All's Fair in Love and Tennis (AU M/L MATURE) [COMPLETE] 7/6

Finished stories that feature the characters from the show, but there are no aliens. All fics completed on the main AU without Aliens board will eventually be moved here.

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 587
Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:41 am

Post by Heavenli24 »

Thank you for your feedback :) :

LairaBehr4 -Thanks :) . I'm trying to write the new parts - I just have little time to sit down and do it at the moment :( .

Alien_Friend (x2) - Thank you :) . The Artois Championships started in London yesterday, so hopefully Andy can do better than 1st round this time. Btw, he was a guest on the Jonathan Ross show on the BBC Friday night - great interview, really funny :) . You can find it here (part 1) and here (part 2) if you're interested :).

roswell3053 (x2) - Thanks :) .

begonia9508 - Thanks :) . Well, Max is trying to be a bit more civil to Liz, but will it last? As for why Liz left - I'm not gonna say anything right now :P .

Tamashii - Thanks :) . Despite his anger, I don't think Max can help caring about Liz and that's part of why this is so hard for him.

clueless - Sorry, I'm not saying anything either way just yet :P .

Natalie36 - Perhaps.

Nz_Roswell (x2) - I'm working on it :) .

Tessa1982 - Thanks :) .

behrluv32 - Thanks :) .

Addicted2AmberEyes - Thanks - although I'm not gonna confirm or deny anything at this point in the story :P .


Part Ten

Friday June 22nd 2007

At precisely seven am, Liz was roused from her sleep as her mobile began blaring out Mika’s high-octave ‘Love Today’. With a groan, she buried her face in her soft, feather pillow, before reaching out a hand and fumbling for her phone.

“’Lo?” she mumbled, tiredly, brushing her hair off her face with her free hand.

“Liz? Is that you?” wondered the smooth baritone voice on the other end.

Liz frowned at hearing the male voice, as it took her a moment to place it, but the second she realised who was calling, she sat up straight in bed.

“Martin?” she questioned in surprise.

“It’s me, Liz,” he confirmed.

“Wow, not that it’s not good to hear from you, but did you have to call me at this time in the morning?” she asked, her mind now filled with confusion.

“Sorry, I forgot about the time difference. I just wanted to see how you were doing now that you’re back at home,” replied Martin.

Martin Smith was a twenty-nine year old former investment banker from Birmingham who, at the ripe old age of twenty-six, had decided to pack in the long hours and workplace pressure to emigrate halfway across the world and make a home for himself in the same beach community that Liz had hidden herself away in two years ago. They’d met at the local supermarket just a couple of weeks after Liz had fled Britain and he’d recognised her almost immediately. They’d got to talking in the frozen foods aisle and since they were the only other Brits in the area, they’d arranged to meet up occasionally for a chat.

In the end, Martin had been something of a confidant to Liz during the two years she’d been away from the UK. He knew all about her relationship with Max and what had happened to make her leave both him and her career. However, she hadn’t heard from him since a week or so before she’d told him of her decision to come home and enter Wimbledon again, so his call today was something of a surprise.

“I’m doing okay,” Liz told him, as she tried to hold back a yawn.

“That’s good to hear. How’s the training going? Are you getting back into the swing of things?”

“Well, it’s going,” she stated, with a sigh.

“But not that well, by the sound of it,” he said knowingly.

“The singles training is going pretty well, but it’s just the other part that’s hard,” admitted Liz.

“Does that other part have anything to do with Max Evans?” asked Martin then. “There was a report on the news here about you and he playing together again.”

“Yeah, it’s true,” she sighed. “They wanted us to enter the mixed together, since I was back this year.”

“Let me guess, it’s not going well?” he replied.

“Well, the tennis part is, it’s just the ‘being on the same court again’ part that’s one big, awkward mess.”

“He’s still mad at you?”

“Yeah, and who could blame him?” said Liz sarcastically.

“Well, have you told him the truth yet?”

“No,” she admitted. “Honestly, I don’t think I’m ready to.”

“But, don’t you think telling him could make all the difference?” he suggested. “After all, he has no idea why you left and he’s probably spent the last two years assuming the worst.”

“I know that, I do, but it’s not just about Max, it’s about me too. I’m just not emotionally ready to deal with him knowing the truth.”

Martin sighed on the other end, “Fair enough, I suppose. I know how difficult things have been for you the last couple of years. But for the record, you do know he deserves the truth eventually, don’t you?”

”I know,” she said softly. “I just need a little more time. But, thank you for the advice, Martin.”

“No problem, Liz,” he replied. “Well, I guess I’d better let you go now. I don’t want to interfere with your tough training schedule.”

“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” smiled Liz. “But thank you for calling; it was great to hear from you again.”

“It was great talking to you too, and I’ll give you a call if I’m ever in the neighbourhood.”

“Okay,” said Liz. “It would be wonderful to see you again.”

They said their goodbyes and ended the conversation. However, instead of placing her mobile back on the bedside table, Liz found herself simply staring at it in her hand. Martin was right about telling Max the real reason she left, but how on Earth was she going to be able to do that when just the thought of someone else knowing scared the shit out of her?


An hour and a half later, Liz arrived at the tennis club to find Max and his coach partaking in some singles training on one of the courts close to the clubhouse. It appeared that David had not arrived yet, so she slipped into the clubhouse coffee bar unnoticed and took a seat at one of the windows that looked out over the courts.

As much as she tried to concentrate on anything but Max, Liz couldn’t help her attention and gaze from drifting down to him. However, as she watched him returning shot after shot across the net, a swell of pride began to rise in her chest. With all the drama and awkwardness of the last two weeks, she hadn’t actually had the chance to just sit back and watch him play… and, wow, was he good!

In fact, he seemed to be playing better than he had when they’d been together. No wonder he’d managed to win the other three Grand Slam tournaments in the last few months. During her time away from the UK, she’d heard he’d gone through a bad patch… one that she was afraid had something to do with her disappearance… but in the last year, he’d managed to pick things up again and was now doing much better. More than better, in fact; he was now ranked at number one in the world, although from his behaviour, he apparently wasn’t too comfortable with all the media coverage that came with it.

Liz watched his progress on court for a few more minutes, until David arrived and approached her table from behind, watching silently for a moment before alerting her to his presence.

“He’s good, isn’t he?”

Liz jumped in surprise at the unexpected voice as she turned to face her coach. She offered his a smile in greeting before glancing back out at the courts again.

“Yeah, he is,” she murmured. “He’s really good. Even better than when we were together.”

“Well, I hear he’s been putting in a lot of work recently,” said David.

“I can tell.”

“So, how are you two doing now?” he asked then. “You’re certainly playing very well together at the moment and I think you’re just about ready for the tournament next week.”

“Yeah,” Liz nodded in agreement, as she let out a small sigh. “I think so.”


“I just don’t know where we stand with each other,” she admitted. “He’s obviously still mad at me, but I just can’t bring myself to talk to him and make things right.”

“Look,” started David softly, as he took a seat next to her. “I don’t need to tell you that you’re doing the wrong thing by bottling everything up and not being honest with him, but I do know how hard this is for you; you’re scared and I understand that. But think of how much Max meant to you back then and how much he cared for you. You were part of each other’s lives for so long and from what I remember, you always used to be completely honest with each other. Maybe admitting the truth will lift that weight on your shoulders and clear the air between you?”

“Maybe,” murmured Liz, thoughtfully. “But it’s just not as easy as it sounds. When I left, I pretty much destroyed that closeness forever, and I don’t think we’ll ever get close to it again.”


Saturday 6th July 2002 – Mixed Doubles Final, Wimbledon 2002, London

“Well, this is it, match point - the moment of truth,” stated John McEnroe from the commentator’s box on Centre court. “Could Evans and Parker be the first all-British mixed pair to win Wimbledon since Bates and Durie in 1987? They’re at 6 games to 4 in the third and final set of this year’s final, with three match points at their disposal. Let’s hope they make the most of this advantage over the French.”

“Indeed, John,” replied his fellow commentator, John Lloyd. “And I think if anyone can pull it off, it’s these two fine players in front of us. After a good, but average start in the mixed last week, they seem to have picked up steam in the last couple of matches. In fact, I don’t think we’ve seen them on playing this well together before. After Parker’s disappointing match earlier this week, we were all worried that the mixed would suffer too, but something has obviously happened to boost their confidence since then.”

“You’re right,” agreed McEnroe. “It’s almost like a force has taken over the two of them in the last couple of days and all I can say is that they should keep doing whatever it is that has them on top form right now… Okay, here we go, Evans is getting ready to serve for the match…”


Out on court, Liz shifted from foot to foot almost nervously. Behind her, she heard Max bouncing the ball a couple of times, in preparation for his serve and a sudden burst of adrenaline burst through her. She and Max had been playing so well this week: so well, in fact, that they had actually made it to the final and the only explanation she could think of for her sudden turnaround was Max and the changes that had occurred between them in the last few days.

Despite the tense atmosphere right now, Liz couldn’t help but smile at the thought of their new relationship. The last few days had been absolutely wonderful, as she and Max discovered all kinds of new things about each other. Max served for the match and also the championship, Liz felt a wave of anticipation and excitement flow through her, as the ball went sailing over the net and she prepared for the return shot. The next few seconds were tense as the rally continued, their opposition obviously not wishing to give up without a fight; however, a moment later, Max surprised everyone, Liz herself included, by diving for an unlikely shot and placing it just outside either their opponent’s reach.

For a moment, Liz just stood still, her racket still poised in her hand, before she realised what had just happened and her mouth dropped open.

They had won!!

She and Max had won their first Wimbledon title!

Before she had time to blink, Liz found herself being lifted off the floor as Max wrapped his arms around her in a huge hug.

“We did it, Lizzie!” he cried ecstatically. “We actually did it. I can’t believe it.”

“Oh my God!” she gasped, as the reality began to really sink in. “Oh my God, Max! We won!”

She and Max continued to cling to each other in celebration, until one of the ball boys tapped Max on the shoulder, indicating that the Wimbledon officials were ready to begin the trophy presentation. With a grin, Max released Liz and they moved to congratulate their opponents, before making their way to the centre of the court hand-in-hand.

The next hour passed in a blur for Liz; she and Max were first accosted by the press for post-match interviews and then by their families for hugs and congratulations. After a good half-hour of mingling in the VIP rooms at the All England club, everyone headed back to Max and Liz’s hotel for a celebratory party that was being thrown for all of the day’s championship winners.

Liz couldn’t stop smiling and sharing glances with Max the entire evening.


“Wow, I still can’t believe it really happened,” exclaimed Liz to Max, as they entered her hotel room just after two am. Downstairs, the party was drawing to a close and Max had offered to walk Liz back to her room on the way to his own.

However, when they arrived at her door, Liz didn’t hesitate to invite him in and Max eagerly complied.

“Well, it definitely did,” Max assured her with a grin as he slipped his arms around her waist and she lifted her head to look up at him. “We’re Wimbledon champions now.”

Liz shook her head. “It’s like a dream come true,” she murmured in wonderment.

Max chuckled at her words, before gently lowering his head towards hers and capturing her lips in a soft kiss. Liz sucked in a breath at the sudden contact, but relaxed into Max’s kiss almost immediately. They’d only been together for a five days, but those five days had given them plenty of opportunity to get to know each other in the more-than-just-friends sense.

“Mmm,” she murmured against Max’s lips, her arms coming up to circle around his neck.

In response, Max simply let one hand drift up her back and tangle in her hair as he gently cupped her neck. A contented smile tugged at Liz’s lips as she deepened the kiss, pressing her body more fully against him. At the added contact, Max muttered something unintelligible, tightening his arms around her as he began to walk Liz backwards towards the queen-size bed that stood in the middle of the room.

However, the moment Liz’s legs hit the end of the bed, Max broke their embrace and pulled back to look down into her eyes as Liz turned her gaze up to him in confusion.

“Why d’you stop?” she wondered, curling her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck. “I was enjoying that.”

“I just…” Max started, getting caught up in her eyes and momentarily forgetting what he wanted to say.

“Max? What’s up?”

“Nothing,” he shook his head and sending her a quick, genuine smile. “I just wanted to savour the moment.”

“Okay,” she murmured with a small chuckle. “Are you done yet?”

“Just a minute,” he replied, snaking his fingers round from the back of her neck to gently caress her cheek. “Okay, I’m done.”

“Great,” murmured Liz with a grin, as their lips met once more.

This time, their kisses were deep and more intense than any they’d shared in the past few days. It was like she couldn’t get enough of him. Her hands slid down from his neck, exploring every inch of his back before coming to rest on his lower back, her fingers slipping beneath the material of his shirt to gently stroke the warm skin there.

Encouraged by her movements, Max nuzzled at her neck as his hands wound around her back, gently easing her down onto the bed. Liz’s eyes fluttered open when she felt the mattress beneath her and she found herself staring up into Max’s questioning gaze. With an almost imperceptible nod, she smiled up at him, making the immediate decision that she was ready for this, despite the fact that their new relationship was less than a week old.

In fact, there was nothing more in the world that she wanted more than to make love to Max Evans right now. If she was honest with herself, she knew that secretly she’d wanted this since the first time she’d laid eyes on him – she just hadn’t admitted it to herself until a few days ago. At her nod of consent, Max smiled and lowered his mouth to hers again as he ran his hands down her sides. Liz sighed into his mouth, allowing his tongue to tangle with hers as she slid her hands further beneath his shirt, urging it upwards. Max quickly got the hint and shifted to allow her to divest him of the offending article.

Liz felt Max’s eyes on her as she ran her fingers over his bare chest, almost in awe. Of course, she’d seen his upper body before during training, but there was something different about seeing him like this right now.

“Liz,” murmured Max, sucking in a breath as her fingers drifted down the centre of his torso towards his belly button.

She lifted her head to look up at him, only for her breath to catch in her throat at the intensity in his eyes.

“Make love to me?” he questioned roughly.

With a soft smile, she nodded, “Of course.”

Max broke into a grin and he kissed her deeply before moving his hands to the hem of her top. They undressed each other slowly, taking the time to get to know each other’s bodies. For Liz, the whole experience was serene. She had to admit that almost all of her previous sexual encounters had been hurried and frantic – they’d been about having fun and feeling good. But this was different; for the first time, she actually felt special, cherished and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world.

Max took his time, gently running his hands across her warm skin, pressing soft kisses along her collarbone before unhurriedly working down to her chest. Liz let out a gasp as he cupped one breast in his hand, before lowering his lips to the other. Her hands drifted to the back of his head, her fingers tangling in his short hair. They were both still wearing underwear, but Liz was very aware of Max’s hips nestled between her legs, his arousal pressing against her centre and she couldn’t help but fidget beneath him in an attempt to ease the building pressure.

However, if he noticed her discomfort, he didn’t show it; instead he simply continued to worship her body with his hands and with his mouth. His hands slid lower, his mouth following as he kissed a trail down to her belly. Liz let out a gasp as his fingers dipped beneath the elastic of her knickers, causing Max to lift his head to look at her. She gave him a lazy smile and a nod, to indicate that he should continue, before lowering her head to the pillows.

Her stomach tightened as he hooked his fingers into her underwear and gently eased them down over her hips. A small moan escaped her lips as he began to gently caress her with his fingers and when he finally touched his tongue to her hot centre, her breathing became shallow and ragged and she arched up off the bed, her fingers clutching at his hair.

Nothing had ever felt this good and no one had ever made her feel this way before. Max ran his hands up and down her legs as he kissed and licked at her sensitive skin until she was begging for release, but before she could reach it, he pulled back and slid up her body again.

“Wha-?” she muttered, almost incoherently. “Max?”

“Shh,” he murmured softly. “Be patient.”

Before Liz knew what was happening, he had climbed off the bed and was rummaging through his wallet. She frowned for a moment before relaxing when she realised what was going on. Instead, she simply lay back and watched Max as he pulled the small, square packet out of his wallet and then slipped his boxers off.

Her eyes widened as she took in the view before her. He was… perfect… and the sight of his naked body turned her on more than anything ever had before. With their protection in his hand, Max smiled down at her as he lowered his body onto hers once more. They kissed softly for a few moments, before Liz began to feel impatient and rocked her hips against him. With a quick nod, Max wasted no time in opening the small packet and rolling the condom into place.

“Max,” gasped Liz as he entered her, gently rocking his hips to allow her to get used to him. “God.”

She felt his sharp intake of breath when he sank further into her and closed her eyes at the sensations he was causing in her body. They made love tenderly, yet still fervently, pouring every feeling and emotion into worshipping each other. As Liz neared her peak, she felt like she was flying; making love to Max Evans was better than anything else in the world.

She clung to him as the first waves of orgasm washed over her, gasping in his ear at the sensations. She felt him smile against her neck as he continued to thrust in and out of her, his release fast approaching. Soon, he stiffened above her with a cry as he came, before collapsing against Liz.

They lay together as one for several moments as they tried to catch their breath and make sense of the emotions they were experiencing.

“Wow,” breathed Liz. “That was…”

“I know,” murmured Max, as he kissed her neck.

“I think…” she started.

“You think what?” Max lifted his head.

“I think I might be falling in love with you, Max Evans,” she confessed.

“Really?” he wondered, his expression awed.

She nodded, “Yeah, I think I am.”

He grinned, rolling them so that they lay side by side, “Well, you know what? I think I might just be falling in love with you too, Liz Parker.”

This time, it was Liz’s turn to grin. They remained in that position, just staring into each other’s eyes for a few minutes, until Max noticed that she was beginning to shiver.

“Cold?” he asked.

Liz nodded, “A little.”

Max slid off the bed, disposing of the condom before holding his hand out to her in invitation. She took it, getting off the bed so that he could pull back the covers. They settled together beneath the duvet, Liz cuddled against Max’s chest, as Max’s arms encircled her, holding her close.

As they lay together on the verge of sleep, Liz murmured one last thought, “I’m so happy, Max.”

“Me too, Lizzie, me too.”

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 587
Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:41 am

Post by Heavenli24 »

Thank you for the feedback :-) :

Alien_Friend - Thank you :) . Well, it seems that your wish for Andy to do well at Queen's was granted - he went and won the whoel tournament :D !
And yes, Jonathan Ross is great - he was in the tennis studio with Sue Barker the other day, talking about his interview with Andy. He's known for his blunt comments, bad language and inappropriate innuendo on his show - it's a good thing it's broadcast late at night, :lol: .

begonia9508 - Thanks :) .

Nz_Roswell (x2) - Thanks :) .

Natalie36 - I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait a little bit longer :roll: .

behrluv32 - :lol: - Yep, they actually had 3 more years together befor eeverything went wrong.

clueless - Thank you :) .

behralicious87 - Thanks :) - we're still not quite at the truth yet, though.

Tamashii - Thanks :) . As a professional player, that's what Max has to bed able to do - play his best, even when his personal life is in tatters :( .

Addicted2AmberEyes - Thank you :) . Yes, let's hope Liz can pluck up the courage to talk to him soon and that Max will listen to her.

A/N: Sorry for posting later than usual, but I've just spent the afternoon/early evening meeting and cuddling my supervisor's newborn daughter - she's a week old and so cute :D !


Part Eleven

Saturday 23rd June 2007

Max sighed as he stood in front of his bathroom mirror and inspected his appearance. He adjusted his tie and smoothed down his shirt, before reaching for the smart jacket that hung on the back of the chair in the corner. Tonight, the All-England club was hosting a meet-and-greet function for the tournament players and everyone else involved with Wimbledon.

To be honest, Max really wasn’t in the mood to go, but he knew that due to his current status in the tennis world, he was expected to attend. It wasn’t just the socialising he was required to do that filled his heart with dread; it was also the fact that he knew Liz was going to be there and that he would be expected to be seen with her during the evening. Not to mention all the inevitable questions about their relationship. Max just wished he could avoid it all and get on with things, but he knew it wasn’t going to happen.

Two weeks ago, before he’d seen Liz again, all he’d wanted was to finally get the truth from her and he’d thought that agreeing to play in the mixed was the best way to do that. However, when the time came to actually meet her face to face, the moment she opened her mouth to speak, he found he didn’t want to hear anything that came out of her mouth.

The truth was, he was scared. All he’d been able to think about for months was why she’d left, but when she was actually standing in front of him and he finally had access to the information he needed, he just couldn’t handle it. All the anger he’d spent so long dealing with and trying to overcome suddenly came rushing back and the only thing he could do was take it out on her. The only way he found he could deal with being in Liz’s presence was to concentrate on playing well and not talk to her directly. He knew that if he tried to be civil towards her, or even ask why she left, he’d end up doing something he would regret. So, he’d kept his mouth shut and suffered in silence.

As he was making the final adjustments to his suit, Max’s driver rang to inform him that his car was outside and with a sigh and once last glance in the mirror, he made his way out of the building and got into the car. It was usually customary for the players to be put up in a hotel during the tournament, but since Max lived in London anyway, he’d elected not to stay in the hotel this year. He could admit that it did have something to do with not wanting to stay in the same building as Liz for the next two weeks, since she had chosen to take the hotel room offered, but the truth was that at this point in time, he felt much more comfortable sleeping in his own bed this year.

Almost thirty minutes later, the car pulled up outside the All England club. Max thanked the driver and sucked in a deep breath, preparing himself for the evening ahead, before stepping out of the car and heading for the entrance.


The party had been in full swing for only an hour, but Max was getting antsy. More people than he cared to remember, all of whom had some comment or another about Liz and the mixed doubles, had approached him in the last few minutes. He’d plastered a smile on his face and answered them as politely as possible, all the while very aware of Liz socialising on the other side of the room. For the last forty-five minutes, he’d being trying to forget that she was there, but that had proved very difficult indeed.

However, now that the other guests had finally decided to leave him alone for a few minutes, he couldn’t help but watch her every move from his spot near the buffet table. He had to admit that she looked positively stunning tonight; her shoulder-length hair had been curled and pulled back off her face and she wore a sleek black, knee-length dress that showed off her lovely figure. As she laughed with a couple of the other players, Max couldn’t take his eyes off her glowing face and smiling eyes. He felt his heart tug at the sight and for a moment wondered why on earth he was mad at her.

Suddenly, their eyes met and Max blushed when he realised he’d been caught staring. Liz, however, didn’t seem to notice and instead fixed him with a thoughtful gaze before saying something to her companions and making her way towards the buffet table where he was currently standing.

“Max,” she murmured, as she came to a stop in front of him.

“Liz,” he replied, too caught up in his perusal of her to realise that he wasn’t technically talking to her.

“Look,” she started, fidgeting slightly as he continued to watch her. “I know you’re still angry with me and that’s perfectly understandable, but I just want to say that I’m sorry, for everything.”

“Okay,” said Max slowly, as he tried to absorb the fact that she was actually standing in front of him, apparently saying what he’d been waiting for her to say to him for the last two weeks.

“I didn’t mean to hurt you, Max, I swear,” she continued. “I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking straight and it was selfish of me to just leave with no explanations.”

Max nodded, as he absorbed her words. Part of him was glad that she’d finally apologised to him for what she’d put him through, but another part was still angry with her.

“So, am I finally going to hear those explanations?” he questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Liz hesitated for a moment, before lowering her eyes awkwardly. “I sorry, Max,” she murmured, looking back up at him. “I can’t… I’m just not ready.”

Max snorted, “Well, that’s just great. You know what, Liz? Why don’t you just stay away from me until you are ready, because I don’t think I can be civil to someone who I know is lying to me.”

“Max,” said Liz, her tone dismayed, as she attempted to reason with him, but one look at his now stony expression had her retreated back into herself. “I’m sorry,” she murmured one last time before turning to leave.

Max watched her go with a sinking heart. It was obviously that his reaction had hurt her, but at the same time, if she wasn’t going to offer any explanation for breaking his heart, then he couldn’t be expected to be nice to her. Didn’t she understand that he had a right to know why his own life had fallen apart? How was it that the most wonderful, honest and loving girl he’d ever known could have become so selfish and self-absorbed in such a short space of time? It was like he didn’t even know her anymore.

Sure, they might have to play tennis together for the next two weeks, but now he was more determined than ever not to have anything to do with her off the court. There had been a time when he couldn’t stand being away from her for more than a couple of hours, but now it was proving difficult to stay calm enough to be with her for even that length of time…


Saturday October 12th 2002

“Don’t go,” Max practically pleaded with Liz as they lounged together on the plush sofa in her living room. “Please?”

“Max, I have to go, you know that,” Liz reasoned, shifting positions so that she could face him. “I signed up for the tournament weeks ago, I can’t back out now. And besides, it’s only for a week.”

“Only a week?” he returned incredulously, “That’s like… six days too long, Liz.”

“God, Max, don’t be such a baby,” Liz rolled her eyes playfully. “I bet you wouldn’t be acting like this if you hadn’t had to pull out of the tournament in Madrid this week. When we signed up for them, you had no problem with the fact that you were gonna be in Spain while I was in Switzerland.”

“Yeah, well, that was before,” stated Max, with a small pout.

“You know, it’s not my fault you got yourself injured the week before the tournament, now is it?” she retorted, a grin tugging at her lips as she glanced meaningfully at the bandage covering his right wrist.

“As I recall,” countered Max mischievously as he slid his good arm around her waist and pulled her down on top of him. “I sprained my wrist whilst trying to hit the ball that you conveniently ducked out the way of.”

“Oh, yeah,” muttered Liz with a sheepish shrug. “Sorry about that.”

Max grinned and lifted his head slightly so he could press a soft kiss to her lips.

“Hey,” he said, pulling away a little. “How about I come with you to Zürich tomorrow instead of staying here all on my own? I could keep you company when you’re not on court.”

“Max,” sighed Liz, “As much as I’d love you to come with me, you know you can’t. You have a check up at the doctor’s on Monday and physio appointments during the week. If you want to be fit for the Master’s tournament in Paris in two weeks, you need to stay here and get better.”

Max let that sink in. He knew Liz was right; getting his wrist back up to playing again was his priority, but that didn’t mean he liked the idea.

“I’m gonna miss you, Lizzie,” he admitted softly.

“I’m gonna miss you too, Max,” replied Liz, gazing down at him for a long moment, before lowering her lips to his for a passion-filled kiss.

Max responded eagerly, his arm tightening around Liz, pulling her close against him. As the familiar sensations flowed through him at the feel of her soft lips on his, he found himself wondering once more how he was going to live without seeing her for a whole week.

“I love you, Liz,” he murmured against her lips, not giving her a chance to respond as he plunged his tongue into her mouth, holding her to him tightly. He wanted to make this moment to last as long as humanly possible.

Unfortunately, oxygen eventually became an issue and Liz pulled away to catch her breath.

“I love you too, Max,” she returned breathlessly. “You know I do. And for the record, I’m gonna miss you this week too.”

A smile lit up Max’s face at Liz’s words and he reached up to caress her cheek with his fingers.

“Make love to me, Lizzie?” he asked imploringly.

“Okay, let’s go to my room” she nodded eagerly, moving to stand up, but Max held her firmly against him.

“No, make love to me,” he repeated slowly. “Right here.”

“Here?” she murmured.

“Yeah, why not? Don’t you think it’s kinda… sexy?”

A grin broke out on Liz’s face. “Well, now I do,” she admitted, lowering her mouth to his again.

Max gave a muffled chuckle, his good hand slipping beneath Liz’s shirt and coming to rest on the warm skin there. As they slowly undressed each other and took their time making passionate love on Liz’s couch, there was one thought that kept echoing through Max’s mind.

Once Liz returned from Switzerland next weekend, he was going to ask her to move in with him.


Max was pulled from his bittersweet memories by a sudden interruption from beside him.

“Nice to see you’re still on top of things, huh, Max?” joked the soft feminine voice. “You look completely out of it.”

“Huh?” said Max, in confusion as he turned to face the voice… and smiled.

“Yeah, you’re out of it, just like I thought,” the woman confirmed.

“Nice to see you too, Jess,” greeted Max with a grin.

“You too, Max,” replied blonde-haired Jessica Abbott.

Max had met Jessica at the Australian Open back in 2002. Her brother James had been competing in the Junior tournament and she’d accompanied him to Australia, since their parents weren’t around anymore. The two of them had become friends and after Liz grilled him about her one evening, Max had introduced the two of them. Although they only saw each other at tournaments and matches, Max and Liz had always had an effort to catch up with Jessica and her brother, and Max had continued to talk to her at tournaments in the months after Liz’s disappearance. She’d been a big help and support to him when he was having trouble with his game.

“How’s James doing now that he’s moved up to the men’s tournament?” enquired Max interestedly.

“It’s been a little tough for him,” admitted Jessica. “It’s a big step going from one of the best to just one of many.”

“Yeah, it is,” agreed Max. “But tell him to hold in there and I’m sure he’ll do fine.”

“I will and I’ll be sure to tell him that the advice came from his idol.”

Max blushed at her words. He knew that James Abbott was a fan of his, but it was still strange to be referred to as someone’s idol.

Beside him, Jessica continued to chat, but Max found his attention wandering… to the lone figure standing across the room. Liz was watching him with an unreadable expression. She looked so lonely and lost that he had to physically stop himself from walking over to her and taking her in his arms.

As much as he wanted to comfort her, he knew he couldn’t be comfortable around her until she had the guts to tell him the truth.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:41 am

Post by Heavenli24 »

Well, after the rain yesterday, it seems that the real Wimbledon 2007 is finally getting underway :) . I was hoping to have enough parts written to update more frequently during the tournament, but a very stressful few days last week prevented me from sitting down to write, so I'm afraid the updates are still going to be once a week for now.

Thank you for all your feedback, it's really great to hear your views on the story :) :

LairaBehr4 (x2) - Thanks :) . Don't worry, though - you left FB over at RC for that part :) .

Alien_Friend (x2) - Thanks :) . I managed to watch the replay of the last part of Tim's match when I got home. I was watching it last night and couldn't believe it when they stopped play at such a crucial point in the match!!

clueless (x4) - Thanks :lol: .

behralicious87 - Thanks :) . When they get out on court, they both know that the game is the most important thing and they push their feelings aside and get on with playing the tennis.

ShatteredDreamer - Thank you :) .

begonia9508 - Thanks :) . You could be right about that :wink: .

Tamashii - Thanks :) .

Natz - Thank you :) . Let's hope they can work through things soon.

Addicted2AmberEyes - Thanks :) . Yeah, perhaps Liz should have waited to apologise, but in her mind, I think she felt that an apology was better than nothing, even though she couldn't give him more.

behrluv32 - Thanks :) .

blueballjumper - Thank you :) .

Nz_Roswell (x2) - I'm trying to keep up with the parts - at first, I was having trouble with writer's block, and now that my muse is back, all this work comes up at uni and I don't have time to write - I'm working 34 hours at work this week on top of 5 hours a day at uni - I'm exhausted by the time I get home, lol!!

roswell3063 - Thanks :) .

Michelle in Yonkers - Perhaps it wasn't the best decision she made, but maybe Liz felt it was safer to approach Max when there were a lot of people around - it would take the pressure off :roll: . I think she knows that 'sorry' isn't good enough, but it was all she could offer at the time and thought it better to apologise than not say anything at all.


Part Twelve

Sunday 24th June 2007

It was almost lunchtime and so far, Liz had spent most of the morning lounging around in her hotel room, watching TV. All the socialising last night, along with the tough training schedule of the last two weeks had worn her out and so she was taking a much-needed break from tennis before the tournament began tomorrow. She’d done all the training she could in preparation for this year’s Wimbledon and she and Max were playing at the best standard possible in the short time they’d had to practice together.

So now she was making the most of having some time off before the chaos began by catching up with the Hollyoaks episodes she’d missed during the week and pigging out on Doritos and chocolate. It was just getting to a really good part of the omnibus episode, when there came a knock at the door. With a sigh, Liz pressed the mute button and dragged herself off the bed to open the door.

“Hey Mum, hey Dad,” she smiled when she saw who was on the other side.

“Hey, Lizzie,” greeted her dad with a smile, as her mum pulled her into a hug. “We just wanted to drop by and see how you were doing before the tournament.”

“I’m doing okay,” Liz told them. “Why don’t you come on in?”

“Thanks, darling,” smiled Nancy, as she stepped through the door and took a seat on the sofa by the window.

As Jeff entered the room, he also gathered Liz up in a hug, before gesturing to the sofa. They sat down, Liz in the middle, with her parents on either side.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Lizzie? Because you can tell us if all this is just too much at once,” Jeff told her softly and Nancy nodded, rubbing Liz’s arm comfortingly.

Liz looked down for a moment before sighing, “Well, I’m coping, but it’s been hard keeping up with the training after not playing for so long. Actually, it’s, um, been wearing me out a little.”

“That’s understandable,” Jeff nodded. “And how about playing with Max again? Is that going alright?”

Liz smothered a snort, “As well as can be expected, I guess. He’s still mad that I haven’t given him an explanation yet. We’re barely talking to each other.”

“Oh, honey,” murmured Nancy. “I’m sorry.”

“He thinks I’m deliberately lying to him,” she admitted. “And I want to tell him, I really do, but I’m worried about what the truth will mean for us and for our careers.”

“Have you tried just talking to him?” asked her mother. “Maybe that would help.”

“Not until the party last night,” admitted Liz. “I told him I was sorry for everything that happened, but that I wasn’t quite ready to tell him anything else.”

“And what did he say?”

“That I should stay away from him until I was ready to stop lying and be honest,” she said softly. “And then later on, he was chatting and smiling with another woman. I think maybe he was doing it deliberately to spite me.”

With a sympathetic smile, Jeff put his arm around her and pulled her close.

“I know this is hard for you, Lizzie and I’m sorry that Max is being a pain, but you’re a strong person and I’m sure you and Max can work this out eventually. You just need to be patient and try your best to get through the things that are holding you back from telling Max the truth.”

“I know, Dad. It’s just proving to be harder than it sounds. I’m scared that he’s not going to understand.”

“Hang in there, Lizzie,” he told her. “You’ve both supported each other with difficult things in your lives in the past. I’m sure when you are ready to tell him, he will understand. Remember when he was having problems with his game and was afraid to tell you about it? He was scared then, but you two worked through things and came out of it just fine.”

“Yeah, I remember,” murmured Liz, as she cast her mind back to that particular time in their lives…


Friday June 27th 2003 – Wimbledon, London

“Dammit!” swore Max, as he entered their hotel room and angrily dropped his sports bag down on the bed. “Fuck!”

“It’s not the end of the world, Max,” Liz told him as she too stepped into the room and closed the door behind her.

“I was knocked out in the third round, Liz,” he stated incredulously. “That’s my chance of winning Wimbledon out yet again.”

“Max,” said Liz softly, as she moved in front of him and slid her hands into his, looking up at him. “Maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. There’s always next year.”

Max snorted, “Easy for you to say, you haven’t lost a match in months. So far, I haven’t reached the semi-finals in a single tournament this year.”

“What about all the trophies we’ve collected in doubles? Surely, you can’t be disappointed with those?”

“Yeah, well,” he muttered, pulling his hands from hers and moving to sit on the end of the bed, his head in his hands.

Liz frowned. Something was up with him; he’d been standoffish and moody for the last couple of weeks and she had no idea why.

“Hey,” she murmured, taking a seat beside him. “What’s wrong?”

Max sighed, almost impatiently, “Nothing.”

“It doesn’t seem like nothing to me.”

“For fuck’s sake, Liz. Just leave it alone, okay?” he cried, his voice slightly muffled by his hands covering his face.

Liz was about to make a retort, when an awful thought occurred to her.

“Max, this doesn’t have anything to do with… us, does it? I mean, you’re not regretting moving in together or anything, are you?”

“What?” Max finally lifted his head from his hands to look at her. “No, Liz,” he shook his head. “It’s nothing like that. I love living with you.”

“Then what is it?” Liz asked gently. He remained silent. “Please, Max; you can talk to me about anything, you know that.”

He still didn’t speak, but his facial features showed that he was struggling with something. Feeling a wave of emotion towards her boyfriend, Liz shifted on the bed so she was sitting slightly behind him and reached out a hand, gently laying it on his back. When he didn’t move away, she slid both arms around him from behind and rested her head on his shoulder.

For a long moment, Max didn’t move or say anything and Liz began to worry, but eventually, she felt his hands encase hers and he sucked in a breath.

“What if I’m not cut out for this, Liz?” he questioned softly.

“Not cut out for what?” she replied, lifting her head slightly.

“Professional tennis,” he admitted. “What if I’m not good enough to make it?”

“Oh, Max,” murmured Liz. “Of course you’re good enough. You helped us win Wimbledon last year and we’ve got to the finals in the other Grand Slams since then. I didn’t do that on my own.”

“But maybe that’s just it; maybe I can only win when I’m playing with you.”

“That’s not true,” said Liz. “You’re one of the top singles players in the world.”

“And yet, I can’t seem to get past the forth round in tournaments anymore.”

“What are you talking about?” wondered Liz. “Okay, maybe you’ve had a couple of bad months, but that doesn’t mean you’re not good enough.”

Max shook his head, “When I’m on court, it’s like I can’t find my balance anymore. I feel clumsy and it’s like nothing I do is right. The only reason I made it to the third round today was because my opponent was playing even more badly than I was. God, I only seem to be able to play well when you’re with me.”

“Well, in that case, I have the perfect solution: from now on, we’re going to train together until you get your confidence back. I’m going to help you get back to your best.”

Max shook his head, “I can’t ask you to do that; what about your own training?”

“You know what? I think I might work better with you too,” she admitted, resting her chin on his shoulder, her mouth close to his ear. “So what do you say? We do this together?”

Max thought for a moment, exhaling loudly before shifting round on the bed to face Liz.

“Okay,” he nodded, a small smile gracing his features. “Okay, let’s do it.”

“Great,” she smiled, tightening her arms around him once again. “Thank you.”

“No, thank
you, Liz,” he returned. “For making me talk to you about this.”

“No problem, Max. I love you, remember? I just want you to be happy.”

“And I, you,” Max told her sincerely. “I love you, too, Lizzie…”


In his London flat, later that evening, Max was interrupted from his mental preparation for the first day of Wimbledon (while watching an X-Files rerun on digital cable) by the sound of his doorbell. With a frown, he stood up to answer the door, as he wondered who on Earth would be stopping by just a few hours before what could potentially be his biggest tournament ever. He’d already spent the day with his parents and his sister, so he knew it wasn’t any of his family. He opened the door and came face to face with the last person he expected to be paying him a visit.

“Jeff?” he wondered in surprise.

The man in front of him smiled, “Hi, Max. It’s been a long time.”

“Yeah,” agreed Max. “It has. Um, can I ask what you’re doing here?”

“Certainly,” replied Liz’s father, pleasantly. “I was hoping to talk with you, actually.”

“Oh, um, okay,” fumbled Max, still a little confused by Jeff’s appearance. After Liz disappeared, Max had lost contact with Jeff, despite his connections in the tennis world. “Come in.”

“Thank you,” replied Jeff, as he stepped into the flat.

“So, um, can I offer you a drink?” offered Max, uncomfortably, as he offered Jeff a seat on the sofa. Honestly, he had no idea how to act around Jeff Parker, especially considering the state of his current relationship with his daughter.

“No, that’s alright,” Jeff politely declined. “But thanks anyway.”

“Okay,” said Max, taking a seat in the armchair to the right of the couch.

“So, how are you doing, Max?” asked Jeff, a moment later. “Congratulations on becoming world number one, by the way. I always knew you would make it to the top.”

“Thank you,” replied Max, with a smile. “It’s really been a great year for me so far.”

“That’s good to hear. Although, I’ve heard it’s not been easy for you the last couple of weeks with the mixed doubles,” said Jeff, stressing the last part meaningfully.

“Well, I–” Max struggled for words. How could you tell your partner’s father that you pretty much hated her guts for breaking your heart?

“It’s okay, Max,” Jeff assured him kindly. “I understand that you and Lizzie are having some issues at the moment.” Max could only nod in reply. “And you know that I’m not one to pry into her life too much, but she’s really the reason I’m here.”

“Look, Jeff, I’m not sure what she’s told you, but I’m not –”

Jeff held up a hand to stop him, “I’m actually on your side here, Max.”

“You are?”

“Yes. As much as I love my daughter, I’m also aware that she still owes you some big explanations and I understand that you are still hurting over it.”

Max sucked in a shaky breath, but said nothing.

“Look, the reason I’m here is to ask you to go easy on Lizzie right now. I know that she needs to talk to you and tell you the truth, but it’s not as simple as that for her. She’s trying to deal with some personal issues and is struggling to overcome them, but until she has, she’s not going to feel ready to tell you about them.”

“I’m sorry,” admitted Max. “I’m not intentionally trying to hurt her, but when I’m around her, I can’t seem to control my reactions and emotions.”

“And I can’t blame you for that,” assured Jeff. “I just wanted you to know that Liz isn’t withholding information from you deliberately. She’s had a hard time trusting and getting close to people recently and to be honest, I think she’s scared to talk to you, Max.”

As Max let the words sink in, he couldn’t help but feel a small amount of sympathy for Liz. Whatever had happened in the last two years had obviously affected her as much as it had him.

He nodded slowly, “While I’ll admit that I am still angry and hurt over the past, I’m willing to try putting my feelings aside for Liz’s sake.”

“Thank you, Max.”

“If you talk to her, please let her know that when she’s ready to talk, I’ll be there to listen,” Max told him. “As much as I hate what she did to me and to us, part of me still loves her and because of that I’m willing to wait a little longer to hear her explanations.”

“You’re a good man, Max,” Jeff complimented, warmly, as he stood up to leave. “I’d better be off now, but please, just hang in there for a little longer. I’m sure you’ll get the answers you need soon enough.”

“I’ll try,” replied Max, walking him towards the door. “Thank you.”

“Good luck with the tournament, Max.”

“Thanks. Can you wish Liz good luck for me? I would do it myself, but after the way I talked to her last night, I don’t think she’d be too receptive.”

“I will, Max,” said Jeff, as he exited the flat. “Good night.”

“Good night.”

Max closed the door and leaned back against it with a sigh. He was suddenly full of conflicting emotions. On the one hand, he was still angry that Liz hadn’t confided in him, but one the other hand, Jeff’s words had him thinking. Maybe there was more to Liz’s sudden disappearance than he’d originally thought.

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 587
Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:41 am

Post by Heavenli24 »

Thank you all for your feedback :) :

clueless (x2) - Thanks :) . We're slowly getting closer, but we're not quite there yet.

Alien_Friend - Thanks :) . Hope you're having fun on vacation :) . Unfortunately the weather here is not letting up - torrential rain and thunderstorms every day! Apparently all the rain delays have cost Wimbledon £1 million (US$2 million) in ticket refunds - they have to give a full refund if there was less than 1 hour of play and a half-refund if there was only a couple of hours play!

Natalie36 - Thanks - I'm coming back as quickly as I can. I wish I could update more often, but RL is getting in the way of my writing time at ther moment :( .

Lairabehr4 - Thanks :) .

behrluv32 - Sorry, I'm not gonna say anything just yet... I'm afraid you're going to have to keep on reading.

Addicted2AmberEyes - Thank you :) .

behralicious87 - Thank you :) .

BioGirl804 - Thanks :) .

roswell3053 - Thanks :) .

begonia9508 - That's an interesting theory about the situation... although you'll have to keep reading to see if you're right or not :P .

dreamon - Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying the story :) .

Tamashii - Sorry, I'm afraid you might have to be even more patient than Max. I was hoping to be able to update every 2 or 3 days, but I just don't have the time to keep up with the parts at the moment :( .

blueballjumper - Sorry to keep you all waiting so long.

Nz_Roswell - Thanks :) .


Part Thirteen

Monday 25th June 2007

As Max finished warming up for his first match of the tournament, he found his mind returning to the conversation he’d had with Liz’s father the night before. He was torn; he had no idea what to do or how he felt about the situation anymore. On the one hand, he knew that he should be demanding to know the real reason Liz left, that he deserved to finally learn why she’d broken his heart; but on the other hand, part of him still felt protective towards her and didn’t want to make things worse by pushing her for answers when she obviously wasn’t read to give them.

Shaking his head, Max gathered up his things and left the practice courts to meet with Todd, his coach, for a pre-match pep talk. Despite the whole situation with Liz, he was actually feeling prepared for the singles tournament this year. After winning the other three Grand Slams in New York, Melbourne and Paris over the last few months and then finally becoming the number one male player in the world, he was definitely confident that this could finally be his year to win the Wimbledon title as well.

Todd greeted Max inside the locker rooms, and they spent a few minutes going over Max’s tactics and the details of his first opponent. He was to be playing a young Frenchman named Jacques Moreaux. He was fairly unknown in the tennis world, currently ranked at only 190 in the world, but was a rising star in his home country and had received a wildcard entry into the tournament – a certain number of places were offered to players who weren’t ranked high enough to qualify in the usual way, but who showed promise and were therefore given a chance to play.

They finished their meeting with just a few minutes until the beginning of the match, so Todd wished Max good luck and headed off to find his seat in the VIP section of Centre Court. In the changing rooms, Max spent a couple of minutes just sitting down on one of the benches, taking deep, calming breaths. He knew it was strange to be nervous after so long in the spotlight, but Max still found himself getting sweaty palms and butterflies in his stomach before matches. In fact, if he remembered correctly, the only time he didn’t get nervous at all was when he played with Liz.

With a sigh, Max shook his head and looked heavenward. He couldn’t afford to be thinking about Liz just before the opening match of Wimbledon. In the past few months, his strength on court had come from not thinking about her and he couldn’t afford to let his guard drop now and possibly ruin his chances of winning. However, his musings were cut off by the arrival of his opponent in the locker rooms. The two men exchanged a quick nod, before returning to their own thoughts and pre-match preparation.


Ten minutes later, Max and Jacques walked out onto the court to wild cheers from the large crowd of spectators. Despite still being slightly nervous, Max felt a rush of adrenaline shoot through him as he listened to the shouts and cheers of his name echoing around the stadium.

The two players made their way to the chairs set out for them next to the umpire’s seat and pulled out their rackets. They each spent a couple of minutes warming up and taking practice shots, before the umpire called them over to determine who was to serve first. Max won the toss-up and they moved into position on the court. Max began the match by taking the first serve. He won the first game easily, but the remainder of the set proved to be more difficult. Despite the fact that he was much less experienced than him, Max’s opponent was playing very well and it was turning out not to be an easy match to play.

Max won the first set 7-5, but then lost the second 6-7 in a tense tiebreak. However, after shouts and cheers of encouragement from his fans during the short break between sets, he really put his all into the game and went on to win the third set 6-3. Now, after almost two and a half hours of play, he was 5 games to 4 up in the fourth set, having broken serve in the previous game. He was about the serve for the match.

He took one last sip from his water bottle, wiped the sweat off his face with a towel, before standing up and walking back out onto court to chants of his name and enthusiastic clapping from the crowd. He signalled to the ball boy for some new balls and tested them out briefly as he waited for Moreaux to show he was ready for the game to begin.

Max bounced the ball a couple of times in preparation for the serve, before sucking in a large breath and exhaling heavily. He threw the ball into the air and brought his racket slamming down on it, executing a near-perfect first serve. The ball flew over the net at high speed and travelled right down the centre service line. It neatly bounced just inside the service box, but it was much too fast for his opponent to return. Max grinned; he’d scored an Ace. The crowd cheered loudly and began chanting his name again, until the umpire called for quiet so he could serve again.

He won the next point easily, with Moreaux made an unforced error, hitting the ball into the net, but then the Frenchman seemed to find his footing and went on to win the next two points, bringing the score up to 30-30. However, this only caused Max to step up his game and his next serve was powerful and once again whizzed right past Moreaux, cleanly bouncing in the top corner of the service box, to give him another Ace. The spectators went wild once more and although he didn’t show it outwardly, Max felt the excitement building in his chest.

This was it, match point; hopefully the first of many in this tournament, and he was determined not to slip up and made any mistakes now. He bounced the ball three, four times, before lifting his racket, tossing the ball up, taking one last glance over the court and then deftly hitting it across the net. His opponent was quick and returned it back with ease, thereby setting up a powerful rally. For a tense moment, after the tenth stroke, Max wondered if he was ever going to get in the winning shot he needed, but just a few seconds later, Moreaux slipped as he ran for the ball and the ball landed just short of the baseline.

He let out a ‘Yes!’ as his hand balled up in a fist and he punched the air. He’d won the match. As his fans cheered for him, he made his way to the net to shake Moreaux hand and congratulate him on his game. The boy smiled and thanked him, before returning the favour and the two of them walked off the court to gather their belongings. As he made his way back to the changing rooms, Max happily stopped by the stands to sign autographs and make small talk with the fans.

Just a few minutes later, once he’d left the court, he was pulled aside to give a quick post-match interview to the BBC crew. He didn’t mind doing these interviews, because they were purely based on the match and not on any other aspect of his life. It was the full-on, in-depth TV and magazine interviews that he had a hard time with.


Monday July 18th 2005 – London

“Good morning, Max, I’m Jacob,” smiled the interviewer from Ace magazine, as he stood up and held out a hand for Max to shake. “Come on in, sit down. No Liz today?”

With a heavy heart and a throbbing head that felt like it was full of cotton wool, Max entered the small interview room and shook the man’s hand.

“Morning Jacob,” he managed, as he took a seat opposite the man. “No, I’m afraid Liz couldn’t make it today, she’s had a… family emergency.”

The truth was, Max had no idea where Liz was; he hadn’t seen her since she’d taken off after the big argument they’d had on Friday afternoon. In fact, Max had just lived through the worst and longest weekend of his entire life. Just a few days ago, he’d had everything… a successful tennis career, a flat in one of the most expensive areas of Central London, a gorgeous, loving fiancée… but on Friday, something had changed. He and Liz had had the biggest argument of their relationship and he’d eventually stormed out of the flat in anger. However, when he’d calmed down and had returned to apologise, Liz was nowhere to be seen.

At first, he’d assumed that she’d gone to her best friend Maria’s house, but when he discovered some of her clothes and belongings missing, an even more terrible thought occurred to him; one that he’d spent all weekend trying to ignore, in the hope that Liz really was just taking a breather for a couple of days and would return home soon. After all, they had an interview scheduled on Monday morning and she was bound to be back in time for that.

However, come Monday morning, there was still no sign of her and Max didn’t know what to think. He didn’t want to believe that she might really have left him, but that was where the evidence seemed to be pointing. What he did know, though was that he still had to go through with this interview and until he’d figured out exactly where his relationship with Liz stood, he couldn’t let on that anything was wrong.

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” said Jacob, pulling Max out of his troubled thoughts. It took him a moment to realise that the interviewer was referring to Liz’s absence. “I’m glad you could make it, though.”

“No problem,” said Max, flashing a tight smile. “I’m glad to be here,” he lied.

“That’s good to know,” replied Jacob. “So, shall we get started then?” Max nodded and he continued, “Well, it’s been a pretty eventful year for you and Liz, hasn’t it?”

“It certainly has,” said Max.

“I mean, you reached the finals of mixed doubles in the Australian Open in January and then went onto win the mixed in the French Open and Wimbledon within a month of each other; not to mention celebrating your engagement as well.”

“Yeah,” agreed Max, with a forced nod. “It’s definitely been a good year, one of the best, in fact.” Up until a few days ago, at least, he added silently.

“So, have you and Liz decided on a wedding date yet?” enquired the interviewer and Max’s eyes widened at the unexpected question.

“Oh, um,” he struggled to find an answer. “No, we haven’t set anything in stone just yet.”

It was almost the truth. Just a couple of weeks ago, he and Liz had discussed possible dates but had not come to a definite conclusion yet. While Liz had been eager to get the ball rolling and choose a date sooner rather than later, Max was more inclined to wait a while, until their lives were a little less hectic. In the end, they had just agreed to disagree for the time being.

Now, though, Max was extremely confused. Just a few days ago, Liz had been telling him how much she was looking forward to settling down and starting a family, yet now she appeared to have left him. In fact, she had been so eager to do so, that she even seemed willing to give up her career in favour of being a wife and mother. At this, however, Max had firmly rebutted her suggestion, stating that, at 21, she was too young to be giving up everything for a family. They’d have plenty of time for that in the future and her career was going so well that he couldn’t just stand by and watch her throw it all away.

Unfortunately, his words were the trigger for the huge argument they’d had on Friday and he hadn’t spoken to her since. He’d tried calling her mobile several times over the last 2 days, but there had been no answer. No one seemed to know where she was and Max had no idea whether she was missing or if she’d instructed her friends and family not to tell him anything – he didn’t know which scenario hurt more.

“Well, don’t hesitate to let us all know when it’s official,” stated the interviewer, once again interrupting Max’s thought.

“We won’t,” he said in reply, as he shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

The interview continued to drag on as Jacob asked a few more questions about Max’s working and personal relationships with Liz, which he answered the best he could, before eventually moving on to talk about Max’s singles career. In any case, to say that Max was relieved when it was over was an understatement. As soon as he was able to escape the confines of the interview room, Max headed right for his car and broke almost every speeding law in his haste to get home to his and Liz’s flat, in the hope that she might have returned home.

However, the moment he pulled up outside the building and got out of the car, he just knew she wasn’t home. For a start, her car was nowhere to be seen and the curtains were still closed – just as he’d left them this morning. Max closed his eyes in pain briefly before heading inside and up to the flat. The moment he let himself into his home… their home… and closed the door behind him, he sank down to his knees, his back sliding down the wall, as he buried his head in his hands.

What had happened to his life? How had everything gone so wrong? And most importantly, why had Liz left and where the hell was she?

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Heavenli24 »

Well, Wimbledon is over for another year and it was possibly the wettest tournament ever :( . In this story, Max and Liz won the mixed doubles final in 2002 - the first British winners since Jo Durie and Jeremy Bates in 1987. In real life, no British player had won a Wimbledon title since then until 2 days ago, when Jamie Murray (Andy Murray's older brother) won the mixed doubles with Jelena Jankovic :D !! Just thought it was fitting to this story, since I'm writing about British mixed doubles players :) .

Thank you for your feedback :) :

clueless - Thanks :) .

Natalie36 - Thanks :) .

Lairabehr4 - Thanks :) .

Gaby7tvm - Hold on a sec, we don't even know if that's the reason she left or not. It might be better to reserve judgement until the truth is revealed :) .

ShatteredDreamer - Thanks :) . You'll have to keep on reading to see if you're right about your theory or not :) .

Natz - Thank you :) .

begonia9508 - Thanks :) . You've suggested 3 possibilities... but you'll have to wait and see if any of them are correct :P .

confusedfool - Thanks :) .

Tamashii - Thanks :) . I'd love to see if your theory is close to what I have in mind - I guess we'll have to wait and see :P .


Part Fourteen

Tuesday 26th June 2007

Unlike her mixed doubles partner’s response to winning his singles match the day before, Liz’s reaction when she realised she’d won her first match in two years was very subdued. If fact, all she could do was let out a huge sigh of relief, before leaning forward to rest her hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. Despite her good progress in the last few weeks, it was painfully obvious to her that she wasn’t yet up to the very high standard she had been at back before everything went wrong.

Still, after a long, and somewhat gruelling, couple of hours, she’d eventually shown the spectators and the critics that she still had what it took to win a match at Wimbledon. Sure, it might have only been the first round, but this year she couldn’t afford to take anything for granted. As she gathered up her tennis bag and towels, she noticed that the crowd was still cheering her success and a fresh smile spread across her face, before she made her way over to the stands to greet the fans and sign autographs.

Once she had left the court, Liz gave her quick post-match interview and then quickly made her way to the changing rooms in an attempt to avoid any other questions. David had warned her this morning that the press was eager to get a story or two out of her reappearance at Wimbledon and situation with Max, and that she ought to be careful about walking around in public in the next few days. She took a quick shower and changed into a more comfortable outfit, before exiting the dressing rooms to find her father, who had told her he and her mum would wait for her in the VIP section of the clubhouse after the match.

Moving as quickly as possible to avoid the reporters and paparazzi waiting outside, she made her way over to the large building opposite the court and slipped inside. Giving a few people she knew a quick nod and a smile of thanks when they congratulated her on her win, Liz headed upstairs to the VIP area. She spotted her parents the moment she reached the top of the stairs; they were sitting at a table in the corner of the lounge room, chatting animatedly with a dark-haired man, who currently had his back to her. It took only a second for Liz to realise who it was and her heart did a nervous flip-flop in her chest as the implications hit her. Max was here, conversing with her parents and who knew what they could be talking about?

With a resigned sigh, Liz shifted the racket bag on her shoulder into a more comfortable position and began to walk across the room towards them, mentally preparing for the inevitable, upcoming confrontation between her parents, her ex and herself. As she reached the table, Nancy Parker chose that moment to look up and notice her standing behind them.

“Lizzie, dear, you’re here! Congratulations, darling!” exclaimed her mum loudly, making Liz cringe slightly at the sudden noise and causing Max and Jeff to look up from their apparently engaging conversation.

“Thanks, Mum,” smiled Liz as she placed her tennis bag on the floor and reached out to accept the hug her mother was offering. “Hey, Dad,” she smiled as Nancy released her.

“Well done, Lizzie,” congratulated Jeff, warmly, standing up to pull her into a quick hug, before indicating that she should sit.

Liz nodded and as she took the last spare seat at the table, she finally gathered the nerve to take a glance at Max for the first time that day.

“Hey, Max,” she greeted softly, unsure as to where they currently stood with each other, especially considering that the last time they’d spoke, he’d told her to stay away from him until she could finally tell him the truth.

“Liz,” he replied, his expression unreadable. “Congratulations on winning the match this afternoon.”

“Thanks,” she murmured, with a small nod. “Congratulations to you, too.”

“Thanks,” he said, quietly.

The two of them simply sat there, looking at each other awkwardly, until Jeff decided to step in and put them out of their misery.

“So, Lizzie, how was it getting back out on Centre Court again? Felt good, I bet,” he said cheerfully, as he and Nancy took their seats once again.

“Yeah, it did,” smiled Liz, with a slow nod. “I just hope I still have the strength and stamina to keep going for the next two weeks.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine, darling,” assured her mum, with a smile. “You’re our little Lizzie, remember?”

“Of course, Mum,” muttered Liz, as she tried to discretely roll her eyes.

It was typical of her mum to talk to her as if she was still a child, with all the ‘darlings’ and ‘sweeties’. Liz knew that Nancy couldn’t help the fact that she’d been brought up in a rich, upper class family; still her constant fluttering and posh mannerisms simply got on her nerves at times. Liz herself took after her father in more respects than just tennis. Jeff Parker was from a much more modest upbringing; his parents, Liz’s grandparents, had been a school teacher (his mother) and a computer technician (his father), both from Nottingham and had only been able to afford Jeff’s tennis coaching because he’d been granted a scholarship to a coaching school in London when he was a teenager.

Liz had always been more of a daddy’s girl than a mummy’s girl and had grown up to favour her father’s outlook on life rather than her mother’s. While Nancy was both a loving wife and caring mother, she was a little too obsessed with shopping and her social status for Liz’s liking.

“I agree, you’ll be fine,” Max spoke up suddenly and Liz’s eyes flew to him in surprise. He was sticking up for her? “After all, I am depending on you to help me win the doubles again this year, so you’d better do fine, more than fine, even.”

Liz frowned and opened her mouth to object to the demanding nature of his statement, but something in his expression made her stop. He didn’t look pissed off, as she’d expected him to when he spoke to her; instead his expression was unreadable and as his eyes locked with hers, Liz realised that rather than insulting her, he was actually implying that he was counting on her to play well with him so they could win the tournament together.

“Thanks,” she murmured, quietly, unsure of how to respond.

At this point, Jeff took the opportunity to bring up Liz and Max’s current doubles partnership.

“So you two, how is the training going? All prepared for the first round of the mixed on Friday?” he asked cheerfully.

Liz glanced at Max briefly, before replying, “Yeah, I think so. We still have a couple of things to go over before the first match, but we’re almost there.”

“She’s right,” spoke up Max when Jeff shifted his gaze towards him for confirmation.

“Liz is playing really well and I think we’re finally finding our balance on court again.”

“That’s great, Max. Glad to hear everything’s going well for you kids,” he smiled, before turning serious and leaning in closer. “But, I do want to give you two some advice.”

“Yes, Dad?”

“I know the two of you are not getting along too well at the moment…” Liz and Max shared an awkward glance at this, “… but what counts this week is that you go out on court and play your absolute best, no matter how difficult that is for you.”

“We will, Dad, I promise,” assured Liz, before Nancy cut in.

“I’m sure you will play wonderfully, darling,” she told her with a smile.

“Thanks, Mum,” said Liz with a smile, just as Jeff’s mobile started to ring, interrupting their conversation.

He answered it, nodding occasionally, before pressing the phone to his chest and addressing Liz, “I’m sorry, Lizzie, but your mother and I are going to have to leave you to it for now; something’s come up and our lawyer needs to see us this afternoon.”

Liz smiled softly at her father; she was used to his busy lifestyle and it was common that he was called into meetings, TV spots or interviews regularly.

“That’s okay, Dad, I understand,” she told him. “You go and sort things out, I’ll be fine here.”

“Thank you, Lizzie,” smiled Jeff, as he stood up and grabbed his jacket from the back of his chair.

Nancy rose too, gathering her purse, before leaning down to give Liz a hug and kiss on the cheek.

“It was nice to see you again, Max,” she smiled.

“You, too, Nancy,” replied Max.

“Good luck for your match tomorrow,” she added.

“Thank you.”

Liz exchanged goodbyes with her parents and watched as they headed across the room and down the stairs, before she turned back to face Max at the table.

“So, um…” she started, with no clue as to how to finish.

“So…” repeated Max, shifting uncomfortably.

The awkward silence returned, as Liz racked her brains for something to say, as Max let his eyes flick around the room.

Just as she opened her mouth to say something about their not-so-pleasant conversation at the party the other night, Max beat her to it with words that afterwards, she almost wished he hadn’t said.

“Well, this is awkward,” he stated. “Especially, if you remember what happened that time we were alone together in this building.”

Liz’s eyes widened and she felt her face heating up as her gaze fell on the exit across the room and she recalled the evening he was referring to…


Saturday 19th June 2004 – Wimbledon 2004, London

“Hey, you,” murmured Max, as he came up behind Liz and slipped his arms around her waist, pressing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

“Hey, hun,” replied Liz, as she took her eyes off the small group of people she was talking to and smiled up at her boyfriend.

“Evening, Max,” smiled one of the men who had been talking to Liz, as he held out a hand in greeting.

“John, how are you doing?” said Max, letting go of Liz for a moment to shake the man’s hand. “It’s good to see you again.”

“You, too, man,” replied the fellow tennis player. “Good party, huh?”

“Yeah, it is,” smiled Max, as he turned to greet the other players in the small circle.

Wimbledon 2004 was starting on Monday and they were all currently attending the pre-tournament social function at the All-England Club.

“Although, I’m afraid I’m gonna have to steal Liz for a minute, if you don’t mind,” added Max, as he slid an arm around Liz’s waist again, holding her to his side. She grinned up at him as he dragged her away from the group.

Taking her hand, Max led Liz quickly through the throng of people in the VIP area of the clubhouse and she could do nothing but follow behind him.

“Max?” she tried, but his only reaction was to grip her hand more firmly and speed up his steps. “Honey? What’s going on?”

He still said nothing, but instead pulled her through a door just outside the room, shut and locked it firmly behind her and pressed her up against it.

All questions died on her lips as she felt Max’s strong muscular form pressing up against her, his mouth attacking hers passionately. A quiet moan escaped from her lips as his hands slid up her body, brushing the sides of her breasts tantalisingly before burying themselves in her long hair.

“Max,” Liz gasped, her head falling back against the door as his lips finally left hers and he began to kiss a trail down her neck.

“Lizzie,” he murmured against her skin, his tongue slipping out to tickle her ear. “I need you… so much.”

“And you had to decide this now?” she muttered. “Right in the middle of the party?”

“Hey, I can’t help it that you’re so irresistible,” he whispered in reply, lifting his head to look into her eyes. “Lately, all I need is one look at you and I just… lose it.”

“That better not be true,” murmured Liz, her fingers clutching at his hair, as his hands moved down her back to cup her bottom and hoist her up so that her legs wrapped around his hips. “Otherwise we’d never get anywhere on court.”

Max smirked at her as he lowered his mouth to hers once more, this time slipping his tongue between her lips. Liz gasped again when his hands tightened their grip on her behind, holding her lower body to his, letting her feel exactly how much he wanted her.

Just the feel of Max’s obvious arousal against her was enough to make Liz forget all about the fact that they were in a public place and that there were over a hundred people on the other side of the door she was currently pressed up against. Her hands slid down from Max’s hair to the buttons of his smart shirt and as the intensity of his kisses increased, she began to unbutton them. When she reached the last few buttons, instead of opening them, she chose to slip her hands inside the shirt and caress his defined, muscular chest with her fingers.

She heard Max suck in a breath at her touch and she tightened her legs around him when his hands left her bottom and moved to her skimpy, sparkly top. He slipped the thin straps down over her shoulders and let the soft material slide down, exposing her bra-clad chest. Liz’s head fell back against the door once more as he pulled the lacy material away from her breasts and lowered his mouth to one of them. She clung to him, her arms around his shoulders, as he kissed and caressed her warm, aroused skin.

It took only a few seconds of his sweet torture for need to take over her body and for her movements to become more frantic. Liz began to rock her hips against his, indicating to him the urgency of the situation and he didn’t hesitate to oblige. His hand slid down between their bodies to the zip of his trousers and he quickly freed himself from their confines before walking his fingers beneath Liz’s skirt and up her left thigh to her panties.

“You have anything?” questioned Liz, breathlessly, as his fingers slipped inside her knickers, stroking her gently.

“Back pocket,” he replied softly.

Liz reached down to his trousers and pulled out a single square foil packet. Max pushed the material of her underwear aside, as he took the condom from Liz, unwrapping it and rolling it on. He grinned at her for a second, before moving his hands to her bottom again and pressing his lips to hers as he entered her gently.

A sudden noise from outside the door startled them for a moment before the excitement of having sex in a public place overtook Liz and she rolled her hips as an indication to Max that he should continue. He nodded against her lips and began moving inside her.

Although frantic and exciting, their lovemaking was also intense and passionate and no less meaningful than any other time. As Max brought her to climax, Liz was overwhelmed by feelings of love and warmth towards him and when it was over, she simply wrapped her arms around him tightly and whispered how much she loved and adored him.

They remained like that, clinging to each other until the afterglow began to fade and reality came rushing back. Max released his hold on Liz and they shared a love-filled glance before tidying themselves up and trying to make each other look presentable.

They exited the small room separately, Max first, with Liz following a few seconds later and they met up again in the VIP section a couple of minutes later with huge smiles on their faces. As Max slipped his hand in hers and they made their way across the room again to the bar, the implications of what they’d just done began to dawn on Liz. She didn’t regret it, but she knew she’d never look at that door and the small room behind it in the same way again…


“Yeah, well,” murmured Liz as the memory faded away. “That was a long time ago.”

“Yeah, it was,” agreed Max, as he turned to look out of the window. “Liz…”

“Max,” Liz shook her head softly. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I can’t give you the answers you need just yet. I want to, it’s just…”

“You’re not ready, I get it,” he finished dully, looking down at the table where his fingers were tracing invisible patterns on the surface.

“Max…” she started, but found she couldn’t continue.

“Just tell me one thing?” he asked. As he lifted his head to look at her, Liz was surprised to find tears shining in his eyes. “Was it me?”

“What?” she frowned. What was he talking about?

“Did I do something? Was I the reason you left?” he questioned urgently. “Was it what I said that day, when we argued? Because I didn’t mean it, Liz, not really. It was just the heat of the moment, and…”

“Max, stop,” Liz held up a hand to stop him. “It wasn’t you, okay? I promise. It wasn’t anything you did.”

Max let out a sigh, that Liz could only guess was one of relief, “So, if it wasn’t me, then what was it? What on Earth could have made you just leave like that?”

“I’m sorry, Max,” repeated Liz, sorrowfully, as she reached for her bag and prepared to leave. “I just… I can’t. Not yet. Please don’t keep asking me about it, because I need some time to sort things out.”


“I just need some time,” she stated. “I’m sorry, but I have to go now. I’ll see you later.”

With that, Liz turned on her heel and walked out of the room, not stopping until she was safely in the women’s bathroom, behind a locked door and away from Max. Only then did she let her composure drop, as her face crumpled and she sank down to the floor, uncontrollable tears flowing down her cheeks.

Why had she thought she could handle being back in the game again, when she couldn’t deal with being around Max in a non-tennis capacity for more than a few minutes without bursting into tears? How was she ever going to get out of this mess she’d created for herself?

Honestly? She had no idea.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:41 am

Post by Heavenli24 »

Hey everyone, thank you for your feedback :) :

Gaby7tvm - :lol: - Thanks :) .

Natz - Thank you :) .

Lairabehr4 - Thanks :) .

pookie76 - Thanks :) . The truth is getting closer :) .

Addicted2AmberEyes - Thank you :) . You know what? It's even starting to bug me that we haven't got to the truth yet, :lol: !! Every week, I'm thinking, have we got to that part yet? And then I start asking myself why I planned the story this way and not so the truth came out sooner :roll: !

clueless - Thank you :) . I actually really enjoyed writing part 14 - the other parts haven't been flowing as easily as I'd like, but 14 basically wrote itself :) .

begonia9508 - :lol: Unfortunately, I have a particular scene planned (and written) for the truth to come out and the story won't work properly if Liz tells Max before that scene :( .

ultimatepickupline - Thank you - it's always wonderful to hear from new readers of the story. I'm glad that reading it helped you get some of your own writing done :) .

Natalie36 - Perhaps Liz does suffer from depression, although all I'm gonna say is that I've already written a story where Liz has depression.

Alien_Friend - Thank you :) . I'm glad you had a good trip. Unfortuantely, despite a couple of days with a bit of sunshine, the rain is back again - thunder and lightning last night and constant downpours this morning :( .
I was disappointed that Andy lost too, but Gasquet played an awesome match against him.
I don't think anyone was that surprised that Tim got knocked out so early, but it would have been nice to see him win the match.
I was hoping that Nadal would win in the final - Federer is a brilliant player, but he just seems abit too arrogant about that fact. Did you see his white suit that he wears? He even has small badges sewn on his racket bag - one for each Wimbledon he's won!!
I only found out recently that Andy's brother played tennis too. He's a doubles player only, but plays in the Davis Cup team and when he was 12 was one of the best junior doubles players in the world!!!
PS. The Bryan brothers made it to the final, but didn't win the title.


Part Fifteen

Wednesday 27th June 2007

As he warmed up for his second round match the next morning, Max found himself distracted and slightly clumsy with his shots. Instead of being on the upcoming match, his mind was instead filled with thoughts of Liz and the conversation he’d shared with her the day before. He was beginning to understand that Liz wasn’t trying to hurt him on purpose and that the reason she wasn’t being honest with him was not because she deliberately trying to withhold information from him, but because she was having a hard time dealing with it herself.

However, he just wished that she would confide in him about whatever it was that caused her sudden departure from his life. They used to be so close that they could talk to each other about anything, no matter how good or bad, but now it felt like they were strangers, unable to feel comfortable around each other. With thoughts of the past running through his mind, Max used the remainder of his pre-match practice time to vent some of his negative feelings towards Liz and to get them out of his system. By the time his coach appeared at the side of the practice court, to tell him that he needed to get ready, Max had made up his mind to find Liz later and apologise to her for his behaviour over the last couple of weeks. He hoped that by doing this, and supporting her she might feel ready to talk to him properly.

When his time was up, Max made his way out of the practice courts and towards the No. 1 Court changing rooms; however, just before he reached his destination, a familiar voice caught his attention and he stopped, turning to face the direction it had come from. There, standing off to his left, stood his mum and dad, along with his sister Isabel and Tess, her best friend and partner in crime. With a wide grin, he strolled over to his family, pulling first his mother, then his father and finally, Isabel into a hug, before saying hello to Tess.

“Hey, guys, what are you doing here?” he asked with a smile. “I thought you couldn’t make any of the matches this week?”

“So did we,” smiled Diane Evans. “But we managed to get the day off today and Izzy had two free periods this afternoon, so we decided to come and see you play after all.”

“That’s great,” Max told her. “Thank you.”

He knew how difficult it was for his parents to find the time and the money to come and see his play in tournaments. His family wasn’t poor, but they weren’t well off either. His dad, Philip Evans, was an office worker for an electronics company and his mum, Diane, was a lab technician at one of the more prestigious universities in London. Together, they earned enough to live comfortably, but unfortunately their modest salaries didn’t allow for trips around the world to see Max play in tournaments.

Of course, when he started winning the tournaments and earning prize money, Max had offered repeatedly to help them out financially if they needed some extra cash, but his parents would hear nothing of it, insisting that it was his own hard earned money and not theirs. However, he still felt guilty that he had so much, when they worked hard for every penny and so spared no expense when it came to buying birthday and Christmas presents for his family.

“Well, we wanted to come and wish you luck before the match,” smiled Philip. “Didn’t we, Izzy?”

“What?” Isabel asked as Max watched her tear her eyes away from two young male tennis players standing by the clubhouse. “Oh, yeah. Good luck,” she muttered distractedly before nudging Tess and nodding meaningfully towards the boys she’d been staring at.

Max rolled his eyes at her typical, not entirely unexpected attitude towards his playing, before replying, “Thanks, Iz.”

“Isabel!” admonished Diane, with a shake of her head. “That’s no way to talk to your brother. You know Max has worked hard to get where he has and he doesn’t need you acting like a spoiled brat.”

“Whatever, Mum,” Isabel rolled her eyes and began giggling with Tess. Max shot his parents a look that said ‘typical Izzy’.

“Well, thanks for wishing me luck. I’d better go and get ready for the match, but I’ll see you afterwards, okay?” he said then, shifting the tennis bag on his shoulder.

“Alright, then, dear,” said Diane, as she gave him one more hug, “Good luck.”

Max said goodbye to his family and headed into the changing rooms, where he found his opponent pacing nervously around the benches. Max sucked in a breath before greeting the young man before him, knowing that mentally, it was going to be a tough match for both of them.

“Hi, James,” he announced his presence, as he placed his belongings on one of the benches.

“Max, hi,” squeaked the boy, nervously, before coughing in embarrassment. “Sorry… I’m just nervous, you know, to be playing against you.”

“I know this is a big match for you,” he acknowledged, with a sympathetic nod. “But my advice? Just go out there and play your best. Pretend it’s not me on the other side of the net, forget that you know me and that we’re friends and just do what you do best. It worked for me when I was starting out.”

“Thanks, Max,” James shot him a grateful look, before heading towards the bathroom.

Once he’d disappeared through the door, Max let out a sigh and sank down onto the bench. Out of the thirty-one other players left in the tournament, what were the chances he’d end up playing James Abbott, a newcomer to the men’s game and the brother of his friend Jessica, both of whom he’d known for years?

What made it so tough was that he knew he intended to win this match and was not going to be lenient on the boy, yet it was going to be hard not to also support James too. He didn’t want to see his young fan’s heart broken, but at the same time, it was his goal to finally win Wimbledon this year and he couldn’t afford to let his emotions get in the way of that.


As Max had predicted, the match appeared to be tough on James and he could imagine how daunting it must have been for the boy to be playing against his idol and current world number one – he was sure he’d have felt the same way if he’d had to play against Jeff Parker in his first ever big tournament.

However, Max couldn’t help but be proud of him for coping so well during the match. He had to admit that Jessica’s brother was a very good tennis player and despite his earlier nervousness, had really opened up on court and had even managed to give him a run for his money by winning the second set and turning it into a four-set match. At the end of the day, Max was still the stronger player, but he was very proud of the newcomer’s determination and drive. Although Max won the match in the end, James bowed out with a very respectable defeat, having lost to Max 7-6, 4-6, 6-3, 7-5.

Afterward, Max invited both James and Jessica, who had been watching from the VIP section of the court, to join him and his family for drinks in the clubhouse. The next hour was spent socialising with his family and doing his best to keep his seventeen-year-old sister and her troublesome best friend from drinking too much and flirting shamelessly with male tennis players who were much too old for them.

Once he was satisfied that Isabel and Tess weren’t going to cause any more trouble, Max relaxed a little and allowed himself to enjoy the afternoon. However, a moment later, he noticed James standing alone by the large windows that looked out over the court and made his way over to him.

“Hey,” Max greeted the younger player, softly. “You played a great match today. You should be proud of yourself.”

Beside him, James sighed, despondently, “I know; it’s just…”

“Hard when you lose,” finished Max, with a knowing nod. “I know, I’ve been there plenty of times before.”

James turned to him, “How did you deal with it? How did you stay positive?”

An indulgent smile appeared on Max’s face as an old memory sprung to mind, “Well, whenever I had a bad match, Liz would–”

“Okay, um, you know what? I don’t think wanna hear what Liz would do,” James cut in quickly, but Max was already caught up in his memories of a better time in his life…


Tuesday 25th January 2005 – Australian Open 2005, Melbourne

“Fuck,” muttered Max to himself, as he stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist and made his way back out to the changing area. “Bollocks.”

He couldn’t believe it had happened again; he’d lost in the quarterfinal of yet another Grand Slam. What was the matter with him lately? Unless he was playing mixed doubles with Liz, he couldn’t seem to pull out all the stops to win the tournaments. Something just wasn’t clicking in his singles game and it was holding him back.

Still cursing under his breath, Max pulled on a clean pair of shorts and a T-shirt, before stuffing everything into his tennis bag. He slipped his feet into a pair of flip-flops and headed outside into the extreme heat of the Australian summer. He barely had time to register his surroundings before he felt two arms encircle his neck and a familiar petite body pull him into a tight hug.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured, as Max wrapped his arms around her in return.

“Yeah, well,” he muttered against her shoulder, shrugging in a ‘what can you do?’ gesture.

Liz must have heard the defeat in his tone, because she pulled back to look at him, her expression sympathetic as she cupped his cheek with her hand and shook her head gently.

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it, okay? You should be proud of yourself; you played a great match,” she told him sincerely.

“Yeah, but the other guy was better,” stated Max, dejectedly.

“Max, the other guy is the best player in the world and hasn’t dropped a set yet on the hard courts this season,” Liz reasoned. “You played the best you could, but the guy barely made a single mistake the entire match; that’s not your fault.”

Although he knew Liz was talking sense, Max still couldn’t help feeling like he’d failed. It was just so hard to keep your spirits up when you felt like you were never gonna make it to the top. Liz watched him for a moment, before a small smile tugged at her lips as she stepped out of his embrace.

“Come on, you look like you need some cheering up,” she stated, grabbing him by the hand and urging him to follow her.

Max felt an involuntary smile tugging at his own lips as he found himself being dragged through the throng of people that were milling around outside the courts. He didn’t know how she did it, but when he was down, Liz always managed to make him forget about everything else but her.


Less than ten minutes later, Liz pulled him through the door of their hotel room and locked the door behind them.

“Liz, what–?”

“Shh,” Liz silenced him with a finger to his lips, before leading him over to the large double bed in the middle of the room. She let go of his hand, kicked off her shoes and climbed onto the bed, kneeling in the centre, before patting the space beside her in invitation. “Come on.”

With a slightly puzzled expression, Max complied, sliding his feet out of the flip-flops he was wearing and took a seat next to her on the bed.

“Lie down,” she told him and a grin began to spread across his face as he moved to lie on his back, but Liz just shook her head, as if reading his thoughts, “Turn over.”

“Okay…” he said, finally, as he turned over, getting settled on his stomach. “What are you…? Oh,” he murmured in comprehension when she moved over him, straddling his body as she sat comfortably on the back of his thighs and lifted her hands to his shoulders.

“You’re really tense,” she murmured, as she began to gently massage the knots out of his shoulders.

“Hmm,” Max replied, as he close his eyes and began to relax beneath her soothing touch. He felt Liz move above him and as her long hair brushed against arm and her warm breath tickled his ear, he became all too aware of her closeness.

“I think you deserve some pampering after that tough match today, don’t you?” she whispered against his ear. “So you just relax, and let me take care of you, okay?”

“S-sure,” he managed, all rational thought leaving his mind, as she nuzzled his neck, her soft lips grazing the sensitive skin just behind his ear.

Liz then began to work out all the tension from Max’s body, her fingers caressing and kneading the entire length of his back along with his shoulders and neck. Neither of them spoke for several minutes, other than the occasional moan of pleasure from Max at the feel of Liz’s heavenly ministrations, until Liz lifted Max’s shirt and encouraged him to let her take it off so she could be more thorough in her pampering. He lifted his upper body to allow her to pull the offending garment over his head, before settling back down against the duvet covers with a smile on his face.

Despite Liz’s good intentions towards making him feel better, the second the shirt left his body, Max could feel the atmosphere in the room change and as her soft fingers caressed the bare skin of his lower back, the sexual tension between them began to rise. His breath hitched in his throat when he heard a soft gasp from above him and Liz’s hands left his back for a moment. Before he had time to wonder why she was no longer touching him, he felt the warm, bare skin of her chest pressing against him and his lower body tightened in response.

“I love you,” Liz whispered, her lips softly caressing his shoulder as her hands slid up and down his sides in smooth strokes.

“Love you, too,” murmured Max, his eyes still closed as he revelled in the sensations shooting through his body.

“And you know it doesn’t matter to me whether you win or lose a match,” she told him sincerely, as she continued to run her fingers over his skin teasingly. “To me, you’ll always be the best player on that court and what’s important is that we’re happy and we’re together. It’s just not the end of the world, okay?”

Her words struck Max right to the core and in response, he shifted beneath her, as he tried to turn over to face her. Liz moved to give him room, before settling above him once more, her legs now straddling his hips.

“Thank you,” he murmured, his voice trembling slightly, as he lifted one hand to caress her face. “For believing in me; for loving me.”

She nodded, smiling softly and Max reached out to wrap his arms around her pulling her to him. He sighed as her bare chest came in contact with his and a shiver ran through him. He buried a hand in her hair as he brought her mouth down to his, kissing her softly.

They made love slowly and reverently, as Max made sure to take his time and savour every moment. He clung to Liz tightly the whole time, only letting go of her to remove their clothes before wrapping his arms around her once more as she sunk down onto him, causing them both to cry out with pleasure at the feeling.

Afterwards, as they lay together in each other’s arms, Max realised that Liz had more than done what she’d planned to do – that was, to cheer him up – she’d also made him understand that in the grand scheme of things, winning wasn’t everything. No, being happy and in love was the most important thing of all…


“Sorry,” Max cleared his throat as the memories faded from his mind and he realised what he’d almost revealed to James about his relationship with Liz.

“Don’t worry about it,” replied the younger player. “So, since she’s nowhere in sight today, I’m guessing that you and Liz haven’t made up yet, huh?”

“No, we haven’t” admitted Max. “It’s… complicated.”

James nodded, before looking out of the window again. The two of them stood in silence for a couple of moments before James frowned slightly and gestured to something outside.

“Hey, isn’t that Liz down there now?”

“What?” questioned Max, before glancing out of the window and seeing Liz standing alone down by one of the courts. “Oh, yeah, it is.”

“Why don’t you go talk to her?” suggested James. “Maybe it’ll help?”

Max hesitated for a second before deciding that he didn’t really have anything to lose by trying to talk to her. At best, she might finally feel she could tell him what was going on and at worst, she might tell him to fuck off.

“Okay,” he nodded. “I will.”

Before he could change his mind, Max put down his wine glass and made his way out of the clubhouse, towards Liz. Spotting her walking along past one of the stadium entrances to Centre Court, he paused for a second to suck in a deep breath before starting to walk towards her.

However, he didn’t get more than a few metres away from her, as something stopped him in his tracks. Liz’s face had broken into a grin and Max watched as an unfamiliar man approached her and pulled her into his arms. She hugged him tightly, before placing a kiss on his cheek and then began chatting excitedly to him.

Max closed his eyes and turned away as his heart sank. A few days ago, Jeff Parker had paid him a visit, telling him that Liz was having trouble getting close to people and letting them in, yet here she was, hugging and kissing and talking intimately with another man.

It was obvious that Liz was avoiding talking to him about the past, because she didn’t want him to know the truth, but what could have been so bad that she couldn’t even talk to him about it, then or now?

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:41 am

Post by Heavenli24 »

Thank you for your feedback :):

begonia9508 - Thanks :) . We'll find out who this guy is in a minute :) .

LairaBehr4 - Thank you :D .

behrluv32 - Thanks :).

clueless - Thank you :) .

ShatteredDreamer - Thanks :) . We'll see who Liz is hugging in this part.

Alien_Friend - Thank you :) .

The Davis Cup is pretty cool. My parents had tickets to watch it in Birmingham a few years ago. The atmosphere is much more relaxed and you can buy the big foam hands and whistles to cheer the players on.

We have managed some sunshine here - today has been really nice - but the end of last week was awful (yesterday, it was wet and cold and it felt like November). We're in the middle of the worst UK flooding in modern history!! They had to airlift people from their homes in Worcester and unfortunately, my brother got caught in the traffic in that area. It took him 17 hours to get home from uni at the weekend - it's normally a 2.5 hour drive! He had to sleep in the car on the motorway on Friday night because the traffic was gridlocked (there were accidents on the motorway and all the small local roads were closed due to flooding).

Natalie36 - Sorry to keep you in suspense - not much longer to go now :) .

BioGirl804 - Thanks :) .

Queen Fee - Thanks :) - I hope the wait will be worth it.

roswell3053 - Thanks :) - sorry to hear you missed 3 updates.


Part Sixteen

Wednesday 27th June 2007

Liz sighed as she walked aimlessly around the grounds of the All England Club that afternoon. She knew Max’s second round match had just finished and that he’d won – she’d caught a glimpse of the match on the large screen outside Centre Court as she’d left the practice courts earlier – and she’d seen him head into the clubhouse with his family and friends.

It had been strange for her to watch them from a distance rather than being included in the post-match celebrations as she had always been in the past. As she wandered between the courts, she wondered not for the first time, why it was that she couldn’t just open up to Max and admit the truth to him. She knew that she needed to and even that she wanted to confide in him, but something was holding her back; something was preventing her from taking that final step to being honest with him and she didn’t understand what that something was.

“Liz! Hey, Liz!”

At the sudden shout from her left, Liz turned to see a very familiar, and also very unexpected, figure approaching her with a grin on his face.

“Oh my God,” she muttered with a huge smile, as the man reached her and pulled her into a hug. “Martin, I can’t believe it!” she cried in surprise as she wrapped her arms around him, before pulling back and pressing a friendly kiss to his cheek. “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in Thailand?”

“Well, I said I’d contact you if I was in the neighbourhood and it just so happens that the opportunity came up just after we talked last week,” replied the tall, blond-haired, ex-banker with a grin.

“That’s right, you did,” agreed Liz, with a chuckle, as she slipped her arm in his and they began to walk through the grounds. “So, how long are you in London for?”

“A couple of weeks, actually,” replied Martin. “A cousin of mine is getting married in a few days, so I’m back for the wedding.”

“That’s great,” smile Liz. “Tell your cousin congratulations from me.”

“I will,” nodded Martin. “So what are your plans for the rest of the afternoon? Care to spend some time with an old friend?”

“Sure, I’d love that,” said Liz, enthusiastically. “But I have a match to play tomorrow afternoon, so I can’t stay out too late.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get an early night,” he assured her. “I wouldn’t want to be responsible for you losing at Wimbledon.”

“Well, okay, then,” smiled Liz, as they made their way out of the Wimbledon grounds. “You up for something to eat?”

They opted to grab a bite to eat in a small, local pub a few streets away from the tennis club and Liz found that spending time with Martin took her mind off her problems with Max for a couple of hours, something she was glad of. It was nice to simply relax and not have to think about her life for a while. Apart from a couple of questions about how things were going with Max this week, for the most part, Martin steered clear of the topic, which allowed the two of them to catch up on old times.

By the time she had wished him goodnight, arranged for him to come and watch her match the next day and headed back to her hotel room after a wonderful evening, Liz was actually feeling much more positive about everything and even found herself wondering if she might just be strong enough to finally come clean with Max.


Thursday 28th June 2007

As positive as she had been feeling the night before, by the time Liz woke up on Thursday morning, all of those good feelings had disappeared and had been replaced by insecurity and just tiredness in general. In fact, Liz knew as soon as she opened her eyes, that it was not going to be a good day. When she stepped under the spray of the shower, the only thing she had the energy to do was lean back against the shower wall with her eyes closed and let her head rest against the cool tiles, as she tried to muster up some energy for her upcoming match that afternoon.

By the time she left her hotel room later that morning and reached the tennis club, her mood had improved somewhat, but her body had yet to catch up. As she entered the clubhouse, she found Martin waiting for her in the lobby, just as they’d arranged the night before and a smile made its way across her face.

“Hey, you made it,” she stated, as she slid her arms around him in a brief hug.

“I did,” he smiled, as he released her. “I wasn’t going to miss my first chance to see you in live in action.”

“Thanks,” smiled Liz. “Look, I’ve gotta go and get ready for the match now, but you’ve got your VIP ticket, right?” Martin nodded in response. “Great, and I’ll see you after the match, okay?”

“Good luck, Liz,” said her friend, as he gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “You’ll be great out there, I’m sure.”

“Thanks,” she told him again, before saying goodbye and heading for the court changing rooms to get ready.

As she left, she missed the fact that Max was standing across the room, talking to Jessica Abbott, as confused and forlorn expression marring his handsome features as he witnessed the entire exchange between her and Martin.


Out on court thirty minutes later, Liz found herself unable to concentrate fully on her warm-up. Her eyes felt sore and tired and she couldn’t seem to focus on the ball as easily as she should. Unfortunately, her ability to get her mind straight was prevented by the presence of four very familiar faces in the VIP box – one was Martin, which in itself, was no problem, but the three others sitting a few seats away were distracting her to no end.

What had made Max decide to come and watch her play today? The two of them were still barely talking and neither had attended the other’s matches so far this week, so what was different about today? Perhaps his companions were the reason – both Jessica and James Abbott had once both been close friends of hers and of Max’s, maybe they had invited Max to join them? Liz didn’t know, but she couldn’t help the curiosity from distracting her from her game.

Liz was still distracted when the match started a few minutes later and her lack of concentration led to a disappointing first set, in which she fumbled with her shots and hit two double faults on important points, allowing her opponent to easily beat her with 6 games to 2. It took her a few minutes to get back on track in the second set, but eventually she did manage to start winning the points and she won the set 6-4. The final set was neck and neck as Liz played the best she could, although she was tired, and her opponent really held on.

After almost two hours of play and a long fifty-minute third set, Liz finally found herself ahead at 8 games to 7, with two match points. She sucked in a deep breath, as she took in the shouts and cheers of encouragement from the crowd, before she served for the match. She bounced the ball on the grass, glancing briefly at the VIP section and catching Max’s eye. She was disappointed to see that he only a slight smile and as he murmured something to Jessica on his right, a wave of jealousy and sadness washed over her. Deciding not to let it get to her, she quickly averted her gaze towards Martin, who gave her a grin of encouragement.

With determination, she tossed the ball into the air and bought her racket down on it, sending the shot flying over the net. Her opponent was quick to return and the rally continued for the next few strokes, until the other girl stumbled and Liz was able to neatly place the ball in the opposite corner of the court, thereby winning the match. Her energy suddenly renewed, Liz let out a triumphant cry and punched the air with her fist.

As she walked to the net to shake hands with her opponent, she caught a glimpse of Max once more. He was looking right at her, smiling and nodding as he clapped along with the rest of the crowd. Her eyes locked with his and in that moment, an old memory came flooding back to her, one that she’d been careful to avoid thinking about over the last two years: the day Max got down on one knee and asked her to be his wife…


Sunday 4th June 2005 – French Open, Paris

“You did it!” exclaimed Max with a grin as he leaned over the barrier separating the two of them and wrapped his arms around Liz. “You won, Liz!”

Liz couldn’t keep the huge grin off her face as she returned the hug, pressing her lips to Max’s quickly before reluctantly letting go and heading back out onto the court to receive the winner’s cup.

After the presentations were over, Liz joined Max and their families and friends in their hotel for a post-tournament celebration. After almost two hours of chatting and laughing with everyone, Max slid his arms around Liz and quietly suggested that perhaps she might like to head into the centre of Paris with him for some time alone together. Of course, she couldn’t pass up a now rare opportunity for some leisure time to spend with him at a tournament, so Liz happily agreed and they said their goodbyes to their guests before leaving the hotel.

Liz found herself unable to wipe the delighted grin off the face the entire evening. The whole day, and the last couple of days, in fact, had been absolutely perfect. She and Max had won the mixed doubles cup the day before and just a few hours ago, she’d won the singles. Max had made it through to the men’s semi-finals earlier in the day yesterday, but unfortunately lost the match in a very close fourth-set tiebreak.

However, if he was upset at all about being knocked out so close to the end, he definitely wasn’t showing it tonight. In fact, he had been absolutely amazing; first, he’d taken her out to dinner at a gorgeous little gourmet restaurant near the Sacré Coeur on Montmartre and now they were walking hand-in-hand along the River Seine, watching the sunset.

“Wow, what a gorgeous view,” sighed Liz contentedly as they stopped halfway across one of the bridges crossing the river to take in the sight of the Eiffel Tower at sunset.

“Yeah, it is,” murmured Max, his tone soft and holding a hint of something that had Liz turning her head to look up at him.

Her breath caught in her throat at the dark, intense expression in his eyes as he slid his other hand in hers and turned her to face him properly.

“Max?” she wondered aloud at the sudden change in the atmosphere between them, but he said nothing at first, but just simply gazed down at her as his thumbs gently caressed the back of her hands.

“I love you, Liz,” he declared softly, a moment later.

“I love you, too,” responded Liz automatically, as she gave him a loving smile.

“You’re beautiful, and sexy, and I just love you so much. You are the most kind, considerate and loving person I’ve ever met–”

“Max, I–” Liz cut in, as she shook her head in protest.

She knew how other people still saw her: as a wild, party-loving daughter of a famous tennis player, despite the fact that she’d stopped drinking and partying so much soon after she and Max had become a couple and that she’d more than proved herself as a good player without the help of her father’s status.

“Shh, don’t,” Max stopped her with a finger to her lips. “It’s true,” he told her sincerely, as he let his finger leave her lips and then slipped his hand in hers once more. “Liz, you mean everything in the world to me and now, more than ever, I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“Max,” Liz said again, this time her voice trembling with emotion. “I–” her words caught in her throat and she exhaled sharply as Max gave her a tender smile, before slipping one hand into his pocket, pulling out a small, square jewellery box and sliding down onto one knee as he opened it to reveal a gorgeous diamond ring. “Oh my God,” she gasped.

“Elizabeth Parker, will you marry me?” he uttered the words smoothly, yet so sincerely that it brought tears to her eyes and for a moment, she couldn’t speak.

“I–” Liz struggled to form words as a flow of sudden emotion swept through her. No matter how many times she’d dreamed of this moment in the past, now that it was actually happening she was so completed unprepared for it, she didn’t know how to react.

“Lizzie?” asked Max shakily, as a look of worry suddenly crossed his otherwise flawless features.

“Yes,” she finally managed. “Yes, I’ll marry you, Max.”

“Really?” he wondered, the anxious expression suddenly dissolving into a huge grin.

“Yes, really,” Liz returned the grin, as happiness flooded through her body.

Max grinned up at her happily as he slipped the ring onto her finger and kissed it tenderly, before standing up, pulling her into his arms and crushing his mouth to hers.

An amazing feeling of warmth and love swept over Liz as her lips moulded to his and her arms wrapped around his neck, holding him tightly to her. The kiss was somehow both incredibly gentle yet breathtakingly passionate at the same time, as Max first nibbled tenderly at her mouth, before slowly slipping his tongue between her lips, sending tingles down her spine at the intimate contact.

She didn’t know how long they remained locked in each other’s arms, mouths fused together, but Liz didn’t really care. All that mattered right now was that she was in Max Evans’ arms, surrounded by his love. When oxygen eventually became a major issue for both of them, Liz reluctantly pulled away, panting breathlessly as she gazed into Max’s eyes. With a lazy smile, he cupped her cheeks with both hands, his thumbs gently caressing her cheeks, before he spoke softly.

“I love you, Lizzie,” he declared. “With all my heart.”

“And I love you, too, Max,” she replied.

“Come on,” he murmured, stepping back slightly and taking her hand once more. “Let’s go back to the hotel. I think we have some celebrating to do.”

Liz smiled softly, as she allowed him to lead the way off the bridge and towards their hotel. However, as they stepped into a cab and drove down les Champs-Elysées, Liz had a niggling feeling that things weren’t necessarily going to be all plain sailing for them in the next few weeks.

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 587
Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:41 am

Post by Heavenli24 »

Thank you for your feedback :-) :

FamerAmers - Thanks :) . Let's hope she does.

Lairabehr4 - Lol - thanks :) .

roswell3053 - Thanks :) . Yes, Liz does need to introduce Martin and Max to each other... but will she?

Alien_Friend - Thank you :) .

The Davis Cup does sound pretty cool - I'll have to try to go when they play nearby next.

The weather is finally starting to look up - temps in the 70's with sunshine this week :)! Unfortunately, it's still going to be another couple of weeks before the flooded homes have clean drinking water again - 140,000 homes in Gloucestershire had no running water for several days last week!

behrluv32 - Thanks :) .

Queen Fee - Thanks :) . The proposal was originally going to happen at Wimbledon - but I thought Paris would be more romantic, plus, Paris is where they first met :) .

clueless - Thanks :) .

ShatteredDreamer - Thanks :) . Things are finally starting to come together for Liz - hopefully she can admit the truth soon.

begonia9508 - Yep, they got engaged :) . But don't worry, thew truth will out soon :) .


Part Seventeen

Friday 29th June 2007

Max didn’t know what to think about Liz anymore as he headed towards the practice courts to meet Liz and David for a last-minute pep talk regarding their first-round mixed doubles match that afternoon. Just two days ago, he’d been prepared to approached her and talk to her rationally, yet seeing her being so close with that blond man – whoever he was – both two night ago and also at her match the day before, was making him rethink his decision.

A thousand different scenarios now ran through his mind whenever he tried to come up with a reason for her easygoing behaviour around this man, especially after Jeff had told him that she was going through a tough time. Although he’d spent months denying the possibility even before Jeff had approached him, Max suddenly found himself wondering if perhaps she had in fact left him for another man. And that thought literally made his heart ache.

“Hey, Max,” Liz gave him a small smile as he entered the practice court and approached his partner and her coach.

Max could only give a tight nod and a muttered, “Liz,” in reply as the memory of seeing her wrap her arms tightly around that… man… replayed in his mind. “Hey, David.”

“Good morning, Max,” nodded David, before getting right down to business. “Okay, guys, this is it, the first big match. I know you’ve been here, done this before, but I’m gonna say this anyway: for the next few hours, the game is more important than anything else, so any problems you might be having with each other at the moment are to be left on the practice courts, okay?”

“Of course,” spoke up Max, knowing that he was the one who had more of a problem with Liz right now than she did with him.

“Sure,” added Liz. “The tennis comes first.”

“Okay, great,” smiled David. “Right then, let’s go over a few final things before you’re due out on court, okay?”

“Sure, fire away,” nodded Max, eager to get on with things instead of dwelling on Liz and her new friend.

David spent the next few minutes going over some key moves and tactics with Max and Liz before he wished them good luck for the upcoming match and they left the practice courts to get ready to play.

The first round mixed doubles matches were being held on the smaller, outside courts, but due to the fact that Max and Liz were on court, the courtside seating was already packed with fans when they arrived on court to warm up.

After several minutes of limbering up, the umpire called for play to begin. Since they’d won the toss-up, Liz was first to serve and as Max shifted his weight from foot to foot at the front of the court in preparation for the game to start, he had to take a few breaths to calm himself for the match ahead. Of course, doubles matches required the players to interact with one another on court and discuss tactics between games and he knew that he couldn’t afford to jeopardise their chances or to show weakness in front of their opponents by being standoffish with her in front of everyone.

His problem with that wasn’t so much having to converse with her, but more that in order to do so, he would have to be close to her physically and it was going to be difficult when all he could do at the moment was picture her laughing with another man… a man who just happened to be seated in the audience just a few feet away right this very minute. He could already tell that this wasn’t going to be an easy match for him.


Thirty-five minutes later, Max and Liz were holding steady at 5 games to 4, having broken serve in the sixth game, and it was up to Liz to serve for the set. So far, Max had found that the two of them were playing well together. Although there was a slight awkwardness between them, they were both professional enough not to let it interfere with their game. However, despite their good partnership during the match, Max couldn’t help but notice that Liz wasn’t quite as ‘on form’ as he knew she could be and the thought that perhaps she was struggling with the match today worried him just a little.

However, despite hitting her first serve of the game into the net, Liz played extremely well for the remainder of the set, first serving two consecutive aces, bringing the score to 30-0 and then managing to place the ball over the net so that Max had the opportunity to win the next two points, and therefore the set, on the return. However, after a comfortable first set win, their opponents turned up the heat in the second set, bringing it to a close tiebreak, which unfortunately Max and Liz lost 7-5.

As they went into the and final set of the match, Max couldn’t help but notice that Liz seemed to be losing steam somewhat. The quality of her serves had slipped slightly – she was hitting more and more first serves out than she would usually – and it hadn’t escaped his attention that whenever they had a short break between games, Liz spent the majority of that time with her head in her hands, as if she had very little energy to play.

As they headed back out onto the court after one such break, Max asked her if she was okay, but she simply dismissed his concern, telling him that she was just a little tired after her match the day before and that nothing was wrong. Max relented, but found that he couldn’t stop worrying about her for the rest of the match.

While it was apparent that Liz’s game wasn’t quite as up and together as it had been in the first set, their opponents also seemed to be making a lot of unforced errors during the third set and so both teams were pretty even. Although he had originally been confident that they would win this first-round match, as the final set score reached four games all, Max began to wonder if he and Liz were as fully prepared for Wimbledon as they should have been. However, his worries became unfounded as a few moments later at break point, their opposition double-faulted and Max and Liz won the game, allowing Max to then serve for the match.

The next few points were touch and go as Max made a couple of mistakes on his serve and the score became 30-all. The pressure now really on, Max gave the next serve his all, hitting a powerful 135mph ace right down the centre line and it was match point. Taking a deep, calming breath, before he bounced the ball, Max glanced briefly at Liz’s crouched form at the net and he felt an old, almost forgotten emotion well up inside him. For a moment, his mind travelled back to a time when he and Liz had been together and he’d felt like the happiest man in the world.

With those thoughts in mind, Max threw the ball into the air, brought his racket smashing down and sent it over the net. It was easily returned and the rally continued for several more strokes, until Max sent an exceptionally powerful shot over the net, causing their female opponent to miss the return and the ball bounced neatly in the back corner of the court.


Max punched the air with his fist, before turning to Liz, who had a huge grin on her face, and pulling her into a celebratory hug. It was only brief, but the sudden contact with her after so long sent a tingle through Max’s whole body and left him breathless. As he let her go and they gathered up their bags, he couldn’t help but wish that the last two years had never happened and that he and Liz were still happy and in love. However, the pleasant thoughts ended a few moments later when he saw Liz’s blond man grinning at her and giving her a thumbs up from the VIP box, and Max remembered what had happened the last time he and Liz had seen each other before she disappeared two years earlier…


Friday July 15th 2005 – London

“Morning,” smiled Max, as he entered the living room of their flat and spotted Liz lounging on the sofa watching TV. She hadn’t been in bed when he’d woken up a few minutes ago, so after he’d got dressed, he had gone looking for her

“Hey,” replied Liz softly, briefly glancing his way before turning her attention back to the programme on TV.

“I thought I’d spend some time out on the practice courts this morning,” he told her, as he came up behind the sofa and leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek. “Care to join me?”

Liz shook her head, “No, it’s okay. I don’t really feel like it today. You go ahead, though.”

Max frowned as he stood up, “Lizzie, are you okay? You’ve been feeling like this for the last few days.”

“I’m fine, Max,” she said wearily. “I’m just tired from the tournaments the last few weeks. I just want to have some time to relax before the next one.”

“Okay, fair enough,” said Max, with a shrug. “I’ll call Nathan and see if he wants a knock up with me this morning.” He moved to kiss her again, this time on the lips. “I’ll be back this afternoon, okay?”

“Okay,” replied Liz, with a hint of a smile. “Have fun.”

“I will,” said Max, as he picked up his training bag. “Love you,”

As he left the room, he heard the faint sound of Liz replying, “Love you, too,” and a smile crept onto his face as thoughts of her soon becoming his wife flooded through his mind.


When he returned to the flat a good four hours later, Max felt like he was floating on air. The sun was shining, he’d just beaten Nathan in a friendly three-set match and he couldn’t wait to spend the entire afternoon alone with his fiancée. Life was good, he decided as he slid his key into the lock and opened his front door.

However, his good mood dissipated slightly when he entered the living room to find Liz still draped across the sofa, TV remote in her hand. The only difference between now and this morning being the fact that she’d washed her hair and had gotten dressed.

“Hey, I’m back,” he announced, a smile on his face as he reached the sofa.

“Hey,” replied Liz, as she moved her legs and sat up so he could take a seat.

She gave him a small smile and shifted so that she could snuggle against his chest. His own smile widening, Max wrapped his arm around her and held her close, tangling his fingers in her long, shiny hair, as he kissed her forehead tenderly.

“Good practice?” she asked softly, after a moment of sitting together in silence.

“Yeah, it was. I beat Nathan in straight sets,” grinned Max.

“Good for you,” chuckled Liz.

“So, what have you been up to today?” he asked her then.

“Not much,” she shrugged. “Just watching TV and stuff.”

“Um, Liz, I know you say you’re fine, but something’s obviously going on. It’s like you haven’t been as interested in training and playing the last few weeks – even in Wimbledon last week, it was like your heart wasn’t quite in it.”

Liz was silent for a long moment and Max began to worry that she wasn’t going to answer him, but then she sat up slowly to look at him.

“Max, what would you think if I told you I was thinking about retiring from tennis?” she started hesitantly.

“What?” to say he was surprised at the suggestion what an understatement. “What are you talking about, Lizzie? You’re at the peak of your career, why would you want to give that up now?”

“I know, but I’ve been thinking lately about the future and our lives together, and I realised something. While I love playing tennis, what I want more than anything else is to live my life with you. I want to settle down, I want to have children and I don’t want my career to get in the way of that.”

“But, Liz,” said Max, as he sat up straighter. “We don’t have to do that right now; we’ve only been engaged for a few weeks. There’ll be plenty of time in the future for a family, when we’re too old to play tennis.”

“But, what if I want it now?” countered Liz, standing up to pace in front of him. “What if I don’t care about milking my career for all it’s worth,” she added, a not-so-subtle dig at Max and his apparent opinion.

“You think that’s what I’m doing? Milking my career?” asked Max, his voice rising up a notch, as he too stood up to join her. “I’m three years older than you – my career’s already half-way over, but you… you’re only twenty-one, Liz, you’re just getting started. God, you just won your first Grand Slam singles title last month and already you’re talking about throwing in the towel!”

“It’s not like that, Max,” cried Liz suddenly, her eyes filling with tears.

“Oh, really? Well, it sounds that way to me,” he returned. “So, tell me, Liz, what is it like, then?”

“I want to marry you, and have your children, and live in a nice house in the suburbs,” she told him, tearfully. “I want to be happy.”

“I thought playing tennis made you happy,” Max stated, rather than questioned.

“Yeah, well, maybe things change,” retorted Liz.

“Look,” started Max gently, in an attempt to calm the situation. “I want you to be happy too, but it just seems that you’re trying to rush into things too quickly. You’re young enough to still be able to enjoy a few more years of playing tennis before we decide to start a family.”

Liz stared at him, a strange expression on her face, “You know, it’s starting to sound a lot like you’re trying to stall things here. Tell me, Max, why did you ask me to marry you the other week, when it seems like you’re not ready to be married to anyone just yet?”

“That’s not what I’m saying, Liz!” he burst out in exasperation. “I love you more than anything else in this world and there’s nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life with you and our future family, but can’t we just enjoy our careers for a while first? I know how much the sport makes you happy, even if you try to deny it yourself and I don’t want you to look back in a few years and regret leaving so young.”

“I wouldn’t regret it, okay?” she yelled angrily, before taking a deep breath to calm herself down a little. “I know what I want.”

“Well, in that case, if it’s so important to you, why don’t you go find someone else to ruin your career for you, because I won’t do it,” stated Max firmly, as he moved away from her and towards the living room door. “I can’t.”

“Max…” Liz protested, tears now flowing down her cheeks.

But Max just shook his head, “I can’t be here with you right now, Liz.”

Breathing hard with anger, Max stalked out of the room, grabbed his bag and left the flat once more. However, little did he know that Liz would not be there when he returned, nor would he see her again for another two years.

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Obsessed Roswellian
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Post by Heavenli24 »

Well, we've finally reached the part you've all been waiting for - the truth is finally coming out... I hope it doesn't disappoint :) .

Thank you for your feedback (and your patience) :) :

polar vixen - Thank you :) . As much as I wanted to, I couldn't post before today because I've been too busy to write in the last few weeks and didn't want fall behind with the posts and leave you guys hanging.

Lairabehr4 - Thanks :) .

Alien_Friend - Thanks - if I could write the parts faster, I would update 3 or 4 times a week, but unfortunately I don't have enough time to keep up with the writing at the moment.

Yeah, communication would go a long way, but unfortunately they didn't get the chance :( .

Queen Fee - Thanks :) . You do find out the big secret soon... now, to be exact!

roswell3053 - Thanks :) . You won't have to keep wondering any longer...

Addicted2AmberEyes - Thanks :) . The problem with Max back then was that he didn't realise the seriousness of Liz's side of the conversation. He didn't know that she would react the way she did by leaving - at the time, he thought it was just a stupid argument that they would be able to sort out later. Unfortunately, he never got the chance :(.

Natalie36 - The answers are on the way...

clueless - Thanks :).

mezz - That's why things went wrong - bad communication :(.

ShatteredDreamer - Liz will be opening up very soon :).

begonia9508 - It's true that Max didn't react well to Liz's suggestions, but he didn't realise at the time what effect his angry words would have on her. Had she not disappeared, perhaps they would have worked things out.

sylvia37 - Don't worry - the truth is on it's way :). Max was being supportive towards Liz and that's what seems so stupid about it - Max was doing the right thing, yet Liz still left him - it didn't make sense to him.
And speaking of their argument, now that we've read it, it seems pretty amazing to me that Liz was so surprised when Max asked her if her leaving was because of what he said. They have an argument, and then she leaves him without a word. I mean, what did she think he was going to think.
I don't think Liz was really thinking about what Max would think of her leaving - she was too caught up in her own stuff.

Nz_Roswell - Thanks :) .

pookie76 - Don't worry, this part will do just that :).


Part Eighteen

Saturday 30th June 2007

Max wasn’t exactly sure what possessed him to go and watch Liz’s third round match that afternoon, especially since the memories of their break-up had been fresh in his mind just yesterday. But nevertheless, he found himself showing his player’s badge to the officials outside Court No. 1 and heading inside a few minutes before Liz and her opponent were due to arrive on court.

He made his way through the corridors leading to the stadium seating, stopping occasionally to say hello to a few people he recognised and to sigh autographs for fans. However, as he rounded the last corner, on his way to the VIP seating entrance, he unexpectedly bumped into a tall figure.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” apologised Max quickly, before realising exactly who it was he’d walked into.

“Max Evans,” smiled the blond man in front of him, the same blond man he’d seen with Liz over the past few days. “It’s nice to meet you,” he added, holding out a hand for Max to shake.

“Oh, I –” fumbled Max, as he stared dumbly at the outstretched hand, before lifting his gaze to the friendly expression on the man’s face. “Hello, um…”

“Martin,” the other man supplied. “Martin Smith.”

“Martin,” said Max coolly, as he shook the man’s hand. “I’ve seen you at the matches this week, haven’t I?”

“That’s right, I’m a friend of Liz’s and since I’m in town for a few days, she offered me tickets to some of the matches,” Martin confirmed.

“I see,” murmured Max, trying not to give any emotion away in his tone. “So, you and Liz know each other well?”

“Yeah, well, we met a couple of years ago and became good friends, although we don’t talk to each other much now, not since she came back home a few weeks ago,” the other man supplied.

Max frowned as he took in this new information. This bloke had known Liz for two years? That meant they’d met around the same time as she’d… no, he wasn’t going to go there. He couldn’t let himself think like that.

“But I had to come back for a family wedding,” continued Martin. “And I had a few days free beforehand, so I’ve taken the chance to see Liz play.”

“Right,” nodded Max, absently. “So, um, you and Liz are–” He didn’t have the chance to finish the sentence, as Martin cut in with a reassuring smile.

“Just good friends, Max,” he told him. “Believe me, there never has been, nor will there ever be anything between Liz Parker and I. And even if I wanted to, I couldn’t compete with you for a place in her heart.”

At those words, Max froze. Was this Martin guy implying that Liz still had feelings for him? With the way she’d been acting towards him lately, he wasn’t sure what to believe.

“Anyway,” said Martin, before Max could say anything in reply. “I’d better get on; I have a couple of things to do quickly before the match starts. It was nice to meet you, Max.”

“Um, sure, likewise,” murmured Max, absently shaking the man’s hand again and then moving aside to let him pass.

Max simply stood there in the middle of the corridor as it took him a few seconds to process the unexpected exchange and to collect his thoughts. It wasn’t until one of the Wimbledon staff tapped him on the shoulder and reminded him that Liz’s match was due to start in a few minutes and that he ought to take his seat soon so as not to disturb play. With a rueful smile, Max quickly apologised and headed out to the VIP seating area, taking his seat just as Liz and her opponent arrived on court and began warming up.

A few minutes after he’d sat down, as the warm-up time came to an end and the players prepared to begin the match, Max saw Martin arrive in the VIP box and he gave a small nod of acknowledgement as the other man took a seat at the other end of the row. Although he seemed like a nice guy, Max wasn’t sure what to think about him. Was he really just a friend to Liz, or was there something more to their relationship? Granted, he didn’t actually have all the details, nor had he talked to Liz about who this man was to her, but he couldn’t help but be wary of him all the same.

Max’s concerns about Martin were quickly pushed aside a moment later when the match started and his attention turned to watching Liz out on court. She had chosen to take the opening serve and the first couple of games went well for her. However, as he watched her preparing to serve for the third game, he noticed that something wasn’t quite right with her today. It was only very slight, but as she held the ball to her racket before tossing it in the air, he could see her hands shaking and a slightly pained expression marred her otherwise beautiful features as she swung her racket up to hit the ball.

He grew even more concerned when, not only did she hit the ball out, but she hit it out by a long way, and Max knew that Liz was capable of producing a good serve even on a bad day. He gave a sigh of relief a moment later, when she seemed to take her second serve with ease and it landed neatly in the service box. The game continued on and when Liz didn’t make any further mistakes, Max allowed himself to relax a little and enjoy the match.

It wasn’t until the ninth game of the first set, when Liz served two double faults in a row – something completely uncharacteristic for her to do – and allowed her opponent to break her serve easily, that Max began to worry that there was something wrong with her. His suspicions were just about confirmed a couple of minutes later, when the players took a break between games and Liz simply sat on her allotted chair, her head in her hands as she took deep, almost ragged breaths. Max frowned in concern as she stumbled when she got up to walk out onto the court again and, turning his head towards Martin, he noticed that the other man was looking worried as well.

When Liz appeared to regain control and the next game began, Max allowed himself to relax a little, but when the other player served to love, winning the first set 6-4, leaving Liz simply standing helplessly as the other end of the court, uneasiness rose up inside him once again. This time, he knew that something was definitely not right, but before he could think of a way to help her, a collective gasp rose up from the crowd and he could do nothing but look on in horror as the racket slid from Liz’s hand, her eyes rolled back into her head and she fell to the ground.

“Oh my God, Liz!” he cried, as he took in the sight of her fragile, unconscious body, lying in a heap in the middle of the court.

Ignoring the fact that he wasn’t supposed to leave his seat, Max quickly acted on instinct, jumping over the side of the VIP box and running out onto court. He came to a stop before Liz’s prone form, sliding to his knees as he reached out a hand to touch her face.

“Liz? Lizzie? What wrong?” he questioned worriedly, as he ran his hands over her body, checking for any sign of injury. “Lizzie, wake up. Please?”

When there was no response, he lifted his head towards the small group of people who were beginning to gather around Liz, with a pleading expression, “Somebody call an ambulance. Now.”

“Mr. Evans,” started the umpire, as one of the linesmen ran off the court to fetch the medical team. “Maybe it would be best if you stepped back and allowed the medical team to see to her.”

“No!” he stated firmly, as he clutched one of Liz’s limp hands in his. “I’m not leaving her.”

“Very well,” said the umpire, after watching him carefully for a long moment.

“Thank you,” murmured Max softly, turning his attention back to Liz as they waited for the paramedics to arrive. He stroked her hair gently, as he looked down at her pale face. “What’s the matter with you, Liz? What’s wrong?” he wondered, as tears began to sting his eyes. “God, Lizzie, please wake up. I don’t want to lose you. I love you too much to lose you again. Please come back to me.”

“Excuse me, sir,” an authoritative voice interrupted his babbling words and Max looked up to find that the paramedics had arrived. “I’m going to have to ask you to move back so we can help Miss Parker.”

“Okay,” Max murmured faintly, as he carefully extracted his hand from Liz’s and stood up, allowing the ambulance team to do their job.

The next few minutes passed in a blur as Max numbly watched the paramedics move Liz’s prone form onto a stretcher and carry her off the court. He followed them out to the ambulance, where Jeff Parker was standing anxiously, his expression stricken as he saw his daughter unconscious on the stretcher. Jeff immediately moved to Liz’s side as she was placed on a trolley and wheeled into the ambulance. Before he got into the vehicle with her, Jeff turned to Max, who was still staring at Liz, thanked him for looking after her for him and informed him of the hospital she was being taken to.

Max nodded numbly, unable to move as he watched the ambulance drive away. His head was spinning with what had just occurred out on that court and it took several minutes to compose himself enough to leave the All England club grounds and make his way to the hospital.


Max didn’t arrive at Parkside Hospital until almost two hours after Liz had been taken there, although it was not by choice. First, it had taken him almost twenty minutes to get out of the Wimbledon grounds and to reach his car, due to the high number of people milling around and also to the various reporters and Wimbledon staff who kept trying to ask him questions about Liz. Then, once he’d finally managed to slip into his car and leave, he’d ended up getting stuck in a traffic jam for over an hour.

When he finally arrived at the hospital, the receptionist directed him to Liz’s room on the second floor with no hesitation at all, as if she had been instructed to do so as soon as he arrived. Max thanked her sincerely, before making his way through the hospital to the ward where Liz was situated. It was with apprehension that he stepped out of the lift on the second floor and made his way along the corridor towards Liz’s room. He had no idea what to expect when he saw her; was she awake now, or would she still be unconscious? What if it was really serious and she was in a coma or something? What if–

“Max,” a soft voice broke him out of his confused thoughts, as Jeff Parker stepped out of one of the rooms and gently closed the door behind him.

“How is she?” questioned Max immediately, not bothering with pleasantries. “Is she okay?”

“She’s awake, Max,” Jeff informed him, putting his mind at ease. “But she’s weak and tired.”

“What happened?” he asked anxiously, before quickly adding, “Can I see her?”

“Of course you can, Max,” smiled Jeff gently. “In fact, she’s been asking for you.”

“Really?” he wondered with surprise, as he glanced towards her door.

“Go on in,” nodded Jeff. “I need to go and pick Nancy up from a friend’s, so I’ll leave you to it.”

“Thank you,” murmured Max gratefully, as he watched Jeff retreat down the corridor, before gently opening the door to Liz’s room and hesitantly slipping inside.

He sucked in a harsh breath as he took in Liz’s pale, tiny form propped up in the hospital bed. Her eyes were closed and she looked exhausted.

“Liz?” he murmured softly, as he approached her. A small smile appeared on his face as her eyes fluttered open.

“Max,” she whispered tiredly. “You came.”

“Hi,” said Max, as he took a seat in the chair beside her bed. “I couldn’t not come.”

“Thank you,” she smiled.

“Liz, what happened out there?” he asked, as he took one of her hands in his. “You scared me half to death.”

“There’s something I need to tell you, Max,” admitted Liz softly. “I’ve been putting it off for so long because I was scared, but I can’t do it anymore.”

“What is it, Liz?” asked Max gently, not wanting to push her, but knowing that this was it. She was finally ready to tell him the truth. “You can tell me anything.”

“I–” she started, her voice cracking as her eyes filled with tears. “I have MS, Max.”

“What?” Max was surprised; that was the last thing he’d expected to come out of her mouth, although on second thoughts, he wasn’t really sure what he’d been expecting her to say.

“A couple of weeks after you proposed, I went to the doctor. I had been feeling tired for a while and I was having blurred vision, so I made an appointment to find out what was wrong,”

“But… why didn’t you say anything? You acted like everything was fine.”

“I didn’t want to worry you,” admitted Liz.

“Oh, Lizzie,” murmured Max, with a shake of his head.

“The doctor ran some tests and the results confirmed that I had what is known as relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis,” she told him carefully.

“And what is that exactly?” asked Max. He knew a little about MS and its symptoms, due to witnessing his next-door neighbour suffering from it when he was a kid, but he didn’t know specifics.

“It’s the most common type of MS. What happens is, you have an attack, or relapse, where you suffer from symptoms. And then you have periods of remission where the symptoms either go away for a while or they just don’t get any worse. But each time a relapse occurs, the symptoms can worsen.”

Max nodded, “So what kind of symptoms are we talking about here?”

Liz looked away for a moment before replying, “All kinds of things. Tiredness, muscle weakness, lack of coordination, speech difficulties, blurred vision, blindness, depression… to name a few.”

“Liz,” whispered Max, his heart aching for her.

“And it usually gets worse as you get older. There’s a good chance I could end up in a wheelchair for the rest of my life.”

“I’m so sorry, Lizzie,” he said, as he gripped her hand in both of his. “I had no idea.”

“It’s not your fault you didn’t know,” she admitted then. “It felt like my life was falling apart before my eyes and you were so excited about my career, I just couldn’t bring myself to tell you.”

“But you tried once though, didn’t you?” he stated, rather than asked, as realisation began to dawn. “That argument we had about getting married and retiring to having children. It wasn’t about you not liking the game anymore, was it?”

Liz looked across at him, a tear escaping from her eye as she shook her head, “No, it wasn’t. I’d been reading up about the disease and it said that some of the things that can bring on relapses were stress, infections, such as colds and flu and… giving birth. I thought maybe if I could have children before the symptoms got too bad, then it would be easier. I didn’t want to be raising children if I was too ill to look after them.”

“Oh, sweetheart, come here,” murmured Max, as he moved to perch on the edge of her bed, wrapping his arms around her comfortingly. “You should have told me the truth. I would have understood and I could have helped you deal with everything. Why did you just leave like that?”

“I don’t know,” muttered Liz, as the tears fell and she buried her face in his chest. “It was all just getting to me; I was feeling dizzy and weak all the time, I could barely stay awake, and at that point it felt like I wasn’t going to get better any time soon, When you told me you wanted to wait, it was like everything came crashing down around me. Suddenly, I just wanted to hide away from the world and deal with it by myself.”

Max remained silent as he took this in, had Liz really thought that he wouldn’t have understood? Had she honestly believed that he wouldn’t have been willing to give her children if he had known her reasons for wanting a family so soon? And what about him? God, how could he have been so blind not to notice that she hadn’t been feeling well? Why did he have to get angry with her that day, when all she’d needed was a little love and support from him? He was such an idiot.

“I’m sorry, Max,” sobbed Liz in his arms. “I’m so sorry for not telling you.”

“I’m sorry, too, Liz. I should have been more understanding back then,” he told her, remorsefully.

They sat together quietly for a few moments, as the enormity of the situation sunk in. However, something soon occurred to Max.

“What made you decide to come back now?” he wondered softly.

Liz sighed, “I went into a remission period a few months ago. I was feeling better… well enough to pick up a racket again… and when the symptoms didn’t come back, I decided to take a chance. I stupidly fooled myself into thinking I was fine again and that the MS had gone away. I should have known better.”

“You’re not stupid, Lizzie,” Max assured her. “You were being optimistic.”

“It made things worse, though, didn’t it?” she muttered. “I’m out of the singles now and I have no idea if I’ll be strong enough to play with you again on Monday.”

“Don’t you worry about that now, okay?” said Max firmly. “You just concentrate on getting your strength back for now. We’ll worry about the rest later.”

“Thank you, Max,” said Liz, as she broke into a yawn.

“No problem,” he smiled softly. “You’re tired, I should let you get some rest.”

However, as he began to move off the bed, Liz grabbed at his shirt.

“Stay with me?” she asked timidly. “Please?”

Looking down into her scared, vulnerable expression, Max found himself unable to refuse. He would stay, for as long as he could without getting thrown out by the nurses, anyway. It was only a few minutes later that Liz fell fast asleep and as he held her petite body in his arms, Max couldn’t help but give into the overwhelming emotions flowing through his body at that moment. First one tear slid down his cheek, then another and another, until they fell in a steady stream that left him gasping for breath. He cried for Liz, he cried for everything she’d been through over the past two years, for everything he’d been through in her absence and he cried for everything that could have been if only she’d been honest with him in the first place.

It was an immense relief to him to finally know the truth, but he also knew that he had a long road ahead of him when it came to working things out with Liz.

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Obsessed Roswellian
Posts: 587
Joined: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:41 am

Post by Heavenli24 »

Thank you for your feedback :) :

LairaBehr4 - :lol:

Queen Fee - Thanks :) . It is sad - I only know 1 person who has it - my friend's mum. She's almost completely blind now and has been in a wheelchair/scooter for as long as I can remember (I've known the family for 20 years).

Tamashii - Thanks :) . Yes, right now, Max is only thinking about comforting Liz in the hospital and the news of her illness. He hasn't yet had time to really get his head around her actions 2 years ago. I'm sure once he's had some time to think, he's going to have questions and issues with her decision to leave.

Addicted2AmberEyes - Thank you :) . So far Max has been understanding and sympathetic towards Liz, but it's going to take some time for him to get over her actions.

pookie76 - Thank you :) .

Alien_Friend - Thank you :) . Sorry to hear you can't get to Montreal to see Andy play :(. I'm looknig forward to the US Open too, although whether I'll have time to watch it is another thing all together (bloody thesis deadline in September, :lol: ).

Nz_Roswell - Thanks :) . The problem with MS is that you never 'recover' - you can go into periods of remission, where the symptom aren't as bad, but eventually it'll get worse :(.

begonia9508 - It is bad news. Hopefully Liz will be lucky and the occurence of symptoms will be gradual over a long period of time, but inevitably she's going to start deteriorating :(.

clueless - Thanks :) .

Natalie36 - Thanks :).

roswell3053 - Thank you :). Let's hope they can working things out now.

mezz - Yes, she did the wrong thing, but I don't think it''s that uncommon for people diagnosed with a serious illness to keep it from the people they love in order to prevent them from seeing them suffer. It wasn't the best choice, but it was what Liz felt she needed to do.


Part Nineteen

Saturday 30th June 2007

Liz had been asleep for almost two hours, yet Max couldn’t bear to leave her side. Although he’d slipped out of the bed and made sure she was comfortable just a few minutes after she’d dozed off, rather than leaving the room, he’d once more slid onto the chair beside her bed, gently took her hand in his and watched her peaceful slumber.

About thirty minutes after she’d fallen asleep, Jeff had returned to the hospital with Nancy, and they joined Max in Liz’s room for a while, before Liz’s PR assistant knocked on the door and informed them that the press was having a field day outside and were after a statement. Reluctantly, Jeff and Nancy left their daughter’s bedside to take care of the paparazzi, leaving Max alone with her once again. Another thirty minutes later, a nurse had entered the room to check on her and had kindly informed him that they didn’t need to keep Liz in overnight and that she would be able to go home later that evening. With a small smile, Max had thanked her, before turning his attention back to Liz.

He shook his head as his gaze swept over her pale features. For the last two hours, confused thoughts had been tumbling around inside his head. He didn’t really know what to make of the events of the last few hours. On the one hand, it had been a huge relief to finally discover Liz’s big secret, but on the other, he just couldn’t believe that she had kept something so important from him for so long. He felt torn. Part of him was hugely sympathetic towards her and what she’d been through over the past two years and he couldn’t help some of those old feelings of affection for her from returning to his mind; however, he was also still upset and even angry about her betrayal.

He was finding it hard to understand why Liz had left him without a word, just because of a stupid argument they’d had. Why hadn’t she confided in him about her illness? Why couldn’t they have worked through things together? She hadn’t seriously believed that he wouldn’t have understood her reasons for wanting to settle down and start a family… had she? Sure, at the time he had felt that they were too young, but if she’d just been truthful and told him exactly why she wanted to have a family at twenty-one, then maybe he could have supported her in her decision.

However, amid all his thoughts about the past, one glaring question also stood out to him about the last couple of weeks. If Liz hadn’t decided to return to the game this year, and if the two of them had not been paired up in the doubles, would he have ever seen her again? Would he have ever discovered the truth, if she hadn’t collapsed out on court today? He couldn’t help feeling the notion that the only reason she’d told him the truth was because she’d had no other choice in the matter.

The sound of the door opening tore Max from his troubled thoughts and he looked up to see Jeff Parker entering the room with a sympathetic expression on his face.

“Hey, Max. How is she?” he asked softly, as he moved towards the bed,

“Still asleep,” replied Max, as he glanced down at her still closed eyes.

“Look, why don’t you head on home?” suggested Jeff kindly. “She’s pretty exhausted; I doubt she’ll wake up for a while.”

Max hesitated slightly, weighing up his options, before gently extracting his hand from Liz’s and standing up.

“Okay,” he agreed quietly. “I guess there’s not really any reason for me to be here this evening.”

Jeff nodded, “The doctor’s told us she can go home soon. She decided earlier that she wanted to come home to the house in Surrey tonight, so that’s where we’ll be if you want to drop by tomorrow. I’m sure she’d like to see you.”

“Okay,” nodded Max. He wasn’t sure how well a visit to her parents’ house might go down with her, but he’d keep the offer in mind. “Well, I’d, um, better go then.”

He moved past Liz’s father and headed for the door; as his hand twisted the handle, Jeff’s voice stopped him and he turned back to face the room.

“Thank you, Max,” Jeff told him sincerely, “for being here for her today. I know things haven’t been easy for either of you lately, but I hope that you can forgive Liz for her actions in the past. All I can say is that it was never her intention to hurt you the way she did.”

Max simply nodded, a lump forming in his throat at the sudden rush of emotions that flooded through him following Jeff’s words. He shot one last look towards Liz, before leaving the room. Once outside, he let out a deep sigh and then made his way out of the hospital. As he reached the lobby, he shook his head in annoyance at the sight of the large group of reporters and photographers gathered outside the main entrance of the hospital. Squaring his shoulders and steeling himself for the inevitable onslaught of microphones and cameras, he strode out of the hospital, ignoring the shouts in his direction and tossing out a “No Comment” to anyone who tried to talk to him.

When he reached his car, he didn’t hesitate to start the engine and speed off in the direction of his flat, leaving the reporters, the hospital and Liz far behind. He could deal with all of them tomorrow, after he’d had some time to think.


Wednesday 20th July 2005 - Surrey, England

His jaw set in anger, Max manoeuvred his sleek, silver BMW, around the winding bends of the Surrey countryside, as he sped towards the Parker’s country estate a few miles outside the large county town of Guildford. After several unsuccessful attempts to find out Liz’s whereabouts from Jeff or Nancy over the phone, Max had taken it upon himself to approach them in person and, if necessary, get down on his hands and knees and beg them for information.

The last few days without Liz had been the worst of his life; it was difficult enough trying to deal with the fact that she had apparently left him, but it was even harder for him to comprehend exactly why she had left. It just didn’t make any sense to him. Until last Friday, she had never given any indication that she was unsatisfied with him or with their relationship… in fact, just last month she’d told him she’d never been happier in her entire life… so what had changed so drastically in the last couple of weeks? He needed answers.

As he drove up the road leading into the Parker residence, Max had to force himself to keep his gaze on the road in front of him, instead of taking in the beautiful scenery around him. He and Liz had spent many evenings taking romantic walks through the gardens and surrounding woodland over the past few years and for the sake of his sanity he couldn’t afford to reminisce about the good times right now. With a sudden lurch on the gravelled driveway, Max pulled up in front of the large, stone house, before turning off the engine, stepping out of the car and slamming the door shut.

Max strode determinedly up to the front door and firmly pressed the doorbell button, before taking a step back while he waited for an answer. After a minute or so, the door swung open and he came face-to-face with Jeff Parker.

“Max,” greeted Liz’s father, a hint of unease in his tone.

“Where is she?” Max cut right to the chase. “I need to see her.”

Jeff just watched him for a moment, before shaking his head slightly and opening the door even wider, “Why don’t you come on in.”

Max stood his ground, “Why don’t you just tell me out here?”

Jeff levelled him with a look, before turning and moving further into the house, leaving the door open behind him for Max to follow. As tempted as he was not to give Jeff the upper hand in this, Max knew that he wouldn’t get any answers if he stayed out in the driveway, so reluctantly, he stepped through the doorway and headed inside the large house. He entered the front living room behind Jeff, who gestured for him to take a seat.

He was reluctant to sit, his body too tense and on edge to relax, but he forced himself to do so anyway.

“Why won’t she answer my calls, Jeff? Is she here?” he questioned immediately; looking around the room for any sign that Liz might be staying at her parents’ house. “I don’t understand what’s going on.”

Jeff shook his head sadly, “She’s not here, Max, I’m sorry.”

“Well, where is she?”

“I’m sorry,” repeated Liz’s father. “She specifically stated that you weren’t to contact her. I can’t tell you what you want to know.”

“But…why?” burst out Max, as a lump began form in his throat and he had to swallow in order to hold back tears. “What did I do to make her leave?”

Jeff shook his head again, “I’m sorry; as much as I’d like to, I can’t help you, Max. She needs some time for herself right now.”

“What about me?” demanded Max painfully. “Don’t I deserve to know why the woman who agreed to marry me just a couple of weeks ago just decided to up and leave with no explanation?”

“I wish I could help you, Max,” murmured Jeff again. “But I’m afraid that my daughter comes first with me. I can only respect her wishes, whether I agree with her actions or not.”

Max nodded in resignation; of course Jeff’s loyalties lay with Liz. She was his flesh and blood and Max couldn’t compete with that.

“Can’t you at least tell me what I can do to make things right?” he asked softly, as the tears finally began to sting his eyes. “This is killing me, being without her. She’s my whole world, Jeff, and I don’t know if I can survive if she’s not with me.”

“Max–” started Jeff, but Max held up a hand to stop him.

“I know,” he murmured, “You can’t help me. But when you speak to her, can you at least tell her that I love her and I miss her? Please?”

“Okay,” agreed Jeff. “But I can’t guarantee it will help anything.”

“Thank you,” said Max tightly, before sighing and turning towards the door. “Well, I guess there’s no reason for me to be here, then. I’ll get out of your hair.”

“Max,” Jeff moved towards him. “I really am sorry,” he repeated. “Let me see you out.”

“No need,” he quickly shrugged off the offer. “I’m perfectly capable of seeing myself out, thank you.”


Max cut Jeff off once more, “When she’s ready to talk, tell her it’s up to her to contact me. I don’t think I can handle being messed around any more than I have already.”

At Jeff’s slow nod, Max turned abruptly and left the plush living room. He marched to the front door and let himself out of the stately home. Getting into his car, he forcefully started the engine and pressed hard on the accelerator, causing the small vehicle to lurch forward and speed off, sending the gravel from the driveway flying into the air. However, he only made it a few hundred yards down the road, before he pulled into a small, familiar lay-by at the side of the narrow country road and switched off the engine.

Despite his earlier reluctance to acknowledge the surrounding scenery, Max found himself traversing a path into the woods that he and Liz had taken several times in the past. A few moments later, he found himself entering a small, idyllic clearing in the trees. Sucking in an unsteady breath, Max moved further into the clearing and sank down beside the fallen tree trunk that had been lying there for years, his back resting against the bark, as the tears finally began to fall. He pulled his knees to his chest and lowered his head as his shoulders shook with the force of his sobs.

Memories flooded through him as he cried; he remembered lying with Liz on the grass beside the tree trunk, gazing at the sky and talking about their hopes and dreams for the future; he remembered making love with her beneath the trees on a warm summer’s evening; he remembered spending occasional lazy Sunday afternoon playing with her hair, watching her contentedly as she read a book and forgot all about their busy schedules for a few hours.

They had been so happy together for the last three years; Liz had been ecstatic when he’d proposed last month, so he couldn’t understand why she’d just left last week. It didn’t make any sense and the more he thought about it, the more confused he became about the whole situation.

He needed answers and for the first time since she’d left, he was beginning to wonder if he would ever get them.
