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Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 10:26 pm
by NightshadeIsis
OOC: Boo everyone! LOL Sorry I've been gone so long....working with DragonCon planning and being there, plus illness have taken me away for a few months. But getting myself caught up; have spent the past few days with Storm helping to get caught up on all my games, figuring the games that are still up to speed and which games are going through casting calls, going slow, etc. Trying to get myself back up to speed. Swear I'll be back up to speed as soon as I can ;) Slow going, but I'm getting there. LOL



Anyone ever had that dream where you're standing naked in the middle of the street, and no one even notices, but you feel so embarrassed that you wake up ready to pee in your pajamas? Remember how your heart just literally JOLTED when you shot up out of bed after having that dream? That's how it feels when you have someone who practices magic just touch your shoulder on a plane and wake you up suddenly. Trust me. It's a real kick in the head.

College had supposed to have been an adventure. The whole keggers and parties lifestyle. Kind of hard for the brainy type to adjust to. Especially since I seemed to excell so much more quickly than the others in my school. It didn't make me big headed or egotistical; I just liked what I did and paid attention. But man...did it seemed to get the jocks pissed. The only one who seemed to get me and my mentality at all was Willow. She wasn't exactly much of the party girl type either. She liked to go and hang out, but not strung out on beer bongs and sliding naked across slip and slides in the middle of frat houses. That's what I loved about her; she and I both were not only intelligent, both studious, but she was a loving and caring person, dedicated to what she believed, and not the type to go wild and crazy at the same time. Very few in the world that were like that.

Except the whole "I kill vampire" things was a bit off. Now that was a bit of a shock, he had to admit. Okay. Shock wasn't the word. Ready to faint if Willow hadn't shocked me awake like she had on the plane was a better phrase.

As Willow spoke after we'd gotten off of the plane, fingers laced through mine, I smiled, kissing her on the cheek as I leaned against her. "I've told you, they won't care a bit. Dad will probably be staring at me in shock more than he will you. "Alex...he brought home a woman! Oh my...this is...oh my!" I swear, you'll need to revive him." Grinning, I squeeze her hand. "There's no way I'm letting you out of my sight, so you'll just have to deal with it."


Shift was finally over. I'm beginning to get tired of smelling like Will Smith's and Fries all stinkin' day. Been doing this for years now, and it's getting annoying as hell. At least my art was finaly beginning to take off. That was a bonus that I could live with.

Walking into the apartment, I toss my apron aside along with my keys haphazardly, not caring where they land at the moment. This apartment wasn't the same one that I had when we were all in high school...the one that I had gotten after I was free of that psycho jerk that was "taking care of me," for a time. I had managed to actually sell enough of my artwork to get a small foothold in a better life, a bit of a better apartment, a bit larger and in better condition. But I still had to keep working at the Crashdown until the art business became a stable life. It just wouldn't work otherwise. You can't eat paintings.

Crashing down on the couch, I sigh, closing my eyes and trying to rest a moment, wondering where Isabel was. I wasn't expecting her to be around for hours, but still...I just wanted to see her. I almost laughed at the way that it came out, even though I shouldn't. She was my girl now. But that was what was so funny. We have been close growing up. Close like brother and sister. And we were....Whoa. It was just different. Very different. A kind of different that I couldn't understand, and I doubt that she did either. Even thinking about it was bringing a sly smile to my face.

Okay, that's it. I had to call her.

Reaching for the phone, I dialed her cell number and waited. She kept it with her most of the time. She had to be around. I just had to know when she was gonna be around.

Weird. I was never so interested in when Maria was gonna be around...

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:42 pm
by StormWolfstone

Alex leaned into me, kissing me on the cheek and I smiled at him as I listened to him reply. "I've told you, they won't care a bit. Dad will probably be staring at me in shock more than he will you. 'Alex...he brought home a woman! Oh my...this is...oh my!' I swear, you'll need to revive him." He squeezes my hand and I look at him, seeing the grin he's giving me. "There's no way I'm letting you out of my sight, so you'll just have to deal with it."

"Do you really think I'd let you get rid of me that easily, Alex." I winked, kissing his lips softly and briefly, "Now, let's go get our things and see how things go. I won't say I'm not nervous, but I can get through anything with you at my side." I still couldn't believe that his parents had already approved of me staying in their home without restrictions, they just didn't know who I was. In fact, from the way he said it, I wondered whether they knew about me being a woman.

"Just so that you know, I don't want to be in the way. If your friends want to spend some time with you alone, you can. I can always teleport home for a while... not to mention many nights I'll be busy doing what I've become known for doing." I'd never completely gone into the way things were when I left him each night though I'd told him that I patrolled. I just wish that I hadn't needed to learn the truth about vampires the way that I did and that our Slayer had never shown up.

I didn't want Alex to worry so I never let him know how dangerous it could be, especially since I don't have super strength, though my magic does well to aid it. A certain spell spoken at a certain time aids me in gaining the strength. "Although, with luck there won't be a convergence here." I add as we begin making our way to the luggage conveyer.

I want to appear as normal to his family and friends as I can, but the fact that I'm known as a super power in the magic world, I'm not normal. And the fact that my magic is the only reason my best-friend Zander is alive, and Oz too... well, that just helps add to it.


"Drew!" Thrusting in and out of me, his rhythm was perfectly on key enough to hold back my fall over the edge, yet I was so close. I wanted him to let me soar and I had been begging him. He wasn't willing to, he didn't want me to go too soon. He was good at that.

"Yes, scream for me, Iz." He whispered against my ear as he drew almost all the way out and then slowly thrust inside of me.

The sound of my cell phone ringing interupted and the ring that I heard told me exactly who it was. Michael. The very thought of him caused me to picture him and I moaned loudly, "Drew, need to stop..." I panted, "It's Michael."

Drew didn't take himself out of me and instead simply stopped moving, his shaft halfway embedded within me as I reached for my cell phone. Picking up slowly, I looked at Drew who's hands trailed gently over my breasts as I spoke. "Hi Michael. I was going to call you in about an hour to see what you wanted to do tonight." Drew's fingertips brushed across my nipples and I arched into his touch, biting back the moan that threatened.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 9:24 pm
by NightshadeIsis

"Do you really think I'd let you get rid of me that easily, Alex." I chuckled as Willow kissed me. Good point. I couldn’t shake her even if I wanted to. She’d be able to track me down in a heartbeat. "Now, let's go get our things and see how things go,” Willow continued. “I won't say I'm not nervous, but I can get through anything with you at my side.”

“Sounds like a plan,” I agreed, taking her hand and walking with her, baggage claim not being far after we passed through the checkpoints. My only worry, however, was how Willow was going to adjust to life here. I hadn’t spoken to her about it; I didn’t want to bring it up. I know how Willow is; she’s tell me that I was worrying for nothing and that everything was fine, even though she could have been more than likely nervous and just not saying a word. But a different place, still dealing with the issues she had to deal with, and with me as well…it couldn’t be easy. I had never gone through all of the full details with her of what she did, even though I knew what it was all about. You can know that someone works at McDonalds’, but not know how the grill or the fryers work. Same principal. Never had gotten up the gumption to ask. Was it because I wasn’t sure if she wanted to talk about it, or because I was nervous about knowing too much about that world? You would figure that the second wouldn’t be the case, considering the world that I came from. That was something that I had never explained to her. It wasn’t my place to share their secrets, so I hadn’t. Even though it was Willow, I just couldn’t. If it ever came to the point where Max, Isabel, or Michael, ever found themselves trusting her enough, than that was fine. But I couldn’t. It wasn’t my place, or my right.

"Just so that you know, I don't want to be in the way,” Willow suddenly said. “If your friends want to spend some time with you alone, you can. I can always teleport home for a while... not to mention many nights I'll be busy doing what I've become known for doing." I just smiled, nudging her as we continued along. As if I ever thought she would be the smothering type. She had never been, and I couldn’t possibly see her being that way.

“I know you wouldn’t’ be that way,” I said. “But you know that I’m not exactly the partying type either. But then again, it’s been so long since I’ve seen Liz or Maria, Max, Michael, or Isabel…It’ll be good to get to spend some quality time with them again. But that doesn’t meant that we’re going to be going out all on our own, you know. They’ll want to meet you. Especially Liz. She’s been my best friend for years. She’d kill me if I didn’t show her the girl who took hold of me while I was gone.” I grin playfully, but on the inside, I was also thinking at the same time of the one worry that I had…

How on earth would I be able to introduce Willow into the group and keep skirting around the “issue” of Max, Isbael, and Michael?

"Although, with luck there won't be a convergence here," Willow said, which only added to my worry. What she was thinking of...maybe not. But I had no idea what her gifts could or couldn't do, or be used for. Would it pose a problem for her, or for the others? Surely not.



"Hi Michael. I was going to call you in about an hour to see what you wanted to do tonight…"

At least she answered. I was beginning to think she’d fallen off of the planet. Stretched out on the sofa, holding the phone with a sly smile as I listened to her speak. She sounded in a terribly good mood.

Why not make it even better…

“Other than waiting for you to get here, I only planned on getting a shower,” I respond. “Just sad that I have to take one all by myself.” I sighed, feigning sadness with a malicious grin. “Just so depressing…walking from this living room to that bedroom…taking off bits of clothing one by one…turning on that water…might even use that body wash you like so much. And no one but myself to wash me either. So sad, having to run my own hand all over myself to get clean. Just depressing, isn’t it…”

Lord, this could be a fun wait for her to get here…

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:01 pm
by StormWolfstone

“Other than waiting for you to get here, I only planned on getting a shower,” I hear Michael reply and an image of him standing with the water sliding over his skin, I bite back a moan. “Just sad that I have to take one all by myself.”

I can picture myself in there with him, running my hands through his hair. “Just so depressing…walking from this living room to that bedroom…taking off bits of clothing one by one…turning on that water…might even use that body wash you like so much. And no one but myself to wash me either. So sad, having to run my own hand all over myself to get clean. Just depressing, isn’t it…”

I moan, I can't help it. The thought that his words send through me, mixed with the feeling of Drew's hand and his fingers caressing my nipples keeps me from being able to hold back the low moan. "Well, you could always wait for me to get there, Michael. Let me join you and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up." I reply, knowing that he's speaking that way to get to me but also knowing something I could say that would get him going.

"I was planning to stop at my apartment and get washed up, but now I might skip that plan. It's much more enticing to let you see me as I touch myself while I touch you." As I say this, Drew lifts an eyebrow and grins. His mouth lowers as he begins licking and nibbling on my neck. "In fact, maybe if you promise to be good, I'll be there in less then half an hour."

I know that Drew can hear both sides of the conversation, but unlike Michael he's not the jealous type. "I'm finishing up a meeting with my agent right now and should be set to head over in about ten minutes." I add, Drew slides back into me fully and I cover the reciever quickly as I gasp at the pleasure of it.

Closing my eyes, I find myself picturing both of my lovers and can't shake the immensity of thinking about them taking me at the same time. Keeping my hand over the reciever, I lift my hips in order to take Drew deeper. "So, Michael... I'm going free beneath my short leather skirt." I decide to tell him, briefly moving my hand from the reciever before putting it back.

Drew whispers in my ear, "You are so tight, you sure you don't want to stay longer with me? I can take you to new heights for hours on end."

Moving in a slow rhythm again, Drew watched me and grinned as I arched beneath him. "I can't..." I gasp in a whispered reply while listening for Michael's reply and feeling the pressure building once more.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:11 pm
by StormWolfstone

“I know you wouldn’t’ be that way,” I look at Alex with a smile, “But you know that I’m not exactly the partying type either. But then again, it’s been so long since I’ve seen Liz or Maria, Max, Michael, or Isabel…It’ll be good to get to spend some quality time with them again. But that doesn’t meant that we’re going to be going out all on our own, you know. They’ll want to meet you. Especially Liz. She’s been my best friend for years. She’d kill me if I didn’t show her the girl who took hold of me while I was gone.” I see his playful grin and smile, giving a light giggle in return.

"Alex, I guess one of my main concerns is what everyone will think when they hear I'm a witch. I'm not going to hide it and if they learn about vampires as well, it won't bother me either. I just wish that I knew how people would react..." As we reach the baggage claim, I point out our things and without even thinking about it, a natural thing for me, I lift my hand and concentrate on having all of our cases levitate over to us.

Automatically, I notice people staring and simply look at them, shrugging although I can't help but wonder how his friends and family would react. "Did they know you were bringing me back with you? Or when you were coming back?" I lift my free hand to kind of rub my arm nervously, not wanting to let go of his hand.

I shake my head, "Okay... stop me if I'm annoying you with my constant concerns here... Zander used to say he found it cute, but not everyone likes it."

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 11:56 pm
by NightshadeIsis

Here I was trying to relax a bit after work, and I find myself stiffening up in response to the sound Isabel made over the phone over the phone. I growl low with a fierce grin; goodness, this was too much fun. I didn’t know which was better…getting a reaction out of her, or her reaction getting one out of me.

"I was planning to stop at my apartment and get washed up,” she replied, her voice seeming to try and stay steady. “But now I might skip that plan. It's much more enticing to let you see me as I touch myself while I touch you." I cleared my throat noticeably, though I tried not to let it be heard. Failed miserably at that one… pants were getting a might tight now. "In fact, maybe if you promise to be good, I'll be there in less then half an hour."

”Doesn’t mean that in the meantime, that I can’t get you in a tiz over the phone,” I tease. “You can get ready and listen to me at the same time. But then again…depends on what the other hand has to do as time goes on. And how long it takes. One can never tell, now can it?”

"I'm finishing up a meeting with my agent right now and should be set to head over in about ten minutes.”

“Oh, this could be fun,” I chuckle. “The client could always listen in.” Isabel knows better. I’m a jealous cow. I admit it. But if it adds to the fun to tease her about it, than so be it. And I wanted her over here so badly now that I couldn’t stand it, and not just to be here with me. I wanted her in that bedroom now. But this was too much fun now. I was already more bothered than I’d expected to be, and I wasn’t going to let this go.

"So, Michael... I'm going free beneath my short leather skirt,” Isabel suddenly says after a brief moment. I grin silently. So she wanted to enjoy the game a bit longer herself, eh? Sighing, I close my eyes, my jeans already feeling too tight for their own good. I have to undo them for the pain they’re causing me. So I do, gently rubbing myself from the outside of my jeans as I speak to her again.

“Really now,” I reply slyly. “Do tell…”


"Alex,” Willow says to me, “I guess one of my main concerns is what everyone will think when they hear I'm a witch. I'm not going to hide it and if they learn about vampires as well, it won't bother me either. I just wish that I knew how people would react..."

I can understand that entirely. I wouldn’t expect her to hide that part of her from me or from anyone else. As for the vampire thing…well I kind of found out the hard way. If there is the potential of it hitting here in Roswell- and more than likely, there is- than I would rather my friends know than it be kept a secret anyway. How they’d react…I can’t say. But considering one died and was brought back to life by an Alien, I doubt it will be a shock to their system.

Walking over to the baggage claim, I watch Willow levitate our luggage over to us, onlookers staring in shock. My mouth hangs open and I shake it off, patting her arm gently.

”Um…hon, I can honestly tell you now that more than likely, given things that my friends have gone through that you being a witch as well as the whole vampires thing….it won’t phase them. They’ll accept you and the truth for what it is. BUT…the rest of this town with the whole floating Samsonite thing? That might be a bit much.” I winked and smiled, grabbing some of the luggage with her as we moved on.

"Did they know you were bringing me back with you?” Willow asked. “ Or when you were coming back?"

“They knew I was coming,” I reply. “And that you were coming with me. But not when. I wanted to surprise them.”

“Okay... stop me if I'm annoying you with my constant concerns here... Zander used to say he found it cute, but not everyone likes it.” I can’t help but laugh. I have to meet this friend of hers someday. He and I have a lot in common.

“And he’s right,” I say, kissing her gently and wishing I had a free hand minus this luggage to wrap around her. “It IS cute. And you have a right to be concerned and ask. There’s nothing to be worried about. Like I said…they’re going to love you. I promise that they will.”

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:23 am
by StormWolfstone

”Doesn’t mean that in the meantime, that I can’t get you in a tiz over the phone,” I hear him tease. “You can get ready and listen to me at the same time. But then again…depends on what the other hand has to do as time goes on. And how long it takes. One can never tell, now can it?”

After mentioning my meeting, which of course wasn't real, but the best I could come up with when Drew was making me feel so good and the thought of being with Michael again was just even better.

“Oh, this could be fun,” I hear him chuckling, “The client could always listen in.” I can't keep from grinning as I think about how he would really reply.

"I'm sorry... I took the call into my office instead. No client listening in here." I reply, grinning as I kept up with Drew, my hands digging into his shoulders.

I can't stop myself from mentioning my lack of underclothing when I hear him reply rather slyly, “Really now, Do tell…”

"Yes, I decided that I would wear that night tight leather skirt you seem to like, but this time not wear anything underneath it. Then, I also chose one of my tops that I can't wear a bra with either." I let loose another moan as Drew's fingers found my nub and I felt my muscles begin clenching. Still, I continued to speak, "I plan to ride you for long hours. To feel you inside me until sunrise."

Drew looked like he was trying to keep from laughing even as he began a more rapid pace. Being Kindred came in handy, I could easily control my voice, for the most part as I spoke even during a good pounding. "I plan to lick you, take all of you in my mouth..."


”Um…hon, I can honestly tell you now that more than likely, given things that my friends have gone through that you being a witch as well as the whole vampires thing….it won’t phase them. They’ll accept you and the truth for what it is. BUT…the rest of this town with the whole floating Samsonite thing? That might be a bit much.” I see him wink as he smiles, getting some of the luggage and shrug. There were times in Boston I'd used a little levitation too, but I was careful. Still, the alien capital of the world was quite a different place.

When he answers my question about whether they new, I grinned, "Did they know you were bringing me back with you? Or when you were coming back?"

“They knew I was coming,” I nibble on my lip while we walk, “And that you were coming with me. But not when. I wanted to surprise them.”

“Okay... stop me if I'm annoying you with my constant concerns here... Zander used to say he found it cute, but not everyone likes it.” Alex begins laughing as I comment.

“And he’s right,” Alex kisses me gently and I'm wishing we were already in a private space so I could feel his arms around me. “It IS cute. And you have a right to be concerned and ask. There’s nothing to be worried about. Like I said…they’re going to love you. I promise that they will.” It's at times like this that I could see myself becoming completely intimate with him. Times like this that I can see I love him. The only thing is, it's not the same love as I had for Oz and I'm scared of letting myself analyze how I can love him and yet love Oz too.

I sigh and nod, deciding to try and make a joke, "How many people do you think would assume I was an alien if they saw me at work with my magic?" I grinned and shook my head.

"Sorry... so... what sort of plans do you have once we get our things to your house? I mean... do you plan on calling people or resting for a bit or something else?" I know... full of questions. I can't help it.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 12:46 am
by NightshadeIsis

"I'm sorry... I took the call into my office instead. No client listening in here."

“Too bad,” I reply. “Too bad. Client might have wanted to get in on the action. Just take them out of the fun, why don’t you…”

But the fun was just starting apparently, as Isabel was going into explaining in even more detail the outfit that she “said” she was wearing. Wearing or not…who knew. But the picture it was painting was fun as hell.

"Yes, I decided that I would wear that night tight leather skirt you seem to like, but this time not wear anything underneath it. Then, I also chose one of my tops that I can't wear a bra with either." I hear her moan herself over the phone as she speaks, and I don’t even know if it’s her voice of the description of her outfit that drove me to it, but I find my hand sliding under my jeans, under my boxers, rubbing myself gingerly and groaning in response into the phone. Just picturing her in that outfit…

"I plan to lick you,” she continued, “take all of you in my mouth…”

“And I was planning on being the one to torture you,” I growled, my hand not ceasing, body stiffening in response. “I was planning on getting you ready to take care of yourself. But now you got me taking care of things here. Got my hand going crazy here under these boxers, Is. Just picturing taking that skirt up when I get you here…” Lord, just the notion sent me from rubbing myself gently to pushing down my pants to get more room, reaching to instead grip myself gently, a slow and steady stroke beginning, groaning low into the phone.

“You’d like that wouldn’t you,” I whisper. “Pin you up against the wall, just pull that skirt up, pound you so fast, so hard…maybe even by the window…who knows who could see? You know you’d like that…”

Lord…I was having way too much fun with this. It should be illegal…


"How many people do you think would assume I was an alien if they saw me at work with my magic?" Willow asked, grinning. I laugh, shaking my head.

“In this town? Heh. Trust me…you’d fit right in.” I mean it as a joke, but she really doesn’t know just how on base it really is. At least not when it comes to Max, Isbael, Tess, and Michael. I haven’t gotten around to that yet. And I don’t know exactly how I’m suppose to. But that’s for a bit of a later time, and another day.

"Sorry... so... what sort of plans do you have once we get our things to your house?” Willow asked. “I mean... do you plan on calling people or resting for a bit or something else?" I know... full of questions. I can't help it.”

”Well…” I grin, nudging her. “I thought we could just steal some alone time. My parents aren’t going to be home until tomorrow. So that will give us time to rest and settle in.” I laugh, realising how that came out. “Whoa…that sounded interesting, didn’t it. Didn’t mean it that way. Not unless you WANT to take it that way, I mean….unless…I mean…” I’m stammering again. Sound like an idiot. Real genius there, Whitman. Real genius. “I just mean we can relax if you want. I can call everyone later. “

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 1:42 am
by StormWolfstone

“And I was planning on being the one to torture you,” I hear Michael's voice growl and I grin, imagining being in front of him.

“I was planning on getting you ready to take care of yourself. But now you got me taking care of things here. Got my hand going crazy here under these boxers, Is. Just picturing taking that skirt up when I get you here…” The sounds he made were my undoing as I moaned in response.

"Keep talking, Michael..." I moan loudly. I can't believe that we're talking like this. That he's being so open about what he's doing. I was getting to the point of temptation to make Drew stop and get myself over there to Michael.

The sound of pleasure he made while touching himself was not lost on me. “You’d like that wouldn’t you,” I hear her whisper. “Pin you up against the wall, just pull that skirt up, pound you so fast, so hard…maybe even by the window…who knows who could see? You know you’d like that…”

Moaning again, I cry out as Drew begins pounding into me hard and fast, replying, "I can't keep from touching myself at the moment," I spoke into the phone, my fingers taking Drew's place. "I want to feel you deep inside me." I moaned again, feeling myself reaching near that point with Drew inside me.


“In this town? Heh. Trust me…you’d fit right in.” I laugh with him and we reach the rental area where I move up to the counter, "I need to rent a car." I knew that if I wasn't careful, it would be late and I wasn't certain whether there were vampires around. I'd need to do a spell to find out.

"What kind of car would you be interested in?" The person behind the counter asks and I pull out my wallet and removed the cash.

"Something sturdy that doesn't use a great deal of gas and that I can pay three months ahead on and return it when it's time for me to return to classes. Preferably something with a sturdy frame and that won't require massive amounts of insurance to maintain." I knew that Alex probably would try to object to this, but that was why I hadn't just spoken to hiim about it.

"Here are a few that you can choose from." The salesperson tells me and I glance down, nodding as I pointed.

"This Sable will work." And soon the details were taken care of and the car was being brought around for us.

"Sorry... so... what sort of plans do you have once we get our things to your house?” I ended up asking while waiting. “I mean... do you plan on calling people or resting for a bit or something else?" I know... full of questions. I can't help it.”

”Well…” Alex nudged me and I couldn't keep from grinning, “I thought we could just steal some alone time. My parents aren’t going to be home until tomorrow. So that will give us time to rest and settle in.”

“Whoa… that sounded interesting, didn’t it. Didn’t mean it that way. Not unless you WANT to take it that way, I mean….unless…I mean…” I love it when he stammers, it's so cute. I can't stop looking at him with a smile even as I'm thinking about what it could mean for us. I mean, what better homecoming present could I give him. If... and that was a big if... neither of us put a stop to it again. “I just mean we can relax if you want. I can call everyone later. “

"That's good to know." When the car comes around, I hand our things to the driver and as soon as Alex's hands are free, my arms wrap around his neck and I whisper softly, "And I might want to take it that way." I draw back and kiss him deeply, passionately and allow the kiss to linger until I can feel several sets of eyes on us. "Do you want to drive?"

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:53 am
by NightshadeIsis

Mmmm...that's what I wanted to hear. That sound. That moan. That response from her. It just sent my heart beating faster, sent my hand going more crazy, speeding up and gripping harder. I was breathing heavier into the phone, unable to stop my own responses into the earpiece. I couldn't believe what we were doing, but I was having too much fun with it.

"I can't keep from touching myself at the moment," Isabel moaned, and the picture of it made me pant even harder, the spasms of pleasure just rippling through me. "I want to feel you deep inside me." I could hear her moaning again, so loud, so brought another from me, my hips arching off of the couch as I gritted my teeth.

"Ugh...oh, you will," I managed, still working myself hard as I got control of myself, panting hard. "You will. But in the meantime...keep talking. Let's hear more of what those fingers are doing, young lady. Oh've got mine going so crazy. Stroking so hard....can't stop. Just thinking about you, about what you're doing, about getting hold of you. Tell me more, Is'. Tell me more..."

OOC: Have an Alex later. Have to get ready for work now. LOL