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Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 12:21 am
by AweInspired
<b>CHAPTER 10</b>

Sipping his coffee, Zan fumed back at the cabin. He paced from end to end occasionally swearing under his breath. Liz's comment infuriated him. Partly because he was in control here and she had no right to question him. However, the other part, he figured, was due to a nagging guilt he felt tugging at the back of his mind.

He'd grown up with so many questions and rarely received answers. In that respect, he understood where Liz was coming from. It wasn't until the last few years that a lot of the puzzle pieces had fallen together. He knew so much more than she did but he wasn't ready to tell her yet. Damn her for pushing him!

He heard a rumble from outside and turned to the window. Unsettled but unable to see anything, he reached for a cigarette.

A wave of terror swept through him and he instantly went to his knees covering his head. His coffee cup flew unnoticed from his fingers and smashed into small pieces on the floor. Realizing immediately that this feeling was projected from Liz, Zan felt himself gulp for breath and cough on imaginary liquid that burned his lungs. Overwhelming fear pumped his heartbeat until he couldn't breath. Unable to even move because of the panic that enveloped him, he had no choice. He tuned her out. As quickly as it had come, the feeling left him. On his knees, he gasped for oxygen. Knowing she was in trouble, he shot to his feet and raced for the door.


Terrified, Liz choked again on the snow that had forced its way into her lungs. The pressure all around her was suffocating and she began to panic. Trying to take measured breaths, she violently coughed again as her body tried to expel the water from her air passage. Shaking, she tried to cover her mouth but found that her right arm was pinned under the massive weight of the snow. Her left hand was trapped near her face. Taking another breath, she almost inhaled more snow. She wiggled her fingers in front of her trying to create a small air pocket which seemed to help.

She panicked again when she opened her eyes. Unable to see a single thing in the utter darkness and unable to move any part of her body except the fingers of her left hand, she began to cry.


Following Liz's tracks, he found the clearing. His jaw dropped as he saw the freshly fallen mountain of snow. Knowing now what happened, he raced to the spot. Pockets of snow still fell from above and hit the mound with soft plops. Afraid that another avalanche would bury her further, Zan reached up and created a force field in the shape of a dome over the area. Falling snow hit the top and sizzled.

He then began clearing away the snow with sweeps of his hand. He forced himself to go slow so that he wouldn't accidentally hurt Liz when he got near.

He tuned her in and sent an image of him coming to help but all he received was darkness. Doubling his efforts, snow began flying in all directions.


The small air pocket didn't last for long. The oxygen quickly ran out and Liz found herself recycling her own carbon dioxide back into her lungs. She knew that it was bad especially when her head began to tingle from the lack of good air. Frightened and alone, she tried to picture Max. A few seconds later, true darkness settled over her.


Zan was scared. He'd cleared away the first half of the snow and he still hadn't found her. He'd begun to tire a bit but he pushed beyond his limit. He had to keep moving.

A minute later, he caught a pink hand sticking out from underneath the deepest part of the mound. Resorting to pure human strength, he grabbed it and tugged but the rest of her body wouldn't follow. In desperation he yanked harder and heard a pop. Realizing he'd just dislocated her shoulder, he dropped to his knees and dug around her. After approximately two minutes, he'd uncovered her torso. She wasn't breathing. He ripped open her jacket and put his hand to her chest. A couple of seconds later, her chest rose as oxygen filled her lungs. Still unconscious, she choked. He quickly turned her head as she vomited onto the white snow. Her air passage clear again, she began to breathe a bit easier. He extradited the rest of her body, gathered her up in his arms, and began the short run back to the cabin.

Behind him, the shield evaporated and a few hundred pounds of heavy wet snow hit the earth.


Laying her on the bed, he checked her breathing again. Though her respiration was shallow, air filled her lungs. Shivering, Zan ran to the fireplace and with a wave of his hand, the fired roared higher. If he was cold, she must be freezing and he needed to warm her.

Returning to the bed, he stripped her down to her bra and underwear. Gently, running his hand over her body, he discovered that beyond her dislocated shoulder she also had a cracked rib and a broken ankle. Quickly repairing all three of these injuries, he noticed her breathing became deeper and more regular. Apparently, the broken rib had interfered with her respiration.

Running his hands over her one more time, he paused over her sprained wrist from the night in front of the Mexican restaurant and healed that. Her body was ice cold. Even unconscious, shivers racked it uncontrollably. He wrapped her tightly in the quilt and then began to run water in the tub. Heating it as quickly as possible, he dropped her slowly into the steaming water.

Careful to keep her head above the water line, he submerged as much of her body as possible. He massaged her arms and legs with his free hand while supporting her head with his other. Five minutes passed and Liz's eyes fluttered opened. Her skin color had returned to a healthy color and her lips were no longer blue.

Relieved, Zan let out a sigh. Liz stared up into his eyes still processing where she was. Slowly rolling her head from side to side and taking in her surroundings, she returned her gaze to him. Smiling slightly, she mouthed 'Thank you.'

Overwhelmed with satisfaction, he simply nodded. Now that the adrenaline rush was past, his body sagged with weariness. He didn't trust himself to speak. No matter how strong he was, after doing the time shift stunt, creating the force field, powering away the chunks of snow and healing her had taken its toll.

Lifting her gently from the tub, he didn't have the energy to wave away the water. So he grabbed a towel and patted her dry as she leaned against him. She'd fallen back asleep but looked better than she had before. Once she was dry, he dug far down in his reserves and slowly dried her hair. Then he carried her to the bed and placed her in it. He undressed down to his underwear, crawled in behind her and spooned his body around hers so that he could pass on his body heat. Exhausted, he closed his eyes. His chin rested on the top of her head, which was snuggled deep into the pillow. He wrapped his right arm around her waist and pulled her snugger to his body.

Without another thought, he fell asleep.


It was evening and Max was exhausted. Skipping dinner again, he'd flopped on his back on the bed. For the last three hours he had waited for Liz to visit but she was late. Now pacing the cabin, he worried about where she was. Her last three visits had been very regular and he treasured every single one. She'd told him about how she was learning to control her newfound powers. He couldn't help but feel surging jealousy at the thought Zan could provide something for her that he couldn't. Still in the dark as to their location, he listened to her stories carefully to see if he could find clues. Now that Zan and Liz were together and Liz seemed safe enough, he didn't want to remove her from the safe place. But he did want to know her location so that if he needed to get to her quickly, he could do so. However, he couldn't decipher any helpful information from their conversations.

Liz spoke about her burgeoning powers with enthusiasm. She no longer seemed to look at them as a curse. For this he was thankful because he couldn't help but feel guilt over what he had caused. Again, however, he wished he were the one able to share the experience with her. It had been a long time since she had smiled because of something he did for her.

He'd also felt her pull back a little. She remained affectionate with him and he could feel her love, yet each night, she became slightly more reserved. Probably not something others would notice, he'd definitely felt it yet he couldn't question her. Not with Zan watching over their shoulder like a parental chaperone. Max's ire toward his dupe grew as each visit came and went without Max being able to completely express himself.

With a frown, he came back to the present and wondered where she was and if she was safe.


Zan woke first in the darkness of the cabin. Night had fallen and the fire in the fireplace shed the only light. Opening his eyes, he peered at the wall over Liz's head. Her body was wrapped tightly against his and he could feel her back expand with each breath against his chest. His right arm was wrapped around her waist while his left arm cradled her head.

Feeling comfortable, he didn't care to move. It had been a long while since he'd shared a bed with a woman and though this wasn't the typical situation in which he found himself, he wanted to bask in it a little longer. In her sleep, Liz had reached up and gently grasped his forearm tucked under her head. Also, sometime when they were sleeping, their legs had intertwined. Zan took a deep breath and pulled her closer. He felt her body wiggle in her sleep as she tried to mold her body to his.

When he first spoke to Liz Parker, she hadn't sparked his sexual interest a bit. He took to taller, more curvy women than her and to him, she looked like she was the small, innocent schoolgirl type and though that fantasy may excite some men, he preferred older, more experienced women.

This perception of her had now shifted slightly. First, spending time with her convinced him that though she wasn't brassy, she was far from being meek. Discovering that she was a virgin while sleuthing in Roswell, he'd first laughed condescendingly to himself. He'd assumed she was the prudish book type. Even the time he spent on the road with her in the van strengthened the perception. He knew that she had watched him while he pretended to sleep which irritated the shit out of him because he felt that she'd been measuring him against Max. But after watching their interaction, he realized that she wasn't prudish at all. She simply reserved all of her sexual energy and poured it over the man in her life.

Secondly, because of the connection he had to maintain in order to help Liz visit Max, her feelings washed over him in waves. He couldn't tune them out without removing the assistance Liz needed. He'd endured the alien feelings of love and commitment every moment Liz and Max were together. After each visit, he found the feelings lingering and he took to leaving the cabin in an attempt to expel them from his system. No matter how he tried, though, each visit left a residual feeling of warmth towards her that, while it began to thaw his attitude, he felt a keen resentment towards it.

He'd never allowed himself to feel too much for anyone, not with his surrounding environment and his alien status. He'd made a small allowance with Shandra and though he hadn't loved her, he'd grown quite fond of her. There was contentment in the rhythm of the life they shared. She had never asked for much and he'd given her what he could. It was the closest to a relationship that he'd ever had.

Then Lonnie had ripped that life away from him.

He'd mourned Shandra terribly. Though typically human life held little value to him, she had been special.

Flickering firelight danced on the walls. Allowing his guard down, he tilted his head and inhaled the scent of Liz. He removed his arm wrapped around her waist and traced the length of her arm enjoying the touch and feel of her skin. Extraditing himself carefully from beneath her head, he raised himself up on his elbow so that he could get a better view of her. Inching away a bit caused Liz to slowly roll onto her back. He peered down and took her body in.

She lay quietly in only her bra and underwear. Knowing now how she guarded her sexuality, being able to view her in this manner thrilled him. She lay open to him, unfolded in sleep. Her skin was unblemished except for the raw scorch mark that marred her forehead. Knowing that the avalanche could not have created the injury, he pondered where she'd gotten it.

Her hair swept back on the pillow and several strands were caught wildly over her cheeks and chin. He moved slowly and removed the locks so that he could scrutinize her face in its entirety. Now warm, her skin was pink and translucent. Her cheeks held a slight reddish tinge that mimicked sexual passion. Her mouth was closed, her lips pressed gently together. He watched her pulse beat rhythmically in her neck and he hesitantly placed his fingertips against it feeling the life he had saved earlier that day beat through her. He gently brushed the curve of her neck to her shoulder and traced her collarbone.

Her chest rose beneath his touch with each breath. His eyes strayed to her breasts hidden beneath the lacey fabric of the black bra she wore. Burning the image to his memory, he trailed one fingertip down between them and slowly hooked his finger under the bottom of the bra. Knowing that a simple tug would make the clasp break raised the temperature of his body. His heart began to pound with want. Acknowledging the familiar warm tug in his loins fueled him further. Hesitatingly, he released the fabric and stroked the skin beneath her breasts. He made circular motions across her stomach, each pass taking him closer to her navel. The bed quilt fell across her hips haphazardly and he reached to pull it down.

His hand hovered over the edge of the blanket. It began to shake as he struggled internally about whether to continue. He grew up in the sewers and on the street. He didn't hold much for compassion or moral nobility. Unlike Lonnie and Rath, though, he'd drawn some lines early on in life. He'd never taken a life unless it threatened his own. When he <i>had</i> killed, however, he didn't feel any remorse. Also, he didn't steal from anyone who couldn't afford to lose it. He'd been down enough to know the physical and emotional pain that came when your last morsel of food or your last bit of cash disappeared.

Lastly, he had never once taken something from a woman who wasn't willing to give it. There was no joy in forcing a woman, to have her struggle and cry beneath you as you stripped her of her dignity. He'd always enjoyed it rough but was also man enough to appreciate that the woman was getting pleasure from <i>him</i>.

He slowly released the quilt and it dropped back to Liz's stomach. She stirred and Zan watched as her eyes slowly opened.

She focused on him and whispered, "Zan?"

"Da one and only."

Grabbing the quilt unconsciously to cover herself from the growing coolness of the cabin, she asked, "What happened?"

Looking down at her he perched his head in his hand, he said, "You had a meetin' with a shit load a snow." Her eyes widened as her memory returned.

"Am I OK?"

"Sure, baby, you're just fine but you need to rest…" He stroked her forehead with his hand - a small bluish light came to life and died just as quickly. Her eyes fluttered once more as she struggled with the sudden overwhelming need to sleep.

"What about Max?"

Zan's eyes darkened, turning flinty in the dim light. His lips tightened and he forced control on himself. "Don't worry. I'll handle da king."

Already half asleep, Liz murmured, "Tell him that I love him."

"Yeah, sweets, whatever." But he was talking to a sleeping body.


Max was frantic. It was midnight and still no Liz. He was torn between waiting it out a bit further and running to Michael and Isabel in an attempt to find her. Frustrated, running his fingers through his hair, he made his decision. Grabbing his jacket, he swung to the door only to find Zan slouched against it smoking a cigarette.

Looking wildly around the room but not seeing Liz, he faced Zan. "Where is she?"

"Chill. She's fine. Just unable to visit tonight." Zan took a long drag on his cigarette and flicked the ash to the floor.

"Where the hell is she then?"

"Yo. I told ya already, she's fine."

Quick as a cat, Max grabbed Zan by the scruff of his shirt. Their noses only inches apart, Max snarled, "I told you before that if she misses one night I would kill you."

Zan held his gaze but his twitching eyebrow belied his rage. His voice laced with menace, he snarled back. "Get yer fuckin' hands off me, yer highness."

Max only tightened his grip. Then, suddenly, he was grabbing at pure air. Zan had disappeared right before his eyes.

"Ovah, here."

Swinging to the voice, Max saw Zan casually leaning in the opposite corner of the cabin. Furious, he rushed him again only to have him disappear.

"We kin play dis game all night if ya want."

This time the voice came from his right and Zan was sitting in the window with his arms wrapped casually around his knees. Max held himself in check, not wanting to lose him again.

"Dis is only the dream world - ya can't hurt me just as I can't hurt you."

"Like I said before, where is Liz?"

"Yo, she can't get here but I kin take ya to her. I'll do it only if ya chill and quit gettin' in my face 'n shit."

Already a bit amazed by Zan's ability, Max slowly asked, "How?"

"Same ways as I gots here. I'll just reverse it and E.T. ya back wit me."

Max looked at him, warily skeptical. What if this was a trick? What if Zan led him into a trap? But it involved Liz so he had to take the risk. If she couldn't come tonight, then she was in trouble and he had to find out why.

"Alright, I'll go with you. But what is wrong with-" Before he could finish his sentence, there was a warm tingling sensation in his head and suddenly, he was standing in a dimly lit cabin.

Looking around him, he took in as many details as he could. He immediately noticed Zan sitting at the kitchen table smoking a cigarette. Zan nodded his head toward the other side of the room and Max followed with his eyes. With her back to him, Liz was curled up in the large bed. Rushing over to her, he sat on the edge of the bed and tenderly stroked her cheek. He laid a hand against her forehead and used his powers to try to assess her well-being.

"Yo, don't ya listen? I told ya dat this is a different plane - ya can't do shit like that here."

Max seethed at the barb but held back. He needed information that only Zan was able to give. "Why is she asleep? Why couldn't she come tonight?"

Zan got up from the table and stood behind Max. "She got caught in an avalanche and got pretty banged up."

Max whirled. "She what?"

Zan held up his hands defensively and said, "Chill, she's OK. I took care of it. She got nothin' wrong with her now but I forced her to sleep so her body would heal completely on its own."

"Where were you? Why weren't you watching out for her?" Max stood up and turned towards Zan. "You said you were going to protect her."

Zan clenched his hands into fists. Setting a steely gaze on Max he said menacingly, "And ya told her that she 'meant everything to you' yet ya fucked Ava on da side."

Max lost all control and lunged for Zan. Zan eagerly waited for the fight being brought to him. Thrown back by the power of Max's thrust, Zan lurched backward and fell to the floor with Max on top. Max's hands were wrapped around his throat and he kicked upward, sending Max crashing over his head. Zan stood just as Max began to get to his feet for another charge. Zan raised his hand, a green shield appearing as Max warily circled him.

"Like I said before, ya can't hurt me here."

"You sonofabitch! You're telling me about the mistakes I made? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"It's true, ain't it? Didn't ya leave Liz in the lurch while ya bagged the blonde bitch?"

Max continued to circle him. Zan easily kept the shield raised between them.

"That's not how it happened."

"Dat's not it, <i>prince</i>? Explain it to me, den, 'cause I know fuckin' and it seems to me that ya aced it."

Max dropped his hands and stopped circling. He pinched the bridge of his nose and squinted tightly. "OK, fine. You win." He walked over to the edge of the bed and looked down on Liz. All of her words from before she left for Vermont crashed down around him again. There was no getting around it. It had happened and he couldn't pretend that it didn't. He reached down to touch her again when Zan's voice stopped him.

"She can't hear us or feel ya touch her."

Max took one last look and then turned around to Zan.

"Alright, then. Let's talk."


Both men stood warily facing each other in the kitchen area. Zan slouched against the counter with another lit cigarette dangling from his lips. Max leaned against the table with his hands folded across his chest.

"Why do you have her?"

"She needs to control her powers. If she don't, den she could die."

"Alright. I understand that much. Why you?"

Zan took a long drag on his cigarette and slowly released the smoke from his lips. "I gotta do it. Der's no one else."

Max shook his head. "So? Why do you care?"

Zan contemplated for a moment. "I'm yer dupe. When you was made, so was me. We was made exactly the same. Der's no difference between us, 'cept one."

Max waited patiently as Zan put out his cigarette and continued. "I got programmin' instructions dat ya didn't. They filled my head with shit dat I can't shake."

"And that is?" Max prodded.

"I gotta take care of da king - watch his back 'n shit."

"You're a protector?"

"Not in da traditional sense. Not like Nascedo was supposed to be. Unlike Lonnie, Rath, and Ava, I always knew 'bout ya in Roswell. They found out a few years back."

"Then where the hell were you when the FBI kidnapped me and the Skins attacked?"

"Yo, Nascedo was there protectin' yer back. I had to stay in New York and keep an eye on Lonnie and Rath. The summit was a comin' and I had to keep 'em away from it. They wanted me to pose as ya and steal da show but I kept puttin' 'em off. Den, they made der move and da next thing I know, I'm smacked against da pavement wit tire tracks on my chest."

"So where were you when I was in New York?"

"Helpin' from Roswell. 'Member dat little astral projection of Liz - she did dat wit my help."

"I thought-"

Zan waved his hand dismissively. "It was all me. I've been watchin' since 'cept when I made some side excursions of my own."

Max's eyes narrowed. "Liz mentioned that Lonnie killed Ava and that you killed Rath."

"Yeah, just doin' my job," Zan chuckled humorously.

"So what about Lonnie? Where is she?"

"Out der, somewhere. Watch out fer her, 'cause she's pissed 'n rarin' to rumble."

"Have you seen her since, you know, the truck..." Max trailed off uncomfortably.

Zan smirked and then grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head. Turning his right side to Max he pointed to the ugly scars that marred his skin. "Yeah, I saw da bitch and as ya can see, saw her real intimately."

Max grimaced. "Why don't you just heal them?"

Zan threw his shirt on the countertop and crossed his arms in front of his chest. Realizing how alike their poses suddenly looked, Max unfolded his arms and rested them on either side on the table.

"I use 'em to 'member how bad I want her dead." Zan's voice had dropped an octave.

"I thought you were going after her to protect me."

"Well, dat would be a bonus. I want her dead fer my own reasons."

"OK, OK. Then what about Liz? If you're supposed to protect me, then why did you go after Liz?"

"Like I said, I'm da only one who can help her. Do ya want me to leave her be and see if she dies from a blood clot?"

Max said quickly, "No, no." He looked closely at Zan and said quietly, "But why all of the secrecy? Why did you have to kidnap her? Couldn't you have been up front with us?"

Zan flexed his muscles. "Yo, she's become a target just like ya. Da Skins found out about her little alien tricks and now they're comin' after her. Which do ya think is better - shackin' her up wit me in da middle of nowhere or wit ya right in der line of gunfire?"

Max repeated himself. "But why couldn't you have just told us?"

Zan huffed. "'Cause I do shit my way."

Max sighed. Zan was frustrating as hell. It was like walking down a maze when dealing with him. One minute, your way is blocked and you travel around in circles looking for a way out. Then next, you find a way forward and the path seems suddenly revealed only to be blocked again by a solid wall.

"A word of caution, yer <i>majesty</i>." Zan rolled the word sarcastically from his lips. "Da Skins are worried 'bout Liz becomin' one of us. They're also worried 'bout the rest of yer human herd changin'. They're gonna try 'n wipe out any human that could be a threat. They worried 'bout ya growin' stronger as a group."

"Yeah, I know. I already ran into a couple of them. They mentioned that they were going after all of the human women in the group."

"Not just da humans, prince. Der after Liz too."

"That's what I mean."

"Nah, man, ya don't get it. Liz ain't human no more." Max's head snapped up and stared at Zan. "Ya gotta stop thinkin' of her like dat now."

Max pondered this a moment. Though all along he knew that this was probably what had been happening to her, he really hadn't faced the truth. Liz was no longer human. Liz was like him. In one respect, he felt sad that she was losing that side of her. She must be terrified to know that she was changing in such a way that her entire life will be altered. On the other hand, he selfishly felt happy. Liz would be like him. There wouldn't be that barrier any longer between them.

He looked longingly over at her. If only his child wasn't out there somewhere. He knew that this one fact haunted Liz as much as it did him. Whereas he wanted to find his son, Liz wished he didn't.

"Man, I don't believe dat ya was ever engineered to be a king."

Startled, Max looked up. "What?"

"Ya still thinkin' dat ya got some kid out there? Get real. <i>It never existed. Ya hear me? And this Tess? She never left da planet.</i>"


Reeling, Max fell into a chair and leaned onto the table. "What are you talking about? I <i>felt</i> him."

"Dude, she played ya from day one. She'd been mind warpin' ya - ya gotta be an idiot not to see dat."

"So I didn't even sleep with her?"

"Nah, dat happened fer real. She coulda tricked ya into da bed, but once ya was there, it was all you."

"How do you know all of this?"

"'Cause da reason I got this scar was 'cause I got ambushed while huntin' Lonnie. I coulda handled her by herself but I got ganged up on by her, Tess, and 'bout ten Skins."

Dumbfounded, Mas asked, "You saw Tess?"

"Yeah, man and she was a hellcat, let me lay it on ya. Her 'n Lonnie were braggin' 'bout yer mind warp it right in front of me."

"Jesus." Max slumped closer to the table.

"Da bad guys are closin' on us. You and da rest of da gang got a plan?"

A bit in a daze, Max answered on autopilot. "Yeah, we're getting ready."

Zan lit up another cigarette. "A'right. Ya bunker down. It'll take 'em a bit to find ya - just be ready when they do."

Max looked at his watch. He realized that he had been with Zan for approximately two hours. Amazed, he stood up and walked over to him. Zan instantly went on the defensive and his muscles tightened reflexively. "You've had me here for two hours. Liz said that you were a lot stronger than me. How is that possible?"

Zan scowled. "How many times is dat record gonna play? I ain't tellin' why."

Frustrated, Max decided to flex his royal muscles. "Zan, tell me why you're stronger than me."

Zan gave Max a disgusted look and then sneered. "Ya can't play dat card on me. I told ya I was programmed to protect da king but I also said dat it wasn't traditional like. Ya can't make me do somethin' by givin' a direct order."

Max sighed. It had been worth a try. How Liz put up with this all day long amazed him. He wandered back into the living area and stood over Liz. He took in her surroundings, trying to commit everything to memory. He saw her things standing in crates in the corner. Walking over to them, he grabbed a sweater and put it to his nose, breathing deeply. This may have been the dream plane but it sure felt real. Looking around him again, it finally hit him that there was an exposed tub and only one bed. Jealousy flared hot in his veins and he strode around the corner to face Zan.

"Where do you sleep at night?" he fumed.

Zan gave him an arrogant grin while cocking his head to the side and flexed his chest muscles, making the nipple rings shake. "Where da ya <i>think</i>?" Watching the color race to Max's face, his grin widened. "That said, it's time to jet."

Suddenly, a lethally furious Max stood in his own room, alone. The lingering smell of cigarette smoke sent his fist crashing through the wall.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 12:22 am
by AweInspired
<b>CHAPTER 11</b>

When she'd woken up the next day, Zan was nowhere to be found. She'd gotten up and made breakfast for herself, aching slightly with every movement. Recalling the events from the day before, she knew there was good reason. Noticing that her wrist felt better, Liz smiled to herself. Zan had proven himself yesterday - she didn't necessarily trust him but he'd shown that her safety was important to him. Also, by healing her wrist, he'd conceded something to her, albeit small.

As she waited for the small burner to heat the water for the hot chocolate, she decided to take a chance. Sliding her hand into the ice cold water, she concentrated hard, trying to separate the correct energy thread and control it in the limited space offered to her. Focusing, she allowed the energy to gather and then slowly slip through her. Squeezing her eyes tight, she spread her fingers wide in the deep saucepan. The tingling traveled up and down her arms, making her fingertips burn where the energy concentrated itself. Yelping, she pulled her hand back as the water began to scorch her hand. Amazed, the water emitted vapors of steam before her astonished eyes. Looking at her hand in wonderment, it took a few seconds for her to notice that each fingertip sported a red welt.

Too excited to really feel the pain, she jumped up and down. She had a success! The pot hadn't flown across the room and the stove hadn't exploded. Dancing in a circle, she couldn't contain her happiness. It didn't even faze her when she came face to face with a wary Zan. She simply wrapped her arms around him and laughed in his ear.

Forced to hunch down to accommodate the weight suddenly thrown around his neck, Zan was unsure what to do with his hands. Hugs being unfamiliar to him, he didn't quite know how to react. However, before it became awkward, Liz released him and danced away. Caught up in her enthusiasm, he managed a lopsided grin. He'd watched her as she'd heated the water and though it was difficult to admit, he'd wanted her desperately to succeed.

"Did you see that? Did you see how I did it? I did it!" Liz beamed.

"Yeah, sweets, I saw it. Not bad."

"Not bad? How can you say that? I didn't blow anything up!"

He managed another lopsided grin. He had to admit he was a bit proud. However, he couldn't help himself when he said, "Nah, ya didn't blow nothin' up, but ya scorched yer hand."

Liz pouted as she felt Zan push her down a notch. With the first feelings of joy past, the throb in her fingertips became noticeable. Frowning, she studied them and noticed how the welts had turned to angry red blisters.

"I must have burnt myself in the water."

"Nah, the water didn't do that. Ya was unsteady in releasin' the power and it scorched on da way out." Noticing her grimace of pain, he stepped towards her and grabbed her hand. Lifting her palm and turning it so that it faced him, he laid the flat of his palm against hers. Her small, splayed fingers came only three-quarters of the way to the end of his. Looking intently in her eyes, he pushed his healing power through his hand and slowly began to heal hers. Locking his gaze on her when he saw the look of warmth in her eyes, he slowed the healing energy so that the moment would last longer.

Liz found herself staring into Zan's eyes that were so much like Max's. They'd lost their usual mocking tone and shown at her with… with what? Compassion? She wasn't sure but she was unwilling to break the moment. It seemed like forever that their hands touched, feeling the healing passing through his hand into hers. The burning sensation on each fingertip slowly died until no pain existed. However, Zan continued to keep his palm pressed against hers long after she felt the healing end. She couldn't break their eye contact. The moment became intimate and she watched as his eyes changed until they were almost sparking. Unsettled, she slowly slid her hand away from his, breaking the moment. Blinking a couple of times in order to come back to reality, she forced herself to give him a small smile.

"Thank you, Zan. I don't know what I would do without you to clean up my messes."

Zan continued to stare intently at her even as his arm slowly dropped to his thigh. He cocked his head to the side and his chin twitched a bit as if puzzling over something. Though Liz knew his eyes were focused directly on her, she felt as if he was looking at something far off.

"No prob, sweets."


Michael and Isabel looked at each other questioningly. The past few days had been filled with planning and stockpiling. They'd all worked well together knowing that it was a must in order to be strong enough to fight whatever would show up on their doorstep. Max had been a different person. Without arrogance, he'd stepped smoothly into the role of leader and the group around him had naturally allowed him. It seemed that when faced with a real situation, the pod squad instinctively took on their roles. Even Maria had quietly accepted Max in his new confidence.

However, all day, Max was clearly agitated. Being obvious that he hadn't slept well, they'd wondered what was causing his slightly soured mood. When questioned, he merely shrugged them off saying it was nothing. Yet, when Maria had asked how the visit went with Liz the night before, he'd flown off the handle and snapped at her. Maria, in turn, had thrown back a biting comment before each of them left for their respective cabins, slamming the door behind them.

Michael folded his arms against his chest and said, "I'm beginning to hope that the Skins show up soon. The sooner it's ended, the sooner the moody twins can each go their merry way."

Isabel simply nodded in agreement and turned back to the blueprints lying on the table.


The day had passed in a strange way for Liz. After healing her hand, Zan had gone on a rampage to teach her more things. The first thing they tackled was controlling her thought transference. Her experiment with the water seemed to have opened up a floodgate. Learning new things was easier, now that she'd figured it out the first time. Within a couple of hours, she'd learned how to block her thoughts from Zan and in the following hour, how to control sending thoughts to him.

She felt relief at now being able control what he received from her. It had been unsettling never knowing what he saw. Her private thoughts were her own again and that little step gave her a sense of power that she really hadn't felt since she had come to the cabin.

Liz was also enjoying the little games they had been playing all afternoon. In testing her abilities, they had to send thoughts back and forth to one another. Zan quite often sent her neutral images of rock concerts he'd attended, various postcard-like images of New York, and even images of his days of spying on her and the pod squad from back in Roswell. She'd been amazed at how much he had actually watched them.

She, in turn, passed on thoughts of the desert, the cliff overlooking the lake, and various school functions that she had attended. Again, like Zan, she kept the images neutral not wanting to give away too much of her private life.

She had a good laugh when she sent him thoughts of complicated math problems and he rolled his eyes and flopped back on the couch with a sigh.

"Wit everythin' that ya coulda shown me, ya hafta send garbage like that?"

"What would you have wanted? A picture of a playboy centerfold?"

"Hell, yeah. Woulda made all this work worthwhile."

Liz laughed again. "Well, I probably would have gotten the proportions all wrong anyway."

"Long as da proportions are outta whack in all da right places, it's all good." Zan answered lazily. He rubbed his stomach contentedly with a wistful smirk on his face.

Liz snorted. "Typical."

"Whatever. Ya can't change nature, baby."

Feeling happy with her recent leaps of success, she felt the need to get out and exercise. Though Zan had spent a lot of time outside, she'd been cooped up most of the days. Her one excursion out being a failure, she needed to stretch her legs and see something new.

"Zan, let's get out of here. I'm going stir crazy."

Zan peered at her from underneath the arm thrown over his eyes. "Ya sure? Your last trip came tumbling down all 'round ya."

"Very funny. C'mon. I want to breathe some fresh air and take a look around."

Groaning, Zan raised himself to a sitting position. "Well, guess ya can't be trusted on your own."

They dressed and left the cabin out into the clear day. Liz had to squint because the sun's reflection off the surrounding snow created a piercing glare. Zan reached a hand into one of his pockets and handed her a pair of sunglasses.

"Don't you need them?"

"Nah, I'm an alien, 'member? I can handle it."

"Then why do you buy them?"

Zan looked at her like she was clueless. "'Cause I look wicked when I wear 'em."

Liz snickered and put them on. The light became bearable and they began trekking through the trees. Zan walked first in order to forge a trail that would allow Liz to follow. They walked in silence, both a bit winded by the exertion it took to get through the drifts of snow.

After about an hour of winding slowly up a gradual incline, Zan held out his hand, motioning Liz to stop. Putting his fingers to his lips, he took a cautious step forward. Liz tiptoed behind him unsure about what was happening up ahead of them. They came into a small, open area and without turning around, Zan reached behind and grabbed her arm with a firm hold. Freezing, Liz tried to breathe silently.

With his other hand, Zan created the green force field in front of him and then slowly pulled Liz to his side. Peering around his shoulder, she finally saw what made Zan so cautious.

A sleepy black bear was scratching its back against the rough bark of forlorn looking oak tree. Up on two legs, the bear put so much of its weight against the sad, little tree that it shook violently with every thrust of the bear's muscular legs. The bear began to grunt enthusiastically with each upward motion.

Liz, with mouth agape, watched with wonderment. Somehow knowing that the shield around them provided the needed security, she stepped fully to Zan's side. It was absolutely amazing to her to be this close and watch such a huge, potentially dangerous animal. Vibrations rattled in the earth beneath her feet each time the bear hit the tree hard.

Puffs of vapor escaped from the bear's nostrils as he dropped to all fours and shook himself vigorously. Grunting and swaying his large head side to side, he slowly began walking towards them. Zan quickly latched onto Liz's arm and moved them safely out of the bear's path.

Liz watched as the bear lumbered by, speechless. Zan waited for a full five minutes before lowering the shield and releasing her arm. She stepped in the direction of the bear's retreat, still unable to even utter a sound.

"C'mon. We got more to see."

Finishing the last of the climb, they found themselves at the top of the very bluff that had been Liz's nemesis the day before. Since most of the snow had already fallen to the field below, the top of the bluff was relatively clean. They stepped out onto the bare rock and the valley spread before them. Liz took a deep breath of the frosty air and absorbed the beauty around her. She could faintly see the top of Zan's cabin through the trees and a thin trail of smoke from the chimney wandered up lazily into the sky. Looking at the horizon, she could easily see Lake Superior from their vantage point. The dark, blue water stretched as far as she could see.

She sighed contentedly.

Quiet until now, Zan took a step closer to the edge. It made Liz uncomfortable that he stood so near the drop off but it didn't seem to bother him a bit. She looked at him closely and his face seemed almost serene. When she'd first heard that Zan had a cabin in the woods, she'd assumed that the city, street-wizened man would stick out like a sore thumb. However, his toughness seemed to blend smoothly here in this environment and the simple way in which he commanded the space around him left no doubt in her mind that he was in his element. Even with his tattoos and piercings, he made a good woodsman.

After a few minutes of quiet reflection, Liz's hands and feet began to feel the chill.

"Zan, I think I'm ready to turn back. It should be dark in another hour or so."

Seemingly irritated by the interruption in his meditation, he looked at her over his shoulder. "Yeah, OK. But I ain't walkin' back through that snow 'gain. Havin' to make trail for you the whole way weren't no fun."

She ignored his complaint and simply shrugged. "Well, it's the only way back so let's go."

"Nah, I think I'll take da shortcut."

"What short-" Before she could finish, she watched with horror as Zan stepped out over the rim of the bluff and disappeared. Rushing to the edge, she got down on her hands and knees and carefully looked down

The height was dizzying. Searching out Zan, she saw him standing in the field about fifty feet away from the mound of snow that had once covered her. He stood with his feet firmly spread apart and his hands stuffed in his pockets.

She called down to him. "Zan, how did you get down there?"

"I created a cushion of air. It was easy."

"Well, can you do it for me so that I can join you?" Liz felt foolish as she heard her voice echoing around the valley.

"C'mon, sweets. Thought you was all alien now."

Liz felt frustrated. There was no way that she had the confidence to perform a feat like that. Especially when it involved her life.

"There's no way that I'm going to try that."

"Well, guess ya goin' da long way 'round." Zan turned his back on her and began walking away towards the cabin.

Furious, she stood up and backed away from the edge. How could he leave her like that? "Zan!" she called but he didn't answer. His back disappeared into the tree line.

Stomping her foot, Liz looked over the edge again. Could she do this? Taking a small sliding step forward she felt her body begin to tremble. No way. It wasn't worth it just to try and prove something to that monster of a man. She glared in the direction he'd taken. Using all of the energy she could, she sent him a mental picture of a gruesome torture technique that she'd like to perform on him and then followed it with a picture of her dead on the ground.

Furious, she turned away from the edge and began to follow their trail back. She had to try and make it before the sun set otherwise she could get really lost. Also, she didn't like the thick, mountain of dark clouds she'd seen to the south. It couldn't mean anything good.

An hour and half later, she finally found the cabin in the pitch black of night. So angry, she could barely catch her breath, she started sending more mental images of different torture scenarios towards the cabin. She swung the door open and began the berating torrent of scathing remarks Zan deserved. Only she found that the cabin was empty. Perplexed, she looked around and jumped back a step when she found Zan standing right behind her.

He looked cold and miserable. He glared at her. "I couldn't let ya get eaten by dat bear, now could I? King Max woulda ripped me a new one." He stomped past her obviously fuming about the long journey he had made and about the images he'd just received.

Liz felt no remorse. He could have told her that he had trailed her all of the way home. She wasn't going to kowtow to him simply because he acted like a decent person. He'd have to learn that in order for her to respect him, he'd have to return the favor.

He could beat her when it came to alien powers but she could hold her own in the battle of wills.

She didn't notice the first heavy snowflakes beginning to fall as she closed the door to the night.


<i>"Hey, Max."


She walked over and sat next to him on the bed. He pushed up with a sleepy smile and leaned his weight on his elbow. Rubbing his eyes, he tentatively reached forward and stroked her cheek tenderly.

"Falling asleep before I get here, huh?" Liz teased gently.

"Sorry…We spent all day hauling supplies into the cabins and boarding up the windows." He yawned and then sat up straighter. Swiveling his gaze around the room, he turned back to her. "Where's Zan?"

"I went solo tonight."

Amazed, Max exclaimed, "You're doing this on your own?"

"Yep. But it will probably be a bit shorter than the last trip since it's only just me. I'm still learning and building the strength to project myself."

Grinning, Max leaned forward and crushed her to his chest. "I don't care how much time I have with you as long as we're alone. It was driving me crazy having him here each time."

She rolled her eyes and eased herself out of his embrace. "I know what you mean."

"Is he being good to you, Liz?" Max probed earnestly.

"I'm not sure if 'good' is the right word but he is helping me." She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Liz, there's a really bad snow storm on the way. You have to tell me where you are."

She looked at him thoughtfully for a second and then looked down at the bed. "Max, I don't think that is a good idea. We both made a promise to him."

"But Liz. Your life could be in danger and what if you need me?" he questioned softly.

"I know, I know. But I don't feel right in revealing it right now. Though he's coarse and difficult, Zan has made a lot of efforts and even saved my life."

With a frown on his face, Max pulled back a little. "But Liz, he kidnapped you." When Liz continued to look at the bed and fiddle with the fringe of the comforter, he placed a finger gently under her chin and lifted it so that he could look in her eyes. "Do you trust him now?"

Shaking her head from side to side, she said quickly, "Not completely but he has shown that he wants to help. I'd be dead if he hadn't rescued me."

Max's stomach began to tighten. He wanted to say, 'But he wasn't supposed to let it happen in the first place!' but he kept the comment to himself. He didn't want to spoil their first solo visit with harsh words but he had to understand Zan and Liz's relationship. Though it was obvious she was still wary of his dupe, she'd shown a surprising loyalty by not sharing their location. This added to the clenching of his stomach.

Hesitant and almost afraid to ask, he spoke the dreaded question. "Do you two sleep together?" After Zan's departing words from the night before, he had seethed with not knowing. Liz and he had decided not to keep anything from each other anymore so he had to confront her about this.

She looked him straight in the eyes and before she opened her mouth, he knew the answer. "Yes."

Pulling back completely so that they were no longer touching, Max looked away. He tried to control his breathing. So they slept together. But what did that mean?

Liz noted Max's jealousy and felt mixed feelings. She could ease his mind with one sentence about how she and Zan only slept. However, on the other hand, she enjoyed his discomfort in an almost morbid way. She knew her actions were innocent but she had some satisfaction of Max feeling part of the feelings that she had when she found out about Tess.

Max finally looked at her again. She could see his internal struggle - wanting her to clarify what her statement meant and yet not wanting to verbally admit that he doubted her actions. Coming to a decision, he hesitantly reached for her hand.

"Does this change anything between you and me?"

Liz wanted to say yes again in order to make him squirm again but she couldn't lie. The time spent with Zan had not altered the way she felt about Max. The issue of Max and Tess had altered it. So she said, "No, it doesn't Max."

Max sagged slightly with relief. Until his visit with Zan last night he had never imagined Zan as a rival. Out of everything that had happened, this seemed like the furthest thing possible. But Zan had gotten his hackles up and he realized now that was his exact intention.

However, he knew from the manner in which Liz had answered him that things were not all OK. Of course, he knew why. They had to face the Tess issue head on or they would never get around it.

"Liz, we need to talk about Tess and…" He trailed off, unable to even utter their names in tandem. "You said a lot of things before you went to Vermont and I know we have to face them. We've avoided this for much too long."

Liz looked down again. "I know, Max. I just don't know what to do about it. I love you so much yet it hurts so much. I can't get it out of my head. It's like a broken record playing in the background every time I kiss you." She gently squeezed his hand to soften her words.

"I don't know if Zan told you or not, but last night we talked. He told me that I don't have a son." Liz's head snapped up in surprise. "Apparently, Tess mind-warped me into thinking that. She never left and is currently running around with Lonnie."

"And the two of you? Did…<p>it</p>…happen?"

Hanging his head, Max nodded. "He said <i>that</i> part happened. Tess and Lonnie bragged to him about what she did that night."

He didn't have a child? Surprisingly, she found that she wasn't relieved at all, not when Max's infidelity still remained a fact. He continued, telling her everything Zan had confided in him during their lengthy conversation.

Suddenly, she felt the tingling again.

"I'm really sorry, Max. But I can't continue this anymore. I'm going to have to go." It was a terrible place to end their conversation. Max looked at her sadly and repeated his earlier action of stroking her cheek.

He asked quietly, "Are we going to get through this?"

She tried to muster a smile and managed a thin one. She closed her eyes and leaned against his fingers. "I want to. I want to so much."</i>

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 12:24 am
by AweInspired
<b>CHAPTER 12</b>

She returned back to the cabin slowly. A bit dazed, she took her time regaining her senses. The warm air and the sound of the crackling fire surrounded her. Blinking her eyes open, she looked straight into the flames. Stretching slightly on the couch, she snuggled a bit deeper under the warmth of the quilt. Her visit with Max had been a difficult one. She didn't want to have to think about it so soon afterwards.

Noticing Zan stretched out on the floor in front of the fire, she asked, "How long was I gone?"

"Only 'bout twenty minutes."

"Oh." It had felt like longer. Her body was tired from maintaining the connection.

Aware of the wind howling outside, she asked, "The storm is here?"


"Will it be bad?"

"Could get snowed in fer a few days."

Zan seemed to have lost his irritable mood from earlier. His attitude swings wore her out but she did relish in the moments when he seemed open. Now seemed like one of those times.

"How long will we be here?"

"Long as it takes."

Pulling the quilt closer to her chin, she asked, "What about Lonnie? Max said that she is still out there. Is she going to go after Max, Michael, and Isabel?"


"Can you do anything to stop it?"

"Nah. It's gonna happen soon, though."

"How do you know?"

"'Cause I can feel Lonnie and she's gettin' closer." Zan stretched his arms above his head.

"Then I need to tell Max."

"Don't worry none. We got time."

She let a minute of silence pass. "Zan, what about you and Lonnie? How's it going to end between the two of you?"

"I'm gonna kill her." The icy tone of his voice and the simple way he said it sent a chill up her back. The hate between those two was so strong that it was hard to imagine they ever lived together. She didn't know if she could blame him, though. After what Lonnie did, she'd probably feel the same way.

"Then what is your plan?"

"Like I said, don't worry none."

Liz sighed and looked up at the ceiling. One of these days, she'd learn how to get information out of Zan if it killed her.

"Then what is your plan when this is over and done with? Are you going to live in this cabin forever?"

"Maybe." He looked up at her with a sly smile. "Why? You offerin' to keep my bed warm?"

Used to his innuendos by now, she couldn't help but banter a little back. "Nah, don't think so. To use your vernacular, 'you ain't all dat'." She smiled playfully at him.

"Honey, you just haven't taken the test drive yet. I ain't had one unsatisfied customer yet."

She laughed loudly at his teasing. "Zan, there's nothing you could do that could get me in that seat next to you."

Zan leaned forward and with another teasing smile said, "But, baby, I'd let ya drive."

Beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable, she decided to end the bantering. "Regretfully, I have to decline." Remembering something, she leaned a bit towards him. "Besides, you said earlier that you were off limits. Why the sudden change of mood?"

He let out a noisy sigh and flopped back on his back. "Shit, you was lookin' at me like a piece a meat and I couldn't stand gettin' all the different images of how I compared to da king." His voice lowered an octave. "Besides, a man kin only take so much."

She had to admit that in the van she had violated his privacy. At the time, he was her captor and she blatantly avoided observing the normal decency decorum. She realized though that he had become more <i>human</i> to her now.

"So now that's changed? If I wanted…" She hesitated, uncomfortable with how to ask him.

"Yah, mean, would I fuck ya if ya asked?" The words were crude but his voice held a lightness that tempered them.

"I suppose. Not that I am…asking, of course." she added quickly.

"Of course." His voice again went dark and husky. He rolled on his side and faced her. "I haven't made up my mind yet if yer up to my standards or not."

Surprised, she could help asking. "Standards? What standards?"

"Jesus. Ya think that I'll just sleep with any ole skank? Course I got standards." He seemed irritated at her question.

"I didn't mean it like that - like you shouldn't have any. I just got the impression that you wouldn't be real choosy." When he didn't answer her right away, she prodded him. "Tell me about some of the women you've been with."

He fidgeted a bit which was uncharacteristic for him. Obviously, he was trying to find the right words to express himself.

"Well, most of 'em were tall and leggy. Long hair, usually dark complexion. I went for a lot of foreign women like from Greece or Lebanon."

Liz rolled her eyes. "Tell me about what they're <i>like</i>, Zan. You know, their personalities."

"Shit, woman, I was gettin' to that." He sat up and crossed his legs Indian style. "Most of 'em were either career women or artists. I got shit fer brains all day long sittin' in the rat hole with Lonnie, Rath, and Ava so I looked forward to havin' real conversations. I never made friends wit no male street punks so I shacked up wit a lot of women. I went after da independent ones, ones that didn't need a shoulder to cry on."

"No disrespect, Zan, but you don't look like the type that women like that would go for."

"No? Well, they liked runnin' in the gutter sometimes. Gave 'em a thrill." He smirked. "Sometimes it was to get back at a boyfriend or husband. It was all good." He looked to be mulling over pleasant memories and a small smile traced his lips.

"Didn't that make you feel lousy - knowing they were using you?"

This time, his gaze focused on her and his demeanor became stern. "I didn't get into nothin' I didn't want. I always chose who I shared my bed with. They may have been usin' me but I got what I wanted, all the same. We both knew the stakes and where we stood on the playin' field."

Not wanting to tread further on what seemed dangerous ground, she conceded to him by simply nodding.

"Haven't ya ever just taken what ya wanted 'cause at the time it was what ya needed?"

"Not sexually, no. I was raised differently. I'm not saying that I was raised better just different. I always wanted to wait and share it with someone who I felt a deep connection with."

"That worked well fer ya, did it?" Again, the words were harsh but his sarcastic tone wasn't accusatory.

"Doesn't seem like it, does it?" she answered wistfully.

Jumping to his feet, Zan reached out his arm for her. "C'mon. This chattin' is gettin' a bit heavy. Let's have some fun."

Looking outside, Liz couldn't help but ask, "How? It's snowing like a banshee outside."

"'Member the first day we came, I told ya about the sauna outside? It's just sittin' there."

Thoughtful, she looked up at his outstretched hand. She felt a bit uncomfortable about going into a hot, sweaty sauna with this man yet at the same time, he was beginning to intrigue her. She knew how jealous Max would be if he knew but she couldn't help but feel she deserved to act a bit on the wild side. It's not like she was going out there to have sex with him.

Deciding, she accepted his hand.


Alone in his bed, Max contemplated his conversation with Liz. The situation was a terrible one. He'd shared something with someone that had been rightfully Liz's. Though at the time, Liz had pushed him away and Tess had encouraged the situation with her mind-warp, it still didn't change the fact that he already had sex with someone other than Liz. It didn't matter that he wished he could take it back. He had to now deal with the situation as it stood.

The only option that kept popping into his head was that the stakes needed to be even before they could move forward. In other words, Liz had to sleep with someone else before they could continue their relationship in any fashion.

Just the thought of it made his entire body ache from jealousy. He didn't want anyone else's hands on Liz's body. The fact that it was hypocritical didn't escape him. He knew that they were in this situation because of his actions but giving Liz up to someone else seemed beyond his limit. He'd already thought once that she had slept with Kyle and it had taken a long time before he could come to terms with it. He didn't know if he could go through it again.

Of course, he knew he would. He would accept Liz after anything, he loved her that much. He knew that she wouldn't do it out of spite or revenge if it ever happened. It just may be the only way that she could ever come back to him with a clear mind. But how would it affect their future together? How could they ever continue without resentment towards the other?

The worst part about it was that Zan suddenly seemed like a likely candidate. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get images of that one lonely bed out of his head.


The wind roared around her and she faltered in the snow as she followed Zan. He'd gone out about a half hour earlier to stoke the sauna and get it ready. Now they were trekking back to it but the storm had kicked up another notch. She could barely even see Zan who was trudging just a couple of feet ahead of her.

Going to one knee as her ankle gave way and the strong wind suddenly changed direction, Zan came back and offered her his bare hand. She gratefully reached for it and got to her feet. He yelled something but the wind whipped his words away and she shook her head vigorously to let him know that she didn't understand. He turned his back to her and continued plowing through the snow, steadying her each time she took a misstep.

Finally, they reached the door to the small but sturdy building. They quickly entered and shut the door to prevent the blowing snow from getting inside. Though the wind still howled, the noise wasn't nearly as bad in the little shelter.

Looking around her, Liz saw they'd entered a small foyer which acted as a changing room. To her left stood a closed door from which a golden light and warm heat emitted. Even the changing room area was warm and she took a deep breath of the hot, moist air.

She watched as Zan took off his big parka and hung it on a ready peg. He turned to face her.

"OK, I got the fire goin' in the next room." He looked her up and down slowly making her uncomfortable enough to fidget. "Ya know, ya can't wear those clothes in there. Ya gotta have to strip down to yer skivvies."

She looked at him defiantly. "Yeah, I know. I'm OK with that."

"Ah, but whatever would King Max think?" he asked mockingly.

"That's between me and Max."

"A'right. Chill. Just askin'. I don't want no ass whoopin' when wind reaches 'im."

Liz didn't bother to comment but proceeded to remove her coat. Waiting a moment, Zan followed her lead. He stripped off his shirt and jeans quickly so that he stood in his shorts. This being a familiar scene, it didn't bother Liz much. But she was uncomfortable with undressing in front of him. However, she'd already basically told him off about it, so she undressed as quickly as possible. Laying her clothes in a neat pile on a bench, she faced Zan. She almost expected a smart comment but other than his eyes doing a quick once over, he simply stepped past her and into the sauna area.

The heat hit her in a suffocating wave. This was the first time she'd ever been in a sauna and she didn't realize that it would be so hot. She'd imagined it would be like the warm steam bath that always came from a lot of girls showering in the girl's locker room at school. However, this was so hot she found it difficult to take a breath.

"Close the door quickly or all of the heat will get out."

She did what she was told as she took in the small room. Directly across from her in the corner was a fifty-gallon barrel with a small door in the middle sitting on rusty hinges. On the top, a large pan held many rocks that looked to be steaming. Benches lined the walls to her right and she watched as Zan stepped up and sat on one of them. She crossed over to the other set and inhaled sharply as the head of the wood burnt her feet.

"Here, take one of these to sit on." Zan threw her a white towel, which she quickly placed on the seat beneath her and then settled down. The bench raised her even more in the room and the heat was even more oppressing. She found she had to concentrate on breathing in the heavy, wet air. After a couple of minutes, it became easier. Her body was now covered in sweat and her bra and underwear clung to her moist body.

Zan was leaning back against the wall with his legs spread wide and his head tilted back. He seemed relaxed. As she adjusted to the heat, she noticed her own muscles naturally releasing their tension and she began to feel like a wet noodle.

"Wow, this is wonderful."

"Yeah." Zan sighed contentedly.

"Is it common to have saunas in this area?"

"Lots of settlers from Finland came here. Saunas are big there. Guess they brought the concept with 'em."

"Makes sense. It's this cold in Finland too."

"We can only stay in here a max of thirty minutes or so. Otherwise, the heat'll get to us."


Zan stretched out the towel on the bench and lay down on his back. He bent his right knee and let his left leg dangle lazily. He cupped his hands and cradled his head on the hard bench surface.

Liz couldn't help but watch him though she was careful this time to keep her thoughts hidden from him. His body shown with a sheen of sweat making each muscle more defined. Each time he moved, his abdominal muscles would ripple sliding over each of his ribs. Knowing he hadn't liked her comparing him to Max, she still couldn't help it. Zan was a bit larger than Max. Max had lost weight over the last couple of years so that though he was still extremely muscular, he bordered on wiry. Zan still had the heft that Max had lost. He looked more solid.

Also, though they were exact duplicates, Zan moved differently, more cat-like. His body looked like a coil wound tight and quite often, when he moved suddenly, it was as if the energy boiling just under the surface exploded with controlled intentions.

Liz realized that though she was looking at Max's dupe, she was beginning to miss the Max-like characteristics that used to jump out at her. Zan was becoming his own person to her, a unique individual.

"Yer starin' again."

Shocked, Liz came back to herself. Zan's eyes were still closed so how could he have known?

"But I kept my thoughts from you."

"It don't take no alien abilities to feel when someone's watchin' you." Zan chuckled. Liz felt a blush steal across her already overheated cheeks.

"I was just noticing how I don't see Max in you as much as when I first saw you."

"Good 'cause beyond the same DNA, he and I don't got a lot in common."

"That's true. You are two very different people."

Still on his back, Zan said, "So what's da verdict? Which one does it for you?"

"Max," Liz replied immediately. There was no doubt in her mind that she was more attracted to Max. Though Zan looked like him, he didn't quite have the same spark that Max had.

"Yer sure?" Zan drawled. "'Cause I've been gettin' vibes otherwise."

"Yes, I'm sure."

He slowly rose to a sitting position. She couldn't help but notice how the tattoos on his body glistened. He looked at her with a predatory glean in his eyes and his presence seemed to grow in the room and surround her. He stared at her intently, his gaze just as magnetic as Max's ever was but this was different. It was bold and commanding, almost forceful in the way it fell on her. It was overpowering and she felt her body respond without realizing it. She couldn't quite decipher how it made her feel. It felt like she was…


She'd never experienced this side of him - it was almost awesome in its power.

He eased his body off of the bench and to the floor. Liz watched his every movement, unable to break the gaze that he forced on her. He walked slowly but with purpose until he stood directly in front of her. Kneeling between her feet, he raised himself until he was almost looking down at her forcing her to spread her legs wide. Liz felt her body instantly react to this sudden invasion of private space by flattening up against the wall. However, it prevented her from escaping any further.

He leaned in closer until his face hovered only inches from hers. A smirk appeared sexily on his lips and Liz found herself staring at the silver rod stuck through his eyebrow. Almost in slow motion, Liz felt him put his hands on the wall to either side of her head.

Removing her gaze from his eyebrow, she became ensnared again by his eyes. They appeared almost black in the light. They held hers for a moment before slowly dropping. Liz felt a burning sensation run all the way down her body as his gaze drifted down the side of her neck. She watched as he leaned in even further until she could feel his breath, hot on the skin below her ear. He traveled achingly slow down her neck, his lips almost but not quite touching her skin. Fire burned in its wake.

Her body began to tremble from the strain.

He pulled back again and locked his eyes with hers once more. She tried to speak but he placed a finger gently to her lips, again, not touching but creating a static-like electricity to dance on their surface. He smirked again and then boldly allowed his gaze to drop below her chin.

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, willing herself to stop this. But she couldn't and really didn't want to. He made her feel alive, wanted, scared, and excited all in one moment. He still hadn't touched her and the second he did, she would stop him. But the ache he was creating in her body almost gave her pleasure in a painful way.

He placed his hand once more next to her head. Again, he leaned forward and she felt his hot breath travel from her collarbone. The fiery sensation traced down each shoulder and she gasped when she suddenly felt it between her breasts. She went rigid either from fear or expectation. The electricity running through her body prevented the ability to rationalize.

With his other hand, he traced the outline of her body. The cushion of air between his palm and her skin was palpable and it was as if he was really touching her as he traveled down along the sensitive skin alongside her breast, down her side, hip, and thigh and ended at her knee. He moved his head back and leveled it once more with hers. He moved closer, until his lips almost brushed hers. He then retraveled the same route up her body. She began to tingle with the expectation of it reaching the now hypersensitive area near her breast. He didn't disappoint her and lingered teasingly in that area. Then he slowly pulled his hand back and gently placed it on the wall. Liz didn't think it could be possible due to the suffocating heat of the sauna but her skin felt cold when his hand left her.

"What 'bout now, baby?" His breath whispered against her lips. Heat radiated from his body. She was acutely aware of his proximity between her legs and couldn't help the flush of heat in her lower regions. Every muscle ached and shivered all in one motion.

She could only get one word out of her mouth. It was difficult but she pulled it up from what little reserves she had.

Quietly, she whispered, "No."

"No to what, baby? You don't like this?" He tilted his head and she didn't think it was possible but moved his lips even closer. If even a muscle twitched, they would come into contact.

With conscious effort not to move, she again whispered, "No." This time, it came out almost pleadingly.

Zan only mumbled, "Hmmm…" against her lips. Liz opened her eyes and looked directly into his. Until this moment, she thought that he had simply been playing her, making her body respond to him just for the game of it. But she saw burning desire. His eyes <i>raged</i> with it.

Suddenly afraid, her body recoiled. Why was he looking at her like that? What if he couldn't control himself?

He sensed the moment her mood changed. She watched as the passion slowly drained from his eyes and a seeming weariness took its place. He backed off a little and looked at her suddenly heaving for breath. In control once more, he smirked.

"Yep, definitely vibes." His voice, though still a bit husky, sounded more normal. He looked around. "Whew. Gettin' hot in here. Think I gotta change the mood."

Suddenly, he scooped her off the bench. Kicking a bit, she tried to get out of his grasp but his grip was iron. He opened the door with his powers and then opened the one to the outside also. A freezing gust of wind sent her shrieking. Before she knew it, they were outside in the blizzard and Zan tossed her up into a soft snow bank. Screaming as her hot skin hit the cold snow, she swore out loud. Zan laughed loudly.

"Why Liz Parker, who knew such language existed in yer vocabulary?"

Still laughing, he threw himself into the snow next to her.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 12:25 am
by AweInspired
<b>CHAPTER 13</b>

The following days became a blur of moments of inactivity and focused hard work. Zan seemed to ignore that the intense moment shared in the sauna ever happened. Content with that, Liz never brought it up. She herself felt conflicted about what it all meant. Each night spent with Max was tense as they tried to hash out the difficult Tess situation. As hard as she tried though, she couldn't really move beyond it. She and Max spent tender moments together but any possible thoughts of real intimacy between them were forgotten.

She couldn't really forgive him but she couldn't stop loving him either. No matter what happened, she knew that Max was a good man who made a terrible mistake, influenced though it was. It was just terrible that that mistake had to involve her in such an intimate manner.

Though the name Tess had always been bitter on her lips, it became a vile roadblock to her happiness once again.

The other half of the coin was Max. She knew that he felt terrible and would change the past if he could. She could see that he hurt just as she did. His feelings of guilt, however justified, tore at her heart. One night, she even ended her visit short so that she didn't have to view the open emotional distress that he wore on his sleeve. The distress wasn't over what he did but compassion for how much he had hurt her. She really didn't know how she wanted him to act towards her. She didn't want him to continuously tiptoe or act contrite but neither did she want him to ignore the pain that he had caused her.

It was getting to the point that she almost dreaded the visits with him because it became so distressing. A solution did not seem within their grasp.

During the days, she again spent time with Zan perfecting her powers. She'd gained some control over altering the molecular structures of items around her. However, she hadn't made any attempt to heal of any sort. She didn't feel ready to test her powers against live flesh yet.

The dream walking was just an extension of the projecting and she found it even easier. She'd dream walked both Michael and Maria as test runs with no problems. She and Maria shared some tearful moments as they both related their current situations.

The mind-warping was more difficult for her. The required concentration level was high and with everything going on around her and currently in her life, she found it very tiresome. Also, she wondered if she held a mental block because it was one of Tess' strongest abilities. She could only sustain it for a few seconds, enough to confuse Zan but not really trick him. He showed frustration at her inabilities in this area but she waved them away. She knew that she would do it in her own time.

They'd just started working on the energy fields during the morning of the fourth day of the blizzard. They'd been unable to go outside except for brief excursions to the outhouse. Each time, Zan would have to power his way through the five to six foot snowdrifts that appeared each morning and which occurred by the end of each day.

Zan explained the two different types of fields that he could create. Visually, they looked the same but each held a different function. The first, he explained, was a barrier that was virtually impenetrable. This one essentially created a wall to separate him and whatever he used it against. He pointed out that this was what he used when he had leapt from the top of the bluff. Liz mentally noted to herself that this was the one Max could call up at will.

The second was a wall that concealed Zan or whomever he held behind it. It was a method of camouflage that he could emit quickly and fool whatever or whoever stood in front of it. Different than a mind-warp, he didn't have to enter anyone's minds to create the illusion. As in the case with the black bear, which he wouldn't have been able to mind-warp due to the incompatibilities with their brain structures, it came in handy with wildlife and large groups of people. The disadvantage was he remained exposed to his sides and back as it only created the illusion to those standing directly in front of him.

Liz found she could easily call up the impenetrable wall but the camouflage was more difficult. Zan kept correcting her, saying that he could still see her though she was managing to distort her image somewhat. After working for about an hour, Zan finally told her that they had to stop because of the headache caused by looking at her warped image.

Exhausted, they both flopped on the couch.

"Zan, it seems that I am getting more and more control. Does this mean that I don't need you any more? I mean, for safety sake?"

"No, you still need me to temper the energy. Yer movin' 'long quick-like, though. I'd say ya only need 'bout another week."

"Week?" Liz exclaimed. How could she sit in this cabin for that long?

"Don't worry none. Time'll fly by."

Defeated and worn out, she couldn't see how the time could 'fly by'. As interesting as it was to learn and grow her newfound powers, she missed the comfort of her home and familiar surroundings. Zan was becoming bearable but they still grated on each other's nerves. She didn't know if it was because of their strange relationship or because of the cabin fever they both were experiencing.

Shocking her, Zan bolted up and out of his chair. Standing tensely, he seemed to be looking beyond the walls of the cabin. Her heart suddenly in her throat, Liz watched him carefully, instantly on edge. She looked around them and peered outside though all she could see was white. Watching Zan intently, he looked as if he were in some kind of trance.

Just as quickly, he returned and whipped around to face her.

Fury lining his face, she watched as his hands clenched into fists.

"Get ready, sweets. Life is gonna get interestin'."

"What?" Liz cried when suddenly, Lonnie appeared before her, her eyes flashing menacingly.


Max, Michael, Isabel, and Maria all sat in Max's cabin as they discussed different battle strategies. They'd fortified the cabins as well as they could. They hauled in food supplies and as well as many different survival items they could think of. Piles of first aid kits, rope, duct tape, shovels, gallon water jugs, and the like all lined the walls of each cabin. They'd secretly created adjoining doors so that they could pass from cabin to cabin without going outside. Back-up generators were also positioned in each room in case the electricity was cut. They'd lined the roofs with metal to avoid the possibility of fire being thrown from above.

They couldn't think of anything else physically to do so they were now discussing strategies in case of a full frontal attack, a lengthy siege or alien related scenarios Lonnie, Tess, and the Skins could throw their way. Liz had warned them that Zan felt Lonnie was getting nearer so they all were on edge waiting for the fight to come for them. They didn't question how they would find them - it really felt that this showdown was inevitable and to be honest, all of them, except for possibly Maria, were looking forward now to the confrontation. They were getting tired of being hounded and having to look over their backs, constantly on the look out for danger.

They could only wait for Liz's lead on when the enemy would arrive.


Trying to maintain her composure, Liz rose from the couch and cautiously stood behind it. She knew that Lonnie's being here was only a projection but it didn't make it any less frightening for her.

"<i>Zan</i>." Lonnie slurred over his name with obvious venom. She wore tight black leather pants and a matching leather sleeveless top that left nothing to be revealed. It hugged her like a second skin.

"Yo." Liz watched as Zan's eyebrow twitched. She knew him well enough by now that he was boiling on the inside, seething to inflict some serious harm on this woman, his sister, standing in front of him.

"Gotcha a cozy crib, don'tcha? Real countrified 'n shit."

Zan didn't respond though the twitch in his eyebrow accelerated. Liz gripped the back of the couch tighter.

"Gotta say it ain't to my taste, but ya 'n me nevah did see eye to eye, did we?"

"Quit shootin' the shit, Lonnie."

She glared at him with such hatred that Liz took a step back. Lonnie's mere presence seemed to have chilled the warmth of the cabin. It became even icier when Lonnie's cold gaze landed on her.

"'Lo, mouse. Runnin' wit a different crowd, ain't we?" Liz didn't respond not knowing what to say to the woman of pure evil standing in front of her.

Lonnie sneered at her and then turned to face the fire. Exaggerating the movements of warming her hands against the heat, she turned and sat down on the stone hearth. Like in Roswell, she spread her legs indecently wide and rested her elbows on her knees while clasping her hands in front of her.

"I see dat we got a situation dat needs some reckonin'. Zan, my boy, we needs to come to some sort of an agreement heah."

Folding his arms in front of his chest, Zan said in a low voice, "I ain't yer boy."

"Nah, I s'pose ya ain't 'n ya nevah was, were ya? Not like Rath was but I guess that be history, eh?" Her eyes turned even icier. "You saw to dat real violent-like."

"You come here to hash up old memories, Lonnie, or did yer puny brain already ferget yer purpose?"

"Listen, yer <i>majesty</i>, ya don't got da right no more to order me 'bout." Zan's eyebrow rose slightly and Lonnie noticed. "Ya didn't think ya could hide it forevah, did ya bro? Da truth always gets set free. 'Especially when ya got da likes of Ava's dupe on yer side. She's a clever bitch 'n she told me all 'bout yer little meetin' with Nascedo."

Liz's head snapped to Zan trying to fathom the direction of this confusing conversation. The tension in the room was so thick it felt like one little misstep could send the balance careening one way or the other.

But Nascedo saw Zan? What was Lonnie talking about? Looking for answers in Zan's direction, however, proved fruitless. He gave no indication that he even heard what Lonnie had just said.

Liz's questioning glance didn't go unnoticed by Lonnie, though. She jumped on it like a cat.

"So, dearest bro didn't tell ya 'bout Nascedo, eh? So, mouse, whatya think 'bout livin' it up wit da king now?"

"Enough!" Zan roared. Both women flinched from the intensity of the volume. It seemed to reverberate from each of the walls. Liz had never seen him so close to violence. It scared her.

Lonnie recovered quickly, though, and attacked with venom. "Don't ya go screamin' at me, <i>brother</i>." The name slid derisively off her tongue. "I ain't yer slave no more. I got my own army 'n yer gonna pay fer what ya did." Lonnie looked like she was going to come apart at the edges she was so full of rage. She leapt to her feet and pointed an accusatory finger at Zan. "Ya thought ya could get away wit it, huh? Ya was good, I'll give ya dat. Ya hid da truth so well dat none of us evah suspected. How could we? Ya had us runnin' 'round in circles, chasin' our tails all da time. Lookin' back, I see why now." She took a step towards Zan. "Tell me, yer <i>majesty</i>, would ya have evah told us? Or wouldya have left us in da trash while yer jetted on yer sweet way?"

Zan lifted his chin and looked down on her condescendingly. "I was gonna let ya rot."

Liz watched as Lonnie's face turned red with rage. Zan hadn't been kidding when he said that Lonnie was crazy. With every approaching minute, she looked like she was about to crack.

Zan held his ground. "Lonnie, just tell me why yer here 'n get it ovah wit. Dis is tirin' shit, rehashin' old ground."

"Yer goin' down, Zan. You and dat punk Max. Yer all gonna burn 'n den I get my ticket home." She whirled on Liz. "I'm gonna have fun watchin' ya scream as I rip yer heart out while yer king watches."

Zan moved so fast that Liz didn't even have time to blink. One minute he was standing over by the front window and the next, he was blocking the way between Lonnie and her. His arms no longer crossed against his chest, she watched as the cords of muscle knotted in his forearms and biceps.

"Lonnie, yer already on my list. Ya touch her 'n I promise that ya will scream every last minute of yer miserable life." His presence again seemed to fill the room. "Ya hear me, <i>sister</i>? Right down to yer last breath, <i>I'll make sure dat ya feel da pain Shandra did ten-fold</i>."

Lonnie took a step back. Liz noticed that she actually had spittle hanging from her lip. Her eyes leaped between her and Zan, crazily trying to keep both of them within her line of sight.

"Protectin' yer bitches again, eh, Zan? It ain't gonna help not wit da hell I'm bringin' yer way." She laughed hysterically. "Not like it evah helped."

Then, as suddenly as she had appeared, she was gone.


Shaking, Liz crossed to the chair and slowly slid into it. Zan continued to stand in the middle of the room again seemingly in a trance. Not sure what she wanted to say anyway, she decided to wait until he came back from wherever he was.

After a minute or two, he finally relaxed and shook his head. Ignoring her, he slowly walked over to the kitchen table and picked up his pack of cigarettes. Lighting one, he inhaled deeply and then slowly let the smoke escape his lips. He looked out the whitewashed window seemingly unaware that he couldn't see outside.

Unable to remain quiet any longer, Liz called his name softly.

He turned wearily and then walked back to the living area.

"A'right. I know ya got twenty questions. Fire away."

She wasted no time. "What did Nascedo come to see you about?"

"He wanted me to turn on the Royal three in Roswell. Our set of dupes were the back ups in case the Royal four didn't make it. But we was never meant to step in before da other ones." He sat down heavily on the couch and then took another drag on the cigarette. "Nascedo had other plans. He cornered me one day 'bout two years ago and laid it all out on da table. He explained the whole deal with Khivar and Tess' role in the deception. He wanted to deal me in. At the time, it sounded like a sweet thing. So I took 'im up on it."

Liz was confused. Zan worked with Nascedo? Then he was their enemy.

"But why? Aren't you supposed to protect Max? How could you go against him?"

"See - dat's the thing. Nascedo didn't know about that programmin' I had inside of me. Apparently, the high 'n mighties up on Antar didn't share that piece of information with him. Not even Lonnie, Rath, or Ava knew. And I sure as hell kept my meetin' with Nascedo on the side."

"But you just said that you joined forces with Nascedo."

"I said I took 'im up on it. I didn't tell 'im everythin'." He took another long drag and then leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. His demeanor, though stern, seemed almost child-like in a beseeching way. "Ya gotta understand somethin'. I hate this alien shit. Ders nothin' I want more than to get outta this situation. I don't want none of dis responsibility. I knew 'bout Max long before Nascedo and I <i>hated</i> 'im - I hated 'im 'cause he was da reason I couldn't just turn my back and jet. Our link - dis programmin' - forces me to keep playin' in dis game."

He slumped back in the couch but maintained his eye contact with her. Liz realized that what he was saying must be difficult for him.

He continued softly. "It's all messed up like. I hate 'im but at da same time I got to be loyal. When Nascedo approached me in da sewers, I thought it was a killer deal. Max would be out of da picture 'n I could get on wit my life but I couldn't get dis shit outta my head." He tapped his head for emphasis and then took another drag on his cigarette and looked away. "Unfortunately, I didn't completely understand what Nascedo wanted and the next thing I know, things got completely out of control."

Confused, Liz looked closely at him. "What do you mean?"

"Well, after Lonnie's visit here, you 'n me are in some shit load of trouble."

"They're going to come after us?" Liz asked in a small voice.


"I thought their main focus was to kill the king. Isn't it?"


"I don't understand. Lonnie wants to kill you and they want the king dead? Aren't you afraid for Max?"

"Nope." Zan raised his head and gave her a penetrating look.


"C'mon, baby. Ya can figure dis out. Connect da pieces."

Suddenly, it dawned on her. Lonnie's references. His strength.

"Oh, my god." She sat straight up in the chair. "Max isn't the king. <i>You</i> are."

Zan smiled tiredly and took another heavy drag on his cigarette.

"Da one and only."


Liz stood up and began pacing. "But you said the original set were in Roswell. You said that you were the back up. How can this be?"


Liz stopped pacing and faced him with a questioning look.

He sighed. "I told ya that Nascedo came to visit. Max and me are dupes. We're one in da same. Dat means I got da royal seal implanted in my brain too." He put out his cigarette. "When Nascedo offered me a chance to get outta dis mess, I jumped at it. I didn't ask fer no details. Da next thing I know, Nascedo's unlockin' me."


"Me and Max are da king. 'Cause we're da king, we got everythin' - I mean all of da powers. That's part of da bloodline - we was bred to have more strength and abilities den those 'round us. A perk to da job, if ya will." He smiled wryly. "Only ya got to have someone release 'em."

"So Nascedo had this ability?"


Liz shook her finger at him. "Get off my back. You just threw a bombshell in my lap and I'm just trying to keep up."

Zan threw his hands up in the air. "A'right. Peace." He looked up at her and said, "Can ya sit down, at least? I'm gettin' dizzy watchin' ya."

She reluctantly sat down but gave him a hard stare.

"So, this unlocking procedure, it gives you the birthright, then?"


"What does this mean to Max? You said that he is the original and you weren't supposed to step into his place."

"Baby, I don't want it. Like I said, I just want out. Even if I wanted to, I can't keep goin' on like this. I was given the birthright but I'm still tied to Max. He can have all of it."

Liz looked at him with raised eyebrows. "You have all of this power and you will just willingly give it up?"

He sighed heavily. Liz noted that he looked worn and tired. When he spoke, she had to lean forward to catch his words. "I'm wearin' da wrong shoes. My whole life has been manufactured and I ain't got no say in what's happenin'. Dis ain't da path I was supposed to take."

Liz let the moment linger before asking her next question. He suddenly seemed defeated and she felt a tug at her heart. None of them had asked for this, Zan especially. She asked quietly, "Then how are you going to give this over to Max? What do we have to do?"

He swung his head tiredly in her direction. "Only one of us can be unlocked at one time. Fer Max to take over, we need to migrate the birthright. Like Nascedo, we need a third party to do it." He paused and looked straight into her eyes. "'Cause Max healed you, yer da only one who has da strength and abilities. It's gotta be you."

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 12:28 am
by AweInspired
<b>CHAPTER 14</b>


"Whataya mean 'no'?"

"I mean what I mean. No." Liz's voice remained flat. She got up from the chair and stood over Zan. "No," she repeated. She then walked over to the kitchen area and calmly began doing the sparse dirty dishes left over from earlier that morning.

Zan rose from the couch, some of his old energy returning and stalked into the kitchen. "You can't say no, <i>sweets</i>." His use of the semi-endearment never sounded so snide. His hackles were raised and the sneer on his face clearly showed his anger.

"Yes I can."

"I didn't spend all dis time wit ya in order to get da boot now." Placing his hands on his hips, he stood rigidly, directly behind Liz. She continued to ignore him and went about rinsing the already clean dishes.

Frustrated, Zan reached out and grabbed Liz's shoulder and forcefully swung her around. Immediately, a green field erupted between them just a hairs breadth after splats of soapsuds hit his face from Liz's swinging hand. The field hovered between them, sparkling intensely. Liz's hand, held protectively in front of her, wavered slightly. Zan took a step back with an angry frown slowly forming on his face.

"Don't pull dat shit on me."

"Why not, your kingness? You taught me how to do it. As you can see, you did a good job." Liz's voice rose in volume. "You son of a bitch. This whole time I thought you had me here 'cause you were somewhat concerned with my safety. Only, I find out that you needed me desperately to 'unlock' you. Talk about feeling like a dupe. I actually thought you and I were making a connection."

Zan took an aggressive step towards her, trying to intimidate her to drop her shield. She took a half step back in order to brace herself and the shield glowed even brighter. "You used me." This statement wavered slightly from her lips. Though said in anger, it also contained a thread of vulnerability.

"Everyone uses each other, sweets. That's the name of the game."

"Not everyone, Zan. Some of us try to be good and compassionate about the people around us - human or alien."

Zan scoffed. Scratching the back of his head with his right hand, he peered up at her from slightly lowered lids. "Ya mean yer not like me then, huh?"

Liz's lips trembled as she slowly shook her head from side to side.

"So what's da deal wit da foreplay, eh?"


"Foreplay, baby. You've been droolin' over me and takin' small treats of what I got to give ever since I picked yer ass up."

Incredulous, Liz gawked. "What are you talking about?"

Zan stood straight, arching his back slightly and crossed his arms in front of him. "I'm talkin' 'bout yer stolen glances and yer little play actin' in da sauna."

"I didn't do that; you did. You came on to me." Liz's lips began to tremble both from the strain of holding the shield up and the difficulty of listening to what he was saying. In the back of her mind, she guessed where he was leading and she didn't want to hear it, because if she heard it aloud, then it would become real. She dropped the shield quickly and shouldered past Zan, knocking him roughly to the side. Taking quick, large steps towards the door, she reached for her coat hanging on the peg next to the door. All she wanted to do now was escape.

She froze though when she felt his warm, moist breath on the back of her neck.

"I may have been da one in motion but you sure as hell wasn't. Ya coulda stopped me at any moment. Ya wanted it. Ya needed it. What I can't figure out is… Did ya want it 'cause ya haven't gotten it in so long 'n yer body is achin' fer it or..," He pressed his body full against her back. The hardness of his muscles molded around the contour of her back. Squeezing her eyes tight, she shook her head. Zan leaned further and nipped roughly at her ear. "…or maybe it's 'cause ya want me as ammunition against Maxie boy." Liz shuddered, unable to peel away from the man standing behind her. This was what she didn't want voiced. He swung slowly around the back of her neck and nipped hard hat her other ear. She flinched this time as the pain flared hot. "Either way, ya usin' me to get what ya want. Admit it, baby. Yer no better den me in dat department."

She held her breath and slowly turned around. Tilting her head and looking up into Zan's intense stare, she put her hand on his chest and leaned into him. Zan's eyes only widened slightly as she thrust her body up against his. His hard body never even wavered from the force. If anything, he ground closer to her.

Liz looked him directly in the eye before saying almost tenderly, "Zan, I will never be like you. I don't ever want to be like you." Then her expression turned to ice. "And don't think that you can take advantage of me in any way. As for this moment that we're sharing?" She scratched her fingernails against his chest seductively. "It's over."

Zan's body flew backward and slid roughly along the floor. A muffled grunt slipped through his lips as his back hit the small wall separating the kitchen from the rest of the living area.

Satisfied, Liz turned around and opened the door only to find Zan standing knee deep in snow on the other side. Startled, she took a quick look behind her and the space where Zan's body had lain just a moment before was empty. Looking back at him, she felt a moment of fear at the hot glare in Zan's eyes.

"You ain't goin' nowhere." The statement rumbled from deep in his chest. He raised his hand between them and Liz felt herself lift from her feet and fly backward until she hid hard against the wall in the kitchen. Looking down, she saw her feet dangling six inches above the floor. She tried to move her arms and legs but she was pinned to the wall by the force of Zan's will. He walked into the cabin and slammed the door behind him. Moving so quickly that his motion created a blur of color, he suddenly stood right before her.

"I'm da man here - ya 'member dat." His voice was low and continued to rumble from deep within him. Liz felt fear but only for a moment. She stared at his blazing eyes and was hit with a sense of wonderment. Zan was scared. He was scared that she would leave him and force him to resume the awful situation he had put himself in. If she didn't help him to transfer the kingship on to Max, he was trapped forever. The violence he was currently exhibiting was only bravado to intimidate her to stay.

This revelation spurred her into action. He may be 'da man' but she had the ultimate control now and she was not without her own tricks.

Unable to do anything except move her head, she cocked it to the side and gave him a sly grin. "Da man, eh Zan? I'm not so sure about that." She looked him up and down slowly, raking his body with her steady glare. "You don't seem to be all that, not like Max." She could see the fury invade his face like a storm. She continued to goad him. "After all, Max is the real king. You're just his replacement." She watched as his upper lip curled into a sneer and he began to raise his hand. Then she made her move.

Zan's body ached from the anger that welled up inside him. He wanted to hurt the woman suspended before him. He wanted to break her spirit and make her tremble. Her rebellion goaded him and triggered the one insecurity he recognized within himself. He had to put a stop to this right here and now. He raised his hand and then… she disappeared right before him.

Confused, he relaxed his energy and whirled around looking for her. He spied her standing over by the window with an evil smile spread across her lips. In a rage, he lunged for her and found himself grasping at thin air. It was an illusion. Realizing his mistake, he looked behind him.

After he fell for her simple mind-warp, Liz felt herself slowly slide down the wall until her feet touched the ground. His hold over her gone, she projected an image of herself by the window and then tiptoed until she was standing right behind him. When he turned, she placed her hand on his chest and created a field of energy that surrounded him in a tight bubble. The green field shimmered and danced as it wrapped itself around him until he was barely able to move within its narrow confines.

Satisfied, she crossed her arms in front of her and cocked her head to the side. Her long, flowing brown hair cascaded over her shoulder. She watched with amusement as Zan tried to force his way out of the barrier without success. When he finally turned his attention towards her, she chuckled. "Stuck, eh? Having a hard time?" She walked around him in a circle to admire his immobility. Returning to face him, she said, "Can't get out? Too bad. Now you're trapped just like I have been for the last week. Doesn't feel too good, does it?" She watched as Zan's lips moved but she couldn't hear any sound. Seeing his frustration, she only laughed. She wouldn't help him.

But perhaps he deserved payment for some of his earlier 'punishments'.

Closing the space between them, she lowered her eyelids slightly. Waving her hand in a broad motion, the field shimmered and faded from view. She watched as Zan tried to move again but realized that though the field was gone, his immobility became even more strict. The only thing he could move were his eyes as he followed her actions. Anger stilled burned bright within their dark depths and this sight satisfied her even more.

"See Zan? You've taught me well. I've learned how to use many of the powers you've shown me." Stepping closer until there was only an inch between their bodies, she continued in a huskier voice. "There are other things that you have taught me also."

She reached a confident hand up and cupped his face. His eyes followed every movement. Tenderly, she stroked his face and lightly brushed her thumb across his lips teasingly. She watched as Zan's lids closed for a brief moment and then reopen with a different emotion peeking from their depths. She read an angry resignation and it spurred her further.

Using both hands, she traced his jaw line and slid her palms slowly until they circled his neck. Slightly increasing the pressure, she enjoyed watching Zan's eyebrow twitch for an uncomfortable moment. Her hands continued down and gently brushed the tops of his shoulders.

"This just won't do - not at all." She waved her hand again, and the ragged black t-shirt dissolved from his body. He stood before her in faded, baggy blue jeans that hung low on his hips. His chest heaved as he took deep breaths. She could tell that he was still fighting her shield but she wondered now whether his deep gulps for air could be related to only that. She found her own breaths quicken and she reminded herself that this was payback for his awful treatment of her.

She took note again of the rough tattoos, the nipple piercing, and the mysterious trail of hair that disappeared beneath the rim of his jeans. Unconsciously, she touched his bulging pecs and they leapt beneath her fingertips. She ran her fingers teasingly across his body, creating tender trails that made his skin jump beneath them. His golden skin began to take on a shine from the stress of what he was going through. Her fingers slipped lower and she traced the path of the faint patch of hair down to the button of his jeans. She dipped her index finger behind the button and Zan's stomach tightened, allowing her further access. Liz simply tugged on the button teasingly and then raised her eyes to his.

"Do you like that, your majesty?" Surprising herself, her voice came out raspy.

Because of the field, she couldn't read his face but his eyes were fierce and they stared at her hard. Definite moisture now clung to his brow.

She lowered her eyes to the vulnerable spot directly behind his right ear. Pressing her hands flat against his chest, she reached up on her tiptoes and breathed lightly in his ear. Darting her tongue out, she traced a small path around his earlobe and then bit hard. She continued her rough nibbling up his ear while her hands kneaded his chest. Feeling metal beneath her palms, she zeroed in on the dangling rings and gave them a soft tug while she sucked lightly on the earlobe she damaged before.

Leaning back to catch her breath, she lowered herself on her heels. Zan's ear flamed from her ministrations. Smiling smugly, she looked back up at him. Flicking both of his nipples at the same time, she whispered, "So how does it feel, huh? How does it feel to be teased and tortured?"

"Nothin' like what's goin' happen' next, sweets." Jumping back, she saw Zan's smirking smile. "Yer just a beginner, honey, and gotta pay closer attention if yer gonna hold me down fer long."

She tried to raise her hand in front of her but Zan pushed it away roughly. He grabbed both of her wrists and cocked his head to the side. With a hungry grin, he said "My turn."

Liz found herself pinned against the wall in the same fashion as before except that her arms were raised above her head. She struggled but couldn't move anything beyond her head.

Zan's gleaming body swaggered slowly towards her. "So I ain't all dat, eh? I don't rate very high on da Max scale? Well, I got sumptin' to tell ya." He leaned forward until she could feel his breath push slightly against her lips. "I got my own scale."

Liz trembled. She was playing a dangerous game right now and felt like she was playing it blind. She didn't know how to win but she was beyond caring at the moment. She was playing for two reasons. One, to get the best of Zan though she now didn't know quite how to do that, and two, because Zan did raise the heat in her body to violent levels. The attraction between the two of them was different than between her and Max. She shared love, intense passion, and security with Max and while almost violent and angry passion surged between her and Zan. Both connections were intensely strong but in such different ways. She didn't love Zan but for some reason, at this moment, it didn't stop her from wanting him. In a way, she was curious to see how far the two of them would go until a winner was declared. In the middle of this heated moment, she really wanted to play the game until the end.

He paced slightly before her trying to decide what to do next. Whirling suddenly, he took a step to the counter and grabbed his cigarettes. This girl got his temperature boiling and he had to calm down a bit. Taking a drag, he walked back to her and dangled the cigarette from his twitching fingers. He watched her expression and knew that she was daring him to do something. Well, he was never one to leave an unsatisfied customer.

Standing in front of her, he took in her blazing eyes and trembling body. "Honey, I'm goin' to show ya somethin' that Max never can. Yer gonna get a lil taste a heaven 'n when I'm done wit ya, all dat will be left is a puddle."

Liz laughed and said, "I'd like to see you try."

Inhaling on his cigarette, Zan slowly blew the smoke away. "As ya wish."

He hitched his jeans up higher on his hips, took one last drag and then stubbed out his cigarette. He studied her for a moment hanging helplessly against the wall. He tugged on his slightly aching ear as he took in her current clothing situation. She wore a tailored black button down shirt that, because she was stretched out against the wall, raised high above her low cut button-fly jeans. Her soft, flat stomach heaved as she struggled under his power. It looked inviting but he decided to get to that part later.

He reached up and flicked her chin. She shook her head angrily and continued to glare at him. He laughed softly and then took one finger and trailed down her throat, down her chest until he hit the first button on her shirt. Using his powers, the button slowly slid undone. Continuing downward, he pressed a bit harder against the tender skin between her breasts until he got to the next button. He smirked and said, "I gotta even the playin' field, dontcha think?" As emphasis, the next button popped open.

Liz just glared but didn't reply. He traveled down to the next button and slowly popped that one open also. He did the remaining three buttons in rapid succession, startling Liz slightly. The flaps of her shirt hung loosely open revealing the lacey black bra underneath. At the sight of it, Zan felt his body temperature raise a notch.

He grabbed each side of her firmly, his thumbs almost meeting in the middle of her stomach. Liz felt tingling along her skin at every inch of contact and shivered. He squeezed gently and then rubbed his thumbs up and down her rib cage. He leaned forward until his face was only a couple of inches from hers.

"Is this what ya wanted?" Liz held her breath but didn't answer him. He tilted his head slightly and moved closer until his lips were merely millimeters from hers. He removed his right hand from her side and roughly cupped her head. His thumb firmly pressed into her cheek as he forced her head to the side. "I asked ya a question, sweets. Do ya want what I got to give?"

Liz, overcome with his presence so close to her, could only whisper one thing. "Yes."

His lips bore down on hers hard and demanding. If she had any pretenses about him being gentle, they immediately flew out the window. He ground into her, forcing her mouth to open more as he took what he wanted. She pushed against him determined to give back what he dished out. His lips seemed to everywhere at once, intermittedly sucking and biting causing minute flashes of pain to sear across her mouth. She returned the violent kiss in kind, taking his bottom lip between her teeth and stretching it until he jerked away and bore down her again. His tongue invaded her mouth searchingly and she followed his lead. Pushing the initiative, she forcefully pounded her mouth against his and his head eventually gave ground to her advance so that she was careening her neck forward.

Removing his lips, he then pinned her head back to the wall with his hand and roughly turned it to the side exposing her neck. She grunted as she fought against him but he held her firmly. His lips ravished her neck, traveling up and down varying his plundering with nips, wet kisses, and hard suction. She gasped with both pleasure and pain knowing that he would be leaving black and blue marks when it was all over and done with.

He bit along her collarbone while he stroked her face with his thumb. She turned her face into his hand and took his thumb into her mouth. She sucked hard on it and heard him moan loudly. His thumb hooked on her bottom teeth, forced her mouth open and then leaving her bruised shoulder, raided her mouth again.

His left hand, still gripping her side traveled up underneath her flapping shirt and his thumb grazed her nipple through the lacy fabric. Shock waves ran through her body from the brief touch and she would have bucked if she weren't pinned against the wall. Being unable to release some of the more violent emotions running through her body, they built up tremendously, like waves of fire flowing right beneath her skin.

Meanwhile, Zan's hands crept to her armpits, gripping her and lifting her slightly against the wall. He buried his face against her chest and his wiry bristles scraped her almost raw. He nosed away the flaps of her shirt until her breasts lay exposed to him beneath the lacy fabric.

He planted a hot kiss between her breasts and then bit at the clasp directly in front of him. Realizing that in his concentration, he had let up on the power holding her against the wall, she pushed with all of her might. She forced him away from the wall and she fell to her feet in a crouch.

She powered him across the kitchen, him fighting every inch of the way until his back hit the cold door. She pressed her body against his and raked her nails up and down his arms. Gripping his arms and forcing them back, she bit at his neck and shoulders determined to leave the same burning marks on his skin as he had done. Attacking him with all of the suppressed anger and passion contained in her body, she bruised and tore the top layers of his skin. She then lowered her ravishing to his left piercing and, sucking it into her mouth, she bit. She heard him groan either from pleasure or pain. She left his nipple and trailed down, planting wet kisses along the top of his jeans. Zan groaned again and then grabbed her by the shoulders, pushing her slightly away. He lifted her then, and placed her on the old kitchen table. Using his hand, he swept away the various articles and they crashed to the floor. He pushed her down flat on the table, allowing her legs to dangle over the edge and stood before her.

His golden skin gleamed with sweat and she could see how his muscles slightly trembled. At that moment, she admired him. He looked confident and beyond sexy. Just gazing at him made her body burn in all of the right places. She could clearly see how aroused he was through the heavy material of his jeans. Knowing what lay beneath, she blushed slightly. She felt herself mentally opening up to him and on a subconscious level, knew that she was beginning to trust him.

Sensing the slight mood shift in her, he moved slower. He stepped to the side of the table and with a wave of his hand, her shirt disappeared. Tracing one finger down between her breasts to the top of her jeans, he only hesitated a moment before undoing the first button. She tensed a bit but he ignored it and moved to the next one. When all five were undone, he spread the flaps of her jeans wide. He then moved to the end of the table and pushed her knees open. Leaning over her, he planted rough kisses below her breasts and around her stomach. He teased at her navel and then moved to the top of her black underwear. His hot, wet breath sent shivers through her as he skipped across the sensitive skin. Then he grabbed the sides of her jeans and while he continued to ravish her, he tugged them off her hips, down her legs, until they pooled onto the floor.

The pace had definitely slowed and though it was not as frenzied as before, the tension was not any less. It became a slow burn as opposed to a raging fire. He slid his body up until he came face to face with her. His lips pressed firmly against hers without the bruising effect from before though it was still demanding. She kissed him back and wrapped her hands around his neck. When he started to pull back, she held him in place until she felt satisfied and then finally released him. He smirked knowingly at her.

She felt his lean body at every point that it touched hers. He placed himself between her legs and she felt his hardness pressing against the sensitive spot between them. Almost unconsciously, she rubbed herself against him to relieve some of the ache between her legs. His hips dipped as he pressed himself more firmly against her. A small moan escaped her lips. Repeating his actions, Zan raised himself so that he held his weight on his hands. Slowly, his hips ground against hers until Liz squirmed.

Zan continued his movements as he dipped his head to her breast. Like before, he gripped the front hook with his teeth and twisted slightly. The clasp released and the fabric on both of her breasts slid slightly outwards. Even the scraping of the fabric against her sensitive nipples sent shivers through her body.

He nosed away the fabric from her right breast and placed wet kisses around it, moving slowly inward with each pass. He turned his cheek to her and rubbed the wiry hair against the tip and Liz's body jumped. Quickly he covered it with his hot mouth and the almost painful feeling fled and was replaced with a slight suction that both soothed and reached deep into her body, creating tingling sensations all the way down to her toes. She arched her back into his mouth and grasped his head on both sides.

Zan repeated himself with her left breast and Liz began to feel herself losing control. She kept her eyes closed tight and fairly grimaced with the strong feelings coursing through her. He cupped her other breast and she felt a warm tingling at his touch. She faintly realized that he was using his powers to enhance the feeling that he was inflicting on her body. The passion raged through her like a storm. She could only moan and squirm beneath him now, reduced to a pool of raging hormones.

"Zan, please," she whimpered.

He backed away a bit from her but continued to run his hands up and down her body, keeping the fire stoked within her. He slid his hand down her stomach and cupped her through her underwear. Liz bucked beneath his touch.

<i>Are ya ready, sweets?</i> he thought to her. His voice burned in her mind. She could only nod as her body began to tremble violently.

He applied gentle pressure to the area and alternating the strength of the pressure with each finger. Liz bucked again and felt the warmth gathering in her lower area. It burned hot and then began to slowly radiate outward across her abdomen. Zan sensed it and increased his pace dramatically. Liz felt the sudden tightness and then suddenly her orgasm exploded. Reality slipped away from her as she convulsed and with another movement from Zan's fingers, the fire burst through her body. It seared as it traveled and when it reached her head, she cried out and then the world went black.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 12:30 am
by AweInspired
<b>CHAPTER 15</b>

Max sat in the tattered comfy chair in the corner of his room. Liz was late again and he was worried. It was nearing midnight and he had been waiting for over three full hours. Several scenarios were running through his head at the moment. One, she was hurt. Somehow, in learning to use her powers, she had hurt herself. Two, Zan was preventing her somehow from contacting him. Perhaps he had decided to renege on their bargain. Max was still confused over Zan's insistence on bringing Liz into the situation. He knew only what Zan had told him, that he was the only one who could help her to come to grips with the burgeoning power within her. Max, however, wasn't sure that was the total story. First, he didn't even know whether Zan was telling the truth. Second, if Zan was telling the truth, there had to be more to the story than what Zan was letting on. Max knew enough that Zan would withhold information to suit his own purposes - his own agenda.

The last thought that kept racing through Max's head was the worst. He and Liz had not been doing well in their recent visits. He felt her love but the rift between them seemed to be growing each day. It was becoming an impassable chasm and he was nearly distraught over the thought of losing her. The most difficult part of this situation was that it was due to his own mistakes; no part of the growing tension between them was Liz's fault. However, he knew that just by admitting his guilt and recognizing the pain that he had caused would not heal the scar that had formed on their already blemished relationship. He struggled to think of some resolution but it always circled back to Liz and her own ability to come to terms with it. He would not force or coerce her into accepting him again. He knew that the only way for her to find the healing path back to him would be a personal journey. Unfortunately, in his mind, this path included the helping hands of his dupe.

Not knowing what happened on a daily basis within the confining walls of that cabin was the worst. On one hand, he didn't want to know. Ignorance of the situation partially soothed him. However, on the other hand, he burned to know if Liz's return to him involved Zan's involvement. If so, would Zan become a roadblock on her path back to him? What if she found herself more comforted in the arms of his twin?

Max grabbed both sides of his head and ground the heels of his hands into his temples. He berated himself silently. It would do no good to sit there and imagine what could happen. One thing that he had to keep in the front of his mind at all times was his trust in Liz. If there was any lesson to be learned from their shaky past, it was that Liz didn't falter and always took the needed actions to resolve a problem. He sorely wished that he could help her in some small way but knew that this wasn't his fight.


Startled from his thoughts, Max snapped his head up. Zan was leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room.

"Zan," Max said calmly.

Zan simply nodded and exhaled a plume of smoke.

"Where's Liz?"

"Unable to come tonight… 'n before ya ask, she's fine."

Max slowly rose to his feet and squared off with his dupe. Zan had become a wildcard in his relationship with Liz and a possible rival. Surprisingly, though, once faced with him, Max didn't feel the burning anger and resentment he had feared would bubble within him. He felt only a sad resignation that this was a battle he couldn't fight and completely beyond his control.

He inspected Zan quietly, trying to see him as Liz might. She had protected him in subtle ways over their last few visits and though it grated on him, he'd never mentioned it. He tried to imagine some goodness in Zan yet the picture never materialized. Sighing, he ran his hand through his hair.

"Why can't she come?"

"What? No threats? Too bad. I was hopin' to rumble." Zan's words were cocky and taunting. Max didn't rise to the bait.

"I figure there's a good reason why she's not here. I have to trust that you are telling the truth that she's safe. Beyond that, I am curious as to why she didn't come in person." Max shuffled to the mirror hanging on the back of the door and peered at his reflection casually. He rubbed at the three day's worth of stubble lining his face and then turned back to Zan. "Can you tell me why?"

Zan seemed to consider his words carefully and then looked away. "Nah, it ain't my story to tell."

Max sighed again. "I'm losing her," he mumbled under his breath and then turned away once more.

Zan watched Max's back thoughtfully. He had arrived tonight intending to taunt Max into a confrontation but it was apparent that he wasn't going to take the bait. Zan quickly backpedaled and reconsidered his approach.

"What does it matter, man? Ya'll find another."

Max simply shook his head while keeping his back to Zan. He rubbed the back of his neck, unconsciously relieving the tension that had been building all night. This was one conversation he didn't want to have with his dupe.

"I mean it. Why ya got yerself all hooked on dis woman?"

After a long pause, Max finally turned around and faced him. Zan noticed the worry and tension lines that creased his face. Within the last few moments, Max seemed to have aged ten years.

"I love her."

"Yeah, and?"

Max huffed and then looked Zan directly in the eyes. "Do you know what that feels like? I don't know if you do or not, but for me, it means that she's all I think about. My goals in life are this: love Liz, protect Liz, comfort Liz, hold Liz. I want to be there every time she laughs. I want to experience every single tear. I want to smell her on my clothes. I want to see her every day of my life. I want to hear her sigh. I want to see her pout. I want to experience her pain. I want to shield her from every hurt in the world." Max took a step forward and Zan watched as his face became more animated. "I want her. I want Liz. She makes me want these things - no one else. And the thing is, she wants exactly what I want. Everything that I want to do for her, she wants to do it back ten-fold. No matter how much I have to give to her, she has more to return." Max spread his arms in a large sweeping motion. "We fit together."

"But yet ya fucked Tess."

Max shook his head in resignation. "Yeah, I did. Not that I have to explain in detail, but it was a very confusing time for both of us and I made one of the largest mistakes in my life. But because I love her so much, I will do anything to make it right again. And because she loves me, she's willing to try."

"Why she would take yer sorry ass back is beyond me," Zan scoffed.

"That's what love is, Zan. At least, that is the love between Liz and me. I don't know if we'll get through it but I believe in us. Even more than that, I believe in Liz."

Zan watched him thoughtfully for a few moments. "How is she ever gonna trust ya again, huh? How does she know dat the past won't be repeated?"

"One thing I've learned is that with all of the alien crap that has shrouded my life since birth, I am only human. I mean, I've got all of these super-human abilities, alien powers and the like, but at the core, I am human. I owe that discovery to her. Just because I'm part alien doesn't mean that I am perfect. I will continue to stumble along my path in life just like every single other person around me."

Zan frowned. Max's words whirled through his head. The concepts were so foreign to him that he couldn't attach any sort of understanding to them. He sensed that Max's confessions rang sincere and they tickled the back of his mind. He pushed them back, promising himself that he would sort through them later.

Shaking his head, he said, "Whatever, man. Ya deal wit it. But we got other shit to discuss." He took a final drag on his dying cigarette. "Lonnie visited our crib today. She's gettin' nearer 'n ya gotta get ready."

Alarmed, Max exclaimed, "Visited? What-"

"I mean she projected herself. Her 'n that bitch Tess are sniffin' us out like hound dogs. I suspect yer gonna have yer hands full within a few days or so."

"Any ideas on what we got to deal with?"

"I'm guessin' 'bout tweny of 'em all together. All skins 'cept our cheatin' ass family."

Max nodded absently. "OK. Well, we're as ready as possible." He looked up and peered closely at Zan. "You promised to take care of Liz. Are they any threat to the two of you?"

Zan looked darkly at him for a moment before replying slowly. "No, man. They're no threat."

Max hesitated for moment before deciding to continue. "OK. Then are you going to come and help us since you're my protector and all?"

Zan flicked his cigarette to the floor and replied brusquely. "Yo, if ya need me, I'll show up."

Max felt Zan's tension and his sudden decision to end the conversation. He watched him closely trying to decipher what was going on behind the angry face.

Zan noticed and defiantly stared back. Max only sighed in return and said, "Zan, tell her…" he trailed off slowly. Zan watched as Max's attention seemed to drift inward. He opened his mouth to say something when Max continued softly. "…Tell her that I missed her tonight. And…" Max paused again and looked Zan directly in the eye. "…take care of her."

Catching the multiple layers behind the open plea, Zan swallowed a smart comment back. He returned Max's look openly and understanding passed between them. He simply nodded.

Max caught Zan's recognition in his dark eyes and then, he was gone.

Max turned off the light and quietly slid onto the bed. The quiet and darkness surrounded him, which suited him just fine.


Zan came back to himself in the cabin. He heard the storm knock against the windowpanes. The fire, banked low, crackled and spit as it hit knots of pine pitch. One kerosene lamp burned low in the corner causing long shadows to stretch across the room.

From his position on the couch, he looked right and saw Liz sleeping peacefully in the bed. Images from their earlier tryst flashed across his memory and he smiled slightly. It had been a fierce battle between the two of them but he had finally broken her down. She'd acknowledged defeat the minute she had spread her legs wide and though in some remote corner of his consciousness he felt satisfaction of his win, for the most part he felt confused.

He had been playing his cards since the moment he picked her up at the rest stop. It had been a complicated game for him, one of the most difficult in his life, because every little action on his part had been calculated in order to achieve what he had today. Liz had been a difficult woman to gauge - she had layers of vulnerability mixed with steel and trying to chip through each one was wearing. Fortunately, for him, he had a lot of experience with different types of women so he had the knowledge to play his hand right. But, he thought to himself, it was a bittersweet victory. One he wasn't quite sure he was proud of, but a victory nonetheless.

He felt tired. He was juggling so many balls right now that even for someone of his extraordinary abilities, he had to remain sharp twenty-four-seven. If he even dropped one at this point, the whole situation would come crashing down around his ears and he couldn't let that happen. Too much was at stake. He reflected on the disastrous turn of events triggered by his meeting with Nascedo. Having been unlocked, he had a wealth of strength and powers that no one around him could match - not even Lonnie. With it, however, came demanding requirements. The protector encoding embedded in his brain remained a direct contradiction to the royal role. He couldn't be king and protect the should-have-been king at the same time.

His thoughts turned to Max. He still hated him with a passion. Max was the core of all of his problems and he felt cheated from the pseudo life he could have lived as a 'person' living in the shadows on Earth. If it wasn't for Max, he would have disappeared a long time ago and become a different person. Instead, however, he had lived more than ten years in a dirty pit with monsters for a family. Zan silently corrected himself - Ava hadn't been a monster but she sure as hell hadn't been a model companion.

While he had been spying on the Roswell three, his impression of the group from afar had been mixed. He'd assumed that they'd be soft and child-like in their alien roles. He'd been surprised, however, to see that they had experienced more battles than he'd originally thought. Though they were far from being experienced warriors, for that is what they needed to be if they wanted to survive, they were on the road to achieve that status. Zan had been most impressed with Rath - no, Michael. He'd seemed the most aware and ready to deal with the turbulent future they will definitely face. Of the three, Zan felt he could relate to him most.

Lonnie's dupe, Isabel, however, remained a slight mystery to him. He couldn't help but attach some of his hatred for Lonnie to her look-a-like though he now knew they were complete opposites. Isabel contained the strength but lacked the focus Michael had. She seemed able to ignore their ancestry, proving it by marrying a clueless human. But Zan had seen her step to the plate when the occasion arose so he figured she was not yet a lost cause.

Lastly, Max. Through his thick veil of hate towards him, Zan had watched Max's leadership capabilities with a sharp eye. Max seemed capable in most situations but some of the mistakes he had made had been almost inexcusable. Some of his decisions had put himself and the rest of the group in needless dangerous situations. Zan figured that Max needed to harden himself and stay focused. After Zan's stint with spying and his intermittent meetings with Max, he finally realized what was distracting Max to such a degree. That something was sleeping in his bed.

Now that he could take the time to contemplate Max's words from his recent visit, Zan stretched out and became more comfortable. He had to admit to himself that he hadn't understood the depths of Max and Liz's relationship. Unbeknownst to either the New York set or the Roswell set, he had made a few trips to Roswell in order to keep up to speed on Max's situation. He'd gone infrequently because the three were doing a good job of keeping their secret safe. Max especially had almost completely withdrawn himself from society and became a figurative fly on the wall. Zan had appreciated that because it made his job easier.

Actually, Zan had known about Liz for a very long time. In fact, he discovered Liz's existence at the same time he had discovered Max's. He thought back to the first time he had heard about her and grimaced. The meeting with the mysterious stranger had initially put him on this path and, along with his programming to protect the king, he had resented it. Zan's very core defined him as a person who chose his own actions and path in life and from almost the very beginning, he had lost control over it.

He glanced again at the sleeping figure. His resentment over his lost life had once been directed at Liz also but over the last few days, it had died to almost nothing. He had begun to realize that others, like him, didn't have a say in what was happening and had almost as little control as he did. He looked deep within himself to try and hate the woman in his bed but he just couldn't do it.

He rose from the couch and walked over to her. Sitting gently on the edge, he watched her as she slept. He was developing affection for her, which surprised him. She wasn't normally his type. Because of what he was forced to do, he couldn't allow himself to become attached in any way. Today's duel may have been perfectly planned and designed on his part, but many of his actions had come from deep within him. He had caught himself acting naturally instead of following through on his tightly crafted script.

Hesitating, he placed his hand on her hip. She'd overloaded today because of him. He'd been so intent on pleasuring her, to the point of even enhancing the feeling for her with his powers, that he'd forgotten she hadn't fully matured yet. In the heat of the moment, he'd released his barrier on the energy surging in her. That alone may not have triggered the situation but coupled with the alien enhanced helping hand he'd given her, it had been too much.

When she'd collapsed on the table, his heart had leapt to his throat. He'd immediately rushed to kneel by her head and scanned her body for injury. Discovering what had happened, he cursed himself soundly, gathered her up in his arms, and placed her in the bed. He had curled himself around her, just holding her tight to his body. He found himself not wanting to leave her side until he knew for sure that she was OK. After an hour, Liz had woken groggily and attempted to ask what happened. Zan only shushed her and then used his powers to make her sleep longer.

As he sat next to her now, Zan felt a moment of confusion on what he should do next. Until this afternoon, he had had no doubts about putting his plan in place. His experience with Liz and then with Max, however, was now making him falter. There were suddenly higher stakes than he had first imagined. Not just for Max and Liz but also for himself.

That scared him most of all.


Liz awoke suddenly to the quiet of the cabin and sat up straight in bed. Early morning light filtered through the two windows. Disoriented for a moment, she looked wildly around her until her gaze fell upon Zan lying next to her. He watched her quietly, his expression unreadable. She jumped slightly. She was not used to waking up with Zan next to her. Every morning since they had come to the cabin, he'd always risen before her. Every night, with the exception of the first, she had gone to sleep before him. It didn't really feel like they were sharing the same bed.

She returned his gaze, chewing on her bottom lip, trying to decide what to do next. The previous day's activities were still vivid in her mind and she had to admit, she was fearful how Zan would treat her today. She had exposed herself to him, both emotionally and physically. Of the two, she was most uncomfortable with the emotional side. In their battle of wills, she had lost and she more than half expected him to gloat on it. Overall, she also felt vulnerable. Giving her body to someone was not something she had ever taken lightly and she felt afraid that he would demean the encounter and in the process, demean her. She didn't want to confront the possibility that she had made a mistake.

Watching him now, she couldn't fathom what he was thinking. She felt that he could go either way on her and she tensed with uncertainty.

Then she frowned. There had been meaning for her in yesterday's incident. She couldn't let him take that away from her. Their moments together would only become scandalous if she gave him permission to make her feel that way. The true meaning of it could be kept tight to her heart and beyond his power.

Uncertain of how to make the next move, she opened her mouth to speak but then closed it again. Zan continued to watch her and it made the already awkward situation even more tense. Why couldn't he at least say something? Why couldn't he make the first move as a small gift to her?

As if reading her thoughts, a small smile grew on his lips. She relaxed a bit and returned a similar smile back, even if it was more timid. Realizing suddenly that the quilt was pooled around her hips and that she remained exposed to Zan from the waist up, she blushed. She reached down, fumbling for the covers. Zan reached out slowly and stilled her shaking hands, firmly preventing her from getting a grip. He then covered her hand in his and brought it to his chest. Unsure, she didn't move.

"It's still early," Zan said softly. "No need to get up just yet."

Watching his face carefully, she still couldn't discern a specific emotion. She slid down beneath the covers, careful not to get too close to him and covered her torso with the quilt. She slowly retracted her arm and tucked it beneath her chin. Zan sat up a bit in the bed and used his pillow to support his back as he leaned against the headboard. He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a cigarette. Fumbling for a lighter, he grunted impatiently and then proceeded to light the end of the cigarette with his finger. Liz had to smile at the E.T. like quality of the scene in front of her.

"E.T. could phone home, unlike us."

Realizing that her guard was down, Liz consciously slid the block in place so that she didn't send anything Zan's way. In the heat of the moment yesterday, she had let it down which had allowed him to communicate with her as he did. After everything that had happened, she hadn't thought about putting it back up again.

The memory of Zan's searing voice in her head sent fiery chills down her body.

"Wish ya coulda sent <i>that</i> thought my way. Musta been a good one." Zan smiled slightly and then took another drag on his cigarette and blew the smoke out of the corner of his mouth. He looked down on her with a bemused expression.

"What?" Liz couldn't help but ask.

"I won, ya know."

Liz only huffed. "Only because I let you."

"Don't matter. I still won."

Liz hesitated for a beat before taking a chance with her next words. "I don't know about that. I think I got the better end of the deal."

He chuckled. "Perhaps, but it was a helluva ride from my seat too."

Liz couldn't help but smile. It was a small admission on his part that he'd enjoyed the experience too and she relaxed. "Zan, what happened to me, you know, at the end?"

"I told you that you'd be a puddle when I was done with you," he said softly and winked at her. Then his expression became more serious. "It was my fault. I stopped controllin' the power levels inside your body and you became imbalanced at the end."

Liz had to smile. Unbalanced wasn't a strong enough word for what she experienced. Blacking out had almost been a relief from the amount of ecstasy that had burst through her body. It was one of those moments she would love to repeat even if it meant falling into a black abyss in the end every time.

"Well, no harm, no foul," she said teasingly.

Zan scowled slightly. "But there was harm. You're OK now but you coulda really been hurt - beyond my help, even."

Liz studied his profile closely as he sucked on the cigarette with more force. She realized that he had been really concerned about her. "But I'm here with no lasting injury so everything's OK."

He turned his head and looked at her. "It was my fault."

Liz had to laugh out loud. Here Zan was, showing insecurity! It was the first time since she had met him that he had willing shown her a weakness. It felt like she was in the Twilight Zone.

Zan's scowl deepened. "What's so hilarious?"

"You. You're worried about me almost getting hurt and all I can think about is when I get to have a repeat performance."

A grin slowly stole across his face and then he laughed out loud. "Yeah, well, I told you that all you had to do was take da test drive."

"But I didn't get to drive," she complained playfully.

"Baby, all you have to do is ask."

Feeling bold, Liz made a decision. She pushed the covers down and crawled to her knees. Zan watched her as he blew another plume of smoke from his nose. With the intense look on his face, she didn't feel uncomfortable being half naked in front of him. She crawled over and forced her way onto his lap. She straddled his legs so that she faced him directly. She placed a hand on his chest and asked in a sweet voice, "Sir, may I take control of this vehicle?"

Zan reached over and put out his cigarette before replying. "Depends. You got any tickets for reckless drivin'?"

"Not yet but there's always a first," Liz replied huskily. She leaned forward slowly and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Zan responded in kind but made no attempt to interfere. His hands remained at his sides. She pulled back and was rewarded with a lopsided grin.

Encouraged, she repeated the kiss but with more intensity. She settled herself more comfortably in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. She pressed her naked chest against his and released a small moan into his mouth. Zan allowed her to set the pace and matched the intensity of each of her kisses.

She ground herself further against him. Her hand began to slip downward when the images began. They assaulted her senses, ten times more powerful than anything that she had ever experienced before. Pictures of New York City streets, distorted views of the subway system, noisy images of Lonnie washed over her. These weren't like anything that she had ever experienced before and seemed so foreign to her. Images from Max had always been of her and him. Max had always…

Liz gasped and pulled back from Zan. Fear and guilt flooded through her and for a moment she saw Max in front of her with a weary look on his face.

She couldn't help the name that escaped her lips in a moan. Max.

Instantly, she felt Zan stiffen. Focusing her eyes again, she caught a glimpse of hurt before fury eradicated it. She knew she was in trouble.

"Max?" he snarled. He grabbed her around the waist and easily flung her to the end of the bed. "No bitch never called 'nother man's name when in my bed." His eyes lashed her and she almost felt the physical whipping across her body. She wrapped her arms around her chest, trying to cover herself.

Zan flung the covers off and leaped out. He turned and stood over her, shaking with anger. "'Specially when it be a pussy's name who ain't got a clue."

The insult against Max raised her hackles. He could yell at her all he wanted but there was no way Zan was going to demean Max, especially when he wasn't here to defend himself. "You just shut the hell up about Max."

"Yeah? Dat man ain't got nothin' goin' on. He's a waste of space."

"I told you to be quiet! Max is ten times the man you are."

Zan lurched forward and grabbed the hair at the back of her head and yanked down, forcing her to look up at him. The muscles in her neck strained against the unnatural position. She looked fearfully up into his stormy eyes as her small fists beat helplessly against his body.

His words slid like venom from his lips. "Dontcha ever question my manhood again, ya got it? Not in my crib 'n 'specially not in my bed. Yer just a tool to me, somethin' fer me to use to get what I want." He yanked a bit harder and Liz couldn't help the small whimper of fear and pain that escaped. At her small cry, Zan stilled. Slowly, the anger left his face and a cold mask of nothing replaced it. He let go of her suddenly, took one last look and whirled away from her. He stalked towards the door and she watched as layers of clothing appeared with each step. By the time, his hand reached the doorknob, he was fully dressed for the outside.

He turned slowly around and faced her. "I'll get what I want, I promise ya. This'll go all da way to da end. It's too late in da game." And then he was out the door.

Liz trembled on the bed, still clutching her chest. She heard the snowmobile start up with a roar and then the sound quickly faded in the distance. Getting up on shaky legs, she gathered her clothes and dressed. Going to the front door, she grabbed her heavy jacket and yanked on the handle. The cold air hit her warm face like a bucket of ice water. She sniffled slightly and then shook her head. He may have the snowmobile but there was no way she was going to stay here and wait for him. Even if she had to trudge through all of the snow, she'd get to the other side of the island and take the ferry back. Back to Max, Michael, Isabel, and Maria.

She stepped across the threshold and instantly knew that something was wrong but her momentum carried her forward. She smacked against an invisible wall that knocked her off her feet and back into the cabin. Standing, she reached forward and felt the energy field pulsing beneath her fingertips.

Stepping back, she lifted her hand and threw an energy blast at it and had to immediately duck as the blast ricocheted back into the cabin and destroyed one of the kitchen chairs. Her heart rate racing, she tried again but with the same results. This time, the entire table took the brunt of it and things went flying.

Yelling in anger, she turned to each of the widows and found the same results. Zan had put a field around the cabin, imprisoning her within. Since he was so much stronger than she, she couldn't get past it. Furious, she turned her anger against a wall and blasted it until it was scorched and smoking.

Collapsing, she fell in a heap in the middle of the floor.

She was a prisoner.

She was Zan's prisoner.

Eventually, he would have to come back.

Eventually, she would have to face him.

She began to cry.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 12:32 am
by AweInspired
<b>CHAPTER 16</b>


She rolled over at the sound and buried her nose in the pillow.

"Maria." The call came a bit more insistently this time.

She groaned and waved her arm sleepily. "Leave me be. I gotta sleep."

"Maria, wake up."

Groaning louder, she flipped over on her back. "Ugh, this better be good, Isabel."

"Ria, it's Liz. Open your eyes."

Her eyes flew open then and sitting on the edge of the bed was Liz.

"Liz! Oh, my God!" She sat up quickly and dove forward to give her best friend a hug. Liz leaned into her just as forcefully, crushing her friend tightly to her. A few moments passed when Maria slowly released her.

"I don't understand. How did you get here? Oh, my God! Does Max know?" The words came out in the typical Maria rush and Liz smiled at the familiarity of her good friend. She held up her hand to slow Maria down and then reached for her fingers. Grasping them tightly, Liz felt calmer than she had in the last few hours.

"I'm not really here, Ria. I'm projecting myself from where Zan and I are staying."

"Oh." Maria's eyebrows crinkled and her lips formed a small frown. "That must be what Max talks about when you 'visit' him."

Liz sighed at Max's name and quietly agreed. Max. He was the next one she had to visit but she just had to get her equilibrium back first and so she had decided to visit her best friend because that's what best friends were for.

"Maria, I have so much to tell you and I don't really know where to begin." Liz looked down where she was grasping Maria's hand and realized that her knuckles had turned white. She slowly released the tension but refused to give up contact.

Maria frowned again, this time more deeply. Liz knew that she could read her like a book and the comfort and safety that came from that broke down her self control again. She threw herself forward and hugged Maria again and sobbed quietly. Maria rocked her gently and murmured small, encouraging sounds until Liz felt strong enough again to sit back and wipe her eyes furiously.

"Boy trouble."

Liz looked up through blurred eyes to see the serious expression on Maria's face. "Huh?"

"This must be about Max and Zan. Every time you visit Max he tells us you are safe and doing well. But Max hides his emotions badly and after that one summer, I've learned to see the 'all is not well with Liz and I' look on him."

Liz looked wonderingly at her while her mouth opened and closed silently.

Maria shook her head. "First things first. Are you healthy?"

Liz nodded.

"And your powers? All is well there?"

Liz nodded again.

"And Zan? Has he hurt you?"

Liz hesitated before shaking her head and looking down to her fingers clenching the bedspread.

"I assume we're on borrowed time here, right?" Liz nodded and opened her mouth to say something but Maria interrupted. "No, we don't have a lot of time and I know you. If we had to go through the regular routine of me trying to dig information out of you, then we'll never get through it." Maria pulled her legs up and sat Indian style straightening her posture. She suddenly seemed very professional and efficient. "I'm going to take a wild stab here and say that you are confused between Max and Zan."

Liz's mouth slowly hung open and felt that she could only nod dumbly.

"Right. You love Max. Max hurt you beyond belief. By the way, he caught us up on the sex but no baby thing. Still can't believe he could have been so irresponsible and-" She caught the look in Liz's eye and rushed on. "But that's in the past and we need to deal with the present. So, you're hurt, Max is feeling bad, you still love him and suddenly, you've got a rebel Max at your fingertips and he's got you all tied up in knots."

Again, the dumb nod.

"You're worried about how to repair things with Max while trying to juggle superhuman powers and a dark, spiky haired sex pistol all at the same time?"

Dumb nod.

"Not to mention that the hounds of hell are stalking us and are threatening our very existence. Is that a pretty good overview?"


"OK. As you can see, I've had a lot of time on my hands to contemplate this very issue."

Liz finally managed to stutter. "How'd you guess about Zan?"

"Honey. You and Max are on the rocks. Zan is Max's dupe but with a touch of the wild side. You're alone and isolated in that cabin of yours - yes - Max told us about that, also." Maria paused and winked. "I just put myself in your shoes and along came the answer."

Liz could only stare.

"But the big question is how to solve it. And this is where I need some participation from you because I don't got a clue," Maria finished unhappily.

Despite the topic, Liz smiled at her energetic friend. Life just became easier when sharing it with your best buddy.

Maria smiled back but then became serious. "Do you like this guy?"

Liz sobered also and answered truthfully. "There are times when I am really attracted to him. There are times when I want to wring his neck. And there are times when he scares me."

"Liz! Has he hurt you?" Maria asked quickly.

Liz stared intently at her for a moment debating how much detail she wanted to give her friend. Deciding there just wasn't enough time, she replied, "Not really. But there is a really violent streak in him and he has shown moments of it to me. Also, he's kind of rough when, well, you know." Liz knew she ended lamely and by the look on Maria's face, knew she had to explain further. "He <i>plays</i> rough," she said intently. Maria looked puzzled for a moment and then a knowing look came across her face.

"Of course, I demand details-" and then at a look from Liz added quickly, "but I will waive my usual requirement until a better time and place."

Liz sighed unhappily.

"Liz, 'cause you're my friend and all, I have to ask this of you." Liz looked up at her expectantly. "Are you using him to get back at Max?"

Liz didn't even have to think on that one. "I don't know, Ria. I just don't know. There are times when I really feel something but there are others when I wonder 'What the hell am I doing?'"

"You should probably talk to both Max and Zan about it." Liz was already shaking her head quickly.

"I'm just not ready to do that yet. Besides, Zan isn't even here. He threw a tantrum, locked me in the cabin and ran away. I can't go anywhere. I've been sitting here for four hours and have no clue where he has gone. It's embarrassing but I can't even get to the bathroom!"

Maria watched as an angry flush rose on Liz's cheeks. She looked down and noticed sparks of energy leaping between Liz's fingers and held her breath. Liz noticed and looked down. Instantly, the sparks disappeared and Liz looked up guiltily. "I'm sorry. Sometimes I forget."

"Um, no problem. I just gotta get used to it is all."

Liz looked at Maria and said, "I just don't know what to do. I love Max. I can say that with a free heart and mean it with everything I have. But I hurt too. He hurt me. And Zan, he has just sparked something internally that I probably could have ignored under other circumstances. But now…" she trailed off sadly.

"Liz, I haven't been where you are but nobody would judge you if you wanted to explore this…" She groped for the right word. "…thing you have with Zan. I don't believe in revenge sex but if you need it for yourself before you can move on with Max, then you have to decide that on your own. You can't worry about how Max will feel about it. This is about you and dealing with the pain and frustration inside of you."

Liz looked at her thoughtfully for a moment and then brushed a strand of hair away from her face. "OK. You're right." She leaned forward and gave Maria a tight hug again. "Thanks again. What would I do without you?"

"Well, so many things pop into my mind…" They laughed together and then chatted about what was going on with Michael, Isabel, and Max before Liz felt her control draining away. On the spur of the moment, Liz quickly explained to Maria where Zan's cabin was located and got a solemn oath from her not to tell Max unless the situation became extreme. With a heartfelt goodbye, Liz told her to be safe and then broke the connection.

Back in the empty cabin, Liz took a deep breath and felt energized. She still wasn't sure what she was going to do but the way seemed brighter and held more options.


Zan parked the snowmobile behind the cabin and slowly took off of his helmet. He shook his head furiously, as much as to loosen his matted down hair as to clear his thoughts. He'd spent ten hours away from the cabin, alternately riding the snowmobile and hiking and now it was dark. The exercise had helped to clear his head a little.

He felt so tired. Physically but also mentally. Trying to maintain tight control of the situation took so much energy and after this morning, it hit him like a Mack truck. He'd lost it this morning when he heard her murmur his name - no, not his name but the man he hated most. If he had been playing his cards right, he should have let it roll of his shoulders and ignore it. But the rage had surged through him and he hadn't been able to control his reaction. Jealousy was unfamiliar to him except when it came to Max Evans.

Max. The man who had all of the power of kingship. The man who got the easy end of the stick. The man who had a family and friends he could trust. The man in love with the girl inside.

Zan had hated Max Evans from the day he discovered he existed because he had what Zan secretly always wanted. A life.

The silent admission burned like a hot, burning stone in the bottom of his stomach. It sat there and caused his stomach to clench slightly, doubling him over the front of the snowmobile. He latched onto the handlebars tightly and grimaced. Zan hated weakness in himself and Max Evans was his weakest point.

Because of Max Evans, Liz Parker was now a part of his life. And he had hurt her physically today because he had lost his cool. He'd never done that with any woman. He didn't want to face what that meant. It made him feel even lower.

Throwing his head back, he roared at the stars. "Fuck you!" he screamed, the sound of his yell muffled by the recent heavy snowfall. Closing his eyes tight, he hung his head and whispered "Fuck you. I ain't doin' it."

For once, he doubted whether he had the strength to continue the plan.


Liz heard the scream and stood to face the door. She hadn't been able to hear the words but they sounded like they were shouted in anger and not fear. Her heart racing, she waited but heard nothing else. The roar of the snowmobile had alerted her to Zan's return but the scream created images of him being attacked by Lonnie in her mind. Not sure if the continuing silence was a good thing or not, she heard the stamp of feet at the door and then it slowly swung open. Zan stood in the dark, apparently alone and unhurt but hesitating at the entrance.

The shadows hid his face so she couldn't see his expression. It didn't really matter to her actually. She had decided hours ago how she was going to handle the out-of-control situation and his current state of mind wouldn't affect the words she would have with him.

That was until she heard him murmur an apology. His voice was so low she almost missed it but it was definitely there. He slowly walked forward into the light and the expression on his face caused her stomach to tighten. Hard lines of strain prominently glowed in the lamplight. His eyes were lackluster, devoid of their usual cunning mirth. His shoulders were slumped and he stood awkwardly, putting most of his weight on one leg. His arms hung limply at his sides.

She had never seen him like this before. Defeated. It was the last thing she had expected. Anger, snide remarks, hurtful goads, yes. Not this.

She shivered slightly and he turned slowly and closed the door behind him. The sound of the door hitting the jam seemed to reverberate around the cabin. Zan then turned and faced her again. He looked straight at her and did nothing to hide the pain on his face.

Liz immediately thought something had happened to him. Maybe he hurt himself while he was gone or… She inhaled sharply. Max! Something happened to Max.

"No, baby. Nothin' like that." His voice was low and strained. He continued to stand in front of her. Liz frowned. What was going on?

He took a small step toward her. She backed up a half step, unsure. His mood confused her and she didn't know how to react.

A pained grimace stole across his lips. He looked at the floor for the first time and then, to her surprise, sunk slowly to his knees. Concerned, she unconsciously stepped forward before catching herself.

"Ya got a right to be wary, baby. When it all comes down, you don't wanna be 'round me."

Speaking for the first time, Liz asked quietly. "What do you mean?"

Zan raised his head and peered at her with an agonized look on his face. "I ain't nothin' but trouble."

"That's true," Liz agreed hesitatingly. What was going on? What had happened out there that had broken him so?

He kneeled there silently. She took another small step forward. "Zan, what happened?"

"Huh?" He looked at her dumbly.

"What's wrong?"

He shook his head slowly and looked at the floor again. He sighed and said, "Nothin'."

She took another step. Zan knelt right before her now and she looked down on his spiky hair. His coat had fallen back on his shoulders, bringing the shirt down with it and she noticed the small freckles that peppered his shoulders.

She frowned and then asked cautiously. "Did you do something bad while you were gone?"

Shaking his head from side, he looked into her eyes again. The agonized look was gone and all she saw was pure misery. "I'm sorry 'bout this mornin'. I handled it badly. I hurt you."

Liz fought the impulse to tell him no because letting him off the hook was wrong. She couldn't ignore that it had happened and besides, they were adults now. They all had to be accountable for their own actions. So, instead, she simply nodded.

Her eyes widened when she saw the water that suddenly glistened in his somber brown eyes. Where was the hard, cocky man that left this morning? The one that had left her locked up all day long, fuming? Before her sat a dejected man grasping for a lifeline.

There really was only one thing that she could do and knew how to do well. She closed the space between them and laid her hand on his head. He seemed almost boyish as she looked down on his haggard face yet the warmth that came from his body was decidedly manly. She cupped the back of his head and gently pulled him to her. He placed his cheek against the material of her shirt covering her stomach and then wrapped his long arms around her. He gripped her fiercely and held on while she gently stroked the top of his head and rubbed the back of his neck.

Just like Max, Zan seemed capable of turning her emotions upside down like a ship in a stormy sea. One moment riding the crest of a wave. The next, plunging down the other side.

It seemed that even Zan needed a hug. Wonders would never cease.


Zan clung to her for several minutes before his grasp slowly began to loosen. She didn't know quite what Zan was looking to her for, whether it was just comfort or something else. Since she didn't know what was causing him to act this way, she didn't know how to help him solve his dilemma. So she decided to just follow his lead.

He pulled back slowly. She slowly knelt until she looked him in the eye. She cupped his face with her hands and asked quietly, "How can I help?" Two days' worth of whiskers scratched slightly under her fingertips.

A flash of emotion appeared before the defeated look returned quickly. "Why do ya wanna help? After what I did…"

She shook her head and quickly interrupted. "I forgive you so let's move on. Is that what is bothering you? This morning?"

She watched him closely and saw him hesitate. When he just nodded, she knew he was lying. There was something else that was bothering Zan but she allowed the moment to pass without confronting him. Another time perhaps but he was in no shape for verbal bantering.

Liz let her hands fall to his shoulders where she gripped him slightly. It was then that she noticed that he was wet and shivering slightly under her touch. Her mouth opened to ask why he was soaking wet but again decided to let it pass. The 'why' didn't matter right now.

"OK, Zan," she said quietly but firmly. "I don't know what is going on but for right now that's fine. However, we need to get you out of these wet clothes." Zan's blank expression stared back at her. He made no move.

So she proceeded to take off his wet jacket and t-shirt underneath. He did nothing to help her except lift his arms when she lifted the shirt over his head. Liz moved quickly and methodically. The clothes lay in a heap next to them. She forced Zan to get to his feet where she quickly unbuttoned his jeans and with some difficulty since they were wet, managed to get them off his hips in a pool around his ankles. He mechanically stepped out of them until he was standing before her in his jockey shorts.

Not allowing herself to feel the moment, she steered him to the bed talking to him as she led him by the hand. "I don't know how to dry or warm you with my powers. Not safely anyway, on a human… ugh, alien… umm, hybrid…" She fumbled uncertainly until she saw a small twitch at the corner of Zan's mouth. "…So we need to do this the old fashioned way." Zan sat on the bed and she wrapped the quilt around his shoulders until he lay quietly down. She bundled up his feet. "I'm going to run the tub and get you in some hot water. That will be the best way to get you warm." She left him and began running the water. Then she turned back.

"Now I'm going to do the one thing that I have been dying to do all day."

Zan managed to slightly raise an eyebrow in response.

"I'm going to the outhouse." With a quick smile, she ran to the door and without putting on a jacket, raced out into the night.


When she returned the water was just past the halfway mark. Trying to keep the mood a bit lighter, she chatted with the silent Zan. "I'm going try and warm the water the way you showed me. I think it safer to practice on the water than on you. The most that could happen is that I could create a small tidal wave." She swirled her glowing hand smoothly through the water as she talked. She didn't know if it was working or not or even if Zan was listening. When she had returned, his eyes had been closed but she could see that he still visibly shivered under the quilt.

"I visited Maria today. It had been too long since I had last talked to her." Avoiding the real reason why she saw Maria this afternoon, she related some of the small chitchat they had been able to exchange in the short amount of time. "She says that you told Max about Lonnie getting closer. They have fortified the cabins pretty well it seems. Now they are all experiencing cabin fever. She says that when Jesse returned to Roswell, Kyle has been spending a lot of time with him in order to keep a watch out. Apparently, they haven't seen anything. Well, that is Kyle hasn't seen anything. Jesse is still clueless." She felt a stab of satisfaction as she tested the water with her other hand. It was definitely getting warmer. Deciding to take a risk, she increased the power flowing into the water to see if she could heat it up any quicker.

"Michael and Maria seem to be still bickering. But that doesn't mean anything. When they were together at their happiest they bickered. When they're apart and feeling the worst, they still bicker. So that's no measurement." Liz knew that she was rambling but it felt kind of good to hear her voice in the quiet of the room. Zan hadn't even twitched on the bed but she felt that he was listening. Checking again, she nodded satisfactorily. The temperature was almost right. Just another minute or so.

"Isabel. Well, Isabel is keeping the tension down among the whole group. That has always seemed to fall on her shoulders - to act as mediator. I think that Max and Michael just about fell over when she told them about Jesse at the end of last summer. I mean, it was so out of character for her to get that involved with anyone. And she hid the relationship so well."

Grunting happily, she stopped swirling through the water. The heat actually felt good. She, herself, had begun shivering uncontrollably due to her rendezvous with the ice cold outhouse.

<i>What about Max? </i>

The thought seemed to have slid stealthily into her head unawares. Her first reaction was to close the connection but she relaxed and allowed herself to open up even more.

<i>I didn't talk to him today.</i>

Silence from the bed.

Liz rose and walked over to Zan. She reached down and touched his shoulder. "Zan, the water is ready." He slowly rose to a sitting position and shrugged the quilt off his shoulders. Crossing his arms in front of him, he gripped each shoulder as his teeth clattered together.

She led him to the tub and made sure that he carefully slid beneath the water. He sunk down until his mouth hovered below the water line. Hesitating, she turned around to put out the kerosene lights lit all around the room.

<i>Sit with me.</i> She paused but didn't turn around. <i>Please. </i>

"What about the lights?"

<i>You got powers. </i>

She almost laughed. Her powers still felt alien to her and they were not the first thing she thought of when attempting to complete a task. She looked around her and then slowly raised her hand. One by one, each of the lights winked out. The fire in the fireplace burned brightly, providing enough illumination in the room to see clearly. She pulled up a stool and sat next to the tub facing Zan.

His eyes were still closed and he still remained almost completely submerged. It felt odd that he was communicating to her while his mouth remained below the water.

She decided that if it made him more comfortable, then she would follow his lead.

<i>Why didn't you just warm yourself? </i>

A few moments passed. <i>Sometimes, I just wanna feel human. </i>

She nodded and then realized that he couldn't see it behind his closed eyelids.
<i>I understand. </i>

She heard him mentally sigh. <i>Yeah, I guess ya do. </i>

She felt at a loss for words and shivered despite herself. The cold from the jaunt outside still hadn't left her bones. Zan seemed preoccupied and remained silent. Small ripples ran across the surface of the water as his body shook uncontrollably.

<i>Zan, about Lonnie…</i>

<i>Please. No alien shit right now. Not tonight. </i>

Taken slightly aback, she nodded again.

<i>Sorry, Liz. I didn't mean it that way. </i>

He opened his eyes when he thought this to her but still remained submerged. His use of her name was such a rarity that it struck a chord. It almost seemed an endearment. She decided that a lot of Zan's boundaries and walls were down tonight.

<i>It's OK. </i>

She watched as his eyes slowly closed shut and then she looked away. Zan's mood almost frightened her and again, felt at a loss at how to react.

<i>Why haven't you talked to Max? </i>

She jumped at the one. Even though they were communicating with just their minds, emotion and meaning could still be conveyed. In fact, she felt that more meaning could be passed on than just by the tone of someone's voice and body language. It was almost as if one's emotion could be passed with the thought so that the receiving person felt the same thing.

Zan, however, had cloaked this last question. She felt torn on how to answer. On one hand, she was completely confused herself at why she was avoiding her talk with Max. She knew some of the reasons: guilt, sadness, fear. On the other hand, she didn't know if she wanted to express this with Zan after his reaction this morning. Wouldn't it just set him off to talk about Max? Was he goading her into a fight?

She decided that honesty was the best method; if Zan couldn't handle her answer, then he shouldn't be asking the question.

<i>I'm uncertain of what to say to him. </i>

Silence. Still not looking at Zan, she thoughtfully continued. <i>I love Max, Zan. I have loved him for a very long time. </i>

Liz paused for a moment. <i>I have never been in this situation before. I have always loved Max. I lied to him before in order to get him to do something he normally wouldn't have. I had… I had to push him in a direction he didn't want to go but it was one he… I mean, I knew was best for him. </i>

<i>Future Max. </i>

She snapped her head and stared at him openly but he hadn't opened his eyes. He remained motionless.

<i>How?- </i>

<i>Remember, I spied on everyone in Roswell 'n plus you were projectin' a lot of yer thoughts to me in the beginnin'. </i> Zan paused and then continued vaguely. <i>That's how I knew 'bout yer experience with him. </i>

Liz frowned. The manner in which Zan had projected that thought seemed layered. He was definitely holding something back from her but she didn't know what.

<i>So you know the whole story? </i>

<i>Yeah. </i>

Haltingly, she continued. <i>Then you know what lengths I will go to keep him safe. But other than that one time, I have never lied to him. </i>

<i>So ya don't wanna talk to him now 'cause yer scairt of tellin' him a lie. </i> It was a statement and not a question.

Liz nodded thoughtfully and then realized what she was doing. <i>Yeah. </i>

She shivered again and clutched her arms around her torso. <i>Zan, look at me. </i> His eyes slowly opened. She noticed vaguely that his shaking had slowed. <i>I am having a hard time with Max because of two reasons. One, he slept with Tess and we are trying to find a way through that mess. Two, because of you. </i> His gaze remained steady on her. <i>I know this doesn't mean much to you but I have had limited experience and I just don't share myself with anyone. What happened yesterday meant something to me. What, exactly, I don't know. But I do know that I enjoyed it even though it scared me at the same time. But how do I go back to Max now and continue trying to build up a trusting relationship when essentially I have betrayed him in the same manner as he did me? And, the flip side to this is you. Perhaps I was using you. I just don't know. I know that from here on out, I want things to happen because it's natural and that neither one of us is trying to goad the other on and push their limits. </i> She took a deep breath and then held it. It was out there now. Zan's eyes had never wavered during her talk and she had to admit that it unnerved her. Going on the recent past, he could react violently either way.

As she shivered again, Zan slowly sat up in the water until it came up only to the middle of his chest. His tattoos gleamed in the firelight. She noticed that the nipple rings were missing tonight.

He leaned forward and gently grasped her bicep. For the first time that night, he smiled gently and she felt heat radiating through her body. She sighed with the warmth of it and smiled back.

<i>Thanks. </i>

<i>Anytime. </i>

He let go slowly, allowing his finger to trail gently down the length of her arm. Then he stood up in the tub and stepped out. With a wave of his hand, he dried himself completely. Then he reached for her hand. As he led her to the bed, she waved her hand down the length of her body and suddenly, instead of jeans and a sweatshirt, she was wearing one of Zan's ragged t-shirts that hung to the middle of her thighs.

When Zan pulled down the covers of the bed and turned to her, his eyes lit up at the sight of her. He pulled her gently to him and held her tight against his body. He buried his nose in her hair and sighed deeply.

<i>Baby. </i> She gently squeezed him in return and then they crawled into bed. She lay on her back while Zan rested his head on his hand and gazed down at her.

<i>How are you now, Zan? </i>she asked sincerely.

<i>Better, sweets, better. </i> She could feel the change in him. Though he remained subdued, he didn't seem nearly as despondent as he had appeared earlier.

His head slowly sank towards her and she closed her eyes moments before his lips found hers. The kiss was more of a caress than anything else and she sighed against his lips. He deepened it slightly allowing her to feel his want and need. Then he slowly pulled back, again tracing feather light kisses along her lips, cheeks and forehead. Pressing his cheek against hers, he thought to her, <i>Thank you, baby.</i> The thought pervaded her mind along with powerful waves of contentment, happiness, and passion. It felt as if a sudden wave of warm water sluiced through her body and she could only sigh in response.

Then Zan laid his head on the pillow and spooned her against his body. He laid small kisses behind her ear, on the top of her hand, and gently rubbed her arms until he finally wrapped one arm around her.

They fell asleep like that while the fire died slowly down.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 12:34 am
by AweInspired
<b>CHAPTER 17</b>

Maria exited the room where Max stayed through the connecting door and merely waved away both Isabel's and Michael's questioning looks. She knew they were curious about why she had secluded Max away for the last hour but she wasn't ready to relate what they had talked about. Though she was still angry over Max's infidelity with Tess, she still considered him a good friend and Liz loved him. That alone had been the driving factor to her decision to talk to him.

After Liz left her, Maria had sat on her bed for a long while contemplating the difficult situation that Liz found herself in. As hard as she tried, she really couldn't find an easy solution to Liz's problem. It really came down to Liz and the journey she took to truly forgiving Max. Maria had chuckled to herself when she thought of Liz and Zan. What an odd pairing. There couldn't be two people who were complete opposites, at least in lifestyle. Maria didn't know him personally but what little Liz had shared of him, it seemed that his personality matched his rough image. Well, she had thought to herself, as the saying goes…

Maria swept through the room under the penetrating looks from Michael and Isabel and walked into the third room. She flopped herself on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Both her and Isabel shared this last cabin while the two men had their own. She smiled as she remembered when she had protested the arrangement, but Michael had put his foot down. He reasoned that she was the only one without alien powers and unless she wanted to stay in the same room with him or Max, she had to stay with Isabel so that she could be protected.

The arrangement hadn't turned out to be that bad. Isabel was a good roommate. Much more easy going in the intimate living space than Maria would have given her credit for. They had even talked briefly about men though Maria didn't feel one hundred percent comfortable sharing all of her feelings. Those were only for Liz and Maria had felt the loss of her best friend greatly over the last few days. She knew that Liz was in a dangerous and confusing situation right now but Maria had also been through a lot herself. First, almost getting blasted by a Skin and having to go on the lam. Then going through the emotionally and physically draining period of looking for Liz. It didn't help to be in the same cabin space over the last few days with a moody Max and an increasingly volatile Michael. To top it off, they were sitting ducks waiting for a small army of their enemy to hunt them down and attack them. Maria sighed loudly. Life had never been simple since the aliens had come into their lives.

Of course, it didn't help to be cooped up with Michael. Their relationship was strained to the say the least. Maria had tried so hard to put him behind her yet it seemed that fate would not let it happen. It wasn't that she didn't care for him. 'Well, rather <i>love</i> him', Maria silently corrected herself. She had just been craving a normal teenage life and Michael would never be able to give her that.

She mentally book shelved that thought. There were too many confusing emotions to sort through and she just wasn't ready to deal with them yet. Her mind wandered to the last hour and she smiled slightly.

After Liz's visit, Maria had come to the decision to talk to Max and get a feel for what was going on with him. He had closed himself off from everyone since they had arrived and so obviously hadn't talked to a single soul about what must be tearing his heart apart. So, in her typical brashness, as soon as Max had returned with Michael from getting some last minute supplies, she had ushered him into his cabin and shut the door. She smiled again as she rehashed the scene.

"We're back," Michael called gruffly as he stepped through the front door of the middle cabin. Max followed right on his heels, both men reeling slightly from the amount of bags they both held. Michael stumbled to the closest table, set his load down and then turned and relieved Max of his. Isabel walked into the room and began rummaging through the bags with Michael as she took inventory.

Maria stood in the back of the cabin with her arms crossed in front of her and peered intently at Max. She thought that he was doing a fairly good job of covering his feelings. He bantered lightly with Isabel and Michael and then began a serious talk of their readiness for the upcoming confrontation. He grilled both of them, just like he had in days past, making sure that everyone knew their roles. After he had finished, he'd leaned against the wall and stared down at the floor. Either his shoes were really interesting or Max Evans was having deep thoughts. Maria had also glimpsed the dark circles under his eyes and knew that he wasn't sleeping well. Grunting, she went into action. She stalked over to him and grabbed his arm.

Max's head snapped up and at first, looked confusingly at Maria before looking to Michael and Isabel with a beseeching look as she dragged him through the room and into his cabin. Some king, she thought to herself. When in trouble with a girl, he simply looked confused and asked for help from his playmates. She would have laughed out loud but suppressed it out of the serious purpose of her mission.

She turned after closing the door behind her and pinned Max with a penetrating look. Looking confused but obviously not wanting to play into her hands, he simply raised an eyebrow at her and crossed his arms.

'Hmmm,' she thought to herself. 'Perhaps Max didn't need help after all.' She decided to get right to the point.

"OK, girlfriend. Spill."

"About what?" Max continued his defensive posture.

"About what?" Maria exclaimed. She threw her hands up in the air. "How about how this whole Liz thing is ripping your heart out?"

Max looked down and rolled his head side to side. "Listen, Maria. Isabel has already…"

Maria cut off quickly. "Well, I'm not Isabel and I don't give up that easily."

"I really don't want to…"

"Yes, you do. You're just trying to take the whole world on your shoulders like you always do." Her tone softened a bit. "Max, everyone needs to dump sometimes. Even kings."

Max looked up quickly and then proceeded to rake his hair with his fingers in a nervous gesture. "This is between me and Liz and…"

"Would it help if I told you Liz came to visit me this morning?"

Max's eyes widened slightly and his hand froze mid pass.

Maria calmly sat down in the dilapidated easy chair and wrinkled her nose. Most of the furniture in all three cabins smelled slightly of mildew. Slowly folding her legs underneath she watched with satisfaction as Max sat down on the edge of the bed.

"What did she say?" he asked softly.

Maria frowned slightly. "I'm not going to divulge the secrets of my best friend's heart. However, now that I have a handle on what's going on, I want to try and help you."

He sighed and then fell back on the couch. "Help? How can you help?"

"Why don't you start by telling me what you feel about all of this that is going on?"

After a moment, still staring at the water stained ceiling, Max answered. "Confused."

When she noticed that he wasn't going to continue, Maria prodded impatiently. "And?"

"I'm confused about everything. Each time that Liz visits me, she pulls back more and more. I try to tell her how much I care about her and how sorry I am about the whole…" He paused and then gestured absently. "Tess thing. But I don't think that it is helping at all. I think that she knows all of it and it doesn't matter."

"Of course it matters. If you didn't admit to her that you had acted like a dog then you two wouldn't have even gotten this far." Max's head rose from the bed and he stared at her.

Maria waived her hand loftily in the air. "Well, it was a dog thing to do."

"I thought you wanted to help?"

"I am helping."

Letting his head hit the bed again, Max only grunted.

"Anyway, it's this road block that we can't get by and now with her powers and Zan…" Max trailed off. Maria noted this immediately. Obviously, he didn't want to talk about Zan.

Well, usually when someone avoided a topic, that tended to be a major part of the problem so she decided to tackle it head on.

"Right. Zan. Let's talk about him."

Max sat upright warily and stared straight at her. Maria shifted slightly. Sometimes Max's intense looks could really get under her skin. It was hard to keep your cool when someone looked you steadily in the eye.

"What part of Zan do you want to talk about?" he asked carefully, all the while maintaining his gaze.

"Well, how about the part where you're jealous and unsure about Liz's feelings for him."

Max's head fell into his hands as he slowly shook it back and forth. "I knew it. I knew it." He kept repeating it over and over until she broke in.

"Knew what, ole wise one?"

He looked up at her with a stricken face. "She's with him."

"Of course she's with him. He has her secluded away - you know that."

"No, Maria. I mean she's <i>with</i> him. You just confirmed it."

Alarmed, Maria sat straight up in the chair. "I did what? I didn't confirm anything."

"Obviously, Liz has talked to you about him. You know that Zan's been a source of tension between us. I didn't tell you so you must have heard about it from Liz." Max threw his hands up in the air. "If Liz is talking about it, then it has to be something serious."

Confused about this sudden turn, Maria tried to break in. "No, Max. You don't…" He ignored her and shot up from the bed and began pacing the room. She thought he would go bald by the way he kept violently running his hands through his hair. He pushed through her interruptions and continued to mutter to himself.

"I've lost her. I knew it. There was no way that she would every forgive me. I ruined it - everything."

Maria finally shouted out, "Max!" He stopped pacing and looked at her. "You stupid fool. You haven't lost anything."

"I haven't?"

"No, you idiot. From now on, don't jump to conclusions or otherwise I will be in some serious trouble."

"You're serious? I haven't lost her?" He looked at her doubtfully.

"No, and must I repeat, idiot."

"Then Zan isn't a threat?"

Maria swallowed convulsively. How was she to handle this? The only thing she could think of to do was to face it head on. The truth might hurt but Max couldn't make decisions on lies.

"I wouldn't go that far." She watched as his face fell again.

Beginning to get angry, she stood up and squared off from him. "Listen, you big oaf. You love Liz. Liz loves you. You did a terrible thing to her. She has to deal. But you moping around this cabin and saying 'I'm sorry' like a broken record isn't going to get her back. You have to prove it to her." Max stiffened through her speech and by the end, was standing with his legs spread apart and his arms crossed. 'Good,' she thought to herself. 'He's getting angry. Maybe it will spur him to action.'

She watched the shifting emotions in his eyes and waited expectantly to see how he would react. By his pursed lips, she knew he was barely keeping a lid on his suppressed anger. "<i>How</i> can I prove it to her anymore than I already have?" She could tell how difficult it was for him to ask politely.

"Max, no woman wants a wimp and no woman wants a stone statue. You won her heart the first time by saving her life. You risked everything for her. In return, she has risked everything for you. You have to start risking again. You have to risk your heart."

The silence stretched for a few moments before he answered. "How?"

"By giving her space but by letting her know in no uncertain terms that you are not willing to give up until she says so. You have to protect her and be her champion without running over her." She paused. "Max, you've let Liz set the pace so far. You've done that because of the guilt you feel. But, honey, there has to be a time when you forgive yourself otherwise Liz will never forgive you. Do you think that she will want to be with a person who constantly berates themselves over their past mistakes?" Maria arched her eyebrows at him. She had his full attention now.

Max shook his head slowly.

"Then do it."

"How? How do I be her champion? We are stuck here waiting for a small army of aliens to attack us any day. She's safer where she is. She's safer with Zan."

"I don't know, Max. But somehow you will figure out a way. Why don't you start by visiting her tonight? She always comes to see you - why don't you make the first move?"

Max hesitated. "Liz has taught me how to do it. I didn't before because I couldn't picture where they were. Now I can but I'm afraid to…"

Maria nodded sympathetically. "I know. You're afraid that you might see something you don't want to."

He only nodded in response.

"Well, you're going to have to have a strong stomach. And Max, whatever you do, don't try to get between her and Zan. One thing a girl hates is for men to fight over her like she is a piece of meat. Be strong like Brad Pitt strong - not prehistoric caveman strong." She got a wry grin out of him for that.

Putting her hands on her hips, she smiled brightly. "Well, I think that I have done my duty."

Max smiled for real this time. "Duty?"

"You know, best friend saves best friend and best friend's boyfriend relationship duty."

"Ah, yes. I see now."

Maria gave Max a hug and then tweaked his nose. "Just so you know, I'm rooting for you on this one."

"Thanks, Maria."

"No problem." She smirked over her shoulder as she opened the door and left the room.


Maria smiled to herself lying on the bed. She had to admit that she'd done a pretty good job. Liz would be proud of her. Of course, she would be proud when this whole thing was over and done with. Maria somehow suspected that Liz wouldn't be too happy that she had been interfering. Well, sometimes that was a friend's job.

Suddenly, the door flung open to her cabin. Max stood in the opening breathing heavily.


Maria looked at him with a confused expression.

"If I had to picture the cabin to visit it, then that would be the same for everybody else."

"Yeah, and?"

"If I had to picture it, then so did Lonnie. She knows exactly where Liz is."

Horrified, Maria looked at Max and therefore Michael and Isabel peering over his shoulder.

"We're decoys. She and Tess are going after Liz."


"Damn him!" Max swore as he swung his fist through the dividing wall. The decaying plaster gave way easily.

Concerned, Isabel tried putting her hand on his shoulder to get his attention. He merely shrugged her off and paced to the other side of the cabin.

Maria was frowning and Michael looked confused.

"That bastard. He's known this whole time that she was coming after him."

"How do we know that for sure, Max?" Isabel asked. "I mean, I can't believe he'd take her to a cabin in the middle of nowhere by himself if he meant to take on an army."

"Yeah, and he's been helping Liz with her powers. Why would he go to the trouble if he was just using her as bait?" Michael offered.

"I don't know. Maybe the bastard is just bored and is passing the time. Or maybe what he has said is true. Maybe Liz's powers were going to kill her and dead bait's worthless." Everyone, including Max, cringed when the words left his mouth.

"But, Max. Liz had never been here before and she was able to visit you. The same could be true for Lonnie." Maria was trying to keep a cool head which was difficult since their leader had gone ballistic.

Max stopped pacing and glared at the floor in thought. "Liz and I have a connection that came when I healed her. I doubt Zan and Lonnie have that same connection."

"But they could. Which means that maybe she doesn't know where they are," Michael stated.

"And what if we're wrong? What if they are targeting Liz? I mean, why would Zan secret Liz away somewhere? Why couldn't we all be together and he still teach her what she needs to know? And don't forget the Skins that attacked us - they said they were going after the women."

"I don't know, Max." Isabel stood dejectedly, unsure about how to react.

"Can we even take the chance? What if I'm right? Would it hurt to find where Liz and Zan are and go to them? I mean, whether Lonnie and Tess attack here or there, it really doesn't matter."

"But if they are really after you, then you would be bringing the fight right to Liz's lap." Maria was trying to reason out the truth inside her head.

"I feel better doing that than leaving her alone with <i>him</i>," Max answered pointedly.

"Max, don't let jealously drive this decision."

Max glared hotly at Maria but she returned his gaze with the same intensity. Liz was her best friend and there was no way that she'd let Max jeopardize her safety if he was thinking with his caveman genes. Well, caveman/alien genes, that is.

"Listen, I can't risk it. I'll visit Liz tonight and find out the location of the cabin. She'll have to tell me when I lay it out to her."

"And then what, Max?" Michael put one hand on his hip and pinched the bridge of his nose with the other. "Go gallivanting over there by yourself so that you leave only Isabel and me to defend Maria against twenty aliens?" He noticed Maria's glare at the defense comment. He glared back at her, though. This was no time for her to get uppity about women's rights.

"No, I think you should come with me." Isabel and Michael glanced at each other with surprise. It wasn't often that Max asked for help.

"We'll be stronger as a team and I don't know what to expect from Zan. He is much stronger than me for some reason. If he decides to defend his territory and keep Liz hostage, we'll need to work together."

The four of them looked at each other and then Michael shrugged. It seemed to be the catalyst for consensus since both Maria and Isabel nodded at the same time.

"OK. I'll visit her in a couple of hours. Between now and then, we need to gather up our supplies."

Maria hesitated. She should tell Max that she knew already where they were. But looking around the room, she knew it would take a couple of hours anyway to get their things together. She decided she would let Liz tell Max - that way, she wouldn't be breaking her confidence and the results would be the same.

As she returned to her room, she heard Michael mumble something about the storm better be letting up. Maria looked outside and saw that the snow was still coming down as hard as ever. How they would ever make it in this weather, she didn't know but she did know that it wouldn't stop Max.

Well, she'd told Max to be Liz's champion.

She had to learn to keep her mouth shut in the future.


Tess sat in the back of the large moving van along with ten other people. The sky was beginning to get dark at least from what they could see through the blowing snow. Tess lay quietly in the corner, uncomfortable with all of the bouncing around. The roads were terrible in Michigan. It seemed that every ten feet there was a crack in the pavement that made the van jump violently. It even made her stomach queasy.

The storm had slowed them considerably, which had been working Lonnie up to a frenzy. That was one reason why Tess had crawled over to a corner and curled up on a thin pad. Ever since Lonnie had visited Zan, she had been like a mad woman. She kept screaming at everyone and berating the driver for going too slowly. Tess knew that Lonnie had a screw loose but the last couple of days had actually been terrifying being in her presence.

In the end, though, Tess really didn't care. As long as Lonnie fulfilled her promise, Tess didn't care if Lonnie started ripping her hair out and bleeding from the gums.

Liz Parker was going to die.

Tess smiled cruelly as she slowly drifted into a fitful sleep.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 12:38 am
by AweInspired
<b>CHAPTER 18</b>

<b>CHAPTER 18a</b>

The fear had constricted Max's chest into a tight wad forcing him to take shallow breaths. Liz was in danger – he knew it no matter how many times Michael tried to talk reason into him. The picture seemed clearer now even though he didn't fully understand some of the motives. For instance, why did Zan want to face off with Lonnie, Tess, and the shapeshifters by himself? What role did Liz play in Zan's schemes? Why did Lonnie and Tess want to kill Zan as opposed to himself and the remaining pod squad?

These thoughts whirled through his head as he gathered his things together. It had been almost an hour since he had burst into Maria's room and convinced the others that they needed to go to Liz. Michael and Isabel were collecting their gear also. For once, Maria had been uncharacteristically quiet and had gone about readying herself.

He flopped himself on the bed and glanced outside. The snow hadn't lessened one bit. The storm would work to both their advantage and disadvantage. They could travel quietly and leave no trail but their speed would be severely hampered. He didn't know yet where the physical location of the cabin was but he hoped to find out in the next hour.

His breath hitched in his chest as he thought about visiting Liz. He wouldn't know what he would be walking into once he got there and that unknown had driven him crazy for the last hour. Maria had unconsciously divulged knowledge regarding Liz and Zan and these thoughts twisted his stomach again.

What if he popped into the cabin right in the middle of something? What if Liz and Zan were kissing or even worse… No! Liz's safety came first. That had to be his main focus.

He closed his eyes and concentrated.


The cabin slowly came into focus. Dim light filtered through the frosted panes of the windows. He looked around, a bit disorientated at first and calmly tried to get his bearings.

He looked to his right and noticed that the kitchen table was in a shambles. He didn't remember seeing it like that before. There were scorch marks on the walls and instantly, fear gripped his belly. What had happened here to cause all of this damage?

The fire was low and needed fuel. It was chilly and he noticed his breath crystallize and plume out before him. It wasn't just chilly, it was downright cold.

He looked around the room again, searching for Liz. Suddenly, he felt movement behind him and Zan smiled briefly as he felt her snuggle closer to him under the covers.

<b>CHAPTER 18b</b>

Liz had felt when he had woken. She hadn't slept well due to the whirling thoughts in her head and also, because it was strange to sleep in the same bed with someone else when you weren't used to it. He hadn't stirred the entire night. She wondered if he always slept like that or if was due to last night's exhausting scene. She still didn't know what had caused Zan to break like he did and it would be one of the first questions on her agenda today.

However, it was cold in the cabin and she snuggled closer to him to take advantage of his body heat. His back was to her and she could faintly see the small moles that peppered his shoulders.

<i>Mornin'. </i>

She smiled. <i>Good afternoon, actually. </i> Their connection was still open from last night. She found herself feeling comfortable with this mode of communication that he seemed to prefer lately.

<i>You want coffee? </i>

She grinned into the pillow. This was sort of like an old married couple scene - the ones where the couple wakes up blissfully together and then goes through their usual morning routine.

<i>Sure. If you're making. </i>

<i>I'm makin'. </i>

Without another word, he slipped out from under the covers cursing as his bare skin hit the cold air. Liz frowned a bit as she noted the lack of any affection or real recognition from him. Perhaps it wasn't the perfect Hallmark moment after all.

She watched as he raised his right hand and the fire came to life with a roar. He gripped both of his arms and rubbed vigorously. The motion revealed the ragged scar on his side.

<i>How did you get that scar? </i>

He had moved into the kitchen and fixed one of the old coffee percolators before answering. His back remained turned to her.

<i>Lonnie. </i> Through the connection, Liz felt his hate pour through attached with sketchy images of a sneering Lonnie. She shivered unconsciously underneath the warm covers.

<i>How? </i>

He had wrapped one hand around the pot and Liz watched as a warm light emitted from his grip. The smell of coffee wafted to her.

<i>You wanna ruin a perfect mornin' wit shit like that? </i>

Liz set her jaw with determination. <i>Yes. </i>

She didn't think he was going to answer her and was just going to say something again when he interrupted.

<i>A'ight. I'll tell it. Just let me get my mornin' cup and let me burn one. </i> The pot began to boil and he instantly released it. He quickly grabbed two cups and filled them. Then he turned and began walking back to the bed.

Liz had buried herself underneath the covers until only her eyes peeped out. She watched Zan's body as if in slow motion as he came toward her. The fire played slightly on the muscles of his chest. His stomach tightened and small ripples played across his abdomen. The orb tattoo shimmered slightly, as the silver ink caught the light. The jockey shorts from last night, black and hugging tightly to his hips, left nothing to be desired. She felt heat envelope her body and blushed slightly at realizing it.

Zan stopped at the edge of the bed, set the two cups of coffee on the nightstand and smirked as he looked down at her. <i>Didn't realize you were the type to get nasty thoughts in the mornin'. </i>

Liz's eyes went wide and she just about shut off the connection in shame when Zan looked at her with amusement in his eyes. <i>Don't blush, sweets. It's not like you haven't gotten me overheated before. </i> An image of her laying on the table, flushed with passion, flitted across their connection. Liz ducked her head in embarrassment but then she felt his desire rush across. His want and need at the time was almost overwhelming and it crushed the breath right out of her. Her senses reeled slightly and she closed her eyes tightly to gain control over her reaction to his desire.

<i>See? Ya got nothin' to be worried 'bout 'cept…</i> and he paused dramatically. She opened one eye and peeked out at him expectantly. He gave her a lopsided grin. <i>… 'cept how cold my skin is goin' feel next to yours.</i> With that, he threw back the covers and leapt into the bed. Liz gave a small scream as the cold air hit her body and she grabbed what covers she could and wrapped herself tightly in them.

Zan chuckled. He sat upright with his back against the headboard. He reached over and grabbed a cup of coffee. <i>Don'tcha want one? </i> Liz mock pouted and said out loud, "No. It's too cold."

<i>A'ight. All the more for me. </i> He took a long sip, slurping noisily. Liz smiled slightly as she watched him trying to torture her with loud smacking sounds. She had to admit that it smelled wonderful but she just wasn't quite ready yet to leave her warm cocoon. She watched as Zan reached over and deftly lit a cigarette while maintaining perfect balance with the coffee cup.

Oh, god, she thought. He was so sexy that he even made cancer sticks look slightly appealing to her now. Ugh.

Zan took a long drag on the cigarette and a small smile played out on his lips. He leaned back against the headboard, closed his eyes, and groaned with pleasure.

<i>What's up wit the kitchen table and shit?</i>

The angry feelings of being trapped in the cabin the whole day rushed back to her. Even if something had happened to him yesterday to break him down, she was still angry about his actions. Resolutely, she sat up and reached over for the steaming cup of coffee on the table. She felt Zan lean forward and sniff her hair which trailed along his bare chest. She purposely tucked it behind her ear and away from him. He leaned back against the headboard and allowed her to grasp the hot coffee mug and then retreat back to the other side of the bed. She peered at him over the cup as she sniffed the delicious coffee aroma.

"I got bored waiting for you to come back," she answered aloud watching his every reaction. His face didn't give anything away as he returned her stare though she felt a slight trickle of regret flash across their connection. Instantly, he cut it off and she sighed at the loss of it. She, too, walled her own emotions so that he couldn't read her.

This morning was going to be another battle of the wills.

"So you felt that tearin' the place apart would make it all good?" The corner of his mouth twitched into a slight smirk.

In an even tone, she responded. "No, I wanted to leave and tried everything I had to get out of here. Unfortunately, you're stronger than me so I was stuck. I figured that since you were the reason I couldn't go then you could clean up the mess." She kept her gaze level with his and took another sip of coffee.

Zan shook his head slowly side to side and whistled softly. "Man, you are a one strong chick, you know dat? I can't get a finger on you."

Liz didn't respond and continued to silently sip her coffee.

Zan took a drag on the cigarette and looked thoughtfully down to the foot of the bed. Slowly, the smoke escaped his lips as his eyes became unfocused. Liz wrenched her gaze off from him and snuck a quick peek in the same direction. Instantly, she knew he was remembering yesterday morning and how violently he had reacted.

In spite of herself, she shivered.

Zan whipped his head around and looked at her quickly. She slowly brought her eyes to meet his steadily.

"You scared me."

"I know."

"Will it happen again?"

He dropped his eyes and stared absently at the quilt. "Can't promise nothin'."

Liz continued to stare at him. Softly, she said, "That's a little boy's answer." Then she braced herself.

However, Zan didn't respond immediately. He hesitated a moment, reached over and stubbed out his cigarette. Then he turned back to her and nodded. "It's all I kin give, though."

Liz wasn't completely satisfied but enough so that she could drop the subject. Zan had acknowledged that what happened was wrong but she didn't feel completely at ease yet.

"Tell me about the scar."

Zan threw back the covers and swung his legs over the side of the bed. The fire had warmed the cabin considerably - even so, goose bumps appeared on his skin. He stood and began to slowly pace the length of the cabin going from the bed to the front window and back again. He crossed his arms in front of him when he stopped in front of the bed. He met Liz's eyes directly.

"You knows there's no love lost between me and my sis. From day one, when we fell outta those pods, there was tension. She hated knowing that I was king of da crib, in this life and the last, and resented it every moment of our wakin' lives." He began pacing again. "At first, when we was little, I tried winnin' her affection but there was always a wall between us. I learnt quickly not to trust her, not to trust any of 'em, and still maintain da peace."

He lit another cigarette and began another round of pacing.

"After the truck and Shandra, I told ya I went huntin'. I missed 'em in Roswell but what I didn't tell ya was that I continued to hunt for 'em. I tracked 'em to a small place in New Jersey. I waited a few days, trailin' Lonnie and Tess lookin' for an opportunity to ambush 'em. One night, I followed 'em to a warehouse district. It was dark so I kept mostly to the shadows. They were creepin' about themselves, tryin' not to make any noise. I lost 'em briefly 'round a corner. Next thing I know, sparks were flyin' and screams were tearin' through the air."

He flopped down on one of the chairs and sat, spread eagled while he puffed on his cigarette. His eyes were unfocused as he recalled the events of that night.

"I got as close as I could but they were already movin' on. Curious, I snuck out a few minutes after they left to survey the damage they'd done. Only, the only thing broken was Ava, lyin' twisted on da ground."

Liz's hand went to her mouth to cover the gasp that had threatened to leap from her throat. Poor Ava, she thought. What a horrible way to die. Tears filled her eyes.

"Anyway, when I got to her, she just looked at me, smiled and squeezed my hand. Then she died." Zan's voice had gotten softer and softer towards the end of the sentence. "I didn't have time to do nothin' to help her."

Tears spilled onto Liz's cheeks and she sniffled quietly. It didn't matter that her and Ava hadn't been that close. The few hours they had spent together had won the punked-out girl a permanent place in her heart.

Zan noticed her tears and walked over to the bed. He knelt at the edge and though he obviously wanted to comfort her in some way, he only nervously raked his hand through his hair.

"Da way she smiled at me - it was strange. We was never close and there seemed to be…" Zan trailed off and he gestured absently in the air with his hand.

"Zan, she thought you were dead. You being there probably made her think she had already died."

Zan only huffed and shook his head.

"Zan, she loved you," Liz said softly. "Didn't you hear her in the Crashdown that night? She had always loved you even though it wasn't returned."

He looked up then and met her with an unreadable look. His eyes were dark in the shadows of the cabin and she couldn't read them. She decided not to try. Whatever had happened between Zan and Ava was the past and a dead past at that so she prodded him on. "What happened then?"

"While I was holdin' her hand, Lonnie, Rath, and Tess attacked. There was the three of 'em plus another ten Skins. They came out from behind trashcans and around the corner of buildings. I was surrounded instantly. They were so cocky, thinkin' that they had me cornered. Up until that point, I'd never shown the full extent of my powers. I'd always shown enough so that they knew I was stronger but never all of 'em. That night, I had to use 'em all."

Liz noticed his voice turn to ice. It must have been a terrible sight to see, Zan violently protecting himself against the others. Zan got up again. He stood over her and thoughtfully rubbed his chin.

"I got Rath with my first strike. That was pure pleasure killin'." Liz shivered. "Instead of hightailin' it outta there, I decided to try and inflict some serious damage and really test what I could do. It was a long fight with Lonnie and Tess always dancin' out of my reach. They forced the Skins forward and sacrificed them like pawns while they tried to get at me." He looked down and thoughtfully rubbed the scar on his side. "Lonnie got a good one in. She'd found a rusty head of a pitchfork layin' in a trashed out corner of one of the buildings. Using her powers, she launched it at me just as I was turnin' to deal with Tess. It raked through my side pretty deep. I knew I couldn't heal myself and continue to fend off Tess and Lonnie so I 'warped' time and left. I'd used up so much of my energy, I had just enough to find a safe place and heal myself."

Zan watched Liz's horrified expression slowly lessen as his tale sunk in.

"That, sweets, is the modern day tellin' of 'A Day in the Life of the House of Antar'."

"Real funny, Zan."

He only chuckled. "Now for some breakfast."

"But it late afternoon."

"There's never a wrong time for flap jacks."


Maria paced impatiently from one end of the room to the other. Max should be trying to get to Liz by now. No matter what she told him, Maria feared that this alien-human-alien triangle was about to blow up in somebody's face and she knew that if it did, both Liz and Max would be devastated - perhaps even enough to damage their relationship forever.

She only hoped that Max would be strong.


Max concentrated harder.

The room of the cabin slowly came into focus and shimmered once before coming in clearly. Max knuckled his eyes gently to clear them of the dizzying sensation. When he opened them again, the scene around him stood still and sighed quietly in gratification. His stomach already felt queasy with the thought of coming here - he didn't need to compound that with motion sickness.

Without thought, his eyes immediately tracked to the bed as if searching out the worst-case scenario. His breath hitched a moment when he saw a human sized lump under the covers. Watching it steadily, he slowly walked up and stood hesitatingly over the bed. What should he do? Wake her or them up? What were they doing in bed anyway?


Max jumped like a cat and swung quickly around. Zan was facing him from the kitchen area with a spatula in one hand and a cigarette in the other. They eyed each other warily until Zan broke the moment with a grin. He turned around and deftly flipped some pancakes.

Max took this all in silently, quickly noting Zan's state of undress. His ears burned hotly as jealously flared. He turned back to the bed quickly and reached out and tapped the lump with his finger. Then he grabbed the quilt and pulled it back, revealing a couple of pillows that had gotten tangled up in the blankets. Letting out a quick sigh, he released the quilt and walked over to Zan.

"Where's Liz?"

"Ya mean she ain't in my bed?" Zan smirked and then took a long drag on his cigarette.

Max knew that Zan was goading him but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't keep all of it out. His ears burned hotter at Zan's bed reference but he tried to keep his cool.

"No, she's not. Where-" Just then, the door opened and Liz entered in a whirl of snowflakes. She stomped her feet a few times. "Whew, it's cold out there. And the snow hasn't let up a bit. Thank god it's so cozy in here otherwise-" Liz's voice cut off when she looked up and saw both Zan and Max staring at her.

It was a like a nightmare come true. Zan stood cockily in his underwear with his signature smirk. Max stood resolutely with his arms crossed in front with a frown pasted on his face. They had one thing in common though. Both of their eyes were like flint.

Trying to swallow the extremely large lump that magically appeared in her throat, Liz managed to croak out, "Max?"

"Hey, Liz." Though his voice was soft, his eyes remained hard.

"What are you doing here?" She glanced quickly at Zan and opened their connection.

<i>Please. Put some clothes on. </i>

<i>Why? I'm comfortable. </i>Zan grinned and flexed his muscles.

<i>Do it, Zan. Don't make my life miserable. </i>

Max had opened his mouth to respond but closed it as he watched the dynamics between Zan and Liz. She was concentrating intently on him and he could almost see the silent communication pass between them. With a huff, Zan left his elbow and walked over towards the bed. He grabbed a pair of jeans and gruffly pulled them on. He zipped them but left the button undone and then strolled back over to the griddle. He grunted as he flipped the burned pancakes into the trash.

When Max turned back, Liz repeated her question. He looked at her for a moment before answering. She wore a heavy parka with large boots that were obviously Zan's. Other than that, her legs were bare.

"I came to talk. Perhaps you should put some clothes on."

Stunned, Liz looked at him. This wasn't the Max that she had last talked to. That Max had been sweet and enduring and apologetic. This Max seemed just the opposite.

Without answering, she slowly slid off the parka and waved her hands over her body as she did so, jeans and hiking boots appearing from underneath. However, she wasn't quick enough to hide the fact that she was clothed only in a t-shirt before she changed, Max noticed. His heart leapt in his throat. The worst seemed to be coming true.

Liz hung the parka on the coat rack and motioned to the couch. Max didn't move.

"I think I would prefer to talk to you alone, if that's OK?" He looked to both Liz and Zan when he said this. Zan turned to him and suspicion lined his face. Liz only nodded and then looked intently again at Zan. Zan scowled and glared at Max. Max met his eyes evenly.

The tension in the air was thick.

Out loud, Liz said, "Zan, please."

"I ain't some dog to order 'round. I'm hungry. I'm goin' to eat my flapjacks." With that, he turned his back to Max and Liz and poured batter out for two more on the griddle.

Liz sighed and motioned again for Max to take the couch. He reluctantly sat at one end while Liz sat at the other.

Max never felt so far away from Liz than at that moment.

Liz gave him a small smile and then pointed to her mouth and then her head and then pointed at him. Max looked at her with confusion. Liz tried again by making talking signs with her fingers and then pointing from her forehead to his. Max instantly understood and then opened his connection with Liz. He had never done this before but he was sure that he had just witnessed that silent communication with Liz and Zan. If they could do it, he could do it too.

He was the king after all.

<i>Actually, we have to talk about that. </i>

Startled, Max looked at her with wide eyes.

<i>I know. It's weird, isn't it? It's like having a radio inside your head. </i>

Max swallowed and then nodded slowly.

<i>Try sending something my way. </i>

Max concentrated and then smiled with satisfaction when Liz gave a small laugh.

<i>Yeah, I know. Zan can be like that sometimes. I think 'asshole' might just the right word for him. </i>

Max relaxed a bit. Maybe things weren't as bad as he thought.

<i>What are you doing here, Max? </i>

Max's smile left his eyes and he glanced over at Zan. He was leaning against the counter, staring openly at both of them.

<i>Can he hear us right now? </i>

Liz quickly glanced over at Zan too and frowned slightly. <i>No. I've severed our connection. He shouldn't be able to. </i>

Max's stomach clenched when he heard that she had been sharing a connection with Zan. Uncontrollable jealously flowed through him. Liz felt it immediately and a blush stole across her cheeks. Fortunately, Max didn't see it as he was still staring at Zan.

<i>Max. Please. Tell me what's going on. </i>

Reluctantly, Max pulled his gaze away from Zan and looked at her. His eyes were intense and he held her eyes like a vice. Max was always like that. He could still her indefinitely with just one look. They seemed to search her soul slowly, asking indefinable questions, and caressing her in all one motion. She held her breath. This was her Max, the Max that loved her and who she loved. It felt like old times, communicating like this. She felt a smile steal across her lips before she could stop it.

Max felt the change in her and responded accordingly.

<i>God, I miss you, Liz. </i>

All of his feelings swept through the connection with that one simple statement. The breath left her body from the overwhelming force of it. He loved her. He wanted her. He was scared for her.

<i>I miss you, too, Max. </i>

He smiled and then reached forward slowly to gently grab her hand. He looked down and sighed at the rightness in it. Her small hand fit perfectly into his. His thumb gently stroked her palm and he felt her shiver.

Zan watched them uncertainly. He didn't need to hear what was being said to see what was happening. The connection between those two was beyond anything he had ever seen before. Max was slowly winning Liz's heart back and it was happening right in front of his eyes. He couldn't contain the longing that suddenly seared through his body.

No matter what he had been charged with to do, he didn't have to stand around and watch it. He had unknowingly stamped out a territory and suddenly there was a rival to challenge him. It took all of his will power to simply put down the spatula and walk out the door.

Liz and Max didn't even notice.

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2003 12:40 am
by AweInspired
<b>CHAPTER 19</b>

Max felt better than he had in days. He was sitting on the couch with Liz, gently holding her hand, and he really felt connected with her. It had happened so quickly and unexpectedly that he felt a goofy grin steal across his face.

<i>Max? </i> Liz asked across their connection. She also sported a healthy smile and he could see amusement twinkling in her eyes.

<i>Oh, sorry. </i> Max gave her an embarrassed smile before squeezing her hand. <i>Just lost my train of thought for a sec. </i> He cleared his throat and then realized how foolish that sounded since they weren't communicating out loud. Shifting a bit uncomfortably on the couch, he looked intently at her.

<i>Why don't you tell me why you are here? </i> Liz prodded.

Reality hit him quickly as he remembered the purpose of his visit. <i> I think that you are in a lot of danger. I think that Lonnie is going to come after you and not the rest of us. </i>

Liz looked at him calmly and then looked down at the couch. She carefully removed her hand from his grip and rubbed her two hands together. <i>Max, there's a lot I have to tell you. I've learned a lot from Zan. </i>

At his name, Max looked up to find the object of their talk and realized that the cabin was empty. He stood up quickly and scanned the entire inside.

<i>Where's Zan? </i>

Liz also stood up and sniffed the air. "Shit."

The sudden sound of her voice made him jump. His head also snapped at the obscenity that had left Liz's lips. Liz rarely swore. In fact, he could maybe remember only two or three times that she had let something slip in the past. He frowned, thinking that it was perhaps Zan's influence.

"He left the burner on." Liz strode into the kitchen area and turned the gas range off. Max also sniffed the slightly smoky air and could even taste the acrid tint in his mouth. He had been so wrapped up in Liz that he hadn't even noticed it.

"Where did he go?"

"I don't know. Sometimes he just goes out for walks and doesn't tell me."

"In weather like this?"

"Who knows? It's Zan we're talking about."

Max walked over to the window in the kitchen and reached to pull it up. Though it was blowing snow outside, it would still be better than smelling the awful air.

"What are you doing?"

"Just opening the window to the let the bad air out," Max answered quizzically. It seemed obvious.

"I already took care of it."

Max straightened quickly and took another whiff. Sure enough, the air was clean and even had a hint of strawberries. He looked in astonishment at Liz who was pacing absently in the kitchen.

Liz's powers were so new to him. He hadn't seen her use them very often. He'd seen her clothe herself after she came from the outside but he had been so distracted at the time that he hadn't really let the novelty sink in. The fact that she was able to clear the air in the whole cabin and the seemingly offhand manner in which she accomplished it, shocked him.

Liz was strong, maybe stronger than him. Did she know that?

He walked slowly over to her with awe written across his face.

"Liz." She continued to pace the kitchen distractedly with her hand cupping her face in concentration.

He called a bit louder this time. "Liz!"

Startled, she looked up to see a look of wonderment on Max's face.

"What?" she asked in confusion.

"Did you see what you just did?" Liz only looked at him with more confusion. "You used your powers to clear the air."

"Yeah. And?"

"Well, that's amazing!"

Liz realized then her display of powers was a surprise to Max. She had been able to get used to them over the time spent with Zan and even use them sometimes without a second thought. This was the first time Max was seeing her since she had started controlling the changes within her.

She smiled tentatively. Max seemed awed at her ability and all she had done was remove the smell from the air. What if he found out that she could do all of these other things and even some things that Max wasn't able to do, like mind warp?

"Yeah, it is, isn't it?" she offered timidly.

"Of course it is!" Max exclaimed and then the next thing she knew, Max had wrapped her up in a bear hug and twirled her around. He was laughing loudly and was squeezing her so tightly, that she had to struggle a bit for breath. But she chuckled with him, becoming excited by his mere enthusiasm.

He set her down and grabbed both of her hands. "What else can you do?" he asked eagerly.

Feeling more secure, Liz answered, "Do you want me to show you?"

Grinning like a little boy, Max said, "Hell, yeah." Then he walked over to the one of the kitchen chairs that had survived her wrath and, turning it backwards, sat down facing her.

She smiled and then looked around the cabin. What kind of things could she show him?

With a flick of her hand, all of the gas lamps flared to life and they were bathed in their warm glow. She concentrated on the fireplace and the fire roared higher as it received the extra oxygen she fueled it. Looking around for something more to show him, her eyes fell on Max. His face showed complete support and amazement. It gave her enough confidence to perform her next 'trick'.

Max watched each performance with a smile. It was absolutely amazing to watch his Liz doing these things and it really amazed him that she seemed to do it effortlessly. He watched as she turned to him and with a wink, she disappeared.

Startled, he stood up so quickly that the chair toppled underneath him. His feet got tangled up in the rungs as he tried to extradite himself clumsily. Freeing one leg, he looked up and scanned the cabin. She was gone. She simply vanished from his eyesight. Trying not to panic, he untangled his other leg and stood a bit self-consciously in the center of the room.

After a few moments, he asked aloud, "Liz?"

An amused voice whispered in his ear, "Walk much?"

Out of nowhere, she appeared right next to him. Shocked, he flinched and took a step sideways which was a bad move. The offending chair was still upended right next to him. Tripping, he tried to catch his balance even as he felt himself toppling over. He heard Liz's exclamation of surprise and felt her small hands try to grasp his shoulder to steady him, but to no avail. Much to his humiliation, he found himself in a tangled mess on the floor, looking up at a concerned Liz.

"Are you OK?"

His pride hurt more than anything, he refused her help as he once again fought to disentangle his legs from the chair. Frustrated, he finally kicked it hard so that it flew with a loud bang and crashed into the corner of the room. Satisfied, he tried to gather his dignity together and stand up casually.

"Um, yeah. Just fine." He had to maintain what little male pride he had left.

Liz, on the other hand, once realizing that he wasn't physically hurt, began to laugh uproariously, unable to contain her mirth. Max, beginning to see the humor in it, chuckled a bit himself.

Wiping tears from her eyes, Liz managed to struggle out an apology which Max graciously accepted.

Finally, once both had completely regained their composure, Liz continued showing Max some of the various things she could do. She changed the color of her clothes, she heated a pot of water, and she moved heavy objects about the room. She also showed him the different shields that Zan had taught her to project. She explained where the energy came from and how not every alien had all of the abilities.

At the end of it, Max merely shook his head. It was pretty overwhelming that just in the last couple of weeks, Liz had learned more about his powers than he, Isabel, and Michael had their whole lives.

"What else can you do?"

"Well, as far as I know, there are only two more things beyond what I have shown you. Healing and time shifting. Healing you already know about but I haven't had the courage to try yet. Zan said that the time shifting was the most difficult so he wasn't going to show me until the end."

Max nodded thoughtfully. "Why is Zan showing you how to do all of these things and not me?"

Liz shifted uncomfortably and then motioned Max to sit down. "Well, you see. That's where we need to talk…"


Maria tiptoed into Max's room and saw him lying quietly on his bed. His eyes were closed but his eyes danced underneath the lids. She hoped that Liz was cooperating and telling Max where they were and that she understood the danger she was in. If things were going badly between the two of them, she knew that Liz could be stubborn.

She sighed and left the room, quietly shutting the door behind her.

Isabel and Michael's heads lifted from packing and looked questioningly at her.

"Well?" Michael asked.

"I think he was successful and they are together. Whether he gets the outcome he wants is a different matter, though."

Michael simply huffed and continued his packing. Isabel gave Maria a supportive smile and then returned to stuffing clothes into a knapsack.


Zan walked through the blinding snow, leaning his weight into the wind. Once again, he found himself fleeing the cabin out into the middle of the night, trying to avoid the feelings of alienation that Liz and Max's love seemed to cause in him whenever they were together. He trudged through high drifts and even had to power his way through some of them.

His heart was pounding terribly and he wasn't sure if it was completely due to the physical exertion. Seeing Liz and Max connect again was almost like a sledgehammer against his chest. Most of his feelings were due to the jealously he held against Max. Max had had everything in his life and seeing him happy with someone he loved was almost too much to bear. He had to admit to himself though, that some of it was because Max was inside the cabin with <i>her</i>. He had promised himself that he wouldn't get close to Liz throughout this ordeal but slowly, she had seeped into his pores.

He didn't love her. He knew that. He didn't even see a future for them, especially knowing what he knew, but the feelings were still there. He had become attached and he mentally kicked himself. With everything hanging in the balance, he definitely didn't need that shit.

The question hung in the air, though. What should he do about it? There weren't many options left open to him. For him to fulfill his task, he had to let go of her in the end. If he didn't, then he wouldn't be able to lead the normal life that he craved so much. Did he like her enough to give that up?

Getting angry, he threw a power blast against a downed tree, trying to take his frustration out on the world around him. Even with the wind thundering in his ears, however, he still heard the rumbling roar that arose after the pieces from the downed tree finished raining down around him. Startled, he peered into the night as a large, black shape rose in front of him.

"Oh, shit."


Max sat in stunned silence as Liz looked at him expectantly. She had just finished her tale and was waiting anxiously while Max absorbed her words. He hadn't interrupted her much to ask questions and she wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut tight. She knew his mind must be clogged with all of the new information and he was trying to sort it out logically. Though Max always claimed she was the smart one, he was exceptionally bright and she knew it wouldn't take him long to put the pieces of it together.

Max's mind whirled. Zan was his protector by special programming implanted by the aliens on Antar. This Max already knew. Nasedo betrayed the pod squad which he also already knew - he just hadn't known to what extent. Nasedo had unlocked Zan to make him the true king of Antar only Zan's programming prevented him from fully taking over the throne. Zan had the king's powers, which meant he was at least ten times stronger than anyone else, and had full use of all of the different abilities.

He had taken Liz 'captive' to help her with her powers in order prepare her to migrate the powers over to Max. Liz was the key to this migration. She was the key because she had been healed by Max, who, unknowingly during this process, had transferred over this ability. Zan knew that Lonnie and Tess were targeting him because they were aware of his unlocking and also, simply for Lonnie's unnatural hatred of her brother. He also knew that they wanted Liz because of the changes that were occurring within her. She was strong, unnaturally strong.

The last straw was that Lonnie had it out for Liz simply because she was in some way attached to Zan. Lonnie's rage included anyone Zan let in his life and now that person was Liz. If the past was to be repeated, Lonnie will kill Liz out of mere spite and hatred for Zan, let alone for the fact that Liz now had powers.

Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined this.

He had to admit that he felt a pang of loss and jealousy at knowing that Zan held the kingship right now. Even though Max had fought his position at being the leader of the group, let alone the leader of an entire planet, he had begun to accept it. He had even secretly been trying to imagine different ways that he could unseat Khivar without leaving Earth. It was a weird feeling to know that something that he really never even wanted had been taken from him. Well, sort of.

He noted that as Liz was telling him the story, the main feeling he had was jealousy that his true birthright was being stolen from him. He sadly noted that he never even considered that it might be a blessing in disguise. No matter what happened, he had to take on his responsibilities as the king and letting Zan step into this role was not an option. It was strange that it took his position being threatened to truly understand it.

However, his fear for Liz's safety bloomed a hundred-fold now that he knew the truth. He had to get her out of there and to some place where he could safely protect her. There was no doubt in his mind now that Lonnie and Tess would go after Zan and Liz first. Like a light bulb going off in his head, he realized that suddenly the original pod squad was lower on the priority list. Why go after them, when they could go after the 'real' King and Liz too?

Grabbing Liz's hands with his own, he looked directly at her. "Liz, Lonnie must know where you are."

"What do you mean?"

Max explained his theory that he had discovered with Maria. "She has to know otherwise she wouldn't have been able to 'visit' Zan."

"I don't know, Max." Liz looked at him worriedly. What if he was right? Then she was right in the path of Lonnie. "I mean Zan said that Lonnie would be coming after us, but I never thought that she actually <i>knew</i> where we were. I just thought that she was going to take a long time to hunt us down and that we had lots of time to prepare. By then, we would all be together, ready to take them on." She suddenly felt very vulnerable.

"I have to be right. Whatever game Zan is playing, he is putting you right in the path for a collision."

Liz shook her head from side to side. "I just don't know, Max. I mean, Zan has his secrets but I can't imagine that he would put me in harm's way. He needs me for the unlocking, right?" She didn't sound so sure now. Max knew Liz well enough to tell when she was holding something back. The tremor in her voice meant that she was worried about something more than the words she had just said out loud.

Max felt himself on some slippery ground. He still didn't understand the nature of Liz and Zan's relationship. He had just connected with her in a way that they hadn't for a long time but that didn't discount the events that had happened here in the cabin over the last week. As much as he dreaded it, he knew they had to lay it on the table.

"Tell me what is going on between you and Zan," he said softly.

Liz was startled out of her reverie and immediately yanked her hands away from Max. She watched as he cringed at her actions and instantly felt regret. It was an action of a guilty party and even though she knew she shouldn't feel that way, she did. It was Max she was hurting and no matter how much he had hurt her, she didn't want to hurt him.

"Oh. Yeah, right. Zan." She couldn't form any more words so she stood up and paced nervously. What could she tell Max? She had been dreading this moment for a few days now and was still at a loss as to what to say.

How could she explain something to him that even she didn't understand?

She had felt so close to Max in the last hour or so that she had almost forgotten all of the external conflicts. In fact, she realized with a smile, she hadn't even thought of Max and Tess' night of passion. That barrier had disappeared when he had come for her. She smiled even broader when she realized that perhaps she was beginning to overcome this hump in their relationship. Her time with Zan had made her realize that you could still love someone deeply and experience feelings for someone else. It didn't necessarily lessen the feelings for the original person.

Max's time with Tess, though it still hurt, did not seem this insurmountable hurdle anymore. Yes, Max did sleep with Tess. She understood now it was probably a combination of loneliness and alienation and probably was even influenced by Tess' mind warp. Hadn't she convinced everyone that she was pregnant? Why couldn't she have nudged along a despondent Max in a direction she wanted him to go?

At the time, he still thought that she had slept with Kyle. Why wouldn't he feel alienated, even enough to turn to someone else? Hadn't she felt the same way this past week?

Another broad grin flashed across her face as these revelations came to her. She needed to tell Max everything. About Future Max and the current situation with Zan. He needed to know so that they could move forward. That's when she heard a groan from the couch.

Max, on the other hand, saw the smile that had graced Liz's lips multiple times and cringed inwardly. He assumed that she was picturing Zan in her mind and that this picture was bringing the smiles. He watched her pacing and with each pass, his heart sank. He didn't think that he was going to like what he was about to hear, but he knew he had to. He had to be strong and fight for Liz and he wouldn't be able to fight a situation that he didn't understand.

Unfortunately, he felt his grip on the 'visit' beginning to loosen. He was beginning to tire and knew that he wouldn't be able to keep it up in order to finish the conversation. So he groaned at the disappointment, which is what brought Liz's attention back to face him.

"I'm running out of juice here, Liz. I have to go soon." Seeing her face fall, he reached out and squeezed her hand. "I'm sorry. I know that we have a lot to talk about."

"It's OK. I understand."

Shaking his head, Max focused on his next question. "Where are you? Where is this cabin so that we can come to you?"

Liz nibbled on her lip as she thought about what to tell Max. If what Max said is true, then Lonnie was coming soon. Did she want Max here? Yes! her heart cried out. She wanted Max's protection more than anything. But she also wanted to protect him. If there were going to be a battle here, she and Zan would have to prepare. If Max came, then he would be put at risk and she didn't want him to do that only for her. He was in enough danger as it was.

She also wasn't thoroughly convinced that Max was right.

Realizing that she was risking the tremulous relationship that they had just begun building up, she shook her head.

"I can't, Max."

"What! Why not?" Max shot to his feet and grabbed her by both of her shoulders. "What are you talking about? You have to tell me. Otherwise, how can I protect you?"

Liz stiffened her resolve. "I'm sorry but I won't put your life in danger too. If what you said is true, then Zan must have a plan. I have to trust him that he has things under control. I don't want you to get hurt if you don't need to."

Max gave her a stunned look and then tried to calm himself. So this is what she was trying to hide from him before. She had faith that Zan wouldn't betray her or put her life in danger. He tried to talk reasonably. "Wouldn't it be better then to have more people on your side to fight?"

"Of course. Just let me talk to Zan first. I need to figure out what is going on before I make any rash decisions."

Max felt like his entire being was about to explode. Lonnie may show up at any moment and Liz wanted to talk to Zan first? He didn't trust Zan one iota and didn't think that Liz should either. But how could he convince her of that without sounding like a jealous fool?

Liz could see the inner turmoil in Max but she couldn't give in to him yet. Not when she could protect him. "Max, I promise that I will visit you as soon as I know what is going on. Until then, sit tight, and be prepared to move."

Max let out a frustrated sigh. Short of physically forcing her to tell him the location of the cabin, he didn't have a lot of options. He knew that Liz Parker could be one stubborn woman.

"OK. You win. But you promise that you will let me know what is going on as soon as possible."

Liz gave a small giggle and put three fingers to her forehead in a mock salute. "Scout's honor."

Max gave her a wry grin and then pulled her in for a tender hug.

In her ear, he whispered, "I don't want anything happening to you, Liz. Your life is precious, and if Zan ever threatens that, I will take him down. Do you understand?" Liz shivered at the steel in his words. "Whether you love him or not, I will never let him harm you."

Troubled, Liz pulled slightly away and nodded her head slowly. Max placed a tender kiss on her forehead and then cupped her face. "No matter what happens, know that I love you and I will continue to fight for you until you tell me to stop." Max's body shuddered as he began to lose grip on the connection. His image wavered slightly and Liz quickly leaned in to kiss him. He smiled against her mouth and stroked her cheek with his thumb. She felt him mumble something against her lips and she started to say something when a crash at the door made her jump.

Both Max and Liz turned in unison to see a frightening sight come through the door. Zan, covered in blood, stumbled and fell to the floor as the snow whirled around him.

"Zan!" Liz cried. Max, to his horror, felt his last remaining strength fade and he winked out of existence.


Max sat up straight on the bed in a cold sweat.

Leaping off the bed, he raced into the next room in a blind panic.

"It's started!" he yelled to a stunned Michael, Isabel, and Maria. "Lonnie's attacked Liz and Zan!"

Maria leaned against one of the dressers as she felt her legs begin to tremble. Liz!

Max started racing around the cabin, gathering his things. "We have to get going. We have to go save her. Oh, my god! She's all alone!"

Michael grabbed Max's arm in order to slow him down. Max, in a full rage, threw off his grasp. "No! Get going, Michael, or so help me…"

Realizing that Max wasn't kidding, Michael backed off.

Isabel decided to try. "What do you mean, Max? They're under attack?"

"Yes! Now get moving."

Stung, Isabel grabbed her four bags and began to throw on her jacket. Max's desperate energy was beginning to seep into everyone and they all flew about in a nervous panic.

Suddenly, they heard a keening wail, and found Max on his knees in the middle of the floor. He was holding his head in his hands and rocking back and forth.

Isabel tentatively touched his shoulder. "Max? What's wrong?"

"I don't know where they are. Liz refused to tell me. I don't know how to get to her." Max's voice, before so authoritative and commanding, instantly reverted to a whimpering plea. "I can't get to her. I don't know where the cabin is. She wouldn't tell me."

A hush settled over the cabin and roaring wind from outside buffeted the outside walls.

The quiet was broken when a small voice from the corner of the room said, "She told me."


Feeling a sudden emptiness at her side, Liz realized that Max had disappeared. Knowing his strength had run out, she raced over to the prone Zan lying on the floor. She could hear him groaning and knew that it must be pretty bad. She looked outside for the obvious threat but the swirling snow obscured her vision. Raising her arm, she put up the protective field around her and Zan, not knowing what she was protecting them from. Were Lonnie and Tess about to walk into the cabin?

Fearfully, she used her powers to shut the door to the blackness of the outside and felt a bit more secure. Why, she didn't know, but staring out into the unknown darkness was a bit disconcerting.

Turning her attention to the unconscious Zan, she gently rolled him over until he lay on his back. She could see a large gash on the upper part of his shoulder that had torn right through the heaving lining of his parka. The parka itself was shredded around the wound.

There was an even larger gash across his chest. The entire front of his jacket was soaked in red and her heart skipped a beat, thinking that there couldn't be that much blood in his body if there was that much just on his coat.

Beginning to panic a bit, she looked to his face. His skin was pale and his lips were slack. She gently called his name and instantly his eyes opened. With consciousness came the pain, and he grimaced severely.

"Zan, what happened? Was it Lonnie?"

"No. Not Lonnie." His words came out in a strained whisper.

"What happened then?" When his eyes began to cloud over again, Liz tapped him lightly on the cheek. "Zan! What happened?"

"Fuckin' bear," he managed to whisper before he passed out again.

Liz instantly released the shield covering them knowing now that it wasn't an alien attack. She sat back on her heels and fretted. He needed to be healed and she had never done it before. She shook her head and said aloud, "No time to worry. I'm the only one here and therefore the only one who can do it."

Knowing that his dead weight would be too much for her to carry, she simply left him on the floor. She ran over to the bed and grabbed a pillow, which she placed gently under his head. With a wave of her hand, all of his clothes except for his shorts disappeared.

With the garments gone, the stark reality of the wounds hit her. The gashes were deep and steadily oozed wet blood. The one on his chest was definitely the worst. She would have preferred to try to heal the one on his arm first since it was her first try at healing. The thought of making a mistake anywhere around his heart made her nervous but she knew that she didn't have enough time.

She placed both hands on the wound and closed her eyes. She tried connecting with Zan but because he was unconscious, she couldn't reach him. Opening her eyes, she started calling his name, trying to get him to wake up. She slapped his cheek hard and yelled in his ear. Finally, his eyes slowly came open and he looked directly into her frantic ones.

"Zan, keep your eyes open. Keep looking at me. C'mon. I need you to stay with me." She placed her hands over his chest and reached out for him through the connection. She felt him hovering just out of her reach before she latched on to him firmly. Their connection sprang to life and instantly, she felt the pain that he did. It flowed through her and threatened to consume her. She gasped at the intensity of it, all thoughts flying from her head as she struggled to control her reaction. She slowly pushed the pain away from her enough so that she could think. Is this what Max felt whenever he tried to heal someone?

She looked into Zan's eyes and saw the life slowly being drained from them. Instead of the bright golden-brown that usually stared back at her, they were a full flat-brown and this was enough to jump start her. She was losing him.

"OK, Zan. I'm going to try and heal you. Stay with me."

She closed her eyes and naturally let the tendrils of energy flow from her fingertips and search through his torn flesh. She probed gently trying to understand the nature of the damage so that she could repair it. A flicker of fear jumped into her mind at the thought that she wouldn't know what to do and wouldn't be able to heal him. The pain came rushing back and she whimpered out loud. A tear formed and trickled down her cheek as the pain once again threatened to consume her. She fought, pushing it back to the edges of her mind, until it again became bearable. She continued her probing and discovered the damaged blood vessels. Searching out a particularly bad one, she concentrated on it, trying to imagine what a healthy, uninjured vessel would look like and in her head, began to paint a picture of it. To her surprise, she felt the vessel begin to close up until it matched the picture in her head. With a rush she moved on to the next one and the next one until she couldn't find any major bleeding.

Then she concentrated on the torn flesh and began to slowly knit the skin together until she couldn't feel any more tears in his chest area. She opened her eyes to see her handiwork and was pleasantly surprised. His chest looked as good as new. She looked into Zan's eyes and saw that they were clearer if not tired looking. He nodded his head slowly and she gave him a small smile back.

Then she focused on his arms and this time, found that she could move a bit quicker than she had on his chest area. She was getting the hang of it now. As the last piece of skin knitted itself together, she relaxed and instantly felt the strain of her actions push her down. She hadn't realized just how much this had drained her.

She kept pushing herself though. She passed her hands over the rest of his body, checking for injuries. She found a large lump on his head just above his hairline. Here, she concentrated on making the swelling go down. When she was satisfied that the rest of his body was OK, she still didn't let down. She placed each of her hands on either side of Zan's head.

"Zan, look at me again."

His eyes much clearer, Zan nodded. "Bangin' job, sweets," he whispered.

"Um, yeah. Thanks. But keep looking at me."

Through the connection, she forced a lot of her energy into him trying to restore his depleted reserves. She knew his body was beyond tired and she was trying to give him some more energy so that he could do some of the last healing on his own.

His eyes opened wider as he realized what she was doing. He grabbed both of her hands on either side of his face and tried to yank them away but she was concentrating too hard.

"Sweets, you gotta stop. It's too much for ya. I'm all good."

But Liz ignored him and continued to transfer her energy. As it rushed into his body, he finally had enough strength to pull her hands away from his head.

"Liz! You hafta stop! You'll kill yourself!"

She gave him a tired smile. "You feel OK?"


"Good." Then she passed out on top of him.


Lonnie stood with her hands on her hips and looked down the snowy road. The rest of them, the Skins in both vans and Tess, were holed up in the run down motel to her right. The highway patrol had closed down the roads and they were stuck in some little town. The police hadn't just closed down the roads - they had also closed down the bridge that separated them from the rest of the peninsula. She screamed in frustration.

She shook her fist in the dusk light and said, "I'm comin' Zan, baby. Ya better be prepared for some serious pain."

She then turned on her heels and walked into the local Mexican restaurant.


They all crawled into the SUV that Michael, Isabel, and Maria had rented. Their gear was already loaded into the back. Max made the engine roar to life and then slowly made his way out onto the local road. It was a good thing that the SUV had four-wheel drive; otherwise they would never have even made it out of the parking lot. The plows weren't able to keep up with the snow and as if to prove a fact, the truck fishtailed once he came out of the turn. Max merely set his mouth in a grim line and concentrated on the road.

They were on their way to the ferry and come hell or high water, someone was going to take them across to Isle Royale.