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Post by madroswellfan »

"You wanted me for something Jesse?"
I smile as I see Isabel come into my office. "Come here hunnie" I say smiling. I watch as she walks over and I stand up and kiss her. "Hmm...thanks I really needed that. Hows your day going? Hope your working hard. Thats my girl" I say as I pat her on the head before kissing her once more. "Don't forget to hand out the new chants. I had copies printed, there in your pigeon hole" I say smiling. "That will be all"
I turn around and walk back to my desk.

As I round the corner I spot the new guy drinking heavily from a bottle. Quickly I dash over to him and take the bottle from him. "No more of this for you" I say. I take him by the arm and make him stand up. "Come on, I think Isabel's busy with Jesse at the moment..." I say and then mutter "Doing God knows what..."
I look back up at him. "I know Ill take you to Liz...she'll be able to settle you in" I say. "Come on"
I lead him through the building. "Thats the shop" I say pointing it out to him. "Theres no cigarettes here, so most of the others buy loads of lollipops" I add.
The guy doesn't say anything. Most of them don't.
We reach Liz's room and I knock on the door.
"Miss Parker, I have the newbie" I call out.
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Post by KarenEvans »


Jesse kisses me,"How's your day going? Hope your working hard. Thats my girl" he asks in a condescending manner and pats my head,like I am an obedient little child.I feel my fingers itching to smack him across his face.

Sometimes he can be a real jerk.He didn'T even wait for me to answer his question,but just carried straight on,giving me orders.Nice day my foot...all your fault that so much of the correspondence is backed up,but of course you're not bothered.

"Don't forget to hand out the new chants.I had copies printed, they're in your pigeon hole...That will be all." he dismisses me like I am some menial of his

'I am really getting sick and tired of this relationship.It was fun at first,being the bosses girlfriend but now its becoming down right degrading.'

Without saying anyhting to him I march out of there and return to my desk.
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


I head back to my office and start to settle in my very comfortable chair to do some more paper work when I'm interupted by a loud knock on the door.

"Miss Parker, I have the newbie" Someone, most probably Michael the body guard, calls out to me from behind the door.

Great, I think to myself as I get up from my desk and head for the door. I pull open the large wooden door to find myself staring at Michael and the new guy...Max Evans, who by the way, is clearly drunk.

"He's drunk." I state, looking Max up and down.

Post by POM »


'It's only morning and I have the sudden urge to drink--I've been re-amitted about two months ago and I can still taste the sweet, burning, and delicious liquid in my mouth. God I need some right now!! No Tess you're stronger than this--you're stronger than this addiction, take your mind off of it--' Tess thought to her self as she paced back and forth as he room mate Serena came back into the room.


"Another craving?" I half laughed, as I continued to get dressed for the day.


"Yeah, but this time I can taste it, smell it--almost as if it was really here, infront of me. In my hand." I whimpered, 'I just want a sip please--god help me.'

"Well, don't let the doctors find out--otherwise there going to make you where a stupid sign around you're neck, I hate those damn signs. They can shove this right up there a--" I was cut off by the announcements over the intercome. And I rolled my eyes in annoyance, and looked at Tess who was rummanging through her candy stash.

"Hello everyone, this is Mr Ramirez, and I have a special announcement. As of today we will be implementing chanting at the Clinic. We shall do this at special occasions, morning, midday and night. All employees will be expected to join in. Im sure you'll all enjoy it. Thats all for now. Oh, and Isabel, can you head on it to my office please sweetheart. Thanks"

This place is pure hell.

"C'mon Tess we'd better get downstairs before the nurse drags us out there--and I'm not up for her shit today." This place and everyone in it is seriously out of there freakin' mind if they think I'm chanting.

'I'm not addicted, I'm just different'. Rollin my eyes as I made my way out the doors only to have Tess call after me.


'I hate those damn announcements, and I don't like that Ramierz guy--he's so controlling. Chanting again--I thought they were going to find something else for us to do. I feel like were a bunch a dwarfs in the mountains mineing for gold or something.' Even with all these thoughts going through my head, and trying to get a few lollipops for the day to lessen my cravings, I still heard Serena make her way out of the room. Calling her to wait up.

"Damn I hate this place--I just want a drink." I pouted as I ran out the room and caught up with her, and we proceeded down the stairs and into the cafeteria.
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Post by madroswellfan »

The door before me opens and Liz Parker takes one look before saying
"He's drunk."
I sigh. "I found him outside with this" I say showing her the bottle. Immediately Max tries to make a grab for it but I easily hold it out of reach. "Well...enjoy" I say as I walk away, heading for Isabel's station.

"Hey Isabel" I say as I get there. "The new guys here, I already confiscated this" I say giving her the bottle. "He's with Liz right now. I think he's called Max. Anyway..."
I shrug and look at her. "You ok?" I ask. "You want me to get you a coffee or something? You don't look...very happy" I say carefully.

I stand there looking at the lady before me. I have to admit...she's a real hottie. But no hottie can keep me here.
"I shudn't be here. Im not some alcoholic ok? I like to drink.... thats it" I say shrugging. "So cant you just give me a good report and let me go with a "get out of jail" card free?" I ask.

I sigh as I come out of my office and patrol my clean white hallways. Making my way into the cafeteria I see two girl inmates. Walking over to them I smile. "Hello ladies, how are we doing this fine morning? Looking forward to chanting in a half hour? Ive got a great one arranged for today"
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


"I shudn't be here. Im not some alcoholic ok? I like to drink.... thats it. So cant you just give me a good report and let me go with a "get out of jail" card free?"

"Sorry," I answer him with a fake smile on my face. "Not gonna happen. I don't work that way." I step out of the way to let him into my office. "Why don't you step inside Mr.Evans."
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Post by madroswellfan »

She has a reaaally fake smile on her face, but even in my slightly drunk state I can say its very sexy.
"Not gonna happen. I don't work that way."
I sigh as she steps out of the way. "Worth a try" I mutter,

"Why don't you step inside Mr.Evans."
"Must I?" I mutter before stepping into the room and closing the door behind me. I sit in the chair without her saying anything. "Is this where you give me a pep talk about the dangers of alcohol? Cos like I said, I don't have a problem" I tell her stubbornly, crossing my arms.
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


"Is this where you give me a pep talk about the dangers of alcohol? Cos like I said, I don't have a problem"

"Of course you don't," I say innocently as he sits down. I take a seat at my desk and look at him, "That's why your sitting here in my office drunk, right? Because you don't have a problem with alcohol?"
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Post by madroswellfan »

"Of course you don't,"
She sits down opposite me, still giving me that look that says "Im a Doctor and your a lowlife drunk"
"That's why your sitting here in my office drunk, right? Because you don't have a problem with alcohol?"
"I like to have fun. I drink when I want to and I dont care what people think about it. Cos thats who I am" I shrug. "I drink when I want to, it doesnt control me. So, when can I have my vodka back, because I dont appreciate it being confiscated!"
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Post by Buffsteraddict »


"I like to have fun. I drink when I want to and I dont care what people think about it. Cos thats who I am. I drink when I want to, it doesnt control me. So, when can I have my vodka back, because I dont appreciate it being confiscated!"

"Your drinking has gotten out of control." I tell him, "You seem to be drinking all the time, Mr.Evans. You drink when your happy, you drink when your mad, when your dissappointed or when your sad or whatever feeling's your feeling." I pause, "And so that's why your here. I'm here to help you stop this whole drinking thing. Your not getting that bottle of Vodka back." I grab the nearly emtpy bottle of Vodka off the table and slam dunk it into the trash can by my desk. "We're gonna have lots of fun."
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