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Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2006 12:48 am
by Luzser1800
AN: Here's the latest installment. Thanks for all the feedback and I hope everyone likes it! :twisted:


Max and Liz sat next to each other at the dinner table across from Nancy. They occasionally looked at each other, sharing a secret smile about their professed love for each other. Nancy was not blind to it either.

“So, Max...” Nancy started as she cut into her chicken.

“Yes, ma’am.” He sat straight up in his chair, waiting for her to speak.

Nancy inwardly rolled her eyes at how he was trying to be a gentleman. “Why, Liz?”

The question was so direct that Max nearly choked on his drink. “Excuse me?”

“You’re Max Evans. You could have any girl on earth. Why my daughter?”

Max looked at Liz for help, but he could tell that she was wondering the same thing. “Umm...” he cleared his throat. He looked right at Liz, then, finding his answer in her eyes. “I meet a lot of girls all the time. And most, if not all of them, just want to be with me because I’m Max Evans. But Liz...” he took her hand under the table, not caring that Nancy could see it. “Liz doesn’t even see him when she looks at me.” His gaze softened on her, and Liz wanted to kiss him so badly right then.

Nancy couldn’t help the small smile on her lips. She still wasn’t sure that Max Evans was good for her baby girl, but with the way they were looking at each other, she could tell that they really felt for one another, and besides that, the boy was definitely good at making a girl swoon. “Max?” she called to him.

He turned to look at Liz’s mother then. “Yes?”

“That was a good answer.” Nancy smiled at him and he found himself smiling back. Dinner was going really well.



“Your mother seemed to like him,” Alex remarked.

“He was such a charmer,” Liz said dreamily. Maria stuck her finger in her mouth and Michael tried not to laugh.

“So, that was one parent down, right?”

“Well, my mother was going to meet Liz soon enough, but it was still a little while before that would happen,” Max explained.


June 1998

“Thank you for coming when I called.”

“I’d do anything for you.”

“I guess you have to go now,” Liz whispered into his chest as they leaned against his car.

“Yeah, my agent says this should be the one to finally put me on the A-list.” Max’s agent had called just as dinner at the Parkers was wrapping up. Max had been informed to get back to LA pronto for an audition for a new film.

“You’re not an A-lister yet?” Liz asked in disbelief.

“Not really,” he said. “I’m getting there. All my other stuff has been fun, but this new one is a drama, and if I do well, it could even be Oscar material.” Liz smiled, proud of him.

“You’ll do great,” she assured him.

Max smiled at her enthusiasm, leaning over for one more kiss. It was supposed to be short and sweet, but with the way her lips felt moving against his, and their feelings for one another now out in the open, that little kiss turned into more.

Standing in the driveway of Liz’s house, Max hands roamed her back, his fingers slipping up under the short t-shirt. His tongue snaked out to touch hers, unable to get close enough. His knee rose up between her thighs, feeling her shiver at their proximity.

Liz was enjoying this way too much to let him go yet. She knew he had to leave. This was a big opportunity for him. But she couldn’t seem to pull away just yet. She threaded her fingers through his hair, her thigh rubbing against his to release the tension in her belly. One of her hands came around to undo a couple buttons on his shirt. When her small hand finally touched the hot skin of his chest, he had to pull back. “God, I wish I could stay longer.”

Liz’s forehead leaned against his, trying to calm her own breathing. “When will I see you again?” Her voice was husky and desperate.

“If I suck in the audition, you’ll see me really soon.” They chuckled.

“And if you’re as good as I know you will be?” The disappointment on both their faces was palpable.

“I’ll call you as soon as I can.” He bent down to kiss her one more time, determined not to let her soft lips draw him too much further in. When he pulled back, he whispered against her lips, “I love you.”

Her smile was bittersweet, hating that he would soon be gone, but still unable to believe those words were coming out of his mouth. “I love you, too.”

Liz finally let him get into his car and drive away. Liz hated that after finally admitting their feelings for one another that they had to part so quickly. She wished he could stay longer so that they could explore those feelings a little more. She grinned as she thought of all the ways she would like to explore with him. But she supposed this was the life of the girlfriend of a big star.


Maria came out of the school after the last bell rang, headed straight for her car. When she got there, she was surprised to see Michael. He appeared to be waiting for someone. “Michael!” she said as she approached him.

“Hey, Maria.”

“What’s up? What are you doing here?”

“Max left this morning in a hurry mumbling something about needing to see Liz. He didn’t even wait for me, so I took the next flight I could get to meet him.”

“Max picked up Liz this afternoon at lunch and I haven’t seen them since,” Maria explained.

“Great,” Michael huffed. “Do you know where they are now?”

“Not a clue,” Maria chuckled as Michael hung his head. “Let me call Liz’s house.” Maria didn’t want to leave him hanging if she could help.

“Hey, babe,” Maria said into the phone when she got a hold of Liz. “Is Max with you?” Maria listened as Liz was talking, and Michael waited impatiently for a response.

“Really?! That’s awesome! Are you okay? You need me to come over? Did you find out about the other thing? Alright, then, I’ll be there soon.” Michael briefly wondered what ‘the other thing’ was, but then Maria hung up and turned to him.

“Max just flew back to LA,” she said calmly.

“Get the fuck outta here!” Michael ran a hand through his spiky hair, pissed off that he had flown out here for nothing.

“No big deal, right?” Maria remarked. “Just call whoever it is you call and get another flight.”

“I’m not Max, sweetheart,” Michael bit out. “I don’t have those kind of connections.”

“So, then call Max, and don’t call me sweetheart,” she said.

“How am I supposed to call Max when he’s on an airplane, Blondie?” Michael was getting aggravated with this one.

“Well then get another plane ticket and don’t call me Blondie, either, Jackass!”

Michael put his head in his hands, trying to calm himself. He looked back at the girl who was slowly driving him out of his mind, and said curtly, “I need a ride.” Without asking permission, he hopped into the passenger side and waited for her to get in.

“Are you serious?!” She had her head through the car window. She got into the car as she continued to babble. “Listen, I don’t know where you came from, but here in small town, USA, we like to ask people nicely when we need something.”

“Then why are we already on the road?” Michael asked, sarcastically.

Maria looked to her front, and noticed that they had, in fact, begun to drive toward the airport without her even realizing it. When she could think of nothing else to say she muttered, “Shut up!” She did manage to catch Michael’s smirk out of the corner of her eye, and even though she didn’t do it, she felt like smiling herself.


After Michael had been put on a plane, Liz was in her bedroom, flipping through a magazine when Maria came through her door. “Okay, so Michael’s pissed.”

“Why?” Liz acknowledged her presence immediately.

“Max left LA rather abruptly and Michael came all the way out here to meet him, but by the time he got here, Max was gone.”

“Yeah, well Max had a really important audition to get to. Michael’s lucky you had detention and you were still at school.”

“I know, Mr. Seligman’s such an ass! Two days left until summer break and I get detention for being a little loud.”

“A little? Maria, you screamed rape at the top of your lungs in the middle of class.”

“Paulie shouldn’t have touched me,” Maria pointed out. Maria sat down on the bed next to Liz. “Okay, so I’m here. What happened with Max?” Liz’s guilty face was all Maria needed. “So, he did put that poor guy in a coma.”

“Poor?” Liz’s eyes bugged out. “He slipped me X!”

“Yes, and I’m sure he wanted to do all kinds of sensual things to you, but ta-da! Max saved the day. So, what was the point in almost killing him?”

“Max did the right thing,” Liz defended.

“Liz, this morning, you were all against this! Now, all of a sudden you’re...” Maria stopped. “What did Max say to you today?”

“Nothing,” Liz answered quickly, turning back to her magazine to avoid Maria’s gaze.

Maria stared at her best friend in disbelief. “Liz, I’ve known you all my life, and yet, right now, you’re acting like somebody I’ve never met. Max has totally turned you around!”

“Max hasn’t done anything but love me!” Liz put her eyes down when she realized just what she had said, and Maria’s mouth dropped onto the bed.

“So, now you’re in love with this psycho?”

“Don’t call him that! He’s gentle and sweet...”

“And he almost killed a guy with his bare hands!” Liz’s face was a block of stone, and Maria knew there was nothing more to be said. “Forget it, Liz.” Maria grabbed her bag, headed toward the door. “If and when you see my best friend, let her know that I’ll be waiting for her.” Maria walked out the door, leaving Liz feeling completely helpless.


“Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Maria’s...she’s really mad and...she won’t talk to me,” Liz cried into the phone.

When Max had called her to tell her that he had gotten the part, he never imagined she’s be so broken up. “Ok, Liz, calm down. You guys are best friends. I’ll bet you get into fights all the time.” Max was trying to reason with her.

“This is different, Max. I don’t know if she’ll...”

Max could hear his agent calling him over and while he wanted to talk Liz through this, at least until she was no longer crying, he knew that he didn’t have time. “Hang on a second!” He shouted with his hand over the mouthpiece of the phone. “Baby, look I hate to do this, but I have to go. I wish I could talk longer.” He just heard Liz sniffle on the other end. “Just give her some time to cool off, I’m sure she’ll be back, Liz. Just give her a little time, okay?”

“Okay,” Liz agreed. “I love you.” She wanted to hear him say the words.

Max had no problem helping her with that. “I love you, too, Liz. I’ll call you back soon, okay?”

“Okay, bye.” Max hung up, staring at the phone a little while before hearing his agent call him again.


One Month Later...

“How is everything?”

“Brutal, how about you?”

“Work sucks,” Max told his girlfriend.

Liz chuckled. “It can’t be as bad as being a waitress. We should totally switch for a day.”

“We’d have to cut your hair,” Max said, playing along. “But I’d really rather not.”

“Why not? Don’t think I’d look masculine enough for you?”

“Because I love your hair and I hope to god it never changes.”

“What about when it turns gray?”

“Oh, we’ve still got 50 years or so before I’ll have to wrap my head around that thought.” They smiled into the phone together. “How are things coming with Maria?”

“Things are strained. Working with her is slowly driving me crazy. She still won’t talk to me at all.”

“I’m sorry, baby. I wish I could be there for you.”

“I know. Don’t worry about me though, I’ll work it out.”

Max hated ending his conversations with her on sad notes, so he blurted out the words he knew would make her smile. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Max figured the mission was accomplished as he could practically see her smile on the other end of the line.



“So, what was going on with you, Maria?” Alex asked her with his nose buried in his notes.

“I was still pissed that she was willing to stay with a guy who had turned psycho in a fit of rage one day. I wanted her to see her mistake and apologize to me,” Maria offered.

“And I wanted an apology for her not listening to my side of the story before leaving me high and dry with no best friend,” Liz mentioned.

“Well, what happened after your conversation with Max?” Alex asked Liz.

“This is where things start to get a little rocky.”


August 1998

Max Evans is wasting no time getting to know his new co-star as we see them walking through LA together here. Sources claim they are just friends, but we still have to wonder what happened to the girl next door he has been reported to be seeing.

The tabloid Liz had picked up this morning had more information than she had wanted to know. Max and his female co-star, Heidi Blumdan seemed to be a lot closer than she had hoped. Liz couldn’t help thinking it was strange that such a hideous name could have been given to a total knockout. The girl had long blonde hair, legs that went on for miles, and a smile so bright it probably lit up an entire city. The tabloid seemed to imply that they were more than just friends. As much as Liz hated reading tabloids, knowing that a lot of it was blatant lies, it still hurt her more than she would like to admit.

Maria still wasn’t talking to her and Kyle was being relentless with asking her out. The tabloids had reported seeing Max and Heidi almost everywhere together. She hadn’t wanted to let them get to her. Max had claimed they were just friends and that if they wanted to do a good job on screen, they would have to get to know one another better.

This picture of them in a coffee shop together was the last straw for Liz. She was so fed up with everything that she grabbed her bag and headed over to the party Kyle had invited her to earlier today. She was so done being the lonely girlfriend waiting by the phone.



“What did you do, Liz?” Alex asked cryptically.

“I was so sick of everything happening around me. The photos of Max and that girl were getting to be too much. And with Maria still not talking to me, I needed to unwind a little bit. So, I decided to go to the party to blow off some steam and do something normal for once. And F.Y.I.,” she pointed out, “It’s more like what did we all do?”


August 1998

“Liz, you made it,” Kyle said when he saw he walk through the door. “Where’s Maria?” Kyle couldn’t believe she had come all by herself. Liz and Maria were practically attached at the hip.

“Haven’t seen her,” Liz replied flippantly.

Kyle just nodded, figuring it was none of his business. “Where’s Max?”

Liz gave him a death look and said, “He’s working.”


Maria came to the door when the knocking got louder. “What the hell?!”

“Max sent me,” Michael said as he walked into the living room. “You and Liz are having problems and I’m supposed to come here and talk to you about taking your friend for a little walk and overcoming those problems.”

“Well, thank you so much, Mr. Problem Solver,” Maria said as she closed the door behind him. “But, my problems with Liz are none of your business.”

“I know they have something to do with Max and I completely side with you.”

“Because if you’re here to just...” She trailed off as his last words became clear. “What?”

“What Max did was wrong.” Maria was blown away that Michael agreed with her. “But you gotta know that his heart was in the right place.” Maria was about to say something when his next words shocked her into silence. “I would have done the same thing for you.”


“Hey, Ms. Parker, can I talk to Liz, please?”

“She’s out, Max,” Nancy told him.

“Out?” Max asked in doubt.

“She went to a party with Kyle.”

“Kyle who?!” Max’s ears were turning red. Who the hell was Kyle and why the hell was Liz with him?! He thought.

“That’s all I know, Max.” Nancy hung up the phone, not really knowing what else to say to him. When Liz had blown past her this evening, mentioning a party, Nancy had asked whose house it was. Liz had said Kyle’s and Nancy knew the Sheriff very well, believing that his son was probably just as good a person as his father.


“Wanna beer?” Kyle finally asked Liz.

“Sounds great.” Liz planned on getting hammered tonight. Anything to help her forget about her life for a little while.


Max downed the bottle of Jack Daniels as fast as he could manage. He was extremely angry that his girlfriend, whom he thought loved him, was out on a date with some jerk. He was frustrated with work. His co-star was constantly trying to get into his pants no matter how many times he told her he had a girlfriend. Maybe tonight, he would stop fighting her.

The knock on his trailer door couldn’t have come at a more convenient time. He opened it to reveal the blonde who played his love interest in the new film. “Hey, Max. Just wanted to see what you were up to.” Her eyes roamed his shirtless upper torso, and Max just opened the door a crack more to let her in, his eyes completely vacant of emotion.


Liz was feeling the effects of the alcohol slowly turning her problems off for the night. It felt so wonderful to be a normal teenage girl for once. No worries about a Hollywood boyfriend, or a feuding best friend. The problems were leaving and she was back to being a regular kid. She suddenly recognized the song playing in the background of the party. It was some old freestyle stuff. She started to move her hips in the rhythm to the song.

Baby, there’s something I think you should know
I don’t think I’ll be needing you anymore
It’s just one of those things
I’m sure you’ll understand

Kyle moved in behind Liz, mimicking her movements. His hands went around her waist, silently pleased that she was no longer pulling away from him. He assumed the alcohol she had been consuming could have been a factor in her reasoning, but he wasn’t complaining.

We’ve been together so long
I never meant to do you wrong
But I found someone new
There’s nothing you can say or do
To try and change my mind
Would be a waste of time
Lets go our separate ways
There’s nothing more to say

Maria was completely floored when she felt Michael’s lips touch hers. She hadn’t been prepared for his sweet assault, but she surrendered relentlessly, allowing him to move her to the couch, his hands feeling their way around her body.

Just try to ease your mind
Cuz I don’t mean to hurt you
It’s just he knows to treat me
Like a special lady
It’s time you look away
He knows just how to touch me
Maybe someday you’ll understand

Liz was tired of fighting for a love that Max was no longer fighting for. He was off with his gorgeous co-star right now, probably touching her with those amazing hands and fingers of his, kissing her with those sexy lips and dangerous tongue. The thoughts were too much for Liz to handle. Her buzz was taking hold when she put a hand in Kyle’s hair and dragged him to her lips.

Temptation is a part of life
It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or right
Temptation is a part of life
It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or right
Temptation is a part of life
It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or right
It makes you do what you love

Michael didn’t know where his shirt had gone, but it was no longer on his body. Maria was kissing him like there was no tomorrow, her fingers touching his upper body deliberately. His hands wrapped themselves around her waist, pulling her lower body closer to his, a moan escaping both of them.

He knows I can’t resist, ooh
His perfect lips
When he looks into my eyes
I feel like I’ve been hypnotized
I’ve wanted him for so long
What I felt was oh so strong
Times, feelings change
Things were not the same

Max found himself on his small couch, this girl’s tongue lapping at his chest. His entire body was on fire, but not with want or need, he was in anguish. He tried not to allow the bile to rise up in his throat as he allowed this girl to take from him what she wanted.

Just try to ease your mind
'Cause I don't mean to hurt you
It's just he's knows to treat me like a special lady
It's time you look away
He's knows just how to touch me
Maybe someday you'll understand

Liz felt Kyle’s fingers touch the skin of her stomach. She kept thinking that everything he did was so much different from Max. His touch, his lips, everything was just different, and she wasn’t sure that she liked it different.

Temptation is a part of life
It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or right
Temptation is a part of life
It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or right
Temptation is a part of life
It doesn’t matter if it’s wrong or right
It makes you do what you love

Max pounded into the girl with anger and frustration. His throat burned with the sensation of the alcohol and his head was fuzzy with images of his Liz laughing and having a wonderful time with some guy who wasn’t him. His frustration was coming out in waves as the blonde beneath him took everything he had to give. He fell on top of her in a heap of exhaustion. He took a few deep breaths. “Get out,” was all he said when he finished. Her expression did its best to mask the hurt, but she complied.

Corina - Temptation


Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2006 2:35 am
by Luzser1800
AN: Wow! It seems like everybody is pretty mad at Max. Oddly enough, the same fury is not showered upon Liz. Sure, we’re angry with her, but not half as angry as we are at Max. Personally, I think that they both were completely wrong and had Liz been sexually active before, she might have gone the same direction. But because it was just a kiss, we’ve opted to focus on the greater of two evils.

Since you didn’t like Max in that last part, trust me when I tell you, you will hate him come this part. Fair warning here: Max is a bastard in this fic, and he doesn’t get better until he gets better. But he will get better, as you can see from the present day Max.

I’m really enjoying the feedback, and I hope in turn that you are enjoying the story. So, here we go!


Liz pulled away from Kyle, completely sick with herself. Kyle was visibly confused. “What’s wrong?”

She pulled further back when he tried to reach for her again. “I can’t do this,” she said, stumbling backward until she was stopped by a hard chest. She turned and saw Michael with Maria by his side. “What are you guys doing here?”

“I figured you’d be here, and I wanted to make sure you didn’t do anything you would regret in the morning,” Maria explained.

“Maria!” Kyle intervened. “I was wondering when you would show up.”

“Look, Kyle, Liz is obviously not in her right mind, so whatever happened tonight, just forget it.”

“How can I possibly forget a kiss like that?” Kyle smirked cockily. Maria was shocked but Liz’s guilty face was more than enough proof that he was not lying.

Instead of saying anything more, Maria grabbed Liz’s arm. “Let’s go.”

“Wait a minute!” Kyle yelled.

Michael turned to him, his face clearly showing warning. “Just let it go, man. You really don’t want to get involved here. Trust me.”

Kyle just stepped back, letting Maria steer Liz out of the house. He didn’t know what to think of the night, so he figured he would talk to Liz about it after she had sobered up. He hoped she felt the same things in the kiss that he had.

“Liz, what the hell are you thinking, getting drunk and making out with Kyle?” Maria reprimanded her once they were all outside.

“Whatever, Maria, you don’t even like Max,” Liz replied, walking faster.

“This has nothing to do with Max!” Maria said as she gained on Liz. “This is about you drowning your problems in a bottle.”

“Actually, it was a can,” Liz giggled uncontrollably.

“Look, we need to do some damage control.” Michael took charge. “Max can never, ever, find out about this.”

“Michael, a good relationship relies on honesty,” Maria told him, and he got the funny feeling she was giving him tips.

He remained undeterred though, and said in a very serious voice, “You want what happened to Curtis to happen to your friend back there?” Maria was no moron. Michael was right. If Max found out about Liz kissing Kyle, he would go ballistic, and Maria didn’t know for sure if he would take it out on her best friend. Max couldn’t find out what happened.



“You kissed him?!” Max stood up from his chair.

“You had sex with your co-star?!” Liz stood as well and they met eyes, fire raging inside both of them. Neither one had known about what had happened that particular night.

“You lied to me!” Max yelled.

“I never lied, I left things out, and obviously, so did you!”

“You were on a date! I was going through some emotional turmoil!”

“And I wasn’t?!” Liz was seething with anger. “You bastard!”

“Alright, alright!” Alex shouted while Michael and Maria grabbed their respective best friends. “How about another break?” Michael and Maria readily agreed with that and took their best friends away. Alex stayed behind, as usual, his hand feverishly jotting down information.


“I totally forgot he didn’t know about that,” Liz said to Maria as they walked down the street.

“Well it looks like Max forgot you didn’t know he slept with Heidi Blumdan either.”

“You knew about that?” Liz asked her best friend in awe.

Maria frowned. “Michael told me.”

“Oh my God!” Liz threw her hands up in frustration.

“But I thought that you already knew about it,” Maria defended.

“What would make you think that, Maria? Of course I didn’t know!”

“Well, admit it, Liz, that wasn’t the first time, and the other times, you clearly knew about.”

“Not that time, I didn’t,” Liz mumbled pathetically, continuing to walk forward with Maria behind her.


“How could you not tell me about Kyle?” Max asked.

“Because I saw first hand what jealousy does to you and I didn’t want to see it happen again. Plus this guy was friends with the girls. I didn’t want them to be a part of that.”

Max leaned up against a brick building, taking come calming breaths. “I don’t even know why I’m mad about this. Everything I did was so much worse.” He put his head in his hands, feeling like an ass for flipping out when his actions had been a hundred times worse.


After everyone had gotten full on a satisfying lunch, they all came back to the warehouse, where Alex sat in his chair, as if he hadn’t moved a muscle since they had left.

“Welcome back everyone. Work things out?” He looked between Max and Liz, who opted to sit on opposite sides of the table. Normally, they would sit right next to each other, giving each other sympathetic looks, or little touches for support. Max didn’t seem happy with the arrangement, but Liz was still very angry. “I take that as a no. We still have more to get through I am sure. Let’s get on it.” He went back through his notes, and turned to Maria. “How were things between the two best friends?”


August 1998

“Max doesn’t know, right?”

“No, I didn’t tell him. He feels so terrible right now, I didn’t want to risk it.”

“Why, what happened?”

“He had a small get-together with Heidi.”

“Are you kidding?!” Maria yelled into the phone.

“Wish I was,” Michael said. “He looks like a kicked puppy.”

“Liz doesn’t look much better. What do you think, should we just get them together?”

“Can’t right now. Maybe in a few weeks. The film should be wrapping up and then we can probably all go out and do something together.”

“Sounds good. I’ll try and keep Liz in a better mood until then.”

“You do that,” Michael smiled. “I guess I’ll see ya.” His voice clearly showed that he missed her.

“I miss you too, Michael.” She could hear his breath over the line. “I’ll talk to you later.”


“You told him what?!” Liz screamed at her mother.

“Please refrain from yelling at your only mother,” Nancy berated her.

“You told him I went out with Kyle?!”

“That is what you told me before you left.”

“I told you I was going to a party at Kyle’ Kyle’s!”

“What’s the difference, Liz?”

“The difference is only that now Max probably thinks I’ve been cheating on him! This is just great!” Liz began to stamp up to her room. “Thank you, mother, you have effectively ruined my life!” She slammed her door shut for good measure, leaving her mother on the couch in total shock.



“I may have overreacted,” Liz said with her eyes burning a hole into the table.

“I went over there right after that happened I guess, because Liz’s mom was a mess,” Maria said.


August 1998

“Sweetie?” Maria tapped lightly on Liz’s door. “Are you okay?” Maria opened the door to find Liz on her bed with her face buried in the pillow.

“So, you’re talking to me now?” Liz mumbled into the pillow.

“I’m gonna ignore that because you’re upset,” Maria said as she sat down on the bed. Liz straightened up and fell into Maria’s lap. Maria began to stroke her hair back from her tear-streaked faced. “What happened?”

“I’m so glad you’re here. I’ve missed my best friend.”

“Aww, sweetie,” Maria cooed. “It’s okay. You know us. We always find our way back.”

“Well, I’m glad we found our way back this time,” Liz sniffled.

“Michael came to talk to me and he made me realize where you were coming from. I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions about Max.” Liz nodded slightly. “Doesn’t mean I like him though.”

Liz’s body heaved with laughter. “Noted.”


September 1998

What a major disappointment for Max Evans. His latest drama was supposed to be huge for the young actor. Unfortunately, in a strange turn of a events, critics claimed that he and Heidi Blumdan just didn’t seem to connect on-screen. All the acting was there, but there was just no spark, leading to a bomb at the box-office.

Liz turned the page in the magazine, unhappy that Max’s big film had not worked out for him, but at the same time, a little giddy that he and the gorgeous blonde had no chemistry.


“This is all your fault,” Max spun Heidi around at the press conference.

“Bullshit, Max, if you hadn’t have used me that night in your trailer, maybe you and I would have gotten along a little better,” she spat at him.

“I told you I had a girlfriend,” he whispered harshly, not wanting to arouse anybody to eavesdrop. “What exactly did you think was going to happen? Did you think I was gonna to fall in love you with or somethin’? Your pussy ain’t that sweet, honey.”

“You son-of-a-bitch!” His cocky attitude made her do the only thing she could think of. She slapped him on his cheek, hard.

He sneered and advanced on her, but was quickly interrupted by his personal assistant. “Max, they’re waiting for you in the conference room.”

Max’s eyes burned a hole into her head, but he left the room without another word to her, brushing past Michael rudely.

“I wonder if his girlfriend knows what a bastard he is,” Heidi remarked as she, too, brushed past Michael rudely, but more lady-like. Michael let out the breath he had been holding, glad that he had shown up before things could have gotten any worse.


Later That Night...

“Havin’ a drink?” Michael asked sarcastically when he walked into Max’s bedroom in his Minnesota home. The end table next to the bed had a line of 6 oz. bottles of gin. Another bottle sat half-empty in Max’s hand, and he sat slouched against the wall on his bed. He wore a white wife-beater, and the same black dress slacks that he had worn to the press conference.

Heidi had left right after the reporters had asked the last question, directly avoiding another confrontation with Max. Michael had tried to get Max out as quickly as possible, too, making sure he didn’t see the blonde again.

Max didn’t answer Michael’s question. Instead, he took another swig of his bottle, wiping his lips on his forearm. Michael sighed loudly and sat down on the other end table, placing his forearms on his knees. “What do you want, Max?” he asked, tiredly.

“Why are you asking me that?” Max slurred softly, still not looking at Michael.

“I’m your personal assistant, Max. It’s my job to bring you whatever it is you want...or need.”

“You’re also my best friend. You should already know what I need.” He took another small sip.

Michael shook his head. “It’s only gonna be for a weekend, Max. School has already started.”

Max finally looked at Michael, and slowly nodded his head in acceptance. Michael left the room to make the phone call.


“Sorry, Liz, Max just isn’t up to talking right now. He wants to see you though.”

“Really?” she asked excitedly.

“How about tomorrow after school? I’ll get a limo to your house to bring you and Maria to the airport. Then I’ll meet you in Minnesota.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Liz smiled. “See ya tomorrow.”


Friday afternoon, Maria and Liz left Liz’s home in a limousine for the airport to meet Michael in Minnesota. Liz’s mother had protested only a little, before finally relenting, considering the limo was already waiting and only after Liz agreed to call her at least three times a day. When Liz and Maria stepped off the plane, Michael was standing there outside the gate, waiting for them, just like he had promised. He gave Maria a quick kiss.

“Where’s Max?” Liz asked, looking around.

Michael frowned sadly. “He’s at home. In his room.”

“Let’s go,” Liz said, grabbing Michael’s arm, wanting to get to Max as fast as possible.


They made it to the house in no time, and Liz was already out of the car and on her way inside. Michael and Maria pulled up behind her. Liz was on a mission. She had to see Max. When Michael walked them into the foyer of the home, he pointed down the hall on the right side of them. “Third door on the right, Liz.”

Liz made no effort to slow down until she found the room. The door was cracked open, and she knocked lightly. “Max?” she called quietly. “Are you in here?” She pushed the door open a little further and saw him slouched on his bed in the soft orange glow of the small lamp in his otherwise dark room. He wore the same dress pants he had on the day before, but his wife-beater had disappeared, leaving his upper body naked.

He looked up when he saw her. “Liz?” he asked in disbelief. His eyes appeared to be very heavy and the room reeked of alcohol. He sat up and motioned for her to come closer, which she did willingly. She sat down on the bed next to him.

“Are you okay?” she asked gently, reaching out to touch his arm.

His hands came up to frame her face. “Liz,” he said again before leaning in to kiss her. His tongue pushed into her mouth, kissing her with determination. “God, I’ve missed you,” he whispered against her lips, leaning her backward on his bed so that he was on top of her.

Liz ran her hands up the soft skin of his back, kissing him back just as hard. She had missed him too. She tried to ignore the bitter taste of the liquor on his tongue while he kissed her senseless. Combined with the taste of Max, it wasn’t that bad anyway.

“Liz, I need you so bad,” he whispered desperately, driving his erection into her groin, making her cry out with sensation. Liz tore her mouth from his, needing the air while he opted to kiss her neck, marking her on one side. Before Liz knew what was happening, her mind preoccupied with Max’s amazing lips on her heated skin, Max’s hand had moved to his pants, deftly undoing them.

“Max,” she whispered when she felt him push against her again. “Max, please...”

“Liz, I need you,” he nearly cried against her throat. “Liz, please...” He put his forehead against hers, and she could feel his tears dripping onto her cheeks. “I love you so much.”

Liz placed her hands on his cheeks, wiping away his tears with her palms and looking directly into his golden eyes. “Max, I love you too, but, please, don’t ask me to make this decision right now.”

The trembling of her lips made Max cry harder, and he put his head onto her breast, hating that he had now made her afraid of him. “I’m sorry, Liz. I don’t know what I...I’m sorry.” Liz took a deep breath, her fear leaving only to be replaced with compassion.

“It’s ok, Max. It’s ok,” she cooed into his ear as she stroked his hair with her still shaking fingers as gently as she could manage.

“I love you, Liz. I really do,” he sobbed. “Please don’t leave me. Don’t ever leave me.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Max. I’ll always be here. I promise you.” She closed her eyes, not knowing then, that those words would come back to haunt her time and again.


Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:49 am
by Luzser1800

“Come on, just for a little while,” Michael coaxed softly into Maria’s ear.

“What if Max’s mom comes back?” She pushed playfully at his chest.

“She’s at Bingo or something, we’ve got plenty of time.” Maria looked at her surroundings. They were in a parlor, the walls were red brick, and a fireplace with a lush white bear carpet lay on the floor in front of it. She and Michael were sitting on the white leather couch just beyond that rug.

“It is romantic,” she said, blushing.

“Yes, it is,” his hand grazed her upper thigh. “I can guarantee you that Max’s room is not this romantic.” They smiled at his cute little joke and he watched Maria’s eyes twinkle, knowing he had talked her into it. She leaned in and kissed him, letting him push her back on to the couch. Maria’s fingers roamed through the spikes in his hair, letting out a soft moan when he began to attack her neck.

Michael’s hands inched up her stomach, smiling against her lips when she jumped slightly because he had hit her ticklish spot. He moved down to nibble on her neck, his nose moving aside the blonde curl in his way.

Maria breathed heavily, moving her hands down to raise the back of his shirt, wanting to feel his skin against hers again.

“Ahem!” They jumped apart at the interruption, Michael pulling his shirt down and Maria pushing her hair back, patting her flushed cheeks.

“Ms. Evans,” Michael greeted with a small wave while not looking directly at her.

“Michael...Maria, right?” she moved forward to shake the girl’s hand, smiling warmly at Maria. When Maria sat back down, she asked, “Does anyone want to point me in the direction of my son?”

“He’s in his room with Liz,” Michael provided.

“Will I be walking in on anything?” Diane asked cautiously.

“I don’t think so. It’s been pretty quiet in there,” Michael assured her.

“I’ll just go peek in on him,” she said as she walked down the hall toward Max’s room.

“Does she know about Max’s drinking?” Maria asked Michael when Diane had disappeared.

“All that woman knows is that Max is bummed that the film didn’t work out for him. I think she’s in denial about everything else.”

“Why would she be in denial?”

“That woman has had a hard life. Her baby boy is all she’s got.”


When Diane peeked into the room, she saw her son and his girlfriend asleep on his bed. Max had no shirt on, and Liz was curled around him as if he fit like a second skin. But Diane saw something more in the way they were holding each other. It wasn’t entirely like two lovers who had fallen asleep after a usual romp around.

Max was pulled into a fetal position the best he could be with his head laying on Liz’s chest. Her lips were in his hair, and it was almost as if a mother were holding her son after coaxing the boy to sleep after he had run into her room claiming to have had a horrible nightmare.

Diane had to smile at the way Max’s usual wrinkles had been smoothed away as he slept peacefully. Max normally had nightmares where he would cry out into the night. Whenever his mother would look in on him, a habit she had never seemed to manage to break, his face was scrunched up as he fought the demons in his sleep. It was very nice to see this young girl bring peace to his fitful nights.

She decided she had seen enough, and closed the door quietly, not wanting to wake them. She wished there was a way to keep Liz Parker around, so that Max’s nightmares would hopefully never return.



“And so we finally meet your mother,” Alex said with a smile.

“Yeah,” Max nodded. “She was an amazing woman,” Max remarked.

“Was?” Alex inquired.

Max’s face became sad. “She died three months ago of ovarian cancer.”

“What?!” Liz jumped out of her seat. “I knew she was sick but...” Tears began to fill her eyes and she said, “I need some air,” before leaving the room and going outside to the side of the building. When she finally got away from all the eyes in the room, she keeled over in pain, her tears falling freely now.

Diane had been as much a mother to Liz as she had been to Max. Liz had lived in her home for a year, where Diane had doted on her like the daughter she had never gotten the chance to have. Liz hated the fact that because of her falling out with Max, that her and Diane had some unwritten rule that they would no longer talk either. She had known that Max’s mother had some type of illness, but during the time Liz had lived there, it had not yet been diagnosed. She wished desperately that she had been there for Max when it had happened. She could still remember how sweet and kind his mother had been.

“Liz, it’s going to be okay. I promise I will take care of you.” Her eyes were filled with caring sympathy.

Liz wiped the tears from her eyes. “I know you will, Diane. I know you will.” She pulled the woman into an almighty hug, grateful to have such a wonderful person to care for her.

While Liz was outside, Max stared at the table for a long while before finally getting up himself. Maria quietly got up from her chair and took the seat next to Michael. She knew that Max and Liz would now be sitting together to give each other support, despite their anger at each other before. Michael put his arm around her, and hugged her to his chest, using the moment to mourn for the woman who had also loved him like a son.

Just as Liz was taking some deep breaths to calm herself down, she felt a large hand on her shoulder. She turned into his chest immediately, needing those strong arms to help her through this one. “Oh, Max,” she whispered brokenly. They held each other tightly while they cried on each other’s shoulders. “I’m so sorry for not being there, Max.” Max just hugged her tighter, shaking his head, telling her silently that he didn’t blame her at all for not knowing about his mother.

Alex just sat back, indifferent to the situation. He allowed them all to have their moment. When Max and Liz finally came back inside, rubbing their red eyes, he checked his watch hating that he had to be the one to break the silence. “I’m sorry, guys, but, it’s already three o’clock. So, if you want we can wrap it up right now, or if you think you can continue...”

Max came and sat down in his chair, Liz taking the seat next to him, still holding his hand. “I can go on a little longer.” He looked to everyone else, his eyes staying on Liz a little longer than necessary, her sniffles fading slightly, and they all nodded in agreement.


September 1998

Max woke up the next morning to Liz, who was already awake, her hair wet from an early morning shower, stroking his hair gently. He turned and smiled at her. “Good morning.”

“Morning,” she smiled softly.

“I’m sorry for being such an asshole last night.”

She shook her head at him. “No, Max. You would have been an asshole if you hadn’t have stopped.”

“Still sorry.”

“Forgiven.” She hugged him and brushed her lips against his.

“I’m gonna get a quick shower. I’m sure Mom’s already got breakfast on the table if you want to go ahead.” Liz nodded and watched him go into the bathroom. She stepped into the kitchen where Michael and Maria were already seated, eating a breakfast of eggs, toast, and bacon.

“Liz, right?” Liz spun around to see the woman she assumed was Max’s mother.

“Hi,” she smiled shyly.

“Where’s Max, sweetie?”

“Oh, he’s taking a shower right now.”

“Ok, well there’s coffee made if you want some, and I’ll set up a spot at the table for you and Max.” Liz couldn’t believe how nice his mom was. She went over to the coffee pot and began to pour herself a cup. She was putting the cream in when she felt soft lips tickle her neck.

“Mornin’, gorgeous,” Max smiled against the nape of her neck.

“You already said good morning, and that was a quick shower.” She turned around to kiss him.

“I told you it would be, and I happen to like saying good morning to you.” He smirked and went around her to pour himself some coffee. He pinched her bottom on his way to the table, making Liz jump and squeal with a huge smile on her face. She couldn’t help wishing that every morning could be like this.

Diane watched Max and Liz’s exchange with a small smile. They were an adorable couple, and Diane was glad to finally see Max with a smile on his face in the midst of all this chaos in his life. They sat down next to each other and the four friends easily got carried away in conversation over breakfast.

“I’m going out, Max,” Diane called to her son after breakfast was over.

“Where to?” He looked up from his conversation at the table.

“Flea market,” she said with a smile.

“Bring me back something nice, Ms. Evans,” Michael called.

“Of course, Michael,” she winked and left the house, leaving the teenagers to themselves for the day.

“So, what do you guys wanna do?” Michael asked, looking around.

Maria looked out into the backyard with a wistful expression. “Let’s go swimming,” she suggested.

“Maria,” Liz shook her head in the negative, “I didn’t bring a bathing suit.”

“So what, neither did I,” she winked at them and sauntered out into the back. Michael didn’t need to be asked twice. His chair squeaked loudly as he followed her.

Max looked at Liz. “You don’t have to, ya know.”

A smile spread over her face and she said, “I hope you’re wearing boxers.” She took his hand and led him out back where Michael and Maria were stripping.

Maria wore nothing but a purple thong and bra set when she dived right into the water. She came up for air and screamed, “It’s freezing in here, Max!”

“I never bothered with a heater,” he told her as he took his jeans off. “It’ll warm up.” Michael jumped in right then, immediately backing Maria up into a corner of the pool.

Liz’s underwear was a black number, much more modest than Maria’s. Max took one look at her gorgeous body and felt his lower anatomy stir to life. He knew he had to get in that water fast, hoping Maria was right about how cold it was. He jumped in without a word and waited with bated breath for Liz to come in too. She dived in gracefully, coming up out of the water right in front of him. She started shivering immediately and Max stroked his hands up and down her arms which were quickly forming goosebumps. “You okay?” he smiled.

“Little chilly,” she stammered.

“Let me help with that,” he said huskily, his eyes darkening as he swallowed loudly. He leaned over and took her lips without reservation. This kiss grew intense rather quickly. Max picked her up under her thighs, wrapping them around his waist.

His hardness was right against her center and she shivered again. “Still cold?” he asked when he pulled back.

“Not at all,” she whispered and kissed him again. She began to rock experimentally against him and listened to him groan. He moved to her throat, nipping and lightly biting, pushing himself into her over and over again. The small sounds rising from her throat had him so turned on.

Liz finally felt the wall against her back, suddenly brought out of her sexual haze. She looked over Max’s shoulder to check on Maria and Michael, who appeared to be in the same position she and Max were in on the other side of the pool. Her eyes slipped closed when she felt Max’s lips attach to her neck, their lower bodies dancing intimately underneath the water. “Oh my God,” she moaned lightly.

Max swallowed more of her moans when he took her mouth again. “Damn, Liz,” he whispered, driving himself into her further.

“Max...” she begged for him to ease the torture.

Max knew what she needed, and he wanted to take care of her. His hand moved down between their bodies and moved her panties aside, pushing a single digit into her core. Her moan was louder this time, and all too pleasing to Max’s ears. He decided to be bolder, and added another finger.

“Holy shit,” she breathed against his cheek.

“It is okay? It doesn’t hurt, does it?” He could feel her inner walls pulsing like a heart beat.

“Hell no,” she groaned, making him smile. His fingers began to work quicker, moving in and out, his thumb brushing a sensitive part every few strokes.

The way his hand was moving between them, and the way she was still rocking into his body, was slowly driving him insane with the way it would push against his sex repeatedly. Her breathing became heavier, and he knew she was nearly there. He felt her legs tighten around his waist, her whole body became still for a single moment, before she convulsed in his arms. He held himself in check the best he could, not wanting to soil his mother’s pool.

When Liz came down from her sexual high, she realized that Max’s face was burning red with the desire to fall apart himself. She looked over at Michael and Maria again, who were still completely oblivious to the world around them, and took Max’s hand, leading him out of the pool. “Come on. I’ll take care of you.”

When they got out, Maria must have been taking a breath because she yelled, “Where are you guys going?”

“It’s all yours,” Max said as he and Liz practically ran into the house.

“Hmm...” Maria said to Michael. “What do you think they’re gonna do?”

“Probably the same things you and I are about to do,” he smirked and took her lips in a searing kiss. He dove in to taste the skin of her neck, his hands holding her waist, his fingers tickling her back.

“Michael...” she breathed. His rough hands smoothed over her everywhere he could reach. He was pressing into her and she could feel him through his shorts against her stomach.

“God, Maria, you feel so good,” he pushed into her again, closing his eyes at how good it felt against her.

Maria thought briefly that Max had been right. It was definitely warming up in that pool.


Max and Liz finally made it to his room and Liz pushed him back onto the bed, despite their wetness, coming down on top of him. They kissed sloppily and Liz’s hand wandered down his chest to the top of his boxers. “I want to touch you, Max,” she whispered with a blush on her cheeks.

The charged moment suddenly grew tender. Max took her small hand and pushed it away gently, noticing her disappointment. He changed that look on her face with a simple statement. “Me first.”

He rolled them over that she was on top. His hands went around her back and unclasped her bra with a simple flick of his wrist. Her breasts spilled over and Max threw her wet bra onto the floor where it landed with a plop. He lifted himself on his elbows, needing to taste her there.

His mouth closed over her nipple, not wanting to tease her or himself. He flipped them over again and his hand closed over her other breast, kneading it softly. He felt her suck in a breath and he moved over to the other side, lavishing the other breast with equal attention.

Liz speared her fingers through his wet hair, holding his head close to her body. It felt way too good for her to even form a single coherent thought. She didn’t think she had ever wanted him as much as she did in that moment.

His nimble fingers found the edge of her panties and he pulled back to watch his hands slowly drag the wet material down every inch of her smooth legs. He discarded them easily and flipped them over once again, moving Liz’s hands to the band in his shorts.

Liz looked at where her hands were, suddenly feeling very shy. Max waited for her patiently, letting her take her time. She dipped her fingers into the waistband, feeling the hair of his happy trail. She too a deep breath and decided to just go for it. She yanked his boxers down and blushed furiously the entire time. He smiled at how adorable she could be.

Her eyes widened at the sight of him, or the sight of anyone, for that matter, for the first time. She reached out almost unconsciously, wanting to know what he felt like. As soon as she touched it, it jumped and she pulled her hands back in fright. “Why did it do that?” she whispered in fear.

“I think it likes you,” he smiled and took her hand, knowing he would have to walk her through this. He put her hand on him, showing her the way he liked it. She caught on quickly, eventually pushing his hand out of the way and wanting to do it herself.

Once Max’s hands were on his stomach, the sensation just became unbearable. She was pulling and stroking every single part of him and it felt amazing. Since his eyes were shut tightly, he didn’t notice when her tongue replaced her fingers. But his body did. His entire back arched in pleasure, letting out a loud moan. “Holy shit!”

Liz smiled against him, feeling proud to have caused such a reaction. She bobbed her head slowly, taking in an inch at a time, trying to get used to him in her mouth. She felt the vein begin to pulse, and wondered momentarily what that was about.

Max twisted his hand into her hair, pulling her away from him so that he wouldn’t spill his seed into her mouth. He had heard it could be an unpleasant experience for some women, and didn’t want Liz to feel unpleasant in any way. He never even realized that had it been any other girl, he wouldn’t have cared less.

When his essence had been completely exhausted, he took another deep breath and kissed her full on the lips, thanking her without words for the experience. “That was amazing.”

“Are you sure? I’ve never done that before.” She was blushing again and Max wanted to let her know that she had nothing to worry about.

“Baby, you were a pro.” The words may not have been monumentally sweet, but the way he said them made her smile at how sweet he could be. He reached over the side of his bed and grabbed a towel he had dropped there after his shower this morning to clean himself off.

Liz suddenly realized that they were both very naked and pulled his blanket up to cover herself. Max smiled, getting underneath the blanket too, holding her to his chest. “I wish you were here always,” he whispered against her forehead before laying a kiss there.

“Me too,” she said dreamily.

“Then stay with me.”

Liz laughed. “Yeah, sure.”

“I’m serious,” he looked her in the face to show her just how serious he was. “Stay here with me. We can set you up in school here. You won’t miss much, it just started.”

“Max, I can’t do that.” She shook her head. “My mother would never agree to it.”

“But my mother’s here. She’d be with you,” he tried to reason.

“Max...” she shook her head still, “I can’t.”

She watched him sigh dejectedly and wished she had been able to say yes, but at this time that was just an impossible request to even ask of her mother. Since Liz’s father had died, Liz was all her mother had left. She couldn’t possibly ask such a thing. He laid his head down, and held her close, trying to soak up as much of her as possible before it was time for her to leave him again.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 4:43 pm
by Luzser1800
AN: Okay, so this one took a little longer than the previous parts. I just had a hard time sitting down writing for some reason these past few days. :oops: I am really enjoying all the feedback and I hope everyone is enjoying the story.

RhondaAnn - I'm sorry, I never meant for it to seem like Michael had just found out. Michael and Max have been together the whole time because Michael still works for Max. I was just showing that he was still feeling the pain of losing her.

And, by the way, just in case you didn't know, I will be having a DAS chat on Thursday, the 16th, at 9 PM EST. Drop by and say hello! :wink:



“So, at that time, you didn’t want to leave your mom?” Alex asked Liz.

“I couldn’t. She would never have agreed to it in the first place, but at the same time, I couldn’t leave her alone,” Liz said.

“But you did leave...”

Liz nodded. “Yeah, I did,” Liz said sorrowfully. “But that comes later.”

Alex seemed to accept that he would have to wait and he glanced at his watch again. “Looks like now is a good place to end the day. Meet you back here tomorrow morning, same time?” he asked everyone, and they all nodded before leaving the warehouse.

“Wow, I didn’t know it was going to take this long to tell the story,” Liz remarked as she walked with Max to his car.

“Yeah, in your head, doesn’t it always seem to go faster?”

“Yes,” Liz chuckled.

“Oh my God! Max Evans!” Liz looked over at some squealing fans of Max’s holding out pads and pens, and wanting to take a picture by his side. Max smiled for the pictures, being a perfect gentleman to the young women, and then sent them on their way.

“Ya know when this story breaks that right there may be over,” Liz told him seriously.

Max watched the girls scamper off wistfully, thinking that Liz was right, and that his fans might shun him when this bottom drops out. He looked into Liz’s chocolate eyes and knew that he couldn’t chuck the idea. The story was going to get told one way or another, and he was just glad it was coming from the people who lived it.

He opened the car door for her without saying a word, and then climbed in his side. “Where do you wanna eat?”

“Can we just go back to the hotel and order room service?” Liz asked. It had been a long day rehashing prior memories and opening up some old wounds. Liz was exhausted and just wanted to relax a little.

“Not a problem.” Max started the engine and turned on the radio. When he recognized the song he began to sing to Liz while he drove.

I’ve given every moment I have
Still I can never seem to keep up with you
You’re done with one mile and onto another one thousand
Still I can never seem to keep up with you

I know you’ll be better off without me when I’m gone
You know you’re, you’re beautiful
You’re beautiful

Liz blushed because it really seemed like he meant what he sang.

Shine on
You were made to
Shine on
And you know I love you

And even if we can or can’t be friends
I’ll be with you until the very end so
Shine on
You were made to

Max tried to pour his feelings into it, even as he tried to make it look like a joke at the same time. He could see the redness in her cheeks and had to smile.

It’s keeping me awake every night
But I can never seem to give up on you
I send up a prayer and I’m onto another one thousand
But I can never seem to give up on you

I know you’ll be better off without me when I’m gone
You know you’re, you’re beautiful
You’re beautiful

When Max told her she was beautiful, he meant it. He had never met anyone in his life before or since her who was quite as beautiful inside or out.

Shine on
You were made to
Shine on
And you know I love you

And even if we can or can’t be friends
I’ll be with you until the very end so
Shine on
You were made to

Nobody’s wrong, nobody’s right
Keep moving on
Shine on, yeah
You were made to shine on

Shine on
You were made to
Shine on
And you know I love you

And even if we can or can’t be friends
You’re gonna be brighter than you’ve ever been so
Shine on

You’re gonna be just fine
Ooh you’re gonna be alright, love
You’re gonna be just fine
Ooh you’re gonna be alright, love
Ryan Cabrera - Shine On

Liz smiled at how charming he could be when he wanted to. He couldn’t sing a lick, which is probably why he chose acting, but it was always sweet when he would sing along to the radio for her. That song really made her think about how he felt while he sang it to her. He always knew she would be successful in whatever she wanted to do, and even if they weren’t speaking, he was happy for her and everything she had accomplished so far.

The smile on her face just wouldn’t go away, and she didn’t want it to. She knew she should still be angry with him for what he had done with his co-star the same night she had employed Kyle to help her deal with her own pain, but it was in the past. They talked about it and now it was time to move on.

Max took her hand and held it in his over the gearshift. He just wanted to touch her. Her touch had always seemed to soothe him. He still found it amazing when she didn’t pull away. It had been so long since he had been able to touch her without her stepping back or avoiding his contact in one way or another. He knew that when she left, it was the best thing for her, and he was glad she stood up for herself finally when she did. As heartbreaking as it was for him, he was glad she left when she did, before things could have gotten any worse.


Maria and Michael went into their hotel room to talk while Max and Liz said they were just going to order some room service. They both decided talking was overrated though, and before long, were locked in a heavy make-out session on their bed, having already made sure to lock the doors.

“Michael...what if we get caught?” Maria moaned lightly as Michael’s fingers unbuttoned her pants.

“We’re not gonna get caught.” He hooked his fingers in the bottom of her top and wrestled it over her head. “I just miss being with you.”

“I miss you too, Michael,” she hissed when his lips traced the top of her bra. “But we really need to talk.” She pushed him backward and sat up with him.

He growled. “Come on, we never see each other anymore. Just because Max and Liz broke up didn’t mean we had to stop seeing each other, too.”

“Michael, in case you haven’t noticed, we didn’t stop seeing each other.”

“But they don’t know that!” Maria sighed loudly and Michael continued as he rose from the bed. “This whole time, we’ve been keeping this secret. Five years, Maria! Five years, we’ve been going behind their backs and for what?! They’re probably in that room right now, making up!” He ran a hand through his hair and Maria stood, still in her bra with her pants unbuttoned.

“They are not in there getting back together. Liz wouldn’t do that,” Maria said. “And as for you and I, yes I hate keeping it a secret too, but we both agreed a long time ago that it was for the best. Liz went through a lot of bullshit with Max and after the Movie Awards, Liz needed a friend. And as much as I hate to admit it, so did Max. They needed us then the most and if we were too busy sucking face we would have been biased. I didn’t want to lose you in the process, Michael.”

Michael smirked and Maria asked why he was smiling. “You realize we just traded places? I wanted to keep it a secret, now you want to keep it a secret?”

Maria’s lips lifted then, too. “I guess we both know what’s best for us right now.” Michael nodded. Maria shot him a quick look. “And they better not be in there getting back together. Liz is not allowed to go down that road with him again.” Maria walked into the bathroom and Michael felt a sharp pain of disappointment at her words.


“That was so good,” Liz purred as she laid out on the bed. Empty plates of lobster and crab meat laid about here and there. “I can’t remember the last time I ate so good.”

Max laid back next to her, rubbing his stomach. He was just as stuffed as she was. “Yeah,” he agreed. “Money still has its perks.”

“Yes it does,” she smiled and rolled onto her tummy, looking at him. “Today has been crazy.”

“Lots of memories between you and I,” he remarked nonchalantly.

“I wish I could just get trashed and take my mind off of everything.”

“Me too.”

Liz almost felt bad for him. If she wanted to, she could get drunk for the night, have a good time, come home and pass out. She would wake up in the morning with a headache and then get on with her life. Max couldn’t afford a night like that. He would spiral back into the darkness he had worked so hard climbing out of.

They found themselves looking into each other’s eyes. The way Max was looking at her, made Liz feel like she was 16 again. It made her feel special to be loved by such an amazing person. It made her want to jump his bones.

Max saw her eyes darken and knew he should look away. If anything were to happen between them tonight, Max wasn’t sure if she would regret it, and he wouldn’t be able to let her get away again. He quickly looked away to break eye contact. He laid his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes, clenching his jaw in resistance. She was still as sexy as she was at 17, and he could all too easily fall under her spell.

Closing his eyes proved to be of no help. He could still feel her watching him and he was suddenly transported back in time.

“What are you looking at?” He was laying back on the bed and his eyes were closed. There was a smile on his face.

“At how perfect you are,” she whispered as she stared at him in the dark. Her fingers traced the tight muscles of his abdomen, slowly relaxing his body. His smile got bigger.

“No, baby, you’re the perfect one.” He rolled over onto his side, brushing her hair out of her face with his fingers. Their naked legs entangled under the blankets were slowly rubbing against one another. “I love having you here. You make me feel like there’s nothing else in the world but you and me.”

She smiled and leaned over to kiss him, their passion overcoming them for the second time that night. She laid back when he positioned himself over her, ready to become a part of her once again.

“Max!” He was brought out of the memory when she stabbed at his chest. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I was just...”

“Remembering?” she cut him off.

“Yeah,” he nodded shamefully.

“It’s okay. I wind up going there at least three times a day anyway.”

“Why didn’t you come back to me? This thing between us is obviously far from over. Why didn’t we try to work this out before?”

His expression was pained and Liz put her hand on his face, trying to smooth away the wrinkles. “I couldn’t do that, Max,” she whispered. “A part of me wanted to. I thought about calling you or writing you a letter every single day we were apart, but I couldn’t do it.”


“Because I didn’t know if you were better. I didn’t know if I would be walking right back into the very situation I had tried to distance myself so much from. I refused to live that way with you again. And I knew that once you had hope for us, you would find me, and you would make me go against everything I knew I wanted because you know exactly how to make me fall for you.”

"You're right, I do," he said as he rolled over, looking deep into her eyes. Liz swallowed at how close he was. He hadn't been so close to her in so long. She could smell his aftershave, could see the small flecks of color in his eyes, could easily just reach out...


Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 11:49 pm
by Luzser1800
AN: Okay, I actually wasn't planning to post this for another couple of days, but I had a small run in with Lissa, and she told me that if I didn't post it, she would kill me! :o Not sure why I'm so afraid of her since she lives in another state, lol. :lol: But nonetheless, I am. :oops: So, Lissa, this is for you!


Max wanted to give her optimum time to stop him. He didn’t want to do anything she didn’t want no matter how much he wanted it. He gingerly cupped her cheek in his shaking palm. He was terrified and excited at the same time that things between them were about to change. When she made no effort to move, he leaned forward until he was less than an inch from fusing their lips together.

“Don’t...” It was uttered so softly, that had the word not tickled his lips, Max never would have known she said it.

“Why?” he asked just as soft. Short mint-flavored puffs of breath danced between them.

“Don’t do this if you don’t mean it,” she volleyed, her throat swallowing the dryness of her mouth.

His eyes darkened. “Every single kiss we’ve ever shared...” his breath hitched and he had to lick his dry lips, “has meant the entire world to me.”

Liz decreased the space between their trembling lips. When their lips finally met, it was nothing more than a soft brush against one another. The next kiss was a little more of a sampling of each other’s tastes. Their tongues met in a sweet conversation thereafter. Max tried his best to keep it innocent. He didn’t want to maul her just yet and scare her off.

Liz was the one who decided she needed more. She took hold of the hair at the back of his head, and turned her mouth against his to take a little more of him. She needed to feel closer. She needed him to make her feel the way she used to feel. It had been so long since she had been with him. She wanted the closeness again.

Max made love to her mouth just the way he could tell she wanted him to. He slowly rolled his body to a more comfortable position, half on top of her. His hands held her tiny waist, not wanting to let this get too intimate too quickly. He couldn’t be the one to ruin this beautiful moment. But before he had time to think, four little words flew out of his mouth before he could stop them. “I love you, Liz.”

You could have heard a pin drop. Liz tensed up when his declaration reached her ears. “What?” she whispered softly, fear in her eyes.

Stupid, stupid, stupid! Max berated himself in his head. Max’s mouth opened and closed, wanting to say something, but feeling like a total dumbass.

“Max, what?” Liz asked again, her hands still holding his head.

He closed his eyes, not wanting to have to look at her. “I said I love you.” The statement was already out there. Max knew he had no other choice but to say it again.

Liz sat up, pushing him off her. She pushed her hair behind her ears and awkwardly got off the bed. “Ya know what?” She began to walk away from him.

“Liz...” He tried to stop her.

“I’m gonna go...”

“Liz, please...”

“I really need a shower, Max, and...”

“Liz...” He said it a little louder this time.

“Why did you have to do that?!” Her steely glare made him want to hide under a table. “Why’d you have to say that?!” Max just lowered his head in shame. “I thought we were starting over, not moving backwards!”

“I thought that’s what we were doing,” Max tried to defend his actions.

“How can we be starting over if you love me? You can’t love someone you barely know, Max!”

“What are you talking about?” Max suddenly didn’t understand her. “We know each other better than anyone else in the world!”

Liz sat down with tears in her eyes wanting to explain herself. She realized he probably didn’t understand where she was coming from if the devastated look on his face was any indication. She took his hands in hers and forced him to look her in the eyes. “Max, starting over means that we have to wipe the slate clean.” A look of understanding came over him and she continued. “We can’t love each other right now. Loving each other means that what just happened was an old habit and we couldn’t help ourselves.” He started to shake his head and she spoke again. “I want what just happened to be new.”

“It was, baby. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean...” He tried to come up with some words to not make him look like more of an ass. But his mind came up blank. He became angry. “Ya know what? I did mean it. I’m not gonna apologize for it. I’ve never stopped loving you! Every single day of my life, every single moment, my brain is on overload with you! The director has to call ‘cut’ every scene because I’m saying your name, Liz!” He took a deep breath. His voice became softer. “I understand that you want to start over. And I can’t tell you how happy that makes me. It’s what I’ve wanted for the last five years. But our past is our past, Liz. Whether you like it or not, it will always be a part of who we are. And if you don’t want to acknowledge that it happened...” He took another deep breath. “Then, I don’t want to be a part of this new relationship.” He left the hotel room and slammed the door on his way out, leaving Liz on the bed with her silent tears falling onto the sheets.


“What the hell just happened?” Michael asked as he and Maria came barreling through Liz’s door.

“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” Maria quickly came to sit next to Liz, pushing her head into her lap.

“Where’s Max?” Michael suddenly went on alert.

“I don’t know,” Liz whispered pathetically.

“What do you mean you don’t know? Where’d he go?!”

“Michael, don’t yell at her right now! Can’t you see she’s upset?” Maria told him.

“I gotta find Max, Maria. If he’s as bad as she is there’s no telling what...” He stopped in mid-sentence.

“What?” Maria asked while she stroked Liz’s hair.

“I have a hunch.” That was all he said before he took off and raced through the building.

“What happened, Liz?” Maria asked when he was gone.

Liz sniffled. “I’m a terrible person.”

“What?” Maria chuckled slightly. “How is that possible?”

“Max and I...we...but I screwed it up.”

“The two of you...” Maria searched her friend’s eyes for confirmation and it was a no-brainer. “You guys got back together?!”

“No!” Maria let out a breath in relief, but then she heard Liz’s next words. “Because I messed it up.”

“So, you’re telling me that you guys almost got back together?”

“Yes,” she mumbled.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Liz?! Did he get you drunk?!”

“No! Maria, how could you even suggest that?!”

“Because I know that my best friend wouldn’t get back together with a guy she moved to the middle of nowhere to get away from.”

“Maria, Max isn’t like that anymore. He’s changed.”

“How do you know, Liz? You’ve been with him two days.” Maria couldn’t believe that after everything Max had put her through, that she would fall into his trap again.

“And yet he’s been with me for five years.” Maria opened her mouth but Liz cut her off. “Eight if you count the three we were together.”

Maria sighed loudly. Liz was an adult now, and whether Maria liked it or not, she was free to make her own choices. She just didn’t want Liz to experience any more pain. Liz’s words came back to her then, and she asked, “How did you mess this up, Liz?”

“We kissed and...” she looked into Maria’s green eyes. “It was amazing. It was just like I remembered it.”

“What happened next?”

“He told me he loved me.”

“Like that was ever a secret,” Maria snorted. When Liz gave her a questioning look, Maria went on to say, “Ya know, as much as I hated him for the way he treated you in the past, it was always pretty obvious that he loved you. I think that even while he was hurting you, he was still loving you in his own way.”

It meant a lot to Liz that Maria would admit that, and she showed her friend how she felt with a bear hug. “But then I told him I didn’t want to go backwards.” She explained when she saw how confused Maria was. “If we get back together, we have to move forward.” Maria nodded for her to continue. “But by telling me that he loves me, we’re right back to where we were before I left. And he got upset and said we can’t just forget what happened.”

“Liz...” Maria scrunched up her eyebrows. “Truth be doesn’t just disappear. Can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me that you stopped loving Max? Ever?” Liz had to look away and Maria nodded in satisfaction. “Hell no, you can’t. Because you haven’t stopped loving him, you even admitted it to me yesterday.”

Liz became frustrated, knowing that Maria was right, and she really never had stopped loving Max. The only difference between his feelings and hers were that he’d had the nerve to say them out loud first. “But how are we supposed to start over with all this history between us then?”

“You’re not,” Maria stated matter-of-factly. “The two of you don’t get to start over. You guys had your shot at a beginning, and it was perfect. Tell me it wasn’t.”

Liz smiled remembering that perfect kiss on that cold night when she had discovered who he really was. “It was,” she said softly.

“So, what do you need to start over for?” Maria honestly couldn’t believe that she suddenly was supporting this relationship, but Michael had been a good friend to Max over the years, and even though she hated being wrong, she could tell from her conversations with Michael that Liz was right, and that Max had, indeed, changed.

Liz smiled and kissed Maria on the cheek. “You’re right, Ria. I’m gonna go find him and apologize.” She bounced off the bed to leave the room when Maria called her back.

“Ya know, Liz...Max was right. You can’t just deny your past. It will always be a part of who you are.”

“Are we still talking about me here, Ria?” Maria tried to look confused. “I’ve seen the way you still look at him. You can’t deny your past.” Liz snickered as she threw back Maria’s very own words and when Maria smiled, Liz left to find Max.


“That better be a plain soda,” Michael quipped as he came upon Max at the bar in the hotel. Max looked really down while he nursed a tall glass of what appeared to be a coke.

“Cherry coke,” Max told him as Michael sat down on the barstool next to him.

“Let me smell it.” Max sighed and pushed the glass over. Michael took a good whiff and was satisfied that Max had not been lying. “You know I gotta keep tabs on you, man. Especially with the past coming up these last couple of days.”

“The past,” Max spit out. “Why is there always a past, Michael? Why can’t people just start over?”

“Is that what happened between you and Liz? Did you have a fight about the past?”

“No. More like the past invading our future.” Max turned to look at him. “Am I completely wrong for knowing that no matter what we do the past will always come back to haunt us?”

“Not wrong,” Michael admitted. “But I think Liz wants to move forward. Is she wrong for wanting that?”

“No, she’s right. But you can’t move forward by forgetting.” Michael nodded in understanding. He had a pretty good grasp of what had happened between them, and he was glad Max was letting it out.

“Max!” Max and Michael both swivelled around and saw Liz standing there, her breathing heavy and her cheeks flushed. Max got up immediately and walked over to her, a look of true concern on his face.

“What is it, Liz? Are you alright?”

“I’m sorry.”

“What?” He wasn’t sure he had heard her correctly.

“You were right. We can’t forget what happened.”

“But we can still move forward?” He asked while he cupped her cheeks in his hands.

She nodded with a small smile. “We can do both.”

Max couldn’t help it when he smiled brokenly and leaned in to seal their lips together.


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:43 pm
by Luzser1800

“Everyone have a good night?” Alex asked when everyone came into the warehouse the next morning.

Max and Liz sat next to each other as usual, but there was more of a glow to them this morning. Liz had woken up in Max’s arms for the first time in so long. They had looked into each other’s eyes for what had seemed like an eternity, just taking in the moment. Neither one had slept much, too excited at being back together, opting to just touch and kiss lightly the whole night.

Michael and Maria hadn’t slept much either. They had talked almost the whole night, finally deciding that they would tell Max and Liz the truth about their relationship today after their session with Alex. After they had agreed to back each other up in case Max or Liz became overly angry, they had made love, and finally falling asleep for a few hours.

“Now, where did we leave off yesterday?” Alex asked.

“Liz and I had spent the weekend with Max and Michael in Minnesota,” Maria provided for him.

“Right! So, then, I assume, the two of you went back to Roswell, right?” Maria and Liz nodded. “Anything interesting happen at that point?”

“I guess I should set this one up,” Liz suggested in a monotone voice.


September, 1998

Liz came downstairs for breakfast fully dressed before another boring day at school. Nancy was already up, eating a small breakfast of hash browns and coffee, looking at a piece of paper. “Morning, mom,” Liz yawned and stretched.

“Morning, honey.”

“What are you doing today?”

“Well, some of the girls from work thought this would be fun.” Nancy pushed the leaflet over to her daughter.

“Sky-diving?” Liz looked at her mother like she had antennae coming out of her head.

“What?” Nancy asked defensively.

“Is this like some sort of mid-life crisis thing because if I were you, I’d go for a motorcycle.”

“This is not me having a mid-life crisis, Liz. It’s supposed to be fun and exhilarating.” She snatched the pamphlet back from her daughter. “Today’s just a class anyway.”

“Jumping out of airplanes, Mom? You have truly lost it this time.” Liz took a large gulp of her coffee and kissed her mom on the cheek. “I gotta go anyway.” She began to back out of the house when she threw another comment over her shoulder. “Seriously though, think about the motorcycle. Closer to the ground.”

“Get outta here,” her mother told her playfully and went back to reading her pamphlet when Liz was gone.


“Sky-diving?” Maria asked dubiously as she drove Liz to school.

“That’s what she said.” Liz was in as much doubt as her best friend right now. “I’m not worried about it,” Liz said flippantly.

“Why not?”

“She’ll never go through with it. This is my mother we’re talking about. She gets nervous riding on a plane, there’s no way in hell she’ll jump out of one.” Maria just shrugged, figuring Liz was probably right.



“Did your mom actually go through with it?” Alex asked.

“Oh yeah,” Liz replied. “She sure did.”

Alex began to go into another subject then. “What was happening with you, Max?”


October 1998

“Ya got another shot, Max,” his agent said over the phone.


“New movie, director specifically asked for you to play the lead. This one could be it for you, Max.”

“Where do I need to be and when?”


Max was furious. He rapped on Liz’s door hard and fast. One of his fists clenched and unclenched at his side while his jaw worked. Nancy finally came to the door. “Max, what is wrong with you?!”

“Where’s Liz?” His eyes were hard and cold as he tried to look past her into the house.

“I already told you the last five times you called me. I don’t know.”

“How could you not know? Aren’t you her mother?”

“Don’t you dare take that tone with me, young man,” she said as she pointed a finger at his nose. When she saw him relent she asked calmly, “Now would you like to come in and wait for her?”

He just nodded and walked into the house. He paced the living room for a few minutes while Nancy went to the bathroom. Then, he sat on the couch and his knee bounced continuously. When Nancy came back and saw him like that she wondered what could be wrong that he would need her daughter so badly. She hadn’t liked the tone he had taken with her at the door a few minutes before. It had been so different from the charming young man she’s had over for dinner.

Liz came through the door with a smile. Max jumped up and Liz smiled bigger when she saw him. “Where the hell have you been?!”

Her smile faded. “I was out with Maria. How long have you been here?”

“I’ve been calling you for hours!”

“Well, I’m here now, what do you want?” she asked without much concern and took her jacket off.

“What do I...” He couldn’t believe her attitude. He grabbed a hold of her upper arm and spun her around to face him. “Did you not hear me, Liz?! I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for hours. Hours doesn’t work for me, Liz! You are supposed to be here waiting for me to call you at every waking moment!”

“Oh, no you did not,” she said as she turned out of his hold on her. “Who the hell are you to come in, upset my mother, and then attack me?!” Liz stood right up to him, wanting an explanation for his behavior.

Max seemed to back down immediately. He hadn’t known what had come over him and his demeanor quickly changed to express that. “I’m sorry,” he said softly while Liz’s eyes held his. “I didn’t mean that...” he shook his head. “I’m just sorry.” He looked over at Liz’s mother. “I’m sorry, ma’am.” Nancy wasn’t sure what to make of it, so she just nodded slowly, letting her daughter handle the young man.

Liz took a deep breath. “Now, what was it that you wanted?”

“I wanted you to come somewhere with me.”

“Well, that’s all you had to say, Max. There was really no need to go all stalker-boy on me.”

Max swallowed. “I’m sorry, I just...I wanted to hear your voice and talk to you and when you weren’t here for so long, I got worried.”

“I’m fine, Max,” Liz came over and cupped his cheeks, smoothing the worried wrinkles over his forehead. “I’m fine, okay?” Max nodded and gave Liz a little kiss on the lips. “Now, where are we going?”

“I have to take you shopping first. There’s a little boutique in LA that will fit you with the perfect dress. Tomorrow night we’re going to an awards ceremony in Las Vegas.”

“Vegas?” Liz got all giddy.

“You want to ask your mother first?” Nancy piped in.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Parker. Would it be alright if Liz accompanied me to Las Vegas for the evening?” He was very polite and Nancy was still reeling at how quickly his attitude had changed.

“What time will she be home? Monday is a school day after all.”

“I honestly couldn’t tell you, but I promise that she will be back sometime that evening. I have to be back in LA the morning after anyway.”

“Oh, that’s right, new movie,” Liz said. She gave him a big hug. “I’m so proud of you.”

“We’ll see how this one turns out.” He gave her a half smile.

“So, are we leaving now?”

“Yeah,” Max told her.

“Okay, let me just change real quick.” She was wearing a regular outfit of jeans and a t-shirt.

“No, babe, seriously, you’re fine. We really should get going.”

As they started to head out the door, Nancy stopped them. “Wait, are you coming back tonight?”

“Actually, I was hoping we could spend the night in LA. It just wouldn’t make sense to bring her back, it would take too much time anyway.” Nancy looked a little weary.

“Please, Mom, it’s a Saturday anyway. I’ll be back tomorrow night,” Liz pleaded.

“You don’t have to worry about her, Ms. Parker. I’ll take good care of her. Oh, and here.” Max went into his pocket and pulled out a small clear purple phone. He handed it to Liz. “She’ll keep in touch.” Liz smiled as she looked at her new cell phone.

Nancy couldn’t really say no the way Liz was looking at her, and she knew her daughter was mature enough to remain responsible. She nodded her approval and Liz squealed, throwing her arms around her mother. “Thank you so much! I love you, Mom.” She kissed her mom on the cheek and left the house on Max’s arm.

Nancy hoped she had made the right decision in letting Liz go off with him. That cell phone had been a nice touch, Max, she thought as she went back to her laundry. She’d better use it.


“So, I guess Michael isn’t coming,” Liz said as they were boarding the jet.

“Nope,” Max said. “Looks like it’s just you and me. You okay with that?” He looked concerned for her and she smiled at him.

“I’m fine with that.” He took her hand and helped her into a seat. The plane took off and finally landed smoothly in LA.

Max took Liz to this small shop where an young thirty-something Asian woman sat making a dress at her table. “Mr. Evans!” she exclaimed.

“Hello, Sue.” He gave her a simple kiss on the cheek when she stood in greeting.

“Is this the project?” she asked in perfect English while she eyed the features of Liz’s body.

“This is Liz,” he said as he introduced her.

Sue took small steps as she walked around Liz in a circle, looking at every detail. She finally nodded. “I can work with this.” She turned back to Max. “Go away,” she clipped, not entirely disrespectful. “Come back in one hour.” Max smiled and kissed Liz goodbye, whispering in her ear that he would be back soon.

The woman took her time finding a fabric to adorn Liz’s body with. She finally settled on a sparkling blue and red gown. Liz’s eyes grew wide at how beautiful it was. For the next hour, she waited patiently as Sue wrapped this fabric on this part and that part of her body. Sue picked pieces up here and there, moving things out of the way, pinning things up, completely indulged in her work while Liz waited.

An hour later, Max came waltzing back in with a small entourage. He had Michael there with him, and another big man with sunglasses on. Liz had just come out of the dressing room in her jeans and t-shirt. “We ready, Sue?”

“Yes, Mr. Evans.” She took what she had of the dress and sat down at her table, completely forgetting the masterpiece she had been working on before Max and Liz had shown up. “I will have it ready for you tomorrow morning.”

Max smiled that million dollar smile. “Great! Come on, baby girl.” He thrust out his hand for her to take. “We still have to make a trip to the mall.”

“The mall?!” she squealed in excitement.

“You’re such a teenage girl.” He shook his head.

“You love me anyway.”

“You’re damn right, I do.” He kissed her, but before he could get caught up in it, a throat cleared behind him. “Oh, before I forget,” Max turned to the big man Liz didn’t know. “This is Harley.” The big man sort of grunted a small smile at Liz. When he saw confusion coming from Liz, he explained. “We’re going to the mall, so...I need a little added protection,” he said wryly, hating the fact that as a man, he still needed a bodyguard. He knew he needed it though. The last time he had tried to go to the mall alone, he had barely made it out alive.

They all made it to the mall unscathed around five thirty in the evening and they were currently in a jewelry shop. Max was looking at necklaces, asking the man behind the counter to see this and that. He kept asking Harley and Michael for opinions. Liz had escaped to Victoria’s Secret on the other side of the mall.

When Liz came out of the store, she saw three young girls about her age, hanging over the balcony, watching Max on the other side of the mall. They were whispering about him and laughing. Liz could tell they were adoring fans who desperately wanted to approach him, but Harley was a little intimidating. A feline smile curled Liz’s lips and she walked over to them, poking her head into their group. “Max Evans.”

“Oh my god, yes!” One of the girls turned to her with stars in her eyes.

“He is soooo hot,” another girl said to her.

Liz reached into her pocket and grabbed one of the bills Max had given her when she had told him she was going to another store. “I’ll bet you a hundred dollars one of you don’t go over there and give him a french kiss.”

One of the girls turned to her, shocked, eyeing the money. “I’ll totally do it,” she said. Liz smiled and watched the girl walk over to Max.

“I like this one,” Max said to Michael when he held up a beautiful diamond necklace. “It looks good with this watch.” There was a gold watch with diamonds and jewels speckled around it on the counter top also. “I...” he was cut off when he heard Harley behind him.

“No, look, Mr. Evans is not to be disturbed right now.”

Max turned around and saw the girl for the first time. “No, Harley, it’s okay.” He looked at the girl when Harley stepped out from in front of him. “Hi,” he smiled for her. “Did you want an autograph or something?” He was totally blown away when the girl said nothing. She just leaped on top of him and kissed him full on the lips. Her tongue wretched its way into his mouth, which wasn’t hard since his mouth had fallen open anyway when she had done that. She left his lips as quickly as she had attacked him and then ran away.

Liz was dying over the expression on his face. She hadn’t really thought the girl would have gone through with it. Liz laughed with all the other girls when the girl who had kissed him made her way to them. She looked back at Max and saw that he still hadn’t noticed her. “Money, please,” the girl said with her hand out.

“No, wait,” Liz told her. “You gotta give me a chance to win my money back.” The girl seemed intrigued. “What do you want me to do?” Liz looked back over and noticed that Max had managed to go back to what he was doing and still hadn’t noticed her on the other side.

“Alright, a hundred bucks says...” the girl seemed to think long and hard before smiling devilishly. “I’ve always wondered something.”

“What?” Liz asked nervously.

“Boxers or briefs?”

“Huh?” Liz wasn’t quite sure what the bet was yet.

“Get me his underwear.” The two girls with her were completely aghast.

Liz bit the side of her lip, wondering if she could really pull this off. She looked over at Max, who had his back turned and still hadn’t noticed her conversing with the girls. “You’re on,” Liz said as she handed her the money. “But don’t disappear with that money,” Liz warned.

“This is worth way more than a hundred bucks anyway,” the girl laughed.

Liz nodded and took a deep breath. She walked over to Max and when Harley saw her he immediately stepped over. She walked straight up to the bodyguard though and said quietly. “Just pretend you don’t know me.” The bodyguard looked at her strangely and Michael turned to her. She repeated the same thing to him. Michael looked over and saw the girls watching them closely.

“Liz, what did you do?” Michael asked softly and Max was still clueless.

Across the mall, the girls were watching Liz and they thought she was trying to talk her way through Max’s security.

Liz tapped Max on the shoulder and he turned around and smiled at her.

“Hey, baby. Let me show you...”

“Come somewhere with me,” she cut him off, placing a hand on his chest. She smiled seductively, turning her head slightly so the girls would think she was tempting him with seduction.

“Right now?” He turned back to the counter.

“Just for a second.” She smiled again and took his hand, walking him past the group of girls who were completely in shock that she had managed to drag him anywhere. She smiled triumphantly at them, but Max was not even paying attention. He let Liz lead him into Victoria’s Secret and the girls followed like vultures.

The girls watched Liz covertly get Max into a dressing room. They looked at each other in awe. “Can you believe this?” one of them asked the others.

“What do you expect, he’s still a guy,” the girl with the money growled as she realized Liz would win the bet.

In the dressing room, Max was attacking Liz’s throat, and she was moaning loud enough to be heard. “Max...”

His head dipped to her collarbone. “This is so crazy,” he whispered.

Liz kissed him, thrusting her tongue into his mouth and she went right for the button on his pants.

“Whoa, baby...” Max moaned. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Just be quiet,” she whispered.

Max looked down at her and then banged the back of his head on the wall of the dressing room. If she wanted to do this there was no way he planned to stop her. He took heavy breaths and waited as she pulled his pants down to his ankles. She made quick work of getting his shoes off.

“Liz, you don’t have to take my pants all the way off.” He had no idea what she was doing now.

She stood and looked him in the eye. “Did I say be quiet?” He just nodded, completely under her spell. He allowed her to take his boxers completely off, waiting to be inside her warm mouth. He felt her tongue poke out to taste his erection briefly and he moaned loudly at the sensation, but then she was gone.

Liz hated teasing him so badly, but that last part had just been fun. Her mission right now was simply to get his boxers off his body.

He looked back down in bewilderment and saw her pulling his pants back on his body. “What the hell...”

She just ignored him and rebuttoned his jeans. His black silk boxers were still in her hands.

“Liz, what are you...”

“Just follow my lead,” was all she said as she took his hand and led him out of the dressing room after seeing that the coast was clear. He did as she asked.

Liz came out into the main area of the store and saw the girls waiting with their faces completely in shock when they saw the underwear in her hand. Max had his arm draped around her shoulders, still a little confused as to what exactly had just happened.

Liz flung the boxers at the girl with her money. “Boxers,” she said matter-of-factly.

Michael had come over by now and he was laughing his ass off. “She got you, Maxwell!” He was still laughing when a look of realization fell over Max’s features.

The girl with Liz’s money was chagrined to find she had been duped. She smiled good-naturedly and went to hand the money and the boxers back to Liz. “Keep ‘em,” Liz smiled at her. “You didn’t know who you were dealing with.”

Max and Liz walked back to the jewelry store to pick up the necklace and the watch Max had picked out before leaving the mall for Max’s apartment.

Michael turned to Liz and stuck his hand out for a high five. She complied with a smile. “That was awesome, Liz!” Michael was still laughing.

Max leaned over to whisper in her ear, “You’re gonna pay for that.”

“I hope so,” she whispered back with a smile.


Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2006 12:52 pm
by Luzser1800
AN: Okay, I'm back! The song in this chapter is Cupid by 112. I'm not sure how happy I am with this chapter, but Lissalou stamped her approval so here ya go.



“Am I the only one who noticed how wrong that was?” Everyone in the room was snickering, and even Max had a small smile on his face. “Liz?!” Alex asked incredulously.

“What?” Liz laughed. “What’s the point of having a celebrity boyfriend, if you can’t exploit him a little bit?”

“I still think it was funny as hell,” Michael laughed.

Alex just shook his head with a laugh and asked, “Okay, what was up with that bullshit when you went to see Liz, Max?”

“Yeah, did you notice how he swung things around on me to make me think he was only acting that way because he had been worried about me?” Liz rolled her eyes.

“I did notice that, actually,” Alex mentioned.

“I needed some work, it’s true,” Max said. “But I’m different now, Liz...better.” He looked into her eyes, trying to tell her silently that he was a better person, and she smiled softly, knowing he was right. He seemed to relax as soon as she smiled.

“So, then what happened?” Alex asked, getting back to business.


October 1998

“You comfortable?” Max asked while he and Liz were sitting on his sofa, about to watch a movie. Liz was sprawled out over his lap, her feet dangling off the side of the couch.

“Oh yeah,” she purred as she arched her back further into his lap. He stroked her hair back from her forehead. She leaned up and kissed him just as the opening credits were coming on. His hands quickly found their way underneath her shirt to her stomach.

When Liz’s position got a little uncomfortable, she rolled over, pinning him beneath her on the couch. She wanted this so much, and her grinding pelvis made him well aware of it. “Baby, we really don’t have to...”

Liz huffed angrily and got up into a sitting position. “God, Max, don’t try to tell me you’re nervous or something.”

Max was confused. “What are you talking about?”

“I know you sleep with everyone else, but for some reason you won’t sleep with me!” Her voice was cold and she refused to look at him.

“Liz, that’s not even what this is about. Where did this even come from?” He tried to keep a cool head. He didn’t understand why she was bringing this up. “It’s not that I don’t want you...”

“Yeah, sure!”

“Liz, listen to me!” He took her face in his hands and made sure she was looking into his eyes. “I love you. And I want you. But I want you to be ready for this. You’re too special to me. Making love will be a big step in our relationship and I don’t want there to be any regrets. Because once it happens, there’s no going back. Once it happens, we’ll be tied to each other forever.”

“Sleeping with someone doesn’t tie them to you, Max. You should know that.”

He ignored her harsh comment. “It would for us. For me, anyway.”

She nearly melted at his sweet words. “But I feel like I’m already tied to you, Max. I don’t want to be with anyone else.”

“And neither do I,” he assured her. “But I just want you to be sure.”

“And if I told you I was?” she argued softly.

“I’d look into your eyes and know the truth.” He kissed her again, letting his love for her take control. His hands gripped the edge of her shirt, pulling it off to reveal her red bra. When he took her breasts into his hands, he said huskily, “There are other things we can do.” He grabbed his universal remote off the end table, turned off the television, and turned on the radio with a few button pushes before depositing the remote back to where it was. He bent his head to taste her collarbone.

Girl if I told you
I love you
That doesn't mean
That I don't care, ooh
And when I tell you
I need you
Don't you think that
I'll never be there, ooh

Liz pulled at his shirt, trying to get it off him. He helped her when he pulled back for a split second. She ran her tongue down the side of his ribs, tasting his salty skin. She nuzzled her nose into his chest, loving the scent of him. Liz knew he was telling her the truth. That he wanted it to be special for her. It just got so frustrating sometimes when he did such incredible things to her body.

Baby I'm so tired
Of the way you
Turn my words into
Deception and lies
Don't misunderstand me
When I try to
Speak my mind
I'm only saying
What's in my heart

Max pulled her head up for another kiss, then followed her lead, moving down to the skin of her bare midriff. He wished he could show her just how badly he wanted her every single moment, but he didn’t want to make love to her just yet. And he knew that if they were to take that step now, it would be the same as all the other girls he was with. Empty sex full of crazy groping and cumming way too quickly. When he made love to Liz the first time, he would use every second to show her just how much he cherished her. He would spend the entire night slowly driving her insane. And it would be perfect. Those were the last thoughts to run through his head as his nimble fingers pulled down the zipper on her jeans.

Cupid doesn't lie
But you won't know
Unless you give it a try
Oh baby
True love won't lie
But we won't know
Unless we give it a try
give it a try

Liz breathed hard as she anticipated every move he made. He gently took her pants off her, running his strong hands up and down her calves. He came back to her face for another kiss, his tongue making love to her mouth.

Girl when I ask
You to trust me
That doesn't mean that
I'm gonna cheat on you
'Cause I'm gonna never
Do anything to hurt you
Or mislead you
I love you

Liz accepted everything he had to give her. She knew he was trying to show her without words what she meant to him. It was obvious in the way he touched her. It was even more obvious in the way he kissed her. In moments like these, she knew she was making the right choice being with him.

Baby I'm so tired
Of the way you
Turn my words into
Deception and lies
Don't misunderstand me
When I try to
Speak my mind
I'm only saying
What's in my heart

Max allowed Liz to roll them over, her fingers itching to get his jeans open. When her hand closed around him he felt his eyes roll into the back of his head, glad she was fulfilling the promise she had given him at the mall earlier.

Cupid doesn't lie
But you won't know
Unless you give it a try
Oh baby
True love won't lie
But we won't know
Unless we give it a try
give it a try

When Max finally fell asleep in Liz’s arms, he couldn’t help thinking again how he wanted her with him at all times. When she was with him for some reason, it seemed like his life was not spiraling out of control. It seemed like he had no other problems in the world. He needed her to keep him sane. He just wished there was a way.

Girl when I ask
You to trust me
That doesn't mean that
I'm gonna cheat on you
'Cause I'm gonna never
Do anything to hurt you
Or mislead you
I love you

As Liz was falling asleep, the same thoughts were rolling through her head. She really wished there was a way to be with Max all the time. When she was with him, it was hard to believe a word the tabloids were spreading. A part of her wanted to be with him just to prove to herself he was really the man she loved. Another part of her just wanted to keep an eye on him. No matter, she thought. I’ll be eighteen soon anyway.

Ain't no doubt about it
Lord no, I really mean it
I rather die before
Before I lie to you
Never wanna leave ya
Ain't no life without you
Never gonna leave
Never gonna go, no
No, no, no, no
No, no, no, oh


Max and Liz woke up to incessant pounding on the door. Max shook his muddled head to get it clear, and finally looked around him. He was wearing only his jeans, which were unbuttoned. Liz was spread out underneath him on the couch, in only her bra and panties. He squinted his eyes when he noticed the sun shining through the window into his apartment. They must have fallen asleep on the couch after some heavy petting.

He took the blanket off the back of his couch and laid it over Liz’s body, covering her up, before going to the door. He buttoned his jeans and then opened his door to a scowling Michael. “I’ve been knocking for five minutes,” he growled and Max simply shrugged as Michael walked past him through the door. “Have a good time last night?” he asked when he spotted Liz on the couch.

“Yeah, we had a great time,” Max smiled sleepily.

“Look I just wanted to drop by and ask if it was cool if I took the day off. I’m gonna go hang out in Roswell while you and Liz are in Vegas.”

Max sighed. “Yeah, that’s fine.”

Michael pulled a small notepad out of his back pocket. He looked inside it and then flipped it shut, putting it back into his pocket. “You don’t have anything going on anyway except for this awards thing. I’ll be back tomorrow morning and I’ll go with you to set.”

“Cool,” Max said and watched Michael leave. He walked over to the couch, pushed the blanket down a bit from Liz’s sleeping body, and tenderly kissed her shoulder. It stirred her awake and she smiled serenely up at him. “Morning, gorgeous.”

“Morning,” she said as she stretched languidly.

“How bout a shower?” Her eyes widened.

“I don’t know.” She pulled the blanket up more securely around her.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I just...” She bit her lip in nervousness.

“Liz, there’s no need to be embarrassed. You’re beautiful.”

She shook her head. “No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are,” he assured her.

“Max, no matter how many times you say it, it won’t be true.”

Max blew an angry breath out of his nose. “Liz, when I tell you how beautiful you are, I’m not lying to you! Why would I have to lie? I know what beautiful looks like and you’re it! When someone hands you a compliment, you’re supposed to be a lady and say ‘thank you!’” Liz shrank back from his anger, remaining quiet. “Say ‘thank you!’

“Thank you,” she replied quickly and meekly.

Max let out a small breath, his body calming. “That’s better. Now, let’s go take a shower.” He didn’t wait for her response, instead he left the living room to get his things ready for the day. Liz didn’t know what to do. He had really scared her. How was it possible to scare someone with a compliment? She wondered. It made her a little uneasy, and she suddenly felt like she couldn’t disobey him, so she followed him to his bedroom, where he had already laid out an outfit for her to wear on the way to pick up her dress. When he turned from the closet and looked at her, instead of anger, he just gave her a half-smile, which she did her best to return.


Max Evans and Liz Parker walked into the venue casually only to be stopped by bright flashes. Max stopped immediately and put an arm around Liz, smiling for the photographers. He squeezed her side and Liz knew the drill. She smiled brightly, holding onto Max as if he were the only one in her world.

As the cameras continued to flash, Max leaned down to whisper into her ear, “You okay?” He had felt her stiffen before at the sudden attention. She nodded with a smile and he tenderly kissed the top of her head, which the paparazzi made sure to get pictures of.

“Max, Liz, there are rumors that you are engaged, is that true?” One of the reporters held out a microphone for Liz, who was truly stunned at the question.

Max laughed heartily and said into the microphone, “We’re sixteen years old.”

“Max, Max!” Another reporter tried to get his attention. “What’s the new movie called?”

“It’s called Your Heart’s Desire. We’re really excited about it,” Max explained.

“What happened with Heidi?” another reporter asked quickly.

Max seemed to tense a tiny bit, but recovered quickly. He shook his head with a smile. “Hey, when the chemistry isn’t there, it isn’t there.”

“Liz, do you plan on going into acting?”

Liz looked back at Max for support and he gave her a look as if to tell her that question was all hers. She couldn’t believe she was actually answering questions for the press. “No, the thought actually hadn’t occurred to me,” she laughed shyly.

“Mr. Evans!” A man called from the door.

Max nodded at him and turned back to the reporters. “Time to go.” He smiled that famous smile for them and turned Liz around so they could enter the ceremony while reporters moved on to the next star to cross their paths.

“You did a good job, baby girl,” Max said as they were seated.

“They made me really nervous,” she admitted as he pulled her chair out for her.

“You handled it very well,” Max told her with a wink before turning to look at the stage. He picked up the red wine that had been set out for him and greedily drank the contents of the cup. He quickly signaled for a waiter to bring him a refill.

Max hadn’t actually been nominated for anything at this ceremony, but his PR rep had suggested he attend anyway. It wasn’t the Oscars or even the Golden Globes. It was just a small awards ceremony for actors and musicians alike. Liz looked around awkwardly, seeing so many famous faces. She couldn’t help thinking back to that morning, when she had showered with Max.

It wasn’t exactly one of the hottest moments in her life. She had felt belittled by Max, even as he had told her she was beautiful. She had gotten into the shower with him simply because she had been afraid not to. Max had seemed to sense her apprehension and did his best to calm her worries. He apologized repeatedly as he had insisted that he wash her hair for her. He had whispered declarations of love into her ear the entire time, pleading with her not to leave him.

Even Max wasn’t sure what had come over him when he had been so rash with her. He really hadn’t meant it the way it had come out. He just wanted her to know how beautiful she was to him, and when she had denounced his comment, it had angered him. The harsh response had come before he had a chance to stop it. And now, he couldn’t take them back. He had spent the entire shower trying to tell her how sorry he was for making her uneasy. He knew he would die if she left him, and so he had begged her not to leave. She seemed to relent when he had been drying her off gently with a plush white towel.

He put his hand on the table to take her hand and when she looked back at him he smiled for her. He leant over the table to ask, “Can you believe they thought we were engaged?” The pair laughed together.


Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:47 am
by Luzser1800


“Okay, this is starting to worry me,” Alex said. “What was happening with you, Max?”

“There’s still a lot more of the story you don’t know,” Liz admitted. “We’re getting there, trust me.” She squeezed Max’s hand under the table to let him know she was still with him, which he was more than grateful for.


November 1998

“Mom, I can’t believe we’re about to do this,” Liz said as she held Maria’s hand tightly.

“I’m already freaking out and we haven’t even gotten out of the car yet,” Maria screeched from the back seat where her and Liz were holding each other tightly.

“Girls, you promised you would do this with me,” Nancy said. She had to admit that even she was a little nervous, but the girls and her had taken some classes and now they were ready for their first jump. Liz had promised that she and Maria would be there with her.

“That was before I realized we would actually be jumping out of a plane!” Maria was a nervous wreck.

“People do this all the time,” Nancy said. “Everything will be fine.”

“Unless we die,” Maria squealed with emotion.

“Shut up!” Liz yelled at her. “Don’t jinx it, Ria, we’ll be fine. Right, Mom?”

Nancy turned and looked at her little girl. She gave her a big smile. “Of course, honey. Let’s just get it done.”

The girls all got out of the car and walked over to the group they would be doing their first jump with. The instructors, Matt, Bryan, and A.J. stepped out to greet them warmly. “Good morning, girls,” they all seemed to say unison.

“Good morning, Matt,” Nancy giggled as if she were 16 years old. Matt was a six foot one, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, Greek God. And his identical twin brothers stood next to him.

“Morning, A.J.,” Maria smiled shyly, suddenly forgetting any of her worries. Liz rolled her eyes at her best friend.

“Good morning Bryan,” Liz simply said. Liz was not exactly immune to their charms either, but she was so less obvious than Maria and her mother.

“Ready for your first jump?” Maria’s fear ran back into her body at that moment. A.J. caught her expression change, though. “Don’t worry, Maria. Everything will be fine. And I’ll be right there with you to hold on to.” He shot her his killer smile for effect.

“Kay,” Maria smiled goofily with stars in her eyes.

“Well let’s get over there and suit up,” Matt said as he walked away.

“Are you forgetting Michael?” Liz teased.

“What’s wrong with looking?” Maria asked. “And anyway, if I’m going to be jumping out of an airplane, I’m just glad it will be attached to such a hottie.”

Liz shook her head and walked with Maria to get suited up for the jump.


“Oh my God, I can’t do this!” Maria was seriously freaking out now that they were in the air and Matt had said it was time to go. “I can’t do this, Liz! I just can’t!”

“Maria, you promised my mom,” Liz was trying to stay calm. She was scared too, but Maria really didn’t need to make it any worse. Liz could see other people in the cabin getting scared right along with Maria.

“That’s right, Maria,” Nancy said with a pointed glance. “You can’t chicken out now.”

“But what if something goes wrong?! What if my chute doesn’t open?!”

“That’s why you have a spare,” Liz told her calmly.

“What if that one doesn’t work?!”

“Maria, relax!” Liz yelled at her.

“Maria, come on,” A.J. came over with his soothing voice and gorgeous smile. “We’ll all go together, alright?”

Maria stopped her frantic motions almost immediately and smiled for the hot instructor. “I’m so ready.”

“Okay, come on girls.” Matt opened his arms and allowed Nancy to take a hold of his jacket. His brothers did the same for Liz and Maria. Maria snuggled a little too close, but if that was what it would take to get her out of that plane, Liz was okay with it. “On the count of three,” Matt told them and they nodded. “One...”

Liz decided Maria had a point and held onto Bryan a little tighter.


Liz, Maria, and Nancy all closed their eyes in dreadful anticipation.

“Three!” The instructors held onto their girls the best they could manage and flung themselves and the girls out the door and into the air one by one.

Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Their screams pierced the clouds as they plummeted down to the earth, still holding tightly to one another. If asked though, they would all be in agreement that Maria’s voice was way louder.

“Let’s hold hands and stretch our legs out!” Matt said and they all did as he instructed. The screaming was over now as they felt the wind bruise their faces with how intense it was as they fell from the sky.

“Whoo hoo!!!” Nancy yelled.

“Isn’t this fun, Liz?!” Bryan smiled at how big Liz was smiling.

Liz couldn’t stop the smile on her face. It really was exhilarating. “This is cool! Maria!”

She looked over at Maria whose face was a dead calm of shock as the blonde girl watched the ground get closer.

Matt pulled his chute first, and his brothers followed suit right after. Since Maria and Liz were attached to their instructors, they were really just there for the ride. Nancy, on the other hand, who had been taking the classes longer was going to pull her own chute, and she did it flawlessly.



“Wow! I can’t believe you guys actually did it,” Alex said in fascination.

“I can’t believe it either,” Liz smiled. “But we all landed safely and it was definitely an experience.”

“That was most terrifying experience of my life,” Maria said. “I’ve never been so scared in my life.”

“So, did this become a fun thing for you guys?” Alex asked. “Did you wind up doing this every weekend or something?”

“Are you kidding me?!” Maria screeched. “I did it once, but I’ll never do it again.” Michael laughed at how cute she was.

“I never did it again either,” Liz said. “But my mom...she fell in love with it that day.”


December 1998

Max spun his black Porsche around the corner to West Roswell High. School would be letting out in a couple days for Winter Break and Max was hoping to spend some time with Liz this year. He had just wrapped the movie with no problems. His love interest in the film was played by Sarah Michelle Gellar and he’d had a great time on set with her. She had been totally professional and they had been told their chemistry was hot. He was really hoping this would be the big one for him. He actually had to be back in LA just the next day so that he could do some photo shoots with her. He was hoping he could convince Nancy to let Liz come with him. Then they would fly to New York that weekend for Z100's Jingle Ball where he would be able to show Liz off some more.

“Hey, Lover Boy.” Max saw Maria approach his car and he smiled at her, but then realized she had been talking to Michael, who was in the front seat. She leaned in the car to kiss him.

“Where’s Liz?”

“Nice to see you too, Max,” she huffed.

He smiled wider. “Hi, Maria. Where’s Liz?”

“She’s coming, just give her a few minutes.” Max continued to scan the area for her while Michael and Maria canoodled through the car window. Max finally spotted Liz at the same moment she spotted him.

A large smile spread over her face as she took off running for the car. Max got out of the car himself and met her halfway. Michael and Maria watched as Max wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed her breathlessly.

The kiss seemed to go on for hours, but eventually, oxygen tore them apart. “God, I’ve missed you,” he whispered at her lips.

“I’ve missed you so much.” She kissed him again, not wanting to let him go. Maria stood at the side of the car while Michael remained in the front seat.

Max didn’t even look away from Liz as he said, “Michael, back seat.”

Michael gave him a look that said ‘Whatever,’ when Max pinned him with a steely glare. “Max, that back seat is too tiny for me, I might as well walk.”

“Then get the fuck out,” Max growled.

Liz attempted to do a little damage control. “No, Max, it’s okay, I can sit in the back.”

Max looked into her eyes, the anger still on his face. “No you won’t. My girl does not sit in the back seat. My girl sits in the front with me, by my side.” Liz almost smiled at how sweet he could be, even when he was angry. He turned back to his personal assistant. “Two choices, Michael. Either get in the back, or take a fucking walk!” Michael blew out an angry breath through his nose, but knew he would do whatever Max said. He didn’t want to lose his job. He got out of the car, knowing he would never be able to squeeze into that tiny back seat, and stood next to Maria.

Max’s demeanor immediately changed and relaxed. He went around to the passenger side, holding the door open until Liz got in, before climbing in himself, and leaving the school. Liz didn’t ask where he was going. She didn’t care. Just as long as she was with him.

Once the car was gone, Maria turned to Michael. “Liz Parker just cut school.”

“Yup,” he grumbled.

“And you are Max Evans’ bitch!” she decided to add.

“Listen, sweetheart, I couldn’t exactly defy my boss. I need this job.” He was still pissed off that he had gotten thrown out of the car, but he really wasn’t in the mood to fight with Maria. Max had managed to shoot his pride down in front of his own girlfriend, and he had to admit that it stung. “Hey?” Maria gave him a look that told him to go on. “You wanna give me a lift to Liz’s house?”

“I suppose I could manage that,” she smiled and walked with him to her car. She could tell he didn’t feel like arguing and she wasn’t going to push his buttons right now.


When Max and Liz got back to her house, her mother was no longer there. She must have gone shopping or something. The couple had barreled up the stairs, giggling, when they landed on the bed. Max covered her lips, his hands running up and down her sides. Liz’s fingers found his hair, holding him close.

“I’ve never been up here,” Max admitted as his teeth grazed her skin. “I had no idea how obsessed you were,” he teased her about the posters of him all over the walls.

“Oh, I think you might have a small idea of just how obsessed I am,” she smiled as she held him close, kissing him again. “I love you so much.”

“Me too.” He went back to kissing her.

“So, I’m your girl, huh?” she smiled.

“I’m hoping so.”

“So, we’re official?”

He nodded slowly. “Yeah...we’re official.” She squealed and kissed him again.

“I haven’t heard from you in a few weeks,” she said as he tickled her neck with his tongue.

“Just been really busy with the movie. All done now, though.”

“You’re right, it doesn’t matter anyway. You’re here now...kissing me,” she whispered.

“Well, I would be kissing you if you would stop bringing up all these questions.” It wasn’t threatening, and it made Liz smile to know that he would rather be kissing than talking, anyway. She smiled and went back to his mouth, letting him control the kisses.


“What the hell are they doing up there?” Maria asked.

“I’ll give ya one guess, Blondie.” Michael rolled his eyes. They had just gotten to Liz’s house. The door was left unlocked and Liz’s mother wasn’t home, so they figured they’d wait here until someone came their way.

“Oh, they’d better not be! Liz is a virgin, thank you!”

“Hey, I didn’t say they were fully undressed, did I?”

“And I told you not to call me, Blondie.”

Michael smirked and got closer. “I’m sorry. I just love this hair of yours,” he said as he ran his fingers through it.

“Maria?” They turned around and saw Liz’s mom standing in the doorway with a bag of groceries. “What are you doing here? Is something wrong with Liz?”

Maria shook her head, “No, Nan, she’s just um...”

“She’s upstairs with Max, isn’t she?” When Nancy saw Maria bite her lip and Michael shift his eyes to the ceiling, Nancy put her bag down and marched up the stairs. Nancy threw open the door, hoping beyond hope that they were both fully clothed. When she caught sight of them, they were bouncing off of each other and Liz’s face was flushed.

“Mom!” Liz tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, trying to compose herself.

Nancy was still angry, though. “Liz, what are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in school.”

“I know, Mom, but Max is only here for a few hours and I wanted to spend some time with him.”

“Max, I’d like to talk to you right now!” Nancy demanded and Max scurried off the bed, to follow her into the hallway with Liz looking on.

Before Max had a chance to open his mouth, Nancy was chewing him out. “Max, Liz is supposed to be in school! I won’t have her skipping classes and doing whatever the hell she pleases just because you’re in town. Now, you get your ass downstairs and drive my daughter back to school this instant!”

Max stood there in shock. No one had spoken to him in such a manner in years. Not even his own mother spoke to him like that. While the tone of her voice had brought back unbearable memories, Max walked back into Liz’s room and picked up her book bag, which was by the door where she had dropped it.

“Max, what did she say?”

“Let’s go.”

Liz could tell that Max was unsettled, and she bit her lip, not liking the tone of his voice. She followed him down the stairs where Maria and Michael were sitting on the couch. Max breezed past them to the door, opening it and standing there, waiting for Liz.

“Liz, what happened?” Maria could see that something was bothering Liz and she had heard Nancy yelling at Max. It didn’t take a genius either to see that Max was disturbed.

“I don’t know, Maria, my mom...” Liz didn’t get to finish her sentence.

“Liz! Now!” Liz jumped slightly, looked over at Max and walked out the door without another word. Maria didn’t like the way he was talking to her best friend, and when Michael noticed that she was ready to open her mouth, he clapped his hand over her lips, knowing better than to get Max anymore rattled.

Liz walked to the Porsche, and grabbed the door handle when she heard Max yell, “Don’t!” Liz reared back as if the door handle were on fire, and when Max got to her, he softened his tone. “I got it.” He opened the door and watched as she got in, throwing her bag into the back seat. He promised Michael that he’d be back soon, after he dropped Liz off at school.

Max didn’t drive back to the school, though. He flew past the school, and pulled over in the desert. He stared at the steering wheel for a long time, not saying anything. Liz was unnerved by the silence after about ten minutes, and gently put her hand on his shoulder.

He looked over at her, as if suddenly seeing her for the first time. He leaned over and kissed her gently, wanting to feel her touch calm his nerves. Liz noticed his lips were trembling, and so she kissed him back, wanting to be close to him and to take away his pain. His hands gently flanked her face, his tongue touching hers. And that’s when Liz noticed his whole body trembling. It wasn’t desire either. When he pulled back to look into her eyes, she blatantly noticed pure fear. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” she said quickly. “Are you alright?” She wasn’t sure what he had to be afraid of. Even she didn’t think her mom was that scary.

He smiled at her. “I am now. Now that you’re here with me.”

“I’ll always be here, Max.” She leaned in and he hugged her to him. His body still shook slightly and Liz found herself, once again, wondering what could be wrong with him.


Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 3:29 pm
by Luzser1800
AN: Okay! I have FINALLY managed to get this next part ready for posting. It's short, but it's better than nothing, right?? :wink: So, once again, I am overwhelmed with the response and I really appreciate all the feedback. I hope everyone enjoys this next part since it was a nightmare trying to write it, lol. Just kidding. :wink:



Alex looked up from his notebook and asked, “What the hell was going on with you, Max?” Alex was truly concerned about Max’s past behavior.

“Stop interrupting them, Alex,” Maria chimed in, though not entirely rude, and it made Alex lean back in his chair. “Go ahead, Liz.”

“Thank you, Maria,” Liz said softly. “It’s just as I told you before Alex, there are a lot of pieces still missing from the puzzle I usually refer to as my life.”

“Well, let’s get to these pieces then, before we call another break,” Alex said.

“We have to lead you to finding them before we can add them to the puzzle.”

“Very metaphorical and shit, Liz.”

“Thank you, Michael,” she said with a smile. “For now though, I’d like to take that break first.”

“Yeah,” Max agreed, standing up to stretch his legs.

“Okay,” Alex relented. “Let’s meet back here in an hour and a half.” Everyone nodded and left the building to get some air.

Max and Liz chose to get something to eat while Michael and Maria opted to take a stroll. “I just don’t understand how someone got into Max’s bedroom and stole those videos,” Maria lamented when Max and Liz were gone from sight.

“How do you know they were in his bedroom?” Michael asked cryptically, but Maria didn’t seem to notice as she continued.

“Oh please, of course, they were in his bedroom. He doesn’t have a television in the bathroom.”

“Eww,” Michael said as he made a disgusted face at what she was implying.

“As soon as Max finds out who did it, he should sue the g-string off them.”

“How do you know it was a girl?” he asked in that accusatory tone.

“I was just sayin’...”

“Well, then, I really hope it wasn’t a guy cause I remember what that g-string felt like when you made me wear one.”

“Oh, please, you know you loved it,” she snickered. “You probably still wear one when no one’s around.”

“Shut up, woman,” he grumbled.

“You’re not even denying it,” she ribbed him with a big smile before slapping him hard on the ass.

Anyway!” He stopped her rant. “Max thinks it was an inside job. There was no forced entry or anything. Max hadn’t even noticed they were missing until the reporter contacted him.” He leaned down close to her ear. “And you are such a tease by the way. You’re gonna get yourself in trouble if you don’t stop,” he whispered huskily into her ear.

“Yeah, and who is this Mr. X anyway?” Maria went back to the topic at hand without so much as a glance in his direction as if he hadn’t affected her in any way.

Michael grinned, seeing the way she tried to hide her blush, but he, too, continued the conversation. “Max doesn’t know. He figures it’s just some tabloid reporter with no other leads and desperate to make a buck.”

“But who has access to his stuff besides you and him?”

“There are a couple of maids that come to the house once a week.”

“But Max videotapes everything.”

“That videotape was missing too.”

“Who do you think did it, Michael?” Maria’s tone was now the accusatory one and Michael turned to face her quickly.

“What are you saying, Maria?”

“I just think it’s a little strange that someone would be so interested in Max and Liz’s past relationship.”

“Why not? When they were dating, the media was always talking about them.”

“But why now? After five years? There’s gotta be an ulterior motive.” Michael and Maria just continued to walk on in silence, neither one knowing what else to say about the situation.

“So, what are you in the mood for?” Max asked Liz as they drove in a circle around the city.

“Mmmm...I know! I am absolutely craving a cheeseburger, coke, fries, and a vanilla shake for after.” When Max gave her a funny look, she said, “What? I haven’t had an In and Out Burger in I can’t remember when. So sue me, there’s one thing I like about this city.” She stuck her tongue out at him playfully.

“Keep shoving that tongue in my face and I’ll have to pull over to put it to better use.”

“You wouldn’t dare,” she narrowed her eyes at him.

“Wouldn’t I?” He grinned and winked when she blushed at his flirting.


“Yeah?” He asked as he turned a corner in the road.

“Who do you think is behind this whole thing?”

“I honestly have no idea,” he admitted. “Michael thinks it was one of the maids.”

“If it gets out...” she started, “Ya know, whoever stole those tapes...” He turned his head to watch her from the corner of his eye while keeping his other eye on the road. “What are you going to do about it?”

He smiled. “Nothing.”

“What do you mean? Why not? Whoever did it, broke into your house and stole your private belongings. Why would you let them get away with it?”

He pulled the car over when he found the In and Out Burger, and then turned to face her. He leaned over to kiss her gently. “Why would I want to punish someone who brought you back to me?”


When the gang all got back to the warehouse, Alex sat impatiently, his knee bouncing up and down. He seemed to heave a sigh of relief when he noticed them come back in.

“What’s up?” Maria asked when she noticed his state of being.

“I’m just really anxious to find out everything that happened is all. This story is getting addicting.”

“Try living it,” Michael said wryly.

“Moving on?” Alex asked with anticipation and everyone nodded.

“I’ll just continue right where we left off,” Liz said and watched Alex turn the recorder on.


December 1998

Liz told Max to stay in her room while she talked to her mom and that she would be right back. He had managed to make himself look calm, even though his emotions were in complete turmoil.

“Okay, what’s going on with Max?” Liz’s mother asked Liz when she got downstairs.

“I don’t know.”

“Well, there’s definitely something wrong because that boy cowered in fear when I yelled at him.” Liz came from the refrigerator with two bottles of water. “Fear, Liz. That’s not normal.”

“He didn’t cower,” Liz argued.

“Don’t tell me what it was, Liz, I saw the look in his eyes!”

“Well, why did you have to yell at him like that? It wasn’t entirely his fault,” she defended him.

“Liz, that’s not even the point right now. And by the way, you were gonna get yours when you came home from school so I wasn’t only planning on disciplining Max.” She stopped to clear her head. “I’m off subject now.” She looked back at her daughter. “There was no reason for him to be so afraid. Something must have happened to him, Liz.”

“What do you mean, Mom?” Liz wasn’t entirely sure what her mother was getting at.

“What’s he like with his own mother?”

“What?! Are you seriously suggesting that Max’s mother hurts him?!”

“It’s happened before, Liz,” Nancy said, sympathetically.

“But not to Max, and especially not from his own mother. Diane adores him, she would never hurt him.”

“What about his father?”

“He doesn’t have one.”

“Everyone has a father, Liz.”

“Really?! Do I?!

Nancy closed her eyes in sadness. “Liz...this is different.”

“No, it’s not because Max doesn’t have a father either. That happens all the time, too, Mom.” Nancy watched Liz turn around and go back up the stairs. She knew there was something going on with Max, but she wasn’t sure Liz knew what it was either. She just had to hope that whatever it was would not hurt her little girl.


Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:24 pm
by Luzser1800
AN: Okay, here is the next part. I am trying to do some extra writing because there will probably be one more part after this one and then I will disappear for a little while. Sorry. :oops: Hubby is coming home in a week and a half or so and I will be spending pretty much all my time with him until he leaves again. I shouldn't be gone longer than a couple weeks though, so don't worry, I will be back. :wink: And by the way, I am glad to see some new readers out there! I am glad you are all here.

The song in this chapter is 98 Degrees - I Do. Now, I do know that 98 Degrees were at Jingle Ball in 1998, but I do not know if they sang this song. So, if you were there, and I am wrong, please don't lynch me for this. :oops:


December 1998

“Hey, Max,” Nancy said gently when he and Liz finally emerged from her bedroom.

“Ms. Parker,” he nodded at her politely. He was back to the calm and cool kid he had been when he had first met her. “I wanted to ask you a favor.” Nancy shook her head for him to continue. “I am going to a photo shoot tomorrow morning and I was hoping to take Liz with me. And then there’s Jingle Ball just this weekend in New York. If that’s okay with you?”

Nancy still wasn’t positive what was going on with Max, but she could tell by the way that he looked at her daughter, that Liz was safe with him, and he had yet to make her think otherwise whenever Liz went off with him for a few days at a time. Max had managed to gain Nancy’s trust in the past year and she loved to see her daughter so happy whenever Max was around. “Alright,” she agreed with a sigh. Liz jumped off the couch with a squeal and hugged her mother.

“Thank you so much, Mom!”

“When will you two be leaving?”

“Tonight, actually.”

“Wait, Liz, what about school?”

“It’s only a couple days before break, Mom,” Liz pouted. “All we do in class is watch videos to pass time anyway. I won’t be missing anything, I swear.”

Nancy looked between the two of them. She wasn’t sure why she was even considering allowing Liz to skip a couple days of school, but she could see how desperate her daughter was to spend time with a boyfriend who was never around. And a part of her was terrified that if she said no, Liz would retaliate and do it behind her back. As a mother with her little girl the only thing she had left, she couldn’t allow that to happen to their relationship, so she nodded slightly and hugged Liz back when she jumped on her. “You take care of her, Max, or I swear to God...”

“No worries, Ms. Parker.” He smiled at them. “No worries at all.”


“Max, get a little closer. You guys are supposed to be in love, remember?” The photographer was snapping pictures at the couple and his young client was starting to get on his nerves. “Put your arms around her!” He snapped a few more pictures. “No, no!” He shook his head and let out a frustrated groan. “Take a break you two, and when you get back, I better see something hot!”

“What’s going on, Max? You okay?” Sarah was trying to get through this shoot quickly because she had an interview with Jay Leno in a few hours. She had a pretty good idea what was wrong with her co-star, but she wasn’t going to upset him any further.

“Yeah, I’m fine, let me just...” He tilted his head and Sarah nodded.

“Go talk to her, it will make you feel better.”

Max went over to his girlfriend, who was standing on the sidelines, watching the shoot. “Max, what’s wrong?” Liz asked as she threaded her fingers through his hair.

“I just...feel weird.”

“Why?” Liz asked in concern.

“I’m supposed to be in love with this girl and here you are.” Max blushed at how ridiculous he was being. He had never had a problem before, but now with Liz standing here, how could he pretend that someone else was the object of his desire?

Liz smiled brightly at how cute he was. “Max, it’s okay. Look, if it makes you feel any better, I’ll go wait in the dressing room with Maria and Michael.”

“You would?” he asked in embarrassment.

“Yes,” she smiled and leaned up to kiss him. “Just remember, the quicker you fall in love with Sarah Michelle Gellar, the quicker you can get over her, and come back to me, okay?” He gave her that half smile of his and kissed her again.

“I love you.”

“Ditto,” she replied with a smile, kissing him one more time.

“Are we ready now?” The photographer clapped his hands together and Max went back to his position, watching as Liz disappeared into his dressing room.

Sarah followed Max’s gaze. “All better?”

“Perfect,” Max smiled and went right back into his role as her lover. This time, the photographer had a much better canvas to work with.

When the photo session had finished, Sarah ran back to the dressing room to change. She had a flight to catch and her agent would ring her neck if she was late.

“Max, Liz, come here a minute.” The photographer was waving them over.

Max had finished changing into casual jeans and a t-shirt, Liz wearing a short top that came above her navel and her faded blue jeans. Maria and Michael were right behind them. “What’s up, Rafael?” Max asked.

He shook his camera in his hand. “Picture time, kids.”

“No, man.” Sarah came out of the dressing room just then and smirked, wanting to see this show play out. She could see how cute those two were together and she really wanted to see what they could do in a shoot. She thought it would be fun to watch, so she stayed a few minutes longer.

“Come on, I’ve got some extra film. I’ll give ya half the proceeds,” Rafael tried to bargain.

“Why do you want to expose our relationship like this?” Max joked. “Like it isn’t exposed enough already,” Max chuckled.

“Exactly.” Rafael didn’t wait for them to pose. He just snapped a picture, and then another one. Max tried to hide Liz behind him, as she was blushing furiously in shyness.

“Go with it, girl!” Maria shouted.

The flashing lights seemed to return Max and Liz to that red carpet they had walked together a few times and before long, they were getting into it. Liz decided that this was actually kind of fun, like a bunch of friends getting together to take pictures of each other. She started to have fun with it and she could feel Max loosening up with her.

Once their shyness had dissipated, they were soon standing in each other’s arms, turning this way and that way. They took a picture where Max lifted her in his arms, one arm underneath her thighs with her legs dangling in the air. They took another shot where Liz was climbing on Max’s back. The final picture to be taken, when Rafael’s film finally ran out, was a hot, lover’s embrace of Max and Liz devouring each other’s lips. Their hands were trapped inside each other’s back pockets and Rafael had to fan himself off.

“That was so hot, you guys!” His voice broke their spell and they shyly realized they had been making out in front of everybody. Maria wailed in excitement, Michael smiled softly, and Sarah couldn’t help the grin as she saw a boy and a girl in a love she herself had never known. The beeping of her watch brought her out of her daze and she hurried away to get to that flight, hoping she wouldn’t be too late.

“I’m taking these to the bank,” Rafael laughed as he tucked his camera away in his bag. “Hey, don’t worry, Max, I’ll send ya a check.”

“Yeah, sure you will,” Max smiled. He didn’t care what Rafael did with the pictures. Max knew enough to know that Rafael was a professional, and would never allow those pictures to be printed giving him or Liz a bad name.


“That was so cool today,” Liz remarked as she laid in Max’s lap on his sofa. Michael and Maria were at Michael’s apartment doing God knows what. And now, at the end of the night, Max and Liz sat together, watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer, where currently, Angel was having nightmares about his past.

“It was kind of fun, wasn’t it?” Liz snuggled closer with a nod of her head. “This is so great,” Max said.


“The dreams are telling Angel to sleep with Buffy and become a demon again. I say he should just go for it.”

“It’s so sad how tragic their love is,” Liz said wistfully. “Buffy will help him, she always does.” Max smiled and moved his body so that his thighs laid in-between Liz’s. “What’s up?” she snickered.

“I think you already know,” he whispered against her cheek as he dug his groin into hers. He took her mouth feverishly. He had missed her intimacy so much. He had missed any intimacy, actually.

“Mmm...” Liz moaned against his lips, her passion quickly overwhelming her senses. “I want you so much, Max.”

“I want you, too, baby, I swear I do.” Max wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could wait to have her.

“Let’s go to the bedroom,” Liz whispered. Max looked into her eyes, his breathing harsh. Even as she got off the couch and took his hand, leading him to his bedroom, he was terrified. Even as she gently pushed him back on the bed, he was frightened of what would happen next. And even as she laid her body on top of his, his fear remained palpable.

Her hands made their way down his chest and back up again, taking his shirt with him. Liz was tired of waiting for the next step. In this moment, she was prepared to keep going until he cracked, and made her his finally. She trailed small kisses down the bare skin of his stomach, feeling each intake of breath brush her nose.

Max knew what she wanted. He also knew he wanted her to have it. He didn’t think he’d have the strength to stop her this time. So, when she unbuttoned his jeans and slid the zipper down, he lifted his hips to help her get them off.

Liz lifted back to remove her shirt, her skin itching with the need to expose herself to him. She watched him lick his lips and then she kissed him hard, her teeth taking a small nip of his lower lip. She pulled back, using her knees to support herself above him, and waited. When she saw him lift up, she watched as his hands slowly landed on the snap of her jeans. But what she hadn’t expected, was those same hands trembling so badly, he couldn’t seem to undo them.

“Max, please, don’t stop.” She took his face in her palms. “What’s wrong? Don’t you want me?” She pushed her lower body against his, making sure to brush against his erection, loving the way he hissed at the contact. “I’m ready, Max. You can look in my eyes and you’ll know.” She made sure to keep his eyes locked with hers so she could show him. “I’m ready, I know it. I want to make love to you. Don’t you want me?” She had to ask him again.

“Of course, I want you.” His breathing was heavy and his voice was shaky. “I hate saying no to you. If it were anything else, I wouldn’t be able to deny you. I just don’t think we’re ready for this.”

Liz could see his eyes pleading with her to understand. She knew now that it had nothing to do with her being ready, but with him being ready. It sounded ridiculous, even in her mind, but that was definitely the problem. And instead of getting angry, she leaned closer and whispered, “Then what are we ready for?”

The fumbling teenager before her was suddenly replaced with the confident young man she knew so well. He smiled up at her and deftly unhooked her bra with a snap of his wrist. “I can think of a few things.” He leaned up on his elbows and took a turgid nipple into his mouth, suckling softly.

Liz had to throw her head back in pleasure. Her hands found his hair and she allowed him to do his worst. She rolled herself underneath him, wanting him to control the moment. She wanted everything he had to give her. She wanted as much from him as she could get.

Max placed tender kisses on her collarbone, her shoulders, the upper part of her breasts. His hands smoothed down the expanse of skin in front of him. He used his touch to burn her into his mind. He used his touch to show her how much she meant to him. And Liz had no trouble feeling everything he was trying to tell her without words.

“Max...” she stopped him and he looked her in the face. She was smiling softly. “I can wait.” Liz knew that there was something more to why he was so nervous. She knew there had to be a good reason he wouldn’t make love to her yet, and she wanted to respect him the same way she knew he would respect her if the tables were turned. He smiled tightly at her, wishing she didn’t have to wait, but knowing he needed more time with her.


“You guys almost ready?” Michael pounded on the bedroom door as he buttoned up his black shirt. Max came out into the hall at that moment wearing black slacks and a white button-down shirt. The top two buttons were undone and he was rubbing his wet head with a towel.

“They’re still not ready?” Max asked Michael. “Baby!” He yelled as he banged on the door. “Come on, girls, hurry up, we don’t have all night!”

“Chill, boys!” Maria yelled back at them. She popped her head out and said, “You want us to look gorgeous on your arms, don’t you?”

“We don’t have a lot of time though,” Max said nicely.

“Give us five minutes.” She closed the door in their faces. She went back over to Liz who was still looking in the mirror, checking herself out. She wore a simple black silk dress with short heels to match. Her hair was done up in a twist and a $25,000 diamond necklace hung from her throat.

Maria wore a red dress with heels to match. Her large diamond earrings stood out when you looked at her face. She smoothed the pearl necklace over her chest and glanced at the two of them in the mirror. “Damn, we’re sexy bitches!” Liz laughed at her and opened to the door to two gorgeous guys who were waiting impatiently for their girlfriends.

Liz immediately buttoned one more button on Max’s shirt while he lifted his chin to give her better access. Maria, in similar fashion, was smoothing Michael’s unkempt hair on his head. “Ready?” the girls asked together as they thrust their arms out for the boys to take.


I do, I do, babe
I do, I do

98 Degrees performed on stage while Max and Liz danced in each other’s arms. Michael and Maria were close by, doing the same thing. Max looked into Liz’s eyes, his eyes pouring his love out for her.

All I am, all I’ll be
Everything in this world
All that I’ll ever need
Is in your eyes
Shining at me
When you smile, I can feel
All my passion unfolding

Your hand brushes mine
And a thousand sensations
Seduce me, cuz I

Max twirled Liz around in a circle and quickly brought her back to his arms, smiling softly at her. “You’re too good to me, you know that?” he whispered to her.

“I know,” she smiled playfully and moved closer into his body.

I do
Cherish you
For the rest of my life
You don’t have to think twice
I will
Love you still
From the depths of my soul
It’s beyond my control

Michael and Maria danced close together. “I can’t even begin to tell you how happy I am that you came into my life.”

“Ditto,” she smiled with tears swimming in her eyes. Expressing herself in a mushy way was not something that Maria did easily. And she knew Michael didn’t either. “I’m so glad Max and Liz found each other, as weird as that may sound coming from me.”

“I know what you mean,” Michael smiled, pulling her close.

I’ve waited so long
To say this to you
If you’re asking, do I love you this much
I do (Oh, baby)

In my world
Before you
Lived outside my emotions
Didn’t know where I was going
Till that day, I found you
How you opened my life
To a new paradise

The words in the song took Liz back to the moment she had looked into Max’s eyes for the first time, on the cold, hard ground after he had knocked her over.

The words took Max back to the same night. The night he had found a comfort he couldn’t remember ever feeling before. The night this wisp of a girl had looked into his eyes, and began to heal his soul. He had to dip his head and taste her lips. He found himself needing the reassurance that this whole thing hadn’t been a dream.

In a world torn by change
Still with all my heart
Till my dying day

I do (I’ll cherish you my baby)
Cherish you (This much I know is true)
For the rest of my life
You don’t have to think twice
I will (I’ll always love you, baby)
Love you still (This much my love is true)
From the depths of my soul
It’s beyond my control

Liz kissed him back gently, letting him feel her, knowing somehow, that all he wanted was to feel. She ran her hands through his soft hair, trying not to let the kiss get out of control while they were on a dance floor surrounded by people.

I’ve waited so long
To say this to you
If you’re asking, do I love you this much
Yes I do!

(I really love you) I do
(I really love you)
Baby, I do (I’ll cherish you, my baby)
Cherish you (This much I know is true)
From the depths of my soul
It’s beyond my control

When Max pulled back from this kiss, Liz could see the hope in his eyes. “I love you so much. Don’t ever leave me, Liz.”

“How would that even be possible?” She smiled at him and let him dip her back before drawing her back to his body, the dance coming to an end.

I’ve waited so long
To say this to you
If you’re asking, do I love you this much
Baby, I do
I do
