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Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 3:15 pm
by Bri+Jason2830
I hope someone takes tequathisy's challenge (#1). The idea that Max and Liz are Michael's parents is such a cool twist!!!

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 2:29 pm
by Zanity
#7 Parent Fic FF

Ok this is an unusual Challenge but I think it's in the right place.


--Everything happened just like in the show thru "Sexual Healing"
--There never was a Tess
--After "Sexual Healing" all six teens got closer
--Liz's flashes became like Max's (Fantasies and Memories from Max) but every once in a while they started leading to another Alien Artifact
--Nasedo and Cal Langley did their jobs and infiltrated the Special Unit and shut it down to protect the teens
--By the end of senior year they had collected quite a few Alien Artifacts
--Liz developed her powers on the same time frame as in the show
--The weekend after Graduation Max & Liz got married
--On their honeymoon, when they made love for the first time, they both received a flash leading to a portal back to Antar
--When they got back and activated the portal several Aliens came through and took the six of them back to Antar
--There by direct memory transfer (ie A series of connections) they were taught everything they needed to know about the Aliens home world (How to speak the language, their laws, how to use the technology, basic military tactics
--On Antar Maria and Alex were Enhanced so they would have powers too
--The Six of them then led the war for Antarian Independence from Khivar and the Skins.
--It is now seven years later and the war is over
--All six of them survived and Max and Liz are the reigning King and Queen of Antar
--They are all diligently working on Antar's post war reconstruction

The Beginning

--Yesterday, back on earth, having been missing for over seven years all six were declared legally dead.
--Jeff Parker is going through his daughter's possessions when he finds her journal
--He reads it and discovers the truth
--He meets with the Evans, the Whitmans, Amy Deluca and his wife and shows them the journal
--Using clues left in the journal the seven parents find their way to the portal
--The portals aren't just use for transportation to and from earth but also from place to place on Antar so when the parents activate the portal they arrive at a random location on Antar which in this case happens to be the middle of a small town

The Rest of the Story

--The parents trek across an obviously war ravaged alien planet trying to find their kids, who unbeknownst to them are the planet's rulers
--At least at first they have problems communicating because none of them speak Antarian
--They have to find a way to get food, shelter etc. during their journey
--Their travels gradually become easier and easier as they learn the ways and customs of the planet and how to use their technology
--Must end with the parents finally meeting up with their kids

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2006 4:53 pm
by Zanity
#8 M/L -- Taken by Skittles1983

Challenge text moved to:


Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:09 am
by maxandlizforever
[quote="Zanity"][size=18][b]#4 M/L[/b][/size]

--Everything happens just like in the show until they're in the alley in Pilot
--Instead of Liz convincing them to stay she convinces Max to let her go with them
--This leaves Maria behind as the only one in Roswell who really knows what happened
--Max realizing that Liz gave up everything to come with him doesn't try to hide his feelings
--At first Isabel & Michael are real upset that Max allowed Liz to come
--After a few weeks Liz starts developing powers and Michael and Isabel know it would've been a mistake to leave her behind
--I'd like to see both what Life on the Run is like for the four that left as well as the fallout occurring in Roswell (ie upset parents, who Maria decides to tell what etc.)[/quote]
i would like to do this story.
It seems interesting .

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 8:09 am
by maxandlizforever
Zanity wrote:#4 M/L

--Everything happens just like in the show until they're in the alley in Pilot
--Instead of Liz convincing them to stay she convinces Max to let her go with them
--This leaves Maria behind as the only one in Roswell who really knows what happened
--Max realizing that Liz gave up everything to come with him doesn't try to hide his feelings
--At first Isabel & Michael are real upset that Max allowed Liz to come
--After a few weeks Liz starts developing powers and Michael and Isabel know it would've been a mistake to leave her behind
--I'd like to see both what Life on the Run is like for the four that left as well as the fallout occurring in Roswell (ie upset parents, who Maria decides to tell what etc.)
i would like to do this story.
It seems interesting .

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 11:37 am
by Zanity
It's yours. I've moved the challenge to the Taken Thread


Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2006 1:12 pm
by Tinkerbell_Luvs_Roswell

Set 22 years after Four Aliens and a Baby, everything happens in the show happens except for Graduation. Also Alex has brother Eric Whitman who was in college when Alex died.

Alexandria Evans or Alex as she like to be called has just started going to Boston University with best friend Melissa Guerin. A few weeks into shcool she runs into a guy named David that looks kind of familar to her. Over the next month they run into each other quite a few times and she learns he is going to MIT. He ask her out on a date and it's during the date she learns that his name is David Whitman, the late Alex Whitman's nephew.

Meanwhile Max and Liz Evans are adjusting to live without their daughter. When one evening they receive a vistor. It's Larek in a new body(David's) because Brody died in a car crash a few years back. Larek explains that Kivar is dead killed by General Hontuk. One of his men and has claimed the throne. Nickolas is mad and a war is about to brew between the two. Only problem General Hontuk doesn't want to rule Antar he wants Earth. The only thing right now stopping him is Nickolas and his men. Larek tells them they must stop General Hontuk to save the planet, but that would mean Max would have to work along side Nickolas. A few days later Max is able to gather everyone for a meeting.

Kyle and his wife(I would prefer someone other then Serena, buts it's
your choice) and you could decided whether they have kids

Isabel and Jesse and you can also decide if they have kids
(or Isabel doesn't have to be with Jesse at all they can have a failed marriage, maybe she is in love with Kyle or maybe her and Kyle are together)Don't care you decide what you like best.

Michael and Maria have a daughter Melissa who just started college and you can decided if they have more kids.

At the meeting the gang decides their options and discuss whats happening. They a agree to see Larek later on this week. When Larek arrives a few days later she is surprised to see Larek in David Whitman's body and tells everyone who he is and that he's her boyfriend.The gang discuss with Larek what to to do. Ultimately it's your choice the gang can combined forces with Nickolas which I think would be pretty cool or they can fight both Nicholas and General Hontuk.

Meanwhile at Havard University Jason Trent or Jay as he like to be called has just return to Boston to finish his last year before heading to law school. Lately he has been having these dreams of a women with blonde curly hair and she has been telling him to be prepared. He feels like he knows the women but can't exactely remember. At the same time Jay receives a manila envelope with pictures of his real father and where he lives. Jay calles his parents in Georgia to see if they sent it, they say no. Jay ends up after much debate deciding to go see his real father. Max is shocked to meet him and the same time over joyed.

Must have:
Alex and David falling in love and her struggling with whether or not to tell him that he is an alien puppet and how Alex Whitman really died. She must ulitmately tell him.

Jason being attracted to Melissa Guerin.

Jason finding out his real heritage and agree to help with the war.

Jason and Alex must become really close as well as Max and Jason and Liz and Jason bieng close.

The War

Jason discovering that the women in his dreams was his mom Tess

You Can Decide:
If Alex knew about Jason
How the war ends
Who sent Jason the enevlope
If any of the kids have powers
If Jason tells his parents
If the Parkers know the truth
Basically everything else

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 9:00 am
by montee916

see what you guys can do with this one.....

in Destiny, the Mom-ogram never defined who was who in the podsquad. So how bout a fic where the Four Square relations still stand (Michael/Isabel and Max/Tess) but it is MICHAEL who is King, with Tess as his sister, and Max is his 2IC.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 3:03 pm
by AllieXie

I don't know if this has been done, or if it has already been here goes.....

Everything goes the way of the show until TEOTW, but the twist is that when Future Max comes back, and is trying to prevent Tess leaving and the end of the world happening...etc...that he comes in, only to realize he is a few hours off and he finds Max and Liz in bed, but because he is still there, he assumes that the world still ends because Tess leaves, and now they have to find a way to make sure she doesn't leave, either making it seem as if they aren't together, or becoming super matchmakers with her and Kyle, or...something.....I would love to see him burst through her window from the balcony and say...oh no, what are you doing.......and Max put up a shield and have him have to explain himself through a shield to himself from the future. That would be funny.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 3:57 pm
by AllieXie

I so do apologize if this has been written before, and am eager to read it if it has been, so let me know.

Liz is shot in the Cafe. The story goes for however long you want, or not at all, but you should flash back on it to explain it, but....
Liz is in a coma, lost too much blood, is in a coma for however long.....since Max was there, and yes, staring at her, he visits her all the time. The others should too. He tells her how he always wanted to tell her about him because, it was her...etc. You can explain away the fact that she knows that Michael and Isabel were mad because they know that he told her, because Isabel knows that she might remember the conversation if she ever regains conciousness.

Because Max goes in to talk to her, so do the others, like Michael saying he thinks she would freak, and maybe to just fill up time, they talk to her and tell her what they imagine would happen, like they would have had to flee, etc.

...hence she dreams that it is happening like that.
If the story follows past the first season before she wakes up, then....

As for Alex, he might have been in a wreck, and Max comes in and tells her that he wished he could have healed him. I definitely don't want to see him dead. Maybe Tess ran him off the road because he and Isabel had started dating and she didn't want them to? Tess comes in and tells her that she is in a coma but is the reason she and Max aren't together...etc.......
Too bad I can't write, I have tons of ideas and no ability.

If this has been written, I want to find it to read. Anyone?