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Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 5 6/25

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:21 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 We will see what happens when Future Liz and Max go see Tess. It will be a while before we find bout what is in the book.

Eve Tess seemed to have answers that they were looking for. But the were stupid to listen to her and it nearly cost them their lives.

Part 5

Max watched Future Liz out of the corner of his eye as they drove to the Valenti’s house.

“Max I’m not going to kill her. I’m not a killer.”
“You changed.”
“Yes but I’m not Tess. I wouldn’t kill her just because of what she did in my time. Besides Alex isn't going to die. Serena and your Liz are saving him right now. In fact I think that we shouldn't even let Tess know that I’m gone. So I think that I will make myself look like I did at seventeen.”
“You can do that?”
“I can do a lot of things. You gave me powers when you healed me. In fact I think that it would be a good idea for you to help young me to get control of them. In my time they came out and I set a book on fire in public when you were helping me get ready for my interview for Harvard. By the way I didn't get in. Disappointed my dad big there. Look don’t blame yourself. You’re not at fault. But you should know that during the time of my powers coming out I kinda ran away to boarding school. To get away from you. But that only lasted a couple of weeks. Don’t ask why.”
“What are you going to do to Tess?”
“I don't know. Max don’t worry I am going to act like the Liz from this time. But I want you to act like we are back together.”
“Well Liz and I are back together.”
“I know that. But right now I am your Liz. So you better learn to deal with it.”
“So did we ever get back together in your time?”
“Max I shouldn’t tell you too much.”
“I know.”
“We got married while on the run from the Special Unit. Isabel, Maria, Michael and Kyle were there.”
“We are almost there. What are you going to say to Tess?”
“If I can help it nothing. I hate her. But seeing as she hasn’t killed Alex yet I know that I can’t blame her for that.”
“Liz are you ok?”
“Sure why not? I am just about to face the girl that killed my best friend. Max, Alex is like the brother I never had. I was crushed when he died. I realized that it was partly my fault but I didn’t want to blame myself for listening to Future Max. No matter how much I was hurting at the time. I had to stop you, Isabel and Michael from leaving with Tess. I knew she killed Alex and I knew that there was a chance that if you left with her that you could die too. I couldn’t live knowing that you had died too. I would rather live in a world where you hated me than in a world without you. We made up but there was always a rift between us.”
“Ok uh time to put on your make up cause in about two minutes we will be at the Valenti’s.”
“Hope I can pull this off.”

Future Liz waved her hand and in less than a second the years had melted off her face and she looked just like she had in high school. She also made sure she was dressed like she had in high school. The Liz Parker Kyle and Tess knew didn’t where leather and look like she had been fighting a war for most of her life. Taking a deep breath she followed Max up to the door. She forced herself to smile as Tess opened the door.

“Max, Liz what are you doing here?”
“Tess here is the thing. Liz and I back together.”
“Yes.” said Future Liz giving Max a kiss.
“You took her back after what she did?” asked Tess
“Turns out things aren’t always what they seem to be. Tess I hope that one day we all can be friends.” said Max
“I hope that you two are happy together. I just remembered I have something to do.”

Tess took off and Max looked at Future Liz. Future Liz made a face that was easy. Too easy.

“What do you think she is up to?” Max asked.
“I have no idea. But it can’t be good.”
“Ok who are you and why do you look like Liz? I know you aren’t Liz because I saw her leave with a girl I don’t know a little while ago.” said Kyle Valenti coming up to them.
“Kyle I am Liz. Just not the Liz you know. I am from the future.” said Future Liz
“How is time travel possible?”
“You were healed by an alien. I think you would be willing to believe almost anything at this point Buddha boy." said Future Liz
“This is crazy.” said Kyle
“I agree with you. But you can’t tell anyone that Future Liz is here. She came back to stop Tess from betraying us by killing Alex.” said Max
“Why would she kill Alex?”
“Because she wanted that stupid destiny book translated and she killed him to stop him from telling Max what she did to him. Look Kyle I know this is a lot to take in. But if you tell anyone even your dad that I am here you could risk having the world end. And I kinda want to live.” said Future Liz
“Ok but I don’t like it.”
“Thanks Kyle. By the way I know you never slept with Liz. Thanks for helping her when she needed it.”
“Glad I was able to help. Now if you don’t mind I think I will go and mediate for a while.”

Kyle walked into the house and Max and Future Liz walked back to the car.


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 5 6/25

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 5:50 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Wow Liz is different. Liz saw a lot of things that have changed her. I don't know for better or worse. I'm glad that Liz told Max a little something. I like the way Max and future Liz said and did in front of Liz. Great Kyle saw and knows the truth. Hopefully Kyle will keep his mouth shut and not get future Liz killed. And I agree with Future Liz and Max what is Tess up to? Will Alex get the translation finish before Tess comes back? Will Liz be able to read the translation? Will Liz be shocked about the translation? Will Liz, Alex and Serena be gone before Tess shows up? Will Max, Liz, Alex, Isabel, Michael, Maria and Kyle read the destiny book? Will Max and future Liz kill Tess? Who will kill Tess? Will Liz be able to go back home? What will happen when future Liz goes home? Who will be there when Liz gets back to the future? Will Liz find out about Serena and who she is too her? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle and Serena be safe or go on the run? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle and Serena fight a war? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex, Isabel, Kyle and Serena tell the parents? Will Max, Liz, Michael, Maria, Alex. Isabel, Kyle and Serena live a long happy life together? So sorry for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 5 6/25

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:48 am
by begonia9508
Great part! Oh? I love this new Liz... more the experimented one, who will not accept that Tess killed Alex!

For me, when he died, they killed the show! :? EVE :?

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 6 6/26

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 4:33 am
by Roswelllostcause
L-J-L 76 Future Liz has faught and lived through a war. She has lost everyone she loves. We will see if Alex gets the book translated.

Eve Well Future Liz is a very different person. She has lost everything so she will do anything she has too to stop Tess and hope that everything will ended up better in the end. I agree that killing Alex was one of the worst things they did! I can come up with a lot of different ways they could have written Alex out without killing him!

Part 6

Liz was lying on Alex’s bed in his dorm room tossing a ball she had found in the air. Serena watched her wondering if she should tell her what she knew. But thought better of it at the moment. She didn’t really want to deal with Liz if she didn’t take the news well.

“Serena why did you come to Roswell?” asked Liz
“I came because I want to help Max.”
“What are you a protector or something?”
“I’m not a protector. I am kind of a hybrid just like Max. Liz I want you to trust me. But I know that will take time.”
“True. But I know that we have always meant to meet. I was told by a Future version of Max that someone named Serena would be a friend of mine one day.”
“Well I hope we can be friends. I want to be your friend but I know you have issues with trusting aliens. But you will have to learn to trust some aliens at some point or Kivar will destroy Earth.”
“That’s just great.”
“Liz, Future you told me that I should help you with your powers.”
“I have powers?”
“Yes. Kinda a side effect of being healed by an alien.” And your father being one too. But you are so not ready to to hear that.
“Oh great so I'm now a freak.”
“You’re not a freak. You are just not normal either.” Yeah cause that would make me a freak too, and I so don't want to be a freak!
“Normal is over rated it seems. The day I decided to follow my heart and act on my feelings for Max I left normal behind. My life hasn't been normal since the day my life was saved by Max Evans.”
“Would you really want to go back to normal?”
“I guess not. Serena are you sure it was safe to let Alex go back to the computer alone?”
“We didn't have a choice. If we are going to save the world then it would be a good idea to know what is in the destiny book.”
“Serena what is the future me like?”
“You changed a lot in seventeen years. You are bitter and are willing to do whatever you have too, to make sure that history is changed for the better hopefully.”
“What do you mean?”
“I believe that she is willing to kill Tess to reach her goals.”
“I would never kill in cold blood.”
“You are forgetting that this Liz has lost everyone she cares about and has nothing left to lose. She has fought in a war. So I think that murder wouldn't bother her.”

Liz was quite she didn't know what to say about that. To think that she could change that much. To be willing to kill someone for something that hasn't even happened yet. But then again when you become desperate you are willing to do anything.


Alex picked up the last page of the print out. He placed it a with the rest in the folder and then deleted the file from the hard drive and grabbed the CD from the drive and headed back to his room. He couldn't believe it he had done it. He had translated the whole book. It had instructions on how to work the Granilith as well as everything about who Max, Michael, Isabel and Tess were when they lived on Antar. Antar being their home planet.

“Hey Ray is that the project you have been working on?”
“Yeah Josh it is. I will be heading home soon.”
“Going to miss you man. But if I had a girl who looked anything like those two babes that came here looking for you I wouldn't want to stay any longer than I had too.”
“I know. But they are just friends.”
“Yeah sure and I am the Queen of England.”
“Whatever you want to believe man.”

Alex walked back to his room and found Liz sleeping on his bed and Serena playing cards.

“You two do anything fun?” asked Alex
“Just talked.” said Serena
“Serena is something wrong?”
“Nothing you need to worry about.”
“Look I almost had my brain turned to mush. I think it would be safe to say there is nothing that will shock me any more.”
“Alex I can't tell you right now.”
“Why is it about Liz?”
“No not really. I'm just not ready to talk about it.”
“Ok I know better than to push.”
“Alex don't worry about me. I can take care of myself.”
“I know. But Liz really should see what this thing has in it. She is in for a shock.”
“What do you mean?”
“Serena basically if Max wanted to save Antar it states that he and the others would have to learn to trust humans to aid them.”
“That isn't as surprising as you might think.”
“What do you mean?”
“Antarians have been studying humans for a long time.”
“So you think that Earth was chosen because of the studies?”
“Yes. Look I don't know much more. But I think that we should get some rest. It will be a long drive back to Roswell in the morning.”
“Night Serena.”

Alex when to sleep and Serena when to stare out the window. She knew that she couldn't keep her secret from Liz forever. But she wasn't ready to tell her yet.


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 6 6/26

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:09 am
by begonia9508
Another great part!
And it angers me that they let the show go, the lame way they did! No? :? :shock:
But after that, we have great fictions to read and to save Roswell? :wink: :lol:

EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 6 6/26

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:09 am
by begonia9508
Another great part!
And it angers me that they let the show go, the lame way they did! No? :? :shock:
But after that, we have great fictions to read and to save Roswell? :wink: :lol:

EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 6 6/26

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:12 am
by L-J-L 76
Great Chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. Wow it seems Serena has a lot to tell Liz. I wonder how Liz will take the news. Hopefully Liz will take the news good learning about Serena and her father. I'm glad Alex finally got the destiny book translated. Wow so Antar needs humans to help them defeat the bad Aliens. I can't wait to find out what will happen when Alex and Liz wake up. What will happen when Alex and Liz wake up? Will Liz read the destiny book? What will happen when Liz reads the book? Will Liz be shocked or surprised? Will Serena tell Liz who she really is? Will Serena tell Liz about her father? What is happening in Roswell? Will Max and future Liz talk? Will Max, future Liz, Michael and Isabel talk? Will Michael and Isabel find out about future Liz? What will Michael and Isabel do when they find out about future Liz? Will Michael and Isabel ask a lot of questions? Will future Liz answer them? Will Max, future Liz, Michael and Isabel find out what Tess is up to? Will they be able to stop Tess? So sorry for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max, Liz and everyone.

L-J-L 76

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 6 6/26

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 4:40 pm
by saori_1902
Great parts!! :D

Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 7 6/27

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:48 am
by Roswelllostcause
Eve I don't know why they let the show go lame! But at lest with fanfics we can set things right that the show writers let go so wrong!

L-J-L It will be a little while before Liz finds out who Serena is.

saori_1902 Thanks

Part 7

Tess picked up the phone and dialed a number. After a minute someone picked up the other end.

“What do you have to tell me?”
“Max is back with that stupid human bitch.”
“Damn it! I told you to keep that girl away from the boy.”
“I have been doing my best. But the fact is no matter what Max won't give up on that bitch.”
“You know that if I don't get what I want you are as good as dead.”
“I know. But I have done everything I can think of. I don't know what else to do.”
“Think of something Ava or you won’t have to worry about going back to Antar. Because you will be dead.”
“I think I know what to do. Max will do whatever it takes to keep that bitch safe. So all I have to do is tell him to do what I want or I will kill his human bitch.”
“Now that sounds like a plan. Call me when you have the human.”

Tess hung up the phone and when to her room to come up with a plan to get Liz.


Kyle stayed just out of sight until Tess was gone. Then he when out the front door jumped in his Mustang and headed for Max's house. He had to tell him what he had heard. He couldn’t let Tess kill Liz. Some how he knew that if Liz died there was no hope for the home world of the alien king. When he reached the Evans he jumped out of the car and pounded on the door. Max opened the door after a minute and Kyle pushed inside.

“Kyle what is going on?” asked Max
“We have to do something.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Tess was talking to someone on the phone and threaten to kill Liz.”
“Are you sure?”
“Well yeah. She didn't say Liz's name but I knew that was who she was talking about.”
“What did she call Liz?”
“Your bitch. Human bitch. Stuff like that.”
“Thanks Kyle.”
“What are you going to do Max?”
“I think it would be better if you don't know.”
“You going to kill her?”
“I don't know. I don't want to but will if I have too.”
“Max maybe my dad can help.”
“Kyle I don't want to ask him to do something that could put him in danger. Tess is dangerous. Kyle I want you to stay as far from her as you can. I know that it is going to be hard with her living in the same house as you. But try. Maybe you should spend the night here or at Michael's until we know what to do about her. At lest the real Liz is safe. She is out of town.”
“What will happen if she tries to go after Future Liz?”
“I can take care of myself. I am not as helpless as I look.” said Future Liz
“What do you mean?” asked Kyle

Future Liz just smiled and waved her hand over Max's shirt causing it to change color.

“How can you do that?” asked Kyle
“Max healed me. Now I have powers.”
“Oh Buddha!”
“By the way the Kyle in my time you had powers too. When Serena gets back it would be a good idea for Kyle to train with her too.”
“Who is Serena?”
“Serena is the person Liz left town with to go and save Alex’s life.” said Max
“So she’s an alien?”
“Yep. Can be a pain in the ass too.” said Future Liz
“Great. I need to sit down.”

Kyle walked over to the sofa and sat down and started to mumble. Max looked at Future Liz who just shrugged.

“So uh what kind of powers did I get?” asked Kyle
“You will be able to do a blast like Michael. Uh talk to people in their heads. Actually we will all be able to do that. I don't remember if that happened before or after Serena joined us or not. To be honest I just don't remember.” said Future Liz
“What do you mean you don't remember?” asked Kyle
“I just don't.”
“What aren't you telling me?”
“Look when I left my time Serena, Maria and I were the only ones alive and Kivar was on our tails. I had about ten seconds to leave before Kivar would get to us. So when I change things enough I have no one to go back too. I have nothing left.”
“How long have I been dead?”
“Kyle I don't think you want to know.”
“Did I at lest out live anyone other than Alex?”
“All of our parents. Kivar blew up the Crashdown with all of them in it.”
“All of this happened because Tess betrayed us?” asked Max
“Yes. Max I think we will have to kill her to set things right.” said Future Liz
“You are talking about murder!” said Kyle
“Kyle I am not the same person I was. So deal with it.”
“Uh Liz you are disappearing.” said Max
“I guess saving Alex and learning that Tess is a traitor did it. I changed it enough. Good luck with stopping Tess.”

After a minute Future Liz was gone. Kyle looked at Max like he was going crazy.

“We need a plan to deal with Tess.” said Max
“Why do we need a plan to deal with Tess?” asked Isabel coming into the room.
“She is planning on killing Liz.” said Kyle
“Why would she do that?” asked Isabel
“It's kind of a long story.” said Max
“I’ve got the time.” said Isabel
“You will want to sit down for this.” said Kyle

Isabel sat down and Max told her everything. An hour later Isabel felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. But she also had a plan.

“Max I know what we will do about Tess.” said Isabel
“What?” asked Max
“Tell her she has the choice to leave town and never come back or she dies. I’m sure that Michael will be more than willing to help kill her if he knew that she will most likely get Maria killed. I know they have this weird thing in their relationship but he does love her.”
“I know.” said Max

They started to talk more about the details of the plan for the next hour. They had a good idea of what to do. All they had to do was run it by the others for more input but that would wait until after Liz and Serena got back with Alex.


Re: Saving the World (AU, M/L, Mature) Pt 7 6/27

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 8:39 am
by L-J-L 76
Great chapter!!!! Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon? I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz. I really hate Tess and whoever she was talking to. I am so glad that Kyle heard what Tess said and told Max. I'm glad future Liz told Max and Kyle they had to kill Tess before she hurt or killed Liz. I'm sad Liz told Max and Kyle she had no one back home and then she disappeared. I'm glad Max told Isabel what was going on. I don't know about Isabel plan. I agree with future Liz that they have to kill Tess. Now all they have to do is tell Michael, Liz, Alex and Serena the plan. I wonder what Michael and the others will do when they find out about Tess and the plan. Will Isabel's plan work? Will Max and everyone come up with another plan? Will Max be able to stop Tess from taking Liz? Will Max and the others save Liz? Will everyone be surprised by what they found in the destiny book? Will Max, Isabel and Michael kill Tess? Who was Tess talking to on the phone? Will the person show up to help Tess? Will Max, Isabel and Michael be able to fight and win against Tess and the other person? Will Max, Isabel, Michael kill Tess and the other person? Will Max, Liz and friends be safe? Or will this be a start of a war? Will Max, Liz, friends and parents be safe and living a long happy life together? So so sorry for all the questions I was just wondering. Please please please please please please please please please come back and post more really really really really soon I can't wait to read what will happen next for Max and Liz.

L-J-L 76