Lips of an Angel (M/L, CC, TEEN) COMPLETE 3/3/10

Finished Canon/Conventional Couple Fics. These stories pick up from events in the show. All complete stories from the main Canon/CC board will eventually be moved here.

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Post by Oz »

Thanks for the FB. Sorry for the delay .... :oops:
(has it really been that long?)

Credit to the writers of 'Skin and Bones' for this update...



Stepping off the bus at the New York terminal, I suddenly felt nauseas. I was usually the careful one – I had a plan for everything. My life was scheduled down to the minute. I was going to graduate high school with enough marks to get me a place at Harvard studying biology. I would study hard, do well, and get a nice paid job in research after I left college. That was how I pictured my perfect life.

Instead I now found myself in a strange city with very little money, no where to live and no job. If I was going to keep a low profile and stay hidden, I wouldn’t be able to enrol in school, go to college or get my dream job. I had to go underground, and that meant working to survive, not working for a career.

What had I been thinking? When I decided to leave Roswell I thought it would be easier away from the alien-madness that had become my life. I would be safer. No Special Unit, no FBI hunting me down, no Nasedo and definitely no Max-and-Tess-destiny. But now all that seemed insignificant compared to the prospect of trying to survive on nothing in this city – all alone.

Luckily my parents had given me a little bit of holiday spending money, and I had emptied my bank account before leaving Roswell. I would have enough for a couple of weeks rent, assuming I could find something relatively cheap. It would tie me over long enough to get a minimum wage job in a diner somewhere – the more out of the way the better.

I spent the first night in a seedy motel near the bus station where, once I was safely inside, I made sure I locked the door behind me. I didn’t get much sleep that night, from the flickering neon light that streamed through the window, and the sound of sirens screaming down the street every half an hour. I never realised just how quiet Roswell was until that night, which I spent sitting on my bed with my knees pulled up to my chest. I kept telling myself that it would get better and that I had made the right decision. It was the only way I could get through the night without jumping on the next bus straight back to Roswell first thing in the morning.

The following day, I pored over the newspaper looking for some cheap share accommodation. After meeting some very unsavoury potential housemates, who I would be very happy never to meet again in my entire life, I found the perfect situation. It was an apartment above a nightclub, which although not necessarily the quietest corner of the city, meant that the front door was, by default, guarded by some very friendly bouncers. I liked the thought of having my own security – it could come in very handy one day.

My new housemate was also perfect. Her name was Serena, and was an aspiring Broadway actress. She worked in the nightclub downstairs while she waited for her big break, and despite the fact I was well underage, she managed to get me a job there bussing tables. I worked during the day, before it got too rowdy, but unfortunately also before the higher pay rate kicked in. It didn’t matter though, I liked the fact that it was usually empty and I didn’t have to fight off drunken old men trying to pinch my backside – well, not often anyway.

After a month or so, when I got to know the managers, and they got to know me, I began waitressing instead of just clearing tables, and occasionally filled in when someone called in sick on the night shifts. Those nights were always interesting. Picture sweet, innocent, little Liz Parker, surrounded by twenty-something’s all trying to get wasted and/or pick up. I quickly learnt from the other waitresses how to politely reject advances, without risking losing my tips of course.

But when I wasn’t working, I had plenty of time to obsess about my new enhancements. They hadn’t returned since I last saw Max, but knowing they were there made me feel nervous in public places, thinking that someone was always watching me. Any second I expected to see Agent Pierce ready to take me back to the white room. I practically broke into a sweat whenever someone entered the nightclub in a dark suit and sunglasses.

Sleeping wasn’t much better, and Serena would often tell me that she heard me screaming in my sleep, as though I was being tortured. I would tell her it was just a recurring nightmare that I had every since I was a child, but I’m not sure she believed me. Occasionally I would find her lying next to me in the morning when I woke up, and it was those nights she said I didn’t scream in my sleep, as though having someone next to me made me feel safe.

I had called my parents, and Maria, the night I arrived in New York. I knew my aunt would be on the phone the moment she realised I wasn’t on the bus that I was supposed to be on, and I didn’t want to worry my parents unnecessarily. They were upset at first, worried about me, but I told them that I had met an old friend from school at one of the bus terminals on the way to Florida and she had convinced me to stay with her and her family in New York for the summer.

I told Maria the truth though – well, at least that I needed to hide out for a while, and New York seemed like a good place to do it. She was also worried, but she understood what I needed. Eventually she let me hang up the phone, but only after promising to carry mace with me everywhere I went.

Now it was nearing the end of summer, and I was going to have to tell my parents, and to some extent Maria, that I wasn’t planning on coming home anytime soon.


“Your parents are concerned about you Max. Deeply concerned. Max, I want you to know that however unique you think your problems may be, there are millions of teenagers out there going through exactly what you’re going through right now. Let me assure you, this is all normal teenage stuff. Can you try and tell me what’s been going on?” The psychologist asked.

That’s right – a psychologist. Apparently my parents were worried about me. Since finding out about my ‘destiny’ I had been acting distant … quiet. Well – more distant and quiet than usual. I guess I hadn’t really been dealing well with the news that I was a king in my past life, and Michael, Isabel and Tess were all counting on me to lead them now. What did I know about being a leader? I’m just a sixteen year old boy who is still trying to grow up. Still trying to deal with the fact that I hadn’t seen Liz in three months.

Liz had been gone for the whole summer, and I had somehow resisted the temptation to go to Florida to see her. I wanted to give her space, in the hope that when she cleared her head, she would return to Roswell and I would have the chance to start rebuilding our relationship. I knew that she was dealing with a lot – the knowledge that she had taken somebody’s life must be eating her up inside. And I know I let her down – I failed her. It would be a long time before we would be anywhere close to how we used to be. But I had to hope.

I hadn’t heard from Liz, but I knew Maria had been speaking to her regularly. The most I could get out of Maria was that Liz was doing fine, and she wasn’t quite sure when Liz was coming back. I think Maria was getting sick of me asking, actually describing me as a “grovelling dog” at some point.

“Max don’t you have anything to say? Anything at all?” The psychologist said exasperated.

“It’s like you said … just normal teenage stuff.” I replied lightly, as though every other sixteen year old boy was actually the king of an alien race.

* * * * *

“Max you’re a genius.” Alex announced.

“What?” I asked, breaking out of my thoughts. We were currently watching a televised briefing of the congressional sub-committee grilling Agent Pierce, aka Nasedo, about the spending of the Special Unit.

“Having Nasedo pose as Agent Pierce. You know, making a mockery of the Special Unit and the government threat against you all. It was really smart.” Alex explained.

“I had nothing to do with it. I haven’t heard from Nasedo in three months.” I replied. Exactly the same amount of time I haven’t seen Liz.

“Well, if Nasedo can put an end to the Special Unit, I’d say all your problems are solved.” Alex concluded.

I couldn’t help but feel that my problems would only be solved if Liz returned.

“We still have our enemies to deal with.” Isabel pointed out.

“It’s been three months, and nothing has happened. No aliens have shown up. Maybe there’s no one out there. Maybe the war is over.” I suggested. There was me hoping again.

“Or thousands of them could be lining up outside of town right now.” Isabel retorted.

“I just don’t think we should live our lives in fear like Michael.” I replied.

“Maybe he’s just preparing for the inevitable. We weren’t ready to deal with the Special Unit, and look what happened to Liz.” Isabel pointed out, and I couldn’t help but cringe at the memory. The guilt was ever-present. “We’re going to need to bring our powers up to full strength if we are suddenly going to be attacked by aliens. Who knows what powers they are going to have?”

Isabel was right. I had been sitting around feeling sorry for myself all summer, while Michael and Tess had been working on developing their powers, and Isabel had been picturing Armageddon.

Our attention was brought back to the TV by the comments of our own Congresswoman, who was the sole dissenting vote to the immediate disbandment of the Special Unit. She had evidence of a murder in 1972 that left silver markings. I could only assume that Nasedo had been the murderer. It seemed as though Congresswoman Whittaker wasn’t letting it go, obsessed with the presence of a substance named Cadmium-X. A non-human element that we apparently create when we kill. My question was, if it was caused by a silver handprint, then did healing someone create the substance too? I left a silver handprint on Liz when I healed her, so did healing Liz produce Cadmium-X? And if it did, what did it do to her?

* * * * *

Isabel and I walked into Michael’s apartment in time to see him blow up three rocks on his kitchen table.

“No rock stands a chance against Michael Guerin.” I joked, causing Michael and Tess to spin around to see us let ourselves in.

“Our fearless leader.” Michael replied, his eyes narrowing. I had sensed his hostility over the past few months, but had ignored it. Now it was getting harder to.

“I think Nasedo’s finished with D.C. He’ll probably be headed back soon.” I announced, ignoring Michael’s hostility a little longer.

“It’s not like he’s Ward Cleaver when he’s here.” Tess replied, not looking overly keen at the thought of Nasedo returning. I hadn’t really given it much thought, but she must have enjoyed the past few months where she didn’t have Nasedo watching her every move, and criticising, or just being his usual emotionless self. I gave Tess a small smile, acknowledging her apprehension.

“So what’s going on?” Michael interrupted. “Something tells me this isn’t a social visit.”

“Actually… Isabel and I were hoping we could work on our powers with the both of you.” I replied.

“Finally come to your senses?” Michael retorted. “For three months I have been working my butt off and you have been sitting around moping. Now you suddenly think we need to work on our powers?”

“Yes.” I replied, raising my chin and holding his eye contact. If he wanted a leader, he was going to get one.

“Fine.” Michael replied, stepping away from the rocks that remained intact on the table. “Knock yourself out.”

I stepped over to the table and looked from the rocks on the table back up to Tess. “Do you think you could teach me?” I asked.

“Of course.” Tess smiled.

* * * * *

A few days later, the four of us were out in the desert, practicing generating force fields, and trying to break through them. I had already managed to put up a force field a couple of times, but never for very long. Michael was still struggling. It seemed that he was better at the destruction and I was better at protection. I guess the four of us really did complement each other.

“What do the four of you think you’re doing?” A voice came from the road.

I paled, kicking myself for being so careless practicing our powers in public.

“You’re back.” Tess responded, recognising Nasedo before the rest of us did. I guess she had seen most of his disguises before, or maybe she had just learnt to sense his presence.

“Do you realise how dangerous it is for you to be doing that out here at the moment?” Nasedo demanded, not acknowledging Tess’ comment.

“Where in the middle of the desert.” Michael retorted. “Who’s going to see us?’

“The entire police department that is currently over the next hill.” Nasedo replied.

“Why is the entire police department out here?” I asked.

“Because some geologist found where I buried Pierce’s body.” Nasedo stated without batting an eyelid.

“What?!” I replied. “What are we going to do?”

We are going to do nothing. I am going to handle this.”

“And how are you going to do that?” My eyes narrowed. I didn’t like how Nasedo had ‘handled’ things in the past.

“I’m going to extinguish anyone with the knowledge.” Nasedo grinned.

“No one’s going to die. Killing people is not going to solve anything.” I ordered.

“Oh my. A pacifist for a king. Should we commit joint suicide right now, or shall we wait for our enemies to show up and have a nice boxed lunch of us?” Nasedo retorted.

“We’re not killing anyone. That’s an order.” I replied. I was not going to let Nasedo get to me. If I was the leader, we were going to do things my way.

“As you wish.” Nasedo mock-bowed. “By the way, the Fed’s know about Cadmium-X, thanks to Congresswoman Whittaker. If they find it on the bones, then we are in more trouble than you could imagine.”

“If Liz was the one who killed Pierce, why would there be Cadmium-X on the bones?” Michael asked confused.

“Because I healed Liz.” I replied, knowing the answer without Nasedo needing to tell me.

“So he’s not just a pretty face after all.” Nasedo sneered.

“Is Liz alright?” I asked Nasedo.

“What? You haven’t spoken to her lately? Don’t tell me you don’t even know which city she’s in?” Nasedo smiled.

“What are you talking about?” I demanded, but Nasedo was not going to give anything away.

“Forget Liz and focus on the problem at hand. You have Congresswoman Whittaker getting wind that the bones have Cadmium-X in them, and she won’t stop until she discovers who killed him. Oh, and just wait until she finds out the bones belong to Pierce and that she’s been diddling a corpse all summer.” Nasedo grinned.

“We’ll figure out a way to fix this.” I replied, before adding “Without killing anyone. Nobody moves until I say so.”

“Anything you say.” Nasedo replied. “Just don’t take too long, or it will be over for all of us.”

I gulped. I was trying to be a leader, but I really had no idea what to do.


“Hey Maria.” I answered my mobile when Maria’s name came up on my caller ID.

“Hey Chica. How’s the Big Apple treating you?”

“Oh, you know. It’s not home.” I replied.

“I hear ya.” Maria replied, and that’s when I heard the nervousness in her voice that I hadn’t picked up before.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Nothing… it’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Maria dismissed my concern.

“Maria… Tell me what’s going on.” I pushed.

“Okay, I just know how much you really don’t want to be pulled back down into the alien-abyss …”

“What happened?” I pushed. Now I was worried. Everything had been so quiet for the past three months, I was sure that all the worry about alien invasions was for nothing.

“They found Pierce’s body.” Maria blurted.

“Who did?” I asked before my mouth went dry.

“The Sherriff. Congresswoman Whittaker. Soon, I guess the FBI.” Maria explained.

“Oh my goodness. It’s all starting again…” I said, suddenly feeling the need to sit down to prevent my legs from giving way beneath me.

“There’s more.” Maria added.


“They’ve found out about this substance called Cadmium-X. It’s an isotope of cadmium or something like that, and it’s not human. Nasedo thinks they will find it on Pierce’s body.”

“Because I killed him…” I finished.

“Yeah, but how Liz? I don’t understand. How could you create this alien substance.”

I took a deep breath. It was now or never.

“Because when Max healed me, he changed me.”

“What do you mean he changed you?” Maria asked hesitantly.

“He modified my genetic makeup or something … I don’t really know. But it was how I was able to kill Pierce. It gave me this strength… this current of some kind of power within me.”

“Why didn’t you say something?” Maria asked.

“Because I was scared of how you would react. Don’t you remember how you reacted when I first told you about Max?” I pointed out, picturing Maria running down the main street of Roswell, screaming at the top of her lungs.

“Yeah, but I’ve had the chance to get used to some very weird stuff since then. You’re my best friend – I wouldn’t think of you any differently.” Maria promised.

At that moment I wish I had told her earlier. It would have made things so much easier.

“Why haven’t you told Max?” Maria asked.

“Because … I guess because of everything that was happening. Max and I weren’t really at a good place. I didn’t want him to feel as though he had some claim over me now. Plus, this dangerous energy thing seems to get worse when he’s around.” I explained.

“What are you going to do?” Maria asked.

“Well, I haven’t had any problems since I’ve been in New York. Maybe it was a one time thing, and I’m over it.”

“Or maybe you just haven’t had the need to try it out again.” Maria suggested.

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” I replied. “So what is Nasedo doing about Pierce’s body?”

“I’m not sure. I think there is currently a stalemate between Max and Nasedo. Nasedo wants to kill anyone who knows about the body, and Max refuses to give Nasedo permission to harm anyone. Congresswoman Whittaker has taken the bones somewhere, and Max is really confused about what to do next.” Maria explained. “We’ve been watching the Congresswoman, but so far we have been unable to find where she has taken the bones.”

I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Max for being in such a position, but it made me happy to know he was standing up to Nasedo.

“I have an idea.” I announced. I then explained to Maria about the new particle physics lab at Las Cruces University that could detect Isotope ratios in an object. If Congresswoman Whittaker wanted to find Cadmium-X on the bones, that’s where she would take them.

“You’re a genius!” Maria gushed. “We seriously need your brains back here.”

“Yeah, well …” I stammered. I wasn’t quite ready to go home just yet.

“Anyway, I’d better go and tell Max. You look after yourself okay?” Maria signed off.

“I promise. Miss you.”

“Miss you too Babe.” Maria replied before hanging up the phone.


Liz’s idea was brilliant. Turned out we got to the University just in time for the test. I managed to climb into the cyclotron without being noticed, thanks to Tess’ handy mind-warping abilities. I had just enough time to not only remove all traces of Cadmium-X, but also change the carbon dating on the bones to make them appear over forty years old. No one would be suspecting a bunch of teenagers who weren’t even born when the bones found themselves buried in the desert.

Later that night, I went to visit Maria at the Crashdown. There were a few things that were bugging me.

“Hey girlfriend.” Maria greeted me, as I took at seat at the counter. “What can I get for you?”

“Answers.” I replied, not breaking eye contact. Maria did however. She seemed to find it very difficult to meet my eye.

“W-what do you want to know?” Maria asked hesitantly, while wiping down the counter.

“Where is Liz?” I asked, remembering Nasedo’s comment about not knowing what city Liz was in. He definitely knew something I didn’t.

“Florida.” Maria replied, still not meeting my eye.

“Please Maria… I need to know the truth.” I pleaded.

“Okay, she’s not in Florida. But I can’t tell you where she is.” Maria replied.

“Why not? Because she asked you not to?” I demanded.

“Yes. She had her reasons for leaving, and you were one of them, you know that. She needs time alone and having you traipsing across the country after her is not going to help either of you.” Maria argued.

“At least tell me if she is okay.” I begged.

“She’s doing as well as can be expected.” Maria replied diplomatically.

“Is she coming back?” I asked the question that had been plaguing me. School was starting on Monday, and there was still no sign of Liz.

“I don’t know.” Maria replied, and I could sense that she was missing Liz as much as I was.

“Next time you speak to her… could you tell her that I miss her.” I asked. “And tell her that I’m sorry for everything.”

“I will.” Maria promised.

I nodded. I had to be content with that for now.
"Do you see what we’ve done?
We’ve gone and made such fools of ourselves..."
Paramore - Decode
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Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:06 am
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Post by Oz »

Thanks everyone!

Credit to the writers of the 'Ask not' episode. I've gone and borrowed some bits again.

Here 'tis. Enjoy!



Just when I thought life was settling down in New York, my life was tipped upside down again.

I knew I shouldn’t have been out on my own, walking the streets of Brooklyn by myself so late at night, but I had worked a late shift and hadn’t had the chance to pick up the groceries. It had been my turn to do the shopping, and I had promised Serena that we would have milk in the fridge for breakfast in the morning. Carrying my wares, I was almost home, when I stopped dead in my tracks, dropping my groceries to the ground.

Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess were walking towards me from the other end of the street. If they had been coming to New York I would have thought that Maria would have given me a heads up, but then again, maybe she wanted them to find me to bring me home.

“What are you doing here?” I demanded when they finally approached. I had addressed Michael and Isabel mainly, but my eyes were fixated on Max.

It was then that I noticed that something wasn’t right. Sure they were dressed like typical New Yorkers, but they also had piercing everywhere, Max had grown a goatee and Isabel had cut her hair short. Something definitely wasn’t right – Isabel would never shed her long blonde locks.

I suddenly felt nervous as the pod squad looked me up and down like I was their next meal.

“Yo, what’s it t’ you?” Michael demanded, taking a step forward.

“I …” I choked, taking a step back. This wasn’t the pod squad, no matter how much they looked the same.

“Don’ be ‘fraid of us honey.” Isabel added, stepping forward with Michael.

“I … I’m sorry. I thought you were someone else.” I replied, inching backwards some more, my eyes looking pleadingly at Max.

“We’re ya goin’?” Michael asked, licking his lips.

“Yo, leave ‘er alone.” Max butted in, pushing Michael back, out of reach of me.

“Who are you?” Max addressed me more gently than Michael and Isabel had.

“Nobody.” I replied.

“I don’ believe that for a minute.” Max smiled, and I couldn’t help but feel the daggers coming from Tess as he said it. I guess some things never change.

“Look. Get out of ‘ere. K’?” Max offered, picking up my groceries for me. As he handed them to me, his arm brushed mine, and my eyes involuntarily closed and I inhaled sharply. The moment he touched me, I received a flash of a v-shaped constellation of stars.

I had no doubt that these four were somehow related to the Roswell pod-squad, and that I should try and find as much out about them as possible, but I didn’t like the way Michael and Isabel were looking at me. My information gathering would have to wait until I didn’t feel so threatened.

I didn’t take my eyes off Max, and the confusion of his face told me that he had received a flash too. I would have loved to know what he had seen, but I needed to get out of there. Quickly spinning around, I headed back the way I had come, only briefly looking over my shoulder once more at Max.


The skins are among us.

That’s what Nasedo said before he died in my arms. Nasedo had warned us in the pod chamber three months ago that by using the orbs we could be contacting our enemies, but the risk had seemed like nothing compared to the ability to hear from home. Now, I was wondering if we had made the right decision.

If the skins were able to kill Nasedo – someone who was used to being hunted all of his life, then I could only imagine what they would do to us once they got a hold on us.

And for the first time in three months, I was relieved that Liz wasn’t here. If the skins were in Roswell, then anyone that we associated with was also in danger. Maria, Alex, the Sherriff. If Liz was here too, then I would be beside myself with worry. At least, wherever Liz was now, she was safe.


It was 3am and I couldn’t sleep. I had been tossing and turning over the New York versions of Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess that I had met earlier that night. Who were they? Why were they here? And why did they look like them?

I climbed out of bed and walked to my window, and looked down on the street, where I saw a figure standing in the shadows looking up at my window. As our eyes locked, he stepped out of the safety of his cover and walked away. It was New York Max.

I should have been frightened, that he had obviously followed me home and had been waiting out there all night, but for some reason I wasn’t. I was intrigued…


Tess was now alone without Nasedo, and I couldn’t help but feel for her. He was the only father she had ever known, and now he was gone. We were all that she had left in this world.

“You remember our world?” I asked Tess. I was walking her home, making sure she got there safe. She had been talking about when we would go ‘home’.

“Not clearly, images mostly. Impressions … feelings.” Tess replied.

“How?” How was it possible that she could have these memories but the rest of us didn’t?

“Nasedo taught me me a few memory retrieval techniques. I could show them to you some time.” She offered.

“Sure.” I replied, wondering if I really wanted to remember. Remembering where I came from would make me more alien than I already was, and I wasn’t ready to let go of anymore of my human side – the side that I knew belonged with Liz.

“Sure Tess, as long as you keep your hands off me.” Tess replied, misreading my hesitation. “It’s okay. I know how you feel about me … how everybody feels about me.”

“It’s not that I dislike you …” I replied. It’s because I love Liz, I added to myself.

“You don’t have to spare my feelings. Nasedo taught me not to get wrapped up in this. It’s not really who I am.” Tess continued. “I’m not human. Neither are you.”

“It’s the only life I’ve ever known.” I argued. I wanted to be human, more than anything. I wanted to be normal. I wanted to be with Liz.

“It’s not true. You lived another life Max. A life completely different from this one. A life when you loved me.” She said, reaching to stroke my face.

As she touched me, I had a flash of two figures by the sea, under a star-lit sky and three moons.

“I don’t remember that.” I replied, pulling her hand away. But what was that flash I had just seen? Was that real? The figures I had seen seemed to be in love…

“I do.” Tess replied smiling.

And I suddenly realised why she was so determined that we should be together – why she believed in this ‘destiny’ of ours. She wasn’t just being told what she should do – she actually remembered being in love with me in our past life. For the first time I understood how hard this situation was on her. What would I do if Liz chose to be with someone else, despite the love we used to share? What would I do if Liz didn’t remember me?

I was about to apologise to Tess, for the whole situation, when we heard a noise coming from inside her house.

“What was that?” I said, walking into the house.

“Someone’s inside.” Tess replied, following me in.

I ran through the house and out the back door just in time to see a figure disappear over the back fence.

“Maybe it was just a burglar.” Tess suggested.

“I don’t think so.” I replied, picking up a shed skin.

The skins were among us.


“I think we need a night out on the town.” Serena announced.

We both had the night off work, and Serena was looking for a distraction from yet another failed audition.

“What did you have in mind?” I asked. Serena worked together, and talked a lot when we were both home, but as yet we hadn’t really done anything social together. I didn’t even know what she was into.

“There’s a new club a couple of blocks away. A bit of dancing, a bit of flirting …” Serena smiled.

“You do remember that I’m underage, don’t you? I don’t have ID to get in.” I pointed out. Sure I got away with it at work, but I had people to watch my back when the inspectors came by. Gaining entry to a club was another story.

“C’mon, you’re eighteen years old.” Serena replied, and I cringed at the embellishment I had put on my rental application. “You could easily pass for 21. I know a guy who could have you a fake ID within an hour.”

“I don’t know…” I said reluctantly. I wanted to be there for Serena, and a night of dancing really did sound good, but I really didn’t want to put myself on the radar. Getting arrested for trying to use a fake ID classed as appearing on the radar in my book.

“Please…” Serena whined, fluttering her eyelids.

“Fine. I’ll go. But this ID better look real.” I warned.

“Yay!” Serena clapped. “I’ll sort it out. It’ll be fine.”


I didn’t want to be a leader, but that was what Michael and Isabel were expecting of me. They were certain that Brody, the new owner of the UFO centre, was a skin out to get us. After the break-in at Tess’ house we were all on edge, waiting for someone to pounce whenever we turned a corner, but Brody? He seemed harmless to me.

Turns out – he was. Just a UFO nut who believed he had been abducted by aliens. But where did that leave us? The skins were here in Roswell somewhere, and we had no idea who they were. But one thing for sure is that they knew who we were. What they were waiting for though was still a mystery.


“Who are you calling?” Serena asked, as I dialled my mobile and placed it to my ear.

“Just a friend of mine from back home.” I replied. I needed to check in with Maria – a condition of her silence was that I had to regularly call her to tell her that I was okay. If I didn’t, I had given her permission to send a search party to New York.

“Are you almost ready to go?” Serena asked.

I nodded, expecting Maria to pick up the phone any second.

“Liz?” A male voice asked on the other end of the phone.

I checked the display on my phone to check I had called the right number, and it definitely said ‘Maria’.

“Liz… It’s Max.” Max said, when I didn’t respond to him initially.

“Please tell me where you are.” He continued.

“No.” I whispered, finally getting the nerve up to speak.

“Then just tell me that you’re okay.” Max begged, and my heart broke to hear the hurt in his voice.

“I’m fine.” I replied. But I wasn’t fine, I was in denial. Serena was looking at me with concern, so I turned my back on her. I didn’t need her to see me like this.

“When are you coming back?” Max asked.

“I … I don’t know.” I replied honestly.

“Take your time.” Max replied, and I was confused. He wasn’t ordering me to come back to Roswell?

“So things are progressing with Tess then…” I stated, assuming that was the reason for his comment. He obviously didn’t want me there to see him and Tess together.

“No. That’s not what I meant. Our enemies have come to Roswell. Skins, they’re called. Nasedo’s dead. I … I don’t want you to come home because I don’t want you to be in danger.” Max explained. “You’re safer where you are – wherever that is.”

I guess Maria had told him I wasn’t in Florida.

“Are you okay? Is everyone else okay?” I asked concerned for the safety of my friends.

“For the moment.” Max replied.

“Maybe they don’t know who you are? Maybe if you’re careful…” I suggested.

“One of them was in Tess’ house when I walked her home the other night.” Max explained. “Believe me, they know who we are.”

I was silent. There was that elephant in the room again – by the name of Tess Harding. Max walked her home? So much for not wanting to follow his destiny.

“So how is Tess?” I asked lightly, when I was able to regain from my momentary paralysis.

“I don’t want to talk about Tess. I would prefer to talk about us.” Max replied. “You think I’m going to forget about you, or get over it or something. But I’m not. I don’t care about my destiny, or my planet or anything else. All I care about is you. So just know this – when everything is settled here - I’m coming for you Liz.”

I quickly hung up the phone. I couldn’t bear to hear Max saying things like that to me. Why? Because I knew that he was telling me the truth.

“Are you okay?” Serena asked concerned.

“Yeah.” I lied, but visibly shaken. “Let’s go.”

“Woohoo!” Serena jumped up from the couch and grabbed her jacket, obviously excited about our night on the town. And me? I was now looking forward to a bit of underage drinking …


I hadn’t meant to answer Maria’s phone. She had left it on the counter at the Crashdown and I had just meant to take it into the back room to her. When I saw the caller ID, I couldn’t help myself. I had been dying to talk to Liz for months, so there was no way I could pass up the opportunity.

Liz told me that she was fine, but I knew that she wasn’t. She didn’t sound fine. If she was fine, then she would be home in Roswell with us. But in the next breathe, I told her to stay where she was. I couldn’t have her coming back to Roswell in the midst of our latest crisis. The skins were here, and who knows what they would do to her if they knew about her. Who knows what they would do to her to get to me?
"Do you see what we’ve done?
We’ve gone and made such fools of ourselves..."
Paramore - Decode
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Post by Oz »

Thanks for the feedback. Sorry for not posting sooner but I really thought I had posted this chapter already. I'm blaming it on the pregnancy...

Oh, and sorry for my really bad attempt at a New York accent - I'm Australian so probably one of the least qualified people to tell you what a New York accent should sound like!

Anyway, enjoy!



Serena was right, and I had no trouble getting into the club. Apparently I do look old for my age. And it probably helped that the bouncer seemed to have a thing for me.

The club was packed, but there was still plenty of room on the dance floor, well, as long as you didn’t mind occasionally rubbing up against complete strangers. Serena and I hit the dance floor immediately, only stopping occasionally to top up our drinks. Serena was right again, a night out is definitely what we both needed – a chance to forget everything else and just let the music take us away.

I remembered the last dance I went to in Roswell – which ended in Alex and me getting arrested. But I also remember it was the night that Max almost ready to take our relationship forward, that is, from snail to tortoise pace.

“I thought maybe you changed your mind.” I greeted Max at the Soap Factory.

“I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.” Max replied shyly.

The thought of Max made me even more desperate to enjoy myself at the club. Max’s phone call had left me rattled. Firstly, the fact that all of my friends were in danger, and I was safely, selfishly, wallowing in my own problems thousands of miles away. And secondly, that Max was taking midnight strolls with Tess. Despite his protestations, I knew they would end up together. And considering my feelings for Max since the white room incident, I wondered why that still bothered me.

After a string of techno songs, which I danced to but really didn’t enjoy – you know the kind – they have a consistent beat but no melody or any semblance of intelligent lyrics, there was a change of tempo and one of my current favourite songs began to play.

Let the record play,
Let the record play,
Let the record play.

Serena and I were dancing with a couple of guys we had met at the club, neither of which I was really into, but it was fun to pretend I was someone else for a while – pretend that I could actually be with someone who was normal and not currently wanted by the FBI, or a little green around the gills. Someone who didn’t cause me to give third-degree burns from my new in-built power station.

The way that you dance,
The way that you move,
The way that you stare at me across the room,
You carry Dior bags,
And you got your Chanel,
You wear Louis Vuitton, HG, and YSL,
Now I got what you need,
I got DCMA,
I got brass knuckles hanging,
From my neck and my chain,
I got a model 26,
But she stays in her place,
I got a Kershaw neatly,
Tucked inside in my waist.

I looked up and saw that the reason for the improved status of the music was that a new DJ had taken over, and my heart involuntarily leapt at the sight of him. New-York-Max was spinning the discs and the mixing he was doing was amazing. I watched him for a little while as I danced, and behind the locks of hair that fell over his face, I could see how his brow creased from the focus he was giving to what he was doing, shutting out the rest of the world as he worked – a look I had seen before on someone else.

And the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
The hipsters been mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl,
They say "Aha, ahha",
But the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl.

Unable to help myself, my body began to move seductively to the music, as though I was trying to draw his attention to me amongst the hundred people who were on the dance floor. It worked, and I soon felt his eyes watching me as my body moved. I couldn’t hold off any longer, and my eyes lifted to meet his, which were till staring at me so intently. I was unable to break eye contact, but I was determined to reel him in even more, so I pulled my dancer partner closer and continued my seductive dancing, making sure I could still keep eye contact with New York Max over my partner’s shoulder.

Now she sweating my friends,
And my hurricane shoes,
She likes the records I spin,
My Adam Barton tattoos,
But she can't say "what's up",
So what does she do,
She just stays posted up,
The other side of the room,
I got AMC tattooed on my hand,
I got black wall street on a black bandana.

As I moved, I watched New York Max and tried to see the similarities between him and Roswell Max. Of course there was the appearance, well, besides the goatee, piercings and tattoos. But he had Max’s eyes, his bone structure, his physique. I wondered if he also had Max’s cowardice, his inability to make a decision, and his selfishness.

And the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
The hipsters been mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl,
They say "Aha, ahha",
But the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl.

There was one trait that he had the same as Max which wasn’t hard to pick – jealousy. As I moved and grinded with my dancing partner, I saw New York Max get uncomfortable, and clench his jaw. If it wasn’t for the fact that he had to control the music, I swear he would have hurdled over his turntable and flatten the guy I was with for touching me. It was sweet, considering we had barely spoken a word to each other and he didn’t even know my name. I wondered if in some way he and Max were connected.

She, she, she don't wanna talk about it,
He, he, he wants to fight about,
Me, me, I don't wanna fight about it,
I just wanna be about it,
I'm just trying to stay about it,
Step out the wagon,
You know the boy starts to hate,
The girl that came with him,
They like that's not the boy she dates,
They get the fighting and swearing,
And now the boyfriend is staring,
The disco ball on the ceiling,
Looks like the chain that I'm wearing,
But the music keeps playing,
I got brass knuckles hanging,
from my neck and my chain,
I got brass knuckles hanging,
from my neck and my chain.

“Have you noticed the way the DJ keeps watching you?” Serena yelled over the music.

I smiled, but didn’t bother a reply.

“Do you know him?” Serena asked.

“Not exactly.” I replied.

“You’re bad girl!” Serena teased.

And the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
The hipsters been mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl,
And the record keeps playing,
The same old song,
The hipsters mean mugging on me all night long,
They say "Aha, ahha",
Keep your hands off my girl,
Keep your hands off my girl.

Eventually, New York Max stopped watching, but I could tell it was taking all of his strength to keep his eyes away. Somehow, it made me feel satisfied that I could get to him like I was, as though somehow I was getting back at Max for having the whole destiny-thing with Tess. I still had some kind of power over him.

You carry Dior bags,
And you got your Chanel,
You wear Louis Vuitton, HG, and YSL
Now I got what you need,
I got DCMA,
I got brass knuckles hanging,
From my neck and my chain,
I got brass knuckles hanging,
From my neck and my chain.

That was until the song finished. As I looked up at New York Max one more time, I saw New York Tess was standing next to him and whispering something in his ear, to which he smiled and nodded. I stopped dancing, my feet suddenly unwilling to move. It seems some things never change.

“Let’s go.” I said to Serena and already walking to the door, not even saying goodbye to my dance partner, who no doubt was now expecting more from me that night after the way I had been dancing.

“Are you okay?” Serena asked, catching up to me, surprised by my sudden need to leave.

“Yeah.” I replied, giving New York Max one more glance before I left. “I’ve just had enough.” I sighed. I had had enough of Max and Tess to last a lifetime.

And I walked out of the club, with New York Max watching me go.


“Get out!” Mr Parker yelled from across the kitchen.

I looked around to make sure that he was definitely talking to me. He was.

“I said get out!” He repeated.

I stood up and looked at him confused. “What …”

“You are the reason my daughter left home. You are the reason that she’s decided not to come back. I will not have you in my restaurant!” Mr Parker explained harshly. “I can’t even look at you…”

I looked at Mr Parker and saw the tears forming in the eyes of such a strong man, giving away just how much he was hurting. I turned to Maria for support, but she just shrugged, so I grabbed my stuff and left the Crashdown.

As the door closed behind me, I ran into Tess.

“Sorry I’m late.” Tess said, heading for the door.

“Let’s go somewhere else to eat.” I suggested, already heading towards the Pizza Pitt.

“What do you mean eat somewhere else?” Tess asked, as though I was suggesting that we drive interstate just for a bite to eat. “We always eat at the Crashdown.”

“Not anymore. Mr Parker has thrown me out.” I replied.

“Why?” Tess asked, quickening her step to catch up with me.

“Because he blames me for Liz leaving. And she’s told him that she’s not coming back.” I replied, as my throat dried up at the thought of never seeing Liz again.

“Not coming back? You mean ever?” Tess clarified.

“You don’t have to sound so happy about it.” I couldn’t help but retort.

“I’m not.” Tess replied, stopping dead in her tracks. “How could you even think that?”

I stopped walking too and turned around to apologise. “I’m sorry. I’m just a bit on edge. With Liz leaving, and now the skins coming…”

“It’s okay Max. We’ll get through this. We’ll defeat the skins, and they I’ll help you find Liz.” Tess offered.

“Why would you do that?” I asked suspiciously.

“Because I just want to see you happy.” Tess replied. “And I know Liz does that.”

“Why now?” I had to ask. “Why the change of heart?” After Tess’ speech the other night about our past life and our past love, I was completely confused by her sudden acceptance of my feelings for Liz.

“I guess that knowing that the skins are so close is making me appreciate that life is short. Since Liz left, you haven’t been happy, and you haven’t been the King that I remember. I can see that I’m not the one who is going to be your Queen, and you need to go after the one who is.”

“Thank you.” I said sincerely. “Thank you for letting me go.”

“It’s okay Max.” Tess replied.

“So where do you want to go for lunch?” I asked, resuming my walk down the main street.

“Actually … I’m not really hungry. I think I’ll get going. I have things I need to do anyway.”

“Are you sure?” I asked surprised, worried by the sudden change in her voice - it sounded almost like defeat.

“I’m sure. See you ‘round Max.” Tess replied before walking the other way down the street.

“Bye.” I whispered, watching her go. I suddenly felt sorry for her, it obviously hurt her to say what she did, but I honestly believed that she meant it. I hoped that I could help her find love one day to repay her for her generosity.


It was 3am and I suddenly awoke from sleep with a strong need to look out of my window. When I did, I saw New York Max in his same position on the other side of the street looking up at my window. We watched each other for a while, and this time he didn’t walk away.

Making a quick decision, I slowly opened my window, and then backed away from the ledge, taking a seat on my bed and waited. In a few minutes I heard the rattle of my fire escape followed by New York Max’s face appearing at the window. He hesitated for a moment before climbing over the ledge into my room.

“Hey.” He said, as his eyes settled on me on the bed. I suddenly felt self-conscious that I hadn’t thought to put something else on over my singlet top and boxers.

“Hi.” I replied, drawing my knees up to my chest a little more.

“You know me?” New York Max asked, cutting right to the chase.

“I know someone who looks a lot like you.” I replied.

“Waz ‘is name?” New York Max asked.

“Not so fast. Why don’t you tell me who you are first?” I suggested.

“I’m Zan.” He smiled.

“And you’re from…?” I pushed.

“New York.” Zan replied.

“You’ve been here all your life?” I pushed a little more.

“I guess ya cud say that.” Zan replied.

“It’s either a yes or no answer.”

“Well then I guess iz a ‘yes’. Are ya done with the pop quiz?” Zan asked.

“No.” I smiled.

“Well before ya get too carried away, da ya wanna tell me ya name?” Zan asked.

“Sorry. It’s Liz.”

“Liz …” Zan whispered under his breath, as though he was placing my name to a memory.

“So the guy ya know dat looks like me… waz ‘is name?” Zan asked.

“Max. His name is Max.”

“And where do ya know him from?”

“School.” I replied vaguely.

“Which is where exactly?” Zan pushed.

“Nice try.” I smiled.

“Iz there a reason ya‘r be’n so vague?” Zan asked.


Zan just smiled and paced a little bit.

“’K. How ‘bout we make dis a liddle easier.” Zan said, having stopped pacing. “How well d’ ya know Max?”

“Very well.” I replied. “He saved my life and I’ve seen into his soul.”

“Dat explains a lot.” Zan replied. “So then ya know what I am?”

“I have a fair idea…” I replied, and then asked. “What did you mean by ‘that explains a lot’?”

“Nuttin.” Zan dismissed my question. “Why’d ya come to da apple?”

“Sightseeing.” I replied.

Zan raised his eyebrow.

“I’m getting away for a while.” I explained further.

“From Max?”

“Partly.” I replied. “Now it’s my turn to ask the questions again. Why do you look like Max? Are you twins?”

“Not exactly…” Zan began. “When da peoples from home sent us ‘ere, day also sen’ a ‘Plan b’, almost an exact copy of the first batch, juss in case som’ding wen’ wrong.”

Almost an exact copy?” I clarified.

“One batch day sen’ was more human den da udders.”

“Max…” I said, partly to myself.

“I’m no’ sure whether to take dat as a compliment or not.” Zan smiled.

“So what happens if ‘Plan B’ isn’t required?” I asked, ignoring Zan’s comment.

“One of us gets to stay on Earth forever – the other gets ta go home and rule our planet.”

“Which one?” I asked, subconsciously, and involuntarily, hoping that Max was the one who would stay.

“Not sure.” Zan replied. “If ya ask Lonnie or Rath, da’ll tell ya we’re the original set. But if ya ask me … I thin’ we’re da copies.”

“Lonnie and Rath?” I asked confused.

“My peeps.” Zan replied.

“Isabel and Michael.” I said to myself. Now all I needed was to find out New York Tess’ name. “Why do you think you are the copies?”

“Coz we don’ ‘av da Granolith.” Zan replied.

“The Granolith?” I asked confused.

“When they sen’ us, they also sen’ us a way of gettin’ home. The Granolith.” Zan explained. “We don’t ‘av it, which means that Maxie-boy ‘av it.”

“If he does, I don’t think he knows about it.” I replied. Max had never mentioned it … but then again, I couldn’t be sure what secrets he was sharing with Tess these days.

“Well, he’d better fin’ it soon. D’ers people out there who are desperate to ge’ there paws on it.”

“Who?” I asked.

“The Skins.”
"Do you see what we’ve done?
We’ve gone and made such fools of ourselves..."
Paramore - Decode
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Addicted Roswellian
Posts: 264
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:06 am
Location: Down Under

Post by Oz »

Thanks for all the wonderful feedback.

Don't worry - this is 100% dreamer insured. Let's just say that Zan is Liz's guardian angel or her fairy godmother... Okay, maybe not, but he is what she needs right now.

Oh, and I forgot to give credit to Good Charlotte's 'Keep your hands off my girl' from last episode (just in case you have been hiding under a rock and didn't recognise it from the amount of airplay it gets (in Australia anyway)).

Also credit to the writer's of 'Surprise' for this chapter.



“Surprise!” The crowded restaurant called as the lights came on when Isabel entered the Crashdown.

“I could kill you.” Isabel said to Michael, giving him a hug, after having hugged Maria and our mother.

“Kill your brother. He’s the one who planned the entire thing.” Our mother replied.

“Happy birthday old lady.” I smiled, using the chance to tease her about the fact that we had chosen a date for her birthday earlier in the year than mine. I guess technically we were the same age, having being ‘hatched’ on the same day.

“Max. I can’t believe you did this with everything that’s happening.” Iz berated me, although she had a huge grin on her face as she said it.

“It’s still your birthday.” I replied.

And luckily Mr Parker hadn’t asked us to cancel the party despite my ban from the restaurant. The party just wouldn’t have been the same out on the footpath.

The night seemed to be going well. There was plenty of friends from school and plenty of dancing. And it was nice to see Isabel smile again - not to mention Michael and the rest of the pod squad. Well, everyone except for Tess who hadn’t yet arrived.

“What is it?” I asked later in the night as Isabel clutched her head in pain.

“I’ve had this headache on and off all day.”

“You’re sweating.” I replied, seeing the beads of sweat forming on her brow.

“I’m fine.” Isabel replied, dismissing my concern.

Although later in the night she could dismiss it, when I caught her ready to faint.

“It’s Tess. Tess is in trouble.” Isabel announced, when I managed to get her out of the restaurant and into the back room.

“Where is she?” I asked.

“I don’t know… I’ve just been receiving these flashes. She was in a car accident… ‘Red’s’ – there was a neon sign that said ‘Red’s’.”

“There’s no ‘Red’s’ in Roswell.” I replied. How on earth were we going to find her?

“I think I know where it is.” Maria replied, grabbing her keys.

“Okay – I’ll come with you.” I replied. “Isabel – you stay here.”

“No Max – I’m the ones receiving the visions. I need to go and find her.” Isabel argued.

“No. You need to stay here and enjoy your birthday.” I replied, leading Maria to the back door.

“Max…” Isabel argued, but she didn’t make a move to follow us.


“The Skins…” I repeated.

“You ‘eard of ‘hem?” Zan asked.

“Yeah. Max said that the Skins are in Roswell.”

“Roswell?” Zan repeated.

“Oh…” I replied. I had to go and open my big mouth didn’t I.

“Well ya better tell Max that he had better get out of Roswell quick, or learn how to kill the Skins before they kill ‘im.”

“K-kill?” I clarified.

“The Skins will stop at nothin ‘till they get their paws on the Granolith. If Max don’t hand it over, the Skins will torture him to death.”

I gulped. I didn’t like the sound of that at all.

“You seem to know a lot about the Skins. That must mean you know how to kill them.” I hypothesised.

“The reason they’re called Skins, is because that’s what they wear. They don’t have the proper DNA to live on Earth without wearing husks. You break the husks, they die.”

“And how do you break the husks?” I prompted.

“There’s a seal on the base of their spine. You just smash it as hard as you can.”

“How do you know so much about the Skins?” I asked.

“Our protector warned us – told us how to protect ourselves.” Zan explained.

“Nasedo…” I whispered.

“No. His name’s Cal – a pussy compared to what Cal’s told us about Nasedo. I can’t imagine his reaction to you.” Zan smiled.

“Nasedo’s dead.” I announced.

“Wow… How?”

“The Skins.” I replied.

“I hope Max realises the severity of his position. If the Skins could kill someone like Nasedo, Max has no hope.”

“I have to warn him.” I replied, reaching for my phone.


“There’s your ‘Red’s’.” Maria said, as she pulled up in front of a neon sign for ‘Fred’s’ with the ‘F’ missing.

It was then that we saw Tess’ car that had swerved off the side of the road. The windscreen was smashed indicating that Tess had hit her head from the impact. God, I hoped she was alright.

“Where is she?” I asked, almost to myself.

“Maybe the paramedics already came?” Maria suggested.

“No.” I replied, picking up a dead skin in the shape of a hand that had been resting on the car. “She’s been taken. Look, there. There are tyre tracks going off into nowhere.”

“Note to self – get a 4wd.” Maria replied as we rushed back to the Jetta.

“Can this car go any faster?” I asked, knowing Maria was driving as fast as she could, but needing to do something to feel like I was getting to Tess as soon as possible.

“Don’t even start with me or the Jetta.” Maria warned.

I was about to apologise, but was prevented by the ring of my cell phone.

“Iz?” I answered, expecting Isabel to have some more clues from her visions.

“No. It’s Liz.” Liz replied.

“Liz?” I replied, not expecting her to call.

“We’re almost there Max.” Maria interrupted. “I can see some lights up ahead.”

“Liz. This isn’t really a good time.” I said reluctantly.

“It’s important.” Liz replied. “It’s about the Skins.”

“What about them?” I asked. Why did Liz suddenly want to talk about the Skins?

“They’re after something called the Granolith. They will kill you to get it.”


“What’s the Granolith?” I asked.

“I don’t know, but the Skins think you have it.”

“How do you know all of this?” I asked.

“I – I can’t tell you.” Liz hesitated.

“Max. We’re here.” Maria interrupted again, turning off the engine.

“Look, Liz. I have to go. We think the Skins already have Tess.”

“Tess…” Liz replied. “Max, to kill the Skins, you have to break their husk. On the base of their spine they have a seal. Break that and they die.” Liz explained.

“Thanks Liz.” I replied, getting out of the Jetta. “But we are really going to have to talk about this later.”

“I know.” Liz replied, but I could hear the reluctance in her voice before I heard the dial tone.

“I’m going in.” I announced, flipping my phone shut.

“I’m coming with you.” Maria replied.

“No. You need to go and get Michael.” I ordered.

“Are you sure you should go in alone?” Maria asked.

“Tess is in there alone.” I replied, not wanting to waste any more time waiting for back up.

Maria sighed in resignation as I slipped through the perimeter fence and headed to the nearest entrance to the building.


“Who’s Tess?” Zan asked, obviously having overhead my conversation.

“I don’t know what you call her – you’re girlfriend.” I replied.

“Ava is not my girlfriend.” Zan replied, almost scoffing at the suggestion. “We just have a bit of fun together – you know how ‘tis.”

“Oh.” I replied, knowing exactly what he was referring to.

“Wasn’t she your fiancé in your past life?” I asked, wondering why he wasn’t following his destiny.

“It was an arranged marriage...” Zan explained.

Well I think someone failed to mention that little tit-bit.

“… and I guess I have always felt that there is someone else out there for me.” Zan finished.

“But you haven’t found her.” I asked.

“I think I have, but it’s too late – she already belongs to someone else.” Zan replied, looking suddenly uncomfortable.

I got up off the bed and stood in front of Zan – forcing him to look me in the eyes.

“I don’t belong to anyone.” I replied softly.

“Oh, but you do.” Zan replied, taking a step backwards.

I quickly reached out and grabbed him by the arm, causing him to stop. I didn’t immediately let go, but let my hand linger on his arm. I then trailed my finger up his arm to his chest.

“W-what are you doing?” Zan asked huskily.

“Testing something.” I replied, continuing to trail my hands over him. No matter what I did, I couldn’t recreate the green sparks the way I could whenever I touched Max.

“I’m not him.” Zan said, gently taking my hands away and heading for the window.

“Wait!” I called.

He turned around and faced me.

“Will I see you again?” I asked.

Zan smiled, and then disappeared out of the window.


I wandered through the facility, watching around every corner, but the place seemed deserted – all except a single cry I could hear from somewhere below me. Tess. I wanted to call out to her, but I also wanted to find her before someone found me. I found a set of steel stairs that led down, and I tried to walk down them as quiet as possible. After rounding a few more corners, I came across a locked door. Listening at the door I heard Tess’ cry even louder than before.

“Tess!” I called, having forced open the door and seeing her crumpled body lying on the floor. Her face was bloody and bruised, and my heart went out to her. No one deserved that.

“Tess. Tess! We have to go.” I said, trying to help her to her feet, but she could barely stand. Eventually I had to pick her up and carry her. I couldn’t believe that this broken and beaten girl was the same one I had seen earlier that day.

“I have to rest.” I eventually said, angry at myself for not being able to carry her all the way to the exit. I found a room that looked secure and put Tess down on the floor. I closed the door behind us to hide our resting place, but apparently that wasn’t enough.

It seemed someone had been following us and they were now doing everything they could to get through the door, including melting it.

“You.” I said, when the person eventually revealed themself, unable to hide my surprise. It was Congresswoman Whittaker.

“You.” She replied, and not at all surprised, as though she had been expecting me.

“Why did you take her?” I asked.

“I needed answers, but it seemed she didn’t have the answers I was looking for.”

“What kind of answers?” I asked.

“Where’s the Granolith?” Whitakker asked.

“The what?” I asked, trying not to betray the fact I had heard of it before.

“The Granolith. Don’t pretend you don’t know – we’ve been looking for it. We can’t exist here like you, not in our natural state – we don’t have the DNA. All we have are these … skins.” Whittaker said in disgust of the shell she was contained in. “Our limit is 50 years. My time is almost up. I’m going to find it if it’s the last thing I do.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You’re hiding it – the four of you. The Royalty they tried to save by sending you here. You’re going to help us.”

“Never. You killed Nasedo.” I replied, before putting up my hand to make a shield. As I did, I pulled Tess over my shoulder and made a run for it. The only exit was a window behind us. While I was distracted I felt the shield fall, and Whittaker used that moment to blast us. Forced backwards, Tess and I were flung through the window and landed on the ground beneath us. Luckily it was only one floor, and we would both receive no more than bruises – not that Tess needed any more.

“C’mon Tess.” I said, helping Tess to her feet and pushing her towards the exit. We were about to reach the fence when Whittaker came upon us. She grabbed one of the electrical wires and pointed it towards us, forcing the sparks of electricity closer and closer to us.

“Where’s the Granolith?” She demanded.

“Get away from us!” I cried.

“I’ll destroy you. I’ll destroy all of you if I have to.” Whittaker threatened.

“No!” I called, putting up my hand and focusing all my energy towards her. There was a flash of light and Whittaker was knocked to the ground. My eyes searched for something solid. Finding it, I grabbed a metal pole and carried it over to where Whittaker was struggling to get to her feet. The bottom of her shirt was lifted up, and I could see a flap of skin covering something shiny. Lifting the pole over my head, I brought it crashing down on Whittaker’s back. Immediately she disappeared, leaving only dead skin floating through the air like snow.

“Max?” Tess said, the first word she had spoken since I had found her.

“Tess.” I replied running over to her and pulling her into a hug. “It’s okay Tess. You’re safe now.”

Although, I was sure that this was only the beginning.
"Do you see what we’ve done?
We’ve gone and made such fools of ourselves..."
Paramore - Decode
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Post by Oz »

Hey everyone. Thanks for the feedback and bumps!

Credit for this update goes to the writers of 'Summer of 47' and 'End of the World'.



“What are we doing here Max?” Michael asked, annoyed that I had dragged him, and the rest of the gang, out of bed so early on a school day to go to the pod chamber.

“It’s something Whittaker said … She wanted something called the Granolith.”

“You got me out of bed during a really nice dream to talk about what some crack-pot alien was harping on about?” Michael asked, not hiding his annoyance.

“It’s more than that. I got a phone call from Liz…”

“You did?” Maria asked surprised.

“She told me that the Skins were after the Granolith and they would kill us to get it. It seemed she was right…” I stated, remembering the image of Whittaker bearing down on Tess and I with the live electrical wires, and remembering Tess’ beaten face that I had spent the night healing.

“How does Liz know anything about the Granolith?” Tess asked.

“I don’t know – she wouldn’t tell me.” I replied.

“Maybe Nasedo told her?” Maria suggested.

“Maybe…” I agreed. “I’m going to find out, but right now we need to figure out what and where it is before the Skins do.”

“What do you suggest?” Michael asked.

“Well, I figured that this was the place that Nasedo had chosen to hide the pods, and maybe he hid something else here too.” I replied. I had spent the night thinking about it, and this seemed like the most obvious place. Actually, it was the only place I could think of.

“And not tell us about it?” Michael asked.

“Maybe he didn’t get the chance.” I replied.

“Or maybe he didn’t know where it was either?” Michael huffed.

“Let’s just have a look around – we don’t have a lot of other options.” I replied.

Tess, Isabel, Maria and Alex all began searching around the pod chamber, but Michael remained cross-armed and defiant.

“Why don’t we just call Liz?” Michael suggested. “She seems to know a lot about this Granolith-thing.”

“Why don’t we leave Liz out of it until we’ve had a good search around here?” Maria suggested.

“Fine.” Michael agreed, but showed he wasn’t happy about it.

“I think I’ve found something.” Isabel called from where she was crouching on the floor by the pods. “Look.”

I bent down next to her and peered at what Isabel was referring to. There was a tear in the back of the pod and through it I could see another room that had previously been hidden. Without a second thought, I scrambled through the empty pod, followed closely by the rest of the group.

“The Granolith…” I breathed, as I stood up and looked at the machine that was practically taking up the entire room. It looked like a giant upside-down black cone pointing down to a bright light. There was a strange hum coming from within it, like a car idling, just waiting to be given a destination.

“It sounds like the fluorescent lights in the bio-lab.” Tess said, only steps behind me. “Do you think it can hear us?”

“We’ll come back after school.” I said, taking a step away from it. For some reason it made me uneasy – like one more reminder that I was not as human as I would like to be – as human as I needed to be if I wanted any chance to be with Liz.

“Way to prioritise Max.” Michael mocked as we all filed out of the room.


“Morning sleepy-head.” Serena greeted me as I stumbled into the kitchen wiping the sleep from my eyes. I hadn’t slept much after Zan left, trying to come to terms with everything that he had told me.

“Coffee?” Serena asked, holding up the pot freshly brewed.

“Yes please.” I replied, trying not to sound as desperate as I was.

“So … who were you talking to in your room last night?” Serena asked, which made me splutter the mouthful of coffee I had in my mouth as she said it. How could I not have thought to lower my voice – the walls aren’t that thick.

“No one.” I replied, “I was watching TV.” I lied.

“Liz – you don’t have TV in your room.” Serena replied.

Oh crap.

“I meant that I was listening to the radio.” I corrected, then held my head in my hands, pretending to be suffering from a hangover that was causing my temporary confusion. “Oh, how much did I have to drink last night?”

“Not that much.” Serena smiled. “You’re such a wuss.”

“Gee thanks.” I smiled, thankful that Serena wasn’t going to push me on what she had heard. Oh God, what had she heard?

“So what are you up to today?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“Well … it’s my birthday…” Serena announced.

“Really?!” I replied. How could I have not have known that?

“Yeah, well, no big deal.” Serena replied, dismissing it as just another day.

“It is a big deal. We should get a cake… go out … do something to celebrate.” I replied. “C’mon, it’s your day, what would you like to do?”

“Well … there is this tradition I kind of have.” Serena replied.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Every year, on my birthday, I have my fortune told.”

“Your fortune?” I repeated.

“Yeah. On my sixteenth birthday my mom took me to a carnival for my birthday where we had our fortunes told. Since then, I have been back every year.”

“And has she ever been right?” I asked.

“Yeah. She told me that I’d meet you.” Serena replied, deadpanned.

“No…” I replied disbelievingly.

“She did. She said I would meet a dark and handsome stranger.” Serena replied, “Of course at the time I assumed she meant a guy...”

“Very funny.” I smiled.

“So will you come with me?” Serena asked.

I hesitated for a moment. Could a fortune teller really see my future? And … did I really want to have her confirm for me what I already dreaded?

“Sure.” I agreed apprehensively.


“We need to talk to Liz.” Michael said for the millionth time since we had entered the school grounds that morning.

“I told you I would talk to her.” I replied, again for the millionth time.

“Then what are you waiting for?” Michael persisted.

“We are already late for first period.” I replied. “We’ll call her at lunch – I promise.”

“Fine. Whatever. See you at lunch.” Michael replied before storming off down the hall to his class.


“I’ve never seen the cards fall like this before…” The fortune teller said with a frown as she turned over the tarot cards on the table between us. “A boy … he’s different.”

“Yeah…” I agreed.

“He’s very … important, this boy. A leader.”

“Yeah. He has this whole other destiny…” I interrupted. “One that doesn’t include me.”

“No. He choses love.” She smiled.

“What?” I replied, unable to stop the smile creeping over my face.

“He choses you.” The fortune teller announced as though she was telling me what I wanted to hear. And maybe she was…

“No, no, no that’s impossible.” I disagreed.

“The reading is clear. You marry your true love. You have happiness.” She said shaking her head, before picking up one of the cards. “The card here – intimacy, sex… you will not be left wanting.”

As I walked out to join Serena in the waiting room, I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face.

“Spill.” Serena demanded. “What did the fortune teller say?”

“Nothing.” I lied.

“Yeah right.” Serena grinned, playfully elbowing me in the ribs.


Sitting at the lunch table, I pulled out my mobile phone and scrolled through my phone until I found the number that Liz had dialled from, hoping that it wasn’t the number of a random pay phone. I needed to call Liz, I had her number at my fingertips, but something was preventing me from dialling it.

“Where’s Michael?” I asked as Maria joined me at the lunch table.

“I don’t know. I haven’t seen him since this morning when he said he had some lame assignment to do so he wouldn’t fail one of his classes.” Maria explained.

I nodded. I should be relieved, not having Michael listening over my shoulder as I called Liz.

“What’s wrong?” Maria asked, seeing the indecision on my face as I stared at my phone.

“Somehow Liz knows all about the Granolith, and I have deliberated all night and I can’t come up with one reason as to how.” I began. “When I pushed her about it the other night she told me that she couldn’t tell me how she knew. Why would she feel that she couldn’t tell me something as important as that? What would she be afraid of?”

“I don’t know.” Maria replied. “All I know that Liz has always done the right thing, and if she couldn’t tell you, she had a good reason not to.” Maria replied.

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” I replied.

“Why don’t I call her?” Maria suggested. “She might be more inclined to talk to me.”

I thought it over for a minute, debating what was more important between hearing Liz’s voice again, or getting the answers we needed. Reluctantly, I handed the phone to Maria.


“Hello?” I answered the phone which was ringing as she and Serena stepped back into their apartment.

“Liz, hey, it’s Maria.”

“Hey Maria, what’s up?” I asked.

“I heard about your call to Max yesterday…” Maria began.

“Mmm-hmm.” I replied, waiting for Maria to ask the inevitable.

“How did you know about the Granolith before the rest of us?” Maria asked.

“I – I can’t tell you.” I replied, hoping that she would pick up the regret in my voice at having to keep something from her.

“Please Liz…” Maria pleaded. “The Skins are here … we need to know everything we can if we are going to survive this. If you know anything that could help us…”

My heart broke at the thought of losing my friends just because I wasn’t ready to tell them about Zan and the other dupes. For some reason it seemed important to keep it to myself for a while.

“I need you to trust me Maria.” I begged.

“But can we trust you?” Maria replied before hanging up on me.


“That was a bit harsh don’t you think?” I said to Maria as she passed the phone back to me.

“I know Liz. The guilt will eat her up and she’ll be back on the phone in no time telling us everything.” Maria smiled.

I hoped she was right.
"Do you see what we’ve done?
We’ve gone and made such fools of ourselves..."
Paramore - Decode
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Post by Oz »

Thanks for the FB everyone.

Here's the next instalment...



“I think we should go back to the club tonight.” I said to Serena as I hung up the phone from talking to Maria. I needed to talk to Zan. What Maria had said about them all being in danger had really hit home, and I needed to do all I could to help my friends. Somehow I knew Zan had more information than he had told me. I still wasn’t convinced that I should let the Roswell pod-squad know about their dupes in New York, but I had to do something.

“Any particular reason?” Serena smirked.

“Because it’s your birthday.” I replied adopting her tone, hoping that it would disguise the fact that I had ulterior motives. It didn’t.

“Sure.” Serena teased. “I think it’s because you want to check out that DJ you were making goo-goo eyes at last week.”

“I was not!” I exclaimed, but going bright beetroot red in the process. Damn those uncontrollable body responses that always give me away.

“Hey look, he was a fine looking man - if you don’t mind the tattoos and the piercings - so I don’t blame you.” Serena smiled. “And so, whatever your true motive may be, I would love to go to the club with you tonight.”

“Thanks Serena.” I replied, turning away so I didn’t have to watch her grinning at me like a Cheshire cat any longer.

* * * * *

Later that night, Serena and I were posted at the bar, and I had yet to see Zan. It was still early though, and I hoped that he would show up eventually because I didn’t have any other way of contacting him. I really needed to get his mobile number or something...

“Another round ladies?” The bartender asked.

“Yes please.” Serena replied, answering for the both of us. I really wasn’t accustomed to drinking, so I was trying to take it slow, but Serena was making that difficult. I was already feeling a little light headed, so I made a point of sipping my drinks much slower than I had at the start of the night.

“Who are you looking for?” Serena grinned, catching me for the third time that night scanning the room for a sign of Zan.

“No one.” I sighed at being caught out ... again. Serena would never let me live this down.

But instead of teasing me, she said, “I think your loverboy has just turned up.”

Following Serena’s gaze over my shoulder, I turned my head to see Zan and Ava walk into the club like they owned the place. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to have that much confidence.

My first inclination was to run straight over to him and demand some answers that would help save my friends from the Skins, but I didn’t want to do it in front of Ava. I could sense how protective she was over Zan, as though she had a claim over him, and I didn’t think she would think too kindly of me approaching him out of the blue. I couldn’t help think it was all too familiar.

“Why don’t you go over and talk to him?” Serena suggested.

I turned back to Serena and pretended that his arrival meant nothing to me.

“First of all, as I’ve told you numerous times already, I’m not here to see him, I’m here to celebrate your birthday ... and secondly, even if I was, he’s here with someone.” I replied, hoping that would put an end to Serena’s teasing.

“Well, we’ll just have to get her out of the picture then won’t we?” Serena said, standing up.

“What are you doing?” I asked worried.

“Just watch and learn oh grasshopper.” Serena replied, before picking up her drink and casually making her way through the crowd.

I nervously watched as Serena walked towards where Zan and Ava were currently standing, surveying the room. I really hoped that Serena wouldn’t do something stupid like, oh, I don’t know, talk to them?

However, as I watched Serena’s plan unfold, I had to admit, she was the master. As she was about to walk past Ava, she pretended to trip over something on the floor, and the contents of her glass went all over Ava’s top. I couldn’t hear what was being said, but it was clear from where I was standing that Ava was letting some very coarse expletives fly, and Zan was doing all he could to stop her taking out her anger on Serena. In hindsight, I had probably make sure that Serena is more careful around Ava in the future – who knows exactly what that girl is actually capable of when she gets angry.

I continued to watch as Ava stormed out, I guessed in the direction of the bathroom, and Serena continued to talk to Zan. Now I really wished I could hear what was being said. I could guess when, in the next moment, Zan followed Serena’s gaze and looked over in my direction.

I smiled when our eyes met, and he did the same in recognition. When I was sure that Serena wasn’t also looking, I motioned to him that I needed to talk to him alone, and saw him nod in understanding. Our gaze was broken by the return of Ava, now freshly cleaned up, her clothes looking as perfect as they had when she had first walked in. Obviously she had some of Isabel’s power in changing her appearance with the wave of a hand. I saw Serena gazing at Ava’s clothes in confusion, and decided that it was time to intervene before things got messy – that is, before Serena opened her big mouth. Jumping up from where I was seated at the bar, I quickly made my way over to Serena.

“There you are...” I said to Serena.

“Hey, don’t I know you?” Ava asked curiously. She obviously recognised my face from our meeting on the street the other night.

“I don’t think so.” I replied dismissively. “Serena, why don’t you get us another couple of drinks while I run to the ladies room?”

“Sure.” Serena replied with a smile, before holding up her now empty glass. “I’m all out now anyway.”

Serena walked back to the bar, and I left the room in the direction of the bathroom, hoping that Zan had taken the hint and excused himself to follow me. I wasn’t disappointed.

“Waz up?” Zan asked as he approached me in the corridor outside the restrooms. The corridor was full of people waiting to use the facilities, so we moved up to the end of the corridor in front of the fire exit.

“We need to talk.” I replied.

“Yeah, I got that. Wat about?” He pushed, obviously trying to get to the point.

“The Skins.” I whispered.

“Not here ‘k?” Zan replied.

“Where?” I asked.

“I’ll come and find you tonight.” Zan replied.

“Ok.” I replied.

The queue for the bathrooms was getting longer, and Zan was being pushed closer to me from the crowd. I couldn’t help by feel my skin tingle at his proximity. That hadn’t happened with someone since ... well, since Max.

“S-so.” I began, trying to find my voice which had become husky all of a sudden.

“So...” Zan smiled, seeing I was struggling to finish me sentence.

“Ava.” I said.

“Ava?” Zan replied, confused at whether I was asking a question or making a statement.

“Is looking over this way.” I replied.

Zan didn’t back away as expected, but immediately leaned in and began kissing me. Once the shock was gone, I began kissing him back. Then the visions started ... I was kissing Zan, or was it Max? And it was getting heated. As he tore open my shirt, and began to kiss my throat, I saw our reflection in the mirror and saw a v-shaped star constellation glowing on the skin of my chest, just above my heart.


I woke up with a start, my heart racing.

Sure I had dreamt about Liz before, but this was … different. I saw myself kissing her, but that was only after I saw something else.

I climbed out of bed and walked to the kitchen for a drink of water. As I opened the refrigerator door, I noticed in the light that Isabel was seated at the breakfast bar, drinking a glass of milk.

“Hey Iz.” I said, startled. “What are you doing up?”

“Couldn’t sleep.” Isabel replied.

“Yeah? Me too.” I replied. “Anything in particular bothering you?”

“Just this whole Skins thing… I can’t help but think we are way out of our depth with Nasedo gone. We don’t know what we are up against. They could be lining up outside our house right now…” Isabel voiced her concerns. “You?”

I was embarrassed to say that what was keeping me awake was not nearly as serious as what was worrying Isabel, and honestly, the thought of the Skins is what should be keeping me awake at night. I’m the leader and I should be spending every waking moment trying to work out how to protect the four of us, not worrying about some stupid dream.

“Nevermind.” I said, reaching into the fridge for the orange juice and drinking it straight from the carton.

“Gross Max.” Isabel exclaimed.

I shook the carton to show her it was empty.

“So are you going to tell me why you are raiding the fridge in the middle of the night?” Isabel pushed.

“I had a weird dream.” I replied.

“What about?” Isabel asked.

“Liz … I dreamt about Liz okay.” I admitted.

“Oh please… I don’t want hear about your wet dreams.” Iz replied, getting up to leave the room, before she stopped and turned. “Wait, you said it was a weird dream. Weird how?”

“Well, we were kissing…” I began, to which Isabel rolled her eyes, but I pressed on. “But that’s not how the dream started… Liz was in a club … she was with this guy and they were kissing.” I explained trying not to show how much my heart was breaking at the thought. “Then the dream changed and it was me who was kissing her… We were in a bedroom and well … to get to the point-“

“Please do.” Isabel replied.

“Liz’s skin began glowing…”

“That’s happened before hasn’t it? When the two of you found the orb.” Isabel pointed out.

“But this time it was in the shape of a ‘V’. Almost like a constellation.” I explained.

“Weird.” Isabel replied, before going to leave the room.

“That’s not the weirdest part…” I said, and Isabel stopped to hear me out.

“The guy that Liz was kissing… It looked like me, but with tattoes, piercings and a goatee.”

“Fantasy of yours?” Isabel smirked.

“Hardly.” I replied with a smile. “Something doesn’t feel right.”

“Do you want me to dream walk her?” Isabel offered. “See if I can find out anything?”

“No, don’t. It’s probably nothing.” I replied, although I didn’t believe it myself.


“What was that?” I asked as Zan pulled away, obviously sensing that Ava had gone.

“Ava has a jealous streak.” Zan explained, as if that explained everything.

“Well that would explain why you kissed me...” I replied sarcastically. Was he deliberately trying to make Ava angry?

“Look, Ava is used to seeing me hooking up with other girls at the club, but if she thought I was actually having a deep and meaningful conversation with someone, then she would get jealous that there was something more going on than just a fling.”

I looked at him confused. “Wait... She’s happy for you to sleep around, but would hate it if you just spoke to another girl?” I clarified.

“Something like that...” Zan replied, but then saw the disbelieving look that remained on my face. “Look, Ava has accepted that I’m the king and I’ll do what I want, sleep with who I want, but if she thought for a second that I was, I don’t know, bonding with someone on an intellectual level, then she would get jealous. And believe me, you don’t want that.”

“That’s messed up.” I replied, still confused.

“Not really. Back on Antar, the king was expected to have a lot of mistresses so as to have a greater chance of producing an heir. Ava’s used to it.”

“First of all - Antar?” I questioned, trying to hide my disappointment at the thought that it wasn’t in Zan’s, and I guess Max’s, blood to be faithful. I guess that explained the ease at which Max tried to explain away the kiss he shared with Tess.

“Our home planet.” Zan replied in a hushed voice. “Which I’d rather not discuss any further here.”

“I understand.” I replied, making a move to leave.

“And secondly?” Zan asked, putting a hand on my arm to stop me. “You sounded like you had another question.”

I mentally kicked myself. I wasn’t quite ready to voice what else was bothering me.

“Nevermind.” I replied, pushing my way past Zan back to the club to find Serena so we could leave. I needed a chance to think before talking to Zan again.
"Do you see what we’ve done?
We’ve gone and made such fools of ourselves..."
Paramore - Decode
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Post by Oz »

Thanks for the great feedback as usual ...

Credit to the writers of 'End of the World' and 'The Harvest' for this chapter.



“Let’s get out of here.” I said to Serena when I had eventually managed to push my way back through the throng to where Serena was still waiting at the bar. It was then that I noticed she was attempting to talk to someone on my phone over the noise of the club.

“No sorry, I can’t hear you ... the music’s too loud.” Serena yelled in the phone, before pulling it away from her ear and hanging it up.

“Who was that?” I asked.

“I don’t know... some guy. I couldn’t quite hear him properly over all the noise.”

I grabbed my phone and checked my call register. It was Max, no doubt wanting to know more about how I knew about the Granolith and the Skins. But he would have to wait until I had more answers. I still needed to talk to Zan.

“Let’s get out of here.” I repeated to Serena, putting my phone away in my bag and heading to the door before Serena could argue.


I had been unable to get back to sleep, something about the dream still nagging at me, so I decided to call Liz. If she was home, preferably alone, then I would know that what I had seen in my dream was just that ... a dream and nothing more. I would know that seeing Liz kissing someone else was just my overactive imagination.

I dialled Liz’s number and on the fourth ring an unfamiliar voice answered the phone.

“Hi, Liz’s phone.” The voice yelled, obviously trying to make herself heard over all the noise in the background.

“Is Liz there?” I asked. It was then that I realised that all the noise I was hearing was music, and Liz was at a party or ... a club.

“No sorry, I can’t hear you ... the music’s too loud.” The voice yelled. I sighed in resignation and hung up the phone, my heart racing. Did this mean my dream actually happened? Liz had kissed someone else? And not only that – someone who looked like me?! It was enough to make my head spin, well, either that or the thought that Liz was letting another man kiss her the way that I used to. Oh God, I felt sick.


“So I take it things didn’t go well with ‘DJ-guy’?” Serena asked, trying to keep up with the power walking I was doing back to our apartment. It seemed to be an effort for her after all the drinks she had had.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about...” I replied innocently.

“C’mon, I know he followed you to the ladies room. Don’t tell me that you two ... you know...” Serena jabbed me in the ribs with a wicked grin.

“No we didn’t. And I’d rather not talk about it.” I replied, still striding towards our apartment.

“Fine, whatever. I just thought since it’s my birthday and all, that you would, I don’t know, maybe give me some details.” Serena tried to play the guilt-trip card.

“We just talked, that’s all.” I replied, hoping that would appease her.

“Then why did that girl of his come storming back into the club in such a rage after going to find him?” Serena asked.

“She did?” I asked. So much for Zan’s plan not to make her jealous. Maybe he didn’t have her all worked out after all.

“Practically threw some guy over the bar for accidentally bumping into her. I mean geez, that girl must work out. If only I had a quarter of her strength...” Serena mused.

So Ava was using her powers in public? First fixing her clothes, and then using her strength. Interesting... But I guess what they say is really true – you can really hide in a big city. If the Roswell pod-squad had behaved the same way, the whole town would be talking about it. Then again, if one of the New York dupes healed someone in a crowded cafe, I’m sure the authorities would be all over them just like they were with Max and I.

Crap. Why did I have to bring up the memory of the white room?

“Earth to Liz?” Serena interrupted my thoughts.

“Sorry. Must be getting tired.” I faked a yawn. “What were you saying?”

“I was saying that you walked straight passed our apartment door...”

I looked around, and sure enough, we were back at the apartment already. I turned back around, greeted the bouncers that were waiting outside the club next door, before letting myself and Serena into our apartment building. Now all I had to do was to wait for Zan to arrive … and attempt to put Pierce’s face out of my mind.

Sitting on the fire escape outside my window, wrapped in a blanket to shield me from the chilly night air, Zan eventually arrived at 3am.

“Wha’d ya doin out here in da cold?” Zan asked.

“The walls in the apartment are too thin, and my roommate is getting nosy.” I replied, standing up from my seated position and dropping the blanket.

“You’re cold.” Zan observed, seeing me wrap my arms around my chest.

“How about we take a walk?” I suggested, wanting to get my blood moving. Also, I figured that way, I wouldn’t have to look Zan in the eyes as we talked if we were walking side by side.

We climbed down the fire escape and headed down the street, in no direction in particular.

“You ‘K?” Zan asked, after we hadn’t spoken for ten minutes or more.

“Fine.” I replied.

“You wanted to talk but you ain’t doin that much talkin.” Zan pointed out. “Did I do somethin wrong?”

“No.” I replied, a little too quickly, and then berated myself for giving myself away.

“It’s about the kiss ain’t it?” Zan asked, no longer walking, which forced me to stop walking myself and face him.

“No.” I replied. “Well, kind of. I just ... well I guess I’m just trying to get used to the idea of you ... Max ... the both of you, feeling you have the right to sleep with any women you want. In our culture that kind of behaviour is not really accepted if you are in a relationship with someone.”

“Look, I can’t speak for Max, well, da person he is now anyways, but maybe in da past, the reason we had so many women, is that we hadn’t found the one. You know, that one woman who could make us forget about every other woman on da planet and make us want to be faithful.” Zan explained.

“Well I guess not much has changed. You’re cheating on Ava, and Max ...” But I couldn’t finish. Who knew what Max and Tess were up to these days?

“Max what?” Zan pushed.

“Before I left Roswell ... Max kissed Tess.” I said quickly, as though I needed to get the words out quickly so they didn’t leave a bad taste in my mouth.

“Well then he’s an idiot.” Zan replied.

“Why do you say that?” I asked. “I assume you have done more than kiss Ava.” I replied.

“Yes but I didn’t have you...” Zan said, before beginning to walk down the street again, as though he was embarrassed at his confession.

It took me a while to understand exactly what Zan was saying. I was the women who could make him faithful?

“Well it seems I wasn’t that woman for Max.” I said when I caught up to him, returning the discussion to Max, knowing that Zan would rather I didn’t push him on his confession.

“I don’ think you actually realise what you are to him.” Zan replied, suddenly stopping again so that I practically ran into him.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“You are the one. Max’s one.” Zan explained.

“How would you even know that?” I asked confused. “You’ve never even met Max.”

“Forget it. I’ve said more than I ever intended to anyways.” Zan replied, before walking down the street again.

“No. You have to tell me.” I demanded.

“Fine.” Zan replied resignedly. “Max and I share a connection. It’s faint, so Max probably isn’t even aware of it, but its there. We have been created from the same DNA – we are the same person. But somehow, we share more than our DNA.”

“You recognised me that day on the street...” I said slowly, putting the puzzle together. He had been very quick to send me on my way, away from Rath and Lonnie, as though he needed to protect me.

“Yes.” Zan admitted.

“So what … you’ve seen me in your dreams?” I asked, trying to clarify exactly what this connection was.

“Something like that.” Zan replied, hesitating before continuing. “Sometimes it comes in dreams, other times it comes as flashes, images. Because the connection is so faint, the images are stronger when Max’s emotions are spiking. The flashes have been more frequent since he met you.”

“So you see me…” I clarified.

“And I can feel what Max is feeling when he’s with you.” Zan added.

“And did you see Max kiss Tess?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“No.” Zan replied. “But I saw how much he was racked with guilt that it had happened… how devastated he was that he had hurt you.”

Now it was my turn to start walking, unable to have Zan watch me while I processed everything. I was so confused.

“What about now?” I asked. “Do you know what he’s feeling now?” Did I really want to know the answer? I wasn’t sure, but I had to ask, even though I felt like I was prying into Max’s private thoughts by asking Zan.

“He’s confused…” Zan said after a moment. “He saw something that he couldn’t explain…”

“What did he see?” I asked.

“You kissing me.” Zan replied.

Oh shit.

“H-he did?” I asked, hoping that it wasn’t true.

“The connection works both ways … I guess my emotions were … uh, spiking.” Zan replied embarrassed.

“No wonder he’s confused…” I said. Max had seen me, well, kissing a different version of him. How was it even explainable? Was that why he had called me tonight?

“What am I going to tell him?” I asked, partly to Zan, partly to myself.

“You can’t tell him the truth.” Zan said immediately, as though he was reading my thoughts.

“Why not?” I asked. “You’re practically twins – he has a right to know about you. You have the answers they have been looking for. You should be working together.”

“And what do you think Max will do when he finds out about us?” Zan asked.

“He’ll probably come looking for some answers.” I replied.

“And he’ll find you.” Zan pointed out.

“Yeah I … I guess he would.” I agreed.

“And are you ready to see him?” Zan pushed.

“I … uh, I don’t know.” I stammered. Was I ready to see Max if it meant that he could finally get the answers he was looking for? Answers meant Max getting closer to the truth about his past … it meant Max getting closer to his alien side … it meant Max getting closer to Tess.

I couldn’t help but my heart rate increase at the thought of Max and Tess, and my throat go dry.

“If it means saving my friends …” I eventually replied, although a little unconvincing.

“Are you sure about that?” Zan asked, taking a step forward.

“Y-yes.” I stammered.

Zan pushed up the sleeves of my jacket, revealing my skin. The green sparks were beginning to reappear at the thought of Max and Tess, and of seeing Max again.

“How did you know?” I asked, pushing my sleeves down again, not wanting to see the reminder that Max had changed me.

“I just knew.” Zan replied unhelpfully.

“Okay, so if I don’t tell Max the truth about you, you have to tell me the truth about everything else so I can help my friends.” I said, not pushing Zan any further on how he knew about my powers, although I wasn’t going to ignore it forever.

“Okay.” Zan agreed.

“Okay.” I repeated, but unable to hide my surprise. Zan was going to help me, and somehow we were going to be able to help my friends. “Let’s start with the Skins…”


“You just want me to tell you it’s all going to work out, right?” Maria asked after hearing my story about the images I had seen.

We were sitting in the café very early in the morning, before she had opened for the breakfast rush. I had told her that I had seen Liz kissing another guy … I guy who just happened to look like me. I had then confessed the horrible feeling I had since that I was losing her. Maria had just told me about finding Michael with Courtney, who was wearing only a towel. I guess she had even bigger problems than me and my stupid dream.

“No. I want to hear what you have to say.” I replied.

“Okay. Here’s what I think. Give Liz up. Leave her alone. All this is leading nowhere. None of us belong with any of you. And I’m really sick of how much it is screwing us up. I mean look at us – we’re pathetic.” Maria replied.

I thought it over for a moment. Liz had travelled to God-know’s-where just to get some distance from me, and here I was still pining over her. She had tried to make it clear that she didn’t want to be with me, but I hadn’t accepted it. I couldn’t accept it. And I’m not about to start to now … no matter what I saw.

“You’re not there are you?” Maria asked, watching the emotions cross my face without me having to say a word.

“I can’t help it. I love her. What can I say?” I replied with a smile.

“You’re hopeless.” Maria smiled in return, and I could tell that she was glad that I wasn’t ready to give up on Liz and me just yet.


“What do you want to know?” Zan asked.

“I want to know where they are, how to find them. The only way my friends can protect themselves is if they have the upper hand to catch the Skins by surprise. The Skins already took Tess once, who knows who they will target next… We need to get to them before they get to us.” I added, before I realised that I had talked about the Roswell pod-squad as though I was still a part of it, as though I wasn’t thousands of miles away.

“What are you going to do? Waltz right into their hive and kill them? You’ll be outnumbered.” Zan replied. “They’ll slaughter you all.”

“Then tell me what to do.” I demanded.

“If I knew what to do, don’t you think I would have done it already.” Zan replied defensively. “They’re after us too you know.”

“Well, maybe if we all joined forces, I’m sure we could do something.” I replied.

“And what makes you think Rath, Lonnie and Ava would help? They don’t believe in putting their necks out … and I have to admit, it wouldn’t be my first choice either.” Zan admitted. “No one has bothered us in years, and I would like to keep it that way.”

“Then tell me where to find the Skins and let me handle it. We don’t need you.” I bit back more forcefully than I had intended.

“Fine. You wanna go on your suicide mission? You’ll find the Skins in a place called Copper Summit, Arizona. In fact, in a couple of days, all the Skins will be there. They are returning for the Harvest.” Zan replied.

“The Harvest?” I asked.

“The Skins husks only have a lifespan of 50 years, which is almost over. The husks are dying. So the Skins have been growing new husks. At the Harvest, the husks will be complete and the Skins will be around for at least another 50 years.”

“So we destroy the Harvest and then just wait them out.” I suggested.

“And make a lot of powerful aliens angry in the process …” Zan pointed out.

“I don’t care. This could work.” I said confidently.

“So what are you going to do now? Call Max and fill him in on your plan?” Zan asked.

“Or we could just go on our own… you and me.” I suggested. “If it was just the two of us, we could sneak in and out before the Skins even know we are there.”

“You’re crazy you know that?” Zan said, half smiling and half nervous, but importantly - agreeing to my plan.


“I knew there was something wrong about her. Even before I found her picture in Whittaker’s office.” Michael began. He had called an early meeting at school before class to tell us that he had discovered that Courtney was a Skin.

“Where’s Courtney now?” I asked, trying to focus. Liz kissing someone else versus an alien killer. Focus Max focus.

“I don’t know. She went out the window. I tried chasing her but…”

“…but it’s hard to run with your pants around your ankles?” Maria finished.

“Settle the personal crap on your own time.” Tess cut in. “If Courtney’s a skin, it means she was working with Whittaker.”

“You’re right. There’s no way two skins just happened to be in Roswell at the same time. They were working together which means Courtney knows everything about us.” Isabel concurred.

Why couldn’t I shake the image of Liz kissing someone else? I didn’t even know if it was true, but it was breaking my heart all the same. Rubbing my head, I tried to clear my thoughts, and return to the conversation that was going on around me. That was when I felt Michael kick my chair.

“Maxwell. Are we disturbing you?” Michael asked.

“Leave him alone. He’s had a rough night.” Maria interjected.

“Really? Something you want to share with the class?” Michael asked.

“No.” I replied quickly. “Look if Courtney is a skin and she was working with Whittaker. The first question is - does she know Whittaker’s dead?”

“If she didn’t before she does now.” Maria said, turning up the volume on the television.

“News just in … A controversial New Mexico Congresswoman is dead. We’ll have that story in just a minute…” The news reader announced.

Apparently Whittaker was killed in a car crash. It was plastered all over the news. So, the first question was, how could she be in a car crash when I had killed her only days before? Someone was conveniently covering up her death for us, which led to the second question – who?

So we went to Whittaker’s office to see if we could find out anything. Searching through her mail we found a mysterious letter.

“Look at this. The postmark says Copper Summit. It’s from something called the Universal Friendship League.” Tess said, studying the envelope.

“What the hell is the Universal Friendship League? Could it sound any creepier?” Isabel replied.

“Marked personal.” Tess added.

I grabbed the envelope and opened it, pulling out the letter.

“Dear member.” I read. “Your failure to report as scheduled violates protocol. We must receive word by the 25th of this month or terminate your membership effective that date.”

“The 25th was yesterday.” Isabel said.

“That’s the day they said she died.” Tess added.

“Looks like we’re going to Arizona.” I announced.
"Do you see what we’ve done?
We’ve gone and made such fools of ourselves..."
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Post by Oz »

Thanks for all the feedback everyone!

Credit in this chapter goes to the writers of 'The Harvest'.



“Ready?” Zan asked, as the passengers on our flight to Phoenix began heading through the gate to board the aircraft.

“I think so.” I replied nervously. Were we really doing this? Single-handedly attempting to put an end to an alien race on our own? I was starting to think we should have called on the Roswell pod-squad for backup.

“We’re drawing a little attention.” Zan said, noticing the odd looks we were receiving from the other passengers as they moved past us to board the plane.

I guess we did look odd standing together – Zan with all his piercings and tattoos and me, well, looking like I was on my way to church. We would only stand out more once we were out of New York and in Arizona.

“Is there any way you could, I don’t know, tone down you appearance a bit?” I suggested. The last thing we needed was more attention.

“I’ll be right back.” Zan said, heading for the nearby men’s bathroom.

I decided that I should probably do something about my own appearance, so as to meet Zan halfway, so I took of my sweater to reveal the shoe-string singlet top I was wearing underneath, and I let me hair down from where I had neatly tied it at the back of my neck. Pausing for a moment I ran my finger of the small scar on my chest from where Pierce had put the scalpel. The wound had healed, but the scar remained as a reminder. Seeing it made me wonder whether I was really ready for this? Ready to put my life on the line for the Roswell pod squad after what happened last time? Apparently, it turned out that the answer was ‘yes’.

Ruffling my fingers through my hair to give it some body after being tied up all day, I stopped when I saw someone unexpected exit the men’s bathroom. I couldn’t move... it was Max.

“Yo, ya look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Zan said after he had approached, the accent giving him away, but in all other respects, the spitting image of Max.

“I ... uh, let’s just get on the flight shall we?” I said, grabbing my carry-on luggage, hoping that Zan wouldn’t notice how fast my heart was racing at the sight of him.

* * * * *

We didn’t get much of chance to talk on the plane, not wanting to be overheard by the people around us. Even small talk was a struggle, when the only things I wanted to ask were the things I couldn’t. Instead, I watched Zan for a while, and tried to identify the differences between his appearance and Max’s. Now that he had lost the goatee, tattoos and piercings, and flattened down his hair, I couldn’t find one thing that would distinguish them.

When we arrived in Phoenix, we immediately hired a car and headed out of the city in the direction of Copper Summit. Once we were out on the open road, I felt comfortable enough to voice my questions.

“So how did the four of you end up in New York and the others ended up in Roswell?” I asked.

“We were all on da same ship…” Zan began.

“So there was a crash?” I confirmed.

“Yeah.” Zan replied. “The army shot us down just outside of Roswell, and were on da scene immediately. The pods remained intact but some of our protectors were captured or died on impact. But two got away…”

“Nasedo and Cal…” I finished.

“Dats right.” Zan continued. “With da authorities all over us, they decided dat we all had a better chance of survival if we were on other sides of the country.”

“Plus it would have been hard to explain the fact that there just happened to be four sets of twins of the same age wandering around the desert together…” I added.

“Well, there’s that to.” Zan agreed. “So when the coast was clear, Cal took the four of us to New York and stashed the pods in an abandoned subway. Nasedo stayed in Roswell.”

“Not for long.” I explained. “Nasedo wasn’t there when they, uh, hatched. He only came back recently.”

“Really? I guess that would explain why they aren’t as advanced as they should be.”

“What do you mean advanced?” I asked. “What more should they be able to do?”

“What you have seen so far is just the tip of the iceberg. As a complete unit, they are unstoppable.”

“When you say ‘a complete unit’, you mean the four of them – Michael and Isabel, Max and Tess … together.”

“Somethin like dat.” Zan replied vaguely.

“Well I guess their mother was right… they are destined to be together.” I said, referring to the message about Max and Tess.

“What do you mean ‘their mother’?” Zan asked quickly. “They received a message from our mother?”

“Oh…” I said, realising that Max’s mother was the same as Zan’s. “Yeah… apparently when the orbs are put together they act as a communicator.”

“I see…” Zan replied and was silent for a very long time. I waited, respecting the fact that he probably had a lot on his mind.

“What about you and Max?” Zan asked eventually, changing the subject. “Why did you really run away?”

“I told you… I had to get away for a while.” I replied, not meeting his eyes but turning to stare out the window at the passing landscape.

“But you love him...” Zan prompted.

“I thought I did.” I replied.

“But now?”

“Now... there are too many things standing between us.”

“Like what?” Zan pushed.

I debated for a moment whether I should keep quiet, or use the opportunity of actually being able to tell someone everything that has been happening. It’s not often you find someone who’ll understand the complexities of a relationship with an alien.

“Like the fact that we are two different species ... like Tess … his destiny ... like the fact that my skin lights up like the fourth of July whenever I’m in the same room as him ... and ...” I couldn’t continue.

“And what?” Zan asked.

“... and I can’t forget the fact that when the FBI grabbed me, he ran away rather than fighting to save me.” I added, the tears welling up in my eyes.

“Okay, back up - you were captured by the FBI?” Zan asked incredulously.

“Yes. It’s a long story, but the abridged version is – Nasedo kidnapped me to use me as bait to lure Agent Pierce to him so he could kill him. His plan backfired, and I was grabbed by two agents. Max was there – only one pane of glass separated us, and as soon as they took out their guns, he ran in the opposite direction, leaving me at their mercy.”

“What happened then?” Zan asked.

“They took me to an abandoned military facility where they performed all kinds of excruciating tests on me.” I shuddered at the memory.

“The scar…” Zan said, his eyes glancing towards my chest.

“Yes.” I replied, pulling my singlet up higher on my chest in an attempt to hide my scar.

“But you managed to get away.” Zan continued.

“I just broke, and this incredible amount of energy spilled out of me and killed Agent Pierce. Since then, whenever I’m in the same room as Max, the energy returns in the form of green crackling electricity in my arms and it is incredibly painful.” I explained.

“So now you blame Max, for what happened to ya in da white room, and for the changes that have happened to ya.” Zan clarified.

“I guess so.”

“So if you were in his position, and da FBI were firing bullets at you, what would you have done?” Zan asked.

“I don’t know...” I replied. What would I have done? I would like to think that I would have stayed and fought for him, died for him, but would I? I would have been useless in the same situation, but Max had powers – he could have fought harder for me...

“If Max had used his powers he would have given them the proof they needed to shoot him on the spot. If his powers are as untrained as I think they are, he would have died and you would have still been taken.” Zan pointed out.

“I guess so...” I agreed reluctantly.

“And let me ask you this ... did Max try to find you after they took you?”

“Yes.” I replied, remembering the image of the pod squad rushing to meet me when I managed to escape the military base.

“Which was dangerous as well, but not as immediately life threatening.” Zan pointed out.

“Okay, okay. I get your point. Max didn’t jump in front of a bullet for me, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t have if it meant he could have saved me.”

“There you go.” Zan smiled. “Maybe you could forgive him.”

“That wouldn’t change anything.” I replied. “I still can’t be in the same room as him without creating these green electrical sparks – ever since I was in the white room.”

“The FBI didn’t do this to you.” Zan replied. “Max changed you when he healed you.”

“Then why did my ‘powers’ only just start?”

“Because they only come when your emotions are heightened. I guess you haven’t felt so angry or scared before.” Zan explained.

“So what am I going to do?” I asked.

“You need to let go of you anger towards Max – it’s the only way either of you will be safe to be together.”

“What if I can’t do that?” I asked.

“You have to.” Zan replied matter-of-factly.


After a long drive Isabel, Tess and I finally arrived at Copper Summit. It was around midday, and we discovered that there would actually be a funeral for Whittaker there later that afternoon. We were even more surprised when we arrived that there was an open casket.

“I don’t get it. What’s the point of putting on a big show like this?” Tess asked, staring at the number of mourners, and camera crew, who had gathered for Whittaker’s funeral.

“That’s exactly what this is – a big show. After this there won’t be any questions about what happened to Whittaker.” I replied.

Tess, Isabel and I walked to the front of the church to pay our respects to the Congresswoman, or more accurately, to check to see how a body could exist when the last we saw of Whittaker was the remains of her skin floating through the air.

“Good looking pile of dust.” Tess exclaimed.

“It just can’t be possible…” Isabel said, reaching to touch the body that lay in the coffin. As she touched the hand, it collapsed under her fingers to reveal that Whittaker’s body was only made of wax. Isabel quickly covered the hand with the flowers in the coffin, just as the minister was stepping up to the pulpit. It was then I realised how much the minister’s face was peeling, as though he had spent way too much time in the sun.

“Let’s go.” I said quietly, as the minister began the service. As we walked back down towards the aisle towards the exit, we noticed how many people in the congregation, including the news reporters, were also scratching the skin that was peeling on their faces and arms. There were Skins everywhere.

“Look - the place is crawling with them…” Isabel pointed out.

“There’s no way they are going to let us get out of here.” Tess whispered.

“Just head for the door.” I replied.

“Leaving so soon?” The minister asked, as we were almost to safety. We were slammed to the ground by an unseen force, and the same force dragged me down the aisle back to where the minister was standing over me.

“You mustn’t be in such a hurry to leave us. It appears our long search for the Royal Four has finally ended. How convenient of you to deliver yourselves to us.”

We got to our feet, and I quickly backed away, ready to protect Tess and my sister.

“You must be the once and future King and his bride.” The minister announced.

“That’s right.” Tess answered defiantly.

“You won’t remember me but I remember you.” The minister addressed me. “This is a moment I have waited for a long time.”

The minister put up his hand, ready to attack, and instinctively, I put up my hand and created a force-field between the approaching Skins and the three of us. I was just in time to protect us from the lethal blast that had been aimed at it.

“How long do you think you can hold out against all of us?” He asked.

“As long as I have to.” I replied.

“I can help… let my strength flow into yours.” Tess offered, putting one hand on my shoulder and placing the other on mine which was holding up the force-field. I immediately felt her strength, but it wasn’t enough – I was weakening too quickly. Isabel joined in too, but it was too late.

“Well, it’s about time for this little game to come to an end.” The minister said, as my force-field disintegrated and Tess, Isabel and I fell to the ground in exhaustion.


We drove into the sleepy old town of Copper Summit and it appeared to be deserted. However when we pulled the car over on the main street, we saw a large crowd had gathered at the building at the end of the street. Parked on the other side of the road was Max’s jeep. What was he doing here?

“Follow me.” Zan said, quickly crossing the street after checking that nobody was looking, and running into the barn. Inside it just seemed like a museum, complete with wax-work dummies, however downstairs was a different story. When we arrived in the basement, the entire floor was covered with incubation pods with a body in each. Air was being blasted in the pod keeping the husks alive.

“We have to shut it down.” Zan announced, looking for something to use to break the main generator.

“Here!” I shouted, handing Zan a large iron bar that was half hidden under some straw on the floor.

Zan took the bar from me and smashed it into the main oxygen tubes that were feeding the pods. One by one, each pod began to implode.

“Let’s get out of here!” Zan shouted, taking my hand and leading me back up the steps and out of the barn, away from the shattering glass.


Just when we thought our seconds were numbered, and as the Skins came bearing down on us, they suddenly all clasped their heads in agony, trying to block out an unknown sound that appeared to be screaming in their ears.

We could hear explosions in the distance, and glass shattering, but we didn’t have time to find out what it was. Taking the opportunity given to us, I pulled Tess and Isabel to their feet and we ran out of the church towards the car.

But then something stopped me dead in my tracks. Something more important than getting to safety as quickly as possible.

“Liz …” I breathed, seeing her running out of the old barn down the street.

Liz wouldn’t have heard me say her name, but even so, she stopped running and slowly turned to face me - our eyes locking. God she was beautiful, standing there with the wind whipping around her long brown hair. I felt as though I hadn’t seen her in years.

There was another blast, and the Skins began hurrying out of the church.

“We have to get out of here – now!” She called, hurrying to a car down the street that already had its engine running. It was then I noticed that she wasn’t here alone.

Without time to argue, I watched Liz be driven away, as I climbed into the jeep, pulling away from the kerb just in time to escape being hit by the debris from the barn that exploded next to us.

“What was Liz doing here?” I asked, to nobody in particular once I was sure we were safely out of Copper Summit.

“I don’t know…” Isabel replied.

As we turned onto the highway, I looked for any sign as to which direction the car Liz was in had taken, but both directions were deserted. It was as though she was never there.


“Are you ‘k?” Zan asked, once we were safely out of Copper Summit and we had recovered our breath.

“I think so.” I replied.

“So dat was Maxie-boy?” Zan asked the obvious, and then grinned, “I think I’m definitely the better looking one.”

Liz playfully smacked Zan.

“What? All’s I’m sayin’ is dat he could use a little gel in his hair or somethin’. Maybe some new clothes...”

“You can’t talk. You are the spitting image of him at the moment.” I pointed out.

“Only because you ordered me to. I can change back if you like?” Zan threatened, his hand slowly grazing over his arm to reveal one of his tattoos.

“No.” I replied quickly. “We’re not out of Arizona yet.”

“What about you? You could use a bit of ... decoration.” Zan grinned, before hovering his hand over my wrist. When he pulled away he revealed a small tattoo of the v-shaped star constellation I had seen in my vision.

“What does this symbol mean?” I asked desperately.

“You recognise it?” Zan asked.

“I’ve seen it before.” I acknowledged. “What is it?”

“It’s a star constellation you can see from our planet – and yours.” Zan explained.

“Why is it so important?” I asked – there had to be more to the symbol than that.

“It’s just a symbol.” Zan replied, returning his attention to the road. I guess it was just one more secret he was keeping to himself.

I clasped my hands and began staring out my own window. The countryside was so familiar. I had probably only seen this actual stretch of road a couple of times in my life, but the vegetation and surrounding mountains reminded me of home. I guess that wasn’t surprising since home was not that far away from where we were. It was then that I saw the highway marker that indicated the next road to our left could take us to Roswell.

“Is something wrong?” Zan asked, as I watched the road as we passed it, continuing down the highway to Phoenix.

“No. Nothing’s wrong.” I replied, sitting back in my chair and staring straight ahead, feeling more homesick than ever now that I was so close.

Zan must have noticed because the next thing I knew was that he was pulling the car over to the side of the road and doing a u-turn.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“You want to go to Roswell.” Zan stated, without needing to ask. “So we are going to Roswell.”
"Do you see what we’ve done?
We’ve gone and made such fools of ourselves..."
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Post by Oz »

Sorry it took me so long to come back with an update - I hope it was worth the wait!



“So these ‘r’ your digs?” Zan asked as we pulled up in the alley next to the Crashdown.

“Yeah, my parents own the restaurant and we live upstairs.” I replied, embarrassed at the way Zan was looking at the sign of the restaurant. “I know it’s cheesy.”

“It’s ... quaint.” Zan replied, getting out of the car.

“Do you think maybe we could hide the car somewhere?” I asked nervously. “I know Max got a good look at it in Copper Summit. I’m not sure I’m ready for him to know that I’m here.”

With a wave of his hand, Zan made the car disappear. I couldn’t help but think that it was all well and good if someone was walking passed on the street, but what would happen when the garbage men came to clear the bins and drove straight into an invisible car? However, when I tried to touch the car, it was gone.

“Cool trick.” I acknowledged.

“Thanks.” Zan smiled. “So what now?”

“I’m going to say hello to my parents.” I said, taking a deep breath.

“What should I do?” Zan asked, looking around the town nervously – he was definitely out of his comfort zone.

“I think you’d better hide out in my room. We can’t have anybody bumping into you and thinking your Max – or worse, bumping into Max himself.”

I led Zan up the ladder to my balcony and we climbed into my room through my window. Luckily my parents hadn’t locked it since I had been gone.

“So this is your room huh?” Zan asked, taking a good look around.

“Yeah. Bathroom’s through there, otherwise this is it.” I explained, before reaching for the hallway door. “I’ll be back soon.”

Zan nodded, then added “Good luck.”

“Thanks.” I smiled.

I walked through the apartment, but it was empty, probably because my parents were down in the restaurant for the dinner rush. I took a good look around, and remembered all the good times I had had here with my parents. It wasn’t a large home, but it was home. It was enough to make me start having my doubts about my decision to leave.

Taking one hesitant footstep after the other, I took the stairs down into the back room of the Crashdown. As I reached the landing at the bottom step, I stopped and watched my dad working in the kitchen. It had only been away for four months, but I couldn’t help but notice how much my dad appeared to have aged in that time. He didn’t have the same bounce in his step as he used to.

I walked over to the kitchen door in time to see the burgers on the grill begin to catch alight.

“Damn!” I heard my father say, dropping what he was doing with the burger buns to reach for the spatula.

“I’ve got it.” I announced, reaching the grill before he did.

“Liz?” My father asked in shock.

“Hey dad.” I replied, having successfully saved the burgers from becoming charcoal.

My father rushed over and hugged me, squeezing me so tight I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to breathe. The only reason he pulled away is because we heard a gasp from the doorway and a crash of dishes on the floor.

“Liz?!” My mother gasped, rushing over to taking over dad’s place in hugging me so tight.

“What are you doing here?” My father asked, and I couldn’t help but catch the sound of hope in his voice that I had moved back for good.

“I was in the neighbourhood.” I shrugged. “It’s just a quick visit.”

“Well, well okay.” My father replied positively. “We’ll just have to make the most of it then won’t we?”

I smiled, relieved that my parents weren’t going to pressure me to stay. Although, I have to say that it wouldn’t have been hard for them - staying in Roswell seemed more and more appealing the longer I was there.


It was nightfall before we arrived back in Roswell. I made sure Isabel and Tess got home safely, and then I drove to the Crashdown. I don’t know what I was hoping … maybe that Liz had come home after leaving Copper Summit. Then again, I was beginning to have my doubts that I had even seen her in Arizona at all, but rather, she had been a figment of my imagination – my very overactive imagination. I shook my head, no I had seen her – she, and whoever she was with, destroyed something that belonged to the Skins and the Skins seemed pissed.

I climbed up onto Liz’s balcony and peered through the window. It was completely dark, just as it was every other night that I had come here since Liz had been gone. She wasn’t there, but also, something wasn’t quite right. I could feel this strange energy, like a familiar presence, but which felt out of place. I sighed, my overactive imagination was running away with me again. Reluctantly, I climbed back down the ladder and got back in the jeep, determined to find Liz somehow – no matter where she was.


“How did it go with your parents?” Zan asked when I eventually returned to my bedroom. I had ended up spending the last four hours talking to my parents, until it was so late that they managed to convince me to spend the night in my old bed.

“Really well.” I beamed.

“Does that mean you’re stayin?” Zan asked, and I wondered if he actually believed he was able to mask the hint of disappointment in his voice, as though he wasn’t ready to let me go despite his protests that I belonged with Max.

“I don’t know. My reasons for leaving haven’t changed.”


“But this is my family … this is my home.” I acknowledged.

“Max was here.” Zan announced suddenly.

“Did he see you?” I asked.

“No. He saw the lights were off and assumed you weren’t here. I don’t think he’ll be back.” Zan replied.

I nodded, and wondered why I felt so disappointed that I hadn’t seen him myself.

“So what have you been up to?” I asked, feeling bad for leaving someone like Zan alone in a strange town for four hours. He really didn’t come across as someone used to sitting around twiddling his thumbs.

“Not much. Just snooping.” Zan winked.

“Oh God, what did you see?” I cringed.

“Nothin to be embarrassed about.” Zan replied, although still grinning.

I eyed him cautiously, but I could read from his smile that he was just trying to tease me. God, he had a cute smile…

The awkward silence that followed was soon broken by me attempting to suppress a yawn.

“Tired?” Zan asked.

“It’s been a long day.” I replied.

“Okay, so how about you take the bed, and I’ll sleep outside on the banana lounge.” Zan offered.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” I replied. “The New Mexico nights can get very chilly. I’m sure we can share the bed.”

“You sure?” Zan asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, I’m sure.” I replied, pulling out the sleeping bag from under the bed that Maria usually used when she stayed.

“If you don’t mind, I’d rather not use that.” Zan stated. “I find them claustrophobic. I’m happy to sleep on top of the covers.”

“Okay.” I agreed, taking off my shoes and finding some pyjamas in my cupboard.

“Could you turn around?” I asked Zan when I was ready to get undressed.

Zan politely turned around, and I quickly changed from my jeans into my pyjama pants, deciding instead to remain in the singlet top I had been wearing all day when I noticed Zan surreptitiously watching me in the reflection of the window.

“Okay.” I said, indicating that he could turn around when I was under the covers.

Zan then took of his shoes and shirt, and made himself comfortable on the bed wearing only his jeans.

“I, uh, um, goodnight.” I stammered, trying not to concentrate on how firm and toned his chest and shoulders were, which was more evident by the recent lack of tattoos. It was then I noticed the scar just below his collarbone.

“How did you get that?” I asked, running my fingers along the scar.

“I had a run in with the Skins myself...” Zan shuddered over the memory.

“What happened?” I asked.

“There’s one Skin, called Nicholas – he’s powerful. Somehow he managed to track me down in New York.” Zan explained, before becoming silent. “It was a long time ago…”

“You said he was powerful… how so?” I asked.

“He can do all the things we can, times a hundred – or in Max’s case, times a thousand.” Zan couldn’t help but take another dig at how far behind the Roswell pod squad was lagging. “But the thing you should be most afraid of is this.” Zan said, tapping his head. “He can get inside of your head and take anything he wants. Basically he rapes you of all of your memories and your thoughts.”

“He did that to you?” I asked, running my fingers through Zan’s hair and stroking his head.

Zan grabbed my hand in his and took it away from his head, but hesitating for a moment before letting go.

“I’d rather not talk about it.” Zan replied.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to …” I apologised, fearing I had overstepped the boundaries again.

“Don’t be sorry. I just … I can’t bear you touching me, knowing that I can’t have you.” Zan whispered huskily. “... And I’m not sure I have enough will power not to give in…”

“Sorry…” I replied, shuffling further away from him, and turning over so my back was facing him. It was impossible not to feel rejected. I couldn’t be with Max, but apparently that meant I couldn’t be with anyone else either… Why did Max get to control my life like that?

“Liz…” Zan said, reaching his hand out to me.

“Goodnight.” I replied in response, pulling the covers higher up to my chin.

I felt Zan shuffle over and I knew that he had turned his back to me too. Considering I was used to sleeping by myself, at that moment, I had never felt so cold and alone.


It was 3am and I still couldn’t sleep. Something was bothering me about the presence I had felt when I had gone to Liz’s bedroom. Something just didn’t seem right.

Throwing on my jeans, jacket and shoes, I climbed out of my window, thinking a walk might help me clear my head.


“Liz? Liz!” I woke to Zan shaking me.

“What?” I asked groggily.

“You were talking in your sleep … it sounded like you were having a nightmare.” Zan replied.

I sat up in bed and rubbed my head, trying to remember what I had been dreaming about – then it hit me like a tonne of bricks. I felt like I was going to be sick.

“It was nothing…” I replied, getting out of bed and pacing.

“It don’t look like it was nothing.” Zan replied, propping himself up on his side and watching me pace the room like a caged animal. “Wanna talk ‘bout it?”

“I … just had this really weird dream, that’s all.” I tried to explain, but it was impossible to put into words exactly what I was feeling at that moment. It had been just like a dream, well, a nightmare really, but it left me with a feeling that it wasn’t just a dream, but it was real.

“It’s started hasn’t it?” Zan asked cryptically.

“What’s started?” I asked.

“The premonitions.” Zan replied.

“What are you talking about?” I asked, although afraid of the answer. If this was indeed a premonition, then I didn’t want to have to see it come true.

“Nasedo probably didn’t tell you about this part of your power did he?” Zan asked.

I remembered back to the conversation I had with Nasedo, and distinctively recalled the feeling that he had been holding something back. He had referred to my enhancements – plural.

“So what – you’re telling me that I can see the future?” I gulped.

“Yeah. It won’t happen all the time, especially in the beginning, but your powers will get stronger.” Zan replied. “You’ll start receiving them all the time.”

“Friggin great.” I replied, slumping down against the wall and putting my head in my hands. Why did my life have to get even more complicated? Within minutes, I was battling the tears welling in my eyes - out of everything I could have seen, why did I have to see that?

“Hey… It’s okay.” Zan said, having shot out of bed at the sight of my tears and putting a hand on my shoulder.

I immediately put my arms around his neck and let him pull me towards him and lead me back to the bed.

“It’s not that bad … it’s kind of a cool power to have, don’t you think?” Zan tried to make me see the positives that came with such a gift. I honestly couldn’t see one – I really didn’t need confirmation that Max and I would never be together again.

“Do you want to talk about what you saw?” He asked, taking a different tactic.

“I saw Max … with Tess.” I explained, hoping he wouldn’t make me relive the image by requiring a more detailed explanation.

“I’m sorry …” Zan replied, holding me tighter.

Truth was, that wasn’t all I saw. We were in the school – the Roswell pod squad, the Skins and Zan and I. The pod squad was tied up and the Skins were bearing down on them. That was until Tess unleashed a ball of fire that engulfed the Skins, until nothing was left of them but dust.

Then the scene changed, and Max was climbing through Tess’ bedroom window. One minute he was thanking Tess for saving them, and in the next, they were rolling around on the bed – lips locked and in the first stages of undress. Thank goodness Zan woke me when he did so I didn’t have to see the actual act that would inevitably follow.

I pulled away from Zan and stared up at him. He gave me a smile and pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. Without thinking, I pressed my lips to his, wanting desperately to get back at Max for what he would do with Tess.

To my surprise, Zan kissed me back with as much forcefulness, and soon he was reaching for my singlet and pulling it up over my head. Laying back on the bed, I let Zan’s eyes roam my body before he descended on top of me and continued kissing my eagerly awaiting lips.

I was reaching for the buckle of his jeans, when he pulled away slightly. For a moment I thought he was going to stop me, but instead he asked huskily, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

I nodded in reply, and pulled him back towards me, wanting desperately to close any distance between us. I tried to shake the persistent voice in my head telling me that my desire for Zan had more to do with the fact that he looked exactly like Max, rather than feelings for Zan himself. I ignored it as best I could – what I needed was to feel wanted, desired, loved…

But what I didn’t want to feel was the crackling sensation that was already beginning to burn my arms. I immediately stopped kissing Zan, and he rolled off of me, sensing something was wrong. I looked down at my arms and then looked at Zan in confusion – why was Zan making the green sparks return? But when I followed Zan’s line of sight to the window, I understood everything. Max was standing at my window, staring at me in disbelief.

I quickly pulled the covers up over my chest, but it was too late to hide what we had just been so close do doing. I stared at Max for the longest time, fearing, not only what Max now thought of me, but that he would see Zan’s face and demand answers that I just wasn’t ready to give. In a way, I guess it was lucky that his eyes, filled with disappointment in me, couldn’t see anything else but my guilt, and as he backed away from the window, he never once looked at Zan’s face.

“Are you okay?” Zan asked, once Max had climbed down the fire escape.

I nodded, still in shock. I didn’t feel alright. I had wanted to get back at Max for something he hadn’t even done yet – and now I was sure that he was only going to do it because of me and what he had seen. I really couldn’t see this new power as being a gift – instead it was a burden - a life-destroyer.


I saw Liz. I saw Liz in bed with someone else. I couldn’t even look at his face, not wanting to know exactly what type of man Liz could give herself to.

When I had left my bedroom earlier that night, I had fully intended on taking just a quick jog around the block to clear my head. When I stopped running, I looked up to find myself standing outside the Crashdown, as though my feet unconsciously knew where I needed to be. I had climbed up Liz’s ladder for the second time that night, expecting to find the room as dark and empty as usual, but instead I found Liz in bed with another man.

I had walked away, unable to confront her when she had managed to break my heart even more than I ever thought possible. It had only been four months … four months since I had believed that we were soul mates – that nothing could ever come between us. How could she have changed so much in four months? The Liz Parker I knew would never have slept with someone before she was married unless she was absolutely, completely, heart-wrenchingly in love with that person. Oh God…

It didn’t occur to me until I descended from her balcony and taken the slow walk towards home that the man she was with was obviously the same one who had been with her in Copper Summit. That meant he was someone who knew more about us then he should. I can’t believe that Liz would tell anyone about us - I had trusted her, but it now appeared my trust was misplaced - in more ways than one.

I sat on the park bench, in the freezing cold at 4 in the morning, and only looked up when I saw a familiar face approach. It was Tess.

“Are you okay?” Tess asked hesitantly, obviously seeing the pain written all over my face.

“No.” I replied honestly, my shoulders slumped in defeat. I had finally lost.

“Do you want me to leave?” Tess asked.

I hesitated for a moment. I really wanted to be alone, but something within me was telling me to ask Tess to stay. If I had thought about it further, I would have realised that a part of me was looking for revenge. Why should Liz be the only one to move on?

So I replied - “No.”
"Do you see what we’ve done?
We’ve gone and made such fools of ourselves..."
Paramore - Decode
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Post by Oz »

Sorry for the delay in updating this fic. The next few chapters are kinda crucial so I wanted to make sure I put eveything into this chapter that I needed to.

Credit to the writers of 'Wipe Out'...



In the morning Zan was already dressed when I woke.

“Mornin.” Zan greeted me when he realised I was awake, and then added hesitantly “How are ya?”

“Okay.” I replied. Truth was, I didn’t sleep much after seeing Max. Whenever I closed my eyes, all I could see was his eyes burning into mine, and I knew I had ruined things for good. He would never forgive me for this. The look on his face told me that.

After Max had left, I had jumped out of bed and hid in the bathroom for an hour, sitting in the empty bath, just letting it all sink in. I had felt so embarrassed about how far I had let it get with Zan when I wasn’t even sure that I would have gone through with it - despite my confirmation that I was sure I wanted to. After I had said that, something just hadn’t felt right – as though I was doing something forbidden. I guess in a way I was. But it had started to feel more than just that I was cheating ... it felt like I was approaching a point where I could not physically go any further.

When I had slunk back into bed, Zan didn’t say a word, but soothingly lay one hand on my waist all night. Now that we were both awake, it seemed he was intent on not referring to what almost happened between us.

“Wha’s da plan for da mornin?” Zan asked, and I knew he was also asking whether I was planning on staying or leaving Roswell.

“I’m not sure.” I replied. Honestly, I hadn’t thought that far ahead. I desperately wanted to run again, but my premonition also told me that the Skins weren’t finished yet and I felt responsible for that. I felt that I owed something to Max - now more than ever.

“Well den, can I asks a favour?” Zan asked hesitantly.

“Of course.” I said, sitting up in bed.

“I want to find the orbs.” Zan announced. “I want to see my mother.”

“O-okay.” I agreed, getting out of bed. “Just let me have a shower and then we’ll go.”

* * * * *

“Turn left here.” Zan ordered, as we were travelling along the highway.

“How do you know where the pod chamber is?” I asked confused.

“I don’t know, I can just feel it calling – like a hum.” Zan replied.

We drove a little further and Zan seemed to be sitting on the edge of his seat in anticipation.

“There.” He said, pointing to an obscure rock formation.

I stopped the car when we were at the bottom of the hill and followed Zan as he raced up the hill. When we reached the top, he waved his hand over a flat piece of rock and a silver handprint appeared. Placing his hand over the handprint, a hidden door opened in front of us.

“How did you…?” I asked, but Zan didn’t hear me because he was already half inside the cave. I hesitantly followed him in, somehow feeling like Max should have been the one to show me this place, not Zan.

I saw Zan uncovering a rock in the corner of the room to reveal a hidden cavity where the orbs had been hidden. Zan pulled them out and stared at them, running his hand over their smooth surface.

“Now what?” I asked.

“I don’t know… Maybe we’s just gotta place a hand on each and focus.” Zan suggested.

“Me?” I asked, remembering what Michael had said about the four aliens having to hold one orb between two of them. How was I going to help?

“Yeah – I thinks you can help me with dis.” Zan replied.


“Max. Have you heard from Liz Parker lately?” My mother asked over breakfast.

I was seated with Isabel and our mother at the breakfast table, trying to force down her latest attempt at trying something new in the kitchen. It was barely edible, but we were trying to be supportive.

“Can I please have some more frittata?” I asked with my mouth still full, in a desperate attempt to change the subject. The last thing I needed was to start thinking about Liz again when I had finally been able to put her out of my mind for the first time since I had seen her the night before.

“Sure honey, I’m so glad you like it.” Our mother replied excitedly and stood up from the table to go and get some more. Seconds later, Isabel and I looked up at the sound of the pie dish dropping the floor.

“Mom?” I asked. She was no longer in the kitchen. It was as though she had just disappeared.

We searched the house, but she was nowhere to be found. Her car was still in the driveway too. Isabel went looking for our father, and I went to check with the neighbours.

“The neighbour’s house is empty too.” I announced to Isabel after we met back in the kitchen.

“What’s happening?” Isabel asked, throwing her arms around me. She was so scared. Truth was - I was too.

“I don’t know.” I replied honestly. It was though everyone had just disappeared. Everyone except for us.

I dialled the phone and told Michael to meet us at the Crashdown. We needed to see how many other people were missing… including Liz.


“You ‘kay?” Zan asked, breaking the silence that had smothered us since leaving the pod chamber – both deep in thought about what we had heard.

“Just peachy.” I replied sarcastically. “You?”

“Peachy.” Zan replied with as much enthusiasm.

We then descended into silence again. God could life get any more confusing?

“If you are seeing me now, it means that you are alive and well.” Max’s mother began. “You have lived before. You perished in the conflict that enslaves our planet but your essence was duplicated, cloned, and mixed with human genetic materials so that you might be recreated into human beings. My son…” She said looking towards Zan. “… you were the beloved leader of our people. I have sent with you your betrothed, your sister and your second in command…”

I shuddered at the mention of Tess as Max’s ‘betrothed’, but that’s when things go really weird.

“You were not meant to be alive. The scientists believed that the transfer of your essence was flawed and were prepared to destroy it, but I would not allow it. I ensured the transfer was completed and sent your pods on the ship with the successful pods. You are not the true King of Antar, but yet I still wish one day that I could meet you and see for myself the man you have become...”

Max’s mother then turned to me. “My son’s chosen Queen… You have many trials ahead of you but together you will be an unstoppable force – even stronger than the Four Square… Do not let obstacles keep you apart, but together learn enough to use your skills, your knowledge, and your leadership to combat the enemy so that you can come back and free us. And that I may hold you both in my arms. I live for that moment. Help us.” And with that, the image of our mother vanished.

My thoughts returned to the present by the sound of Zan’s laughter – something I couldn’t remember ever hearing before and wasn’t expecting to hear at that moment when we both had so much to think about.

“What?” I asked.

Zan pointed to the UFO billboard we were passing on the Chaparral Turnout. Someone had stuck a green glow stick in the vicinity of a certain part of the alien’s anatomy.

“So that’s how small your mind is…” I teased Zan for finding it so amusing.

“No, I’s just amused by how small they think that particular appendage is.” Zan winked.

I turned to look out of the window, trying to hide the blush that was creeping over my face.

Driving back into Roswell it felt as though we had driven into an abandoned town. There were cars parked all over the intersection, as though their drivers had been on the way to somewhere, and had just stopped their cars where they were and decided to walk the rest of the way. We could not see one single person as we continued into the town.

“What’s going on?” I asked, trying not to panic.

“I don’ know.” Zan replied. He wasn’t used to being in such a small town, but I could tell even he thought it was a bit eerie.

“Let’s get back home and check on my parents.” I suggested, parking the car and walking the rest of the way. There was no point trying to get the car through when every intersection seemed to be blocked.

As we walked down the street, we noticed there was coffee still steaming in a cup outside the coffee shop.

“It’s like the whole town just got up and walked out of here…” I said.

“And started shedding before theys left…” Zan said, holding up a ‘snake skin’ he found on the ground.

“This is not good.” I replied, watching it disintegrate in his hand. It was starting already – the Skins had arrived.


“No one’s back there either.” I announced, having checked in the kitchen and back room of the Crashdown.

“Everyone’s gone.” Isabel replied, shaking her head in confusion.

“Every human. Whoever is doing this is trying to single us out.” Michael added.

“Well there goes that theory.” Tess interrupted, seeing the backdoor to the Crashdown open.

“Liz?!” I exclaimed, unable to hide my relief. It seemed some feelings weren’t completely gone for good.


“Max? What happened?” I asked. I had just been upstairs and found my parents gone. Zan had remained upstairs while I went down into the Crashdown to find them, but they weren’t there. Instead I ran into Max, which was something I hadn’t been prepared for - but the awkwardness between us wasn’t as important as finding out what had happened to my parents.

“Our parents disappeared. It seems like the whole town has gone - all the humans at least.” Max explained.

“What is going on here? Everyone’s gone. They’re gone - like dead?” I asked desperately.

“We don’t know that.” Max replied. “All we can do now is focus on the fact that we have each other.”

My heart leapt at his words, as though he hadn’t given up on me for good, but the way he then turned his eyes away from mine made it clear that he was hurting – badly. I could see him picturing again what he had seen the night before and it was killing him. After what I had heard today in the pod chamber, it was killing me too. I had ruined everything.

But my attention was soon drawn away from him by the familiar tingling sensation in my arms, warning me that the green lightening bolts were about to begin again. I took a few steps backwards, hoping that the extra distance would stop another attack. How were we supposed to be together if we couldn’t even be in the same room?

“First thing we need to do is figure out who did this.” Isabel suggested.

“We know who did this – the Skins. We found one of those snake skin things off Elm Street.” I explained.

“We?” Max asked, his eyebrow raised, daring me to tell him who I was with.

“I … I meant ‘I’.” I stammered, but more for the benefit of the others in the room – there was no point trying to hide anything from Max now.

“This is our fault.” Isabel interrupted.

“No. It’s mine.” I announced. “I’m the one who destroyed their Harvest. They’re here to settle the score.”

“The Harvest?” Max asked confused.

“They’re coming. Into the bathroom – now!” Isabel interrupted, ushering us out of the restaurant and into the bathroom.

“There’s two of them. Hide us.” Isabel begged Tess.

As Tess concentrated on the mind warp, I slumped on the floor in the corner of the bathroom, pulling my arms around my chest. My arms felt like they were burning from being in such close proximity to Max. It didn’t help that Max was standing less than a foot away from me, just staring at me like I was either a ghost or a monster – I couldn’t tell which. I was the first to look away, unable to keep my composure with him looking at me that way and being unable to say a word – now that there was so much to say.

When we heard the Skins exit the restaurant, we all filed out of the bathroom, and Tess immediately took a seat at the counter exhausted. As I watched Max put a comforting hand on her shoulder, I used that moment to slip out of the restaurant to head back upstairs to check on Zan – wanting to make sure that he hadn’t had a run in with the Skins, and also wanting a chance to regather my thoughts.

When I walked into my room, I didn’t see Zan immediately, but he saw me, and came back in from the balcony where he had been using my telescope to check the street.

“Did you find ‘em?” Zan asked.

“No. They’re gone. Everybody’s gone…” I replied.

“I’m sorry.” Zan said, pulling me into his arms to comfort me.

“…all the humans at least.” I continued.

“You saw Max?” Zan asked curiously.

“Yes. And Michael, Isabel and Tess.” I replied.

“How’d that go?” Zan asked.

“Up there with my grandmother’s funeral…” I replied. “Plus I felt like I had third degree burns from the way my arms were sparking in his vicinity.”

“So I take it you ain’t forgiven ‘im yet then…” Zan observed.

“Guess not… But that would make two of us – you should have seen the way he looked at me...” I shuddered at the thought.

“I’m sorry...” Zan replied again, kissing my forehead. “But ya know you’re gonna have ta kiss and make up sooner or later.”

I knew he was right - it was our destiny apparently…

And then my arms began to crackle…

“Get your hands off her!” Max yelled from behind Zan, and I saw over Zan’s shoulder that Max had put up his hand as though he was about to shoot Zan with his powers.

Zan let go of me and slowly turned around – I stood and watched the confusion wash over Max’s face as the reality of what he was seeing dawned on him. Zan put up his hand too in a stand-off.

“Who are you?” Max asked, when he finally managed to overcome his shock and form the words.

“I’s you.” Zan replied with a smirk, enjoying every minute of it.

“No – you’re a shape shifter. A Skin.” Max replied, straightening his arm to show he wasn’t afraid to use his powers on Zan.

“Of course you would be that naive...” Zan jeered.

“Stop it! Both of you!” I interjected, fearing that one of them would end up using their powers on the other.

“Liz – get away from him. You don’t know what he’s capable of.” Max demanded, holding out his hand and indicating that I should stand behind him – away from Zan. I refused and stayed where I was.

“Correction – you don’t know what you’re capable of...” Zan smiled. “You powers are juvenile compared to what I can do – compared to what the Skins can do...”

Zan then put his arm down as a sign of a peace treaty.

“... and if you want to defeat them – you are going to need my help.” Zan added.

Max hesitated for a moment before he lowered his arm as well. “I’m asking you again – who are you?”

“The name’s Zan – I’m you’re dupe.”

“Dupe?” Max asked confused.

“You’re duplicate. Think of me as the twin brother you never knew you had.”
"Do you see what we’ve done?
We’ve gone and made such fools of ourselves..."
Paramore - Decode