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Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 3:14 pm
by ~Ruby~
Dying_Hearts wrote:I'm willing to give Max a go, if that helps. I've not RP'd in a while, is that a problem?
No that isn't a problem at all. Welcome aboard. :)

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:28 pm
by ~Ruby~
M'kay so let's get this thing started. I figured that we would start with Liz and co gaining passage onto the Phoenix. :)


A prophesy was written thousands of years ago that a great war would start between Antar and Janos and that peace would only be restored when the chosen one was found. It was said that the chosen one would be female and be marked with a birthmark shaped like a phoenix rising from the ashes. She would have the power to make everything better and a golden age would begin.

Apparently, I am the chosen one. My birthmark was discovered when I was foolish enough to believe in love. His name was Jaden and he promised me the world. His words were sweet and his kisses sweeter. I told him that I wanted him to be my first and only. He said that he would marry me as soon as he got back from the war. One thing led to another and before I knew it my clothes were gone and my birthmark was discovered. Jaden received a hefty sum for delivering the chosen one to Janos.

The first couple of days of being the chosen one were the worse. I was prodded and examined. I was asked questions that I didn’t know the answers to. I thought that it would only be a matter of time before they said that I wasn’t the chosen one. That didn’t happen though. It was declared to council of men that I was indeed pure and the chosen one. After that I was taken away and introduced to my guards.

Liz doesn’t talk much and when she does its normally to give orders. She’s dark and anger. I don’t know why she agreed to help me but she did. My other guard is the opposite from Liz. She’s spunky, energetic and fun. Maria smiles. Liz doesn’t.

It took me five days to get them to agree to help me escape. I cried and begged until they gave in. Liz took control. She made the plan, she arranged the details. She got us down to Janos’s city centre. And now, we’re looking for a ship to get us the hell out of here.

I bow my head so that my hood covers my hair and shades my face as I follow Liz through the crowd. As we push through the crowd of people, I feel fear grip at my heart. Hope is dangling on a string and at any minute it could be torn away from me. I can’t go back to that prison. I can’t live my life like that. I am not the chosen one.

“Remember the story,” Maria murmurs from behind me as we approach the ships.

“We’re sisters, looking for a fresh start.” I say, briefly repeating the cover story. I look at the dozen or more ships and feel my heart miss a beat. One of those ships is going to save me.

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 4:44 pm
by Dying_Hearts

The ship lands, and the thieving must begin.

Ever since I refused to fight in a long and bloody war that nobody was winning, and I'm not even sure anyone believed in, I've been an outcast. An outcast from my family, my colony and even my planet. I'm wanted on Antar, for a crime that isn't really a crime, more an opinion the government happens to be against.

But, I hardly think about it any more. The only family I really have left are standing tall beside me now. Isabel and Michael have forever been members of my crew, ever since I won the Phoenix in a card game. Of course, I was cheating, but nobody needs to know that.

But I'm completely off-topic at the moment. The ship lands in the expert hands of Byron, and since the war is over, none of us have had any real way of making money. Not in a respectable, legal way anyway.

Hoping onto the planet below, I take a deep breath and begin to search for an activity that will allow the crew and I some decent cash.

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:59 pm
by baby_bre

A person doesn’t see the kind of things I have and stay untouched. It’s impossible or near to it and I am no exception. This is part of the reason when the war finally ended I was conflicted. No longer did I know what I wanted to do. Did I even want to be a doctor anymore? Yes, being a doctor had enabled me to save lives but the horrible things I had witnessed, it was hard to deal with those and go on doing what I was doing. That is until I was offered a job on the Phoenix, sure I had been offered other jobs but this one intrigued me.

It only took a moment to see how close the crew members were. They made me think of one big family, something I had never truly had and so as pathetic as it sounded I instantly wished to be apart of that. Joining their family eased the pain, it helped me to control the constant horrific memories of a time I no longer wished to think about and it gave me a purpose beyond my nightmares.

Don’t get me wrong I still regularly deal with my inner demons but at least I don’t have to go through it alone. I have a purpose and believe or not a gift. It’s not a magical gift; I can’t raise the dead or anything else silly such as that. I can however help protect my family by being there when they are hurt because I’ve been told my touch is healing, my fingers are a miracle and I was blessed with the ability to save lives. Corny right? I know but honestly it takes a lot more then just learning how to be a doctor to be a good one.

There is one other thing aside from the people I have come to call family that makes me feel better. That person is Isabel. I could never tell her how her presence makes me feel, how her smile makes me feel inside a way I never thought I could feel. I can’t tell her because I am nothing but a tormented ship doctor and she, she is the light of my life, and someone who deserves much more then I could ever possibly give her.

I am broke out of my thoughts when Kira comes towards me, her expression isn't very reassuring and I wonder if I even want to hear what she has to say.

“Kira, what can I do for you?” I ask finally.

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:06 pm
by ~Ruby~

When does a blessing become a curse? How can you even define the difference between a blessing and a curse? Wouldn’t everyone’s opinions on the differences vary? My blessings could be someone else’s curse and vice versa. And what makes sense in my mind could make no sense in yours. Take all this talk about blessings and curses. I bet you’re wondering what I’m talking about and it would make a lot more sense if you knew me.

I have a blessing, curse or whatever you want to call it. Sometimes it is my blessing, sometimes it is my curse. It depends on the day and who I am helping. You see, I am a seer. I can see into the past and into the future. I’ve seen things that would make your blood run cold or make your toes curl. I’ve seen bad and good things. To sum up, I’ve seen a lot.

And now my head is slightly throbbing from my last vision. I leave the comfort of my room and head down to the Doctor’s chambers. My vision had involved him and I want to make sure that he is okay. Not that my vision said that anything bad was about to happen to him. Well, perhaps not physically.

When I arrive at Alex’s rooms, he is lost in thought but eventually, he looks up and acknowledges my presence. He doesn’t look too happy to see me but he isn’t the first person to feel like that so I won’t hold it against him.

Kira, what can I do for you?” He asks somewhat reluctantly.

“Nothing,” I say with a bright smile. “I thought that you might like some company. I assume that you won’t be leaving the ship. I’ve always found Janos to be an awfully dull place. I always try to avoid it if possible.”

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:29 am
by baby_bre

I am a little more then surprised when Kira says its nothing. Why? I don’t really know and it makes me feel horrible that I hadn’t stopped to think it might just be a friendly visit. I quite like Kira, I honestly do. I don’t know her well or even a whole lot about her but she seems like a good person. I do believe she has her own demons to deal with and hell it’s hard enough dealing with my own issues and she has to see everyone else’s too. Or at least that’s what I gather.

“Thanks, I really appreciate it.” I smile more for her benefit then my own. I’m not in the smiling kind of mood and being so close to Janos, whether I am safe on the ship or not is difficult. It brings back far too many memories, things I would rather forget. I hate this. I can’t wait for us to leave and yet here we have only just docked.

“Yes it is quite dull isn’t it?” I am doing my best to be talkative and pleasant because who wants to be around someone in a dark mood? I am surprised that my moods aren’t constantly dark. Why? Because I am a disturbed person, I’m messed up on the inside and I’m not afraid to admit it. I try my hardest not to let it effect me since I have responsibilities. Every once in a while however when my guard is down they creep up and I am forced to relive my past… not only the war but everything that came before it.

“I haven’t really thought about it… should I?” He wondered aloud. Yes this place brought up memories that to this day haunted him but it might do him some good. Getting off the ship might be a way to deal with the past, at least a little bit. Besides with Isabel there he was certain he could face anything life had to offer but then she wouldn’t really be there would she? Isabel would be there … but not with him.

“This must be hard on you…” He commented and ran a hand through his hair.

[[I didn't know how much Alex knew about what happened to Kira so I just left it at that.. kay? If I need to edit let me know.]]

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 1:46 am
by baby_bre

I’ve basically lived a normal life up until now. It’s been filled with my share of ups and downs. So why am I risking everything for someone else? Does that question make me sound cold and selfish? Well too bad for you if it does because I am not selfish, just practical. I stand to lose quite a bit and yes it took me longer to agree but so what. Could you make the decision to do something this dangerous in a moment? I don’t think so… unless of course you’re crazy. No I am not saying Liz is crazy but honestly I can’t say I expect her to be winning the most sane person award anytime soon.

I’m not cold hearted or else I wouldn’t have agreed when I saw how horribly this poor girl was being treated. How could anyone be so vicious towards someone so innocent? What had she ever done to deserve this? It isn’t like she asked to be the chosen one! Ugh. Honestly they should all be shot. If I could I would shoot every single one of them and I wouldn’t miss either. I am damn good at what I do and no I don’t consider myself a killer. I’m sorry but in my opinion that title makes the person wearing it sound incredibly cruel.

I don’t know Liz that well but from what I can tell she isn’t a cruel person at least not for no good reason which suits me just fine. I am not looking forward to what we’re about do. Getting aboard one of these ships is crucial and if we don’t well I’m not sure we stand a chance. Even with Liz and I on Tess’s side, there are just too many threats.

“Remember the story,” I murmur and try to ignore the shiver that runs down my spine. To say I’m not scared would be a lie but I am going to stay strong for Tess. No one deserves to live the way they had her living. I don’t care who you are its just wrong and if everything goes as planned we won’t be captured.

Tess recites the story and I give her a reassuring smile. Liz hasn’t said anything and I don’t really expect her to. She isn’t smiling either. It’s okay. I have no real issues with her and I have no clue what is going on in her head. I guess I don’t have to but if we’re going to get through this we all need to be on the same page.

“What about that ship?” I point to a ship close by and wait for the girls to respond.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 7:31 am
by ~Ruby~
Just a quick post before I head to college. :)


I haven’t really thought about it… should I?” He says in reply to my question about him leaving the ship. He gets lost in thought for a few minutes before he says, “This must be hard on you…”

It doesn’t take a genius to know what he talking about. The last time I spent any time on Janos, I was a prisoner and treated like an animal. Someone was stupid enough to believe that they could control my powers for their own gain. They were wrong and they took out their angry on me. The beatings were daily. I was positive that I was going to die but then something wonderful happened. I was saved by Max.

“Its not so hard.” I state truthfully. It would be harder if I had to get off of the ship and face the people that had nearly destroyed me. I smile lightly at Alex and try and make a joke about the past, “The last time I was here it was much worse. It was utter torture in fact.”

Alex smiles awkwardly at my joke. I can almost see his brain ticking over as he tries to think of an appropriate reply.

“Alex, I’m going to be honest with you. I came down here because I saw…some things. I wanted to make sure that you were okay.”

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:29 am
by baby_bre
[[Sorry my post is short and not very good but I was in a hurry. have to leave and all.]]


When Kira replied with it’s not so hard I almost can’t believe I’ve heard her right. What happened to her… well surely it must make it that hard. On some levels I think I can relate to how it would feel to be tortured, everyday having to deal with what is happening, not able to stop it. Mine may be in my head but anyone who tells you it’s not scary or pain is a loon or they’re lying. Is Kira lying or has she just put it behind her? I find it admirable that someone can go through something so horrifying and then move on, not allow it to take away from who they are.

I’m not sure what to say when she makes her joke and so I say nothing at all. What does one say to something like that? I wonder if her ‘joke’ is really just her way of dealing with it… making the situation light or something as that.

“Alex, I’m going to be honest with you. I came down here because I saw…some things. I wanted to make sure that you were okay.”

I had figured as much, no I didn’t want to be right but now that I am I nod. I don’t know what to say to that. What has she seen? That’s what I want to know and hopefully she’s willing to share.

“What kind of things?”

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 9:50 am
by FaithfulAngel24

I pace around my tiny quarters taking in my lack of processions. When Max and I left our home there wasn’t much time or space to waste on silly things such as belongings. Still I’ve acquired a bit since then. Odd nick nacks from the places we’ve visited. Mostly ones I’ve swiped from some unsuspecting vendor. I take comfort in these objects. They make me feel closer to the life I used to lead. One of relative ease and parties that seemed to never end.

Don’t get me wrong. I quickly grew bored of those high society functions and being treated as a prize to be won instead of as a strong independent woman. I will concede that life seemed to be simpler then. However I wouldn’t trade it for what I have now. I followed Max leaving behind everything I have ever known because I knew that wherever he was where I belonged. He was my home. I’m sure that decision was the right one ,but as content as I am in my lifestyle

I still feel as if there’s a piece of me missing. Perhaps I’m just lonely. I haven’t had male companionship since Kivar. There are many men aboard the ship I could chose from ,but the only one that particularly interests me is Alex the ships doctor and I am a bit apprehensive about mixing business with pleasure. In a nervous habit I pull all my hair up in a high ponytail and then release the strands letting them cascade down in long waves.

Grabbing a ribbon I secure my hair up out of my face so as to give myself a ‘take no prisoners’ attitude. With that I exit my room and head into the kitchen where I hope to grab a bite to eat before venturing forth with the day’s activities. :wink: