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Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 4:29 pm
by Ellie
I loved this show. Was a little weirded out that they're showing it on three different networks before the second epi has even aired though.

Anyhoo. I thought it was great that it was Peter's brother that was able to fly. When I saw the painting I was like "one of these things is not like the other" sorry, Sesame Street flashback.:oops: :lol: Then it hit me. None of the other paintings were of positive things so why would this one be? So when it turned out he fell instead of flew, very compelling camera work by the way, I was totally jazzed to see his brother save him. Hopefully this will improve their relationship.

And it was neat to see that each hero was pretty normal in that they had flaws, some were nerdy or not too bright. Some were passive and others not very nice to those around them. Looking forward to how the show progresses.


Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:59 am
Kzinti_Killer wrote:LoL Sorry, but I do love the big words. ;-)

Actually Missus KK and I are thinking about Niki and Mohinder. Something that we talked about is the way that they have these people rubbing up against each others' lives without them even knowing it. you think that Niki's little boy looks like he may have some Indian in him? Did Niki always live in Vegas? How long was Mohinder's father over here before he was killed? You see where I'm heading with this? *g* Yeah, I'm making too much soup out of one oyster, but it's fun.

As for Claire and Peter, yeah, that could work. But she seems a little young, even for Peter. I' to make a really bad pun...."I'm holding out for a Hiro." *snickering*


Okay, first off, that pun was so bad, that I laughed. I'll admit it. i'm a dork.

Secondly.... I never thought about Niki's son being Indian, maybe. Because, you know, I just thought that maybe he was, you know, just half black, or Mexican, or something.....just maybe some guy Niki came across in the past and had a good time with. I never read more into it, and never crossed my mind that he could be Indian, and that's how she'll brush across someone elses path. that's a great theory! Your missus KK is a very smart lady, you know. ;)

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:41 am
by cardinalgirl
Personally, I'm not very invested in Heroes as of yet. While the concept I like, I don't get particularly drawn in by any of the characters, except maybe kill-you-in-a-mirror lady (Niki, is it? :lol:) I don't know. I'll give it a few more tries, but if I keep seeing weak characters and parallels to things I know I like better, I may just stop watching. :?

And honestly, I think the fact that Hiro's name is Hiro, is a bad pun all in itself.

-quoth the Japanese lady.

P.S. Why are they all in New York? Don't other places need heroes? (No, wait, I retract this question.)

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:35 am
by LittleBit
cardinalgirl wrote: P.S. Why are they all in New York? Don't other places need heroes? (No, wait, I retract this question.)
Not all of the characters are in New York. Niki is in Vegas, the police office is in LA, Hiro of course is in Japan, and Claire is in Texas.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:59 am










Okay, that serial killer cutting their heads open and taking their brains...just creepy. And good grief, putting that lady on the wall! :shock:

Claire's daddy...Mr. Meany creeps me out.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:48 am
by cardinalgirl
LittleBit wrote:
cardinalgirl wrote: P.S. Why are they all in New York? Don't other places need heroes? (No, wait, I retract this question.)
Not all of the characters are in New York. Niki is in Vegas, the police office is in LA, Hiro of course is in Japan, and Claire is in Texas.
That's part of why I retracted the question. lol I thought because Hiro transported himself to New York, they'd all end up converging there (they still might... it'd be a good place for Niki do disappear... I don't know.)

Anyhow... I think I'm done with this show. Just a little too gruesome for me. :?

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:22 am
by Kzinti_Killer
I'm a little freaked about Niki, and her "Alice Through the Lookingglass" gal pal. Just what the hell is going on there? Who cleaned up the house? Who provided the car and the registration? How did the shovel get into the missle of the desert? And just whose corpse did she find out there? Is she hallucinating all this? Schizoid? What?

And daddy dearest just gets creepier by the minute.

I'm thinking that "the cute neighbor girl" friend of Mohinder's is a spy, planted to gain his trust.

As for the menacing voice on the answering machine, I have a theory. Mohinder's pop was looking for "patient zero". The first mutant. What if you find him and he turns out to be Hannibal Lecter? A mutant serial killer.

Hiro's jump was pretty flipped out. I should have caught the hint about the temporal nature of it from the clock on the subway, but I didn't.

I loved the scene where Peter's brother confirmed that he could fly...though I get the distinct impression that bro' knew all along and isn't real happy about *either* of them being "different"

I want to see what happens with the cop now...


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:50 am
Ah yes. Nathan pointing out to a dis-believing Peter that he can fly. That was classic.

Niki's 'power' freaks me out too. If she has a mirror image that has powers, then wouldn't she have to be there for her mirror image to work? That one's just wierd. How did her mirror image get out to the desert to put that shovel there? And why did the image lead her to a corpse? That's just creepy.

Loving the lizard named Mohinder. LOL.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 6:47 pm
by Zendorox
OK, this is not part of the discussion of the show directly, but it is about Heroes. I read this over at and just about fell out of my chair laughing. It's so assinine. ... ?track=rss

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:33 pm
by Ellie
ISLANDGIRL5 wrote:Niki's 'power' freaks me out too. If she has a mirror image that has powers, then wouldn't she have to be there for her mirror image to work? That one's just wierd. How did her mirror image get out to the desert to put that shovel there? And why did the image lead her to a corpse?
And if her alter-ego could do all that why the hell didn't it finish the clean up? Why put the icky dead guys in the nice new car rather than the junky old one that she'll ditch? :lol:

I agree with Rick, I think the neighbor was a little conveniently placed. And Mohinder's just a little too trusting for a guy who's father has been killed by the ominous "them". If I'm wrong then I applaud her quick reactions and not carrying on like a nit.

Speaking of ominous, Claire's dad is one creepy mo'fo. One minute I think he really cares about her, and maybe he does, the next I'm sure she'll wake up one night to see him with a tazer in one hand and a bone saw in the other. I can't wait to see how his story plays out.

It was great to see GG in another series, hope his character lasts at least twice as long as it did on Lost.:wink: Oh wait, it already has!:lol: Still I like him a lot and think he always adds some warmth and sincerity to whatever cast he's a part of.
