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Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 3 5/6/17

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 8:34 am
by keepsmiling7
It's good Serena is in training........she will probably be needed to help Max and Liz when they become the Kind and Queen.
Liz's really does question marrying someone that you do not love.
I see a rocky road ahead for Liz and Max.

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 3 5/6/17

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 10:20 pm
by L-J-L 76
Wow so Liz's father never showed her love. Wonder why her father never showed her love. Oh boy poor Max, Chris and whoever else knows is going to be very sorry for not telling Liz what is going on. I hope Max, Chris and whoever knows can handle what Liz does to them. Wonder what Liz will do to Max, Chris and whoever else knows????

L-J-L 76

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 3 5/6/17

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 5:40 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Serena will have an important roll once Max and Liz take over as King and Queen. Liz, is a person that believes in love. So she hates the idea of being stuck a loveless marriage. Things maybe rough for a while for Max and Liz, but I think they will be happy in the end.

L-J-L 76 Lord Parker is a very cold man that doesn't believe in love. Oh I would say that Max maybe the one who suffers the most from Liz's temper.

Part 4

Liz stared at her older brother. She couldn't believe that it seemed that everyone knew what was going on but her.

"Yes I know Elizabeth. I can not tell you. But I promise that it is someone that will treat you right."
"Christopher, that doesn't make me feel better. All that tells me that it's not Lord Sean."
"Isn't that good news?"
"Not really. For all I know it could be an older man who lost his wife and has no heir."
"Elizabeth, you will marry who I have chosen for you. You will not complain about it either young lady do I make myself clear." Said Jeffrey walking up to his two children.
"Yes father." Said Liz
"Christopher, four months until your wedding are you ready for it?" Asked Jeffrey
"Yes sir. I will have finished my training a month before that." Said Chris
"Good. Now let's let your sister get some sleep. She has a fitting for her gown tomorrow."
"Goodnight Lizzie." Said Chris
"Goodnight Elizabeth." Said Jeffrey

Liz watched as her brother and father walked off. She fell onto her bed and started to cry.


Max walked through his family's living area of the palace. He was soaking wet from the storm that Liz opened up over him. He knew he could have used his powers to dry off, but until he reached the Royal family living quarters there had been a chance he would run into her and end up soaked again.

"What pissed Liz off?" Asked Isabel
"She got mad that I wouldn't tell her what I know about the ball."
"Well at least you are only wet. What was it when we were kids and you made her mad she did? Turn you green?"
"It was bright pink. It took mom five tries to undo it. She didn't even get in trouble."
"Max, give her time."
"I love her Isabel. She is my best friend. I am worried that us being forced to marry could harm that friendship."
"Weather she likes it or not the two of you will marry."
"I know."
"Max, I think Liz has feelings for you. But won't admit it."
"Liz is stubborn and a pain in the ass."
"Isabel what if Liz can't get past the arrangement part of us getting married?"
"No matter what you will have to have a child with her. You have to have an heir."
"Max do not worry about Elizabeth. She will be fine." Said Diane joining them.
"Are you sure mom?" Asked Max
"Yes. But she will be angry for a while. I do not agree with her not knowing until it is announced at the ball. But that is what your father and Lord Jeffrey have agreed to."
"I don't like it either. Mom, Liz has changed since she was away."
"Why do you say that?"
"I don't know it is like she is bitter kind of cold about something."
"Max, did you write her while she was away?"
"Did you think that she might be upset about that? You were her friend."
"I guess you are right. I will have to make it up to her."
"Good idea."

Diane left Max alone with his thoughts for the night.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 5/7/17

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 8:57 am
by max and liz believer
Oh no, Max. You didn't write Liz? That might very well be part of her "mood". Or maybe something else has happened to Liz when she was away. Anyway, I'm sure Max will find out eventually.

Liz seems to have some very cool powers and she seems very good at them as well. It made me laugh about her turning Max pink :lol: :lol:

- Jo

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 5/7/17

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 11:05 am
by L-J-L 76
I would be very mad at my father if I was Liz. I can't believe Liz's brother Chris knows who is marrying but not Liz. Oh no Max is in major trouble for not writing Liz while she was away. Now I can understand why Liz is so mad at Max. Can't believe it took Diane and Isabel to tell Max what he did wrong for him to realize it.

L-J-L 76

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 5/7/17

Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 12:31 pm
by keepsmiling7
A forced marriage is difficult to get off on the right foot.
And the pressure to produce an heir.......
But what, Max didn't write Liz when she was away. What kind of friend was he????

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 5/7/17

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 5:36 am
by Roswelllostcause
Jo No Max didn't write Liz. He was not a very good best friend. Oh something happened to Liz, but not while she was away! It happened before she left. Liz does have some cool powers!

L-J-L 76 Oh Liz is going to be very angry at her father! Max is in major trouble for not writing Liz.

Carolyn Things may not easy on Max and Liz to start off. Max was a very bad friend!

Part 5

It was now two days before the Royal Ball and Liz had spent most of the time since arriving home avoiding Max. Not that it had been hard for the most the part. She had a number of dress fittings to go through. One of the things she had not missed at school. She had also had to go through an etiquette refresher class. But that was now done. She was walking through the gardens when she heard a voice that she had missed.

"You look well big sister."

Liz turned to smile at her younger sister dressed in the robe of a guardian. Though this one was light blue and not white. Light blue was only worn during training.

"Hi Serena."
"Liz, why do you have all this anger in you?"
"I don't."
"You have never lied well sister. Does this anger have something to do with our prince?"
"Rena, Max was my friend before I left for school. Once I was gone it was like I meant nothing to him. Not once did he send me a letter. I sent him more then one."
"Have you talked to him about it?"
"Why would I?"
"Did you ever think that he may not know not hearing from him hurt?"
"He was my best friend!"
"This temper of yours will not do my sister."
"Fuck off with the damn guardian speak!"
"Liz, this is who I am."
"No! You are my little sister! The girl who used to turn my hair blue."
"I will always be that girl. But I am not a child any more."
"Liz, what is bothering you?"
"I don't understand why it is so important that I had to leave school for this ball."
"You will in time."
"You know!"
"Yes. But I am not able to tell you."
"This is fucking great! Everyone knows what is going on except me!"
"Let this anger go my sister."

Liz turned on her heels and stormed off the sound of thunder was heard in her wake.

"I see that I am the only one that gets the full storm."

Serena turned and smiled at Max.

"It is good to see you my prince."
"You too Serena. It seems your life calling is agreeing with you."
"Thank you. But it hurts that my father refuses to tell her about the announcement at the ball."
"I hate that my father has issued a gag order regarding the reason for the ball."
"I know."
"Rena, will your sister and I be trapped in a nightmare of a marriage?"
"You know Liz has never liked secrets."
"Yeah. I will see you later. I am going to try and talk to her again."
"Good luck my prince."
"Thanks I am going to need it."

Serena smiled as Max headed off to find Liz.


Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 5 5/8/17

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 6:13 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow Liz has a temper on her. But can understand why she is mad. Everyone knows about the announcement at the ball but Liz. Like how Max and Serena seems friends. Can't wait to find out how it goes when Max tries to talk to Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 5 5/8/17

Posted: Mon May 08, 2017 7:51 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz doesn't like secrets.......and this one has a major effect on her future. The families did not handle this correctly.
And now it's almost too late for Max to try to talk to her and make amends.

Re: Bitter Love (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 5 5/8/17

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 4:17 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz does have a temper, but she would never hurt someone she cares about because of it.

Carolyn Liz, doesn't like secrets. It will take a long time for Max to make up for keeping it from her.

Part 6

Max found Liz half an hour later sitting by the lake that was on the palace grounds. A lake they had spent hours playing in as children. The same lake shore they shared a very special night together before she left for school. He sat next to her watching as waves crashed ashore from the normally calm lake. He could see her eyes normally a warm brown were dark and stormy.

"I remember when we were kids. You had to have been about five. Your mother made you wear this stupid cupcake dress. Michael and Kyle were teasing you about it. It was the first time any of us realized one of your gifts was to control the weather."

Liz didn't say anything. But the lake started to calm a little.

"They never teased you again after you froze the lake with them in it."
"They were afraid of me."
"Yeah. This tiny little girl and these tough acting boys were afraid of you."
"Why didn't you write?"
"Max, why didn't you write when I was at school? I wrote you the first three months and never got anything back from you."
"Oh god Liz! I am so sorry! I didn't write because I had been told something two day after you left. Something that I was told you couldn't know. I didn't want to lie to you so I didn't tell you anything."
"It hurt you know? I thought that night we spent together before I left didn't mean anything to you. Not like it meant to me."
"Liz, that night was one of the best of my life! We shared something very special."
"Yeah we did. My father wouldn't be happy if he knew what happened."
"I know."
"He might even disown me. Say I brought shame on him."
"Liz, has he told you who you have been betrothed to?"
"No. He said that I didn't need to know."
"I think what he is doing is wrong."
"Can't you order him to tell me?"
"I wish I could. But my father told me not to interfere in your family matters."
"What good is having my best friend be the crowned prince if he can't get the stick out not my father's ass?"
"If only the Royal Court knew the real Lady Elizabeth Parker. They would be shocked to hear you speak like a low life commoner."
"Do you really feel that way about your people?"
"Of course not. But that is how some people do think."
"I know. My father is one of those people."
"So did you make any friends at school?"
"One good one. My father wouldn't approve of her though."
"Let me guess not someone of high breeding."
"Right. Ashlee is in school on a scholarship."
"Must be very smart."
"She is. She was placed in the medical program. She is going to be a doctor."
"That is nice."
"It really is. She would love to open a clinic in one of the rural poorer areas. You know where they don't get as much health care. But it will cost money she doesn't have."
"Maybe you can help her."
"Well that may depend on who I end up married to."
"I bet you can talk him into doing what you want."
"Not all will think like you do."
"I am sure you will get lucky and have a caring husband who will let you help your friend."

Liz looked at Max and started to wonder what he was trying to tell her without saying it.


Chris smiled when he saw the woman he was to marry. Lady Carolyn Valenti was a smart quite girl, the same age as his sister Liz. He brother Kyle was only a year older then her and a year behind him at the military academy.

"Hello Lady Carolyn." Said Chris
"Lord Christopher."
"How about we drop the former address? We will be married in four months."
"I guess it would be alright."
"Call me Chris. That is what my friends and sisters call me."
"OK. Um I guess it would ok for you to call me Care. That is what my family calls me."
"I would like that."
"So uh those crashes of thunder I heard earlier was that Elizabeth?"
"Most likely. My father is being an ass and won't let her know why she has been ordered to attended the ball."
"So she has no clue that she is betrothed to the crowned prince?"
"Nope and she isn't to know until it is announced."
"I don't see that as a good thing."
"Liz will keep it together in public. But I sure as hell don't want to be my father when she gets him alone later."
"Let's see being able to control the weather in small areas with a temper. Not a good combination."
"Nope. Oh and she can be a lighting bug at times too."
"That is so not good."
"Right. Listen Care, are you ok with us getting married?"
"Neither of us have a say. It was arranged when we children."
"I know."
"Chris, from what I have been told you will treat me right. I know your father is cold. But Kyle thinks you are a great guy."
"That means a lot. I will treat you right."

Carolyn smiled at Chris. She knew that this was right.