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Post by Athenea »


I really don’t understand what happened exactly. I know a week ago I was asleep in my large four poster bed in my room at the palace on Antar and then I’m awoken by my panicked Mother (you don’t even understand how unnerving it was to see my usually stoic Mother panicked!) and whisked away on a ship to this god forsaken planet.

All I know is that my Father hurt my sister, I don’t really want to think about how exactly he hurt her, the thought makes me sick. But now we are on this unknown planet being hunted like animals by inferior human beings. And they caught Zan. Now me and my brother have never been exactly close, our only real tie is my sister. Me and Zan are just different and Zaira has always been sortof the caretaker for both of us, well me more than Zan but she always showed us affection that we never received from our Mother.

Zan never has even been the ‘leader’ type, which made me insanely frustrated since he acted like he didn’t even want to be King. I mean who wouldn’t want to rule a planet? Zan never even ordered me and Zaira around when we were children even though he was the oldest Zaira always seemed to take the lead where as Zan would sort of sit back and watch. Of course everything was different now, I think I understand now why Zan would be the better king than me. I don’t know if I could have ever stood up to Father and I don’t know if I would be able to sacrifice myself in order to save anyone else. But Zan had, when the ship crashed and those humans were after us he sent us on ahead while he stalled for time so we might escape. I wonder if he’s alive. Surely Zaira would know if he had died but in her condition I don’t think she is even aware we are on another planet.

I am holding my sister up, one of her arms draped around my neck and my arm supporting her around her waist, her head lolls from side to side and her eyes, her eyes that are so famous for their unique liquid gold color, are half open but unseeing. Mother said the person that lived in this house could help us but her details were vague. She reaches up hesitantly and knocks on the door and I notice her hand shaking.
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Post by Dreamer_Dreaming »

OCC: I had my post here but need to edit it, for the little brother and the little off spring on its way lol, sciences. What the hell did it do to me?


Last edited by Dreamer_Dreaming on Tue Feb 28, 2006 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by KatnotKath »

OOC: fyi :wink: you've also got a brother in this Nadine - 10 or 11 years old I think, name to be determined as soon as I can speak to Isabelle to confirm since she's playing him. Oh, and a mom's expecting just to make it interesting lol 8) . Hopefully I'll be back with a post later tonight.

My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by Corina Star »


I'm Ashton Guerin, the rebel; people tend to call me often. Well, I don't even follow the rules anyways, so it does suit me well. There's way more to life than clothes and popularity, and I wouldn't want to be some hoity toity preppy jock. The last thing I want to do is push people around and be a jerk like the jocks. That so not me. I may be a loner but I’m no jerk.

My Uncle Max, Aunt Liz, and, Aunt Isabel are my Dad's and Mom's best friend, who are checkaslovaions. That's code for Alien. Well of course I'm alien, and I just wish we were normal, but we're not and there is nothing we can do about that. We have to learn to accept it. But, still there's an advantage in being an alien hybrid. For example, you can change molecular structure, but my special powers is time freezing. It can get pretty messy to control sometimes, but I’m no dream walker like Alexis.

The way I see it, my life isn’t half bad so what is there to complain about? My parents gave us the closest thing to be normal that they could offer, and I have never blamed them for my life. In my eyes they are the greatest people on earth! And who cares if we’re exactly normal? It is normal to be weird and weird to be normal. The thing is that now and then I have doubts, and who hasn’t had their share? Although, the feelings getting stronger and more forceful with each decision I make.

My dream is to become a musician, and I want to travel the world and just sing and play the guitar. I keep thinking to myself, ‘What if I never get that chance of becoming a rock star?’ Due to the fact that my alien and my trouble status are off the radar, I may not even get the chance to even sing in front of an audience. I sometimes can’t control my anger, and I’m afraid I’ll blow up in front of somebody, which I’ll put all of my family in danger, and then I won’t be able to explain anything. Everybody at school, they already call me the loner or the vampire. I don’t think my life could possibly get any worse or maybe it can?
May the angels be with you
RIP Jambeth
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Post by nickimlow »

Hey guys! Been a while, eh? Just dropping in to say I love the storyline :D Very cool- I'll definitely be following :D

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Post by isabelle »

Profile for Dylan Michael Evans.

Age: 12

Appearance: Short brown hair, brown eyes.

Powers: Standard alien collection: telekinesis, pyrokinesis, manipulating molecules, clairvoyant flashes and such. He has something of his dad’s healing ability but he can only heal himself, not others. He also can 'abduct' another person's body in the same way that the Antarians use to visit Earth, walking around in their skin leaving them no memory of what he did. When this happens, his own body is limp, almost catonic; he can answer simple questions, as 'though drugged or sleeping but he can't move.

Personality: Dylan is an active, happy, fun-loving kid. He seems completely normal; not one of the popular crowd, not an outsider. He has his own circle of friends who haven’t any idea that he is any different than everyone-else. He’s an A/B student. He’s always coming up with new ideas about using his powers. Over the summer he was considering being a fireman, using his powers secretly to control the fire and even help people he rescued. Right now, he’s thinking of being a magician and is learning lots of real tricks. Of course, his parents tell him that it’s too dangerous to use his powers in public, even for an act – but some of the tricks he’s learned to do have made his parents think he was using his powers, even when he wasn’t.

Family: Older sister Alexis. Not sure what her personality is so I’m not sure what the dynamic would be like… Maybe good at times and not at the others? And his mom is expecting a new one in about four or five months… He's very fond of his older cousin Ashton.

Last edited by isabelle on Fri Mar 17, 2006 6:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by isabelle »


“Dylan? Did you brush your teeth?” Mom asks as she walks past my room. Her belly is getting big. Everyone who looks at her knows she’s pregnant. I can only imagine how much bigger she’s going to look in a few months when the baby is ready to be born. It’ll be so strange to have a baby in the house. I wonder what Alexis thought when Mom was expecting me? Of course, she was only three so she might not even remember. I’m twelve so it’s a lot different.

“Yes mom,” I answer absently as I work on my homework. Then I pause and run my tongue over my teeth. Did I brush them? I’m not sure. It’ll be fine either way. I don’t get cavities, afterall. Just like I never get sick. It’s because I’m not entirely human. My big sister, my uncle Michael, Aunt Isabel, my cousins, they’re all the same. Of course, I have something of my Dad’s healing abilities on top of that so even if it did happen, I could probably sort it out.

It’s really strange that he can own and operate the UFO center considering that the whole thing is dedicated to his arrival on this world. He and Uncle Michael and Aunt Isabel weren’t born yet, but they were there in that crash along with some adult aliens who have all died. It’s our biggest secret and he’s out there telling everyone about all the theories. I think he’s nuts. My mom runs a restaurant that’s got an alien theme, too. I guess it’s hiding in plain sight, but I think she’s nuts, too. All my friends think their parents are nuts, too, so maybe it’s an adult thing.

I love them both, even if they are nuts. At least they and my uncle and aunt were here to answer any questions we had. I’m so glad I didn’t have to grow up they way they did. With no answers and nobody to trust. They’ve been so protective and supportive. I have my powers but I never feel like a freak. Although I’m not so sure what my friends would say if they found out. They’d probably think I was joking if I told them.

I turn my attention back to my homework. I like math. There’s a answer you can get and numbers always do what they’re supposed to do. Not like some other subjects … Although I like them, too. I’m pretty good at most of my subjects. Not straight A’s, but my parents don’t complain. … At least, not too much.

I wonder where Alexis is. Haven’t seen her since she got home from school.

The doorbell rings and I look up suddenly. It’s very late for visitors. Who would be coming by at this hour? I bet it’s Uncle Michael. Dad says he used to just climb in the window. Coming to the door is an improvement.

“I’ll get it!” I yell, jumping up from my chair and hurrying down the stairs to the door. I can’t wait to see him. I hope Ashton is there. It’s great when he’s here. He’s like me and Alexis, but he’s way cooler than she is. At least, that’s what I think. He’s a musician and he has really cool powers. I hope I get something that good soon. Mom says I might not get any more, but I know Dad didn’t get the shield thingy until he was seventeen.

I race to the living room and I see my mom and I see my mom is only a few yards from the door and Dad is visible through the doorway to the room that Mom and Dad use as an office. “I’ll get it!” I tell them again. I wanna show Ashton and Uncle Michael my latest magic trick. Aunt Maria, too. They’re gonna love it, I’m sure.

I pull the door open and stop in surprise. This isn’t Uncle Michael or Ashton. It’s not anyone I know. It’s a blonde woman and next to her are two teenagers. The boy is holding the blonde girl who looks like she’s about half dead.

“Wha???” I ask, stepping back. I can't turn my head away from what I'm seeing. “Mom?” I ask over my shoulder and I can hear my voice shaking. I’m glad she’s right there, because I haven’t any idea what to do…
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Post by KatnotKath »


“Dylan? Did you brush your teeth?” I ask him as I walk past, my arms full of a pile of freshly ironed bed linen which I'm about to put onto the beds. Max of course would probably like to tell me to leave them and let him do them, but he's been at work all day and had had to bring some stuff home anyway... I know he hasn't been sleeping very well recently either, and I don't want to bother him. Of course he would probably argue the same for me, but I'll just not tell him I think. He has been even more protective than the first two times when it comes to this pregnany it seems... And I thought he was bad with Alexis...

Not that I can complain, I know that he's only protective because he's concerned, about both me and the little one... And it is a while since we've been through this I suppose...twelve years actually... How time flies when you're having fun...well...sort of... Things haven't always been easy, and there's always that threat hanging over us, but for the most part I think we've done pretty well, and managed to give Alexis and Dylan something of a normal childhood I hope...

Shaking my head at the strange way my thoughts seem to be going at the moment, I head into the bedroom Max and I share at first, not wanting to interrupt the kids if they're working on stuff for school, setting the linen down on the bed for a moment and sitting to catch my breath.

Resting my hand on my stomach for a moment, I smile as I feel the baby moving around. It's a little sooner than would be expected for a normal pregnancy of course, but then it's not a normal pregnancy, just the same as either of the other two... Alexis was a little early, which didn't surprise much because of my age at the time, and Dylan I carried pretty much to term. Both of them were kicking by the time I was about four or five months though, so this isn't so unusual.

I just hope things go okay... This wasn't exactly planned, in fact it was something of a shock when I realised really, but that doesn't mean we don't want the baby... When I was spotting last month, I was so scared...but it's not unheard of, and Max said it was okay when he checked me over...

I'm sure I'm just worrying over nothing, and things are going to be fine, but I guess it's been a while for both of us, and we both have our thoughts and worries about it...

Smoothing my hand over my rounding stomach, I close my eyes a moment, forming a connection with the child growing inside me and sending warm feelings towards him or her. Max knows the sex of course, but I've refused to let him tell me. I know it's silly, and my mom especially can't understand it, thinking it's better to be able to plan, but in the past we had to know as soon as possible, we couldn't have the liberty of a surprise because we needed to spread the cost, and this time we can... I don't know, it is silly, but I guess I just like the idea of a surprise...

Opening my eyes then, I stand up, about to resume what I'm doing, when suddenly I realise the baking I stuck in the oven a little while ago is almost ready to come out. I could 'call' Max of course, ask him to switch the oven off of course, but for the same reason as before, I don't want to do that and I head out of the room, decending the stairs as quickly as I can.

I'm just leaving the kitchen, having sorted it, a few minutes later when the doorbell rings. Who could that be...? I walk through, nearing the door as I hear Dylan yell and he comes dashing down the stairs and into the living room. He really does sound like a herd of elephants on those stairs sometimes... I smile in amusement at his apparent enthusiasm as he races past me to the door and opens it.

That's when the funny ends though...because as he opens the door, his attitude completely changes and he steps back, almost as though he's scared... Already I'm walking forward, and as he looked over his shoulder, calling to me in a shaking voice, I reach out to touch his shoulder.

Nothing could prepare me for what I'm about to see, and at the sight of the oldest of the three figures in front of me, I feel my chest tighten almost painfully. "Tess..." I whisper her name, trying not to worry Dylan by showing how I truely feel, but already calling to his father. *Max...I need you...* I struggle to keep a wobble out of my mental voice as I speak through our connection, my eyes never leaving Tess' face. "Dylan, can you please go check on the oven for me...? I think I might have left it on..." I request softly of my son, using the first excuse which comes to my mind in order to get him away from this at the moment while placing my hands over my swollen stomach automatically, almost as though in a protective manner.
Last edited by KatnotKath on Sat Mar 18, 2006 8:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
My fics:

Dreams and Reality
Reality Revealed
Family Connections
When Love and Loss Collide
When Friendship and Love Combine - New!
If Only...
The Important Thing
Home for Christmas
I Knew Him Before (PB fic)
Love Always...
The First Time Around - New!
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Post by isabelle »


I rub my temple and lean over my papers again. I’m not really getting a headache but I have to concentrate. I have to get this payroll stuff done by tonight or the kids won’t get their checks on time. And I have to plan for the “Little Rock Alien Club” coming in from Arizona in three weeks. It’s only eighteen people and that shouldn’t be a problem. I could probably even ask Alexis to help out. She might like a little extra money.

I almost never have to carry this stuff home. I always get it done during the day at the UFO center, but not this time. I’m just finding it hard to concentrate this week. Every time I get a quiet moment to work, I find myself thinking about those nightmares.

They came out of nowhere. It’s been years since I’ve had repeated dreams about the white room. They’re always intense, no matter how much time has gone by, but these are different. The room is different. The environmental suits are different. The things that happen are different. And the way it feels is different. I can feel it all -- all the pain and fear – but it’s like it’s not me. Sometimes, I can see him and he’s not me. Similar, sure, but different. Dark hair, blue eyes. My eyes aren’t blue. Is it some subconscious way of distancing myself from what happened? But if that were so, why is it so intense? And why now?

Liz has noticed. I know she has. I told her what I was dreaming about when she asked, but I haven’t given her all the details. I thought it would be a one-time thing, but it hasn’t stopped. Sometimes the thoughts/dreams come right in the middle of the day when I’m awake. I’m not even sure if it’s an intense flashback to a nightmare I didn’t fully remember or if it’s a new waking nightmare. I can’t understand it.

The door bell rings and that doesn’t help. I look although I already hear Dylan calling that he’ll get it. I see Liz is already there, too, so I turn my attention back to my work.

*Max, … I need you,* Liz says suddenly through our telepathic connection. I can feel the tension in her mental voice and I immediately reverse myself. My first thought is that there’s something wrong with the baby. The second is the FBI – but I think she’d be a lot more panicked if it were them. But I know it’s something important or she’d have called verbally.

*What is it?* I ask as I hurry to the door. Dylan looks confused but he’s walking away towards the kitchen. Now that I can see Liz’s face, I can see that it’s really bad. Liz is holding her stomach and I only hope this hasn’t caused a problem with the baby. *Are you okay? The baby?,* I ask silently, careful not to specify a gender for our new one.

But then I see what’s outside of the doorway.

It’s Tess.

She’s older, but it’s definitely her. The girl who nearly destroyed my life. The one who would have killed me and Michael and Isabel if it weren’t for Liz. I’m almost too stunned to react, but what really stops me is the others. She’s here with two teenagers and the girl seems to be badly hurt. I immediately want to reach out to her, to get her to the sofa so she can lie down, but keep staring at Tess. Is this real?

The last time I saw her, she was leaving this world with my son. I’m filled with a fury I haven’t felt in a long time. I want to blast her with questions and accusations, but I hardly even know where to start. I can’t even believe that she would just show up here on my doorstep after all this time. She must know that I want to kill her for what she did to me and Liz, for stealing my son, for murdering Alex. I want to just blast her, but I also want answers.

“What are you doing here?” I ask Tess in disbelief, even as I automatically reach out to help steady the girl. I can’t see her face since she’s leaning forward on the boy’s arm, but her hair is almost the same color as Isabel’s.

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Post by Athenea »


“I’ll get it” I hear a boy shout from behind the door and I hold my breath as the door is opened to see a boy about 12 with dark hair and matching eyes. I hope I didn’t get the wrong address, this would be hard to explain to a stranger, but then the boy calls out for his mother and I see I haven’t made a mistake, Liz Parker now stands there with her hand protectively over her swollen belly as she sends the boy, who I assume is her son, away.

I want to sneer at her or even make some sort of comment but I can’t seem to get my voice to work so I just stare her down even as Max shows up. Neither of them have changed much over the years, and I want to laugh at the ‘perfect’ life Max and Liz have seemed to set up, I mean they live in a subdivision for crying out loud! Maybe its just jealousy but I keep my face passive as I wait for either one of them to blast me or bombard me with questions.

“What are you doing here?” Max asks. So questions then, that’s good. I even notice how Max seems to automatically reach to steady Zaira. ‘About to ruin your seemingly perfect normal human life.’ I want to say but instead I say. “Our ship crashed, she’s injured. I, uh…came to ask for your help.” Okay that wasn’t so hard, he doesn’t need to know any major details at least until he heals Zaira. I hear the sound of a military chopper getting close and I can see the search light on the road not to far from us. “The military’s after us. We’ve been on the run for a week.” I add


These people seem to know my mother and I don’t think they are too happy to see her. The woman looks about my mothers age and she is obviously pregnant, the man is tall, about the same height as my brother, in fact this man reminds me of Zan for some reason.

“What are you doing here?” he asks my mother all the while reaching out to help me steady Zaira which I am thankful for since I am dead tired myself after carrying her around all week. “Our ship crashed, she’s injured. I, uh…came to ask for your help.” She says and she sounds kind of nervous which is not reassuring in the slightest. I also notice that she seems to want to leave out the details of how exactly Zaira gained her injuries. “The military’s after us. We’ve been on the run for a week.” She says and she stops talking and looks hesitant. But what about Zan, she didn’t even mention him? Suddenly I’m scared. What if this guy can’t help Zaira and she dies? What if Mother doesn’t plan on rescuing Zan after all?

“But what about…?” I start to ask “Dreakus!” she says in a harsh tone and I can’t help but flinch. Okay, so I will keep my mouth shut…for now. I shift my wait to my other foot nervously and keep my eyes lowered to the ground. Years of practice with dealing with angry parents that use that tone have taught me its better not to look them in the eye until they calm down, unless you want a slap in the face or worse. Of course my father was much worse than my mother but old habits die hard.
Last edited by Athenea on Fri Mar 03, 2006 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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