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Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:55 am
by Oz
Thanks again for the FB.

Behrlyliz, I think your question should be partly answered in this post. But of course, I can't give too much away just yet, we still have quite a way to go ... oh, and thanks for the well-wishes (she writes as she has yet another coughing fit.)

Book Two


Beep … beep … beep …

Loud, unfamiliar noises filled my head, which pounded as though it had been hit with a sledgehammer. My brow creased, trying unsuccessfully to shut the noises out.

“Liz?” I heard an unfamiliar voice to my right. “I think she’s awake.”

“I’ll get the doctor.” Said another to my left.

With effort, I managed to open my eyes a crack, only to be blinded by bright fluorescent lights. Another minute after my eyes had adjusted to the light, I opened them further and saw two strange people standing by my bed.

“Honey, oh thank God you’re awake.” The woman said. “You had your father and I so worried.”

Okay, what the-? My parents? I didn’t even recognise these people. I tried to lift my head up, but it felt so heavy and my head hurt so much.

“Relax honey. Don’t try to sit up, wait for the doctor.”

Doctor? Where was I? I glanced around the room which was completely unfamiliar. I had never seen a place like this.

A man came over dressed in a white coat, and began to examine me.

“Liz? How do you feel?” The man said.

“Who’s Liz?” I managed to whisper, my throat was so sore and dry.

“That’s your name. Don’t you remember?” He asked, looking at me with concern.

I frowned and whispered “No.” I was so confused.

“Do you remember the accident?” He asked. Accident?

“I remember …” I began, when a man standing behind the doctor caught my attention. There was something about him that was familiar - his eyes.

“I remember … Zan.” I said before drifting out of consciousness again.

* * * * *

“Akira?” I heard a voice whisper.

My eyes fluttered open. The voice was familiar, but the man by my bed wasn’t. He had Zan’s eyes but was older, with dark hair.

“Who are you?” I whispered, my throat still so sore.

“It’s me, Zan.” He replied.

“You’re not Zan, you don’t look like Zan.”

“I am, let me show you.” He said as he touched my hand. Immediately I saw images of Zan and I dancing at the Tibulka. I had never told anyone else about that day, and the only other person who knew I had been there was Kivar.

“No, you’re not Zan, you’re Kivar.” I said, panicking and snatching my hand away. I had to get out of this bed but my legs were too weak to move.

“I’m not.” He replied, grabbing my hand again. This time I saw images of us kissing in the forest, the day that I had told him I was going to Meteraen. No one else had been there that day, he had to be telling the truth.

“Zan?” I looked at him in disbelief. “But, how?”

“I’ll explain everything. Just tell me, what is the last thing you remember?”

“ I remember the army … my parents … they killed my parents! And you, they were going to find us but you led them away so I could escape. What happened? Did they catch us, is that why we are here?” I asked.

“There’s a lot to explain, and you are too tired to hear it all tonight. Someone will probably be coming in to check on you soon, and I shouldn’t be here. But I will tell you a little…”

And Zan went on to explain the pods; the fact we were on earth; that I was known as Liz to my ‘parents’ and friends. I had had an accident and was injured. I had lost my memory of this life that I had led for the past sixteen and a half years.

“What about Sean?” I asked when Zan was finished. “Did he make it?”

“Sean is here. He has been anxious to see you since he was told you were awake. He may come in tomorrow. You’re parents don’t know about him though so it is a bit awkward.”

“What about you? My parents know you?”

“Yeah, I’m an old friend of the family. My name is James. But you should also know that this is not the only form I take. I also take the form of a sixteen year old boy, named Max.”

“How?” I asked confused.

“I don’t have time to explain, it’s just important that you know. You should also know that Sean doesn’t know me in this form now, he only knows me as Max.”

“Why haven’t you told him?” I asked.

“Let’s just say I have trust issues when it comes to Sean.”

“Well at least some things don’t change.” I replied, but then quickly changed the subject so we wouldn’t get into an argument. “So my parents, do they know all about where I’m from?”

“No, no one knows but Sean. Your friends and family just know you as Liz, a regular human girl. And Akira … it’s important that it stays that way. There’s something else you should know…”

“What?” I asked apprehensively. I really didn’t think I could take in any more for one night.

“We think there may be more of us down here … and there is a strong possibility they are not on our side.”

“What? How do you know?”

“Because Kivar has threatened you recently.”

“Kivar knows where I am?” I asked. Was I a sitting duck lying in this hospital room?

“He knows you went to Earth, but I don’t think he knows exactly who you are. We think he has sent some people to hunt you down, to make sure you don’t live to return home and fulfil the prophecy.”

“How do you know this?” I questioned.

“Again, I don’t have time to explain, but I promise I will. I just wanted you to know so you would be careful. As long as you wear your necklace, and are careful what you say and do, they shouldn’t be able to find you.”

“What necklace?” I asked, not feeling anything around my neck.

“They must have taken it off you when they brought you in to the hospital. I’ll find it, don’t worry. Now get some sleep, I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Okay. Thanks Zan.”

“No problem.” He replied, giving my hand a quick squeeze before walking out of the room.

It had been a lot to take in, especially when my head was still so fragile. Did I believe everything that Zan was telling me? I wasn’t sure, but I guess I would soon find out. Over the next few days things should become clearer. I was hoping that I would get my memories back sooner rather than later. Of course I always held out the hope that this was all a bad dream and I would wake up tomorrow back in my bed in the palace.


When I woke the next morning, the first thing I saw was my necklace, wrapped around my wrist a few times. The cross pendant had the sign of the royal seal. Zan had given it to me for my thirteenth birthday. He had made it himself, and when he gave it to me he had told me that it would protect me when he couldn’t be with me.

I had stopped wearing it after Zan and I had a fight at the party to celebrate my engagement to Sean. I had been so mad at him that night. Not just because he had been telling lies about seeing Sean with another woman, but because he had denied his love for me. I had given him one more chance to tell me the truth before I married someone else, but he couldn’t do it. He let his fear of what could be get in the way of the truth.

The morning of the attack was the first time I had worn the necklace again. I guess it was because, the night before, Zan had finally told me the truth.

‘Akira?’ Zan said hesitantly. I had been walking through the gardens of the palace, deep in thought about my upcoming marriage to Sean, when Zan came up tentatively behind me.

‘Zan. What are you doing here? I thought you were busy with my father this morning?’

‘I am … I mean, I was … I just saw you walking out here and had to come and talk to you about something.’

‘What is it?’ I asked. It had been a month since my engagement party, and Zan and I had barely spoken in that time. The fact that he had sought me out especially to speak to me must have meant it was important.

‘I’ve been thinking about what you said … at the party. And, you’re right. I’ve been lying to you. The reason I haven’t been supportive of you and Sean, is not just that I don’t trust him. It’s because I am in love with you. I always have been.’ Zan admitted.

I couldn’t say anything. Of course I already knew how he felt, but as long as he had been too afraid to admit it, it meant I that I didn’t have to admit anything either.

‘I know you are getting married to Sean in less than a week, but I couldn’t let you do that without telling you how I feel. I know it probably won’t change anything, and I can live with that. I just wanted you to know that I have loved you since the first day I met you. You are my best friend, my confidant, my inspiration. I know I have denied it, and I’ve been scared of what it might mean for our friendship, but right now I feel as though I have lost that anyway. If we are going to be apart, I would rather it was with no secrets between us.’

When I didn’t reply, Zan cupped his hand on the back of my neck and drew me towards him. I didn’t protest, having not realised until that moment how much I had missed his touch. When he realised I wasn’t resisting, he slowly brought his lips to mine, kissing me gently at first, and then with the passion of someone who has held back for far too long. I got caught up in the kiss, remembering the kiss we had shared so long ago, before Sean, and before Zan’s fear had broken us apart.

‘Marry me. Leave Sean and marry me instead.’ Zan begged, after the kiss had ended, but we hadn’t pulled away from each other, our forehead’s resting together.

As I looked at the necklace I smiled, imagining how Zan had managed to delicately place it on my wrist last night without waking me.

“How are you feeling today?” The doctor said as he studied my chart. I turned to the other side of my bed and saw that my earth parents were there as well.

“Ummm … okay I guess.” I answered.

“That’s good.” He said as he shone the light from his torch in my eyes. “No headaches?”

“Yeah, a little.”

“I’ll get a nurse to bring you some medication for that. What about dizziness?”

“No.” I said as I tried to sit up some more, “Oh, yes.” I corrected, clutching my head, and laying back down again.

“Just relax. You had a very serious head injury so it is to be expected. You are healing very quickly though, so I think you will be up and around in no time.” The doctor said, taking my pulse.

“Can she come home soon Doctor?” The woman, my mother, asked.

“We’ll wait another couple of days I think before we decide. I would like to do a few more tests, and keep her in for observation.”

I could have kissed the doctor at that moment. Although I didn’t like being here very much, I was not looking forward to going home with these people that I didn’t know.

“Now, Liz.” The doctor began, taking a seat on the edge of my hospital bed. “We need to talk about that head injury. It seems that it has caused a condition known as amnesia. Do you know what that is?”

“No.” It’s when you wake up to find you are in a completely different solar system, living a life that you don’t remember, not knowing how you managed to escape alive from your last life, with aliens hunting you down to make sure you don’t escape alive from this one.

“It’s a condition where you lose some of your memories. It occurs when the head has suffered a trauma, either a physical injury or severe stress. The amnesia can be selective, only targeting certain memories, or it can be total. Now in most cases, the memory returns quite quickly, but sometimes it can be permanent. We are hopeful that in your case it will be the former, but only time will tell. Now it is important that you get as much rest as you can, and avoid stress.” He then turned to my parents. “It is very important that you don’t try to overload her too much with new information. She is more likely to start remembering things on her own. I would recommend limiting her visitors. You can notify the nursing staff who will be allowed to visit her.”

“We will Doctor.” My father replied. “Thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome.” He answered, and then turned to me, “Have one of the nurses page me if you need anything. I’ll come by to check on you later this morning.”

When he had left the room, my parents turned their attention back to me.

“Can we get you anything, honey?” My mother said, grasping my hand. I tried not to flinch at the strange woman’s touch, but she must have felt me pull away because she quickly let go of my hand.

“I’m sorry…” I began to apologise, seeing how my reaction had upset her.

“No, it’s fine dear. I know this must be hard on you. You just concentrate on getting better, okay?”

“I’ll come by later this afternoon to check on you.” My father said, putting his hands on my mother’s shoulders, encouraging her to leave the seat by my bed.

“Bye honey.” My mother said, wiping a stray tear that had begun to trail down her cheek. I felt so terrible that I had made her cry. They must really love me a lot, and I couldn’t even remember their names.

“Thank you.” I said, giving them a weak smile.

* * * * *

Later that morning, after I had tasted the hospital food and decided that there was no possible way I was staying on this planet if that was the kind of food there was to eat, there was a quiet knock at the door. It opened, and in stepped a girl, who I assumed was probably around sixteen years old. She was quite pretty, but her eyes were red from crying, and her face deathly pale and I thought she looked as though she needed the hospital bed more than I did. I noticed how nervous she looked, but then chastised myself that anyone would feel nervous with me scrutinising them like I was.

“Hi.” The girl said timidly.

“Hi.” I replied, trying unsuccessfully to sound as though I knew who she was. Was this the way it was going to be from now on? Passing people and not knowing whether I should be saying hello like an old friend, or nodding politely to a stranger?

“I spoke to your parents. They told me that you have amnesia.” The girl continued, taking another step into the room.

“That’s what they tell me. Do you want to have a seat?” I offered politely.

The girl walked over to my bed and took a seat on the closest chair.

“So I guess you don’t remember who I am.” She said quietly.

I shook my head and feebly apologised.

“I’m Maria.” The girl said.

“Hi Maria. I think my name is Liz.”

“Yeah, it is.” Maria replied, still looking nervous.

“So, I take it we know each other.” I said.

“We were best friends.”


“I mean, are. We are best friends.” Maria corrected.

“Well you seem like the kind of person that I would be friends with.” I said thinking it would make her feel better.

“Really?” She smiled.

“Really.” I replied, but who was I kidding, I didn’t remember anything about her so how would I know?

“Do you remember the accident?” Maria asked.

“No. Was it bad?” I asked. No one had really told me what had happened.

“Yeah. We weren’t sure if you were going to make it.”


“Yeah, well, me, your parents; James and well … your ex.”

“My ex?” I asked confused.

“Yeah, your ex-boyfriend.” Maria said looking flustered.

“So I don’t currently have a boyfriend?” I asked. This kind of information is probably important so I am prepared for strange guys visiting me and wanting to get all touchy-feely.

“Not right now. You and he only broke up recently.”

“How recently?”

“Less than a week ago.” Maria replied.

Less than a week is going to mean there are unresolved issues. Great, that’s all I need right now.

“He’s actually here and is desperate to see you. Can I let him in?” Maria asked nervously.

“Yeah, I guess. But can I just ask you one thing first? Who broke up with whom?”

“Um, you did. You broke up with him.”

“Ok, thanks.” I replied. At least knowing that I would know how I was supposed to behave.

Maria opened the door, and a gorgeous blond haired bombshell walked through the door. What on earth was I thinking breaking up with this heartthrob? Then I studied him closer, and my eyes lit up. It was Sean, it had to be; I’d remember those eyes anywhere. The memory of them were forever burned into my soul.

“Do you remember Sean?” Maria asked, obviously noticing my reaction at the sight of him.

“Uh, no.” I lied. “But if I have any other friends who look this gorgeous please feel free to show them in immediately.”

“Thanks, I’ll take that as a compliment.” Sean grinned.

“I should probably leave you two alone.” Maria said, looking very uncomfortable.

“Okay. Will you come back and visit me?” I asked.

“I’d love too.” Maria replied, looking very relieved. “See you later then.”

When I was sure Maria had left the room I looked back at Sean.

“Sean?” I asked.

“You remember me?”

“Of course I remember you. I remember everything from that life. Unfortunately I don’t remember anything of this one.”

“So it is true, you have lost your memories.”

“Yeah. The last thing I remember is leaving Antar in the pods. I remember it as though it was yesterday, not sixteen years ago. But what happened? I heard the gunfire. How did you escape?” I asked, clutching his hand as though I was afraid he was going to disappear on me again.

“I got lucky. Their shots missed. They decided to take me prisoner instead, and I managed to escape and get to the pods.”

“Thank goodness you’re okay. I was so scared I had lost you.” I pulled him into the tightest hug I could manage without ripping out the tube that was attached to my arm.

“You can’t get rid of me that easily.” Sean grinned.

“Maria told me we broke up.” I stated, pulling back a little. I was desperate to know exactly where we stood with each other.

“We didn’t… not technically anyway.” He must have noticed the confused look on my face so he quickly continued. “Maria didn’t approve of us, and she gave you an ultimatum to either break up with me, or to find yourself a new best friend.”

“What? Why?”

“I think she just felt left out. You had suddenly made some new friends and she was upset.”

“Well, no wonder she looked so uncomfortable when you came in to see me.” I thought aloud.

“Yeah, so you told her that we had broken up, when we hadn’t. We just made sure she didn’t see us together.”

“That must have been hard.”

“Yeah, it was driving me crazy not being able to see you. And now with your parents hanging around the hospital so much I thought it was going to be impossible to get in here.”

“They’re not my parents. My parents are dead.” I said, breaking down in tears when it dawned on me what had happened. I hadn’t had a chance to mourn them yet. Sixteen years on and I had not mourned their death. What kind of daughter was I?

“Hey, hey, don’t cry.” Sean said pulling me back into a hug.

“I’m so scared.” I sobbed on his shoulder. I didn’t want to be here, I just wanted to go home. Back to Antar, back to my parents, back to my comfortable life in the palace where everything was normal. Not here on this strange planet with no memories.

“It’s going to be okay.” Sean comforted me. “Besides, it’s not so bad here you know.”

“The food sucks.” I replied, sniffling.

“Hospital food does suck, I have to agree with you there.” He replied, glancing at my uneaten plate of mush. “But just wait till you get out of here and try some real food.”

“Did someone mention food?” I heard a voice from the door. There was a boy their holding a white paper bag, and I could already smell the aroma of its contents wafting over to our side of the room. Sean pulled out of our hug and stood up defensively.

“Zan.” Sean said in acknowledgment. I looked at the boy closer, and saw that he definitely had Zan’s eyes.

“Sean.” Zan replied matching Sean’s tone, before taking the seat on the other side of the bed from where Sean was standing.

“Akira, I have brought you a present. One cheeseburger with extra pickles and a strawberry milkshake - your favourites.”

“Thanks.” I replied, pulling the burger out of the paper wrapping and taking a huge bite.

“What do you think?” Zan asked, grinning.

“Ohhh, this is good.” I replied with a mouthful of food. Okay, so not all earth food was that bad. Maybe I would hang around for a while.

“So I take it you two have spoken since Akira woke up yesterday.” Sean asked Zan.

“Yeah, briefly.”

“I didn’t see you around the hospital yesterday.” Sean said accusingly. “As a matter of fact I haven’t seen you around the hospital at all since the accident.”

“And your point is?” Zan replied defensively.

“That maybe Akira is not high enough on your agenda.”

“You don’t know what the hell you are talking about.” Zan stood up defensively.

“I’m just making observations.” Sean said smugly.

“Cut it out you two.” I interjected. “Sixteen years on and you still can’t get along.”

“Sorry babe. He just pushes my buttons.” Sean said, sitting back down next to me and taking my hand.

“You do your fair share of button-pushing.” I replied, knowing that Zan had been at the hospital since the accident. “And I have enough to worry about without having to play referee.”

“Sorry Akira.” Zan apologised as well.

“Okay, so what happens now?” I said once I had finished my burger and had moved onto the milkshake.

“Now you need to get better so you can get out of this hospital.” Zan replied.

“No, I mean what happens now, as in when do we go home.” I clarified by pointing towards the sky.

“It’s not time.” Zan said.

“What do you mean it’s not time. We left sixteen years ago and for sixteen years Kivar has had free reign over Antar. All those people suffering, depending on me to save them. I think we’ve waited long enough.”

“You’re not strong enough.” Zan replied.

“I’m a fast healer.”

“You haven’t been training.”

“To me I only left yesterday, which means I trained yesterday. I remember everything.” I replied smugly.

“What about physically?” Zan countered.

“Okay, this body may not be completely up to scratch, but it’s not that bad.” I replied. “A couple of weeks and I will be as fit as I used to be.”

“Why don’t you just worry about getting well enough to get out of this hospital, and then we can think about your exercise regime.”

“Fine.” I replied, suddenly feeling fatigued. Maybe Zan was right, I needed to get strong before I tried to fight Kivar.

At that moment the door opened and the doctor walked in.

“How are you- Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realise you had visitors.” The doctor began.

“That’s okay. These are some friends from school… I think.” I replied, remembering I wasn’t supposed to know who they were.

“Yeah, we’re from school. We heard she was awake and just wanted to check in on her.”

“And saving her from the dreaded hospital food I see.” The doctor smiled, glancing at my milkshake cup and burger crumbs. “I don’t blame you. I try not to eat here either. Just don’t overdo it, okay?”

“Okay.” I agreed.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, stepping between Sean and I to take my pulse.

“Okay. A little tired.”

“You need to rest. I think you may have had too many visitors today.” The doctor said obviously trying to give a strong hint to Sean and Zan who were still hovering.

“We’ll go.” Zan replied, nudging Sean to follow him. “We’ll come by and see you again.”

“Okay, thanks for coming.” I replied, trying to sound like my world wasn’t breaking because they were leaving me here in this hospital alone. It was comforting to have them with me. When they closed the door the doctor continued his examination.

“Headaches still?” He asked.

“A little.”


“It comes and goes.”

“I’d really like to run some tests to make sure there isn’t any other damage to that head of yours.”

“What kind of tests?” I asked concerned.

“It’s called an MRI. It’s a special machine that will x-ray your brain, among other things, and show us if there is any abnormalities. It’s very safe.”

“So you think this is what’s causing the memory loss, these abnormalities?”

“It’s possible. As I told you before, the reason is either from an injury, or from stress. At this stage it is too difficult to test because you have suffered from both. That’s why I think this test will help.”

“When do you want to do it?”

“I’ll book you in for tomorrow morning. Is that okay?”

“I guess. I don’t remember if I had anything else planned.” I smiled.

“Well, at least you still have your sense of humour.” The doctor grinned. “I’ll see you in the morning… Oh, and I’ll tell the nursing staff not to let any other visitors in so you can get some rest.”

“Thanks.” I replied gratefully, too tired to deal with any other friends or relatives who wanted to descend upon me.

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 4:35 am
by Oz

The mist swirled around me, as I walked through the darkened forest surrounding the palace. There were no moons, no light from the stars, and as I walked I stumbled on branches and logs that blocked the path.

‘Akira …’ A voice whispered to my left, and then to my right. I spun around, wanting to catch a glimpse of who was in the forest with me, who it was that was following me. I was scared. My pulse raced, and my throat was dry. I wanted to be safe and warm back in the palace with my mother and father.

‘Akira …’ The voice said again, this time closer.

‘Show yourself!’ I cried out, wanting the torment to be over. The scariest thing was not knowing who was there, or where they were. Once I could see them I would know my enemy and how to deal with them.

I heard a twig snap behind me, and I spun around to see a man, dressed in black and with piercing black eyes to match.

‘It’s been a long time.’ He said, taking another step closer.

‘Kivar…’ I breathed.

‘You remember me. I’m touched.’

‘Don’t be. They’re not fond memories.’ I snapped back.

‘At least you still have them; that’s more than can be said for the past sixteen years of your life.’

‘How do you know about that?’ I demanded.

‘Oh, I know more than you think. Actually, I can honestly say that I know more than you do about your life at this point.’

‘That’s temporary.’

‘Really? You say that as if you have some control over what is happening to you, when in fact, I am the one in control.’ Kivar grinned, like I was his new toy to play with.

‘You’re telling me you had something to do with this?’ I asked.

‘Very perceptive.’

‘Well, congratulations. You managed to erase all of memories of my earth life, but managed to restore all of my memories of my past life - the one in which I am destined to destroy you. Now that’s really clever.’ I said sarcastically.

‘Who do you think made you forget your past life to being with?’ Kivar drawled.

‘That … that had nothing to do with you.’ I stammered.

‘What? Didn’t Zan tell you?’ Kivar grinned devilishly.

‘Tell me what?’ I asked, not really sure that I wanted the answer.

‘The plan was that you would escape to earth, with all of your memories, and come back soon after to fulfil the prophecy. Of course, that didn’t happen did it? You were born again, a child with no memories, left to flounder on Earth while I have been left on Antar to reign.’

‘I don’t believe you.’

‘Think about it Princess… why would anyone plan for you to stay away for sixteen years, leaving your people to fend for themselves without their ‘Chosen One’ to save them.’

I still eyed him curiously. It did make sense, but why would Zan lie to me? If something had gone wrong, why wouldn’t he admit it?

‘So what happened? Why not leave me on Earth with no memories?’ I asked, almost convinced by what he was saying.

‘What can I say? I got bored. I decided to help you along by restoring your memories.’

‘No … no it wasn’t you. It was an accident, they told me…’ I began, unable to comprehend that he had so much control over me, over my memories, over my life.

‘There was an accident, but that just conveniently disguised the cause of your … predicament.’

‘So what are you doing here now? Are you just here to gloat, or do you want something?’

‘Well, I do want something actually. You wouldn’t remember…’ At which point Kivar looked up at me a grinned, before he continued to pace in front of me. ‘… but a little while ago I made you a very nice offer, which you foolishly refused, and I have found it within my heart to give you another chance. Now that you are you again, I know you will be smart enough to make the right choice.’

‘And what choice is that?’ I demanded.

‘To return to Antar as my wife. The people will see their ‘Chosen One’ has returned and aligned herself with me. I will have all the power, and together we shall have the people’s support.’

‘Well I’m not surprised that I refused your offer the first time. What makes you think that I would ever marry you - that I would ever allow you the power to rule?’

‘Because in return I will give you your life.’

‘I have a life, thanks all the same.’

‘I can take it as easily as I took your memories.’ Kivar threatened.

‘You know what? If that was true, you would have done it by now.’

‘You have no idea what I am capable of. I have let you live all of these years because I felt mercy, for you and your people. I have waited for you to mature, and now I am tired of waiting.’

‘Well you’ll have to keep waiting, because the answer is ‘no’.’

‘You’ve just signed your own death sentence.’

‘We’ll see about that.’ I replied defiantly.

‘Sooner rather than later I hope. But until that time comes, let me give you a taste of what you will be missing.’ He replied, grabbing my neck and pulling my mouth to his. I felt his lips crash onto mine as I struggled to get free. His hands began to roam my body, while he retained his powerful hold on my body against his. As he forced his tongue into my mouth I bit down with my teeth, hard enough that I could taste blood in my mouth. He pulled away quickly.

‘You will pay for that you whore.’ He spat as he raised his right hand and slapped me hard against my cheek. I immediately put my hand to my face, which had been cut by the ring on his little finger.

‘You need to do something about that temper of yours. No wonder your subjects don’t support you.’ I jeered.

‘Oh, they will, once you’re dead they will have no choice.’

‘What are you waiting for? Come and get me.’

‘Oh, I will, Princess. You can count on it.’ He replied as the image began to fade.

My eyes snapped open and I found myself in my dark hospital room. I could hear the heart monitor machine next to me, beeping faster than it should be as my heart was still racing from my encounter with Kivar. I felt my cheek which still felt sore, and found blood. I could also taste blood in my mouth.

‘It was just a dream… it was just a dream.’ I repeated over and over, but the evidence suggested otherwise. Had Kivar been here? Had he been in my room? Was he that close that he could kill me as he promised. It was easy to take his threats lightly when I thought he was light years away, but now I was panicking.

I jumped up from my bed, ripped the tube from my arm and the heart monitor from my thumb, and paced the room. I was like a caged animal, desperate to escape her jail, but the windows were secured, and there were nurses manning the desk just outside my door.

I fell in a heap on the floor, crying until there were no tears left to cry. I had lost my family, my home, my memories, and now I also had the threat of death to worry about. My brain was going into overload, so much that it naturally tried to drown out everything else around me so I could cope. It didn’t register when someone walked through the door, when they called my name, when they knelt down in front of where I was lying on the cold, tiled floor in a pool of my own tears. It only registered when I felt the warm heat of their hand on my forehead. I squinted at the person in front of me, and saw that it was Zan, now back to his older self, posing as James.

“Are you okay?” He asked, when he saw that my eyes had finally focused on his.

“I’ll never be okay.” I replied despondently.

“What happened? Are you unwell? Did you have a bad dream?”

“It wasn’t a dream. Look.” I replied, showing him my cheek.

“How did you do that?”

“I didn’t - Kivar did.”


“Yeah, that’s what I thought too, but how else do you explain it? In my dream he hit me and made my cheek bleed, when I woke up I had a cut on the same cheek, and blood in my mouth.”

“Why did you have blood in you mouth?” Zan asked.

“He had something where it shouldn’t have been.” I replied vaguely, and luckily Zan didn’t pursue it further.

“What did Kivar want?” Zan asked.

“To offer me a deal … actually a proposal. If I married him, he would let me live.”

“Interesting.” Zan replied thoughtfully.

“That’s definitely not the reaction I was expecting.”

“It’s just that for him to make you an offer like that, it must mean that he is struggling to hold power.”

“And here I just thought that he fell for my charms.” I joked, but Zan continued on the same strain as if he hadn’t heard me.

“He needs you to keep the people happy. He must fear an imminent uprising - he’s starting to get desperate.”

“So marrying me is an act of desperation?” I asked defensively.

“That’s not what I meant.” Zan replied.

“You seem to have a habit of not saying what you really mean. You have a huge aversion for the truth.”

“What’s this actually about?” Zan asked confused what was prompting my sudden attack.

“Kivar told me that he was the one who made sure I came to Earth without my memories; that the original plan was for me to come like you – memories intact. That you had lied to me.”

“That’s not true.” Zan denied.

“It made sense. Why would I spend sixteen years on Earth while he was left to rule Antar. I’m supposed to save my people, but while they were being oppressed I was experiencing my second childhood.”

“You can’t believe a word he says. He is lying to you - making you distrust your friends.”

“What about you? Have you been lying to me?” I accused.

“Of course not. I would never lie to you.” Zan replied.

“You might want to rephrase that answer.” I spat, standing up from my crouched position against the wall. He followed me up from where he was sitting so I wasn’t towering over him. “You have lied to me before.”

“That was different.” Zan defended himself.

“How?” I demanded.

“Because, I thought I was doing it for the right reasons. I haven’t lied to you about anything else, I promise.”

“Your promises don’t mean much anymore.” I replied, knowing I was inflicting pain, but not being able to stop myself.

“Look, it was sixteen years ago, I was a different person then.” Zan tried to justify himself.

“Well it feels like yesterday to me. The day before we left Antar in fact… Did we ever talk about what happened?”

“No, I don’t think you had remembered it before you had the accident.” Zan replied.

“And you never brought it up?”

“What was I supposed to say? ‘Hey Liz, you might not remember but sixteen years ago we kissed and I confessed that I had been lying to you for years about my true feelings for you. I begged you to break off your engagement with Sean and marry me instead. Just thought I’d mention it in case things didn’t work out with Sean’. Things were weird enough between us without that.”

“Okay, now that you say it like that I can see your point. But would you have told me eventually?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” Zan replied, looking uncomfortable.

Unfortunately before we could talk any more, the door opened and the doctor entered the room.

“Ready for your test?” The doctor asked.

“What test?” Zan asked, suddenly very attentive again.

“We are giving Liz an MRI scan, just to check things out in that head of hers.”

“Can I come and watch?” Zan asked the doctor cautiously, trying to disguise his panic.

“If it’s alright with Liz.” He replied, turning to me.

I nodded my consent, sensing Zan’s panic. A nurse wheeled in a chair which I climbed into. As the doctor and nurse were talking I tugged on Zan’s sleeve to get his attention.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him, noticing that he still looked agitated.

“You’re different from other people on this planet, but the only way to tell is from a brain scan.”

“We have to do something.” I replied, now panicking myself. “We have to get out of here.”

“We can’t just leave, that will cause too much suspicion. Don’t worry, I’ll work something out. I’ll take care of you, I promise.” Zan replied quickly as the doctor was turning his attention back to me.

“Let’s go.” The doctor said, as I was wheeled out of the room with Zan trailing closely behind.

* * * * *

They had me lie down on a cold metal bed devoid of everything except my hospital gown. They had taken my necklace that Zan had promised would disguise my brain waves and make me appear normal. I trembled from the cold, but more than that, I trembled from the fear of being discovered. Zan had promised he would look after me, and I believed that he would try, but I wasn’t sure that even Zan could protect me from the inevitable. Soon I was going to be discovered, and put in a different kind of hospital where I would be tested like a lab rat.

The nursing staff and doctors cleared the room, and I could see them watching me from behind a glass window. Zan was there too, and I gave him a weak smile to remind him that I was placing my life in his hands.

The machine began to whir, and my bed began to move head-first into a large cylindrical machine. I could hear the machine move around my head, and I couldn’t help but wonder which second of which minute it would all be over and the truth would be out.

Suddenly there was a burst of light and I saw the ceiling and walls of the room dissolve into stars…

I was flying through space, passed unfamiliar planets and stars, until I saw one that I recognised. Antar - with its three moons and rings circling the planet. As I entered the atmosphere I saw the pink sky and green emerald ocean. I neared the ground and saw the village near the palace - the market place where Zan and I had wandered and the square in which we had danced. The place had a very different feel from what I remembered. There was no singing and dancing, in fact the place was deserted. Chairs and tables had been tipped over and food was left rotting on half-finished plates.

There was another burst of light and I found myself at the door of the fortune teller who I had visited once with Zan once. I opened the door without knocking and followed the sound of voices down the corridor. The door to the room in which the fortune teller worked was slightly ajar and I could see her seated with a man dressed in a black cape. I didn’t need to see his face to know who he was. I would recognise that voice anywhere. It was Kivar.

‘I told you that you wouldn’t convince her. It was not destined to be.’ The fortune teller said.

‘I know what you told me, but I had to try anyway. Now what I need is for you to tell me what is going to happen now.’ Kivar replied.

‘Her time is coming. She is getting stronger.’

‘I know. I can feel it. It is getting harder and harder access her mind - especially now that all of her memories have returned. Once she has healed completely it will be impossible.’

‘She will be returning soon.’


‘When the three moons align.’ The fortune teller replied.

‘That’s not long. You can see the future - tell me how to defeat her.’

‘Beware of the phoenix.’ The fortune teller said, looking at me standing in the doorway.

‘What is that supposed to mean?’ Kivar asked.

‘Beware of the phoenix.’ The fortune teller repeated, not shifting her gaze from me, and I knew that the message was solely for me, not Kivar. She was repeating the warning she had given all those years ago.

With another burst of light the scenery changed and I found myself in the desert near the Psyssliam mine. Psyssliam was a very powerful crystal which was often used as an energy source on Antar. The mine was usually only manned by a few dozen workers, but today the mine was filled with hundreds of people. This is probably where all the people in the village had gone to. There were guards surrounding the mine with high-powered weapons, keeping a watchful eye over the workers. The workers themselves were covered in layers of dirt, and were sickly thin from hunger. There were children as young as ten working the mines, and their eyes looked haunted and sad. My heart almost burst with the overwhelming emotion for my people. As I walked among the people I came across a guard beating a man who had stumbled under the weight of his load. Unable to do anything to help this man, I cried out in anguish, and as I did, I saw another burst of light…

“Liz? Are you okay?” I heard Zan ask as he hugged me. “What happened?”

“I don’t know.” I replied, completely confused as to what had just happened. “How long was I out?”

“About twenty minutes. They had just finished when you started screaming.”

“I did?” I asked, wondering why there weren’t any doctors or nurses fussing over me.

“Don’t worry, I took care of it.” Zan replied, as if he could read my mind.

“And the test?” I asked.

“I took care of that too. It’s going to be okay.”

“Liz, we’re finished up here now.” The doctor said entering the room. “We’ll get you taken back to your room. I’m sure you could do with a rest.”

Zan wheeled me back to my room, and didn’t say a word until we were finally left alone again. He was looking out the window thoughtfully.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. “You look worried.”

“Not worried, just concerned … about you.” Zan replied.


“I told you that after about twenty minutes you started screaming, but what I didn’t tell you is that at the same time there was a bright flash of light which wiped out the power in the hospital for a few seconds. From what it looks like, the power is still out on the rest of the street block. Can you tell me about what happened?”

“I had a vision. Actually, I think it was more than a vision, I think I astral projected or something like that.”

“Where did you go?” Zan asked, as though it was an ordinary occurrence.


“Home? As in … home?” He asked, putting to the sky.


“Wow… what did you see?” Zan asked, suddenly sounding homesick himself.

“I saw my people being worked and starved to death.” I replied, trying to stop my eyes from tearing at the thought of it. “And I saw Kivar, asking the fortune teller how to stop me from fulfilling my destiny.”

“What did that quack have to say?” Zan asked contemptuously.

“She told him that it was impossible… But what was more interesting, she knew I was there and she gave me a message. She told me to ‘beware of the phoenix’.”

“That riddle again? Couldn’t she be a little more helpful this time?”

“We’ll know what she means when we’re supposed to.”

“I hope so.” Zan replied.

“So when can I go home?” I asked, finally ready to get out of this place. I was scared of the outside world, but I couldn’t stay here forever.

“Are you feeling well enough?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Okay. I’ll see what I can do.”

As if on queue the doctor walked into the room, this time followed closely by my parents.

“Well Liz, your test results have come back, and it looks like everything is fine. There’s no permanent damage, only the slight swelling where you bumped your head during the accident. I am optimistic that your amnesia will only be temporary and you should make a full recovery.” The doctor said looking over my chart.

“That’s fantastic news, isn’t it Liz.” My mother said, hesitantly putting her hand on my shoulder, as if worried that I would jump again at the contact.

“Yeah, it’s great.” I smiled at her.

“So when can she go home Doctor?” Zan asked.

“I still think she needs to rest for a few more days, I wouldn’t want to discharge her prematurely.” The Doctor replied.

“Of course Doctor.” My father said.

I looked at Zan in panic, I couldn’t stay here a couple more days, I needed to get out now.

“But I really see no reason why she can’t rest up at home. You can take her home this afternoon. If you’ll come with me now and fill out some paperwork.” The doctor said to my parents.

When they had left I turned to Zan.

“You mind-warped him didn’t you?” I asked.

“You said you wanted to get out of here… Are you mad?”

“No, I just didn’t realise you could do that. I had only just taught you before–.”

“I’ve had sixteen years to practice.”

“Have you ever mind-warped me?” I asked,

“No… And I should probably warn you that Sean has learnt how to mind-warp too.”

“Are you sure? I didn’t know he had those kinds of abilities?”

“I’m sure. I saw him do it recently.”

“On who?” I asked, worried that it had been me.

“On your friend Maria, but in his defence it was for your own safety.”

“You’re actually defending Sean? Now there’s a first.”

“Don’t get used to it.” Zan smiled. “Now let’s get you out of here.”


Later that afternoon I was secure in my room, reeling from all I had seen on the drive from the hospital to my house. The one thing that I couldn’t get over was the fact that the sky was blue, not pink like on Antar. It was surreal. Everything looked very different – the trees, the clothes, the houses. My bedroom was definitely different to what I was used. Not to sound precious, but it was much smaller and less refined. There were posters on the wall of boys, there were photos on a pinup board of people I didn’t recognise, and there were clothes strewn in a heap on the floor. Apparently I didn’t have a maid to clean up after me, or else she had taken the week off.

“I was going to tidy up, but I didn’t know you would be coming home today.” My mother said from her position in the doorway.

“That’s fine.” I replied, taking a seat on my bed, hugging a pillow to my chest.

“Why don’t you get some rest, and I’ll make you something to eat.” She offered.

“Thanks that would be nice.” I replied with a smile. She was trying hard to make me feel better, so the least I could do was to appear grateful. What I really wanted was to get out of this unfamiliar house and go and stare at the strange blue sky once more.

When she left the room, closing the door behind her, I walked to the window to catch a glimpse of the sky. When I couldn’t see it properly through the trees, I lifted up the window and climbed out. As if my feet had a mind of their own, I climbed down the ladder that led up to my balcony and began to walk down the street. In retrospect it probably wasn’t a good idea for someone with amnesia to go for a walk, because nothing looked familiar. I did wonder how I was going to find my way home. Of course I didn’t think about that until it was too late.

I eventually found myself in a large park, where I sat down on an empty bench and stared at the sky. Millions of thoughts ran through my head, like what Kivar had told me, what I had seen home on Antar, and what on earth I was going to do now.

“Hey.” I heard a voice next to me. I had been so deep in thought that I hadn’t heard anyone approach, and I jumped at the sound of the voice so close to me. I turned to see a boy around my age staring down at me, his hands in his pockets, looking nervous.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” The young man said.

“That’s okay.” I replied, still looking at him curiously.

“I take it you don’t remember me.” He replied, noticing my confused gaze.

“I’m sorry, I have amnesia.” I apologised, but then making a mental note that I should probably not be telling that to complete strangers.

“My name’s Kyle. I’m Maria’s brother.” He introduced himself.

“Hi, I’m … uh … Liz.” I replied, the name still feeling so foreign to me. I wanted to scream from the top of my lungs that my name was Akira and that I wanted to go home.

“Yeah I know.” Kyle smiled.

“Of course you do. Do you want to sit down?” I offered.

“Sure.” He replied, taking a seat on the bench next to me.

We both sat in silence for a moment. I didn’t have a clue what I was supposed to say to him, and he seemed confused about what to say to me. I hated the awkwardness.

“Everyone’s looking for you.” He began. “Your parents are really worried.”

“I just had to get out of there.” I replied, feeling guilty for making everyone worry about me.

“I can understand that.” Kyle sympathised. “It must be really horrible not recognising anything, or anyone.”

“I feel like I am in hell.” I replied honestly.

“You know Maria and I will do everything we can for you until your memories return.” Kyle promised.

“You seem confident that they will.”

“I know you Liz, and I know how strong you are. You will get through this.” Kyle said, turning to look me directly in the eyes.

“I’m lucky to have friends like you and Maria.” I replied honestly.

“And we’re lucky to have you.”

“Kyle? Can I ask you something?” I asked tentatively. I was getting a really weird vibe from him, like there was more to our relationship than friendship.


“In the past … were we ever together?”

“No… not that I wouldn’t have wanted to.” He quickly added, blushing. “But you were best friends with my sister, and so I always felt like you were off limits. Anyway, Sean showed up and the rest is history…”

“Oh.” I replied, not sure what I could reply to that. I also got the feeling that he had never told me this before, and I wondered if he would have ever been brave enough to tell me if I didn’t have amnesia.

“Speak of the devil.” Kyle said getting up.

My eyes darted to the direction Kyle was looking and saw Sean crossing the clearing to where we were.

“I’d better go. I don’t want to cause any trouble.”

“Why would you cause any trouble?” I asked confused.

“Your boy has a nice temper on him. I’ll go and let your folks know that you are okay. Get Sean to walk you home when you are ready.” Kyle said, beginning to walk away.

“Kyle!” I called, and he turned back to me. “Thanks for everything.”

“No problem.” He said, waving goodbye.

Sean walked up and I could see him eyeing Kyle’s now retreating figure, but seemed to think twice before turning his full attention to me.

“Hey, I went passed the hospital and they said you had been discharged. I didn’t realise they were releasing you today.” Sean said, taking the now-empty seat beside me and giving me a hug.

“I don’t think they realised either. Zan convinced them to let me leave.”

“What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be resting at home?”

“I had to get outside. The sky … it’s so blue.”

“Yeah, it’s different isn’t it? I used to spend hours in the desert just staring up at it.”

“I wish I could see the sky in Antar again.” I replied despondently.

“You can.”

“Yeah? When?”

“In a few minutes actually.” Sean said looking at his watch.

“What do you mean?” I asked confused.

“Just watch.” He said, pointing to the sky.

We sat in silence, just waiting. I thought Sean was going crazy, but then it happened… As the sun began to sink towards the horizon, the colour of the sky began to change. From blue it turned to pink and the clouds in the sky began to glow a bright orange. We sat there and watched until the sun had gone down completely and the first stars began to appear in the sky.

“That was beautiful.” I said, being the first to break the silence.

“Reminds you of home doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, it does.”

“When I start to get homesick, I watch the sunset and I feel closer to home somehow.”

“How far are we from home?” I asked.

“See that star?” Sean said, pointing the bright star shining in a cluster above us. “That’s home.”

“It’s so far away.” I said despondently. “How are we going to get there?”

“We got here didn’t we? There’s no reason we can’t go back.” Sean said.

“I guess you’re right.” I said, feeling a little more positive.

“Can I walk you home?” Sean offered.

“Yeah, that would be nice.” I accepted.

* * * * *

Sean said goodbye to outside the diner, not wanting to make my parents worry more by seeing a strange man bring their daughter home. I hesitantly climbed back up the ladder to my balcony but stopped short of climbing back through my bedroom window. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for what these people might say to me for taking off. I waited out of sight, hearing voices drifting out from inside my bedroom.

“I just don’t know what to do … She looks at us like we’re complete strangers. Part of me wants to give her space so we don’t frighten her away, but the other part of me wants to hold her and tell her everything is going to get better.” I heard my mother say.

“The doctor said that she can’t be put under any stress. We need to wait for her to come to us, and not pressure her for anything more. It’s a horrible situation, but we will all get through this. She just needs to know that we are there for her when she needs us.” My father replied.

“What if James talks to her. She seems to be more receptive to him. She might find it easier to talk through things with him than with us.”

“That’s a good idea. I’ll talk to him when he gets back.”

“Hey, you’re back.” A voice said from the other side of the balcony. I spun around to see Zan sitting on one of the lounge chairs. He must have been there all along, watching me listening at the window.

“Yeah. Sean brought me home.”

“Kyle told me. I was worried about you.”

“I’m sorry. I had to get out.”

“I’m just glad you’re safe. You parents have been frantic.”

“I know.” And then I burst into tears.

“Shush, it’s okay.” Zan said, wrapping his arms around me.

“I want to go home.” I blurted out in between sobs.

“I know.”

“When can we go?” I asked.

“Soon.” Zan promised.

I heard my window open and I looked down to see my dad standing there watching Zan comfort me. I wondered if he was going to lecture me for leaving.

“Liz? Do you want something to eat? You must be starving.” He offered.

“That would be nice.” I replied, my stomach rumbling. I let go of Zan and followed my father inside.

“I’ll just go and ask your mother to bring something in to you.” My father said, probably worried that I would want to spend time alone, rather than with them.

I collapsed on my bed, suddenly feeling exhausted. I guess I had overdone it considering I had spent so much time recently lying in a hospital bed. I was just about a sleep when my mother quiet knocked on the door before coming into the room with a tray of food and drink.

“Oh honey, you must be so tired.” She said, seeing me lying on my bed. “A bit of food might make you feel better.”

“Thanks.” I replied, sitting up on my bed as she placed the tray on my lap. As she did, her hand brushed mine and an image flashed into my mind of my mother reading to me as I lay in bed, clutching a teddy bear. I remember feeling so happy and could feel the love I had for my mother.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, noticing my astonished expression.

“Nothing, I just … I think I just had a memory …” I said.

“What did you remember?” She asked, looking hopeful.

“I was younger, and you were reading me a bed time story. I was holding a teddy bear with a blue vest.”

“Mr Snuggles.” She replied, walking to my closet. Seconds later she returned with the teddy bear in hand. “You father and I bought this for you for your 2nd birthday. You used to take it everywhere with you.”

I reached out and took it from her, and then reached out to hug her too.

“I’m sorry for leaving without telling you.” I apologised.

“Oh honey, its okay. Your father and I understand that you need time on your own. Just tell us that you are going next time.” She said giving me a squeeze.

“I will, I promise.” I said, pulling out of the hug and giving her a smile.

“Now eat up.” My mother said, wiping a tear from her eye.

“Thanks.” I smiled as she took one last look at me before leaving the room. Moments later I could hear her talking excitedly to Zan and my father about my memory and they rejoiced that I might be getting better. I wasn’t as excited though - I wasn’t convinced that it was a memory of mine, but rather a flash from my mother. I had the sinking feeling that I really wasn’t any closer to getting better at all.

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 1:42 am
by mlover25
Ok here is what she needs to do. I have this felling that sean is kivar. Just from all that has been said and all that has happened. Also whats going on with tess and nicolas? (I have no idea how to spell his name sorry) I cant wait for more come back soon please. :D

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2006 7:43 am
by Oz
Thanks everyone for the FB (and especially to Polar Vixen for spurring everyone on!) It's nice to know there are a few stalkers out there who are enjoying it too, even if they don't leave feedback (don't worry, that used to be me too - until I've discovered how cool it is to hear people are actually enjoying what you are writing!).

And to those trying to guess the plot points - not to give anything away, but I hope the storyline still satisfies you even though it may not be what you are thinking ...

I have to say that this part was one of my favourites to write. There's a lot of angst, and Liz goes off the rails a bit. Think Isabel in 'Baby It's You'...


The following few days passed without incident. I spent a lot of my time in my room, looking at all of my belongings, trying to get some sense of what kind of person I was. I found the journal Zan had given me to explain my origin, but I knew all of its contents – I had lived it. I saw the part where I had written about my dreams, and thought about how I must have felt so confused and alone – not much different to now really.

My parents kept there distance still, giving me space to think without the pressure of having to please them too. Zan and Sean both went to school during the day so I would only see them in the evening. Sean would risk getting caught by my parents by coming to my window, while Zan would pass the evening with my parents, checking up on me whenever he could come up with an excuse. On the third night I was going stir crazy, being couped up at home, so when Zan, as Max, offered to take me out for dinner I was overjoyed. We went downstairs to the diner, where I apparently used to work – I guess technically I still did. I had to get Zan to help me with the menu, and in then end I just got him to order for me. Food on Earth was so different to what I was used to eating.

Maria was working that night, and I often caught her watching me from across the room, but then again, half the patrons in the diner had been staring at me at some point during the evening. I guess word had spread about my amnesia.

“What’s on your mind?” Zan asked, noticing that I had been fairly quiet, seemingly deeply engrossed with stirring the ice in my glass with a straw.

“I’m sick of it. I’ve spent every waking moment since I got out of hospital trying to remember something… anything.”

“You did remember something. Your mum told me.” Zan said trying to be positive.

“We both know that wasn’t necessarily a memory of mine - but hers… And I haven’t remembered anything since then. I hate the way people keep looking at me, and I have no idea whether I should know them or not. I feel so lost.” I said despondently.

“I know. It will get better, I promise it will.” Zan replied, reaching for my hand from across the table and giving it a squeeze.

“I need your help. I can’t do this by myself.”

“I’ll always be there for you, you know that.”

“Yeah, I do.” I replied, giving a faint smile.

“Well isn’t this cosy.” I third voice broke interrupted our conversation.

Looking up I saw Sean standing there, taking a lot of interested in the fact that Zan was still holding my hand. Zan noticed too, and quickly pulled his hand away.

“I need to use the bathroom. I’ll be back in a minute.” Zan said standing up and hurrying out to the back of the diner. Sean took the seat Zan had just vacated.

“What’s going on?” Sean said, almost accusingly.

“Nothing’s going on. Zan was just being a friend.” I replied honestly.

“More like trying to pick up where he left off.” Sean retorted.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I demanded.

“Don’t think I don’t know exactly what went on the night before the attack?”

“What went on exactly?” I asked.

“Zan kissed you.”

“You saw that? You never said anything.”

“I didn’t really get the chance. Besides, I saw you reaction. I knew I didn’t have anything to worry about.” Sean smiled.

‘Marry me. Leave Sean and marry me instead.’ Zan begged.

Eventually, I pulled away from him, but not able to look him in the eye, in case I betrayed myself. I had waited over a year to hear him say the words, and now I didn’t know what to do. I was engaged to Sean and I loved Sean. But did I love him as much as I loved Zan? I had never had to question that before, because I believed there was no chance Zan and I would ever be more than friends. Now I was so confused.

‘Say something… anything … please.’ Zan implored.

‘What do you want me to say? You tell me you love me after you have denied it for so long. Why now?’

‘I went to see the fortune teller. She told me that we are destined to be together.’

‘She did?’ She told me the man I loved would give his life for mine. That was Sean wasn’t it? He had put himself in danger to save me from Kivar. I had been so certain that she had been referring to Sean, but maybe I had made a mistake…

‘I didn’t think you believed in what she had to say.’ I said, remembering how he hadn’t been too supportive of my visit to Madam Vivian in the past.

‘I didn’t, but I went to see her about what she had said to you about the phoenix. I wanted to see if she could tell me any more. Instead, she told me about our destiny to be together.’

‘I wish it didn’t have to take a fortune teller to tell you what you should have worked out for yourself a long time ago.’

‘Akira …’ Zan began to protest.

‘No. It’s too late. I’m engaged to Sean.’

‘He doesn’t love you like I do.’ Zan replied.

‘You’re right. He doesn’t… He loves me more than you ever could. He is not a coward. He’s never been afraid to trust me with his heart. And I will never make him regret giving me his trust.’ I cried, running out of room with Zan calling weakly for me to stop.

“You were right.” I smiled in return, but inwardly hoping that Sean never discovered the confused and sleepless night I had spent regretting the way I had reacted to Zan’s confession. If I could have only taken back all the words I had said, things could have been so different.

“Look, I’ve gotta go.” Sean said, getting up from the table. “I’ve gotta pick my bike up from the mechanic before he shuts for the night.”

“Okay. Well, maybe I’ll see you tomorrow, and you can give me that ride on your bike that you have been promising me.”

“It’s a date. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Sean said, giving me a kiss on the forehead before walking out of the diner.

I looked around the diner to see where Zan had got to, and found him standing at the counter talking to Maria. They looked deep in conversation, and Maria occasionally looked nervously in my direction. I couldn’t help but wish I had my powers up to full strength so I could listen in on their conversation. Slowing my breath, I concentrated on the familiar sensation of reaching out to Zan’s mind, but I couldn’t quite grasp it. My powers felt completely out of whack, and beads of sweat formed on my forehead as my strength quickly faded. Letting out a breath and conceding defeat, I was startled to realise that there was someone standing next to me, looking at me in concern.

“Liz? Are you feeling okay?” The girl asked before she and the boy next to her took the spare seats on the other side of the table.

“Yeah. Thanks. Umm, I guess I’m supposed to know you.” I apologised.

“We’re friends from school. My name’s Tess, and this is my brother Nicholas.”

“Hi. I’m sorry I don’t remember you.”

“That’s okay. How are you doing anyway?” Tess asked concerned.

“Better. Just a little tired still, and of course I still don’t remember a thing before the accident.”

“I can’t imagine what that must be like. You know that if you ever need anyone to talk to, we’re both here for you.”

“Thanks, that’s sweet.” I smiled, thinking to myself how nice it was to have such nice friends. Zan was my only good friend in my past life so it was nice to have more than one person looking out for me.

“Hey Liz.” A voice said next to me. I turned to see Kyle standing next to me. Now all I need was my parents and my doctor and everyone I knew in this town would be here tonight.

“Hi Kyle, have a seat.” I offered.

“Actually, could I speak to you … in private.” He asked, glancing at Tess and Nicholas.

“Uh, sure.” I said, getting up from my seat, shooting an apologetic look at Tess.

“What’s up?” I asked when we were safely out of earshot near the back of the diner.

“I just thought you would want to know, you were not really good friends with those two before your accident.”

“I wasn’t?” I asked hesitantly.

“They were friends with Maria, but not really with you. You didn’t seem to trust them for some reason.”

My worst fears were coming to life – people were able to make me believe anything and I didn’t know who I could trust anymore.

“Thanks for looking out for me.”

“No problem. That’s what I’m here for… and Maria too. Look after yourself.” Kyle replied giving my shoulder a quick squeeze with his hand before heading over to Maria and Zan.

“Can we please leave now?” I asked Zan, trying not to appear too desperate, but ready to break into tears.

“Of course, let’s go.” Zan said as he led me out of the diner. “Where do you want to go?”

“I need to go somewhere where I can get away from everything. I need to try and heal myself, and I can only do that in peace and quiet.”

“I know just the place.” Zan replied.

* * * * *

Half an hour later we were standing at the top of a hill in the desert, under a blanket of stars. I stared at one in particular – home.

“Do you want me to go?” Zan asked.

“No. Please stay with me.” I replied, not wanting to be alone out here in the emotional state I was in.

Zan nodded, before picking up the rug he had carried up with him, and spreading it on the ground. I sat cross-legged on the rug, and Zan took a seat on a rock not too far away. I closed my eyes, slowed my breathing, and began to concentrate on every molecule of my body. From my toes; up to my legs; to my stomach and torso; down my arms to my fingers; and back up to my neck and shoulders. Last of all I concentrated on my head where most of the damage was. I don’t know how long I spent there because the next thing I knew I was waking up in my bed the next morning.

“Hey, you’re awake.” Zan said, immediately coming to my bedside.

“Yeah … um, what happened? How did I get here?”

“You exhausted yourself and passed out. I carried you home and snuck you in without your parents noticing. They’ve both gone to out now by the way.”

“And you’ve been here all night?” I asked, noticing his dishevelled appearance.

“Yeah, I was worried about you. I’ve never seen you do that before.”

“I’ve never had to do it before.”

“You were glowing.” Zan said, staring at me in wonder.

“Really? You mean, literally?”

“Yeah, it was beautiful…”

I blushed.

“So, how do you feel now? Do you have your memories back?” Zan asked.

I thought for a moment, looking around the room, trying to see if anything was now looking familiar.

“No, I don’t.” I replied.

“I’m sorry that it didn’t work.’

‘Don’t be.’ I replied telepathically. ‘Because I healed myself enough to restore my powers.’

‘That’s fantastic!’ Zan replied, pulling me into a hug.

‘So now I’m ready to go home.’

“Akira …” Zan said, pulling away.

“When are we leaving? How are we leaving?” I asked

“It’s not that simple.”

“Yes it is. My people need me, and I am very sure I don’t belong here. Losing my memory is a blessing because it means I won’t have any regrets about leaving this place. It’s a sign that it is time to go.” I argued.

“You’re still a child.”

“Yeah, well technically I’m about thirty-two years old. I’ve lived two lifetimes…” I replied, remembering the prophets words ‘She will have lived the length of two lives…’.

“We don’t have any way of getting home.”

“What!? Wasn’t that the plan? That there would be a way of getting home.” I exclaimed, jumping to my feet and pacing the room.

“Of course it was. But I haven’t been able to replicate the pods. This planet doesn’t have the same resources. Besides, I always thought I would have more time…”

“More time? You’ve had sixteen years! You’ve been stalling - why?”

“Because I don’t want you to go back, okay!” Zan replied, jumping to his feet as well.

“Why not?”

“Because I don’t want you to die.”

“I’m the ‘Chosen One’, I’m not going to die.”

“I know you believe the prophecy, but not everything is set in stone. You’re future isn’t foretold. If you go looking for danger without being prepared, you could get yourself killed. I will not stand by and let that happen.”

“My people need me!”

“And I need you!” Zan blurted.

“You had me and you let me go.”

“And I have regretted it every single day of my life.”

I was speechless. This conversation was evolving into something I wasn’t ready to talk about yet.

“I have had to watch you fall in love with someone else. I have had to stand by and see you with a man that doesn’t deserve you, and it has been a knife to my heart. But I would rather relive seeing every single kiss you gave him, than let you return home to your death.”

“If you won’t help me get home, I will find another way without you.”

“There is no other way.”

“If you take away my hope, I have nothing left.”

“You have me.”

“I have nothing.” I replied, walking out of the room and leaving a wounded Zan behind me.

* * * * *

My parents were just coming in the kitchen with bags full of groceries as I walked out of my room.

“Morning honey. How are you feeling?” My mum asked.

“Good thanks. Can I help you with these?” I asked, watching her balancing an armful of fruit while navigating the fridge door.

“Thanks, but you had better be getting ready. We have an appointment with the psychologist in less than an hour.”

I had completely forgotten about that, and my stomach plunged at the thought of telling my problems to a stranger. And what if she had some tricks to access my memories? I couldn’t let that happen.

“Psychologist?” Zan, as James, asked, making his appearance at the doorway. I tried to avoid his eyes, but I suddenly realised how much I still needed him, no matter what I had said.

“Yeah, the doctor thought that it would be a good idea for Liz to talk to a professional. Maybe they would be able to find someway of triggering some memories.” My mother replied.

‘What am I going to do?’ I asked Zan.

‘It’s okay. You’ll be fine. Just tell them the truth. You don’t remember anything.’

‘What if the try to access my memories, read my mind or something?’ I asked.

‘Human’s can’t read minds. They do know how to do low level hypnotism, but nothing you can’t handle. You are more powerful than they are.’

‘Okay. I’ll be fine. I can handle it.’ I said, trying to convince myself.

“Liz? Are you listening to me?” My mother said, breaking my concentration.

“Sorry, what?”

“I said you had better go and have a shower, and I will have your breakfast ready when you get out.”

“Okay, thanks.” I replied, before heading for my room.

* * * * *

“So Liz…” The psychologist began as she flipped through the file in front of her. “How are you feeling?”

“Fine…” I replied hesitantly.

“Are you sure? You’re not feeling confused … afraid … alone?” She asked with almost convincing sincerity.

Yes. All of the above.

“You know it is very normal to have those kinds of feelings.” She continued, not waiting for a response. “Without your memories you must be feeling lost, like you are unsure of your place in the world.”

Now there’s the understatement of the century.

“You may find it helps to talk about what you are going through.”

She waited for me to open up, but I just sat there pulling at a thread on my jacket. I could feel her eyes on me, but I couldn’t meet them. What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t tell her a thing that I was going through, and I wasn’t going to lie.

“Your mother said that you experienced a memory a few days ago. Can you tell me about it?”

Okay, this was pretty safe ground. I would throw her a bone by answering this one question.

“It was of my mother reading me a bedtime story. I was holding a teddy bear.”

“How old were you?”

“I don’t know … about six I think.”

“Have you had any other memories since?” She asked.


“Does anyone or anything else seem familiar?”

Zan and Sean.

“No.” Okay, so lying wasn’t out of the question after all.

“Okay … what I would like to do now is try some memory retrieval techniques. Would that be alright with you?”

“What would that involve?” I asked hesitantly. This was the part I was worried about.

“It’s a method called hypnotism. It’s basically a way of reaching your subconscious. I will put you into an artificially induced state of relaxation enabling your mind to be more open to suggestion. Once there I will prompt you with questions, in the hope of accessing some memories that are deeply buried.”

“I need you to lie back on the couch and relax… Good, now I want you to take slow and even breathes and concentrate on nothing but the sound of the clock ticking… Now on the count of three I want you to close your eyes … One … Two … Three.”

Was this a joke, or did she really think this was supposed to work? Humans were so inferior.

“Now I want you to picture a memory from your childhood… can you describe what you see?”

The palace, my home. Riding my pony around the grounds of the palace with my father and picking wildflowers with my mother.

“I can’t remember anything.”

“Okay, let’s try something a bit more recent. Do remember the night of the accident? What was you last memory?”

Racing through the palace. The sound of gunfire. The pods … and stars.

“I can’t remember.”

This went on a bit longer. Every time she prompted me, I thought about home, but kept drawing a blank on anything from this life. She seemed to give up and eventually pulled me out of the hypnosis.

“That’s enough for today. We’ll try this again next week.”

“Next week?” I asked. You’re telling me I would have to go through this all again?

“Yes, I think it’s important that we have weekly sessions until you start showing some signs of improvement.”

“I know you’re just doing your job, but I really don’t think this is going to help me.” I replied honestly for the first time.

“… and I would like you to attend the group meetings that we hold here once a fortnight.” She continued as if she hadn’t heard me.

“Group meetings?” I asked.

“Yes, for victims of memory loss, and their families, to talk to others about their experiences. You’re not the only one to go through this kind of thing.”

“Really? You have other aliens who have found themselves on another planet, having been born into a human body living a life that they now have no memory of, and who are destined to return home to rescue their people but can’t , because they are stuck on this god-forsaken planet for the rest of their lives.”

Damn. I said that out loud didn’t I?

The psychologist just looked at me in shock, or else it was a mild attempt at disguising her excitement of finding an actual crazy person in her office, rather than the multitudes of rich yet depressed housewives who think it’s a status symbol to have a ‘therapist’.

It didn’t take long to manipulate the psychologist’s memory, and I couldn’t help but change a few other things I wasn’t happy with at the same time…

“Okay, so it was nice meeting you Liz. Let’s go and find your parents shall we?” She smiled, opening the door and leading me out to the waiting room where my parents were waiting patiently.

“Mr and Mrs Evans, thanks for waiting.”

“How did it go?” My mother asked impatiently.

“It went very well. In fact I am so happy with Liz’s progress that I don’t think she needs to come back for another visit.”

“Are you sure?” My mother asked confused.

“I am positive that her memories will return on their own very soon, and she appears to be coping in all other respects so I don’t really think we need to waste her time having to sit with boring psychologists offices on her weekends.”

“So, do you think she is ready to go back to school?” My father asked.

Damn. I didn’t think about that.

“Absolutely. She’ll be fine. Anyway, call us if you have any questions. I’ll see you all later.” The psychologist smiled before hurrying away to her next patient.

“What a strange woman.” My mother said watching her retreating form.

* * * * *

“What did the psychologist say?” Zan asked when he was able to catch me alone later that day.

“Nothing much.” I replied distractedly from where I was lying on my bed, flipping through my school year book.

“So was she able to help you with your memories?”


“When are you going back?”

“I’m not.”

“Why not?” Zan persisted.

“Because I didn’t feel like it. After a bit of convincing the psychologist saw my point of view too.”

“Akira … what did you do?”

“I took care of it.”


“With my excellent powers of persuasion …” I looked up at Zan, he wasn’t buying it. “Okay, I had to mind-warp her.”

“What’s the year book for?” Zan asked, changing the subject. I could tell he wanted to discuss it further but was feeling like he wouldn’t get very far with the mood I was in.

“Well, the problem with the psychologist giving me a full bill of health, is that I have to go back to school on Monday.”

“Serves you right.” Zan grinned, seeing the funny side of my powers backfiring on me.

“It’s not funny. Why should I have to go to school? I don’t belong there.”

“You have to act normal, and try and fit in.”

“But I won’t know anything, or anyone. I thought looking through the year book might jog some memories, but I didn’t recognise anyone. And how am I supposed to learn anything when I have the same level of knowledge on this planet as a five year old?”

“You’ll be okay. Besides, I am in most of your classes so I can help you.”

“I guess I am stuck on this planet, I might as well get an education.” I replied, getting up off the bed and putting on my jacket.

“Are you going out?” Zan asked.

“Yeah. Sean’s picking me up. He’s taking me for a ride on his bike.”

“Always the thrill-seeker.”

“You know it. I’ll see you later.” I replied, leaving the room.


Monday morning at school I was so nervous that I was making myself feel sick. What was I doing going to school when I couldn’t even remember my own name? Walking down the hallways nothing looked familiar, and considering I never went to school back on Antar, the whole concept was completely foreign to me. What was worse was that as I walked down the hall all the other kids abruptly stopped their conversations and turned to watch me walk past as though I was some kind of freak. I guess the news of my amnesia had spread through the school and they were checking out the girl with no memory.

“Hey babe.” A good looking guy said as he put his arm around me. “You probably don’t remember me, but we were close, if you get my meaning. What do you say to a little one-on-one in the eraser room before school starts, for old time’s sake?”

“Go to hell.” I replied, removing his arm from my shoulder. Okay, so I may have used a little too much force as he found himself hurled against the lockers with enough propulsion to leave a dent. He lay on the ground a little stunned, while his friend stood around laughing at the fact he was beaten up by a girl.

“Nice moves.” A voice said behind me, and I was ready to use my alien-voodoo on them just like the last guy, only to find it was Sean. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”

“Thank goodness you’re here.” I said throwing my arms around him. “I don’t know how I am going to survive if jerks like that think they can take advantage of me. And everyone keeps staring at me.”

“They’re just curious. Act confident, pretend you recognise them, and it will throw them off guard. They wont stare if they’re not sure if you have your memory or not.”

“I’ll try. Although it’s hard to act confident if you don’t know where you are supposed to be going.” I replied, looking at my class schedule.

“You have English first, and I’m in your class, so I’ll take you.”

“Thanks.” I replied gratefully.

Sean took me to my first class and while we were waiting for the teacher he told me about some of the other people in my class, who were my friends and who I should avoid. Zan was there too, but was sitting a few tables away so we didn’t get a chance to talk. The teacher had obviously heard about my predicament, and didn’t seem to know what to do with me, so he just ignored me. Not having to participate in class meant that I had much more time to think. The most pressing thing on my mind, apart from who on earth was Shakespeare and why did he write in such a weird language, was what was I going to do with my life now that I was stuck on this planet. I could go to school like a good girl, graduate and get a job, or I could rebel, have a little fun with my powers while I looked for a way to get home. Zan said there was no way to get home, but I couldn’t just accept that. There had to be another way. I was the ‘Chosen One’ and the prophecy had to come true, which meant there was a way to go home.

‘Are you okay?’ I heard Zan’s voice break my thoughts.

‘Of course, why wouldn’t I be.’ I snapped back.

‘You just look a little distracted.’

‘I have just been contemplating the fact that I don’t belong here. I need to leave.’

‘And go where?’

‘Find a way home. I can’t just let my people suffer while I sit here and listen to some old guy drone on about a man who couldn’t even write understandable English.’

‘You used to love Shakespeare.’

‘Well, things change… I’ve changed. I have more important things on my mind now.’

‘I heard about what happened in the corridor this morning. Don’t you think you should be a little more careful with your powers?’

‘I don’t need a lecture. That guy was being a jerk and deserved it.’

‘You don’t want the do something like that in front of the wrong people.’

‘C’mon, it was just a little nudge.’

‘Someone your size does not just ‘nudge’ someone of Danny’s size. It was a little obvious.’

‘I’ll keep that in mind. See you later.’
I replied, getting up from my desk, grabbing my bag and walking out of the room. The teacher or the class didn’t even notice, I had taken care of that.

“Where are you going Max?” I heard the teacher ask Zan, who must have stood up to follow me out of the room.

“Can I get a hall pass?” Zan asked.

“No, you can wait for the class to finish. Sit back down.” The teacher replied before continuing with the lesson. I was grateful to the teacher for that reprieve. Now I just had to find somewhere to hang out for the rest of the day.

I eventually made my way to the school oval and sat down on the bleachers. There was a group of students playing a game which seemed to involve throwing a ball at your opponents legs.

“That’s dodge ball.” I voice said next to me. It was Sean.

“It looks violent.” I replied.

“Yeah, humans are like that. They like to cause each other pain in the name of sport.”

“What are you doing out here?” I asked. I thought I was the only one who skipped classes around here.

“I thought you might want someone to talk to.”

“I just had to get out of the re. I don’t belong here. I am wasting my time. I need to find a way home.”

“We will, I promise. But Zan’s right when he says that we need to blend in. Just think about how much harder you life will be if you parents get told that you are cutting classes. They might send you back to therapy.”

“I can handle my parents. In fact I can handle anyone here who gets in my way. I am the most powerful person on Earth.”

“True… So what now fearless leader?” Sean joked.

“I want to have some fun.”

“What did you have in mind?” Sean asked curiously.

“Watch.” I replied, motioning to the dodge ball game in front of us.

I watched them for a while, identifying who were the bullies, and who was being picked on. Soon, I had the bullies ducking for cover as their own balls were arcing 360 degrees to come back and hit them on the legs and chest. The rest of the class were in hysterics, completely confused about how the balls had change direction mid-flight, but not really caring since the bullies were being put in their place.

“Now that was fun.” I said. “What next?”

And so the day continued. Sean managed to get me to some of my classes, but they were spent playing tricks on teachers and class mates depending on where the mood took us. If anyone got remotely suspicious, I modified their memories and they didn’t remember a thing. The highlight would have to be finding the jock that had made a pass at me that morning, and locking him in the eraser room. He was stuck in there for all of 5th and 6th period before they were able to get him out.

“So I heard you had an interesting day today.” Zan said, catching up with me as I walked home.

“Why do you say that?” I asked innocently.

“Because Danny missed basketball practice because he was stuck in the eraser room. Apparently the lock had melted, something that could only be achieved with temperatures exceeding, oh I don’t know, the temperature of the sun!”

“It was rather warm today…” I replied casually.

“And Mr Seligman was found making out with Mrs Johansen in the biology room.”


“Mrs Johansen is sixty four years old, forty years older than Mr Seligman.”

“Hey, you can’t stop true love…” I replied.

“… And Scott Brosnan and Billy Segler were attacked by vicious dodge-balls.”

“Look, I was just having a little fun. They were picking on the other kids.” I defended myself.

“What if someone got suspicious? You can’t just use your powers like that when there are people here looking for you.”

“Look, I was careful okay. I just needed to let off steam.”

“You can’t do this. You can’t use your powers against people … that’s not something you would do.”

“Well, you tell me I am stuck on this planet for the rest of my life, and expect me just to take it lying down? You don’t like me now - just wait ‘till you see me after a few years of living on this planet, and see how pissed I am then!” I yelled.

“I feel like I don’t even know you anymore.” He bit back.

“How could you? I haven’t been myself for sixteen years.” I said before storming off home.

* * * * *

When I walked through the front door I saw my psychologist sitting at the table with my parents.

“What’s going on?” I asked, hesitantly dropping my bag to the floor.

“Liz, could you please come and sit with us?” My father said, motioning to the spare chair at the table. I felt my stomach lurch. Had her memories come back? I thought the memory manipulation was supposed to be permanent.

“Hi Liz.” My psychologist began. “I had to come to see you parents today because something about our visit just didn’t add up.

I didn’t say anything, and just let her continue.

“After you left I went to make some notes about the session, and to review the tape that I always make of my sessions with patients. It helps ensure that I don’t miss anything important. Anyway, let me just play you back part of our session …”

She hit play, and I already knew what I was going to hear.

“… and I would like you to attend the group meetings that we hold here once a fortnight.” Her voice played from the tape.

“Group meetings?”

“Yes, for victims of memory loss, and their families, to talk to others about their experiences. You’re not the only one to go through this kind of thing.”

“Really? You have other aliens who have found themselves on another planet, having been born into a human body living a life that they now have no memory of, and who are destined to return home to rescue their people but can’t , because they are stuck on this god-forsaken planet for the rest of their lives.”

There was silence for a few minutes, only the sound of the crackle of the tape could be heard.

“Okay, so it was nice meeting you Liz. Let’s go and find your parents shall we?”

And at that moment she turned off the tape.

“Can you explain that Liz?”

“No, that’s not me.” I denied.

“Yes Liz, that’s your voice.” My father said.

“She’s manipulated the tape … she wants you to think I’m crazy so she can keep me as a patient.” I argued, jumping up from the table.

“Maybe you don’t remember saying those things.” My mother intervened, “The doctor thinks you may be suffering from multiple personality disorder.”

“What!? I get hit by a car, lose my memory, and suddenly I have two personalities? You can’t believe what she is telling you.” I demanded.

“Why would you say those things if that wasn’t the case?” My father asked.

“Because they’re true!” I screamed. And then the reality hit me – I had just admitted to these people that I was an alien.

“I’m not you daughter. I never was. But I think you have known that for a long time now.” I said. I had gone this far, I may as well continue. “I am an alien, an alien-princess to be exact. I fled my world when there were people trying to kill me. My only desire is to return home to save my people from their life of servitude and suffering. I have lost my memories of my life on this planet, but I have finally regained my memories of my previous life. I’m sorry but I am not your daughter anymore.”

My parents looked at me in stunned silence for a moment, before my father turned to the doctor.

“What’s wrong with her?” He asked, as though I was sick.

“It could be a form of post-traumatic stress. Since she has lost her memory she is making up stories of her life before the accident.”

“I’m not, it’s true.” I interrupted.

“What can we do to help her?” My mother asked as if she had not heard me.

“There’s a facility in Wyoming that specialises in these types of disorders. Maybe some time there would help her forget this imaginary world she has built up for herself.” The doctor recommended.

“If you think it will help, I think we should try it.” My father replied.

“No, I won’t go. You can’t make me go!” I screamed.

“Liz?” Zan said, as he walked into the kitchen. He must have just come home, after having changed back into the older version of himself.

I looked at him with pleading eyes. What was I going to do?

“You know what you have to do.” Zan replied, and for a moment I thought I was not the only one who could read minds. But he didn’t have to – he could see what I was thinking as if it was written across my face.

I concentrated on my parents and the doctor, and manipulated their memories so the past few minutes had never happened. I also used that moment to destroy the tape of our conversation so it could never be used against me again.

“Well thanks for dropping by doctor. It was so nice of you to check up on Liz.” My father said, standing up and extending his hand.

“No problem at all. I am just glad she is doing so well.” The doctor replied.

My parents ushered her out the front door, and I remained standing in the kitchen staring at Zan.

“I’m sorry.” I spluttered before bursting into tears.

“It’s okay. You didn’t know.” Zan replied, walking over to me and pulling me into a hug.

“This is where you are supposed to say ‘I told you so’.”

“Would that help?” Zan replied honestly.


“Then I don’t need to say it.”

“Thank you.” I replied gratefully. I had been horrible to Zan for the past few days, and he was comforting me even though I had brought this all on myself.

“How was school today dear?” My mother asked as my parents re-entered the kitchen.

“It was okay.” I lied. Okay, parts of it were fun, but the rest was a living hell.

“That’s good. Dinner will be ready in an hour.”

After that day there was an unspoken agreement between Zan and myself that I would never use my powers again unless it was a life or death situation. I was naïve to think that my actions would go unnoticed and that I could use my powers for my own entertainment.

* * * * *

School the next day at school was a little less eventful, but I did manage to cope a little better as people and places became a little more familiar. At lunch Zan and Sean took me to our usual spot, which was a table on the quad. When we arrived Maria, Kyle, Tess and Nicholas were already seated, and I couldn’t help but think the table got suddenly quieter once I arrived, as though they had just been talking about me.

“What’s up guys?” I asked.

“Nothing much.” Kyle replied. “It’s nice to have you back. We’ve missed you.”

“It’s nice to be back.” I lied. I couldn’t help but notice that Maria spent a lot of time staring at her plate in front of her, avoiding all eye contact with me. I wondered if she was usually this shy.

“So … had any memories lately?” Kyle asked, trying to break the ice.

“Nope. Not lately. So you could tell me just about anything right now and I would believe you.” I replied, trying to lift the mood.

“Well in that case, you should know that you were a huge fan of karaoke, actually more of a willing participant. You and Maria would sing for hours in front of the mirror using your hairbrushes as microphones.” I looked over at Maria at this point and she had managed to look up from her lunch long enough to give me a quick smile.

“… And since the diner is having their annual karaoke-fest tonight, you should come.” Kyle continued.

“Uhhh, I don’t know. I mean, I wouldn’t know any of the words.” I replied, glad that finally this amnesia was coming in handy for something.

“Good point. But you’ll come and watch us make fools of ourselves won’t you? I hear even Sean might get up and sing for us.”

“In your dreams buddy.” Sean replied.

“Maria? What about you.” Kyle asked his sister.

“Can’t sorry, I’m working.” Maria replied.

“You do get a break though right? Plus it’s good for business for the staff to join in on the fun.” Kyle persuaded. “What about you guys, Tess, Nicholas?”

“I don’t know … I don’t know if I would know many songs either?” Tess replied.

I thought that was odd for a moment, that a sixteen year old girl, other than myself that is, wouldn’t know any of the latest songs. For a moment I thought about reading her mind to find out what she was really thinking, but chastised myself that I was only going to use my powers for life and death situations from now on. Less than twenty-four hours in and I was already forgetting my promise.

“But you’ll come though?” Kyle asked.

“Sure.” Tess replied.

“I’ll keep a booth free for you all.” Maria offered.

So it was set. I was in for my very first Karaoke night, and from what I had heard, it sounded like it was going to be a night to remember.

* * * * *

The diner was packed that night; it seemed that the annual Karaoke night was a popular thing in this town. I was seated with Sean in the booth, and no one else was there yet besides Maria who was working behind the counter. She had seated us and taken our order but had barely spoken to us since. I couldn’t help but get the feeling she was avoiding me. It wasn’t as though I missed her friendship, because I honestly didn’t remember it, but I felt bad that she wasn’t happy. She was probably feeling resentful that I hadn’t really spent much time with her since I woke up, and no doubt felt as though she had lost her best friend. Feeling this pang of guilt I decided to make my way over to the counter to talk to her.

“Hey.” I said, taking a seat on a stool at the counter.

“Hey.” She said, and I couldn’t help but notice her eyes light up in happiness, although partially concealed by nervousness.

“So I know we haven’t spoken much lately.” I began.

“No, I’m sorry, I just thought you would like some space.” Maria apologised.

“Don’t apologise, it’s my fault, I have been a little self-absorbed, I know.”

“No… I mean, yeah, maybe … but it’s completely understandable. I just wish …”

“What?” I asked when I got the feeling that she wasn’t going to continue.

“I wish that everything could go back to how it used to be.”

“I know, but it can’t.” I replied, but on seeing how hurt she was that I somehow meant I didn’t want to be friends with her anymore, I continued “I still want to be friends though.”

“You do?” She asked hesitantly.

“Yeah, I don’t remember our friendship, but somehow I feel like I am missing out on something really great.”

“Really?” She brightened up.

“Absolutely. It would be so nice to have someone who I can share everything with.” I continued. I wasn’t sure what I was saying at this point. Was I really thinking I would like to tell her all my secrets? I had seen first hand how well that had gone down with my parents.

“Yeah, it would.” Maria replied, although she didn’t sound as bright as before.

“How about we catch up one night this week when you are not working.” I asked.

“Sure. I’m off tomorrow.”

“Great, see you at my place after school? Because honestly, I don’t remember where you live.” I smiled.

“See you then.” Maria smiled back.

When I returned to the booth, I saw that Tess, Nicholas and Zan had arrived so the booth was full.

“Sorry, I’m in your spot.” Zan said standing up so I could slide in next to Sean.

“There’s room for all of us.” I said, squeezing up to Sean enough for Zan to slide back in next to me. I did feel a little awkward at first, being in such close proximity to both my boyfriend, well I guess you could say fiancé since we hadn’t technically called it off, and my best friend, who had recently declared his love for me. Okay, apparently recently was technically sixteen years ago, but you know what I mean. I could tell Zan was a little uncomfortable too, especially when Sean put his arm around my shoulder and held my hand.

“I’ll just get us some menus.” He said, trying to find an excuse to move away. His plans were foiled however when Maria came up with some menus and an order pad, so he was forced to stay.

“What can I get you?” Maria asked Tess, Nicholas and Zan.

“Burger and chocolate shake thanks sis.” Kyle said as he grabbed an empty chair from the table next to us and planted himself at the end of the booth.

Maria took the rest of the orders while Kyle explained to us ‘newbies’ how tonight would work. There was a sign up sheet for those interested in singing, and the audience would vote for the best singers who would walk away with Karaoke trophy.

“So is your name down on that list?” I asked Kyle.

“Umm, no.” He confessed.

“So, what? You’re all talk?” I joked, trying to stir him up.

“No, I am just aware of my abilities, or lack thereof.” He replied.

“So you’re chicken?” I said, trying to provoke him further.

“What did you call me?” Kyle pretended to be offended.

“I called you a chicken.”

“Nobody calls me chicken and gets away with it. That’s it; I’m signing myself up, but as a duet – with you.” Kyle said, madly scribbling our names on the sheet.

“Wh-what?” I stammered.

“Put your money where your mouth is Parker.”

“But, I don’t know any songs.” I replied, hoping that the excuse would still work.

“That’s okay. The words are on the TV screen. You’ll be fine.”

I looked at Sean and Zan for support, but they both had obviously decided that it was incredibly funny and wouldn’t do anything to save me from my impending humiliation.

So what was supposed to be a relaxing night out with my friends turned out to be a night of anxiety about my forthcoming singing debut.

Kyle grabbed a list of available songs trying to find one that we could sing, and there were laughs from everyone else as he went through the list of choices.

I pleaded with Zan to let me mind-warp everyone to forget the entire thing, but he wouldn’t let me, and the thought of his disappointment in me stopped me from pushing it any further.

The first singers took the stage, and I was soon hopeful that at least Kyle and I wouldn’t be the worst singers that night. Honestly, what were these people thinking standing in front of a crowd with those voices? Save it for the shower people!

“I’ve got it!” Kyle exclaimed. “Why didn’t I think of this before?”

“What?” I asked, dreading to know the answer.

“ ‘You’re the One that I Want’ by John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John.”

There was a general groan emanating from everyone else at the table.

“Oh c’mon, it’s a classic. Liz, you used to sing this all the time with Maria. It’s from an old seventies movie, you’re favourite actually. You and Maria learnt all the dance moves and would perform it all day long.”

“I don’t remember that.” I replied quizzically. Was he having a go at me or was it all true? The only dances I knew how to do were the traditional court dances, and of course there was my brief dance at the Tibulka with Zan.

We were near the end of the list, and the hour until it was our turn dragged by. I was so nervous, but no matter how much I pleaded, they wouldn’t let me get out of it. They seemed to have pleasure in watching me squirm.

“And now introducing Kyle and Liz singing ‘You’re the One that I Want’”.

There was cheering for the audience as Kyle and I made our way to the stage. I looked back nervously to Zan, hoping for some encouragement. Sean wasn’t in the room, having excused himself for a toilet break five minutes before, and I wished he would be here for moral support. I guess there was one less person I didn’t have to make a fool of myself in front of.

The music started and I looked at the sea of people staring up at me. I looked at the TV screen, and was relieved when Kyle’s part came up first. Hopefully I could follow his lead.

‘I’ve got chills, they’re multiplying
And I’m losing control
Cause the power you’re supplying
It’s electrifying’.

Okay, weird song, here goes…

‘You better shape up
Cause I need a man
And my heart is set on you
You better shape up
You better understand
To my heart I must be true’

Not too bad, if I do say so myself, but I was relieved when Kyle joined in …

‘You’re the one that I want
You are the one that I want
Ooo oo oo’.

And at this point my feet started doing something very strange. Some part of my subconscious must have remembered the dance moves to this song, because soon Kyle and I were doing a dance routine in time to the music. Not soon after that I took my eyes off the TV as I remembered the words by heart.

As the song ended, there was a standing ovation and I finally had the chance to look around at the audience. I saw that Sean and Maria had reappeared, and Maria had a look on her face of complete astonishment. She ran up on the stage and enveloped me in a huge hug that almost bowled me over. As she did I had a brief image flash through my mind of Sean’s face.

“You’re remembered!” She said excitedly into my ear.

“Yeah I guess I did.” I replied distractedly, still trying to makes sense of the image I had just seen.

I looked over at Sean who was watching the both of us with what looked like curiosity. As I walked of the stage with Kyle and Maria, Sean came over and took Maria’s place beside me, as Maria slunk off back to the counter to work.

“Well done. How did you remember to do that?” He asked.

“I honestly don’t know.” I replied.

“Wasn’t that fantastic!” Kyle exclaimed. “I can’t believe you remembered all the moves.”

“Neither can I.” I replied, still confused. I was trying to think of anything else that I may have suddenly remembered, but I drew a blank. It must have been something buried in my subconscious that had jogged my memory.

“Next Maria will have you up there doing the ‘Hand Jive’ or the ‘Shoop di shoop’ song.” Kyle continued.

“The what?” I asked, confused.

“Okay, maybe we still have a bit of work to do on that memory of yours.” Kyle replied.

I just looked at him apologetically.

Back at the booth there was congratulations all around, and I couldn’t help but feel really embarrassed. After all the grief I had given them about making me do it in the first place, I felt self-conscious that I wasn’t as bad I had sworn I was going to be.

A few songs later and the awards were read out. Kyle and I won, apparently our dance moves had pushed us ahead of the guy that sounded like an Austrian yodeller. I let Kyle keep the trophy, and he gave me the basket of chocolates and sweets which I shared with the rest of the gang. Kyle was so ecstatic with winning that he wanted to start rehearsals for next year’s competition. I tried to feel confident that I wouldn’t even be on the planet in a year’s time for him to rope me in again.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:52 am
by Oz
Well, Pandas2001 and Emz80m - your wish is granted :lol:

Here is the part you have all been waiting for ...


The following night the door bell rang soon after I got home from school.

“I’ll get it.” I called out to my parents.

As expected, Maria was on the other side of the door.

“Hey, how are you going?” I asked.

“Good.” Maria replied, and I felt like something was bothering her. Not wanting to talk too much at home I suggested that we take a walk.

“I could show you where I live if you like?” Maria suggested.

“Sounds good, I’ll just grab my jacket.” I replied, returning back inside my house for my jacket and to let my parents know where I was going.

Ten minutes later we had reached her house, and were planted opposite each other sitting cross-legged on the couch with tubs of ice cream, apparently a tradition we used to have.

“So have you had any other memories lately?” Maria asked as we sat eating our ice cream.

“No, besides my remarkable dance moves last night I haven’t remembered anything.”

“I have a video of us doing those moves when we were about ten years old.” Maria replied.

“Really? I would love to see it.” I replied.

“You would?” Maria asked, her eyes lighting up.

“Yeah. You know, anything from my past may be able to jog my memory.”

Maria quickly found the video and started it playing on the TV. Images of her and I as ten year olds came on the screen, and I was enthralled with how close we had been as children. She then pulled out some old photo albums that we started flipping through. She would tell me about all the stories behind the photos, describing what we had gotten up to as children. It made me sad to think that I had lost the memories of such a good friendship. Even on Antar the only real friendship I had like that was with Zan, and I longed to know what it was like to have a close friendship with another girl. A relationship where love and jealousy couldn’t interfere with a perfectly good friendship.

“What’s wrong?” Maria asked, noticing that I was looking a little down.

“Nothing.” I tried to smile, somewhat unconvincingly. “I just wished I remembered more.”

“I wish there was something I could do to help you get your memory back.” Maria offered.

“There is actually.” I replied, an idea suddenly coming to me. “But you may think it’s a little strange.”

“What? I’ll do anything if it will help.”

“Sometimes when I touch something I get a memory. Maybe if I touched you I would remember something.”

“Okay. What should I do?” Maria asked.

“Ummm… Put out your hands like this.” I demonstrated with my hands out, and palms up. She did.

“Now close your eyes and think about your memories of us.” I continued, and she did.

I took her hands in mine and concentrated on accessing what I needed. It wasn’t hard, she had no barriers up to stop me from seeing her thoughts and memories. Images of our childhood started reeling like a home movie, and I saw how Maria remembered me. I saw how we first met at school, and saw how our friendship developed over the years. Eventually I saw how close we were up until recently with our road trip to Santa Fe. I saw the problems we were having regarding my secret and my relationship with Zan and Sean. I saw a confession I had made to Maria and finally I saw images of Sean, and then myself running out of he diner and being hit by a car. I quickly pulled away, breaking the connection. The sight of me flying over the bonnet of the car was a bit more than I needed to see at that moment.

Maria opened her eyes when she felt me pull away and looked at me quizzically.

“Did that help?” She asked.

“Yeah … yeah it did.” I replied, still trying to process all that I had seen inside her head.

“What did you see?” She asked.

“I, uh, I saw that time when we were seven, and Kyle tried to convince us that he could fly. He jumped off the roof of your house and broke his arm. We drew a picture of superman on his cast.”

“I haven’t thought about that in years.” Maria replied, reminiscing.

“Maria? Can I ask you something?” I asked hesitantly, there was something I needed to know.


“Were you there when I had my accident?”

“Yeah, I was.”

“What happened?”

“You came out of the diner, and as you were crossing the street, a car came out of nowhere and hit you.” Maria replied, although it was obvious that she was still shaken up by it.

“Why would I have stepped out in front of a car?” I asked. In her memory, it had seemed that I had been running from something.

“I don’t know.” Maria replied, not entirely convincing.

“Maria, I need to know.” I begged, knowing she was keeping something from me.

“I don’t want you to hate me.” Maria replied.

“Why would I hate you?” I asked.

Maria didn’t answer me, but continued on another tangent. “I wanted to tell you ever since it happened, but I spoke to Max, and he didn’t think it was a good idea...”

“Max? He told you to keep something from me?”

“Yeah, he said that you weren’t well enough and to wait until you were better. I guess I thought that you might have remembered on your own eventually, so then I wouldn’t have to be the one to tell you.”

“You’re starting to panic me here Maria. Can you please tell me what happened?”

“Okay, but I just want you to know, in case I don’t get the chance to say it later, I am so sorry, I never meant for it to happen. And I have wanted to tell you that every day since, and ask for your forgiveness.”

“Okay …” I replied, bracing myself for what she was going to say.

“I probably should start about a week before the accident. We had gotten into a fight and I had basically told you that we couldn’t be friends if you were friends with Max and Sean.”

“Why?” I interrupted.

“They had gotten you involved in some bad situations, and I didn’t want to see you getting hurt. You wouldn’t listen to me, so I gave you an ultimatum. I was doing it to help you.” Maria explained.

“Anyway, you told Max you couldn’t be friends with him anymore and you broke up with Sean telling him that you relationship was going too fast or something like that. But Sean wouldn’t leave you alone. He started coming to the diner and begged me to help him get back together with you. That’s when it all started. I didn’t want to help him, I knew he was a bad influence, but somehow over that week he persuaded me that he was not the guy I thought he was.”

My ears pricked up at this. Zan had warned me that Sean had somehow developed mind-warping abilities. Had he mind-warped Maria into helping him? This still didn’t explain the accident though.

“A couple of days before the accident he was in the diner as usual, talking about getting me to help him win you back, but then everything changed. I was in the back and I had just spoken to you about catching up for a movie night with some friends. As you were walking out Sean walked in. When you left he grabbed me and started kissing me. I wanted to stop, I knew it was completely wrong and that it was going to hurt you, but no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn’t. It was though I lost control. He left soon after and I just sat there and cried about what I had done. I wanted to tell you, and I swore that it would never happen again, but I didn’t follow through with either.

“The night of your accident, Sean came into the back room again and I couldn’t stop him again. This time though, something else stopped him. You walked into the back room looking for me, and saw us together. I will never forget the look on your face when you realised what was happening. You tore out of there as fast as you could, and Sean chased after you. You ran out onto the street and that was when you were hit by the car. It happened so fast, but I will never forget the sound of the screech of the tyres as the driver tried to stop.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I got up from the couch and began pacing the floor. Sean had cheated on me, again. This confirmation from someone other than Zan made it more believable. Images of the past flashed before my eyes…

‘Five minutes ago I walked in on him kissing a girl in the Library’. Zan had told me at my engagement party.

And more recently, something I had not yet remembered …

‘Friday night, at the party, did you kiss someone else?’ I confronted Sean.

‘What? No, Liz, of course not.’

“You must hate me.” Maria said, interrupting my thoughts.

“Wha-, no. No I don’t hate you.” I replied.

“You must. I confessed to kissing your boyfriend.” Maria replied, not believing my forgiveness to be sincere.

“I know how persuasive Sean can be.”

“It was like I couldn’t stop myself. I have never felt that way before.”

“Has it … has it happened since the accident?” I asked, dreading to know the answer.

“Yes, it has.” Maria replied, her eyes downcast.

“When was the last time?” I knew I shouldn’t be torturing myself with the details but I couldn’t help myself.

“Last night at the diner, while you were singing.”

My stomach dropped. I was there and Sean was still kissing another girl behind my back. Not just another girl, my best friend.

The room started to spin and I reached for the nearest chair. How could he do this to me? I didn’t doubt what Maria was telling me, like I had with Zan those times before. I knew that she was telling me the truth, and I knew that it was not her fault. Sean was controlling her, manipulating her to satisfy his desires. At that moment I hated him for his lack of self-control, but part of me also felt rejected, as though I wasn’t enough for him.

“I need to go.” I said, standing up.

“Can I walk you home?” Maria asked. “You don’t look well.”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Well let me call Max then? Or James?”

“No, I just want to be by myself for a little while. Don’t worry I’ll be fine.” I said, giving Maria a smile.

“If you’re sure …” Maria replied.

“I’m sure. Thanks.”

“And are you sure that we’re okay, you and me?” Maria asked.

“Positive.” I replied honestly.

“Liz … What if it happens again?” Maria asked.

“Don’t worry. I’ll look after you. It won’t happen again.” I said, pulling her into a hug. It was the weirdest situation, comforting the girl who Sean had cheated on me with, but it felt right.

“I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” I said, as I grabbed my jacket and walked out the front door.

* * * * *

I didn’t know where I was headed. What do you do when you discover the man you were going to marry has been cheating on you? Not just once, but apparently with at least three different women, and they’re only the ones I know about.

I couldn’t go home, Zan would be there, and I was just as angry at him at that moment. He had told Maria not to say anything to me, and let me go on seeing Sean in ignorance of what he was doing behind my back. But then again, he had tried telling me before and it had ruined our friendship. So, maybe I was angrier at the fact that Zan had been right all along and he had every right to now say ‘I told you so’.

I found myself walking unfamiliar streets, and it was getting dark, but I couldn’t bring myself to go home just yet. I had to decide what I was going to do. Sure, I couldn’t stay with Sean under the circumstances, but he was a piece of home. He knew me better than almost every other person on this planet. In some way I knew that I was going to need him if I was ever going to return home. But how could I trust him ever again?

My thoughts were broken by the sound of a familiar motorbike coming up the street. It hadn’t yet come into sight, and in the split second before it did, I jumped behind a hedge to hide me from view. I wasn’t ready to confront him yet.

The motorbike slowed down and I feared that I hadn’t been quick enough in getting out of sight, but I soon realised that Sean was pulling into the driveway across the street, and he was not alone. From underneath the passenger’s helmet I could see long blonde curls, and when she removed the helmet I recognised Maria’s friend Tess.

“Thanks for the ride Sean.” She purred.

“No problem.”

“Do you want to come in for a drink or something?” She offered.

“I’d better not.”

“Are you sure? Because you know I’d make it worth your while.” She said suggestively, as she ran her finger down his chest.

“Alright … maybe just for a little while.” Sean said, hopping off his bike and following her inside.

When the door was closed behind them, I stepped out from my hiding place. Now I had first hand proof that he was cheating on me, and that small sliver of hope that I had subconsciously clung to shattered into a million pieces, along with my heart. I needed to get out of this place, I needed somewhere quiet to think, but I wasn’t going to get far enough away on foot. I needed some wheels.

Eyeing off Sean’s motorbike, I decided that it was the least he owed me. Stealthily crossing the street, making sure I couldn’t be seen from the windows of the house, I hopped on the bike, put on the helmet he had left there, and used my powers to start the ignition of the engine. Within seconds the engine roared and I tore off down the street. By the time Sean would have reached the door with his pants around his ankles I would have been a small speck in the distance.

Feeling the wind rush through my hair, I felt exhilarated. I was invincible, I was powerful and I was in charge of my life. I would not be treated with disrespect again, and I would take charge of my life starting that minute.

As I reached the outskirts of Roswell, I slowed the bike and paused at the intersection that led onto the main highway out of town. I looked at the road ahead of me. The highway stretched as far as the eye could see, soon lost on the horizon as it blended into the flat, lifeless desert. In that direction was freedom… but also loneliness. My only family, my only connection to home was in Roswell, and I wasn’t sure I was quite ready to give that up just yet. As much as I knew that I had been weak, letting my heart be abused like it had been, I knew that I needed both Sean and Max if I was ever going to return home and save my people. Any hurt that Sean caused me would be nothing compared to knowing that I let my people die because I was too weak to stay. I knew what I had to do. I had to go back and face Sean.

I turned the bike around and headed straight back into town. I reached out to find Sean, and felt his essence in the vicinity of Main Street. As I got closer I knew that he was at the diner. I calmly pulled the bike up to the kerb outside the diner, and revved the engine a couple of times. I knew Sean would come running as soon as he heard the familiar sound of his engine.

I wasn’t disappointed. Within seconds the diner doors flung open and Sean ran out.

“Liz?” Sean asked confused, when he recognised the person sitting on his bike. As I suspected he had come ready for a fight, but was caught off guard when he saw that I was the thief who had stolen his bike.

“Sean.” I calmly replied. “I just thought you might like your bike back.”

I hopped off the bike and passed him his helmet.

“What – where did you find my bike?” He asked, still confused, obviously thinking I had found it lying abandoned on the side of the road somewhere.

“Oh, where you left it in Tess’s driveway.” I replied before beginning to walk away.

He tried to hide it, but I couldn’t help but see the look on his face, as though he was a deer caught in the headlights.

“Liz, wait, it’s not what you think.” He said as he grabbed my arm to stop me walking away.

“What is it then?” I turned and yelled back at him, my calm demeanour suddenly breaking as his touch sent flashes of his intimate moments with Tess.

“We were just studying. She was helping me with maths.” Sean lied.

“Is that what they’re calling it these days?” I replied sarcastically.

“Liz, nothing was going on, I swear.”

“Oh, the same nothing that has been going on with the girl at the party, our party, oh, and with my best friend!” I screamed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He denied.

“Should we go and talk to Maria, and see if she can jog your memory?” Sean just looked at me in silence so I continued, “How could you do that to me? To her?”

“I’m so sorry, please don’t walk away from me. I need you.”

“You should have thought of that before you decided to stick your tongue down someone else’s’ throat!” I said, turning to walk away again.

“Where are you going? Are you going to him?!” Sean demanded.

“That’s none of your business anymore.” And with that I walked away. I was so grateful at that moment that he didn’t follow me. The conversation couldn’t go much further in public without one of us saying more than we should. As I walked away, the tears began to well in my eyes and fall down my face. I brushed them away, willing them to stop, but I couldn’t. I felt so lost, so lonely, and the only person I wanted to see right now was Zan, even if it meant risking an ‘I told you so’.

“Where have you been?” Zan asked as I my balcony. “Maria called a couple of hours ago to see how you were. I’ve been worried.”

At that moment I turned to face Zan and he could see the tears streaming down my face.

“What happened?” He asked, jumping to his feet.

“Sean and I broke up.” I replied, bursting into tears all over again.

“Shhh, come here.” He said, opening his arms which I walked into. “It’s okay.”

“I’m so sorry.” I spluttered.

“What for?”

“For not believing you when you told me that he was cheating on me.”

“You loved him. Of course you wouldn’t believe me.” Zan said.

“I was so blind.” I sobbed.

“Hey, shhh. Don’t blame yourself. It’s his fault, not yours.”

“Well that didn’t take long.” Sean’s voice interrupted us.

“What are you doing here?” I demanded, wiping the tears away so he wouldn’t see me crying over him.

“I wanted to talk to you.”

“Well I don’t want to talk to you.” I replied, standing my ground.

“Please Akira. You need to hear me out.”

“She said no. Why don’t you just leave, okay?” Zan interrupted.

“Oh, you would just love that wouldn’t you? You’ve been waiting for this for a long time.”

“For Akira to see the person you really are? Yes, I have. It’s been long overdue.”

“Akira, you can’t believe a word this guy says against me. He’s wanted us to break up for so long.”

“Oh, so it’s his fault you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself?” I bit back.

“Please Akira, give me a chance to explain. If you don’t like what I have to say, I will leave you alone … for good.” Sean pleaded.

I thought it over for a second. It was a very tempting deal.

“Okay. You’ve got five minutes.” I replied, not making a move.

“Can we talk in private?” Sean asked, glancing sideways at Zan.

“You’re parents aren’t home.” Zan said to me. “Go inside and I’ll wait out here on the balcony.”

“Okay.” I nodded, and as I climbed through my window I heard Zan address Sean, “If you make one false move, I will be in there in seconds and you will wish to God that you never set foot on this planet.”

Sean didn’t reply but followed me into the kitchen.

“So, you’ve got five minutes.” I said, as I waited for Sean to begin. He seemed to be struggling for the words now that we were alone.

“I am so sorry Akira, you have to believe that.” Sean said.

“So you are not denying it?”

“No. I respect you too much to lie to you.”

“You respect me?!” I exclaimed. “What about all the times you have lied to me, have cheated on me with other women?! You didn’t respect me then?”

“Yes, I just … I guess I was just scared of losing you.”

“Well, mission accomplished.” I replied.

“No, please, can’t you give me a second chance?” Sean begged.

“Tell me why you did it. Wasn’t I enough for you?”

“Don’t ever think that.” Sean replied, reaching his hand out to caress my face, but I pulled away from his touch.

“Then why?”

“Because, well because you were too good for me.” Noticing my confused look he continued. “I had all of these feelings for you, these desires, but I didn’t want to defile you like that. You are so beautiful, so pure … And I’m, well, I’m not. You are the ‘Chosen One’. How could I have those kinds of thoughts and desires about the woman who is going to save the world? Your people look up to you in sacred awe.”

“I may be the ‘Chosen One’, but I am still a woman, and I have needs too. I am not that special, no matter what any prophet says.”

“Oh, but you are special. Don’t you see that?”

“Before today I might have thought so, but now I am not so sure.” I replied.

“Please don’t stop thinking that because of me.” Sean pleaded.

“Your five minutes are up.” I replied, wanting to get him out of there.

“No, please forgive me. I can’t lose you.”

“You already have.” I replied, before turning away from him to walk out of the room.

As I began to walk away I felt him reaching out for my mind. I heard his voice prodding me to forgive him and to forget it had ever happened. I spun around and saw him looking at me in deep concentration.

“I can’t believe you just tried to do that?!” I yelled, abruptly cutting the connection, and sending his head spinning. He clutched his head trying to stop the pain in his head. He was also in shock from getting caught in the act of mind warping me. He had obviously never come across a mind stronger than his before.

“Did I forget to tell you? My powers are back to full strength. You can’t manipulate me anymore.” I seethed. “What have you been doing to me while I have been weak?”

“Nothing …” Sean cowered, still clutching his head.

“Somehow I don’t believe you.” I retorted. “In all the years you have known me, have I ever used my powers against you?”

“No … but you have never shared your powers with me either, you leave that for Zan.” Sean stated defensively. “Don’t think I don’t know about your midnight chats.”

“Well maybe I didn’t want to taint our relationship like that. I didn’t want to abuse your trust and see things inside of you that you didn’t want me to see. I wanted to always be surprised by you… But now, after what you just tried to do to me, I don’t feel that concern for your feelings anymore...” I said, as I put my hand to his head and pushed him down into the kitchen chair. He flinched but I held my hand in place and opened the connection between us.

Images flashed through my mind of Sean’s life. I saw his childhood, growing up on a farm in the country. I saw the day his parents were killed in an accident, and the day he went to live in the village to get a job so he could afford to eat. I saw the day we met, the day he saved me from Kivar, our first kiss.

The images continued, flashes of his life, of mine. I saw our engagement party, and that Zan had been right, Sean had been kissing another girl at our party. I saw Sean eavesdropping on my conversation with Zan the night before the attack, and then I saw the attack itself. I watched him help me down the ropes to escape, and then I saw the soldiers open fire on him. I felt Sean’s fear, and then his relief that all the shots had missed. What I saw next I didn’t see coming at all.

“No!” Sean struggled, wanting to block me from seeing what I was about to see, but he was no match for my strength so I pressed on.

I saw the soldiers part to let someone into the room. It was Kivar.

“Well look who we have here - our protégé.” Kivar began. “Where is the princess? You were supposed to deliver her to me.”

Sean didn’t say anything, standing defiantly against Kivar.

“You fell in love with her, didn’t you? No matter. She won’t get far.” Kivar said, indicating for the soldiers to search the palace.

“No!” Sean yelled.

“You knew this was coming, why fight it? You’re on the winning side, and our victory is imminent, so start celebrating.” Kivar said, slapping Sean on the back.

“But now … what are we going to do with you? You have served your purpose, not very well I might add.”

“Sire! She’s escaped the grounds.” A soldier burst in announcing.

“Where is she headed?” Kivar demanded.

Sean was silent.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” He threatened.

“She’s heading for the launch site. She is going to leave the planet.” Sean confessed.

“Well, well, well. A very unexpected turn of events. Is there a ship?”

“No, five pods, intended to take herself, her parents, an advisor and a guard if anything was to happen.”

“Well then by my calculation there are at least two empty pods. Care to take a trip?” Kivar smiled.

“You’re letting me go?” Sean asked, dumbfounded, but then realised there must be a catch. “What do you want me to do?”

“Go with her. Make sure she never comes back.”

“That’s all?” Sean asked incredulously.

“For now. I will contact you with further instructions when necessary. Anyway, you’d better be going Lover Boy if you are going to make the launch.”

All the anger I felt at finding out that Sean was colluding with Kivar began to rise inside of me and I lost control. I heard screaming, but I couldn’t tell if it was coming from me or coming from Sean. I felt Zan pulling me away from Sean, and try to bring me out of my trance. When I came too, I saw Sean huddled on the floor.

“What happened?” I asked shakily.

“I came in just in time to stop you from killing Sean.”

“I didn’t mean to. I didn’t … I was … upset.” I said, while seeing Sean attempt to sit up.

“What did you see?” Zan asked.

I didn’t answer him, I needed answers from Sean.

“Why? Why did you do it?” I demanded.

“I started working for him. I needed the money. He asked me to get close to you. The day I rescued you, it was a setup. He planned the whole thing.”

“How did he know I would be in the village?” I asked.

“He planted the thought in your mind. He knew you would go even though you weren’t supposed to leave the palace.”

“Why did you agree to go along with it?”

“I was in too deep. I didn’t have a choice. Once you’re in his circle, you never get out. I thought it would be just like any other job. I didn’t expect that I would fall in love with you.”

“You knew the attack was coming?”


“You helped me escape.”

“I couldn’t let him kill you.”

“Thank you.”

Sean smiled.

“Have you been in contact with him since?” I asked.


“What are your orders?”

Sean was silent, and couldn’t meet my eyes.

“Tell me!” I screamed.

“He ordered me to allow him access to your mind.”

“The hospital?” I asked, remembering my conversation with Kivar.


“Have there been other times?”


“Do you have any other orders?”

“To sabotage any efforts to return home, and use lethal force if necessary.”

“You’re ordered to kill me?”

“Yes, if necessary.”

“I’ve heard enough. I want you to leave.”

“No, please...” Sean said, scrambling to get up off the floor.

“She said leave.” Zan said using himself as a barricade between me and Sean.

“Please don’t do this Akira. There must be something I can do to make you forgive me.” Sean pleaded. “I’ll do anything you want.”

“Would you give your life for mine?” I asked, remembering what the fortune teller had said – the love of my life would give his life for mine.

Sean looked at me for a moment, but then looked down to the floor.

“Then you are not the person I thought you were.” I replied, and walked out of the room.

I went to my bedroom and Sean made no attempt to follow me. A few minutes later there was a soft tap at my door and Zan appeared.

“He’s gone.” Zan said quietly.

“Thanks.” I replied.

“So … that was a little … intense.” Zan said.

“I am sorry for scaring you. I don’t know what came over me.” I replied

“You did scare me. I’ve never seen you like that before.”

“I scared myself too. I could’ve killed him. If you hadn’t come in when you did I probably would have.”

“I don’t think so. You’re not a killer. You were just hurt and angry.”

“What am I going to do?” I asked him with tears in my eyes. “I trusted him, and he turned out to be working for the enemy. I don’t know who to trust anymore.”

“You can trust me.” Zan stated.

“Can I?” I asked honestly. If my fiancé was able to hide this from me, what’s to stop anyone else?

“I can show you. I’ll let you see anything you want to.” Zan replied holding out his hands to form a connection.

“No, I do trust you, I don’t need to see. But thanks for the offer.”

“It’s a standing offer. I don’t want to have any secrets from you.”

“Thanks. I appreciate that.” I replied.

“I’d better go. I’m sure you want to be alone at the moment.” Zan said, moving towards the door.

“No stay. I like having you here with me. Besides, I need you to take me somewhere.”

“Yeah, where’s that?” He asked, taking a seat next to me on my bed.

“I want to see the place we landed. I want to see where my life began.”

We drove past the town limits and into the desert. Ten minutes later Zan pulled the car over to the side of the road.

“This is where you were born.” Zan said, breaking the silence for the first time since we got into the car.

He didn’t need to tell me, somehow I felt there was something special about this place, like it was a link between this life and the last.

“How?” I asked.

“When we were in the pods, our bodies ceased to exist, and our essences … our spirits … were sent here. We came to Earth as a ball of light, and when you landed, your essence took the form of a human baby. Your parents were driving past, found you here and took you home.”

“Where were you?” I asked.

“Watching over you. I’m always watching over you.” He said as he took my hand.

As he did I was suddenly surrounded by a shaft of white light. I saw Zan calling my name, but I couldn’t hear a sound. I felt a peaceful serenity wash over me before I felt myself collapse to the ground.

My eyes fluttered open and when I was able to focus I saw Zan leaning over me saying my name.

“Thank God you’re awake. Are you okay?” He asked.

“Better than okay.” I smiled.

“What happened?” He asked.

“I felt peace. I felt my parents whispering to me.”

“What did they say?” Zan asked with bated breath.

“That everything was going to be okay.”

“I know it is.”

“I also have all of my memories back.”

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:35 am
by Oz
Thanks for the feedback guys. It always makes my day.

Emz80m - to appease you, I have re-written part of the story (a part that won't be posted for a little while though). Hopefully that will satisfy your need to see Liz suffer a little for the way she treated Max. (The things I do for my readers :lol: ... so, if anyone has anything else they want to see happen, speak now while I'm feeling generous!). And I guess I should put a warning on the part I'm posting now - Max is still on the receiving end of Liz's anger.

pandas2001 - sorry, no mind warp. Max has just seen twice what has happened when he has told Liz about Sean's infidelity - he wasn't going to try a third time. And plus, he really didn't want to cause Liz anymore confusion and pain than she was already suffering with her amnesia. Anyway, there was enough mind warping going on (read on ...)

omwf - you really want a hint? that wouldn't ruin the suspense at all? Okay, I'll give you a little one, and anyone else who doesn't want to know, skip to the next paragraph. Sean does genuinely love Liz (although he has a funny way of showing it). And Liz's question about giving his life for hers seemed to have hit a nerve. There is trouble ahead, but nothing is ever as it appears ... Is that vague enough for you?

Okay, on with the summary -

Did anyone notice anything strange about how Maria's referred to Liz's confession to being an alien, post-bleachers scene? We're talking about the locker scene where Maria gives Liz the ultimatum, and the movie night at Maria's house.

From the lack of mention about it in the feedback, I thought perhaps I had been to subtle, so you might all want to re-read those parts. This part explains it all ...


Having my memories restored gave me new confidence and optimism, despite my recent setback in regards to Sean. I now recognised the people and places around me, and wasn’t constantly fearful that I would find myself in a bad situation because I couldn’t remember something or someone important.

I half considered not telling anyone that my memories were back, but I decided that was selfish. Besides they could probably tell something was up from the spring in my step and the smile I couldn’t wipe from my face.

I had fun with my parents the next morning. As I joined them in the kitchen for breakfast I gave them both a kiss on the cheek while I stole the toast my dad had been cooking for himself. I sat down and piled on my favourite, peanut butter and honey. My parents looked at me with their jaws gaping.

“What?” I asked, not being able to hide my smile before taking a huge bite and getting the honey all around my face.

“Nothing dear, it’s just that you seem so … happy.” My mother said.

“I was thinking last night, maybe we could have a card night tonight, you know rummy, canasta, your favourites.” I said, taking another bite of my toast.

Now their jaws were practically gaping all the way to their feet.

“Liz?” My father began cautiously. “Do you remember the card nights we used to have?”

“I remember everything.” I beamed.

“Oh, honey!” My mother exclaimed with tears of joy in her eyes. “Oh, our prayers have been answered.” She said as they both rushed over to hug me.

“Okay, okay, I need air!” I said, trying to get some breathing room.

“When did this happen?” My father asked.

“Last night. I must have fainted, and when I woke up I had all of my memories.” I explained, leaving out the shaft of light and the voice.

“It’s a miracle of God.” My mother said clasping her hands together, and looking upwards.

* * * * *

I had even more fun with Maria that morning at school.

“Hey Maria.” I said as I reached her locker.

“Hey to you too. How are you doing?” She asked sceptically. I must have been more ‘chipper’ than she expected after what she told me last night.

“I’m great. So, I noticed Michael Guerin checking you out a few minutes ago. I always thought he had a crush on you.” I said casually.

“He does not … hang on.” She said whipped her head around. “What do you mean ‘you always thought’?”

“Well he’s always stealing glances in your direction, and I heard him telling his best friend Alex that he thought you were cute.” I replied, knowing full well that that wasn’t what she had meant.

“Liz … did you have another memory?” Maria asked.

“Not just one. I’m back baby!” I exclaimed.

“Wha- really?!” Maria squealed.

“Yep.” I beamed before being smothered in a huge hug from Maria.

“That’s so great.” She said, as she wiped a few tears of joy out of her eyes.

“How did it happen?” She asked once she had composed herself, and the people in the hallway had stopped staring at us for making such a commotion.

“After I spoke to Sean, James took me for a drive out to the desert. Next thing I know I fainted and woke up with all of my memories.”

“Wow, it’s a miracle!” Maria exclaimed.

“Yeah, I’m kind-of thinking I had better improve my attendance at Sunday Services otherwise God might decide to take it back.” I joked.

“Don’t even joke about that.” Maria said seriously. “I never want that to happen to you ever again.”

“Me neither. I’ll just have to watch out for oncoming traffic in future.”

* * * * *

That night I waited for Maria to close up at the diner before we walked to her house for some serious gluttony on Baskin & Robbins ice cream. We had some major catching up to do. Maria let me in on all the gossip I missed while I had been ‘away’ and I can’t believe some of the break-ups and make-ups I missed from some of my fellow class mates. It seemed that the upcoming prom was causing a few problems.

Maria gave me her notes from our classes so that I could catch up on the lessons I had missed, and up until now, had had no reason to want to catch up. Now that I had my memories back I felt that since I was still stuck on this planet, I might as well keep up my education. I thought about that too. Did I really feel ‘stuck’ here anymore? This was my home as well, it’s the only home I had had for the past sixteen years, but Antar was home too. How could I choose between the two? Maybe it would have been better not to have regained my memory.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked Maria after we had fully exhausted the rumour-mill.

“Anything.” She replied, before eating another spoonful of ice cream.

“Yesterday, when you helped me to have that memory from when we were kids; I think I remembered something else, but I’m having trouble making sense of it.”

“What did you remember?” Maria asked.

“You remember that conversation we had, on the bleachers?” I asked hesitantly.

“Of course, how could I forget? Oh, sorry.” She quickly apologised realising her poor choice of words.

“Well, yesterday, when you were helping me with my memories, I remembered that conversation too. Today though, with my own memories, the memory is different. I don’t understand. Can you tell me what you remember from that day?”

“Um, okay.” Maria said looking confused. “Well I had demanded that you told me everything that was going on with you, Sean and Max. So you told me.”

“What exactly did I tell you?”

“That they had gotten you involved in drugs. That’s why you were always out late, not sleeping well, and your grades were slipping. I begged you to stop, to get help, but you wouldn’t. You couldn’t even admit it was a problem, and I didn’t know what else to do, so I walked away.”

“What?!” I exclaimed.

“Isn’t that what you remember?” Maria asked.

“No, although now some other things make more sense.” I replied, thinking about when Maria had told me to tell my parents so they could get me some ‘help’. No wonder she was so mad at Sean and Max. It doesn’t explain why our versions are different though.

“Do you remember what time of day we had that conversation?” I asked, a thought suddenly coming to me.

“Straight after school, like we agreed.”

“But I was late right? I had that appointment with the counsellor.”

“What appointment? I saw you a couple of minutes after the bell rang.”

“Oh, no, no, no. This can’t be happening.” I said aloud to myself.

“What’s wrong?” Maria asked worried.

I got up and started pacing. If what I thought was right, then someone had mind warped me, and Maria.

I wasn’t sure what to do. I could tell Maria everything and risk her calling me a freak or something worse, or I could not say anything and wait to see how long before she starts demanding answers again. There was only two people that could have mind-warped us, and one of them had already been dealt with. Unfortunately I was more inclined to believe it was Zan who had done the mind-warping. He had been so adamant that I wasn’t to tell Maria anything, and he had conveniently shown up at the bleachers immediately afterwards. He didn’t seem too surprised by the content of the conversation now that I think about it. If that’s the case, I am going to lose both of my best friends in two days, and I am going to need Maria on my side if I am going to get through this unscathed. I decided to take a leap, and trust her with the truth.

“Liz? What’s going on? You’re starting to scare me.” Maria said as she watched me conduct an inner debate with myself.

“I need to tell you something.” I said.

“Okay…” Maria said, putting down her ice cream and making herself more comfortable on the couch.

“That conversation on the bleachers, didn’t really happen as we both remember it.” I began, still pacing. “You thought you were seeing me, but while that was happening I was across the other side of the school in the counsellor’s office.”

“I don’t understand.” Maria replied, looking completely confused, and probably half thinking of sending me off to the looney-bin.

“You were made to see me make a confession to doing drugs so that you would stop asking questions about what was really going on. When I came out of the counsellor’s office I thought I was confessing the truth to you, but it wasn’t you.”

“How is that even possible?” Maria asked disbelievingly.

“It’s possible because Sean, Max and I have special … gifts.”

“What kind of gifts?” Maria said, looking like she was about to pull out the telephone book to find the number for my psychologist.

“We can make people see things that aren’t really there.”

Maria looked dumbfounded so I pressed on.

“Do you remember that night when I collapsed and you took me to your place to spend the night?” Maria nodded. “Why didn’t you take me to the hospital, or call my parents?”

“I don’t remember… Max and Sean convinced me that you just needed rest and that you should spend the night at my place.”

“And you just agreed. Didn’t that seem odd to you?” I asked.

“Well, yeah it did come to think of it.”

“The reason you didn’t follow your instincts is because they mind-warped you into believing that I didn’t need a doctor and that you should take me home. It’s also the reason you haven’t been able to, uh … control yourself around Sean. He’s been messing with your mind, making it go places that you don’t want it to go.”

“I don’t believe you. What you are saying is impossible.” Maria said, standing up and pacing the floor like I had been doing earlier.

I decided the only way to prove it to her was to give her a demonstration. I concentrated on making her see her brother walk into the room and sit down where Maria had been sitting on the couch.

“Hey sis, what’s up?” Kyle said.

“Can you leave? We’re kind-of in the middle of something.” Maria said to her brother.

“Who are you talking to?” I asked, and as I said that, Kyle vanished into thin air.

“Wha- How?” Maria said looking disbelievingly at the now empty couch.

“I made you think you were seeing your brother when he wasn’t really here.”

“I think I need to sit down.” Maria said, sitting back down on the couch.

“So since when have you been able to do stuff like this?” Maria asked, finally beginning to believe me.

“You could say that I have just recently re-acquired the skills.”

“So why would someone want me to think you were doing drugs.”

“Because that’s not as bad as the truth, and probably a little more believable.”

“And what’s the truth? That you can manipulate people’s minds?”

“That’s part of it.”

“What’s the rest?” Maria asked, as though she was bracing for the world to end.

“The reason that I can do what I do, is because I am different.”

“Obviously.” Maria replied.

“And the reason that I am different,” I pressed on, “is because I’m not from around here.”

“Did you find something out about your real parents?” Maria said excitedly.

“Yeah, you could say that.”

“Well, where are you from.”

“Would you believe, from a ‘galaxy far, far away’?”

“Very funny. Quit joking around.” Maria replied.

“I wasn’t joking.”

“You’re trying to tell me you’re an a… alien?” Maria stammered.

“Yeah, I am.”

“You don’t expect me to believe you?”

I thought about what I could possibly do to convince her that I was serious. I put my palm face up and concentrated on forming a ball of white light. When formed, I sent it floating around the room, and watched as Maria trailed it with her eyes. I held her palm out, and when the light touched her hand, it turned into a bright blue butterfly and flew away.

Maria looked dumbfounded. I wasn’t sure what was going through her head; whether she was scared of me, and deciding whether to run out of the room and never look back; or whether she was still having doubts. I decided to barrage forward and tell her everything while I still had her attention. I may not get another chance.

“Okay, here is the summarised version of what happened… I started having these weird dreams, I think I told you about one of them, where I was flying through space and I landed in my parent’s church. Well, it turns out that the dreams were not just dreams, they were memories. Since then I have discovered my adoption, which matches up exactly with what I had dreamt. I still didn’t believe it, but then Max told me that he was the same as me. He told me that I was a princess and had to flee my planet to stay alive. I was reborn human. Then Sean came on the scene. Apparently we were engaged to be married in our past life, and he came to earth with me. But he was separated from Max and I and has been searching for us for the past few years.

“Now, there is a particular person on my planet, called Kivar, who wants me dead, because there is this whole prophecy that I will come back and kill him. He has sent some of his followers to Earth to find me and kill me. I now think they are in Roswell and my life is in danger.”

By now Maria’s jaw was practically gapping to the floor, and she was obviously still debating whether to call the men in white coats to take me away and lock me up. She got up from the couch and started pacing again. I think her parents are going to have to replace that particular piece of carpet after tonight is over.

“Let’s just pretend for a moment that I believe you. You say that you were born human; then how can you do that thing you did with the light thing?” Maria asked.

“Humans only use about ten per cent of their potential brain capacity; I am able to use more that that, allowing me to do things with my mind that humans can’t.”

“Okay … so you say that your life is in danger now, and that there are people here in Roswell that are trying to kill you. How do you know that?”

“Do you remember that streak of light you saw? The one the owner of the UFO Center took a photo of?” I asked. “Well that was them. It was exactly what I had seen in my memory of how I arrived to this planet. I can also receive flashes of images when I touch people or when I connect with them. That’s how I had that memory from you yesterday. One day at school I saw a flash of travelling through space when I touched somebody in the hallway.”


“I don’t know, the hallway was so crowded, and it happened so quickly.”

“But how do you know they are here to hurt you? Maybe they are looking to … you know … take you home.” Maria questioned.

“No. Kivar told me that he had ways of getting to me here on Earth; I think this is how.”

“Didn’t you say Kivar was on another planet? How was it that you spoke to him?” Maria asked.

“He is able to access my mind when I am weak and have little resistance. It took a lot of power for the connection to travel such a long distance so he wasn’t able to keep it up for long.”

“So if you think he knows where you are, why haven’t you left Roswell?”

“Because I am safe as long as I wear this.” I said, showing her the necklace. “The only way the aliens will be able to find out who I am, is by sensing my brainwaves, which are a different frequency to humans. This necklace modifies those frequencies to make me appear human. I am safe here as long as I am careful, and no one tells them who I am.” I looked at Maria nervously. “That is why I need to know that you will not tell anyone what I have told you. My life is now in your hands.”

“Liz… you know that I would never do anything to hurt you. Of course I wouldn’t say anything.”

“You’re not scared of me now are you?” I asked hesitantly.

“Are you going to turn into a green slimy monster with one eyes and tentacles?” Maria asked.

“No, I don’t think so.” I replied.

“Then, no, I am not scared of you.” Maria said giving me a hug.

* * * * *

We talked longer, Maria suddenly having so many questions she wanted answered. Eventually I left, and as I walked home I thought again about how Zan could mind warp us like that. By the time I reached the front gate I was seething with anger. How could Zan look me in the eyes when I cried to him how Maria had reacted in hearing the truth from me that day? How could he act like my only friend in the world when he had messed with my mind and caused me so much pain? I was beginning to think what he did was more unforgivable than what Sean had done. Sean had only done what he had been told to do by Kivar, because his life was threatened. Zan did what he did of his own free will.

“What’s wrong?” Zan asked as I climbed onto my balcony. “Your aura is practically black. You’re upset about something.”

I just stood glaring at him. I didn’t know where to begin. What he had done was wrong on so many different levels.

“What’s wrong?” He asked again, this time reaching out to touch me on the shoulder.

“Don’t touch me!” I growled, flinching away from him.

He quickly drew back surprised. Obviously he hadn’t considered that he was the cause of my anger, probably presuming that I was still upset over Sean. Zan didn’t say anymore, but waited for me to accuse him of something.

“Is there anything you want to tell me about the conversation I had with Maria on the bleachers before my accident?”

Zan went pale but still didn’t say anything. I took it to be a confession.

“How could you mind warp me?” I screamed, as I thrashed my fists and his torso. I had been bottling it inside since finding out the truth, and the anger I felt now came rushing to the surface. Zan was definitely on the receiving end of that anger. He grabbed my hands to stop the punches and held my wrists tightly. Constrained, but still boiling with rage, the outlet for my emotions turned into a flood of tears. Zan pulled me to him to comfort me, and in my weakness I let him.

“Why? Why did you do it?” I whimpered. “Do you hate me that much?”

“I didn’t do it because I hate you, I did it because I love you.” He replied, tenderly stroking my back.

“You love me?” I cried, pulling myself out of his embrace. “You have a funny way of showing it. You mind warped me! I don’t think it is possible to betray me any more than that.”

“I’m sorry, but I felt like you were making a huge mistake in telling Maria your secret. So I took what measures I could to stop that from happening. I know it was extreme, but I swore to protect you, even if I had to protect you from yourself.”

“You should have trusted me to make the right decision.”

“You weren’t aware of the entire situation. You hadn’t regained all of your memories.” He argued.

“Well now I have, and my decision is the same.”

“No, please Akira. You can’t tell her. Considering what has just happened with Sean we have to be even more careful. Kivar can get to anyone he wants and use them against you.”

“Too late. I have already told Maria everything. And you know what? She didn’t run from me; she didn’t call me a freak; and she isn’t running to betray us to our enemies or the authorities.”

“You’ve put her in danger by telling her.” Zan tried a different argument.

“She was already in danger. She was used by Sean. At least now she knows what is going on so that can’t happen again. Besides, I need her to know everything as she is the only friend I have left.” I replied.

“What do you mean? You still have me.”

“No I don’t. I can’t be around you at the moment. I can’t forgive you for what you did to me. And I definitely can’t trust you. Friendship is impossible without that.”

“No, Akira, please don’t say that. I was only trying to help you.” Zan said, reaching out to touch me, but I stepped out of his reach.

“How do I know you won’t do it again?”

“You can trust me. I promise I will never do it again.”

“Your promises are not worth much.” I replied, turning my back on him.

“What can I do to make this right?” Zan asked.

“I need space. I don’t want to see you, hear from you, or talk to you until I have thought things through.”

“I refuse to leave you alone. Your life is in danger and I am the only one who can help you.”

“I can look after myself.” I said confidently, and I almost had myself convinced … almost.

“Akira, please don’t shut me out.” Zan pleaded.

“Too late. I’m done. Tell my father you are going away again. I don’t want to see James and I don’t want to see Max.”

“Okay, fine. I’ll give you space if that’s what you want. But I will not stop watching over you. I will be there when you need me.” Zan said, pausing for a moment to see if I would turn around to look at him one last time. I stood my ground and kept my back to him, until I could hear his footsteps descend the ladder. I eventually turned in time to see his retreating form disappear down the street.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 6:48 am
by Oz
I can feel the daggers from here! You guys really don't like Liz at the moment do you?!

In her defence - she has had a stressful few months, and she felt completely violated by what Max had done. After having to deal with Sean, and then being mind-warped on top of that (and being lied to about it), I think her reaction was somewhat justified. Besides, I think she probably sets a higher standard for Max to live up to because he was her first (and only true) love, and best friend. Besides ... you always say things in the heat of the moment that you may regret later ...

Anyway, enough of the author trying to defend her character :? . Hopefully I can start to appease you all as we start gearing up for the home stretch.


Zan was true to his world that he would give me space. I didn’t see him at school the next day, and he wasn’t in the diner that night when I started my first shift there since my accident.

“Welcome back.” Kyle said from where he had planted himself at the counter. “It’s nice to see my favourite waitress back again.”

“Hey! I thought I was your favourite waitress.” Maria said coming up behind him, pretending to be offended, but unable to disguise her grin from ear to ear.

“Sorry Sis, blood relations only gets you so far.” He grinned back.

“Fine, I’ll remember that next time you want fries on the house.” Maria threatened in reply.

“Okay, okay, you win; you’re my favourite waitress, and Liz here is my favourite waitress who is not directly related to me in any way.” Kyle conceded.

“You’ve definitely got that right.” Maria said, giving me a knowing wink. It had occurred to me that Maria might share with Kyle what I had told her, but he didn’t seem to be in on her joke. I gave Maria a grateful smile before she left to serve the next round of customers.

Later that night I had the misfortune to have to serve Tess and Nicholas – and my night had been going so well too. I hadn’t confronted Tess since seeing her with Sean, in fact I had been avoiding her as much as possible. Looks like I wasn’t going to avoid her any longer.

“What can I get you?” I asked, skipping the small talk and getting straight to the job at hand. It worked until I came back with their order.

“So, where’s Sean tonight?” Tess asked. “He practically lives here when you are working.”

“I don’t know where he is. I had assumed he was with you.” I replied, deadpanned.

Tess went white and I saw a look of fear cross her face. Was she worried that I would attack her for cheating with my boyfriend, or was there something else going on? I had never trusted her, and I had a deep sense that, ignoring the issue at hand, I still had a reason to distrust her.

“Wha – what do you mean?” Tess tried to play dumb.

“Don’t even bother. I know exactly what has been going on between you.”

“Liz … I’m sorry.” Tess spluttered.

“Yeah, well, it takes two, so you’re not entirely to blame.” I said shifting the blame, until I realised that she shouldn’t get off so easily. “But I don’t want you coming near me or Maria ever again. I never trusted you, and I see my instincts were correct.”

Tess seemed to get the message as Tess quickly left the diner with her tail between her legs.

“They left in a hurry.” Kyle commented.

“Yeah, and they didn’t even leave a tip. Do you want their food?” I offered. It wasn’t our usual policy to give away food if it hadn’t been eaten, but I also knew that Kyle was the human equivalent of a waste disposal unit, and could easily polish of their meals as well as his own without breaking a sweat. Kyle was still looking at me dubiously.

“Free of charge of course.” I quickly added.

“Cool. Did I tell you that I’m glad that you’re back?” He smiled before moving across to the recently vacated booth and digging into Tess’s pecan pie and Nicholas’s onion rings – at the same time mind you. There was no accounting for taste.

“Where did Tess and Nicholas go?” Maria asked when she came back into the diner from the kitchen.

“Uh, they had to leave, and I don’t think they’ll be back …” I said, and then in a lower voice so only Maria would hear, “…ever.”

Maria nodded in understanding. She knew what Tess had done with Sean, and after ranting for half an hour about what a disloyal, untrustworthy friend she had turned out to be, she agreed with me that we would cut all ties with her. Tess and Nicholas would have to find some other friends if they were going to stay in this town. Although, I was secretly hoping they would move on soon, very soon.

At the end of my shift, as I was stacking chairs on the table, I had the unnerving feeling that I was being watched. I looked to the windows, but couldn’t see anything outside with the lights from inside casting reflections on the glass. I walked to the wall and flicked the light switches so that the only light inside was the red glow of the ‘Coca-Cola’ sign behind the counter, and the lights of the jukebox which was still playing. I walked to the window and looked down the street and thought I caught a glimpse of Zan before he turned the corner. I sighed, thinking that Zan was keeping with his promise to watch over me.

* * * * *

Later that night, I returned home to find my parents were still up. This was unusual since they were usually early to bed.

“Hi.” I said as I walked into the kitchen.

“What’s wrong?” I asked when I saw the look on both their faces. They looked just like they had the day they told me that my pet dog had died.

“Have you seen James?” My father asked.

I shook my head.

“He had to go away again. He’s not sure at this stage when he will be coming back.” My father explained.

“Oh.” I replied, not really needing to try too hard to act surprised, because part of me was. I had only seen Zan an hour ago, and deep down I never expected him to leave even though I told him to.

“Your mother and I wondered if you spoke to him before he left. We thought that you might know the reason he left in such a hurry. Did you two have a disagreement?” My father asked.

“No. Why would you say that?” I asked, curious as to what had given it away, and equally curious as to whether Zan had said anything.

“Well, for one, he didn’t stay to say goodbye to you. I don’t see what was so important that he couldn’t wait for you to come home.”

“I don’t know why he didn’t say goodbye, but I’m not surprised by his leaving; it’s not like he hasn’t done it before.”

“Oh honey.” My mother said, pulling me into a hug, sensing that I was holding onto some kind of childhood insecurity about the reason why my uncle left so unexpectedly all those years ago.

“He didn’t leave because of you.” She said.

“I know.” I replied, knowing full well that I was the reason he left both times. The first because he was getting too close, and the second because I pushed him away.

“Well, let us hope that this trip isn’t as long as the last one.” My father said, patting my shoulder. “Now, it’s way past my bedtime. Liz, please lock up the house before you go to bed.”

“Yes Dad.” I said, watching them both make their way to their bedroom.

I locked the doors and switched off the lights before heading to my own room. As I turned on the light in my bedroom I noticed an envelope sitting on my pillow. Cautiously I reached for it, recognising the handwriting instantly. It was from Zan.

‘Dear Akira,

‘I have done what you asked. As you probably already know, I have told your parents that I have had to go away, indefinitely. I should warn you that they sensed something was wrong between us since I left without saying goodbye to you. I assured them as best I could, but they could probably see the emotion on my face at the mention of your name. I am sorry if I have inadvertently caused you more pain; it’s the last thing I ever wanted to do.

‘I know you don’t believe me, but I did everything I did out of friendship for you. But even if I had known at the time that I could lose that, I still think I would have done what I did. I would be happy knowing that you were alive and safe, even if it meant that you hated me. I know you think Maria deserved to know the truth, and I respect your opinion. I just hope that he doesn’t turn out badly for either of you.

‘I know I abused your trust, and I haven’t been honest all of the time, but I will find a way of making it up to you. You have to believe me when I say that I am still your friend and I still love you with all my heart.

‘Even though I am not there with you, if you need me for anything, you know how to contact me. I will be waiting, open for you, and I will come from the other ends of the Earth if you ask me to.

‘I love you Akira and I will one day show you that I am the man you once believed me to be.

‘ Love Zan.’

After reading the letter I quickly got dressed for bed while thinking about what he had said. As I switched off my bedside lamp and settle into bed, I thought about the line that said he would ‘come from the ends of the Earth’ for me. Did that mean he was really leaving Roswell? He had said that he would watch over me, and the fact that he could be leaving gave me a sinking feeling in my stomach. Despite the fact that I had wished for some space, it had also been comforting to know that no matter what I had said to him, he would be there in the shadows waiting for me to let him back in. He would be there when I needed him, no matter how badly I had treated him. He had been by my side for my whole life, and without him there now I felt empty.

I decided to try and read his mind to see what he was planning to do, where he was planning to go. I knew that it was an invasion of privacy, but I also needed to know for my own sense of security. I closed my eyes and instinctively reached out for Zan, careful to stay hidden so he would not know what I was doing. For a moment I remembered what had happened the last time I had done this; I had seen Zan give up on our love. I had told myself that I would never do it again unless it was an emergency. I tried to convince myself that this was an emergency, not just the fulfilment of my selfish needs.

I was in. Zan had been right when he said he would be open and waiting for my call. He had no barriers to me and I could see what I needed to freely. I could see Zan at the bus station, climbing onto a bus bound for Albuquerque. I shut the connection immediately, overwhelmed by the sadness that was emanating off Zan in waves.

So Zan was leaving. I felt the loss, and the sudden fear that I was all alone. I know I said that I could look after myself, but that was all talk. I couldn’t believe he would actually listen to me and leave town. Why couldn’t he tell that I had just been angry, and had said things that I didn’t mean? Why did he have to choose this moment to actually listen to me?

As I tried to fall asleep, still contemplating whether to contact Zan before he got too far, I guess all the stress of the last few days had caught up with me, because Kivar was able to reach me again …

‘We meet again Princess.’ He drawled.

I stood my ground defiantly and made no reply.

‘I really must thank Zan. This is the second time he has helped me to reach you. With friends like that who needs enemies? I must consider putting him on my payroll.’ He smiled.

‘Like Sean? I know all about your deal.’ I replied.

‘Yes, well. It would have been better if Sean could keep his hands to himself, then he may still be by your side being useful. But no matter… I do have to say that Sean’s taste for women was probably my doing. Since he joined us he has been welcome to partake in the ‘enjoyment’ of the women in my employment. And believe me when I tell you that he enjoyed himself. I guess, unfortunately, he found that you were unable to satisfy him in the same way. Pity, you’re ten times more beautiful than any of the women back on Antar. Trust Sean to screw it up. Now he’s off sulking…’

‘You know where he is?’ I shouldn’t care, but I did.

‘Vegas, I think… I don’t know, it’s hard to keep up. You should know Princess, that he really did love you. He was supposed to keep you secured in the palace until I came and hand you over to me. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it, so he helped you escape. You shouldn’t be so hard on him.’

‘But he agreed to keep working for you. He lied to me and put me in danger.’

‘Yes, but if he didn’t, I would have killed him. He knew that. He had no choice, or did you want him to sacrifice his life for yours?’

I didn’t reply. Was I being too hard on Sean because I wanted what the fortune teller said to be true? I was being unfair to demand such a sacrifice. Was I really that worthy? Still, I couldn’t have Sean close if it meant there was a chance that Kivar would use him to get to me, or even to kill me.

‘What do you want?’ I demanded, wanting to cut the small talk.

‘I wanted to know if you had thought about my offer any further… now things have changed. You have your memories back; you have lost your friends; and you know exactly what is at stake.’

At that moment Kivar reached out and clasped his hand on my head. Images began to rush through my mind of my people being tortured; working as slaves in the mines; children crying because their parents had died; people dying because they didn’t have enough food to eat.

‘No!’ I screamed, shaking out of his grasp to stop the painful images. ‘You bastard! You’re a monster!’

‘That’s a bit harsh don’t you think? Okay, maybe I am a little tough on my people, but a society cannot function without a bit of authority.’

‘When I return I will take great pleasure in destroying you!’ I growled.

‘I look forward to seeing you even try. Meanwhile, think about my offer some more, it’s the quickest way to end your people’s suffering. And that’s the most important thing don’t you think? Worth dying for?’

The connection broke away and I was left with images of my tortured people playing over and over in my mind. I was supposed to be their saviour, and I was letting them down. Maybe that was what I was supposed to do to save them – give in to the demands of Kivar?

I suddenly felt someone reaching out for me again, and I feared that it was Kivar again, or Zan. I resisted at first, but then my mind was drawn to a room filled with almost one hundred people. There was a man up at the front who was conducting some sort of meeting. He was a man that I recognised from my past; one of my father’s trusted advisors.

‘We need to do something now. Kivar has pushed us too far this time. We cannot sit around waiting forever.’ A man called from the group.

There were murmurs of agreement from others in the audience.

‘The prophecy said that she would rescue us, and the prophet has never been wrong before.’ The advisor replied.

‘How do we know that she is even still alive? She could have been killed with her parents.’ Someone else argued.

‘Because the pods were used on the day of the attack. DNA testing proves that she was one of the escapees.’

‘But that doesn’t prove that she made it. The pods were never fully tested.’ The same man countered.

‘Our spies in the palace confirm that Kivar has been in contact with her recently, and he is worried. Obviously he believes that she still poses a threat to him.’ The advisor replied.

‘Well, what’s taking her so long?’

‘I don’t know. But I have been trying to develop a way of contacting her. Kivar has the power, so why shouldn’t we?’

There was a general murmuring again in the audience.

‘I know how to do it.’ A voice sprang up from the audience. It was also someone I recognised – Zan’s father. He got up from his seat and made his way up to the stage.

‘In fact, ladies and gentleman, I believe that I have been successful and Akira is here now.’ Xavier said, looking past the crowd to where I was viewing the proceedings. Making eye contact with him I realised that I wasn’t just seeing what was happening on Antar, I was actually there. Looking at my hands, they weren’t flesh, but they were visible, like a hologram. I caught my reflection in the nearby window and saw that I looked just like I did when I was their princess, not as I do now on Earth. The crowd followed the direction of Xavier’s eyes, and turned to see me at the back of the room. The crowd parted as I began to make my way forward. One brave person reached out to touch me, to see if I was indeed real, but her hand went straight through me, and my hologram flickered.

‘Welcome Princess.’ Xavier said, indicating that I join him on the stage. ‘We can’t keep this connection for long. It is taking too much strength for an old man like me. But we have reached a crisis point and we need your help.’

‘I know. Kivar has shown me what has been happening.’ I replied.

‘He has?’ Xavier said surprised. ‘Why would he do that?’

‘It seems he thought it would persuade me to accept a deal he has offered me.’

‘What deal?’

‘To return to Antar and become his wife, allowing him to rule Antar indefinitely.’

The audience gasped and a few ‘no’s’ could be heard.

‘What have you told him.’ Xavier asked.

‘I have told him ‘no’, but I am not sure that is wise. He is the only way I have of getting home to you.’

‘What about my son?’ Xavier asked. ‘Has he been able to replicate the pods?’

‘No. He says Earth is missing an essential mineral needed to power them.’ I didn’t add the fact that he did not have the motivation to try harder to help me return home, thinking that he would be leading me to my death.

‘Leave it with us Akira. We will think of something. If Kivar can bring you home, there must be a way we can too. We will be in contact again soon.’ Xavier said as I felt the connection begin to weaken.

‘Thank you. Believe me when I tell you that I long to return home to help you all. Please don’t give up. I will return as soon as I can.’ I said the crowd before the connection faded completely.

As I opened my eyes I regained my bearings. My room was dark and quiet, but I got the sudden sensation that I was being watched again.

“Zan?” I said into the darkness. But there was no reply. Of course he wasn’t here, he was on the way to Albuquerque, but I couldn’t help but feel soothed by a calming presence. Minutes later I was drifting off into a restful, uninterrupted slumber.


“So Prom’s coming up on Friday.” Maria began as she and I were at work the next day. Kyle was once again seated at the counter. He’d become a fixture in the diner while we were working.

“I don’t think I’m going to go.” I said. I mean, I had a world to save, so how could I consider going to a dance like a normal teenager. It seemed inconsiderate to the suffering my people were experiencing. It was all I could think about since the night before.

“Oh come on, why not?” Maria whined.

“Well, I don’t really feel like it.” I had told Maria about my experience last night so I was hoping she would get my meaning and drop it.

“All the more reason to go. You need a night of fun after all you have been through lately.”

“I don’t know …” I hesitated. Maybe she was right. I mean, I was a teenage girl after all, albeit a teenager girl with the weight of a world on her shoulders. What could I do to help my people at the moment anyway? It’s not as though I can get back to Antar. I was also beginning to suspect it was important to Maria that I go with her.

“But I don’t have a date.” I argued.

“What happened to the gruesome twosome?” Kyle piped up.

“They’ve gone …”

“… to California.” Maria finished for me. “Roadtrip.”

“Okay …” Kyle replied, unconvinced but not willing to push the issue.

“So Kyle can take you to the Prom. Can’t you Kyle?” Maria said, venturing back to the topic at hand.

“Oh … I …” I stammered. I didn’t want Kyle to be put on the spot like that. “Kyle probably already has a date.”

“I don’t actually.” Kyle replied. “We could go together. You know … if you want to.”

“Sure, that would be fun.” I replied, blushing a little.

“So, who are you going with?” I asked Maria.

“Oh, um, Michael Guerin. Turns out you were right, he’s been wanting to ask me out for a while.” Now Maria was blushing.

“I knew it!” I exclaimed, making a few heads turn in the diner. “That’s really great.”

“Okay, now that’s all settled, do you think I could get some service?” Kyle asked, pulling out a menu. I grabbed my order pad while Maria went to serve some other customers.

“So what can I get you?” I asked, pen poised over my order pad.

“Sean …” Kyle said, putting the menu down.

“I don’t think he’s on the menu.” I replied.

“No, do you think Sean will mind us going to the Prom together? I wouldn’t want to make him angry again … he’s bigger than me you know.”

“Sean and I broke up.” I replied.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” Kyle said. “So that’s why Sean and Max decided to take off for a roadtrip?”

“Something like that.” The truth is I was surprised that Sean left so quickly. I expected him to fight for me a little harder, or at the very least, shack up with Tess.

“Well I’m glad. I didn’t think he was right for you.” Kyle said, breaking my thoughts about where Sean could be.

“I wish I hadn’t been the last one to work that out.” I replied. I had thought he was the man I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with, according to the fortune teller anyway.

* * * * *

The rest of the week was spent planning clothes, shoes, hair, jewellery, and transportation. Once Maria discovered how handy my powers could be doing hair and makeup with the wave of my hand, we spent hours pouring over fashion magazines and trying out the latest styles. Maria and I had always talked about Prom when we were younger, but now that it was finally here I found it hard to get excited. Maria did her best to get be revved up for the event, but after what seemed like the hundredth store, I was feeling as though I would be just happy to go in a potato sack if it meant that I didn’t have to try on another dress. At least with all the prom planning I didn’t have time to think too much about Kivar, Antar, Zan or Sean.

That all changed the night before prom, when I was contacted by Kivar again. I had just gone to sleep, and was dreaming about trying on yet another prom dress...

Spinning around in front of the change room mirrors, suddenly every wall became a mirror and I could see the image of myself multiplied in every direction an infinite number of times. My image was quickly joined by that of Kivar, decked out in a tuxedo.

‘That dress doesn’t do you justice.’ He said, touching the strap of my dress, at which moment the dress turned from black to red and the neckline plunged much lower.

‘There, that’s better.’ He said, spinning me around to face him. Taking my hand in his he began leading me in a slow dance. Music began playing in the distance.

‘Remember this song?’ He asked. It was the one Sean and I had danced to at our engagement party.

‘How did you get here?’ I asked. Every other time he had been able to reach me it had been because my mind had been weakened. He should not be strong enough to have access like this.

‘It’s amazing what you can do when you’re angry enough.’ He replied.

‘What do you have to be angry about? I thought you had every thing you ever wanted.’ I replied.

‘Everything except you, oh, and the loyal support of my people. It seems they have been in contact with you and are trying to get you home. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?’ He accused.

I stood there defiantly, trying to hide my panic as to what happened to those he discovered were working against him.

‘Don’t worry. They’ll get a public hearing.’ He said, having read my mind. ‘And they’ll get an equally public execution.’

‘No!’ I gasped.

‘What did you think would happen? I offered you a way to save your people and return home, but you have refused. Now I find you are working behind my back!’ He yelled. ‘You have tried my patience for too long. Either you accept my proposal or you had better prepare to face the consequences.’

‘I’m not scared of you. You have no power over me. I will never agree to your terms.’ I retorted.

‘You’ll come to regret your decision. You have no idea what I am prepared to do.’ Kivar threatened.

‘You can’t touch me. Sean has gone. Even if he was here he would not help you.’

‘Sean may be gone, but don’t think I would rely completely on that idiot without a ‘plan B’. This is your last chance. Join me or live to regret it!’

‘Never!’ I replied defiantly.

‘So be it. Let war begin.’ He said before he disappeared.

I awoke and tore the covers off my body. Jumping out of bed I began pacing my bedroom. What if he could get to me here? I began to hyperventilate. I had never felt so scared and so alone in my entire life. Without realising what I was doing, my mind immediately screamed out for Zan.

‘Akira?’ He replied.

This brought me back to an awareness of what I was doing and I quickly closed the connection. I may be scared and alone, but I wasn’t ready to run to Zan yet. I had to believe I was stronger than that.

I eventually made it back to sleep but I saw images of Zan’s father and other supporters being held in prison. They had been beaten and tortured but they were still alive.

‘Xavier?’ I said, hoping he could hear me.

‘Akira? Thank goodness.’ He replied.

‘I am so sorry this has happened. Are you okay?’ I asked, looking over his tortured body.

‘For now. Our hearing is scheduled for next week. We need to come up with a plan by then or we will all be executed.’

‘I’ll accept Kivar’s deal, with the condition that he spares your lives.’ I offered.

‘No. We refuse to stand in the way of the prophecy being fulfilled. We have contacted the prophet and he assures us that agreeing to Kivar’s terms was not your destiny.’ Xavier replied.

‘He could be wrong.’ I said, although knowing that was unlikely.

‘He’s never been wrong in the past, and I am willing to give my life to prove he is not wrong now!’ Xavier said, and I saw others in the cell nod in agreement.

‘I could not live with myself knowing that I could have saved your life but didn’t. You’re like a second father to me.’ I said to Xavier.

‘Please don’t think like that. You will return to save your people, and I will be looking down on you, just like your father is, so proud of you.’

A tear fell down his cheek, and the connection was broken.

When I woke I found that I had been crying too. I sat up in bed and noticed that my window was open and the curtain was blowing in the wind. I couldn’t remember leaving the window open. Panicking, I lunged for the light switch to illuminate the dark room. As I did I saw Zan standing in the corner of my room where he had been concealed by darkness.

“Zan! You scared me to death.” I whispered forcefully, not wanting to wake my parents.

“I know I’m not supposed to be here.” He began, slowly moving out of the corner. “But I had to make sure you were alright. You seemed really scared. I was going to leave as soon as I knew you were ok.”

“You’ve been watching me all week haven’t you?” I asked, knowing that was why I could always sense that he was around. “I thought you had left town.”

“Why did you think that?” He asked. “I would never abandon you like that.”

“The night you told my parents you were leaving, I kind of got this image of you at the bus station.”

“I had thought about leaving, but I couldn’t do it. I knew you would need me here, no matter how much you thought you didn’t. But hang on - how did you get the image of me leaving?”

“I read your mind.” I replied, not meeting his eyes.

“I didn’t know you could do that.” He said. “How long have you been able to do it?”

“Since I went to Meterean.”

“Have you ever read my mind before?” Zan asked hesitantly, as though he was scared to hear the answer.

“Once, and I promised myself I wouldn’t do it again unless it was absolutely necessary.” I quickly added, knowing that it was wrong.

“What did you see?”

“Just before I returned from Meterean, I saw you decide to put an end to the progression of our relationship.”

“I had always wondered why you didn’t seem too shocked when I told you I wanted to just be friends. I thought you must have had second thoughts yourself.”

“I hadn’t, but it seemed really important to you so I didn’t fight you on it.”

“I’m sorry for that. And I’m sorry that you thought I left you. I was just trying to give you the space you requested. But I also promised to always watch over you.”

“I felt you watching me. It was comforting.” I replied honestly.

“I’m glad.” Zan smiled, but then replaced his smiled with a frown. “I was only a few blocks away when you called out to me earlier. I practically felt your fear course through me. What happened?”

“Kivar has been visiting me again. He has declared war against me because I refused to return to Antar to marry him. I’m scared of what he is going to do to me.”

“He can’t reach you from where he is, and Sean has gone. You’re safe as long as you are careful. He has threatened you before and has never followed through on his threats. He’s probably all talk.” Zan tried to reassure me.

“There’s something else. I have also been in contact with your father.” I said, looking at Zan to see his reaction.

“M-my father?” Zan stammered. “He’s still alive?”

“Yes. He’s helping the resistance against Kivar. He was trying to find a way to bring me home when he was discovered by Kivar. Your father has been captured along with some others … There’s to be a trial next week and if found guilty of treason they will be executed.”

Zan didn’t say anything but began pacing the room.

“I offered to accept Kivar’s offer of marriage in return for their lives, but your father would let me.”

“That sounds like my father. I wouldn’t have let you either.” Zan replied, looking proud of his father’s determination.

“I need to find a way of getting home. We have to save your father. Is there anything you can do?” I asked desperately.

“Even if we could get the pods to work, they would take too long to build.”

“I’m going to tell Kivar that I accept his offer. It’s the only way.” I said.

“No. Don’t do that, please.” Zan begged. “You’ll be walking into a trap.”

“I know, but we don’t have any other options.”

“Give me one day to think it over. There has to be another way. I couldn’t live knowing you were with him.”

“Okay. One day. We can wait one day.” I tried to convince myself.

“I’ll come back tomorrow night, hopefully with a plan.”

“Tomorrow night … Damn, I’m supposed to go to the prom.” I remembered.

“You’re going to the prom?” Zan asked. “Who with?”

“Kyle, Maria’s brother.”

“Oh.” Zan replied.

“I’ll tell him I can’t go.” I said, partly knowing I shouldn’t be going to a prom at a time like this, but also feeling guilty for not going with Zan.

“No. You need to act normal. The prom is normal. You should go.” Zan replied.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. Go to the prom. I’ll come by after.”

“Okay.” I nodded.

“Have fun at the prom.” Zan said with a forced smile, before climbing out the window.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:27 am
by Oz
Thanks guys.

Behrlyliz - Hopefully your dreamer heart is satisfied, well, for a little while anyway :wink:

L-J-L 76 - some of your (many) questions should be answered in this part, for the rest, you'll just have to keep reading :)

Emz80m - The reason Liz can't help with the pods, is that she is like me, and doesn't even know how to fix a flat tyre! (Actually, it is a very good point, and I had never actually thought about it - so well done in spotting the flaws to this story! Oh, and before you read further, I know there are some flaws to this part too, but just humour me, ok :lol: )

So, before I get some readers upset about this part too :wink: , this fic does have dreamer insurance. Let's just say that Liz likes to think the best of people (ok, maybe with the exception of Max, but she'll get there, I promise).

Now on with the story!


“You’ve got to calm down. Kyle’s going to think something is up if you are this jittery all night.” Maria said, having watched me pace Maria’s bedroom for the past ten minutes. I was wearing my prom dress and my hair and makeup were all done, waiting for the limo to arrive.

“I know, I just can’t help thinking that it is a really bad idea for me to be going to the prom tonight.”

“Why? It’s not like you can do anything stuck down here. And Max gave you permission, so what more do you need?” Maria argued.

“I just have this bad feeling…” I replied, still pacing the floor.

“It’ll be fine.” Maria said. “You can save your world once prom is over.”

At that moment a car horn beeped from the street. Michael must be here with the limo.

“Oh, quick. Help me finish my makeup.” Maria begged, rushing to grab her purse. I swiped my hand over her face and her makeup was all done.

“I love you, do you know that?” Maria said, admiring her new look in the mirror. “Could you also do my breasts too? Give me an extra cup size?”

“No. Let’s go.” I replied, grabbing my bag, and ushering Maria out the door.

Kyle and Michael were both at the door waiting for us as we descended the stairs.

“Wow, you look beautiful.” Kyle said, as he handed me a corsage.

“Thanks.” I replied. “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

We headed out of the house to where the limo was parked on the street. Michael and Maria got in first, and Kyle was just helping me in when I felt a sudden wave of dizziness.

“Are you okay?” He asked, helping me regain my balance.

“Yeah. Thanks.” I replied, at a loss as to what just happened. I had received a vision of something but it was gone too quickly for me to make sense of it.

“Are you sure you’re well enough to go?” Kyle asked, obviously unconvinced that I was alright.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Let’s go.” I said, climbing into the limo.

* * * * *

The gym was completely decked out with balloons and decorations, and there was a smoke machine somewhere in the room, causing the floor to look like a pillow of clouds. Maria and Michael immediately went off to find Michael’s friends, while Kyle and I grabbed a seat. I think he still thought I was unwell and wanted me to sit while he found me a glass of punch. We were soon joined by some of our friends and the night seemed to fly by. Maria seemed to be having the time of her life, and I was happy for her. I couldn’t get in the same spirit though, as something kept nagging me at the back of my mind that something was wrong. I looked down at the necklace that Zan had given me, and wondered if this was restricting me from completely sensing what was going on. I contemplated taking it off, but thought better of it. Zan had said it would protect me, and that really sounded like a nice idea at the moment, what with a psychopathic alien out to get me and all.

“Do you want to dance?” Kyle asked, breaking my attention from my necklace.

“Sure.” I replied, noting that the song was a fast one, and we wouldn’t be required to slow dance. Not that I didn’t like Kyle, but he did kind of feel like my brother sometimes. Plus I had enough drama in my life at the moment. It was nice to have a friend who was uncomplicated.

I have to admit that Kyle was actually quite a good dancer and we had a lot of fun dancing up a storm on the dance floor. It seemed that we weren’t to be outdone as we were quickly joined by Maria and some other friends. Soon we were all doing the ‘Macarena’ and having a ball. The next song was a slow one and everyone paired up. Kyle offered me his hand and put his other hand around my waist. We danced in silence, catching our breathe, and at least on my part, feeling a little awkward.

“This feels weird doesn’t it?” Kyle said, breaking the silence.

“Yeah, it does.” I said, relieved that it wasn’t just me who felt that way.

“I mean, you’re practically my sister.” Kyle said, pulling a face.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t dance.” I replied.

“Of course not. But it definitely means no making out.” He said, and we simultaneously pulled a face before bursting out laughing.

“May I cut in?” A voice said over Kyle’s shoulder. I looked up to see Zan standing there.

“Sure.” Kyle said, after getting the nod from me that it was okay. It was nice that Kyle was so protective over me, just like a brother would be. “I was just going to check out the desserts anyway.”

Zan took Kyle’s place, and we slow danced silently for the rest of the song. The next song was just as slow and neither of us made a move to leave. I hadn’t danced with Zan like this for so long, and I couldn’t help but relax in his arms. I know I was still technically supposed to be mad at him, but I couldn’t be when he was holding me the way he was.

“I didn’t think you were coming.” I said, breaking the silence.

“I wasn’t going to, but then … I don’t know.”

“What?” I asked, wanting to know what he was going to say.

“I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to know if you have forgiven me, you know, for what I did. Are we still friends?”

“I may be mad at you, and tell you to give me space, but you will never stop being my friend.” I said honestly. Had I forgiven him? I don’t know, but I knew that I needed him, because without him I was falling apart. He is my lifeline, my strength.

Zan just looked at me and smiled, and before I knew it his lips came crashing into mine. I was stunned at first, but I returned his kiss with as much passion, as though he was my oxygen. Years of pent up frustration at being apart came pouring out in that moment. As we pulled apart for breathe, I felt my legs give way beneath me, as I had another dizzy spell. I would have fainted to the floor if Zan hadn’t caught me. Kyle had been watching and ran back from the buffet table to see what had happened.

“Liz? Are you alright?” Zan asked.

I didn’t answer. My mind was too busy processing the images I had seen during my dizziness.

“This is the second time this has happened tonight.” Kyle told Zan.

“Let’s get her to a chair.” Zan said, helping me to walk over to the closest chair at an empty table.

“Liz? Are you okay?” Zan asked again, holding my face up to his to try and make eye contact.

“Sean? Where’s Sean?” I gasped.

“Sean’s not here.” Zan said to me.

“We need to find him, he’s in trouble.” I said, jumping up to leave.

“Okay, I’ll help you find him.” Zan said, not letting go of my arm.

“Is there anything I can do?” Kyle asked, looking concerned.

“Tell Maria I had to go.” I said, before dragging Zan out of the room with me.

* * * * *

“What’s going on?” Zan asked when we were alone in the car park.

“Sean’s in trouble. He’s calling out for help. I’ve had this weird feeling all night, and this flash that I couldn’t quite make out. Now it is clearer. Sean’s hurt and scared.”

“Okay, okay, we’ll find him. Do you have any idea where he is?” Zan asked.

“No, I couldn’t make it out.” I said hopelessly. Then I looked down at my necklace. I need my powers at full strength and so my necklace was going to have to go. Putting my hand to my necklace, Zan grabbed my hand.

“Don’t do it.” Zan begged, knowing what I intended on doing.

“I don’t have a choice.”

“You’re putting yourself in danger.” He said.

“I know.” I replied, pulling the chain from my neck. As I did I felt an overwhelming sense of fear coming from Sean.

“He’s in the desert.” I replied. It was as though Sean was sending out a signal of his whereabouts.

“Okay, let’s go.” Zan said, unlocking his car and jumping behind the wheel.

* * * * *

The desert was dark and quiet when we arrived. I almost thought I had the wrong place, but I could feel Sean close by. It happened to be the same part of the desert Zan had taken me to the night I had regained my memories.

“What’s the plan?” Zan asked, grabbing my arm before I left the car.

“The plan is we go and find Sean.” I replied, pulling away but Zan didn’t release me.

“We don’t know who else could be in there. What if it’s Kivar? You could be walking into the trap.”

“Well if I am, it means he is using Sean as bait, and I will not allow him to be used anymore than he has been.”

“Why do you care about him so much after all he has done to you?” Zan asked.

“Because he is still a part of me. He always will be.” This time I pulled free of Zan and walked towards the place I could feel Sean, ignoring the look of hurt pass over Zan’s features.

After a minute or so of no movement, I stopped dead in my tracks when I sensed some movement to my left.

Before I could call out for them to show themselves, the headlights of a car shone on the spot where Tess was standing.

“Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to say goodbye to a great man…” Tess said solemnly as though she was conducting a funeral. Suddenly another set of headlights lit up a coffin strewn with flowers. Beside it was a dug grave.

“Sean.” I breathed, knowing he was in the coffin, but still alive.

“I always knew there was something about you…” I said, returning my attention to Tess. “Why are you doing this?”

“Well, to cut a long story short, because I was ordered to.”

“You’re working for Kivar.” I said.

“Congratulations, give the girl a prize!” Tess shouted. “You know, for someone who is supposed to be the ‘Chosen One’ you are slow to catch on.”

“Yeah well, I’m catching up now. So what’s your plan? To kill Sean? Then what?”

“Oh, I’m not going to kill Sean. I just used him to get your attention.” Tess said, walking over to the casket. “He said that it wouldn’t work, but look at this, here you are. I guess I’d better let him out now.”

She lifted the lid of the coffin, and to my surprise Sean quickly jumped out, not bound or injured.

“It’s about time. I was suffocating in there.” He said to Tess.

“Sorry babe. Your girlfriend took her sweet time in getting here. Must have been something really good keeping her at the prom. Or should I say someone …” Tess said, looking at Zan.

“Figures.” Sean said. “You don’t waste anytime do you?”

“I thought you were in trouble… I came to help you.” I said, still confused about what was happening. Sean and Tess were working together? I shouldn’t be surprised but I was.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I was trying to be dramatic. Calling you on the phone and asking you to meet me wouldn’t have been as much fun.” Sean said.

“How long have you been planning this?” I asked, not wanting to know the answer. I thought I had learned the worst about Sean, but it seems that there was much more to learn.

“A while now.” Tess replied smugly. “We almost scrapped the whole thing when you busted us and broke up with Sean. But it seems that you still care about him…”

I looked at Sean and tears pooled in my eyes. Could he really have been plotting my demise this whole time? I can’t believe I had been so blind. Sean walked over to me and brought his hand gently to my face to wipe away the tears.

“Don’t cry princess.” He said. “There was a time I really did believe that I was in love with you.”

He moved his hand from my cheek to run his hands through my hair, at which moment I heard him in my head. I don’t know where he learnt to be able to that.

‘Please don’t believe anything I have said, or am about to say. I have always loved you, and I am trying to help you by playing along with Tess’s plan. We won’t let her win, I promise.’

“Well, I’m finding it hard to remember a time that I loved you.” I replied coldly.

“Ow, that’s harsh princess.” Sean said, feigning to be offended.

“How many women was it exactly that you cheated on me with?” I demanded.

“Actually, just one.” Tess said, pawing at Sean like he was her possession. “I was at your engagement party back home, and at Pam Troy’s party a few months ago, in fact, Sean and I have been fooling around for years.”

She was at our engagement party? I had to know her then. I concentrated, who was she?

“Ava?” I said, suddenly recognising her.

“Hi cousin. It’s been a long time.” Ava replied.

“How could you do this to me? You’re my family.” I was shocked. Ava and I weren’t close, but I have always been friendly towards her.

“I should have been next in line for the throne, not you, so I did a deal with Kivar. I return you to Antar, and I am made queen.”

“For you to be made queen, you would have to marry Kivar. Pity he has already offered that honour to me.” I replied.

“You’re lying.” She said, obviously unprepared for that. Sean looked a little shocked too.

“Why don’t you ask him the next time you see him.” I said, “I’m sure he will fill you in.”

Sean couldn’t help but smile at Ava’s reaction to the knowledge that she has been played by Kivar.

“And as for you…” I said, turning my attention to Sean. “You knew who she was the whole time, and didn’t say anything?”

“Sorry princess, but let’s face it, she satisfied me in more ways than you ever could. Why would I give that up?” He smiled devilishly.

“Then why did you need me?” A voice came from the back. I turned around to see that Maria had arrived with Kyle.

Sean paled a little, but then continued in his charade.

“You? You I just did for fun.” Sean said.

“You bastard!” Ava shouted, obviously only hearing about Sean’s indiscretion for the first time tonight.

“What’s wrong Ava? Scared of a little competition.” I said.

“Scared of her? Unlikely.” Ava replied, raising her hand at Maria and using her powers to send Maria flying through the air. Kyle ran to her side, to make sure she was okay. When I saw her look up at me and nod that she was fine, I turned to Ava.

“So what now Ava?” I asked. “Is this where we draw swords?”

“No. Now we wait here for the best bit.” Ava said resolutely.

“Which is?” I pried, wanting to know exactly why she had brought me here.

“Let’s just say your chariot is about to arrive Princess. You’re going home.” Ava said.

“She’s not going anywhere!” Zan exclaimed.

“And what are you going to do about it?” Ava asked. At that moment there was a quick movement from behind us and Zan was grabbed by Nicholas, who had so far kept his presence unknown. Zan struggled, but was no match for Nicholas’s strength. Nicholas was not a big guy, yet he was managing to overpower Zan without breaking a sweat.

“Let him go!” I yelled, raising my arm to blast him if necessary.

“I wouldn’t do that if I was you.” Ava said.

“Why not?” I asked, intrigued.

“Because your little blast will have about the same effect on Nicholas as Zan seems to be having.”

“Why?” I asked confused. Were they bullet proof?

“Because of this.” Ava said, holding up a pentagram. “When turned on it suppresses your powers. So basically, you’re both helpless. You might as well just sit back and enjoy your last few minutes on Earth.”

I tried to let out a blast of energy from my palm, but Ava was right, nothing happened.

“So why doesn’t it effect you?” I asked, curious. Luckily Ava seemed to be in the mood to share.

“Let’s just say we have the antidote - a device that reverses the effect of the pentagram.”

“What will they think of next?” I said, lowering my hand, and feigning resignation.

At that moment, Ava passed the pentagram to Sean, who discretely switched it off.

“Pity it isn’t foolproof.” I said raising my hand once more, directing a shot first at Nicholas and then at Ava. Nicholas was hit square in the chest, and stumbled backwards to the ground, a burn mark on his skin. Unluckily my shot at Ava only grazed her shoulder.

“You traitor!” She screamed at Sean, sending a blast his way, before diving behind some rocks, and crawling along the desert floor to find somewhere to hide from me.

“You can run but you can’t hide.” I said, concentrating on her position and shooting another blast towards her. She managed to roll out of the way at the last moment, before running up to the coffin and crouching behind it.

“Don’t think that’s going to save you.” I said, shooting another blast which blew the coffin apart. As the dust settled, I walked up to where I last saw Ava and found her lying on the ground with a blast mark in her back. I rolled her over to check if she was still alive. She was - barely.

“Akira.” Sean called from where he was lying injured on the ground. I took another look at Ava, and when sure she wasn’t going anywhere, I turned my attention to Sean. Placing my hands on his abdomen I concentrated on reforming the damaged cells and heal his wound. My forehead was covered with perspiration by the time I was finished, and I felt light headed. I needed to rest, but I couldn’t, I still had to take care of Ava.

“Any last words?” I asked, feeling no remorse for killing her after what she did to Sean, and Maria.

“Yeah, I have one last surprise for you.” She said, holding up her hand. I thought she was going to blast me, so I shot up a protective shield. Instead, she directed her arm in the direction of the road and shot out a ball of light before she collapsed on the ground, dead. I turned to look towards the road, wondering what she had been trying to do. The ball of light had stopped, hovered, lighting up the desert to reveal my parents standing there watching. They had been bound and gagged, and had seen the whole thing unfold.

“Mum! Dad!” I called, racing over to them. As I reached my mother to untie her, she physically jerked away from my touch as though she was afraid of me. Neither of them could look me in the eye without betraying their fear.

“Please don’t look at me like that.” I begged, taking a few steps back from them.

They turned to hold each other, but wouldn’t come near me, or speak to me.

“Akira. We should go.” Zan said, leading me away from my parents.

“Help Sean.” I said to him, tearing my eyes away from my parents to where Sean was still sitting on the ground.

“You still want to help him after all the things he said to you?” Zan exclaimed like I was asking him to help the devil himself.

“Yes.” I replied simply. To his credit Zan obeyed without further objection. As I walked towards Maria and Kyle, intending to check Maria’s injuries, a bright shaft of light descended from the sky. I remembered what this light had done for me last time, and the peace I had felt within it. I wanted that back again. I needed something to heal the hurt my parent’s reaction had made me feel.

I cautiously stepped towards the light, reaching out to see the light shine on my fingertips. As I reached the centre, completely surrounded by the light, I my entire body began to tingle. I felt as light as a feather, as though with one slight gust of wind I could fly. I found myself being pulled skyward. Knowing that this was the way home, I gave a quick wave goodbye to Maria and Kyle, took one last look at my parents, and then felt the world disappear.

End of Book 2

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2006 10:23 pm
by L-J-L 76
I re read this and I really like this story.Please post more really soon?I can't wait o read what will happen next.So please post more really soon?

L-J-L 76

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 6:51 am
by Oz
We're almost there. I'm not 100% happy with this part, but I have an assignment on capital gains tax to write (very exciting), so it will have to do!

Book Three


It was now two years later and the world was just as I remembered it. But the blue sky and the desert now seemed alien to me. After two years on Antar, Earth no longer felt like home. But I was here on a mission.

Walking through the doors of the diner I spotted what I had come for. I casually walked in, taking a seat at the counter and picking up a menu. Glancing around I took in how little had changed. The décor was the same, the uniforms were the same, and tragically the menu also hadn’t changed.

“What can I get you?” The waitress asked.

“Cheeseburger with extra pickles and a strawberry milkshake thanks.” I replied, the usual.

The waitress hesitated for a moment, shaking off her brief moment of déjà vu before taking my order to the kitchen.

“So, I haven’t seen you around before. Are you just passing through?” She asked, making small talk when she returned with my milkshake.

“You could say that.” I replied. “Actually, I’m just visiting Roswell. I hear it’s the alien capital of the US.”

“You’re searching for aliens?” The waitress asked.

“Yeah. You haven’t seen any around here have you?” I asked, taking a sip of my drink to hide my smile.

“Aliens? Here? No, never.”

“You were always such a bad liar.” I said, now practically grinning.

Maria looked at me confused. I decided to go easy on her and reveal my identity. Running my hand over my face, my blonde hair and blue eyes changed back to their earthy brown.

“Liz?!” She gasped. “I can’t believe you’re here!”

She quickly dropped everything and ran around the counter to capture me in a bear hug.

“What’s going on here?” A familiar voice came up behind us.

“Look who’s back!” Maria squealed. I turned around to see Kyle, and by the look on his face he was just as shocked as Maria.

“Liz? Wow. Welcome home.” He said, giving me a quick hug. “I didn’t see the space ship parked outside.”

“Very funny.” I smiled, raising an eyebrow at Maria. Well I guess that explained exactly what she had told Kyle after that night.

“What!” Maria said. “What else was I supposed to tell him?”

“So what’s new?” I asked, ignoring Maria’s last comment and reseating myself at the counter. Maria repositioned herself behind the counter under the pretence of working, and Kyle took a stool next to mine.

“Well, Maria and I are home from college for thanksgiving.”

“And you’re working here?” I asked Maria.

“I’ve got to pay for my college books somehow… Besides, it gives me an excuse to get out of the house. Once you live away from home, it’s hard to go back.”

“Tell me about it.” I mumbled.

“Have you seen your parents?” Maria asked, realising she had hit a nerve.

“What’s the point? I’m not their daughter anymore.”

“They were devastated when you left. I still don’t think they’ve gotten over you leaving like that.”

“What did you tell them?” I asked.

“Everything. They didn’t believe me at first, but they couldn’t really deny it after seeing death rays shooting from the palms of your hands.”

“I can see your point.” I said, cringing at the memory of what they had seen that night.

“You should go and see them.” Maria said seriously.

“I’ll think about it.” I said, not convinced that I could work up the courage.

“So, what are you doing back?” Kyle asked. “Have you returned for good?”

“No, actually.” Seeing the disappointment on their faces. “I’m here to invite you both to a wedding.”

“Who’s wedding?” Maria asked.

“Mine.” I said matter-of-factly.

“You’re getting married?” Maria squealed for the second time in five minutes. “To who?”

“To Zan.” I replied.

“Agnas!” Maria called through the window into the kitchen. “I need to leave early - family emergency.”

* * * * *

Ten minutes later the three of us were in the park, as I began the tale of what happened during the past two years…

“So, the light you saw in the desert that night…” I began.

“The night you were sucked off the planet and into space …” Maria clarified.

“Yeah, well, that light was like a transporter …”

“That sucked you off the planet and into space … we get the concept. You spiralled up into a shaft of light, Zan quickly followed helping Sean who was still finding it difficult to walk. The three of you disappeared into thin air, and the evil pod people disappeared into a pile of dust. We know what happened here; tell us what happened up there.” Maria summarised, trying to hurry me to the crux of the story.

“Okay, moving on … So Zan, Sean and I were travelling through space at the speed of light or whatever, and before we knew it, we found ourselves in a white room…”

Our arrival was obviously a little earlier than expected, and we startled a couple of technicians who were testing the transporter for Kivar’s journey to Earth. Neither of them were armed, so we mind warped them to forget we had ever been there. We also messed with the coordinates on the transporter so Kivar wouldn’t make it to Earth and harm any one we had left behind. In fact, he would find he had a nice journey to some remote planet in another galaxy.

Making our way out into the passageway, we rounded the corner just in time to hide from Kivar who was coming the other way. I was still very weak from healing Sean, so I was not prepared to take him on just yet, no matter how much I wanted to. We ran further down the corridor, and it wasn’t long until I realised we were somewhere in the palace. This was my home ground, and I had the advantage of knowing where all the secret tunnels were so we could get out of the palace without being discovered. Soon we were outside the palace walls, and heading to the home of one of Zan’s father’s friends who Zan was sure would protect us.

“Okay, so you go there, hid out for a while, get to the good stuff, how did you hook up with Zan?” Maria interrupted.

“I’m getting to that.” I replied, before continuing my story.

At the safe house we are able to rest and start to think about our next step. Zan’s father’s trial and execution was set for two days, and we decided that would be the perfect time to take on Kivar and free Xavier. The palace grounds would be open to the public to observe the trial in the courtyard, and we were positive that the potential to begin a riot would help us against Kivar. So we had two days to recover, build our strength and plan our strategy.

After a long night of strategising, I was able to retire to the guestroom to finally get some sleep. Our host was profoundly apologetic that the room was not fit for a princess, but I was just relieved to get the chance to be alone and rest. I was completely exhausted from healing Sean, the showdown with Ava, the journey home, and the escape to the safe house. Not to mention the overwhelming loss I felt at saying goodbye to Maria and seeing the look of fear on my parents face when they discovered the truth about me. I was tired, and letting my emotions get the better of me, I collapsed the floor and just cried. I let it all out until there were no more tears left to cry. Even though I was glad to have finally come home to Antar, it was hard leaving Earth behind. Earth had become my home too, and I didn’t think a day would ever go by when I didn’t think of my parents, of Maria or Kyle.

After there were no more tears to shed, I pulled myself up off the floor and began getting ready to go to sleep. As I was climbing into bed, there was a knock at my door. It slowly opened to reveal Sean.

“Hey.” He said, standing in the doorway, watching as I got into bed, pulling the covers up to my waist.

“Hey yourself.” I replied.

“So we haven’t really had a chance to talk.” Sean said, closing the door behind him and taking a seat on the end of the bed.

“I know. It’s been a big day.” I replied, giving the understatement of the century.

“I wanted to say thank you, you know, for healing me today.” Sean began.

“No problem.” I replied, as if it was nothing, like I had just helped him with some homework.

“I wouldn’t have been surprised if you hadn’t. I said some pretty awful things to you.”

“Yeah, but you did it to help me. Although … you were a little too convincing.” I said, picturing his face as he taunted me with his relationship with Ava.

“I’m really sorry Akira. You don’t know how much I just wish I could take it all back and return to how we used to be.”

“We can’t. Nothing will ever change the fact that you were working for Kivar, and that you cheated on me, more than once.” I replied.

“I know… And I will be eternally sorry for it… Just remember that I will always love you.” He said, giving me a kiss on the cheek before rising to leave.

I hesitated for a moment, debating or not whether to tell him, but as he reached for the door I made up my mind.

“Sean?” I said, at which he turned around to face me. “No matter what I said earlier, I will always remember the time that I loved you. And I will treasure it forever.”

Sean just gave me a small smile before closing the door behind him.

* * * * *

The night before the trial, I was walking in the garden, unable to sleep. I kept running the plan over and over in my mind. It had to work. We had the element of surprise, we had the people on our side, and I was going to fulfil the prophecy. Why then did I feel such a terrible sense of foreboding?

It seemed I wasn’t the only one having trouble sleeping. As I turned to take the path leading into the orchard, I came across Zan, also walking alone in the dark.

“Princess? You couldn’t sleep either?” He asked.

“No. I’m too nervous.”

“Since neither of us can sleep, perhaps we could at least keep each other company?” He offered.

“That would be nice.” I agreed, and we continued up the path together.

After a few minutes of silence, we both seemed to break that silence at the exact same moment.

“Zan …”


“You first.” I offered.

“I was just going to say, we haven’t had a chance to talk about what happened at the prom.”

“The kiss …” I said, remembering now what had happened before I rushed off to the desert to save Sean. I was embarrassed to admit that I hadn’t really thought about it since it happened, having too many other pressing matters to think about. I could tell by the look on Zan’s face that it had been at the forefront of his mind. I wondered what he was going to say. Was he going to tell me it was a mistake like last time, or was he going to say that he wanted to take our relationship further? At that moment I didn’t know which option scared me more.

“I know that this is probably the worst time to talk about it, but in case something happens tomorrow I want you to know exactly how I feel.” Zan began. After a moments silence, when he was sure I wasn’t going to interrupt him, he continued. “I think you probably know how I feel about you. I know I have denied it more than once, and sometimes I have a funny way of showing it, but I am completely in love with you. I have been since I first lay my eyes on you in the school room that day. Although I didn’t know what love was at the time, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life being surrounded by you.

“After our first kiss, when I told you that I thought it was a mistake - that was the biggest lie I have ever told you. That kiss was the best thing that had ever happened to me, and it tortured me to think that I wasn’t worthy of you. So many times I wanted to tell you that I had made a mistake, that I loved you, but the risk of losing you was worse than knowing that I could never be anything more than your friend.

“Then you met Sean, and I discovered that it was too late. You fell in love, and I realised that my chance to be with you had come and gone. I could’ve been content if I knew you were happy. I could’ve tried to even be happy for you if I thought that Sean was good enough for you. But so many times I could see that he wasn’t faithful, and that he wasn’t a good guy, that I began to try and tell you. That was the worst thing that I could’ve done, because it drove a wedge between you and I.

“After our kiss at the prom, I haven’t been able to get it out of my head that there may be a chance for us still. Tell me Akira, am I too late, or could you possibly love me again?”

I was shocked into silence. He still loved me.

“I don’t know what to say.” I eventually replied.

What I wanted to say is that I loved him too. Sometimes I had thought I loved him like a brother, like a friend, but other times I knew that it was much more. I had loved Sean, but he had shared my heart with the space I had already set aside for Zan. But the main thing on my mind at that moment was that I didn’t deserve him. I had questioned him, doubted him, taken all of my anger out on him, yet he was still here. And, he still loved me. At that moment I had a glimpse of the future, and how happy we could be. But just as quickly as it had come, it was replaced with the dread I felt at the prospect of what would come tomorrow.

“That’s okay. You don’t have to say anything.” Zan said, beginning to turn away.

“I just … I can’t deal with this right now. Not with everything that is going to happen tomorrow. What if we don’t make it through?”

“Don’t think like that.” Zan said, placing his hands on my shoulders. “We have to believe that everything will happen to ensure the prophecy is fulfilled. You will defeat Kivar and restore Antar to its former glory.”

“I think that is the most confident you have ever been about me fulfilling the prophecy.”

“That’s because I have to be confident, otherwise I won’t make it through the night knowing what you have to do tomorrow.” He admitted.

“So, after tomorrow, when I 'defeat Kivar and restore Antar to its former glory’, we’ll talk about this some more?” I asked.

“You can count on it.” Zan replied, giving my shoulders a squeeze. “Now, you need to get to bed. You have a big day tomorrow.”

“Will you … will you sleep next to me? I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

“Of course.” Zan replied, leading me back to my room.

That night I slept better than I had the night before, feeling comforted by Zan’s arm around my waist as I slept, and feeling his breathe on my neck. Tomorrow, I would defeat Kivar, and then I could think about starting a life with Zan.

* * * * *

The palace courtyard was completely full of people, all jammed in like sardines to see the trial and execution of Zan’s father and other rebels. It seemed that Kivar had declared a national holiday so as many people as possible could witness what happened to those who dared to be disloyal to him. Zan, Sean and I pushed our way through the throngs of people, unnoticed because we were still in our human form. No one could see that the princess had returned so we could maintain the element of surprise. By the time we made it to the front of the crowd, the trial had commenced.

“You are hereby accused of treason against the crown. What do you have to say in your defence?” Kivar asked.

“We are loyal subjects of King Athezon and his daughter, Princess Akira.” Xavier replied. “Our actions were in defence of the crown, and are innocent of the crimes we have been accused of.”

“King Athezon is dead and Princess Akira has left the planet, unlikely to ever return.”

At this moment I moved out of the crowd and into the centre of the square. I was only a sixteen year old girl so the Royal Guards did little to try and force me back behind the barricade.

“I am here to speak in defence of these men.” I said, addressing Kivar. He took one look at me and began to laugh.

“And what do you have to say? Is one of these men your father?”

“No, my father is dead.” I replied, walking closer.

“I’m sorry to hear that.” Kivar said, insincerely.

“Really? I find that surprising since it was under your orders that he was killed.” I replied. Kivar began to look uncomfortable, obviously not wanting to look like the bad guy in front of this many ‘loyal’ subjects.

“What do you have to say? This is a public trial, and not a chance to bring personal grievances.”

“This trial and my personal grievances are inseparably linked. You see, these men are charged with treason against the crown, but that is impossible, because they were working for me, and I believe you are sitting in my seat.” I replied, waving my hand across my face to return to my Antarian form.

There was a gasp from the audience and many bowed when they realised they were in the presence of their princess. I did not turn my eyes away from Kivar, who was looking at me in shock.

“By the way, how was your trip to … where was it? The desert planet in the Sycadia Galaxy?” Referring to the change in coordinates we had made to the Transporter.

By this stage Zan and Sean had joined me in the middle of the square, and other supporters who had previously blended into the crowd, now came out holding weapons, all pointed at Kivar.

“Now. Shall we get this over with?” I said to Kivar.

“You are a fool to think that you are any match for me.” He replied.

“And you’re a fool to think the prophecy will not come true. Your demise is imminent. Any last words?”

“Yes, prepare to die.”

At that moment I saw the shadow of a bird fly overhead. I looked up and saw a phoenix circling the crowd.

Beware of the phoenix …

In the same instant, Kivar fired a blast of energy in my direction, and would’ve hit me square in the chest if Zan hadn’t thrown himself in front of me and taken the hit himself.

“Noooo!” I screamed, seeing Zan prostrate body lying on the ground. I felt his pulse, but it was too late, he was dead.

“You killed my parents, you took my crown, and now you have killed Zan. You will not live to see out this day. I will kill you!” I screamed at Kivar.

“You and which army?” Kivar said, moving closer towards me. He was backed up by an increasingly larger army of Royal Guards.

“I don’t need an army.” I smirked. “I can kill you just by thinking it.”

“Do it.” Kivar challenged me, not believing that I had the power to match his.

“I said do it!” He screamed, taunting me.

At that moment I reached my hands out to the sky, as if directing the heavens to do my biding. Gathering a power that I had never believed myself capable of myself, I shot the energy into the sky, and as if rebounding off the clouds, it came thundering down to the exact spot Kivar was standing, like a bolt of lightening.

Kivar’s smirked turned to a look of fear, as he realised his death was imminent. His eyes were still on mine the moment he died. His body crumbled to the ground and disintegrated into a pile of ash. The army behind him began to inch backwards, scared that their fate was going to be the same.

“Xavier. Take them prisoner.” I said, directing Xavier and his friends to round up those who helped Kivar in his reign of terror over my people.

I turned back to where Zan lay on the ground. Crouching over him, I placed my hands on his wound intending to heal him.

“What are you doing?” Sean said, pulling my hands away. “He’s dead.”

“I have to try. I can’t let it end like this.”

“You don’t know what could happen.”

“I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least try. He gave his life for mine. The least I can do is return the favour.”

“Okay. Do it. I’ll make sure you’re not interrupted.” Sean said, standing up and glaring towards the crowd that were edging forward for a better view.

I placed my hands over Zan’s wound and concentrated on healing the cells and binding his tissue together. I felt the perspiration on my forehead and my strength begin to falter as I attempted to start Zan’s heart pumping again. The last thing I remember before passed out from exhaustion was the touch of Zan’s hand running through my hair and the whisper of my name on his lips.

“So you brought Zan back from the dead?” Maria gasped.

“Yeah, I did.” I smiled.

“That’s so romantic…” Maria sighed.

When I awoke it took me a moment to recognise my surroundings. It felt like a lifetime since I had seen my old bedroom. It was light outside, the light streaming in my window, and as I squinted against the brightness of it, I noticed a figure standing by the window.

“Zan?” I whispered.

“Akira? You’re awake.” He said as he came rushing over. “Thank God you’re okay.”

“How long have I been out?” I asked, thinking Zan looked good considering he had just come back from the dead.

“You’ve been in a coma for ten days.” He replied.

“Oh …” Ten days? That long? Everyone must have been so worried.

“But you’re okay?” I asked.

“Thanks to you.” Zan replied. “I don’t know how I will ever repay you for what you did for me.”

“I was just returning the favour.” I smiled.

“The phoenix …” I said, remembering seeing the bird flying overhead just before Kivar shot at me.

“Yeah. I remembered the fortune teller’s warning. I guess that was how I was able to react so quickly… I can’t believe she was right.”

“I can.” I said, remembering how the fortune teller’s words – ‘… The one who loves you … the one you love … will give his life for yours.’

“And apparently I missed quite a show.” Zan continued. “ I would have given anything to see you defeat Kivar. People are saying that it was as though the heavens were at your command.”

“I’m sure they’re exaggerating.” I said, honestly unsure how I had managed to harness so much power. I guess I was just highly motivated.

“So what happened after I passed out?” I asked. What was said to my people? What did they think of me?

“Sean carried you away from the crowd into the palace. I followed with my father. The people were told to go home, that an official statement would be made later that day. Kivar’s army was taken into custody and my father arranged for the King’s Council to be restored to take care of the necessary administration matters.

“Word travelled quickly of what had taken place; the fact that you had returned; that you had defeated Kivar; and that you were now in a coma. A crowd has formed outside the palace walls as a vigil to you. The people have been praying that you will recover and be their ruler.”

“And what has Sean been doing?” I asked.

“Taking it in turns with me to keep a vigil by your bed. We wanted to make sure that one of us was here when you woke up. I think he is trying to sleep. I should go and get him.” Zan said, getting ready to leave the room.

“No. Stay with me a little longer.” I said, grabbing his hand. He sat down on the bed and did not let go of my hand.

“I’ll stay as long as you need me to.” He replied. “These past ten days have been so hard… I … I thought I had lost you.”

“You can’t get rid of me that easily.” I replied.

We sat in silence for a while, just appreciating being alive and being together.

“So, my people want me back?” I asked, curious as to why they wanted a sixteen year old running the country.

“Of course they do. You saved them from Kivar. You fulfilled the prophecy.”

“But what do I know about running a country?”

“I know you can do it. You were a born leader.” Zan encouraged me.

“Do you know what would make me believe you?” I asked.

“No, what?”

“If you would help me.”

“You know I will always help you with whatever you needed.”

“I want more than that. I want you to be always by my side … as my husband …”

“Are you asking me to marry you?” Zan asked astounded.

“Yeah, I guess I am.” I smiled. “What do you say? Wanna be King?”

“Not that I wouldn’t love too …” Zan began, and I turned my eyes away feeling crushed by his refusal.

“Hey, look at me.” He said, coaxing my eyes back towards his. “What I was going to say was that I would love too, but I think we need to take it slow. We’ve been through so much, and I wouldn’t want to rush anything.”

“You’re right. I know. I guess I have put you through a lot this past year … or sixteen. In fact I’m still surprised you are still here with me.” I confessed. How many times had I blamed him for everything, and told him I couldn’t trust him, let alone making him watch me fall for someone else? If I had been in his shoes, I don’t know if I would have had the same strength to put up with it all.

“It has been rough at times, but I guess if you really love someone, it’s kinda hard to walk away.” Zan replied with a smile. “So, we’ll just take it slow for now?”

“I can do slow.” I replied, glad that there was some hope that I hadn’t screwed it up completely.

“Besides, I had always dreamed of being the one to ask you. Do you think you could humour me?”

“Of course.” I smiled. “Just … don’t make me wait too long.”

“I promise I won’t.” Zan smiled back.

“I thought I heard voices.” Sean said as he entered the room. “Glad to see you’re awake.”

“Why, because you won’t be able to beat me in poker anymore?” I said, having received an image of Sean playing cards with me while I was in the coma. Where he got a pack of ‘Earth’ playing cards I’ll never know.

“Yeah, you kinda suck at it when you’re unconscious.”

“Thanks for spending time with me, even if I was being a bad conversationalist.” I smiled.

“No problem. Besides by hiding in here I was able to avoid being mobbed by people asking how you were. Not just the people surrounding the palace gates, but even the staff and Royal Guards. You’ve become a bit of a celebrity.”

“I want to go out and see my people.” I said, trying to sit up.

“Are you crazy? You just woke up out of a coma.” Zan exclaimed.

“I feel fine.” I replied, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. “Besides, you’ll be there to look after me.”

“Don’t give me that look.” Zan said as I battered my eyelashes. “Sean, help me out here.”

“Hey, don’t drag me into this. Besides, she’s the one in charge. She’s what, practically the queen now? So I guess we have to do everything she asks.”

“See?” I said the Zan, letting Sean help me out of bed.

“Okay, fine, let me get you a wheelchair and some guards to escort you.”

“Wheelchair yes, but guards no.” I replied, rummaging in my wardrobe for something appropriate to wear.

“Fine. We’ll be back in ten minutes with a wheelchair.” Zan said, directing Sean out of the room. “And I’ll send a maid to help you dress.”

I just rolled my eyes at Zan as he closed the door behind him. I guess I would have to get used to being waited on again; after sixteen years it was going to take a bit of getting used to.

* * * * *

Zan and Sean returned in ten minutes as promised and they wheeled me down to the palace gates. As we passed the palace staff, the gardeners and the guards I had many people welcome me back and thank me for what I did. I couldn’t help but blush at all the attention. I had always known that one day I would save the world from Kivar, and everyone else had known it, and it felt weird being congratulated for basically doing my job.

As we neared the gates, I saw my people before they saw me. There were people praying silently, others depositing flowers along the wall, and there was a book for people to sign their best wishes for my recovery. I was astounded by the number of people that cared about me that much to come out here and leave gifts and prayers. It brought a tear to my, that I quickly wiped away before anyone saw. I asked Zan to stop the wheelchair and slowly stood up, wanting to walk over to my people and show them I was okay. As I neared closer, a little girl by the gates was the first to see me. She stared at me for a moment before turning to her mother to get her attention.

“Momma! It’s her! It’s the Princess.” The little girl said, and soon a dozen or more faces were turned in my direction. There was murmuring and word quickly spread down the line of people of my recovery.

“This is for you princess.” The little girl said, handing me a flower through the gate.

“Thank you very much.” I replied, crouching down to the girl’s height and taking the flower from her. “What’s your name?”

“Kira.” She replied.

“Really? That’s just like mine!” I replied.

“I know. Momma says I was named after you.”

This little girl was no more than five years old. I had been gone for eleven years before she was born, and her parents still named their child after me. This brought another tear to my eye, that I was not forgotten while I had been gone.

I spoke to many other people that morning, and was inundated with flowers and gifts. Eventually, despite my protests, Zan sensed by strength faltering and insisted on returning me to the palace. It was all worth it to me, to see my people, and just how much I meant to them.

“That’s so sweet.” Maria said, wiping a tear from her eye. “So what happened next?”

“So, I recovered fully, became completely entrenched in day to day running of a planet, oh and I had my coronation to become Queen of Antar.”

“Queen huh? Never thought I could say I was best friends with the Queen.” Maria laughed.

“Hey, what about me?” Kyle said. “I can boast that I took a Queen to the prom.”

“Isabel is going to love to hear about that.” Maria teased.

“Who’s Isabel?” I asked Kyle.

“Kyle’s girlfriend.” Maria replied for him. “They met in Psychology 101 and have been inseparable ever since. It’s enough to make you want to throw up.”

“Well, you can’t talk. What about you and Michael?”

“Oh, that is so over.” Maria blushed.

“That’s not what it looked like yesterday when you were making out behind the diner.”

“Momentary relapse. It’s definitely over now though.”

It was nice to hear about their lives as though I was still able to relax with friends and joke around. There isn’t much time for that back home when you are trying to run a planet.

“So, how did Zan propose?” Maria asked, conveniently changing the subject.

“Well, we had been together for a while. Since I came out of the coma our relationship only got stronger. It even eventually got Sean’s blessing…”

“Have you seen Zan?” I asked Sean. I had been looking for Zan all day but couldn’t find him.

“Nah, I haven’t. What do you need him for?” Sean said raising his eyebrows.

“That’s none of you business.” I replied, playfully throwing a cushion at him.

“Actually, come to think of it, I think I do know where Zan is.” Sean said looking at his watch. “I’ll take you to him. But first, you need a change of clothes.”

Sean grabbed my hand and dragged me to my room. Rummaging through my wardrobe he eventually found what he was looking for.

“What’s going on?” I asked, looking curiously at the clothes he had picked out for me. They were the clothes I had been wearing the day I left Earth.

“Do you trust me?” He asked.

“Yes, but …”

“No ‘buts’. Get dressed.” Sean ordered.

I did what I was told and soon we were heading back down the hallway and down the stairs to the basement. He opened the door to the Transporter room.

“Where are we going?”

“I can’t tell you. You said you trusted me.” He reminded me.

“Of course I do.” I replied, to which Sean smiled.

“C’mon then.” He said, dragging me to the transporter.

At the end of our trip we found ourselves in an abandoned warehouse, with the sound of heavy traffic on the street below.

“We are we?” I asked Sean.

“You’ll see.” He replied, taking my hand and leading me out of the warehouse. As I walked out onto the street I knew immediately where I was.

“New York City?” I asked Sean incredulously. I had to admit that I was a little disappointed, having set my hopes on going home to Roswell.

“C’mon, this way.” He said, leading me down the street.

As we walked further, I was too distracted by the sights, smells and sounds to pay attention to where Sean was leading me, until we stepped into an office looking building. Pushing the button on the elevator and waiting, I took the time to glance around and try to work out why this building seemed so familiar.

“Not much longer.” He said. “Be patient.”

Stepping out of the elevator, I found we had taken the elevator to a viewing platform, and it was only then that I realised where we were.

“The Empire State Building?” I turned to Sean.

“This is as far as I go.” Sean said. And it was then that I saw Zan standing in front of me with a single red rose in his hand.

“Have a good night.” Sean said, giving me a kiss on the cheek before leaving Zan and I alone.

“What’s going on?” I asked confused.

“Do you know what today is?” Zan asked, taking a few steps towards me.

“It’s not my birthday …” I said.

“No, it’s a year since you asked me to marry you.”

“It is too.” I replied, now remembering that day.

“And I made a promise to you, that I would return the favour one day.”

“You did…” I said.

“And I remember you saying once that meeting on the Empire State Building on Valentines Day was the very romantic.”

“But it’s not Valentines Day …” I argued.

“Minor detail.” Zan smiled, as he went down on one knee.

“Akira … Will you do me the honour of marrying me?”

“Yes!” I replied, kneeling down with him and kissing him. As Zan pulled me to my feet and spun me around, the crowd cheered.

“So you’re telling me that you came back to Earth a year ago, and didn’t come and see your best friend?” Maria interrupted.

“I was busy…” I protested.

“Busy getting busy is more like it.” Maria smiled, not really mad at me.

“Well …” I blushed. Zan had organised dinner for two at a nearby restaurant and then a room at an expensive hotel for the night. It was one of the best nights of my life.

“So when’s the wedding?” Maria asked.

“In two days.”

“Two days!” Maria exclaimed.

“So if you both want to come, we have to leave tomorrow morning.”

“Of course we’ll come. Won’t we Kyle?” Maria turned to her brother.

“Of course we will. But I am assuming dates aren’t invited?”

“No, sorry.” I apologised

“Hmmm, lying to the girlfriend. This will be interesting.” He smiled.

“I wouldn’t worry about Isabel, I’d be more worried about mum and dad.” Maria said. “What are we going to tell them? We’ll miss Thanksgiving!”