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Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 2 1/15/15

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:04 am
by HypnotiqBlueEyes

Amazing new part! It seems Zan is having a hard time, I hope Liz is able to help him!? I can't wait to read more, hurry back soon!


Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 2 1/15/15

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:31 am
by keepsmiling7
Zan really had a strong reaction to the photo album......and didn't want to tell Liz why.
He has definitely been through something big, and disturbing.
Hope we will soon find out what is causing this and if Liz can help him through the process.
Thanks for the new part Carrie,

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 3 1/21/15

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:22 pm
by jake17

thanks so much!

Chapter three

Finally convincing Zan to stay, they sat together in silence at the kitchen table, both unable to eat, their appetites depleted from the pain they were struggling with.

Pulling the empty third chair closer, Liz rested her feet as she leaned back against the flowered wallpaper.

Swirling her glass of red wine around she finished it before looking over to him.

Zan had been staring at the same spot on the floor for almost fifteen minutes, a lost empty gaze that sent a chill through her.

Raising her now empty glass she quietly spoke trying to break the thoughts that were obviously torturing him.

“I know the pasta’s not great, but the wine isn’t too bad.”

Raising his haunting eyes up towards her he shook his head trying to be present with her.

“I’m sure the food is great, I’m just not hungry. I’m not really a wine drinker either, but wait hold on.”

Going to the cabinet over the fridge he reached in for a dusty bottle of whiskey, and a couple of shot glasses, removing the wine bottle from the table.

“You ok with this?”

Raising her eyebrows she shrugged as he began pouring the two drinks, making the decision for her.

Lifting the glasses in the air he breathed out a shuttered breath worried about the long night that stretched out before him.

“What should we toast to?”

Liz sat staring at the shot glass for a few seconds in thought, the old Liz never would’ve done this.

The old Liz was responsible, never took a sick day, always flossed, never lied or cheated, and certainly never drank hard liquor.

‘fuck it.’ she thought, as she raised her glass to his, letting a small smile spread across her face,

“To forgetting the past!”

One side of his mouth curled up after hearing her words that mirrored his own feelings, it was the first resemblance of a smile she had seen so far, it was definitely worth the wait.

Bringing the glass to her mouth he reached out quickly to stop her.

“Now hold on, if you’re going to do this, you have to do it right.”

Relieved that he was at least speaking she nodded as she waited for further instructions.

“Ok, now, shots aren’t sophisticated glasses of wine that are meant to be savored slowly sipped so you can take in the bouquet, or whatever. Whiskey burns, it’s meant to warm you, numb you, the only way to drink a shot is to slam it down, you alright with that?”

Keeping her wide eyes locked on his, she answered him by throwing the hard liquor back in one gulp.

Placing the shot glass down, she gripped the sides of the table breathing deeply as the booze raced down her throat burning a trail that immediately left her wanting more.

“Like that?”

“I’m impressed.” he smiled again, this time a little wider, she was cute, way too good for him, that much he knew for sure as he swallowed his drink.

By the fourth shot Liz was wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, divulging the entire sordid affair between Ben and Claire, leaving in all the intimate details that normally she would be mortified to reveal.

A little more relaxed now, Zan was completely infatuated with the pretty little brunette, he couldn't help but watch her every move as she confided in him as if they were old friends catching up.

Slamming number four on the table Liz went on talking, although by now her words were a little slurred, she also had moved closer to him needed to emphasize just how scummy Ben had been.

“When I asked why he did all this? The cheating, the lies, all that crap, you know what he said?”

Trying to hold back a grin in response to how incredibly adorable she was, he shrugged. “Tell me.”

Moving closer, Liz reached for his hands causing her silky hair to brush against his wrist.

It was nothing, just the alcohol causing her to be more a little more friendly, he thought to himself.

Whispering, as if believing she were saying something bad, she leaned even closer giving Zan a beautiful view of her perfect breasts encased in white lace.

'fucking hell.'

“He told me that she was his soul mate, that she was everything I wasn't, spontaneous, adventurous... he actually said that I was boring, that I lacked the ability to have fun!"

Licking her pink lips she gazed up at him through long dark eyelashes waiting for a reaction.

“Well? What do you think about that?”

Swallowing hard his golden stare fell to her mouth, that he now was desperate to kiss.

“I think he’s an asshole.”

Gripping his hands tight clearly delighted by his conclusion she nodded.

“Me too.”

Sitting back in her previous seat Liz reached for the bottle again but he was faster.

Standing he opened the cabinet to put it back, he was fine to wait until she was asleep to drink his problems away.

“I think you had enough.”

Annoyed that he was treating her like a child, she went to stand determined to get it back from him.

Suddenly the room began to move, losing her footing she stumbled nearly falling, until without knowing exactly how, she ended up in his strong arms.

Feeling guilty, realizing that he shouldn’t have done this to her he lifted her up against his chest.

“I’m sorry Liz, I never should have put those shots in front of you, its clear you're not used to drinking.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck she nuzzled up to him wondering what he could possibly be apologizing for.

Breathing him in as he carried her up the stairs, her head became clouded with visions of what it would be like to kiss him.

“This isn’t necessary, I can walk.”

“I’m sure you could, but I’m feeling a little responsible for this so let me just carry you.”

Gazing up at him she narrowed her eyes. “Zan, I’m a grown woman, I can take care of myself. It was my choice to drink, it’s not your fault.”

Lifting her closer he turned the corner to her bedroom. " I hope you feel the same way in the morning.”

Laying her carefully on the bed he froze as she kept him there, her arms still lazily wrapped around his neck.

“Wait, Zan, the room… its moving, Zan the room is spinning, please don’t go.”

Sighing he eased her arms from his neck before laying down next to her. “Ok, now listen to me, put your foot on the floor, like this.”

Climbing over him she was now lying on his chest to see what he was talking about. “Just one foot?”

Her exaggerated buzzed expressions were bordering on charming at this point. “Yes Liz, you just need one.”

Moving slightly over to the opposite side of the bed she swung her leg over the mattress unaware that their fingers were touching sweetly in the small space between them.

Looking back to him her eyes opened wide appearing very concerned, “I can’t reach, I’m too short.”

Laughing now he got up and walked around the bed.

Leaning over her he tried to look away, she was staring up at him with a sexy gaze that he couldn’t ignore much longer.

Sliding his hands beneath her small frame he pulled her closer to the edge so her foot would reach.

Liz took a deep breath before grabbing his dog tags to pull him close to her.

He was completely caught off guard finding that now he was just a breath from her parted lips.

In a serious tone she whispered softly to him.

“Zan, that is so much better.”

Cocking his head to the side, he covered her hand to release his tags, knowing that he really needed to leave before the booze in her system influenced her any further into doing something she'd regret.

“That’s good Liz, go to sleep, I’ll see you in the morning.”

Walking towards the door, heading back down to finish off the bottle, he stopped as she called out to him again.

“Zan, wait… can you just lay next to me for a few minutes.”

Keeping his eyes forward he spoke quietly as the need for his whiskey became more urgent.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

A soft sigh left her rushing straight to his groin.

“Please, just for a minute.”

Rubbing the back of his neck he hesitated for a second before joining her leaving plenty of space between them.

“Ok, I’m here.”

Turning to her side, now only a few inches from his face, she bit down on her lower lip that he now was dying to taste.

Whispering softly she became serious as she started playing with a dangling string on his sleeve.

“Zan, you’re a guy right?”

Furrowing his eyebrows at her question he chuckled lightly. “Yes Liz, I’m a guy.”

Giving him a hard stare stressing that she needed to be taken seriously she clarified.

“I mean, of course you are but, well, see Claire, she’s a flake. She quits everything she starts, she's crazy in debt, she’s rude, and now that she’s no longer my friend I can say it. She’s a bitch - “

“Liz I’m not following you.”

“She’s also gorgeous, I mean she looks like Cameron Diaz. She’s like six feet tall, a size two, with legs that seriously go on forever, and after those breast implants well… “

Thinking for a moment if she should continue the whiskey took over.

“I was just wondering, being a guy… do you think that’s the real reason he did this, I mean, is that what’s important to a man.”

Looking into her vulnerable pretty dark eyes that clearly held many painful questions that he knew she never get the answers too, he worked hard to chose his words very carefully.

“Liz, you’re beautiful, stunning, if you want the truth, but I could make a long list beyond that of all the things that are attractive about you. Honestly, I don’t understand why anyone would let you go.”

Her eyes widened as if surprised by his words, letting the string on his sleeve go, she ghosted her fingertips along his tattooed bicep.

“Zan, can I ask you one more question.”

Unable to help himself he lifted her raven hair from her flushed cheek bringing them even closer.


Taking a shuddered breath she lowered her voice hoping she wasn’t being too forward.

“Why are those pictures missing from your photo album?”

Immediately he moved away, his demeanor changing in an instant, he became cold and distant, even a little mean.

“Liz, let it go.”

Staring up at the ceiling his heart began to race as everything came flooding back.

“I don’t mean to pry, I was just thinking after looking at all those happy pictures, it was strange that the prom photos were missing. Did something happen with your girlfriend, because I know - “

Anguish rushed through him that led quickly to rage as he moved on top of her.

His hand slid around her throat putting pressure on her pulse, not enough to hurt her, but he had made his point.

Shocked and completely sober now Liz looked up at him knowing without a doubt now that this was the source of whatever was tormenting him.

Slowly she raised her hands to cover his releasing his grip as his forehead fell to hers in an attempt to catch his breath.

Rasping intensely he brushed his lips along her mouth wanting so much to take comfort in her, to push away all the hell that he had been through in the past five years.

“Just do it, kiss me… I want you to.”

His eyes slid shut as his chest tightened in response to her words.

A battle went on inside his head back and forth, she was right there, asking for it, wanting it just as bad, needing to escape just as much, but he knew, as much as he wanted her, he was no good, and she was drunk.

Before she knew it he was off of the bed and heading towards the door.

“I told you it wasn't safe with me here.”

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 3 1/21/15

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2015 10:22 pm
by jake17
sorry double post

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 3 1/21/15

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:50 am
by begonia9508
Another great part, Carrie!

Liz is a little vixen, but especially because she was drunk! 4 shots of whisky? yeah, that's a lot...
For me, only smelling at the bottle would be enough to make my head spins! :roll: :lol:

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 3 1/21/15

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:20 am
by AlysLuv
Great part.

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 3 1/21/15

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2015 12:40 pm
by keepsmiling7
So we toast to forgetting the past! Good idea but not always possible.
I can't see Liz taking four shots......and of course Zan had to treat her like a child.
How much longer will Zan be able to hold out around Liz??
She hasn't forgotten those missing pictures from the album......Liz better watch out.....she's playing with fire.......AGAIN.
Thanks for a great part Carrie,

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 4 2/3/15

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:24 pm
by jake17

thank you so much!

chapter four

Liz woke to a blinding headache, an upset stomach, and practically no memory of the night before.

Lifting the multi colored quilt that was spread over her, she looked down at the clothes she was wearing last night.

Groaning she forced herself out of bed catching herself in the mirror over the dresser to see her mascara smudged under her bloodshot eyes.

Leaning against the wall she felt briefly like she might get sick, this was definitely a new low, something she had managed to avoid up till now, and swore she’d never let happen again.

Wincing she held her head as she slowly made her way towards the bathroom feeling as if she had an ax stuck in her brain.

Dragging her bathrobe behind her she turned on the shower, half awake she stood under the pulsating hot water deeply regretting drinking anything past the wine that she was used to.

Resting her head against cool green and yellow tiles she was berating herself for how she was acting, she had moved across the country to get a fresh start and all she seemed to be doing was dwelling on the past and acting like rebellious teenager.

As she started to wake up she decided that enough was enough, she needed a distraction, to set down roots, make some new friends, and start looking for a job.

She just wished she could remember the night before, she couldn’t shake that feeling that something had happened, and it wasn’t good.

Stepping out of the shower she reached for her thin lavender robe wrapping it loose around her, not having the strength to dry herself off.

Bracing her hands on the sink she sighed heavily vowing to never drink again as she took her sleeve swiping it across the steam covered mirror before her.

Groaning she moved in close inspecting the dark circles under her eyes as she grabbed a comb to run through her wet hair, slicking it back.

She immediately began making lists in her head of things to keep herself busy, to keep moving forward and stop feeling sorry for herself.

Liz felt like a fool standing there feeling like hell after a night of self loading, pathetic drinking when Ben and Claire were probably off in wine country having a romantic weekend together.

After brushing her teeth, she stared at her reflection until her vision blurred distorting her image into someone else, the sad lonely person she was inside.

Liz realized in that moment that she was really just full of shit, all this positive inner dialogue about moving on with her life, and forgetting that past, it sounded great in her head but it was far from what she really felt.

If she were to be perfectly honest the thought of interviewing for a job, having to ‘sell’ herself, or worse making any kind of effort to meet anyone right now made her want to vomit.

In reality all she really wanted to do was crawl back in bed and pull the covers of her head.

As for socializing, the only person she knew she could stand to be around was a total stranger, and all she knew about him was that he was an ex marine, who hardly talked, who had a severe temper, a hard on for whiskey and garnered more secrets than freakin area fifty one.

Refocusing her eyes she opened the medicine cabinet for some aspirin as her bed became more and more enticing.

Throwing back the medicine she cupped her hands under the water swallowing the pills, once again vowing to God that she would never go near hard liquor again.

It was then that she noticed it, flipping her damp hair to the side her fingertips grazed over four small dark purple bluish bruises on the right side of neck.

‘What the hell?’

Pulling back her hair completely her eye caught one large bruise on the left side of her neck.

Completely dumbfounded she held her hair up in a ponytail to stare closer at the sore marks that marred her skin.

It took several seconds before she held out her hand and placed it around her throat watching in shock as the small pads of her fingers fit inside the larger bruises.

Someone had their hand around her throat, hard enough to leave marks, to actually bruise her.

Sitting down on the edge of the tub she let her hair go knowing that the only person it could’ve possibly have been was Zan.

Closing her eyes she tried hard to remember the night before, images of them laughing at the kitchen table and drinking several shots came to mind, but nothing bad, in fact she recalled having a good time, even feeling attracted to him.

Her eyes flew towards the direction of her bedroom, her heart started to slam against her chest.

Trying to calm herself she tried to think it through, she woke up with her clothes on, and inspecting the rest of her body there were no other marks.

None of this made sense, if she had fought him off he clearly would’ve been able to overpower her, she’d doubt that she’d wake fully clothed, plus she just couldn’t imagine him doing anything like that, but then again she hardly knew him.

Holding her achy head she stood throwing her clothes in the hamper, she didn’t know what had happened, all she did know that this was one more reason to climb under the covers and shut the world away.

Still working hard through the events of the night, she made her way down the darkened hallway to her bedroom when she took the corner running straight into his hard chest.

Shocked, she froze finding herself staring up into his intense beautiful amber eyes.

“We need coffee, you’re all out.” he grumbled clearly irritated.

With that he edged past her towards the stairs before she reached out to grab his arm.

“Wait a second, we need to talk.”

“Can’t, I have to go out, I have some things to do.”

He was cold, absent from the conversation, his mind obviously somewhere else, which really pissed her off.

Tightening her grip on his arm she got his full attention, turning towards her she backed up against the wall, forgetting what a big, solid, intimidating presence he was.

“If you’re already going out maybe you could pick up the coffee.”

Holding her edgy glare for a bit longer than he needed to he shifted his jaw back and forth mulling it over in his mind.

“Sure, I can do that.”

Zan started to move again before she held him back. “Wait, there’s something else.”

Sighing heavily he positioned himself directly in front of her silently giving her the floor.

It occurred to her in that moment that the entire time he had been making a point to keep his view of her focused away from her body, his eyes never leaving hers.

Looking down she noticed that the thin robe she was wearing was virtually see through, stuck to her still wet body.

There was nothing left to the imagination, embarrassed she realized that he was actually trying to be a gentleman, rude with a snarky attitude, but a gentleman all the same.

Something wasn’t adding up.

Trying to ignore her state of dress or undress as it seemed, needing to know what had happened, she pulled back her long slick hair to reveal the four fresh bruises on the side of her neck.

“Look at this,” moving her hair to her other shoulder she showed him the one thumb indent on the left side, “Do you know how this happened?”

It was clear that someone had their hand around her throat, there was no need to further explain what she was talking about.

Taking a long quiet introspective look Zan flashed his eyes back up to her accusatory glare.

“You don’t remember?”

Shrugging she hardened her stare, humiliated. “No, I can’t seem to remember anything after us drinking those shots.”

Letting a few more uncomfortable moments pass he slowly approached her now giving her body a long, lingering once over causing a flush of pink to appear over her cheeks.

“Well, let’s just say this, you tend to get a little… friendly when you drink. I was just doing my best to keep you from doing something you might regret. I guess I was a little rougher than I remember. Rest assured Liz, I didn’t force myself on you last night, there was no reason to, you were more than willing.”

Her head was throbbing now, disgusted with herself and more than insulted.

“So what you’re saying is the reason you grabbed my throat was too keep me off of you, because I was throwing myself at you?”

Pressing his palms on the wall on either side of her head he leaned down close to her.

“More or less.”

“I don’t believe you, that doesn’t make any sense.”

Narrowing his eyes, he let go a shuddered breath, letting his hands slide down from the wall as if the mask he was wearing had faded away.

Whispering softly his face twitched changing his entire demeanor, as if her words triggered something deep inside him.

“No, I suppose it doesn’t.”

His expression turned dark, sad, even pained, as he reached up to ghost his fingertips over the marks on her throat tenderly.

Zan seemed miles away but somehow also right there with her at the same time.

She was barely able to hear him, he seemed lost in another memory, recalling something tragic, something that had nothing to do with her.

“I’m sorry, I would never intentionally hurt you… please forgive me.”

All his macho bravado had disappeared, he was vulnerable, shaking, clearly upset with himself and the entire situation.

“I have to go, I’m sorry.”

“But, wait, I don’t understand - “

Before she could finish her sentence he was gone.

In the distance she could hear the front door slam hard nearly shaking the entire house.

Pressing her hand to her throat she silently wondered if some of what he said was true, or if her heart was racing for an altogether different reason.

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 4 2/3/15

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:44 am
by begonia9508
Ah, this woman! Never happy of the explanation he gave her!

Did he have to seduce her, while she was drunk? Is it what she wanted and regret now?

Not so easy for Zan who doesn't want her to know his secret!

Thanks EVE :mrgreen:

Re: Winter's Chill (UC,L/Z,Adult) chpt 4 2/3/15

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 2:21 pm
by keepsmiling7
Now that was an interesting feeling for Liz as she woke up...........blinding headache of course.
Who bruised and overpowered Liz??
I love the description of Zan......."trying to be a gentleman, but rude with a snarky attitude".
What a way you have with words Carrie.
So it was Zan that tried to keep Liz from doing something she would regret. Yes, he was a gentleman.
Thank you,