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Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:34 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
#23 (on my challenge thread) 2nd ‘Cry Your Name’ Challenge

Taken by crimsonprincess99

Remember under the bleachers during ‘Cry Your Name’ when Isabel said she was going to San Francisco to go to college well that what brought this challenge on.

Roswell/Charmed X-Over

Couple: Liz/Chris, Isabel/Cole or Liz/Cole, Isabel/Chris (or Isabel can be with someone completely different than Chris or Cole, but I want Liz with either Chris or Cole)

Rating: Teen-Adult

Summary: Liz and Isabel leave Roswell together shortly after Alex’s death (they bonded after his death and didn’t want to be in Roswell any longer than necessary.)

Must Have

-Liz is a witch (author can decide what powers she has) and has always known (she was adopted but her parents told her about her biological roots), she doesn’t tell Isabel right away but I would like Liz to tell her fairly soon in the story.

-Leo is Liz’s Whitelighter.

-After being attracted to Chris, Cole, or some other guy, Isabel gets mad at herself because she feels guilty for even thinking about some other guy besides Alex and starts crying and is comforted by Liz.

-Leo taking the Charmed Ones along with Cole and Chris to help Liz and Isabel (sometime after Isabel is told about Liz being a witch and who Leo is) who are fighting a demon that is a little too much for the two of them. From there Cole and Chris become attracted to Isabel and Liz.

-The Roswell gang making an appearance.


-Maria gets jealous over Liz’s friendship with Isabel.

-Max telling Isabel and Liz that they need to come home and stop acting like spoiled children.

-On a double date the Roswell gang eat at the same restaurant Liz and Isabel are at with their dates and stare at them all night. Liz and Isabel continue with their dates as if they’re not even there.

Rest is up to the author.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:36 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
#25 (on my challenge thread) Roswell/Tomb Raider

Taken by RavenSprite

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Couple: Khivar/Liz
Rating: Teen-Adult
Summary: During the summer between Season 1 and 2, Liz goes to England where her cousin or Aunt, Lara Croft, lives. There she goes on expiditions with Lara. Khivar saw an alien signal in England and went there to find out who it was. While there he and Liz get together (doesn't know he's Khivar, he gives her a different name), when she goes back to Roswell it's obvious to everyone around her that she changed.

Khivar comes to Roswell in search for Vilandra trying to forget about the summer he spent with Liz, but instead of Vilandra he finds Liz. So now he's torn between getting together with Liz again and finding Vilandra. When Liz finds out who he reall is she's hurt and also torn between the loyalty to the Pod Squad and the man/alien she's fallen in love with.


-Lara Croft coming to Roswell for a visit.
-Liz going back to England to help Lara with an expidition and the Pod Squad come for a visit.
-Khivar and Liz are followed by Max, Michael, or all four aliens.
-Liz demonstrating powers and Khivar helps her control them.
-Rest up to author.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:38 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
#31 (on my challenge thread) Roswell/Charmed X-Over

Taken by crimsonprincess99

Blue Orchid

Couple: Liz/Khivar with close Liz/Cole friendship

Rating: Mature-Adult

Takes place during Season 4 of Charmed (when Cole was the Source) and post Season 3 of Roswell.

Summary: After Graduation Liz leaves Roswell and heads to San Francisco to live with Cole, a relative of hers (she knows he’s a demon and he knows she’s now an alien hybrid: the author can decide whether the rest of the Roswell gang leave like in the finale episode or if they stay in Roswell). Khivar is hooking up with the underworld/demons to get help with taking out the pod squad. Cole conducts a meeting with Khivar at the pent house, there Khivar meets Liz and is instantly attracted.

Must Have

-Liz has an edgier attitude/wardrobe (with the move to a new city she wanted to change herself, nothing too drastic but enough that it’s noticed)

-Tension between Liz and Phoebe, I want Phoebe jealous of Liz and how close Cole is too her. (Phoebe was always my least favorite Charmed One, which is why in a lot of my X-over challenges Phoebe is either not there or is severely put down.)

-Khivar sets out to seduce Liz but in the process gets seduced himself by Liz.

-Cole teaches Liz how to fight (hand to hand, swords, daggers, and staffs)

-Liz being torn at what to do about Khivar wanting to take out the Pod Squad, on one hand she loves Khivar but on the other cares about her friends.

-After not hearing from Liz for a few months the Pod Squad, Maria, and Kyle (and Jim if they haven’t left Roswell) show up in San Francisco to find out what’s going on. They go to the pent house (which Cole gave to Liz and Khivar, while he got the penthouse below them) and interrupt on a private moment between Liz and Khivar. (It can be a romantic dinner, making love, talking intimately with each other about their feelings, anything private where they don’t want company.)

-Khivar tries to kill the Pod Squad. (Again author can decide whether or not Liz will stop him and if she does will she tell her friends that while she loves them she won’t leave Khivar, or tells Khivar if he kills them he'll lose her and will he kill the Pod Squad anyway or choose Liz over his revenge?)


-Piper and/or Paige taking an instant liking to Liz.

-Phoebe dying (I said I didn’t like her and if she dies I want it to be a horrible painful death. But if you don’t want to do that I’d settle for a quick yet messy death, ooo or maybe an emotionally painful death where Cole or one of her sisters are the ones that kills her. As you can see I thought way too much about Phoebe dying.)

-Liz being a Charmed One (if Phoebe dies, then the Charmed Ones mother would have died later so that would giver her the time to have had Liz)

-Khivar helps Liz with her powers.

-Piper and/or Paige taking Liz shopping, Phoebe finding out about it and yelling at her sister(s) for it.

-Prue comes back (either in spirit form or for real)

Everything else is up to the author.

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:41 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
#41 (on my challenge thread) Polar Kidnapping Challenge

Taken by burningchaos

Deny Thy Father (Complete)

Couple: Liz/Michael

Rating: Teen-Adult

Summary: Liz is Kivar’s daughter (up to the author on how Liz gets into the ‘I Know an Alien’ Club’s custody or how they find out.) The group interrogates her but Liz doesn’t break or even give them a little information. Michael feels a connection from the first instant he sees Liz.

Must Have

-Max or Tess trying to use force to get Liz to talk about her father and their enemies. Michael doesn’t let them.

-Michael and Liz had a past life together on Antar.

-If Liz knew the others before they found out she was Kivar’s daughter have Kyle, Alex, +/or Maria tell the Pod Squad that they don’t think Liz is a threat and if she was wouldn’t she have attacked by then.

-At some point Liz explains to them why she never told them/ or if they didn’t know her before hand she tells them that she hates her father and what he stands for that’s why she let herself get taken by the group. She wanted out of her father’s kingdom.

-Eventually I want Kivar to ‘steal’ Liz back from the Roswell group but he also takes them with him. While there they see him to various things to Liz, beat her, use his powers on her trying to find out if she told them anything. It’s up to the author whether they want Liz to break or not, I would prefer not breaking but it’s up to whoever takes this.


-Nicholas coming to kill Liz, either from Kivar’s orders or just taking matters into his own hands.

-The ending it can be a happy ending or a sad ending. (Happy being something like she lives happily ever after with Michael and the sad being something like Liz or Michael or both die.)

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:42 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
#45 (on my challenge thread) Smallville/Roswell X-over

Taken by SilverMoonStar


Rating: Mature-Adult

Couple: Liz/Clark

Idea: Liz is also an alien but not like the Royal Four but like Clark (they aren't related just from the same planet.) The Kents visit their friends the Parker's and Clark meets Liz and sparks fly between them.

Must Have

-Liz and Clark get exposed too/or wear red kryptonite.

-At some point the Pod Squad finding about Liz's alien status.

-Same powers as Clark but some of her own that Clark doesn't have.

-Liz knows enough about her past to know she's not from Antar.


-Liz can be adopted by the Parker's or be like Michael (moved from foster home to foster home and finally became emancipated.)

While Liz/Clark are under the influence of Red Kryptonite they...(Pick 3)

-Make out in public

-Display powers to at least the Pod Squad, can also include Maria, Kyle, and Alex if they know about the Pod Squad.

-Pull pranks at the high school

-Tell off their parents (If Liz wasn't adopted by the Parkers then just have Clark tell off the Kents.

-Liz comes onto Jonathan and Clark getting jealous throwing Jonathan into a wall or onto a table and threatens him.

-Steal things from stores (jewelry, cd's, movies, clothes, etc)

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:44 pm
by Jezebel Jinx
Challenge reposted.

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:12 pm
by Poison Ivy
#4(in my challenge tread) Taken by Maxsgurl from the Alternate Universe Challenges

I got this idea from Erin Brokovich; it's actually nothing like the movie, just a single mother with three kids!

So here goes nothing ...

Elizabeth Parker is a single mum of three kids, 26 years old. Charlotte is the oldest, 7 years old. Then comes Lucas, the only boy and he's 5 years old. Zoe is the youngest, she just turned 1. You don't have to use the names, I just like them.

You can have one father or two fathers.

When you have one father, then he was Liz' high school sweetheart. But he left after Lucas was born. (They had just one little adventure and Zoe was the result.)

When you have two fathers, Charlotte and Lucas are from her former husband (they married in vegas after he got liz pregnant with charlotte), but when Liz got he and some chick caught in bed, she left him and they divorced. Then a year later or so, Liz thought she had found love again in someone new, but he broke their relationship off and she never heard from him again; later she found out she was pregnant again.

Luckily Liz gets all support from her father Jeff, her stepmother Nancy and her half-sister Olivia (Livy). (Liz' mum died during her birth). Her best friend Maria always offers her help when she need one. She loves the three children very much and they get along very good.

To start a new life, Liz, Maria and the three children move to Roswell, New Mexico. Charlotte will start elementary school there and Lucas will go to kindergarten.

Maxwell Evans lived whole his life in a small town Roswell, New Mexico. But he loved it. After high school he went to study management in a local University. Now he's the owner of the most succelful restaurant in Roswell. His best friend Michael is the cook.

His sister Isabel and Alex are finally married after 10 years dating and after having a daughter together. Ella is seven and loves horsback riding. Alex and Isabel are on their honeymoon for two months and meanwhile Uncle Max has to watch after Ella.

Ella and Charlotte are in the same class and become best friends. When Ella asks uncle Max for Charlotte to come play, Max and Liz meets and sparks fly!

From here it's up to you what happens!

Must haves

- Maria (with Liz) meets Michael in a supermarket or somewhere and they get along and he invites the two to his restaurant. Max and Liz already met, but don't know that he owns a restaurant!
- Max has to babysit on her children one night, when Liz is out with Maria! And the kids aren't making it him easy
- Charlotte and Lucas see very quickly that something is happening between the two, but Lucas isn't really happy because Max's not his daddy.
- Ella takes Charlotte horseback riding and after that Max and Liz also give it a try!
- Something hilarious has to happen in a mal
- A little candy action!
- Happy endings for all CC Couples!![/i]

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 1:39 pm
by behrlyliz
#19 AU/NA M/L - Taken by Poison Ivy

Cable TV channel, Spin TV has just come up with a new reality program, mirroring ABC’s The Bachelor. It’s called Mr. Eligible. Twelve beautiful women live together in an undisclosed location in Hawaii, while vying for the attention of Mr. Eligible. Mr. Eligible is a successful businessman looking for love and perhaps his potential wife. Mr. Eligible has six weeks to find this woman out of the twelve lucky contestants. In a series of interviews and dates, he gets to know the women. Every week, he has the responsibility of selecting two women to leave the show, while gradually working his way down until there are only two women left. Once there are two women left, he will take them home to meet his family. On week six, he makes his choice and if he purposes marriage to her, the show will purchase the ring, pay for the wedding and unknown to the couple, give them two million dollars as a wedding gift.

This season’s Mr. Eligible is twenty six year old, Maxwell Evans. He’s the ideal ‘Mr. Eligible’. He’s gorgeous, friendly, charismatic, single and owns one of the hottest nightspots in Chicago, called Skin. It’s a bar and grill and very successful. He’s tired of aimlessly dating and ready to settle down, much to his parent’s relief. So when the opportunity to be on the show presented itself, with a little persuasion from his best friend, Michael, he jumped at the chance to be on it. While in Hawaii, he brings along his sister, her boyfriend and his best friend to help him choose the best woman for him. He feels that Isabel, Alex and Michael know him better than anyone else in the world and who better to help him make his choice. Max is immediately attracted to Liz Parker. He finds her fascinating, the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen but she doesn’t give him the time of day, except for when they’re debating over a topic. They seem to disagree about a lot of things but that’s what Max finds attractive. She’s her own woman and doesn’t back down, which women usually do when around him.

Contestants are:
Elizabeth Parker – 24 year old, med student. She doesn’t believe in all of this ‘finding love in six weeks bull’ and she’s only on the show because her two best friends, Maria Deluca and Tess Harding begged her to. Although she finds Max attractive, she feels that he’s a bit arrogant and doesn’t fawn over him like the rest of the other girls. In fact, she’s a bit rude to him but Max keeps her on the show, much to the bafflement of the other girls. She immediately hits it off with Isabel and Alex. She and Isabel bond over being med students and Alex loves her wicked sense of humor. She secretly likes Max but would never tell him. She doesn’t want to appear desperate like the rest of the women.

Maria Deluca – 24 yr old, songwriter for Electric Records. She’s only on the show for the free trip to Hawaii. She finds Max cute but not her type. She’s more interested in his best friend, Michael.

Tess Harding – 24 yr old, middle school teacher. She constantly flirts with cameraman, Kyle Valenti. The two hit it off and it comes out around the fourth week of the show that she has been secretly dating Kyle.

Serena Carmichael – 26 year old, ad exec. She really likes Max and for a while it seems as though she has a good chance of winning his affection, until she starts to notice his apparent infatuation with Liz.

(you're able to choose your own scenario for then remaining 8 girls)

Courtney Banks
Vanessa Whitaker
Kathleen Topolsky
Pam Troy
Vicky Delaney
Laurie Dupree
Connie Griffin
Eileen Burrows

26 year old, Michael Guerin, is ecstatic about the idea of having a free trip to Hawaii and helping Max find his potential love. Well, he’s more excited about having the chance to get in a few dates of his own with the twelve beautiful women. He takes a shine to one of the contestants named Maria Deluca and starts out trying to sabotage her chance with Max. At some point, Maria realizes what he’s doing and calls him on it. She tells him that she likes him too and Michael tells Max about his attraction to Maria and Max agrees to keep Maria on the show as long as he can, so that Michael can continue seeing her.

Isabel Evans is Max’s little sister. She’s a 24 year old med student, who’s determined to help Max find the right woman. She knows that Max is use to getting what he wants and feels that he’s a bit spoiled, so she vows to find him someone who is his match and will put her brother in check when necessary. Someone who will not take his crap and put him in his place. Isabel immediately likes Liz, since she is a fellow med student. Isabel likes her spunk and her apparent lack of interest in Max. Max is use to women throwing themselves at him, so she feels that it’s a refreshing change for him to have to work for someone’s attention. Although Liz gives off the impression of being unaffected by Max, Isabel sees the sparks between the two of them and feels that Liz is exactly what Max needs.

Alex Whitman is Max’s other best friend and Isabel’s boyfriend and along for the ride. He’s funny, a people person and a very good judge of character. Max really values his opinion. Alex ends up being friends with Liz, Maria, Serena and Tess. Max knew to keep a close eye on whomever Alex befriended and much to his relief, Alex likes Liz.

Kyle Valenti – 28 year old, cameraman. He’s also a mole in the house and keeps Max abreast of everything that goes on in the house. He starts dating Tess on the show.

Must end M/L
- Liz makes a good impression on Max’s family. They like her because she’s honest and tells it like it is. She doesn’t try to impress them. She just acts like herself and the family ends up loving her.
- The second contestant that Max takes home, tries too hard to make a good impression. She comes off haughty.
- Isabel tries to set Liz up with another one of the cameramen, Sean Dexter, in an attempt to make Max jealous.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:02 am
by Zanity
Old Challenge Thread #247 M/L +CC AU w/ Aliens

Taken by Spacegal17

This is really similar to my first challenge except this time it all happens with the rest of cannon universe in play. IE Agent Pierce, Tess, Nasedo, Nicholas, Whitaker, the rest of the skins, the dupes, Brody, Larek, Khivar, and the Grandarium all out there and need to be delt with.

--When Max sees Liz on the playground in the 3rd grade he introduces himself
--When they shake hands a connection forms and the each see inside the other
--Liz sees enough to know not to say anything in front of her friends
--They meet up later alone and form another connection this time they each see each other's entire life
--Every day after that they form a connection and get caught up on what happened to each other the day before
--They never actually talk about him being an alien though they do communicate about it through their connection (Max attempt at the letter of the law on the rule don't tell anybody)
--Max and Liz grow up as child hood sweethearts
--Max is overprotective of Liz and heals her injuries when he can get to her before anyone else finds out
--Max is friends Maria and Alex though they don't know about his alien heritage
--Michael and Isabel don't know that Liz knows the truth
--As Max and Liz grow up and start dating their connection grows stronger
--By the time of the shooting their connection is strong enough that they can communicate telepathically any time they want
--The shooting happens just like in the show except when Michael says it's time to go Max says that his girlfriend fainted and is obviously still shooken up that he's going to stay and help her.
--Then Max tells Maria to inform the Sheriff when he arrives that he and Liz would be in her room if he needed to speak to them
--Once in her room Max removes the bullet hole and blood from Liz's uniform while leaving the ketchup
--Max asks Liz to marry him that night and gives her a promise ring
--After Liz accepts they make love for the first time bonding them together
--A side effect of the bonding is Liz can use Max's powers
--Michael and Isabel are upset about Max healing Liz and are trying to figure out what their going to tell her when Max comes clean about their connection

You take it from here.

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:06 am
by Zanity
Holiday Challenge #5 M/L

Taken by Chione

The Roswell Episode in S2 was called, "A Roswell Christmas Carol"

So this challenge is to rewrite that episode to fit the name.

Liz recieves 3 visitors trying to convince her to get back together with Max.

Visitor from the Past: Grandma Claudia
Visitor from the Present: Max
Visitor from the Future: Serena