Afterglow of Disillusionment [DA XO,UC,MATURE] {WIP}

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Post by vampiricheart »

Hello guys! :D :D :D Midterms went by pretty well. Well enough for me to grab some hours to finish and perfect this chapter. So, instead of Saturday, you get your update today!!! Isn't that great!!! Even though, you guys will probably hate my guts, when you're done reading it though. The shit really hits the fan and things are painfully revealed. Just...try to refrain from...ending my life okay, guys. Just think of it this way, you murder me and I won't be around to fix it :wink:

As promised, here are the individual replies:

Behrsgurl*87, I'm happy that you love it! I'm afraid you might not love it so much after this part though....

elfangel01, After writing it, I didn't really expect anyone to notice the subtle walk PAST Max's house. Kodos, my friend. :) I liked to whole A/L getting it on scene too.
i can't wait for more, this story is awesome! and as long as it's xtremer insured, i think i'll be okay... maybe...
Can I hold you to that one???

Ellie, :oops: I still blush everytime I read that sex scene. I know, I know, I wrote it, but hey, I tainted my own virginal fingers while writing it.... :D*imagine with a halo* Yeah made her choice and nope, it wasn't just sex induced. But...I must say, Alec isn't gonna be the one feeling alittle used and abused in this little fic of mine. I think Maria gives everybody headaches....

mrsjbehr, LOL, your FB cracked me up... :lol: Yep, Liz made her choice and it is Alec....but ya know....somethings don't always work out as smoothly as you hope they would...that's all I'm saying... :roll:

polar vixen, Yeah, I can't have my two favorite Roswell boys *except Alex* all unreasonable and mean to Liz...that's just not the way... Liz plans on following through with it.....

Kat, Just because a simple "I'm sorry" would do the trick, I still want those damn gummi bears and cookies. Yeah, so I'm a 120 lb fat what??? Brin finding out about Alec and Liz actually isn't going to be as funny as it seems it would be...but you'll have to read to find out why... You won't have to resist the urge to dwell on the whole why-are-Alec-and-Brin-in-Roswell thing any longer. Unfortunately.... things are seriously revealed in this chapter. and no, you may ot like it....Just consider it paybacks-a-bitch time for that whole Max-Alec-Liz mix up in WTRBTF :twisted: hehe...

Yeah it really was silly of Liz to think that Micheal would nark on her to Max of all people...And while you can not *have* Kyle, I'll let you borrow him...for a small price that is :twisted: ...A new update to DTD and more WTRBTF MMWWAAHHAAHAHAAA
*clears throat* okay...I'm done....

orphyfets, Michael and Kyle rock...nough said on that...and well you'll have to read to know what's gonna happen next.... :wink:

binxter, Michael and Kyle are quite the lil' gossip queens. I like that they bring humor to a sucky situation too. Liz will really be needing that very soon. And of course I would have her stay with Max and play with your hearts like that!!! I'm not that terrible a person.

Zevrillion, I guess I may have to run for the hills after handing you this part... You may want to kill me...

bluebear01, I loved the Michael and Kyle and Liz convo too. I was cracking up while writing it. those guys....
Even though, there might be a...delay on the Mike/Brin, it will happen..

behrstars, I'm glad that you loved it from beginning to end, that might not be the case for this part though, not that you'll hate just won't like me very much afterwards.

Roswell Slayer,
And when is Kyle gonna find a girl? He can't be womanless for long.
yeah you gotta a point there, but I'm gonna that one in the shadows for a while...atleast until the smoke settles.... You know the irony of Liz making her decision and planning on telling Max off is whether or not she'll be able to actually do it...

WomanofMystery, hehe, gotta love Michael and Kyle....and yeah I always felt that by the time the 3rd seasen came along, everyone was always secretly wondering why in the hell Liz bothered with Max after all... I got that especially from Michael and Kyle. Isabel too. Why does everyone here think I'm sort of...meany that would put Liz right with Max after a night down and gritty with Alec? I'm appalled at the thought :shock: ...

rachelg224, Nope, I'm done with the guilt trip on Liz's part... I'm glad I left you speechless, though... I love leaving people with their mouths hanging get in, ya know... :lol:

And now, without anymore delay, Chapter 10.....once again, just refrain from the urge to end my life..please.


Chapter 10

My eyes snap open at the sound of rustling upstairs. It only takes about five seconds for memory to come back to me. Of where I am and what happened last night…or rather earlier this morning. Which by guessing, I’d say it was maybe…eight in the morning. I shift slightly to find Alec’s arm resting around my waist. I’m naked and so is he, under a throw blanket that I’m guessing was on the couch. I glance at Alec, whose eyes are closed and is breathing evenly. I can’t help but smile at the fact that he just looks so…peaceful. So adolescent in his sleeping state. Nothing like the smirking, smart ass with the devilish good looks that I took pleasure ravishing on a day-to day basis. Right now, I can only stare at his currently sweet face as a warm flutter fills my heart.

Suddenly, I hear the rustling louder and part of me begins to panic. For a moment, the first thing I can think of doing is scrambling to gather my clothes, but I can’t bring myself to move from Alec’s warm embrace. Not willingly, in any case.

Abruptly, Brin comes shuffling down the stairs clad in a pair of loose sweat pants and a small tee-shirt. She moves lazily, obviously not aware of me or Alec’s presence. I’m completely still as she walks crosses the living room where I am and enters the kitchen and I’m shocked at how she was completely unaware of the two figures laying on the couch. I’d think we’d be like a large white elephant sitting in the room, frankly, she doesn’t.

She’s in the kitchen for about five seconds before she comes, all but running, back into the living room, stopping front of the couch. She looks more or less shocked beyond repair, staring at me and Alec, wide-eyed.
Ah, now she’s noticed the elephant.
At this point, I feel Alec stir sharply before he raising his to glance up at Brin, only to roll his eyes, only to close them again. I, on the other hand, am looking like I just got caught with my hand in a cookie jar. It dons on me suddenly that Brin had no idea that Alec and I were fooling around. Hence, her evident shell-shock. She’s still standing there, mouth half open, stunned.

I personally have no idea what I’m supposed to say. I just got caught all post-coital with her brother. I squirm a bit at her scrutiny. I realize that this is the first time I’ve ever seen Brin at a loss for words.

“Never miss a good chance to shut up, Brin.” Alec mumbles this from his current position nestled in my hair. She sends him a glare while flipping him off before looking very perplexed for a slight second. I take a minute to wonder what it was about. Somehow, I never imagined her to be so…confused. And if I didn’t know better, I’d say that she was a bit disappointed. Something else I fail to understand. I expected her to be…well…Brin. Some smart, witty comment about not being able to control hormones. I even imagined her laughing her ass off. Pointing and making fun of the fact that of all the places in this big house to have sex, we do it on the couch of the living room. I did not however, imagine her silent and, I suspect, upset.

“Alec,…we need to talk…later.” She says this uncomfortably and briskly, before she changes courses and heads back upstairs.


Something definitely clicked. Somewhere between ending it with Alec and now, my feelings changed. It became painfully clear that the love and soul-grasping wholeness that was once Max and I were no longer there. More importantly, that it would never be there again. That for the last several months, I’ve simply been wasting my time. I’m slightly bittered by this, but then I feel relief flushing my body, rinsing the last of cowardice from me. Toughening me. The first thing I plan on doing when find the strength to leave Alec’s side, is stalk over to where ever the hell Max is and break it to him. No, we are not soulmates. No, we can’t go back to the way thing were. And most importantly, no I don’t love you anymore.

Not that I love Alec, now. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, here. But I feel something. Something new and unheard. All I know is that I desperately want to explore it, at any cost.

I guess I’ve always known. Deep within my spirit, embedded underneath the rational, logical me that always believed Max and I were nothing short of meant to be, was something that was constantly doubting, whispering the truth. Alec’s arrival, his mere presence in my life, serving as the electric catalyst that inevitably, blew it all into the open. Giving me strength and a sense of self I haven’t felt in a very long time.

We get dressed and have an awkward, but sweet morning after of breakfast and small talk, I notice the subtle changes in myself. I feel the subtle changes.

There also seems to be two barely noticeable changes in Alec. All morning, I’ve caught him stealing stares at me. Offering subtle sweet touches on the lower back, arms, and hair. Soft kisses where ever he’s close to at the moment. This make me smile, despite myself.

But then, in between that, his mind seems somewhere else. He’s never been so…quiet around me before. He seems very deep in thought. Very spaced off. And I personally don’t know how to feel about it. I can’t determine whether I should be worried or content on the comfortableness of it.

“So…where does this…leave us?” I’m brought back from my musings as we sit in his living room, across from each other. Suddenly, I feel very awkward at the space he’s put between us. Mostly because Alec seems more or less, uncomfortable. This confuses me beyond any form of reason. It’s almost as if he’s come to his senses on something. I try to force out the insecurities I feel bubbling up in side of me.

“I don’t know.” I lower my eyes, feeling an unwelcome doubt edging in me. I wish Alec was like Max in the sense that I could always easily read any thought or feeling he was having through his eyes. Alec’s eyes are completely unreadable. Except for the desire, of course. They’re mysteries that I don’t necessarily feel safe with, but I somehow can’t bate myself to resist. I do know that somewhere between our first kiss…make-out…whatever and last night, I find myself wanting to figure them out more than anything. I undergo liberating hum inside me that wants to drop all the drama and mess that is Max just to unravel these particular mysteries.

“I don’t know where this leaves us….But I know that where ever it is, I don’t want it to end.” I raise my eyes to his searching for some conformation of his understanding. His eyes burrow into mine and then I see it. The glitch that softens his gaze and gives me all the strength that I need in order to go through with my plans for the day.

But then there’s something else. My heart almost stops once I put a name to it. The slightest form of regret, guilt. For what, I don’t know, but the insecurities that subsided soon begin to re-bubble. I feel panic building and all of a sudden, I need to get out of this house. What if he regrets what happened? This sucks because for the first time, I don’t. Oh god, what if he doesn’t want me after all? His silence speaks volumes to me. I consider quickly grabbing my belongings and bolting the hell out of here, but before I can move to gather my stuff, his voice stops me.

“Liz,” the tone in which he says my name makes the hairs on the back of my stand up, it’s so…solemn, so uncharacteristic of him, “I have to tell you something.” Oh, god, he’s going to tell me that it all was a mistake. That he does want it to end. I can’t here this and before he can continue, I began to put my shoes on, heading for the door while doing so. I’m panicking and though I’m sure I probably look like I’ve lost my mind, I can’t help it. Rejection has proven to be a big fear of mine. Especially since I’ve made the choice that I was willing to finally let go of my burdens with Max, and maybe…even move on with Alec.

He’s risen from him seat on the couch and is rushing towards me, blocking my exit.

“Liz, please. I really have to talk to you.” The panic in his voice stops me in my tracks, my blood runs cold. I don’t know what’s going on but suddenly I’ve the feeling it has nothing to do with us as an item. I turn to look into his eyes, trying to get some short answer. The conflict in them is too jumbled to make out what exactly is the problem. I take a step or two back from the door- and him -slowly. Suddenly on alert. Old Manticore caution perfectly resurfaced. Narrowing my eyes, perplexed.

“Liz…” he sighs searching for the words and I swear his eyes suddenly opened up to me. As if the wall blocking his thoughts from me were suddenly knocked down, revealing all these emotions, all coated with a thick film of guilt and remorse.
“…I’m from Manticore.”

I swore I almost passed out when I heard those words leave his lips. “Wha…what?” I’ve clearly heard this wrong. He didn’t just say-
“Brin and I. We’re both from Manticore. We were sent here to confirm your status as one of the escapees, then to set you up for the recapture…” he stops for a moment. I’ve completely backed away from him at this point. I refuse to believe this. This can’t be.

As if he senses my disbelief, he turns sharply revealing a faint hint of a barcode that from the looks of it, had been temporally removed. I never even noticed. He shows it only long enough for me to recognize it before turning back to me, eyes full of penitence.

Cold reality sets in on me as realize the truth behind all those little things I found so very strange, but never thought too long on. Their suspicious arrival, their presistant entry into my life, Brin’s friendship, Alec’s seduction and then his nonchalance at my ending it with him. It was all just a front, a plan to get me right where they needed me in order to send me back to…hell.

“You and Brin…are from Manticore.” I repeat his statement to myself. I feel my eyes swelling with hot tears of anger, of confusion, of humiliation, of sheer and utter hurt. I feel like my throat has closed, refusing to let ample amount of air into my lungs. My vision is blurred by tears and I only hear Alec’s voice and the pounding of my own heart. My body has began to tremble violently. No. I refuse to let him see me cry. See me weaker than he’s already seen me. He’s moved to grasp my arms to stop me from backing away from him. “Liz, please…believe me when I say…I’m sorry.” His voice is low, weak. His eyes plead for my cooperation.

When his hands touch the bare skin of my arms, I’m overcome with white rage. How dare he think he can touch me in such an affectionate form. My hands met his solid chest in a forceful ram, knocking him back a step or two, but his grasp on my arms are firm, refusing my resistance.

“Let go of me! Get your fucking hands off me!” The words and curses erupt strong and enraged from my throat as I find my voice. I struggle violently against his chest, letting sobs escape my lips unwillingly. Punching him and slapping him. I don’t know whether it’s my pain or his resilience, but my blows seem, though powerful, just not enough to move him as far as I want him. Like off this planet.

“Liz, listen,” he tightens his grip enough to get a second of my sober attention, “we have to get out of here. They’re coming for you. For us. As we speak.” His voice is slightly hushed and pleading.

“Why, do you care? Huh? Isn’t this exactly what you wanted?” I muster all the strength left in my body, all that hasn’t been spent struggling for the last few minutes, to jab him square in the face, feeling the sharp shift of the bone in his nose breaking under my fist. The shock of it, causes him to release me. I back as far away from him, as fast away from him, as possible, partially expecting a transgenic smackdown and well prepared for it, getting in a defensive stance.

He doesn’t, however, move in any way to harm me. As much as I hate myself for it, I feel touched and just a second, a moment even, when I want to breakdown, run to him crying, and begging for some resolve that this is all just some very, bad joke. That he hadn’t played me like a prize fool. That they hadn’t played me like a prize fool.

"I never wanted this. I had a job to do. I didn't even know you..." he stops, seemingly giving up on his own voice. He looks away, a defeated look on his face that almost breaks my heart. Almost.

I stay silent, with cold eyes and still in fighting stance as he holds his nose, snapping it back into place, wincing slightly in pain. I’m mixed with pride that I had inflicted some sort pain, and a remorse at even hurting him at all.

Just then, even through all my anger and emotional turmoil, my ears perk up. The hairs on the back of my neck go on alert as I sharply look around. I send a glance Alec’s way and he’s, sure enough, sensed it too. Danger, they are very, very near.

“We have to get out of here.” He says this in a very quick, very alert voice that’s barely audible, but heard all the same. Before I’ve even realized it, he’s rushed across the room and grasped my hand, pulling me to follow him to some secret, back door behind a large wooden shelf.

Even though, yes , I do realize that the situation just got hostile, I’m still very pissed at Alec and unable let go of it for even a nana-second. I wrench my hand from his grasp.

“Don’t you fucking dare touch me. Why am I even following you anyway? You’re just leading me into yet another goddamn trap.” I hiss at him, keep my tone cold and harsh, leveling him with a hard stare before turning to find another way out. I’m trying hard to keep my composure despite the painful fact that this is the day my worse fears come true. They’re here. I can feel it in every sense tingling from my body. It’s confirmed when I immediately hear the heavy pounding a helicopter, seconds later, I hear the windows upstairs shatter and heavy foot steps follow.

“Liz, look, I know you have absolutely no reason to trust me, right now, but just please, come with me!” He’s raised his voice to be heard over the commotion, holding his hand out for me to grasp.

And then, even though I was probably well caught anyway, I make a huge mistake. I hesitated. It’s for no longer than ten seconds, but it’s enough for the windows around me to come crashing in as black-clad figures surround us, immediately raising guns and firing dart-like tubes into both me and Alec, simultaneously. I instantly start to feel the wave of dizzy haziness cloud my thoughts and vision. I feel my limbs go flaccid as I slump to the ground, completely unable to grasp the exact moment when my worse nightmares began to come true.


Uh was that bearable?...Hello? readers are you still there? HELLO??!!
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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Location: Where ever Orlando Bloom and The Depp are. YUM YUM

Post by vampiricheart »

Hey guys :mrgreen: I'm soooo sorry it took me so long to get this out. It wasn't that long a wait but it was long compared to the speed in which I usually update. But anyway, here's the new chapter!! I'm just gonna warn you, it's not that long. It really didn't fit with the next chapter though, I simply separted it....I hope you guys enjoy it!!! It embodies all the darkness and so *not* good Liz I warned you about in the very beginning...

Either way I just *love* you guys for leaving such great FB!!! I LUV you guys!!!

Calinia, Yeah, I expected alot of people to take a good guess at why Alec and Brin were in Roswell. Of course you got it, your favorite pasttime is finding out ways and new twists to torture your readers.... :? But hey, I may or may not fix it...sometimes you just gotta a bit sadistic....
And *NO* I did not like the Max-Alec-Liz mix up. *taps foot motherly* Shame on you, Kat, shame on you.... (I probably can't talk much, it'll take a good minute before Liz and Alec are right again...) And yeah, Liz is very silly about Alec not wanting her...
Now that I've brought my little cute ass back to update this...get your cute little ass back here to read it!!!

Roswell Slayer, yeah I know, that was quite mean of me wasn't it, leaving like that? I'm sorry *looks up at you all innocent* can you forgive me?
But yeah, I wrote it and I feel awful for Liz...She's feelin' alittle used and abused, and I can't say that she'll get over it soon. In fact, it evolves into something much more deep and dark in which she'll have to overcome... You'll see what I'm talking about in this part.....

Ellie, well, if they knew Liz was the escapee they were looking for from the start, then Alec and Brin's services wouldn't have been needed. They could've just went down there and snatched her up. And also because usually when you have Manticore capturing someone, they usually like to know if any other escapees will turn up. that was going to be stated later be I figure, what the hell? And yep, Alec was still working for manticore. I said earlier that it was strange that Alec wasn't very didn't seem fazed by Liz ending it. Because, at the time, he figured his job was done and had confirmed her "status", thus, the arrival of Manticore to pick 'em up. He had a very last minute change of heart. And Brin was bothered mostly because she had begun to like Liz as a friend and thought that Alec sleeping with her would just screw Liz over more than they already were. Okay, I probably said way too much but I figured this was in Liz's POV, we can't really get Alec and Brin's real reasons for doing things.

RavenSprite, I'm so excited that you, a terrific Xtremer is giving me a bravo! I was like "Whoa, she really means that?"*happy tears*
Yeah, I've always loved the idea that Alec was always more concerned with getting and keeping her safe and then worrying about the messy emotional stuff second. He is a "perfect soldier".
I think Alec's role in this was really a tragic one. He's got a job to do, but he's letting his heart get involved, an all around shitty situation.
Once again, so happy I have you hooked. :oops:

binxter, I'm not spillin' anymore beans about the story miss missy. 8) But I'd say that Brin was angry at Alec for both mixing pleasure with work and hurting Liz more than necessary. Even though she felt a friendship towards Liz also...

cfitch53, And here's the new part :D

bluebear01, I know, Liz's life sucks at this point and won't get any better anytime soon. And you know, the Pod Squad won't make re-enter this until very much later...

orphyfets , I'm back, I'm back....see? :D

Zevrillion, I always love it when people don't expect something to happen when it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside :) :oops:

rachelg224, I'm glad you loved the demonic cliffy :D But sadly, no one made it from Manticore. Not Liz, Not Alec, and Not Brin. sorry lady :(

mrsjbehr, Aww, now I feel bad for not updating this in a minute, you still sitting on the edge of that seat and all...

elfangel01, Naw, I promise I'll make Brin a good girl. Just a little misguided.... and your FB made me laugh... :lol: The PS won't show up til' well into after they leave Manticore. Liz won't so eager to go back to Roswell. You'll find out why after this part. :wink:

WomanofMystery, you know what really sucks about Liz's realization about Max? That was captured before she could tell him to go suck the big one :( . I guess it's my writing it and all...
they knew Alec was trying help her because when they were making their grand entrance, he was trying to sneak her out. Naw, it wasn't Brin. I like her, I wouldn't make her a complete sellout. 8) Earlier, when Liz broke it off with ALec and I mentioned that finding out why he was so nonchalant about it had alot to do with who he really is. At that time, when he and Liz had that fight, he figured he was done with the mission, and in hurt and hurt pride, confirmed his orders to Manticore. Before the sex... I know that was alot, but we weren't gonna get all that in detail from Liz's POV. Thanks 4 the funny FB!

Onarek, Hey, where've you been, hmm? I missed your post around here... :( I'm glad you're back :D Oh and *LOVE* your syg. he's just soooo deliciously yummy*drool*.

Corinne_85, I love to see new readers! So HI :D . I'm happy you like it. It is quite the wake-up call for Liz on so many levels.

Wow! I really love you guys!! Writing this story wouldn't the least bit enjoyable without all the amazing FB and replies.

And Now, on with the story!!! It's short I think it's very good. I just hope you do too.


Chapter 11

If there ever was a moment in my life that wished I could wake up to find that everything that I thought happened previously was only a dream, this is that moment. Scratch any other moment of extreme suckiness. Scratch witnessing Max and Tess kiss, scratch finding out Max screwed Tess and then that she ultimately screwed us all and killed Alex. Well…don’t scratch the ‘Tess killing Alex’ part. That’s just an addition.

But this….this is by far, the worst, worse case scenario. And it was brought to me on a platter in the disguise of friendship and intimacy. Despite the fact that I’ve been recaptured, and will probably be tortured until my final breath exits my body, that I’ll never see my mother and father ever again; the fact that I’ll never get to see anyone that ever meant anything to me again, isn’t what stings the most. I know it should, but it just doesn’t. What stings, what really kills, is that I’m here, locked in this dark, cold room, because of one thing and one thing only.

Because I was vulnerable.

Because I allowed two more or less strangers to intrude into my life and prey on that vulnerability. To twist me up and play on my feelings until there was nothing left to play on; in which they simply turned me in. I should’ve just stuck to the orders given to me by Zack all those fucking years ago.

Stay safe, don’t let anyone get too close.

I let an ironic chuckle vibrate my chest and my voice is barely recognizable. It’s bitter and horse and about three tones deeper than my usual softness. It’s the first sound I’ve made since my tears stopped. My tears stopped maybe eight hours ago. I’ve been in this room, strapped to this chair, for maybe a day.

I wonder if they are going to do anything with me at all. Besides kill me with obvious boredom. Maybe they want me to sit in here and think about what I did. Bad Liz. No more escaping. Got it. If I my hands weren’t cuffed behind my back with steel, I might even smack my hands in a mock chastising manner.

I sigh to myself, tired. Not even my own sarcasm can remove the distress that has cramped my features, my heart. But the tears have stopped. And I don’t intend on letting them flow again anytime soon…or ever for that matter.

In my resentment, something suddenly slams into my mental frame. Brin. My God! Why hadn’t I pieced it together sooner? I am suddenly overcome with memories. Memories of the time before Max. Before Maria or Alex; or my adoption or Roswell for the matter. I’m taken back to the dreaded time when I was here before. In Zack’s bonk with my siblings, just before the escape, which landed me in Roswell and out of contact with all of them except Zack until a few years ago. Brin was there. I hadn’t put two and two together because…well… ‘Brin’ isn’t a very unique name; hell I thought it was short for something. But now, knowing exactly what she is and where she’s from, I know it’s her. My sister.

I let the memory of the day Brin and Alec walked into Crashdown and into my life. I knew her then, I just couldn’t pin point how. She was obviously recaptured and…Oh God! She was reindoctrined.

Shimmers of guilt rush through my veins. I don’t have enough time to dwell on them before I heard the loud sound of locks and then, I’m blinded by white light coming from the door. It takes few seconds before my eyes adjust and five figures walk in, their forms blackened by the immense light coming from behind them.

Suddenly, lights in the room come on and the five forms reveal four soldiers, clearly transgenic, and two males and two females. Then my gaze locks on a man whose face has been painfully burned into her memory since her escape. Lydecker. He looked older and not without stress showing clearly through the wrinkles of his forehead. His eyes are cold and his lips were tugged up in a triumphed smirk that made sudden rage I’ve never felt before quake my composed demeanor and settle deep within my chest. I have to stop my limbs from trembling, struggle to keep the fire out my eyes. I can’t take this. I can’t let this be my final conclusion. Sent to Psy-Ops and brainwashed into slavery. I’ve got to find someway to get the fuck out of here. Screw the earlier resolve that I’ve put myself into this into this position and I should just accept it. I fucking refuse to accept this.

“I must say, 395, you were by far, the easiest of the 12 escapees to catch. With the exception of 205, that is.” I internally wince when my designation leaves his lips. It’s the first time I heard it since before my escape. My blood heats when I hear Brin’s designation. Then, I remember, she’s not my Brin anymore. She was brainwashed and sent to trap me. She’s the enemy. Along with Alec.

The four transgenics wait patiently at the door for further instructions. All staring at me like there’s supposed to be something significantly different about me.

I remain silent and he walks closer very casually with his hands behind his back. When he’s close enough, he leans down so his face levels with mine.

“I should consider 494 and 205 for all my recapture missions. What do you think, 395?” after a moment he continues I’m not liking the menacing flash across his features for a moment,

“I’d call you Elizabeth, but then I think I’d be lying to both of us. Hmm? And above all other things, you won’t be needing that alias any longer anyhow, your ‘surrogate’ parents having been terminated and all…”

It takes a few moments of annoyance at the fact that his breath is foul and smells like stale coffee before his words settle in. Terminated… My breath hitches in my throat and I can no longer breathe or think or anything. I try to level my breathing and barely succeed. My parents are dead…
I honestly don’t know how I managed to keep my face indifferent while I was practically dying on the inside. My senses go astray and no longer see or hear anything. The only people in my life that took me in and genuinely loved me for no reason at all, the only people in the world that never did anything but look out for my best interest and didn’t deserve anything horrible to ever happen to them is gone. I’m racked with internal anguish that I haven’t known since I lost Alex. Only now, it’s my fault. Completely and utterly my fault.

And then, suddenly, my breathing is level and my limbs are un-tensed. The anguish has seethed down as fast as it arrived and is now a simmering, numb hum on my skin. I’m at a point where rage is no longer rage. No longer a screaming battle to contain composure but demands it. It’s no longer hot and furious, but icy and slow, bubbling slightly. I freeze over from the inside out and my eyes focus on the cowardice bitch of a man who is sneering in triumph. I’m still silent as I notice the lack of distance between us.

“What’s wrong 395? Cat got your tongue?” he chuckles lightly at his own lame ass relation to my DNA make up, but never breaks eye contact. Oh yeah, I’m gonna enjoy ripping his throat from his body…

I smile an inviting, sweet smile that sobers him up. He leans a bit closer to scrutinize me. Big mistake. With as much force and speed I can muster, I violently snap my head forward smashing his face with my forehead. When his hands move to grasp his face I jerk forward and chump down on the ring and pinky fingers of his left hand, instantly feeling the blood pour into my mouth. Lydecker lets out a painful scream before falling back on his back while cradling his injured hand to his chest.

I can’t help the sick trill that fills my body in an orgasmic state when I taste his blood in my mouth. A dark hysterical laugh rumbles from my lips as I spit the halves of his fingers and a mouthful of blood at him.

“What’s wrong, you piece of shit waste of existence? Cat got your finger?!” I’m shrieking this between maniacal hooting. I can’t stop the shrill laughter as the four transgenics, stunned into immobility, finally regain their senses and rush to me only to hit, kick and tazer me simultaneously. But I don’t feel a thing. I don’t the heavy jabs and the shock of the tazer. I don’t feel the kicks to the stomach, side and back.

I only feel the pain that has nothing to do with the physical beating. My parents are dead. I have no warm nestle of home to escape to.

Their blows finally find some purpose when the darkness creeps up on me. I notice the puddle of blood I’m currently lying in on my side and I desperately want the sleep that’s shading my consciousness to be a permanent one. One that I’ll never ever wake from. A sleep in which I’ll see my loving parents and Alex. At this very moment I vaguely feel the continuous pounding on my body, the pathetic wails of Lydecker, my barely audible chuckling.

At this particular moment, I just feel a little bit like dying and taking every poor soul in this goddamn facility with me.

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Enthusiastic Roswellian
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Post by vampiricheart »

Hey guys!! As promised, I'm here with a new part. I just wanna thank you all for your patience and replies. I seriously appreciate it all.

And on to some replies:

Ellie, yeah, it was pretty dark. But hey, it is Manticore. What can you do, you know?
I know, I know he was doing his job and he's sorry. But if someone ratted me out and it resulted in my parents' death no love-stick in the world would make up for it.
I agree with you there, but like I said in the A/N everything's not how it seems, just how Liz sees it.

I thought it'll be cool if Lydecker got a permanant reminder of how dangerous his "kids" are. So yeah, Liz taking literal chump out of him just seemed...nice :lol: I love that you thought that was a great chapter. I was afraid of sucking big time on this section of the story. :)

binxter, I love to have people trippin'. And hey! Just because I promised a Liz/Alec ending and then went and put the biggest of obsticles in between them doesn't make me a meany does it? :lol:

And, Liz will forgive Alec and Brin. Just through some serious revelations and such. :twisted: I;m actually thinking of switching the POV around this point. Which is why I really need you guys to give your opinion on this one.

cfitch53, hehe, thanks. this part may so kick ass though, maybe a little sad...

Zans Angel, I'm completely in love with Alec too. And I'll make sure Liz gets out of this mess. Even though, while she does blame herself, she really blames the obvious targets: Alec, Brin, and mostly, Manticore. Alec'll earn the forgiveness and trust, in a way he already did, Liz just doesn't know it yet. *hint, hint into the future*

mrsjbehr, dark and disturbing "good" or dark and disturbing "Bad"? LOL

orphyfets, I'm back, I'm back... And sorry tuts, you're gonna have to read and keep reading to find out what's going to happen next. :D

WomanofMystery, You know, that part probably wouldn't have been so scary had I not been in the worst of moods that day :? But I'm feeling much better now. Even though reading this part, you may not be able to tell, but theres not biting or bodyparts.... :roll:

bluebear01, yeah well, she won't stay off the deep end for too long. But I'm keeping hushed on the whole parents and dead part....

Calinia, Hey!! my fics aren't angsty. I have no idea what you're talking about :roll: ... Well, Lydecker will day, like the day Liz kills him...
As for the subject of dead parents,... you'll just have to keep reading... it'll a;; come out some chapter....
And hey, I promised a L/A ending didn't I? Liz'll forgive him. it'll just take some revelations of some things. But it'll happen....

Zevrillion, Glad that you loved it! I hope you love this one. it's less angry and more sad.

Onarek, Hello!! lol...Liz will get over it when she discovers some things... Alec isn't as bad a guy as it seems. you'll learn why in a part or two.

Roswell Slayer, Yeah, dark and disturbing would be great descriptions of Manticore. ANd don't worry, Lydecker will get his bigtime.


Quick A/N: I put the poll up there because I originally wrote two parts to how I could take the story. One with Psy-Ops not working, thus keeping it in Liz's POV and the other with Psy-Ops going through successfully but not lasting, like how it didn't last for Alec in "The Berrisford Agenda". This would take it out of Liz POV for a while. Just let me know.

And now, a new part for the best FBers on the board!!! Really!!


Chapter 12

“Liz?” I immediately recognize the voice. It’s feminine, but horse and panicked. I open my eyes and turn to look the source. Isabel. She’s standing by a door and I realize for the first time my surroundings in this…dream I guess. When I faded away after mutilating the only part of Lydecker I could reach, it was only darkness. No dream, nothing. Now, I’m a room that I instantly recognize as a maximum security bonk.

“Liz?” She repeats this as she rushes towards me, grasping my arms tightly, “Liz, what happened? Where are you?” her eyes quickly dart around the room just as mine did a few seconds earlier. The sight of her sparks some sort of warmth that I was so sure vanished the second the words ‘Parents’ and ‘Terminated’ left Lydecker’s lips. But I’m still cold. And when she crashes me in a tight hug, it takes moments before I force my body to respond.

“Please, say something. You have to tell me where you are so we can save you,” she pulls back and pauses a beat, “Liz, what happened? You completely disappeared and…so have you parents…” she stops short when I turn from her. She’s here to save me and as much as I would love nothing but to get the hell out of here, another part, a bigger part just can’t take it. I know that if I go back, they’ll keep coming to find me and won’t mind killing anyone I so much as converse with to get to me.

“Go home, Isabel. There’s nothing else you or anyone else can do.” I’ve grown accustomed to the dark undertone my voice has taken.

“What? Liz, that’s crazy,” she shakes her head violently, “It was Alec and Brin, wasn’t it? They work for Khivar? Did he take you as bait for us and you’re just trying to protect…” she stops when I turn sharply to look at her. The mention of Alec and Brin send cold anger into my limbs that I can’t conceal. She takes a step back from me and looks slightly startled by the hostility in my eyes.

“Go home. Get out of my head. Don’t come back. This doesn’t have anything to do with any alien crisis. This is all me and my problem…Alec and Brin are my problem.” The hardness in my tone makes her wince slightly, but she still retorts.

“Your problem? What do you mean your problem? How are they ‘your problem’, Liz?” her voice is shaky and I can sense that her panic has nothing to do with her frantic search for me anymore. She’s becoming afraid of me.

I slowly lean against a cold wall, crossing my arms, closing my eyes.

“I’m not who you think I am, Isabel. Mom and Da…” I pause. They’re not my parents. “Nancy and Jeff are dead. They were murdered by ‘my problems’. I probably will be myself, in a while. Who knows. Just do yourself and everyone else a favor and go home. Forget you ever knew a Liz Parker and tell everyone else to do the same.” There’s silence for a long moment before I open my eyes to see her staring at me sadly. It strikes me now how tired she looks.

“Max would never forgive me if I leave you here without any information on where you are.” her voice is quiet and barely audible. She sounds and looks defeated and if my heart wasn’t broken into shattered little icy bits, it might have ached a little.

“Then tell him you never got through. Tell them I’m dead.” Her eyes widen in shock and she shakes her head slightly.

“I can’t do that. Do you have any idea how much that’ll crush everyone?” she’s getting her courage back and her tone gets louder.

Before I can say or do anything to convince her to leave, my perception is tugged on slightly and I feel myself fading again. Something’s waking me up.

Isabel rushes towards me as if to stop me, but it’s too late.

Everything goes dark before my eyes snap open and I’m blinded by light. I begin to move but my arms are strapped to my sides and my legs are strapped together.

Then, I notice the metal strap tied across my mouth. Clearly to keep anymore ‘biting’ incidents from happening again.

I’m suddenly being lifted from the where I was lying and placed on a gurney. I’m much too fuzzy from the drugs and sleep to move while they, then strap me down to the gurney. When they begin to roll me, I notice that I’m moving from a lab-like room to another and then another.

Panic shoots through me when I recognize the room I’m entering. I’ve had plenty nightmares about this room since the night I escaped. The terms, ‘Psychological Operations’, on the door that they push my gurney through. I begin to trash wildly, but in complete vain. I’m not going anywhere.
Even if I did let Isabel help me, it wouldn’t mean anything. They’d just come here to find a mindless drone in the body of the girl they once knew as me. Either way, I can’t let this happen. I just can’t. I can’t lose the last thing that I have to hold on to.

My memories, no matter how horrible some were, are the last thing in my soul that keeps the final part of me sane. For the first time since the day Alec told me the truth and I was recaptured, tears begin to sting my eyes. I’m still squirming when they unstrap me from the gurney and place me in a reclined metal chair.

When they remove my arm, leg, and mouth restraints to place them in the holding places of the chair, I quickly punch the nearest guard that’s holding my leg and brake free long enough to get only five feet. Six tops. I’m promptly shot in the back of my neck with a tranquilizer, taken to the ground, and restrained.

In my haze, I see Lydecker standing at the door, tranquilizer gun still in his right hand. I also see the thick bandage wrapped around the left.

As I’m being picked back up and carried into back to the chair, he walks towards me and when stands there, watching with a face with nothing short of unmasked hatred and distaste. When I’m fully tied down, he leans forward and grasp my sore chin roughly in his hand, sneering.

“This is my very last attempt to preserve your existence. And this is only because you and your unit were the best.” His voice reaches my ears hazed and fuzzy. The tranqs are taking effect. As I slide into what I assume is my last sleep as Liz Parker, I see him walk to the further side of the room and take a seat, watching me.

Then, I feel the familiar pain. Stinging my brain like a sharp migraine. Their sorting through my mind, re-establishing the brainwashing that I fought so long to overcome and if I had any strength or will at this point, I’d try to fight, struggle, move, anything. Instead, I can only clench my teeth and let the silent, disobedient tears roll down my cheeks.

I can’t bear this. My memories are all I have. All I’ll ever have and in the next few seconds, when it all goes dark and I wake up, I won’t even have them anymore. I can feel my mind fighting to hold on to them. A losing battle. I’m slipping into darkness and I can’t help it.

Mom, Dad.







Everyone. As bad as some memories were, they’ll be gone and there’s nothing I can even attempt to do about it…

As if against my will, thoughts that I never thought would slip into my mind, overwhelm my psyche.



I can’t help the feeling that I don’t exactly want to lose those memories. As much as I hate that, them, and myself, that vulnerable part of me just won’t let go…

Before I’ve completely sunken into the darkness, his name echoes relentless in my head.




I hope you guys liked it!! Leave FB!!!!
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Location: Where ever Orlando Bloom and The Depp are. YUM YUM

Post by vampiricheart »

Hey Guys!!!
I am SO sorry for my absence as far as this fic goes, I've just been really busy(plus the fact that my muse took an unexpected absence of leave). But, I've got good news!!! Well, good news for those of you who still remember this story :oops: .

My muse is back and will be promptly put back to work on a new chapter. I've got 50% of the next one finished and it will probably be pretty long. just give it a few days.
With classes and work, I will be personally making time for my writing and who knows.....I might even finish this story so I can start on the new x-tremer, loyalist, and traiter stories I have planned.

Let's just give it a prayer.
