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Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:20 pm
by Sternbetrachter
Karen has problems with logging in at RF from work so she won't be able to continue posting for PE anymore :(

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:50 pm
by madroswellfan
Awwwww! :(
Well I can take another character if it helps get this running...but I do have two already so if you rather I didn't faith I really dnt mind either way...just offering cos I love this rpg and want it going again :D
Mel x x

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:14 pm
by Fehr'sBear
To get this going, I'll keep Charlotte. :D

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:43 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
Thanks Guys :wink:

I am sad that Karen can't resume her role as Isabel. We had some much fun rpging last time.

I think we can go ahead and start and if later someone wants Alex or Isabel I'll take the opposite.

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:40 am
by madroswellfan
Can't wait to start this :D

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:56 am
by Athenea
Can I have Isabel?

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:34 pm
by FaithfulAngel24
Oh Athena I forgot you had offered to take Isabel. :cry: Shame on me :oops: Of course you can have her and I'll take Alex. I should have the first post up later tonight. :D

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:13 pm
by FaithfulAngel24

Do you believe in magic? Well whether or not you believe in it. It most certainly believes in you. Magic is that feeling that comes over you when the phone rings and you immediately know who it is without ever having to pick up the receiver. It’s meeting someone for the first time and feeling as if you’ve known them forever. Every woman has a little witch in them. It just so happens that my life revolves around my craft.

I have always been the troublemaker. The instigator in all things mischievous. My poor sister, Liz is always trying to teach me how to better fit in to belong to society. That has never particularly interested me. We are different. Special. And I hate having to pretend that I’m not. We are major contributors to the forces of good. What we do makes a difference in the world. Yet no one will ever know.

Liz, Tess, and I make up the Charmed Ones. We are the last in the line of powerful witches who work to vanquish evil and save innocents while trying to have what resembles a quasi normal life. The hardest part is having to hide who I really am from everyone I meet. Only my closet friends know the truth and sometimes I regret the danger that knowledge puts them in.

To say I am a hopeless romantic is putting it lightly. I so desperately want to fall in love. I want to be cherished for my vulnerability as well as for my strength. Thus far I haven’t met a man who could handle my fiercely independent nature. On more then one occasion I’ve had to do the ’Discourage a Lover’ spell. Liz balks at my attraction for the wild. What can I say? I love bad boys. That is until it’s time to sign the restraining order. Then not so much.

Still I think it’s important to feel everything and not hold back. The good. The bad. The indifferent. It’s all worth it. I wish I could convince Liz to go on at least one date. I’m sure my stellar record with men doesn’t ease her concerns. Now that Tess has moved into the manor I’m sure we can double team her. I smile at the mere thought of it. My sister has never been one to be pressured into anything. She’s quiet and keeps to herself but when she does decide to speak everyone listens. I look up to her. Always have. Always will.

My leopard print fuzzy alarm clock happens to catch my gaze and I realize that I’m already late. Liz, Alex, Kyle and I have breakfast together every morning. It’s out way of keeping in touch. I need to make sure Tess is ready. This is her first official meal in the house. I grab my platform heels and head for the door. “Tess! Girl we got to get downstairs. I’m sure the boys are already here and waiting.” :wink:

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:27 pm
by madroswellfan
(ooc: hope this is ok!)

They're late.

I roll my eyes again as I look away from my watch and back at the simmering eggs. My eyes then flitter to the slowly boiling kettle, followed by the toaster that hasn't popped yet, then the cooking bacon, and finally back to what I really want to be doing... ok maybe thats not right but I do have to do it to keep the shop. What is this fun task I hear you ask? Well.... quite simply... its working out how to pay all the bills.

The shop isn't quite going under yet... but the magical fights that always seem to end up in the shop and breaking all my stock and furninishings. Somehow the bill for repairs for the shop this month was more than the rent on the place. I sigh as I look at the figures again. We do make a tidy sum and we have regular customers.... is there someway I can ask the demons nicely to keep away from my shop? Call it neutral territory perhaps? Yeah right....

I sigh as I recheck the food again. The kettle is done so I start making the coffee. Where is everyone this morning? I need to get to the shop... but I can't go til we've had the regular breakfast together, and I can't do that until as per usual Maria and the others finally get here. I look over at the bacon and wonder if they'll..ok..Maria... will make it before it burns this time.

I sigh as I pour myself some coffee and look over the numbers. I really need to get to the shop and clean up after the last demon attack... Its mostly done now, but I need to take stock after it ruined the stock cupboard... and I need to actually sell something... and then I really should spend some time with my cousin. But then again.... I have a horrifying feeling that shes going to be a Maria.

Ok don't get me wrong... Im not saying that in a nasty way at all. Maria is my everything. Literally. All I mean is... Im pretty certain shes going to be like Maria in the sense that they'll want me to take some time off... have some fun...
I have fun. I run a shop. I save people. Thats enough. I don't need to go on dates with guys that ultimately I cant be with for there own sakes. I don't know why Maria doesn't see that.

I sigh as I look back at the bacon and see the edges starting to turn black.
Just another day in the life of Liz Parker...

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:34 pm
by madroswellfan
(ooc: Sorry its a bit short)

"WHERE IS MICHAELIS!" I yell at my demons. They all shake and back away, not answering. "GET OUT! GET OUUUUUUUUUT!" I yell as they start to flee with terror out of room. I growl and throw a fireball at the wall. The wall smashes, creating a hole. But I don't care. I want him back. NOW. I pace over to my bed and collapse back on it. Even my bed doesn't comfort me. I want Michaelis back... he HAS To accept his destiny.

I need to feel better. Who would never fail me, and always have something up there sleeves? It's time to call in the big guns.
"Calyspo! Charlotte!" I say telepatically to them, expecting an immediate answer. They are the only ones around here I can rely on around here. "Where are you, what are doing, where is Michaelis and PLEASE tell me someone has something pure and good I can destroy!!!!"