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Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:21 am
by KarenEvans

Max and I decided to take turns driving today,with our two 'tag along' friends sitting at the back.Honestly I don't know what prompted them to come with us since Roswell isn't really their kind of place.All Michael has done since we've gotten in to town is grumble,"So we decide to go somewhere fun...and where do we go... somewhere that thinks aliens crashed! Perfect!"

I can't help but roll my eyes and click my tongue in frustration.I glance across at Max to see if he is getting as annoyed as I am with Michael's constant grumbling but he's looking out of the window so I can't really get a good look at his face.The humidity in this place hasn't really helped sweeten my temper either.My hair is all over the place and I am sweating for what must be the first time in my life.Yuck!

"Don't you agree Tess?...So far we have passed three alien themed places! I mean how lame!",he asks Tess,trying to gang up with her

That's it...I have had enough of these two groaning and moaning about how boring and tacky Roswell is.Who asked them to come along with us in the first place?It certainely wasn't me.

"Michael..." I glance in the rear view mirror and catch his eye "SHUT UP!"
Looking back at the road once more I continue,"If I hear one more complaint out of you I am going to drop you off on the road right now and you can walk back to Alabama for all I care.Max and I never asked either one of you to come with us,it was your choice.So either grin and bear it or get out and spare me the whining.Got that?"

At that moment I hear him mutter,"On second thoughts...this is ok...So where this apartment were meant to be looking at?"
What a turnabout?I wonder what brought that on?Must have spotted some hot babe.
"Max knows where the apartment is.He spoke to the landlord earlier."

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:26 am
by madroswellfan
(OOC: Perfect Zansgirl :)
Just so you all know Jeff has got her a car and is gonna give it to her before she goes to the beach :))

"Hey, Happy Christmas Eve, Liz." I jump as I turn to see Kyle standing in the kitchen. I smile at him "Happy Christmas Eve Kyle!" I say beaming at him. "Someone's late for work again!"
I stick out my tongue at him. "Tut tut Kylie" I joke as I walk towards him. "You'd better hurry up, lots of orders coming through!" I tell him. I quickly lean through the kitchen window and hold out my arms to him. "Now wheres my christmas Eve hug?" I ask. "And whilst were talking about Christmas...looking forward to the big day tommorow?" I ask.

I love Christmas. Did I say that already? Well, if I didn't...I love Christmas! "So Kyle...whatchya get me?" I ask with a wink. "Let me guess...a car!" I joke, mostly because my Dad is in hearing distance and I'm hoping he will get the hint. I really REALLY want a car. Even if it only barely works....just a car would be incredible.

"Not going to happen!" he calls out to me. I roll my eyes. "Well I'm not walking to the beach!" I call out to him.
He ignores me and I roll my eyes. "So Kyle, whatchya get me?" I ask hopefully. "I think you'll loooove my gift!" I say my arms still outstrecthed through the window.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:46 am
by Zansgirl

She jumps and turns around,"Happy Christmas Eve Kyle!" She says beaming her beautiful smile. "Someone's late for work again!" She says and sticks her tongue out at me. "Tut tut Kylie" She jokes and walks towards me, and I can't help but smile.

"You'd better hurry up, lots of orders coming through!" She tells me and quickly leans through the kitchen window holding her arms out to me, "Now wheres my christmas Eve hug? And whilst were talking about Christmas...looking forward to the big day tommorow?" She askes. I nod, "Yeah, I can't wait. All those presents." I say and force my next smile, for I knew that there would be no presents tomorrow.

"So Kyle...whatchya get me?" She askes with a wink. I shake my head, indicating that I wasn't going to tell. "Let me guess...a car!" She says as a joke and I laugh as Jeff calls out, "Not going to happen!" I start cooking up an omlette and hear Liz say, "Well I'm not walking to the beach!" When I look to her she rolls her eyes and I shake my head smiling.

"So Kyle, whatchya get me? I think you'll loooove my gift!" She says her arm still strenched through the window. "I'm sure I'll love your gift liz, but I'm not telling you what I got you." I tell her. I put the spatula down and step towards the kitchen window, "I will give you your Christmas Eve hug, though." I say taking her into my embrace.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 5:09 am
by madroswellfan
"I'm sure I'll love your gift liz, but I'm not telling you what I got you."
I pout. Spoil sport! He never tells me! I watch as he puts down his spatula. "I will give you your Christmas Eve hug, though." I smile as he hugs me. "Hmm...much better" I say grinning.

"KYLE!" I hear my dad yell. "You were late to work, you had best be serving your first plate already"
I wince as I pull away from Kyle. "I'm thinking you should hop to it Kyle...he doesn't seem in the best of moods! How can anyone not be in a good mood on Christmas Eve?" I ask shaking my head.

I wince as I quickly run to get my next order in. My dad is the nicest guy in the world...but he sure can scare the life out of me when he wants to! I take the customers order, not really paying attention. When they've done with there order I go and put it on the orders thing for Kyle and give him a small wink. I dont know if he saw it though...he looks too busy getting the food ready.

I sigh as I head back over to Maria. "So...what did you get me?" I repeat grinning. "Do I get a hug Christmas Eve morning or is my chica holding out on me?" I joke.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 12:49 pm
by StormWolfstone

I was looking forward to going to the Roswell University because it had good programs for business entrepeneurs and I also knew that it had the best doctorate program for my sister. She'd have plenty of chances to do the things she wanted to do. Of course, I hadn't expected to have Tess and Michael along but it was a good thing that they were there. They were always like our family. Isabel is driving, since we'd taken turns throughout the trip and I was looking at the different places that we passed by. Michael's complaining reaches my ears yet again, "So we decide to go somewhere fun...and where do we go... somewhere that thinks aliens crashed! Perfect!"

I sigh and simply focus on the different buildings, "Don't you agree Tess?"

I can't keep from shaking my head slightly as I'm preparing to say something to counteract Michael's attitude. He really does need to learn to enjoy the differences of places. He was the one that chose to come with us. He could have stayed back home. "So far we have passed three alien themed places! I mean how lame!"

"Michael..." I hear Isabel begin, "SHUT UP!"

"If I hear one more complaint out of you I am going to drop you off on the road right now and you can walk back to Alabama for all I care.Max and I never asked either one of you to come with us,it was your choice.So either grin and bear it or get out and spare me the whining.Got that?" I turn and give my sister a grin, glad that she had said something before I decided to try.

"On second thoughts...this is ok" Suddenly, Michael seems to change his attitude and I wonder what caused that.

"So where this apartment were meant to be looking at?"

"Max knows where the apartment is.He spoke to the landlord earlier."

Isabel replies and I sigh.

"We'll know the apartment location when we see a place called the Crashdown Cafe'. It's right across the street. Once we meet the landlord there, we can get the keys if we agree that we like it and then get something to eat before we start lugging our belongings inside the apartment." I say simply and as I look ahead I see the sign for the Crashdown and say quickly, "In fact, we're almost there so maybe everyone can stop complaining and we can get nice and comfortable. Luckily, we have a couple of days before classes begin and can get settled in. Or at least, I have a couple days. What about you, Izzy? Do you start your courses before Tuesday?"

I don't understand why my main classes didn't start until Tuesday, but that was the way it went.

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:25 pm
by KarenEvans

Max speaks up after what seems like ages,he's so lost in his thoughts nowadays,"We'll know the apartment location when we see a place called the Crashdown Cafe'. It's right across the street. Once we meet the landlord there, we can get the keys if we agree that we like it and then get something to eat before we start lugging our belongings inside the apartment."

Well that's convenient.I won't have to cook if I am not in the mood.Just run across the street and order something.Smart move Maxwell!
I pull up to the building where our apartment is and look across the street at 'The Crashdown Cafe'...geez!What a name!Worse,there is a big UFO hanging above the entrance.Have to agree with Michael on this one...Tacky!

I shake myself out of my reverie to hear Max's question,"Luckily, we have a couple of days before classes begin and can get settled in. Or at least, I have a couple days. What about you, Izzy? Do you start your courses before Tuesday?"

I groan,"Mine start first thing on Monday." I reply as I bring the jeep to a standstill and park it."Come one let's get something to eat...I don't know about you three but I am starving."

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 1:32 pm
by madroswellfan
"Max knows where the apartment is.He spoke to the landlord earlier."
I know what she threatened me with...but I cant help but mutter "Whoopee...Maxwell knows the landlord.

I hear a sigh from Maximillian and I look over at him.
"We'll know the apartment location when we see a place called the Crashdown Cafe'. It's right across the street. Once we meet the landlord there, we can get the keys if we agree that we like it and then get something to eat before we start lugging our belongings inside the apartment. In fact, we're almost there so maybe everyone can stop complaining and we can get nice and comfortable. Luckily, we have a couple of days before classes begin and can get settled in. Or at least, I have a couple days. What about you, Izzy? Do you start your courses before Tuesday?"

Oooh classes..what an intresting conversation...not!

"Mine start first thing on Monday."
She brings the jeep to a stop.
"Come one let's get something to eat...I don't know about you three but I am starving."

I look across the street and I see it.
"PLEASE tell me you are joking!" I say as my eyes widen at this freakshow cafe.
The place actually has christmas decorations up! "Please tell me we don't have to look at that hideous thing EVERY time we leave the apartment we might get?!" I ask horrified.

Who has christmas decorations up and ON in JUNE!
God kill me now!

"We CANT dine there!" I declare crossing my arms.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:16 am
by DestinyAwaits

I have to say, I completely agree with Michael, but ahs anyone ever discussed the idea of volume control with him? My head is pounding and I don't think I can take any more aspirin without officially ODing on the stuff.

Last night was a long night. For me and Micahel, anyway. We kinda had ourselves a going away party, Max and Isabel left early of course...and drunk doesn't begin to describe what I got last night. And hung over doesn't begin to describe how I feel this morning.

"This is pretty lame," I mutter under my breath,"I mean these people have to ahve something better to do with their damn time than sit around and think up alien teme names...." That would probably be the hardest part about owning something alien themed. And it really isn't all that hard apparently.

And then Isabel freaks out and I clsoe my eyes, willing for the pounding to go away. She right though. WOuld it amtter if I said I didn't think it was gonna be this miserable here? I mean this is borderline pathetic.

But maybe, at the very least there's a good bar, or a good club, and at least one hot guy. More than one hot guy wouldn't kill me. Not at all.

And then the two boring wonders start talking about school and the apartment. I could care less where we live, so long as I have a bed to sleep's not like I spend a lot of time jsut sitting around at home afterall.

And then they say we're here and the car lurchs to a stop.

"Isabel," I can't help but whine a little. Has she ever heard of being gentle?

I sigh, knowing that now, I'll have to stand, and move, and pretend like my brain can handle this, pretend like I care. Well, that's not true. The truth is, I do care. I just wish they'd let me care in a bit, after I've had a few drinks and can focus a bit more.

I slowly climb out of the jeep with Michael's help. I smile at hima s a thank you. We usually end up taking care of each other while the responsible ones are either off saving our asses, or being otherwise, well...responsible.

They suggest eating, and honsetly, some greasy spoon type burger joint sounds awesome. Greasy=good. Good for Tess. Good for the hang over. And then it hits me, I see what I think Micahel's seeing.

"Oh my God," I mutter and for the first time all day, I lower my sunglasses down my nose to make sure that I'm really seeing what I think I'm seeing. I squint against the bright light of the sun and then raise them back up.

"You have got to be kidding me," I say, looking to Isabel and Max imploringly. "Please tell me, I didn't miss Christmas sneaking up on me," I say with a laugh, completely joking,"Becuase if so, then none of you bitches get any presents...."

If alien themed wasn't bad enough, this is just absolutely horrible.


I take a deep breath as I sit in the parking lot, staring at the building that's perpetually decorated for Christmas, probably always will be. Going in is always the hardest part. It hurts more than I'd like to say to see Liz like this. But she's one of my best friends. So it's not like I can't see her. And it hurts to see maria stuck there. But this is what we do, we're perpetually 16 for Liz.

Liz still thinks she's 16.

Like I siad, it's hard. I smile as I get out of my car. Be happy Whitman, be happy.

Sometimes that's easier said than done.

And I walk into the Crashdown with my Christmas present to Liz under my arm. I sit down at the bar and smile at ehr, tapping my box as I call out. "Happy Christmas Eve, Liz!"

It's almost always the same....everyday.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:57 am
by Zansgirl

"Hmm...much better" She says and I smile. "KYLE!" And my smile just fades as Jeff calls out my name, "You were late to work, you had best be serving your first plate already" Liz pulls away and I slightly smile at her and pick up the spatula.

"I'm thinking you should hop to it Kyle...he doesn't seem in the best of moods! How can anyone not be in a good mood on Christmas Eve?" Liz says and I nod, "I don't know, Liz." I tell her and flip the omelette. "LIZ!" Jeff yells and if it weren't for some handy reflexes that omelette would be on the floor. "Better go." I say and Liz leaves.

I set the omelette on a plate and set it on the counter and ding the bell. Liz comes back and puts another order on the spinner I frown and start cooking it up and when i glance up I catch Liz wink at me. I do nothing, though. She's just a friend. Kind of like a sister. One that I care deeply for and would kill anyone that hurt her.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:55 am
by madroswellfan
"Happy Christmas Eve, Liz!"
I look up at the voice, a grin breaking out on my face. "Aleeeeeexx!"
I quickly rush round the counter and pull him into a big bear hug. "Happy Christmas Eve!" I say still hugging him tightly.
I slowly let him go, trying not to bounce up and down in excitement. "How are you?! What have you got planned this christmas eve? When are we going to see each other tomorrow?" I ask very quickly.
I take a breath in. "Sorry....just a little excited!" I say happily.

I grin at him before going behind the counter and starting to pour Alex his usual drink. "So....what are you hoping santa brings you tommorow?" I joke. "Personally I think I want a CAR" I say loudly so my dad in the back could here. I hear a grunt. Gr...why doesnt he get it! I want a car! At 18 I want my own car!