at work trying to discover more about the mechanical device, plus they were still trying to figure out who was out to get them.

In fact, all of them were convinced this latest attack was from their mysterious enemy. That was the main reason why they were determined to figure out everything they could about the device. However, Tess had asked if maybe this enemy was only after certain members since it seemed like Kyle and Max had been specifically targeted this time around.

Alex agreed, but mostly because out of the four guys only he hadn’t been targeted. At least not yet. He also pointed out that none of the girls had been targeted except Maria, but Tess had said she had been after Michael only and had even aimed only at him when she’d been hired to kill him. That had told them all that Maria just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In between trying to discover more clues, Kyle also teamed up with Michael and Maria in helping Tess train with her new powers. The four of them would get together after Michael created scenarios which he’d set up while the others were busy elsewhere. Then the girls would run through the simulation with Kyle acting as back-up for Tess. Sometimes Liz joined in, but she was often busy with Max. Alex had also volunteered, but found it a bit crowded at times, so he usually spent his time with Isabel.

In fact, that was where he was at the moment, which meant Liz was a bit uptight when she finally returned to Max’s house only to find him attempting to get out of bed. The moment she walked into his bedroom, her hands were on her hips as she glared at him.

“Max Evans! That is it! Next time I have to leave you alone, I’m tying you to the bed!”

Max returned her glare with one of his own. “What? I was hungry and you weren’t here!”

Liz rolled her eyes as she moved to the side of the bed to help him. “I told you I’d be back in time, didn’t I?”

“You’re thirty minutes late!” he growled.

She looked at her watch before giving him a sheepish look. “Well actually, I’m only twenty-eight minutes late, but I couldn’t help it!”

“Oh? Traffic caused an accident you couldn’t get through?” he retorted.

Again she looked sheepish. “Um, there was nearly an accident involved.”

As he leaned against the wall while she went to retrieve a shirt for him, he folded his arms over his chest with a grimace. When she approached him, he lifted an eyebrow in question.

“Nearly was? Were you speeding?”

“No. Now come on and put your shirt on so we can go eat the food I brought.”

“Liz,” he warned.

“What?” she asked, innocently.


“Max, you said you were hungry and…”

“Liz! If I find out you took my bike…”

“I didn’t take your bike!” she snapped before she shook his shirt at him.

When he didn’t move an inch, she sighed. “Fine! I was on the verge of killing Alex and making it look like an accident. Okay! Happy now?”

He couldn’t help the grin that spread over his face at the exasperated look she wore. It made her look cute, which was something he knew she hated to hear.

Liz glared at him. “Not funny Max!”

He shook his head as he took the shirt form her. “What did Alex do now?”

“He’s not going home,” she mumbled.

Max almost laughed at the look on her face. “Not going home? As in you think he’s spending too much time at your friend’s place?”

Liz huffed. “I don’t want to hear it, Max!”

He tried to pull his shirt over his head, but stopped as pain shot up his chest. Liz reached out and helped him, pulling it all the way down. He thanked her before giving her a serious look.

“Liz, I know how you feel about your friend and Alex knows too, but you can’t keep threatening him every time you see him with Isabel. She did tell you that she could handle Alex on her own, you know. She’s a big girl Liz, and you’re just going to have to learn how to let her live her own life.”

Liz gritted her teeth. “Yeah well, I’m sure Alex isn’t a good choice she’s making in her life.”

Max arched an eyebrow. “Really? Let me ask you this, has she given you any indication that Alex has tried to take advantage of her? Or has she complained about him in any way?”

By the look on her face, Max could tell she knew he was right. In truth, Alex was still the perfect gentleman when it came to Isabel. And when Isabel talked to Liz about Alex, she only sounded happy about what the two of them did together. As far as Liz knew, Alex was a really nice guy who shared the same smart sense of humor that Isabel had.

She finally nodded in defeat. “I know, you’re right. He’s great. I don’t know, I guess I’m just waiting for the other shoe to fall.”

“Not gonna happen,” replied Max as he moved away from the wall to make his way to the kitchen.

He only got a few feet before he grimaced in pain as another spasm went through his chest, making Liz frown. She moved to his side to help him.

“Why don’t you just stay in bed and I’ll bring…”

“No. I’m tired of lying around doing nothing. I have to get better.”

“You will.”

“Not if I don’t do anything about it.”

“Max, they’re trying to see if they can figure out why your body isn’t healing the way it should be. Kyle and Maria hope to come up with something that will help speed up the healing process of your body.”

“The only way my body will heal is if I put it to work.”

“Not on your life.”


“Max! Your injury will only hinder you! No one wants to risk putting you to work when you’re not at your best! Not only will it hurt you, but it could put the others in danger!”

“I’m the one who has an injury, how can I hurt them?”

“You can’t even wield a sword!”

“I can if I have to!”

Max continued to argue with Liz all the way to the kitchen where Liz had their take-out food waiting for them. No matter what they said to each other they both knew what they had to do.

As Max slowly sat down at the table while Liz put his food on a plate for him, knew he was going to have to learn to be patient with his healing body. And while she prepared her own dinner, Liz knew she would always have to put up with a grumpy, impatient Max.


Tess looked up from her seat at the edge of Kyle’s bunk and smiled when Liz walked into the huge bunking room at headquarters. Her smile faded slightly when she saw the scowl on Liz’s face.

“Well, I was going to ask how Max is doing, but something tells me there won’t be a good answer.”

Liz rolled her eyes as she sat down heavily on the bed opposite Tess. “You got that right. Max has no bed manners at all!”

Tess chuckled. “Right, and you have a great bedside manner.”

“Oh I try, but he makes me want to strangle him sometimes.”

Tess shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I know how he feels. I’m thankful that nothing serious happened to me and all I really have to deal with is learning new powers.”

Liz grinned. “Yeah, you’re really getting the hang of them aren’t you?”

“Mm hm. Luckily I have a great teacher despite his age.”

Liz smiled at the truth of that statement. Kyle was indeed the best teacher for Tess since his powers were the same as hers. Plus, just like Tess, he’d acquired his own powers through an accident too. Given that, he was able to guide Tess through the motions of learning how to control electricity and then use it to her benefit.

“You know, now that Kyle thinks I’m doing good, I sort of wish I could have a real chance to work with my powers.”

“You mean like on a mission?”

“Yeah, it kind of sucks that the team is on hold until Max gets better.”

“You could always go out on your own,” replied Maria as she walked into the room and sat down next to Liz. “Sorry, I couldn’t help but hear that last part.”

Tess nodded. “It’s okay.”

“She’s right,” answered Liz. “Why don’t you hire yourself out like you used to?”

Tess shrugged. “I don’t really want to work alone, I guess.”

“Really?” Liz paused for a moment as she thought about that. “Well, if you’re really serious, I’ll team up with you.”

Tess gaped at her. “You will?”

“Sure, I could use a good workout. And it might just be interesting to work with a real partner.”

“Heck, if you and Liz want to work as a team, I’ll be glad to do the behind-the-scenes part just like Kyle does with his team,” volunteered Maria.

Liz’s eyes widened at that. “You sure about that?”

She nodded. “Yeah. So long as I don’t have to be in the middle of the action, I know I can help you two out.” She looked at Tess as she continued, “Besides, haven’t we been getting great practice working together on the simulations Michael’s been creating for us?”

Tess nodded. “That’s true. We have been working together already.”

“See, we’ve already started to work together as a team,” replied Maria.

Liz chuckled. “She’s right.”

Liz and Maria both gave Tess expectant looks, making her glance between the both of them. A few moments later, her face broke into a grin.

“Okay then. Sounds like we’ve got a plan!”

Shadowlynxbehr's Fics
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss