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Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 3 12/31/16

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 6:34 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Yes Max is a very caring and helpful person. While Zan is just a major ass!

L-J-L 76 Max is a very good person. Zan on the other hand is not!


Part 4

Liz had just laid down on her sofa when there was knocking on her door. She groaned and went to open it.

"Who is it?" She asked
"Liz, it's Max."

Liz unlocked the door and let him in.

"Hey. Sorry it was a long day."
"I heard about part of it."
"What do you mean?"
"Your blow up at Zan is all over TMZ."
"Shit! I really hate that Kip Peters!"
"So you know who was there?"
"Peters has been trying to get dirt on me for a long time. Now he has gotten it."
"Liz, what I saw in that video isn't you."
"You spent one evening talking with me. You don't know me."
"I have read everything I can find on you since you did those Disney movies set at summer camp."
"I was eight in the first one. They had to write in the broken arm for me. I fell off that horse on the second day of filming and broke my arm."
"Before that you did commercials, for pizza, a couple of cereals and Care Bears."
"Some people might think you are obsessed with me."
"I wanted to write you letters but my mom told me it wouldn't be a good idea. So I didn't. I am under no impression that you are in love with me."
"But you do have a crush on me."
"Max, thanks for telling me about the report. I will handle it in a couple weeks after we finish filming the season."
"How do you plan to do that?"
"Have my manger set up an exclusive interview with one of the major morning news shows. Preferably the Today show."
"Liz, I came across some information that could really hurt Zan."
"What he knock up one of his hook ups and now say the baby isn't his?"
"Actually it may have been rape. But the girl won't press charges. But you had it close."
"How did you meet this girl?"
"She was in Starbucks when the story aired on TMZ. She didn't blame you for losing your temper with him."
"If what she told you is true then I am sure she enjoyed seeing Zan covered in my extra large double mocha latte."
"Was it at least non fat?"
"So if I ever want to buy you a coffee I know what to get now."
"How do you like your coffee?"
"Regular with three creams and five sugars."
"Noted. Max, I have an early call in the morning. So I need to get some rest."
"OK. Just remember that I want to be your friend."
"I will."

Max left and Liz sat back down on her sofa. She knew that this story getting out was going to hurt her. But there was no way she was going to do a sex scene. There also was something about Zan that sent a chill down her spine. She hated how he made her feel during the scenes that they made out in. She knew that she was going to have to put up with Zan for a while longer.


Zan snorted a line of cocaine. He couldn't believe that just because Parker was a prissy bitch that he couldn't have a sex scene with her. Not that anything was ever seen in them. But she refused to do it so it wouldn't happen. It wasn't like they would actually do it on camera! It would be fake. He knew that once she felt the joy of a dick pounding inside of her she wouldn't be such a priss. Boy he wished that he would be the one that popped her cherry. But the fact that she hated him, he knew that would never happen. He smiled when one of the many female fans. This girl was going to get lucky tonight. She was going to get to have his dick inside her. He had lost track a long time ago how many girls he had fucked, because that is all it ever was a fuck.

"Hey babe what do you say we go somewhere more private?" Asked Zan
"Sure." Said the girl

Half an hour later Zan pushed his rock hard dick into the girl and right through her virginity. She gasped in pain. But he didn't care. He pounded hard and fast in and out of her. She had tears falling down her face as he kept pounding her.

"Zan, stop! You're hurting me!"

Zan just grunted and grabbed her face.

"Listen here bitch. Stop crying, shut up and enjoy the fact that a star is your first!" Said Zan

It wasn't long after that Zan had his release and rolled off her breathing hard.

"You tell anyone about this and I will make your life hell." Said Zan

He dressed and left the girl in the bed crying.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 1/1/17

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 7:22 pm
by keepsmiling7
Sure hope Max's new found information will finish off Zan before he does more damage.

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 1/1/17

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:43 pm
by L-J-L 76
That was nice of Max to check on Liz like he did. Wow Liz made a good guess on Zan. Max needs to do something about Zan. Zan is a major asshole for what he did to the girl.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 1/1/17

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 6:37 am
by Roswelllostcause
Carolyn Unfortunately all Max has right now is hearsay. Ava is really the only one that can do anything to stop Zan.

L-J-L 76 Max is a very caring person. But he really can't do anything about his cousin.

Part 5 Three weeks later

Liz grabbed her bag and headed out of the studio. They had just finished filming the last scene of the season finale. In the morning she would board a plane to New York to tape an exclusive interview with Natalie Morales for the Today show.

"Hey Liz, you going to be at the wrap party tomorrow?" Asked Alex Whitman who played her brother on the show.
"No, I have to go to New York for an interview."
"Oh does this have to do with the blow up you had that TMZ is still talking about?"
"Yeah. It is to set the record straight."
"Who is airing the interview?"
"It will be on the Today show."
"Good choice. Glad you aren't going with them and not some rag of a show."
"Yeah. I was already sent a sample of the questions that I will study on the plane."
"Liz, why do you let Zan get to you like that?"
"Alex, I don't want to talk about it."
"Did Zan do something to you?"
"No. Look Alex, I have an early flight. I will see you after the break."

Liz walked out leaving Alex alone.

"She will be OK Alex."

Alex turned to see Serena standing there.

"Do you know what her problem with Banister is?"
"Not really. They just have never gotten along."
"Rena, you know Liz better than anyone else. I mean you did work with her as a kid."
"Once, I was in the second Disney movies set at summer camp. Liz, was the star not me. But she did get alone with everyone. This is the first time that I know of that she doesn't get along with someone. I know a lot of the people she worked with in the past they all told me that I would like working with her. I just never though that I would be getting into cat fights on camera with her."
"Yeah well if the rumors I am hearing are true that is going to end next season."
"Yeah, from what I hear they are going to call a truce."
"That's good."
"Yeah. Though I got to admit I will miss some of the fight scenes."
"You were just hoping for us to mud wrestle again."
"It was funny."
"I hated it. Do you have any idea how hard it is to clean mud out of your ass?"
"Why don't you tell me?"
"No wonder you don't have a girlfriend Whitman."

Alex just smiled and gave his friend a hug.


Max walked into his parents house for dinner. His mother came out of the kitchen and pulled him into a hug.

"Max, I missed you." Said Diane Evans
"Missed you mom."
"Please tell me that you aren't spending all your time in class or studying."
"I'm not. I have actually spent time getting to know my neighbor across the hall."
"Yeah she is really nice."
"She? Is she single?"
"Yes she is single. But she has been working a lot. Though she will have a couple months off soon."
"She is in the business?"
"You need to be careful. She is paid to be someone else."
"I know."
"So is she anyone I may have seen?"
"Mom! We are just friends."
"She does have a name right?"
"Of course. But until I talk to her I can't say who it is. She doesn't need it to get out where she is living."
"OK. I will let it drop for now."

Just then Max's sister Isabel came in. He could see that there was something wrong with her.

"What's wrong Izzy?" Asked Max
"Right. So what did Peter do this time?"
"Max stay out of it."
"I just don't understand what you see in that guy. He is almost as bad as Zan."
"Speaking of our cousin. He seems to have pissed off your crush."
"What are you talking about Isabel?" Asked Diane
"Well Hollywood sweetheart Elizabeth Parker has a temper. She got into it with Zan and dumped her large coffee all over him. It has been all over TMZ." Said Isabel
"It was an extra large non fat double mocha latte." Mumbled Max
"And how dear brother do you know what she drinks?" Asked Isabel
"I met her ok? She is really nice." Said Max
"Sounds like a diva to me." Said Isabel
"You know nothing about what was going on. Zan was going off on her because she made the writers rewrite a scene. If they had made her do the the scene the way it had been first written it would have been a breach of her contract." Said Max
"How do you know about her contract?" Asked Isabel
"It's not important."

Diane knew then who Max's mystery neighbor was. But wasn't going to say anything. No need for anyone to find out where the girl lived.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 5 1/2/17

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 10:00 am
by L-J-L 76
So glad that Liz is going to set the record straight about what happened between Liz and Zan. Love how Alex is like a brother to her. Love how Max is being protective of Liz and Isabel. Can't wait to find out how the interview will go with Liz and the Today Show.

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 5 1/2/17

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:02 pm
by keepsmiling7
Glad Diane will remain silent with her new knowledge....
Don't blame Max for protecting Liz's place of dwelling. It must be difficult for people involved in the business to have privacy.

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 5 1/2/17

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:05 am
by Lillmonster
I really like Dianne in this story but Zan is an ass... *shakingmyhead*

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 5 1/2/17

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 5:22 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Liz knows that she has to tell what really happened between her and Zan. Max is a very protective person.

Carolyn Diane understands that Liz needs her privacy. Right now Liz is young and still making her way in Hollywood.

Lillmonster Diane is a very kind woman. Zan is a major ass!

Part 6

Liz returned to her hotel room after the interview. It had gone as well as she could have expected. There were only a few questions that she had refused to answer. They were too personal. It was understood that her personal life would be off limits. Not that she had a personal life. She didn't have a boyfriend, hadn't had one for a while. Her last one got mad when she had refused to have sex with him. But the fact was she didn't love him like that. She wasn't going to sleep with anyone she didn't have feelings for. She had never had feelings for any guy that was close to love. But then there was her new friend Max, he caused her to feel something she hadn't felt before. Her cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and knew that she couldn't avoid the calls much longer. Sighing she answered the call.

"Hello Maria."
"So I have called like 737 times. I was being to think you didn't want to talk to me." Came the voice of her childhood best friend Maria DeLuca
"Maria, I have been busy."
"Yeah getting your ass all over trash shows like TMZ!"
"I know I fucked up losing my temper like that!"
"Why do you let Zan piss you off like that?"
"Can we not talk about this?"
"It's either this or your lack of a love life."
"Liz, what are you going to do about this?"
"I already took care of it."
"What do you mean?"
"I did an interview with the Today show. It will air early next week."
"You sure they won't twist it to make you look bad?"
"OK. So any new men in your life?"
"No. Well sort of."
"What do you mean sort of?"
"I met my new neighbor a few weeks ago."
"Really what is he like?"
"He's sweet. Funny, kind and reminds me of who I was before my career started taking off."
"So is he in the business?"
"No. He is a law student."
"His dad is a big time entertainment lawyer."
"Sounds good. What's his name?"
"Max Evans."
"Liz! His father is the biggest entertainment lawyer there is! But there is one other thing."
"I know he is Zan's cousin. But Maria he is so different from Zan."
"Can't wait to meet him."
"Maria, I am not coming to Roswell this time. Tomorrow I catch a plane back to L.A."
"So you in New York?"
"Maybe I can come out to see you."
"Sure let me know and I will send you a ticket."
"Maria, I am tired. I just want to rest and get ready for my flight tomorrow."
"OK. Oh by the way the Disney Channel is showing "Camp Green Lake" tonight."
"Why do you always have to tell me when one of those movies is on?"
"Cause I find them funny."
"Yeah sure. You know I broke my arm filming that movie."
"I know you fell off the horse."
"Yeah well it had been my first time on a horse! I did better in the other three."
"That is true. Listen babe I will let you go. Call me when you get home. Oh and I will see about getting out there to meet this neighbor of yours."
"OK. Bye Maria."

Liz hung up the phone and tossed it down on the night stand. She then turned on the TV and found the Disney channel. She found it hard to believe that was eleven years ago. In fact last she heard about her co star Stephanie Larson was she was in rehab for a drug over dose three months ago. She hadn't been close to Stephanie or anything but it had scared her. But Stephanie wasn't the first child star to get into drugs. But Liz had promised herself that she would never fall into that. She got lucky that she got the roll on "Stone Crossing." She also avoided the young Hollywood party scene. Liz picked up her phone and made a call.

"Hi Mrs. Larson?"
"Hi this is Liz Parker. I uh worked with Stephanie on the "Camp Green Lake" movies years ago."
"Yes I remember. You fell off the horse and broke your arm the first day on the horses."
"Yeah. How is she doing?"
"She is in rehab."
"Yeah I saw the story on Entertainment Tonight a couple months ago."
"Yes. I heard about your blow up you had."
"Not my finest moment."
"Liz, Stephanie was happy you were doing so well."
"That's great. Will you let her know that once she is better I would like to get together and catch up."
"Sure. Mind if I ask why you want to reconnect after all this time?"
"I am laying in bed in a hotel room in New York watch the first "Camp Green Lake" movie. I had an interview with the Today show to do damage control."
"I will let her know. Liz, she wants to get her career going again."
"I will see about getting her on the show."
"Thank you. You know she would never ask herself."
"I understand. Goodnight Mrs. Larson."
"Goodnight Liz."

Liz hung up the phone and watched the rest of the movie.


Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 6 1/3/17

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 6:23 am
by L-J-L 76
Wow Maria is still the same old Maria trying to find things out about Liz's love life. So Liz is going to try and help Stephane get a job after rehab. That will be so nice of Liz. Wonder if Liz is going to talk to Max before she goes home or when she gets home?

L-J-L 76

Re: Catching A Star (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 6 1/3/17

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 8:26 am
by keepsmiling7
Liz doesn't appear to be the typical Hollywood's especially nice to see her try to help others.
Will her new neighbor be there to welcome her home?