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Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:36 pm
by madroswellfan
Ok, if I have okayed your bios, your free to post :) I will post mine shortly.
If anyones up for taking on another character please say and if anyones intrested please speak up as theres lots of empty characters :D

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:58 pm
by madroswellfan
I swallow as I look up at the building I was staying at for most of the next few years of my life. And I cant help but think...maybe this was a hugeee mistake. Maybe I should turn around right now and go back to Smallville where I belong. Where I can do my chores...slowly. I have no idea how my dads gonna manage without me, I mean its not as if he can pay for some help. And most of the reason my parents said I could go so far away was because I could just zip back and do all my chores in ten minutes....

But not anymore. With the good you take the bad. And if thats the only problem I have by having my powers taken away from me...then I really don't mind! Because now...Lana and I are together. I know, its a miracle. I can hardly believe it myself. Lana Lang and I are a couple. A real couple. And lets just say weve taking big steps in our relationship. So Im so so glad Im in the same town as my GIRLFRIEND Lana Lang. Ok it would have been nice to be in Worthington too, and be on campus with her...but Boston Bay wont be so bad... As long as livin here won't be too much of a problem.

I look up and see the guy in charge of the house come towards me. "Hey man, welcome to the Omega fraternity! Its nice to have you here Clark!"
Thats right... a fraternity. Well I cant afford a hotel or a flat so...
"Its nice to be here" I tell him.
He gives me a cocky grin and pats me on the back. "Well man, I got you a great roommate. He's gay so you don't have to worry about it being akward with you."
I give him a confused look before realising what he meant. "Im not gay"
He grins. "Joking man. But yeah your with Jack. Here's your key" he says handing it to me. "I gotta head out and spread the word about the party tommorow night. See ya later"
"Thanks man" I say trying to fit in, but the words feel so foreign coming out of my mouth.

I take a deep breath before heading up the front steps and I immediately see the huge bar. Oh dear. Ive never drunk anything before...thats going to be intresting when the guys find out! I head up the stairs towards my room door. I open it and take a look inside. The walls are covered with pictures of scantily clad girls. Well...if Jack is gay, Im sure he wont mind me taking them down! I inspect the room and it looks rather normal. I sit down on my bed and start to unpack. I wonder what Lana's up to. At least I wont have to stay here all the time...cos hopefully Lana will let me stay with her once in a while. She's definitely not coming here though. Not with these guys around! God imagine what theyd do to her!

I look up at the building around me, my excitement barely being contained. Im really here! I made it! My family and friends made many sacrificies for me to be here and Im definitely not about to screw it up. No, Im going to work so hard, and Im going to make sure that I get amazing grades and enjoy myself. Im Worthington, Boston!

I cross the path between the grass and simply beautiful buildings. I got into Worthington, and now I have to prove to everyone how good I really am. The hard part is only just beginning. And I have a head start on the whole making friends with people thing, because I know of three people in Boston. Namely, Jack, Dawson and Grams. Yeah there here too, at Boston Bay. Grams bought a house and there all living there. So at least I know I have some friends when the going gets rough. And with any luck my room mate too. I hope shes nice. I sigh as I go up into the dorm building and go and find my room. I open the door and look inside.

Theres two empty beds, two desks, two cupboards, a stereo and a tv. I cross over to the window and sure enough the view is simply fantastic. I sigh with happyness. This is going to be great! I pick a bed and dump my suitcase by the side. I take one of my small bags and start to unpack it. I take out my photos first and sit down on my bed to look at them properly. First I see Bessie, Body, Alexander I on the steps of our house. I can't believe how much they gave up for me to be here. Im not going to let them down. I put the photo by my bed.

But its the next photo that really pulls at my hearts strings. The photo of Pacey, Dawson, Jack and I sitting on the docks by the creek. The three guys I will love to the end of the world. Jack, my gay friend. The guy who will forever be my friend. Dawson, my best friend in the world. Dawson, the guy who's heart I broke by kissing Jack, and then getting together with Pacey. And Pacey, my recent ex. The guy who left me to sail away on a boat. I think about him all the time. I just hope he's happy. I place the photo by my bed and start to get out my clothes. I wonder when my roommates gonna show up. Please let her be studious! I couldnt stand a partying roommate, or someone whos wierd!

The time is coming. The time when I will show Antar who is truely King. Everyone hopes for the return of Zan, Vilandra and Rath. But soon, all hopes will be gone, and my son will be leading the attack on Earth and eventually the milkyway galaxy. My son will return to me, and I will make him see the true way of being a Kryptonian. And one day all will see the truth about the Kryptonian race. That two live, not one. And the one that no one knew about will take over the universe.

Soon, my plan begins. On earth, it will begin at dusk. And Kal-el will begin his mission to destroy the royal three. He will do this for he will have no choice. The body Im preparing to inhabit is almost ready. By the next morning earth time I will be inside it. I will rule it and check on Kal-el, without his knowledge. And no one can stop me.

A new beggining begins. A new time, and new era. The era of the Kryptonians.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 3:16 pm
by StormWolfstone

Sitting in my new room at the college, I can’t help but settle myself on the bed with my journal in place. I miss Max, but in less then an hour I’m going to have to run to a course on molecular splicing that I desperately want to learn more about. So, instead, I sit here with my journal, reading through some of the old entries. I’ve already worked out a good hiding place for it, one that will be safe from both human and alien. Okay, so I’ve gotten some control over my new powers and have learned that I can manipulate molecules almost as well as Michael… though Michael has been getting better because he’s been practicing longer.

Picking up my cell phone, I find that I need to hear Max’s voice. Being at Worthington was just lonely when my best-friends and the man I love weren’t as close. I know I could have traveled back and forth if I’d wanted to, but I felt it would be easier and less costly to stay here on the week days. Weekends, I had every intention of going to Boston Bay to spend time with them.

Dialing the number, I’m about to hit the send button when the door opens and our resident advisor enters, “Parker, you’re new roomie should be arriving soon. You might want to be a little less distant to her then the rest of us since she’s the one that will have to put up with you for the next semester or so.”

“Drea, don’t worry. I’m not as bad as everyone seems to think. There are just things in my past… well I won’t be rude or anything… just… it’ll be okay. Do you know what her name is?”

“Yeah.. it’s Lana something… she’s from some small town. You’d better not screw this up.” I can’t help but roll my eyes.

“Yes, I will take care of this Drea.” This girl always seemed to think that she was better then everyone else. I watch as she walks out and slams the door behind her before moving to place away my journal so it would be safe before my new roommate came in. I hoped that I wouldn’t have to deal with a party hog, but also that whoever it was wouldn’t be too stiff either.

Then, taking my cell I hit the send button and waited for Max to pick up.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 3:38 pm
by StormWolfstone

I’ve been in Worthington for nearly a month now, however just recently was finally accepted for a move to a new room where I might have better luck with getting my studies done. My old roommate had been a bit on the wild side and constantly had people that were getting into my things, some of which included my magic items. They were lucky I hadn’t gone of the deep end and decided to do something towards them when they’d broken the staff that Tara had bought for me before I moved away from Sunnydale.

A small mending spell had fixed the damage but if it had failed to fix it, I had already prepared something in return. Tara means so much to me and her death has torn me apart. I won’t have someone messing with my things. With a smile I look at a couple of the guy’s I’d befriended from the computer club as they helped me move my things. “I appreciate this guy’s.” I tell them as I carry a couple of bags that have my magic items in them.

“No problem, Willow. Your aid with solving that equation helped save Drew and I a month worth of failure.” Rick replies and I can’t help but laugh. They’d never completely understand if I said it wasn’t really me that had done it. More that the magic had helped.

Upon reaching the room, I noticed the door was open. That must mean my new room mate had arrived before me. “Guy’s, hold on a minute.” I tell them as I step into the room and give a smile to the girl I see sitting on her bed and looking at pictures. “You must be Joey? I’m Willow, your new roommate.” I tell her before turning to motion the boys in. “Rick, Drew, come on in. If you guy’s wouldn’t mind making sure the rest of my things are brought down, I’d appreciate it. Then, I’ll be able to be ready for the next computer club meeting.”

Rick and Drew deposit my things carefully and I look at the girl, walking over to hold my hand out. “I figure it would be a good idea to let you know now, I study regularly. If you want to have parties, I’d ask that you do so on the weekends, not week nights. With a triple major in the works, I’d rather not have to request another move.”

Not to mention, with whatever it was that the council felt brewing out there, I’d rather not have to deal with more mundane nonsense. I had to be ready to study and research anything that was necessary. “I also have a great deal of old books, I ask that no one you let in this room is given the chance to touch them. My things are to be left alone. I wouldn’t mess with your belongings, please show me the same respect. As long as that’s done, you’ll find that I’m easy to get along with.” Okay, so maybe the old Willow wouldn’t have been quite so abrupt, but I wasn’t the old Willow anymore.

With the death of Tara, Oz being gone and everything else that has happened over the years, I’d have to say that I have done rather well for having faced so much danger. Buffy’s death, rebirth, death, etc had worn on me. Often.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:02 pm
by madroswellfan
I hear someone come through my door and I look up to see a girl with ginger hair come through the door.
“You must be Joey? I’m Willow, your new roommate.” She turns around and ushers in two guys, and immediately I fear the worse. She has not one, but TWO guys in her room at the same time?
“Rick, Drew, come on in. If you guy’s wouldn’t mind making sure the rest of my things are brought down, I’d appreciate it. Then, I’ll be able to be ready for the next computer club meeting.”

Computer club meeting? I feel my body relax. I somewhat doubt a computer club person is going to ruin my plans for studying hard this year. A kindred spirit more like.

Two guys start putting down her stuff, which I notice there is a lot of. I don't have much to be honest. Its not like I have a lot of money. I see the girl walk towards me and she holds her hand out to me.
“I figure it would be a good idea to let you know now, I study regularly. If you want to have parties, I’d ask that you do so on the weekends, not week nights. With a triple major in the works, I’d rather not have to request another move.”

Triple major? Ok the girl is a DREAM roommate! I can so see us getting along famously. I mean, the girl just layed down the loor before I could even speak. Oh yes, I can see this going reeeaally well.

“I also have a great deal of old books, I ask that no one you let in this room is given the chance to touch them. My things are to be left alone. I wouldn’t mess with your belongings, please show me the same respect. As long as that’s done, you’ll find that I’m easy to get along with.” the old book thing is slightly strange, but I love books. I am taking lots of English courses....maybe one day we get on better she'll let me read them. You never know. I smile up at the girl knowing that I had definitely got lucky. I stand up and shake her hand. "Trust me, you don't have to worry about any of that. Im here to study, not party. You have no idea how great it is to meet someone else who wants to do the same" I say with a smile. "And don't worry, I would never go through your stuff. Thats just not right."

I take out some clothes and put them in the wardrobe. I move back to my suitcase to see the rather large collection of DVD's. They are mostly Dawson's movies, but there are some other classics that Dawson insisted I took with me. I turn to see Willow's face and say "Im not a film best friend is. I don't really intend on watching these...he kinda insisted I brought them with me. You know what friends are like" I say shrugging. I sit on my bed and look at her. "So tell me about yourself Willow?" I ask smiling. "Where are you from and what are you into? And can I add, three majors....thats incredibly impressive!"

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:19 pm
by StormWolfstone

My new roommate manages to smile, that's a good sign. When she stands up and shakes my hand I'm impressed. "Trust me, you don't have to worry about any of that. Im here to study, not party. You have no idea how great it is to meet someone else who wants to do the same" Her words ease some of the tension I was feeling, though honestly stepping in I didn't see her as the party type. "And don't worry, I would never go through your stuff. Thats just not right."

I can't help but notice as she moves to put things away that she has a rather large collection of films, something that makes me wonder whether or not she's got some festish. Not a bad form of a fetish, but still... "Im not a film best friend is. I don't really intend on watching these...he kinda insisted I brought them with me. You know what friends are like." Oh boy, what would she say when she realized that my friends insisted that I bring wooden stakes with me? This was going to be interesting to say the least. "So tell me about yourself Willow?"

She starts and then adds, "Where are you from and what are you into? And can I add, three majors....thats incredibly impressive!"

"I came here from Sunnydale, California. I'm into reading mainly, though I am actually here majoring in psychology, physiology and spatial sciences. I'd considered being a math major because I've always been good with numbers, but there isn't as much fun in crunching numbers as there is in dealing with the study of space, the mind and the body." I reply at first as I move to begin setting up my books. Several of them were from Giles collection that he felt I might need while I was here.

"Oh... and I hope it doesn't freak you out but I'm also pagan." I add and as I take out my different books for spells and other information I place them on the bed in order to make certain that when I put them on the bookcase that Rick had carried in, they would be in the order I liked them to be in. "Don't worry, Joey. I'm a good witch." I give a smile and hope that Buffy will show up or maybe even Xander. Of course, it's not night, so it's not as if Angel would be out and about yet.

"So, what about you?"

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:39 pm
by madroswellfan
"I came here from Sunnydale, California. I'm into reading mainly, though I am actually here majoring in psychology, physiology and spatial sciences. I'd considered being a math major because I've always been good with numbers, but there isn't as much fun in crunching numbers as there is in dealing with the study of space, the mind and the body."
Wow. Didn't see that coming. But she's a run of the mill person. Besides she likes the body and stuff. So what? Thats a natural thing I guess. With all these books I thought shed be doing english or a hard core science or maths but...ok...

I watch as she starts to sort out her books. I cant help but notice when she said old...she really meant it. Some look so old Im surprised theyve not fallen to bits.

"Oh... and I hope it doesn't freak you out but I'm also pagan."

Ok...dream scenario fading quickly. A pagan? I always thought I wouldnt be someone who was quick to judge things I don't understand...I mean...well... its not as if my situations normal. But a pagan? Thats just...well strange. But I want to make Willow my friend, so I guess I need to just...grin and bear it.

"Don't worry, Joey. I'm a good witch." she says smiling.
I nodd akwardly. A good witch? As in there really are bad witches? Ok... I count to three in my head before giving a smile back and replying "Oh ok. I'll admit I erm....don't quite no how to react. But I don't want to...well judge. I mean...Im from Capeside which is a very small town. My mothers, dead and my dads in prison. I live with my sister and her black boyfriend and son Alexander. Thats why Im here to study. Its a miracle Im even here and Im not prepared to lose that just yet" I explain.

I feel awkard so I start shuffling the movies away into a cupboard. I look at "Creek Days" and see the girl who played me on the front cover. I still think she was too short. As I put it away I see Dawson's first film with me on the cover with the monster. Now those were the days. Me, Dawson and Pacey all friends without having to worry about relationships.

I look over at Willow. "My friends are in town, perhaps at somepoint you can meet them. They go to Boston Bay." I explain as I cross over to my photo I was looking at earlier.
"My best friend Dawson and my gay male friend Jack." I say. "The others Pacey. He's on a boat somewhere" I say trying to sound like it was no big deal.

"So do you have any guys in your life?" I ask. "Well other than Rick and Drew of course" I add with a small smile.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:57 pm
by StormWolfstone

Okay, so she's suddenly not seeming as comfortable, but at least she hasn't run from the room. She manages a smile after a moment before she replies, "Oh ok. I'll admit I erm....don't quite no how to react. But I don't want to...well judge. I mean...Im from Capeside which is a very small town. My mothers, dead and my dads in prison. I live with my sister and her black boyfriend and son Alexander. Thats why Im here to study. Its a miracle Im even here and Im not prepared to lose that just yet."

I nod and continue sorting the books while she talks, "My friends are in town, perhaps at somepoint you can meet them. They go to Boston Bay."

I glance up, and notice her move to the image she had been looking at before. "My best friend Dawson and my gay male friend Jack." I can't help but smile at that, well, I guess they would wonder about me wouldn't they. Of course, Tara was the only girl I'd ever fallen for so it didn't necessarily make me gay. I'd find out, right? "The others Pacey. He's on a boat somewhere."

Her attempt to sound nonchalant fails to my ears, but it's not my place as I take a look at the pictures, knowing I could scry sometime and it would probably allow me to know more. But, as I told Joey, I'm a good witch and as such I don't use my magic for personal gain... well mostly.

"So do you have any guys in your life?" She asks and I'm about to scoff when she adds, "Well other than Rick and Drew of course."

"No, can't say that I do. Haven't had someone in my life personally for a while." I reply, trying not to think about the image of how Tara had died and how I hadn't been there with her when it happened. God, I miss her so much. "Some of my friends are in Boston Bay also. In fact, I'm expecting a possible visit from them sooner or later. Maybe sometime all of us could get together, your friends and mine, see the sights. I hear there's a great resteraunt down near the front."

I move over to my things and pick up a picture that has everyone I ever cared about in it, but it wasn't naturally like that. Magic had allowed me to make it that way. "These are my friends that are here," I say as I start pointing, "Xander and Buffy. The others are back home or have moved on..."

I sit down on the bed as I look at Joey, "When the guy's have finished helping, would you like an official tour of the campus and surrounding area? The maps they give us do not have the updates to the campus on them." Having been here a month, I'd learned the in's and outs of the campus out of habit, especially since the Scooby gang still does patrol. Even if we are less in numbers...

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:29 am
by Fehr'sBear

The light coming in through the almost inpenetrable curtains has been playing itself over my eyes for about an hour, even though it feels like eternity. Finally opening them, I let out a groan, glancing over at the clock. God, it's almost noon. Half dragging, half pushing myself up, I let out another groan, feeling the newly bandaged cuts on my back and the huge bruise on my chest. I'd gone looking for a demon in the next town over last night, one that had been mysteriously pulling people into the woods. Needless to say it hadn't been happy that I'd tried to kill it, and, well, before I did, it had gotten a few hits in.

Getting out of bed, I pull on an old band shirt, some jeans and my leather jacket, carefully running a hand through my hair. Sam is due for a visit at Worthington. The power I discussed with him two days ago is getting more powerful, and making all these annoying demons feel like they can do whatever the hell they want.

Choosing not to drive, I start walking the few blocks to Worthington from the motel. I sort of ran out of gas yesterday after the fight, and now I need to get more or else the car won't run. But that can wait. Sam will probably be in class right now, so I stop at a nearby diner and get something to eat. Taking a seat at a table in the corner, I rubmy back again, waiting for the cute waitress I'd smiled at when I walked in to come over.

"Hello...Lindsey," I say, glancing at her nametag. "Can I get an...omelette, and some french toast, and a large cup of black coffee?" I ask, making my voice seem as charming as possible. With a grin and a flip of her hair, she writes down my order and wanders over to the kitchen to give it to the chef.

A few minutes later, the food arrives at my table, along with the coffee, and I flash another smile at Lindsey before digging in. "Thanks." I let the caffeine rush through my body, refreshing me after that long night. Checking my watch, I notice that Sam should be about done with his morning classes. Pulling out my cell I call him, saying a brief. "Sam, it's Dean. Meet me at the Diner around the corner from Worthington," before hanging up and digging in again. I'll have a chat with Sam, and when he goes back to school I'll go with him to chat up some hot coeds about any mysterious supernatural activity. Sounds like a good plan to me.

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 11:46 am
by madroswellfan
Great posts Fehr and Storm :D

Im going to temp Sam, Kyle and Zander.

Anyone want to play/temp Angel, Isabel, Michael, Chloe, Lois, Dawson or Jack? (Or play Sam, Kyle and Zander of course :))