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Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 1 - 1/25/15

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:39 am
by Alien_Friend
Wow! What a horrible tragedy. I don't belame Maria for not giving up on getting to the bottom of things. I am glad she has good friends to lean on. I am intrigued to see if Maria's Uncle can be trusted. I wonder what happened to Michael after I assume his parents died. Considering he was making poor choices while he had both parents alive I am scared to think what he could be like without loving folks there to try and guide him.

Great start ladies. Looking forward to reading where your imaginations will go with this one.

Part 2

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:31 am
by Double Trouble
Roswelllostcause: Thanks! Yep, there’s probably no greater concentration of liars.

begonia9508: No, that information hasn’t yet come to light.

That should be an interesting meeting...

Eva: Thanks! There are a lot of questions, and Maria has them all!

fadedblue: Thanks, there’s a lot more to come.

Earth2Mama: Those answers are coming, but Maria won’t stop until she has them.

kismet: Thanks! Lol, they are and we have more of them today.

somewhere87: Maria does have a tragic past. She doesn’t know yet that her uncle is mixed up in what happened but she’s persistant and she won’t give up until she has the answers to all of her questions.

sarammlover: We’re glad you enjoyed it! We’re in for quite a few bumps on this one, lol, so hang onto your hat!

keepsmiling7: Thanks!

Looks like he was a handful at sixteen, lol.

They’re not the only ones... this’s been a crazy cold winter!

Alien_Friend: Maria’s past is one freaking nightmare. We will learn more about her uncle today, not sure how much you’re going to like him, lol.

Michael… well you will find out sooner or later what happened to him and what kind of a man he became during the last ten years.

Part 2

Maria got up and walked over to the guy, greeting him with a light kiss on his cold cheek. “Alex, hey!”

“Hey yourself.” He gave her a lopsided grin and nodded at the table she had just left. “I see you’re still hangin’ with the popular kids,” he teased.

“They’re not popular,” she denied. “At least not compared to say everyone on the basketball or football teams.”

He just chuckled and shrugged one shoulder as he motioned to the folder. “This’s the information you asked about,” he said, his tone sobering. “It’s everything I could find but it’s not much.”

Maria eyed the item. “Looks like a lot to me.”

“I’m afraid it’s only gonna lead to more questions rather than answers.”

That wasn’t news to her although she was hoping to find something that might provide an explanation in the new material. “Were you able to-” she looked around and lowered her voice, “did you find the police report?”

“I got my hands on it but it’s pretty raw, Maria.” He covered her hand. “Everything I could find is in here because that’s what you asked for, but I wish you’d let me take the details about your family out.”

She shook her head. “I need to know everything, but thanks for offering.”

“If you wanna let me know when you’re gonna sit down and go through it I’ll come by so you don’t have to do it alone. Or if you want you can come by my place so you don’t have to worry about anyone finding out what you’re doin’.”

“You’ve already done enough for me, Alex. I hated to ask you for this favor, but I didn’t know how else I’d be able to get my hands on the report. Thanks, but I’ll do the rest alone. I don’t want you to get into any trouble.”

“Maria, some of this stuff’s pretty ugly. Not like that’s news to you, but seein’ it when it’s about your own family, that’s a different story.”

“I know.” She bit her lower lip while she glanced at the folder in her hands. “I was there. I still remember how it felt when the explosion pierced through marrow and bone.” Maria swallowed. “I still remember seeing what was left of my family spread over the whole place.”

He nodded. He’d glanced over the report. “I wish you’d at least consider letting me stay with you to look it over.”

“I’ll give you a call if I think I can’t do it alone.”

“Alright.” He knew there would be no changing her mind unless it’s what she wanted. “You goin’ to the party tonight?”

“I’m thinking about it.” Now that she had what she had wanted for so long, she couldn’t wait to start her research, but she knew there was no way to do that when her uncle was in the house, so she might as well go out.

“You should go. It’ll do you good to get out for a while.”

“Now you sound like them,” she rolled her eyes, but looked at her friends at the table as they debated about something, with a smile.

“Well, sounds like majority rules then,” he said with a wink.

“Yeah,” she snorted. “Wanna join us for a coffee?”

“Thanks, but I got hit hard in my Poly Sci class and if I don’t hit the books hard tonight I’m gonna regret it when that test hits my desk in the morning.”

“That was a lot of hits in one sentence,” she teased and slipped from the barstool. “Alright,” Maria gave him a short hug, “thank you, Alex.”

He snorted. “My dad’s gonna do some hittin’ too if I flunk this course.” He caught her hand before she could get away. “Hey. Do you have someplace safe to keep the file?”

“Yeah, don’t worry.”

“Okay,” he picked up his to-go cup and held it up in her direction. “You need anything else, gimme a call.”

“I already owe you, Alex. Good luck with your test in case we don’t see each other at the party tonight.” She waved and walked back to her friends, making the folder disappear into her backpack.

Max’s gaze slipped over the backpack she put on the bench beside her, wondering what the other guy had given her. “So that’s how you’re passing with such high marks,” he teased. “Got Whitman covering for you, huh?”

Maria smirked. “He’s the smartest guy I know and his notes can’t be bought.”

“Too bad.”

“Too bad?”

“Yeah, I could use some major help with a couple of courses.”

“Come on,” she shook her head and sipped her vanilla flavored latte, “you rock most of your classes according to Liz.”

“Yeah, but the love of my life doesn’t have the same luck with a few of hers.”

“That’s just because she’s lazy,” Maria winked at Liz.

“I still manage to pass without any help,” the brunette said with a roll of her eyes.

“I could be your tutor,” Max wiggled his eyebrows, “and whenever you’re a naughty girl, I-”

“No,” their friend groaned, “this’s one of your sex talks again and I’m not gonna listen to any more of them. Gosh, you two are still like rabbits after all these years.”

“Some things only get better with age,” he said. “And we’ve done the teacher/student routine before.” He grinned unrepentantly. “I’ll spare you the details.”

“Thank God!” She glanced at her watch, counting the hours she had before her uncle would be home.

“You in a hurry, Deluca?” Liz raised a suspicious eyebrow. She knew those documents Whitman had given her couldn’t be study notes since they only had one class together and whatever was in there, it was probably connected to her friend’s sudden hurry.

“Yeah, I’ve got some things to do before Uncle Reggie gets home.”


She shrugged. “Nothing glamorous. He just left instructions for a few things to be done and I’ve only done about half of them.”

“Oh, please,” Liz took a sip of her latte, “as if you guys don’t have a maid for just about everything.” She glared at her friend when she only laughed.

“Sorry, Liz, but I can’t take you seriously when you’re talking to me with a milk foam mustache,” Maria giggled loudly.

Max chuckled. “It’s cute.”

Liz licked her lips. “Don’t try to divert, cheater. You just wanna ditch us so we can’t get on your nerves about the party.”

“Look, I’ll go, okay? While I’m getting those things taken care of I’ll come up with a good reason why I need to go.”

“Are you and your limousine pickin’ us up at ten?”

Maria nodded knowingly. “You enjoy arriving in high class, don’t you?”

“Why not make the best out of your misery?” Liz grinned. She watched as her friend got out of her seat and into her winter coat again. “So ten, right? And dress sexy.”

“You know my dress code. Nothing too sexy or he’s gonna lock me in my room forever.”

Max choked down the urge to roll his eyes. Senator Halverson was known to have a controlling personality even though his handlers did their best to hide that little fact from the public eye. Maria was just bursting to be herself, free of the confines of her uncle’s overbearing nature and he hoped one of these days that happened because she deserved it.

“See you later. I’ll pack a nice top and you can change at the party.” Liz winked and waited until their friend had left before she turned to her boyfriend. “You do realize that little encounter with Whitman wasn’t about study notes, right?”

He gave her a playfully shocked look. “Do I look stupid to you?”

Headquarters of The Circle outside of Washington DC – December 2015

“Were you able to… did you find the police report?”

Maria’s brassy voice came though the speakers of one of the small LCD screens, while the others were either dark or showed different locations without sound.

“I got my hands on it but it’s pretty raw, Maria. Everything I could find is in here because that’s what you asked for, but I wish you’d let me take the details about your family out.”

“I need to know everything, but thanks for offering.”

A button on the control panel in front of the monitors was pushed and the conversation muted, leaving the small room containing three men in heavy silence.

Baxter got out of his chair, rearranging his way too tight tie while he walked over to the window. He ran a hand over his short grey hair before both of his hands wandered into the pockets of his suit pants. “She’s becoming a threat. It’s time to take care of her.”

“And Halverson?” Morris, sitting in one of the chairs around the large table in the center of the room, asked. “If we kill his niece he’ll refuse to cooperate and he’s still useful.”

“We could take her hostage and force the Senator’s hand that way,” the third person in the room added for consideration.

“No,” Baxter decided with a harsh tone, his blue eyes snapping to the men at the table, “Halverson knows The Circle. He’s smart enough to know we wouldn’t give her back to him alive.” He shifted his gaze towards the monitor, watching the young woman take her seat in the café again. “A tragic accident will happen to her.”

“It’ll cause suspicion either way.”

“Maybe,” he shrugged carelessly, “but we have a deal and if he can’t prove our involvement then he won’t get out of it.”

“Who do you want for the job?” Morris flipped a folder open, going through a list of potential employees. “Walker’s close to DC.”

“I want Bane,” the boss made clear, earning shocked looks from the others.

“Do you think he’s the right one for this job? He’s-”

“He’s exactly what we need: Fast. Effective. Reliable.” Baxter grinned to himself. Sometimes things really took an interesting turn in life.

The other man got up to use the computer, opening a few programs and starting a scan. “He’s currently in Bolivia.”

“Send him the information he needs: Target, coordinates and amount of his fee. Timeframe,” he looked at his wristwatch, “96 hours. Make sure he makes it look like an accident, I don’t care what kind, but it must be feasible.” With that Baxter set the plan in motion and walked to the door to make his escape.

Morris looked at his coworker doubtfully. “Why the hell does he want Bane for this?”

“You know him. He’s always had a sadistic streak.”

Senator Halverson’s Residence Alexandria, VA – December 2015

Senator Halverson winced as he stepped into the large foyer of his home and the sound of loud music assaulted his ears. He took his hat off, thrusting it into Harrison’s hands as the man rushed out from another room to help him out of his overcoat. “What is that infernal racket?” he shouted to be heard over the din.

“Miss Deluca’s enjoying a new music CD, Sir,” the man said as he quickly pushed the earplugs he was wearing back into place.

The Senator shook his head and waved the man off before striding out of the room in search of his niece. The noise got worse the closer he got to the living room and he hurried to snatch the remote up, aiming it at the expensive stereo system. He savored the silence that followed even as his annoyed gaze settled on his niece, her dancing temporarily suspended as she gaped at the muted speakers.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Dancing,” she stated simply and walked over to give her uncle a fast hug, “not that you’d know anything about that.”

He shook his head. “Maria, what will the neighbors think?”

“As if this house is anywhere close to anyone who might hear.”

“That isn’t the point. We’ve had this discussion too many times. We have an image to protect and this type of behavior is unacceptable.” He sighed. “Have you had dinner?”

“What do you think? It’s past eight, Uncle Reggie!” She sighed, moving to get the CD out of the sound system. “You know, no one’s gonna think bad of you just because your niece listens to loud music.”

“You and I are going to have to discuss this at length when I have more time.” He reached up to unknot his tie and ran a hand through his graying hair. “Why don’t you join me while I have a bite to eat? You can tell me about your day.”

“I was actually planning to get ready for a party.”

“Um-hmm, a party. What sort?”

“It’s on campus. Something end-of-semester related since we’re close to it.”

“One of those parties that end up with you drunk in the ladies room?” he asked with one eyebrow raised.

She crossed her arms over her chest. “When did I ever do that?”

“Maria, really, must we play these games?” He crossed over to the bar to pour himself a drink. “Robert does report everything to me, as is his duty.”

“I was never out cold in the ladies room. I had a few drinks in there but I was not drunk. There is a difference. Besides, I’m old enough to drink. I don’t know why we’re having this conversation at all. It’s not like I need your permission anymore.”

He reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose as he inhaled deeply in an effort to maintain his composure. He wasn’t in the mood to get into this with her tonight. He had other things on his mind that demanded his full attention. “We’re not having this conversation again. If you intend to go out, I just ask that you please behave with some semblance of decorum. Robert will, of course, accompany you. That is not negotiable.”

“You make it sound like I give you a constant reason to feel ashamed of me.” Maria was hurt because she had never done anything that would indicate she was reckless and she never drew negative attention to his house.

“Maria, I insist on Robert accompanying you for your safety. After all I’ve lost – all we’ve lost – I don’t want you added to that list. I hold a powerful position and you could be used against me. I will do everything I can to protect you, even when you don’t want it.”

“It was an accident,” she said quietly. “Isn’t that what the police said?”

His jaw worked in an effort to gain control of the conversation. “It was an accident that took nearly everything from us. There are those out there that would look at you and see nothing more than a bargaining chip or a weapon to be used against me.” His eyes narrowed at her question. “What happened was an accident, nothing more. There’s no need to look into the past.” He grabbed her shoulders and shook her. “Maria, you have to promise me you’ll leave it alone. What happened was a horrible tragedy and I don’t want you involving yourself in it.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Funny. For someone who believes it was just an accident, you sound very terrified about me looking into it.” It was just more reason to believe she had been told lie after lie about that day.

“Maria, dredging up the past can only cause more pain than it’s already caused. What happened that day should not be revisited. I want your word that you’ll leave it alone.”

“You know I can’t give you that,” she denied.

“Even when you know what it means to me that you drop it?”

“I can’t let it rest, Uncle Reggie. I just can’t.”

“What can you possibly hope to gain by looking into it?” He had to think of something and quick. “Sue the gas company for faulty lines? Write some expose on that same thing? There’s nothing to be gained by this nonsense!”

“There are things that don’t fit together. You know I’m right! Maybe someone was after Dad.”

“No one was after your father!” he insisted. “Damn it, Maria, he was my brother! Don’t you think if there was anything there to find I would’ve already found it?” He slammed his glass down on the counter, mindless of the amber liquid that sloshed over the side to drip down over the hand tightly gripping it.

She jumped back at her uncle’s harsh words and started to retreat to her room upstairs. “I’m going to get ready for the party. You can tell Rob to be ready in an hour.”

He fought to bring his heartbeat under control. He couldn’t risk her digging into the past. She had no idea what she would unleash if she continued on her self-imposed mission to uncover the truth. He reached for the phone at the end of the counter and punched in an extension, giving Robert his orders as soon as he answered. He would wait until she was gone and then he would search her room for any information she might have managed to unearth.

Operation Deep Six: Nuestra Señora de La Paz, Bolivia – December 2015

Bane watched through the scope as the target exited the armored vehicle in front of the embassy and was immediately swarmed by a small army of bodyguards. He chuckled humorlessly when the protective detail rushed the dignitary through the double doors that were opened for them as they approached.

Eliazar Saldivar was a high-ranking official; one of Bolivia’s most revered politicians, a devoted husband and father, and well-respected for his efforts to better life for the people in his country. And he was marked for death. He knew the man had ties to the cartel and other organizations responsible for dealing in illegal arms, but it was his connection to certain American politicians that had put him on the hit list.

He had spent weeks shadowing Saldivar’s every move, memorizing routes, habits, behavior patterns, and determining the best way to take him out. A close contact hit was out of the question. There were too many soldiers and bodyguards with the man. The only time they weren’t surrounding him was when he was inside the compound he called home. He had no problem taking a target out at home and had done so in the past, but he wouldn’t leave that scar on the children. One day they would pay for the sins of their father, the man had already left that mark on them, but he wouldn’t be responsible for taking away the only place that symbolized safety to them.

The compound wasn’t an option anyway, he reasoned silently. He had already selected the location for Saldivar’s last moments. The man was slated to make a public appearance within the hour and he had been in position since before the sun came up. He was a highly trained killer, a paid assassin employed by a shadow group that worked within the US Government. He didn’t question his orders, he simply carried them out. He took out the target, collected his paycheck, and the bosses moved on to the next problem. Everyone was happy.

He lifted his gaze to the sky when the rain began to fall without warning. It wasn’t a cool rain. It was hot and humid and he couldn’t wait to get back to DC. It was cold there but he didn’t care. He just hated climates that were humid. He’d happily deal with cold, snow and ice if it meant getting out of this insect infested hellhole.

He watched as the soldiers stepped back outside, lining the path to the car as the bodyguards rushed Saldivar back inside for the short trip to his appearance. He followed the procession through the streets, tracking every move the car and its escort made through his scope. He waited patiently as they remained in the car at their destination, not stepping out until the security sweep was complete.

The crowd was being held back behind barricades, keeping a safe distance between Saldivar and the people who had come out to hear him speak. There were thousands of them and even from this distance he could hear them chanting his name. The rain stopped as suddenly as it had started and then the sun started to roast everything in its path once more.

He was conscious of everything around him. Wind speed and direction, barometric pressure, the temperature, range and trajectory, all things that had to be monitored before taking the kill shot. He watched Saldivar as he made his way to the stage, stopping to shake hands and kiss the heads of small children. Politicians, he mused with a shake of his head. They were the same no matter where they were. He waited as the man finished making nice with the people at his bodyguard’s insistence and was finally ushered up the steps and onto the stage.

The crowd was energized by Saldivar’s speech, shouting supportively and cheering at regular intervals as he made promises and gestures. Behind him on the stage his family joined in with the crowd’s support and as the man stopped speaking to raise his hands high, smiling widely at the people who had come out to listen to his lies, Bane’s finger caressed the trigger before lightly squeezing it.

Everyone had an agenda. Everyone had something to hide. And no one was innocent.

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 2 - 2/1/15

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:55 am
by Roswelllostcause
Oh no this is so not good for Maria! Someone wants her dead!

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 2 - 2/1/15

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:15 am
by keepsmiling7
Truer words were never spoken.....
"everyone has an agenda, everyone has something to hide and no one is innocent".
Wow, that says it all.

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 2 - 2/1/15

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 8:24 am
by begonia9508
Great part! EVE :wink:

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 2 - 2/1/15

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:47 am
by Eva
Holy shit! If I can put it like that!

What a mess Maria got herself in to! But on the other hand, I understand her motives too. If it had been me, I would want to know the truth too. Knowing it would hurt but she can't turn this page in her life without really understanding it completly.

I feel that Bane is a shadow name, a code name. Could it be Michael?

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 2 - 2/1/15

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 10:43 pm
by Earth2Mama
Whaaaa??? :?

I wonder what Maria's uncle is hiding. Why did that explosion happen? Who was it meant for? Was it a sign? Ack!!! So many questions... I need answers! :(

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 2 - 2/1/15

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:18 pm
by sarammlover
I am IN LOVE with this story so far. So mysterious and it will no doubt keep us guessing week to week! I can't wait for more!

Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 2 - 2/1/15

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:59 pm
by L-J-L 76
Great chapter! Are max and Liz assains too?


Re: THE ASSASSIN - AU/CC/Adult - Part 2 - 2/1/15

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:47 pm
by jake17
Wow, Great story, love Maria's character, beautiful banner by the way :)
Really looking forward to more!