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Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:41 am
by StormWolfstone
Yes, Karen you can.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 3:47 am
by KarenEvans
OOC-I am starting this on a Sunday morning,if that's okay with everyone?


Upheavel is what we all went through when we lost Alex.We all were like a mini universe which suddenly found itself without it's sun and we all spiralled out of control,each one going in different directions.Alex...quiet and unassuming,no one would have ever have guessed just by looking at him that he was so important to our group dynamics.I think a part of me died the moment Valenti told us he was dead.

Who would have ever have thought that I,Isabel Evans would choose Maria DeLuca over my brothers and my planet?No one who knew me in high school that's for sure.They'd have had a hearty laugh just thinking about it.But I like to think that somewhere out there my decision brought a smile to Alex's lips because Maria wasn't going to be left alone.I couldn't do that to her not after the way she came to me three nights after he died and spent the night with me,crying,talking and laughing about all things Alex.

We got out of Roswell...thankfully!Too many painful memories for us both there.New York was a new beginning for us and we embraced it whole heartedly.On the inside I know that we both still miss our group but we all grow up and move on.Often I wonder how the others are doing on Antar but I have no wish to ever go there.My place is here,I know that even though I can't explain the reason.May be it's my parents,may be the friendship I share with Maria or may be it's just that Earth is where I met and fell in love with Alex and leaving would be like losing him all over again.

I love my new life and proud that I have been able to carry on inspite fo the loss and pain.It made Maria and me stronger individuals in the long run.Who knows...we might need that inner strength one day.

Stretching,I get out of bed and head in to the bathroom to freshen up.I feel like going out for breakfast for some reason this morning.After that may be Maria and I can check out the flea market.Going in to the kitchen I make myself a cup of coffee,retrieve the newspaper from outside and settle down at the small round kitchen table to read it.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:46 am
by KarenEvans

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:54 pm
by RiaRath101

I smirked while opening the door to my business that I now owned in the city. Closing the door, I didn’t bother flipping the sign turning on the neon sign that read, ‘Extreme Tattoo and Piercin’ since I wasn’t due to be open for a couple of hours. I took a sip from my second favorite thing in the city, a café mocha. Snickering, I thought an alien with a coffee fetish. Not like I already didn’t have enough fetishes. Glancing around my shop, I knew a lot had changed since the day, I finally got rid of my past-life b’tch.

Flash back

I look around at where I live seeing the sewers and shake my head in disgust. “Iz tired of livin dis way”I growl while kicking a rock across the cement floor. The rock crashes into an old beat up TV that had been brought down here ages ago. Staring at the cracked screen, I decide that I used to use my powers to make the freaking thing work so why not use my powers to benefit myself. Glancing up at the pods that we all hatched from I decide to make this the last time I would be in this dump.

Waving my hands over my torn, black jeans, I manipulate the material to seem like the jeans were only a couple days old.. Placing my hands on my black mesh shirt, I manipulate the shirt mending the material. Walking over to the mirror, I look at my reflection and decide the leather and the boots were fine for now. Don’t want to look like a bum when Iz walks into da casino. Turning around, I make my way through the tunnel and through the hole in the wall. Stepping out from behind the old subway car, I walk into the subway station.

End flash back

Slipping my leather jacket off I smirked knowing that I would never part with it. That was the only thing I had kept from my past here in the city. Sure I had memories which I tried to keep at bay since most connected to a time in my life I didn’t care to remember. I had turned my life around for the better only thing that remained from before was my Mohawk, piercings, and tattoos all except the four-square which was covered with warrior princess. Looking at my clothes, I smirk thinking yeah still got the tight jeans and muscle shirts and of course the leather but all in all now I work for a living, owning my own shop, crib, cash set aside. No longer an alien who steals to survive. I snicker before saying, “Speaking of Cash wonder what my favorite Gangrel is doing?”

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:47 am
by KarenEvans
OOC-Which character is required now Storm?Cash or Lenora or both?

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 5:25 pm
by StormWolfstone
alizaleven - Welcome to Chances Are... Your audition was great... :D Lenora would be in New York, just so you know.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:57 am
by KarenEvans

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:27 am
by StormWolfstone
ooc: I was actually working on these when you decided to bump, Karen... have some patience... lol



It had been hard, losing Alex and then having Michael leave. I wasn't certain I could make it. I loved him so much and to have him leave at a time when I needed him the most had caused me to go into a massive depression for several months. I was surprised that Isabel had chosen to stick around, especially when Max and Michael were her family. Over the time since they left, we'd grown even closer, our bond with each other strengthened by our extreme sorrow over losing Alex.

When we finished school, I suggested a move to New York. I had the chance to try and make it big there and I wanted very badly to do so. I needed to have something to make life more pleasant without Michael and a way to do something that would honor Alex’s memory. Isabel agreed and the two of us saved up some money and made the move. It’s been fantastic since we arrived and I’ve had some gigs lined up in different clubs in the city. So, it’s only natural that when I woke up this morning, while I showered and dressed, I tried to keep from being nervous because the one club I was going to be performing at tonight was the largest gig I could have ever received. Cash, the owner of the place had seemed at first to be kind of scary, but now it was turning out to be rather interesting. He’d interviewed me last evening for all of an hour, had me sing for him and then had me dance before he finally told me that I could perform in his club three nights a week.

I hadn’t even had the chance to tell Isabel about my gig yet, it was so late when I’d returned home I’d just gone straight to bed. Smiling at myself in the mirror, I grabbed my purse and made my way down to the kitchen, surprised to see Isabel sitting there with coffee already. “Morning, Iz. How are you doing today?” I ask as I move to get some of coffee myself. Over the last few months, I’d changed my diet a great deal. I don’t know quite why, but eating vegetarian and worrying about being natural had finally kicked out of my system. Though, things had started to change some when I was still in Roswell, our time in New York had completely changed things for me.

“Do you have any plans, chica?” I decided to add, wondering what her plans might be and knowing I had some shopping I had to do. No way was I performing at a new club in old clothing. I was going to go in with some new style.


I still couldn’t believe the set of lungs on the new girl I hired last night. Depending on how my patrons responded when I went in tonight, the girl might find herself a regular, but I also couldn’t help but think that she might end up getting freaked out once she saw the way a true Kindred club was. Humans were funny that way, and she was no exception. I would give her a trial run tonight and if she didn’t make it because of freaking, I’d be nice and give her a bonus. If she did make it, I’d give her a different amount for a bonus. I was more then happy to have the chance to enjoy a new singer, especially when she wasn’t a Toreador and I knew some of those that were regulars might want to see about embracing her, but I had rules in my club. Rules that the Ventrue leader in the city agreed with. No embracing happened inside my club, and no harassing of my employees was welcomed.

I was tempted to call Rath and see if he was planning to come in to the club tonight. If not, I could easily mention that we had a new girl. Hot blonde, nice legs and a voice of an angel, maybe that would get him in there. I laughed at the thought, causing the woman in my bed beside me to shift, “Cash…”

I turn and look at her, I don’t love her. I still can’t forget Sasha. That is why the woman beside me is simply a toy in many ways, a girl that pleasures me rather well, and a Toreador. “Go back to sleep, Ana. I’m just going to get some paperwork done.” I tell her and lean over to kiss her, her hands instantly slide over my skin causing me to feel lost long before her hand wraps around my member.

“Come back to bed, Cash. Your papers will wait.” She murmurs huskily and I can’t keep from smiling as I let myself join her, instantly guiding my length inside her. I’ll definitely call Rath when I’m done. Besides, I’ve already slept about six hours, I don’t need more sleep then that and Ana was good at helping a man relax. She was also the reason that the prince in this city didn’t mess with me and my Clan. I am Gangrel and my loyalty is to my clan before anyone else.


Morning came, as always my first thought as I awakened was of Isabel. I couldn’t believe how much had changed since I first learned who she was. I would never stop loving her. As much as I wish I could be with her, I’m a monster now. At least, in the way things are at times. I’m Gangrel, a vampire. Though in reality we are not called Vampires, we’re called Kindred. We aren’t like the vampires in movies. We can go out in the sun, we can be around garlic, silver and crosses do not bother us. However, stakes through the heart can kill us, if we haven’t fed recently. This is of course stuff I’ve been slowly learning about since the change.

Getting up, I sigh and begin to get dressed, having to be into the office since thanks to Cash I was set up as a computer design expert out of my own office. I owed him a great deal. He’d saved my life back in Roswell and given me the chance to start over fresh. I just couldn’t go home and show my parents I was alive or go to my friends and Isabel. “Stop dwelling, Alex. Things have changed, get over it.” I mutter to myself. I have a good job, a good house and relatively everything else is good other then the fact that everything in Roswell was left behind. Even a part of who I was.

My Primogen, Cash had taught me what it was to have a need to feed, how to tell when I needed to before it could mean my death if I went into the sun. He taught me what it is to be Kindred. I wish I didn’t have to worry about being immortal though, because it means I will forever long for Isabel and know I can never have the woman I love. The sound of my phone ringing brings me out of yet another brooding moment and I reach for it, “Hello.”

“Alex, hey… we’re going to have lunch at Mario’s, wanna join us?” I hear one of the girls in my clan asking from the other end of the line.

“No can do, Candace. I have work today. I’ll see you at the club tonight though.” I tell her with a smile. She wasn’t Isabel, she never could be, but she was becoming a friend. He didn’t want anything more from her or anyone else he’d met either, even if they were Kindred. Hell, he’d surprised Cash by turning down a Toreador when she attempted to seduce him. He was told he had more will power then any Kindred or Human was known to have.

“Alright, then we’ll see you there. I hear there’s supposed to be some new blood on stage tonight.”

As we spoke a bit longer, I hung up and smiled before grabbing my briefcase and heading out of my house to head off to the grind. I actually like my job, a great deal for that matter. Cash and Rath are often telling me that I’m the only real brainy Gangrel and tease me about it often, but it doesn’t bother me. I am simply determined to do well for myself.

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:01 pm
by KarenEvans

Halfway through my cup of coffee I hear Maria's soft footsteps padding down the hallway towards the kitchen and I put the newspaper down and smile at her when she enters the kitchen,“Morning, Iz. How are you doing today?”

She busies herself with getting a cup of coffee before asking me,"Do you have any plans chica?"
"Good morning.I feel like going out for breakfast for some reason.I thought we could go to Pancake Palace and then may be to the flea market and browse through things."

Downing the last bit of my coffee I rise and move to the sink to wash the cup out,"It's one of those lazy Sundays when I don't feel like doing anything much.What say you?" I ask as I turn around and lean against the counter waiting for her reply

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:41 pm
by StormWolfstone

"Good morning. I feel like going out for breakfast for some reason. I thought we could go to Pancake Palace and then may be to the flea market and browse through things." Isabel begins and I sip from my coffee nodding as I thought about it. It definitely would be something to do that’s for sure. And, it fit along with some of the things I’d been thinking about.

I watch her finish her coffee and move to wash the mug out before she continues, "It's one of those lazy Sundays when I don't feel like doing anything much. What say you?"

“It sounds like a plan to me. I have to do a bit of shopping myself because I have a gig tonight.” I grin as I pause, wanting to draw this out before I add, “I’ve been hired on to perform three nights a week at Night’s Embrace. And, I need to get a new outfit for tonight but otherwise I have no other plans for today.” I reach into my jeans pocket and pull out the money that I’d put there when I got dressed, “And, the owner gave me five hundred dollars as a sign on bonus which he said I am to use for clothing myself in style. So, of course, that means I’ll need you to help me choose the hottest numbers possible.” I smile, unable to hold back the giddy expression. Night’s Embrace was the top rated club in New York City as of the last month and it was also the hardest club to get into just to patronize. The fact that I was going to be performing there meant I was going to have so many more chances in my career.

I drink down my coffee and wash the cup out before I look back at Isabel and question, “You willing to come and watch me perform tonight? Cash, the owner said that depending on how I do tonight, it will determine the nights he wants me to perform regularly. I admit I’m really nervous thinking about performing on such a large scale. I mean, according to Entertainment Weekly, even on their slow nights, Night’s Embrace has over five thousand patrons.” Up until now, the clubs I’d been singing in were known to have maybe fifteen hundred people at once, this would be the largest crowd I’d ever sang for and I really was nervous just thinking about it. “Let’s go to breakfast.” I decide to add at the end, knowing that we can discuss what we’ll do from there. I’ll completely understand if Isabel doesn’t want to go and I would never hold it against her, but I’m hoping she will.

Either way, no matter what happens; I will be going on my own to the club tonight if she doesn’t go. If she decides to go, then I’ve already been told that I can give her name to the bouncer or she can go in with me and she wouldn’t have to worry about an entrance fee or anything of the like.