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Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 10:41 pm
by Luvya
Alright here's the starting thread :-)


Dear Mr. Whitman,

As a class of 1995 alumni member you are invited to our ten year high school reunion....

Re-reading the letter again I sigh. I'm going to this again why? I turn my head and then pick up a picture on my night stand. Right, Michael and Liz. I can't believe I managed to loose contact with them after we promised that we'd stay in contact. I don't even know if they're going tonight.

I can't believe it's been ten years. I know I'm going to feel my age thinking this but it feels just like yesterday I was waving my graduation cap. It's weird.

"Alex are you ready yet?" My mum calls.

"Yeah I'll be down in a mintue, Mum." I yell down the stairs. Yep defently feels like yesterday. I fiddle with my tie and adjust my glasses. Well this is about as good as I'll ever get.

The car rides silent, dad's taking me because I don't own a car for the simple reason you don't own cars in New York. As I walk up to the school hall (nothing seems to have changed) I take a deep breath.

"Well this is it" I murmer to myself, heading into the door. It doesn't seem to be that many people in yet but I head to the food area- the one place I normally seem to end up going at parties. At least it might help to get some conversation going.

Well... maybe.

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:24 am
by Luvya
just doing a little bump :-)

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 3:01 pm
by Luvya

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:58 am
by Dream Weaver
Sorry :cry: My net has been acting up. I promise I will get a post up by this weekend! :D

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:59 am
by Dream Weaver
Sorry :cry: My net has been acting up. I promise I will get a post up by this weekend! :D

Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 4:52 pm
by madroswellfan
Not really sure where to start Max in this...any help would be appreciated

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 6:07 pm
by Luvya
I've edited it a bit so if anyone wants to go to Alex and start talking to him he can.

madroswellfan- if you want you can have Max already be here or have him arriving and vagely reconizing Alex maybe?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2007 11:15 pm
by Dream Weaver

As the taxi pulls up with a jerk in front of my old Alma matte, my stomach churns with excitement. It seems like ages ago that I haunted these hallow halls with my best buds Michael and Alex. I still tease Michael every chance I get with the crazy stuff we did in high school.

I take a deep breath after I hand the driver the fare and slowly open the door and get out. My heals click hard on the sidewalk as I climb the stairs and pull the heavy metal door open to enter the hall for the first time in what seems like a hundred years ago.

The smell of must and disinfectant fill my nostrils and it takes me back to days long forgotten. The smell is still the same and I smile at the memories that flood my mind. Its funny what you can so easily forget and what innocence you loose as you grow up. It’s a bitter sweat moment for me walking back through this hallway.

I am now turning the corner towards the gym where I can hear voices and laughter. I am supposed to meet Michael at the food table in about an hour, but I was too anxious and got here a little earlier that anticipated. I guess I am just hoping with all my heart to see my long lost best friend Alex Whitman.

It’s crazy that the promises you make as a teenage never are kept in adulthood. The three of us, Michael, Alex and I, were like the Three Musketeers, always together. We had promised when we headed off in different directions for college that we’d stay close always. But adulthood and real life somehow got in the way and Michael and I lost touch with Alex.

I am giddy as I make my way to the crowd that has gathered in the gym. I scan the crowd and find many familiar faces and as I turn my body towards the food table, a completely high school girl squeal escapes my mouth as I see the person I prayed would be there.


Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:08 pm
by Luvya


My head turns around fast at the sound of someone calling my name. I instantly wince waiting for the dizzyness to past.

"Mental note to self don't do that again," I murmer and then my face turns into a big grin. I quickly move through the crowd to her and pick her up in a big hug.

"Lizzie Bear!" Refering back to the old nickname I had given her, "you bearly look like you've changed!" The big smile stays on my face but I feel slightly sad inside.

How did I manage to loose contact with my two best friends in the entire world?