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Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 4 3/12/17

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:35 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Liz may take a long time to open up to her new friends.

L-J-L 76 Max may prove to be the best friend Liz has ever made.

Part 5 Nine years later

Liz walked into West Roswell High with her sister on their first day of high school. The only thing she was looking forward to seeing her best friend. He and his family had gone away for the last month of summer vacation. She looked around trying to find her locker. She noticed Serena talking with Maria and Kyle. Their parents had gotten married over the summer. She finally found it and started to open it when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. She felt her heart start to race until she heard his voice

"Miss me Lizzie?"
"Yes Max. Now please let go of me."

Max let go and she turned to see him smiling and holding a small package. She took it an opened it. Inside she found a gold neckless with a rose charm on it.

"This is really nice Max.
"I saw it and it made me think of you. You are like a rose Liz. You have this thorney extender to those that don't know you. But those of us that have gotten to know you can see you just ready to bloom."
"That is so sweet. Thank you."
"So what is your first class?" Asked Max
"Uh English."
"I'll walk you there."
"OK sure."

Max and Liz walked off together.


"So Serena do you think those two will ever get together?" Asked Maria
"I don't know. Liz didn't have an easy life before we got adopted Maria. She won't talk about it. Our parents took her to therapy for a while. But she wouldn't talk about it then either."
"Liz, has never been very open has she?" Asked Kyle
"No. I don't know what to do. I love my sister. But she is still so scared to love."
"She seems OK with Max's hands all over her." Said Maria
"She only sees Max as her best friend." Said Serena
"He wants more from her." Said Kyle
"I don't know if she will ever be able to give him what he wants."
"How is it that you have adjusted better then Liz has?" Asked Maria
"Liz's experience was different then mine. I went to therapy and worked on my issues. Liz really hasn't. I don't know why she hasn't dealt with it." Said Serena


Tommy Harris watched as Liz Parker stood at her locker with Max Evans draped all over her. He was not going to let that loser take what he wanted. He wanted Liz Parker and he was not going to let anyone stand in his way of getting her. He didn't care that she was nothing but a Freshman while he was a senior. She was the reason his Uncle was in prison. She couldn't just take a beating like that brat she was. His father had died when he was still in diapers. So his Uncle Dan had been the only man in his life. But that little bitch that had been living with his Uncle's girlfriend had to open her mouth. Now he was going to get his revenge. He knew not to make his move too soon. But he will make that little bitch wish that she hadn't talked to the cops. He watched as Liz pulled out of Max's arms and they walked down the hall together. It had taken him ten years to see the bitch again but she was going to pay now.


Isabel watched her brother with Liz. She knew that Max felt more then friendship for the girl. But Liz was still so scared to open her heart to anyone. They had all learned a few years ago just how bad their friend was abused before she was adopted. Isabel understood that it was going to take time. But after ten years of being in a loving home Liz deep down was still that scared little girl. Still the same girl that she had met on the first day of first grade. Serena at the time had been the only person she trusted. Liz now trusted the rest of there group. But only so far. She wanted Liz to be happy to see that men like the one that use to beat her were few and far between. The first step was to get Max to tell Liz how he feels about her. But she knew her brother and Max would do nothing that might scare Liz away and ruin their friendship.

"Penny for your thoughts." Came a voice from behind her.

Isabel turned and smiled at Alex who had come up to her.

"You know Max has feelings deeper than friendship for Liz, Alex."
"Yeah I know. But Liz is still so scared to let anyone close. After Serena, Max is the closest of any of us."
"True. I wish that she would trust us."
"It will be ok. Now may I walk you to your first class?"
"Of course."


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 5 3/13/17

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 5:52 am
by L-J-L 76
Great chapter!!!! Love the way Max and Liz are with each other. That is so sweet Max got Liz a necklace. So Isabel and others know Max wants to be more then friends with Liz. Oh no Tommy is going to start trouble for Liz. Hopefully Max, Serena and friends will be there if he does.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 5 3/13/17

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:55 pm
by keepsmiling7
Wonder when Liz will realize Max is more than a friend?
Thanks, Carolyn

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 5 3/13/17

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 7:41 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Max doesn't hide how he feels about Liz. But right now she just can't see it. Tommy will try and cause trouble but he won't get far.

Carolyn It may take a little while for Liz to realize that Max loves her. The abuse she suffered early makes love something hard for her to believe in.

Part 6

Liz walked out into the quad were she was meeting her friends for lunch. She spotted Kyle and Michael at a table. The others had yet to arrive. Liz took a deep breath and walked over to them and sat down.

"Hey Liz." Said Kyle
"Hi." Said Liz

Liz pulled out her lunch while watching the boys. It wasn't that she didn't like Kyle and Michael. She did but she still had trouble trusting. She didn't know if she would ever fully trust men. She was only a little more comfortable with girls then with boys. Well that wasn't true. She felt perfectly safe with Max. Just then Max, Isabel, Maria and Serena showed up. Max placed a kiss on top of Liz's head then sat down next to her. The rest of them took seat around the table.

"So how is everyone's day going so far?" Asked Alex
"God I hate high school! Mr. Bird already gave us a five page single spaced report on the Mayflower compact." Said Maria
"Maria, that is not so bad." Said Isabel
"I have no clue what the hell that is!" Said Maria
"That is why you do research Maria." Said Serena
"Why in the hell do we need to know this shit? It's not like we will ever use this crap in real life." Said Michael
"You never know knowing about the Mayflower compact might come in handy." Said Max
"Yeah right." Said Maria
"Liz how are your classes going?" Asked Serena
"OK. Uh I will see you later." Said Liz

Liz grabbed her stuff and took off. Max started to go after her but Serena stopped him.

"Just let her go. Liz gets in these moods sometime." Said Serena
"I wish Liz would open up to us." Said Max
"One thing I learned about Liz is she won't talk if she doesn't want to." Said Serena
"What happened to Liz before her adoption?" Asked Maria
"I know she was beaten up badly. She had a broken arm when she came to the Parkers. She also didn't trust anyone." Said Serena


Liz walked into the girls bathroom and went into a stall. She looked and pulled a small pocket knife out of her jeans pocket. She extended one of the blades and placed it against her skin. She pulled it along her arm cutting the skin. She was careful not to push too hard. But hard enough to draw blood. She winced as she felt the sting of the blade. She grabbed some toilet paper and held it over the cut. She closed her eyes and let a couple tears fall. She then left the stall cleaned and bandaged the fresh cut and headed out of the bathroom.


Isabel stepped out of the stall she had gone in after lunch. She had seen the knife in Liz's hand with blood on it and the small cut on the other girl's arm. What she couldn't understand was why Liz could be hurting herself like that. But she knew that it had to have been going on for a while. She had noticed other small cuts or injuries now that she thought about it over the years. She knew that Liz needed help and a lot more then any of them could give her. Liz may hate her for what she was going to do. But she would rather have her friend hate her then risk losing someone she cares about.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 6 3/14/17

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 4:19 pm
by keepsmiling7
I hate to see anyone cutting themselves.........
I'm glad Isabel realizes Liz needs serious help, and is willing to lose her friendship over it.

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 6 3/14/17

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:11 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Isabel, knows some of Liz's past and has grown to care about Liz. She feels that getting Liz help is more important then the risk of losing her friendship. She would rather have a live ex friend then a dead friend.

Part 7

Liz walked into her biology class and saw Max waiting for her. He smiled and she slowly headed over to him.

"Hey Max."
"Hey Liz are you OK?"
"Yeah sure. Why do you ask?"
"You seemed upset at lunch."
"I wasn't upset. I just needed some time alone that's all."
"You sure you OK?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"

Just then the bell rang and class started. Max watched Liz out of the corner of his eye. He knew that something was going on with Liz. But had no idea what. He was worried. Liz had always been a little withdrawn even on the day they had met back in first grade. But now she was even more than normal. He bumped her arm gently and he saw a look of pain on her face for a second before returning to normal. He knew that her arm was fine earlier so he had to wonder what happened during the short time since she left lunch and came to class.


Isabel sat on the bleachers next to Serena in gym class while the teacher went on about what was going to be covered.

"Rena, I need to talk to you about Liz." Said Isabel
"What is it?" Asked Serena
"I think she is hurting herself."
"You mean cutting herself?"
"Yeah. Did you know?"
"Not for sure but I have seen signs that it might be going on. Bloody bandages in the trash. But when I ask Liz claims she nicked herself shaving her legs. But I didn't believe her but I couldn't prove it either."
"Why would she hurt herself like this?"
"I don't know."
"Serena, I am really worried. Liz is such a nice girl."
"Isabel, I will talk to my parents. If Liz really is hurting herself I want her to get help. Liz is my sister in every way that really counts."
"I know. She is one of my closest friends. You know I have never let very many people close."
"I know. Liz and I have been the same way."
"But the two of you have a good reason. I don't."
"Isabel it is OK."


Tommy sat in his car with a marijuana cigarette hanging between his lips. He watched as that bitch Liz walked away from school with her "sister". He wanted nothing more then to make her pay for sending his uncle to prison. The bitch deserved to have the crap beaten out of her back then. She deserves so much more now. He was going to hurt her like she has never been hurt before. Oh he wouldn't kill her. That would be letting her off too easy. He wanted her to feel pain like she has felt pain before. Hell he might even do what his uncle hadn't to the brat as a kid. Not that he was a virgin. He hadn't been for a long time. He fucked his first bitch when he was thirteen. She had been eleven. Some neighbor kid back when he and his mom lived in Las Cruces. Hell he didn't even remember her name. Since then he had fucked a lot of bitches. He always made sure they knew if they told he would kill them. That was not saying that some of them hadn't been willing partners. But more then a few he had taken what he wanted from them. He couldn't wait until he fucked Liz Parker as hard as he could. Hell he wouldn't mind giving her sister a good hard ride too. Maybe even that Evans bitch. But for now he would look up a past fuck buddy.


Liz ran into her bedroom slamming the door as soon as she got home from school. She bit her lip as she removed the bandage from her arm. She stared at the cut that was hours old. If someone looked closely they would find other cuts that were all different stages of healing. She didn't know why she was hurting herself. She hadn't always done this. Sure she cut herself from time to time over the years. But it was becoming more often. She didn't understand why she was starting to like the pain she was causing herself. She knew that Serena had more then likely noticed. But didn't know why she was doing it or if she could stop.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 7 3/15/17

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:52 am
by L-J-L 76
Poor Liz she needs help cutting herself is not good. If she keeps it up she cut a vain or something and die. Serena, Max, Isabel are noticing Liz acting different. Serena and Isabel need to tell someone so Liz can get help.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 7 3/15/17

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 4:17 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz, needs help. But she needs to admit it first. Isabel sort of tell in this part.

Part 8

Isabel walked into the kitchen to find her mom making dinner.

"Mom can I ask you something?" Asked Isabel
"Sure what is it?" Asked Diane
"OK here is the thing. I have this friend that I think is hurting herself. I have no real proof. But I am still worried."
"Isabel, are you ok?"
"It's not me mom. It really is a friend."
"But you won't tell me their name."
"I can't because I might be wrong."
"Have you asked her about this?"
"No. I just want to know why she could be hurting herself."
"Well there could be a number of reasons. She may be suffering from a mild form of depression, anxiety. Or there have been some cases of self harm associated with multi personality disorder. But without knowing who this is I can't tell you any more."
"Well I guess I could tell you that this friend had a rough early childhood."
"I have a good idea of who you are talking about. But you really can't do much to help until she wants help."
"You really don't think that she will try and kill herself?"
"No Isabel. Just let her know you are here for her if she wants to talk "
"Thanks mom."

Diane watched Isabel leave. She was going to have to talk to Nancy Parker soon about Liz. Isabel wasn't going to say who. But Diane knew it had to be Liz. She had seen signs that Liz was a little off at times.


Tommy pulled his jeans up after getting out of the bed. He didn't bother looking at the blond bimbo he had just spent the last couple hour screwing. He had fucked her a lot over the summer. She knew that it was nothing but sex between them. Hell he never planned to get married.

"Don't you think we should have used something?"
"Look bitch, it is on you if you get knocked up. I told you two years ago when we fucked the first time I don't do condoms."
"You sure you didn't give me nothing?"
"So what if I did? You agreed to fuck on my terms. You tell anyone I am the one been screwing you, I will kill you got it?"
"Yeah better get going. My dad will kill you if he finds you here."
"Yeah whatever Pam. We will do this again."

Pam Troy watched as Tommy left. She couldn't believe how cold he was. She was thirteen when he took her virginity. Right after he moved to Roswell. He didn't care about anyone but himself. She finished dressing and remade her bed. Then she headed for the kitchen to start her homework.


Serena knocked on Liz's door and waited to see if her sister would let her in. The door opened but Liz didn't say anything. Serena walked in and saw Liz laying on her bed hugging the stuff dog she had been given when she first came to live here.

"Liz are you OK?"
"Rena just leave me alone."
"No Liz! I know that something is bothering you. I want to know is going on in your head."
"Look Serena, you and I are two different people. Your father murdered your mom in front of you when you were four. You until that happened lived in a loving home. You spent six months in a bad foster home. I have no memory of what love is like. Yes I know that you, Jeff and Nancy care about me. That you say you love me. But I don't know what love feels like. I never have. I was abandoned at two years old! Then I bounced around from home to home being used as a punching bag in more then one of them."
"Liz, maybe you should talk to someone about what happened to you. It may help you feel better."
"I don't need to talk to anyone! It won't change anything! Now get out of my room!"

Serena felt tears fall down her face as she turned and left Liz alone.


Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 8 3/16/17

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 7:40 am
by L-J-L 76
So Diane knows that it was Liz Isabel was talking about. Diane and Isabel need to talk to Nancy.
Tommy is a major asshole for not using condom and acting like he is one. Can't believe Liz said all that to Serena. Serena has to understand Liz is hurt and it may take a while for Liz to be a happy person who knows what love is.

L-J-L 76

Re: Love Can Heal (M/L,AU, Adult) Pt 8 3/16/17

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 11:27 am
by keepsmiling7
Pam should be sorry she ever got mixed up with Tommy.
I'm glad Isabel is concerned about Liz, hope Mrs. Evans can tell the Parkers that Liz needs help.
There has to be a reason behind this cutting......and the sooner they find out why, the better for Liz.

Thanks, Carolyn