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Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:30 pm
by ~Ruby~

“Or we could go to the Italian next door,” I suggest. “Kyle, I’m not saying that we should have done something that only I enjoyed. Its okay that you don’t like French food. I’m not going to force you to eat it and pretend otherwise.”

There. I think I’m being pretty reasonable. Why should I have to be miserable on this date? Kyle said that we would have fun and I’m going to hold him to it although I think that I could have done without that little tidbit on Michael. I’m a big girl after all and don’t need to be warned of men. I can decided for myself.

“And you know, I don’t doubt for a minute that Michael is lusted after all the girls in the house but that really wasn’t the point.” I say, rolling my eyes in annoyance. “The point is Michael was willing to do something that would be fun for his date as well as himself. And now, let’s be honest. You didn’t bring me here because you thought I would enjoy it or because you wanted to show me something you enjoyed. You bought me here because you probably forgot about the game when you asked me out yesterday and couldn’t bear to miss it.”

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:23 pm
by Sternbetrachter

I cringe slightly at Isabel's accusion. "Well, partly yes but ... not only because of that. My last two girlfriends liked sport bars too, I swear!" I say after a second.

"And sorry for trying to pull a 'big brother routine' on you, you already have Max and Alex doing that after all."

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:38 pm
by ~Ruby~

"Well, partly yes but ... not only because of that. My last two girlfriends liked sport bars too, I swear!"

I try not to open my mouth in shock. Kyle actually managed to find not one but two girls that liked sports bar. God, I wonder what those girls were like. Probably sweaty and unfashionably dressed. Eww.

"And sorry for trying to pull a 'big brother routine' on you, you already have Max and Alex doing that after all."

What strikes me the most about Kyle’s word is the term big brother. It really doesn’t fit in with the whole dating thing and its then I realize that Kyle probably doesn’t see me in the way he should. If he did then he would have used the words jealous and maybe boyfriend but instead he went for the brother route.

“This isn’t working out is it?” I say bluntly, “We’ve been here less than ten minutes and already this date is a disaster. Are you getting the feeling that we should be just friends?”

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:44 pm
by Sternbetrachter

I'm a bit taken back by her comment and am about to protest but ... she is hot, no doubt but I can't say that I'm totally smitten by her. Is it a sign of being gay when I am not lusting after one hot woman? Oh Lord!

"Maybe that would actually be better for us, as weird as it sounds." I say finally, totally stunned how this date turned out. Grinning wickedly, I add, "If you can resist my oozing sex appeal, that is!"

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:00 pm
by ~Ruby~

I snort in amusement, suddenly feeling at ease with Kyle again. “Yeah, I think I’ll manage that somehow. So, we’re friends?”

“Yep, friends.” Kyle agrees.

Wow, that was so much easier then I thought it would be. It’s a shame really. Kyle and I would have made a really cute couple but I suppose at the end of the day, you win some, you lose some.

“Okay then, let’s head to that Italian. It looked pretty quiet in there so maybe they will be willing to put the television on and you’ll be able to catch the game still and I’ll be able to enjoy some good food.”

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:26 pm
by Sternbetrachter

Looks like I have new friend. A female one too! Who would have thought that five hours ago?

"My team is losing anyway, I think I can handle not watching the game this time so we can both enjoy some good italian food." I state as we get up and head outside.

"So, I guess you'll be trying out how Michael would handle a date then? Or will you stay out of the dating pool for a few days or weeks?"

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 4:38 pm
by ~Ruby~

"So, I guess you'll be trying out how Michael would handle a date then? Or will you stay out of the dating pool for a few days or weeks?" Kyle asks.

Hmm, it didn’t taken much for him to slip into the role of girlfriend. Not even two minutes have gone and he’s already asking me about my plans for my love life. I wonder if he’s gay.

“I don’t think so. I think that it would probably best if I stayed out of the dating game completely until I get back to New York.” I state and I know that I’ve said that before but this time, I mean it. “I intend to spend the rest of time here in Florida, shopping and soaking up that sunshine. What about you? Are you planning who your next victim will be?”

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:26 pm
by Sternbetrachter

"What about you? Are you planning who your next victim will be?”

"I already have the perfect canditate." I laugh thinking of Tess. "But I wouldn't call the lucky lady a victim, if you know what I mean."

Having a conversation with a girl that you aren't romantically interested in is actually nice. This evening is turning out to be full of surprises!

"No more dating for you? We will still be here for a few months, that can be a long time." I comment as we walk into the restaurant. "Maybe you just haven't ... looked in the right direction when it comes to guys that might be good dating material."

I might as well help Whitman along - just like Max, Liz and Tess. Since he already has three people who want to play matchmaker for him, he can certainly need the help or he'll never get laid!

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:11 am
by Sugarplum7
<center>~*~ ~*~ ~*~ Liz ~*~ ~*~ ~*~</center>

“No? It sounded like it was pretty much part-and-parcel with the wish for luck on getting through her date,” he replies as he hands me a spoon. I accept it and smile in thanks. “Seems like it she meant before she got back.”

“That could be hours from now,” I answer as I drop a cookie onto the sheet. “I guess that all depends on how well things work out.” I lean against the counter as I reach into the bowl to scoop another spoonful of dough. “And how strong your wishes are.” I chance a look at him through my lashes to try to see if he is joking about what Izzy ordered as much as I am.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 3:57 pm
by ~Ruby~

I hope that Kyle hasn’t got his eye on Liz ‘cause I’m pretty sure that he will get the same reaction as Michael did. Maybe its someone from work. Those girls sure seem to be easy. Just look at the girl Alex is taken out.

"Maybe you just haven't ... looked in the right direction when it comes to guys that might be good dating material."

“Maybe.” I agree before saying, “The thing is, I don’t think that I want to get too attached to someone that I’m going to have to say goodbye to when the show ends. I mean, I live in New York and I love it there so much. I just don’t think that long distance relationship work.”