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Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:05 am
by KarenEvans

I could throttle her!

Summoning all my patience I try to look suitably apologetic but I'll be damned if I am going to apologise,"With all due respect Milady,I'm not much of a conversationalist,I prefer silence hence I keep quiet most of the time so if I don't know how to respond appropriately when some one says my eyes are like a cats,you'll have to forgive me."

That came out a little sarcastically but I don't really care.Who does she think she is?I never wanted to start a conversation.I simply asked her how she was feeling out of politeness and she took it from there.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:07 am
by madroswellfan
"Oh...thats where the bandages were" I say with a small smile. "The staff didn't know where they were."

I then turn to Michael and tell him through our silent communication,
"What on earth is wrong with you!!! Stop arguing with her! Or she'll go with Liz to King Jeffrey and I can't get to know Liz!!!"

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:20 am
by littleroswell

I cringe a little at Michael's response...not so much the words but the way he said them. He has just made an enemy of Maria, I'm afraid. I gently clean at her elbow, trying to keep at least one arm occupied so she can't hit him. I glance up at her when I'm hit by an overwhelming sense of hurt and disappointment. Where did that come from? On the outside, Maria is always tough as leather and doesn't put up with crap from anyone. Inside, however, she has a very sensitive soul and wants everyone to like her. She's kind of a lonely person and has been since her parents died. The only real friends she has are me and Alex and I think that's why she developed such a love for animals. They love her unconditionally and she needs that.

I smile over my shoulder at Max. "Yeah, I keep some in my bathroom. Although, the doctor always brings some with him as well. Is he coming?" I ask him quietly.


His sarcastic tone and words for some reason hurt and disappoint me. When I'm hurt, I react with anger. How dare he? He's only a servant! I usually don't have any sort of prejudice against them but they should at least remember their place. Society has rules for a reason!

I school my features into a small, cool frown. "Well, Michael, I guess you won't have to worry about it anymore. If you prefer silence, I'll grant that to you at least. You won't have to worry about how to respond to me at all. I was hoping to make you feel welcome here and to kind of become friends. However, you have made your feelings clear so I will only address you when I absolutely have to, I suppose." I sigh softly and say quietly, "You are forgiven."

Running a hand over my eyes tiredly, I look up at Max. "I don't suppose you would mind helping me to my own chambers? I think I need to change my clothes and wait for the doctor there."

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:29 am
by madroswellfan
I nod at Lady Maria, very disappointed. "Of course my lady" I say with a bow. I offer her my arm and murmur to Liz, "Yeah he's coming... he might be a while though" I say before turning back to Maria. "When ever your read maam" I say inclining my head respectively.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:53 am
by littleroswell

I am saddened by Maria's words because I know that her heart was in a good place. "Maria, what about tea? I thought we were going to chat for a while," I ask her, trying to get her to stay.


I shake my head a little. "Just send some to my room, Lizzie. I'm kind of tired and I think I'll take a nap. Hopefully, the doctor will be able to fix me up and I'll be all better in a day or so. I really wanted to go riding tomorrow."

I glance up at Max. "I guess now would be fine with me. I'm sorry but I'll have to kind of lean on you. At least it's not far."


I smile down at Ava. She is obviously still scared around me but she is willing to give me a try to get to know the real me. I'm grateful and know that Vilandra is the reason for it all. I don't ever want to think about losing her.

I turn to the queen of my heart and nod. "Lead the way, Lonnie."

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:57 am
by madroswellfan
"Not a problem my lady" I say immediately. "But if it would be easier Lady Maria, I could carry you" I state, trying to make it sound that I'm trying to be helpful, not that I want to carry her.

I look over at Liz, wishing it was her I could be permitted to carry instead of course. But then I realise I'm staring once more and look at the ground.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:10 am
by littleroswell

I notice Max looking at Liz again and I hide a smile at it. Well, who wouldn't look at Liz? She's a gorgeous girl. Me on the other mouth is too big, I'm too short, I talk too much...I could go on and on but I won't. "It might be faster but I'm not sure about easier. I wouldn't want you to throw your back out trying to pick me up. If you'll just come stand on my right side since that's the ankle I can't put any weight on, I'll put an arm around your shoulders and you can help by putting one around my waist to help me."

I glance at Liz for her reaction to all of this.


When Max mentioned carrying Maria, something inside of me felt a little ill. I don't know why. But then he was staring at me and I felt the heat come up into my cheeks again. His desire would be obvious even if I weren't an empath. I don't know what's wrong with me. I shouldn't be responding this way to Max, especially because he is my betrothed's personal guard. I have always known my place and my future and I've always accepted it. Now all of a sudden, I feel less confident...less willing to sacrifice myself for a man and world I've never met.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:43 am
by KarenEvans

While Kivar speaks to Tess I send one of my ladies ahead to keep the swabs and disinfectant ready.

It's good that Kivar wants to spend some one on one time with his sister.May be Tess will see first hand how he's changed.I know that she's a little afraid of him.

"Lead the way, Lonnie."
I take his unhurt hand and lead him back to my chambers and sit him down on the bed and I sit on a footstool.

"Everything alright?" I ask as I dip a swab in water first to wipe away the blood and proceed to clean his hand off "I know you Kivar,you couldn't have broken that glass out of the blue like that.Something or someone has made you angry."

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:58 pm
by littleroswell

I don't even flinch at the pain in my hand. I've learned not to show pain in most instances. I'm usually pretty good at hiding it but occasionally it sneaks up on me and I am caught off guard, like with these damn headaches. "I'm afraid I received some rather disturbing information, Lonnie, and I'm very fearful of what it might mean for you, for the kingdom and for me. It is going to be thoroughly investigated but for now, I'm afraid we're going to have to put off our trip to Valentia. It's just not safe right now."

I know she's going to be disappointed but I can't risk it, losing my kingdom, my power or her. The thought is enough to make my blood boil. I only hope that she isn't flattered by Lord Moxon's attention enough to try to stand up for him.

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:09 pm
by KarenEvans

I try to be as gently as possible as I wipe away the excess blood before picking up the tweezers to take out the few shards of glass sticking in his hand.
"I'm afraid I received some rather disturbing information, Lonnie, and I'm very fearful of what it might mean for you, for the kingdom and for me."

I look up at him in alarm.

"It is going to be thoroughly investigated but for now, I'm afraid we're going to have to put off our trip to Valentia. It's just not safe right now."
Disappointment courses through me and I try not to let it show and go back to inspecting his hand.Somehow,I knew going to Valentia wouldn't be that easy.

"Are you going to tell me what this piece of information is about and how you came by it or are you going to keep me in the dark?" I ask calmly and pluck out a shard