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Re: A Moment ... (A&I, K&T,CC,FF;adult) AN* 10-16-09, p.8

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:44 pm
by chanks_girl
cameramandc wrote:New part soon?
Here it is...

I’m very sorry for my updating skills. They suck. I know it and you know it. I’ve got the new part. It’s not much because the actual new update was the supposed to be new part for Chapter 9 but I changed it (I don’t say when I post). Thanks to all, who still are with me on this and I hope you still enjoy it.

Rim: Thanks for your feedback. Alex is great with the girls. He has to regarding being a single father. Michelle and Katie keep him going and they mean the world to him.

tvgeneral: Thanks for your fb. The girls will get their dad in situations no father wants to experience. It already started at the beach and I don’t see the girls stopping. But for now they see Isabel as Alex’ friend and not more. I’d like to say there’ll be good trouble but we’ll see

cameramandc: Thank you for the fb and the bumps. As for the girls, like I said above they notice Isabel as Alex’ friend. So far they don’t see any romance between them (I doubt Alex does as well). But they enjoy the time and they do what kids do. But I can say the twins cause some trouble which might affect Alex and Isabel.


She was lying on the coach and reading a novel. Her eyes were fixed on just one word “lust”. Those four letters seemed to mock her. She knew she couldn’t act on that feeling. It would change everything. She couldn’t walk up to the man she wanted and ravish him right there and now. She didn’t act like that. That wouldn’t be her. Her body was willing enough to have her way with him but her mind told her the opposite. Don’t rush anything. Be patient and you’d be rewarded. It wasn’t her mind that needed a reward.

Her body craved his touch.

Her body craved the physical contact with him.

He meant so much more to her than she had let him know at that time. He didn’t know that she loved him. Ten years without him made her realize he was everything she had had and had ever wanted. She loved him. There was no doubt about it. Moreover, she wasn’t sure if he loved her the same way. It could be. He didn’t want her as lover but as friend.

She could be his friend but her love for him wouldn’t die. It would get stronger. She would be there for him, with him and also dependent of him. She needed him in her life.


Her lust for him grew with every passing day they had spent together. Every moment with him was special for her. Her body screamed for him. She wanted his hands on her body. Sliding up and down her body, making her feel things she thought she wasn’t going to experience. She wanted to feel his lips on hers. She wanted to feel his lips on her skin knowing it would drive her crazy. She wanted to be with him.

She wanted to be happy with him.

Only him.

It couldn’t be.

It wasn’t meant to be.

Ten years ago, she threw her only chance away as if he didn’t matter. He was everything for her. He kept her going. He would have been the reason to stay. It wasn’t meant to be. Now she was back and nothing changed. She didn’t change. Her feelings didn’t change. Her excitement for him didn’t change. Her craving for him didn’t change. She wanted and needed him.

He was everything for her.

It was too late.

A moment changed everything.

A moment changed him.

Ten years changed him.

She was lost in her thoughts about her current situation.

It was fascinating how a simple word steer so many emotions in her and make her think about her love life.

Lust was something she always associated with him. He made her feel.

She didn’t realize that the man she wanted entered the room.

He just looked at her. He didn’t need to say anything. He wouldn’t have to declare his love for her. He didn’t need to. All he needed to do was to be there for her. She needed him. He was all she had.

He was smiling down at her and their eyes connected when she looked up meeting his gaze. It was easy for him to make her happy and content. A simple smile gave her the security she needed. It was simple.

She glanced a last time at the offending word: Lust.

It was less offending when the object of your affection stood next to you. Moreover, his face reflected the same emotions like hers. It was everything new for her but she wasn’t afraid. Right now and right here everything was meant to be. He and she; nothing was going to take that away from her. It was all right. It felt right. It was meant to be. She didn’t need to fear anything. He was there for her. Everything she felt for him, he felt it for her as well.





Smiling up at him, she grabbed his hand and pulled him down. His body crashed on hers. Both loved the closeness they shared right now. Their faces were just inches apart. She looked him in the eyes. It was all there. All his emotions were reflected in his eyes. It was all clear for her. He loved her. There was no doubt that she loved him as well. She had for so many years. He knew she loved him. It was all he wanted. Her love was the most precious gift for him.

Slowly their lips met in a tender kiss. Slowly, the kiss grew to something more. He captured her lower lip with his and sucked on it.

Her moaning was a beautiful sound to his ears. He snaked his arms around her mid section pulling her closer to him. He needed to feel her. His hands wandered under her shirt. He caressed her skin with light strokes. His fingertips stroke the area under her breasts. He loved the sounds she made.

She arched her back into his touch. She felt as if her whole body was on fire. His ministrations felt heavenly. She felt things she had never felt before. He tore his lips away form hers leaving a path of kisses down from her neck to her collarbone. Feeling her delicate skin with his lips drove him crazy. He wanted and needed more. He nibbled on her skin revealing more and more as he tucked her top off her revealing her upper body to his heated gaze. It was a pity that a bra still covered her but he would take care of it.

His actions were too much for her to take. She wanted more. She slid her hands under his shirt and pulled it off him in one swift move. She was engrossed in the vision above her. The amount of skin being showed made her crave to reach out and explore his body. She wanted to take her time exploring every inch of him. Letting her hands travel from his shoulder across chest down to his navel. She wanted to give him the same pleasure as she was receiving.

He slid the straps of her bra down her shoulders kissing her shoulders then proceeded down to her décolleté. Each kiss set hers and his senses on fire. She raked her nails down his back. He hissed to the pain that engulfed him.

He unhooked her bra sliding the garment off her. Stopping for a moment, he just wanted to look at her. She was beautiful and she was his. There was no doubt she belonged to him, but as he laid eyes on her bare form she took his breathe away.

His hands moved to her pants waistband unbuttoning her jeans and unzipping it. Slowly, too slow for her, his hand crawled under her pants.



“You really should wake up if you don’t want to get anyone’s attention.” The teasing voice rang in her ears.

Groggily Tess woke up from her nap. At first, she was confused about her surroundings not knowing where she was. When Tess was fully awake, the first thing she saw was Isabel’s smug expression. She didn’t know what happened to get Isabel in that mood but it certainly was bad if she was the victim of Isabel’s smugness.

The gang was on their fly back to Roswell. The few days they had spent in Los Angeles were good for the friends. They were able to reconnect as friends and the other two couples were able to start their relationship on a new level.

Max finally realized that Liz wasn’t anymore the girl from high school he had known. She was now a grown up woman, who had had her own life. Liz had a life outside the whole alien drama. She changed over the years. It was for the better. She finally realized that she didn’t have to be always in control about everything in her life. She learned to let loose. Though she missed Max in her life, she could say that she made the best out of her situation. Liz realized it after Kyle had been shot. She realized that her life had to go on even without Max as hard as it had been. Now with his return, they had a second chance. This time as adults and not as teens, they had the chance of having a normal life. It was still an unusual feeling for them to be back together. And they had to learn certain things about the other but both came to an understanding that would leave both happy. Max was going to move in with Liz so they could regain the time they lost. It would be a new experience for them but they could make it. Of course, there were going to be vicissitudes in their relationship.

Same goes for Michael and Maria. They had benefited of the weekend as well and brought their relationship to a new level. They talked. It was the first time that Michael sat down and talked. He told Maria about his fears, hopes and dreams he had had before he had to leave for Antar. It was unusual for Maria seeing her boyfriend being so open but she was glad and proud of him. She remembered him as the closed off teenager, who had many issues. He didn’t trust anyone. Moreover, he didn’t trust himself as well. It was always bothering him that he wasn’t able to control his powers. It scared him that someday he would hurt somebody he cared for. He didn’t want to risk to lose somebody due to him being unable to have self control.

It changed with Maria. Slowly, she was able to smash the wall of self-doubt and mistrust regarding his alien side, Michael had built. Of course, they had had problems. However, when Michael had been able to let Maria in, it was too late for them. His alien heritage caught up with his earthly life. It was time for him to be the great general everyone on his planet thought he was. Now, after ten years they finally have a second chance. This time Michael wasn’t going to shut Maria out of his life. He realized that she was his and truth to be told, life wasn’t worth it without her. In addition, seeing Alex and Kyle, Michael realized everything could change though you didn’t expect it. He didn’t want to miss another day without Maria.

“Why do you have that smug look on?” Tess asked Isabel, who was too happy catching the alien girl in a moment of embarrassment.

“You were moaning. Must have been a good dream if you moan.” Isabel smirked. It was a perfect chance to play a bit with Tess.

“It was a dream like any other so I wasn’t moaning.” Tess replied firmly feeling how a blush was about to cover her cheeks. She just played into Isabel’s hands, who was going to use the incident against her.

“Are you sure? I’m very certain that you were moaning. You see, there are first the moaning; secondly you’re saying a guy’s name and said guy is known and last Michelle has stood next to you for several minutes listening to you then called me over because she thought you have gone crazy. By now you should know that you don’t have erotic dreams when kids are near.” Isabel looked like the cat that got the cream. It was too good. The part with Michelle wasn’t true but Tess didn’t know that yet.

“Oh god…oh my god, Alex will kill me when he hears that one of his daughters was witnessing me in a throw of a wet dream.”

There was no way that Alex would overlook such a faux pas if he would find out. It was bad. It was very bad and Tess had to do damage control. It wasn’t helping that Isabel was sitting opposite of her wearing that damn self-contended smile. Isabel was enjoying it too much seeing her friend sweating.

“Instead of smiling like a fool, you can help me with coming up a solution so Michelle doesn’t tell Alex a word. You should know by now how bad Alex reacts when his girls hear something they shouldn’t have heard because we say things though we arren’t supposed to say it when the kids are near.” Tess ranted not noticing Isabel’s growing grin. It was too funny to watch her but Isabel wasn’t that cruel to let her friend think she was in trouble.

“You should relax. Everything is under control with Alex because no one but me has heard you.” Isabel reassured her.

“What do you mean? I can’t relax when I know I’m a dead alien. Oh god…what if Kyle hears about it? Do you think it’s too late to jump out of the plane? I can’t take the embarrassment.”

“Tess, I’m kidding. No one has heard you except me. No need for you to panic, I was just making fun of you.” Isabel shrugged; there was no harm done so far and a bit of fun wouldn’t hurt.

Unbelievable. Tess couldn’t believe what her best friend had done to her. There she was worrying that someone, who shouldn’t have heard it, heard her dreaming about Kyle and other activities. And Isabel chose that moment to play a prank on her.

“You’re evil. You know that it was mean.” Tess pouted.

“I know but I couldn’t resist. It’s a long time ago that we could joke like that. Sometimes I forget that we were teenagers once. And in such a moment it’s good to be young again.” Isabel replied melancholic. She had forgotten how it was young and carefree. Their time on Antar hadn’t allowed them to still stay teenagers. They had had to grow up too fast.

“Are you calling me old? To let you know I’m 28. you’re the one to become 30, old lady.” Tess rebuked.

“My age is not the issue here. To let you know, I’m perfectly fine getting older. Your moaning and groaning is our…excuse me, I mean your issue. Try to keep your mouth shut when you should have such an interesting dream again. Better said, keep it to yourself.”

“You’re one to talk.” Tess murmured silently knowing that Isabel was a bit down due to her situation with Alex.

It would have been naïve to think that everything would go back to normal when they came back. Though Tess expected changes in her friends’ lives, she had never expected such changes. It would take time for her and Isabel to cope with it. For now, they just wanted to be part of their friends’ lives.

Maybe someday there could be more.