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Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:13 pm
by KarenEvans
I was wondering if I could post first to get this started?

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:28 pm
by Anna-Liisa
Uhm yeah sure. Anyone can start this. Forgot to say it. I've been having problems with starting, but I'll get a post asap, I promise :)

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:16 pm
by KarenEvans

Math assignment done...time for a little dancing!!
"Mom...I'm going to be in the garage for a while,practicing.Please don't disturb me." I yell as I walk out the back door heading for the garage
If only my mother knew what I was practicing.She thinks I am going to be practicing some new song for the band.Pfffttt...I wish!

For the hundreth time this week I am seriously wishing I had big rippling muscles like Max or Kyle.Not that I dislike my lean physique but what if Isabel likes the whole muscular body type of guy?My wiry build might put her off me for good.Why did I let Maria talk me in to doing a strip tease for Isabel's surprise birthday party?No good ever comes from me listening to that lovable scatterbrain.

Oh shut up!Have some confidence in yourself,be a man and she'll love you for it.

You see my problem...I am arguing with myself.A simple thing like a surprise birthday party is driving me up the pole.If I am like this now,I'll be a quivering mass of jello at the party.Funny sight thay will be.Must practice my moves till they are perfect.If not the body she might fall for my smooth moves.I hear girls love guys who can dance.I should focus on what I can offer her instead of what I can't.

Placing the soundtrack of the Full Monty in the player...yeah,appropriate choice,I know...I get it to the song I have been dancing to for the past few days.Going and standing the centre of the garage I place my hands on my hips,waiting for the song to begin...

I believe in miracles
Where you from
You sexy thing
I believe in miracles
Since you came along
You sexy thing

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:20 pm
by Anna-Liisa

"You are the son of Khivar, the ruler of Antar," Nasedo explained. "You were sent here to bring the Royal four back to your home to live in eternal slavery. It is your destiny to become the next leader of Antar." I watched the man with a shocked expression. He continued his speech, telling me about my past life. About how I was raised to become a tyrant leader, but then send to earth after the dead royals. Max, Isabel, Michael, Tess... then known as Zan, Vilandra, Rath and Ava. I couldn't believe any of it. I couldn't have been... alien. I shook head.

"What kind of a sick joke is this?" I asked.
"It's not a joke, Aden. Yes, that is your name. You are the son Khivar, prince Aden. You don't belong here," Nasedo says.
"But dad... I've lived with him for so long..." I argue.
"James Valenti is nothing more than a mere human being. I raised you longer than he has ever been with you."
"Then how come I've never seen you?"
"I have my reasons why you have no memory of me. And you will not get those memories back... only your Antar life."

He waved his hand to change my looks and I stared at the new me. I had some kind of a weird ceremonial suit and my hair was a little different. I looked at him, demanding to change it back. He shook his head and explained some crap about the suit. This was what I looked like... "back home." I shook my head once again and he changed me back to what I looked like, explaining that I needed to look normal to the 'royal four' so I could fool them.

"But Max Evans healed me. I can't..." I started.
"Whatever he does to you is nothing to you, Aden. He's below you, even if he was the king. You are more powerful than him, even if your powers are still sleeping inside of you," Nasedo interrupted. "They are your fathers gift, given when you were born. Strong powers, which give you the possibility to get anything you want. Anything. Once they activate, there will be nothing to stop you."

I open my eyes. I look around me and notice I'm sleeping in my car. I see I'm at the desert... oh right. I came here to get my feelings settled up. But they didn't. Not at all. Nasedo revealed a lot about me... which I still can't believe. Even if things seem a bit odd, since I can't remember a lot about my childhood. I sigh and get into a better position. Dad must be worried. If he is... my father. I don't know what to believe. I've seen dreams about some guy... but I had never seen the guy before. He looked so familiar. I can't even ask Nasedo about the dreams because he's dead now.

"You are the son of Khivar. These humans mean nothing to you."

I close my eyes and shake my head. I can't be anything like that. I have friends I care about. I can't be son of some maniac who wants to get Max, Isabel, Michael and Tess into trouble. I open my eyes and start the car. I needed to get home. Roswell. But what will I do? I can't tell Max and others about this, can I? I don't think so. Maybe I just needed to get some real sleep to decide what I should do. Nasedo mentioned something about 'dupes'... protectors that looked like the aliens I know.

But am I really going to believe everything Nasedo said? I drive back to Roswell and get out of the car after getting back home. I can't believe I'm even considering his words...

"When the time is right you will remember everything and your powers return. I just wish I'd be here to see that day."

I shake my head. No. Nothing's going to happen. It's just a lame joke he... a joke that killed him? I hesitate while opening the door. Why? Why would he choose me to play with? What if I really am something terrible and I don't tell Max about it? What if I realize something too late and I've already... no.

This can't be real.

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:57 am
by Anna-Liisa

Posted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 1:45 pm
by RiaRath101

We found out that Nasedo was dead and that we are needed in Roswell. I am not happy about having to leave the city to basically babysit our dupes in order to protect Aden whom everyone there knew as Kyle since that was our job as his protectors. There were several things I was going to miss about the city like the amazing pizza, all the lights and people. I knew that I might find another pizza joint but the lights and all the people would be gone.

I looked around at my family seeing that to Lonnie this was a way of getting into the action. She has always blamed herself for our deaths in our previous lives. Lately being around her was slowly driving me to the brink of insanity. We only used each other for sex since we decided that the love we had in the past was no longer there. This was to continue until we both find what we have been looking for. We had a long talk about our past lives and how we didn’t care to repeat what some might call destiny.

Looking over at Ava I see she is all quiet. I know out of all of us Ava is the most emotional and tends to hold things inside until she can no longer stay quiet about what she is thinking. For the longest time, I watched her struggle with how in her past life she had been married to Zan. She still loved him but knew that he did not return her feeling his feelings for her now where more like the love of a brother to a sister.

Glancing at the last member of my family, Zan, I knew that he was more than ready for a change. I knew he felt the strongest need to protect Aden. He was sometimes hard to read but that was the easiest part of him to read his need and desire to be near Aden so that he could protect him. I sigh and run my hands through my Mohawk before saying, “Ya knows da sooner we gets on da road da sooner we can protect Aden.”

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:03 am
by madroswellfan
I sigh as I walk down the streets thinking to myself. Part of me is glad that Max isn't around begging me and glad that Maria isn't here saying I will take him back; that it was only a matter of time. But the other part of me keeps looking around, wondering where Max is. Wishing that he wasn't Tess' future; wishing he wasn't a king at all...and that my heart could be safe with him. But it couldn't. Because I'm not alien and I'm not his Queen.

I want someone to talk to. But somewhere on the feels like I've not only lost Max, but everyone else too. Whenever Maria is around, she just moans about Max and Alex is too busy with his band and mooning over Isabel. I know Alex would drop those in a heartbeat for me but...I just can't ask him of that right now.

So here I am walking to my ex-boyfriends house. Wondering how he's taking Max being an alien. I mean we've talked...but its not something you just...accept. Its a big thing. Aliens walk the Earth. And not only that...there teenagers who are royalty of another country...and I'm in love with one. And it can't be. And its breaking my heart.

I sigh as I turn the corner and finally see Kyle's house...and see Kyle staring up at his house. Poor guy...I thought he was taking it better than that...but I mean...its a big thing. Bigger than some people. Some people would go running off to the government. But Kyle's still here, so there secret is safe.

I walk over to him slowly, but not in a way that will surprise him. "Hey" I say quietly as I near him. I gently touch his shoulder. "Are you ok?" I ask seeing his...confused expression? Odd...
"Kyle?" I say gently. "You know you can come to talk to me about any of this right? I mean....I know we're not a couple anymore, but I'll always be here if you want to talk" I say giving him a small smile.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:13 pm
by KarenEvans
OOC-Just to say that Alex is alone in his garage so anyone can come talk to him.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:50 am
by Anna-Liisa

My thoughs are interrupt by Liz's voice. I look at her when she touches my shoulder and nod when she asks if I'm ok. I still can't shake that confused feeling of my face though. Even when I looked at Liz I couldn't get Nasedo's sayings out of my mind. What if everything about it was true? I shake my head mentally and look at Liz, who tells me I can talk to her. I know. But I can't talk to her about this. I'd make her worry about nothing. I am no alien of some diktator. Humans... everyone meant something to me. Max as the saviour... Liz ex-girlfriend, now a possible friend... everyone was something. But then... why do I feel so empty? Like something inside of me shook when Nasedo was telling me these things.

"I'm fine," I say to Liz. "And I know... if there's something I need to discuss about the alien-club, I can turn to you. You're not the only one saying that. My dad..." I stop. Yeah... if he actually is my dad. "He says the same."

Why do I keep hesitating about this? My name is Kyle Valenti, I'm the son of Sheriff Jim Valenti. I am not some Aden, son of some Khivar. I'm not an alien who tries to get Max and the others back to his father. I'm only Kyle. Why can't I believe that?

"Do you want to come in? I can make us coffee or something." Yeah, and now I'm inviting my ex to drink Coffee. Way to go Valenti.

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:46 pm
by madroswellfan
"I'm fine, And I know... if there's something I need to discuss about the alien-club, I can turn to you. You're not the only one saying that. My dad...He says the same"

I nod and give him a re-assuring smile. At least he knows we're here. That's something at least.

"Do you want to come in? I can make us coffee or something."

I smile at him and nod. "Sure, sounds great" I tell him. It's good that Kyle feels our friendship is strong enough for him to invite me in for coffee. I was worried he wouldn't think it was. But he does. "And I'll tell you what, you tell me whats going on with you and I'll tell you whats going on with me" I say with a smile. "Although, maybe thats not such a good idea... I mean... long, complicated and heart breaking story... how about we just leave it at coffee" I say smiling so I'm putting up a brave front. Even if I feel like crying.