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Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 2 10/8

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 8:54 am
by keepsmiling7
Looks like Liz and Serena have hit it off well as room mates.
And Max, can't believe he would deal with Alex over his sister. That's really low life.
Wonder how Isabel felt about that?

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 2 10/8

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2015 9:48 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Wow it seems Liz and Serena are hitting it off. So Liz is 15. And it also seems Max and Alex are getting along also. Love what Alex did to the football team. So Max found Liz. How old is Max, Isabel, Alex Maria and Michael?

L-J-L 76

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 3 10/9

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 4:09 am
by Roswelllostcause
Eve Don't worry none of them will be abused by any of the staff at the school. In fact the staff may have trouble keeping some of the trouble makers in line.

Carolyn Yes Serena and Liz seem to be hitting it off. Well, this isn't the sweet caring Max we all love. As for Isabel, she doesn't know about the deal yet! But she isn't exactly a good girl either!

L-J-L 76 Most of them are around 15 or 16.

Part 3

Liz stared at the boy who had a smirk on his face.

"What do you want?" Asked Liz
"Thought you and me could have a little drink before sitting through them telling us a bunch of bull shit rules."
"I don't drink."
"Just one sip. It won't hurt you."
"I said I don't drink."
"Come on Parker. It will loosen you up."
"Look whatever your name is. I don't drink. I don't know how you got the booze in but I don't know you and I don't trust you."
"Names Max Evans. I got my ways."
"Just giving me your name won't make me trust you."
"Oh I got this feeling that you and me are going to have a lot of fun together this year."
"I wouldn't count on it."

Liz walked off leaving Max with a big smirk on his face.

"So how long until you make her a former virgin?" Asked his sister Isabel
"She a virgin?"
"Oh yeah. I can tell."
"I say by the end of the school year I will have given her a good ride."
"How much you want to bet?"
"One hundred bucks?"
"It's on."

Max shook Isabel's hand and they headed off to the auditorium to listen to the boring meeting on the school rules.


Serena rolled her eyes as the headmaster went on about how boys were not to be in the girls dorm and girls not to be in the boys. He also went on that alcohol, drugs and any form of tobacco were not aloud on campus. That any student caught with these things would face disciplinary action. Any students caught having sex on campus would also be disciplined.

"This is such a load of crap." Said the boy next to her.
"I agree with that. I'm Serena Kent."
"Kyle Valenti"
"What you in for?"
"Seems my dad thinks I got a discipline issue."
"What kind of issue?"
"The kind that gets you arrested. Kinda an looks bad for him when he is the town sheriff."
"I get in fights, drink and steal."
"So you ended up here."
"So what are your feelings on sex?"
"I ain't had it yet. But don't mean if the right guy comes along I won't think about it."
"Works for me."


Zack Waters pulled the short blond blued first year into the small dressing room behind the stage. It was a nearly sound proof room. He undid his jeans and lifted her skirt pulled her underwear down and pushed his throbbing penis into her he smiled as she gasped as he pushed through her virginity. He loved sex meaningless sex. He didn't matter if the girl was experienced or not to him. He was twelve the first time he had sex. He was now seventeen. He thrust long and hard into the girl. She was fourteen tops. A high school freshman. She let out moans as he kept moving in her.

"Keep it down Tess. We don't want to get caught." Said Zack

Tess bit her lip to keep from letting any more sounds out. Finally Zack let out a grunt and reach his release. He saw Tess's eyes roll back as she climaxed. He pulled out lowed her to the floor and they both fixed themselves.

"Not bad for a virgin. We should do this again." Said Zack
"Yeah. I enjoyed that." Said Tess

Tess slipped out into the hall first. Zack followed shortly after. He watched as two girls left the meeting together. One with brown hair the other with red. He smiled he was going to have both of them by Christmas. Unknown to Zack someone saw the way he was watching the girls. A boy who had his own eyes set on the brown haired girl. Max smirked knowing that he would do whatever he had to to be the one to get Elizabeth Parker to spread her legs for him.


Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 3 10/9

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 5:31 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and friends. Max is a major asshole in this story. Can't believe Max and Isabel are making bets about Max and Liz. agree with Serena when she rolled her eyes about the rules of the school. WOW Kyle and Tess are trouble teens too that is so weird. Oh great Zack is another asshole trying to hurt and get into Liz's pants. I hope Liz won't fall for whatever Max and Zack have planned for her.

L-J-L 76

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 3 10/9

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:58 am
by keepsmiling7
Tess and Zach.......sounds like a match made in heaven......or is that hell?

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 3 10/9

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:48 am
by begonia9508
keepsmiling7 wrote:Tess and Zach.......sounds like a match made in heaven......or is that hell?

I was searching for a way of explaining what I wanted after reading the part but Carolyn did it and it was quicker this way! :lol:

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 3 10/9

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:23 pm
by saori_1902
Great parts! :)

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 10/10

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 5:33 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Max is an ass. But he isn't all bad. Oh yes Kyle and Tess are trouble too! As for Zack, he isn't just after Liz. He is after any girl he can have sex with.

Carolyn I would lean more to hell for those two! Both are after nothing but meaningless sex!

Eve Carolyn really did sum it up didn't she! :lol:

saori_1902 Thanks!

Part 4 One month later

Liz walked out of the science and math building and headed for the cafeteria for lunch. She had been here a month and hated it. Her roommate was OK. Some of the other girls too. But she had more then one guy want to have a hook up with her. She had no interest in meaningless sex. That was part of the reason she could never bring herself to sleep with Tony. She knew he had been with other girls. Not that if she found the right one she would mind if he had been with someone else.

"Mind if I walk with you?"

Liz turned to see Max standing next to her. She rolled her eyes. She wished he and all the other horny guys would just leave her alone.

"Get lost Evans. I am not going to hook up with you." Said Liz
"Hey if I was looking for a hook up I would bug Tess Harding. She is willing to hook up with anyone since Zack Water fucked her in the dressing room of the auditorium during the welcome meeting."
"What do you want then?"
"To get you to loosen up. Get to know you. Maybe then you would believe I am not really a bad guy."
"Look Evans, I was going with your type. I did it mostly to piss off my parents who were trying to run my life."
"Yet he couldn't pop your cherry. Look Parker, you need to be careful. Zack from what I can tell ain't the kind of guy who will take no for answer."
"Why do you care?"
"Don't know. Maybe cause I think you are pretty."
"Yeah right."

Max looked at her and realized that no one except maybe her parents had told her that before.

"Liz, no one has told you that you are pretty?"
"No one that counted."
"Well, let me be the first. Liz Parker, you are very pretty. Don't believe anyone who tells you different."
"Why should I believe you?"
"I ain't got no reason to lie."

Liz just glared at him and walked off. Max smirked he knew that he was getting under her skin.

"What is so special about her Evans?" Asked Alex walking up to him.
"For some reason she don't think she pretty."
"She's not my type of girl. But yeah she is pretty in that girl next door kind of way."
"Yeah she is."
"I think you are going to have a hard time winning her over."
"But that is what I will do. Alex, will you help me?"
"Why should I?"
"Please? I need you to find out everything you can about Elizabeth Parker."
"It will take time."
"Just do it."
"Remember what you promised me."
"Don't worry. I will help you get with my sister."

Alex smiled. Then the two boys headed to lunch.


Liz sat in the cafeteria picking at her lunch. She let her mind drift back to when things changed for her.

Liz walked into the house she could hear her parents talking in low voices. The strange thing was she saw no signs of her older sister Jessica. Liz knew that she should be home. Her sister was sixteen and in high school. While Liz was only thirteen.

"Lizzie? Is that you?" Came her father's voice
"Yeah dad." Said Liz
"Come in here honey."

Liz walked into the living room to find both her parents. Her mom looked like she had been crying.

"What is going on? Where is Jess?" Asked Liz
"Liz, Jess isn't going to be coming home. She died last night while out with Peter." Said Jeff
"What happened?"
"They were at a party and there was drinking going on. Peter had a couple drinks and on the way home got into an accident. Jess was killed."
"No! Jess would never have gotten into a car with him if he had been drinking!"

Liz ran from the room and to her room slamming the door. She fell to the bed and cried. How saw she going to go on without her big sister?

Liz felt a tear fall down her face as she remembered the worst day of her life.


Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 10/10

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 6:47 am
by begonia9508
I guess, at this age, boys have tendency to exagerate and play 'little big chief" to impress the girls and Max is one of those... obviously! :lol:

But Liz has to heal before and only time will help her go better, I guess...

Loved it and thanks! EVE :mrgreen:

Re: School For Troubled Teens (M/L, AU, Adult) Pt 4 10/10

Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2015 8:07 am
by keepsmiling7
So Alex is going to find out more about Liz for Max.........just for a hook-up with Isabel.......
That is sad, but Liz remembering her sister Jess must have turned her life around.