Wrong Turns (Seq.) (UC, Z/Ma, Ma/Ky, ADULT) [COMPLETE]

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Post by gnrkrystle »

A/N: Ok everyone still reading this fic...i'm back...i' so sorry for the delay, but it has been hecktic around here...Finals and Papers...you know the drill, but the semester is over...and i pulled all A's and B's so praise Buddah for small miracles...much love to all of you, i hope you enjoy the update...

Chapter 11

Monday, Kyle went to school. He personally talked to the principal about the situation with Maria, and the principal got a substitute for the next two weeks. Kyle felt that he needed to talk to all of Maria's student's though. The principal agreed and so, Kyle went to all of her classes and told them the situation.

"Ms. DeLuca-Guerin won't be in school for the next couple of weeks." Kyle said trying to keep his emotions in check.

"What happened?" A Student asked.

Kyle took a deep breath to keep the tears back. "Her...ummm...her husband is...he's dying, and she needs to be with him." Kyle said as he felt tears springing to his eyes.

The kids were all in shock and beyond sad for thier teacher. They all really loved her. They also felt badly for thier gym teacher. He was obviously upset. He was close to Maria, and they assumed he was close to her husband.

"I wanted to let you know. So, please be kind to the sub for Mar...Ms. DeLuca-Guerin's sake." Kyle said.

"I'm really sorry Mr. Valenti." Michelle in the front row said.

"Thank you. I just wanted to be the one to tell you guys." Kyle said before leaving. When he got into the hall, he broke down. One of the other teachers saw him and offered her support, guiding him to the teacher's lounge.


Maria spent the rest of the week by Zan's side. She spent every moment with him and thier son Zan. Kyle and Zan were both getting worried becuase Maria almost refused to sleep, just catching a few minutes here and there.

"Baby, go to sleep. You are tired." Zan said weakly, his body was obviously shutting down rappidly.

"NO! I'm not leaving you for a second. i want to be with you as long as i can." Maria said stubbornly. Zan didn't have the effort to fight her, but he knew that she was going to make herself sick if she didn't sleep. He also knew that he didn't have much time. He felt rediculously tired. He had never been this tired in his life. It felt as if he were on the verge of falling asleep and never waking up. Actually that was exactly what he was going to do.

Zan just held her in his arms as Zander slept between them. "I love you so much, Zan." Maria said, as tears ran down her face. "Please dont leave me." she begged.

"I'm sorry, baby. I wish i could stay. I dont want to leave you!" Zan cried as Maria wipped his tears. "It's almost time, you know. I can feel it. I'm not going to last much longer." Zan said between raged breathes.

"Hold on for me baby. I'm not ready to let you go." Maria begged.

"Call Kyle." Zan said flinching in pain.

"Not necessary," Kyle said from the doorway. Isabel, Alex, and Michael were behind him.

"Wh...How..." Maria said, unable to get her thoughts out.

"We wanted to come," Isabel said with tears in her eyes.

"We wanted to be here for both of you." Michael added.

"Thank you," Zan squeeked. He was glad that they were there. Maria was goign to need all the love and support she could get.

"What did you want Maria to call me for?" Kyle asked.

"I'm...I'm getting worse. I wanted you to be here. I think it's time." Max said softly through shallow breaths.

"But he isn't going. He can't." Maria said looking at the floor.

"Baby, i hvae to. But i love you. I will always love you. Don't forget that." Zan said. Kyle, Isabel, and Michael with tears streaming down thier faces, joined maria next to Zan's bed. Maria was balling and clinging to Zan.

"I love all of you." Zan said. "I didn't have a family of my own, but you all made me part of yours. Michael and Isabel, you have been like my brother and sister. I cherish your friendships. Kyle, I know that we have had our differences, but i love you. You are a wonderful man, and Maria and I have been so blessed to have you as a best friend." Zan got out slowly and painfully.

Kyle, nearly to the stage of bawling smiled and siad, "I love you too, Zan."

"We love you too," Isabel said.

"You have always been my brother." Michael said wipping his tears.

"Can i have some time alone with Maria?" Zan asked.

Kyle nodded and picked up the baby. Zan kissed his son goodbye. "I love you Zander." he said.

Kyle carried the baby out of the room as Isabel and Michael followed him. Maria snuggled closer to Zan, wrapping her arms tightly around her husband.

"It's time to say good-bye Maria." Zan said.

"I dont want to." Maria said with a sniffle.

"We have to. But i love you. And I want you to be happy."

"I can't be happy without you." Maria said with a shudder.

"You have to. We will be together again." Zan said, his eyes becomming heavy. Maria looked at him and sobbed. Slowly his life dripped out of him, and Maria held him. She held him for what seemed liek hours until the beeping of his heart monitor turned into one loud continues note that told Maria that her love was gone.

Reluctantly she pried herself from Zan's body. She pulled the chord for the nurse and stumbled out of the room. When Kyle, Isabel and Michael saw her she looked at them and collapsed in Kyle's arms, sobbing.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 12

Kyle, Isabel, and Michael took a shaken Maria home. Maria went into her room without a word and laid down on the bed. Kyle wished she would talk to him. To any of them. But he also understood her need to be alone. She just lost her husband.

Still, he didn’t want her to think she had to deal with all of this alone. As Isabel and Michael sat down on the couch in Maria’s living room, Kyle stepped quietly into Maria’s bedroom. He saw her hugging herself on the bed and sat down next to her, wrapping his arms around her. She flinched slightly, and he noticed, but held her anyway. “Maria, I’m here. I’ll be in the living room with Isabel and Michael. If you need anything, anything at all, come and get me.” He said as he pulled the blankets over her shivering body.

Maria said nothing, just stared off into space. Kyle gently let himself out of the room and closed the door. He sighed as he sat down on the couch next to Isabel, who was holding a sleeping Zandar. “How is she?” Michael asked, knowing it was a stupid question, but the silence was getting to him.

“She hasn’t said a word.” Kyle said looking down at his hands.

“I can’t belive he is gone.” Isabel said with a sniffle. Alex tightened his grip around her. He had been silent most of the day. He wasn’t as close to Zan, and though his death was sad, Alex knew he would have to be the rock in this situation.

“I know. I’m worried about Maria.” Kyle stated the obvious. “I don’t know what exactly this is going to do to her. And I don’t know if I should tell the principal to extend her sub’s stay.”

“Why don’t we worry about that later. Right now, we just need to be here for maria and Zandar.” Alex said as he rubbed Isabel’s back.

“You’re right. I better call in.” Kyle said getting up off the couch and picking up the phone. “Hi, Mr. Porter. It’s Kyle.”

“Hello, Kyle. How is Maria doing?” Mr. Porter asked honestly concerned for his newest teacher.

“Zan died tonight.” Kyle said, unable to keep the tremble of tears out of his voice.

“Oh, Coach. I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah, I’m calling because I won’t be able to make it in this week. Maria needs me. And I’m going to need to help her with the funeral and everything. Do you think you think you can get coach Ryan to cover my gym classes. And tell the boys on the team that practice is cancelled this week.” Kyle said as tears ran down his face.

“Of Course, Kyle. You take your time. Send Maria our best.” Mr. Porter said. “We will be praying for both of you.”

“Thank you.” Kyle said hanging up the phone. He turned back to his friends.

“Kyle, you don’t have to do all of this yourself. We are all here to help.” Michael reminded him. Kyle just nodded. He knew they were here and that they would help, but he also knew that this was his responsibility. Maria was his responsibility. And little Zandar was his responsibility.

Kyle set up Isabel and Alex in the guest room and Michael on the couch. Then he carried Zan into Maria’s bedroom and laid him in his crib. He looked over at Maria. She had barely moved in 3 hours. “Maria, I’m going to go home. Michael is on the couch, and Isabel and Alex are in the guest room.”

For the first time, since leaving the hospital, Maria turned to Kyle and opened her mouth as if to speak. Finally, words come out. “No, don’t leave me Kyle.” She pleaded with tears in her eyes. “Please don’t leave me.” She cried reaching out to him.

Kyle’s heart broke for this woman he loved. He quickly went to her, sitting on the bed next to her and rocking her in his arms. “I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.” He promised.

“Stay with me. Don’t leave me.” Maria said again quietly.

Kyle nodded. “Ok, let me just get some clothes.” He said as he moved out of her arms. He ran out of the apartment and down to his own, quickly pulling out clothes for the next day along with other things that he might need. He undressed and re-dressed in some boxers and an undershirt and quickly ran back to Maria’s apartment.

When he entered her room, and shut the door behind him. She was sitting in the middle of the bed staring and Little Zandar’s crib. The baby was screaming his head off, but Maria was making not attemped to sooth the child. Kyle moved to the crib and picked Zan up in his arms. “Maria, do you have any milk in the fridge?” he asked.

She nodded slightly, and Kyle went into the kitchen to warm it up. Soon he was back in the bedroom with a drowsy Zander and a bottle. He fed Zander and put him to bed, then he moved back to the bed. He climbed under the covers and laid down. Immediately, Maria clung to him.

She buried her head in his chest and held him for dear life, as if, if she let go he would be gone. Kyle got comfortable and flipped off the light. He ran an hand through maria’s soft hair and said, “I’m not going anywhere. Go to sleep.” As he kissed the top of her head. Slowly, they drifted off to sleep.


The next day, Kyle awoke hearing Michael and Isabel bickering in the kitchen. The smell of waffles wafted to his nose and he looked down and the beautiful sleeping woman in his arms. He slowly and gently removed himself from her grasp, as not to wake her. And tip-toed over to Zandar’s crib, picking him up and walking out of the bed room. He set Zan in his play pen and walked into the kitchen.

“What are you two arguing about now?” he asked.

“Michael thinks I’m burning the pancakes.” Isabel said. “This from the eternal bachelor.”

Michael just rolled his eyes and turned to Kyle. “How is she?”

“Well, she locked me in a death grip last night, and she hasn’t said much, but I think she is going to be ok. I mean, who knows. She just lost the love of her life.” Kyle whispered.

Michael nodded and looked down. Isabel looked at Kyle concerned. “Were is Alex?” Kyle asked, tactfully changing the subject.

“Getting dressed.” Isabel said. “you know he likes the first shower.” Kyle nodded. He helped Michael and Isabel finish breakfast. Then the phone rang. He picked it up on the second ring.


“Ummm, my I speak to Mrs. Guerin?” The male voice said.

“It’s actually Ms. DeLuca-Guerin. And she is asleep, may I ask who is calling?” Kyle said.

“It’s Connor’s funeral home. We got a call from the hospital this morning about her husband. We wanted to get the arrangements underway.” The man said.

Kyle took a deep breath. “I’m helping Maria with this. What do we need to do?”

“We need her to bring a suit down here for Mr. Guerin. Also, a obituary, unless you would like us to write a general one. We also will be in contact with Mr. Guerin’s attorney for the will reading.” The man answered.

“Ummm, can I call you back. I need to talk to Maria about this. See what she wants to do and when.” Kyle said.

“Take you’re time. We are very sorry for your loss.” The man said hanging up. Kyle took a deep breath and banged his head against the wall.

“Who was that?” Alex asked coming out of the guest room.

“Funeral home.” Kyle said, going to the fridge to make Zan another bottle for when he wakes up.

Suddenly he heard maria’s voice. “Kyle! KYLE WHERE ARE YOU!” she yelled like he had never heard her yell before. Everyone’s eyes shot up and Kyle ran into the bedroom to see a distressed Maria laying on the bed.

“What’s wrong?” Kyle asked going to her and pushing her hair off her face.

“I tought you were gone. I…I’m sory.” Maria said bursting into tears.

“I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.” Kyle said as he looked at his friends in the doorway. They were all worried for Maria.


“I’m going to need to get some formula,” maria said nonchalantly as she emerged from her room, showered and dressed.

“I thought you were breast feeding,” Isabel said confused.

“Not anymore.” Maria said, as if it were obvious.

“Ok, we’ll get formula.” Kyle said. He was beginning to get worried. Maria hadn’t touched the baby since Zan died. Now she was talking about not breast feeding, but if this is what she wanted, then he was going to support her. There was too much going on right now to deal with another issue as well.

The gang ate breakfast in an awkward silence the rest of the morning. Everyone was trying to be there for Maria. They wanted her to know that not matter what she needed, they would die to give it to her. Kyle waited until after they had eaten to discuss Zan’s funeral plans.

Oddly, it was relatively painless. Maria decided the funeral would be Saturday, which suit he would wear, and that Kyle should write the obit, because she just didn’t think she could do it. There was something too calm about the way she spoke of the funeral. It wasn’t sitting well with Kyle, but what could he do. When Maria broke down again, he would be there.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 13

Little Zandar was screaming in his crib again when Kyle, Isabel, Michael, and Alex walked back into Maria's apartment. Maria was sitting on the couch, watching TV. She paod no attention to the screaming child in the bedroom.

Kyle looked at Maria concerned. She never looked up. He shook his head and made his way into the bedroom, picked Zan up and went back into the living room. "Iz, do you think you could make some of that new formula we just bought?"

Isabel nodded, unpacked the groceries and began putting tgether the formula. Kyle made his way over to Maria on the couch, with the baby in his arms. Michael and Alex watched from the kitchen.

"Maria, why don't you hold Zan for a little while." Kyle said. He didn't know what was wrong with maria, but he knew that she didn't want to hold the baby.

Maria turned to Kyle, as if she hadn't know he had come in the apartment. "I dont want to." she answered and turned back to the TV.

Kyle sighed. "He really needs to be with you." he tried to explain.

"I can't Kyle. OKAY?" maria yelled and stormed into her room, slamming the door shut behind her.

"What was that?" Michael asked.

"I think the baby scares her. Zandar is the most concrete tie to Zan she has, and i think that is why she wont touch or look at him." Kyle said. He handed the baby off to Alex. "I'm going to go talk to her."

"Maybe she just needs some space." Isabel offered.

"But what if she needs me. What if she wants me and i'm not there. I'm not leaving her alone. I Lo...I care about her too much." Kyle said as he walked into Maria's bedroom.

"Well, that was an interesting turn of events." Alex said. He knew that Kyle almost said he loved Maria. He had never noticed it.

"Are you blind, Alex." Isabel said with a laugh. "Kyle has been head over heels for Maria since like grade school. That didn't change when she got married." Isabel chuckled at the blindness of her husband.

In Maria's bedroom, Kyle shut the door behind him. "Don't make me do it," Maria said looking up at him from the bed.

"I'm not going to make you do anything you dont want to do." Kyle said as he sat next to her on the bed. He knew that now was not the time to broach the subject again. Maybe after the funeral he would try again.

"Right now, we dont' have anything we have to do. I took care of everything at the funeral home. We went grocery shopping. We can do whatever you want." Kyle said kissing Maria on the forehead.

"I'm kind of tired. Will you take a nap with me." Maria asked, looking at Kyle like a lost puppy.

He smiled and nodded. "Let me just tell the others." Kyle left the room to tell everyone else to lay low.

"Maria and I are goign to take a nap, so wake me if anything happens." Kyle said.

Michael gave Kyle a knowing look. "Alright, but remember that Maria is in a delicate place right now." he warned.

"Like i dont know that?" Kyle snapped back. "Look, we are just taking a nap." Kyle stalked back into Maria's room.

He got under the covers and Maria, again snuggled into him. "Kyle?" she said into his shirt.

"What, sweetie?" Kyle asked.

Maria lifted her head to look into Kyle's eyes. "Will i ever feel whole again?" she asked, tears springing to her eyes.

Kyle felt like breaking down right there. He hoped she would. He wanted her to feel whole. He wanted to be the one to make her feel whole again, but he jsut didn't know. "Maria, you will get through this. In the end you will come out on top, i'm sure of it." Kyle said.


Saturday morning came all too quickly for the group. Kyle, Michael, and Alex were all worried about how Maria would hold up for the services.

Kyle quickly tied his black tie and knocked lightly on the bathroom door. Maria opened the door and stepped out. For a woman who just lost her husband, she still looked as beautiful as ever, if you didn't stare into her eyes. But Kyle knew those eyes. He could tell that Maria was going through a personal hell, no matter how good she looked on the outside.

"You almost ready?" Kyle asked.

Maria nodded and sat down on the bed to put her shoes on. "Ready." she said with a nervous smile. Kyle smiled back and took her arm as they made their way out to the living room where the others were waiting.


The funeral was beautiful. Flowers had been sent from all over. Maria was a wreck, though. She was not only upset about Zan, but her mom hadn't shown up, either. Kyle didn't really expect her to. Amy was dating some new guy, and guys were always more important than her daughter. Kyle hated Amy.

Maria made it through the ceremony and burial, just barely. She broke down in Kyle's arms at least a dozen times.

On the way back to the car, Kyle wrapped his arms around Maria and Isabel held the baby while Michael and Alex followed behind. A man in a black suit walked up to them and said. "Hello, I'm Mr. Guerin's lawyer. Dan Emory. I'm very sorry for your loss." he was speaking directly to Maria.

"Ummm, thank you." Maria said kind of taken by suprise.

"I know this might be a bad time, but Mr. Guerin's will needs to be read, and he had strict instructions to read it right after his funeral." Dan said.

Maria looked up at Kyle for help. "Ok, what do we do?" Kyle asked.

"Well, I can do it at Mrs. Deluca-Guerin's apartment. I mean, it would be more comfortable for everyone." Dan said, wanting to make this as easy on Zan's loved ones as possible.

"Ok, why dont' you follow us." Maria said quietly. Dan smiled and nodded as the gang got into their cars and headed back to Maria's apartment.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 14

Maria, Kyle, Alex, Isabel, and Michael all entered the apartment with Dan behind them. "You have a very lovely home." Dan said with a warm smile. He wanted to make this as painless as possible on Zan's young widow.

"Thank you." Maria said weakly. "Can i get you anything? Coffee? Water?" she asked.

"Oh, coffee would be great. I don't you to go out of you're way though." Dan answered, lifting his large briefcase to rest on the coffee table as he sat down.

"I'll get it." Alex said going into the kitchen. Maria nodded and sat down in the living room next to Dan.

"First let me ask you..." Dan started, but was cut off by a knocking at the door.

Maria looked at him as if to apologize. "I'll be right back." she said getting up and opening the door. Standing there was a very out of Breath Jim Valenti. "Jim." she cried, feeling tears in her eyes once more. She through her arms around him and collapsed in his arms.

Jim gently walked Maria back over the the couch and sat down next to her, running an hand through her hair. "Dad!" Kyle exclaimed from the hallway as he saw his dad. "What are you..." he began.

"I got here as quicly as i could. I was hard to get off work." Jim explained. "I'm so sorry, Maria." he said lifting her chin to look him in the eyes.

"I'm so glad you came," maria said through tears to the only man she had really thought of as a father. Jim was her rock, next to Kyle and Zan. Jim looked over at Dan, sitting on the other side of him, quizically. "This is Dan Emory. Zan's...his..." maria couldnt finish her sentence before she bagan to cry again.

"Shhh, it's ok sweetie. Everything is going to be ok," Jim promised her. He looked over at Dan.

"I'm Mr. Guerin's attorney. I'm here to read the will," he explained. "As i was saying, i just want to make sure everyone is here." He took out a slip of paper and read off the names of the people in the will. "Maria Deluca-Guerin, Zandar Deluca-Guerin, Kyle Valenti, Isabel Whitman, Michael Evans, Jim Valenti, Philip and Diane Evans, Alex Whitman, and Hank Guerin," Dan looked up.

Kyle came into the living room. Michael, Alex, and Isabel joined everyone else in the living room, and Alex set Dan's coffee in front of him. "Well, Philip and Diane Evans are our parents. They aren't here." isabel explained. "We can call them though, if you want."

"We can save that for last." Dan said, knowing that would be the easiest way to do it.

"I'm Jim Valenti." Jim said shaking Dan's hand. he was quite suprised that he was even in the will. He just came to be there for Maria and his son.

"Hank is dead," Maria said quietly. It was a good thing too becuase she hated him.

"Ok, I think we can get started." Dan said. "First of all, I have envelopes for all of you, from Zan personally." He handed them out and everyone held on the them, not daring open them.

"Monetarily, this is how Mr. Guerin wanted his estate divided." Dan explained. "He had a life insurance policy of $500,000. $200,000 is to go to a college fund for Zandar. The rest to Maria DeLuca-Guerin. Then he had a Savings of $1,500,000." Everyone in the room gasped except Maria. She knew that Zan had that kind of money. He was always deathly afraid of being poor. With all the scolarships he had gotten to go to school, he had no loans, so he was putting money away in a saving account since he started working Sophemore year of college.

"He would like Philip and Diane Evans to have $50,000. Isabel and Alex Whitman are to recieve $350,000. Michael Evans is to recieve $300,000. Jim Valenti is to recieve a sum of $50,0000. Kyle Valenti is to recieve $400,000. The remaining $350,000 is to be split in half. One half going to a trust fund for Zandar DeLuca-Guerin, the other half going to Maria DeLuca Guerin." Dan finished reading. "All this will be taken care up through his bank." Dan explained.

Isabel, Alex, Michael and Jim sat there shocked. That was a lot of money. Kyle was perhaps the most shocked. $400,000?!!? That was like 10 years salary. He didn't know that Zan even cared about him that much. He had always thought that the only reason Zan hung out with him was becuase of Maria.

"Now, that is all i have for you guys. I can leave Mr. and Mrs. Evan's letters with you. I'll be sending them a letter to claim thier will money." Dan said.

"Thank you." Maria said quietly looking at her letter.

"There is just one more thing. Zan has made video tapes for you, Kyle, and Zandar. He askes that Kyle and Maria watch thiers alone." Dan said pulling out three videos and handing them to Kyle.

"I'm very sorry for you're loss." Dan said shaking all of thier hands on the way out. When he was gone the group looked at each other.

"Wow," Isabel said. "Think we should read these now?" she asked waving her letter in the air.

"Yeah." Kyle said, "It's probably best."

Maria looked scared. She walked quietly into her room and shut the door behind her. She needed to be alone. She laid Zandar's letter on the night stand and took her own in her hand, laying down on the bed.

Everyone in the living room sat down and opened thier letters.


Dear Isabel,
I want you to know that I love you very much. You are my sister in everyway possible except DNA. It's funny, do you remember when we first officially met? You did NOT like me. You looked at me like a dangerous insect. Funny how things change. I thought you were a stuck up snob. But you arn't. You are an amazing woman, and i just wanted you to know that. The money i have intrusted to you, i hope you enjoy yourself with it. Start your home with Alex. Build your future. Go on vacation. Whatever you want. Watch over Maria for me. Always be there for her. I know you will. I love you, and I will be watching over you.
Your honorary Brother,

Isabel couldn't stop her tears as they fell down her cheeks. She missed Zan. It was just now hitting her that he was gone, and he wasn't comming back.


I'm sorry I've left you to clean up my mess. I want you to know that i tried everyday to tell Maria that i was sick, but in the end i couldn't help it. I couldn't let her get hurt. I want to thank you for keeping my secret, even though it was unfair of me to ask you to. You are an extra-ordinary man. I love you. I respect you. You are the kind of person i hopw Zandar grows up to be. You are my brother for life and death. I know you dont believe in God, and i'm not sure if I do either, but i've been thinking. Maybe it isn't important. Maybe we just need to believe it to get through the day, so i'm going to say this: I will be keeping an eye on you. Take the money from the will and do what you want, i really dont care as long as you are happy. And you better be getting laid soon. Cuase, really it's starting to get pathetic. I love you and will miss you. Keep an eye on my family.
Your Loveing Brother,

Michael laughed at Zan's joke through the tears he could no longer hold back. He had been a stone wall up until this point, but he could do it no longer. He cried as he thought of his friend and how he had been cheated at life.


I know that we didn't get to know each other as well as I would have liked. Part of that is my fault. I didn't put out the effort that i should have, and now i regret it immensly. You are a great man, and you are great to Isabel, and that is all i can hope for. I hope the money from the will can help you and Isabel start a family becuase you are going to be a fantastic father. Keep an eye on my girls. They will need a rock, and i think that Michael and Kyle are too close to the situation to get them completely though this. Thank you for your friendship.
Your Friend,

Alex was flabergasted. He wasn't one who cried often, but he felt himself getting misty as her read Zan's letter. He couldn't belive Zan thought so highly of him. He was honored.


Sheriff Valenti,
It is still hard for me to call you Jim. You know that. I want to thank you for everything you have done for Maria and I. Without you, i do not know how we would have gotten through the first year of our relationship. I still get nightmares at night about the night Maria was raped, and i always think back to you and how you helped her. How you stood up for her like you were her father. You knew her real father was an asshole just like i did and you took on his role. I can never thank you enough for that. No money in the world can express my gratitude. But i hope this money can help you retire early. You deserve it. I need you to help Kyle and Maria through this. Its going to be tough. This is just the beginning. I know you are in Roswell and they are in Indy, but jsut always be there for them. I know you will. You are the best father i never had.

Valenti put the letter back into it's envelope. Wow. Valenti knew one thing for sure, he was going to look after his son and honorary daughter just liek Zan asked. He wouldnt let this tragedy consume them.


Kyle went to a corner of the room and threw down Hanks letter. He stared at his evelope for a long time before opening it.

My best friend. I owe so much to you, you dont even know. The money from the will doesn't even begin to repay you. Though i hope you get enjoyment out of it. You have been the best friend to Maria and I. I know how you feel about her. I always have, but you have never taken advantage of my friendship. You have been nothing but respectful of me. I know that i havn't shown my appriciation well, but i do want you to know that i do care a great deal about you. Isabel and Michael are like my brother and sister, but you are my best friend by choice. I know I've left you in a touch position and i hope after you watch the video you have some more perspective, but i need you to take care of Maria. I need you to be there for her. She is going to need you. You are the only one that will be able to get her through this. I know it. Just as i belive that if Maria died tomorrow, I would need you. I love you. I can't even write anymore beucase i'm astounded by the kind of man you are. I can't put it in words. But you shoudl be proud of yourself, Kyle Valenti. I am.
With Love,

Kyle broke down, burying his head in his arms as he leaned against the wall.

Everyone was in thier own personal thought of Zan. They all needed to think alone. Process what was happening and what thier letters said.

Meanwhile in the bedroom...


Maria slipped her finger under the lip of the evelope and pulled out her letter. She took a deep breath before unfolding it and reading it.

My Dearest Wife, Maria,
I'm so sorry i even have to write this. It isn't what i planned. I planned on growing old with you and sitting on our front porch yelling at our grandchildren. But things don't always work out the way we plan. But you can't hate the world for that. I know you have abondoment issues, trust me, i understand better than anyone, and that is why it only makes this harder. I swear to you, i would give up anything to stay with you. You are the best thing in my life. You and Zandar. You are my world. That is why i want you two to continue to live. I know it will be hard, but you cannot wallow in self pity, as appealing as it might seem. If you live your life to the fullest, that would be the best thing in my eyes. I dont want you to turn cold, untrusting, and angry at the world. You have always been so full of life. That is one of the many things i love about you. So please, don't lose that. I will always be with you. But please, move on. I need you to. I'm sorry i kept the Cancer from you. I couldn't tell you. I didn't want you to suffer. In the end, maybe i caused you more suffering. I dont know. Only you know, but i hope you understand why i lied. I love you too much. I'll be watching over you and our son from wherever i am. I love you so much. Please don't let Zandar forget who is father was. And read his letter to him when he is old enough to understand it. I love you, and I will miss you.
All My Love,
Your Zan.

Maria curled up in a little ball and began crying again. Her heart hurt. She didn't know how she was going to get through this. She laid there for several minuted and then wipped her face and made her way out into the living room to see her friends, and the only family she had left.

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Chapter 15

Kyle wrapped lightly on Maria's door. He didn't want to disturb her, but he wanted to giver her, her tape. "Maria," he said softly as he opened the door.

Maria looked up from the bed, smiled slightly, and whipped her face, "Hey Kyle," she said, her voice thick from crying.

Kyle walked gently into the room and sat down on the bed next to Maria. He handed over the tape as he wrapped his arms around her. "I wanted to give you your tape. I think I’m going to head over to my apartment to watch mine." he said kissing her forehead.

"How long will you be gone?" She asked quietly.

Kyle nearly cried on the spot. The look of fear and loneliness in Maria's eyes was almost more than she could take. "I'll be right back, sweetie. Isabel and Alex as watching a movie on the couch, and Jim and Michael are making dinner. This is just a good time for us to watch our videos." Kyle said.

Maria didn't want to watch the video, but she knew she had to. "Ok," she said. "Will you come back right after?" she asked, almost pleading.

"I promise," Kyle said kissing her softly on the cheek. He ignored the electric feeling running through his system.

Maria nodded and Kyle left the room. On the way out he turned to his friends. "Maria and I are going to watch our videos. I'll be right back."

When Kyle left, Jim turned to Michael, "My son's got it bad, doesn't he?"

"You don't know the half of it." Michael said as he returned to chopping veggies.

In Maria's room...

Maria slipped the tape out of the box and popped it in the VCR. She got comfortable on the bed as Zan's form appeared on the screen. Maria openly wept as the sight of her husband. "Maria," Zan started to speak. "This is very hard for me. Yesterday I found out that I’m dying. I got to thinking that i love you, and our unborn baby too much to just leave you some money and a letter. I wanted to make this tape so you will always remember me." Maria sobbed. How could he think she would ever forget him. "But don’t take this to mean that I want you to be bound to me forever. I don’t want you to forget me. The thought frightens me everyday, but i don’t want you to be alone either. I want you to grieve and move on, eventually. I want you to be happy. I want my son to have a father. I know that I am his father, and I will always watch over him, but I want him to have a real male role model, living and breathing, who loves his mother as much as I love you." Maria cried harder. How was she supposed to move on when her heart was broken in two? "I'm going to go now. Please show my son his tape when he is old enough to watch, and show it again to him every once and a while, just so he remembers." Zan said as he reached up to turn the camera off.

Maria turned off the TV and sighed, wiping at her tears yet again. God, she just wanted this day to be over.

Over at Kyle's...

Kyle pressed play on his VCR. He smiled when he saw Zan appear on the screen. "Hey Kyle. I'm sorry haven’t told you about the Cancer. I just found out yesterday that I’m going to die. With that in mind, there are a few things I want to talk to you about. I love Maria. You know that, and you have always been a good friend to both of us, by covering your true feelings for her. I know you love her, Kyle. I don't think Maria knows it, but I know it. That is why I have to ask you this. The thought of Maria being with another man frightens and angers me. What if she meets someone and loves them more that she loved me." Kyle didn't think that was physically possible. "But what scares me most is that she will go though life alone, that my son will be fatherless. That thought keeps me up at night. That is why I’ve made this tape. I know that you love Maria. I know that she could love you. And I know that there is not other man that i would want to be a father to my child. This is a big responsibility to put on your shoulders." Kyle stared at the screen flabbergasted. Did he just hear right. Zan wanted him to be with Maria. Sure, Kyle thought about it, but first of all Kyle didn't know the first thing about being a father. And Secondly, and most importantly, Maria didn't feel that way about him. He knew it. Maria loved Zan. She would always love Zan. "Just please try. I'm not expecting miracles, but I think that Maria loves you too. Maybe she doesn't know it, or it hasn't been discovered, but she does. I know this is a lot to ask of you, but I’m praying that you can make a life with Maria. I won't ever stop loving her, and I know she will always love me as well, but you have to try." Zan turned off the camera, and Kyle pressed stop on the VCR.

Wow. That's all he could think. First of all, he didn’t' know that Zan knew the extent of his feelings. And he didn't know that Zan thought enough of him to ask that Kyle be a father to little Zandar. It was all too much right now. He needed to get through his grief and then sort the rest out later.

One thing he did know was that he was going to be there for Maria in whatever capacity she would have him.

He walked back over to Maria's apartment and found Isabel, Alex, and Zandar curled up on the couch asleep. The food from the kitchen smelled great so he walked in there and greeted his father and Michael. "You ok, man?" Michael asked.

"Ummm yeah." Kyle said. "Fine."

Jim frowned at his son. He knew that Kyle was keeping himself pretty closed off through this whole thing. "You guys need any help?" Kyle offered.

"Nope. We are almost done. Ready to put it in the oven." Jim answered placing his arm around Kyle's shoulders.

Kyle nodded, "I'm going to go check on Maria." he said. Jim and Michael nodded as Kyle walked back to her bedroom. He knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in," he heard Maria say though the door.

“You all done?” Kyle asked, slowly entering the room.

“Umm yeah,” Maria said. Kyle sat down next to her and ran his hand through her hair. Maria immediately curled up into Kyle’s body.

“You ready to go out into the living room yet?” Kyle whispered into her ear.

“Yeah, but can you just hold me for a minute?” Maria asked.

Kyle forced a smile on his face, “Anything.” He said.

A few minutes later Kyle and Maria emerged from the bedroom. “Hi, Maria,” Michael greeted wrapping her in a tight hug. “Thank you for being here, and helping me out.” Maria said as she smiled at Michael.

“It’s not problem.” Michael said kissing her on the forehead.

Jim came up to them, “So, you think it’s time to wake up the sleepy heads?” he asked with a grin. “I bet Zandar is hungry, too.” He said looking at Maria.

“I’ll go make his formula.” Michael offered, knowing that Maria probably wouldn’t do it. Jim looked questioningly at Michael and his son, but they just shook their heads at him.

“Thank you, Michael.” Maria said quietly as she made her way into the living room. She gently shook Alex and Isabel awake, making sure not to touch Zandar in the process.

“How long were we asleep?” Alex asked with a yawn.

“Just about 2 hours.” Kyle answered. “I’m hungry.” He said looking up.

“Well dinner is served, once we get the little one fed.” Jim said handing the bottle to Maria. She wouldn’t take it though. Kyle took the bottle out of his father’s hands and took little Zandar into his arms, gently waking him to eat.

Maria watched Kyle feed her son. She couldn’t help the tears that came to her eyes. Kyle was so good to her and to Zandar. Better than she deserved. She needed to bite the bullet and feed her son. It was just so hard. She was afraid to get close to him, what if something happened to Zandar. She would have nothing.

She looked at her son and then at Kyle and then back to her son again. Finally, she made up her mind. “Can…I mean would it hurt him if…” Maria started, feeling like an idiot.

“You want to feed him?” Kyle asked hopefully.

Maria’s wet eyes looked at him hopefully, she nodded. “Would it be ok?” she asked.

“I think he would love to have his mommy feeding him again.” Kyle said, knowing that it was better for Zandar to have breast milk anyway.

“Ok,” Maria said with a slight smile as she put her arms out to cradle her son. Kyle helped her get the baby in her arms and then kissed Zandar lightly on the forehead.

“I’ll be back soon.” Maria said to everyone. When she was gone they group let out a sigh of relief.

“What was that?” Jim asked.

“Ever since Zan…you know, Maria wouldn’t touch little Zandar. She barely looked at him. A few days ago, she asked us to get formula. She wanted to stop breast feeding. But it seems that whatever Zan said to her on tape or in that letter has given her a little bit of closure. Enough to get to her feed Zandar again.” Isabel explained.

Jim nodded.

In the bedroom…

Maria looked at her beautiful son as he nursed. “You look just like your daddy, you know that?” she said to him.

“I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you. I just…you remind me of him. And I miss him so much” she cried to her son. “But I love you, and I will never leave you alone again. I promise. I love you so much.” She assured the drowsy baby as he finished eating.

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Chapter 16

Three days later, it was time for Isabel, Alex, and Michael to leave. "I couls stay," isabel said nervously. "I mean, i could call my boss, and explain." she said looking at Maria. She didn't want to leave Maria. While her spirits were rising, she was still a wreck.

"No, Isabel, you need to get back. I'll be fine. Kyle's here. Jim is going to be here for another week." Maria said. "Go back."

"Ok, if you are sure," isabel said.

"I am," Maria said as she went to get thier coats.

On the way out, Alex wrapped Maria in a bear hug, "Remember, Maria, you are Teflon. You will get through this." he said as he kissed her cheek.

"Thank you, Alex." Maria said with a warm smile.

Isabel hugged her tightly as well. "Call my immediatly if you need anything." she siad.

"I promise," Maria said with a slight giggle. That was Isabel. Mother to them all.

Michael said goodbye last. "Maria, I'll be here whenever you need me." he promised.

"I know, but you better go, or you are going to miss your flight." Maria said.

Kyle followed the three outside to say his goodbyes. "Kyle, watch out for her." Alex said.

"You know i will." he said hugging his friends as they left. As he reentered the apartment, he saw his dad holding the baby and Maria sitting at the kitchen counter talking to him.

"I need to find a nanny." Maria said, turing to Kyle. "I need to get back to work." Kyle smiled inside. She was making progress. A week ago, he would have thought she would quite and wallow in self pity forever.

"Ok, well we can look for one tommorow." Kyle said, assuming that he was part of the nanny picking.

"I can watch Jr. if you want to get back to work. That will give you a week to find a nanny." Jim offered. Maria smiled at him.

"Well, that would be great, but i don't wnat to put you out." she said.

"Awww, no problem, this is what i'm here for." Jim said with a smile.

"K, well i better call school." Maria said going back to her room to call the principal.

"Tell him i'll be back tomorrow as well." Kyle said, turning to his father.

He dad had a serious expression on his face. "Son, do you know what you are getting yourself into?" Jim asked.

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked looking at him like he had 15 heads.

"I mean, falling in love with a broken woman. Are you sure you understand that this will probably not turn out how you want it?" asked Jim.

"Wh...What are you talking about?" Kyle said breaking eye contact with his father. How could his dad know? Was it really that obvious? Zan knew. Michael knew. Hmmm. Jim just gave him a look that said 'i know all'. "I can't help my feelings dad. I love her. I have since forever. I'm not expecting anything, but i'm not going to let her deal with this on her own." he said defensivly.

"Alright, but son, remember that Maria's feelings are what is important here." Jim said. Kyle just nodded at Maria reentered the room.

"All set." She said. "Why don't i take Zandar off your hands," she said to Jim as she took her son out of Jim's arms and walked over to the couch.

"Okay, I'll make lunch." Jim said turning around to the pantry.


Maria walked into her classroom before her first class. She had to admit, it felt better to be at school. She loved her job. She loved the students; loved teaching; and loved music. It made her feel better. Immediatly she fetl guilty for the smile that passed her lips. It was too soon to smile. Then she remembered her tape. Zan wanted her to be happy. Well, she was a long way from happy, but he would want her to get enjoyment out of her job. She she smiled again and got herself ready for class.

All of her students, that day, were amazing. "It's so nice to have you back," Jesse, a boy in her guitar class said.

"It's nice to be back." Maria said.

All the students offered her thier condolinces and every class had written her a note on a card. Maria nearly cried when they handed them to her. She kept it together though. She thanked them for thier prayers and basically tried to go about the day, business as usual.

Kyle came into her last period class again, right before it started. "Maria, I'm going to be home later tonight. I've got to get the boys on the team back into the swing of things." he said. He hated that he couldn't go home and stay with her. "I'll drive you home though." he said.

Maria's eyes filled with tears. "Kyle, you dont have to." Inside, she was scared to be away from him, but she didn't want him to give up his life for her.

"No, it's fine. And dad is at the apartment, so you guys can hang out with the baby, i'll be back at your place around 7:00." Kyle said.

"Okay," Maria said hugging him tightly.


When Maria got home, she found Jim cleaning. "Jim, you dont have to do this," She said.

"No, it's fine. Not much for sitting around, so i just figured i'd clean." he said humbly.

"Well, thank you. You can go out, though. Do somthing." she said with a laugh.

"Maybe i'll go to the State Museum. You sure you are ok with the little guy?" Jim asked.

"Yeah, i'm just going to start calling around for a nanny." Maria said.

"Ok, i'll be back in a couple of hours." Jim said grabbing his coat. Maria waved and went to her room, taking the phone book with her. After she had called about 5 agencies and made a few interviews she closed the book and walked into the kitchen, starting dinner.

It was all she could do to keep it together as she made her signature sauce. It was Zan's favorite. But she did it. Soon, both Jim and Kyle were home and they started dinner.


At bedtime, Kyle intended to go to his own apartment. "Kyle, do you mind staying again?" Maria asked. "I know your dad is here, but i just feel better when you sleep with me." she said with more confidence than the first time she asked him to say the night.

"Absolutly." he said with a smile.

In bed, Maria wrapped herself around Kyle. "I have 3 nanny interviews set up for after work tomorrow." she said. "Would you do them with me?" she asked.

Kyle looked at her. Wow, she really wanted his input. "Yeah, there is not practice tomorrow. I'll do the interviews with you." he said kissing her forehead.

"Thank you, Kyle. I'm sorry to be so co-dependent." she said.

"No, i want to be here." he assured her.

"You are the best friend i could ever dream of having," Maria said as she drifted off the sleep.

Friend. Thought Kyle. He was always going to be a friend, and he needed to get used to that. Zan may want there to be more comming from maria, but in the end he was just her friend.

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Chapter 17

Maria and Kyle hurried upstairs to Maria's apartment, as to not be late for thier first interview. They had gotten tied up in traffic and seemed to make it home just in time becuase not ten minutes after walking into the apartment, there was a knock on the door.

Maria handed Kyle the baby, and went to get the door. She smiled at a tall dark haired woman standing in front of her. "Hello, I'm Maria." she greeted extending her hand.

THe woman, about 30 years old, smiled and shook Maria's hand. Maria led her into the apartment and they sat down on the couch. "I'm Serina," she said with a smile. "Is this the little baby?" she asked pointing at Zandar in Kyle's arms.

"Yep, that's Zandar." Maria said. They made themselves comfortable on the couch while Jim made some tea.

"You two make a very cute couple." Serina said. Kyle and Maria smiled uneasily.

"Umm, we're not. I mean, Kyle is my very good friend. My husband, Zan, just...he just passed away." Maria said, keeping it together while talking abuot Zan for the first time.

"Oh, wow. I'm so sorry to hear that." Serina said, though she didn't seem to concerned with it. She sat there and smiled untll Maria started with the questions.

When Maria was done with the interview she looked at Kyle. They both felt the same way about this women. She was nice enough, but not too friendly. And she had very weird ideas about child-rearing. Serina thought that when a baby cries, you just let them "cry it out." Maria shook her head. Nope. That wasn't going to work.

At the end of the interview, both Kyle and Maria stood and escorted Serina to the door. "Thank you so much for you're time. We have two more interviews, then we will let you know." Maria said. More like, don't call us, we'll call you.

After she shut the door she sighed and turned around to look at Jim and Kyle. Jim was trying to contain his laughter. "Cry it out?! Is she kidding?" Maria asked with a huff.

Jim burst into laughter. "Never learned a poker face, did you?" he asked.

"Why, do you ask?" Maria said.

"Becuase when she told you that she thought children had the same emotional capcity as animals, you literally looked at her like she was nuts." Jim said.

"Well, she was nuts."

Then there was anouther knock on the door. This time it was an old lady. Maria was a little leary of the woman to begin with. First of all, she needed a live-in nanny, and she didn't think she could live with this up-tight woman.

As the interview progressed, Maria learned that 78 year old Ethel Morris was of the "spare the rod and spoil the child" way of thinking. NEXT!

"This is horrible. What is the next person going to tell me, that satan works his evil ways into the hearts of children at night?" Maria said throwing her hands up in the air. Kyle smiled and wrapped his free arm around her.

"This is just the first day, we will find someone." he assured her. She smiled at him. Just as if Kyle was speaking to God, herself, the last person knocked on the door.

WHen Maria opened the door, she saw a short adorable blond, about her age. "Hello," she greeted.

"Hi, Ms. Deluca-Guerin," the woman greeted. "I'm so sorry to hear about your husband," she said. Maria was taken aback. How did this woman know. The girl sensed her confusion. "I'm Tess Harding," she said shaking Maria's hand. "When i got called to do the interview i looked through your file. YOu know, to see if i was a good fit with you." she explained.

Maria was impressed. That was more than these other woman had done. "Well, i hope you are because we are stikeing out." Maria said with a laugh. "This is Kyle Valenti. He is my dearest friend, and he is helping me out." Maria said Kyle smiled at Tess. She seemed nice, alot like a more subdued version of Maria.

"Well, let's get going shall we..." Maria started. "First let me ask, are you in favor of spanking, indocrinating, or ignoring a child?"

Tess laughed. "ummm No. Never did agree with spanking. I mean, how do you teach children that violence isn't the answere when you use it against them? I don't belive in organized religion, so i'd be pretty hard for me to indocrinate little Zandar, here" she said playing with one of the baby's little fingers. "And that crap theory that children need to be left alone when they are upset is just that, crap." Tess said.

Maria smiled. "Thank you, so much." she said silently to the powers that be.

The rest of the interview went off without a hitch. Maria and Kyle adored Tess. She was smart, funny, spunky, and had a wealth of experiance. When the interview was over, maria asked, "Now, i'm looking for a live-in nanny. Is that too much for you?" she asked.

"No. I already had read that too." Tess said with a smile.

"Well, then, can i just say, You're Hired!" Maria said with a smiled. Tess jumped up and down.

"Wow, thank you. I'm very excited about taking care of Zandar." she said huggin Maria and then Kyle. And they could both tell she ment it.

"Come by tomorrow at the same time,and we can work on the legistics of everything." Kyle said, knowing that Maria would forget to remind her.

"Oh, would you like to stay for dinner?" Maria asked. "It's just Take-out, but it would be nice to get to know more about you."

"That would be great." Tess said.


4 hours later Kyle, Jim and Maria waved Tess off. "Wow, she is great." Jim said.

"I know, i feel like i've known her forever," Maria said, taking Zandar out of Jims arms and placing him in his crib.

"Well, two strikes and one home-run in a day is pretty damn good," Kyle said.

Jim watched that way Kyle looked at Maria. That boy had it bad. The thing was, it was obvious, but Maria seemed to have no clue. Sometimes he wondered how she couldn't tell that Kyle was in love with her when practically every action his son made screamed that he wanted her.

"So, what's the gameplan tonight?" asked Kyle.

"Ummm, we could watch some movies i got from Blockbuster," Jim said.

"Ok," Maria, ever the homebody answered. Besides, she just wasn't up for going out yet.


A week later, Maria and Kyle cried as they watched Jim walk into security at the Indianapolis International Airport. The next day was saturday and the day that Tess moved in. Maria was sad to see Jim leave, but she was glad to be becomming more independent.

She still hadn't let Kyle sleep in his own bed, though. Not that he minded in the least. "Kyle, if you ever are getting sick of me, please tell me." Maria said as she flopped down on the couch when they got back home."

"I'll be sure to tell you, but i doubt very much that will happen," Kyle said kissing her forehead. He found himself doing that alot lately.

"Well, tomorrow's along day, and Zandar is going to be up all night, so i think i'm going to take a nap." Maria said getting up off the couch and stretching.

Kyle nodded. "I'll be here, watching the hockey game." he said. He watched her walked back into her room. He was a daed man. Every thought he had about her was turning sexual. He couldn't stop himself. He needed a cold shower every morning, it was beginning to become rediculous. But he needed to stay strong. He knew that. Give it time, he reminded himself.

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Chapter 18

It only took about 3 hours to completely move in Tess. She didn’t have a whole lot of stuff, and the trio worked quickly. Actually, Maria wasn’t able to help much because Zandar begged for her attention at every turn. But as she tended to the baby, Tess and Kyle moved all of Tess’s stuff into the guest bedroom.

“Wow, this is a really great room,” Tess said looking at the high ceilings and spacious bathroom. It also had a walk in closet that Tess knew she was going to love.

“I’m glad you like it,” Maria said with a warm smile. Zandar began fussing in her arms and she switched him over to her left side.

“You want me to take him off your hands?” Tess asked.

“Oh no. You have been working all day.” Maria said. This girl was too good to be true.

“Oh it’s no problem, I love taking care of babies,” Tess said with a smile. Maria, seeing that she was telling the truth, handed the baby over to her.

“Well, ok. Then I think I will take a nap. If you need me, let me know.” Maria said as she walked back to her room. A few minutes later, Kyle came back into the apartment.

“Where’s Maria?” he asked.

“Taking a nap,” Tess said, paying more attention to the baby in her arms than Kyle. Kyle nodded and went back to the bedroom. He couldn’t stop himself. He wanted to be with Maria every chance he had. He knew he was only hurting himself, but being around her was like an addiction.

“Kyle?” Maria asked, with her back to the door when she heard it open.

“Yeah, it’s me.” Kyle said. Coming into the room and laying down behind her. Maria took hold of his arms and pulled them around her body.

“Take a nap with me?” she asked more that demanded. Kyle pulled the covers up around their bodies.

“Love to,” he answered pushing his nose into her hair. Maria snuggled closer into him and drifted off to sleep.

Kyle didn’t sleep. He watched her. He held her as she turned around in his arms and snuggled into his chest. His heart nearly pumped out of his chest when he heard her say, “I love you,” as she held him tighter, kissing his chest lightly. What was going on? Was she dreaming? Was she awake? Kyle didn’t want to say anything for fear he would wake her up.

Maria’s hands came up Kyle’s shirt as she felt his skin underneath. She still showed no signs of being away, other than her movements. Kyle’s cock was becoming hard. No amount of thinking his erection away was going to work. The sleeping Maria felt Kyle’s cock in his side and moved her hands down to cradle his member. “MMmmm,” Kyle moaned, unable to stop the sound from escaping his mouth.

“Oh Zan,” Maria said as she rubbed herself against Kyle. Kyle quickly snapped back into reality. Of course she was asleep. And she wasn’t thinking about him. He gently removed her hand from his cock and turned her back around she they were spooning. That was a much safer position.

Kyle finally let himself find rest with Maria in his arms. His nap was filled with dreams of Maria touching him like she had before. Only this time she knew who she was with. She loved him in his dreams.

Maria slowly woke to the feeling of something in her back. As she came around, she realized what it was. Kyle had a hard on. Oh My God, she thought. She couldn’t help but wonder if it was she that gave it to him. She shook the thoughts away. No way. He was probably dreaming about some girl in playboy.

She snuggled into him again, inadvertently rubbing his erection into her ass. “Mmmm,” Kyle moaned in his sleep. Maria bit her lip. Oops, she thought. She tried to stay still, when Kyle’s arms wrapped around her tighter. He was holding her with all he had now. “Maria…” he whispered in his sleep so quiet she almost didn’t hear him.

“Kyle?” Maria asked, making sure he was still asleep. She got no answer. Oh MY God. He was dreaming about her. That erection poking her in the back was brought about by…her? Or maybe it was another Maria. But Kyle didn’t know any other Maria.

Before Maria could really contemplate it, Tess poked her head in the door. “Maria, Kyle” she said waking both of them up. They turned to her to look at her, “Dinner is ready,” Tess said with a smile.

Wow. Maria officially loved this girl. Of that she was sure. IT was what was going on with Kyle that she didn’t understand. They both got up and walked into the living room for dinner. “Oh My God, Tess. This is amazing.” Maria said looking at the dinner laid out before them

“Yeah, well I like to cook,” Tess said with a smile as she sat down, “So, how was your nap?” she asked.

Maria blushed, “Really good.” She said. She wasn’t really sure if it was good. If Kyle was getting feeling for her, then she would have to sleep alone again. She didn’t want to do that.

“Yeah, it was nice.” Kyle said looking at Maria. There was something wrong with her. And he wanted to know what it was. Did she remember touching him in her sleep. God, he hoped not. That would be the last thing he or she would need.

“Well, the baby is asleep now.” Tess said taking about out of her dinner. “He is the best behaved baby I’ve ever nannyed” she said with a smile.

Maria smiled back at her. “Well, he must love you then because he isn’t always so good to me.” She said with a smile.

“So, what are your plans for the evening, Tess?” Kyle asked.

“Don’t know. Think I might go out with a couple friends.” Tess said.

Maria nodded, “That sounds fun.”


A month went by like that. Tess watched the baby during the day, and some nights when Kyle and Maria had to go out. Kyle still spent the night at Maria’s apartment. She held him tightly and waited for him to sleep so she could hear if he called out her name again. He never did. She started to relax. It must have been a one time thing. She would be lying if she said she never had dreams about him.

In fact, as of late she had been having some very steamy dreams about Kyle Valenti. At first, she freaked out. It was disrespectful to dream about another man when her husband just died. But then she realized it was natural. Kyle was attractive and he took care of her. Of course her subconscious was going to be attracted to him.

Kyle was doing the same thing. He was having hardcore dreams about Maria, and he didn’t know what to do about them. It wasn’t like they would stop even if he did move back into his apartment. So, he just held Maria tight and hopped that his erections would go unnoticed. Of course, they never did, but he didn’t know that. Maria never let him know that she knew he was aroused.

Things were going nicely with Tess, however. She was a fantastic Nanny. She knew exactly what Zandar wanted by his cry within days. She was fantastic company and a great cook. She always seemed to make Maria laugh when she was down, which seemed to be less and less as time went one. Maria still loved Zan. She always would, but she was starting to remember their good times instead of crying over their loss. It was still hard, but she was trying.

Tess had lost her fiancé 2 years before moving in with Maria, and she offered fantastic perspective. She listened at Maria as she talked and helped her get through some tough times.

On this particular night, Tess was hanging out with Kyle, though. Maria was at the Opera, and Tess and Kyle were watching the hockey game. “So, when are you going to tell Maria that you are in love with her?” Tess asked out of the blue as she grabbed an handful of popcorn.

“What? I mean…How? What are you talking about?” Kyle stuttered filling his mouth with popcorn as a distraction.

“Come on, Kyle. I’m no idiot and I’m not blind. I know that you are in love with you. Not that I blame you, the girl is amazing.” She said looking him in the eyes.

“Well, I guess sense it’s so damn obvious, I might as well tell you. I am. I’m in love with her. She is my world. I want her so bad it hurts.” Kyle said running a frustrated hand through his hair. Tess giggled at him and laid a supportive hand on his shoulder.

“But I’m not going to tell her that. She just lost her husband. I’m an asshole for even thinking about her like that at a time like this.” Kyle said.

“Kyle, you can’t help your feelings. And I don’t think your feelings are unreciprocated.” Tess said with a smile.

“Why does everyone keep saying that!” Kyle exclaimed.

“Because it’s most likely true. She may not know it, but Maria looks at you the way a girl looks at her lover. She probably doesn’t know she feels this way, but I’d be willing to bet that she does love you. You just have to give the girl time.” Tess said.

Kyle nodded and thought about what Tess said. He hopped she was right. She wasn’t usually wrong.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 19

One month later…

Maria’s attraction to Kyle was becoming absurd. She found herself day dreaming about him at school, and she was still having hardcore fantasies about him at night. These feelings were starting to freak her out. Two and a half months had passed since Zan died, and here she was needing cold showers to get through the day.

Kyle was having a similar problem, but he was dealing with it better. He was used to wanting Maria when he couldn’t have her. Now, with them together all the time, it was getting harder to control himself, but he was able to do it.

Tess watched the two silently from the sidelines. Her thoughts that Maria MIGHT be into Kyle, were squashed when she realized that the girl had it bad. She most likely didn’t know it, but she did. It was so obvious, and Tess knew exactly what was going on.

As the three sat on the couch watching TV, Tess said, “Ok, I’m going to go to bed. Zandar’s in the crib in my room, you want me to move him?” she asked.

“No, if you ware fine with him sleeping in there, he can stay,” Maria said with a yawn. “I’m kinda tired too, I think I’m going to turn in.” In reality she just wanted to lay next to Kyle and listened to him sleep. She had learned to love doing that. It was amazing she got any sleep at all. She would lay practically on top of him and listen to his heart beat, his breath even out, and his little baby snores. They were comforting.

Kyle smiled to himself. He wished he could sleep all day. That was the only time he got to be close to Maria and feel like she was his. She laid with him like she was his girlfriend, and though she wasn’t, he learned to pretend that she was.
As Maria made her way into the bedroom, Kyle followed her. As their usual routine, Kyle went into the bathroom to change while Maria changed in the bedroom. When they were done, they brushed their teeth together. Then the snuggled under the covers together. Kyle wrapped his arms around Maria as she laid her head down on his chest.

Then they began their unknown tradition of waiting for the other to fall asleep. Maria inhaled Kyle’s scent as she listened to Kyle’s heavy breathing. Kyle looked down at Maria’s with her eyes closed. He thought the was asleep until her hand made it’s way up her chest to his neck. She gently rubbed the soft skin of his neck with her finger.

Maria didn’t know what she was doing, but she couldn’t stop herself. Her fantasies were becoming too vivid, she didn’t know where to draw the line anymore. As her hand wound into Kyle’s hair, she was startled to hear him sigh and cover her hand with his own as she played with his hair. She looked up to see him very awake and looking back at her with confusion on his face. She was caught, but she didn’t care.

Maria turned to her side and moved up Kyle’s body as she continued her minstrations on his neck. She couldn’t will herself to stop as she leaned in closer to the man that had been her best friend through thick and thin. Her lips gently brushed against Kyle’s and his eye went shut on instinct to revel in the silky smoothness of her bee-stung lips against his own.

Kyle didn’t know what was going on. Was he asleep? Was this just a really vivid dream? It felt do real, and deep down he knew it was, but he could not understand why Maria was touching him like this. Kissing him. It was obvious that she was awake. She saw him, she knew he wasn’t Zan. What was she doing? He didn’t have the strength to stop her because he wanted this too much.

Maria’s tongue snaked out and Kyle eagerly opened his mouth to feel her tongue massage his. He groaned at the sensation as Maria pushed herself up on her arms to better reach Kyle. They hungrily kissed each other until breathing became an issue. As they panted for breath, Kyle looked into Maria’s eyes. They were dark with lust, but muddy with confusion as well. “What are we doing?” he asked before he could stop himself.

Maria looked back at him, “I don’t know, but I want you,” she breathed huskily. Kyle’s already hard cock pulsed. He knew he should stop. That Maria was still in a delicate place. That in the morning this was going to be one big mistake for both of the, but with all he had, he couldn’t will his hands to stay off of Maria. As he pushed her onto her back, he moved his body to cover hers as he kissed her neck.

“Kyle,” Maria breathed as she rolled her head back to give him more access to her heated skin. Kyle smiled against her skin at the sound of her name on his lips. Something he never thought he would here. Even when they dated for a short time in high school, all they ever did was make out, and they never really had an emotional connection. Well, that is SHE never had an emotional connection.

Maria quickly pulled Kyle’s shirt off him, ripping it. She promised to buy him a new one, as she placed gentle kisses on his chest. Hell, Kyle didn’t give a shit about a new shirt as long as she kept touching him the way she was. “Oh Maria,” he moaned as she flicked one of his nipples.

He began playing with the hem of her shirt and when Maria seemed to be unable to wait any longer, she pulled it over her haed herself. In the same motion, she flipped Kyle over, pinning him to the bed as she straddled his waist. She felt his erection poke her in the ass and she moved suductivly against it. “Oh fuck,” Kyle breathed shutting his eyes. She was torturing him.

They never said a word to each other as Maria made quick work of pulling Kyle’s boxers off of him. Kyle couldn’t belive this was happening. What was going on? And why hadn’t he stopped it? Even as the running commentary went on in his head he couldn’t completely pay attention with Maria sitting in only her underwear, so close to his raging cock. He ripped Maria’s panties off as well and she leaned forwardd to capture his lips in hers once more.

Kyle’s eyes snapped open once again as he felt Maria’s slim fingers close around his cock. She felt her move him to her dripping wet entrance. Did he do that to her, he wondered. Maria sank down quickly on Kyle’s cock and sighed at the sensation of him filling her so completely. She had never had sex with anyone but Zan, and tears seeped out of her eyes as she realized that she could no longer say that. Kyle gently wiped the tears streaming down Maria’s face.

When Maria collected herself she began to move on Kyle. She raised and lowered herself on him at a maddeningly slow pace. She leaned forward and bounced up and down on him faster until he was hitting her g-spot at every thrust.

“Maria,” Kyle moaned as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. She felt better than anything he had ever experienced. The way she looked in extacy bouncing on his cock was the most erotic thing he had seen to date.

“Kyle,” she moaned as her breath hitched and she came around his cock. She couldn’t lift herself any longer, so Kyle rolled her over on her back and continuted to thrust into her. Maria threw her arms around Kyle and held on as she felt another orgasm build in her.

Kyle was coming close to the edge and he knew Maria was ready too. God, he didn’t want this moment to end. There was no telling what would happen in the afterglow. Or if he would ever get to feel Maria stretched around his cock again. But alas, he could hold back his orgasm no longer as her came deep inside Maria.

Maria came almost immediately after, and as Kyle rolled over to the side of her she watched him close his eyes and fall asleep. Oh God. What had she just done? There was no denying she wanted it. And the sex was amazing. But that was whack. She just fucked her best friend in the bed she once shared with her late husband. Her question as to whether or not Kyle was attracted to her was answered, but now things were more complicated than she could have imagined.

Maria didn’t sleep at all that night. She was tired, her whole body was tired, but she couldn’t sleep. She just thought. Thought about how fucked up her life had just become over the course of an hour.

When the sun rose, Maria looked at the clock. 6:30. Well, she could get out of bed, take a show, get dressed, and leave before Kyle. She’d have to take the bus, but she really didn’t want to talk to Kyle right now. What would she say? It wasn’t like she regretted what they did, but at the same time she did. She didn’t know what she thought.

When Maria walked out of her room, dressed and ready to go, she saw Tess making coffee. “Morning,” Tess said with a smile.

Maria pasted a smile on as well. “Morning,” she said, distracted. “I’m going to take the bus to school. I want to get there early to meet a few students, will you let Kyle know.” She said.

Tess nodded. Maria never went to school without Kyle. If she needed to go early, he woke up early and took her. Tess wondered what happened.


When Kyle woke up he rolled over to wrap his arm around Maria, but found her spot on the bed Vacant. That was weird. He rolled out of bed and put his boxers back on before venturing out into the living room. When he saw Tess in the kitchen she looked at him. “Where’s Maria?” he asked.

“She went to school early to meet a student.” Tess said warming up a bottle for the baby.

Kyle thought about this. There was no way. She was running. He knew it. He had expected it. Maria never took the bus to school. She never left without him, now she just happened to have prior engagements that he knew nothing about?

Tess looked at Kyle as he though, “What happened last night?” she asked quietly.

Kyle looked at Tess, his eyes brimming with tears. “I fucked up. That’s what happened,” he said before turning around to go back to the bedroom and get ready. Tess watched him walk off. With the scratches on his back, she had a damn good idea what happened last night. No wonder Maria looked like a wreck this morning. Tess knew she was going to have to talk to Maria about this later. That girl could not continue to blame herself for things outside of her control.

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Post by gnrkrystle »

Chapter 20

Maria had done a great job of ignoring Kyle all day at work, and she figured she would be able to cut out and get home before she would have to deal with him as well. He had practice tonight, and wouldn’t be back until 8:00. She knew she was just delaying the inevitable, but she really didn’t want to talk to him yet. She didn’t even know what she would say.

Then, right before her last class, Kyle walked into her room. “Hi Kyle,” she said with an awkward smile. Kyle looked at Maria and felt sad. It was torture see her look at him like that. Like he was the last person in the world she wanted to see, and it was all his fault.

“So, Maria, I just wanted to make sure I was taking you home tonight,” He said hoping that she wasn’t going to avoid him.

Maria stared at him like a deer in headlights for a second and then bit her bottom lip. The last thing she wanted was to do was be alone in the car with Kyle. “Look forget about it,” Kyle said rolling his eyes. He knew that it was a long shot.

Maria was agrivated by his attitude. “Kyle, wait,” she said pulling him back before he walked off. A few students were making their way into the room. “Look, this isn’t the time or place. I’ll take the bus home and we can talk about this tonight.” She said to him. Great, put it off ofr another 6 hours. That would help a lot.

Kyle silently nodded and walked out of the room with a sigh. On thing Maria was right about was that this wasn’t the time. Adolecent minds were already a breeding ground for some crazy gossip, no reason to give them perfect material about their music teacher and gym teacher.


When Maria walked into her apartment there was only one thing she wanted to do. Feed her son and talk to Tess. She needed someone to smack some sense into her. “Hello, Maria,” Tess greeted with a smile.

“Hi Tess,” Maria said, “You think we could talk?” she asked shyly. She didn’t like the fact that Tess was her go-to man for advice, but it wasn’t like she could talk to Kyle, and Tess knew what she was talking about. She just hope Tess didn’t start charging her for her good council.

Tess smiled to herself. It didn’t look like she was going to have to force anything out of Maria after all. “I’m all ears,” Tess said sitting on the couch as Maria nursed Zandar.

Maria took a deep breath, “Well, there is no easy way to say this. Last night, I fucked up.” Maria said pausing for emphasis. Tess nodded, seemed to be the general consensus of the morning. “I had sex with Kyle last night,” Maria said closing her eyes to gather her thoughts. “I don’t know what came over me,” she lied.

Tess just looked at her. Maria shook her head quickly. “No, that isn’t really true. I know what came over me. I wanted him. I wanted Kyle like I’ve only wanted one other person in the world.” Maria said as tears shown in her eyes.

Tess placed a supporting hand on her friend and employer’s back. “And that scares you,” she stated rather than asked.

Maria nodded, “Yes. It’s only been 2 and a half months since Zan died. What kind of wife jumps in bed with another guy after 2 and a half months?” Maria asked. “But the hardest part is that I don’t really regret it. Why is that? Why don’t I hate Kyle today?” Maria asked. She needed he friends advice. She couldn’t make heads or tails of the situation.

Tess sat up straighter and Maria finished nursing Zan before Tess actually spoke. “Maria, I know what you are going through. Trust me, I’ve been there. Do you know how long it was before I had sex again after Sean died?” Maria shook her head ‘no’. “2 months exactly.” Tess answered.

She took a deep breath and continued, “You see, I loved Sean very much, and he loved me back. It tore me up inside when he died. I thought I would never love again. However, I too had a friend help me through the loss. Her name was Serina. It seems that Serina had been in love with me from afar for many years. I never knew anything about it, but one night we were together, and we started kissing. I didn’t know that I was bisexual, or that I was also in love with Serina until that night. A week later we had sex. That was only 2 months after Sean died.” Tess said.

“But, I mean didn’t you feel like you were betraying him?” Maria asked.

“At first, yes.” Tess answered honestly, “and I’m sure no matter what I tell you, you will feel guilty for a little while. But there is something that you need to know, Maria. You loved Zan very much. I know that. I can see it every time you talk about him. And he loved you back, of that I’m sure. It is because of this strong love that you have been able to find love so quickly with Kyle. And that is what this is, Love. You love Kyle and he loves you right back. You probably didn’t even know it, but there are things that a 3-party observer can see that others can’t.” Tess said with a smile.

“What do you mean, my love for Zan has made it easier to move on?” Maria asked, not understanding how that made sense. Shouldn’t it be opposite?

“See, you know what love is. You know what it is to love someone completely and with it is to be loved completely. That is a feeling that you want again. They say that those who are happily married when their spouse dies at the quickest to move on. They know that their lover loves them so much that they would want them to be happy. Zan would want you to fall in love again, and who better with than a man he knows and trusts, right?” Tess reasoned.

Maria smiled slightly. This girl was good. “You sure you aren’t a psychiatrist on the side?” she joked.

“No, I just can’t help but deeply relate to your situation,” Tess said with a laugh.

“So what happened with Serina?” Maria was almost afraid to ask.

“We are still together, but she is in the peace corps. She is gone for another year and a half,” Tess said with a smiled, “I miss her, but having lost one love of my life, I can defiantly handle her just being across the world.” She explained.

Maria smiled, “You are so amazing,” she said. Tess blushed an bowed her head. All Tess wanted was for Maria and Kyle to be happy and stop blaming themselves for everything.


Some time later, after another hour or so of conversation, Maria took Zandar and went to her room. She needed to think about what she was going to say to Kyle. She still wasn’t sure how she felt. She knew she loved Kyle, in some way defiantly, and she knew that she didn’t regret the sex, it was just happening so fast, it was hard to get her bearings.

She jotted down a few things to help her remember what she wanted to stay. She knew she was being anal retentive, but she didn’t care. Kyle was going to laugh at her, but when did he not? She hoped Kyle would forgive her for running that morning. It was stupid and childish. She should have stayed and discussed what happened the night before, but she didn’t. She was scared. Well, now they were going to talk.


At 8:00 on the dot, Kyle walked into the apartment. He didn’t really know if he should be there. Maybe after last night, Maria wanted him to stay at his own apartment. It wouldn’t surprise him, and he wouldn’t really blame her. Lying next to each other was dangerous if he wanted to get over her.

Tess was out, he could see that. Maria was nowhere to be seen. “Maria?” he called out quietly as to not wake the baby in case he was asleep.

Maria came out of the bedroom and looked at Kyle’s shrunken shoulders and sad expression. She frowned. She had done that to him. “Hi Kyle,” she said genuinely smiling at him. He was confused. Had Maria been body snatched? “We need to talk,” she said nervously as she motioned for him to sit on the couch next to her. Kyle did as he was instructed.

“Look Maria, I’m sorry about…” he started but Maria cut him off by placing her index finger over his lips. He reveled in the feeling of her smooth skin against his lips, but he snapped out of it quickly as he turned his attention to Maria.

Maria smiled at Kyle again. “Let me talk first.” She asked. Then she took a deep breath. “Kyle, I’m sorry I ran off this morning without talking to you. It was wrong and childish, and I’ve been avoiding you all day, which isn’t any better,” Maria said.

Kyle’s features softened as she spoke. “Maria, I understand,” he said.

Maria quickly shook her head, “Dammit, Kyle let me talk,” she said with a slight laugh. He smield abck at her and nodded for her to continue. “We need to talk about last night. First, I want you to know that I didn’t plan it. And I don’t regret it.” Maria said looking Kyle in the eyes.

Kyle was shocked. She didn’t regret it? He thought for sure that she did. “What do you mean?” he asked tentatively.

Maria took a deep breath, “Just what I said. I don’t regret it. I wanted it. I wanted to make love to you. I have for weeks. That is why I ran away. You see, Kyle, I’ve never been with anyone but Zan, you know except the rape. But I don’t count that,” Maria said getting teary eyed remembering the brutal rape she had gone through her senior year of high school.

Kyle caressed her cheek lightly. He hated when she brought up the rape, which she rarely did. All he could think was that it was HIS friends that raped her. It was because of HIM. “I’m so sorry, baby,” he said before he could stop the words from coming out of his mouth.

Maria looked back into his eyes, “But you shouldn’t be. This is not your fault. As I recall, I’m the one who made the first move. Either way, we can’t take it back. What I want to know is how you feel about it.” Maria said.

“I feel like an ass hole, Maria. I should have controlled myself better. But I can’t say I regert making love to you. I don’t know if you know this, but I’ve been in love with you since we were 10 years old.” Kyle said, honestly. He didn’t want to hide anymore, and since Maria was putting herself on the line, it was the least he could do.

“Really?” Maria said more to herself than to Kyle. How could she never have known? Had she been blind? Had Kyle been good at covering it? “Kyle, I think I’m in love you you,” Maria said out of the blue. She hadn’t ment to go into that tonight, but at that very moment she realized that she was in love with Kyle. That he completed her in a way that only Zan had before.

Kyle sat there shocked. “What…What are you talking about?” Kyle asked.

“I talked to Tess today, and she as telling me that falling in love soon after your spouse dies only speaks to the love that the person had for their lover.” Maria said, “And it makes sense. This morning I felt horrible because I slept with you, enjoyed it, and wanted to do it again. I felt like I was betraying Zan, but I think Zan would be happy for me. For us. He loved you, and I love you now.” Maria said as she brushed stray hairs off of Kyle’s forehead.

Kyle’s eyes were filling with tears quickly. Never in his lifetime did he think this was what Maria was going to say to him. “So, are you saying that you want…what are you saying?” Kyle asked confused.

“I want to be with you, Kyle. But I understand if it is too hard for you. This is not going to be easy. I’m still an emotional wreck. I’m a single mother. I still love and miss Zan very much,” Maria explained, “But if you could work with me, I think we could find happiness.” She promised.

Kyle grinned from ear to ear, “Newsflash, DeLuca, I practically live with you already. I’m not going anywhere. I will always be here for you. No matter what, I want nothing more than to be with you. That is what I’ve always wanted, and if you will have me, I want to be with you and take care of you, and love you.” Kyle said.

Maria grinned back at him, wipping her tears. She leaned forward and planted a kiss smack on Kyle’s lips, “Mmmm,” he moaned.

Maria pulled back and looked at Kyle, her arms still wrapped around his neck. “There is one thing, though.”

“Anything,” Kyle said.

“I want us to wait to have sex again. I don’t want our whole relationship to be based on sex. It’s also hard for me to not think about Zan, you know. I would love for you to still stay with me, but I can’t sleep with you yet.” Maria said. She wanted things to go slower. She loved Kyle, but the sex was confusing her too much at this point.

“Maria, I will go as slowly as you want. This isn’t about sex to me,” Kyle said.

“It was damn good sex though, I have to admit,” Maria said winking at Kyle.

Kyle laughed, she was going to kill him talking like that, “Fucking amazing.” Kyle said pulling her close to him and kissing her deeply. Just as he slipped his toung in her mouth, and Maria wrappe her arms around his back, the baby started crying.

Maria sighed and pulled herself away from Kyle, “The baby calls,” she said.

Kyle grunted in frustration, “He hates me,” Kyle joked.

“Awww, poor baby,” Maria said with a grin as she got up to tend to the baby.

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